
slangasekchrisccoulson: ok; so it's not synchronous, but does it still give us enough information to fix?  There can't be too many calls to XRRSetScreenSize in the code :)01:15
chrisccoulsonslangasek - there won't be many calls to it, but it would be good to get an xtrace log to see what parameters are being passed in the call01:19
slangasekchrisccoulson: ok, I'll find the time somewhere to do an xtrace run; probably will be after RC01:19
chrisccoulsoni'm just looking at the very limited randr documentation for RRSetScreenSize, and it says this: "All active monitors must be configured to display a subset of the specified size, else a Match error results"01:20
chrisccoulsonbut that doesn't say much. i think i'll have to just look at the server code instead01:20
slangaseksmoser, pitti: "in th past, that has had the AMIs in paren for ec2" - did that not work right on the first pass?01:22
slangasekpitti: yes, we use the AMIs instead of the datestamps for EC2 on the tracker because that's the unique identifier within EC2 and how testers locate it (in theory you could re-bundle the same UEC image more than once for publishing to EC2, so the datestamp isn't unique)01:24
slangasekchrisccoulson: anyway, to fix this properly, wouldn't libxrandr have to be fixed to make RRSetScreenSize /check/ for that Match error (_XReply)?01:25
chrisccoulsonslangasek - _XReply is for fetching the response back from the server (and also fetching the errors). However, it looks like the server doesn't actually give a response for RRSetScreenSize, and I assume this is why there is no call to _XReply there01:29
chrisccoulsonlibxrandr (and libx11) generally doesn't check returned errors either - it is up to the applications to trap the errors and deal with them appropriately01:30
chrisccoulsonin this case, the error goes untrapped because g-s-d is not expecting it01:30
smoserslangasek, i think we got it worked out.01:40
slangaseksmoser: well, if it didn't publish right the first time, I'd like to understand why, since I need those scripts to work when I go to publish the RC on Thursday :)01:40
slangaseksuperm1: mythbuntu candidate images are up; no known RC showstoppers remaining anywhere, please test01:42
slangasekcody-somerville, luisbg, TheMuso: xubuntu, ubuntustudio are also up01:42
smoserslangasek, everything worked fine.01:42
slangaseksmoser: ok, so pitti just didn't know to look at the table?01:42
smoserslangasek, pitti just didn't know that we wanted the AMIs to appear as the "release"01:43
smoserso at first he put 20091020.101:43
* slangasek nods01:43
smosereverything worked perfectly otherwise.01:43
smoseras a point of reference, full build and publish took 95 minutes01:44
smoserpublish is about 65 of that i think. something around there.01:44
slangaseksmoser: ok, thanks - I'll be sure to schedule accordingly01:44
smoserslangasek, but also remember that we can publish ahead of time, and just not set public01:45
smosersetting public takes < 1 minute01:45
smoserso if these RC candidates are going good, we publish them to RC but keep them private, then at "release time" we just flip them to public01:45
slangaseksmoser: right; I still have to remember to do the publishing far enough in advance :)01:46
smoseronce published as private we even have all the ami/aki/ari ids.01:46
smoseryeah, theres almost no real reason to not do that right now01:46
smoseras we can just delete private ones with no harm01:46
cjwatsonwe do that kind of pre-publishing with the ISO images too01:46
cjwatsondifferent implementation but same goal01:46
smoserslightly different implementation :) full of a lot less slop01:47
cjwatsonwhat I mean really is that there's already a "pre-publish stuff" slot in the schedule, to an extent01:48
=== MsMaco is now known as maco
TheMusoHrm. Is it known that usplash doesn't pulsate when asking for the encryption passphrase, or is that what is wanted now?02:39
TheMusoSeems not.02:41
avbguys, new bugfix release of a webkit is out03:02
avbhope its not too late for an update03:03
avbalso can somebody update midori to 0.2?03:05
sladenavb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule  upstreamversionfreeze was a little while ago (Ubuntu is releasing in a week and a half!)03:08
avbsladen: but as i know during this time its still allowed to upload minor updates, no?03:09
avbissue is that contains couple bugs which leads to crash and cosing some usability problems which was fixed in
avbthis is just a bugfix release, no new features of code changes was introduced03:10
avball is kept for 1.1.1603:10
porthoseavb, then submit a FFe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess good luck :)03:12
avbporthose: thanks for a link03:12
avbill try03:12
avbporthose: same policy goes for universe as well?03:13
porthosethey are different for main and universe read the doc :)03:14
avbyes, i see now :)03:14
ajmitch_as long as it's just bugfixes, you have a chance of getting changes in03:15
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RPG_Master_I had an Idea and the guys in #ubuntu-offtopic suggested I tell everyone here07:11
RPG_Master_<RPG_Master_> When you go to make a file Public, Ubuntu should ask "Which are you going to be sharing this with, Windows or Linux?" Then decide which to install, gShare or Samba07:11
RAOFRPG_Master_: Why not just unconditionally install samba?  What does setting up a FTP server & advertising it via zeroconf get you over just setting up a CIFS share?07:15
RPG_Master_RAOF: It's FLOSS....07:19
RAOFSo's samba.07:19
* RPG_Master_ is 15 with no coding experience07:19
RPG_Master_sorry for waisting your time :(07:19
RAOFNo problem.07:20
RAOFIt's not a waste of time if it ends up being interesting :)07:20
RPG_Master_RAOF: so there is no benefit over Samba?07:20
RAOFIt probably has fewer buttons to tweak.07:21
RAOFBut I don't think it's got any obvious advantages, no.07:21
RPG_Master_I just kinda assumed because samba is based off of a Microsoft product there must be a better way of doing file sharing...07:21
RAOFNot really.  CIFS works.07:23
RPG_Master_RAOF:  Well, thanks. At least I learned something :P07:23
RAOFThere's plenty of useful, good, Microsoft technology.  Just because it's Microsoft's, doesn't mean it's bad :).07:23
slangaseksamba isn't based off a Microsoft product; it's protocol-compatible with Windows filesharing07:24
RPG_Master_Ah, so it was just used by Windows?07:24
slangasekthe protocol isn't even Microsoft's, it's IBM's ;)07:24
slangasek(with a few decades of embrace-and-extend piled on...)07:24
RPG_Master_Which is why its good :P07:24
RAOFslangasek: Heh.  You learn something new every day :)07:25
RPG_Master_RAOF: really :P07:25
slangasekRAOF: somewhere there's a history of the fact that when Samba was getting started, it was because Tridge wanted to use it for connecting to *Unix* machines; then someone came along and said "oh hey, this works with Windows too!"07:25
spmI miss some of the features that decnet had that went walkies when nt3 etc came out. ms-net v1 was embraced and extended by all sorts of companies.07:25
spmgah. s/decnet/pathworks/07:26
RPG_Master_Well then, we should change the name of the network folder to, say "Network Folders"07:26
RPG_Master_Instead of Windows Folders07:26
RPG_Master_*Windows Networks07:27
slangasektrue, we should07:28
slangasekI think that warrants a bug on the gvfs-backends package07:28
RPG_Master_slangasek: Hey, I think I just contributed to Ubuntu :D07:31
slangasekRPG_Master_: thanks :)07:31
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
RPG_Master_Well, I am glad I could contribute *something* to ubuntu after all that its done for me... I want to hurry up and learn python so I can do more! :)07:42
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pittiGood morning07:54
pittislangasek: AMIs> the previous images didn't have AMIs, so I just added the build timestamps; I'm more educated now07:54
slangasekpitti: morning07:55
slangasekpitti: EC2 images /always/ have AMIs, they may just not have been posted there :)07:55
pittislangasek: ... in the tracker, I meant07:55
slangasek(s/may just not have been/weren't/)07:55
pittiyeah, I was just confused07:56
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liwhmm... this has happened twice now: something keeps adding a second keyboard layout to GNOME (US, in addition to my native Finnish), and then switching to it; I've deleted the US layout yesterday, and it's back today08:19
liw any suggestions?08:20
=== porthose is now known as porthose|afk
pittiliw: did you have US selected in gdm?09:03
liwpitti, no. the keyboard layout changed on the fly, suddenly, in the middle of typing09:03
liw(not that I know of, that is; if it's US there, I didn't choose it)09:03
liw(stupid US keyboard layout, not fit for humans ;-)09:04
pittiit's the best ever for programmers :)09:04
* pitti switched from de to us a few years back09:04
pittisuddenly vim, C, LaTeX etc. were so much easier :)09:04
pittiliw: anyway, could you check this:09:05
pittigconftool -g /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd/layouts09:05
pittithis probably has fi and us right now09:05
pittiliw: reset it with gconftool -u /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd/layouts09:05
liwproduces [fi] but since I've already removed the extra layout, that is not surprising09:05
pittithen log out, back in, and make sure that you select fi in gdm09:05
pittiliw: or just keep it as it is, and log out/in with fi selected in gdm09:05
pittidoes either of those add us/09:05
liwwhy does it matter what I have in gdm, since it worked fine for hours?09:06
pittiliw: we had a recent change in gdm which fixed the selection of keyboard layouts that you pick in gdm09:06
pittiliw: it was really spontaneously added while gnome was running?09:06
pittior it was there all the time and you just didn't notice?09:06
seb128pitti, he said that the layout changed during session use09:06
pittiseb128: well, that's not the same09:06
liwthe layout changed in the middle09:06
pittiyou could accidentally press both alt keys or so09:07
liwI don't know if the us keyboard was there from the beginning09:07
seb128pitti, right09:07
pittiit doesn't prove that the new layout was _added_ to the gconf key09:07
liwpressing both alt keys does not seem have an effect09:07
* fatal^ switches keyboard layout on both-shift .... don't know if it's the default.09:07
pittiliw: system -> prefs -> keyboard -> layouts -> layout settings can set a key combination for switching layouts09:07
pittifatal^: I believe nothing is the default09:08
liwhm, gdm did have us as they default layout, how stupid of it09:08
liwpitti, there is no key combo defined for switching layouts09:09
liw(which is good, since if there were, I would be hitting it randomly and tearing my hair out)09:09
liwif I choose US layout in gdm, and log in, I have US layout09:10
liwhowever, that's not what happened this morning: I was typing happily for hours when it suddenly changed in the middle of a word09:11
liwin the middle of a word with letters with umlauts, so less than a second earlier I still had the Finnish layout...09:12
pittiliw: I meant, if you chose fi layout and didn't have us configured before, do you get us configured in GNOME after that?09:12
pittiso, I have no idea what could have changed the layout then, I'm afraid09:13
liwpitti, yeah, it's very mysterious; I'll keep an eye on things and see if I can debug further if it happens again09:14
liw(too many moving parts and layers in computers these days, and I've put more in myself: keyboard -> kvm switch -> desktop machine -> kernel -> x -> gnome -> synergy -> laptop -> laptop's x/gnome stack *sigh*)09:15
soren~[5~[5~/win 4309:25
seb128the examples directory on the current iso desktop is a blank document icon, bug?09:26
maxbWhat order do I approach people to get a fix into karmic at this point? main-sponsors then release, or the other way around?09:36
pittimaxb: since it can't go into RC any more, it's best to subscribe ubuntu-release to the bug and nominate it for karmic; you can sub the sponsors at the same time09:39
maxbOK, sponsors are already subbed, just wasn't sure on the protocol of when to sub ubuntu-release09:40
slangasek"nominate for karmic" - dunno if you look at that, but I don't09:40
maxbevidently not, since I've had it nominated for karmic for a long time, and it hasn't garnered it any attention09:43
slangasekyes, anybody can nominate, so nominations are really just noise today09:43
maxbSad, but given I don't have a suggestion how to fix it, I can't really complain.09:44
pittislangasek: I do if I get bug mail through u-release subscription09:45
slangasekpitti: right, but the subscription's the important thing then, not the nomination :)09:45
seb128pitti, want to win quite some CD space?09:45
pittibut I don't watch the nomination bug list in general, indeed09:45
pittiseb128: gimme, gimme, gimme!09:45
seb128pitti, seems gnome-games documentation has not been langpacked for some reason09:45
pittiseb128: you're proposing to replace GNOME with XFCE?09:45
seb128and that's quite some images there09:46
seb128I'm running baobab on the current iso09:46
slangasekreplace gdm with startx09:46
seb128it's like 10 megs of documentation, if it was in langpack we could win some09:46
pittiwe aren't under serious space pressure for karmic, so I woudln't throw a lot of effort on it09:47
pittibut if it's cheap, why not09:47
pitti(like, a no-change rebuild)09:47
seb128well, I'm wondering if it's just a matter of rebuild09:47
seb128but it was uploaded on september 2409:47
seb128but it was uploaded on september 24 which should be after your change09:47
pittibut we can only do that if we're actually going to update langpacks again09:47
seb128is there any way to see from the build log if the stripper was in place?09:48
seb128oh right09:48
seb128pitti, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/32242856/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.gnome-games_1%3A2.28.0-0ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz09:48
seb128^ build log09:48
slangasekare we assured of having time to get the translations back into the final langpack export for release if we do that?09:49
seb128"pkgstriptranslations: gnibbles does not contain translations, skipping"09:49
seb128oh, translations, dog09:50
seb128ignore that09:50
pittislangasek: the condition for that is that the langpack build is started after gnome-games finished to build on at least one arch09:50
pitti(it doesn't go through Rosetta, it's just parked in soyuz)09:51
seb128well it's not worth bothering if we don't have anything to put on the CD instead anyway09:51
seb128but if we could add some extra langpacks...09:51
pittiArneGoetje: did you schedule another langpack export/build over the weekend?09:51
slangasekpitti: oh, really?09:51
pittiseb128: yeah, it'd just be an extra langpack09:51
pittislangasek: yes, it just uses launchpadlib to grab the built stuff straight from the librarian, which has it seconds after the build finished09:52
pittiso, I think we should consider updating the langpacks again independently09:52
pittiand if we do that, we could just as well do the rebuild, but then only on Friday09:53
slangasekpitti: doesn't that mean translators also have no opportunity to extend/fix these translations?09:53
pittislangasek: correct; at least not in Rosetta, only by patching09:53
pittislangasek: long term this should be fixed, of course09:53
pittibut given how documentatino translation works right now, it's a major project09:54
* slangasek nods09:54
pittii. e. their po files could be imported and changed in Rosetta, but you'd have to add them to the source package09:54
pittisince documentation is translated at build time09:55
pittislangasek: and then we of course need rosetta support for "translating" images :)09:55
slangasekjust make sure the images are all svg, and use po4a <cackle>09:55
pittiseb128: hm, I think this case is a pkgstriptranslations bug09:57
pittiI don't think we should mess with it in karmic any more09:57
seb128we don't really need to win space now anyway09:57
seb128but would be nice to fix next cycle09:57
seb128pitti, do you want me to file a bug?09:57
seb128in which case what do I write in the bug? ;-)09:58
pittialso, _shht_ we still need some potential savings up our sleeve for further releases :-P09:58
pittiseb128: "gnome-games help not stripped", and a pointer to the build log should suffice09:58
seb128pitti, ok thanks09:58
seb128pitti, bug #45702710:04
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/457027)10:04
pittiseb128: merci10:05
seb128pitti, de rien10:06
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apacheloggerasac: what do we do about the firefox installer?10:51
asacapachelogger: not sure.10:52
asacapachelogger: question is what _can_ we do10:52
asacapachelogger: you think you can upload a package with all .po things sedded?10:52
asacfor after RC?10:52
asacwe should definitly check with Riddell10:53
apacheloggerwell, I could push a package with string changes, utc could probably update the existing translations to match new template10:54
apacheloggerdpm: ping10:54
dpmhey apachelogger10:58
dpmit's about the above?10:58
apacheloggerdpm: aye11:00
dpmif you upload a new package and it contains translations and a new template, they should be imported automatically, but you can ping us to double-check11:00
asachave to run some errands11:01
asacbb in 2h11:01
apacheloggerdpm: is there some tool to export all existing pos of a package?11:01
dpmapachelogger, Launchpad can do that (exporting a tarball with all PO files). As the project maintainer you should be able to do that (let me give you the link). If you can't, you might be hitting bug 425578, in which case I can do the download for you, if you like11:03
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/425578)11:04
dpmapachelogger, try this link -> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/kubuntu-firefox-installer/+export (it's from the main template page at https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/kubuntu-firefox-installer/)11:07
apacheloggerdpm: thanks :)11:07
dpmjust let me know if there is anything else I can do11:08
dpmapachelogger, also, now that I've got you here, do you think you could have a look at bug 439964?11:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439964 in kubuntu-firefox-installer "Non-latin characters are turned into ? in Firefox Installer" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43996411:09
apacheloggerdpm: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/snapshot047.png11:24
apacheloggeri'll incorporate the fix in the upload11:24
apacheloggerit's a one-liner anyway :D11:25
dpmapachelogger, awesome, thanks11:25
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128is the "use the full disk to install" supposed to create a swap too?11:48
seb128I got a "swap mounting failed" dialog asking if I want to change the partitions or continue11:48
cjwatsonseb128: it should create a swap partition11:50
seb128cjwatson, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/install.png11:53
seb128cjwatson, any hint on how to get details about the issue?11:53
wolfeseb128: check the logs?11:55
cjwatsonblink, that's weird11:55
seb128wolfe, what log?11:55
cjwatsonseb128: /var/log/syslog, /var/log/partman11:55
seb128cjwatson, thanks11:55
seb128invalid argument error11:56
cjwatsonor 'ubuntu-bug ubiquity' from inside the live environment, after exiting the installer11:56
seb128swapon: /dev/sda5: erreur de lecture de l'entête de zone d'échange (swap)11:56
seb128and the error is "invalid argument"11:57
seb128cjwatson, ok, will open a bug, thanks11:58
cjwatson"read swap header failed"11:58
wolfeseb128: interesting..11:58
wolfeseb128: you are using a new hard drive? what brand?11:59
cjwatson(on something that's just been mkswapped)11:59
wolfealso, is the swap at the very end of the hard drive?11:59
wolfeI had an issue which was fairly common in certain hard drives where the space assigned didn't match the actual physical capacity. I'd receive such an error when it tried to read/write to the hard drive space which didn't exist.12:00
wolfeor your hard drive could be going bad as well. :)12:00
cjwatsonor it could be an installer bug12:00
* cjwatson is happy to blame hardware but not as a first resort. :-)12:00
wolfecjwatson: if ithe hard drive is hitachi/ibm, I blame it first12:01
wolfeor maxtor12:02
cjwatsonI don't, because that's a recipe for missing installer bugs until it's too late.12:02
seb128cjwatson, wolfe: it's a kvm with a .img12:08
seb128ie not real hardware12:08
wolfeIt still uses real hardware, heh12:08
wolfemakes me want to ask if you're using software raid12:09
seb128well I've no issue on my laptop out of that kvm install one12:09
seb128doesn't mean it's not a hardware issue though12:09
seb128I will retry before opening a bug12:09
cjwatsonif you have the logs, I'd prefer you opened a bug now before losing the evidence12:10
cjwatsonif it's not consistently reproducible, so be it, maybe we'll have to close it12:11
seb128cjwatson, bug #45709912:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 457099 in ubiquity "installation failed on swapon invalid argument error " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45709912:15
seb128cjwatson, do you need any extra details before I try again?12:16
cjwatsonseb128: a detailed description of how you got into this situation, from kvm disk initialisation, would be good :)12:22
cjwatsonseb128: it looks to me as if, when you started up this instance of the installer, kvm was unable to recognise the previous swap partition as a swap partition; I wonder if that's related12:22
cjwatsonerr s/kvm/libparted/12:22
cjwatsonseb128: also can you reproduce the error with 'sudo swapon /dev/sda5' from the command line?12:23
doko__bug 43661712:26
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/436617)12:26
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seb128cjwatson, ok, I added a comment to the bug, the kvm img I used had issues (ie wouldn't boot after a recent update) so maybe it's corrupted, I was expecting the use full disk to just reset it and make a clean install but maybe it's wrong expectation12:28
cjwatsonI think that is a sound expectation12:28
cjwatsonnormally speaking anyway12:28
seb128cjwatson, the desktop seems frozen after some gstreamer codec install though so I can't try the swapon, I will reboot the image12:28
riohi, i just came across a bug, that has been reported 2 years ago, but it's still unassigned, what is going on? :S12:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 91389 in network-manager "Support for more than one VPN simultaneously" [Wishlist,Confirmed]12:31
seb128cjwatson, right, a swapon gives the same issue, the swap partition is screwed12:32
cjwatsonrio: too many bugs and not enough developers12:34
rio:( i might check out the source and see what i can do next week12:35
seb128example-content should really have an icon the the Examples desktop entry12:47
seb128the white paper icon on karmic looks weird12:47
seb128cjwatson, anything else required on this swap issue before I redo the partionning manually to workaround the issue?12:59
cjwatsonseb128: no, I don't think so13:01
seb128cjwatson, ok thanks13:01
Keybukswap issue?13:03
seb128Keybuk, corrupted swap partition breaking ubiquity install13:05
seb128I though that a take over disk install would redo partitions too13:06
seb128but apparently it doesn't13:06
seb128and breaks on trying to swapon the corruption swap there13:06
cjwatsonit *does* redo the partitions actually, I can see that in the log13:07
seb128weird that the partition is still corrupted then13:08
cjwatsonmaybe not hard enough, or maybe there's a bad block under the .img file and nothing is noticing, or something; but it's definitely trying13:09
asacapachelogger: so you found a solution?13:09
=== porthose|afk is now known as porthose
Keybukcjwatson: thought13:26
Keybukcjwatson: ssh shouldn't cache IP address hosts thingies for .local names13:26
Keybuksladen: about?13:32
pittiKeybuk: hi13:36
pittiKeybuk: are you okay with the proposed solution in bug 428435? (comment 50)13:37
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/428435)13:37
Keybukpitti: no, that will only lead to data corruption13:37
Keybukand frankly, screwing around with partition detection this close to release is a BAD IDEA13:38
pittiI'm open for better suggestions13:38
pittibut given that vol_id behaved like that since hardy at least, it seems to be the safest option right now13:38
pittiI don't think we can squeeze in a proper migration solution at this point?13:38
Keybukwhy bother with a migration solution?13:39
Keybukthis is one of those bugs that'll bite hard13:40
Keybukbecause you'll stop detecting valid ext4 partitions as a result13:40
seb128ubiquity hates kvm there today or something13:40
seb128I did rm the .img, created a new one using kvm-img and I still get install failure13:41
pittiKeybuk: no, we don't13:42
pittiKeybuk: migration> because you dist-upgrade your server and then it can't boot any more; not good13:43
pittiKeybuk: if there was a case where mkfs.ext4 over luks ever left enough traces of luks, this would have broken in hardy13:43
Keybukwe never migrated any other filesystem type this way13:44
Keybukthere are numerous "my filesystem was fat and is now ext4" type bugs since hardy13:44
KeybukI just tell them to go away13:44
pittibut so far we tolerated exactly that for luks-over-ext13:44
pittiand karmic is the very first release whose cryptsetup behaves correctly finally13:45
pitti(cf. the looong discussion we had in #u-release this morning with slangasek)13:45
Keybukthis is surely fixable with a quick perl script, no?13:45
Keybukto zero the bits of the superblock that luks doesn't use13:46
pittiI 100% agree that cryptsetup was buggy, and that blkid should behave the way it does now13:46
Keybuksounds a lot less hairy than rewiring blkid, with all the unexpected consequences you can cause13:46
pittibut we can't go from "four releases broken" to "we reject existing installs" without at least offering some help to affected users13:46
Keybuksure, but wouldn't that help be better if it was help to fix their broken filesystem image13:47
Keybukrather than just carrying on honouring it13:47
pittithat's why we proposed to do exactly that for lucid13:47
pittiI don't want to keep that blkid behaviour forever13:47
Keybukright, but why not do it for karmic?13:48
pittiit needs carefully engineered/tested initramfs scripts at least13:48
pittiwhich wouldn't even address broken USB sticks, etc.13:48
Keybukyou don't have to do that13:48
Keybukyou can just have it available and give it to anyone affected13:48
pittiand not just initramfs (for root), but also in mountall (for encrypted /home etc.)13:48
Keybukthis is a lot less intrusive than major rewiring of our filesystem detection library13:49
pittiKeybuk: you still need the logic to detect that at various places, like initramfs, init script, dk-disks/gnome/etc.13:51
seb128cjwatson, I did apport-collect on https://launchpad.net/bugs/457099 for installation breaking using a new kvm-img just created do you think it's the same issue?13:51
seb128cjwatson, ie local disk issue or something?13:51
Keybukyou're saying that a quick perl script for anyone effected by the bug is somehow worse than rewriting code which can have unforseen consequences13:51
pittiKeybuk: since right now it just silently breaks13:51
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/457099)13:51
pittiKeybuk: it's not unforeseen; it just restores the behaviour that we shippped for several releases13:51
Keybukpitti: no you don't; we don't have that logic for any of the other problems13:51
Keybukpitti: you're not understanding me13:52
Keybukblkid is *complex* code13:52
Keybukthis is not a one line fix13:52
Keybukin previous releases we had *different* code13:52
Keybukit's not a matter of reverting a patch, or porting a patch13:52
pittiwell, I wrote a thorough test script and am just looking into the code13:52
Keybukyou would have to make some fundamental changes to blkid13:52
slangasekKeybuk: a "quick perl script" is a lot less helpful to the affected users, most of whom will discover the problem only after rebooting to karmic, and if they have any partitions that get decrypted post-initramfs, they won't even be able to boot the old kernel to recover13:52
Keybukpitti: does your test script cover any cases that do not include luks or ext4?13:52
Keybukslangasek: it's a lot better than (say) breaking everyone who uses lvm right before release13:53
pittisee bug; I tested luks/ext[234]/swap/vfat; I don't want to touch behaviour of everything except luks13:53
Keybukchanges to blkid tend to have that effect13:53
Keybukpitti: that's my point13:53
Keybukchanges to blkid tend to affect everything13:53
pittiright, that's my intention :)13:53
Keybukone minor change to one prober has unforseen knock-on effects on the other probers13:53
slangasekbleh, why is blkid this brittle?13:53
pittiwe'd fix initramfs/boot/dk-disks all at the same time13:53
Keybukslangasek: because what it's doing is brittle13:54
pittiwith the "if you see luks, stop detecting" change (pretty much what vol_id did)13:54
Keybukslangasek: it is examining a block device for a unique signature13:54
pittialso, we have an internal test suite, now an external test script, and an image which reproduces this problem from a user13:55
KeybukI don't care about fixing the problem, and testing that the fix is successful13:55
KeybukI care about everything else you break in the process13:55
pittiwell, that's pretty much what already happened; new blkid breaks systems which worked before13:56
slangasekKeybuk: but it's the *existing* behavior that consists of "if it matches more than one prober, curl up in a ball and rock in the corner"; how can any possible change be more brittle than the current behavior? :P13:56
pittiand while admittedly they were broken to begin with, that makes little difference to upgraders who suddenly have a broken installation13:56
pittislangasek: well, if you detect two you might pick the wrong one and destroy data13:57
Keybukslangasek: that code is there for a reason13:57
pittibut we already discussed that for this reason we shoul djust restore the "luks > everything else" special case13:57
pittisince we know that luks was broken in the past13:57
Keybuktake the FAT vs. ext4 issue13:57
slangasekpitti: the proposal to change blkid at all is predicated on the notion that we it's possible to know what the right one is13:57
Keybukif you accidentally pick FAT when it was ext4, you screw the ext4 filesystem13:57
Keybukif you accidentally pick ext4 when it was FAT, you screw the FAT filesystem13:58
Keybukthe problem is, over time, we tended to favour one or the other13:58
pittiwe all agree on those13:58
Keybukand then realised we were just bouncing between two different equal sized groups of people13:58
slangasekKeybuk: yes, it's there because upstream punted by generalizing from cases where there's no right answer13:58
pittiKeybuk: I doubt that they are equal-sized for luks/ext13:58
Keybukthere are just as many people who mke2fs over a FAT filesystem (hard drive installs) as those who format ext disks as FAT (usb keys)13:58
pittiKeybuk: I already demonstrated that ext* has not had that problem for years13:59
Keybukpitti: luks/swap is pretty common13:59
Keybukpitti: as is luks/anything else lvm13:59
pittiwhereas our isntaller used the broken cryptsetup since at least gutsy13:59
primes2hmvo: Hello, could you have a look at this bug #344693 about update-manager please? :)13:59
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/344693)13:59
Keybukslangasek: if you think blkid's behaviour is wrong, then supply patches to fix it, and an address to receive all the bug reports ;)14:00
Keybukand promise that you will fix them all14:00
slangaseknobody promises to fix all bug reports :P14:00
Keybukit comes with a free life-long contact with Ted Tso ;)14:00
slangasekhow about: I think its behavior is wrong, so I'll write a scathing blog entry ;)14:01
pittiKeybuk: we did not say that blkid's behaviour is wrong14:01
Keybukpitti: going back through LP, LUKS vs. swap is the favourite case14:01
pittiwell, at least I don't say that14:01
slangasekpitti: heh, I did14:01
Keybukslangasek: haha :p14:01
KeybukI think he already did14:02
mvoprimes2h: I have seen it. it requires unfuzzying a lot of translations14:02
pittiKeybuk: my point is just to keep it wrong for karmic, to avoid having to rip apart several places to deal with the fallout14:02
cjwatsonseb128: it looks the same, but I haven't debugged it yet. What kvm-img format are you using, out of interest?14:02
Keybukpitti: and my point is, due to way the code works, I don't think it's easy to keep it wrong without causing more problems14:02
seb128cjwatson, just "kvm-img create karmic.img 6800MB"14:02
seb128cjwatson, whatever default format that is14:03
cjwatsonok, I've been using -f qcow2 myself14:03
primes2hmvo: do you mean we are not in time to do this because the tomorrow deadline?14:03
Keybukpitti: you'd certainly have to reopen the dozen or so "my swap partition is detected as LUKS" bugs14:03
mvoprimes2h: timming is not ideal. I wil try to get to it today14:04
primes2hmvo: ok, thank you very much indeed. :)14:04
mvoprimes2h: I requested a LP export now for the unfuzzing14:05
Keybukslangasek: OOI, how do you think it should work?14:05
slangasekKeybuk: given that no LUKS partition *can* be activated without external configuration telling how to decrypt it (i.e.: /etc/crypttab), I think in all cases it's safe to prefer LUKS over * if the alternative is returning no UUID at all14:07
liwis it a policy decision that the ubuntuone-client* packages get forcefully added upon upgrade from jaunty?14:08
Keybukslangasek: but then that would you get bugs like "I reformatted by old LUKS partition, and it's still detected as LUKS" :)14:09
pittiliw: that's the case for every upgrade; ubuntu-desktop dependencies determine what gets newly installed14:09
lilliI was looking to create a bot that automatically runs debuild... How can I force debuild to be executed without asking anythings?14:09
Keybukor, more annoyingly14:09
Keybuk"I repartitioned my disk, and a LUKS signature just happens to be at exactly the wrong point, and /usr doesn't mount"14:09
pittiKeybuk: but that just means that the other mkfs is _also_ broken14:09
pittiKeybuk: and if it is, it'd be broken with current blkid as well14:09
Keybuksure, this is exactly why we punted this problem to the mkfs tools14:09
slangasekKeybuk: "and /usr doesn't mount" - that doesn't seem to be a regression over the current behavior, though14:10
Keybukthough I think slangasek is partially right here14:10
Keybukat least with crypto filesystems, there's no danger of mounting as the wrong type and having the mount succeed14:10
Keybukwhich is what the code is trying to guard against14:10
liwpitti, even for recommends? that's pretty suboptimal :(14:10
Keybukin that case, it fits in with RAID14:10
Keybuk(also no danger)14:10
pittiliw: recommends are pretty much dependencies, yes; and a lot of new stuff that you probably want are recommends as well14:11
Keybukyes, I think slangasek gets +1 insightful14:11
Keybuk^ now that *is* a one line fix14:11
pittithat's why we just want to reintroduce the luks special case, no anything else (ext4 vfs. fat or so)14:11
liwpitti, I'd like a solution that lets me remove a package and not get it forced one me on upgrades, but I see the problem that our dependency tools aren't up to it right now14:11
jdstrandslangasek: do I need to tag/nominate/milestone a bug in any particular way for ubuntu-release-notes to make sure you see it for karmic?14:12
slangasekjdstrand: just needs to have a task open on that project14:13
slangasekjdstrand: extra points for offering some text :)14:13
jdstrandslangasek: :)14:14
pittiKeybuk: hm, I had expected to set BLKID_IDINFO_TOLERANT in ./shlibs/blkid/src/probers/luks.c14:14
liwother issue I had with my upgrade just now: upon first login, epiphany wanted permission to access every password I had stored, even though I wasn't accessing any sites that required passwords; a) having to answer the same question for dozens of passwords separately is a tad annoying b) why does it want those passwords in the first place?14:14
Keybukpitti: that wouldn't have worked14:14
Keybukpitti: both filesystems have to be tolerant14:14
pittiKeybuk: but I guess your approach of considering usage instead of fs is nicer14:14
primes2hmvo: great!14:18
pittiKeybuk: oh? blkid_do_safeprobe() just treats it as a boolean (anyway, I didn't test that yet, it was just what I was about to try)14:18
pittiwith that patch, ./test-luks-blkid.sh succeeds again14:18
pitti$ blkid -p /tmp/ext3-luks.img14:18
Keybukpitti: any intolerant detected filesystem will set intol14:18
pitti/tmp/ext3-luks.img: UUID="fa583620-b1ef-448c-b4c3-7aaa794849f8" VERSION="256" TYPE="crypto_LUKS" USAGE="crypto"14:18
Keybukso if you have two matches, and one of them is intolerant, you get the ambivalent result14:19
pittiand it also detects the previously broken image now14:19
Keybukthus LUKS + ext4, if LUKS is marked tolerant, ext4 isn't so it'd fail14:19
pittiKeybuk: ah, right, read it backwards14:19
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pittiKeybuk: so, with this patch it passes internal test suite and my two tests14:20
pittimkswap seems to clean up the superblocks properly, I didn't notice breakage there in karmic (but did in hardy/jaunty)14:21
Keybukok, sent the patch upstream14:21
pittiKeybuk: oh, you want to keep it permanently? I assumed it'd be a tempoprary workaround until we can offer tools to point out the problem and fix it on your partitions?14:22
Keybukit fits the pattern14:22
Keybukwe break out of RAID there because you need to activate them so you can't do too much damage14:23
slangasekwell, this is hardly an Ubuntu-local problem, I think it ought to be upstream14:23
Keybukslangasek is right that the same applies to crypto too14:23
Keybukand the crypto probers are lumped in with RAID in that section14:23
pittiKeybuk: do you want to do the upload or shall I?14:29
KeybukI'm doing it14:29
Keybuksince I bet you don't have git set up ;)14:29
pittinot for util-linux14:29
pittiok, thanks14:30
pittiah, no debian/patches/14:30
Keybukno, it's maintained in git ;)14:30
Keybuk(one of the few cases where the Debianish Vcs header is actually correct in Ubuntu's case too)14:32
Keybukkees: about?14:33
primes2hmvo: BTW, this ( bug #456115) is even worse as bug concerning translations but we are too late now I think.14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 456115 in checkbox "System Testing (checkbox) has several not translatable strings " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45611514:44
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LaserJockslangasek: would it be possible to get an Edubuntu rebuild today?14:50
slangasekLaserJock: certainly possible, but not something I would particularly advise - what's up?14:51
apacheloggerasac: aye, though, I need all sorts of freeze exceptions and a trademark exception from TB, so that the installer can ship the proper logo14:51
tseliotKeybuk: who can I ask about what we should/could use to set the background at boot? Does the DX team deal with this?14:51
KeybukI think so14:51
LaserJockslangasek: looks like cjwatson fixed bug #45242914:52
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/452429)14:52
slangasekLaserJock: ah, right14:52
asacapachelogger: pleaes open bugs on the things14:52
asacso i can comment14:53
mvoprimes2h: you should talk to cr3 about the checkbox bug, maybe its not too late14:53
* apachelogger first needs to find out which freezes we are exactly in right now :D14:53
primes2hmvo: ah, ok. Thanks. :)14:53
slangasekLaserJock: rebuilding now14:54
LaserJockslangasek: awesome, thanks14:54
LaserJockslangasek: do you know roughly how long those take?14:54
slangasekLaserJock: I have no estimate for how long it'll take to build, though, since cjwatson has specifically changed the type of livefs build we're doing14:55
slangasekfor all I know, this will blow up horribly with an oversized livefs or something14:55
LaserJockI hope not14:55
apacheloggerasac: btw, bug 439431 ... I am still thinking that conflicts&replaces from the firefox side of things would be most reliable14:56
primes2hcr3: Hello, Could you have a look on this bug #456115? It's quite a blocking one.14:56
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/439431)14:56
asacapachelogger: i would just open a single bug with RC freeze exception + UI exception14:56
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456115)14:56
primes2hcr3: Re-trying bug #45611514:57
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456115)14:57
primes2hcr3: bug #45611514:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 456115 in checkbox "System Testing (checkbox) has several not translatable strings " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45611514:58
asacapachelogger: just replaces would probably work too14:58
asacapachelogger: ship same .desktop file ... replace ... and when firefox gets uninstalled it reappears14:58
cr3primes2h: is it simply a question of grabbing the .po files from launchpad?14:58
primes2hcr3: ehm, no. po file in fully translated.14:59
primes2hcr3: but those strings are not present14:59
cr3primes2h: ah, let me have a look then14:59
primes2hcr3: in fact there were strings present in Jaunty but missing in Karmic15:00
ionkeybuk: I was looking at old bootcharts from intrepid and jaunty. They all have the same characteristics, with the HDD spending most of its time seeking. (Low throughput, full utilization).15:00
apacheloggerasac: that however requires installer updates to match latest firefox desktop file + prevents user from using older/newer firefox packages + possibly disrupts the UI appearance of kdesudo (since that thingy will only show icon and proper name if binary name == desktop file name)15:00
primes2hcr3: and there are other new strings (in Karmic) that are not present at all15:00
asacapachelogger: not sure what you mean15:01
primes2hcr3:  I mean in the po's.15:01
asacapachelogger: we ship firefox.desktop15:01
asacthats supposely always the same15:02
apacheloggerwe do?15:02
apacheloggeroh, I though we had like firefox-3.5.desktop and stuff :)15:02
asacotherwise your panel launchers would disappear15:02
asacapachelogger: the non-default firefox branches have versioned desktop files15:02
asacbut the default ... which is what matters -- always ships firefox.desktop15:02
asacapachelogger:  dpkg -L firefox-3.5-branding  | grep desktop15:02
apacheloggerit is getitng ugly15:03
asacimo it would create the user experience you want15:03
apacheloggerchanging the desktop file name means changing the desktop file's translation domain15:03
apacheloggermeans even more intrusive change :S15:03
asacapachelogger: ah ok15:03
Keybukion: yeah, my laptop has certainly suffered for a few releases now15:03
asacapachelogger: note that down for lucid then. not sure if the bug is really that bad that it needs to be addressed15:03
asacif we know we have a the right approach in lucid15:03
apacheloggeragreed, postpone for lucid then15:04
ionkeybuk: Also, changing the IO scheduler didn’t help.15:04
Keybukion: the kernel team fixed cfq in a recent update15:04
Keybukso it doesn't perform worse than deadline again15:04
cr3primes2h: strange, it seems that my setup.cfg and POTFILES.in are configured properly, not sure why my .in files aren't being detected15:05
asacapachelogger: cool. so file a bug about the late change and list what changes this involves .. i will comment that part of these are necessary and try to poke around to get permissions etc.15:05
asacapachelogger: maybe outline how we get the translation issue resolved diligently at this point15:05
apacheloggeraye aye15:05
asacthx a lot15:05
primes2hcr3: really strange. But It should be nice to have it fixed in time for the translation deadline (tomorrow)15:07
cr3primes2h: I'm still looking into it, I'd like that too15:08
primes2hcr3: thanks you very much :)15:10
apacheloggerasac: bug 45722815:12
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/457228)15:12
asacok commented subscribed a few folks15:20
asaclets see15:20
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janito_hello, I am trying to build an iso using a jaunty deboostrap, the grub meny shows nicely, the kernel gets loaded but I am just dropped into the initramfs prompt, what I am missing ?15:27
cr3primes2h: I found the problem, I'll be pushing my changes and submitting for an sru shortly15:32
cr3primes2h: err, I mean ffe.. we're not at sru yet :)15:32
primes2hcr3: Thank you very much indeed. :)15:32
primes2hcr3: As soon as the new po are ready, I'm going to traslate the italian one. Thanks again.15:35
slangasekcr3: submitting for an ffe> you should arrange to upload directly to the freeze queue, to save a round trip with the release team15:35
primes2hcr3: ...and I'll report it to translator ML.15:37
dconlonGot directed here from ubuntu-bugs, on booting X hangs at 100% cpu if an xorg.conf exists. Am here for help and can give whatever time you need to debug this. (Full updated install, xorg 1:7.4+3ubuntu7) Perhaps an issue with the fglrx driver(version 2:8.660-0ubuntu4)15:39
cr3slangasek: how do I do that?15:43
cr3primes2h: should I upload the .pot file separately or something, or just uploading the new package should be sufficient?15:43
slangaseksmoser: will you take care of ec2 prepublishing for rc, or should I make sure I get that done today?15:44
slangasekcr3: sponsorship queue?15:44
cr3slangasek: I'm really clueless, I was just thinking of pinging mathiaz to review which should be pretty quick15:45
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slangasekthat's fine15:45
cr3slangasek: I could even drop by his home right next to the office and pester him in person too :)15:46
Keybukkees: what package supplies restorecon?  I can't find it15:46
slangasekKeybuk: policycoreutils15:47
primes2hcr3: maybe uploading .pot file separately should be quicker but I'm not sure15:47
smoserslangasek, i will publish to private today after rounds of testing15:48
slangaseksmoser: ok15:48
slangaseksmoser: thanks!15:48
smoserno problem. i think its at the point where you *could* do it15:48
Keybukslangasek: should whatever-that-does be done for every mount?15:49
slangasekKeybuk: I'm not sure15:53
Keybukno, me neither15:54
KeybukSELinux is not normally high on my "I care" list15:54
Keybukbut I'm feeling generous15:54
primes2hcr3: tell me when you have done please so I can go on. Thanks16:04
Keybukpitti: could apport-retracer not lookup strings in .mo files and translate files back to English?16:14
KeybukDie werzelordnersystem ist kaput16:14
pittiI hope that's not actually part of a real German .po file :)16:14
macoso uh what's that 2nd word?16:15
pittiKeybuk: we know the locale and thus the language, we just don't know the domain or which part of the string is literal and which are macros16:15
pittiKeybuk: so, could be on a best-effort basis16:15
pittimaco: root file system probably16:15
pittithis is not really German16:16
Keybukoh, I just made that word up16:16
macooh ok16:16
Keybukthe actual bug I was looking at was in Spanish16:17
liwa heuristic based on package name and some fuzzy pattern matching to do reverse translations back to English would be awesome16:18
pittia better fix would be to not translate logged messages, though16:19
liwapport should then include both versions of the text, of course16:19
liwpitti, but sometimes the people who read log files need them in their native language :(16:19
liw(everyone should just start using Finnish for everything, that'd solve all problems)16:19
pittiso, we can request a package name -> list of domains mapping from rosetta16:19
pittiand try all of those domains whether we find the string16:20
pittiliw: you're too late; seb128 already proclaimed French as the universal language16:20
macopitti: what about translating them but having a numerical error code? that way the user can see whats up and the triagers can look at the list of error codes?16:20
maco...or i could read liw's next line16:20
Keybukliw: there's not enough time left before the sun dies to finish a sentence16:21
liwmaco, numeric codes would work if all apps used them, but alas...16:21
liwKeybuk, but there's always time for another portion of Bananenkartoffeln16:21
tseliotliw: why Finnish? Is it easier?16:22
liwtseliot, yes: I knew Finnish by 3, but I still haven't been able to learn French16:22
pittiliw: Bananenkartoffeln> eww16:22
apacheloggerpitti: ahoy, any suggestions on how to squeeze the changed translations for kubuntu-firefox-installer in?16:23
Keybukooh, Stollen!16:23
Keybukit's nearly time!16:23
pittiapachelogger: you could upload them directly to Rosetta right now, including teh changed .pot file (not sure whether that'll work, though)16:23
pittidpm: ^ ?16:23
pittidpm: context: we're about to change some strings in kubuntu-firefox-installer (trademark issue, no choice); can we pre-upload that to Rosetta, so that they'll be part of the langpack export tomorrow?16:24
tseliotliw: French should be even more difficult to learn than Italian is (and Italian is extremely difficult to learn) as it evolved more from Latin than Italian did. Spanish is much easier16:24
cjwatsonmmm Stollen. Hungry now.16:24
* apachelogger still got no po tarball to manipulate though16:24
pittiapachelogger: alternatively I can manally merge them into the langpacks after building them; should't be too hard16:24
apacheloggerrosetta export queue must be longish16:24
davmor2cjwatson: don't steal hunger that's just daft ;)16:25
pittiapachelogger: so perhaps just grab the set of changed .po files, tar them, and mail them to me?16:25
cjwatsondavmor2: Stollen is an extremely yummy kind of German cake16:25
apacheloggerpitti: probably easiest ... once I've gotten the po files -.-16:25
pittiI use to translate that as "christmas cake"16:25
davmor2cjwatson: I know I was being daft :) It stops the insanity16:26
pittiapachelogger: I thought you changed them in the source?16:26
cjwatsonpitti: I would, but it confuses English people as Christmas cake here is very different16:26
davmor2pitti: just cake works over hear ;)16:26
apacheloggerpitti: the pos are currently only handled in rosetta, so I need to export them first and then apply the changes16:26
apacheloggeror rather, rosetta needs to export them :D16:27
jbichais anyone willing to sponsor my patch for bug 440098?16:27
pittiapachelogger: ah, I see16:27
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/440098)16:27
dpmapachelogger, (pitti, thanks for the background info) you could upload a tarball with the new pot file and the po files. The imports queue is nearly empty, so it should get importing quickly.16:27
dpmimported, I meant16:27
pittiapachelogger: LP is a little on the unhurried side since yesterday :-(16:27
pittidpm: cool, so you can actually override the .pot files from package builds? nice16:27
pittiapachelogger: ^ I think that's easiest then, and avoids cluttering the translations with the next update16:28
* apachelogger pets lp and hopes for the best16:28
dpmpitti, yes, although we tend to do it only when necessary16:28
jayy_123can anyone help me solve a speaker problem running Jaunty on a Thinkpad x200? No sound...16:31
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apacheloggerdpm: do I have bump the revision dates to override the current rosetta versions?16:42
dpmapachelogger, what are you trying to do? which revision dates you mean? The ones on the PO files?16:43
apacheloggerdpm: yes, po revisions16:43
slangasekKeybuk: for the immediate case, did you get the Spanish translation you needed or did you work around it?16:43
slangasektseliot: what's difficult about Italian?16:43
Keybukslangasek: the dpkg term log disagreed with the subject of the report16:44
Keybukso I marked it as Invalid16:44
Keybukafter repeating the spanish text out loud in a funny voice16:44
tseliotslangasek: tenses (a lot of irregular verbs), orthography, accents, etc16:44
dpmapachelogger, just a question, so I get a picture of what you are trying to do. You downloaded translations from Launchpad, have a new local template and you are trying to merge them with some other translations?16:45
slangasektseliot: <handwave> :16:45
apacheloggerdpm: more like replace all occurances of Firefox with Mozilla Firefox16:45
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* dpm is thinking16:47
primes2hslangasek: tseliot: Italian language is even difficult for Italians themselves ;)16:50
apachelogger哈拉爾德西特 <- apparently that would be my name in zh_tw :D16:50
tseliotprimes2h: absolutely16:50
james_wI finally have a diff for bug 307019: http://paste.ubuntu.com/298363/16:51
james_wit's not very nice though16:51
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/307019)16:51
james_wadds a new string, and I'm not sure we can steal translations for it from elsewhere16:51
slangasekprimes2h: yes, but that's just because none of y'all are raised to speak it ;)16:51
dpmapachelogger, so I think it will not be necessary to bump the 'PO-Revision-Date' of the PO files, but I'd update the 'POT-Creation-Date' of the POT template (intltool, xgettext or whathever you are using to create the template should have done it automatically)16:52
james_wdpm: you will know better than me the issues involved in re-using a translation from elsewhere16:52
james_wdpm: I re-used the string from gnome-control-center, but I assume that I would have to use the same accelerator to use the translations verbatim?16:53
dpmjames_w, looking...16:53
primes2hslangasek: I told you that because I AM italian ;) :D16:53
slangasekprimes2h: già veduto :)16:54
dpmapachelogger, actually, I'm told by danilo that LP doesn't look at 'POT-Creation-Date', so you shouldn't have to worry about that, either16:55
primes2hslangasek: s/veduto/visto. QED :)16:57
slangasekmdeslaur: did you mean for your http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/3266/288 test to be marked as failed?  Did you experience any bugs other than the UbuntuOne bug you listed?16:59
dpmjames_w, I need some context here: which src package are we talking of?16:59
mdeslaurslangasek: no other bug. UbuntuOne was part of the test procedure, so I marked it as failed16:59
mdeslaurslangasek: should I change it to pass?17:00
slangasekmdeslaur: I consider that a pass17:00
mdeslaurslangasek: ok, changing17:00
dpmjames_w, and which new string is added?17:01
james_wdpm: "Change Password..."17:01
james_win the .ui file17:01
slangasek(at the level of granularity I have in the test tracker, if every bug that disrupted a test case meant the test is treated as failed, we'd have a uselessly large amount of red)17:01
dpmjames_w, ah, ok, sorry, I see it in the diff, thanks17:02
james_win gnome-about-me it is the same words, but "Change Passwo_rd..."17:02
mdeslaurslangasek: np17:02
apacheloggerdpm: too late :)17:02
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dpmyou're too quick!17:02
apacheloggerunfortunately :P17:02
nxvlcjwatson: is there any documentation on how to migrate from ext3 to ext4?17:03
nxvlKeybuk: ^^17:04
apacheloggerasac, pitti, dpm: all set for upload17:05
pittiapachelogger: nice; so please go ahead, upload the new PO/POT to Rosetta and k-f-i to unapproved17:05
asacapachelogger: great. so it seems you know what to do?17:06
dpmapachelogger -> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/kubuntu-firefox-installer/+pots/kubuntu-firefox-installer/+upload17:06
dpmhere you can upload the tarball17:06
cjwatsonnxvl: ext4.wiki.kernel.org17:07
* jdong silently grumbles about btrfs17:07
Keybukwhat's wrong with btrfs?17:07
jdongKeybuk: just btrfsck17:08
dpmapachelogger, remember that the tarball must contain both the POT and PO files, otherwise the translations won't get imported17:08
jdongthe documentation clearly states it works online or offline17:08
jdongrunning it online ended in an abort()17:08
jdongmail their list, and a developer tells me btrfsck doesn't support online fsck :)17:08
jdongother than that, I love btrfs.... Now if only that grub-probe "bug" is fixed....17:09
Keybuknow that btrfs and dpkg are friends, I must try it again17:09
nxvlcjwatson: thank you!17:09
jdongI've been running it as a root fs with btrfs modules/progs built from git17:09
jdongpretty decent; performance at least matches-ish ext417:09
jdongthe only annoyance is grub-probe can't find the device for /17:10
dpmapachelogger, (all inside the 'po' directory) ^17:10
apacheloggerdpm: all queued17:10
jdong(debian bug 540786)17:10
ubottuDebian bug 540786 in grub-common "[grub-common] update-grub/grub-mkconfig doesnt work with btrfs as rootfs" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/54078617:10
cjwatsonjdong: somebody posted a patch against GRUB Legacy to the upstream list, but it'll need fairly extensive work to port to grub217:12
cjwatsonI'd like to make that happen, but we're not particularly close17:12
dpmapachelogger, ok yes, I can see them.17:12
Keybukwe should just port grub to use blkid, clearly17:13
apacheloggerpitti: package uploaded17:13
keesKeybuk: thanks :)17:17
Keybukkees: for?17:17
jdongcjwatson: *nods* yeah, reading up on the mailing list chatter, it does seem like significant work is involved17:17
Keybukthe whole bootloader-needs-to-read-the-root-filesystem problem seems like a misdesign to me17:18
jdongwhat would be the alternative?17:18
Keybukfor example, having the boot loader understand a single common and simple filesystem17:19
KeybukFAT for argument's safe17:19
Keybukand placing kernels and initrds into that17:19
Keybukthat way the boot loader can load the kernel and initrd17:20
jdongthat does sound more reasonable17:20
Keybukand they can worry about filesystem support for the root17:20
jdongI suppose grub and such already do that, just beyond.17:20
jdongfor some inappropriate definition of "simple" filesystem *grin*17:21
keesKeybuk: not won't fixing 456942.  ;)17:21
dpmjames_w, if it makes sense for the accelerator to be there, I'd just put the "Change Passwo_rd..." one on the .ui file, then you can be sure that the translations also match the original string. I believe if the original string doesn't have an accelerator and the translation has one, it will not be rendered as an accelerator, so that would be the worst case. So I think the best thing to do if you want this change to be transparent to translators and us17:21
dpmers is to use "Change Passwo_rd..." in the UI file and reuse the g-c-c translation17:21
keesKeybuk: but, I'd like to see it fixes -- I tried to answer your questions, can you take a look at it again?17:21
james_wdpm: the issue is that _R is already used on this dialog17:22
Keybukkees: I think I'm getting a reputation when people thank me for simply not "Won't Fix"ing their bug ;)17:22
keesKeybuk: you're very literal in your bug handling.  ;)17:23
jdongso what's the state/future of grub legacy? Is it just that grub2 is preferred, or is -legacy in the evil, not recommended, deprecated category already?17:23
james_wdpm: so I could pick another for English, but it would then be very hard to pick one for translations that didn't collide with whatever they are already using on this dialog, correct?17:23
dpmjames_w, correct17:23
james_wdpm: so as we are so late I think I would be better going with no accelerator?17:24
cjwatsonjdong: nobody at all is prepared to take upstream responsibility for grub legacy, and it's just quietly bitrotting17:24
cjwatsonjdong: of course, bootloaders are the sort of thing that can quietly bitrot more happily than most; there's unlikely to be any harm in staying with it if it's working for you17:24
cjwatsonjdong: but we didn't go so far as to automatically upgrade people to grub2 on upgrade to karmic, because dealing with initial installs was hard enough17:25
dpmjames_w, yes, but the accelerator will then have to be removed from the strings you pick up from g-c-c17:25
james_wdpm: I think I can do that without breaking them?17:25
jdongcjwatson: I see; just trying to figure out the most un-evil workaround for a btrfs based rootfs; right now I have an evil wrapper script around grub-probe; figure for now maybe using legacy grub would be cleaner17:25
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dpmjames_w, I guess so, you've got superpowers!17:26
james_wdpm: I can see underscores at least :-)17:26
Keybukkees: I'm still waiting for someone SELinux-related to actually join the Upstart ML and discuss what needs to be done there17:27
james_wI just wondered if you were going to tell me of a language that uses purely patterns of underscores17:27
* Ng wonders why a future last mount time is a failworthy event on boot17:27
keesKeybuk: nothing is needed there since the initramfs handles it.  :)  but, email Caleb Case (ccase@tresys.com) if you really want to find out.17:27
Keybukkees: I think Caleb is one of those people who objects strongly to that approach17:28
keesKeybuk: anyway, will it be possible to get the tmpfs-mounts-call-restorecon-before-they're-marked-mounted fix in?17:28
Keybukhe was being rather rude about me at LPC17:28
Keybuk(not realising I was sat behind him at the time)17:28
dpmjames_w, not that I know of :)17:28
Keybukkees: dunno, it's RC tomorrow - and I don't really understand the problem yet17:28
keesKeybuk: well, at the time, you were pretty unfriendly about putting selinux patches into upstart.  :P17:28
Keybukkees: absolutely untrue17:28
keesKeybuk: did you read my reply?17:28
Nghttp://mairukipa.tenshu.net/fsckishard.jpg - should I file a bug about that against mountall?17:29
keesKeybuk: ok, I don't know the history there, just restating what he'd expressed.17:29
Keybukexactly, he was being rude and frankly making shit up17:29
Keybukthat kind of thing is not likely to make me feel like I want to deal with him17:29
keesI would assume "misunderstanding something" instead of "making shit up", but ok17:29
keesKeybuk: right, it's RC, but without tmpfses coming up with the right labels, SELinux cannot sanely transition files, process, etc, that use a given mount17:30
Keybukis the relevant mail17:30
Keybukerr, I mean17:31
KeybukI think I'm being perfectly polite and wanting to support SELinux in those ;)17:31
keessure, and that's Chad not Caleb, but still, I'm not trying to fix that; I want to see mountall fixed.  ;)17:32
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Keybukbut no, I'm not going to talk to Caleb ;)17:32
keesKeybuk: does 456942 have enough information to justify calling out to restorecon?17:33
Keybukkees: I'd rather include the actual libselinux library calls17:33
keesKeybuk: why?17:34
Keybukbecause fork/exec/wait/etc. is expensive!17:34
keesexpensive only on machines running selinux, but I'll go check.  I suspect it involves parsing config files, etc.  one sec17:35
Keybukno, not at all17:36
Keybukbecause every single mount will call restorecon17:36
keesno.... policycoreutils is in universe.17:36
KeybukI still have to fork(), still have to exec(), but also then need to deal with ENOENT :)17:37
keeswhat?  access("/usr/sbin/restorecon", X_OK) once at the start of mountall and just don't call it.17:37
Keybukstill seems easier to just copy the relevant couple of libselinux calls into mountall17:38
LaserJockslangasek: it looks like Edubuntu 20091021 built OK, can the iso tracker get updated?17:42
Riddellevand: what is it that creates the icon on the desktop to run oem-config-prepare after an oem install?17:44
Ngoh it's fsck not mountall17:45
keesKeybuk: it looks like there is a lot of logic in dealing with selinux contexts...17:45
evandRiddell: scripts/install.py in ubiquity bzr, line 217017:48
Riddellevand: thanks, that's bug 386099 incase you're interested17:57
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/386099)17:58
elopsI have a cronjob, whose last act is to shadow a section of the filesystem with lndir.  The cronjob succeeds for the most part, but lndir mysteriously only mirrors about 10% of the target path.  When I run the lndir command standalone, outside a cron job, it works fine.  Anyone have any ideas?18:01
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slangasekLaserJock: done18:03
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elopsI have it purge the contents of the target directory, and then run "lndir /srv/nfsmount /work/localcopy" so that when I run test code each day, I don't alter the data on the nfs server, but can still save files.18:05
elopseach morning, I find I have 2 our of 10 of the folders that exist in /srv/nfsmount populated in /work/localcopy.  I then end up running the command manually, and get what I want.18:05
keesKeybuk: http://people.canonical.com/~kees/restorecon.patch18:06
Keybukkees: coding style! :p18:07
keesKeybuk: sorry, was trying to follow yours -- what would you like to see changed?18:07
Keybukthat's nothing like mine! :p18:07
Keybukroot_hook won't ever get run though18:08
Keybukyou realise that? :)18:08
Keybukyou actually don't need it, mountall asserts the root is always mounted when it starts18:08
keesobviously I don't.  :P18:08
Keybuk(since otherwise what would mountall be on)18:08
Keybukjust having that access() check in main() somewhere would be ok18:08
elopsthe line from crontab: 30 0 * * * /srv/moritzhome/dbBackup/backup.sh18:08
elopsany ideas here?18:08
keesKeybuk: refresh the URL.  what would you like changed with the style?18:10
Keybukkees: will just manually apply18:12
Keybuk(and there's a crasher bug in your code there, but :p)18:12
keesKeybuk: I can commit to the bzr tree if you like18:12
keeswhat's the crasher?  (nih is still new to me...)18:12
Keybuks'ok, just committing it now18:12
Keybukkees: nih_local things need to be set to NULL18:12
Keybukotherwise you free uninitialised data for some code paths18:13
keesheh, internal server error, but yes, thanks!18:16
Keybukyeah, keep hitting reload18:17
KeybukLP gets there eventually18:17
Keybukyou missed args out of the spawn() call too btw :p18:17
mathiazslangasek: is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/TechnicalOverview the wiki page that will be used for release notes?18:17
keesyou caught and earlier revision18:17
mathiazslangasek: I'd like to add a section about mysql upgrades18:17
elopsWHAT does absolute link type mean?18:18
keesKeybuk: I had cut/pasted spawn, replaced args with NULL briefly while researching nih_str_array_add, etc.  anyway, thank you very much, now SELinux has a chance at working again.  :)  That and with a pile of policy updates for the upstartifications, but that doesn't concern anything in main.  :)18:18
Keybukit would be nice to figure out how to get selinux and upstart to co-operate18:19
Keybukbut selinux people don't tend to do the 'c' word18:19
keesbe nice, be nice. :)18:20
d33dquestion - are there packages I can package if I learn it?18:20
keesKeybuk: afaik, it's just a matter of the core of this patch: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-hardened/2007-November/000230.html18:23
Keybukkees: except that patch is wrong on so many levels18:23
keesKeybuk: i.e. selinux_init_load_policy(&enforce); with a check of return code and enforcingness18:23
Keybukbecause it then doesn't enforce init itself18:23
Keybukand afaict, you can't reload the policy18:24
Keybukor have different policies for different groups of services18:24
keesKeybuk: ok, well, if you want, restart that thread.  as it stands, this work fine from the initramfs via the external load_policy tool.18:25
joaopintois there any documentation describing the official iso's build process ?18:41
davmor2joaopinto: you need to pray the iso gods sacrificing small child in the name of the cd you require and then as if by magic it arrives ;)18:48
joaopintoright :P18:49
LaserJockdavmor2: children? I've been sacrificing lolcats, now I know why my .isos have had problems18:51
joaopintoI am trying to create a base iso without the using the initrd/config from an existing cd18:53
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ionIt would be nice if Launchpad already had the lucid milestone for Ubuntu, or whatever’s needed so that i can push changes intended for lucid to lp:~ion/ubuntu/lucid/mountall/blahblah.18:59
pittilool: I'd appreciate if you could confirm bug 457537, so that we can go ahead with cleaning up component-mismatches19:01
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/457537)19:01
joaopintoI must have squashfs-tools mismatch19:04
slangasekmathiaz: no, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/ReleaseNotes19:40
Keybukclearly I am having a bad laptop month19:56
highvolt1geKeybuk: at least it's not a bad laptop /year/ :)19:56
mathiazslangasek: thanks - I've added a section about MySQL upgrades (5.0 to 5.1 transition and MySQL cluster support)19:56
highvolt1ge(like I've been having)19:56
mneptokKeybuk: try a different club?19:57
mneptokoh .... wait. not what you meant by "laptop" in this context.19:57
highvolt1geI guess all these laptops are burning up with all this super-fast booting19:57
* mneptok puts his sequinned man-pantied back in the drawer19:58
ionkeybuk: I split the lucid fsck change to two commits for better readability. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ion/ubuntu/karmic/mountall/lucid19:58
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ccheneyis lp really slow today?20:01
pittisince yesterday already20:01
ccheneyok i thought my internet connection was buggy20:01
ionkeybuk: What happened to your laptop this time?20:02
Keybukion: spare laptop has suddenly decided it's not interested in AC power20:02
ScottKIt if was his netbook (mini 10v), I'd have guessed it was "touchpad finally drove hime to throw it through a window".20:03
Keybukno, the XPS20:05
ccheneyScottK: yea the mini 10/10v touchpad is fail20:05
ScottKBased on my experience with it the next two netbooks we bought here were from HP.20:06
ccheneyat least it doesn't have the buttons on both sides of the touchpad like some netbooks, but still not very good20:06
jcastrocjwatson: I have hardware to help test bug #413135; which DVD image do I need to test, i386, amd64, or both?20:06
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/413135)20:06
ScottKjcastro: I got both of the primary plasma netbook developers signed up to do my open week session with me.20:06
jcastroScottK: awesome, could you mail me like a 2 line bio and/or pics for the glossy pdf? If not they won't be in the PDF (which isn't the end of the world but I'd like to have all speakers represented)20:07
ScottKOK.  I'll ask.20:07
ionkeybuk: When mountall says ‘CLEAR’ to usplash, nothing seems to happen. Is someone working on that?20:14
mathiazcr3: hey - reviewing checkbox 0.8.520:16
mathiazcr3: processors_info.py has been renamed to processor_info.py - why?20:16
cr3mathiaz: that was supposed to have been done in 0.8.4, but patching seemed to have failed for that renaming20:17
mathiazcr3: well - bzr probably handled that20:18
cr3mathiaz: the original motivation for changing processors to the singular form is that checkbox now reports processor information and the processor count as part of that information20:18
mathiazcr3: the debdiff show a rename before 0.8.4 and 0.8.520:18
mathiazcr3: ok - you may wanna document that in the changelog20:18
cr3mathiaz: under 0.8.4, since it was originally done upstream in 0.8.4?20:20
joaopintowhy does the livecd the the livecd uses syslinux instead of grub, more customization?20:21
mathiazcr3: hm no - in the 0.8.520:26
mathiazcr3: the actual diff happens in 0.8.520:27
mathiazcr3: at least from a package point of view20:27
cr3mathiaz: not upstream though20:27
cr3mathiaz: ok20:27
Keybukion: oh, someone should fix usplash ;)20:29
loolpitti: Hey20:37
loolpitti: Did you work on the gnome-user-guide split?20:37
Keybukcjwatson: so, you know how we go through the dictionary looking for words beginning with 'u' to name things?20:37
loolpitti: I wonder whether it's normal that langsel offers to install gnome-user-guide-en when you first launch it, yet it's not seeded20:37
KeybukI've been going through Urban Dictionary ...20:37
loolslangasek: Hmm or perhaps it was you working on that gnome-user-guide split20:37
Keybuklovely word, "umaga"20:37
Keybuknice name for a project20:37
pittilool: I didn't work on that, but why is it wrong?20:38
Keybukof course, it does mean Shrivelled-up Monkey Penis in Somoan, but I think that's a minor problem20:38
ionkeybuk: Heh, it seems it has been reported 1½ years ago. Bug #21566620:38
Keybukion: the best bugs are the old ones20:38
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/215666)20:38
loolpitti: I had a report that this gets fired on initial install of UNR, on first boot; I think one needs to do slightly more to trigger the bug though20:38
loolpitti: But my impression was that we were trying to seed a full english environment20:39
loolIt's a bit weird to finish install and then you discover by going to your prefs that you actually lack some stuff20:39
loolpitti: Even on my karmic desktop, I dont have the package and langsel offers me to fix my system20:39
jcastrocjwatson: nevermind the platform is in the bug title, the instructions mailed to me weren't clear. *whistles*20:40
pittilool: that's just the same as with any other language now, though20:40
pittilool: if you want to have it by default, please feel free to seed it, of course20:40
loolpitti: It's not clear to me why we seed gnome-user-guide and not gnome-user-guide-en and we also always seed the en langpack20:41
loolI dont think I mind having it in by default; I guess it makes sense to have an user guide by default; I just wonder whether this is inconsistent20:42
loolOr perhaps that was done on purpose to save space, I'm not sure20:42
pittilool: gnome-user-guide is "C", i. e. en_US; -en is en_GB etc.20:42
pittilool: yes, it was; also for openoffice.org-en-{gb,za}20:43
pittithat saved dozens of MB20:43
loolpitti: Aha20:43
loolpitti: So it's fine for me20:43
pittiwe just install en_US by default now20:43
loolpitti: Isn't langsel confused if it tries to install -en for me though?20:43
loolI have LANG="en_US.UTF-8"20:44
cr3mathiaz: done20:44
pittilool: hm, looks like it then20:44
pittilool: hm, it only considers languages, not countries20:45
pittilool: so for "full" english language support it's actually justified (same as GB/ZA OO.o help and translations)20:45
loolpitti: perhaps ubiquity folks would have a good understanding of what we try to obtain upon install since they maintain the code pulling langpacks etc.20:46
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loolI actually saw the same thing in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-moblin-remix/+bug/45747920:50
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/457479)20:50
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mathiazcr3: checkbox 0.8.5 sponsored20:55
cr3mathiaz: thanks!20:55
mathiazcr3: it's waiting in the unapproved queue20:55
cr3primes2h: ^^^ the new .pot file should be made available shortly20:55
cr3I wonder if launchpad will grab the new .pot file automatically20:55
mathiazcr3: I don't think so20:55
mathiazcr3: the package won't be accepted before RC is released (if it's accepted)20:56
cr3mathiaz: I'll upload the .pot file separately then20:57
d33dNewbie question - so .deb files are packages....so when someone is "packaging" are they creating these .deb files or is that 2 separate, totally different things?20:57
ttxmathiaz: hey20:58
cr3primes2h: I uploaded my latest po/pot files and they're in the import queue right now: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/checkbox/trunk/+imports20:58
mathiazttx: yo!20:58
ttxmathiaz: do you have a UEC setup available atm20:58
mathiazttx: hm - not *right* *now*20:59
mathiazttx: I'm in the process of having hw for it20:59
mathiazttx: cr3 is lending me two machines until RC is released20:59
mathiazEtienneG: are you using the hw for your UEC playground?21:00
ttxmathiaz: I could use some confirmation on bug 457281 and bug 45728321:00
cr3ttx: mathiaz and I share a symbiotic relationship: I depend on him for checkbox and he depends on me for hardware.21:00
EtienneGmathiaz, yes21:00
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/457281)21:00
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/457283)21:00
ttxcr3: that sounds dirty21:00
EtienneGmathiaz, btw, did someone ever tested running the cc on a different machine than the clc21:00
mneptokttx: you should see their spandex suits and space helmets21:01
EtienneGyo mneptok21:01
mneptokEtienneG: 'lu!21:01
mathiazEtienneG: hm - eucalyptus upstream was supposed to do that IIRC21:01
ttxEtienneG: I think we have a test report from the eucalyptoids in multi-component mode21:01
EtienneGmathiaz, ttx, I am jut wondering about a couple details of components registration21:01
mathiazttx: I'll have a look at your bugs once I've got my UEC up and running21:02
mneptokEtienneG: it's the coldest day here in New Mexico yet. 12C!21:02
ttxmathiaz: cool thx21:02
EtienneGttx, I am not really interested in multi-cluster, I just want to register a cc to a clc that is not localhost21:02
ttxmathiaz: haven't seen nurmi today21:02
EtienneGmneptok, awesome!  Think about next July when the mercury 38C21:02
mneptokEtienneG: rarely that bad. 35C is max here.21:03
ttxmathiaz: so we could use confirmed bugs before tomorrow's eucacall21:03
mneptokEtienneG: with 0% humidity21:03
mathiazttx: okdokioikeodoko21:03
ttxEtienneG: let me dig that report21:03
EtienneGmneptok, pfft!  I would rather keep my -30C!21:03
EtienneGno, really!21:03
mneptokOMG, mathiaz is becoming Ned Flanders.21:03
smoserits funny cause its true.21:05
ttxEtienneG: I just fwded you an email thread talking about multi-cluster or multi-component tests21:07
ttxEtienneG: that might help21:07
primes2hcr3: Many thanks! :)21:07
ttxEtienneG: documentation is in progress21:08
EtienneGttx, thanks a bunch21:08
EtienneGttx, I am just looking at a single-cluster setup, (clc+walrus) -> (cc+sc) -> (nc)21:08
EtienneGI am at the step where I need to register the cc with the clc somehow21:09
smoserKeybuk, you around ?21:10
ttxEtienneG: that's what they call "multicomponent" -- not that well covered in what I sent you, I admit21:11
smoserKeybuk, ec2-init has a startup script that runs via sysvinit21:12
smoserpreviously (beta) output from this script went to console (which we could then see from the ec2/uec console-grabbing tools)21:13
smosersince then, it has disappeared, and i see21:13
smoseretc/init/rc.conf and etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf have changes to 'console'21:13
smoserin them21:13
EtienneGttx, it is a start.  I will hammer nurmi if I have any question21:13
smoserwe want/need  to write output to the console, how should we be doing that ?21:14
Keybuksmoser: "console output"21:14
smoserright, if it were a upstart config21:15
smoserbut it is run via rc-sysinit. i'd like to not change your config files.21:15
Keybukoh, >/dev/console ? :)21:15
Keybukit was changed as a default because of the "No console messages during boot" rule imposed for karmic by Design/DX21:15
smoseryeah, i realized the >/dev/console would have worked...21:16
smosermy other option is configuring rsyslog to write there and running it through logger21:17
smoserbut even then, i'm not sure how i would guarantee myself that rsyslog would be up21:17
Keybukthat works too21:18
EtienneGttx, got my answer in the email thread you sent: ssh keys need to be manually exchanged21:18
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
kirklanddtchen: howdy21:20
kirklanddtchen: i'm trying to debug what i think is a nasty pulse audio issue, affecting kvm, libvirt, and/or virt-manager21:21
kirklanddtchen: sometimes the VM guest just "hangs" while booting21:21
kirklanddtchen: it looks like a sound issue to me21:21
kirklanddtchen: what can I do to try and debug this?21:22
kirklanddtchen: basically, if i remove the sound device from the vm, it boots fine21:22
kirklanddtchen: but sometimes, when the vm has a sound device, it hangs on boot21:23
kirklanddtchen: strace of kvm shows it hanging at: futex(0xbafc20, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 2, NULL21:23
cjwatsonjcastro: i38621:24
smoserKeybuk, so if i want to go the rsyslog route, how can i guarantee that it will be up when /etc/init.d/ec2-init runs21:25
jcastrocjwatson: it'll be 10+ hours before I can get the ISO, but will do my best to test asap21:26
cjwatsonjoaopinto: because grub legacy wasn't what you might call exceptionally reliable at booting CDs, and we didn't want to try to switch both the installed system and the CD to grub2 at once. Furthermore, the graphical menu patch to grub2 hasn't landed yet so it would be a substantial regression in terms of prettiness at the moment21:26
cjwatsonKeybuk: umaga> hah21:26
cjwatsonjcastro: 3+ hours to jigdo .template here, then most of the rest should come off the local mirror21:28
joaopintocjwatson, tks21:28
cjwatsonjcastro: but I'll be away all day tomorrow21:28
primes2hcr3: But is it sufficient to upload po/pot files in trunk?21:29
primes2hcr3: Doesn't them need to be uploaded in Karmic directly?21:30
cr3primes2h: I don't know, I'm not particularly familiar with translations21:30
primes2hcr3: It's better to put them in Karmic checkbox queue21:30
primes2hcr3: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/checkbox/+imports21:32
primes2hThose are the .pos used in language packs.21:33
cr3primes2h: uploaded, is that better?21:34
Keybuksmoser: you can't, it's started in parallel21:46
smoserthats what i thought21:47
Keybukyou can use openlog with LOG_CONSOLE of course21:47
Keybukso syslog() outputs to the console if syslog isn't up21:47
smoserKeybuk, thank you. i'd like to avoid C here if possible. maybe this just needs to write to /dev/console21:51
primes2hcr3: That's nice. Imported! Thank you very much indeed.21:52
joaopintocjwatson, is the desktop cd based on debootstrap+casper+ubuntu-desktop+ubiquity+casper => squashfs image ?22:00
joaopintoops, one casper :P22:00
* dupondje prays somebody includes fix @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptitude/+bug/39103522:01
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/391035)22:01
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EtienneGmathiaz (or ttx, or whoever): do you have any idea what actually generate the ssh authentication keypair when installing eucalyptus?  I just installed eucalyptus-cloud and eucalyptus-walrus on a machine, and /var/lib/eucalyptus/.ssh is empty.  I am wondering it is a bug or if I forgot a step somewhere22:17
mathiazEtienneG: was it from an ISO?22:17
EtienneGmathiaz, no.  I did a plain server install, and am going to do a so-called "multi-component" install22:18
mathiazEtienneG: right - that's why22:18
EtienneGmathiaz: but I found the problem, and I am afraidit might be a bug22:18
mathiazEtienneG: IIUC the ssh key generation is done at install time22:19
mathiazEtienneG: and I think it's probably eucalytpus-cc that does so22:19
EtienneGmathiaz, indeed22:19
EtienneGmathiaz: but i am not quite sure it is correct.  You would need the keypair on the CLC22:20
mathiazEtienneG: if you install walrus/cloud on another machine, you'd probably have to copy the public key from the CC to the walrus/cloud22:20
EtienneGmathiaz, or rather, you would need a keypair on the clc, and one on the cc (could be, but does not have to, be the same)22:20
DinkHellow, not sure if its here where I need to post this but I am currently running Karmic and something funky is going on. Initially when I logged in compiz.real was eating up all my cpu. I then changed "visual effects" to none and cpu went back to normal. I then looked at where I was logged in and it seems like gdm started on tty1 and not 7. All other tty seem to be unusable. If this is the wrong plac22:20
Dinke to post this I apologize and please redirect me to the correct channel.22:20
EtienneGmathiaz, ok, I will copy the keypair from the cc to the clc.  The multi-compoenents install needs to be sorted out anyway, it still requiremanual ssh key exchange22:21
mathiazEtienneG: yes - it's the same thing you need to do when you install the nodes from packages (instead of ISO)22:22
mathiazEtienneG: you need to copy the ssh key from the CC to the nodes22:22
mathiazEtienneG: usually euca_conf discover will tell you exaclty what needs to be done22:22
EtienneGmathiaz, it does not anymore, at least not when registering a cluster on the clc22:23
mathiazEtienneG: oh probably22:23
mathiazEtienneG: I've seen that only when try to register nodes22:23
mathiazEtienneG: the case of registering a cluster on the clc hasn't been covered probably22:23
mathiazEtienneG: this needs to be documented at least22:24
mathiazEtienneG: (bug is welcome as well - but won't be fixed in karmic I think)22:24
mathiazEtienneG: (as there is a workaround)22:24
EtienneGmathiaz, right.  This is actually to be fixed in euca_conf, IIUC22:24
mathiazEtienneG: I'd guess so as well.22:25
EtienneG(looking now)22:25
ccheneyslangasek: ping22:26
EtienneGmathiaz, 1455 line of shell .. .oh dear!22:27
EtienneGI give up22:27
EtienneGwill check tht tomorrow ...22:29
slacker_nlhello, has anything changed with the boot sequence that might explain "timeouts" on mounting file systems?23:20
slacker_nl i've been having some weird messages at boot, unable to mount partions x y and z hit esc to enter some kind of shell, laptop boots and all, with everything mounted23:21
ionWhat kind of partitions are they?23:21
slacker_nlion: http://pb.opperschaap.net/74 fstab23:21
ionDid i understand correctly – they are mounted correctly in the end?23:22
slacker_nlion: yes23:23
slacker_nlthe messages repeats itself several times23:23
ionThat’s probably just the usplash issue where the CLEAR command doesn’t actually remove the message when it manages to mount the partition in question.23:23
slacker_nlthe biggest problem is, it isn't logged somewhere (at least, cannot find anything in my logs)23:23
slacker_nlion: you have a bug number for that issue?23:24
shtylmanccheney: man...people really won't let that oo filepicker bug die... :)23:27
ionslacker_nl: Bug #21566623:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 215666 in usplash "fsck messages are not cleared from usplash when check is finished" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21566623:34
slacker_nlion: thnx23:35
slacker_nlion: but karmic is using xsplash right..23:36
ionslacker_nl: X can’t be started before important filesystems have been mounted, thus no xsplash yet when those messages need to be shown. For karmic, usplash handles them.23:37
ccheneyshtylman: heh23:37
ccheneyshtylman: its what happens when linux gets to easy to use ;-)23:38
slacker_nlion: i see, yet, the same message appears when I get the kubuntu logo23:38
slacker_nlion: i'll make some screencast/pictures tomorrow so I can show you/add it to a bug report23:39
ionkeybuk: Ah. CLEAR doesn’t do anything when not in VERBOSE mode. Should i patch usplash to always clear the text on CLEAR, or mountall to send CLEAR in VERBOSE mode?23:54
cjwatson_ion: former sounds better to me23:54
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
ionOk, a moment...23:55
cjwatson(gone for the night)23:55
dmoerneris there a bug report referencing the removal of gcc-3.3 from karmic (like http://bugs.debian.org/536776)? I'm trying to convince a vendor that they really need to get rid of dependencies on libstdc++5 if they want to be competitive23:57
dmoerneri can't find it on google, but obviously gcc-3.3 has been dropped23:57
cjwatsondmoerner: according to the publication history (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-3.3/+publishinghistory), we just removed it in line with Debian23:58
ionhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ion/usplash/karmic (didn’t test it yet, about to do that)23:59
joaopintodmoerner, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-3.3/+bug/41837223:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418372 in gcc-3.4 "removal request" [Undecided,New]23:59
cjwatsonah, heh, that too23:59
dmoernerjoaopinto, cjwatson: thanks!23:59

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