
=== uvirtbot` is now known as uvirtbot
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
wesdomwhat is the best ami for a base install of ubuntu20:24
wesdom64 bit20:25
erichammondwesdom: If you're ok with testing an AMI which not a lot of people have used in production yet, then I would recommend trying out the Ubuntu Karmic Beta AMI from Canonical and then upgrade to the released version when it comes out at the end of the month.20:37
wesdomis that amd6420:47
erichammondwesdom: It is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit, in both us-east-1 and eu-west-1.20:48
erichammondI've listed the AMI ids a little ways down from the top of http://alestic.com20:48
wesdomerichammond: would that be in the aws mc20:53
erichammondwesdom: What is "aws mc"?20:54
wesdomaws management console20:54
erichammondYes, you can run any AMI in the console to which you have access.20:54
erichammondFinding the right AMI in the console is a completely different story and is nearly impossible.20:55
erichammondIf you have the AMI id you might be able to search on that.20:55
erichammondwesdom: That's a solid AMI (I built it) but if you're just getting started, I'd recommend trying the Karmic.21:05
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
wesdomerichammond: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/beta/21:23
wesdomthat the ones21:23
erichammondcurrently, yes.21:24
erichammondThe exact page changes from time to time, so I also publish the latest ids a bit down the page on http://alestic.com21:24
erichammond(second blue table)21:25
wesdommy bad totally didn't see that21:26
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
wesdomerichammond:  cannot ssh in22:29
wesdomit wants me to be an ubuntu user22:30
wesdomPlease login as the ubuntu user rather than root user.22:33
wesdomerichammond: Thanks for your help everything is good and working ok23:54

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