
loolDoes someone know how to send Ctrl-Alt-Fx under virtualbox?17:04
loolplars, GrueMaster: Poke, I have a hang before the timezone selection screen in ubiquity under moblin remix if I chose anything else than English17:07
loolCan you guys confirm?17:07
lool(this is under virtualbox)17:07
GrueMasterWhich snapshot?  Today's?17:08
GrueMasterDownloading now.  Will check when it finishes.17:08
plarslool: no, I got past there with today's snapshot just fine17:09
plarslool: also under virtual box17:10
sbeattielool: Ctrl-Alt-Fx> <host-key>Fx, where <host-key> here defaults to <right-ctrl>17:11
plarslool: is the battery in your b2.5 good?17:12
loolplars: I installed on 2.0 for now; need to test 2.5 now17:13
plarslool: if your battery is good, can you see if it still preserves the clock?17:13
loolsbeattie: thanks!17:13
loolplars: yes17:14
plarslool: mine is not, but could be just that my battery has recently died17:14
loolAn ARM person told me ethernet wasn't working with babbage 2.0  :-(17:14
plarsand I don't have my voltmeter handy at the moment17:14
loolplars: moblin > had you tried with non-english?17:14
loolplars: Just rebooting into the installed system, I have date/time issues on 2.017:15
plarslool: no, only english sorry17:15
plarslool: let me try non-english real quick17:17
loolOuch I see moblin-remix pulls langpacks during install even when one selects english17:18
loolFuck, system date expired my password and I cant login17:23
loolI did a ctrl-alt-del shutdown of Babbage 2.0 and it doesn't come up anymore...17:25
plarslool: I tried it in French also, and I also get past the tz select screen17:28
loolplars: Ok cool thanks17:28
loolplars: in vbox still?17:28
plarslool: yep17:28
plarsNCommander: awake?18:08
=== playya__ is now known as playya
loolplars, GrueMaster: Do you guys see output on the serial console when booting babbage boards?18:15
GrueMasterBriefly.  18:16
GrueMasterDefault doesn't put much out.18:16
plarslool: when I redirect to the console, yes18:16
loolplars: I mean bootloader18:17
GrueMasterbootloader, yes.18:17
loolI dont see anything18:17
loolOnly booting SDHC018:18
loolAnd not even always18:18
loolHmm you guys have 2.018:18
loolJamieBennett: what about you18:18
loolerr 2.518:18
plarslool: I only have 2.518:18
loolJamie has 2.018:18
loolserial cable had simply moved out18:19
plarslool: you don't even get output from redboot?18:19
plarswow, I was going to say you probably cooked your board or something :)18:20
JamieBennettSorry, just back I do have a 2.018:20
loolI hate you real world18:20
* JamieBennett reads backchat18:20
loolJamieBennett: dont bother18:20
GrueMasterI wasn't going to suggest that you plug it in.  "P18:20
plarsfunny that you got as far as the first message, then nothing after that18:21
loolNow Xorg wont come up anymore for me on Babbage 2.018:21
loolHmm probably a date issue18:21
JamieBennettlool: :) just read the back chat, if in doubt always blame the hardware first 18:24
loolEh if you use init=/bin/sh you have to ctrl-alt-f7 to talk to the shell18:24
loolJamieBennett: How do you reset the time after install of a babbage 2.0?18:28
JamieBennettAfter the time resets you have to drop to the console and use date (if you can boot to X that is)18:29
loolJamieBennett: I cant boot to X and I dont have sudo either18:30
loolIt fails due to the time skew18:30
JamieBennettlool: I haven't experienced that. Even though the time resets I've always been able to boot to X18:30
JamieBennettI can give todays image a try though18:30
loolplease do18:31
JamieBennettlool: OK18:31
JamieBennettdownloading now18:31
loolare you at home?18:32
JamieBennettlool: yes, why?18:32
loolJamieBennett: Ok just wondering18:32
loolJamieBennett: I mean you're expected to be doing RC testing anyway  :)18:32
JamieBennettNot at 6:30pm :P18:33
JamieBennettFarming the kids off to bed in 30 minutes so I'll devote some more time tonight to testing18:33
loolEh right18:33
plarslool: normally the time skew doesn't cause *that* bad of problems for me... just that it makes me change my password every time I login, or use sudo18:34
JamieBennettplars: exactly what I was getting (last tested a couple of days ago)18:35
loolPerhaps sudo -i would work18:35
JamieBennettplars: password reset every login until you set the date then its fine until you take the power away18:36
plarsJamieBennett: right, that bug is supposed to be fixed though :(18:37
JamieBennettplars: I'm going to test in T minus 10 minutes :)18:37
JamieBennett(download time)18:37
loolOh it kept the date once18:40
loolAh no18:40
loolit ntped18:40
plarslool: I reopened it18:40
plarslool: also I looked at the kernel from yesterday, and it still seems to contain the fixes that were in that changeset18:40
plarsGrueMaster: are you able to make it through the dove install?18:42
plarsI'm dying with InstallStepError in configure_bootloader()18:42
plarscould be related to NCommander stuff he did on partman? maybe?18:43
GrueMasterHaven't gotten to that platform yet.  Just finishing up unr & imx51 install testing.18:43
loolIf I use startx, the server comes up fine18:44
looland if I start gdm it doesn't18:46
loolOk got it18:52
loolmy 2.5 doesn't boot if I pull too much power with too many devices up18:53
JamieBennettlool: ? Does that mean you solved your problem ? (installing todays image now)18:54
loolJamieBennett: No  :-(18:56
loolI gave up on babbage 2.0 to see how a 2.5 behaves for me18:56
loolI saw /var/log/gdm/(null).log files and thought it was looking bad18:57
JamieBennettlool: OK leave it with me. I'll see what my board does18:58
JamieBennettlool: live cd has pulled up the right time, I presume from the last install and the battery backup19:03
JamieBennettinstalling a full system now19:03
JamieBennett(and its been unplugged for at least 2 days)19:04
loolJamieBennett: If you have network plugged in, it ntp-ed it19:04
JamieBennettlool: confirmed. Removed eth cable, unplugged, rebooted live cd, back to Jan 1st 1970.19:09
JamieBennettAlso why is it so hard to click on London in Ubiquity?19:11
loolJamieBennett: Do you get gdm to startup on an installed system?19:17
loolJamieBennett: Also could you check ls /var/log/gdm for funny names like mine19:17
JamieBennettlool: still installing but I'll check19:28
=== asac_ is now known as asac
loolplars: I had a successful time keep on 2.520:40
loolplars: I only unplugged for 10 seconds20:40
loolBut I unplugged everything20:40
looland booted without network and time/date was kept20:40
JamieBennettlool: booted the installed image, saw GDM briefly then blank screen :(20:46
loolOh you did see it20:46
loolJamieBennett: I personally suspect the depth changes20:46
loolJamieBennett: I think I'll try with mxcfb on the cmdline20:47
loolJamieBennett: Did you manage to login etc.?20:47
JamieBennettlool: saw the image but no text i.e. the box, backdrop but nothing else then flickered out20:47
JamieBennettno, saw it for 1/2 second or so20:47
loolJamieBennett: Sorry, I mean can you fix the time/date frm console?20:48
loolCause I found it quite hard to workaround the date/time issues20:48
JamieBennettcan't even login in at the moment (from another console). Its not accepting the password I set it to20:50
plarslool: so are you thinking that all of our batteries are just failing?20:51
JamieBennettlool, date from the console worked fine20:57
JamieBennett(with a sudo and a password change again)20:58
loolplars: So you lost hte date?21:02
plarslool: yes, that's what I was saying this morning21:03
loolplars: I kept my 2.5 off for 10 minutes or so and it kept time/date21:03
loolplars: Who else has the issue?21:03
loolplars: We see the issue JamieBennett and I on 2.0, but I kind of expected that it would be poorly supported21:04
loolplars: Might be good to test your voltage21:04
plarslool: ah, this morning it sounded like you were also having the clock issue21:04
JamieBennettSo we have failing batteries again? Was is ever fixed?21:04
loolplars: One thing you might want to try is booting the board without network and DVI and plugging them after some 5 seconds21:04
loolplars: I had it ... on 2.021:04
loolplars: But 2.0 is so broken, you can't imagine21:04
loolplars: And I think I found my problem with 2.521:04
loolplars: What I thought were corruptions aren't21:05
loolWhat was happening was a heisenbug which resolved itself after I rewrote my SD card21:05
plarsok, really hoping this is just my battery21:05
loolBut actually it didn't change anything21:05
* JamieBennett waits for a 2.5 next week21:05
loolI just had luck booting the second time21:05
loolNow I can consistenly boot my 2.5 fine IF I unplug network and DVI21:05
loolIf I keep them both, it often fails21:06
plarslool: what about if you just keep one of them?21:06
plarslool: did you ever solder those connections for the ground issue? could be the same thing we saw before on the network21:07
loolplars: I need to try; I had the impression network was a worse offender and it's brought up by redboot21:07
plarsoh, so you're getting power on, just failing later21:07
loolI'm pretty sure redboot doens't touch dvi so I would blame the network powe consumption, unless power is misconfigured on shutdown and the config is preserved across power off21:08
loolI never soldered the grounding stuff21:08
loolI wonder whether I should be soldering by 2.0 now21:08
loolI'm a software guy!  I'll try mxcfb= first   :-P21:09
loolGod it's 10pm and I didn't manage to test UNR and Dove yet21:09
plarslool: I just managed to finish installing dove, hit a ubiquity issue21:10
plarsI was wondering if it was due to the new stuff michael worked on, but the second time through it worked for me21:11
plarswe'll see if it boots now21:11
loolplars: I could boot 2.5 with just network unplugged; not a 100% test but it looks like it's the main issue21:14
loolJamieBennett: are you using a USB hub?21:15
JamieBennettfor keyboard and mouse only21:15
JamieBennettthumb drive is plugged directly in21:15
loolI wonder whether it's causing the excessive power pull21:16
loolI reproduced the IO errors on SATA port with the new cables21:17
loolCursor spins, then if I try to switch to console it hangs and I can't SSH21:17
* lool hugs his 2.521:19
playyahmm. io errors with sata cabels? i'm fighting with this error, too22:19
playyaalready ran a fsck for days without a result22:19
playyalool, do you think i should exchange my cables?22:20
loolplayya: You have a Babbage 2.x?22:28
loolplayya: We have a very specific issue with Babbage boards; it doesn't relate to the cables but we need special cables to use its SATA port22:28
loolThe port works fine most of the time, except when opening a GNOME session22:28
playyalool, ah ok. i have a problem with a MyBook disk on my PC :(22:35

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