
ryanakca... many canadian cities have forts... Kingston (several, Henry, Frontnac, Frederick, etc.), Quebec, Halifax, Montreal, etc., huge ditches, deep limestone walls, towers and all the trimmings00:29
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (zaboo)02:27
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:10
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:10
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:10
ubottuIn ubottu, Magnesium said: What is 2+2?05:32
MenZaMorning jussi01 :)09:20
ubottuznh called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:05
MenZavox: such children these days. :(10:14
* MenZa goes for breakfast.10:14
voxi asked nicely10:14
voxbut no10:14
* vox shrug10:14
jussi01vox: have you checked your bans in #ubuntu to make sure any old/stale ones are removed?10:15
voxi.. dont think i've banned anyone10:15
voxoh wait, i did a couple of days ago10:16
voxmy first #ubuntu ban10:16
voxoh how my heart fluttered10:16
gordthats not because of the ban, ubuntu op stress is just getting to your major organs10:17
voxthat's.. a big banlist10:19
jussi01vox: hence we want you to keep your bans clean10:19
* MenZa , again, mentions how freenode needs a Super-Duper-HIGHLY-extended banlist.10:24
* tonyyarusso guesses there are bans in there from people who aren't even opping anymore10:24
voxwhat's the stance on multiple clients from the same source address?10:24
jussi01MenZa: nope, it just needs people to take care of bans...10:24
tonyyarussoI'd disagree MenZa - bigger banlists just let us be lazier.10:24
jussi01vox: allowed, but not too many...10:24
MenZaI suppose10:24
tonyyarussoI'll bet 50% of the ones currently standing don't actually need to be there.10:24
jussi01vox: whats freenodes policy? ;)10:25
jpdsMenZa: Again, we do have a super banlist.10:25
* MenZa proposes a bantriage!10:25
jpdsMenZa: Freenode only allows 50 bans a channel, with the +L mode, we're allowed 200, I believe.10:25
tonyyarussoWe need some peons to do menial labor of comparing every single ban to bantracker notes10:25
jussi01MenZa: be my guest... if you can rally everyone to actually look at their bans...10:25
MenZaI'd be happy to run though some of them.10:25
MenZaIt's no different than doing a five-a-day.10:26
jussi01tonyyarusso: or we cauld write some software to do it :P10:26
tonyyarussojussi01: Feel free?  (I couldn't)10:26
MenZaIt doesn't seem like that much of a chore.10:26
voxjussi01: several10:27
jussi01tonyyarusso: we are currently testing some stuff that will help people keep track of it better10:27
jussi01tonyyarusso: and also, you realise you can search by operator in the bt?10:27
MenZaon +b, ubottu should prompt user for a ban reason => simple!10:27
tonyyarussojussi01: Yeah - I usually do that for my own, but I don't think everyone does.10:27
jussi01tonyyarusso: Honestly, many of the tools exist, but people dont know about them, dont use them or are just lazy10:28
tonyyarussojussi01: see above comment that I think some people may have bans who aren't even active, or cases like vox where someone random may place and ban and completely forget about it.10:28
jussi01tonyyarusso: Ive checked - there are only a few like that - at least in #ubuntu10:29
tonyyarussojussi01: agreed, but pinpointing that some people aren't taking care of their own doesn't make our massive banlist shorter - only actions do.10:29
tonyyarussojussi01: Good to know.10:29
jussi01tonyyarusso: this is mostla a caser of people just not doing it. Now as I said, we are working on tools to make this easier - if you have time and coding ability we would love to have you contribute.10:32
Flanneljussi01: I do!10:32
* Flannel has been meaning to get around to mentioning that since that email...10:33
jussi01Flannel: excellent! also, I notice you had a few bans the other day... have you cleaned up?10:33
FlannelI don't have any recent bans I don't think, but I'll be sure to take a look10:33
bazhangI've got two quiets, one of which I was advised to leave longer term; sniper_jesus ' one10:34
FlannelWow, spaceghost is quite rude.10:35
jussi01Flannel: and anyone else interested, feel free to join #ubuntu-bots-devel10:53
bazhangeyes on hajuu in -ot11:59
MenZahe was in #u earlier as well12:14
bazhangmuted now in PM12:14
bazhangerr quieted?12:15
* MenZa tilts head12:21
MenZai.e. /ignore -QUERY? :p12:21
gord"muted, now in pm" i guess12:23
pleia2jpds: will need to restart the ubot, I had to reboot the server this morning (sorry for not warning you)12:46
jpdspleia2: That's fine, hit it.13:04
* jpds unconfuses himself.13:11
jpdspleia2: Should be coming back now.13:12
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:02
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ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:02
ubottuIn ubottu, dconlon said: Ok no one is helping there. Sorry for polluting this channel14:48
MenZahello, Hajuu.15:10
bazhangHajuu, you were asked repeatedly to remain on topic and yet continued nonetheless15:10
HajuuI wasnt the only one though.15:10
HajuuI think you're being a bit short sighted ;)15:11
HajuuI'm not some kind of.. irc martr15:11
bazhangyou have a long history as well15:11
HajuuSure, of being banned for answering 'off topic' questions, as randomly deemed.15:11
HajuuI dont see why in a general ubuntu channel15:11
HajuuI cant discuss gaming on ubuntu15:11
Hajuuno less when literally probably 5 people were discussing it15:11
bazhanglesbians is not on topic15:11
Hajuuyet I was the only one silenced.15:11
HajuuI posted that in offtopic ;)15:12
HajuuI thought it was a genuine distribution and was having a 'wtf' moment15:12
bazhangyou fooled with the bot in #ubuntu doing that15:12
HajuuHow's that?15:12
HajuuMeh it really doesn't seem important anyway. You claim it was offtopic, I claim it was not. To me in either case, a few hours silenced is sufficient.15:13
HajuuI can either help, or not.15:13
MenZaHajuu: You're not in a position to put forth ultimatums.15:13
HajuuDoesn't seem worthy of spending time discussing however.15:13
MenZaNoone's forcing you to stay.15:14
Hajuu*shrug* it makes no difference to me, like I say I wanted to be unsilenced from #ubuntu so I could help someone.15:14
HajuuI'm not trying to be like that heh15:14
bazhangHajuu, you are not interested in re-joining the channel (ie being unmuted)?15:14
HajuuBut surely over a disagreement of content matter, isn't worth me spending time actively trying to be unsilenced after hours. To me, the few hours silence is punishment enough.15:15
HajuuI wasn't spamming or being a neusance15:15
HajuuI was trying to assist someone.15:15
MenZaHajuu: #ubuntu doesn't operate with a karma system. It's not like you help someone, and then you're allowed to break a rule or two.15:16
HajuuWhether gaming in ubuntu is offtopic or not is the issue, and whether that warrents an ongoing silence or a few hours. That's your decision.15:16
MenZaHajuu: You abide by the rules, or you don't.15:16
Hajuu*shrug* like I say, its a difference of opinion in my view.15:17
HajuuI wasnt 'breaking the rules' I was discussing an ubuntu-related activity15:17
MenZaYou're not in a position to argue your opinion.15:17
Hajuuin a general ubuntu chat room15:17
MenZa#ubuntu is not general in any case.15:17
HajuuOk. Great.15:17
HajuuVery diplomatic.15:17
MenZaIt's a *support* forum.15:17
Hajuu"We're right. you cant disagree or else!"15:17
MenZaHajuu: The IRC Council, who created these rules, were appointed by the community. The community set these rules.15:18
MenZaI also suggest you read the Code of Conduct and IrcGuidelines before you continue15:18
MenZa!coc | Hajuu15:18
ubottuHajuu: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/15:18
MenZa!guidelines | Hajuu15:18
ubottuHajuu: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:18
MenZaThat should help you get started.15:18
HajuuId rather not waste any more time, thus why I was propositioning you, as you put it.15:18
Hajuudon't worry, I wont help in there, and im sure you wont care.15:18
HajuuGood day.15:18
MenZaSome people...15:19
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (drones joining, may want to have +r set while they persist, depending on what they're doing)17:04
nalioththey are joining and being klined as they join17:05
mneptokHajuu also seems to have been off-topic and decidedly unhelpful in -server, GWIW19:03
* jussi01 bites ikonia19:19
jussi01ikonia: pm19:19
ikoniasure sure19:19
MenZamneptok: Indeed.19:30
MenZamneptok: That's why I took the hard approach.19:30
mneptokMenZa: oh, did you ban/remove him from -server?19:30
MenZaJust the above log19:30
MenZamneptok: I have no authority in server. :)19:32
MenZamneptok: To put it bluntly, I'm expecting him to continue where he left off in -ot, though.19:32
ikoniahe's been quiet in server for a while now19:32
MenZaSpeak of the devil.19:32
MenZaSee -ot.19:33
mneptoki haven't seen -ot in months, and it's going to stay that way ;)19:34
* jussi01 ban forwards mneptok to -ot :P19:34
MenZamneptok: The moment I finished writing the above lines, I tabbed to /w 719:35
MenZa[2009-10-21 18:31:43 UTC] < Hajuu> you become a lvl 9 asstaco.19:35
MenZa[2009-10-21 18:31:47 UTC] < Hajuu> How does that feel?19:35
MenZaremoved for now.19:36
ubottuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-server (Hajuu)19:36
ikoniadamn it19:36
ikoniano grunt in -server19:36
ikoniaI thought I had that19:36
MenZaThere we go, banned19:36
mneptoksame here19:36
ikoniahelp in -server please19:37
ikoniaPici: jussi01 elky Pici19:37
mneptok!ops | Hajuu -server19:37
ubottuHajuu -server: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:37
ubottumneptok called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (Hajuu -server)19:37
ikoniaI'll check what happened to my rights in -server19:37
ikonianiko: big thanks19:38
mneptokniko: /k please?19:39
* MenZa sighs.19:40
ikoniahe's long gone19:41
nikosorry, he floods me a lot19:41
nikoon pv19:41
nikodo you want me to change the ban ?19:44
nikolike Hajuu*!*@* perhaps ?19:45
ikoniayou're call19:45
mneptokPici: ping19:55
MenZaniko: I just have *!*@hostmask in -ot.20:15
MenZaHajuu*!*@* is just.. bad in some way :\20:16
* MenZa dislikes nickbans - they're the last resort.20:16

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