
asacfta: past midnight ;)00:00
ftathe bug is just that it should create and populate the directory if it's missing00:00
asaci will paste it to the bug now00:00
asacit looked not hard to fix when i looked00:00
asacbug 45678900:00
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456789)00:01
asacfta: oh. i think the need for the daily CVS branches just vanished as we take over firefox-3.0 ;)00:01
micahgasac: yeah, this is kinda crazy : added 32578 changesets with 156373 changes to 49869 files (+7 heads)00:02
asacso i wont file a bug on CVS LOCAL_BRANCH00:02
asacunless you think we want that at somepoint anyway00:02
asacmicahg: right ;)00:02
ftaaren't nspr and nss still in cvs?00:04
ftawell, we don't daily build them anyway00:04
asacyes we dont want dailies for them00:05
asacthe branch policy is not understood ;)00:05
ftanope, svn00:05
ftaand it seems dead too00:05
asacis svn buggy too?00:05
asaci will talk to plasticmillion00:05
asaci think it works00:05
asacso its probably in maintenance mode00:05
ftathe package is a mess, too many hacks around old .webapp files00:06
asacok. who was that at last UDS that wanted to work on prism?00:09
asaci mean on a prism app navigator or something00:09
asache started a spec iirc00:09
asacgot it00:09
asacyeah rainct00:10
asac   3.00:10
asac1. Create a webapp Repository for prism00:10
asac2. ship that repository in a _single_ ubuntu package00:10
asac3. extend prism with a app repository browser the user can use to navigate the DB and add applications out of it.00:10
asac4. define the process and requirements websites to be added to such a package.00:10
asachmm does that work?00:11
asacme checks00:11
asache .. .it really works somewhat00:12
asacso maybe a good start ;)00:12
asacto make a good prism experience in ubuntu00:12
asacnot sure if we should rather look for a more upstreawm solution00:13
asaci guess i should ask him what he wants ;)00:13
asacmicahg: anything you need from me still before i drop out?00:15
micahgI don't think so00:15
asacdid i forget to sync something or so?00:15
asaccu then00:15
* asac off00:15
* BUGabundo $ echo sleep > /proc/sys/human/BUGabundo; reboot00:31
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
asacNafallo: hey ;)10:16
asacNafallo: are you there?10:16
asacNafallo: did you try blueman DUN stuff?10:16
asac(from blueman dailies)?10:17
asacwalmis made a new upstream release ... so if that works we might consider getting that still into the archive10:17
asacand wonder if you would be willing to help ;)10:17
Nafalloasac: only from the karmic archive. but sure. can do.10:20
asacNafallo: cool. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blueman/+bug/45703810:21
asacwalmis will add info about this release to that bug ...10:21
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/457038)10:21
asacNafallo: oh. karmic archive still works with NM 0.8?10:22
asacNafallo: i assume you are working now ... so lets check that this evening?10:22
asachave to travel a bit over lunch time and do other stuff ... so that would work here10:23
Nafalloasac: dunno what NM I have. is 0.8 the one in karmic?10:23
Nafalloin that case yes.10:23
asaclets check later tonight. will try to get walmis to put the rrequired info in this bug10:24
asac[reed]: is moz doing something wrt US export restrictions?13:09
asac[reed]: i assume since ffox gets mirrored there is not much you can do13:10
Nafalloasac: have you packaged it yet?13:15
asacNafallo: no ... thats one of the things that needs to be done ;)13:18
asaci would think its just a new upstream tarball13:18
asacbut i am not really python-fu king13:18
eagles0513875!language | asac13:19
ubottuasac: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:19
asac!dontfoolasac | eagles051387513:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dontfoolasac13:19
Nafalloasac: go do it then you lazy... ;-)13:19
eagles0513875Nafallo: why dont you do it asac is far from lazy13:20
Nafalloeagles0513875: because I'm busy making the release happening :-P13:20
eagles0513875hes the king of this team probably works the hardest out of half the people that idle in here13:20
Nafalloeagles0513875: without the servers = no release ;-)13:20
asacNafallo: if you cannot do it ... all fine13:20
Nafalloasac: not at the moment for sure :-P13:20
asacjust had you in mind since you were MOTU and used blueman ... ;)13:21
Nafallohave to wire up another server13:21
eagles0513875asac: i really look up to u and the normal few like bdrung and av and andv13:21
eagles0513875heheh tahts fun13:21
eagles0513875i like server admin stuff13:21
asacNafallo: thought more like the evening13:21
eagles0513875wish i could contribute some vm's here in malta for packaging and what not13:21
asacbut its fine13:21
Nafalloasac: yeah. not sure if I'll have time thou.13:21
asacwill try to find someone else13:21
eagles0513875Nafallo: nice download speeds btw from latest beta locations of server and kubuntu13:21
eagles0513875getting 1mbps download most of the time13:21
eagles0513875Nafallo: random question im trying to download the kubuntu beta iso and for some reason with ff the download stop then to start it again i pause it then play it again to get the download moving again13:22
eagles0513875is that ff bug or something else13:22
eagles0513875this is ff on win13:23
asacwindows has a crappy net stack still13:23
asacfeels like a bad router and MTU problem13:23
asacbut thats just my first idea13:23
eagles0513875router = linksys router13:23
eagles0513875does that mean that i probably need a firmware upgrade13:23
asaccould be provider13:23
eagles0513875or to turn off my modem and router and turn back on13:23
asacnot necessarily your router13:24
eagles0513875isp is crap here13:24
asaccould be your router, your windows, or provider ... i would suggest to manually lower MTU13:24
asacand see if that helps13:24
asaclike try 140013:24
eagles0513875if i can figure out how on vista13:24
asaceagles0513875: usually you set that for your network nick ... or your pppoe connection or something13:27
fta223466 root      20   0 2210m 2.0g 1412 R  191 51.4 144:20.11 kvm16:11
fta217886 root      20   0 2442m  29m 1288 R  100  0.7 243:51.52 qemu-system-x8616:11
fta2jdstrand, ^^16:11
jdstrandfta2: can you elaborate?16:11
fta2i retried the same thing as yesterday but on a x64 quad core host16:12
fta2it's very slow16:12
fta2even with 2 cores and 2GB of RAM16:13
fta2for some reason, virt-manager doesn't list the VM, so i have to use virsh16:13
jdstrandfta2: can you paste the output of 'virsh dumpxml <vm name>'16:13
jdstrandfta2: I noticed yesterday that you were launching virt-install as root. this is not usually needed. You should add yourself to the libvirtd group and use all libvirt commands as non-root16:14
fta2jdstrand, i didn't initially, but as it didn't work, i looked at the wiki for instructions, it says to use sudo there16:16
jdstrandfta2: that seems like a problem with the wiki16:16
jdstrandfta2: the xml looks fine afaics16:17
jdstrandfta2: perhaps the host is swapping or needs other <features>16:17
jdstrandfta2: I'm not sure. I should note that I am not a libvirt/kvm guru-- I wrote the apparmor dirver, but others (perhaps in #ubuntu-server and/or #ubuntu-virt will be much more helpful than I16:18
jdstrandfta2: obviously, if there are bugs in the apparmor driver, I'm the own to talk to, but others are going to be more knowledgeable getting windows going with kvm/libvirt16:19
jdstrandI've only done that a few times, and it was long ago16:19
jdstrandfta2: I'm not trying to be difficult. It's just that I want you to get the best feedback for your time16:25
fta2np, i understand16:25
fta2the thing is, if i file another bug and get another "WontFix because i don't have time", there's really no point in me spending time on this either. I should just switch to something more usable16:36
micahgasac: prism's broke18:55
micahganyway to get 1.0b1 in ?18:55
Jazzvaasac: I submitted the fix for bug 452422. Could you please review it? https://code.launchpad.net/~jazzva/mozilla-devscripts/lp452422/+merge/1372319:16
JazzvaThanks :)19:16
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/452422)19:16
ftaok, i'm also experiencing bug 22844219:52
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/228442)19:52
ftai'm sick of kvm & libvirt19:52
fta(and of ubottu)19:52
=== asac_ is now known as asac
micahgfta: is prism 1.0b1 built already?20:37
kaddiHi, I have a problem with my Thunderbird. Nothing happens when I click on a link. (Default browser is set to firefox and I tried setting an alternative browser in about:config without success)20:38
av`kaddi, since when TB has about:config?20:38
kaddiav`: you go to options, tehn advanced and in the general tab you click "advanced configuration (about:config)" and you get it displayed. Otherwise you can look for it in prefs.js in your profile I suppose20:40
av`kaddi, alwais worked for me20:41
av`kaddi, is there a bug open for it somewhere?20:41
kaddiit worked for me as well up til a couple of weeks ago20:41
kaddinot yet, since I'm not sure if this is a bug or a missing setting20:41
kaddihaven't looked for bugs yet20:41
kaddiwhere should I look for bugs? launchpad?20:42
av`kaddi, anyway don't say I changed stuff on about:config just say TB options since about:config is more a ffox thing20:43
av`plus I don't you should hack config files directly20:45
av`if the option on normal settings does not work20:45
av`then we have a problem20:45
kaddiav`: there is no option in normal setting that I am aware of where you can set an alternative browser. If there is I didn't find it20:46
av`kaddi, don't have TB at hand, I use claws-mail20:46
av`which allows you to define which browser you wanna open20:47
av`directly in normal configuration20:47
av`(cause it's highly customizable)20:47
kaddilaunchpad is deadslow20:51
av`kaddi, try claws-mail20:51
av`kaddi, if you want a slim mail client with high customizable options20:52
kaddiI want my thunderbird to work most of all :p I've got years of emails stored and classified with it20:52
kaddibut I'll give claws-mail a look20:52
av`kaddi, your problem looks to me pretty strange20:53
av`I've alwais managed to have my TB working all the time with links --> browser20:53
micahgkaddi: I set a user.js file to open firefox for me20:53
micahgthen again, I want it to open ff3.6 instead of the default20:53
av`kaddi, micahg will help you since he runs TB20:54
av`kaddi, I've found the bug20:56
av`kaddi, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/13630320:56
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/136303)20:56
av`kaddi, they suggest http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=910152&postcount=320:56
av`kaddi, to summarize20:57
av`user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.http", "/usr/bin/firefox");20:57
av`user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.https", "/usr/bin/firefox");20:57
av`open up prefs.js20:57
av`and add those lines20:57
av`it should do the work from what they say20:58
av`kaddi, plus they say this issue happened on karmic while it wasnt there for the two previous releases20:59
kaddiyeah, just checked.. I guess I made that modification before closing TB last time, cause it is gone20:59
kaddiand with it, it now works :)20:59
av`so you upgraded and you found out the bug20:59
av`great ;)20:59
kaddik, when I can reach launchpad, I'll add a post that I'm affected too and how I resolved it :) I guess they're not getting the default browser correclty. At least for kubuntu21:00
av`kaddi, yeah, would be nice to have it fixed21:01
av`and happy you fixed it21:01
kaddiok, I posted :) Thanks for the help.21:25
kaddigood night :)21:25
av`u too :)21:25

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