
mihalisxfseeis apparmor still being developed for ubuntu?00:30
tonyyarussomihalisxfsee: It certainly is still being used in Ubuntu - I don't know about where the development happens.00:34
mihalisxfseei am a litle bit woried about this SElinux's substitute (wonderful though) future after crispin cowan's left!00:36
mihalisxfseesorry my connection went out01:05
zulmathiaz: no i havent01:31
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skuldanybody care to help me with this postfix/dovecot/mysql configuration problem I'm having?02:42
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crohakonThink it would be beneficial to me to reinstall ubuntu server edition without and of the servers installed during install but rather install them one at a time post install?02:57
d33dQuestion - is it viable to run a server locally on my Desktop machine (laptop) for a sandbox? or will it just get too junked up by everything?03:22
KurtKrautd33d, you do you mean by 'junked up by everything'?03:24
d33dI mean - is it a bad idea to mix server with desktop...03:25
smackdaddyi need help getting virtualhost to work for apache2..   both of my domains go to the /var/www when i specify for the 2nd domain to go to /var/www203:26
skuldwow, I had that very simular problem this afternoon....I think I got it resolved, but I can't see because I can't connect to my own web pages on my own server!03:26
crohakond33d; If it is just for a sandbox I don't think it would matter much. But it might be a better idea to install it on a spare box and console it up.03:27
skulddid you use the ServerName myexamplesite1.com in each VirtualHost?03:27
d33dno spare box - what about VirtualBox?03:27
smackdaddyskuld, yes03:28
skuldokay, ummmm..... let me see....03:31
skuldin the second domain, it was different than the first one, I'm assuming....03:31
smackdaddyhow do i enable from sites-available to sites-enabled03:32
skuldok...yeah, I forgot that servername directive03:32
skuldI copyied them to sites-enabled03:32
smackdaddyoh thatsall?03:32
skulddid that help?03:37
smackdaddyits sayin this crap03:40
smackdaddy[Tue Oct 20 21:36:13 2009] [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could not resolve host name ejsweetsonline.com -- ignoring!03:40
smackdaddy[Tue Oct 20 21:36:23 2009] [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Failed to resolve server name for (check DNS) -- or specify an explicit ServerName03:40
smackdaddybut it resolves for me03:40
smackdaddy* Dns resolved ejsweetsonline.com to
smackdaddydont even know what the hell this ip is --->
aubredid that deadlock bug ever get sorted out? I was gone longer than I thought I would be and didn't get a chance to test it03:43
aubrethe UEC deadlock bug?03:44
skuldis ejsweetsonline.com your domain?03:44
smackdaddyim running dns serveron this box too03:45
skuldfor servername are you using an ip address or name?03:46
smackdaddyshould there be anything in ports.conf03:47
skulddo you have like an example.com in your sites-enabled?03:47
smackdaddyyea i made a file for each site03:48
smackdaddythis is what i have in ports.conf03:48
skulddo you specifically have example.com?03:48
smackdaddyshould this be there03:48
smackdaddyNameVirtualHost ejsweetsonline.com:8003:48
smackdaddyNameVirtualHost cconnectx.com:8003:48
smackdaddyListen 8003:48
skuldI'm assuming cconnectx.com is your other domain?03:49
skuldyeah, that's fine03:49
skulddo you have something like:  <VirtualHost *:80>03:53
smackdaddyno i replaced that with the domain name:8004:00
smackdaddyfor each config file04:00
skuldtry just using *:8004:01
skuldwith the servername directive below.  that's what got mine to work04:02
smackdaddyok restarting...04:02
smackdaddyok it said this...04:03
aubreI wonder if the fact that I am using XFS on my CC and NC would cause my UEC SC volumes to fail to attach to instances?04:03
smackdaddy * Restarting web server apache2                                                [Tue Oct 20 22:03:13 2009] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 80, the first has precedence04:03
smackdaddy[Tue Oct 20 22:03:13 2009] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 80, the first has precedence04:03
smackdaddy[Tue Oct 20 22:03:13 2009] [warn] NameVirtualHost cconnectx.com:80 has no VirtualHosts04:03
smackdaddy[Tue Oct 20 22:03:13 2009] [warn] NameVirtualHost ejsweetsonline.com:80 has no VirtualHosts04:03
smackdaddy ... waiting04:03
skuldwhere you have your namevirtualhost...change the name to the IP address instead04:05
smackdaddyand its NameAlias *.whatever.com to make wildcard?04:06
smackdaddyokit worked04:06
skuldnow if I can just get my server working! LOL04:06
smackdaddywhats wrong with urs04:06
skuldI've been 'told' that my sites are up, but I can't validate it by navigating to them from my laptop04:07
skuldinternal netowrk)04:07
smackdaddyill test it.. whats the site04:07
skuldhttp://www.intelatech.net is one04:08
smackdaddyya its working04:08
skuldthat's a relief, but I can't surf my own pages! LOL...I can get to my server if I use my eth2 IP (192.x.x.x) though04:09
smackdaddycan you get to other pages04:09
skuldyes, any other pages on the Net, just not my own04:09
smackdaddyblank page or what?04:11
smackdaddycan you ping04:11
skuldI can ping, yes, I get..."Could not connect"...I think...let me try it again04:11
smackdaddyflush dns04:12
skuld"unable to connect"  very fast04:12
skuldhow do I do that wiht the console?04:12
smackdaddyin windows04:12
skuldoh.  you know I've never done that command04:12
smackdaddyipconfig /flushdns04:13
smackdaddyin win04:13
smackdaddydont know the linux04:13
skuldI can't do it..."the command requires elevation"04:13
smackdaddywhat os r u on04:14
smackdaddyrunn command as administrator04:15
smackdaddyright click and click run as admin04:15
skuldokay, I guess my windows is foobarred too...I click run as admin but nothing happens LOL04:17
smackdaddyya i m using win7 and it lets me run anything04:18
smackdaddydont know vista04:18
smackdaddynvr used it04:18
skuldbe glad04:18
smackdaddyxpto 704:18
smackdaddydo you know a good webmail server solution for ubuntu04:21
smackdaddyoh instead of flushdns.. restart..04:21
skuldI'm in the middle of installing postfix/dovecot with mysql for my mail solution.....i've used....um.... round somehtingorother email before for the web04:21
smackdaddypostfix cool04:22
skuldI think it was roundcubemail04:22
skuldokay, I'm going to try something....04:22
skuldhopefully I won't get disconnected...04:23
smackdaddysounds like a dns problem..but im not sure04:23
smackdaddyor browser04:23
JJman6How can i give a user permissions to upload files to a web directory.  I've added that user to the admin group & even www-data group and still it says permission denied04:34
senkushathis really sucks, I *have* to use firestarter to get my laptop and any other computer on my internal network onto the internet....yet I can't see my own stupid webpages from my own server! GRRR04:39
crohakonI have successfully set up my first LAMP server!04:39
senkushachmod 777 dirname04:41
senkushaor even chmod 776 dirname04:41
senkusha....I've tried numerous tutorials on the web for masquarading (sp?) port forwarding and stuff for internet connection sharing, nothing seems to work -- except by using Firestarter with ICS turned on04:43
senkushaI'm sure something in my network config is messed up for me not to surf my own webpages04:43
senkusha...and I can ping my own sites by domain name, they connecct, I can also connect to my apache server by internal IP, not by domain name though.04:44
crohakonare the name server set up and propagated?04:45
crohakonis the domain name www.yourdomain.com set to target your IP?04:45
senkushaI'm not sure04:45
crohakonHow long ago was the request made to have your domain target your IP?04:46
senkushafor example:  http://www.intelatech.net is set to (216.x.x.x)04:46
senkushait's worked before when I used Fedora Core 704:46
crohakonAnd it has work prior?04:46
senkushajust not since I've moved to ubuntu server04:46
crohakonThat is about the extent I can help then =)04:46
senkushaother people can see my sites, just not me04:47
senkushaand I don't use a router....just linux with two NICs04:48
crohakonso if you type in the domain name in your web browser you do not get directed to your site? But if you type in the local ip you do? But people outside of your land can use the domain name and access the site?04:49
senkushamostly yes.  only I can't access my page becuase it's a virtual page, but I get my first virutal domain.\04:50
senkushaI have six domains04:50
crohakonQuestion to anyone listening. I just got done following the server guide and installing and configuring apache2/mysql/php5/phpmyadmin and everything seemed to work fine until I uploaded a php cms and went to configure it and got this http://pastebin.com/d28284b9b04:50
senkushawhat are the permissions of /srv/www/index.php ?04:51
crohakonsenkusha; I am afraid my knowledge is not that extensive to be able to help you. I am a bit of a novice when it comes to setting up linux servers. In fact I am trying to set up my first now and if it goes well I will be hosting my domain locally.04:52
crohakonYou know... I had not thought to check that.04:52
AdamDVsenkusha: You have a problem with apache virtualhosts?04:52
senkusha:) it's cool.  I'm pretty sure my problem lies somewhere with my networking interfaces config or something with iptables04:52
senkushayeah, AdamDV...sortof04:53
AdamDViptables wouldn't make your first virtualhost show up.04:53
senkushalet me break it down.04:53
AdamDVThe first virtualhost is displayed when another is not found.04:53
senkushapeople on the Net can see all my domains by name04:53
AdamDVALright, shoot.04:53
senkushaI can't see any of them by name04:53
AdamDVSo, say for example.04:54
senkushabut if I type in http://192.x.x.x I get the very first domain directory04:54
AdamDVYou should.04:54
AdamDVThe only way your going to see others.04:54
AdamDVIs by typing the name.04:54
AdamDVNAME absed virtual hosting.04:54
AdamDVTyping the IP will default to the first.04:54
senkushaokay.... type in http://www.intelatech.net04:54
AdamDVUnless you install mod_userdir04:54
senkushayou'll see the page for that site04:54
AdamDVWhats the problem?04:55
senkushabut if I type in my internal IP, I get http://www.americansombo.com04:55
AdamDVsenkusha: Typing in the IP04:55
senkushathe problem is that *I* cant type in http://www.intelatech.net to see my own page04:55
AdamDVWill show the FIRST virtualhost.04:55
senkushaI get Unable to connect04:55
AdamDVwait a seconf04:55
AdamDVIts the same page.04:55
senkushaI typed int he IP to verify that I can get to apache at all04:55
AdamDVBoth URL's load the same page.04:56
AdamDVCan you show me your apache conf?04:56
AdamDVBecuase somethingain't right.04:56
senkushait's all seperated out by virtualhost04:56
AdamDVLemme see :P04:56
AdamDVAll of it04:56
senkushaI haven't messed with the apache2.conf, but I'll show it04:56
AdamDVI'm guessing.04:57
AdamDVThat you haven't uncommented NameVirtualHost *:80 ?04:57
AdamDVin apache2.conf ?04:57
senkushalet met double check04:57
AdamDVIf you have'nt. Thats your problem.04:57
crohakonhow can I chmod all files and subdirectories of a directory?04:58
AdamDVcrohakon: chmod -R 0774 dir/*04:58
AdamDV-R is recursive.04:58
AdamDVNo problem.04:59
senkushait's not in apache2.conf...it's in ports.conf, and yes, it's not commented.04:59
AdamDVCan you show me your:05:00
AdamDVAnd your virtualhosts.05:00
senkushaports.conf:  http://pastebin.com/f3e82f9505:00
crohakonso, for example... sudo chmod -R 0644 /srv/www/* should set all stuffs under www to 644?05:01
AdamDVcrohakon: Yes.05:01
senkushaamericansombo.com:  http://pastebin.com/f68a093a05:01
AdamDVsenkusha: Whats your document root?05:01
crohakonwell, it did not work =(05:01
AdamDVcrohakon: YOu sure?05:01
senkushaintelatech.net:  http://pastebin.com/f28b4ee8105:02
AdamDVsudo chmod -R 0644 /srv/www05:02
crohakonyes, they are still all 70005:02
senkushawe'll start with those two05:02
AdamDVsenkusha: Okay.05:02
AdamDVI already see issues.05:02
AdamDVWhats your doc root?05:02
=== _eB is now known as eBo
senkushait's /var/www/sites/05:02
AdamDVI see.05:03
crohakonNo, that did not work either. blah05:03
AdamDVAre you logged in as root in your server?05:03
AdamDV(Interactively via sudo -i or else?)05:03
AdamDVShutdown apache05:03
crohakonI am not logged in as root, but using sudo05:03
AdamDVSudo up to root.05:03
AdamDVFor now.05:04
AdamDVsudo -i05:04
senkushafor permissions I always just navigate to the dir and do :  chmod -R 777 * (or what ever permissions I need)05:04
senkushafor permissions I always just navigate to the dir and do :  sudo chmod -R 777 * (or what ever permissions I need)05:04
AdamDVNick confuse.05:05
AdamDVcrohakon: I dunno.05:05
AdamDVsenkusha: You root?05:05
senkushayes.  my I can sudo my username if needed05:05
AdamDVI'm gonna change your confs a little.05:06
senkushaokay, cool05:06
senkushaIobviously missed something LOL05:06
AdamDVRemove the trailing slash from any "Directory" statements05:12
crohakondamn, permissions are a b*tch sometimes..05:13
AdamDVAlso, make this:05:14
AdamDV<Directory /var/www/sites/americansombo/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all05:14
AdamDVThe 'allow from all'05:14
AdamDVmake it 'Allow from all\05:14
AdamDV*'Allow from all'05:14
AdamDVApache is picky.05:14
AdamDVsenkusha: Working now?05:15
* crohakon thinks adamDV knows is sh*t lol05:16
AdamDVI do.05:16
AdamDVHehe. Not to brag, but I run a computer company that does web design and server admin.05:16
AdamDVAnd, I'm 13.05:16
AdamDVAnyway, good that its working now.05:16
AdamDVVirtualHosts can be a bitch sometimes.05:16
AdamDVsenkusha: Are the other domains working?05:17
crohakonDamn, i'm 25 and struggling over chmods. Keep up the good work.05:17
AdamDVcrohakon: Are you on debian?05:17
senkusha[warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts05:17
AdamDVcrohakon: I see.05:17
AdamDV1 sec, and I'll try to help.05:17
senkushaother domains, probably not yet05:18
AdamDVsenkusha: [warns] aren't too hazardous.05:18
AdamDVI can see that both those domains now work.05:18
roxy08hi there...  I am getting this error with Winbind : Failed to issue the StartTLS instruction: Connect error. Somebody can help me?05:18
AdamDVAnd go to seperate sites.05:18
senkushaI did notice while in VI that intelatech was color coded differently than american sombo05:18
AdamDVsenkusha: Thats vi's fault. But, I'll look.05:18
senkushaI'll fix the other domains05:19
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AdamDVsenkusha: Lemme see about ports,conf and that warning.05:21
senkushaokay, all other domains fixed.05:21
AdamDVWhat was the issue?05:22
senkushanow, that everybody else sees (the correct) sites, I can not.  I get Unable to connect.05:22
AdamDVsenkusha: Release your DNS.05:23
senkushahow do I do that?05:23
AdamDVFirstly, restart apache.05:23
senkushaI just did that05:23
AdamDVSecondly, are you on windows or linux?05:23
senkushamy laptop is windows vista05:23
AdamDVPress start - type in cmd05:23
AdamDVipconfig /release05:23
AdamDVipconfig /renew05:23
senkushaokay...windows was being slow about finding 'cmd' LOL05:24
AdamDVAlright do this.05:25
AdamDVipconfig /flushdns05:25
AdamDVipconfig /release05:25
AdamDVipconfig /renew05:25
crohakonsenkusha, why not install ubuntu on your laptop?05:25
AdamDVcrohakon: Ubuntu is bitchy on laptops.05:25
senkushawhen I tried /flushdns, I got:  this operation requires elevation05:25
AdamDVIf its a dell, it'll most likely brick it.05:25
AdamDVsenkusha: Run cmd as administrator.05:25
senkushaI need windows for a couple of applications that ubuntu just can't handle yet05:25
AdamDVDid you flush the DNS?05:27
senkushaokay.  doen05:27
AdamDVHow the fuck did you stay connected?05:27
AdamDVYou sure you did it all?05:27
crohakongood question...05:27
AdamDVAs an administrator?05:27
senkushalet me run it again...05:27
crohakonYeah, it should have killed your connection for a moment.05:27
senkushaAn error occurred while releasing interface Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1 : The sy05:28
senkushastem cannot find the file specified.05:28
senkushaThe operation failed as no adapter is in the state permissible for05:28
senkushathis operation.05:28
senkushawhen I tried to /release05:28
roxy08hi there...  I am getting this error with Winbind : Failed to issue the StartTLS instruction: Connect error. Somebody can help me?05:28
AdamDVWhat should happen ^^05:28
AdamDVAnyway, if you say its flushed.05:29
AdamDVTry viewing your sites.05:29
senkushayeah, flushing worked05:29
crohakonno, he has an error05:29
crohakonguess not..05:29
AdamDVCan you see the sites?05:29
AdamDVWhat happens when you type in the domain name?05:31
senkushaif I'm running a webserver, do I need to run a DNS server too?05:31
AdamDVAlso, before I continue, tell me your not using IE.05:31
senkusha"unable to connect" after about three seconds05:31
AdamDVThank god.05:31
AdamDVWHat happens when you type in the internal IP?05:31
senkushaI get americansombo.com05:32
AdamDVNow, open up cmd05:32
AdamDVand do:05:32
AdamDVping americansombo.com05:32
senkushapinged ok05:32
AdamDVThen its firefox.05:33
AdamDVOpen firefox.05:33
AdamDVshift ctrl delete05:33
AdamDVAnd delete it all.05:33
AdamDVThen refresh05:33
AdamDV(Combination memorization = win)05:33
senkushaokay...it's thinking about it LOL05:33
senkusha...and still thinking...05:34
AdamDVYou must have been suring lots of porn.05:34
AdamDVIf it takes that long :P05:34
senkusharefreshed using Ctrl-f505:35
crohakon=) Naughty Naughty05:35
senkushastill see americansombo.05:35
AdamDVThat would also work. I liked my way :P05:35
senkushaintelatech.net comes up as unable to connect05:35
AdamDVPing intelatech.05:35
AdamDVSee if it comes up under the same IP.05:35
crohakonworks fine for me... I can see intelatech.net just fine.05:35
senkusha216.x.x.x OK05:35
senkushacool, I'm not the only one pulling my hair out05:36
AdamDVComes with the job Haha.05:36
AdamDVIP comes back.05:36
senkusha^clears cache  ?05:36
uvirtbot`senkusha: Error: "clears" is not a valid command.05:36
crohakonI see the intelatech website at intelatech.com where I used to see americansombo before you helped him.05:36
senkushadid you clear YOUR history?05:37
crohakonIt works on my end05:37
AdamDVDid you change the apache conf ?05:37
AdamDVAlright, clearing mine.05:37
senkushait's intelatech.NET05:37
crohakonI meant intelatech.net05:37
AdamDVcrohakon: What do you see?05:37
AdamDVBlue background?05:37
AdamDVAmerican Sombo05:37
AdamDVup top?05:37
vraai think i figured it out, i need to add "auto eth0" "auto eth1" all the way to "auto eth3" in my /etc/network/interfaces -- that's why my ubuntu doesnt boot - right?05:38
vraaor having multiple "auto" s will cause issues, i am not understanding some of these examples, it says it's okay for loop back interface05:38
AdamDVI see American Sombo05:38
senkushaauto eth0 will automatically start that network interface on boot up05:38
crohakonI see "Finally: Affordable, 24-Hour Computer Service!"05:39
AdamDVIts me then.05:39
senkushaflushed your DNS?05:39
vraathanks senkusha , and if there is no wire in corresponding ethernet jack? it will just assume it is disconnected right? currently i only have "auto lo" and "auto eth2" , eth2 being the plug i have connected in05:39
AdamDVDon't have one.05:39
AdamDVI do my own DNS, because I roll like that.05:40
vraaso curious: why didn't ubuntu already add auto ethX for the rest of the ethernet ports? btw my mobo has 4 onboard ethernet05:40
* senkusha is scared of the creepy DNS server configurations05:40
senkusha@vraa:  I think it only does it for eth0 by default05:41
AdamDVsenkusha: Good idea.05:41
AdamDVWhats another domain thats on that server?05:41
AdamDVBecause I think it might be broken.05:41
vraaeth0? you mean ... the first connected/detectable connected network interface?05:41
vraai thought the eth#'s were assigned in an order of detection?05:41
AdamDVvraa: Not at all.05:41
senkushaaos-ff.com, sombojoe.com, asylumtattoo.com, goldenrule345.com ... .I think that's all of them05:41
vraaokay, so then how come that is eth2 consistantly then? wouldn't it be eth0 ?05:42
senkusha@vraa:  nope, I found that out the hard way when I discovered that one of my NIC's (used to be eth0 died)05:42
AdamDVvraa: Are you on a Linode VPS?05:42
vraaoh, then i guess i forgot i must've changed it a while ago, no i am not on vps, this is a computer i built at work, i have done port forwarding so i can ssh into it05:43
AdamDVAh, I see.05:43
crohakonThis web site at goldenrule345.com has been reported as an attack site and has been blocked based on your security preferences. <---wtf is this all about?05:43
AdamDVcrohakon: Google+Firefox05:43
senkushaI told the owner of his site about that....I guess he never fixed it05:44
AdamDVHe can't.05:44
AdamDVIts Google.05:44
senkushaI think he was using some hitcounter he found on the Net05:44
AdamDVOnce they make that domain a bad one.05:44
AdamDVIt aint never coming back.05:44
crohakonthe sombo joe site is giving me a directory list... not safe methings..05:44
AdamDVIndexes should be turned off.05:44
senkushacrap...I need to set the directoryindex for it05:44
AdamDVsenkusha: Just set -Indexes in an .htaccess05:45
AdamDVor in the virtualhost options05:45
crohakonand aos-ff only returns "Table 'smf_avatars.smf_settings' doesn't exist" hehe05:45
crohakonI think you have more work then just the vh issues =)05:45
AdamDVsenkusha: If you wan't my honest opinion.05:46
AdamDVStart with making the virtualhosts just say stuff like05:46
AdamDVThis is intelatech.com05:46
AdamDVThis is <bla>05:46
AdamDVAnd then05:46
AdamDVOnce that all works05:46
AdamDVPut content.05:46
AdamDVInstall virtualmin+webmin05:46
senkushaI can fix the aos site....just need to rerun the forum installer and recreate the database...that was a brand new site that was added just after the backup I had on file05:47
vraaso i have added auto ethX for 0 1 3, along side eth2, but this time i need to make it like so -- http://pastebin.com/df652592 -- and that will work even if there are no cables connected?05:47
senkushaI just need to be able to access it first! :)05:47
AdamDVThe only thing I can think of is Mozilla.05:47
AdamDVI hate to say this but.05:47
AdamDVTry it in IE.05:47
crohakonNo... no...05:47
AdamDVChrome is better.05:48
AdamDVIf you have it installed.05:48
senkushaI only use IE when I *absolutly* have to05:48
senkushaI've got chrome too05:48
AdamDVuse that.05:49
AdamDVAs for IE:05:49
AdamDVPull a 4chan.05:49
senkushachrome:  OOPS broken link.05:50
senkushaIE:  msgbox:  unablable05:50
crohakonI only use IE to see how broken my websites are on it. And then to attempt work arounds to get them to look right.05:51
senkushaI wish there was a log in firefox that would show me what the hell is going on as to WHY it can't connect LOL05:54
AdamDV1Sorry bout that.05:54
AdamDV1senkusha: Do you use a proxy?05:54
crohakonseriously... I had IE... it is such a pain in the ass when designing websites. It does not follow any of the standards.05:54
AdamDV1crohakon: +105:54
AdamDV1senkusha: I hate to say it but:05:54
AdamDV1"When in doubt, pull the power cable out"05:55
AdamDV1Three finger salute.05:55
senkushai've tried that already05:55
crohakonI do not have any trouble with accessing any of your domains. *shrugs*05:55
AdamDV1I've got another trick in my bag.05:55
senkushawell, that's a good thing... :)05:55
AdamDV1senkusha: Can you access go-techo.com?05:55
senkushataht too!05:55
crohakonI can05:56
AdamDV1go-techo.com doesn't work?05:56
senkushaI see "Main"05:56
AdamDV1crohakon: Good.05:56
AdamDV1And, good.05:56
AdamDV1That is my company.05:56
AdamDV1TO be opened in January.05:56
AdamDV1Lemme see about the hosts file.05:56
senkushathat's in /etc/hosts  , right?05:56
AdamDV1senkusha: On linux.05:57
AdamDV1On windows its in:05:57
AdamDV1Copy cats.05:57
AdamDV1Open that file in notepad.05:57
AdamDV1And paste here.05:57
senkusha127.0.0.1       localhost05:58
senkusha::1             localhost05:58
AdamDV1Do you have any other computers?06:00
senkushaI'm thinking it has to be like a iptables thing06:00
AdamDV1Unless your vista has aids.06:00
AdamDV1I see no issue.06:00
senkushalet me go try on the other one06:00
senkushaokay, I think it's my laptop...but aos-ff turns up with americansombo06:03
senkusha(on th eother computer)06:03
crohakonit all works fine for me.06:04
AdamDV1Then you've got an issue with a virtualhost.06:04
AdamDV1Most likely its your computer.06:04
AdamDV1Or network.06:04
AdamDV1Because, it works fine for crohakon06:04
AdamDV1Works somewhat for me.06:04
AdamDV1And doesn't for you.06:04
senkushafigures LOL06:06
senkushaokay...It...It looks like I might just have to wipe and start over on the laptop06:08
AdamDV1I'd reccomend that for both the laptop and the server, honestly.06:08
AdamDV1And start with the basics06:08
AdamDV1And slowly work up.06:08
senkushaif only I didn't need firestarter to share the internet connection...that could be one issue the server has06:09
senkushait's a gui firewall app for linux06:09
AdamDV1Why do you need a firewall to share the internet connection?06:10
crohakonyeah, I am a bit lost here as well...06:10
AdamDV1senkusha: ping.06:10
crohakonyou use firestarter for DHCP?06:11
AdamDV1Oh god.06:11
AdamDV1I really really really really hope not.06:11
AdamDV1Please say you don't.06:11
crohakonI see firestarter also does NAT06:11
senkushaI found firestarter back in my fedora days years ago.  It has DHCP and ICS with a simple wizard.  so I set it up and never gave it a second though.  then the other day when I reinstalled the server, I was welcomed to a terminal only world.  I tried several tutuorals on the net to share my connection, but none of them worked.  So I was forced to put the desktop on with firestarter.06:11
senkushaI don't use DCHP...all ip's are statically assigned for all my computers...since the dhcp seems to be broken in firestarter anyway06:12
senkushai'd be very happy if I could find a iptables structure that get's my ICS working without firestarter06:13
crohakonubuntu's network guide really nice... simply to understand for novices like me. I got a lamp server running in 1 hour using it. My FIRST ever attempt.06:14
crohakonubuntu's server guide*06:14
ScottKsommer: ^^^06:14
AdamDV1is great sometimes06:14
AdamDV1and shit others.06:14
AdamDV1Anyway, I'm out06:14
AdamDV1senkusha: I hope you get it working.06:14
crohakonwow... wait... let me try this again... ubuntu's server guide is really nice... simple to understand for novices like me. I got a lamp server running in 1 hour using it. My FIRST ever attempt.06:15
senkushaI'm not done fighting yet...just today LOL06:15
senkushaI need sleep06:15
ScottKcrohakon: That's why I highlighted sommer, so he'd see that comment.  He coordinated putting most of it together06:15
crohakonyeah, me as well.06:16
senkushaI'll check out the guide...quickly looking through, I don't see anything mention of ICS, but I'm not looking indepth yet06:16
crohakonread the networking section when you are more awake. =) I am sure something will help.06:16
senkushathanks for the pointer.  Later!06:17
crohakonMan... that guy has an odd setup.06:17
crohakonAnyway, sleep for me as well. Goodnight all, and thanks sommer for the great guide!06:18
=== crohakon is now known as crohakon|afk
roxy08hi I am gettin this error when connect to ldap-samba:  Failed to issue the StartTLS instruction: Connect error06:26
roxy08someone know about this error06:26
=== obstriege is now known as obst
Reepicheeproxy08: does the ldap server have StartTLS configured?07:05
roxy08I suppose yes, My samba is an member server07:06
roxy08you configurated in my samba server or LDAP server?07:06
roxy08The only thing that i change yesterday was a digital certificate in my ldap server but is wrk in Postfix an Courier, so should no affect?07:07
Reepicheeproxy08: so did it work before the certificate was changed?07:09
roxy08but is a certificate to use with email server (which is in the same ldap server), cab it be a problem?07:10
Reepicheepand does Postfix and Courier-authlib use the startTLS or are they just using standard unencrypted LDAP?07:10
roxy08they use SSL07:11
roxy08I suppose is the same than TLS?07:11
roxy08yes they use TLS07:12
ReepicheepstartTLS and ldaps are different07:13
Reepicheepthey are both SSL but implemented differently07:13
roxy08ah, ok. but my question is if i didnt any change in my samba server why i am geeting that error.07:14
Reepicheepis it a self signed cert?07:15
roxy08also, when i do smbclient -L myserver i got failed (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED)07:15
roxy08what do you mean ? is a digital certificate that I got from third part07:16
Reepicheepyour SSL certificate is singed by somebody.. did you sign it or did you have some CA sign it07:17
roxy08I did07:18
Reepicheepthe reason I ask is that some clients need special settings to allow self signed certs, or chained CAs07:19
ReepicheepI'm not really a samba user but I do you ldap quite abit07:19
Reepicheepso the old certificate was also self signed?07:20
roxy08well, i didn nothing in ldap...but i dont know why my samber server cannot connect now07:20
roxy08i suppose i am new here07:20
Reepicheepso where did you install the SSL cert?  the ldap server?07:21
roxy08in postfix folder and courier-imap07:21
roxy08but i am not sure if this is the problem?07:22
* Hajuu just got a new job :)07:22
Reepicheepok.. I was thinking you put a new cert in openldap07:22
ReepicheepstartTLS and ldaps both require a SSL certificate07:22
Reepicheepis the ldap server and the samba server separated by an untrusted network?07:23
roxy08but openldap require a third part certficate? I mean we need to buy it?07:23
Hajuulol huh07:24
roxy08are in the same network but different vlan07:24
Hajuuwhy would you need a third party cert?07:24
Hajuuand moreover why would you need to buy one07:24
Reepicheepyou can use a self signed cert with open ldap if you want.. you just need to make sure that the client will accept the self signed cert.. it's different per client07:24
roxy08but i can ping and I can get information about ldap directly07:24
roxy08for example with getent07:25
HajuuYeah just generate your own ssl cert, who cares.07:25
Reepicheepso getent shows ldap users from the samba server?07:26
roxy08in my samba server if i do it i got users from ldap07:27
roxy08the problems is the connection in samba with ldap07:27
Reepicheepok.. check your ldap.conf file on the samba server is it using startTLS or ldaps?07:27
roxy08does show me nothing with TLD07:29
Reepicheepit's usually best to get it working with out SSL first if it's on a trusted network .. then add the SSL in when everything else is working fine if you feel you need it.07:29
ReepicheepI realize it used to work .. but it may help to trouble shoot it with out the startTLS07:30
Reepicheepso your connection string should be just ldap://ldap.server.name and port 38907:31
roxy08how i do it?07:31
Reepicheepdoes Samba talk directly to the ldap server or does it use local users through nss_ldap?07:32
roxy08use nss_ldap07:33
ReepicheepHajuu: so what kinda job did you get?07:33
Reepicheepand "getent passwd" shows all the users?07:33
roxy08i am not sure what do you mean ...i configurate nsswitch but i suppose is using the ldap directly07:34
roxy08no local users07:34
Reepicheepgetent passwd should show all the ldap users + the local users found in /etc/passwd depending on what you have set in nsswitch07:35
roxy08no just show me ldap users07:36
Reepicheepthat should be fine.  by local users i was referring to system users (root, syslog, ssh, and the sort)07:38
Reepicheepso the error shows up in samba's logs?07:39
Reepicheephmm. so if the system can see the ldap users through nss_ldap and if samba uses nss_ldap for it's users and ldap.conf does't have any startTLS or SSL stuff in it, where is it getting the startTLS stuff from?07:41
roxy08that is dont know07:43
roxy08i didn see any configuration whit that07:43
roxy08also say ssl no07:44
Reepicheepdoes samba start?07:48
roxy08what do you mean?07:48
roxy08is running07:48
ReepicheepI was wondering if the errors where at the time when samba started.. and if so if the daemon wouldn't start at all?07:50
Reepicheeproxy08: one more thought.. is openldap, postfix, courier-authlib all running on the same machine?07:52
Reepicheeproxy08: I was wondering if they are on the same server is it possible that openldap was also using the certificate that was replaced with out you realizing it.08:01
Reepicheepmaybe it was using startTLS all along with the old cert.08:02
Reepicheepif that's the case maybe a solution would be a simple as restarting slapd to get it to read the new certificate.08:02
Reepicheepor make sure that openldap is not advertising support for startTLS.. that way no clients should attempt to us it08:03
roxy08uf...let me read again08:08
roxy08i will try with the first thing08:08
roxy08the first one does not work :(08:20
roxy08and the second one...i dont know how i should chek it08:21
roxy08ok, yes you was right...i restart sladp and I dont get the error for smbclient now08:26
roxy08i can see my samba client08:26
roxy08Reepicheep, i can now do smbclient but still i cannt coonect to ldap with the same error08:33
_rubenhmm .. wonder if i could /dev/shm similar to physical disks like with iostat .. running a very disk intensive job on a ram disk08:39
tiger2wanderHi all08:40
tiger2wanderI've just installed apache2, php5 with apache2 mod, mysql-server on Ubuntu server 9.10 but when I've request: it return to me a index.phtml contain php source instead of html08:41
gamla_kossanhi people!09:07
gamla_kossanwhat do I need in order to run NFS on my server?09:07
gamla_kossanI've got portmapper installed09:07
gamla_kossanbut can't seem to find the package with nfsd09:07
jmarsdentiger2wander: You might want to try enabling ExecCGI in the Options line09:10
jmarsdengamla_kossan: nfs-kernel-server or unfs3 I think09:11
tiger2wanderjmarsden: I have install only php5 package not php5-cgi, is it ok to run without cgi mod?09:14
gamla_kossanjmarsden: thanks, was nfs-kernel-server09:14
jmarsdentiger2wander: Yes.09:14
jmarsdengamla_kossan: Good :)09:14
tiger2wanderjmarsden: I have seen this problem yesterday then I have purge all installed package with configuration then re-install, it working well09:16
tiger2wanderjmarsden: today, I have this problem again in another Ubuntu server and it problem remain even after purge and install again09:17
jmarsdentiger2wander: Strange.  I had something similar before trying to get PHP on Ubuntu 9.04 working, and I am pretty sure I added Options ExecCGI to fix it.09:18
tiger2wanderjmarsden: Where you add the Options ExecCGI ? apache2.conf09:19
* tiger2wander is away: Away09:19
jmarsdentiger2wander: No, /etc/apache2/sites-available/default -- the Options line for the /var/www directory.09:21
tiger2wanderjmarsden:: ah, OK, let's me try it out09:21
tiger2wanderjmarsden:: Its still response php source code :(09:24
jmarsdentiger2wander: Did you restart apache2?09:24
tiger2wanderjmarsden:: yep, of course09:24
jmarsdenOK... if you create a file test.php and browse to that does it work as expected?09:25
Hajuulol jmarsden like, the author?09:25
jmarsdenjmarsden like the network admin :)09:25
tiger2wanderjmarsden:: I have installed joomla and it has index.php file09:26
Hajuulol thats less interesting09:26
jmarsdentiger2wander: And it worked fine?09:26
tiger2wanderjmarsden:: not yet09:26
jmarsdenHajuu: But maybe more useful in #ubuntu-server :)09:27
HajuuNo way, what we need is some fiction!09:27
jmarsdentiger2wander: Then don't mess with big apps like Joomla until you have PHP working :)09:27
tiger2wanderjmarsden:: I've just created a test.php file and it work fine, may I need to check .htaccess file :)09:27
jmarsdentiger2wander: Rename the index.phtml to test.phtml, maybe the issue is with DirectoryIndex ??09:27
tiger2wanderjmarsden:: May be that problem related to joomla configuration in content-type response09:31
jmarsdentiger2wander: OK... *that* sounds like a different thing altogether.09:31
tiger2wanderjmarsden:: I'm do a deep checking about it :). Anyway, thanks09:32
jmarsdentiger2wander: Sure, no problem.  I need to get some sleep anyway... 01:30am here...09:32
tiger2wanderjmarsden:: g909:33
jmarsdentiger2wander: Goodnight.09:33
Hajuuhow do you figure g9 translates to goodnight?09:34
Hajuuthats taking that fad too far.09:34
tiger2wanderjmarsden:: My time zone is afternoon :)09:34
Hajuuthats obviously: Gee nine.09:34
tiger2wanderHajuu:: if you can speak aloud it, it is likely digital *slang* :P09:36
Hajuuwell, 'gee nine' and 'goodnight' have.. 3 letters in common09:36
Hajuuout of a possible 9.09:37
Hajuuso its like me just using 1/3rd of all my words and just expecting people to understand09:37
Hajuu'digital slang' version: so its me just 1/3rd of my words just expecting to understand09:37
tiger2wanderBecause almost people think and work with their relative, not absolute like machine, then I think it is for people who working much with computer can be understand it easy :)09:38
Hajuu<tiger2wander> Because people think work with relative, not like, then think is for who working with computer be it easy09:45
HajuuDo you like my digital slang converter?09:45
HajuuIts based on your research09:45
biosHey, 8.1 Server, is it possible to have virtual ftp users that can access multiple directories served by apache. Currently using pure-ftpd-mysql and have users connecting, but I can seem to get the permissions right09:46
tiger2wanderHajuu:: I've not like it, because your way can not understand my words but a really human can :P09:46
* maxb reminds bios that there's no such thing as "8.1" server :-)09:47
bioslol, indeed maxb, but I'm sure you know what I mean09:47
maxbYeah, sorry, just a pet hate of mine - malformed version numbers09:47
maxbUnfortuately I don't have any ftpd experience09:47
biosyeah, same here, I think its a permissions issue but I can't be sure09:48
Hajuulol tiger2wander09:52
HajuuI can also understand a painting.09:52
HajuuThat doesnt mean it has good language skills.09:52
tiger2wanderAnyone known there error: http://openpaste.org/en/17474/ ?10:00
tiger2wanderIt is seen like package is hold by dpkg purge process, error happen even after I reboot server10:01
sorentiger2wander: There's no error there?10:02
tiger2wanderI see it after purge and install package again10:02
tiger2wanderThen I purge it, the message still display like that without version, is it normal?10:03
sorentiger2wander: You remove a package and wonder why dpkg says it's not installed? Am I understanding this correctly?10:04
tiger2wandersoren:: yes, but why it says "|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)" ?10:06
sorenIt just explains what the second column denotes.10:06
sorenSorry, third.10:07
sorentiger2wander: Look at the full output: The first line of text has a line drawn from it down to the first column. The second line of text has a line drawn from it down to the second column. The third line has a line from it down to the third column.10:07
tiger2wandersoren:: Yeah, It is report error for another, right?10:09
sorenIt explains how to read the three status columns.10:09
soren"Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold" == "This column denotes the desired status of this package: "u" means "unknown", "i" means install, etc. etc."10:10
tiger2wandersoren:: ah, :(, thanks for explains10:11
soren"Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend": "This column denotes the current status of the package: "n" for "not (installed)", "i" for "inst(alled)", "c" for "cfg-files (left over from unpurged package)", etc. etc."10:11
tiger2wanderok, I understand10:11
soren"Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)": "This column denotes error conditions of the package. Etc. ETc.".10:12
tiger2wanderso, about apache2: is it control defaults page will be read in /etc/apache2/mod-enabled/dir.conf such as: index.php, index.html ?10:13
tiger2wanderCaused by I have got response with content-type=application/x-httpd-php instead of text/html when I'm trying to request http://domain.com/10:17
tiger2wanderbut server response right content-type when I request http://domain.com/index.php10:17
tiger2wanderis there any idea about that problem?10:17
sorentiger2wander: How are you testing this?10:26
sorenWhere are you seeing this content-type=application/x-httpd-php?10:26
tiger2wanderI'm using curl: curl -D - http://domain.com10:26
sorenThen I don't know.10:27
tiger2wanderand firefox display download dialog with file type also10:27
sorenForget about firefox for this.10:28
sorenRely on curl (or wget).10:28
tiger2wanderyeah, It is strange, may it is a bug from Ubuntu server or apache2 :)10:28
tiger2wanderyeah, anyway, it can be netcat :D10:29
sorenNo, my point is that Firefox is unreliable for this.10:31
sorenIt has an extremely annoying habit of caching the mime-type.10:32
* soren lunches10:45
* Hajuu launches10:45
uvirtbot`New bug: #457045 in bind9 (main) "Command host chooses another DNS server to query than I specified" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45704510:47
acalvoHow can I completely remove a package?10:50
acalvousing apt-get purge package sometimes leaves directories with files10:50
sorenacalvo: That's usually a bug in the package. Which package is it, and which files are left behind?11:01
acalvosoren: while I'm installing a mailing list server, I've tried sympa and mailman11:01
acalvomailman has left lots of files under /var/lib/mailman11:02
acalvoit should, at least, ask to remove them11:02
sorenacalvo: Debian bug 17615411:08
uvirtbot`Debian bug 176154 in mailman "mailman: purge of package deletes list archives and member lists." [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/17615411:08
sorenacalvo: It's intentional.11:08
sorenuvirtbot`: nick uvirtbot11:09
=== uvirtbot` is now known as uvirtbot
acalvosoren: thanks then11:14
sorenacalvo: Feel free to file a bug about it, if you think it's wrong.11:15
acalvosoren: i'd rather ask first here, filling bugs that already exist or are useless does not help too much11:16
sorenacalvo: It's useful to a) know that there are differences of opinion as to what should happen to /var/lib/mailman on purge, and b) for other users who -- like yourself -- wonder why this is so.11:16
acalvosoren: I'll take a closer look to the bugtracker11:23
acalvoby the way, sometimes I need to return a package to its original state (configuration, files, etc...)11:23
=== Hajuu is now known as ae
=== ae is now known as Hajuu
Hajuuyou will be.11:47
* Hajuu shakes fist11:47
Boohbahpre-emptive strike!11:48
garymcAnyone know how I link a Domain name to my server ip address?11:56
garymcso my server has a somain name linked to it?11:57
nijabakirkland: I just completed and install following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/PackageInstall12:10
nijabakirk it works like a charm. great job12:11
* nijaba -> lunch12:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #457092 in libvirt (main) "starting a VM with an SDL display hangs virtmanager and virsh" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45709212:16
kirklandnijaba: cool12:22
acalvoHajuu: all your base are belong to us12:33
acalvodoes anyone have installed mailman?12:45
acalvoI'm trying to follow the 9.04 server guide howto, but I ended up having lists with name@domain.com, instead of name@lists.domain.com12:46
acalvois there any file where the address template can be defined (lists.domain.com)?12:46
sorenacalvo: DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'lists.ubuntu-dk.org'12:49
sorenacalvo: For instance.12:49
sorenacalvo: In /etc/mailman/mm_cfg.py12:49
acalvosoren: thank you12:50
acalvoI was taking a look at that file right now12:50
=== aubre_afk is now known as aubre
aubreguten morgen people13:03
aubredid the meeting link get put up yet?13:03
aubremeeting log actually?13:04
bogeyd6has anyone else tried an apt-get update and failed?13:23
bogeyd6if you have, you need to "apt-get autoclean" and "apt-get clean"13:24
Darknetalguien por ahi?13:29
bogeyd6whew! we broke a thousand tickets this week13:30
aubreIs it possible that since my host filesystem is XFS - that it is what is preventing me from mounting SC (EBS-style) volumes in my VMs?13:33
UnixDawgwhat deb pkg is php5-rewrite in ?13:36
crohakon|afkSo, I have an issue where if I leave the server box running for a while with no activity, and I come back later, the box appears to be frozen up. Cannot SSH, no screen will come up on the monitor. Any reason this might happen?13:38
skuldCan anybody help me set up internet connection sharing (without having to use Firestarter)?13:42
crohakon|afkwell, got to go to a trade show, I suppose I will ask when I return.13:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #456660 in openssh (main) "ssl(8) man page missing from package (or distribution)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45666013:44
skuldI read that tutorial, but I guess I did something wrong, becuase it didn't work13:45
skuldI did the following  before running following the doc:13:45
skuldiptables -F (which closed down my ICS from firestarter)13:45
skuldsudo apt-get purge firestarter13:46
skuldthen added the three lines for iptables13:46
crohakon|afkit would be wise to disable firestarter before trying to configure your iptables...13:46
crohakon|afkanyway, gotta go bye13:46
skuldokay, I'll try that13:46
skuldcan somebody review my /etc/network/interfaces ... when I tried the ICS tutorial, my eth2 didn't come up.  I want to make sure I  have my interfaces set right13:53
The2morrowManSure. Pastebin it.13:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #456308 in ntp (main) "drift file blocked by apparmor ntp profile" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45630813:56
The2morrowManWell, first off, your gateway for eth2 is on a completely different network than the address or network declaration.13:56
skuldI wasn't sure what to put for it, since I thought my gateway was eth013:57
The2morrowManeth0 doesn't talk to the network.13:57
The2morrowManDescribe the purpose of the system. Is it a gateway/router?13:57
skuldbut it should after I add these, right:13:58
The2morrowManAhhh, yes. The "Add More Shit" approach.13:58
skuldsudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT13:58
skuldsudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT13:58
skuldsudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE13:58
skuldfixing the ip ofcourse13:58
The2morrowManCease. What is the purpose of the system?13:58
skuldthe server is a web and mail server13:59
skuldI need internet connection sharing so my laptop and other PC can get on the Net13:59
HajuuYou're already dead.13:59
The2morrowManBut it's got two NICs, with one appearing to point to an external network, and the other is an internal network.13:59
HajuuI know this must come as a shock13:59
skuldalso the server is going to be acting as a firewall13:59
The2morrowManSo, it's a router, right?13:59
The2morrowManOkay, NOW, I can work with this.13:59
The2morrowManSecond question: Why is eth0 NOT using DHCP?14:00
skuldeth0 is my DSL connection...using a static IP for my webserver...that my ISP gave me14:00
The2morrowManNetwork lines in the interfaces file are superfluous. The network is extrapolated via the address and netmask.14:01
skuldI was wondering why I've never seen that before14:01
skuldbut the doc says it's required14:01
The2morrowManWhatever tutorial you followed was written by a gorilla on acid.14:01
HajuuWho wants to help me setup the largest turnip porn empire the world has ever seen?14:02
The2morrowManHajuu: I am totally up for that.14:02
HajuuCool, ill cut you in at 1%14:02
Hajuulet me just do the maths..14:02
The2morrowManskuld: My interfaces file is very similar, as my server is my router.14:02
Hajuuhm 1%.. multiply by.. nothing... *taps on calculator*14:02
The2morrowManskuld: Secondly, why did you decide to not assign eth2 a address?14:02
Hajuu192.168.1.* is so.. 200814:03
Hajuuthis is 200914:03
Hajuuget with the NOW14:03
HajuuThe future is all about 10.1.1.*14:03
=== SyL is now known as Guest96240
skuldfor some reason, I thought was being used by something else...maybe my wireless access point?14:04
Hajuuyou can have multiple networks on the same subnet as long as they arent freaking huge dhcp monsters14:04
Hajuusubnet/ip block14:04
The2morrowManskuld: Oh, you've got a WLAN AP. You're going to have fun configuring that to NOT serve DHCP, and to not try routing packets.14:04
Hajuulol huh routers usually have a dhcp on/off thingy14:04
Hajuueven wireless ones14:04
The2morrowManHajuu: That's the easy part. Disabling its routing function is a little harder, usually.14:05
HajuuDamn, freenode wont let me change my nick to CiscoJuu14:05
Hajuumeh well the easiest way is to have it as a gateway, not a router14:05
Hajuuand have all trafic simply port forwarded to the gateway14:05
The2morrowManHajuu: I just uploaded DD-WRT and disabled routing.14:06
Hajuulol why would you buy a router14:06
Hajuuthen turn it into a dsl modem?14:06
Hajuuseems extrenuous14:06
The2morrowManBecause it's not my modem.14:06
The2morrowManIt's a WLAN AP, and that's it.14:06
skuldokay, I'm going to restart this and see what happens.14:06
Hajuurouting is like love.. even wireless AP's want it.14:06
The2morrowManHajuu: Eff that.14:07
skuldthis is a good tutuorial for ICS?14:07
HajuuICS aint no thang but a chicken wing14:07
Hajuuya herd.14:07
The2morrowManHajuu: My AP is like a whore with no condom. It doesn't matter if she wants it or not - She gets it all, and just passes it on.14:07
Hajuu.. Damn.14:08
The2morrowManHeh... That was actually pretty good... :P14:10
Hajuutoo true.14:10
HajuuIf not mildly de-childhoodizing.14:10
UnixDawgwhat php deb pkg is php5-rewrite in ?14:17
UnixDawgI cant find it on ubuntu14:18
UnixDawgin the pkgs14:18
UnixDawgyes php5-rewrite14:19
* soren wanders off for a while14:19
Hajuusurely you mean the apache mod_rewrite14:19
UnixDawgthere is also a phpr-rewrite14:19
Hajuuits not anything to do with php14:19
HajuuI doubt that.14:19
=== jono_ is now known as jono
Hajuuok now I know you're full of shit, as an extension would still require a script to.. use the extension14:20
Hajuuand for all trafic to be directed to that script14:20
Hajuuwhich you can setup without any extension14:20
* Hajuu is the manager of a php channel14:20
UnixDawgsorry wrong module14:20
The2morrowManThere is no php5-rewrite.14:20
UnixDawgbrain fart14:20
The2morrowManI think.14:21
HajuuTHATS what you meant?14:21
Hajuuuse simplxml14:21
The2morrowManI'm wrong.14:21
Hajuu<obligatory> AREN'T YOU ALWAYS? </obligatory>14:22
* The2morrowMan cries endlessly. "I'm such a failure!"14:22
HajuuIt's because you're too busy livin in tomorrow14:23
HajuuIf I produced porn, i'd make the ladies say stuff not at all related to whats happening14:25
Hajuu"Ohhh, butter! All over my hot northern kingmouth salmon!"14:25
Hajuu"Mmmm, marygo round, pop my balloon sixteen times!"14:26
Hajuu...Is that weird?14:26
MTecknologyThis is pretty offtopic for this channel..14:27
Hajuu*shrug* how do you figure?14:27
HajuuSeems perfectly on topic.14:27
HajuuMaybe you've lost touch with what the topic is. :(14:27
MTecknologythis is -server14:27
HajuuI'm just joking.14:27
Hajuui'll leave you guys in peace for a bit14:27
Hajuuif anyone needs help with apache or php say my nick14:28
MTecknologyHajuu: If you want to say random crap like that, you should go to #ubuntu-offtopic14:28
UnixDawgok and yes I need apache mod_rewrite it seems14:30
HajuuWhat a mystery!14:31
UnixDawgI dont see it in apt-cache search apache214:34
Hajuuit probably comes with apache14:36
Hajuuit might even be built into the binary14:36
Hajuunot sure14:36
helynuxhi all14:38
* Hajuu waves14:38
helynuxhow speak spanish?14:39
UnixDawgubuntu/deb o this so diff then the other linux/inix I have used14:41
Hajuuhow do you speak spanish14:41
Hajuuyou learn spanish14:41
Hajuuright? you with me so far?14:41
HajuuNext, you kind of.. hm, move your mouth, roughly up and down14:42
Hajuuthis is a distraction for your enemies14:42
Hajuuto allow your toungue and throat to have time to work14:42
HajuuSo, once you're moving your mouth mechanically up and down14:42
Hajuustart to vibrate your toungue lightly14:42
Hajuuand move this down, into the back of your throat14:43
HajuuThink of a word, phonetic symbol by symbol14:43
UnixDawggot it14:43
UnixDawgits now loaded14:43
Hajuuslowly move from left to right14:43
HajuuUnixDawg: I've never felt so proud14:44
helynuxsolciito por favor colaboracion14:44
HajuuI promised myself I wouldn't cry :')14:44
HajuuNo, I will not colaborate on killing your father!14:44
Hajuuand im offended that you would ask.14:44
ttxHajuu: please bring random chatter to another channel, please.14:44
ttxsmoser: can I test the current UEC/EC2 or do you plan to respin them ?14:45
helynuxcuando estoy instalando ubuntu server en configuracion de discos raid en virtualbox14:45
smoserthey're good. 20091020.114:45
ttxsmoser: ok thx14:45
smoseri'll start testing ec2 here shortly.14:45
helynuxme aparece una advertencia de que los multidiscos no son leidos pero el sigue instalando normalmente14:46
helynuxcuando hago sudo fdisk -l14:46
ttxhelynux: #ubuntu-es please14:46
helynuxok ok gracias ttx14:46
skuldI really need some more help with this ICS14:47
skuldand for some reason my eth2 comes up as state:UNKNOWN14:48
ttxskuld: you'll get more help in a generic support channel, like #ubuntu14:48
skuldwow, okay, I have no clue what changed, but now I can visit my own websites LOL15:01
skuldnow to move on to the other problem:  postfix +dovecot using msyql ....15:03
HajuuQuit networking.15:04
skuldwell, I thought I had my virtual hosts figured out last night, but i just found out that I'm going to other virutal domains on my server instead of the correct one15:10
zulsmoser: is the ec2 images up yet?15:18
smoserindeed. the iso tracker has the ids15:18
smoserthey can also be seen at the beautifully revamped daily output, thanks to slangasek15:19
smoserbut trust the tracker ids15:19
ttxsmoser: I got this message in my UEC console-output:15:19
ttx * Waiting for EC2 meta-data service                                            One or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted:15:19
ttx(ESC for recovery shell)15:19
HajuuWhat's EC2?15:20
skuldanybody know how to use the apache rewrite so I don't have to specify both a www.sitename.com and a sitename.com virualhost?15:20
ttxsmoser: doesn't seem to prevent them from working15:20
smoserttx, what is in /etc/fstab ?15:20
smosermy guess is that there is an entry for /mnt and eucalyptus is not providing a partition table and formated filesystem in the same way that ec2 does15:21
smoseri dont think that should be new though15:21
ttxsmoser: starting a new instance to look in15:22
ttxsmoser: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/298304/15:24
smoserand i'm guessing you dont have a /proc/sd b15:25
smosererr... /proc/partitions/sdb15:25
smoseror if you do, its not formated.15:25
ttxI don't have a /dev/sdb, I checked that already15:26
ttx(sorry I already terminated that instance to let another test go)15:26
ttxI can rerun one if needed15:26
zulskuld: why not fix it in dns?15:27
smoserttx, so what i think is that this is a case where UEC is not behaving identically to ec215:30
ttxsmoser: what should it do exactly ?15:31
smoserlet me check ec2 real quick.15:32
skuld@zul: I'm not running a dns server15:41
kirklandMagicFab: if you're running karmic as the host, you should get 1024x768 by default, at least15:42
MagicFabkirkland, ah, no, we're on a Jaunty host15:42
kirklandMagicFab: move to a karmic host and you'll get better res15:43
Hajuuchange your res :/15:43
HajuuIts not rocket science.15:43
smoserttx, dump-data.sh at http://pastebin.com/f4ac20bc315:45
smoserm1.large type output at http://pastebin.com/f3c6840c015:45
=== SyL is now known as Guest70615
smoserm1.small type output at http://pastebin.com/f5bfb9b5415:46
ttxsmoser: just a sec, starting i386 image right now15:48
smoserso, ec2 does15:49
smosera.) gives you some block devices , that vary based on type15:49
smoserb.) puts an ext2 filesystem on unpartitioned block devices that it gave you in a15:49
smoserpersonally, i kind of think that b. is a bit frivolous, but i guess it does possibly save mke2fs time in the event that you're just going to use it that way.15:50
smoserhttp://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/DeveloperGuide/index.html?instance-types.html explains what you get per instance type.15:50
smoserthe way this is implemented in vmbuilder is:15:52
ttxsmoser: output in my current c1.medium instance is : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/298329/15:52
acalvowhy ubuntu moved to bazaar and drop svn?15:52
AppiahI had two servers that according to /var/log/messages rebooted , I dont know why. Anyway I can check how the reboot was started?15:52
Appiahthey did not reboot the same time15:53
ttxsmoser: want me to start a m1.large to compare ?15:53
aubrettx: I wonder if the fact that my front-end (and my nodes) use XFS file system is causing https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/45218515:55
uvirtbotaubre: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out15:55
smoserttx, i'm surprised that your /dev/sda2 didn't get mounted.15:55
smosercan you mount it manually ?15:57
smoserie: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt15:57
ttxsmoser: yes15:58
ttxsmoser: the issue is that fstab says its ext315:58
ttxwhile its ext215:58
ttxso sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt works15:59
ttxbut sudo mount /dev/sda2 doesn't15:59
smoserthe change from ext2 to ext3 might be something that is reasonable to "fix" in uec15:59
smoserbut other than that, i think the differences are expected as designed16:00
smoserie, as long as they're consistent with:16:00
smoseroutput of euca-describe-availability-zones verbose16:01
ttxsmoser: I'll gile a bug -- against what ?16:07
ttxfile, even16:07
smoserwell "eucalyptus".16:07
smoserwhatever does the mkfs invocation of the disks it gives to the guest16:07
ttxsmoser: eucalyptus writes that /etc/fstab ?16:08
aubrecould using xfs as the file system on the front-end/node cause problems with SC functionality?16:08
smoserbut its a "not like ec2" bug to have ext2, not ext3.16:08
smoserttx, vmbuilder writes that /etc/fstab entry, and i will agree that a more flexible solution would useful there (possibly ec2-init changes)16:09
ttxsmoser: because I have strange things there. Different behavior between amd64 and i38616:09
smoserso if you want to open a "vmbuilder should let ec2-init dynamically update /etc/fstab"  bug, i think that might be good for lucid16:09
ttxThe amd64 UEC has /dev/sdb in its fstab16:09
ttxThe i386 UEC image has /dev/sda216:10
ttxin both cases defined as ext316:10
smoserttx, those are designed differences based on amd64 and i386 instance types16:10
smoserwell above, i put the urls of the two files in vmbuilder that get rendered to /etc/fstab in the guest.16:10
ttxsmoser: so the error in amd64 case is that there is no /dev/sdb...16:11
ttxsmoser: while in the i386 case the error in that its not the right fs that is on it16:11
ttxon it = on /dev/sda216:11
smoserok. i see two bugs16:11
smoser1.) parititions presented to instance have ext2, not ext316:11
smoser2.) partitions presented to guests are not identical to ec216:12
smoseri dont really think that '2' is a bug, but rather a difference in instance type configurations (which i believe is possibly even modifyable in uec)16:12
smoseras long as the partitions that the guest sees are determinable by the instance type configurations, i think thats fine.16:13
smoserthat make sense ?16:13
garymcanyone know how I link a doamin name to my server at home?16:14
smoserzul, you rock. thanks for running all those tests.16:14
zulsmoser: i know ;) thanks for building the images16:14
smosergarymc, dyndns ?16:15
smoserttx, that make sense above ?16:15
ttxsmoser: but (2) triggers a bug on our side, right ?16:15
smoseryes, we expect (via /etc/fstab) a certain layout16:16
ttxsmoser: like having a fstab with /dev/sdb while it should contain /dev/sda216:16
garymcis dydns free?16:16
smosergarymc, there are free services. google will be able to tell you more (dynamic dns provider)16:17
garymcI have already purchased the doamin name with UKREG16:17
smoserzoneedit.com might be good for you then.16:17
smoserttx, i think that we should have a bug for lucid for that.16:17
smosersomething like "auto-mounting of partitions in guests should be more dynamic/flexible"16:18
smoserwhich woudl affect i think ec2-init primarily (outside of removing that line in /etc/fstab in vmbuilder)16:18
ttxsmoser: this gets mounted correctly in EC2 ? I mean, the /dev/sdb on amd64 images ?16:21
ttxok, so I agree those are both eucalyptus EC2 non-conformity16:21
smoserbut the second bug is somewhat a configuration thing16:23
garymcsmoser I have a static Ip address do i still need dyndns?16:23
ttxsmoser: we could workaround (2) with a smarter ec2-init... but we wouldn't have the problem in the first place if they were compliant. right ?16:24
smoserprobably not, then. you might find better help in #ubuntu, i think this is offtopic here, though.16:24
smosersorry if i  misled you garymc16:24
smoserttx, for 1, absolutely that shoudl be ext3. simple.16:25
smoserbut even that could be worked around with smarter dynamic mounting16:25
ttxsmoser: ext2, you mean16:25
smoserbut why would anyone want ext2 is a reasonable question16:25
ttxforget what I just said16:25
smoseri was confused there for a minute16:26
* ttx gets confused at the end of the day16:26
ttxshouldn't parallelize discussions16:26
smoserok, heres a source of one of my confusions: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/System/EC2CloudImages16:26
smoserwhere are results to "User-data test" and "Rebundle test" supposed to be recorded ?16:27
smoseri'm guessing that zul didn't run those, right?16:27
zulno I didnt run the rebundle test16:28
aubreis it possible that using XFS on the CC or NC could keep SC functionality from working?16:29
smoserttx, could you comment on my test-case question above?16:30
smoserzul, did you do user-data test ?16:30
zulsmoser: nope just the basic functionality ill run the user-data test right now16:31
smoserand where will you record those results ?16:31
smoseri'm just constantly baffled by the iso testing ui16:31
ttxsmoser: they are not part of the ISO tracker tests16:32
ttxsmoser: they would warrant two extra lines in the tracker16:32
ttxas of now I'd16:33
ttxjust report any failure in those tests as a minor bug i the instance run test16:33
ttx(not triggering a FAIL)16:33
smoseri dont have failures in them to report, just am always confused when i click a link that says "more information about running this test" and its got a bunch of seemingly un-relevant information16:34
ttxsmoser: the page contains descriptions for 4 tests16:35
ttxsmoser: but only two of them are used in the ISO tracker16:35
ttx(if that makes any sense :)16:35
smoserit does16:35
smoserbut because there are these 2 extra tests... its just confusing16:35
smoserto my feeble brain16:35
ttxsmoser: upgrade it16:36
smosergaa.... we seem to not have ssh fingerprint output on ec2 again16:42
smoserwhy does this happen!16:42
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
ttxsmoser: the cloud wants you dead16:49
zulor bald16:50
ttxsmoser: I filed bug 457281 and bug 45728316:54
uvirtbotttx: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out16:54
uvirtbotttx: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out16:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #457281 in eucalyptus (main) "Partitions presented to instance should be ext3, not ext2" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45728116:57
ttxsmoser: btw I implemented the qemu-img -b COW style for my scrappable test VMs, its a lot fatser now, thank you for the tip you gave me back in Dublin16:58
ruben23hi, what is the equivalent command of locate on ubuntu server..?17:07
Appiahlocate is avaiable on ubuntu server17:08
zulttx: does the ssh keys get displayed on the console for uec?17:20
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
addisonjan opinion question for you all, setting up a webserver for a department at my university, deparment has its own page, but much of the faculty then have their own sub pages which they update and manage themselves, whats the best solution for that? webdav? would you split it across multiple vhosts?17:33
zulsmoser: its not anything obvious to me maybe ask Keybuk17:33
smoserzul, you verify that the beta had it?17:34
zulnot yet..gimme a sec17:35
fahadsadahI have a server.17:36
fahadsadahSet up to authenticate against LDAP.17:37
fahadsadahid ldapusername doesn't work17:37
fahadsadahReturns no such user.17:37
fahadsadahI straced it.17:37
fahadsadahFound it isn't connecting to the LDAP server.17:37
fahadsadahnsswitch.conf is OK.17:37
ahasenackfahadsadah: libnss-ldap needs to be installed, and /etc/ldap.conf to be configure17:38
fahadsadahahasenack: It is17:39
ahasenackfahadsadah: then the user in ldap is not posixAccount17:39
skulddoes dovecot not compile with mysql support when installing ubuntu server?17:41
fahadsadahIt weirdly started working now.17:43
fahadsadahI know caching wasn't the issue, though.17:44
fahadsadahAs I tried multiple users.17:44
ahasenackfahadsadah: nscd running?17:44
fahadsadahahasenack: Yes.17:45
ahasenackfahadsadah: then it's the culprit17:45
fahadsadahI cleared the cache, though.17:45
ahasenacknscd -i or something?17:45
fahadsadah-i passwd17:45
fahadsadahBe right back. Reboot.17:45
ahasenackwell, nscd is like that, weird17:45
ahasenackit helps and also gets in the way17:46
KurtKrautTalking about DNS cache, please vote for my idea: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/20842/17:46
nijabattx/soren: do you think it is normal that on all the clouds I have created, my access key is the same?  Secret key is different though (and I am glad it is)?17:52
addisonjanyone here manage web servers?17:53
fahadsadahaddisonj: Among other things17:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:53
addisonjalright, well anyways, just trying to figure out the best content management system, have one main site with sections that are managed by individual users, just trying to figure out the most pain free way that isn't just giving them ssh access17:54
* nijaba loves drupal17:55
nijabaused on www.ubuntu.com too17:55
addisonjwas thinking WebDav, but not so sure about security of it17:55
nijabaaddisonj: webdav with certs on ssl is pretty strong17:55
addisonjbut how do i give users only access to their section of the site under webdav?17:56
fahadsadahaddisonj: That's harder.17:57
fahadsadahAs usually, sections tend to be part of the same file.17:57
fahadsadahSee a CMS.17:57
fahadsadahJoomla or Drupal.17:57
addisonjokay so Drupal, I don't need its actual content management as much as just users and file management17:58
skuldis there a way that i can tell if dovecot is compiled with mysql support?17:58
nijabaskuld: dovecot --build-options?17:59
nijabaskuld: and on 9.04, at least, it is18:00
skuldcool!  now to find out why passdb sql{...} is blowing up18:00
nijabaskuld: good luck18:01
skuldI truly don't get this.18:17
skuldI followed the tutuorial exactly to set up postfix/dovecot with mysql virtual users.  The only problem i'm getting is when I try to start dovecot, I get:  Error: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf line 5: Unknown section type18:19
skuldand line 5 is: passdb sql {18:19
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist18:20
skuldand that header is defined in http://wiki.dovecot.org/MainConfig18:20
ruben23hi how do i make my application run automatically upon reboot with ubuntu server18:25
ruben23like mysql, apache18:25
ruben23anyone have idea..?18:26
Tohuwruben23: You could call it via a daemon script in /etc/init.d18:27
skuldummm, I know there's a way...I can't remember the file though....but I know when I installed from apt-get, that was done for me automatically18:28
ruben23Tohuw:  how would i do it..?18:28
Tohuwruben23: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto but consider doing it the "new" Ubuntu way, using Upstart (http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/125977)18:30
TohuwIs there any Ubuntu documentation floating around on setting up an iptables firewall with 2 NICs (one for outside interface, one for inside interface)?18:44
skuldTohuw: I've got what you need right here18:47
skuldthat's mine18:48
Tohuwskuld: lovely, many thanks18:48
skuldand this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing18:49
ruben23hi i have installed apache2 on my ubuntu server----> what config shoudl i be setting it, is it apache2.conf or httpd.conf-----> httpd.conf is empty18:49
skuldapache2.conf is the main....18:50
skuldthen you add virtualhosts (if you need them) in sites-enabled.18:51
skuldI can show you mine ifyou'd like18:51
skuldmostly I just left apache2.conf alone18:51
skuldeverything is now done in the sites-enabled files18:51
skuldone of my domains:  http://pastebin.com/f5929b1d918:52
mathiazkirkland: are you still editing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/PackageInstall?18:52
kirklandmathiaz: i don't think so; still locked?18:53
mathiazkirkland: yes18:53
mathiazkirkland: it says the lock timed out 30 mn ago18:53
kirklandmathiaz: i had to restart my browser, upgrade18:53
kirklandmathiaz: you can have it18:53
kirklandmathiaz: are you reviewing it?18:53
mathiazkirkland: okdiokoiekdoi18:53
kirklandmathiaz: if so, thanks!18:53
snthWhere do I view logs about a client pinging my server?18:55
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
ikoniasmoser: pinging won't be logged unless you have something like iptables set to capture icm p19:01
snthikonia: how do I set iptables to capture it?19:04
skuldiptables -L will show them19:06
skuldyou need a program like pastebinit to capture19:06
skuldor you could just redirect:   myIPtables.txt < iptables -L19:06
ikoniasnth: iptalbes -L only shows your rules19:07
ikoniaskuld: iptables -L only shows your current rules19:07
skuldokay.  I didn't know that :)19:09
ikoniasnth: you need to use tools such as ulog to log and capture the packets, but the rule you need is to block and log icmp19:10
* skuld wants to know if anybody has experiance with setting up postfix/dovecot with mysql userbase?19:13
snthikonia: I don't necessarily want to block it. I just want to log it and be aware that/when it happens.19:20
ikoniaok, so you need to accept and log19:20
snthDoes that work the same  for nmap packets?19:21
ikonianmap packets ?19:22
ikonianmap is a tool19:22
snthWhat kind of packets does nmap use? I am sorry if this isn't in the right channel.19:24
snthI am just trying to figure out how to capture different kind of requests and log them.19:24
snthikonia: Thanks. ulog is what I was looking for.19:27
ikoniano problem19:27
Reepicheepikonia: to log ping traffic to syslog.. you can enter an iptables rule like this:19:35
ikoniaReepicheep: it's snth ^^^ who's looking for iptables rules19:35
Reepicheepiptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8/0 -j LOG --log-prefix "ICMP PING: Echo Request : "19:35
ikoniaI'm sure he'd appreicate any suggestion19:35
Reepicheepon.. sorry about that .. that's for snth then19:36
* nijaba calls it a day. maybe back later19:36
ikoniaI've never used --icmp-type before though, what's that ?19:36
ikoniaReepicheep: not at all, you've just shown me something new19:36
HajuuMenZa: Fucking faggot.19:36
snthReepicheep: Thanks for that.19:36
HajuuHow about that language?19:36
ikonia!ops | Hajuu19:36
ubottuHajuu: Help! Channel emergency! infinity, soren, lamont, mathiaz or tom19:36
HajuuDoes it offend you?19:36
Reepicheepicmp type 0/8 is echo requests, ping requests19:36
HajuuKeep your fucking superficial selfrighteous standards to yourselves19:36
Hajuu!ops | hajuu19:36
ubottuHajuu, please see my private message19:37
Hajuu!ops | hajuu19:37
Hajuu!ops | hajuu19:37
Hajuu!ops | hajuu19:37
Hajuu!ops | hajuu19:37
Hajuu!ops | hajuu19:37
Hajuu!ops | hajuu19:37
Hajuu!ops | hajuu19:37
Reepicheepyou can use this to see the replies:19:37
Reepicheepiptables -A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 0/0 -j LOG --log-prefix "ICMP PING: Echo Replies : "19:37
ikoniathank you niko19:38
skuldYAY!  I finally have the postfix/dovecot/mysql email solution working!19:38
skuldnow....how the heck do I add the email users?  LOL19:38
ikoniaReepicheep: what other --tcmp-type options are there ?19:38
mneptokniko: you might want to make the host ban wider, and ident narrower19:38
ikoniaskuld: where are you telling it to authenticate against ?19:39
skuldmysql database19:39
Reepicheepsnth: just make sure that those lines are before you accept the icmp traffic19:39
ikoniaskuld: ok - have you looked at postfix admin ?19:39
Reepicheepikonia: http://www.iana.org/assignments/icmp-parameters19:39
ikoniaReepicheep: thank you19:39
Reepicheepi misstated  it earlier .. in iptables it is 8/0 not 0/819:40
ReepicheepI had it write on the rules I posted though19:40
skuldthe URL is LOL19:41
ikoniaskuld: if that's where your webserver is bound to19:41
ikoniaskuld: and it depends where you got postfix admin from, as the package installs it to specific places depending on who packaged it19:42
skuldokay.  now I just have to go find it again19:42
Reepicheepoh yeah snth, also nmap scans many different ways. for instance if nmap scans with -sP it will use ICMP pings.  but it will not on some other scan types like -sS which is a tcp syc scan19:44
sorennijaba: Yes, that's perfectly normal.19:56
sorennijaba: The access key is some sort of hash of the username or something like that.19:56
sorennijaba: ...and since your username is always "admin"...19:57
sorennijaba: It's better now than a couple of months ago.19:57
sorennijaba: Back then, the secret key would have been the same as well.19:57
snthIs there a way to capture nmap requests on your server?19:59
sorensnort, for one, detects that sort of thing.20:00
flagg0204any here have experience installing ubuntu to an iscsi target?20:14
snthReepicheep: How can I block ping requests from a specific internal IP?20:26
Guest70615where can I find the 10-10-2009 version of the beta karmic CD?20:27
sorenGuest70615: We don't keep all the iso's around.20:28
sorenGuest70615: What do you need it for?20:29
Guest70615soren: I'm trying to find one for eucalyptus working out of the box and the ISO I have doesn't pass the MD5 checksums.20:30
sorenGuest70615: The current one doesn't work?20:31
Reepicheepsnth:  using iptables you can block it by adding a source to the iptables rule "-s" followed by the ip address than change the "-j LOG" to "-j DROP"20:31
Reepicheepyou may want to look at ufw.. it could be simpler for you20:32
flagg0204has anyone installed ubuntu server to an iscsi target?20:32
Guest70615soren: correct.20:32
snthReepicheep: Thanks.20:32
Reepicheepsnth: and as for detecting all nmap scans.. you would need an IDS of some kind .. like snort that has been already suggested20:33
sorenGuest70615: Have you filed bugs about your problems? We need to fix everything before the release next week. The only way we can do that is if people report the problems they find.20:33
snthThanks for the help guys20:34
Reepicheepflagg0204: i've installed machines to iscsi targens before .. but never ubuntu :|20:34
Guest70615soren: will do20:34
flagg0204Reep - yeah same here.  Is it possible to use one iscsi target for multiple machines20:34
flagg0204i.e. readonly root fs20:34
EtienneGhey guys20:35
Reepicheeponly one machine can have access to one iscsi target at a time20:35
sorenReepicheep: Are you sure?20:36
flagg0204Reep - i think more than 1 can have access, but only 1 can write to the target at any given time20:36
flagg0204i was thinking about doing a read only root file system, then mount /var /proc. etc into a ramfs20:36
sorenI'd be surprised if only one initiator could connect read-write to a target.20:37
Reepicheepafaik, iscsi is block level you would need something a little higher up to handle locking and block level access20:38
sorenWell, sure.20:38
Reepicheepthe only way I have ever got multiple things reading on iscsi target is by creating a snapshot and sharing the snapshot as a target.. but that is definitely read only and also a snapshot in time20:39
ReepicheepI've done some stuff like that to get backups before20:39
jdstrandgfs2 or similar should handle it, though I haven't done it personally20:40
Reepicheepflagg0204: you may be better of using something like NFS..  I have done that before for read only system files20:40
flagg0204i thought about that too,  might have to go down that road20:40
flagg0204reep - you know of any good articles on doing nfsroot / readonly filesystems on ubuntu server?20:43
Reepicheepflagg0204: have you looked at the LTSP project?20:43
flagg0204no i havent.  looking at it now20:45
Reepicheepand sorry i'm not aware of any articles about sharing system files with NFS.. but I'm guessing google knows a lot.. probably not ubuntu specific though .. but that shouldn't matter20:46
ReepicheepI have a box at home that uses LTSP to be a diskless mythtv frountend.. it works pretty good and mythbuntu pretty much sets it up for you20:48
flagg0204reep - ill have to do some more research with iscsi/nfs options.....thanks for the suggestions reep20:48
skuldwhat's the command to determine if port 25 is actually open on my box?20:50
Reepicheepskuld: netstat20:50
guntbertskuld: lsof -i20:51
skuldwell lsof -i only showed 5900 open...I don't remember EVER opening that port20:51
guntbertskuld: thats vnc20:51
skuldis there a way to only show the ports using netstat, and not all the other... ??files??20:52
Reepicheepskuld: what does "netstat -tap" show20:52
Reepicheepor if you don't want the resolutions done "netstat -tapn"20:53
Reepicheepskuld: it looks like snmp is not listening20:55
Reepicheepyou could narrow it down a bit to look just for snmp like this "netstat -tap | grep LISTEN | grep snmp"20:56
blackxoredhello everyone20:56
skuldI see...now to find out why?20:57
skuldfor that port to show up, doesn't something have to be listening for it?20:58
Reepicheepskuld: yeah some process has to have that port open and listening20:59
aubreflagg0204: I share filesystems all the time using iscsi and nfs21:00
skuldI just installed postfix/dovecot  and sudo /etc/init.d dovecot start and postfix start.  That *should* do it, right?21:00
Reepicheepthat should start the daemons as long as everything is configured correctly and it doesn't error on start up.21:01
aubrewhat I tend to do is use OpenSolaris as an iscsi host, set up the iscsi volumes using zfs, and then share them to the ubuntu hosts that need them using ZFS21:01
skuldno errors showed up21:01
Reepicheepif that's the case it should show up in the logs21:02
skuldpostfix uses port 25 be default, and dovecot uses 110 by default, right?21:02
aubreif we can ever get Oracle/Sun to release ZFS under GPLv2 then I will replace the OpenSolaris host with an Ubuntu host21:02
aubreEtienneG: is it possible that using XFS on the CC or NC could keep SC functionality from working?21:03
aubrecrap I'm late for a meeting see yall later21:03
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EtienneGaubre_afk, I do not think the underlying file system would matter much to the SC21:04
Reepicheepskuld: yeah postfix should us port 25 (SMTP) dovecot uses both 110 (POP3) and 143 (IMAP) depending on what dovecot services you start21:05
skuldI don't have to set anything in a conf do I?21:05
axisysmy ubunut server network interface is not responding starting last night.. http://pastebin.com/d4caf3592 .. any suggestion how to troubleshoot it?21:05
axisyshow do I check from console if the link light is on ?21:06
axisysmii-tool is not helping21:06
Reepicheepskuld: does /var/log/mail.err say anything?21:08
skuldno, it's empty21:09
Reepicheephow about /var/log/mail.warn21:09
skuldOct 20 03:55:29 ayeka postfix/proxymap[21111]: fatal: dict_open: unsupported dictionary type: mysql:  Is the postfix-mysql package installed?21:11
skuldOct 20 03:55:30 ayeka postfix/smtpd[21110]: warning: private/proxymap socket: service dict_proxy_open: Success21:11
skuldOct 20 03:55:30 ayeka postfix/master[15613]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/proxymap pid 21111 exit status 121:11
skuldOct 20 03:55:31 ayeka postfix/proxymap[21112]: fatal: dict_open: unsupported dictionary type: mysql:  Is the postfix-mysql package installed?21:11
skuldOct 20 03:55:32 ayeka postfix/smtpd[21110]: warning: private/proxymap socket: service dict_proxy_open: Success21:11
skuld 21:11
skuldI know I installed the postfix-mysql package...I think or was that dovecot-mysql?  hold on21:11
skuldyup, already installed21:12
Reepicheepprobably should use pastebin on that .. but google that error and see if you find anything21:13
Reepicheeperror as in the lines with "fatal" in it21:13
Reepicheepaxisys: apt-get install ethtool21:14
Reepicheepthen "ethtool eth0" or what ever interface you are looking at21:14
skuldok, I'll try that21:14
Reepicheepaxisys: that is if you have access to install ethtool on that machine with the interface problems21:15
Reepicheepthe hardware link light on the interface and on the switch should aslo indicate the interfaces link state21:15
axisysReepicheep: apt-get install ethtool will need for the network to work first21:16
Reepicheepaxisys: have you tried restarting the interface? "ifdown eth0" "ifup eth0"21:17
axisysReepicheep: yep21:17
Reepicheepdo you have physical access to the machine and the switch to see if there is a link light?21:18
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axisysReepicheep: yes.. and i unplug and replug the cable on both switch side and server side21:18
axisys[  992.259472] nv_stop_tx: TransmitterStatus remained busy<6>eth3: link down.21:19
axisys[  999.342789] nv_stop_tx: TransmitterStatus remained busy<6>eth3: link up.21:19
axisysReepicheep: ^ happend when i unplugged and plugged21:19
Reepicheepwell that would indicate a link21:19
axisysbut i think some other issue here ..21:19
axisysit does not say eth3 link is ready21:19
Reepicheepuse tcpdump to see if you see any traffic on that interface21:19
axisysok.. let me run it for a min.. be right back.. need to grab a coffee real quick21:20
smosermathiaz, good news! it looks to me that bug 451881 is "must fix" now.21:26
uvirtbotsmoser: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out21:26
smoseryou stink uvirtbot21:26
mathiazsmoser: "must fix"?21:27
mathiazsmoser: it's marked as won't fix21:27
smoserit affects ec2 also :-(21:27
mathiazsmoser: ouch21:27
smoserat least i think they're the same. ec2 regressed since beta21:27
axisysReepicheep: back.. tcpdumo sees no traffic21:30
Reepicheepany iptables rules?21:31
axisysReepicheep: ufw is disabled21:31
Reepicheepand iptables-save returns no rules?21:32
axisysReepicheep: http://pastebin.com/d50c95f84 .. does not look like it21:32
axisysReepicheep: i think some hardware..21:33
axisysReepicheep: maybe modprobe -r followed by modprobe21:33
Reepicheepthere are some iptables rules in there .. although the should just be logging rules .. but you may run iptables -F just in case21:34
Reepicheepaxisys: do you have any other available interfaces on that machine that you could try with?21:34
ttxsmoser: about 451881 -- do you know how to fix it already ?21:35
smoseri have a couple options21:35
smoseri'm testing the least intrusive at the moment21:35
ttxsmoser: I think it's valid to respin the UEC/EC2 images for that, just confirm with the release team -- there aren't so many tests to redo21:36
axisysReepicheep: yes.. but on same card21:37
ttxI can retest the UEC images tomorrow morning if needed21:37
axisysi will go ahead swith over to the other if you suggest so21:37
axisysReepicheep: ^21:37
Reepicheepaxisys: it may be worth a try21:37
* ttx goes to bed21:37
skulddoes postfix compile with mysql support when installing from the CD during a fresh server installation?21:38
jdstrandaxisys: you have ufw rules in your iptables-save paste. if you are moving away from ufw to your own iptables script, please perform 'sudo ufw disable && sudo /usr/share/ufw/ufw-init flush-all'21:39
jdstrandthat will disable ufw now and on boot, and flush the builtin chain hooks21:39
axisysjdstrand: did the disable and flush21:40
axisyshere is the new iptables-save http://pastebin.com/d5a92ecb721:41
axisysjdstrand: ^21:41
Reepicheepskuld: what does "aptitude show postfix-mysql | grep State"21:42
jdstrandaxisys: that is correct. your firewall is completely flushed21:42
axisysReepicheep: ran the iptables -F21:42
axisysjdstrand: still no traffic21:42
skuldReepicheep: State: installed21:43
Reepicheepaxisys: the iptables -F will do the same as the sudo /usr/share/ufw/ufw-init flush-all21:43
Reepicheepskuld: I don't use postfix but, afaik, you should have mysql support in postfix then21:44
skuldthat's what it looks like.  I can't find any answers to this warn message....21:45
ReepicheepI'm sure it needs configured though.. if you haven't done that all ready?21:45
skuldfatal: dict_open: unsupported dictionary type: mysql:  Is the postfix-mysql package installed?21:45
Reepicheepskuld: are you following a howto of some sort? if so which one?21:46
skuldyeah....let me get them...21:46
skuldhere's one:  http://craigballinger.com/blog/2009/07/postfix-dovecot-mailserver-on-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope/21:48
skuldand I used this to fix a problem with that tutuorial:  http://pastebin.com/f65ef08c021:51
Reepicheepskuld: and you have setup the stuff in the my_*_map.cf files like my_alias_map.cf and my_domains_map.cf and the sort?21:52
smackdaddyhow can i bind my domainname.com to my static ip21:56
skuldI noticed an error in my dovecot.warn file....pointed to this line:22:00
skulddovecot unix -n n --pipe flags=DRhu user=vmail:mail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -c /etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf -f ${sender} -d $(recipient)22:00
skuldfatal: /etc/postfix/master.cf: line 84: field "private": bad value: "-n"22:02
skuldBTW, is there a command in VI to let me get to the bottom of a document quickly?22:02
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axisysReepicheep: trying on a different port22:06
Reepicheepskuld: in vi just type "G" will take you to the end .. but if your looking at logs you may want to use less or even tail to look at them22:07
skuldokay.  I know a lot of times I just need to get to the bottom or near bottom of a document :)  thanks22:08
skuldcan I rm /var/log/mail.warn to clean out the log?22:13
ScottKskuld: You can, but why would you want to?22:14
skuldI want to get rid of all the past errors to see if I have fixed all the problems22:14
ScottKThe file is time stamped, so you'll know if something new appears.22:15
ScottKThat or tail -f /var/log/mail.warn22:15
Reepicheepskuld: just run "tail -f /var/log/mail.warn" on a second terminal22:15
skuldcool, thanks22:16
skuldI think I got all the problems fixed YAY!22:16
nijabasoren: ok, thanks for getting back on this one.22:17
skuldmaybe....now I just have to figure out why port 110 isn't open LOL22:17
nijabakirkland: the url you gave i22:17
nijabakirkland: you gave me is not a feed but a full html22:17
kirklandnijaba: oh, let me check22:18
nijabakirkland: planet will only accept feeds such as RSS or Atom22:18
kirklandnijaba: okay, one minute... i just want to give you stuff i tag "Cloud"22:18
Reepicheepskuld: if you got postfix up and working port 110 (POP3) should be handled by dovecot22:18
skuldyeah, it should, but I just did one of those internet port scan pages and tested 110, it error'd out22:19
skuldbut 25 is open :)22:19
Reepicheepwell that netcat command we used earlier would be more accurate then a scan from the internet22:22
Reepicheepnetcat -tapn | grep LISTEN22:22
nijabaReepicheep: netcat -l only shows listening ports, IIRC22:23
kirklandnijaba: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/feeds/posts/default/-/Cloud22:23
skuldwell, now I;ve got a "local configuration error"...with dovecot22:23
nijabakirkland: updating22:23
kirklandnijaba: i added a note about your survey at the bottom of mine22:24
kirklandnijaba: if you'd like the text to read differently, let mek now22:24
nijabakirkland: I have seen that, thanks22:24
skuldgood evening AdamDV!22:25
AdamDVskuld: Evening :)22:25
AdamDVAny issues that need fixing? (I'm here to help)22:25
skuldI got my webserver working 100%, and mail is almost working22:25
skuldtrying to resolve a "local configuration error" with (dovecot, I think)22:26
Appiahis there anyway I can see _how_ my server was shutdown? by some user? by cron? by ... whatever?22:26
AdamDVskuld: Search postfix dovecot on debianadmin.com22:26
AdamDVGreat guide.22:26
AdamDVAppiah: Not that I think.22:26
AdamDVAppiah: shutdown requires sudo.22:27
AppiahI meant reboot but ok22:27
Appiahthen I should be able to see in auth for someone who used sudo...22:27
AdamDVreboot/shutdown need sudo22:27
Appiahbut what about cron?22:28
AdamDVIt would need to be run through root's cron.22:28
axisysReepicheep: this is odd.. when I added IP address to all the interfaces now i can ping all22:30
axisysReepicheep: and now i were able to install ethtool22:30
Reepicheepaxisys: you put the same IP on multiple interfaces?22:31
Reepicheepjust out of curiosity what does "ip route show" return?22:31
axisysReepicheep: this is Sun Fire(TM) X2100 .. no each one seprate IP22:31
Reepicheepare they different IP on the same subnet?22:32
axisysReepicheep: http://pastebin.com/d3802337c .. different IP on same subnet22:33
axisysi can ping them all from another host on same subnet.. but only one port is physically connected..22:33
axisysthat is crazy22:33
axisysi guess they have 4 mac address on each physical port .. it has two physical port22:34
Reepicheepwhat does "ip link show" return?22:34
Reepicheepand I think on interface can respond for another interface's traffic if it sees it22:35
Reepicheepyou may try unplugging on interface at a time and see if they all quit working22:35
axisysReepicheep: http://pastebin.com/d3802337c22:35
Reepicheepor better yet.. plug one interface in at a time22:36
axisysReepicheep: what u mean plug? i have two ports on this x2100 .. only one port has a cable going to switch22:36
axisysReepicheep: but as you can see multiple mac addresses22:37
axisysReepicheep: the second port has nothing connected to it22:37
Reepicheepactually you pasted the old pastebin address in again22:38
Reepicheepwe only got your routes22:38
axisyshttp://pastebin.com/f764dacfd (sorry)22:38
Reepicheepwhat does ethtool eth0 through eth4 show, do they all show links and negotiation?22:38
Reepicheepit looks like only eth0 is up22:39
Reepicheepbut like I said .. I think eth0 can actually respond to traffic destine to ip address on other interfaces22:40
axisysReepicheep: how come? ethtool shows only eth0 Link deteced: yes .. rest are no22:40
axisysReepicheep: how does eth0 respond to when it is bind to
ReepicheepI think that is actually what is happening.  "ip link show" shows the same22:41
axisysReepicheep: ^ ?22:41
axisysReepicheep: ip link show show only eth3 down22:42
axisysi mean No-CARRIER22:42
ReepicheepI would count eth2 and eth3 as having issues also.. notice the "state UNKNOWN"22:43
axisysReepicheep: never mind `state UP' only for eth0 .. you are correct22:43
Reepicheeptry running "ifdown eth1" and also on eth2 and eth3 and see if it changes anything22:44
axisysReepicheep: shows 'state DOWN' for all except eth0 and network is still working22:45
axisysReepicheep: that other port might be bad22:45
axisyshow can i check what driver eth0 is using?22:45
Reepicheepthat could be a possibility22:45
Reepicheeptry replacing the cable if you haven't done that already22:45
maekcan anyone suggest a simple pop server? I have 1 account that needs to pop, I havent done mail in years so im outa the game22:46
axisysReepicheep: i have same prblem with a solaris OS on x2100 .. hmm22:46
axisysjust noticed22:46
Reepicheepis it actually a 4 port nic card or is it something different .. like maybe one of the ports is an IMPI port or even a console port?22:47
Reepicheepof course the ethernet interfaces do show up to the system22:48
Reepicheepyou have 4 nics22:48
axisysReepicheep: one port network and second port is a ipmi port .. i am using ipmi port22:48
axisysReepicheep: builtin to x210022:48
Reepicheepyou may be able to find the module that the nic card uses via "dmesg | grep eth0"22:48
axisysReepicheep: yep.. tg322:49
axisysReepicheep: thanks22:49
axisysBroadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5721 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 11)22:50
Reepicheepmack: what is your backend mail box stores?22:50
Reepicheepmack: mbox, maildir, ..22:50
Reepicheepaxisys: you may also scan through dmesg and see if the kernel is reporting any errors on any of the nics22:51
axisysReepicheep: http://pastebin.com/d2b2d7393 .. looks like intel one is not working .. but broadcom is22:52
mdzmathiaz, any chance you could help smoser with sponsorship for ec2-init?22:56
mdzkirkland, or you?22:56
mathiazmdz: sure22:56
kirklandmdz: yeah, you bet22:57
mdzcontext is on #ubuntu-release22:57
mdzah, mathiaz isn't in there. kirkland, would you mind taking care of it? it's earlier for you and you have the scrollback22:57
kirklandmdz: sure22:57
kirklandsmoser: point me to it22:58
mdzI think he may have wandered off22:58
axisysReepicheep: does did a reboot to make sure all is working.. lost network again... hehe23:02
axisysethtool eth0 show Link detected: yes23:03
Reepicheepaxisys: what does your interfaces file look like?23:05
Reepicheepand what does your /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file look like?23:05
axisysReepicheep: interfaces -> http://pastebin.com/d20a138a823:07
axisysReepicheep: rebooted and now I can ping again.. this is going to be fun23:10
axisyshttp://pastebin.com/f64971976 <-- /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules23:11
Reepicheepthat looks fine.  "00:e0:81:5d:ed:84" should always be eth023:12
Reepicheepdo an iptables-save again and make sure there are no rules23:13
axisysReepicheep: iptables-save came out empty23:15
Reepicheepaxisys: I suppose if you can.. reboot it a couple more time and see what it does each time23:18
Reepicheepmake sure that the same mac address is always eth0 and check the link of eth0 with ethtool23:19
smoserkirkland, in bug23:21
kirklandsmoser: link me23:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 451881 in ec2-init "ssh public key fingerprint not available on console in UEC environement" [High,In progress]23:22
smoseri'll just turn off daily build and hold it until its in23:22
flagg0204with the latest 9.10 server, is there a way to set your iscsi initiator name during install?23:27
kirklandsmoser: mdz: ec2-init uploaded23:27
flagg0204other os's i have done iscsi installs allow you to specify an initiator name. ubuntu seems to make you use the default openscsi23:28
flagg0204for example23:28
skuldQuestion:  I get a "local configuration error" bad email reply when I try to send something to my postfix/dovecot server.  Which configuration would I need to look at?  Dovecot or Postfix?23:47
Reepicheepskuld: sending and receiving email is handled by the MTA (Postfix in your instance) dovecot is for mail retrieval (POP or IMAP), for when you are checking mail that is stored in an INBOX on a server from a client23:52
skuldso the configuration error is part of postfix then, since something is being bounced back to my sending (gmail) account23:53
Reepicheepyeah. check your /var/log/mail.* logs23:53
Reepicheepboth postfix and dovecot should log there23:53
ReepicheepI gotta run now.. so good luck with that23:54
ScottKPostfix is very careful about logging, so if it's a postfix problem, the logs will tell you23:54
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