
=== imlad is now known as imlad|away
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pedro_hello folks17:58
* marjo waves17:58
davmor2meh I can't be bother to correct it17:58
marjo#startmeeting QA Team Meeting18:00
MootBotMeeting started at 12:00. The chair is marjo.18:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:00
marjoHi folks! Thanks for joining us today.18:00
marjoAgenda for today's meeting18:00
marjo# SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie)18:00
marjo# Bugday highlights -- pedro18:00
marjo# RC Testing -- ara18:00
marjoDoes anybody want to add anything to the agenda?18:01
marjo[TOPIC] SRU Testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie)18:01
MootBotNew Topic:  SRU Testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie)18:01
sbeattieSRU Activity for the past week (since 2009-10-14):18:01
sbeattie* Jaunty: no new packages in -proposed and 2 pushed to -updates (tzdata, zsync)18:01
sbeattie* Intrepid: 2 new packages in -proposed (landscape-client, smart) and 1 pushed to -updates (tzdata)18:01
sbeattie* Hardy: no new packages in -proposed and 3 packages pushed to -updates (apt-cacher, tzdata, vblade)18:01
sbeattie* Dapper: no new packages in -proposed and 1 package pushed to -updates (langpack-locales)18:01
sbeattieThanks to Paul Elliott, Dave Morley, and Wolfgang Kufner for testing fixes this week.18:02
sbeattieThat's all I have on SRUs.18:02
marjo[TOPIC] Bugday Highlights -- pedro18:02
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MootBotNew Topic:  Bugday Highlights -- pedro18:02
pedro_Last Thursday we ran a bug day for the Server Team18:03
marjoThanks sbeattie!18:03
pedro_it was a general bug day, so we created bug lists based on all the packages they're currently tracking18:03
pedro_it turned out to be really cool, around 150 bugs were triaged18:04
marjopedro: nice work!18:04
pedro_so thanks a lot to zul and ttx for helping us that day and for answering the questions the community had18:04
pedro_and also thanks to kamus and sbarjola for their participation18:05
pedro_I'm not planning to run a bug day for this week, since I'd like to put some more efforts into iso testing instead :-)18:05
pedro_that's all from here18:06
marjopedro: nice segue for our next topic; thx18:07
pedro_my pleasure :-)18:07
marjo[TOPIC] RC Testing (ara)18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  RC Testing (ara)18:07
araAs you all know, tomorrow we are releasing Karmic Release Candidate18:07
arait is the last milestone before the final release18:08
araand we all have to try to make our best to complete all the test cases18:08
araas usual, these two links will tell you what needs to be done: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/inprogress18:08
MootBotLINK received:  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/untested18:08
MootBotLINK received:  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/inprogress18:09
araI am having an issue with Dell mini9 and OEM setups18:10
MootBotLINK received:  http://launchpad.net/bugs/45699018:10
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456990)18:10
arabut I cannot reproduce it outside the mini918:10
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456990)18:10
aradoes anyone one owns a netbook?18:10
pedro_not me18:11
arammm, I see it is fixed now18:11
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arait was the usb creator, apparently18:11
araall the issues that prevented installation seem isolated18:12
arathat's good news18:12
arabut we need to cover all the rest18:13
marjoara: anything else?18:13
aramarjo, no, that's it18:13
marjoFolks: Please help us achieve 100% test coverage on RC!18:13
marjoAt Beta, we hit 98%, oh so close18:14
araI have another small topic18:15
marjoara go18:15
davmor2marjo: we got 100% it's just the last 2 test got done the next day ;)18:15
araOne community member, Cesar Muñoz, have offered to update the QATeam wiki with meeting logs and summary18:16
araHe is starting this week18:16
marjodavmor2: i'll take your 100%!18:17
sbeattieara: he just did last week's meeting; thanks Cesar!18:17
davmor2Nice one dude18:17
marjothanks Cesar Munoz!18:18
marjoara: anything else?18:18
aramarjo, no, that's it18:19
marjoara thx!18:19
marjofolks: anything else from anyone?18:19
marjokarmic quality is looking very good18:20
marjoi propose we adjourn, so we can continue testing.18:20
marjogoing once18:20
marjothanks folks! see you next time18:21
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:21.18:21
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
dpmso, hi everyone19:00
MootBotMeeting started at 13:00. The chair is dpm.19:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]19:00
dpmwelcome everyone to this Ubuntu Translations meeting tonight19:00
dpmfirst things first, let's see who' here?19:00
dpmhiya adiroiban, hey Mirv19:01
joskuljhi, here19:01
dpmhi joskulj!19:01
joskuljhi everyone19:01
dpmhi Ursinha!19:02
Ursinhahi dpm :)19:02
dpmlet's wait for a minute if there is anyone else turning up, and then we can start19:03
dpmok, let's get started, then19:04
dpmso, we've got more people coming, welcome markjones19:05
dpmAs you know, the main point is discussing possible topics for translations sessions for the UDS -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Meetings/2009-10-2119:05
adiroibandpm: do you know how many slots do we have for this UDS?19:05
dpmadiroiban, I don't know it yet19:06
dpmanyway, I see people have been adding topic suggestions already, so thanks a lot for the suggestions19:06
dpmI think we can just start from that list, and people can comment on them19:07
dpmhow does that sound?19:07
Mirvsounds fine19:08
dpmalso feel free to propose ideas as we go along19:08
dpmthe idea is to have a good collection of topics to pick up19:08
dpmand then decide which ones would be interesting for UDS.19:09
dpmadiroiban, you've got the first topic on the list, would youlike to start with a short intro on that one?19:09
adiroibanbut I think the Wiki description is complete19:10
dpmjust for the benefit of the presents and for the logs, then :)19:11
adiroibanI would like a talk with Rosetta admin to see if someone can implement that feature19:11
adiroibannow that Rosetta is opensource maybe we can have a blueprint for that19:11
dpmso you are talking about message sharing between LP-hosted projects and distro packages19:12
adiroibanthis feature will be useful for projects like ubiquity-slideshow, UNR, ubuntu-start-page19:12
Mirvand any non-ubuntu-specific ones as well potentially, like transmission. maybe optional.19:13
markjonesI feel it's a good idea, as Rosetta already offers suggestions for translations.19:13
adiroibansince we already have message sharing between Ubuntu releases19:13
adiroibanand like markjones says, we have suggestions19:14
Mirvthough that needs a bit of care, and/or advocating - messages from "Open" permission projects shouldn't go to Ubuntu, and way too many LP projects have the permissions set like that instead of LP Translators / Structured19:14
dpmI think it would definitely be an interesting feature, and something the LP translations team have thought about. It's only finding the resources to implement that :)19:14
adiroibanMirv: yep19:14
adiroibanok. The second one should be a roundtable for the Ubuntu Translation Project19:15
dpmThe LP translations team is going to be focusing on upstream integration in the next months (see also https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg01361.html), so I think this feature might be out of focus for them^19:16
dpmalthough I'm sure they'd be happy to discuss it19:16
dpmand guide anyone who'd like to take the step to implement it19:16
dpmwhat do you say, Ursinha?19:16
dpmanyway, sorry we can move along to your second topic, just commenting on it19:17
adiroibanI was thinking this features is not that complicated to implement, and maybe we can find some resources in the community19:17
Ursinhadpm: I think it's pretty much what you said19:17
adiroibandpm: you know it best, and like I said, it's ok if we skip it19:17
dpmadiroiban, it's a good idea (but remember that there is no such thing as "easy to implement" ;) )19:18
Ursinhadpm: agreed :)19:18
Mirvif I'd have all the time in the world it'd be nice to get to know to LP code now that it's finally free19:19
adiroibanthird: Indentifying the source package/template from UI strings19:20
adiroibanI would like to discuss if we can have that feature in Rosetta,19:20
adiroibanor we should create a webapp for that19:20
adiroibanor a desktop app19:20
dpmMirv, just one click away -> https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting :)19:21
adiroibanthere were many such request19:21
adiroibanand we should see how we can help the translators19:21
adiroibanwith these problems19:21
dpmadiroiban, can you expand a bit more on this? I'm not sure I understand it from the wiki description19:21
adiroibanlike when you see a wrong translation19:22
adiroibanbut you are not sure where to translate it19:22
adiroibanex. "Password:" from gdm19:22
Ursinhaadiroiban: interesting, this question came up a few days ago and I didn't know the answer19:22
adiroibanor you see some text that is not transalted19:22
adiroibanand you dont know if that string is not translatable19:23
dpmok, I get it thanks19:23
adiroibanor is just that it si not translated19:23
markjonesi get it too, so an app that highlights what hasn't been translated, yeah, another good idea, but can somebody make such a thing?19:24
dpmAgain, I'm not sure it will be possible to have that in LP, but might be interesting to explore creating an application for that19:24
markjones(what i'm asking is that are there the resources to turn this idea into a application?)19:25
adiroibanmaybe we can have a prototype19:25
adiroibanI am very keen to investigate this problem and help with coding and stuff19:25
dpmthe search string script Mirv posted on the list or the one with the same functionality in the ubuntu translator tools package can be used as a starting point19:25
markjonesI think it would be very useful, and can help with beta testing.19:26
dpmand perhaps creating an ubuntu translations tool package19:26
Mirvyeah, basically just a GUI etc. on top of that/those19:26
dpmas we were talking earlier on19:26
dpmwith all useful tools for translators19:26
adiroibanthe session should gather some feedback19:27
adiroibanand gather the requirements19:27
dpmadiroiban, might be interesting to change that topic and make it more general, perhaps expanding it to other tools19:27
adiroibani will do that19:28
dpmgreat, any other comments on that one?19:28
adiroibanit can be Ubuntu translation tools19:28
dpmsounds good19:28
adiroibanor tools for translators, etc19:28
adiroibanTranslating Ubuntu Docs, help files, training materials19:28
adiroibanright now we have Ubuntu docs in place19:29
adiroibanbut I don't know if xubuntu-docs or kubuntu-docs are updated / translated properly19:29
adiroibanalso we have OpenOffice.org docs and gnome docs19:30
adiroibanbut I don't know if the are used19:30
adiroibanand if translators are aware of that19:30
adiroibanwe now also have Ubuntu Desktop Course available for translations19:30
adiroibanthe idea of this session is to gather feedback19:30
adiroibanand see how we can improve the current ubuntu docs/help/training translation process19:31
dpmit sounds good to me, it might be interesting to have folks from the Documentation and Training teams19:31
Mirvgood thing, since it would also serve about who should be contacted so that eg. xubuntu-docs translations would actually be taken into use... and I'm not sure if kubuntu-docs package has been always cared about either19:32
adiroibanyep, this is a common session with ubuntu-docs19:32
dpmIIRC some guys from the Docs team will be there on the last days19:32
dpmok, good stuff19:33
dpmany other comments?19:33
adiroibani think we can continue :)19:33
dpmMirv, do you want to kick off your topic?19:34
Mirvyes, well the user experience of start.ubuntu.com for non-English users is still not perfect, except if all you do is use the search. 9.10 has been quite silent on the ubuntu-website list.19:34
adiroibanwe also have these bugs https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-start-page19:35
adiroibanthat will need some love19:35
Mirvand it's a co-operation between translators, docs team and the maybe bit hidden ubuntu-website team so if no-one does the initiative it seems not to take off by itself19:35
adiroibanmost of them are trivial, is just that we need to escalade them to someone with access to ubuntu.com servers19:36
Mirvnow that newz2000 has not been that active on the mailing list, there are virtually no people there discussing eg. any possible stuff done for 9.10, so I don't know if there are other people in the team eg. at Canonical or not19:36
dpmI can try to find out more and post more info on that, and perhaps try to involve the relevant people in a shared session19:37
dpmanyway, sounds good to me too, if there are no more comments, I'll go on to the next proposal19:39
Mirvit could be even just part of a larger ubuntu website session, if only the website people are found. but yes go on.19:39
dpmok, yes, I'll try to find out more19:39
dpmanyway, here's the next suggestion19:40
dpmTesting for Translations19:40
adiroibanjust a second19:40
adiroibanfor that website session19:40
dpmyes, sure, go on19:40
adiroibanmaybe we can have a session and also discuss if we can have some translations for support and participate pages19:40
adiroibanas right now they are in english19:40
adiroibanand the support page it very important to be translated19:41
Mirvyes, my idea included those, since they are linked from star.ubuntu.com19:41
adiroibanand to provide local resources19:41
adiroibanjust to be sure19:41
Mirvand like I listed in the mailing list post, there are several options19:41
adiroibandone. dpm, please19:41
dpmadiroiban, good idea. Can you add an additional point to Mirv's topic in the wiki with your suggestions?19:42
adiroibandpm: ok19:42
dpmTesting for Translations19:42
dpmCross session Translations/QA about test cases for translations. We could come up with a good blueprint for Lucid to add those kind of cases to the ISO tracke19:42
dpmit's about having a formal process for testing translations19:42
dpmbefore it's too late in the cycle19:42
dpmthe idea is to think about translations-related testcases that could go on (let me find the link...)19:43
adiroibanyep, I was thinking about translation testing19:43
MootBotLINK received:  http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/19:43
adiroibanbut I have now idea how we can describe it in a formal manner19:44
adiroibanor structured way19:44
Mirvare those automatic testing cases or manually done?19:44
Mirvmanual, right19:44
adiroibani think manual19:44
dpmadiroiban, you can have a look at some of the test cases in there ^19:44
adiroibando we have test cases for translations ?19:45
dpmadiroiban, not formal ones, that'd be the purpose of the session19:45
MirvI think those are a good idea. We have many regressions each release which are simply found by doing a simple virtualbox installation and looking around.19:45
adiroibanyep, I was saying that I don't know how we can have a formal testcase for translation19:46
dpmbut I think if we could formalize those we could get more testing coverage19:46
adiroibanrather, just to a install / usage test case with the localized version of Ubuntu19:46
adiroibanand we will need some translators to get involved in the QA part19:47
dpmadiroiban, for example something along the lines of http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d18df45d19:47
dpm(as an example of a test)19:47
dpmthe idea is that not only translators could do the test19:48
adiroibanthey are just smoke tests19:48
adiroibanas we can have some wrong translations19:48
adiroibanwe sure can discuss this durring UDS, togheter with QA team19:48
dpmadiroiban, these tests do catch errors19:48
adiroibanas they have more experience with testing19:48
dpmand I think having tests will definitely be an improvement over the current situation19:49
Mirvtesting for I18N bugs has its problems, since it's so hard to tell whether something is untranslated or untranslatable during the development period. but some tests would probably still definitely improve the situation.19:49
Mirvor maybe not that hard for us, but for mechanical testing purposes19:50
dpmI agree, I think it is something we can discuss with the testing team.19:50
adiroibanI am quite happy with the bug reports we got from Ubuntu translators during this cycle19:51
dpmadiroiban, I am too, but that would be an additional chack19:51
adiroibanand I think our developers had a lot of i18n bugs reported19:52
Mirvwe would need I18N-enthusiastic developers, in addition to us... who like to hunt such things. for many developer I18N is a burden, not something fun.19:52
Mirveg. get at least some non-English developers to use their Ubuntu in their native language19:53
Mirvand tell that any English they see is a bug :)19:53
dpmMirv, in many cases is also lack of documentation resources on translation. We've got https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Internationalisation for developers as reference19:54
dpmbut it still needs some expansion19:54
adiroibanor encourage Ubuntu developers to improve their foreign language skils and use Ubuntu in ES19:54
adiroibanfor ex :)19:54
Mirvadiroiban: heh, that too :)19:55
dpmanyway, we've only got a few minutes left19:55
adiroibanI think we can go the the next topic19:55
dpmshall I go on to the next topic or would anyone like to suggest any other ones they might have thought of?19:56
adiroibanhttps://devpad.canonical.com/~danilo/ubuntu/ is not available for normal users19:56
dpmNote that I'll move all the topics from the wiki to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityTeam/UDS, where I started adding mine19:56
MirvI only had testing in mind additionally when we started but it was already on the list, so no...19:57
dpmadiroiban, yes, we know it, danilo is going to have a look into that, as I mentioned back then on the ML19:57
dpmit's just a technical issue19:57
adiroibanare we going to have a Rosetta feedback session ?19:58
dpmadiroiban, we can have it :)19:58
adiroibantogether with Rosetta devs?19:58
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dpmadiroiban, danilo and Ursinha are going to be there, so that's definitely possible19:58
adiroibanyep, that would be great19:59
dpmperhaps not only feedback but also info from them19:59
dpmon what they'll be working19:59
dpmin the net few months19:59
dpmanyway, as I say, I'll move the topics to the general topics page (or perhaps to the Translations wiki and a link to it)20:00
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adiroibanand thank them for their hard work :)20:00
dpmwe can still continue the discussion on the ML20:00
dpmor organize another meeting if necessary20:01
adiroibandpm: i suppose you will handle session planing20:01
adiroibanI think it will be enough if you inform us what sessions were accepted20:01
adiroibanor if we have spare slots20:01
dpmadiroiban, on translations, yes20:01
adiroibanfor translations20:01
dpmof course, I can do that20:02
dpmanyway, that only leaves thanking you all for your participation20:02
Mirvsome can be then combined if needed20:02
dpmand the usual great feedback and ideas20:02
Mirvthanks to you all for your work20:02
dpmhave a nice evening and see you all soon!20:03
MootBotMeeting finished at 14:03.20:03
dpmgood night!20:04
adiroibandpm: so you are going to move the wiki content now20:04
adiroibanand we should expand it on the community/UDS page?20:04
dpmadiroiban, now I'm going to call it a day and have dinner :)20:04
Mirvbye :)20:05
dpmadiroiban, tomorrow I'll move it. I'm thinking the Translations wiki space would be best for it, in order not to clutter the general UDS page20:06
dpmand then I'd add a link on the UDS page20:06
dpmadiroiban -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/UDS20:10
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* pleia2 waves23:00
kenvandinehey greg-g23:00
swoodyhello :)23:00
pleia2ok folks, we're here for the Americas Membership Board Meeting23:00
MootBotMeeting started at 17:00. The chair is pleia2.23:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]23:00
pleia2Tenach, delphiexile, you here?23:01
Darxuspleia2: Hi :P23:01
pleia2hey Darxus :)23:01
DarxusI unfortunately need to leave now.23:01
pleia2ok, looks like we'll be starting off with kenvandine23:01
kenvandineok :)23:01
pleia2[TOPIC] Ken VanDine Membership Application23:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Ken VanDine Membership Application23:02
pleia2kenvandine: please introduce yourself and give links to your wiki and lp :)23:02
kenvandinei work on the ubuntu-desktop team, as an integration engineer23:02
kenvandineso my day job i spend working with the ubuntuone and desktop experience folks to get their stuff into ubuntu23:03
kenvandinewiki page23:03
kenvandinewhich is kind of bare... sorry about that, thought i had updated it23:03
kenvandineand LP https://launchpad.net/~ken-vandine23:04
kenvandinewhich shows my participation23:04
kenvandinesome of my significant contributions for the karmic cycle has been gwibber development and empathy messaging indicator support23:04
kenvandineas well as empathy AV chat work23:04
greg-gwhich I greatly appreciate23:04
kenvandinegoals for the future of ubuntu?  make it rock more!23:05
czajkowskiand gwibber, thank you for that23:05
kenvandinespecifically multi-user chat in empathy23:05
kenvandinemore collaboration related stuff, i am very keen on that23:05
greg-gkenvandine: what is the status of the "social from the start" desktop experience?23:06
kenvandineanything else I should talk about ?23:06
kenvandinegreg-g, postponed for lucid23:06
beunokenvandine, any LoCo work?  (hi!)23:06
Technovikingkenvandine: Do you do any work with your Loco23:06
kenvandinei will be spending lots of time on that for lucid23:06
greg-gkenvandine: cool, just curious :)23:06
kenvandineah... loco23:06
kenvandine a little23:06
kenvandinei got a bunch of CDs and handled getting them distributed at our NC loco23:06
kenvandinewith akgraner23:07
Technovikinggood good23:07
kenvandinealso spent a little time with them getting re-organized23:07
kenvandineit was just starting to come back to life when i started contributing to ubuntu (in feb)23:07
kenvandinei should do more23:07
greg-gwere you at the Atlanta Linux Fest?23:07
Technovikingkenvandine: that is great to hear23:08
kenvandinegreg-g, too much travel this year... my wife would have skinned me23:08
kenvandineakgraner is rocking it though in NC!23:08
greg-gkenvandine: understandable :)23:08
kenvandineshe's awesome :)23:08
pleia2yeah she is :)23:08
Technovikingkenvandine: anyone to cheer for kenvandine?23:08
greg-g+1 to akgraner ... oh wait, I already did that last meeting :)23:08
pleia2kenvandine: future plans?23:09
kenvandinemore gwibber and empathy work in the near future23:09
kenvandinestabilizing gwibber and adding a ton of exception handling23:09
kenvandinewhich right now there is very little :/23:09
kenvandineplenty of packaging too23:10
greg-gwow, exception handling in gwibber? amazing thought23:10
pleia2great :)23:10
kenvandinegreg-g, yeah... it WILL happen :)23:10
greg-gok, I think we're ready to vote, wanna do that speacial mootbot thing pleia2 ?23:10
pleia2[VOTE] Ken VanDine Membership23:10
MootBotPlease vote on:  Ken VanDine Membership.23:10
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot23:10
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting23:10
kenvandineoh i also contribute to gm-notify23:10
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 123:10
kenvandinewhich is indicator integration for gmail23:11
pleia2keep up the great work, kenvandine!23:11
MootBot+1 received from greg-g. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 223:11
MootBot+1 received from boredandblogging. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 323:11
Technoviking+1, if you promise to flesh out your wiki page :)23:11
greg-gthanks for all the great work, ken23:11
kenvandineTechnoviking, i will... tonight :)23:11
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 423:11
kenvandinei think i have a draft up in tomboy somewhere23:11
* beuno abstains on Canonical employees23:11
kenvandinebeuno, understand :)23:11
beunokenvandine, but you rock  :)23:11
MootBot+1 received from cody-somerville. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 523:12
greg-gcongrats, kenvandine !23:12
pleia2how do I do this thing23:13
=== fader|away is now known as fader_
TechnovikingCongrats Ken23:13
greg-g[ENDVOTE] maybe?23:13
kenvandinehey fader_23:13
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 523:13
pleia2thanks greg-g :)23:13
pleia2congrats kenvandine, welcome!23:13
nhandlerCongratulations kenvandine23:13
kenvandineexcellent :)23:13
Vantraxgrats kenvandine23:13
pleia2duanedesign: you around?23:13
swoodygrats kenvandine :D23:13
pleia2[TOPIC] Duane Hinnen Membership Application23:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Duane Hinnen Membership Application23:14
pleia2duanedesign: please introduce yourself and provide a link to your wiki and lp23:14
duanedesignmy name is Duane Hinnen23:15
duanedesignI am lead for the OKlahoma LoCo.  Where my responsibilities include but are not limited to some of the following. I welcoming new members and introduce them to the different tools the , maintaining the LoCos online resources, and organize events. I also publish a newsletter to keep the loco energized.23:15
bodhi_zazenw00t duanedesign :823:15
duanedesignI am also a proud member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team. Where I spend lots of time doing wiki work, bug triage, IRC support.23:16
ZachK_am i too late?23:16
pleia2duanedesign: cool, any plans for a karmic release party?23:16
duanedesignWe have one shaping up nicely in  OKC23:17
pleia2awesome :)23:17
duanedesignOKlahoma City23:17
beunoZachK_, no, we've just started23:17
VantraxI just like to say duanedesign's application for membership is long overdue, and hes a handy guy to have in the Beginners Team.23:17
duanedesignTulsa, is hopefully going to follow :)23:17
ZachK_i just got back from orientation for work so i was hoping to make it23:17
beunoduanedesign, how long have you been active in Ubuntu?23:18
duanedesignI also recently tok over as lead of the Beginners Team Launchpad Focus Group. Where i plan to do lots to help educate the community about LP23:18
duanedesignI have been heavily active since aprox. this time last year23:19
duanedesignbeuno: ^^23:19
greg-gduanedesign: could you tell me more about "Best of the Ubuntu Community Forums Tutorials" this is a new project to me!23:19
duanedesigngreg-g: I am glad you ask23:19
beunohelping begginners is hard work, it's great that your so involved in that23:19
Vantraxbeuno, hes good at it too23:20
duanedesigngreg-g: It is a collection of Forum tutorials and How-to's. I compile them put them in Doc Book format soo they are viewable in Yelp, like the System help23:20
greg-ginteresting.. what is the license for the content?23:21
duanedesignCCreative Commons ShareAlike 2.5 License (CC-BY-SA)23:22
duanedesigngreg-g: ^^23:22
greg-gduanedesign: awesome, good choice23:22
* greg-g works for Creative Commons (full disclosure)23:22
duanedesignI like to send out letters to tutorials authors and get their blessing. And hopefully involve them with updating the tutorials for future releases23:23
* Vantrax has found greg-g very useful because of that:P23:23
pleia2yeah, we all (ab)use greg-g :)23:23
greg-gduanedesign: I hope you get their blessing to license their work as CC:BY-SA :)23:23
pleia2[VOTE] Duane Hinnen Membership23:24
MootBotPlease vote on:  Duane Hinnen Membership.23:24
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot23:24
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting23:24
pleia2awesome work, duanedesign :)23:24
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 123:24
greg-gI do like the idea of pinging them each release for updates, keeping the tutorials current, the people engaged, all good things23:24
MootBot+1 received from greg-g. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 223:24
greg-ggood work, duanedesign23:24
Silver_Fox_BusyCan I also add my support for duanedesign?  He is very friendly,  knowledgeable and always tries to help others.  I watch on with keen interest the direction he takes the beginners launchpad focus group .  I know he will do well.23:24
MootBot+1 received from Technoviking. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 323:24
duanedesignWe also have plans to translate the project into Spanish. BOUCFT would be a wonderful tool in Latin America where internet is not always freely available23:24
MootBot+1 received from beuno. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 423:25
MootBot+1 received from boredandblogging. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 523:25
=== Silver_Fox_Busy is now known as Silver_Fox_
MootBot+1 received from cody-somerville. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 623:25
MootBotFinal result is 6 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 623:25
pleia2congrats duanedesign!23:25
swoodycongrats duanedesign :D23:25
bodhi_zazenCongrats duanedesign , long, long overdue :823:25
nhandlerCongrats duanedesign23:25
greg-gcongrats duanedesign23:25
Silver_Fox_Well done duanedesign.23:25
duanedesignthank you I humbly accept this honor :)23:25
cody-somervillew00t w00t23:25
pleia2ok, looks like luis_lopez isn't here23:26
pleia2swoody: you around?23:26
swoodyyes, pleia2 :)23:26
beunoduanedesign, welcome to the team!23:26
cody-somervilleyou're on the hot tamale train now!23:26
pleia2[TOPIC] Steve Woodruff Membership Application23:26
MootBotNew Topic:  Steve Woodruff Membership Application23:26
duanedesignthank you bueno23:26
pleia2swoody: please introduce yourself and give a link to lp and wiki23:26
swoodyMy name is Steve Woodruff...23:27
swoodyI am a member of the Ubuntu Beginner's Team, and have been since the beginning of this year23:27
swoodymy main focus so far has been trying to help new users in the Forums and on IRC23:28
swoodyI am also an adamant supporter of the Folding @ Home project23:28
bodhi_zazenswoody has been fantastic to work with, very knowledgeable and always willing to help23:28
Silver_Fox_I have known swoody through activities with UBT, more specifically the IRC support channel which I co lead.  I find him patient, helpful and always willing to offer advice to any who seek it.  He has been a real asset not only to my focus group,  but to the community as a whole.  I support this application 100%23:28
swoodybefore coming to the BT, I had also dabbled in the MOTU, and would really like to get back in touch with them in the future23:29
swoodythank you bodhi_zazen and Silver_Fox_ :)23:29
VantraxI've been involved with swoody since he started becoming active in the community. He is a valued member of the beginners team and a great contributor to the community. I strongly recommend him for membership.23:29
greg-guh oh, nixternal was one of your testimonials? ;)23:29
VantraxHe is also a valued member of the community learning project.23:29
swoodygreg-g, yes, is that a bad thing? ;)23:29
pleia2swoody: of course, that nutter is driving down 95 on his bike as we speak!23:29
greg-gswoody: you know him, right? ;)23:29
nhandlerswoody also came to the Ubuntu Chicago Global Jam event (where he brought some great cookies), and he has volunteered to give a presentation at out upcoming Karmic release party23:30
swoodyplars, haha, very true :)23:30
swoodypleia2, ^^23:30
greg-gcool re: global jam and future presentation23:30
swoodygreg-g, yes, I met him at the Chicago Loco Global Jam ;)23:30
beunoswoody, how long have you been using Ubuntu?23:30
LeAstraleCookies help everything :)23:30
ZachK_nice one with the cookies swoody23:30
talsemgeestswoody is amazing at helping new users both on the forums and IRC, and is extremely knowledgeable in doing so. He is a valued member of the Beginners Team, and I believe he would be brilliant as an ubuntu member23:30
swoodybeuno, about a year and a half now23:30
Vantraxalso i supposed in the interests of fair disclosure, I was swoodys mentor for the BT.23:30
swoodythank you all for the kind words :)23:31
VantraxThank you for your contributions and positive attitude.23:31
swoodyit's been my pleasure :)23:32
duanedesignswoody is very helpful and I support him 100%. (even if he uses folding@home instead of BOINC)23:32
swoodyduanedesign, haha, we can collaborate on a Distributed Computing team ;)23:32
pleia2[VOTE] Steve Woodruff Membership23:33
MootBotPlease vote on:  Steve Woodruff Membership.23:33
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot23:33
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting23:33
MootBot+1 received from cody-somerville. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 123:33
MootBot+1 received from pleia2. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 223:33
MootBot+1 received from boredandblogging. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 323:33
MootBot+1 received from greg-g. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 423:33
pleia2awesome work, swoody :) keep it up!23:33
MootBot+1 received from beuno. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 523:33
greg-gkeep up the good work, swoody23:33
cody-somervillew00t w00t You're on the hot tamale train tonight!23:34
swoodythank you pleia2 :)23:34
swoodyand I'll be sure to :)23:34
bodhi_zazenCongrats swoody =)23:34
nhandlerCongratulations swoody23:34
talsemgeestCongrats swoody!23:34
Vantraxwelcome to the family23:34
swoodythank you *very* much everybody :D23:34
pleia2hrm, I fail at mootbot tonight23:34
MootBotFinal result is 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 523:34
pleia2oh there it goes :)23:34
pleia2welcome, swoody!23:34
Vantraxmootbot just runs a little slow some times23:34
Silver_Fox_Well done swoody =]23:34
pleia2ZachK_: you around?23:35
greg-gtry that endvote again? or just wait?23:35
pleia2it finally took23:35
greg-goh wait, sorry, didn't see it came through, ignore me23:35
pleia2[TOPIC] Zach Kriesse Membership Application23:35
MootBotNew Topic:  Zach Kriesse Membership Application23:35
greg-gZachK_: go ahead and give your intro and links to lp and wiki pages23:35
ZachK_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Zachk18 https://launchpad.net/~zach-kleinhenz23:36
ZachK_I think some of you know me from a month or so ago...23:36
ZachK_But I'm a member of the Beginners Team, I have a padawan, and i'm a member of several focus groups and some teams on Launchpad23:37
Technoviking+! for swoody for the record, had to kick a server23:37
bodhi_zazenI am sorry I neglected to write a testimonial for ZachK_ on his wiki page :(23:37
bodhi_zazenHe has my full support in his application for membership and as you can see has made significant contributions to the Ubuntu Community, he enjoys documentation23:38
talsemgeestZachK_ has helped a lot with new users on IRC, and has done a lot on the forums. He is an integral part of the beginners team, and he has my full support for membership.23:38
ZachK_Mainly I deal in doc and wiki work. Editing pages and such but I also help new users acclimate to Ubuntu, set up a Wiki page and get into the team(Beginners Team)23:38
* Vantrax wanders over to recruit him for UCLP23:39
greg-gZachK_: I see you listed membership in the Illinoise LoCo, could you describe how that team is doing?23:40
* bodhi_zazen Go BT !!!23:40
greg-gand I know you don't represent the team, I'm more just curious about the status of that team23:40
swoodyI would also like to extend my nod of approval for ZachK_ . He has been an absolute asset to the BT, and has gone above and beyond the help others.23:40
ZachK_greg-g, i wouldn't know honestly as I finally found a LoCo team in my area...just two days ago infact23:41
greg-gah, well ok then :)23:41
beunoZachK_, it seems you're just getting started in the community, although it looks like a great start23:41
greg-gno appology necessary23:41
beunohow long have you been contributing?23:41
ZachK_beuno, some months now....but i've jumped in with both feet as the saying goes23:42
ZachK_i'm an all or nothing kind of guy23:42
bodhi_zazen"just starting" is a bit of an understatement, he has done more in the past two months then some do in years =)23:42
beunobodhi_zazen, I understand23:43
pleia2ZachK_: looks like you joined lp about 2 months ago? was there involvement prior to that elsewhere?23:43
beunobut one of the requirements is sustained contributions across time23:43
ZachK_pleia2, until ubuntu i didn't even know of lp...23:43
pleia2ZachK_: I meant in ubuntu23:43
ZachK_beuno, and i intend too23:43
beunoit's an amazing amount of work in 2 months, but still, I feel that six months is a minimum23:43
ZachK_pleia2, i've tested ubuntu before...didn't exactly know i was testing...and i promote ubuntu in the public whenever i can23:44
pleia2I have to agree with beuno here, I think we'd really like to see more long-term involvement (6 months would be great)23:45
greg-gbut at least 3 is good (and the minimum I believe)23:46
beunoZachK_, keep this up, and in 3-4 months you'll fly right through here23:46
TechnovikingZachK_: I think you are doing a great job also, but I think you need a little more time also23:46
pleia2nice work so far though, so much activity in such short time!23:46
ZachK_pleia2, i try23:46
pleia2it's appreciated :)23:46
greg-gZachK_: yeah, I really think your 2 months of work is "worth" about 6 months, but, it is just one of those things we need to keep in mind when voting23:47
ZachK_greg-g, ok23:47
greg-gZachK_: I second beuno's comment about flying through here in the next few months, too :)23:47
ZachK_greg-g, k23:47
ZachK_well thanks esteemed members of the board23:48
pleia2I think we're pretty much in agreement here, thanks for coming ZachK_!23:48
greg-gZachK_: you are welcome and we really appreciate your work23:48
* Bodsda wishes he could slip in at the end to run for membership *hint* :)23:48
beunoZachK_, it's great to have you in the community, hope to see you back soon23:48
pleia2Bodsda: sorry, some of us need to skip out :( really should put yourself on the list at least a day prior to meeting23:49
Bodsdapleia2: I know -- I was just passing this way - didnt realise there was a meeting tonight23:49
Silver_Fox_bodsa if you do it now you'll be up at the same time as me23:49
Silver_Fox_^ Bodsda ^23:49
pleia2Thanks for coming everyone, congrats kenvandine, duanedesign and swoody! Hope to see you back in a few months, ZachK_ :)23:49
BodsdaWell done BT!!!!23:49
MootBotMeeting finished at 17:49.23:49
greg-gthanks everyone!23:50
greg-gcongrats to the new members!23:50
greg-gcome back soon, ZachK_ !23:50
ZachK_thanks pleia2 greg-g23:50
swoodythank you all again! :D23:50
swoodyand congrats again to all!!!23:50
Vantraxwell done guys23:50
beunothanks for keeping Ubuntu rocking everyone23:50
Bodsdacongrats guys!23:50
Bodsdapleia2: adding my name to the Europes list now :)23:52
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