
einalexintellectronica, kfogel i love you guys! :)00:02
intellectronicaeinalex: and we love you. apologies for the inconvenience.00:03
einalexno problem, coming to you was the right choice :)00:04
einalexany idea on where i have to look in the code to fix the underlying problem?00:05
einalexdeleting email addresses.00:05
intellectronicaeinalex: i don't know. i think sinzui might have a better idea00:07
sinzuieinalex: lp/registry/browser/person.py <- team and person code is colocated, as is the model (models/person.py)00:08
sinzuieinalex: The rules are pretty convoluted, which is a major issue we have had with fixing it. Just showing that there are many address, and allowing a team to really delete one would be nice.00:10
einalexsinzui: so true, thanks for the hint00:10
einalex6000 lines in one file...jeez00:14
sinzuieinalex: it used to be 8000 lines. We want to break into into smaller parts for each use like Itranslator, IAnswer, IBugger. But we stopped, maybe because no one was willing to create that last interface01:05
AdamDHhi, need some help, I am a little confused: msp430-binutils_msp430-binutils-2.19.1-0ubuntu1~msp15~jaunty15.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. msp430-binutils-2.19.1-0ubuntu1~msp15~jaunty15 <= msp430-binutils-2.19.1-0ubuntu1~msp43014 the version I uploaded is the newer version?01:24
micahgwgrant: 3.6b1+build2 fixed the issues01:25
wgrantAdamDH: 43014 > 1501:38
AdamDHwgrant, missed that bit the 43014 was a mistake it my version string01:41
AdamDHwgrant, thanks01:41
AdamDHtrying some builds but I keep getting Dependency wait? any ideas why? I am using gcc-3.4 as my compiler02:47
micahgAdamDH: what does it say it's waiting on?02:57
AdamDHmicahg, Dependency wait  on platinum (virtual)  Retry this build * Missing build dependencies: gcc-3.403:00
micahgAdamDH: gcc-3.4 is not in karmic03:22
micahggcc-4.1 is the minimum in karmic03:23
AdamDHI am building a cross compiler that uses gcc-3.403:24
micahgfor which version of Ubuntu?03:25
micahgyeah, you'll have to upload your own version of gcc-3.4, find a trustworthy ppa that has one built, or port to a later version of gcc03:26
AdamDHI will take a look into that, if not I guess I can build a package03:27
micahgdebian's also dropped gcc-3.4, so if you like your package, you might want to port it to a later gcc version03:30
AdamDHlooks like I am going to port it then03:39
mwhudsoni can't figure out how to push a packs branch to a project that has a 2a dev focus04:54
mwhudsonand if _i_ can't figure it out04:54
mwhudsongod help anyone else04:54
lifelessmwhudson: push twice04:55
mwhudsonlifeless: ?04:55
lifelesssrs bsns04:55
mwhudsonlifeless: that makes even less sense than the one before04:56
lifelessmwhudson: the first push will make the branch and fail to stack it04:57
lifelessmwhudson: the second push will push the content unstacked04:57
mwhudsonlifeless: science disputes that04:59
mwhudsonlifeless: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/297973/04:59
lifelessmwhudson: interesting and different05:02
mwhudsoni don't know why the auto upgrade code is kicking in05:02
mwhudsoni'm sure i've fought that code before and i though i'd won05:02
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nealmcbCan I compare a specific pair of revisions in loggerhead?  I can't figure out how to do it at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mako/ubuntu-codeofconduct/proposed-revision/changes06:02
mwhudsonnealmcb: you can, but it's really awkward06:04
nealmcbmwhudson: I'm game to learn06:06
nealmcbI also can't figure out what  "Compare with another revision" actually does.06:09
mwhudsonnealmcb: find one revision, click "compare with another revision", find another, click "compare with revision <first one>"06:09
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mdzI'm seeing very slow response from lp and some timeouts, e.g.  (Error ID: OOPS-1390EC198)10:28
LaneyI would love it if soyuz were to grow BD-Uninstallable build state11:49
al-maisanLaney: sorry, what does BD stand for? Build slave/daemon?11:51
Laneybuild-depends :)11:51
LaneyCurrently uninstallable build dependencies result in a FTBFS, but Debian recently got support (by using edos-debcheck) for a separate state11:52
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happyaron|afkhi, why this build freezed? https://edge.launchpad.net/~happyaron/+archive/amule-dlp/+build/130213913:06
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happyaronit has started over 2hours ago, but still at the very beginning, builds on other two architectures succeeded more than an hour ago...13:09
bigjoolshappyaron: I will check13:14
happyaronbigjools: thanks13:16
bigjoolshappyaron: I left a message for the admin13:18
happyaronok, thank you13:19
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jcastrohelp! We're trying to link this bug here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/45669014:37
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456690)14:37
jmljcastro, what's the problem?14:37
jcastrobut clicking on "also affects project" has evo linked to "ubslax" by default14:37
jcastroI've not had to fix one of these in a while so I have no clue how to set evolution in ubuntu defaulting to evolution the upstream project14:38
happyaron /leave14:39
jmlgmb, do you know what's going on re above?14:41
gmbjml, jcastro: Urrrrrr. Bear with me whilst I try to get my brain into gear...14:42
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gmbjcastro: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution. Hit the "Delete link" for KArmic and then "Set upstream link" to set it properly.14:43
gmbOr just edit the existing link.14:43
gmbBecause, yanno, why click "edit" when you can be Teh Destructor!14:44
jcastrogmb: is it possible for these to be ACLable?14:45
jcastroor some kind of review?14:45
gmbjcastro: There's no way to do that ATM. Please file a bug on soyuz*.14:46
gmb*I think that's the right place for it; if not, bigjools will be able to tell us.14:46
bigjoolsit's intentionally ACL-free14:47
bigjoolsand it's a registry issue BTW14:47
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deryckaubre, ping14:49
gmbbigjools: THanks. Just got confused by where the model code sits.15:02
bigjoolsyeah I am still confused too :)15:02
* gmb in "Launchpad doesn't fit in my brain" shocker15:03
bigjoolsI am still in shock that the distro/series objects are not soyuz any more15:03
gmbjcastro: So, please file it on launchpad-registry instead15:03
gmbbigjools: Yeah, that seems weird.15:03
bigjoolsideally we'd be able to have some sort of reverse delegation so I can keep the soyuz related code in the soyuz dir - as it is, that object has loads of our code but in the registry tree15:04
gmbbigjools: Yeah. The thing is, it's an arbitrary boundary between apps for the sake of developer sanity (i.e. "Where do I look for bugs code? Oh, I'll try lp/bugs"). Unless we're going to start working on loose integration of LP apps I think we should probably move some of these things back to their original domains.15:07
gmbWhere "original" means "conceptual"15:07
bigjoolsarguably distro could be one of those co-op things15:07
bigjoolsbut, this is OT for this channel :)15:08
aubrederyck: I'm here15:30
aubrederyck: had to go to haley to check on a machine15:30
deryckhi aubre.  let me introduce you to gmb if you guys haven't yet met.15:31
deryckgmb is working on a bug related to your problem yesterday15:31
gmbaubre: Hi. I believe you're having problems filing bugs :)15:31
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gmbaubre: Could you try filing a bug as you did yesterday and see if the problem re-occurs? If it does, I'll need the URL in your browser's location bar to be able to do some debugging.15:33
aubregmb:  I am15:35
aubregmb: I will try again15:35
gmbaubre: Awesome, thanks15:36
aubregmb: trying now15:36
aubregmb: failed, new error this time http://paste.ubuntu.com/298318/15:38
gmbaubre: Okay, thanks. Bear with me...15:39
aubregmb: perhaps I should not have used the same error URL as I got from apport yesterday?15:39
gmbaubre: As far as I can tell, you didn't. The string at the end of the URL, which is a token that Launchpad uses to find the data apport has uploaded, is different.15:40
aubregmb: hmm,15:45
aubregmb: let me try to redo it the bug submission15:45
aubregmb: ok trying again15:47
gmbaubre: No rush, I think I've found the problem...15:48
gmbNote that that doesn't mean I've found the solution yet...15:48
aubregmb: looks like the same thing happened: http://paste.ubuntu.com/298328/15:48
gmbaubre: Right. And it will keep happening, as far as I can tell. The file that apport is uploading is huge and Launchpad is trying to process it before sending you to the bug filing form.15:49
gmbHowever, there's a limit on the amount of time LP will spend on a single request, and the size of the file to be processed is such that that limit is being reached every time you file this bug.15:49
aubregmb: this could be a problem with what eucalyptus-sc is trying to send15:50
gmbaubre: However, you could just go to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus, file the bug and then use `apport-collect $bug-number` to collect the data afterwards, I think. That could be a useful workaround.15:51
aubregmb: thanks, I'll do that15:51
macojust read the launchpad blog posty thingy about upstream builds16:04
* maco hugs you all16:04
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Gothfunchi.  are there problems with the website currently?  i'm getting huge load times and timeouts17:05
bigjoolsyeah I just noticed too17:06
Gothfuncdoes that happen often?17:06
bigjoolsnot really17:06
Gothfunccool.  cheers :)17:06
bigjoolsI notified an admin17:07
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duanedesignbodhi_zazen: ha ha, are you following me :)17:58
duanedesignbodhi_zazen: just popped in myself17:59
bodhi_zazenquestion re: ppa =018:00
bodhi_zazenI made a ppa on LP :18:00
bodhi_zazenI uploaded a package, but it does not show at that url ???18:00
bodhi_zazenIt shows here : https://launchpad.net/~zenix-shravaka/+archive/ppa/+packages18:01
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bodhi_zazenOops, first URL is here: https://launchpad.net/~zenix-shravaka/+ppa-packages18:01
bigjoolsbodhi_zazen: that's not a valid URL18:02
bodhi_zazensec, LP is slow =)18:02
bigjoolswell, I mean it doesn't show your PPA18:02
bodhi_zazenMy package shows here : https://launchpad.net/~zenix-shravaka/+archive/ppa/+packages18:03
bigjoolsbodhi_zazen: the related PPA packages page is not frequently updated18:03
bodhi_zazenso, eventually it will show up here : https://launchpad.net/~zenix-shravaka/+ppa-packages ?18:04
bigjoolsbodhi_zazen: yes, eventually18:04
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bodhi_zazenOK, thank you18:04
bodhi_zazenAny rule of thumb for how long I should wait before I file a "bug" ?18:05
bigjoolsthe caches are updated daily18:05
bodhi_zazencheers =)18:07
duanedesignI have uploaded a package. THe amd64 build failed. Now when I upload I get the Rejected:File already exists Email.18:08
duanedesignThe instructions at /Packaging/UploadErrors I am not quite following18:08
duanedesigninstructions are to DL original tarball18:09
duanedesignrejenerate source upload using it18:09
duanedesignI am not underastanding what they mean by rejenerate source upload with the original tarball?18:11
duanedesignadditionally any insight anyone can provide as to why the amd64 build failed would be appreciated http://tiny.cc/amd64FailedtoBuild18:20
jkakarfwiw, I just filed a bug and two got created (457499 and 457500).18:22
jkakarkfogel: ^^18:22
AdamDHjkakar,  dpkg-genchanges -B -mUbuntu/amd64 Build Daemon <buildd@promethium.ppa> >../boucft_0.0.3_amd64.changes18:23
AdamDHdpkg-genchanges: arch-specific upload - not including arch-independent packages18:23
AdamDHdpkg-genchanges: failure: cannot read files list file: No such file or directory18:23
AdamDHdpkg-buildpackage: failure: dpkg-genchanges gave error exit status 218:23
AdamDHthats the only error I can find in that that log18:23
kfogeljkakar: ??18:23
kfogeljkakar: uh, whoa.  Can you reproduce that?18:24
jkakarkfogel: I thought you might care since you're CHR...18:24
jkakarkfogel: Nope, I've filed another couple of bugs and it hasn't happened again.  I've never seen this behaviour before.18:24
kfogeljkakar: I care, but the first thing I do when I know the reporter is competent to report a bug themselves is delegate back... :-)18:24
jkakarkfogel: Also, I'm 99.99% sure I didn't double-click the 'File bug' button or something like that.18:24
jkakarkfogel: Hah, nice. :)18:25
jkakarkfogel: So I can file a bug about it, but right now it's just random so I figured I'd mention it in case other's have been seeing similar oddness.18:25
kfogeljkakar: I haven't heard that one before.18:26
jkakarkfogel: Okay, I'll let you know if it happens again.18:27
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kfogeljkakar: thx18:27
duanedesignAdamDH: debuild -S only makes boucft_0.0.3_source.changes  no boucft_0.0.3_amd64.changes18:29
ahasenackhi guys, launchpad under heavy load? I'm getting timeouts here and there, and pages that don't load completely18:42
PerceptI'm asuming everyone knows launchpad has been uber slow, and actually unavailable right now?18:50
mbarnettbeuno: i will take a peek18:50
beunothanks mbarnett18:51
beunoand thanks ahasenack and Percept for the head's up18:51
Perceptanyway, what I was looking for on the site ...18:51
PerceptI upgraded my bzr to version 2.0.1 but the repo which I'm pusing to is 1.3 and I need to downgrade because the online repo won't accept my format 2a18:52
mbarnettbeuno: i am able to navigate without any issues at the moment..18:52
beunombarnett, it's odd that we had 2 users coming in with a few minute difference18:53
Perceptbtw, I'm a bzr noob (using it for a week) and i'm on windows if that matters18:53
beunoPercept, I don't think you can really downgrade reliably18:53
PerceptSo can I easely downgrade to an earlier version of bzr?18:53
beunoyou should be able to push to an older format though18:53
beunowith a new version of bzr18:53
mbarnettbeuno: i am disabling redirection to edge and poking around to make sure that wasn't the difference18:54
PerceptI get error: KnitPackRepository ... is not compatible with  different rich-root format...18:54
mbarnettbeuno: still looking pretty good.. i'll keep an eye out.  let me know if you see it again18:54
beunoPercept, what branch is this?18:55
Percept*I get error: KnitPackRepository ... is not compatible with  ... different rich-root format18:55
PerceptI'm running 2.0.1 now18:55
beunothe problem you have is that they are different formats, so you need to upgrade the local or the remote one18:55
beunoPercept, what branch is this?18:55
Perceptmy local version is 2.0.1, the online repo is 1.318:55
beunoPercept, what's the branch's URL?  is it on Launchpad?18:56
Perceptlaunchpad is down (or really really slow)18:56
PerceptI'll try finding it18:56
beunoPercept, can you run this on your local branch then:  bzr info -v18:56
beunoand pastebin the output18:57
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Perceptbeuno that's giving me info about the repo of my project but nothing about bzr itself18:58
beunoPercept, the problem you have here is not bzr versions, it's bzr formats18:58
beunothe branch you have on your disk is a different format than it is on Launchpad18:59
beunoLaunchpad uses the latest bzr18:59
beunoyou are on bzr 2.018:59
beunoso it's not a bzr version problem18:59
Perceptbeuno, yeah I know but can I downgrade or is this a no-go?18:59
beunoPercept, you may need to upgrade rather than downgrade18:59
Perceptcan't upgrade the online version18:59
beunoif it's in a newer version on Launchpad, you will need to upgrade your local branch18:59
beunoPercept, can you pastebin the output so I know where we stand?19:00
PerceptI'm gonna remove the versioning on my folder, get an older version (older format) of bzr and merge the main branch again19:02
Perceptthat's gonna be the most simple solution right now19:02
Perceptanywa, thanks for the help !19:02
=== leonardr-lunch is now known as leonardr
ahasenack"Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. " and it's quite slow when it's not actually failing19:19
ahasenack60s to start receiving data, and it was the error page that I got19:19
* ahasenack suspects the timeout is 60s19:19
ahasenacklooking at this url: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/landscape-client/+bug/44792619:19
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/447926)19:20
ahasenacksee? ;)19:20
ahasenack"The following errors were encountered:19:22
ahasenack    * 502 Proxy Error Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server."19:22
jkakarahasenack: It's working for me here... just loaded three pages, all in under 5s...?19:24
Ursinhaahasenack: hi, I'm checking19:24
ahasenackjkakar: you are using edge, that's cheating19:24
UrsinhaProxy Error19:24
UrsinhaThe proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.19:24
Ursinhaahasenack: something is not right19:24
jkakarahasenack: Oh, right. :)19:24
mbarnetthmm, it was a bit slow but i loaded that page19:25
mbarnettseems to be something transient going on... we will investigate19:25
Ursinhathanks mbarnett19:25
ahasenackmbarnett: it has been transient for the last 45min or so19:25
mbarnettahasenack: yeah, i have seen a couple mumbles about odd behavior.. will see if we can't track that down19:26
mbarnettUrsinha: welcome19:26
ahasenackmbarnett: cool19:26
ahasenacknow I got a 502 bad gateway error, btw19:26
ahasenackoh, wait, it was that error before too, never mind19:26
robert__Hi all, I'd like to install Launchpad locally in order to evaluate it for internal use by my company19:43
robert__does anyone know of a good tutorial, discussion, etc. that might provide some insight?19:43
robert__so far my Google-Fu seems weak19:44
maxbrobert__: Just checking - you know about the image licensing? i.e. you'd have to replace all the images19:44
robert__didn't know about that, thanks for the heads up19:44
maxb"The image and icon files in Launchpad are copyright Canonical, but unlike the source code they are not licensed under the AGPLv3. Canonical grants you the right to use them for testing and development purposes only, but not to use them in production (commercially or non-commercially)."19:44
robert__will check that out now19:44
robert__that doesn't seem insurmountable19:45
maxbNo indeed, and I keep wondering when someone will launch a project devoted to constructing an alternate icon set19:45
maxbIt is quite a lot of work, though19:45
robert__I am sitting next to a full-time graphics guy... hrmmm. :)19:46
maxbhttps://dev.launchpad.net/ is your starting point19:46
robert__maxb: beautiful, thanks, that's what I was looking for19:46
maxbWhen something is unclear, ask!19:46
robert__gladly... I'm going into lurk mode while I absorb some docs, but I think I'll stay in the channel for the moment. :)\19:47
maxbrobert__: oh, and the initial download is quite huuuuge. ~200MB19:48
maxbSo you may want to get that started ASAP19:49
* mneptok stands *right behind* robert__ and reads over hsi shoulder, breathing heavily19:56
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bibinouis launchpad down ?20:07
riwei can't load the site, too20:09
riweits back again20:09
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bibinoukeyserver.ubuntu.com seems to be down too20:09
bibinouis the beta out ??20:09
riwe9.10 beta?20:10
bibinoubeta 2 ?20:12
Earthwingslaunchpad is pretty slow at the moment, got a couple of timeouts before i was able to file a bug20:35
magciusThat's Zope for ya.20:37
anvoThere is something wrong with Launchpad servers, isn't it?20:52
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beunobzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(lp-46086288:///~lifeless/bzr-search/trunk/.bzr/branchlock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport20:56
beunoIm trying to pull from it20:56
beunowhy would it complain like that?20:57
lysiProblem persists connecting to launchpad server20:57
ScottKhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/298581/ when searching for package names in Ubuntu.  Known issue?21:16
sproatyI'm getting 502 proxy errors21:17
* ScottK too21:17
sproatyoh well I'll code instead of translating21:17
sproatyI've managed to do half my application into japanese and portugese without knowing a word of the languages21:18
tcrawleyhttp://launchpad.net/python-mode/ seems very slow21:18
sproatythe whole site is, currently21:18
tcrawleyDoes anyone have any idea what is happening ?21:19
ambvhello guys. so, what about the LauchPad server fail?21:22
ambvI'm getting the "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server." screen. Any current info on the situation yet?21:23
sproatytranslations seem fine21:25
lysiScottK: same here when only trying to connect to launchpad answers21:29
ScottKOK.  Thanks.21:29
ScottKNow that I know it's not just me, I'll sign off before I say something excessively sarcastic about LP.21:30
jmldo I have to go to the Launchpad front page to make a team?21:30
lysiServer issues experienced since two days now21:31
funkyHath00k: orly21:35
h00kI'm having a problem with reporting bugs, I think the duplicate check is giving me a 'timeout' message21:35
h00kfunkyHat: yarly!21:35
=== kfogel changed the topic of #launchpad to: Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Help contact: kfogel | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev | Launchpad.net is experiencing slowdown because of heavy traffic due to upcoming Ubuntu release; we're adding servers to fix this.
kfogelh00k: see new topic21:36
h00klook at that.21:36
=== kfogel changed the topic of #launchpad to: Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Help contact: kfogel | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev | Launchpad.net is experiencing slowdown and occasional timeouts because of heavy traffic due to upcoming Ubuntu release; we're adding servers to fix this.
h00kI've had a kernel panic problem I haven't been able to report.21:36
kfogelh00k: you actually can't get the report to file?21:36
h00kcool, I suppose I'll wait for a week or so and then tey again.21:36
kfogelh00k: that's bad.  Try again this time tomorrow; we're deploying the new servers tomorrow21:37
h00kkfogel: no, I can't.  It doesn't generate a report which is part of the problem, but when I try to file one 'manually' is when it times out.21:37
h00kkfogel: I can add to an existing report if necessary21:37
kfogelh00k: when yuo say "generate report" what do you mean -- reporting from your ubuntu sstem?21:38
h00kkfogel: yes.21:38
kfogelh00k: yeah, it's probably trying to contact launchpad!21:38
h00kkfogel: for instance, with linux-crashdump which is supposed to generate apport to tell me there's something wrong21:38
h00kwhen the kernel dies/freezes/panics/oops21:38
kfogelh00k: is it gathering the data fine, but then failing in the "report it" step?21:39
h00kSo, linux-crashdump doesn't pick this up, but when I try to go to Launchpad and report it that way (typing in summary, etc), I get the time outs.21:39
h00kkfogel: no, it isn't apparently able to 'gather data'21:40
kfogelh00k: that part I don't understand; sounds like an apport bug21:40
h00kwhen I hard power down, turn it back on, it doesn't tell me it crashed, there was a problem, etc, I get nothin'21:40
kfogelwell, i guess when a kernel has a problem, that can interfere with the bug reporting system too!21:40
h00kso, I wanted to report this activity, I go to launchpad, file new bug, I get a timeout.21:41
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h00kI'm toast either way:(21:41
h00kwhich makes me wonder if other people are having this problem and are unable to report it:(21:41
h00kAnyway, I'll try again tomorrow after the new servers are added to the farm21:41
sabdflhey lunchpadders21:43
sabdflcan you remind me - is the Pillar namespace global across Person and the others too? or just Product, Distro and Project?21:43
salgado-sprintsabdfl, just Product, Distro and Project21:46
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sabdflwhat a pity!21:46
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sabdflbut thanks for the answer21:46
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robert__hey guys, I just finished running ./rocketfuel-setup22:04
robert__but unfortunately no devel/  directory with the source was created22:04
robert__though the hosts file entries, the apache configurations, etc. were correctly performed22:04
robert__am I missing something?22:04
robert__(this is after packages were installed, bzr ran for awhile to check out the sources, etc.)22:05
* robert__ wonders if there is a virtual machine image of launchpad somewhere22:05
* robert__ ?22:05
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
geserrobert__: there is no such image (I'd love to have one too)22:22
geserrobert__: you might also want to join #launchpad-dev to getting help setting up LP22:23
robert__geser: my colleague says he found an amazon image that might already be configured... if it turns out to work I'll mention it here22:24
robert__geser: and thanks for the tip, I'll join there too22:24
blueyedI'm getting "Entity-body was not a well-formed JSON document." error when updating a description since some days. Known problem?22:35
blueyede.g. with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeutils/+bug/44792922:35
magciusI wish Launchpad had hg or git support.22:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447929 in kdeutils "kwalletmanager: when being asked to open wallet, "OK" is not accepted/triggered (need to minimize dialog)" [Low,Fix released]22:35
magciusOr at least a way to redirect users to a different site for code hosting.22:36
magciusBecause Launchpad has the best everything else.22:36
wgrantblueyed: Known bug. I forget the number.22:41
blueyedbug 331990 prolly22:41
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/331990)22:41
blueyedThis is a show stopper.22:41
wgrantblueyed: Middle- or right-click on the description edit icon, open it in a new tab, and you'll get the non-AJAX version.22:41
wgrantIt is, yes.22:41
blueyedworks on edge.. please fix it in non-edge ASAP.22:42
=== Edwin-food is now known as EdwinGrubbs
lamalexhi people, seems like loggerhead has freaked out again23:21
beunolamalex, is it running around naked again?23:22
lamalexi wish23:22
beunolosas, codebrowse needs a bounce aparently23:26
Chexbeuno: thanks, on it23:30
lamalexthanks guys23:33

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