
snellcodecheaper than i700:00
skylar_ZykoticK9: I have no idea how to use gksudo ect00:00
snellcodeamd is even cheaper still00:00
Kuifje111I bought myself a dual core 3GHz for ~140 euros a few days ago.00:00
snellcodeamd works great with linux00:00
dpandaKuifje111: yes after so many months [of coursing ubuntu :)] i finally realized it was probably the hardware manufacturer's fault to make it so windows specific00:00
snellcodei havent had any major issues, pretty smooth so far really00:01
ZykoticK9skylar_, in a terminal type "gksudo nvidia-setting" then make your config changes, then "Save Current Configuration" button.00:01
dpandasnellcode: and significantly better [faster in layman's words] then a core 2 duo?00:01
datzHi, in a past installation, I had a cpu freq scaling app on my top panel that would allow me to set the freq is scaling was possible, I can't find it now...Does anyone know of one?00:01
Kuifje111if I were to be a new desktop PC, I guess i'd go for an Intel i5 core.00:01
snellcodedpanda: its a 4 core, so yes00:01
ZykoticK9skylar_, it should ask your password before starting nvidia-settings00:01
dpandaintel i5  hmm00:01
skylar_Curiosity why "gksudo" not just sudo00:01
ne0futurhi all. does ubuntu have a unified graphic tool like drakconf or yast to configure network, grub . . . ? I only found ubuntu-manager on http://ubuntu-manager.tavux.info and wonder why it needs to add a line in sources.list00:02
Kuifje111the i5 CPUs are relatively cheap.00:02
snellcodethe lga 1156 chipset is a good option for intel00:02
Halitech!gksudo | skylar_00:02
ubottuskylar_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:02
skylar_hmm *00:02
ZykoticK9skyla, gksudo for gui, sudo for cli -- something to do with profiles or some such thing.  i've never personally had a problem using sudo, but i hear it can lead to badness sometimes...00:02
gcl_Argh, my sound card isn't appearing in the list of hardware devices in the sound preferences window. It was working perfectly in the live cd but after installing it isn't being detected anymore. Any ideas/ I've tried compiling 1.0.21 from source but to no avail.00:02
dpandai am tempted for a i5 then :) how much ram will be good ? 4 gb?00:02
gcl_this is the karmic beta btw00:02
snellcodedpanda: i5 cpu and 1156 board is the 'mainstream' 4 core system00:03
trism!9.10 | gcl_00:03
ubottugcl_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:03
Th_Doctorgcl_: Have you done the first update yet?00:03
ZykoticK9gcl_, ask the same question in #ubuntu+1 as suggested above :)00:03
gcl_Th_Doctor: that was the first thing I tried00:03
dpandasnellcode: fiding the right motherboard might be a problem in my city though :)00:03
skylar_well well see if that works next time i restart :)00:04
snellcodei bought most of it on amazon, the rest at microcenter00:04
Th_Doctorgcl_: Have you looked into the mixer?00:04
skylar_If not i'll refer to that thread Halitech00:04
sagacihey guys, when i try and print a document in evince or a text editor the enter key on the righthand side near the numkey pad doesn't work, anyone have the same problem or is there a way to fix?00:04
m0r0nMy keyboard fails after a few keystroke anyone know why00:04
snellcodemicrocenter had the cheapest i5 by $4000:04
dpandasnellcode: oh no no i am not from the US00:05
dpandacan't order a thing online :(00:05
datzHi, in a past installation, I had a cpu freq scaling app on my top panel that would allow me to set the freq is scaling was possible, I can't find it now...Does anyone know of one?00:05
gcl_Th_Doctor: alsamixer shows two devices: default, which only has Master and Capture (both at max), and HDA Nvidia HDMI which is also maxed out00:05
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Th_Doctorgcl_: What happens when you right click on the sound icon and choose preferences?00:06
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gcl_Th_Doctor: I don't see any devices listed under 'hardware devices'00:07
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progesteronequestion: On terminal, I assigned Ctrl+C to copy and I can't do Ctrl+C to terminate the execution of a command. How can I terminate?00:07
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gcl_Th_Doctor: There isn't a mixer. I assume it got removed in karmic00:08
Billiardprogesterone: dont do that lol00:09
jribprogesterone: use the kill command, though I suggest you keep the default binding of ctrl-shift-c for copy instead...00:09
Th_Doctorgcl_: oh, that may be a problem in the BETA version.00:09
infidis it stable to read/write to a mounted samba share? i dont want files on my windows share to end up corrupted if i write to them from linux00:11
progesteroneBilliard jrib Thanks00:11
m0r0nMy keyboard fails after a few keystroke anyone know why? I can type, but then something triggers it an then my keyboard starts pressing the button I last pressed constantly00:12
jribinfid: yes, definitely.00:13
Th_Doctorm0r0n: If this was windoze, I would say you had "sticky keys" activated.00:13
infidm0r0n are you sure there's not a piece of a dorito stuck under a key00:13
infidturning my keyboard upside down and shaking it usually fixes that for me ;)00:14
Th_Doctorm0: Does it do the same thing with a Live CD running?00:14
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.00:15
infiddo you have to mkdir /mnt/foo before telling /etc/fstab to mount something to foo or will it create the dir for you?00:15
Th_Doctorm0R0n that would rule out the keyboard.00:15
ribeiroolá pessoal00:15
jribinfid: you have to mkdir00:15
infidoh nm the fstab file is just for programs to read, so it would depend on the program if it created it for you or not00:15
jrib!pt | ribeiro00:15
ubotturibeiro: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:15
infidjrib are the default permissions for mkdir /mnt/foo ok ?00:16
infidi want to mount a windows share00:16
jribinfid: yes00:16
infidjrib thanks00:16
jribinfid: you know you can just use the GUI?00:17
ananthukdoes anyone know how to connect Logitech quickcam fusion to my laptop running Ubuntu 9.0400:17
dakiraXorg Question: since the dontzap option is not available anymore (in karmic) and handled by XKB: How do I re-enable the good old ctrl-alt-+ (plus) combo which reset the resolution to the default (e.g. when a game didn't return from its 800x600 res)?00:17
ananthukand configure?00:17
BlackFLAGif i want to completely replace windows vista with ubuntu for better system performance rather than a dual boot, how do i go about deleting vista? before or after ubuntu is installed? ive already backed up windows vista on my external hard drive.00:18
jribBlackFLAG: just tell ubuntu to use the whole drive when you install it00:18
enthdegreehey, are there any applications out there that back up your settings for common applications?00:18
Th_Doctor! webcam ananthuk00:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about webcam ananthuk00:18
enthdegreeSorry, nobody will answer on #linux00:18
BlackFLAGthanks jrib00:19
infidjrib is it best to name the mount dir for a windows share the name of the host or the name of the os? ie /mnt/MY-PC or /mnt/vista?00:19
jribinfid: up to you00:19
Th_Doctor! webam | ananthuk00:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about webam00:19
jribinfid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently00:19
WanHousetrism: jrib>00:19
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:19
Th_Doctor!webcam | anathuk00:19
ubottuanathuk: please see above00:20
infidare there any NAS's that run ubuntu or do NAS's not run operating systems and just act as harddrives?00:20
jribinfid: you could certainly use ubuntu on your NAS if you wanted to for some reason00:20
jribWanHouse: ?00:21
hipitihopanyone know the correct software and process for Dell firmware upgrades ? I have a Studio XPS laptop00:21
WanHouseinfid: You want the NAS00:21
skylar_Halitech:  Do you have that link00:23
skylar_ again I forgot this wasn;t like skype and wouldn't be saved after a restart.00:23
hsarcihipitihop, i assume your talking about the bios?00:23
Halitechskylar_, not sure if this is the right one, try it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1221072&highlight=nvidia00:24
hipitihophsarci: yes00:24
skylar_yeah thats the one00:24
hsarcihipitihop, there should be a bootable cd iso on dells support website for your laptop00:24
skylar_ lets see if it has a working solution :/00:25
hsarcihipitihop, download that cd, burn it as an image, then stick it in ur cd-rom drive and restart your computer...then follow the instructions onscreen00:25
hsarcihipitihop, this channel is for ubuntu questions only btw00:25
hipitihophsarci: thank you, I did not mean to be OT as a few places I found mention other distributions so wanted to know specifically if there were distro specific solutions00:26
MTecknologyDoes anyone see anything wrong with this? UUID=2B84-249C  /media/share  vfat  users,dmask=000  0  0   I get the error  mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, missing codepage or helper program, or other error00:26
MTecknologynevermind... I know why now00:27
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dakiraXorg Question: since the dontzap option is not available anymore (in karmic) and handled by XKB: How do I re-enable the good old ctrl-alt-+ (plus) combo which reset the resolution to the default (e.g. when a game didn't return from its 800x600 res)?00:29
trismdakira: might want to try #ubuntu+100:29
eclipseeewhat serial number of windows 7?00:30
tryggI have a really wierd problem, after I've listened to/watch something, the music and/or video gets all mumbled, screechy and it starts to lag like crazy.00:30
tryggDidn't have this problem with my other user. Compiz is disable.00:30
mverubuntu 9.04  wireless help -- please: fresh install of 9.04, on  a Dell inspiron E1505, followed by install  of the proprietary drivers. WIRED eth0 works  fine with ip 192.168. etc. but wireless eth1 says access point  not-associated and has no  IP address. But wireless connection  has been created,  with WPA password, which it keeps asking for. Next steps?00:31
eclipseeewhat serial number of windows 7?00:31
Halitecheclipseee, 1800callmicrosoft00:31
jmuranstrygg Only one user have video/audio lag problem?00:31
dakiratrism: sry.. just thought someone might know. +1 is completely idle00:31
bastidrazoreclipseee: ##windows offers free windows OS disks00:31
tryggjmurans: Yes, atleast I didn't have this problem on the other user. Not 100% it's even an ubuntu-specific problem.00:32
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Um_cara_qualquerhow can i make ubuntu recognize a cd if it doesn't recognize in the moment i put it in?00:32
HalitechUm_cara_qualquer, what kind of cd?00:33
jmurans|afktrygg try to check with other user, maybe you try to watch something fullHD and need right drivers00:33
Um_cara_qualquervirgen one00:33
skylar_anyone know why the ubuntu menu button would randomly stop working along with my keyboard >00:34
HalitechUm_cara_qualquer, bad disk?00:34
ArsinHey, my computer after about 50 keystrokes just starts to repeat the last touched key and I can't stop it00:34
HalitechUm_cara_qualquer, possible bad drive00:35
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)00:35
Um_cara_qualqueris there any kind of cd that ubuntu doens't recognize?00:35
HalitechUm_cara_qualquer, bad ones00:35
jmurans|afkHalitech +100:35
ChertogradIn Ubuntu how can I open up a program similar to the Windows Task Manager? A shortcut?00:36
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mverubuntu 9.04  wireless help -- please: fresh install of 9.04, on  a Dell inspiron E1505, followed by install  of the proprietary drivers. WIRED eth0 works  fine with ip 192.168. etc. but wireless eth1 says access point  not-associated and has no  IP address. But wireless connection  has been created,  with WPA password, which it keeps asking for. Next steps?00:36
HalitechUm_cara_qualquer, I'm guessing you mean brand, not really, depends on the combination of the drive and the disk, some people have issues with memorex, I've never had a problem00:36
jribChertograd: System -> Administration -> System Monitor , but why?00:36
Chertogradjrib: Perhaps a shortcut? In Win it's ctrl+alt+del or ctrl+shift+esc00:37
Billiardmver: does wireless work on an AP with no security00:37
dpandajust curious, does file drag-drop work in Skype in Ubuntu <-> Win/Mac ?00:37
ChertogradAnd why: I don't have Ubuntu installed yet, but if it would get laggy, I would like to know what's causing it.00:37
jribChertograd: one does not exist by default, use the menu item or create a keyboard shortcut if you want one.  Why would you want one though?00:38
kennyHI did press Win+R and my screen resolution decreased, how can I undo this operation?00:38
hipitihopChertograd: gnome-system-monitor from terminal or from your System...Admin... menu00:38
fred123 http://tr.im/CttA00:38
mverBilliard: do I  have to  change router settings to  test  your suggestion?00:38
bartekAnyione here have dual monitors (different sizes) running on Ubuntu Jaunty with an ATI card? I'm so close but it's not quite right.00:38
biovorekennyH: its a comviz thing..   Its meta-f maybe..  I am fairly sure its a meta (the windows key) something..00:39
Billiardmver: yes or connect to another AP without security00:39
jagwireDid you guys know that if you're getting low connection rates to ubuntu repositories that it might be your router's firmware?00:40
tryggjmurans|afk: I can't really watch HD by default, but the problem even persists on youtube. Also, if I have Compiz enabled, it's _really_ slow.00:40
fred123 http://tr.im/CttA00:41
tryggjmurans|afk: I even checked the temperature of everything, nothing suspiciously high.00:41
kennyHbiovore, yes, If I press Win+E I get a spaces view, if I press Win+N it reverts the screen colors, but Win+R decreses the resolution. Any idea how to stop it?00:41
Um_cara_qualquerHalitech, well... it just recognized one. There's another little problem i'm having these days: when i try to burn an audio cd, it says it was burned sucssecfully but when i try to run, it says its nothing in it... and also i can't use the cd because the computer says it is things burned in it =/00:42
jmurans|afktrygg try to get new codecs00:42
Um_cara_qualquersorry about my english by the way00:43
tryggjmurans|afk: Exactly how will I go about doing that?00:43
jmurans|afkgoogle "video audio codecs for linux" i have to go now.00:44
tryggjmurans|afk: Right. Thanks!00:44
Um_cara_qualquerHalitech, i use k3b00:44
mo0nykitcan I use something like ubericon for ubuntu? What is it called?00:44
HalitechUm_cara_qualquer, audio cds aren't seen the same way as a data cd ... what do you mean the computer says it is things burned in it?00:45
kennyHHow do I turn it off?00:46
ArsinHey, my computer after about 50 keystrokes just starts to repeat the last touched key and I can't stop it00:47
Um_cara_qualquerHalitech, when i put a virgen one in the drive, a window appears asking what program i wanna use to open or burn stuff in it... this doesn't happen with that cds i used... also when i ignore it, the k3b just don't let me burn anything in it00:47
cuddlefishHello, everyone! I am using Ubuntu One with one UNR Karmic computer and one regular Karmic. Completely different hardware. Anyways, the system tray icon shows 2 arrows with a !, then changes to a cloud with a ! . It always wants me to reauthenticate. I've authenticated about 25 times now, with no luck. Help, please?00:48
LegendreOK, we'll try this one again.. Does ANYONE know how to accomplish mulit-users on Jaunty?00:49
Legendrethe functionality was there in older versions, like Edgy00:49
HalitechUm_cara_qualquer, if a cd is already burned, it should just mount and open nautilus00:49
bastidrazor!karmic > cuddlefish00:49
ubottucuddlefish, please see my private message00:49
PCTeacher012What is wrong? When i boot my computer up, it is frozen on the "[sdc] assuming driver writethrough" step. How do i fish this?00:49
Legendrebut after upgrading to JJ, it just doesn't seem to work.. can't figure out how to fix it.00:49
LegendrePCTeacher012: disconnect the power cable to sdc, see if it fixes it. If yes, then start troubleshooting00:50
LegendreI assume sdc is an optical drive?00:50
Um_cara_qualquerHalitech, it doens't... also doesn't let k3b burn anything00:51
PCTeacher012Legendre: Funny thing is, SDC is my flash drive?00:51
LegendrePCTeacher012: then pull the drive before boot, then plug it in and look at the dmesg00:51
cuddlefishNot to bug anyone, but is my IRC working or can nobody help me?00:51
PCTeacher012Legendre: So just unplug it and try rebooting?00:51
Legendrethere is something the kernel doesn't like about it.. perhaps00:51
Legendreyes, unplug and reboot00:51
HalitechUm_cara_qualquer, I'd start looking at a bad drive then00:52
bastidrazorcuddlefish: for karmic issues /join #ubuntu+100:52
Um_cara_qualquerHalitech, do you know another cd burner program?00:52
cuddlefishOh sorry, empathy hates private messages.00:52
PCTeacher012Legendre: kay, i will let you know how it works. Be back as soon as i reboot, if i reboot and pass through *chuckle*00:52
PCTeacher012Um_cara_qualquer: A good one is gnomebaker00:52
PCTeacher012restarting everyone00:52
kennyHHow do I turn it off?00:52
Um_cara_qualquerhmm thx00:53
bastidrazor!ccsm | kennyH ..start by installing this00:53
ubottukennyH ..start by installing this: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz00:53
ArsinHas anyone experienced the probelm where your keyboard gets disabled randomly and then just presses the last key you touched and it repeates making you have to restart00:55
kennyHbastidrazor, I don think you understood what I sayed. Try to Win+R to see what I am talking about...00:55
mo0nykitcan I use something like ubericon for ubuntu? What is it called?00:55
bastidrazorkennyH: if compiz is controlling this, which it is, then you'll need to have compizconfig-settings-manager installed in order to edit/disable this feature.00:55
kennyHbastidrazor, and how about if restart my machine?00:56
bastidrazorkennyH: if you've disabled it in ccsm then it is disabled.00:57
kennyHbastidrazor, I did't. What is ccsm?00:57
Neviyajoin # ubuntu-fr00:57
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bastidrazorkennyH: compizconfig-settings-manager00:58
kennyHbastidrazor, I just Win+R again and it didn't resize.00:58
InsanePenguinare there only one torrent for 9.04 desktop i386?  like one safe torrent00:58
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PCTeacher012It now freezes at a blinking underscore :(00:58
kennyHbastidrazor, how do I install it?00:58
PCTeacher012I'm on live cd btw00:58
InsanePenguinalso why is 8.04 supported till 2011 but 9.04 is only for 201000:59
LegendrePCTeacher012: I'm a little confused.. what OS are you using at this moment?00:59
PCTeacher012Legendre: I am running Ubuntu 9.0401:00
prince_jammys!lts | InsanePenguin01:00
ubottuInsanePenguin: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)01:00
mverBilliard: added back wpa pwd; it "seems"  to work, but I also have wired plugged in.01:00
LegendrePCTeacher012: and which is it that will not boot?01:00
kandjarany vbox user here?01:00
bastidrazorkennyG_: in a terminal type sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager01:00
InsanePenguinoh ok01:00
InsanePenguinkandjar : heres one01:00
PCTeacher012Legendre: Yea, it still will not boot. It gets stuck on a little white blinking underscore on a black BG01:01
mverkandjar: Yes.  installed virtual box and having reinstalled Ubuntu must redo the vbox01:01
LegendrePCTeacher012: no, I mean which OS will not boot?01:01
PCTeacher012Legendre: Oh, Ubuntu 9.0401:01
PCTeacher012Only OS I have on computer01:01
LegendrePCTeacher012: you're being obtuse.. you are running 9.04 but 9.04 will not boot..01:02
n8tuserPCTeacher012-> try to let the cdrom drive cool off for 10 mins.. then try again.01:02
PCTeacher012Legendre: No, I'm on ubuntu 9.04 LiveCD01:02
jack__Has anyone here had any problems with pyuic not generating any output?01:02
PCTeacher012n8tuser: D: Okay, but i havent used it for 2 days lol01:02
Truman_I'm having some trouble getting the 9.10 live cd to work on a macbook pro 5.5; after I tell it to boot the cd it starts loading things, "Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd [OK] .. Enabling additional executable binary formats binfmt-support [OK]" and then it gets down to "Checking battery state... setting Power Management level [OK]" and then it says "...done." and just sits with a flashing cursor -- any ideas?01:02
PCTeacher012!karmic > Truman_01:03
ubottuTruman_, please see my private message01:03
n8tuserPCTeacher012-> you only tried to boot once? try again if only once01:03
Truman_oopsies; sorry!01:03
PCTeacher012n8tuser: I tried 4 times as of now. twice with Flash drive in, twice without01:03
PCTeacher012Truman_: Its oka01:03
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n8tuserTruman_-> and sometimes you have to wait a lil longer. give it 10 mins01:03
SatzoHi.  How do I send CTRL-ALT-DEL in Terminal Server Client in a VNC session?01:03
ibrahim76nån här01:04
LegendrePCTeacher012: so you can boot 9.04 live cd but not install.. do I have that right?01:04
ibrahim76somedbody here01:04
n8tuserPCTeacher012-> thats why i asked you to let it cool for a few, before rebooting off the livecd.. give it a chance to cool off01:04
Truman_n8tuser: thanks; I'll let it sit for a bit & then head over to +101:04
PCTeacher012Legendre: Yes, i can boot off livecd01:04
Legendrebtw, my session is running in starts & fits..01:04
PCTeacher012n8tuser: I have never had to do that O_O Lol01:04
Legendrelocks up for a min at a a time01:05
ibrahim76Hi I have question01:05
n8tuserPCTeacher012-> sometimes magic things happens, based on experience.. lol01:05
ibrahim76cab any one help me with my question ?01:05
n8tuser!ask | ibrahim7601:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:05
Merc|1408 users! :O01:05
ubottuibrahim76: please see above01:05
PCTeacher012n8tuser: Black Macgic too ;) :p01:05
SatzoHi.  How do I send CTRL-ALT-DEL in Terminal Server Client in a VNC session?01:05
n8tuserSatzo-> are you allowed to reboot the remote server?01:05
obiwan_hi , please anybody 18+ yo, boy, with shiretoko and flashplugin-nonfree? i got a problem with the play bar / volume not showing at certain page, need you try it. It'll take just a second01:06
ibrahim76Yes I have bought HDMI cable and I wounder must shut down the monitor before I us the HDMI in my TV ?01:06
SatzoYes.  It is a win32 server with a locked prompt.01:06
LegendrePCTeacher012: was the 9.04 install ever working?01:06
SatzoI need to know how to send ctrl-alt-del01:06
SatzoI can go through my windows box, but I am trying to retire windows01:06
n8tuserSatzo-> ahem win32?  what do you mean?01:06
PCTeacher012obiwan_: Question: Why does it matter if the person is over 18?01:06
DigitalKiwiPCTeacher012: take a guess01:06
Satzon8tuser, I am running ubuntu and I want off windows as a desktop01:06
obiwan_it's not an ethic web for minors PCTeacher01201:06
PCTeacher012DigitalKiwi: I know the  reason lol anyways01:06
n8tuserSatzo-> you have access to a command like in windows?01:07
SatzoI got terminal server client installed and running with vnc but I cant send CTRL ALT DEL01:07
PCTeacher012obiwan_: Dont use flashplugin-nonfree. Uninstall that and go to their website01:07
n8tuserSatzo-> answer my question..01:07
Satzoi even did a man tsclient.. nothing in there01:07
PCTeacher012Legendre: Yes, i used it before i left for a couple dats01:07
Satzon8tuser,  i dont understand the question01:07
PCTeacher012when i got home it wasnt01:07
obiwan_it's flash content PCTeacher012 , i can't play it without that plugin01:07
n8tuserSatzo-> you have access to a command line* in windows?  you know the black background msdos prompt?01:07
PCTeacher012obiwan_: I know that, go to adobe's website and get the official flash plugin player.01:07
Satzoyes im aware of the cmd prompt01:07
PCTeacher012obiwan_: let me get the exact url01:07
Satzowhat i want to do is access a remote gui via vnc01:08
mo0nykitcan I use something like ubericon for ubuntu? What is it called?01:08
n8tuser!who | Satzo01:08
ubottuSatzo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:08
Legendregoofy. So last time you tried to boot, where did it freeze? Do you recall the last message on the screen?01:08
=== atom is now known as Guest89498
PCTeacher012obiwan_: http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/01:08
Satzon8tuser,  sorry01:08
Satzon8tuser,  all i want to do is send ctrl alt del in terminal server client.. can it be done?01:08
n8tuserSatzo-> you have access to a command line in windows?  <-- answer this01:08
ibrahim76ubottu: can I use both my monitor ? and TV at the same time ? with HDMI ?01:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:08
Satzon8: yes i do but how does that help???01:08
n8tuser!who | Satzo01:09
ubottuSatzo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:09
Satzon8tuser,  i know yer trying to help but you don't understand my question... thanks anyway01:09
n8tuserSatzo-> i know  how to do it, but you must be able answer when asked01:10
snellcodeSatzo: ms has a shutdown -r command01:10
n8tuserSatzo->  there are command lines to do that in windows01:10
n8tusersnellcode-> nope,  but similar01:10
Satzothat is NOT what i need to do :(01:10
pilibeenHelp! I accidentally deleted the list of active applications in the panel in the upper right - how do I get it back?01:10
snellcodeSatzo: restart the ms computer right?01:11
Satzosnellcode.. no just access it01:11
n8tuserSatzo-> then be clear of what exactly you need to accomplish.. what does that ctrl+alt+del  do for you?01:11
Satzoits locked and i know the password01:11
ibrahim76ubottu, testing testing01:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about testing testing01:12
Satzon8tuser, : i need to unlock the win32 box remotely but i can NOT send ctrl alt del01:12
Satzon8tuser,  if i can figure out how i have my question answered01:12
ibrahim76ubottu, are you an boot01:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about are you an boot01:12
n8tuserSatzo-> in windows you can send a reboot like this   shutdown /s /t 501:12
speedxxxcoreIs glxgears gone from the repo?01:12
Satzon8tuser, i dont want to reboot it01:12
ibrahim76ubottu, I have problem with HDMI01:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:12
Satzon8tuser,  i want to unlock the lock windows with ctrl alt del01:12
speedxxxcoreI tried sudo apt-get install glxgears01:12
speedxxxcorenot working01:12
Satzoi never said anything about rebooting01:12
Legendrespeedxxxcore: it's part of a larger package..01:13
speedxxxcoreLegendre: know the name of it?01:13
n8tuserSatzo-> thats what am trying to get clarification, what does the ctrl+alt+del  unlocks or really sends out the reboot command?01:13
Legendrespeedxxxcore: don't recall the name, though =)01:13
LegendreI did just install it recently, tho01:13
ibrahim76Satzo,  can I ask you ?01:13
prince_jammysSatzo: how are you connecting to the windows box?01:13
Satzon8tuser, no it just unlocks the win32 lock screen01:13
DigitalKiwispeedxxxcore: mesa provides it afaik01:13
Satzoprince_jammys, via terminal server client(via VNC)01:14
n8tuserSatzo-> could it be another than that key combo perhaps? look at the commands for windows. there may be an equivalent..01:14
Legendrespeedxxxcore: if you try to run it from a terminal, do you get a complaint - with info on the package you need? I think this is how I found it..01:14
prince_jammysSatzo: i'm seeing in the forums that F8 can be used to send ctrl-alt-del. (supposedly you get a menu)01:14
Satzon8tuser, ive looked and looked.. thats why i am in here01:14
Satzoprince_jammys, ill try it01:14
speedxxxcoreDigitalKiwi: Legendre: So sudo apt-get install mesa?01:14
n8tuserSatzo-> dont forget, we are not windows support01:15
Satzon8tuser, i realize01:15
Legendrespeedxxxcore: can't confirm that.. again, try to run glxgears from a console, see if you get any info..01:15
Satzoprince_jammys, that works.. thanks alot01:15
Satzono idea how you found that :P01:15
n8tuserlinux folks are resourceful.. :P01:15
Satzoi know01:15
Satzobut you'd think they would document that :P01:16
prince_jammysSatzo: google 'ubuntu ctrl alt del terminal server windows' :)01:16
jribSatzo: I imagine he googled tsclient ctrl-alt-del or similar :)01:16
Guest168hi, i have a completely random question, does my ip address come from my wireless router or my modem?01:16
n8tuserGuest168-> only from a dchp server01:16
Guest168so is that my router or modem?01:17
n8tuserif your router have dhcp server,  then it will, if your modem does, then it will01:17
Satzoprince_jammys and jrib: thats the thing about googling,... you never really know how to "word" your symptoms :)01:17
n8tuserGuest168-> perhaps read the manual pages of your router and modem, it may tell you01:17
Guest168just i want to setup serveral webservers, using diffrent routers, but 1 modem and wanted to no will they have thee own static ip?01:17
prince_jammysSatzo: hehe.01:17
n8tuserGuest168->  and please change your nick to something unique, its hard to type it01:18
jribSatzo: "Hi.  How do I send CTRL-ALT-DEL in Terminal Server Client in a VNC session?" would have worked in google too ;)01:18
=== Guest168 is now known as NickName101
radioguy33in ubuntu is there a /var/log somewhere that tells me which and when an application was uninstalled/installed?01:18
jribSatzo: i'll stop teasing you now01:18
n8tuserradioguy33-> thats done by dpkg, so look around the /var/lib/dpkg01:19
NickName101how would i find out if my ip comes from modem or routeR?01:19
computerkingcan I get Ubuntu Netbook remix in an iso?01:20
usuarioER1hola amigos01:20
computerkingcan I get Ubuntu Netbook remix in an iso?01:20
lwizardlanyone understand the linux resolv.conf file configuration ?01:20
n8tuserNickName101->  geesh cant you come up with something unique? so hard to type your nick01:20
PCTeacher012What is the command to check the ubuntu filesystem?01:20
PCTeacher012it is ext401:20
ZykoticK9computerking, i've only see it as the USB image file...01:20
usuarioER1alguien habla español01:20
computerkingcan I get Ubuntu Netbook remix in an iso?01:20
=== NickName101 is now known as MarkM
DigitalKiwin8tuser: jeesh can't you use tab complete?01:20
PCTeacher012I forgot it :\01:20
Satzohe could choose n9tuser01:20
n8tuserPCTeacher012-> fdisk01:20
lwizardlcomputerking, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-netbook01:20
PCTeacher012n8tuser: thnx01:21
MarkMi use tab to complete01:21
usuarioER1necesito ayuda en español01:21
n8tuserDigitalKiwi-> try it, and see how many nicks comes up01:21
Satzocomputerking, just an FYI apparently Fedora is coming out with a remix.01:21
computerkingI NEED IT IN ISO!01:21
DigitalKiwiwell i can't now, he changed it01:21
MarkMi see01:21
DigitalKiwibut nick<tab> was his name first01:21
computerkingthanks, satzo ill try it.01:21
lwizardli thought netbooks didn't have cd rom drives ?01:21
PCTeacher012n8tuser: fdisk /dev/sda fails?01:21
n8tuserDigitalKiwi-> i am asking to make it simpler for us.. okay?01:21
=== MarkM is now known as MMark
radioguy33is there a gui ipsec installer? i want to have ipsec across my 4 computers on my lan01:22
radioguy33some are windows some linux01:22
n8tuserPCTeacher012-> fdisk -l01:22
n8tuseras root01:22
MMarknow u just have to type mm tab =)01:22
computerkinglwizardl i have an external cd drive :-) !!01:22
DigitalKiwiMMark: nice01:22
PCTeacher012fdisk -l? still nothing01:22
n8tuserMMark-> okay cool now that easier.. :P01:22
MMarkso, how do i find out where my ip comes from?01:22
n8tuserPCTeacher012-> sudo fdisk -l01:22
MMarkim guessing ring my isp?01:22
n8tuserMMark-> you have two dchp servers serving an ip address to you host?01:23
computerkinglwizardl i have an external cd drive :-) !!01:23
PCTeacher012n8tuser: There we go, but it doesnt tell ,e anything? Is that the command to repair it?01:23
HalitechMMark, look on the bottom of the router, it should have an IP address listed for setting it up, see if that address loads in a web browser01:23
n8tuserMMark-> thats not good to have two dhcpserver serving..in same subnet01:23
ArsinHas anyone experienced the probelm where your keyboard gets disabled randomly and then just presses the last key you touched and it repeates making you have to restart01:23
bastidrazorMMark: if your ip is 192.168.something then more than likely your router. your modem would give you the same internal ip as external01:23
Kuifje111just check your default gateway.01:23
n8tuserPCTeacher012-> the results dont tell you if its ext3 or ext4 ?01:23
PCTeacher012bastidrazor: Wow, i never knew 192.168.bla.bla meant something01:24
PCTeacher012n8tuser: I know what it is. Its ext4. I never needed to find out from that :p01:24
n8tuserPCTeacher012-> sometimes in nix you have to be resourcefull to find out things01:24
PCTeacher012but n8tuser it would not have, it just says linux :p01:24
lwizardlanyone understand the linux resolv.conf file configuration ? i'm trying to setup mine and all i see online is search domain xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx01:24
computerkinglwizardl i have an external cd drive :-) !!01:24
obiwan_hi , please anybody 18+ yo, boy, with shiretoko and flashplugin-nonfree? i got a problem with the play bar / volume not showing at certain page, need you try it. It'll take just a second01:25
n8tuserPCTeacher012-> then perhaps the type table will tell, code 83 for old ext3, dont know the code for ext401:25
MMarkbut, im on about my web ip not the server ip, for example this web ip is, if i get a switch, and plug in to wireless routers, and then plug 1 machine to one, and another to the other would my ips both be diffrent?01:25
PCTeacher012n8tuser: Yea :p So what is the command to repair a filesystem? And n8tuser it must be wrong. It gives me: ID 83. But i KNOW mine is ext401:25
PCTeacher012i formatted it that way01:25
pilif12pWhat the command to search the apt thingy01:25
obiwan_apt-cache search01:26
bastidrazorMMark: externally no, internal yes, if the router is handing out ip's for your LAN01:26
n8tuserMMark-> better yet if you can draw a layout of what you got, then its easier to discuss.. a drawing of boxes and lines with ip address helps a lot in discussions01:26
HalitechPCTeacher012, ID 83 just means its a linux partition, not the type of format its in01:26
lwizardlcomputerking, i think winimage can convert a thumb drive image into a ISO file http://www.winimage.com/download.htm01:26
MMarkhow would i do this?01:26
pilif12pobiwan_: that doesn't work01:26
PCTeacher012n8tuser: even gparted says ext4 anyways ;)01:26
n8tuserPCTeacher012-> what? all i said was the code 83 is for ext3 . now ext4 i said i dont know01:26
lwizardlcomputerking, that is if you have a windows install handle01:26
lwizardlerr handy01:26
mo0nykitMMark: some pastebin for images... anyone suggest?01:27
computerkingthats for windows lwizardl!!01:27
snellcodelwizardl: i just used a thumb drive to install ubuntu actually01:27
PCTeacher012n8tuser: I know. But it gave me code 83 lol01:27
pilif12ptanner@tanner-laptop:~$ sudo apt-cache search opennms01:27
pilif12pThats what happens01:27
n8tuserPCTeacher012-> i dont know what it is for ext4.. google for it will yah01:27
PCTeacher012n8tuser: Sure.01:27
PCTeacher012pilif12p: Are you searching what the package name to install is?01:28
mo0nykitthanks Satzo . There you go MMark http://www.imgur.com01:28
PCTeacher012pilif12p: Then do this:01:28
PCTeacher012sudo apt-get install apt-file01:28
PCTeacher012then apt-file search opennms01:28
=== Brothaufen is now known as adolf
pilif12pk, thanks01:28
mo0nykitcan I use something like ubericon for ubuntu? What is it called?01:29
Kuifje111aptitude search <package>01:29
PCTeacher012Legendre: So i just let gparted repair my fs. I am going to try to reboot now. If it fails. Ill just restore. For the 4th time (ubuntu is starting to make me mad :\)01:30
outoftimeany idea why my fstab doesn't run at boot? it works fine when i run `mount -a`01:30
korcananyone have acrobat reader 64 bit installed?  can you point me to a howto?01:30
pilif12pOff topic, but i just read "pilif12p: Then do this:" as "monkies rule"01:30
PCTeacher012korcan: Why did you install acrobat reader?01:30
korcanI haven't but need to...01:31
GrammerBotPlease use the correct capitals , Korcan.01:31
PCTeacher012pilif12p: lol just c/p what i type in terminal01:31
Satzogrammer... :P01:31
MMarksorry its not the greatest, lol http://paste.ubuntu.com/297898/01:31
PCTeacher012sudo apt-get install apt-file01:31
PCTeacher012this tells apt to install the file called apt-file that it finds in what ubuntu calls the respitories01:31
GrammerBotUse the correct grammer PCTeacher01201:31
Halitechn8tuser, PCTeacher012 http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/install-guide/ch-partitions.html#TB-PARTITIONS-TYPES01:31
pilif12pThats odd01:32
GrammerBotUse the correct capitals PCTeacher01201:32
snellcodepilif12p:  its not there01:32
pilif12ptanner@tanner-laptop:~$ apt-file search opennms01:32
MMarkany1? http://paste.ubuntu.com/297898/01:32
PCTeacher012Then after it finishes installing, type sudo apt-file search (name)01:32
snellcodepilif12p: might have to add the source if they have a source01:32
PCTeacher012Me confused :\ NEVER have seen that bot in here :|01:32
=== adolf is now known as kacksucker
bastidrazorMMark: no, each server would not have a different external ip01:33
jribPCTeacher012: he shouldn't be here01:33
kacksuckeri need help plz01:33
PCTeacher012Halitech:  nothing about ext4 in there ;)01:33
Crewsr3Can you set up ssh on a live cd.  Can I have someone boot a computer from an live cd and then have them open up ssh01:33
Satzo!ask kacksucker01:33
pilif12pI'll just build from source01:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask kacksucker01:33
jribCrewsr3: yes01:33
PCTeacher012jrib: How did he get in here then O_O01:33
Satzono kacksuckers allowed01:33
jribPCTeacher012: same way you do I imagine :)01:33
ubottukacksucker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:34
dctrrrkacksucker: Hey what's wrong01:34
Crewsr3jrib, so do I just have them boot from the live cd then install openssh01:34
pilif12pwoot... i got it to work01:34
jribCrewsr3: exactly01:34
PCTeacher012jrib: lol he is a bot is he not?01:34
pilif12pI'm just here that much01:34
HalitechPCTeacher012, exactly, the code just signifies it is a linux block, has nothing to do with how its formated01:34
kacksuckerah ok01:34
Crewsr3jrib, what user name do I use when connecting01:34
kacksuckersry -_-01:34
PCTeacher012jrib: Then it doesnt use pidgin i imagine (live cd lol)01:34
jrib!ssh > Crewsr301:34
ubottuCrewsr3, please see my private message01:34
PCTeacher012Halitech: OOOOOOOOH okay thanks :)01:34
jribCrewsr3: probably have to create a new user as the default one has a blank password01:35
jribCrewsr3: or set a password for the default user (ubuntu)01:35
PCTeacher012to everyone: Trying to reboot (5th time :() brb01:35
kacksuckerso my question is can any 1 tell me what is a bruchgestellgerippenBOT 1.301:35
korcanacrobat reader 64 howto?01:35
MMarkso if each server wouldnt have an external ip, how do datacenters get diffrent ip address's for each server?01:35
Halitechkorcan, why not use evince or one of the native apps?01:35
bastidrazorMMark: they pay the ISP for multiple ip's01:36
snellcodeMMark: they have different ips01:36
HalitechMMark, they have seperate IPs for each server farm01:36
korcanHalitech, I am having issues with opening PDF's from firefox...01:36
kacksuckerso my question is can any 1 tell me what is a bruchgestellgerippenBOT 1.301:36
kacksuckerso my question is can any 1 tell me what is a bruchgestellgerippenBOT 1.301:36
kacksuckerso my question is can any 1 tell me what is a bruchgestellgerippenBOT 1.301:36
MMarkoh, so i could pay for more ips?01:36
FloodBot3kacksucker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:36
snellcodeMMark: depends... are you setting up a datacenter?01:37
ninjaboxso if I was getting hardware acceleration in GNOME with Ubuntu, and now glxinfo says Software Rasterizer, yet the radeon module is still loaded, etc.  what is the cleanest way to get mesa loaded again?01:37
SatzoMMark, if you ask these sorts of questions you may be over your head... no offense.01:37
=== ubuntum is now known as kursad
kacksuckeri hate u now01:37
MMarkim not no, just some friends what some dedis, and i no how to set them up, i just wanted to no how to get the ips01:37
Halitechkorcan, so save them first and then open them01:37
jribkacksucker: all we need is love, remember01:37
Satzoyeah call your isp01:37
jribMMark: "know", not "no"01:38
kacksuckeri love only my fat ass01:38
snellcodeMMark: port 80 for an ip address can only point to one server on your network, but then what you do internal in your network is anything you want01:38
Satzojrib love and kleenex.01:38
jribkacksucker: do you have an ubuntu-related support question?01:38
MMarkyes, this is true01:38
kacksuckerhold on01:38
MMarkbut if i ring my isp and ask if i can get more ips what would they say01:39
korcanHalitech, that is the problem...  we use all web apps here and are paperless, pdf's are our lifeline, My users open 100's of pdf's per day01:39
mmoo9154I have a ubuntu network problem...  Is this the right channel to as for help?01:39
jribMMark: call them and ask them.  I imagine they would ask you for your credit card number01:39
kacksuckercan i get owner plz01:39
jribmmoo9154: yes01:39
snellcodeMMark: so the first server can be a kind of application router to route to other servers01:39
mmoo9154thx jrib01:39
jribkacksucker: that's not an ubuntu-related support question01:39
pilif12pkacksucker: Of the channel? server?01:39
MMarkreally? or would they cut me off?01:39
kacksuckerchannel plz01:39
korcanHalitech, I need the plugin so ALL pdf's open seamlessly...01:39
Halitechkorcan, is the issue using evince or having firefox open them?01:39
jribkacksucker: why?01:39
mmoo9154I am trying to get a bridged setup so I can connect VM's under kvm/qemu01:40
snellcodeMMark: some isp may give you more ips some may not01:40
Satzojrib, dont waste your time with kacksucker01:40
mmoo9154I have eth0 and br001:40
MMarkok then01:40
jribSatzo: unfortunately I have to waste some of it...01:40
DigitalKiwijrib: you should ban him for his offensive name01:40
kacksuckeri want change the topic01:40
snellcodeMMark: cant hurt to ask, if your sure thats what you need01:40
DigitalKiwiI am offended01:40
korcanfirefox, however evince pukes on some pdf's can't figure out why01:40
MMarki believe so01:40
mmoo9154Can connect to the headless server through ssh, but can't see the net from inside the box.01:40
korcanHalitech, ^^01:40
korcanHalitech,   firefox, however evince pukes on some pdf's can't figure out why01:40
Satzokorcan, ive seen some .pdf files act strangely myself.  are these .pdfs inhouse made or on the public internet?01:40
snellcodeMMark: but this is why i asked about the datacenter.  because you can also get space in a DC, and they have tons of ips for you if you want them01:40
Halitechkorcan, could be the version of acrobat they were created in, something inside the file01:40
kacksuckercan i have now owner PLZ?01:41
jribkacksucker: please keep your discussien here related to ubuntu support.  Either by asking an on-topic question or answering one.  And no, you cannot change the topic01:41
mmoo9154This channel seems a little noisy jrib...  Is there a trick to follow threads?01:41
* Satzo hands kacksucker a cheezburger...01:41
pilif12pkorcan: Is your question about firefox at all?01:41
korcanHalitech, very possible, any ideas on how to get firefox to do a better job opening them?01:41
kacksuckeror shit01:41
pilif12pjrib: Are you a channel owner or something?01:41
MMarknot 100% sure, i no that i need to link each server to a seperate router and need a dedicated ip for each server, same sorta thing as a datacenter, but its only to run 8 servers from01:41
FloodBot3kacksucker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:41
Halitechkorcan, wish I did01:41
jribpilif12p: I am not01:41
mmoo9154jrib, I can provide /etc/network/interfaces, and brctl show output01:41
kacksuckeri want plz network admin01:41
jribmmoo9154: just make sure your client can highlight your nick01:41
DigitalKiwihe's an op01:41
=== eBolorama is now known as _eB
pilif12pi see.01:42
MMarkto run from my spaire room01:42
stinkyI am trying to get some games working, all the games so far are about 10% volume of the music player, how do I adjust the volume on games? TIA01:42
ubuntu_I wanted to try KDE, so I installed kubuntu-desktop from synaptic. I didn't like it, so which packages do I need to get rid completely of kde?01:42
MMarkso yea, you could say a mini datacenter01:42
MMarkhow would i go about setting this up?01:42
pilif12pSo, the aops just deop themselfs unless they're needed?01:42
mmoo9154SO...  jrib, or Ubuntu community...  any ideas how to proceed?01:42
snellcodeMMark: i just dont know why you would try to do that, but whatever...01:42
Satzopilif12p, its best not to be op in a channel unless needed01:43
korcanHalitech, thanks for trying...01:43
* Satzo was an op elsewhere....01:43
jribmmoo9154: the trick to getting help is asking a detailed question on a single line and linking to relevant logs and errors on some pastebin site like paste.ubuntu.com .  I don't know how to answer your question01:43
MMarkbecause its cheaper then renting from somewhere else if i can do it from my 50mps line01:43
Halitechubuntu_, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome01:43
puredilutedubuntu_:  can't you just uninstall that same package you installed kde-desktop ?01:43
mmoo9154thx jrib01:43
snellcodeMMark: next are you gonna buy a diesel generator usp, racks, get a t3 line ?01:43
mmoo9154that helps01:43
charles__I am trying to install a kubuntu 9.04 on a virtual machine throught qemu (helped wb Qemulator 0.5).  Everything is ok until after loading /casper/initrd.gz i get MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC.  How can I fix it ?01:43
snellcodeomg you have a t301:43
ubuntu_removing kubuntu-desktop won't remove kde01:43
MMarkno lol01:43
SatzoMMark, you are into a heavy investment with documentation required.01:43
jribMMark: do you mind moving the data center discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic please?01:44
snellcodethis is why they invented datacenters01:44
MMarkyes, i personaly would like to start up a datacenter01:44
jribmmoo9154: check if it is just a dns issue01:44
snellcodeMMark: you dont start a vinyard if you want a few crates of wine01:44
Satzosnellcode has Dr. Phil quotes. :)01:45
MMarkive read thread after thread about it all, money isnt a problem, but im still none the wiser, any ideas?01:45
SatzoMMark, talk to me in offline channel01:45
MMarkim there01:46
=== jesse is now known as Guest80298
cipherzok so i got ubuntu jaunty running on my asus eee 1101ha, then i got the poulsbo drivers working but after an upgrade i got the 2.6.28-15 kernel and now i cnat rebuilt the drivers as the install script says it cant find the kernel source01:46
alecjwhey all, am i right in thinking that usb-serial adapters are like usb thumb drives, ie that they almost all use the same protocol and the same drivers?01:46
slon_russia rules01:46
GerwinHeya guys. Somehow Ubuntu messed up my keyboard settings, anyone know how to change them back to standard USA?01:47
puredilutedalecjw: No.  When I try to hook them up to different switches dell/cisco I've had issues with cheaper ones.01:47
slon_windows xp01:48
mmoo9154Help:  My network doesn't work under Ubuntu 9.04 (Linux shuttle25 2.6.28-15-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 9 10:48:52 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux).  See http://paste.ubuntu.com/297904/ for details01:48
mmoo9154I can ssh in.  I cannot even ping out.01:48
jribmmoo9154: check if it is just a dns issue01:48
alecjwah right, thanks purediluted. damn, i was hoping to be able to get one of those £1.65 inc postage ones off ebay and then use my pic programmer on any ubuntu computer01:49
ArsinHas anyone experienced the probelm where your keyboard gets disabled randomly and then just presses the last key you touched and it repeates making you have to restart01:49
=== shawn_ is now known as [Shawn]
mmoo9154Little help, jrib...01:49
jribmmoo9154: can you « ping » ?01:49
puredilutedalecjw: It might work.  Try it.  But no garuntees.  Might try picking up a little more expensive one.01:49
SatzoArsin, does this happen in a livecd environment?01:50
=== chaky__ is now known as chaky
mmoo9154jrib, it's not DNS.  I CANNOT ping
=== Chybeck is now known as Chybeck`w3
jribmmoo9154: k, don't know then.  There's also a networking channel you can try if you are still stuck here after a while01:51
scatterphow do i make chinese characters display in xchat01:51
mmoo9154Is there a better place to get Ubuntu support?  :-$01:51
Geekneeusis your firewall blocking pings?01:51
mmoo9154What's that channel, jrib?01:51
slon_mmoo9154,  maybe hand?01:51
GeekneeusI haven't checked the link01:51
jribmmoo9154: don't know about better, but there are alternatives: forums, mailing list, and paid support from canonical.  ##networking is the channel I mentioned01:51
mmoo9154Sorry slon..  I'm n00b01:51
jrib!support > mmoo915401:52
ubottummoo9154, please see my private message01:52
DigiAngelEvening all!01:52
DigiAngelLeast...where I am ;)01:52
progesteronequestion: I changed system date and time, but it's reset after reboot. How can I save my change permanently?01:52
DigiAngelAny pptp gurus out here?01:52
DigiAngelI got it workin, but not passin traffic01:52
alecjwpurediluted, yeah, i was thinking i might get one and document whether it works.... you can get quite a range of different prices though - ive seem them going from 1.65 to 25 quid..... ah well, i might just forget about it - its no big deal really. this computer has an onboard serial and parallel port anyway, i was just hoping i could get a serial port on my netbook....01:53
bostongeek24does anyone here use ubuntu on a msi wind u120?01:53
Satzoprogesterone, is your mobo battery dead?01:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:53
DigiAngelSup bostongeek2401:53
progesteroneSatzo I don't think so because on Window it's perfectly fine.01:53
bostongeek24looking for someone who uses ubuntu on a msi wind or knows about them01:54
puredilutedbostongeek24: Google provide any help?01:55
bostongeek24not really01:55
bostongeek24the internet on here is acting very strange im wondering if i need a better driver for the wireless card?01:55
charles__I am trying to install a kubuntu within a qemu machine. loading /casper/initrd.gz,  then i get MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC.  How can I fix it ?01:56
bostongeek24there used to be a good site called msiwind.net but it appears to be down01:56
=== gooses|ODST is now known as goose
puredilutedWhich version are you running?01:56
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:56
DaZcharles__: noacpi? :f01:57
bostongeek24how would i find out the wireless card thats in my computer? or which driver linux is using?01:57
DaZbostongeek24: lspci? :f01:58
Satzobostongeek24, lspci should tell you01:58
bostongeek24whats thats01:58
Satzocmd prompt01:58
bostongeek24<<< linux noob01:58
cellofellowhttp://paste2.org/p/477294 Am I doing something wrong? I get a different md5sum every time I try to image this USB drive.01:58
Satzoopen terminal and type lspci01:58
DaZcellofellow: that's a very professional mdsumming ;f01:59
cellofellowwell, I'll take another whack at it and if it doesn't work, ah well.02:00
Harryy  02:02
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:03
Billiardcellofellow: is it mounted when you make an image?02:03
cellofellowBilliard: no02:03
cellofellowBilliard: it is unmounted and I've used chmod do disable writes on the /dev/ files.02:04
Billiardcellofellow: instead of md5 you could cmp the image and the disk02:05
Crewsr3how do you change the janty live cd default password02:08
Satzorecompile the livecd02:08
Crewsr3Satzo, I need to change it in a live cd boot up while its live02:09
DaZpasswd? :f02:09
_JacK_what is the difference between lp0 and par0?02:11
phil_flI need to setup my ubuntu as a router with 2 ethernet card manging 3 LAN gw and gw and gw could somebody give me some ideas how to do it ?02:11
manlycoffeeI need help finding the right music software. What I'm looking for is a music making program that will allow me to make music using the computer keyboard02:15
manlycoffeeSorta like the one found on garage band.02:15
trismphil_fl: maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router02:15
phil_fltrism: Yes I already checked it but I don't know how to setup multiple LAN on one NIC maybe using child eth like eth0:1 ...02:17
n8tuserphil_fl-> not going to be easy if they all happen to be in same subnet02:17
ArsinHas anyone experienced the probelm where your keyboard gets disabled randomly and then just presses the last key you touched and it repeates making you have to restart02:17
NiteSnowphil_fl, you have to make a start up script to set nat in the firewall (iptables) and set up ipv4 packet forwarding02:17
phil_fln8tuser: I know02:17
phil_flNiteSnow: good point right02:17
n8tuserphil_fl-> then why are you trying to push it?02:17
phil_fln8tuser: well I need to do it02:18
NiteSnowphil_fl, you also need to set up a dhcp server02:18
phil_flNiteSnow: that I know, the routing and setting the routing is my main problem02:18
trismmanlycoffee: http://vmpk.sourceforge.net/ will allow you to do that, with just about any linux music software through jack02:19
NiteSnowok what is your current setup pm it to me02:19
shane2peruok, quick poll, what is the most space your / partition has taken up, excluding /home docs etc, just os  I have had close to 9GB at largest02:19
manlycoffeeArsin: Are you using a vm?02:19
Guest53563 lol02:19
shane2peruOooops, that isn't really support, sorry, I will take that to offtopic02:19
manlycoffeetrism: thank you.02:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:20
Guest53563 !offtopic02:20
ab2qikPlaying Rhythm box on Jaunty.  Added a radio station for playing. Atttempt to play it but it keeps saying "text/html plugin missing. Must install it". Pls help02:20
Guest53563 LoooOOOoooL02:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:20
_ubuntu_I have a display set at it's native resolution of 1280x720 when logged in. However, GDM refuses to use the resolution I set and instead uses 1280x768, and is actually using 1280x720 but when I move my mouse down it moves. How can I set the resolution for GDM?02:20
NiteSnowphil_fl, ok what is your current setup pm it to me02:20
=== tyler is now known as Guest37471
Guest37471I have a question about Ubuntu Legal Rights.02:21
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:21
durt_ubuntu_, gdm is the same as X02:22
thiebaudeGuest37471, ok02:22
ab2qikany ideas on rhythm box?02:22
Arsinmanlycoffee : VM = Virtual machine? If so, no02:23
thedude42ab2qik, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81476302:24
manlycoffeeArsin: k.02:24
thedude42oops, too late, not patient enough02:24
manlycoffeeArsin: I was asking simply because it happens to me when running ubuntu guest on vm.02:24
manlycoffeeArsin: then I have to restart the vm.02:25
zabooWHO ARE YOU02:25
FloodBot3zaboo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
_JacK_printer does not plug in the parport, but there is /dev/lp0, why?02:25
NiteSnowspam much02:26
sandsjhsudo python2.5 -m hsoc sudo: python2.5: command not found ||| sudo python2.6 -m hsoc - /usr/bin/python2.6: No module named hsoc02:26
zabooi HAD sex on furcadia02:26
craigbass1976Anyone know what the terminal in the xubuntu menu is?  It's not xterm.02:26
thiebaudezaboo, go away02:26
lstarnes_JacK_: is ir a usb printer?02:26
NiteSnowwow it should keep the ban for 24hr02:26
thiebaudezaboo, go play in the middle of a street02:26
_JacK_lstarnes: yes, usb printer02:26
zaboowhy are you such a moron02:26
Guest37471Is it legal for me to create a website for Ubuntu tutorials if it is supported by advertising and does not imply association with canonical or ubuntu in any way??02:27
=== MsMaco is now known as maco
sebsebseb!ops |  zaboo02:27
ubottuzaboo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:27
lstarnes_JacK_: it's likely listed as /dev/lp0 in order to avoid confusing applications that expect the printer to be /dev/lpX02:27
NiteSnowzaboo you just spamed the room you have no room to talk02:27
BilliardGuest37471: what country lol02:27
sebsebsebNiteSnow: he is gone now02:27
NiteSnowyeah i relized that after i pressed enter02:28
sandsjhhaving problems with a program called HSO Connect... http://paste.ubuntu.com/297922/02:28
lstarnes_JacK_: similarly, usb mass storage devices and ide hard disks get /dev/sdX02:28
zaboowtf faggot02:28
thedude42Guest37471, i'm not a lawyer, but as far as I know you wouldn't be in violation of anything provided you explicitly stated your site was unofficial, and I don't even think that is required02:28
lstarnes_JacK_: which was originally for sata or scsi discs02:28
NiteSnow<3 tonyyarusso02:28
_JacK_lstarnes: but this is usb printer02:29
lstarnes_JacK_: I know02:29
lstarnes_JacK_: /dev/lpX might be used for all printers02:29
Satzois it possible(and easy) to have gnome with one userspace and kde with another userspace?  If so how do i go about that?02:29
durtGuest37471, also you cannot use any Ubuntu or Canonical (obviously) trademarks.02:30
thedude42Satzo, what do you mean by 'userspace', like, one person can log in with gnome, another logs in with KDE?02:30
DaZSatzo: you can't02:30
Satzothedude42, exactly.  I would consider one userspace but i am chicken i will screw it up :/02:30
Guest37471thedude42, is there a contact for the legal team that I could get in touch with to understand this information? the ubuntu trademark terms states that the ubuntu trademark logo/text form can be used as long as "there is no commercial intent behind the use."02:30
PriceyGuest37471: the trademark policy has a link on it02:30
SatzoDaZ, :(02:30
_JacK_lstarnes: even no usb printer plugged in, does it generate the /dev/lp0 in advance ?02:30
PriceyGuest37471: *an email on it02:30
durtSatzo, you would need to run two X servers.02:30
lstarnes_JacK_: no02:31
tonyyarussoGuest37471: trademark@ubuntu.com iirc02:31
Satzodurt, ok02:31
DaZSatzo: then you can :f02:31
thedude42Satzo, at the login, whether you choose to use kdm or gdm, users can choose their window manager02:31
lstarnes_JacK_: I don't think /dev nodes are usually created for (psuedo)devices that don't exist02:31
Guest37471durt, is using the ubuntu name considered trademark use?02:31
Satzothedude42, so window managers can be chosen upon login for any account????02:31
Guest37471tonyyarusso, thank you.02:31
_JacK_lstarnes: here what is /dev/lp0 used for without usb printer plugged in?02:31
DaZSatzo: yes :f02:31
thedude42Satzo, that is correct, provided you have the window manager installed02:31
lstarnes_JacK_: do you have a /dev/lp0 without any printers attached?02:32
_JacK_lstarnes: yes, no any printer attached02:32
tonyyarussoGuest37471: I suspect you'll be okay, but this channel isn't nearly qualified to give you an answer, so you might as well just go straight to the source.02:32
Satzoso let me get this straight, i would apt-get install whatever-the-app-name-is and the next time i login i am offered an alt window manager?02:32
thiebaudeSatzo, yes02:32
PriceySatzo: not quite02:32
PriceySatzo: you choose it (There's an options menu or something) and hten you log in.02:33
thedude42Satzo, you should have the option to select things now, there should be an 'options' button at your login screen02:33
ZykoticK9lstarnes, i don't have a /dev/lp0 - no printer attached (never set on up mind you) -- I think you'll find /dev/lp0 will be present whenever you have a printer installed, for backwards compatibility with legacy apps...02:33
Guest37471somehow i missed the link on the trademark page. thank you all.02:33
Satzoive always wanted to compare the two but was chicken i would wreck my account02:33
thiebaudeSatzo, and then sessions at login02:33
_JacK_lstarnes: it has /dev/lp0 node without any printer attached02:34
Satzoi think ill try this in a VM first because i am a chicken :)02:34
thiebaudeSatzo, i did that for a long time02:34
lstarnes_JacK_: but you had one attached at some point?02:34
lstarnesSatzo: trust us, it won't screw anything up02:34
lstarnesSatzo: if it changes anything badly, you could most likely revert it by uninstalling the offending packages and reinstalling the old ones02:35
trismSatzo: yeah it will ask you if you want to make it the default, just say no02:35
trismSatzo: unless you decide later to keep it02:35
HillshumWhat could be keeping updates from being applied?02:35
nightshadewhat's up02:35
lstarnesHillshum: which method are you using for updating?02:36
zadmalckjoin #ubuntu-fr02:36
Colij #ubuntu-hu02:36
_JacK_lstarnes: no, not any printer attached02:36
ArsinHey, my computer after about 50 keystrokes just starts to repeat the last touched key and I can't stop it02:36
zadmalckexcuse me02:36
Hillshumlstarnes: apt-get upgrade, in Karmic (just realized I should be in #ubuntu+1)02:36
lstarnesHillshum: try apt-get dist-upgrade02:37
=== mikeru is now known as _ubuntu_
sandsjhhaving problems with a program called HSO Connect... http://paste.ubuntu.com/297922/02:37
nightshadeneed some help: my screen I got is so small that I can't see anything (Head Mounted Display) so does anybody know about any good text magnifier programs?02:37
_ubuntu_GDM isn't using 1280x720 yet02:37
Hillshumlstarnes: I'm trying it02:38
_JacK_lstarnes: there is no usb printer and parport printer attached02:38
_ubuntu_I've set a Modeline, a PreferredMode option and a Modes and it still refuses to use 1280x72002:38
Enissayis there a way to schedule transmission's closure?02:39
lstarnes_JacK_: I'm not sure why it would still be there.  It's probably not hurting anything though02:39
DaZEnissay: kill it with cron or at02:39
DaZor something ;f02:39
nightshadedoes anybody know about any linux software to magnify the screen?02:41
rjunegnome accessability has something02:41
rjunegmag or somesuch02:41
EnissayDaZ, if i kill it that way, is it going to verifying local data at startup or not? -cos it takes too much time and slow down the system-02:41
DaZnightshade: composite? :f02:42
ZykoticK9_ubuntu_, you don't happen to be using the VESA video driver are you?  cause I don't think that a supported vesa resolution, perhaps some other drivers wouldn't like it either?02:42
trism_JacK_: it isn't really a big deal, it probably configures it by default, because I have /dev/lp0 and I've never had a printer attached02:42
NiteSnowEnissay, it should be in preferences but i'm not to sure if you have the latest version that has more features i know you can do it in mac02:42
nightshadeDaZ: yeah.  I used an adaptor from svideo (on laptop) to composite.02:43
DaZEnissay: it depends02:43
durtEnissay, there is a #transmission channel...02:43
DaZi think you can make it to quit normally02:43
DaZnightshade: wtf? :f02:43
_JacK_trism: yes, it has by default02:43
Enissayi've the latest version for linux 1.7502:43
Colij #ubuntu-hu02:43
DaZnightshade: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compositing_window_manager02:44
Enissaydurt, already asked there :/02:44
durtColi, you need a / before like /join #ubuntu-hu02:44
_JacK_trism: does  it  not make the node by the driver?02:44
b14ckhey guys--quick question. I just installed several hard drives in my system. they are showing as /dev/sdc sdb and sdd, i'd like to add them to automount at startup. i'm lookin at my /etc/fstab file but it has UUID entries. is there anyway i can configure my new drives to automount in the same way? how should i go about doing this?02:44
nightshadewell, the display is composite.02:44
NiteSnowEnissay, ok ill have to check it i need to install it on my system as it's not the latest in the debian repos for lenny02:44
DaZif you're running compiz or kwin with composite you can use a magnifier plugin ;f02:44
nightshadebrb, annoying grandmother needs me02:44
MagnesiumHello all...I was trying to set up an opengl screensaver on my laptop, but it ran at about 0.25 fps :P.  Then I set vblank_mode to 0 in .driconf, and everything works wonderfully. Anyone know why? I've got an old (like, 8 year old) ATI radeon card in my lappy.02:45
_ubuntu_ok, then, how do re-enable Ctrl-Alt-Backspace?02:45
lstarnes!dontzap | _ubuntu_02:45
DaZ!dontzap _ubuntu_02:45
ubottu_ubuntu_: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.02:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:45
DaZdamn pipe02:45
_JacK_trism: when driver makes the node,  the device must be plugged in, right?02:45
MagnesiumSorry, .drirc, not .driconf02:45
jumbersIs there a perl-tex-hyphen package for Ubuntu?02:45
_ubuntu_RightAlt+ScreenPrint+K doesn't work for me02:45
_ubuntu_i've already tried before02:45
Crewsr3jrib, thanks for your help....I was able to boot a computer 1000 miles away and ssh into it....thanks for your help02:45
Hillshum_ubuntu_: System>>Prefs>>Keyboard, on the layout tab02:45
lstarnes_ubuntu_: what about sysrq?02:45
_ubuntu_it screws all other ttys02:45
DaZlstarnes: printscreen == sysrq?02:46
_ubuntu_well, at least on my keyboard02:46
EnissayNiteSnow, tyt02:46
lstarnesDaZ: usually, but I'm not sure if it's different on some layouts02:46
_ubuntu_it does however reload X fine, but it screws all other ttys02:46
MagnesiumDaZ: yep02:46
=== jon is now known as Guest18591
mankashanybody has idea about avi merge files02:47
Guest18591hello, I really need some help re: installing a new video card02:47
_ubuntu_the other ttys get some random color bars at the top02:47
Guest18591can anyone help with that?02:47
DaZ_ubuntu_: just reenable ctrl alt backspace02:48
ZykoticK9mankash, gui app avidemux, cli mencoder02:48
lstarnes_ubuntu_: that might be an issue with your video drivers02:48
_JacK_lstarnes: when os boots up, some nodes under the /dev are not made by drivers, but by mknod, like /dev/lp0,  right?02:48
mankashthere are 14 files02:48
nightshadeim back02:48
_ubuntu_it is a screwy video card...02:48
lstarnes_JacK_: possibly02:48
mankash1st file I can play02:48
_ubuntu_but when restarting-shutdown it doesn't happen02:49
mankashI tried using mencoder  but  giving error in second file02:49
lstarnes_JacK_: udev or hal might make the nodes automatically02:49
_ubuntu_E: Couldn't find package dontzap02:49
Billiardmankash: is the 2nd file a valid avi?02:49
_ubuntu_dontzap isn't avaliable for karmic afaik02:49
lstarnes_ubuntu_: which version of ubuntu are you using?02:49
Hillshumlstarnes: Found the problem. I had uninstalled a bunch of stuff02:50
_ubuntu_karmic ^^02:50
infiddoes windows vista count as 'windows 2003 or greater'?02:50
b14ckHow do I completely wipe everything on a drive (/dev/sdd) and zero it all out?02:50
lstarnes_ubuntu_: try screen-resolution-extra02:50
Billiardinfid: it should02:50
lstarnes_ubuntu_: I think it might have dontzap02:50
mankashfor testing I tried to play from 2nd file to 14th file all give same error when playing02:50
hunt577I am using the livecd for ubuntu 9.04 and I am have very bad audio lag and echo.  Can someone help me fix this?02:50
_ubuntu_it is alreadyinstalled02:51
Magnesiuminfid: Sarcastically, no...but probably so ;)02:51
cipherzhmm i just did an update of my ubuntu jaunty02:51
Billiardmankash: so only the first is a valid avi? the others just need to be concatinated on to the first?02:51
cipherzand it told me to boot, and now it crashes on boot :/ seems like it cant find the disk02:51
cipherzany ideas?02:51
ArsinUbuntu is not letting me type anymore, it starts pressing the last button touched and it repeats it forever and I can't do anything about it02:51
_JacK_lstarnes: when no usb printer or parport printer attached, udev will not make the node. does hal make that?02:51
mankashso they won't play individually02:51
trismyeah someone mentioned it earlier, they removed the dontzap option from x in the version that is in karmic, https://wiki.edubuntu.org/X/Config/DontZap describes how to enable it02:51
HillshumArsin: I assume said Ubuntu is not the one on irc?02:52
lstarnes_JacK_: it might, but I don't think it would02:52
_ubuntu_yes i was just checking there right now...02:52
mankashmencoder is giving error02:52
Billiardmankash: try `cat file1.avi file2.avi > test.avi` does test play correctly through part 202:52
mankashgood idea, let me try that02:53
infidMagnesium: so i should use cifs instead of smb in ubuntu 9.04/vista02:53
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:53
_JacK_lstarnes: if so, udev and hal will make the node only when  printer available (attached), i guess it uses mknod in some script02:54
_ubuntu_any good reason as to why RAlt+Print+K screws the ttys up?02:54
lstarnes_JacK_: or it was created by udev before and wasn't removed02:54
lstarnes_JacK_: I'm not sure if udev cleans things up automatically though02:55
Magnesiuminfid: I believe that smb is "deprecated," meaning you should always use cifs, if it works. It should be backwards compatible02:55
lstarnes_ubuntu_: it's likely a video driver issue02:55
_ubuntu_can I change the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination?02:55
lstarnes_ubuntu_: I had a similar issue up until I switched from the preinstalled drivers to newer drivers02:55
_JacK_lstarnes: maybe, i 'm also not sure that02:55
_ubuntu_not preinstalled drivers02:56
_ubuntu_sucky videocard uses sucky drivers :'(02:56
durt_ubuntu_, yes you change it in xorg.conf02:56
ArsinHillshum: On my dad's notebook right now02:57
_ubuntu_'This is due to the fact that "DontZap" is no longer an option in the X server and has become an option in XKB instead.'02:57
mankashBilliard: I think it worked thanks a lot02:57
_ubuntu_unless you can set XKB stuff in xorg.conf02:57
_ubuntu_(i have no idea about xkb)02:57
mankashlet me try all the files02:58
hunt577I'm having audio lag and bad echo, can someone help please?02:58
HillshumArsin: Does Ctrl+Alt+F1 get you to a console login screen?02:58
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
=== NiteSnow is now known as Cheese
sykim trying to edit grub.cfg by doing sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg but when i save it, it tells me could not save you are trying to save the file on a read-only disk02:58
=== Cheese is now known as BlooCheese
ArsinHillsum: ya02:58
IdleOnesyk: ask in #ubuntu+1 for karmic support02:59
hunt577I am using the livecd for ubuntu 9.04 and I am have very bad audio lag and echo.  Can someone help me fix this?03:00
HillshumArsin: Have you tried logging out and then back in?03:00
ArsinHillsum: I have to restart03:00
=== bob__ is now known as gh34
durt!sound | hunt57703:01
ubottuhunt577: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:01
HillshumArsin: So logging out and then back in does not fix the problem?03:01
hunt577durt - thanks but already tried that...Alsa Mixer is selected03:01
ArsinBut typing is fine in the login terminal thing Alt+F103:01
MagnesiumHello all...I was trying to set up an opengl screensaver on my laptop, but it ran at about 0.25 fps :P.  Then I set vblank_mode to 0 in .drirc, and everything works wonderfully. Anyone know why? I've got an old (like, 8 year old) ATI radeon card in my lappy.03:02
hunt577Well, I was going to get Ubuntu, but if the audio doesn't work I'll go back to Windows.  I'm just using the livecd right now03:03
ArsinHillsum: I went back to Alt+F7 typed, it froze up now I have to restart03:04
frogzoohunt577: ubuntu's audio's a bit broken atm03:04
thedude42hunt577, what audio chipset are you using?03:04
hunt577frogzoo - It takes almost 5 minutes for a simple IM sound to come through on my end03:04
scunizifrogzoo: been broken for a couple of releases03:04
infiddoes case matter to fstab for mounting a windows share? windows calls my share MY-PC but ubuntu calls it my-pc03:05
HillshumArsin: Let me get this straight. You can't type in X (the graphical part of Ubuntu). Logging out and back in does not fix the problem. Rebooting will?03:05
hunt577thedude42 - let me check03:05
frogzooinfid: sure it matters, use the unix case03:05
thedude42hunt577, open a terminal and type 'lspci' and what linux recognizes will be listed03:05
hunt577thedude42 - ok03:06
hunt577one moment03:06
ArsinHillsum : Ya03:06
hunt577thedude42 - I am using the livecd for ubuntu 9.04 and I am have very bad audio lag and echo.  Can someone help me fix this?03:06
hunt577wrong paste03:07
HillshumArsin: So after you reboot it's fine for a while?03:07
sebsebseb!pastebin |  hunt57703:07
ubottuhunt577: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:07
hunt577thedude42 - 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)03:07
infidmy dmesg says 'CIFS VFS: no username specified. cifs_mount failed w/return code = -22'. how do i fix this?03:07
hunt577thedude42- http://paste.ubuntu.com/297937/03:08
thedude42hunt577, it is possible the lag goes away03:08
Magnesiuminfid: You need to specifiy a username :P Type man cifs_mount to see the exact syntaxj03:08
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thedude42i was going to change my mind on what i was typing and hit enter instead03:09
ArsinHillshum: It's fine till I type something, it'll go for maybe 50-70 characters, the freeze up or repeate the last touched character03:09
alphertis there are channel for ubuntu on apple hardware03:09
hunt577thedude42 - ok03:09
infidMagnesium: i dont have a man page for cifs_mount03:09
Arsinalpher: Why, what's the problem?03:10
alphertI have a macbook 5,5 here with ubuntu installed and running, but with a number of issues03:10
IdleOnealphert: #ubuntu-ppc03:10
scunizialphert: this is it.. hopefully there'll be someone here that's done the same as you03:10
alphertthanks IdleOne03:10
alphertscunizi: then I'll ask here too03:10
HillshumArsin: Hmm. That's all I can think of then03:10
IdleOnealphert: but you might have more luck here03:10
thedude42hunt577, you could try installing ubuntu under wubi, which will leave your windows installation in place03:10
scunizialphert: is it intel based or ppc03:10
hunt577thedude42- I don't want to install it and still have the same audio issues.  I mean the lag is so bad on the audio that it really hurts the ears03:10
CLIdiotwhich version of ubuntu do I need to go back to if all I want or need is full-screen flash?03:10
hunt577thedude42- how do I do that?03:11
alphertArsin: the LCD display cannot be adjusted: the package pommed that controls the mac keys refuses to run: "unknown machine macbookpro 5,5"03:11
sebsebsebhunt577: Wubi can go bad on people03:11
pepperjackCLIdiot: you can change your flash version without changing your ubuntu install03:11
alphertscunizi: intel based, new macbookpro03:11
infiddoesnt smbfs come installed by default in jaunty?03:11
alphertI got sound working with a custom install of alsa-driver-1.0.21, but that's about it03:11
Magnesiuminfid: Sorry, try man mount.cifs03:12
thedude42hunt577, that's why I said to use wubi... it doesn't alter your windows file system at all and if the audio issue persists you can just kill ubuntu03:12
Magnesiuminfid: If that's not there you need to install a package03:12
alphertthe touchpad cannot click and drag, since the button is integrated into the pad itself. And the LCD brightness is annoying, particularly at night.03:12
CLIdiotpepperjack: if I go back to an earlier flash version will it work? I heard it wasn't a flash problem, but how it interacted with something else03:12
infidMagnesium: i just installed smbfs and now everything works03:12
CLIdiotall I know is it used to work, and I'd love to go back to having it work again03:12
sebsebsebthedude42: except sometimes it seems that people remove wubi, and  it doesn't sort out the boot loaders for them, and they end up not being able to boot up Windows03:12
Magnesiuminfid: Cool03:12
Magnesiuminfid: I think I had to do that too, come to think of it03:13
thedude42sebsebseb, fixboot from the windows cd takes care of that03:13
sebsebsebthedude42: and sometimes they don't know what to do with the Windows CD03:13
IdleOnesebsebseb: the wubi wiki has a easy fix for the boot loader issue. was looking at it last night03:14
ArsinMy numberpad is also locked up now03:14
pepperjackCLIdiot: you seeing 'choppy' video or is it just not working?03:14
d33dwhere can i get an awesome "open source" book about Ubuntu or Linux? :D03:15
CLIdiotused to be fast and clean, same machine03:15
IdleOned33d: ubuntu pocket guide03:15
d33dIdleOne, is this free?03:15
IdleOned33d: yes03:15
d33dIdleOne, got it - Nice, any others?03:16
crohakonhow do I open the openssh client?03:16
IdleOned33d: you seem resourceful, I am sure you can find a couple more :)03:16
Billiardcrohakon: ssh03:16
d33dIdleOne, you silly ubuntu user. ok.03:16
IdleOned33d: lol thanks03:16
scuniziwww.ubuntupocketguide.com d33d .. free pdf download03:17
pepperjackCLIdiot: i dont know if this is the cause but there is a bug report similar to that with a workaround: http://tinyurl.com/yg3sfxp03:17
crohakonhehe... ssh... should have guested. =)03:17
CLIdiotpepperjack: I don't think so, it's only in flash, not in any other players. VLC works fine, it's only on sites like hulu, youtube, etc. and only in full-screen03:18
ArsinHey, I have a problem where my keyboard freezes after about 70 keystrokes and also my numberpad is locked at on and I can't turn it off03:21
d33dscunizi, :D been there done that. Thank You though!03:22
mb_again_arsin: have you got another keyboard to swap in?03:22
Arsinmb_again: I don't think that's the issue, but I will try let me go grab it and restart03:22
bboruneed help. whenever i plug in my 3g card it will register in lsusb for half a second then disappear. what do i do?03:23
dewmanis there a weightloss tracking program for ubuntu that anyone has tried?03:25
Geekneeusweightloss tracking program?03:25
infidi renamed a dir that's mounted from /etc/fstab how can i have fstab unmount it and remount it under my new changes to fstab?03:26
MistressVixen_o.0 this doesent look like the real xchat03:26
Arsinbboru: Give people examples of some03:26
d33dI love Koala! Its the best release yet.03:26
* MistressVixen_ scratches her head03:26
Billiardinfid: sudo mount -a03:26
dewmanGeekneeus, Yep...something that I can use to track my exercise / weightloss?03:26
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bennettj1087infid: sudo umount -a; mount -a03:26
webbb182ok i ran update manager and it said partial upgrade with 226 files  that doesnt seem rite. but when i do apt-get upgrade in the terminal it doesnt say anything about a partial03:26
Geekneeusdewman, notepad?03:27
mrandersonanyone know the command to create a file on the fly: "test" cat<test.txt03:27
mrandersonsomething like that?03:27
bboruit's an internal pcie card. doesnt show up in lsusb.  when i reseat it it will show up for a split second: Bus 004 Device 003: ID 03f0:211d Hewlett-Packard03:27
bennettj1087mranderson: try "touch test"03:27
cellofellowd33d: when did Karmic become a release? I thought it was a Beta.03:27
Arsinmb_again: So far so good, but why? It worked before I tried putting a IDE to SATA adapter in03:27
Geekneeusdewman: why not try searching for a diary program?03:27
mb_again_geekneeus, dewman: harsh advise. You can use any xl spreadsheet you can search up on the internet with openoffice ...03:27
dewmanmb_again_, Thanks03:28
mrandersonbennettj1087, thanks03:28
mrandersonbennettj1087, does the << have anything to do with it?03:28
bennettj1087mranderson: I'm not sure what you're asking.03:28
dewmanmb_again_, Actually there is one in the repo..... pondus03:29
=== Chybeck`Aw is now known as Chybeck
Geekneeusvi file.ext then press ":" "w"03:29
papulhi. ubuntu is purely opensource i guess.03:29
matelotQuestion: If I do "apt-get install" to install software - how to find out the version of the sw BEFORE actually install ?03:30
bennettj1087mranderson: You wouldn't need any redirect operators (<< isn't a valid operator as far as I know anyway).  "touch test" will simply create a blank file called "test"03:30
excess^Could anyone point in the direction of how to customize gEdit for Web Development?03:30
dewmanGeekneeus, I think I will pass on your notepad suggestion. Seeing that there is no such program as notepad in ubuntu03:30
papulcan i get the ubuntu icon theme for use in arch?03:30
bennettj1087excess^: what kind of customization are you looking for?03:31
mrandersonbennettj1087, I have a command that executes...and I need to dump its ouput into a file03:31
mrandersoncan I use touch for this03:31
excess^bennettj1087, I'm use to Notepad++ functionality03:31
horsieexcess - why not use scite?03:31
excess^But Im not interested in running wine.03:31
Billiardmranderson: when you output to a file it will be created03:31
bennettj1087mranderson: ah, to dump output use a redirect operator.  either > or >>03:31
excess^horsie, Ive got SciTe atm, however it doesn't have FTP capability.03:31
mrandersonahh, excellent03:32
bennettj1087mranderson: >> will append the output to a file (not overwriting what was there already)03:32
Geekneeusexcess^, gEdit is just a text editor, try aptana?03:32
bennettj1087mranderson: > will overwrite the file with your new output03:32
mrandersonexcellent, thanks03:32
Billiardmatelot: apt-cache show ?03:32
mb_again_cool pondus is very simple weight grapher and record. tidy for what it does. But not excercise03:33
infidif i perm mount a windows share to /mnt/windows and my linux laptop loses the internet (being out of my local wifi zone) will i still have access to /mnt/windows or will it unmount?03:33
matelotBilliard, so I just enter "sudo apt-cache show name-of-software" ?03:33
Random832so... the clock applet in gnome supposedly can show temperature and weather, but i can't get it to work or find a place to set what location the weather goes in the panel for (weather shows up fine in the actual locations list)03:33
Billiardmatelot you dont need sudo03:33
ArsinHas anyone used a IDE to SATA adapter with Ubuntu on that drive?03:34
matelotBilliard just "apt-cache show name-of-software" then ?03:34
bennettj1087infid: you will not have access to the windows share.  attempting to ls the directory will probably hang really bad.  you'd most likely need to use "umount -l" to unmount it.03:34
Billiardmatelot: yes03:34
matelotok, let me try03:34
bennettj1087infid: it won't unmount automatically I don't think.03:34
tiger2wanderHi all03:35
d33dare you serious? its a beta release. are you just in IRC to analyze everyone's comments and crap on their face.03:35
Random832the weather applet works, but the built in weather in the clock applet doesn't03:35
infidbennettj1087: what's a good solution for offline working like that then? keep a local copy of my windows share on my linux box and rsync back any changes i make when i'm back online?03:36
obiwan_hi please, anybody uses pptp to join vpn? need help the man is sooooooo long03:36
Lenin_CatI'm currently helping a friend, how do I upgrade a wubi installation to  a full one? Just copy the fileS?03:37
bennettj1087infid: I'm not aware of any more elegant solutions than that. you can actually store the local copy at /mnt/windows also.  when you mount your windows share it will just shadow what's actually located in that directory (without actually deleting the data).  you'll probably have to try putting a file in /mnt/windows (without your share mounted), then mount your share and then unmount it and notice your file still there to03:38
bennettj1087see what I'm trying to say.03:38
mb_again_arsin: sorry missed your message. The keyboard swap changed the situation for the better it sounds like. could be the hardware, despite your reservations. Could be the driver for the keyboard is different in some minor way and you ticlled a bug with your hardware change on the drives. maybe the connector was just loose. Keep an eye on things as hardware failures have a tendency to have a random component.03:38
banistefiendanyone here know how to find out the alpha value of a color ingimp? im using the eyedropper but it only shows me the RGB values, i want to know the precise alpha value too03:39
mrandersonbennettj1087, will the < take output displayed on the screen by a command03:39
mrandersonand place it into a file03:39
mrandersonit does not seem to be working03:39
greensimianHey,  does anyone know how to uncompress multipart rar files?03:39
IdleOneLenin_Cat: http://wubi-installer.org/support.php03:40
greensimianUb 9.4 doesn't seem to like multi part files.03:40
WanHousegreensimian: unrar the .rar file03:40
bennettj1087mranderson: you need to use a > not a <   example: echo "hello there sir" > outputfile will write "hello there sir" to a file called "outputfile"03:40
deusrhelp me in compilation the driver gspca03:40
mmoo9154greensimian, I like 7zip the best03:41
bennettj1087greensimian: you should have a bunch of .r01, .r02 files and a single .rar file, just unrar the .rar file and it should automatically look for the .r01 files03:41
Billiardbanistefiend: on the eye dropper tool options check "Use info window" or hold shift while clickin on the image03:41
WanHouseCan i interrest you in a bjeer emma ? :)03:42
greensimianbennettj1087: I wish it did, but the Archive Manager seem pretty primitive03:42
emmaI'm always game03:42
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WanHousePlay ball.03:42
bennettj1087greensimian: ah, that seems odd...03:42
banistefiendBilliard: thanks03:42
IdleOneWanHouse: emma this is not the appropriate place for setting up a date.03:42
IdleOne!patience | deusr03:42
ubottudeusr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.03:42
emmaIdleOne, don't look at me. I just got here.03:43
cellofellowBilliard: I did the cmp thing, and it finds a difference after only 2MB. I think dd is messing something up.03:43
Magnesium_Hey folks...can anyone here using the opensource radeon driver do me a favor, and run glxinfo | grep vendor?03:43
emma!attitude | IdleOne03:43
ubottuIdleOne: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:43
IdleOneemma: ???03:43
matelotthanks Billiard03:43
cellofellowBilliard: can't be reading it wrong as I get the same md5sum on the /dev/sdb every time.03:43
ArsinI have a keyboard that works in windows, but it decided to die on me in Ubuntu anyone know any reason this might happen?03:43
IdleOneemma: where did you see me not have a good attitude?03:43
Billiardcellofellow: how are you creating the image03:43
Random832@IdleOne, getting all stuck up about a little friendly banter03:44
bennettj1087deusr: looks like there are several issues in the c source code for the driver, where did you get it?03:44
kisukeArsin: what kind of keyboard was it?03:44
cellofellowBilliard: dd if=/dev/sdb of=/home/multimedia/backupbigusb.img03:44
IdleOne#ubuntu-offtopic is a better channel for banter03:44
zenlunaticwhat do you guys use for making videos for youtube03:44
blankheadwhats the exact release date for ubuntu 9.10?03:44
IdleOneOct. 29 blankhead03:44
emmaIdleOne, please don't spam that channel here.03:44
blankheadthank you idleone03:44
zenlunaticblankhead: not soon enough03:44
Arsinkisuke: it is a Microsoft Comfort Curve Keyboard 200003:45
IdleOneemma: seems your the one with the attitude03:45
Elodia||| Buenas noches |||03:45
trismemma: he has a point, this channel is for ubuntu support03:45
Random832so anyway, i fixed my hibernate problem - adding it to grub menu.lst solved it, even though it never needed it before03:45
Magnesium_Is there anyone using the open source radeon driver that could run glxinfo | grep vendor for me?03:45
WanHouseIdleOne: Wash your mouth.03:45
blankheadis it going to come with firefox 3.5 and ext4 by default?03:45
Random832ok, let's everyone chill out03:45
Billiardcellofellow: should work03:45
Random832this doesn't have to be a big thing03:45
emmatrism, that's exactly my point. Not for spamming people about non-support channels.03:45
zenlunaticblankhead: just read the release notes03:45
Elodiabuenas noches, algun chileno por casualidad?03:45
IdleOnefine I'll keep quiet.03:45
cellofellowBilliard: never comes out clean, though. :(03:45
kisukeArsin:  did you look for drivers for it?03:45
bennettj1087blankhead: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule03:45
Billiardcellofellow: your positive its unmounted?03:46
bennettj1087blankhead: google is your friend, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=release+date+for+ubuntu+9.1003:46
Arsinkisuke: It worked for 6 months or so, today it started acting up03:46
kisukeon ubuntu?03:46
ArsinYes sir03:46
greensimianLooks like the unrar command works, but Archive Manager is busted.03:46
dan_hello. i have installed ubuntu desktop, but the screen goes blank when i boot into it.  i'm looking at the xorg.conf file, but there isn't a place to insert which video driver to use.  anyone know how to handle this?03:46
deusrbennettj1087, http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html03:46
blankheadthat was awesome bennettj188703:46
greensimianAnyone know of a good gui rar manager?03:46
kisukeArsin: sounds like an update borked it03:47
Elodia.awa fumando03:47
Elodia.away fumando03:47
* Elodia Desapareció [ fumando ] [5secs]03:47
cellofellowBilliard: josh@squashtop ~ $ mount | grep /dev/sdb03:47
cellofellowjosh@squashtop ~ $03:47
Magnesium_Is there anyone using the open source radeon driver that could run glxinfo | grep vendor for me?03:47
Arsinkisuke: Hmm........... It worked in the morning, then I tried installing an IDE to SATA adapter and then it screwed up, but putting the adapter was pure hardware, no software involved03:48
SinuvoidHey, I'm running Xubuntu on an old laptop and I cannot get to the Networking Configuration03:49
Magnesium_No one out there?03:49
SinuvoidHow do I get there?03:49
bennettj1087deusr: it appears as though they have some issues in their code, you may want to look into submitting a support request.  Unless you want to get your hands dirty in some C03:49
Billiardcellofellow: idk should work fine03:49
coz_Magnesium_,  sorry I dont use ati  so I cant help with this one03:49
n8tuserSinuvoid-> use vim to edit manually,   /etc/network/interfaces  file03:49
SinuvoidGah noes03:49
dan_my screen goes blank when i boot into ubuntu.  anyone know how to configure it to show video?03:49
Sinuvoidn8tuser, ok03:49
n8tuserdan_-> did it ever work  using he livecd ?03:50
Magnesium_coz_: Okay, thanks for listening, though! Any one else?03:50
deusrbennettj1087, I'm trying to install this webcam: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 17a1:012803:50
dan_when i chose the safe video mode option it worked03:50
coz_Magnesium_,  is this an issue because the command is not bringing up a vendor?03:50
dan_i used the alternate cd to install it, because i have a RAID.03:51
Sinuvoidn8tuser, this is not what I want lol03:51
papulhow do i add compiz?03:51
papulthe eye candy03:51
Sinuvoidn8tuser, What I want is to be able to enable my wlan003:51
coz_papul,  well it should already be installed03:52
coz_papul,  and once the video driver is installed properly   it should then boot with compiz running03:52
n8tuserSinuvoid-> not what you want?  thats where the configs can be set and configured,  enabling is via ifconfig/iwconfig03:52
papulits something named compiz settings manager. i dont remember its name03:52
coz_papul,  you could     sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager03:52
Sinuvoidn8tuser, like this: http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-networking-for-basic-and-advanced-users.html03:52
Magnesium_coz_: Well, the problem is that it's showing vendor to be SGI Tungsten Graphics. I could have swarn that when I first set it up it wasn't that way. But, I'm still getting as good of performance as ever, and glxinfo says Direct Rendering is enabled, but it also says the renderer is Mesa...so I'm really confused ;)03:52
Sinuvoidn8tuser, 2nd pic down03:52
coz_papul,  then open that in terminal with just       ccsm03:52
dan_i had this problem when i used fedora, and i just changed the video driver in xorg.conf.  there is no driver listed, though.03:52
n8tuserSinuvoid-> do not make me read stuff,  tell me what the problem is03:53
pqrstuvWhat's dvd playback? Why do we need libdvdcss?03:53
Arsinpapul: System>Preferences>CompizConfig Settings Manager03:53
coz_Magnesium_,   I would go with that  since that does sound like a chipset manufacturer03:53
pqrstuvgeirha: What's dvd playback? Why do we need libdvdcss?03:53
pqrstuvprince_jammys: What's dvd playback? Why do we need libdvdcss?03:53
bennettj1087deusr: I just downloaded and tried to compile that driver and had the same experience you did.  There are a ton of errors in that code.03:53
n8tuserdan_-> then copy the driver used when you were using fedora03:53
pqrstuvWhat does it mean by dvd playback?03:53
Sinuvoidn8tuser, hello?03:54
n8tuserdan_-> or at least get the info from it03:54
Angel-SLHey guys03:54
n8tuserSinuvoid-> yes?03:54
Angel-SLI have a VPS who's time is set to 10:54AM, GMT+803:54
Sinuvoid<Sinuvoid> n8tuser, like this: http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-networking-for-basic-and-advanced-users.html03:54
Angel-SLhowever the timezone is set to UTC03:54
Sinuvoid<Sinuvoid> n8tuser, 2nd pic down03:54
Magnesium_coz_: Well, I thought SGI is what came up when you were using mesa...could be wrong though. That's why I was hoping someone here could run that for me...no one here? Anyone?03:54
n8tuserSinuvoid-> do not make me read stuff,  tell me what the problem is03:54
deusrbennettj1087, :/03:54
Sinuvoidn8tuser -> Nono,you are not reading anything03:54
Sinuvoidn8tuser, just look at the 2nd picture03:55
coz_Magnesium_,  understood03:55
bennettj1087deusr: sorry I can't help more.03:55
n8tuserSinuvoid-> just tell me what the problem is, and lets see what we can do03:55
Angel-SLI have a VPS who's time is set to 10:54AM. However, it thinks the timezone is UTC, while it should be GMT+8. If I change it to GMT+8, it adds eight more hours to the clock. How do I change the timezone without changing the clock?03:55
`3mend0re all03:55
Angel-SLre what?03:55
deusrbennettj1087, ;) thanks!03:55
kitcheAngel-SL: change the timezone as normal and run ntpdate or ntpd03:56
bennettj1087Angel-SL:  kitche beat me to it. :)03:56
Angel-SLIt's on a VPS03:56
Angel-SLwhich means I can't change the time03:56
kisukehow do i get ubuntu to recognize the i ve turned my wireless adapter onit worked before reboot and now will not.03:56
Angel-SLbasically, 21 Oct 10:57:25 ntpdate[30144]: step-systime: Operation not permitted03:56
n8tuserkisuke->  does dmesg says it recognizes your wifi card?03:57
kitcheAngel-SL: so pretty much it's not a root VPS but a chrooted one it seems03:57
Random832@Angel-SL, well so what, the VPS thinks the hardware clock it sees is on UTC when it's on local time?03:57
Sinuvoidn8tuser, how do I enable my Wireless card03:57
Sinuvoidn8tuser, iwconfig picks it up03:57
Random832maybe there's a configuration there that can fix it03:57
Sinuvoidn8tuser, so now what03:57
n8tuserSinuvoid-> try  sudo ifdown wlan0;  ifup wlan003:58
MagnesiumI hate to keep bugging the channel, but is there anyone using the open source radeon driver that could do me a favor and run glxinfo | grep vendor?03:58
Angel-SLRandom832: Not too sure.03:58
=== Alex`- is now known as Bhavic
Sinuvoidn8tuser, it says "interface wlan0 not configured"03:59
Sinuvoidn8tuser, when i put in "sudo ifdown wlan0"03:59
n8tuserSinuvoid-> what is it name? eth0? eth1? then replace the command with those04:00
Sinuvoidn8tuser, it's name is wlan004:00
n8tuserSinuvoid-> btw, is it on same hosts that you are chatting from now?04:01
Sinuvoidn8tuser, what do you mean04:01
SinuvoidThe same computer? No04:01
Distro^Junkiecan some help me remove kde4 from my system ?04:01
n8tuserSinuvoid-> yes same pc04:01
Sinuvoidn8tuser, no04:01
kisuken8tuser: was recognized before, let me check (on tty2 brb04:01
Angel-SLRandom832: well..?04:02
n8tuserSinuvoid-> are you remoted to it or typing the command from a console of that remote hosts ?04:02
Random832@Angel-SL, i don't know much about VPSes04:02
Random832is that like a virtual machine?04:02
MagnesiumPlease...can anyone help?04:02
Angel-SLyou don't need to know about VPSes04:02
Angel-SLwhat I need to know04:03
Sinuvoidn8tuser, I am at that pc, typing in the commands at it's console.04:03
Angel-SLis how to change TZ without changing local time04:03
n8tuserSinuvoid-> okay, per my initial advise,  use vim to edit /etc/network/interfaces and have an entry for you wlan0,04:03
Random832@Angel-SL, no, i don't think that's right...04:04
dan_i added this line in xorg.conf: Driver "vesa"04:04
kisuken8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297952/04:04
Sinuvoidn8tuser, ok04:04
dan_it worked04:04
`3mend0does anybody knows how to fix this ?? I don't understand why doesn't resolv by it self the dependeces http://paste.ubuntu.com/294942/04:04
`3mend0in advanche thanks04:04
Random832the OS inside the VPS will have an idea of what the time is in UTC - if that's wrong, you have to fix something in the VPS config or maybe in the OS config depending on how much is... virtualized?04:04
n8tuserkisuke whats that about?04:04
Random832it's not just a matter of changing the timezone - if the time it has for a timezone is wrong you can change it to a different timezone but then it will think you're in that timezone04:05
mmoo9154Are there any Ubuntu network gurus online tonight?04:05
mmoo9154Problem statement: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297941/   Routing tables: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297944/   Sytem details: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297947/04:05
Random832what does "date --utc" print right now?04:05
n8tusermmoo9154-> kindly describe the problem,04:05
MagnesiumIs there someone using the open source Radeon driver around that could so me a favor?04:06
mmoo9154nt8user, thanks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297941/04:06
mmoo9154SHort desc: packets don't leave the Ubuntu box.04:06
kisuken8tuser: thats is what it says... i have no clue what it is trying to do though04:06
mmoo9154Or...  The routing table looks like it gets messed up during boot (or maybe during ifup).  I'm not sure how.04:07
n8tusermmoo9154-> are those drawings at all? a nice network layout would help and it is worth a thousand words04:07
matelotquestion: anyone using Tux Commander ? just installed on JJ but seems the f***ing menu is missing !04:07
n8tuserkisuke-> what are you trying to do?04:07
kisuken8tuser: never ming just light infrount of my lapto is out so im thinking no light=wifi off04:07
mmoo9154n8tuser, I'm not sure what you are asking.  I haven't posted any drawings.04:07
n8tusermmoo9154-> for troubleshooting, a network layout helps04:08
=== anthony is now known as Guest7916
mmoo9154I have a Ubuntu Jaunty box that gets itself in a weird configuration:  It can accept ssh >>in<<<  but, it can't even ping a hard coded IP address >>out<<04:08
pilibeenHelp! I accidentally deleted the list of active applications in the panel in the upper right - how do I get it back?04:08
mmoo9154It only had one node.  The Ubuntu box.  It's connected to a cabel modem/router if that's what you are asking.04:09
mmoo9154I'll put together a diagram.  But in ASCII art it's:  Shuttle25 <--> DD-WRT router <--> Comcast modem <--> God Knows What/The Internet04:10
HardDisklolthere really a DCC SEND bug?04:11
HardDiskaren't these things like 199904:11
MagnesiumIs there anyone out there using the open source radeon driver that could run glxinfo | grep vendor for me???04:11
mmoo9154n8tuser, what should I put in the net drawing to help you understand my setup?04:11
MagnesiumIs there anyone out there using the open source radeon driver that could run glxinfo | grep vendor for me?04:11
n8tusermmoo9154-> boxes, ip addresses on its interfaces, where is the router, the dhcp server,  all the good stuff to help troubleshooot04:12
D-ZEROAre there any Skype debs for 9.04?04:12
D-ZEROOr, is it safe to use the 8.04 release on their site?04:12
MagnesiumI need some help figuring out whether or not I am actually using the open source radeon driver on my laptop...the x.org log, and my performance in general, suggest that I am, however, it appears that glxinfo is telling me I am not (Vendor is SGI, renderer is mesa, however, direct rendering is "yes").04:16
MagnesiumIt would be great if someone using the radeon driver could run glxinfo | grep vendor for me...thanks.04:16
coz_Magnesium,  have you checked in  #ati  ?04:16
Magnesiumcoz_: Hmmm, maybe I will...I didn't know about that channel. Thanks!04:17
coz_Magnesium,  no problem04:17
coz_Magnesium,  the other channel to try as a last resort would be  ##linux04:18
Magnesiumcoz_: Okay04:18
michaelgilchquiet in here tonight04:21
coz_michaelgilch,  I think there was a  netsplit just a bit ago04:22
nawaflolHey !04:22
michaelgilchahh. that explains it04:22
coz_hey back at you :)04:22
nawaflolthats nice a ubuntu chat XD ,that will help04:23
nawaflolya just upgraded to 9.10 !04:24
michaelgilchits nice, isn't it nawaflol04:24
nawaflolBugy but's rocks !04:24
nawaflolcall me nawaf04:24
nawaflolbut it*04:24
Daedalus-Saxi know I am not supposed to ask this here, but has anyone installed 9.10, and what do you think?04:24
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:25
nawafloli think its ok !04:25
kj4looks nice to me, the only thing i'm 'nervous' about is grub204:25
nawafloli will go there !04:25
ransomi've had some problems with it on my Eee PC.  I went to daily builds and they worked a little better04:25
infidhow can i make gvim my default text editor?04:25
coz_Daedalus-Sax,  its fine  just go over to the #ubuntu+1 channel04:25
nawaflolit worked find with me !04:25
voxDaedalus-Sax: i've had it for a few weeks now, very impressed04:25
bostongeek24whats the channel for 9.10?04:26
Daedalus-Saxcool thanx guys, I am glad to hear all positive reports, *whew*04:26
coz_  #ubuntu+104:26
voxbostongeek24: #ubuntu+104:26
queso_I'd like to run a 64bit virtual machine, how can I find out if my mother board supports 64-bit virtualization? I looked in the BIOS and couldn't find anything about it.04:29
n8tuserqueso_-> dont know if  dmidecode will tell you more..04:30
ZykoticK9queso_, to check if your CPU has virtualization (64bit virtualization?) "$ cat /proc/cpuinfo" (Intel verify "vmx" is present, for AMD verify "svm" is present)04:31
queso_ZykoticK9: will "vmx" be present if it supports it, or if it is enabled?04:32
ZykoticK9queso_, if it shows up in cpuinfo - that means your cpu supports it - enable in whatever Virtualization software you are using.04:33
dsnydersHi all!  What is the kdmflush service for?04:33
queso_ZykoticK9: oh, I don't enable it in the bios if it's supported?04:34
=== george is now known as georgy
coz_dsnyders,  mmm I dont know and if no one else knows here go to #kde  channel04:34
dsnydersThanks coz_04:34
ZykoticK9queso_, bios? doubt it - but in say VirtualBox there is an option to enable that support for each VM.04:35
coz_dsnyders,  no problem    they will most likely know what it is04:35
georgyI got a ? about 9.10 and restricted drivers04:36
ZykoticK9queso_, fyi kvm (linux kenel virtual machine sw) requires that your cpu have that support (qemu, which kvm is sorta based on does not)04:36
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:36
georgya buddy said i should check them out after reading this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8137752#post813775204:36
georgyBUT, I don't see the restricted driver option in the user menus04:37
queso_ZykoticK9:  `cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep vmx` gives me nothing, guess my mb doesn't support it :(04:37
JJman6How can i give a user permissions to upload files to a web directory.  I've added that user to the admin group & even www-data group and still it says permission denied04:38
server1any help04:38
ZykoticK9queso_, you are running "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep vmx" with the spaces right?  did you also try "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep svm"?04:38
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ZykoticK9queso_, actually looks like the spaces don't matter ;)04:39
queso_ZykoticK9: yeah, I tried both . . don't get anything back. :( pooh.04:39
server1how i set up my free dns to point im my IP?04:39
ZykoticK9queso_, that is unfortunate.  CPU Virtualization is VERY cool.04:40
queso_ZykoticK9: but, like, I can still do virtualization, right? just without 64 bit?04:40
lluasound stopped playing after i installed ubuntus RestrictedFormats04:40
kj4server1: i do it on my router- there is an interface for that purpose on many routers04:41
ZykoticK9queso_, yes but not kvm!  VMware or Virtualbox or Qemu will work fine - just not at full speed :(  & some OSs/systems won't work04:41
server1what routers are u using?04:41
queso_ZykoticK9: awe, man! why'd I get this mb then?  ugh, this totally stinks!04:41
queso_ZykoticK9: I use kvm at work . . but here at home I'm trying virtualbox.  but man, I just built this system.  wonder why my friends recommended this mb if it doesn't support virtualization.04:42
ZykoticK9queso_, you "might" even be able to run 64bit in VBox?  probably does require the virtualization but not sure - i know you can run 64bit on 32bit hosts04:42
l314i am wondering what distro of ubuntu i should put on my laptop specs are 1.7 p4 mobile with 1 gb ram04:43
server1can u make vanity ip without owning a domain name04:43
_Techie_am i able to use a webcam as a reciever for lirc, provided i tinker with the webcam and remove the IR filtering lense?04:44
ZykoticK9server1, check out "dynamic ip" in a search engine - there are a few free dns options out there.  good luck.04:44
kj4server1: yes, so to speak.  mine is j1solutions.homelinux.org   j1solutions was the 'vanity' part04:44
=== administrator is now known as Guest43571
Guest43571hello i need help technical help04:44
ZykoticK9server1, sorry "dynamic dns"04:44
queso_ZykoticK9: well, thanks for your help, even if I found out something I'm totally upset about now :( lol04:45
kj4server1:  Linksys WRT54GL04:45
l314i am wondering what distro of ubuntu i should put on my laptop specs are 1.7 p4 mobile with 1 gb ram04:45
lluasound stopped playing after i installed ubuntu Restricted Formats04:45
Guest43571yes install sound driver04:46
ZykoticK9l314, personally I'd just try the regular Gnome based Ubuntu with those specs...  Xubuntu if it turns out to be too slow for ya.04:46
Guest43571hi clinta04:46
lluainstall sound driver?04:47
Guest43571CLINTA ...04:47
lluait was working before...04:47
Guest43571i   m  new   to  ubuntu04:47
Guest43571help me  dude04:47
l314ZykoticK9, if i have the regular already installed can't i just to a sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop04:48
clintAGIZMO5- I need help with Gizmo5. I get a Login Error that says "No audio input/output devices are currently available." I am on Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit.04:48
lluamy sound stopped working after i installed ubuntu Restricted Formats04:48
Guest43571go for 32 bit  dude04:48
Guest43571sound will come04:49
ZykoticK9l314, of course!  you can simultaneously have Gnome/Xfce/KDE/Fluxbox all running on the same system :)04:49
l314llua, uninstall the restricted formats and see if your sound works then04:49
durt!sound | llua, clintA04:49
ubottullua, clintA: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:49
llual314,  it didnt work04:50
BlackFLAGi just installed ubuntu after using windows vista. does ubuntu seem slower at first or something?04:50
BlackFLAGi feel like its slower than vista04:50
coz_BlackFLAG,  ah it shouldnt04:51
Mike_lifeguardWhat is espdiff?04:51
coz_BlackFLAG,  did you install 9.04  or 9.10 beta?04:51
BlackFLAGlike when im on the internet when i scroll up and down pages they load slower it seems like04:51
jalsBlackFLAG, got graphics drivers installed?04:51
durtBlackFLAG, file search database might be running.04:51
BlackFLAGno how do i do that?04:51
l314ZykoticK9, do i have that command right it is sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop04:51
durt!hi | JuanCarlos04:52
ubottuJuanCarlos: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!04:52
coz_BlackFLAG,  for the video driver go to  system/administration/hardware drivers04:52
JuanCarlosCan i ask for Karmic here?, or what room i need to Join???04:52
Magnesiumcoz_: Thanks for pointing me to those other channels...#ati had 26 people, so I didn't get an answer there, but a couple of folks at ##linux helped me.04:52
BlackFLAGcan you guys also direct me to somewhere where i can learn more about linux and operating ubuntu efficently?04:52
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:52
ZykoticK9l314, "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" should be right.04:52
xangua!karmic | JuanCarlos04:52
ubottuJuanCarlos: please see above04:52
coz_Magnesium,  very cool   and yeah keep those channels for default   ...they will come in handy :)04:53
l314ZykoticK9, thank you catch you later about to install04:53
BlackFLAGcan anyone help me download the graphics driver?04:53
clintAubottu: I never get to my buddy list. I just get the error at the login splash screen. There is no File Edit View menu to adjust my sound settings in Gizmo. It's just the login screen.04:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:53
Magnesiumcoz_: Certainly, they're in my list...FYI, SGI/mesa is what's supposed to come up with the open source drivers.04:54
BlackFLAGthe internet pages seem laggy04:54
coz_Magnesium,  also remember it is likely it will depend on the time of day  and which part of the world many of the people in a channel will be available :)04:54
m0r0nWhy are all my volumes restricted to be accessed by root only, fromy my camera to flash drive to partitions04:54
Magnesiumcoz_: Thanks again04:54
coz_Magnesium,  oh I see04:54
coz_Magnesium,  no problem04:54
penthiefBlackFLAG, your question isn't specific enough (and I wouldn't know myself)04:54
durtm0r0n, check user permissions in the gui, /system/Users and Groups I think04:55
BlackFLAGi mean i JUST installed ubuntu 9.04 like 30 min. ago. im sure theres other plug ins and stuff i should install04:55
m0r0ndurt: It has full access04:56
penthiefBlackFLAG, maybe you want the restricted extras? I think it prompts for that now -- doesn't it?04:56
=== __Techie_ is now known as _Techie_
xlelouchxxhey can somebody help me04:59
xlelouchxxwith wubi04:59
xlelouchxxanybody there04:59
kitchexlelouchxx: just say what the issue is and someone will answer05:00
xlelouchxxi guess not05:00
=== __Techie_ is now known as _Techie_
server1can u point the freedns to mirc?05:00
xlelouchxxwell, i hate windows, but not enough to get rid of it05:00
xlelouchxxso i have wubi right now05:00
xlelouchxxso when i restart windows, when i get to the selection screen, I cant scroll through the list to get to ubuntu05:01
server1if i have freedns pointing to my ip can i use it on mirc?05:01
xlelouchxxanyone have any ideas05:01
penthiefxlelouchxx, I'm sure someone out there will help with this wubi thing if you ask the right question :)05:01
xlelouchxxthats my only question05:02
xlelouchxxbecause i cant use ubuntu05:02
xlelouchxxand i want to05:02
xlelouchxxbecause windows is crap05:02
FloodBot1xlelouchxx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:02
=== _eB is now known as eBo
=== maxkelley_ is now known as maxkelley
xlelouchxxi dont get it05:03
axisyswhere can I get a mobile broadband express card ? i want to use it with gsm network05:03
mandrigxlelouchxx: you were flooding, meaning posting too much05:03
xlelouchxxbut i really need help05:03
mandrigxlelouchxx: and help will come, but you need to describe your problem better...05:03
axisysmobile broadband express card where i can insert my GSM or CDMA chip to access broadbad05:04
mandrigxlelouchxx: is it that your keyboard isn't working? (because obviously it is, you're typing on it right now.)05:04
xlelouchxxso i think the problem is is that since windows is crap, it doesnt load the drivers for the keyboard05:04
xlelouchxxclearly not05:04
xlelouchxxit is working lol05:04
bust3ru got a usb keyboard?05:04
xlelouchxxi think so05:04
Mike_lifeguardWhy can't I remove espdiff and banner?05:04
xlelouchxxlemme check again05:04
penthiefxlelouchxx, maybe you just need to do the most obvious thing -- if you get it wrong, then ask a specific question05:04
xlelouchxxwell i know how to select ubuntu in the list05:05
xlelouchxxits just i cannot scroll through with the arrow keys05:05
mandrigxlelouchxx: so, the arrow keys aren't working?05:05
xlelouchxxin other words, the keyboard doesnt work on the specific screen05:05
xlelouchxxthe keyboard05:05
bust3ri think u got a usb keyboard05:05
xlelouchxxit doesnt work on the startup screen05:05
xlelouchxxlemme check a sec05:05
mandrigxlelouchxx: does it work on the rest of the bios screens?05:05
xlelouchxxit works on the startup bios screen05:05
xlelouchxxbut not the wubi selection screen05:06
mandrigxlelouchxx: then the problem is likely with GRUB05:06
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:06
mandrigxlelouchxx: so, do you want to get rid of windows all-together?05:08
kingpokeUse Supergrub disk man05:09
xlelouchxxwell, soon im gonna be getting a new system with the intention of building a hackintosh05:09
xlelouchxxim not sure yet05:09
xlelouchxxim running ubuntu for fun and some experimentation05:09
doltekhow do I get my desktop to look and act like those you see in the youtube videos?05:09
b14ckCan someone help me with a disk mounting issue? I've got 3 extra internal drives I installed, but can't get them to be automounted on boot. I don't know what to do. I formatted them with fdisk, and added entires into my /etc/fstab for them. However, when I boot into ubuntu, and open the filemanager, it still shows them listed as volumes and they are NOT mounted. help?05:09
HumayunMirzaJrHello, I have a question how do I install CrunchBang on Acer Aspire One ZG5 Jaunty ?05:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vague05:10
xlelouchxxthe only reason i keep windows is for gaming05:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about specific05:10
mankashIs it possible to create DVD which work for both ntsc and pal05:10
mandrigdoltek, you need to be more specific than that, besides that, what you're looking for is compiz05:11
mandrig!compiz | doltek05:11
ubottudoltek: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz05:11
penthiefdoltek, compiz. apt-get install compiz05:11
xlelouchxxok so when is the grub screen open05:11
xlelouchxxis it in the bios startup?05:11
mandrigxlelouchxx: when it asks you which OS to load, it should say something like "GRUB v. 2.xxx"05:11
xlelouchxxi'll figure this out05:12
xanguagrub 2¿ karmic¿05:12
HumayunMirzaJrOkay another, question , How do I make my internal Mic and Card Reader work on Acer Aspire One Zg5 Remix ?05:12
ZykoticK9b14ck, can you pastbin your fstab?  and perhaps the output of (assuming sata drives) "mount | grep sd"05:12
_ubuntu_can grub2 boot from usb?05:14
_ubuntu_w/out bios support?05:14
Mike_lifeguardWhen I boot my computer, it has some sort of firmware bootloader that tries to get a DHCP lease for no apparent reason before GRUB loads... is there any way I can skip that?05:14
_ubuntu_Mike_lifeguard: Go to your BIOS setup, then deactivate Preboot execution environment.05:15
_ubuntu_btw, nevermind my last question... so noobish!05:16
penthiefHumayunMirzaJr, well if it doesn't work out of the box then find you need to find out what model it is and do some googling. Sorry for the crap answer BTW!05:16
dsnydersHi all!  How do I prevent certain things from starting (ntop, pioneers server, etc)?05:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smartq05:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smartq505:17
Mike_lifeguard_ubuntu_: thanks05:18
ZykoticK9dsnyders, System/Preferences/Startup Applications and/or System/Administration/Services05:18
a__hi room. I'm trying to create a partition for the Mac OSX and have duel boot up capability. one for ubuntu, one for OSX.05:19
a__right now I have ubuntu 9.04 installed only05:20
TravisivartI was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me on a somewhat ubuntu related topic. I need to bring a computer in for a warranty claim, and I'd like to put windows vista back on the computer to avoid a hassle. The DVD drive does not work, nor does the computer have the capability of usb booting. What can I do just to take ubuntu off of the computer?05:20
dsnydersZykoticK9, I don't have a System/Preferences/Startup Applications, and System/Administration/Services shows nothing about ntop or pioneers or chipcardd405:22
mobi-sheep!windows | Travisivart05:22
ubottuTravisivart: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents05:22
ZykoticK9dsnyders, System/Preferences/Sessions maybe?05:22
TravisivartIt's in relation to just removing ubuntu, not necessarily Windows....05:23
dsnydersZykoticK9, That looks a little more promising.05:23
mandrigTravisivart: um... external dvd drive? or *maybe* fdisk05:23
ZykoticK9dsnyders, you on 8.10?05:23
_ubuntu_Tranvisivart: PXE, maybe?05:23
mobi-sheep_ubuntu_: Windows supports PXE?05:24
dsnydersZykoticK9, Yes, 8.1005:24
_ubuntu_mobi-sheep: I doubt it...05:25
_ubuntu_mobi-sheep: http://www.lockstockmods.net/2008/04/26/easy-way-to-pxe-boot-windows/05:25
Travisivartmandrig, nothing usb works05:26
Travisivartat all05:26
KamilionTravisivart: You could always ask 'dd' to wipe the disk if you're sure you won't get the machine back.05:26
TravisivartKamilion,  what do you mean dd?05:26
mandrig!dd | Travisivart05:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dd05:26
penthiefTravisivart, Don't use dd.05:26
Kamilion... That's a suprise.05:27
TravisivartKamilion,  this is going to be going in as a "repair warranty issue, and not coming back to me." i'm receiving a new computer05:27
TravisivartBasically, all I want to do05:27
Travisivartis wipe the drive completely05:27
_ubuntu_Travisivart: then how did you install ubuntu?05:27
Kamilionthen google 'dd wipe'05:27
Travisivartthe drive was working at that time obviously05:27
Kamilion_ubuntu_: when the machine was still working, obviously05:27
Travisivartnow it isn't05:27
penthiefTravisivart, I'm confused -- do you have a windows partition currently?05:27
Travisivarti have absolutely nothing05:28
Travisivarti have just ubuntu05:28
mandrigTravisivart: alternatively take a magnet to the hard disk.05:28
FloodBot1Travisivart: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:28
Travisivartotherwise i'd be fine05:28
_ubuntu_though it didn't come with one...05:28
Daedalus-Saxi have a ati x1300. why can't ubuntu 9.04 use the ati provided driver? 8.04 can.05:28
Travisivartmandrig,  how strong of a magnet would i need?05:28
mandrig"Let me call Mark Shuttleworth and ask him..."05:28
mobi-sheeppenthief: His question was "I'd like to put windows vista back on the computer. The DVD drive does not work, nor does the computer have the capability of usb booting. What can I do to install Windows on the computer?"05:28
KamilionMagnets are useless.05:29
mandrigTravisivart: My friend... i wouldn't honestly do that...05:29
mobi-sheepTravisivart: You're going to try and install Windows on it again, right?  Before you turn it over to the department.05:29
Daedalus-Saxi get this message: Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version05:29
Daedalus-Saxdefault:v2:i686:lib::none:2.6.28-15-generic; make sure that the version is being05:29
Daedalus-Saxcorrectly set by --iscurrentdistro05:29
MagnesiumTravisivart: Does your computer have a serial port? Maybe you could use that to ssh into your ubuntu and delete everything...05:29
KamilionTravisivart: Check your pms.05:29
Travisivartmobi-sheep, i don't care enough to put windows back on it, i'm letting them sort through this shithole of a computer05:30
mandrigmobi-sheep: how would he do that sans disk drive?05:30
TravisivartMagnesium, no serial port, shitty laptop with nothing good05:30
TravisivartKamilion, k05:30
mobi-sheepTravisivart: If the hardware malfunctioned, I don't think it should matter what operating system you are using.05:31
ZykoticK9Daedalus-Sax, see post - looks like ATI dropped support for you card in 9.04 and 9.10 :( http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=809932705:31
MagnesiumTravisivart: Wait a minute...I get that you want to completely remove Ubuntu, right? But do you want to/have to reinstall Windows?05:31
mandrigif it's a sata, you could buy an external disk enclosure and then mount the disk on a computer with working usb..05:31
_ubuntu_mandrig: does it actually matter if it's sata or ata?05:32
Travisivartguys, i got it all fine05:32
Travisivartgot help, thanks05:32
Daedalus-Saxthe sad truth of it is that ubuntu dropped the coverage. ati says that the driver they are offering can't be improved upon and is perfect the way it is, and i have to agree05:32
WisemanHas anyone here ever used TinyXP?05:32
mandrigwell... i guess not, i have a sata enclosure for these issues, lol05:32
mandriger. _ubuntu_ , what i said just before this.05:32
penthiefIt's an interesting question -- would a shop invalidate a warranty for installing Linux?05:32
MagnesiumTravisivart: How'd you do it?05:33
a__how do I see who's chatting in the room?05:33
mobi-sheepa__: What IRC client are you using?05:33
mandriga__: depends on your client05:33
a__i'm on xchat05:33
mobi-sheepa__: View --> User List ?05:34
Daedalus-Saxis there a way i can retro actively get back whatever was in 8.04 that now is gone or changed to the point where my driver can no longer be installed, because the ati driver works awesome on many distro's that are current, like for instance wolvix, but not ubuntu's current 9.0405:34
a__ok thanx mobi, I found it05:34
mobi-sheepa__: Great. ;305:34
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Daedalus-Saxif you take 5 os's, and a lnux driver works perfect on all of them except ubuntu's 9.04, you gotta start thinking, hmm, must be ubuntu05:36
KoterpillarHow can I check how much mounts are left till the next boot-up filesystem check?05:37
a__how do I partition the HD so that I can install another operating system as well as ubuntu?05:37
Daedalus-Saxdoes anyone know what changed from 8.04 to 9.04 that a tried and true driver will no longer install..?? maybe i can install the old files, er, whatever05:37
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php05:37
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KoterpillarDaedalus-Sax, kernel version at the very least. What driver?05:38
Geoffrey2I'm assuming there's something in the ati driver that you need that the ubuntu provided driver for that card doesn't offer?05:38
a__durt. wont gparted erase my ubuntu data thus far?05:38
Koterpillara__, it can shrink partitions without losing data05:39
durta__, I believe it can resize05:39
Daedalus-Saxi have an ati x1300, and on 8.04 the proprietary driver worked awesome, now it doesnt. i am using 9.04. big mistale upgrading05:39
Magnesiuma__: You can use it to resize partitions without losing any data.05:39
a__ok. thanx everyone05:39
Geoffrey2for the record, the x1300 has gone legacy status, AMD/ATI won't be doing much more in the way of updates to the driver support for that card.....05:39
b14ckI need help getting my internal drive working :( I have my drive as /dev/sdb. I did: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb then I added the following line to /etc/fstab: UUID=a0468ee7-dad6-4332-a777-61f9a04070f3       /monster        ext3    defaults 0 2. then i did sudo mount -a. but i get errors. what am i doing wrong?05:40
horsiethis is why i swapped to an nvidia card - less hassles05:40
ZykoticK9Daedalus-Sax, Since v. 9.4, the propriatery ATI driver supports only R600 and newer devices (that means, HD2xxx and newer). For older cards, especially laptop users, be aware that the ATI Catalyst 8-8 driver only supports Xorg <= 7.3. Xorg 7.4 support was not introduced until the 8-10 Catalyst driver release. This means that if you are using Xorg 7.4 with an older card, your only current option is the open-source drivers, especially xf86-video-a05:40
Daedalus-Saxi know. but what that means is "we have worked all the bugs out we can find, and this driver is rock solid" and it is. which means it's up to the os to then step up and make it compatable, like, for instance, driver works on xp, ohh yeah, and windows 7. ubuntu should be the same05:41
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lstarnesDaedalus-Sax: linux is not windows05:41
Billiardb14ck: what errors do you get?05:42
ZykoticK9Daedalus-Sax, ati dropped support for X Windows - that's all linux/bsd/*nix OSs - not Ubuntu's fault05:42
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Daedalus-Saxthat being true, that doesnt mean the concept shouldnt be the same.05:42
lstarnesDaedalus-Sax: because each os uses a different interface, it's really more up to the driver developers05:42
b14ckBilliard, http://pastie.org/66304705:42
Daedalus-Saxthey dropped all support for all os's. windows made their own driver for windows 7. i have it, it's listed as being an ati/ms driver05:43
Billiardb14ck: mkfs.ext3 should be called on sdb1 not sdb05:43
ZykoticK9b14ck, you don't format a drive sdb you format a partition sdb1!!!05:43
Daedalus-Saxwell, ok. if i can't do anything about it, i will just have to use another os, but i do like ubuntu. well there is always a vm :)05:43
b14ckwell that would explain it05:44
b14ckbrb i'll try that05:44
JohnFluxHey all05:44
JohnFluxhow do I get skype to work in 9.04 ?05:44
mobi-sheep!skype | JohnFlux05:44
ubottuJohnFlux: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga05:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about overclock05:45
jgornickCan someone recommend a web cam that works well with Ubuntu and Skype and has an integrated mic?05:45
_ubuntu_personally, I liked the open source ati drivers...05:45
Daedalus-Saxis there a better driver in the open source community than the one ubuntu is trying to use for my ati x1300 currently?05:45
sjokkisi didn't find the option to encrypt my harddrive when i installed 9.04. what's the best (or 'official') way of doing it after installing? i'd like to encrypt the whole drive, so that i need the decryption password to boot up05:45
JohnFluxmobi-sheep: does it cover how to fight pulseaudio ?05:45
_ubuntu_they ran beryl smoothly on my old MacMini with an ATI Radeon 920005:45
mobi-sheepJohnFlux: I do not know. See !sound for more information on sounds.05:45
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:45
_ubuntu_: O05:45
Daedalus-Saxbecause the driver ubuntu is providing is atrocious, on the "barely functioning" mark05:45
JohnFluxmobi-sheep: ah it tells you to just remove pulseaudio05:45
JohnFluxI see lots of bug fixes go into 9.10, but why are none of these backported to 9.04 ?05:46
jeeves_Mosshow do I do a passwordless RSYNC backup over SSH05:47
JohnFluxis it just lack of manpower, or a design philisophy?05:47
benmillsHello, I was wondering if I could get some help getting Ubuntu to use my ethernet connection05:47
_ubuntu_JohnFlux: Karmic comes out in 9 days. Why waste time in backporting?05:47
lstarnesJohnFlux: partly design philosophy05:47
MagnesiumJohnFlux: Since Karmic is not out offcial yet, I would imagine that they have not been backported yet05:47
JohnFluxmaybe I should just try upgrading to 9.10 now05:48
JohnFluxis it in a good-enough state?05:48
Geoffrey2JohnFlux, I'd at least wait for the RC in the next day or two05:49
axisyshow can I tell if I have intel centrino or intel pentium cpu in my laptop? here is the cpuinfo Intel_ASF05:49
axisysHandle 0x0014, DMI type 130, 20 bytes05:49
MagnesiumJohnFlux: I would just wait 9 days for the official release, or at least the RC05:49
axisysOEM-specific Type05:49
_ubuntu_JohnFlux: It works much better than 9.04 for me05:49
FloodBot1axisys: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:49
Daedalus-Saxplease send me a link to the best open source driver for the x1300 you know of, because ill i can find is the driver ubuntu already has installed, and that is pure requiem (not good)05:49
axisysFloodBot1: mistake.. my touchpad is too sensitive .. sorry!05:49
JohnFluxMagnesium: there's still no RC ?  with 9 days to go?05:50
_ubuntu_JohnFlux: My ethernet works again thanks to 9.10 :)05:50
JohnFluxMagnesium: Isn't that cutting it kinda close?05:50
lstarnesJohnFlux: it's a beta05:50
nic1is package available for google chroma browser on ubuntu?05:50
Magnesium!Karmic Release Schedule | JohnFlux05:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:50
_ubuntu_there's a chromium ppa05:50
MagnesiumJohnFlux: Just a sec...05:50
_ubuntu_nicl: there's a chromium ppa05:50
JohnFluxnah no problem - I believe you05:50
lstarnesnic1: also, http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel05:51
JohnFluxjust seems a very short RC if it's only a few days05:51
_ubuntu_nicl: and a official Google repository05:51
MagnesiumSee here for the schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule05:51
Geoffrey2RC was slated to drop this Thursday05:51
JohnFluxthe KDE release schedule leaves several months for an RC05:51
MagnesiumJohnFlux: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule05:51
MagnesiumJohnFlux: so the RC comes out in 2 days...yeah, short RC05:52
SnakDoc_JohnFlux the beta seems to be very stable so far05:52
_ubuntu_JohnFlux: the only thing that crashes for me is telepathy-butterfly05:52
JohnFlux1 month and 3 days specifically .. :-)05:52
_ubuntu_don't know what is it...05:52
Daedalus-Saxi have 1:6.12.1 for the fglrx ati x1300 driver. you can do absolutely nothing graphical with this driver. just changing the appearance can lock it up. i don't think i would like to try and use solitaire, becuase i have had to shut off the poor machine already 3 times05:53
JohnFlux(1 month and 3 days between KDE RC1 and release05:53
Geoffrey2hmmm, I'm running an x1200 over here, ubuntu 9.04, no problems.......05:53
Daedalus-Saxplease give me a hint to an open source driver other than this piece of  .. somehting.05:54
gogetaopen drivers come with the distro05:54
Magnesiumnic1: Here: http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel is a place you can download packages of Chrome. It's a dev build (they don't have anything official yet), but I've been using it for months, and it is very stable05:55
Daedalus-Saxwhat am i doing wrong, i even set the graphics for the "prettyness" to none, so i t would use less graphics power05:55
Magnesiumnic1: Oh, and when you install the packages, they add a repo, so the latest updates are install through apt-get05:55
JayProanyone with an Asus EEE pc, 1000HA.... add any video drivers.  i dual boot and it seems like some of the videos i play are faster on windows05:55
gogetaJayPro: yes thats a issue with 9.04 there working on 9.1005:56
gogetaJayPro: very poor intel drivers05:56
JayProgogeta ohhh okay.... so i should just wait 9 days until 9.10 comes out....05:57
Daedalus-Saxohh my god, i found the problem thanx to geoffrey2. settign the visual effects to none, fo rsome reason shut the fglrx driver off. i turned it back on and wham, it's like the lightes just turned on05:57
gogetaJayPro: your video will preform better05:57
JayProgogeta cool thanks. good to know05:57
a__how do you search for an application?05:57
lstarnesa__: aptitude search keyword05:57
Daedalus-Saxgeoffry2 thanx man05:57
gogetaJayPro: got a 900a w beta it flys05:57
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Bluey1I am trying to re-add a user but it says the directory already exists - yes that's what I want to use...05:58
a__lsarnes: where is aptitude?05:58
JayProgogeta sweet!!05:58
lstarnesa__: it is a terminal command05:58
muri_oneis there a better window list plugin for gnome panel?05:58
JayProgogeta yeah i want to get rid of the dual boot, but i want to make sure everything is good to go!05:59
lstarnesa__: if you want something graphical, go to system > administration > synaptic package manager05:59
muri_oneone that has more features like handle, vertical panels and maybe only show icons.05:59
lingphow do i connect my ubuntu to a domain, which is(win2003)05:59
gogetaJayPro: i cheated stuck xp on a usb hdd05:59
a__lstarnes: how do you run an application from terminal?05:59
lstarnesa__: just type its command into the terminal and press enter06:00
gogetaa__: just type the name in most cases06:00
JayProgogeta lol cool06:00
a__gogeta: thankyou06:00
a__lstarnes: thankyou06:00
lingpcan some one help me to connect my ubuntu to  join domain06:00
gogetaJayPro: took some tricking and weakes but xp can usb boot hehe06:00
cab938_lappyI'm playing with 9.10, and I want to install a package from 9.04 rather than the 9.10 version06:00
cab938_lappyIs there a way to do this with apt-get?06:01
durt!samba | lingp06:01
ubottulingp: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:01
gogetacab938_lappy: you can but it might not have deps nedded06:01
lstarnescab938_lappy: that is likely very unsafe to do06:01
cab938_lappyI can try and manage the deos myself06:01
cab938_lappyIt's a java package06:01
cab938_lappyBut it's broken for 9.1006:01
gogetacab938_lappy: best to see if you can just find the deb06:02
cab938_lappydeos == dependencies06:02
gogetainstall that way06:02
lingpubonttu: how abt likewise-opn?06:02
a__how do you shrink a partition in gparted?06:02
cab938_lappygogeta, I think it is broken in their repo06:02
gogetacab938_lappy: yea finding the normal deb would be a difrent ver06:02
gogetaand not risk baking combatble06:03
axisysmy laptop does not support multi finger tapping.. is there still a way to achive that some other way ?06:03
cab938_lappyhrm, not sure I understand06:03
gogetaaxisys: no thats hardware06:03
cab938_lappyYou mean find a deb of the prev version?06:03
cab938_lappyand install frpom that?06:04
gogetacab938_lappy: go to apps site download deb file06:04
gogetaeasy way to get around broken repos06:04
gogetainstaling a jaunty deb then should be a non issue06:05
cab938_lappyI meant the release version of the app is broken06:05
Mr_Orangeanyone see anything wrong with this crontab entry? @daily /etc/squeezer2.pl >> "/var/www/wordpress/squidlogs/`date +'%B %-d %Y'` - report.html" 2>&106:05
axisysgogeta: ok .. thanks06:05
cab938_lappyIt's not ubuntu's repo trhats broken06:05
Mr_Orangeit works when i manually run it06:05
Mitalcan anybody help me... I wanna install libwebkitgtk.. but its giving me error "no packages found"06:05
cab938_lappyits the current version of the app06:05
mobi-sheepMr_Orange: Run it in the root and see.06:05
cab938_lappyI'll try grabbing the deb06:05
Mr_Orangemobi-sheep: it works just fine when i run as root06:06
Mr_Orangethats what i dont get06:06
BilliardMr_Orange: full path to date06:06
gogetastrange a java app is broken06:06
Geoffrey2I'll probably make the switch to the 64 bit ubuntu when karmic comes out06:06
JayProgogeta oh! do you happen to have a bluetooth usb? ive been trying to get my bluetooth headset to sync with eee-control, but it doesnt seem to work06:06
durtMital, you have the wrong package name06:06
gogetathey dont depend on the distro06:06
gogetaJayPro: i dont think a 900a even has bluetooth06:06
gogetapretty base line eee06:06
Mr_OrangeBilliard: what do you mean?06:06
Mr_Orange/usr/bin/date or something?06:07
Mitaldurt: I found this name on one of the website.. can u redirect me to website whre i can find the correct package name :) this would be very helpful..06:07
corsakhoh is this like a ubunut chat?06:07
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BilliardMr_Orange:  `whereis date`06:07
JayProgogeta oh 1000 doesnt either, but i bought a bluetooth usb so i can pair it with my bluetooth headset06:07
Mr_Orangeyeah, wasnt sure exactly what you meant though06:07
lstarnescorsakh: yes06:07
Mr_Orangeso ill just put /bin/date and it should work?06:07
JayProgogeta nm then =)06:07
BilliardMr_Orange: should06:07
Mr_OrangeBilliard: ok, thanks06:08
durtMital, packages.ubuntu.com, search descriptions...06:08
gogetaJayPro: then it would be a issue with your usb device and hw it works in linux06:08
gogetanot the eee06:08
Mitaldurt: thanks :)06:08
JayProgogeta hrmm... okay...06:08
gogetaJayPro: eee-controle only deals w eee hardware06:08
corsakhmaybe someone knows an answer then :D06:08
gogetaJayPro: try the luetooth tab from the ubuntu menu06:09
BilliardMr_Orange: np06:09
corsakhI am running Windows XP under VMWare workstation06:09
corsakhis there some way06:09
JayProgogeta ohh ONLY bluetooth hardware?! gotcha!06:09
gogetacorsakh: virtuulbox is free heh and just as powerfull06:09
corsakhthat I could span Windows desktop over two workspaces?06:09
corsakhYe I tried VB but it works a lot slower on my machine for the tasks that I do06:10
cab938_lappygogeta, just o clarify, if i install the jaunty deb, it will install the dependancies as well?06:10
gogetacab938_lappy: it should install them as long as the app does not mind newer versions06:11
cab938_lappyok, great06:11
cab938_lappygiving it a try06:11
KoterpillarHow can I check how much mounts are left till the next boot-up filesystem check?06:12
gogetaKoterpillar: its not a static number06:13
gogetaKoterpillar: normaly between 20 and 27 it triggers it06:13
Koterpillargogeta, OK, then "how much mounts have been made without the check"?06:14
lingphow do i login to root from my current account?? some one plz help06:14
Koterpillar!sudo | lingp06:14
ubottulingp: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)06:14
zhaozhouKoterpillar: IIRC, tune2fs can give you that info06:14
gogetaKoterpillar: i think its logged i cant rember where06:14
zhaozhouKoterpillar: that is with ext2/306:14
Daedalus-Saxonce again thanx guys, say, my next problem is choosing a simple telnet client, i can't seem to find putty, is that an option?06:15
gogetatelnet pft06:16
gogetause ssh06:16
zhaozhouDaedalus-Sax: yeah, don't use telnet, it's way too easy to sniff out telnet traffic06:16
mneptokDaedalus-Sax: telnet does not need a client. just a terminal.06:16
lstarnesDaedalus-Sax: there is the cli telnet06:16
JohnFluxDaedalus-Sax: the linux command line programs are called literally "telnet" and "ssh"06:16
lstarnesDaedalus-Sax: and also tools like netcat (nc) and socat06:17
Koterpillarzhaozhou, thanks!06:17
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JohnFluxDaedalus-Sax: I'm sure there are GUI versions as well, but IMHO it's worth the extra time to learn the command line versions06:17
zhaozhouKoterpillar: glad i can help out :)06:17
gogetathink hes gone06:17
mneptokJohnFlux: GUI Telnet? how does that work? ;)06:18
Daedalus-Saxi have to use telnet. i telnet into a unix system in texas and use pine for e-mail (old school, try ancient school)06:18
gogetaJohnFlux: gui of ssh lol06:18
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zhaozhouDaedalus-Sax: ouch...06:18
cab938_lappyHrm, there seems to be no way to tell dpkg to go and get dependancies06:18
mneptokDaedalus-Sax: open a terminal and type "telnet" (no quotes)06:18
gogetaDaedalus-Sax: well its timpoly telnet in a term06:18
JohnFluxoh wait06:19
JohnFluxapt-get install putty06:19
JohnFluxit is there :-)06:19
Koterpillarcab938_lappy, you can _try_ APT-Pinning (google for it)06:19
gogetaguess telnet ip is to hard for him06:19
Daedalus-Saxok cool, thanx guys, ill try that. i know this is gonna sound weird, but i have been using telnet and pine since my college days, since atleast 199306:19
JohnFluxDaedalus-Sax: try the command line program "telnet" then.06:19
nic1hey i like to see the list of packages for my architecture, on de.debian.org, how can i see the list?06:20
gogetai think you can pipe telnet threw ssh06:20
Daedalus-Saxtada thats perfect, thats all i need, thanx dudes06:20
JohnFluxDaedalus-Sax: apt-get install putty    if you really do want that, but do that only if you really do get stuck with the command line versions06:20
gogetaso its a bit more secure06:20
sevenlessHappy 5th birthday Ubuntu!!!!!06:20
Daedalus-Saxnah, this is working perfect, don't need putty. windows hasn't come witha  telnet app since hyperterm in xp.06:21
Koterpillargogeta, the remote terminal might not support ssh, for example.06:21
KoterpillarDaedalus-Sax, Windows has "telnet" command-line program06:21
JohnFluxDaedalus-Sax: there's no hyperterm in Vista/windows 7?06:21
gogetaDaedalus-Sax: telnet in cmd in xp still work to command line baby06:21
JohnFluxKoterpillar: yeah but it really really sucks06:21
JohnFluxno colors for one06:21
Daedalus-Saxnope, and it does? i don't remember windows having a command line telnet code06:21
gogetaDaedalus-Sax: has sence win 95 lol has ftp to06:22
nic1hey i like to see the list of packages for my architecture, on de.debian.org, how can i see the list?06:22
Daedalus-Saxgood to know thanx again dudes and dudettes06:22
JohnFluxgogeta: which also sucks.  It has no resume etc06:22
JohnFluxgogeta: and doesn't work with most ftp servers06:22
Priceynic1: Might want to ask #debian06:22
gogetaits old lol06:22
JohnFluxI don't know why microsoft make their command line tools so awful06:23
Koterpillarbecause no one uses them06:23
JohnFluxbecause they are awful06:23
gogetaJohnFlux: there just dos 6 tools06:23
JohnFluxrecursive :)06:23
Blackbird_Can anyone here help with exaile? I get this error message: 'list' object has no attribute 'get_total_length' on a good chunk of my music. This has never happened before, and everything works fine until I press OK06:23
gogetaJohnFlux: lol what his school using apple 2 machines lol06:25
KoterpillarBlackbird_, try filing a bug, it will search for duplicates as well06:25
zirodaythisdotpheonix: Hi!06:27
thisdotpheonixi am getting a error will installing chormium-browser06:27
thisdotpheonixcheck this out06:27
zirodaythisdotpheonix: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please06:28
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fyrmedichow do I install a package from svn source?06:29
zirodayfyrmedic: you compile it?06:29
ziroday!compile | fyrmedic06:29
ubottufyrmedic: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:29
altf2omost packages from source have an optional, ./configure , script to run. Then usually:  make ; sudo make install . Check the README or INSTALL files.06:29
fyrmedicThanks I figured but don't have much experience with it.06:30
fyrmedicwill give it a go06:30
malopez06hi all06:30
thisdotpheonixhere it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/297996/06:30
malopez06i need help, but dont want to stomp all over someone else's request06:31
zirodaymalopez06: just ask :)06:31
malopez06thanks :)06:31
malopez06ok, so im dualbooting with xp, and i have a shared fat partition06:32
malopez06everything worked fine until i tried to change fstab to allow automounting06:32
malopez06now everything is read-only06:32
sohrabhi all06:32
sohrabi have bad problem06:32
malopez06what can i do to get my permissions back?06:32
GaduI need blender 2.49a in Ubuntu 9.04 I downloaded a deb for it but it seems it will be a dependency wild goose chase. Any tips?06:33
zirodaymalopez06: could you pastebin your /etc/fstab please, also when you say everything is read only do you mean everything on the FAT drive is read only, or *everything* is read only?06:33
=== O_o is now known as Guest59303
malopez06everything on the fat drive is06:33
malopez06where can i paste so it doesnt all go here?06:33
sohrabi cant update my sudo apt-get update06:33
zirodaymalopez06: actually I'm really sorry I have to run, but someone else can help you here06:33
Billiardsohrab: what happens06:34
malopez06ok thanks for your help so far06:34
zirodaythisdotpheonix: I would ask in #launchpad06:34
sohrabi cant update my sudo apt-get update06:34
bazhangGadu, that is the version in karmic06:34
Gadusohrab: he means what is the error output06:34
Gadubazhang: so I'll have to go on a wild goose chase for dependencies if I want it? lol06:34
josephstalinHey everyone06:35
josephstalinAnyone want a Lockerz invite?06:35
bazhangGadu, were you planning on upgrading to karmic in 8 days or so06:35
bazhangjosephstalin, wrong channel06:35
josephstalinWhat's the right channel for offtopic then?06:35
Billiardmalopez06: you just want full rw for everyone on the fat partition?06:35
bazhangjosephstalin, there is no right channel for that06:35
Gadubazhang: I intend to upgrade to 9.10 when 10.04 comes out XD06:35
malopez06Billiard: i do, and ive added that to fstab06:36
malopez06heres pastebin06:36
Billiardmalopez06: add umask=000 to the fat partitions options06:36
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malopez06along with rw, defaults, etc?06:37
zaoul1woah, somehow I have 224 updates? I thought karmic had a couple days to go?06:37
Billiardmalopez06:  you probably can take out rw and defaults, not sure what quiet does06:37
lstarneszaoul1: what are you using now?06:37
malopez06ok, ill try it06:37
zaoul1lstarnes: 9.0406:38
muri_oneare there any alternative gnome-panel window list apps?06:38
malopez06Billiard: thanks! that worked06:39
Billiardmalopez06: np06:40
malopez06can you explain umask to me? i was trying 777 instead; i thought that was 'ultimate permissions' or whatever06:40
Billiardmalopez06: ya its weird its just like the reverse06:40
malopez06thanks a bunch06:40
malopez06have an awesome day/nite06:40
NhawdgeHey, all I need to disable gspca, as I believe it's what's causing my webcam to stay on, and reach ridiculous heights, but I am not sure which of the 20 or mods it is06:44
sparci'm sorry if this is is the FAQ, but as far as target audience, is Ubuntu aimed somewhat at the Linux Desktop User?06:48
BmachineHi ppl!06:48
NhawdgeUbuntu desktop is06:48
U2sparc: it is!06:48
sparcaah ok, cool06:48
sparcthank you06:49
U2and you only need to learn 2 commands:  sudo -i06:49
BmachineI started using ubuntu again after 3 years, and I love jaunty, i would like to get some knowledge of how well windows xp works inside vmware within ubuntu06:49
U2and apt-get install06:49
Bmachineso i can make a total switch06:49
NhawdgeI've had good experiences with VBox, but then I realized ubuntu does everything and more that I want, so I dropped it06:50
Living2007i haven't touch ubuntu for nearly a year06:50
Living2007Goodbye windows as my OS06:50
U2Living2007: what do you use?06:50
muri_oneI think he meant windows06:50
U2that would make sense06:51
Living2007windows then eh; was XP06:51
Bmachinewell, my problem with ditching windows all together is that im a designer06:51
JoeKhow do i use "vi" to remove text in a file?06:51
NhawdgeAnyway to tell which module my web cam is using so I can shut it off so it will stop burning my fingers?06:51
BmachineI like photoshop cs406:51
fantomasHi all06:51
fantomasI wonder what exactly gnome system monitor display06:52
U2JoeK: try vimtutor....06:52
FloodBot1fantomas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:52
muri_oneJoeK: x to delete a character dd to delete a line. there are a million other ways too. why are you using vi?06:52
U2without the 4 dots06:52
JoeKthe readme says too06:52
fantomasFloodBot1: gtfo06:52
bazhangfantomas, stop that06:52
U2JoeK: use nano or pico instead06:52
U2they are easy06:52
fantomasbazhang: me? what I do wrong? stop what?06:52
fantomastalking to the bot? :) ok dude06:52
Living2007how can it06:53
Bmachineso if i have a quadcore-64bit-4gigsram system running windows within vmwamre IN ubuntu, i should get a good response running progs like photoshop etc..?06:53
Jordan_UBmachine: Yes, be sure to install the guest additions to get full graphics acceleration06:54
=== gmaculo_ is now known as gmaculo
BmachineJordan_U Thanks, what are guest additions? of vmware?06:54
Living2007anyone know how to fix VLC from jumping the audio06:54
BossNobodyHello anyone here?06:55
jzj75I am06:55
Jordan_UBmachine: Guest additions are software ( usually drivers ) that you install on the guest os ( in this case windows ) so that it can take advantage of VMware's graphics acceleration and other features06:56
BossNobodyDoh ho06:56
BossNobodyI know this probably isn't he place to ask this but does anyone know what difference betwene Ubuntu Moblin Remix and Moblin itself is?06:56
BmachineJordan_U thank you that helps me a lot06:56
Jordan_UBmachine: np06:56
BossNobodyEverybody in #moblin is in a catatonic state of afk06:56
muri_oneBossNobody: the wikipedia page for it has some kind of explanation, not sure if that's what you are looking for.06:58
free77-ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/06:58
georgywow gave me this error o.o06:59
BossNobodyThe wikipeida page actually kind of has no real explanation that I can understand06:59
georgyfixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x39ed9c,0x00000000), stub!06:59
georgyX Error of failed request:  GLXBadDrawable06:59
georgy  Major opcode of failed request:  153 (GLX)06:59
georgy  Minor opcode of failed request:  5 (X_GLXMakeCurrent)06:59
georgy  Serial number of failed request:  49506:59
FloodBot1georgy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:59
georgy  Current serial number in output stream:  49506:59
=== DaZ is now known as Ania12lat
BossNobodyIt doesn't really stay the differences between the too or the status of the the Ubuntu Moblin Remix really it could be buggy as hell but they don't say jack06:59
BossNobodynothing about apps available either07:00
Ania12latBossNobody: maybe moblin isn't based on ubuntu :f07:00
Ania12latwindow was scrolled up :f07:00
muri_oneBossNobody: sounds to me it just takes the moblin apps an kernel patches and adds them to Ubuntu.07:00
BossNobodyIt isn't it should be based off F1007:01
BossNobodyWould that mean aps that work under ubuntu may work under the remix?07:01
BossNobodyI want to try it out I think it's under Ubuntu 9.10 even07:01
BossNobodyIm kind of an idiot when it comes to this stuff07:01
=== optik is now known as optik_Away
necromniconquick question...  if i am at a root console and want to run a command as a regular user how would i accomplish this?07:02
necromniconi am looking for a reverse of sudo kinda07:03
nic1i have Makefile.am and Makefile.in in my package, not able to run make or make clean without errors07:03
zenlunaticsu user07:03
necromniconah so simpile07:03
georgyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8137752 <-- my problemo07:03
muri_oneBossNobody: looks like there is a live CD you can try. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-moblin-remix/daily-live/current/07:03
necromniconthanks zenlunatic07:03
georgynewest update is at the bottom of the post07:03
ZykoticK9necromnicon, or "sudo -u username command"07:03
BossNobodywow on the wikipedia page for it, it has alot of "TODO"s07:04
nic1 have Makefile.am and Makefile.in in my package, not able to run make or make clean without errors07:04
georgywow on the wikipage didn't help me07:04
mgmuscariwhat's the lsof switch for listing listening ports?07:05
bccanadianquick question people, when I watch a video in full screen when it's kind of skippy, but this only happens when it's a streaming video, not when I'm watching something from my hard drive, any idea what might be causing it?07:07
anilalurhello, my resume fails after sleep, I am not able to figure out through dmesg, can anyone help?07:08
anilalurthis is my dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/298009/07:09
sohrabi need a help07:09
muri_onebccanadian: flash?07:09
sohrabanyone want help me07:09
muri_onemgmuscari: it's in the man page ;)07:09
bccanadianyou mean I might need an upgrade? because I have the latest version07:09
domowhat does this mean: The following packages have been kept back:07:09
domo  linux-image-server linux-restricted-modules-server linux-server07:09
mgmuscarimuri_one: #ubuntu is usually faster than reading man pages :p07:09
anilalursohrab: ask ur question07:10
=== optik_Away is now known as optik
mgmuscarihere's a good question, though: i'm trying to connect to a local mysql via tomcat, but i'm getting communications link failure exceptions when i try to open a connection... anybody have experience with jsp/mysql on ubuntu?07:10
muri_onebccanadian: no I mean to ask, by streaming you mean flash video?07:10
bccanadianwell any video type actually07:11
muri_onemgmuscari: can you connect to it via the mysql command?07:11
optikok so let me ask u guys a question if  i install ubuntu 9.04  and downgrade X so i can get the propritary drivers for my radeon x1550 what are cons to doing that07:12
nic1xcb latest package where can i find?07:12
mgmuscarimuri_one: yeah, that's all fine and dandy07:13
mgmuscarimuri_one: keep getting this: http://pastebin.ca/163441507:14
muri_onemgmuscari: I just remembered it uses mysql uses a unix socket when connecting locally, so that doesn't mean it's set up right07:17
muri_onemgmuscari: does the mysql command work if you manually specify and the port?07:19
muri_onecan you telnet or nc to "localhost 3306"07:21
ubottutelnet is not safe. Please use ssh instead. See !ssh07:22
mgmuscarimuri_one: hmmm let me process all that... was in another room07:22
John_Kanyone heard of problems with forcedeth driver with ION platforms like the ASRock?07:22
Hajuuindus: lol pretty sure telnetting to localhost is pretty secure ;)07:22
mgmuscarimuri_one: you mean using -h?07:22
muri_onemgmuscari: yep07:23
mgmuscariif i use -h it still connects ok07:23
John_KI've got an asrock ion running Jaunty and the forcedeth module loads and give me eth0 but I can't get networking to work although it works fine in both windows and Mac OS X on the same machine07:23
John_Ktried dhcp and manually configuring ip07:24
John_Kdhcp just fails, manual ip lets me see arp traffic from other hosts on the network but I can't get TCP/IP to work for the life of me07:25
Guest56488join arch07:26
indusHajuu: i didnt say it, ubottu did :P07:27
indusJohn_K: nvidia chip?07:28
John_Kindus: yeah ION / MCP7907:28
indusJohn_K: which version of ubuntu u using07:28
muri_onemgmuscari: I still don't trust that command. actually nc or telnet to the mysql server.. nc localhost 3306. see if it even makes a connection.07:28
John_Ktried both 32 and 64 bit07:28
John_Kboth the stock kernel and mainline from kernel.org07:28
mgmuscarimuri_one: yeah, i tried that... went through ok...07:29
indusJohn_K:new ion chip07:29
patbam hi, i'm getting constant short freeze-ups (no mouse response, screen freezes) on my fresh jaunty install, makes the system mostly unusable. tried installing radeon packages from synaptic but that kept X from booting at all. any suggestions?07:29
John_Kindus: I guess?07:29
Jordan_UJohn_K: Can you pastebin the ouput of "route -n" ?07:30
John_Kyeah 1 sec07:30
muri_onemgmuscari: in that case I'd look back at the java/tomcat side of things. It should at least be getting a packet from mysql server.07:33
jeeaarhey guys, I've just updated my vaio laptop to jaunty hoping it might finally solve my 3d graphics problem. Pretty much everytime I try to run an openGL app, it crashes or gives me errors. I've tried googling the issue, and have browsed through the wiki, but nothing ive tried seems to fix it. Any ideas?07:34
Jordan_Ujeeaar: What GPU?07:35
jeeaarjordan, intel gma 90007:36
ADmiralHello #ubuntu! I'm using Jaunty and after I've manually added the main Karmic repository and upgraded lots of packages, the File Browser doesn't know any of the MIME types anymore. Everything is a "plain text document". How do I fix that?07:36
zaoul1all thoes blasted updates and I still get corrupted fonts07:37
Jordan_Ujeeaar: You had the same problems in 8.10 ?07:38
jeeaaryeah, it's been the same problem since gutsy07:38
aeonorisI could swear there was an application on Ubuntu that allowed you to receive calls from phones for free.  Anybody know what it was called?07:38
jeeaarbefore that I was on XP07:39
vtecHello I am having alot of problems with my audio recently and its really bothering me, when I'm listening to music with Rythmbox I can't go on youtube and hear sounds, I have to close my music player, restart firefox a few times for it to work, then when I'm watching a movie and pause it to watch a youtube video after youtube when I go back to my movie it doesnt play anymore, anyone know whats going on? this is ridiculous07:39
durtaeonoris, skype?07:39
induswhat happened to ubuntu bounties?07:39
aeonorisdurt, doesn't that have a cost for calls with phones?07:40
mneptokvtec: known issue with Flash07:40
Kamilionblame the death of hardware supporting accelerated mixing... *snif, g'bye nforce2, we'll miss your ALU*07:40
jeeaarvtec, I had a similar problem a few months ago. You should try updating your browser, maybe reinstall the plugins?07:40
Jordan_UADmiral: karmic is not released and that is not the way to upgrade even if it were, your system is likely currently broken in many ways07:40
John_KJordan_U: the routing table looks fine07:40
zaoul1vtec: I bet you don't have a hardware mixing sound card (aka: onboard sound) and pulseaudio is barfing07:40
vtecJeeaar: I've tried07:41
vtecZaoul1: know how I can fix it?07:41
indusADmiral: extremely bad idea07:41
zaoul1vtec: check pulseaudio is on07:41
vtecNo it's removed07:41
vtecI'm using ALSA07:41
zaoul1there is your problem07:41
vtecI was told to us ALSA entirely07:41
ADmiralJordan_U & indus, that's okay, as soon as Karmic is out I'll do a clean reinstall. I was just wondering if anyone knows what the cause is07:41
indusADmiral: what exactly were you trying to do07:41
ADmiralso I could fix it in the mean time07:42
zaoul1vtec: solving problems is great isn't it07:42
aeonorisvtec, try 'padevchooser', and see if you can see the separate audio channels in the volume control.  If you can, make sure they are playing to the correct device07:42
vtecZaoul1: How can I do that?07:42
aeonorisvtec, I dunno if that would help, but I had a problem where firefox wouldn't make sound at all, and the padevchooser thing worked.07:42
ADmiralI was trying to get the new vlc package with all dependencies.07:42
zaoul1vtec: reinstall pulseaudio07:42
* sharperguy had no idea that amarok was both the Inuit name for a wolf, and an album by Mike Oldfield07:42
indusvtec: did you remove pulse?07:42
vtecZaoul1: I know, but how07:42
ADmiraland yes I have it and it works07:42
zaoul1vtec: how did you remove it?07:42
vtecIndus: Yes someone here told me I was better off without pulseaudio07:42
Jordan_UADmiral: The cause is that you are currently half way between jaunty and karmic, try running "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and hopefully it can make sense of things, then joid #ubuntu+1 for any further problems07:43
vtecOne second let me check terminal history07:43
indusvtec: alsa cannot playback multiple sound streams and thats the beauty of pulseaudio07:43
zaoul1vtec: who? they are fail07:43
indusvtec: this is normal behaviour07:43
zaoul1indus: yes it can.. if you have a hardware mixing sound card07:43
ADmiralJordan_U, ok thanks I'll try that07:43
jeeaarJordan_U, so no ideas about openGL for the gma 900?07:43
induszaoul1: hmm which ones are those07:43
zaoul1AKA: sound blaster07:43
zaoul1which is obviously better because then you don't need another app consuming resources just for audio07:44
vtec$ sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio07:44
vtecThat is what was used to removepulse audio07:44
induszaoul1: you are talking about a discreet sound card07:44
vtecI do NOT see pulseaudio under volume control07:44
zaoul1vtec: sooOo.. if you wanted to 'install' .. how do you think that would go in apt?07:44
vtecinstall instead of remove? :P07:44
zaoul1vtec: pulseaudio would be a process07:44
zaoul1vtec: try it07:44
vtecI've tried that but it wasn't so good07:44
=== Kamilion is now known as Kami
vtecIt still does not show up under Volume Control07:45
Jordan_Ujeeaar: Do you get the same problem running from the jaunty LiveCD?07:45
indusvtec: if you removed pulseaudio what will you do with paudevchooser07:45
jeeaarJordan_U: Nice idea, not a possibility for me. Broken optical drive :(07:46
vtecIndus: I don't know what paudevchooser is07:46
zaoul1indus: what message do you get when you apt-get install pulseaudio?07:46
vtecI'm doing apt-get install pulseaudio atm07:46
Jordan_Ujeeaar: Do you have a flash drive?07:46
vtecIt's installing like a normal app07:46
zaoul1vtec: ps -A | grep pulseaudio ... if it lists .. its on07:46
vtecZaoul1: what do I type in terminal? ps -A | grep pulseaudio?07:47
zaoul1vtec: yep07:47
jeeaarJordan_U: I could try it, I'm not very privy to this ubuntu stuff - perhaps I should just try to manually install some drivers?07:47
purmadoes apt use dpkg?07:48
vtecZaoul1: that command came back as nothing07:48
zaoul1purma: yea07:48
vtecvtec@vtec:~$ ps -A | grep pulseaudio07:48
purmazaoul1, thanks07:48
zaoul1vtec: service pulseaudio start07:48
Jordan_Ujeeaar: If you are getting the same problem between 8.10 and 9.04 I think it's likely a configuration issue, the intel driver changed a lot from 8.10 to 9.04, so I would expect you to at least have different bugs :)07:49
vtec * PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions07:49
induszaoul1: redhat :)07:49
vtecStill ps - A | grep pulseaudio came back as no response07:49
indusvtec: its normal07:49
zaoul1vtec: /etc/init.d/pulseaudio start07:49
zaoul1ubuntu uses service right?07:50
vtecOkay I recieved the per-user session message again07:50
zaoul1vtec: check ps again07:50
indusprobably calls it anyway07:50
mgmuscarianybody with mysql/tomcat experience under ubuntu: please take a look at this and give me your two cents as to why i can't connect to mysql through tomcat07:50
durtzaoul, it does now (karmic)07:50
Jordan_Ujeeaar: A liveCD is a good baseline, if it works we can look at what's different between the LiveCD and your current system, if it doesn't we know it's just a bad driver and can try other things07:51
indusya from karmic  i think07:51
zaoul1eh, I've always been a fan of init.d scripts anyway07:51
zaoul1I guess less cryptic typic07:51
vtecZaoul1: it did not return a message07:51
tonyyarussoEven on systems that use the old method, the proper invocation is 'sudo invoke-rc.d pulseaudio start', not referring to the init.c directory directly.07:51
indus vtec restartpc07:52
zaoul1indus: lol07:52
indusbut pulseaudio starts auto ,i never had to restart07:52
tasslehoffwhat's a nice tool to make/manage todo-lists? I use "emacs todo.txt" at the moment, but it would be nice to have something more fancy :)07:53
zaoul1indus: yea it shoul dstart installing from apt right07:53
plumaWhere is root's Trash folder? Protocols don't work for me because I'm running nautilus via sudo07:53
Jordan_Utasslehoff: vim todo.txt ;)07:53
Flannelpluma: You should use gksu for GUI programs07:53
tasslehoffJordan_U: touchè :)07:53
induszaoul1: ya unless u messes some config files07:53
tonyyarussotasslehoff: Were you hoping to stay text-based or go to something graphical?07:53
plumaFlannel: Actually, I use gksu. But that is irrelevant to the problem, because nautilus can't use protocols if it is run from a different user (no GNOME = no protocols)07:54
jeeaarJordan_U: Cool, I intend to try it when I have a chance to make a usb boot key. In the meantime, is there some sudo-apt get magically reinstall graphics drivers command?07:54
plumaWhere is root's wastebin located?07:54
Flannel!trash | pluma07:54
ubottupluma: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash07:54
Flannelpluma: ~ for root is /root/07:55
sohraberr http://security.ubuntu.com jaunty-security/main translation-en_US unable to connect to security.ubuntu.com http:07:55
plumaFlannel: Thanks.07:55
sohrabmy big problem is07:55
pistymanis there any way to set up display preferences through the terminal?07:55
plumaFlannel: Only knew .Trash and couldn't find that.07:55
vtecZaoul1: I have installed pavucontrol07:55
vtecunder output devices it says, Null Output with a mute speaker image to the right of it07:55
Jordan_Ujeeaar: No, you can try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" which resets your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but if you haven't changed it manually then it will likely be default already07:55
indussohrab: what iss the problem07:56
ActionParsnippistyman: look into xrandr07:56
hassanakevaziroops, sorry07:56
pistymanActionParsnip: thanks07:56
zaoul1vtec: how's it look straight from alsamixer on the command line?07:56
zaoul1arg this broken font crap is terrible07:56
Jordan_Ujeeaar: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg" and /var/log/Xorg.0.log, preferably right after a freeze?07:57
JerryDhi there, trying to install Brother DCP-150C, Ubuntu 9.04, I get the following error sudo dpkg -i dcp150clpr-1.0.1-1.i386.deb07:57
JerryDdpkg: error processing dcp150clpr-1.0.1-1.i386.deb (--install):07:57
JerryD cannot access archive: No such file or directory07:57
JerryDErrors were encountered while processing:07:57
JerryD dcp150clpr-1.0.1-1.i386.deb07:57
FloodBot1JerryD: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:57
ActionParsnipJerryD: if you type    ls   can you see the file07:58
jeeaarJordan_U: sure. Do I want to use the framebuffer kernel interface? :P07:58
ActionParsnipJerryD: your terminal needs to be poiting to the same directory as holds the deb07:58
afallenhopeWhat's better pulseaudio or alsa?07:58
ActionParsnipJerryD: so if you downloaded it to the desktop which is the dumb default in firefox07:58
ActionParsnipJerryD: you will need to run: cd ~/Desktop07:58
JerryDhi there, trying to install Brother DCP-150C, Ubuntu 9.04, I get the following error07:59
zaoul1afallenhope: you need alsa no matter what07:59
ActionParsnipJerryD: then try the command again07:59
ActionParsnipJerryD: I saw the error earlier07:59
indusafallenhope: pulseaudio is just an audio sink, it uses alsa07:59
afallenhopezaoul,  can I install pulseaudio anyways?07:59
zaoul1afallenhope: having alsa only woul dbe the best07:59
patbamhi folks07:59
Jordan_Ujeeaar: Keep the default ( I should have told you "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" which just keeps the defaults and doesn't prompt at all, sorry )07:59
ActionParsnipJerryD: you dont need to repeat it07:59
patbamhey ActionParsnip07:59
JerryDsorry... my bad07:59
zaoul1afallenhope: why?07:59
afallenhopecan I have pulse audio AND alsa?07:59
afallenhopeReading: http://ronnietucker.co.uk/blog/broadcasting-video-from-ubuntu-to-ustream-with-webcamstudio/07:59
ActionParsnipJerryD: read my text, it may get you sorted07:59
ActionParsniphi patbam07:59
patbamno luck defutzing my freezing problem yet :)07:59
patbambut i shall not be denied08:00
=== default is now known as acad2
indus!pulse  | afallenhope08:00
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ubottuafallenhope: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions08:00
zaoul1afallenhope: are you able to play multiple sounds at once from multiple applications?08:00
ActionParsnippatbam: have you tried the memory tester in grub?08:00
patbamActionParsnip: hmm no08:00
zaoul1nobody knows what a 'sound server' is08:00
ActionParsnippatbam: worth a try at least08:00
patbamhmm ok08:00
afallenhopezaoul1 can't I just use jackd for that08:00
ActionParsnipzaoul1: my server is sound as a pound :)08:01
dinar2i have installed samsung scx 4200 printer driver from its disk to ubuntu. but scanner does not work, sane program cannot find it08:01
ActionParsnipzaoul1: have you askd in #pulse ?08:01
zaoul1ActionParsnip: if you sound card has multiple inputs and able to accept or process multiple streams, using jackd or pulse is moot08:02
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zaoul1err afallenhope ^08:02
ActionParsnipzaoul1: my sound card does only one thing, make a noise08:02
induswhat is moot08:02
ActionParsnipzaoul1: i use it for nothing else08:02
zaoul1ActionParsnip: naa, imnot  with the pulse problem08:02
zaoul1indus: pointless08:02
ActionParsnipindus: moot = meaningless or pointless08:02
zaoul1unless you are doing some kind of crazy mixing08:02
zaoul1audio processing08:02
zaoul1program to program stuff08:03
JerryDthank you ActionParsnip, apologies for my repeat. thanks again08:03
zaoul1virtual cards08:03
patbamActionParsnip: so i run ubuntu 9.04, memtest86+ ?08:03
ActionParsnipzaoul1: if you read above, you'll see i dont08:03
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ActionParsnippatbam: yeah, if the ram is faulty it will explain a lot08:03
industhank you08:03
jeeaarJordan_U, you want the entire dmesg?08:03
ActionParsnipJerryD: np man08:03
patbamActionParsnip: okeydoke, running. thx08:03
ActionParsnipJerryD: firefox downloading to desktop trips a lot of folks up, and its a stupid default08:03
Jordan_Ujeeaar: Yes, ( do NOT paste it directly to the channel, use pastebin )08:04
jeeaarjordan_u: http://pastebin.com/d4ca78a9708:06
mr_danielhow can I move the NetworkManager icon in the upper GNOME panel?08:07
vtecright click and select move08:07
mr_danielevertime I use right-clikc to move, an alternative dialog opens which hasn't the move option08:08
SpaceGhostDon't forget to unlock the sucker.08:08
^mNotIntelligenthi all !08:08
BodsdaHi, I have a server running through ICS off of my desktop machine. My router is forwarding incoming http traffic to my desktop. How can I then route the http traffic from the desktop to the server? route to
SpaceGhostIncoming traffic?08:08
jeeaarJordan_U: and the log file, http://pastebin.com/d52e8d63c08:09
dinar2now i have tried to install as root: sudo /media/cdrom0/Linux/install.sh     /media/cdrom0/Linux/install.sh: 11: source: not found      [: 670: unexpected operator08:09
BodsdaSpaceGhost: I have a web server, so the incoming traffic are people accessing my site08:09
^mNotIntelligentany one using vpn service in ubuntu ? I need some help configuring that. thanks08:09
SpaceGhostsudo sh /media/cdrom0/Linux/install.sh08:10
dinar2ok i run other way there is autorun fiule08:10
ActionParsnipdinar2: if you are root you do not need sudo08:10
dinar2thank may be i will try08:10
dinar2i mean sudo08:10
Hajuusudo sh08:11
SpaceGhostBodsda: You're going to need to rephrase your question08:11
ActionParsnipdinar2: sudo is what allows users to run commands with power, so if you already have power then you do not need sudo08:11
SpaceGhostdinar2: you don't need sudo08:11
dinar2autorun give same error08:11
dinar2i am not root08:11
SpaceGhostdinar: sudo means super user do, you don't need it as root. Think of root as God, does he need to ask anyone permission (excepting for Mrs.God)08:11
goddarddoes anyone know of a good assembly code / memory simulator08:12
SpaceGhostdinar2: you said "now i have tried to install as root:" Please try to be clear about what you've tried.08:12
BodsdaSpaceGhost: My router is configured to forward HTTP traffic to my desktop PC. I wish for this desktop PC to then send the traffic to my server. I cannot go directly from the router to the server because the server is gaining connection through ICS on the desktop, so different subnets.08:12
ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: mrs. god will make god sleep on the sofa if he does some crazy stuff she don' like08:12
mgmuscariBodsda: why do you have it configured that way? sounds spotty08:12
acad2I'm looking for someone to test some new software to sync blackberry devices with evolution- anybody here interested? msg me08:13
mgmuscarias in it sounds unreliable08:13
dinar2with prepending sh same error08:13
^mNotIntelligentgoddard, I guess we've many in the repo08:13
HajuuBodsda: Just bridge the connections in XP08:13
Bodsdamgmuscari: cause I only had one crossover cable and a wifi card to get two machines on the network08:13
SpaceGhostActionparsnip: Boy, do I know the way he feels. Dude can't even rule his universe.08:13
tasslehofftonyyarusso: graphical I think08:13
BodsdaHajuu: that defeats the whole purpose of being here, and the connections are already bridged08:13
HajuuBodsda: you can make a crossover into a non-crossover :)08:13
goddardI dont know what to search for in the repos08:13
HajuuThey're already bridged?08:13
^mNotIntelligentgoddard, can you be more specific on that...for what underlying architecture you need the assembly simulator08:13
HajuuCause ICS isnt bridging you know08:13
BodsdaHajuu: I don't have 20 metres of cable08:14
SpaceGhostBodsda: Did you have the server get dhcp? It works for me.08:14
tonyyarussotasslehoff: I believe Tomboy has a todo list feature that may be interesting to you.08:14
afallenhopeCan I do: sudo usermod -G video -a $USER08:14
ActionParsnipdinar2: check case, if you use tab you can auto complete stuff so you dont make any mistakes08:14
tasslehofftonyyarusso: I'll check it out. thanks08:14
mgmuscariBodsda: O_O lol if i were you i'd plug the server into the router and then run them separately... OR i would use ICS on the server and connect your desktop to the router through the server08:14
BodsdaSpaceGhost: no, the server is on a static08:14
SpaceGhostBodsda: the ICS isn't bridging. There is a difference.08:14
^mNotIntelligentgoddard, okey fine...wait a min08:14
dinar2i think install.sh do not work08:14
Billiardafallenhope: what is stopping you08:14
goddardjust basic computer architecture something to explain the works with reference to proper tables and what have you08:14
Bodsdamgmuscari: If I could reach the router from the server I would08:14
ActionParsnipdinar2: the file name is moot08:14
goddardcan display as hex or what ever08:15
SpaceGhostBodsda: have the server get a dhcp address through the main desktop.08:15
ActionParsnipdinar2: the file could be called, massivepinksubmarine.saddamhussein   and it would be equally fie08:15
BodsdaSpaceGhost: that solves nothing. IP addresses are not the issue08:15
afallenhopeBilliard,  just wanted to know if it was a valid thing08:15
mgmuscariBodsda: use iptables maybe?08:15
SpaceGhostafallenhope: try it bud.08:15
HajuuWhy cant you just move the fucking router? :/08:15
Bodsdamgmuscari: I got that far :) I don't know how to though08:15
SpaceGhostHajuu, chill friend.08:15
dinar2ok i will try other file08:15
^mNotIntelligentgoddard, run this: sudo apt-get update and then this: sudo apt-cache search assembler., it'll show you a whole bunch of many assemblers already available in the repo..chose the one you want08:16
mgmuscariBodsda: i'd have to read the documentation to figure it out, so i guess we're at about the same spot on that problem then :)08:16
SpaceGhostdinar2: you're attempting to install what?08:16
ActionParsnipdinar2: if you use tab to complete the foilder names and file, you will take out human error08:16
Bodsdamgmuscari: yeah, cheers then :)08:16
mgmuscariBodsda: if you can solve my tomcat-connector/j-mysql problem, i'll solve yours for you08:16
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dinar2samsung scx 420008:16
ActionParsnipdinar2: in linux theres no "did you mean : " bit like in google08:16
goddardalright cool thanks bro08:16
ActionParsnipdinar2: its either right or wrong08:16
Bodsdamgmuscari: nah, your ok -- I have more chances with iptables then mysql :) have fun08:16
dinar2printer began to work even with runnimh installer as user08:17
mgmuscariBodsda: lol thanks08:17
^mNotIntelligentgoddard, when i ran that command i got a list of around 65 different assemblers....try it yourself08:17
TamOcelloHi hi.08:17
SpaceGhostmgmuscari: what's your problem, mate?08:17
dinar2but scanner does not work08:17
mgmuscariSpaceGhost: http://pastebin.ca/163444208:17
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mgmuscariSpaceGhost: i can't for the life of me open a connection to mysql using connector/j08:17
dinar2there  is autorun file in cd root it should be correct08:18
dinar2but it says same error08:18
mgmuscariSpaceGhost: i can connect to mysql on localhost or using any other means imaginable08:18
dinar2there is only several files in root08:18
mgmuscariSpaceGhost: just not through tomcat :(08:18
dinar2and autorun inf08:18
mgmuscarii'm trying to put together this web application template for the students in the class i'm TAing08:19
ActionParsnipdinar2: i doubt those files will work, they sound like windows files08:19
mgmuscariso that they don't have to sit on IRC trying to figure out why they can't connect to mysql later on, lol08:19
dinar2there is Linux directory08:19
ActionParsnipthen cd into there and see whats going on08:20
goddardthats strange I got only four08:20
ActionParsnipdinar2: read the readme and install files08:20
dinar2autorun file begin with #! /bin/sh08:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xinetd08:20
SpaceGhostMgmuscari:"Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server." doesn't sound quite like a lot of fun08:20
SpaceGhostdinar2: where did you obtain this install file?08:20
mgmuscariSpaceGhost: it's got me stumped... i've tried all kinds of different connection strings and it just doesn't want to work08:20
dinar2cd of mfp08:21
luckymuraliHi to all08:21
luckymuralihow can i set all the admin rights to my user08:21
dinar2ok it does not support ubuntu....08:22
SpaceGhostLuckymurali: Are you the administrator of your computer?08:22
ActionParsnipdinar2: is that what the install files say?08:22
dinar2pdf file08:22
SpaceGhostdinar2: have a good time with that stuff, next time check those sorts of things /vague08:22
ActionParsnipdinar2: does it mention debian?08:22
SpaceGhostluckymurali: are you a sudoer?08:23
d33dhow do i delete Empathy conversations? I'm not one that likes extra files building up and want to write a script to do it automatically - but i can't seem to find where they are located....?08:23
ActionParsnipd33d: is it a setting in empathy where they are located?08:23
^mNotIntelligentany vpn user out here?08:23
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SpaceGhostluckymurali: Are you using the desktop version or server?08:23
ZachK_hello all08:24
d33dActionParsnip, there is no option to turn it off, so all conversations are logged.08:24
luckymuraliserver version08:24
ZachK_anyone need help?08:24
ActionParsnipd33d: try in ~/.gnome2/internet/empathy08:24
d33dZachK_, Know where the Empathy logged conversations sit?08:24
dinar2Glibc 2.1 is needed08:25
ZachK_d33d, ah...i do not use Empathy so i would not know08:25
dinar2is it installed? i do onot see in synaptic08:25
ZachK_d33d, and i don't know if empathy even has logs08:25
SpaceGhostluckymurali: What exactly is your problem, I cannot see it.08:25
ActionParsnipd33d: could try: cd /home; find . -iname "empath*"08:25
luckymuralii want my user to be admin08:25
SpaceGhostluckymurali: you can sudo, which is super-user-do08:26
ZachK_luckymurali, the user being an admin or root is NOT recommended08:26
SpaceGhostluckymurali: I'm not sure I understand what you mean. You want to log in as root? Or make a user with strictly root permissions?08:26
dinar2may be i should try as root?08:26
ZachK_luckymurali, unless you're using terminal which is then acceptable for certain projects or even required for certain commands08:26
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ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:27
dinar2can i become root with sudo without setting root password?08:27
luckymuraliyes i want my user with strictly root permissions08:27
HajuuYou really dont want to do that Luckst0r08:27
SpaceGhostluckymurali: Using root for everything is higly discouraged. If you should want to use sudo su08:27
Hajuulinux isnt windows.08:27
Hajuuyou cant su08:28
Hajuuyou have to do sudo passwd root08:28
luckymuralibut when i am using postgres my copy command says permission denied08:28
Hajuuand set a password08:28
Hajuuthen you can just su08:28
SpaceGhostluckymurali: that will get you a root environment.08:28
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ZachK_Hajuu, you can to use the su command08:28
Hajuu!sudo > luckymurali08:28
ubottuluckymurali, please see my private message08:28
Hajuuyou can use su08:28
Hajuubut you cant sudo su08:28
Hajuuor shouldnt be able to :/08:28
nic1anyone knows what is ev.h include file? not getting in goolgel too ?08:29
SpaceGhostWait, I've been doing that for ages.08:29
ZachK_!suod | luckymurali08:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about suod08:29
SpaceGhostI hate being terribly wrong.08:29
ZachK_!sudo | luckymurali08:29
ubottuluckymurali: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:29
psycho_oreosyou can sudo su08:29
Hajuuwell, thats dumb.08:29
jussi01psycho_oreos: no08:29
HajuuJust set a password on your root account.08:29
jussi01psycho_oreos: sudo -i08:29
SpaceGhostnic1: make more sense mate?08:29
jussi01!root | Hajuu08:29
ubottuHajuu: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:29
psycho_oreosjussi01, which version? karmic?08:29
ActionParsnipHajuu: no dont as that enables the account08:29
luckymuraliok i will check08:29
ActionParsnipHajuu: and you dont want that08:30
Hajuuroot is already enabled, how do you think sudo works08:30
psycho_oreosand you can disable it afterwards08:30
ubottuWe do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.08:30
dinar2i download new file from site08:30
jussi01psycho_oreos: any ubuntu sudo -i should work08:30
SpaceGhostdinar2: what are you trying to accomplish?08:30
ActionParsnipHajuu: sudo is a special command that grants users in the admin group, root like access, the root account is present and has to be but is disabled08:30
dinar2dont bother08:30
dinar2i download fresh driver08:31
Hajuulol god damn, you guys trying to help really need to track who is actually asking the questions :)08:31
psycho_oreosjussi01, I don't see how sudo su won't work.. I've been doing sudo su - since feisty and haven't had issues since08:31
HajuuI was answering a question, not asking one.08:31
nic1SpaceGhost, in ipc file in a package #include <ev.h> is included and that gives me no such file error. so wanted to know what's that08:31
ZachK_Hajuu, sudo enables root...a root user itself is NOT enabled as that is VERY unwise and causes many security issues and complications08:31
jussi01!wfm > psycho_oreos08:31
ubottupsycho_oreos, please see my private message08:31
HajuuStop talking to me. I know all you're saying. It's really basic. I didnt ask the question.08:31
d33dActionParsnip, the find worked - its in /home/.username/.local/share/Empathy/logs08:32
jeffCarHi, I am trying out xubuntu.  But the flash is not working.  How do i down load the flash stuff.  I was told to get the non-free... whatever that is.  I could not find it in the symtem manager08:32
ZachK_jeffCar, go to the Adobe site and download the .deb file08:32
ActionParsnipd33d: good old find eh ;)08:32
HajuujeffCar: You need to enable the universal repositories08:32
jeffCarhajuu how do I do that?08:32
ActionParsnipZachK_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:32
HajuuI think you can do it through a menu in synaptic08:33
HajuuActionParsnip: seriously, thats the 3rd time ive seen you answer someone elses question to the wrong person.08:33
HajuuIt's good to help, but help the right people or its useless.08:33
SpaceGhostjeffcar: install everything flash, it's what I did, but the command is sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:33
ZachK_ActionParsnip, I know that...but getting it from Adobe is a easier way for some newer users I have found08:33
luckymuralihow can i give permission to other users like postgres to access my files??08:33
ZachK_ActionParsnip, i was giving an answer incase you thought i was asking one08:33
ActionParsnipZachK_: possibly, theres the 64bit alpha plugin too if your ubuntu is 64bit08:33
SpaceGhostluckymurali: you can put them in a group or chmod the files, or a million other things.08:34
luckymuraliplease explain me I am new bie08:34
hazeif yur tryin to get flash player yo they got a new one up there that auto installs for u08:34
hazethe there website08:34
luckymuralihow can i put them in group08:34
ActionParsnipZachK_: i dislike the package method but its a great place to start as it usually works08:35
SpaceGhostusing groupadd and then let that group access your files.08:35
tonyyarussoluckymurali: System > Administration > Users and Groups08:35
ZachK_luckymurali, System -> Administration -> Users and Groups08:35
hazebetter then nothin08:35
SpaceGhostZackK_ he isn't using desktop.08:35
ZachK_SpaceGhost, roger08:35
ZachK_SpaceGhost, thanks...didn't know he was using server08:35
luckymuralihow can i see what are all the user available08:36
jeffCarSpaceGhost, thanks08:36
ZachK_ActionParsnip, k....08:36
tonyyarussoluckymurali: All the users on the system you mean?  'cat /etc/passwd' would work08:36
luckymuraliif i am able to login as postgres in postgressql then user posrfgres is there??08:36
JerryDhi again, what is the terminal command for deleting a file please? :)08:36
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SpaceGhostI used to know the nifty command to display just usernames. darn08:37
HajuuJerryD: rm or unlink08:37
dandamanmy printer isnt printing :\08:37
SpaceGhostJerryD: rm08:37
JerryDthank you08:37
SpaceGhostdadaman: can has more info?08:37
dandamani tried reconnecting, tried deleting it and plugging it back in08:37
dandamanso it would redetect08:37
Hajuulol SpaceGhost08:37
dandamanlike stuff goes in the print queue, it doesnt print08:38
dandamanthen it said the job is complete08:38
luckymuraliyes postgres user there08:38
dandamanand the printer works on my windows boot, so i know its not a hardware issue08:38
luckymuralihow can i add to my group??08:38
SpaceGhostHajuu: you're a faster typer. Sorry mate. It seems like I'm copying you.08:38
Kamilioncups is laughing in your face08:38
SpaceGhostLol @ Kamilion.08:38
* SpaceGhost likes slapping people and randomly picks kamilion to slap.08:38
Hajuuluckymurali: lol making your postgres user root is definately not the solution to your problems.08:38
Kamiliondon't worry, it does that to everyone.08:38
Hajuuluckymurali: However we already told you the answer to your problems08:38
Hajuuso im not going to reitterate08:39
* Kamilion slaps a trout around a bit with SpaceGhost08:39
SpaceGhostluckymurali: you want to share the files, is this not your problem?08:39
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Kamiliongone are the days of mIRC, my friend... Let it go....08:39
iceroothow to change the date (day) from cli?08:39
* SpaceGhost instructs a pet piranha to munch on Kamilion's shoulder blades08:39
SpaceGhostI cannot. It is the only day I had.08:39
JerryDok, so I have a directory which I do not have permission to delete, how do I fix that? says root is the owner08:39
tonyyarussoSpaceGhost: cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f 1 ?08:39
Hajuu!sudo | JerryD08:40
ubottuJerryD: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:40
SpaceGhostJerryD: sudo rm08:40
SpaceGhostTonyarusso: Thanks mate.08:40
dandamananyone have an idea about my printer?08:40
KamilionForsooth, I dare say it might be time to /part and /quit, before my fingers go /raw08:40
HajuuNot me sorry dandaman08:40
ActionParsnipJerryD: as long as you dont need the subdirs. sudo rmdir /path/to/directory08:40
SpaceGhostKamilion: you are one funny kid.08:40
KamilionNah, I just got a knack for humor in odd places.08:41
JerryDdo I have to put the full path if I am in the folder above... ie desktop?08:41
SpaceGhostJerryD: try the command sudo rm -rf /path/to/directory08:41
hadeanyesterday i updated to 9.10. ever since i cant make a program wider than one screen. nvidia-settings set to twinview. before the update it worked. somebody got a hint for me?08:41
Kamilion /quote TheRaven nevermore08:41
lenovo1234hi, i wanted to check the names and specs of the parts of my notebook, but i dont remember how, can you plz help me?08:41
tonyyarussolenovo1234: 'sudo lshw' is one way that's rather handy.08:42
HajuuJerryD: You don't need to use the whole path, you can just use like 'dir/to/files'08:42
SpaceGhostJerryD: If you're in desktop and wanted to delete a folder names, wooyea, you would type sudo rm -rf wooyeah/08:42
HajuuHowever its preferable to use ./dir/to/files08:42
TamOcelloHi hi!  's my first day with Ubuntu, installed with Vista through wubi.  can I ask some probably really stupid questions?08:43
tonyyarussoTamOcello: yup - just ask and see if anyone knows.08:43
TamOcellooks.  <308:43
afallenhopeIf I want to use pulseaudio,  will it mess up my souond?08:43
TamOcelloI installed a few things through add/remove and they went fine, but tried installing SLiteChat through a .deb file and it's not showing up.  When running the deb again, it SAYS it's installed, but I can't find it anywhere.  Where would it be?08:44
icerootTamOcello: there are no stupid questions08:44
JerryDhey thanks SpaceGhost.... I forgot Ubuntu is case sensitive :)08:44
maxwellHello Hello08:44
JerryDappreciate the help08:44
hadeanyesterday i updated to 9.10. ever since i cant make a program wider than one screen. nvidia-settings set to twinview. before the update it worked. somebody got a hint for me?08:44
iceroothadean: #ubuntu+108:44
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maxwellI just mounted my second hard drive, but it's not letting me paste files into it.08:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about essd08:45
HajuuTamOcello: It's most likely that your menus just havent been updated.. Theres a gnome command to update them but I cant remember it. The easiest way is just to restart :)08:45
myungive got a problem08:45
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions08:45
myungcan anyone help me?08:45
maxwellOr me? :)08:45
afallenhope!anyone | myung08:45
ubottumyung: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:45
TamOcellooh.  sweet.  oks.  <308:45
ActionParsnipTamOcello: have you tried typing the command name to run the app in a terminal to see if it runs08:45
hadeaniceroot: Oo08:46
TamOcellonot yet.08:46
ActionParsnipTamOcello: worth a try08:46
SpaceGhostTomOcello: if you install a .deb it won't show up in the menus all the time. Try running the program in terminal.08:46
tonyyarussoTamOcello: 'killall gnome-panel' is the command hajuu  was referring too.  Packages that aren't properly constructed won't necessarily create a menu item when they're installed.  When this happens (as sounds likely in this case), the command 'dpkg -L packagename | grep bin' can sometimes tell you where the executable is.08:46
hadeanah new version channel?08:46
SpaceGhostActionPArsnip: you've bested me.08:46
hadeaniceroot: thx.08:46
TamOcelloah.  oks.08:46
Hajuutonyyarusso: lol thats definately not the command I was referring to xD08:46
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ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: sorry ;)08:46
maxwellLittle help?08:46
KamilionJust a little hint for those of you who consistently forget: use tab-completion in bash. Seriously. It's SO much easier.08:46
HajuuTheres a dedicated thing for gnome to update the menus08:46
SpaceGhostActionparsnip: no worries mate.08:46
ActionParsnipmaxwell: mount with better options08:46
tonyyarussoHajuu: Oh really?  Well, it works for what you said... :S08:47
Hajuufair enough :P08:47
maxwellActionParsnip: Can you please tell me how to do that?08:47
ActionParsnipmaxwell: unmount it, then on the command you mounted with add: -o uid=100008:47
HajuuI just find killing parts of my integral system to be.. bad.08:47
HajuuId rather just restart xD08:47
myungI´ve got a error trying toget compiz config working on ubuntu :S08:47
ActionParsnipmaxwell: then all users will have full access08:47
maxwellActionParsnip: What does the -o uid=100008:47
maxwellThank you.08:47
FloodBot3maxwell: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:47
myungi did sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm08:47
tonyyarussoHajuu: gnome-panel and nautilus are both set to automatically reload and respawn upon killing, so it's plenty safe to do so.08:47
myungand was going all well08:48
myunguntil i was setting it up08:48
tonyyarussoHajuu: (You could also just restart X entirely)08:48
myungand then the screen got black or something08:48
ActionParsnipmyung: have you installed and setup video drivers?08:48
myungand ctrl alt backspace didnt work08:48
TamOcellooh.  there it is.08:48
myungdunno, this isn´t my computer08:48
NineTeen67CometHello all. I've got a network question, is there a better room for that in IRC than Ubuntu? (not individual computer network, but home network re-build)08:48
myungit´s the schools lol08:48
ActionParsnipmyung: have you setup 3d drivers?08:48
myungidont think so08:48
myunghow do i do that08:48
KamilionNineTeen67Comet: Might wanna check in with the DD-WRT folks.08:48
ActionParsnipmyung: you wont get any compiz rubbish if you dont have 3d drivers installed08:48
myungand btw, i did recovery mode and xfix but didnt work08:49
maxwellActionParsnip: Far  too lazy to pastebin this at the moment, but what I got back was this:08:49
maxwellmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,08:49
maxwell       missing codepage or helper program, or other error08:49
maxwell       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try08:49
maxwell       dmesg | tail  or so08:49
myunghow do i do that08:49
FloodBot3maxwell: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:49
ActionParsnipmyung: if you run: lspci | grep -i vga   you will see what card it has and you can websearch from there08:49
tonyyarussoNineTeen67Comet: ##networking exists on Freenode.08:49
ActionParsnipmaxwell: review your mount, if you are too lazy to pastebin, we could be too lazy to help08:50
ActionParsnipmaxwell: scrolling the channel is not fair to other users08:50
=== O_o is now known as Guest36628
maxwellActionParsnip: With all of the people always going !something and causing automated messages to pop up, along with the bots going batshit insane on everything, scrolling becomes a part of daily life.08:51
SpaceGhostI'm trying to compile binutils and it's giving me the closest thing to the finger I've gotten for an error.08:51
ActionParsnipmaxwell: thats why pastebin is there to reduce it08:52
mordocaiI used brasero to copy a CD to a .iso image, and when i mounted the iso all the files have a semi-colon appended to the name, and the folder names are truncated and any spaces replaced with underscores. What is going wrong?(I also tried using dd)08:52
SpaceGhostmaxwell: I completely disagree with you mate.08:52
Billiardmordocai: mount it as udf maybe?08:52
sohrabanyone worked with VIRTUALBOXOSE on ubunto ????08:53
tonyyarusso!anyone | sohrab08:53
ubottusohrab: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:53
david__if i boot up ubuntu from a live usb-pen, is it posible to copy files from file systems on the HDD?08:53
sdakposBilliard: are you using Karmic?08:53
SpaceGhostsohrab: not on ubunto, but on ubuntu, ues.08:53
mordocaiBilliard: I'll try, one sec08:53
=== jmurans|afk is now known as jmurans
ActionParsnipmaxwell: anyway you mount with: mount /dev/<partition name> /mount/point -t <type> -o uid=1000,rw,user    which should get you rocking08:54
ActionParsnipmaxwell: is it an ntfs partition?08:54
moihi , does anyone can help me ? i have a problem with firefox , i've try to remove it in command line , is there any kind of reset command for firefox or how could i download another web browser ? ^^08:54
SpaceGhostdavid__: yes. For most filesystem types.08:54
ActionParsnip!anyone | sohrab08:54
ubottusohrab: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:54
Billiardsdakpos: no im not08:54
SpaceGhostmoi: sudo apt-get remove firefox --purge08:55
maxwellActionParsnip: No, etx208:55
mordocaiBilliard: Okay... wierd... when i mount it with command line using the syntax: sudo mount filename.iso /media/iso -t iso9660 -o loop, it works. If i use GUI it doesn't...08:55
ActionParsnipmaxwell: ok thats cool, then you will use    -t ext208:55
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ActionParsnipmaxwell: but the command is the same08:56
moilol it tells me that he's not instaled : /08:56
david__SpaceGhost: the OS on the HDD is ubuntu, does the partition mount to the desk top then just open it up and drag and drop over to the memory stick?08:56
maxwellSo in my case I ought to type, "sudo mount /dev/<partition name> /mountpoint -t ext2 -o uid=1000,rw,user"?08:56
ActionParsnipmaxwell: the mount point must be a folder that exists too (ideally empty)08:57
maxwellYes, I have that.08:57
ActionParsnipmaxwell: you will need to name partition name and mountpoint better but yes08:57
maxwelllol, obviously.08:57
ActionParsnipmaxwell: i assume nothing in here08:57
SpaceGhostdavid__ if the filesystem is mounted and you can read it, you can copy it. You could use root to copy the files.08:57
gonzojiveI am executing a shell script that contains the line "PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH"  but after I execute it nothing has changed.08:58
gonzojiveie. my path is still the same, not including my user bin directory08:58
HajuuThats because you need to export it08:58
sdakposi have a problem with wi-fi, after updating from Jaunty, network manager was disconnecting my wi-fi every 10-20 seconds, i have installed WICD and know in dmesg i see that it tries authenticating but it times out.. what can be the problem? (i'm using iwl3945 module)08:59
Hajuuthats a local variable.08:59
gonzojivesame if I write export08:59
Hajuupastebin.com your script08:59
david__SpaceGhost: thanks for the help =D08:59
maxwellActionParsnip: Same answer.08:59
sdakposi have a problem with wi-fi, after updating from Jaunty to Karmic, network manager was disconnecting my wi-fi every 10-20 seconds, i have installed WICD and now in dmesg i see that it tries authenticating but it times out.. what can be the problem? (i'm using iwl3945 module)08:59
ActionParsnipmaxwell: i'd read some guides then, you have the right sort of thing, just needs fine tweaking09:00
Hajuusdakpos: are you specifying the right password type and encryption method?09:00
sdakposHajuu: yes09:00
matmosdakpos: wow, I've just arrive for exactly that and other wifi problems09:00
moiits still doesnt work , does anyone could tell me how install another web browser in command line plz ?09:00
ActionParsnipmaxwell: may just need chowning09:00
joaopintosdakpos, stop repeating please, and if you are using karmic this is not the right channel to ask09:00
maxwellDoes that involve a lot of chmod shit?09:00
ActionParsnipmaxwell: mount it how youo did before then chown the file system to your user09:00
TamOcelloalthough, this next one might be a bitch...  So, 'm rocking an HP dv6-1250cl, and it's got an IDT sound card.  've looked at google's results, and have tried running 'sudo echo "options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=1" >> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base ', which didn't work.  Then, ' ran 'sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/sound' and put 'model=hp-m4' at the end of it, both as suggested by a thread at linux forums.  A post there suggested to swap out PulseAudio for esound, and 09:00
maxwellHaha, I totally don't know how to do that.09:00
ActionParsnipmaxwell: no, chmod is a different command09:00
gonzojiveHajuu: http://pastebin.com/d53ade70409:00
maxwellAnd people wonder why so many people use windoze.09:00
HajuuWell, if its trying to auth and isnt able, its pretty definately a different combo of encryption type and auth type09:00
_JacK_totem plays movie, cpu occupies less than 5%, the whole system load very lightly, but it is very bad effect, why?09:01
Ububeginwhen I ran, sudo ldconfig .. all types of old links came out on screen.. how can i modiy ldconfig file.. where is it09:01
muri_onesdakpos: #ubuntu+109:01
sdakposjoaopinto: sorry i wanted to fix a mistace i did there in text... and on #ubuntu+1 there is noone to help..09:01
maxwellActionParsnip: Do you mind explaining to me how to chown something though?09:01
ActionParsnipmaxwell: if you mount the partition as you did you can then run: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /mount/point     and you will be mde the owner of the data09:01
joaopintosdakpos, asking here will not improve that, your problem is driver and release specific, you will be wasting ppl time here09:01
Hajuuand what makes you think its not setting that var?09:01
matmomy rt2860 worked for wpa up until 3 wks ago when I updated the kernel. Since then I've been away during which it only worked for open connections. Now back home and next to get wpa working again.09:01
maxwellOh, crazy simple tehre.09:01
sdakposjoaopinto: okay, sorry09:01
ActionParsnipmaxwell: in linux it usually is09:02
Hajuumatmo: is it WPA1/2, is it TKIP or whatever or PSK09:02
matmoHajuu: wpa1, tkip09:02
maxwellThis success is better than sex!09:02
TamOcellowhee better than sex!09:03
Hajuuand thats the combo you were using before that was working?09:03
Hajuulike definately?09:03
ActionParsnipmaxwell: simple stuff huh09:03
matmoyes, I have not changed my wifi router config in over a year09:03
HajuuOk, and to be clear, you HAVE tried retyping the password, right?09:03
Ububegin when I ran, sudo ldconfig .. all types of old links came out on screen.. how can i modiy ldconfig file.. where is it09:03
SpaceGhostActionPrsnip: you are +1 to epic.09:03
Guest36628i've got a question... anyone know a command to list all installed applications? i have 2 ubuntu partitions and instead of looking for everything i need, i would like to maybe make a list with "command > $HOME/Desktop/programlist.txt" then just "sudo apt-get install "all listed programs in list"09:03
maxwellActionParsnip: Yes, but I still look forward to the day that such shit is automatically done for me, and/or can be easily done with less than 18 clicks of a mouse.09:04
Guest36628anyone know of a way i can do that?09:04
antikne one here running backtrack 4 or ne version??09:04
HajuuMatmo: If you havent changed your config in over a year, how were you connecting with an open connection?09:04
zaoul1Anyone use terminator? Why would I not be able to save the profile? IE: fg/bg colors09:04
ActionParsnipmaxwell: oh definately, we didnt used to have automount09:04
gonzojiveHajuu: refresh that pastebin page and you can see me echoing $PATH09:04
matmoI was away from home09:04
ActionParsnipmaxwell: its getting better all the time09:04
mordocaiOkay, so i've figured out that when opening a .iso that was made by using brasero to copy a CD, it won't mount correctly using the GNOME GUI. However, it will mount perfectly using command line. Anyone know why this would be?09:04
sdakposHajuu: i have the same problem and i did, i also tried wpa_supplicant and configuring wlan0 in /etc/network/interaces09:04
SpaceGhostantik: the people at backtrack have a nice IRC channel for discussion that.09:04
gonzojivei don't know what's going on but after I execute that script it's like nothing happened09:04
maxwellA‭ctionParsnip: Slowly, veeery slowly.09:05
gonzojivea line very much like that was in my .profile but it did not take hold so I'm wondering what's going on09:05
ActionParsnipmaxwell: well they dont have the billions that certain software giants have09:05
Hajuugonzojive: have you tried running it as root?09:05
HajuuNot sure if that will help09:06
_JacK_what performance does ubuntu run on arm9?09:06
DeI2anGeDso, I haven't used linux since like, Slackware 9. and after a bit of setting up, Gnome-Do and Cairo Dock are my absolutely favoritest things ever. easily.09:06
gonzojiveHajuu: it works when I just type the command into the shell09:06
antikspaceghost , lol k but no ones on there channel09:06
gonzojivebut when I execute that file it doesn't work09:06
Hajuumatmo: try using WPA2 :)09:06
ActionParsnip_JacK_: depends on config09:07
SpaceGhostDel2anGeD: I'm lost, are you having a problem or just chatting?09:07
Hajuugonzojive: not sure then sorry :(09:07
matmoHajuu: can't do that, got many wifi devices and not all support wpa209:07
_JacK_ActionParsnip: what config?09:07
DeI2anGeDNo problem, I was expressing my love of Ubuntu's ease and a few <3-able apps.09:07
icerootscripts from the ubuntu-wikis are GPL?09:07
prince_jammysgonzojive: you have to source the script. a script cannot modify the parent's environment.09:08
HajuuOh fine, be like that :o09:08
ActionParsnip_JacK_: like games, if you set the graphics to the higest resolution with the highest colours and the highest detail, it will run slower than the same pc and same game but on the lowest colours on the lowest resolution with no detail, wont it?09:08
antikne one running there distro through vmware??09:08
gonzojiveprince_jammys: how do you source the script?09:08
Hajuuantik: I am.09:08
ActionParsnip!anyone | antik09:08
ubottuantik: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:08
prince_jammysgonzojive: . script  (a dot)09:08
gonzojiveone character!09:09
maxwellThank you all, I need to sleep though. Good night!09:09
gonzojivebeautiful, prince_jammys09:09
ActionParsnip_JacK_: and this is the same for operating systems, they can be configured different, so the question has infinite possibilities09:09
prince_jammysgonzojive: in bash, you can also use 'source' instead of the dot. but not in sh09:09
Hajuugonzojive: what was the problem?09:09
matmoHajuu: on second thoughts, just discovered my router supports mixed mode wpa/2. I will give it a go, thanks for the suggestion... but how do I config wpa/2 on Jaunty? I'm about to add nm but wondered why it was excluded?09:09
HajuuI'm not entirely sure to be honest.09:10
gonzojiveprince_jammys: what's the relation between SH and BASH/CSH09:10
prince_jammysgonzojive: that reads the commands into the current shell, affecting variables, the present working directory (if you cd'd) etc.09:10
gonzojiveHajuu: I didn't source the script09:10
prince_jammysgonzojive: bash has more features. ubuntu's sh is more portable. csh is a totally different shell that isn't used all that much any more.09:11
HajuuOh well. I am out. DeI2anGeD, you're a slut. That is all.09:11
_JacK_ActionParsnip: ubuntu on ARM9 and 512M memory, test playing movie09:11
ActionParsnip_JacK_: for example a system running KDE will react significantly slower than one running say fluxbox or lxde  but its still an arm cpu09:12
matmoHajuu: before I go ripping into config files is your wpa2 suggestion a guess or based on experience?09:12
infidis it hard to install firefox 3.5 in ubuntu and is it stable?09:12
_JacK_ActionParsnip: running gnome desktop09:12
antikubottu , lol gothcha,, should i run my distro as "root" all the time cause my other username doesnt let me run a few programs properly??09:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:12
gonzojiveprince_jammys: so sh is a separate shell?09:12
mordocaiinfid: I think it's in the repository(apt-cache search firefox), and yes it's stable in my experience.09:12
gonzojiveprince_jammys: thanks09:13
SpaceGhostLol at antik :P09:13
prince_jammysgonzojive: yes. it's a generic name that's supposed to be present in any POSIX system.09:13
ZachK_hello "team"09:13
mordocaiinfid: confirmation: just apt-get install firefox-3.509:13
ZachK_anyone need help?09:13
ActionParsnip_JacK_: I'd say with the ram it will run pretty well, there seems to be a few reviews on youtube and i'm sure some geeks will have benchmarked it some place09:13
infidmordocai: ok, should i uninstall firefox 3.0 first?09:13
antikspaceghost, ha my first time using linux,, "backtrack"09:14
SpaceGhostActionParsnip: You're funny that you use youtube for legit reviews.09:14
ZachK_ActionParsnip, yeah...youtube is ok but not for reviews09:14
gonzojiveprince_jammys: so if I change something in my .profile, should I just execute ". ./.profile" in home?09:14
mordocaiinfid: I didn't. I have both installed... just run firefox-3.5 when i want 3.5, and firefox when i want whatever the stable version is09:14
SpaceGhostAntik: They have a backtrack IRC, it seems like they might be a lot more helpful.09:14
ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: its good enough, i'm not under oath or nuthin ;)09:14
ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: and it was definately the other guy09:15
prince_jammysgonzojive: sure. that's what happens when you login (btw, that's where you should stick the PATH thing)09:15
SpaceGhostActionParsnip: I took the hypocratic oath.09:15
BigWookiehey is there a way when I copy a folder to replace symlinks with copies of the files?09:15
antikspaceghost,, ha k ill check it again,, last time no one was on09:15
_JacK_realplay for arm ?09:15
ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: i'd plead the 5th but i'm in the UK so we dont have that09:15
=== Guest36628 is now known as Mayki
SpaceGhostI hate it when people use multiple puntuation marks, it's juvenile.09:16
_JacK_what player for movie on ubuntu with arm?09:16
SpaceGhostActionParsnip: You lucky bastard :P09:16
ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: definately :)09:16
ActionParsnip_JacK_: mplayer i'd imagine09:16
gonzojiveSpaceGhost: my pet peeve is run-on sentences09:16
SpaceGhostgonzojive: Yes,, I bet........ but do you like sentences,,, like this???09:17
gonzojiveprince_jammys: cool, that's where I originally had it.  I was calling sh .profile and having this problem09:17
_JacK_ActionParsnip: only totem on my ubuntu09:17
prince_jammysgonzojive: the only catch is your PATH will keep growing if you keep sourcing .profile, since you keep doing PATH=foo:$PATH09:17
ActionParsnip_JacK_: you can install it if you wish. if totem is sufficient then use it09:18
_JacK_use totem to play movie, but it is very bad effect09:18
gonzojiveprince_jammys: ah, that's some catch. so I suppose I could just login again, or is there some other way to reset the environment and simulate a login for the purpose of all new terminals?09:19
SpaceGhost_Jack_ Mplayer is the win, try it. Props again to ActionParsnip.09:19
_JacK_my ubuntu runs on arm, not on x8609:19
ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: daddy mplayer always wins09:19
gonzojiveprince_jammys: when i open a new terminal the .profile changes don't take effect it seems like09:19
ActionParsnip_JacK_: try: apt-cache search mplayer09:19
prince_jammysgonzojive: .profile is only read when you log in. .bashrc is sourced with every interactive session (but don't put PATH there)09:20
SpaceGhost_jack_ the internet just confirmed mplayer to work with arm09:20
prince_jammysgonzojive: it's not a big deal. you can log in and out if it bugs you09:20
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gonzojiveprince_jammys: not a big deal, just wondering what the pros do09:21
_JacK_ActionParsnip:  "apt-cache search mplayer" can get one list, but is it on arm?09:21
BigWookiehey is there a way when I copy a folder to replace symlinks with copies of the files?09:21
prince_jammysgonzojive: set PATH the way you want in your current shell, and wait until you logout and you won't deal with it any more.09:22
Hajuu_JacK_: You can always use um09:22
Hajuuapt-get source -autobuild mplayer09:23
Hajuuor something09:23
ActionParsnip_JacK_: yes that command and your entire system will ONLY show you arm stuff09:23
Jordan_UBigWookie: cp -rs source destination09:23
HajuuI forget the option, check the manual09:23
ActionParsnip_JacK_: just like my 64bit desktop will ONLY show me 64bit stuff09:23
SpaceGhost_Jack_: I just said, it works on arm.09:23
BigWookieJordan_U: not enough space on device09:23
SpaceGhost>_Jack_ anything you can see, works with arm.09:23
gonzojiveprince_jammys: i'm curious how the execution of .profile at login affects terminals that are started a long ways from then.  where do they get their original environment?09:23
jeffCaranyone know what the big feature will be for the next version of ubuntu?09:24
zaoul1Anyone use terminator? WHY can I not save the profile? this makes no sense.. .conf/terminator/config is writeable and terminator -d shows it finds it.. wtffffff09:24
prince_jammysgonzojive: you mean where does stuff like PATH and LANG get set originally?09:24
HajuujeffCar: Porn, built right into the interface!09:24
HajuuNever before has nudity been so accessible!09:24
SpaceGhostjeffcar: it's the whole, "I work on those little crappy netbooks" feature.09:24
ActionParsnip!karmic | jeffCar09:25
ubottujeffCar: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:25
Jordan_UBigWookie: Why not just use one symlink to the directory?09:25
patbamActionParsnip: looks like i passed that memtest with not problems09:25
gonzojiveprince_jammys: yeah, and how does bash or whatever read that info that was set at the original login?09:25
ActionParsnippatbam: well thats good09:25
SpaceGhostDo you mean lethargic leming?09:25
BigWookieJordan_U: thats not the question09:25
patbamActionParsnip: yeah :)09:25
_JacK_Hajuu: what is um?09:25
SpaceGhostOr lacivious lemur?09:25
zaoul1ugh answer agillion questions in here and I can't get someone to help me save my freggin stupid term colors09:25
ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: lucid lynx09:26
MenZa!attitude | zaoul109:26
ubottuzaoul1: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:26
SpaceGhostzaoul, there are like a million tutorials on that.09:26
prince_jammysgonzojive: go to #bash, and /msg greybot dotfiles if you're curious09:26
ActionParsnippatbam: all i can suggest is fsck your drive/s09:26
patbamActionParsnip: i'm still wondering if your thoughts about the graphics card might be relevant09:26
prince_jammysgonzojive: ''/msg greybot dotfiles'' and the bot will give you a link.09:26
SpaceGhostActionParsnip, ruining my fun since [01:24]09:26
patbamActionParsnip: i suppose another thing i could try would be to install another distro09:26
zaoul1there are like... not09:26
jeffCarthanks ActionParsnip SpaceGhost , and hajuu... I think you have had to much huka09:26
ActionParsnippatbam: worth a shot09:27
prince_jammysgonzojive: it's somewhat complex09:27
przemasjakieś polaczki są? :D09:27
SpaceGhostjeffcar: there are two o's in hookah, and an h on the end of hookah.09:27
prince_jammysgonzojive: if you are curious about bash, check out the links in that channel's topic. they are good.09:27
SpaceGhostjeffcar: and you say I'm too high. pah.09:27
Jordan_UBigWookie: Are you using absolute file names?09:28
nordhriI have a secondary hard drive that has somehow switched to "read only" how can I fix this?09:29
jeffCarSpaceGhost, not you I said hajuu.  And hookah smooka its all good.   :-)09:29
MickJohnsdoes anybody know any apache conf files that store the location of htaccess09:29
SpaceGhostjeffcar: the way you worded it, it was kind of ambiguous.09:29
Jordan_UBigWookie: When using --recursive and --symbolic link together you need to use absolute rather than relative paths09:30
nordhrithe error is:  Error opening file '/media/disk/raven_shine.png': Read-only file system09:30
SpaceGhostMickJohns, you place .htaccess files in the folder, I do not believe there is a place in the apache conf.09:30
nordhriyet I was able to copy and paste there less than half hour ago09:30
MickJohnswell im looking for the location of htaccess09:30
MickJohnsits not my server09:30
HajuuMickJohns: .htaccess files are not configured like that. Every directories .htaccess files are iteratively applied down the directory train09:30
Hajuuin realtime09:30
BoohbahMickJohns: that would be your DocumentRoot09:30
HajuuBoohbah: not neccisarilly :/09:31
user_siema kopczyk09:31
Boohbahrecursive grep for htaccess09:31
HajuuI cant see any reason why your documentroot would need a .htaccess file unless you're doing something very specific09:31
SpaceGhostHe's talking of .htaccess files.09:31
Hajuurecursive grep lol09:31
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Hajuuthis isnt 198509:31
SpaceGhostThey can be anywhere.09:31
ActionParsnipnordhri: is the partition an ntfs partition?09:31
MickJohnshacking porn sites is hard09:32
ActionParsnipHajuu: i use recursive grep, its fast09:32
nordhriActionParsnip, I don't think so...09:32
HajuuMickJohns: Just do 'locate .htaccess'09:32
gonzojiveprince_jammys: that dotfiles link answered it /all/.  Apparently bash reads stuff from /etc/environment which is set at login09:32
MickJohnsHajuu its NOT my server09:32
ActionParsnipHajuu: what if the database is outdated?09:32
nordhriActionParsnip, like I said I was just putting files to  it less than half hour ago...09:32
MickJohnsim hacking robinshouse.com09:32
HajuuActionParsnip: Then update it ;)09:32
ActionParsnipnordhri: then you may need to unmount it and fsck it09:33
HajuuThis isnt 198509:33
Boohbahfind . -iname htaccess09:33
HajuuWe have resources!09:33
ActionParsnipHajuu: you never specified that09:33
BoohbahHajuu: yes, it is09:33
Hajuuyeah or use find.09:33
nordhriActionParsnip, I've unmounted it and I have restarted my system still the same issye09:33
jeffCarare there community versions of ubuntu?09:33
HajuuBoohbah: ahh, trippy!09:33
ActionParsnipnordhri: fsck it09:33
HajuuI always imagined it with more.. leather jackets09:33
nordhriActionParsnip, how?09:33
Jordan_UjeffCar: What do you mean?09:33
SpaceGhostnordhri: look at your fstab.09:33
nordhriSpaceGhost,  how?09:33
ActionParsnip!fsck | nordhri09:33
ubottunordhri: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot09:33
SpaceGhostsudo vi fstab09:34
ActionParsnipnordhri: you want to run it manually as its not the system partition09:34
Jordan_UjeffCar: There is no separate "enterprise" version of Ubuntu09:34
prince_jammysgonzojive: yes. there are files related to PAM that will set your LANG and such09:34
nordhriActionParsnip, I normally need to mount it before I can use it... a pain in the butt..09:34
ActionParsnipnordhri: yes that is absolutely normal09:35
jeffCarI need a version of linux for a my father who is 76.  I want a version that has a really easy interface.  I thought maybe someone compiled a modified ubuntu version .09:35
ActionParsnipnordhri: you cannot access raw block devices without them being mounted09:35
SpaceGhostNordhri: what is the filesystem you are mounted.09:35
Jordan_UjeffCar: What does he normally do with the computer?09:35
SpaceGhostmordhri: sorry for poor fail. What is the filesystem on the other drive?09:35
nordhrimy maindrive is the current Ubuntu09:36
nordhrinot Koala yet09:36
SpaceGhostjeffcar: how literate is he? What does he do? A possible choice is to create read only file system after you configure and install everything and then let him us it.09:36
jeffCarNormaly... well to be honest, he yells at it. kicks it sometimes, and once through it out.  But I took it out of the trash.  had to get the banna out of the monitor vents, but it was ok.09:36
SpaceGhostnordhri: I mean the other drive, as in other and not main.09:36
nordhriSpaceGhost, how can I check to be sure?09:37
SpaceGhostjeffcar: why do you want him to use a computer if he tends to hate on them?09:37
jeffCarJordan_U, SpaceGhost , I need something with big icons on it and simple to use.09:37
SpaceGhostsudo fdisk -l09:37
_JacK_mplayer is not available for ubuntu 9.0.4?09:37
SpaceGhostjeffcar: ubuntu with the whole accessibility thingy, Orca or something.09:37
SmokeyD1hey people. I am using ufw on ubuntu hardy heron LTS. Is there a way to automatically have ufw detect the local network and use that as a variable in the rules?09:37
ActionParsnipjeffCar: yes but what does he use? email? internet? games? 3d rendering? sond composition?09:37
jeffCarhe wants e-mail and want so use video links to my sister and her kids.09:37
SpaceGhostjeffcar: use a read only filesystem and have him use webmail.09:38
jeffCarwhat is orca?09:38
zEppIs there a reason for why I have problems with Windows on my dell laptop that came with Ubuntu? Is there some sort of hardware difference?09:38
SpaceGhostJeffcar: you know him best, so set it up for him. Making icons big isn't a problem and the UI is east to change.09:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about orca09:38
nordhriSpaceGhost,   http://paste.ubuntu.com/298067/09:38
ActionParsnip!info orca09:38
ubottuPackage orca does not exist in jaunty09:38
mobi-sheep!windows | zEpp09:39
ubottuzEpp: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents09:39
ActionParsnipzEpp: no, you just need windows drivers for your hardware, windows support is in ##windows09:39
jeffCarSpaceGhost, i looked at Gos linux,  its good but its no UBUNTU09:39
mobi-sheepzEpp: You're missing drivers, me think.  Check Hardware Devices and see ##windows09:39
zEppActionParsnip: my problem isn't with not having the drivers. it's that .exe files don't work lol09:39
nordhriSpaceGhost, line 13 is the disk in question09:39
jeffCarSpaceGhost, but i like the interface09:39
ActionParsnipzEpp: if they dont work in windows, its not an ubuntu issue09:40
mobi-sheepzEpp, ActionParsnip: Turn on your file extension.  It's not the .exe.  >_>09:40
zEppActionParsnip: my question was if the hardware for some reason could only use ubuntu and thats why i'd have problems with windows09:40
mobi-sheepClever trojan horse slipping in.  Poor lamb, you're toasted.09:40
SpaceGhostnordhri sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /wherever/the/hellyouwant09:40
ActionParsnipzEpp: hardware is OS independant, it could have come with BSD and sit would still be the same hardware09:41
SpaceGhostjeffcar: you can make it suitable to your father. Pimp it for him man.09:41
lumisI know this is probable a fairly dumb question, but is there a way to reduce the bitrate of a CDA file being burnt to an audio disk, the final aim being to get more tracks onto a standard audio CD? (NOT an mp3 CD)09:41
jeffCarSpaceGhost,  how?09:41
Jordan_Ulumis: No09:41
Billiardlumis: nope09:41
SpaceGhost!audacity | lumis09:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about audacity09:41
nordhriSpaceGhost, can you be a bit more specific.. I am noob at this side of ubuntu09:42
_JacK_what else movie player on ubuntu for arm?09:42
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mobi-sheep!player | _JacK_09:42
ubottu_JacK_: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs09:42
ActionParsniplumis: you couldmake the songs play faster, it'll sound like chipmunks but you will get more tracks on09:42
lumisActionParsnip: Not really what I was going for ;)09:42
lumisSpaceGhost: Could you elaborate?09:42
SpaceGhostjeffcar: maybe you could try removing the bars on the top and bottom and making a single workspace and then making two icons on the desktop Internet, and Email. Ideally the Email icon would be a link to his webmail.09:42
my12inchdiskSpaceGhost, how do I modify it?09:43
Jordan_Ulumis: put half of the songs on the right channel and half on the left, use only one earbud at a time09:43
SpaceGhostlumis, the only possibility I forsee is using a audio editor and compressing.09:43
Jordan_Ulumis: :)09:43
nordhriSpaceGhost, not sure where to put it.. when you say /where/ever/the/hell/you/want09:43
SpaceGhostjordan_U LOL!09:43
SpaceGhostnordhri I'm going to private message you now, be aware.09:43
ltspadminwhen i boot the thinclient system. getting an error message chroot: canonot execute /usr/bin/getltscfg: exec ..in ubuntu 9.10 amd6409:44
lumisSpaceGhost: That's pretty much what I meant09:44
ltspadminwhen i boot the thinclient system through floppy. getting an error message chroot: canonot execute /usr/bin/getltscfg: exec ..in ubuntu 9.10 amd64 i found problem is in the nbi.img file09:44
Jordan_U!karmic | ltspadmin09:44
ubottultspadmin: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:44
my12inchdiskWhen will be the next release of ubuntu09:44
mobi-sheepmy1inchdisk: See above.09:45
SpaceGhostmy12inchdisk, what are you asking for?09:45
* ActionParsnip is dreading the 30th 09:45
my12inchdiskwhen the next release will be09:45
SpaceGhostPor que, patsnip?09:45
MenZamy12inchdisk: 29th of October. A few days away.09:45
my12inchdiskoh boy!09:46
MenZamy12inchdisk: The next one, April 2010.09:46
SpaceGhost!karmic | my12inchdisk09:46
ubottumy12inchdisk: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:46
ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: people upgrade for their own reasons and lots of stuff breaks09:46
ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: so its busy in here09:46
SpaceGhostactionparsnip: that's why I sit back and laugh from afar.09:46
mobi-sheepMachines upgrade for their own reasons and lots of people breaks!09:46
ltspadminwhen i boot the thinclient system through floppy. getting an error message chroot: canonot execute /usr/bin/getltscfg: exec ..in ubuntu 9.10 amd64 i found problem is in the nbi.img file09:46
my12inchdiskI understand that MS is coming out with MSlinux. But they are having problems.  They can't seem to get the blue screen of death.  the system just wont crash enough.  :-)09:46
Legacy2kkkkMSlinux LOL09:47
ActionParsnipthere was lindows for a while09:47
SpaceGhostI'm crying on the inside now.09:47
SpaceGhostThere is Lixta09:47
my12inchdiskwhats a lixta?09:48
Jordan_UActionParsnip: http://kevincarmony.com/linspire_videos/LindowsRock.swf09:48
SpaceGhostHell if I know09:48
ActionParsnipIn July 2004, Microsoft offered to settle with Lindows.[6] As part of this licensing settlement, Microsoft paid an estimated $20 million US, and Lindows transferred the Lindows trademark to Microsoft and changed their name to Linspire.09:48
SpaceGhost!lixta | my12inchdisk09:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lixta09:48
pointlessjoni've been wrestling with couchdb for like two hours and cannot apparently get it to work09:48
Snicksiehm, little question, is there a max on requesting ubuntu cd's? 'cause i can't yet request a free cd atm, however i was always able to request a new cd.09:49
my12inchdiskwhat is linspire?   a linux that looks like windows?09:49
* Legacy2kkkk say yo yo yo linuxy peoples09:49
SpaceGhostNot that funny bud, but welcome09:49
pointlessjondo you have to do anything special to run couchdb on karmic koala?09:50
Legacy2kkkkirc owns09:50
Legacy2kkkkwho likes backtrack? xD09:50
ltspadminwhen i boot the thin client through floppy i am getting an error message chroot: cannot execute /usr/bin/getltscfg:09:50
SpaceGhostSnicksie, use a special request form09:50
Wezdoes ubuntu do a fancy retail like package, you know in a fancy box and stuff?09:50
prince_jammyspointlessjon: join #ubuntu+1, karmic's channel09:50
david__Legacy2kkkk: , the folks at the backtrack channel09:50
pointlessjonprince_jammys: thanks09:50
SpaceGhostLegacy2kkkk this isn't IM...09:50
SnicksieSpaceGhost, there's no option to get it at all, so would it be due to the new version or due to a limit, that's what i'm wondering? ;)09:51
SpaceGhostWez: Yes it does look at it.09:51
my12inchdiskbye and thanks for all the help.09:51
ActionParsnipLegacy2kkkk: i always say yo yo yo09:51
SnicksieLegacy2kkkk, he means that this is for asking questions 'bout ubuntu, not just for fun ;)09:51
MenZaWez: Nope. They do ShipIt CDs, though.09:51
MenZa!shipit > Wez09:52
SpaceGhostSnicksie: you can fill out a request form, not the normal kind, the kind where you atually type out why you deserve more CDs.09:52
ubottuWez, please see my private message09:52
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SnicksieSpaceGhost, there's no possibility to do that ;)09:52
my12inchdiskRemember Friends don't let friends use Microsoft linux.09:52
Legacy2kkkkwhat is microsoft linux?09:52
ActionParsnipmy12inchdisk: bit hard when all my servers run it ;)09:52
SpaceGhostIt's linux, raped and beaten until it submits to windows selfish demands.09:53
my12inchdiskReally your servers run microsoft linux... sorry if I knew I would have typed slower.09:53
insmodBluey1: get cheese going?09:53
Legacy2kkkkthat sucks09:53
Legacy2kkkkwhy would ms make a linux disto?09:53
ActionParsnipLegacy2kkkk: they havent, and if they did they cant sell it so probably wont09:54
my12inchdiskyea legacy, they even put in the blue lock up screen so it would not look better then windows.09:54
SpaceGhostI'm sort of wondering if this is a support channel or a chat channel, can someone enlighten me?09:54
RhysMHi guys I have been using ubuntu as a user for 4 years now and after a heated debate about the productive uses of an open source environment i have been allowed to create a replica of our current working system using open source software. Can anyone with experience of this help me with selection of packages?09:54
lightpriest__what is the proper way to request a package rebuild from source in launchpad? asking a question?09:54
ActionParsnipLegacy2kkkk: anyway its oftopic here, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic09:54
Legacy2kkkktrue lol09:54
SnicksieSpaceGhost, whatever link i click, it gives this text: You have already received our maximum number of allowed shipments. Please download the CD image and record it yourself.09:55
ActionParsniplightpriest__: i'd use brainstorm09:55
my12inchdiskSpaceGhost, I need support on how to chat.09:55
ActionParsniplightpriest__: have you not found a ppa for it?09:55
lightpriest__ActionParsnip, brainstorm isn't a place to raise ideas? :)09:55
my12inchdiskok, bye everyone.  thank for the help.09:55
ActionParsniplightpriest__: yeah, an idea to compile a package, if its inappropriate it will be moved to the right place09:55
lightpriest__I've added a utility to xmltv project and I want the package in the repos to have it...09:56
lightpriest__kinda like a "refresh"? :P09:56
lightpriest__I'm familiar with the terminology :)09:56
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate09:56
lightpriest__I'm not09:56
insmod<RhysM>there are distros that do that09:56
lightpriest__ok :)09:56
RhysMinsmod can you suggest one?09:56
insmod<RhysM>there job is to mimic it for other computers09:56
SpaceGhostSnicksie, I'm getting the same message. I've gotten one cd. I think it's just a slight burp.09:57
insmod<RhysM>they list them on distrowatch09:57
SnicksieSpaceGhost, so most likely due to the new version, all right ;)09:57
SpaceGhostI'm thinking it's a bit of that and the fact that they send out a lot of CDs.09:58
RhysMI need all the obvious stuff open source but what about alternatives to citrix?09:58
ActionParsnipRhysM: there is a citrix client for linux09:58
SpaceGhostRhysm: What do you want? a selection of packages?09:58
ActionParsnipRhysM: http://www.citrix.com/English/SS/downloads/details.asp?downloadID=3323&productID=-109:59
ltspadmingetting an error message while thinclient boot "chroot : cannotexecute /usr/bin/getltscfg09:59
ActionParsnipRhysM: linux makes a great thin client OS09:59
ltspadmingetting an error message while thinclient boot "chroot : cannotexecute /usr/bin/getltscfg: exec for09:59
RhysMAction no i mean a server alternative open source? is there something like it?09:59
SpaceGhostHey Itspadmin, don't do that.09:59
ActionParsnipRhysM: well citrix is a proprietary product, you may be able to buy the server software for linux09:59
SpaceGhost!patience | Itspadmin09:59
ubottuItspadmin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.09:59
insmod<RhysM>debian redhat .... any10:00
RhysMI dont think you understand what i am saying.... I am looking for an open source remote working desktop solution with comparable features to citrix10:00
* SpaceGhost gives ActionParsnip a clout round the head with a fresh copy of HydraIRC10:00
ActionParsnipRhysM: you could run xen or x forwarding to achieve the same kind of thing10:01
insmod<RhysM>you clearly know nothing10:01
ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: used it agaes ago10:01
RhysMinsmod - hence asking questions10:01
SpaceGhostinsmod, here's a hint don't be a dick.10:01
homersCiao a tutti XD10:01
ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: doesnt do sametime, carrier does irc and sametime so is perfect10:01
insmod<SpaceGhost> fucku10:01
insmod<RhysM>and i answered10:02
ActionParsnipkeep it civil10:02
SpaceGhostWhoa there friend. Maybe you need to go ask your parents to regulate your internet usage.10:02
RhysMisn;t the aim of linux to promote open source? well thats exactly what i am trying to do10:02
voxinsmod: leave the attitude and the language outside.10:02
homersbuongiorno c'e qulkuno che parla italiano?10:02
znhHello. Is there an alternative way to display icons on the desktop? Like in a circle or some other fancy something10:02
RhysMAnd by finding the name of components/software to use i can then go away and read up and figure it out10:02
SpaceGhostRhysM: maybe your approach isn't the best? I'm not sure I understand.10:02
insmod<vox>no t THe vox10:02
ActionParsnipRhysM: unfortunately citrix as far as I can see is only offering presentation servers to windows platforms10:02
prince_jammys!it | homers10:02
ubottuhomers: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:03
voxinsmod: pardon?10:03
insmod<vox>not THevox10:03
ActionParsnipRhysM: you can use X forwarding over ssh to run the app on the big central server but show the app on the client system (much like citrix)10:03
SpaceGhostinsmod, stop being a juvenile.10:03
insmod<SpaceGhost>what are you? 1210:04
voxinsmod: you can either be civil or you can leave. your call.10:04
ActionParsnipRhysM: you can get the same under windows with putty and xming10:04
SpaceGhostinsmod, seriously don't piggyback on my rebuttal I already called you a young child.10:04
znhvox, you have my vote for the latter10:04
RhysMI have already setup a sendmail gateway for the corporate email system for alias management so I'm not a complete newbie but just wanted best practice advice before i go with the first product a google search shows up10:04
SpaceGhostYou can feel free to leave or chill and ask/answer questions.10:04
ltspadminhow to rebuild nbi.img image in amd64bit for i386 client10:04
insmod<vox>f<SpaceGhost> fuck off10:05
icerootinsmod: stop that10:05
ActionParsnipvox: cheers dude, saved me having to call ops10:05
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!10:05
SpaceGhostLawl, I love you guys.10:05
RhysMThanks action i will look into that x forwarding method then10:05
ActionParsnipRhysM: yeah simply have the xming running which will give you an x server, if the clients are linux then you already have this10:06
mobi-sheepActionParsnip: Yeah, but somebody else pulled the trigger.  That's one ammo we'll never recover. :(10:06
RhysMand if not will putty do the trick?10:07
=== acuster is now known as avc_working
=== MadMax is now known as MaxSid
ActionParsnipRhysM: you can then run: putty -X user@server     or  ssh -X user@server    and log in, when you run gui apps (like gedit / oowriter etc) they will be executed on the server but the graphical bit will be on the client system10:07
SpaceGhostXforwarding through ssh woo.10:07
RhysMahhh right i understand10:07
purplefoolin my system menu under administration there is no 'hardware drivers' list.  how would i go about re-entering that in the menu?10:07
ActionParsnipRhysM: sure putty is fine but you will need xming installed and running as windows does not have an x server to stick the apps on10:07
mobi-sheep!away > avc_working10:07
ubottuavc_working, please see my private message10:07
ActionParsnipRhysM: if you are planning many users make sure you use gigabit ethernet or it will crawl10:08
SpaceGhostweird way to say hello Xtreme10:08
RhysMWe currently only have a 4 server farm with 12 user splits on 4 vm's running on a poweredge 295010:09
ActionParsnippurplefool: add a new entry to run:   gksudo jockey-gtk10:09
ActionParsnipRhysM: nice, that'll do it10:09
ActionParsnipRhysM: those 2950s are niiiice10:09
RhysMYeah we have a stack of 12 just sitting there from an office shutdown we did a couple of weeks ago hence this idea10:10
codeFiendhey all10:10
RhysMAnd we had a charity auction so i bought 3 1950's for at home for £38 each :)10:11
codeFiendif I have a mac and a ubuntu machine plugged into the same network, and both are set up to connect using dhcp, why would ubuntu fail to get online, but mac can get online fine? (I can ping the gateway from ubuntu box, but nothing outside)10:11
codeFiendis there any common things I could check?10:11
ltspadminError: Connect: Connection refused. after boot from floppy (nbi.img )10:11
purplefoolActionParsnip, hmmm...did that an got a lot of 'xlib:  extension "Generic Event Extension" missing on display ":0.0"."...6 times...what does that mean?10:11
ltspadminI rebuilt the ltsp client environment. The following command to rebuild the ltsp client environment allows the client to find the nbi.img file.10:11
ltspadminsudo ltsp-build-client --arch i38610:11
ltspadminUnfortunately, after the client gets its IP address, etc., via DHCP and the server transmits the nbi.img file (actually the file linked to by nbi.img) to the client, the client hesitates for a few minutes and drops into the BusyBox shell. Above the shell prompt, I observed an error message that said Error: Connect: Connection refused. That error message was followed by problems with mounting and so on. So although the architecture problem has been cor10:11
FloodBot3ltspadmin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:11
ltspadminrected, the clients still don't boot. Up to now I haven't found any solution to the "Connection refused" error. Still looking. LTSP shouldn't be this hard to install.10:11
ActionParsnippurplefool: i get that too, not sure, app still runs though right10:12
voxcodeFiend: is the dhcp server sending the default gateway?10:12
codeFiendvox: that is, I assume so. I didn't set the gateway manually, but ifconfig shows one10:12
Xtreme_GreatHi Xtreme_Great_10:12
SpaceGhost!pastebin | itsPadmin10:12
ubottuitsPadmin: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic10:12
purplefoolActionParsnip, what should be running?  no hardware driver menu and no other windows opened?10:12
ActionParsnippurplefool: jockey is the hardware app10:13
ltspadminUnfortunately, after the client gets its IP address, etc., via DHCP and the server transmits the nbi.img file (actually the file linked to by nbi.img) to the client, the client hesitates for a few minutes and drops into the BusyBox shell. Above the shell prompt, I observed an error message that said Error: Connect: Connection refused. That error message was followed by problems with mounting and so on. So although the architecture problem has been cor10:13
ltspadminrected, the clients still don't boot. Up to now I haven't found any solution to the "Connection refused" error. Still looking. LTSP shouldn't be this hard to install.10:13
kelohippiwhy does my clean install of ubuntu 9.04 say "Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded." when trying to run it?10:13
ActionParsnip!info jockey-gtk10:13
ubottujockey-gtk (source: jockey): GNOME user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu10 (jaunty), package size 8 kB, installed size 160 kB10:13
SpaceGhost!patience | Itspadmin10:13
ubottuItspadmin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:13
voxcodeFiend: ifconfig shows it.. how?10:13
ActionParsnipkelohippi: did you run the cd verifier?10:13
purplefoolActionParsnip, oh...that's good to know...but i still have no hardware driver window or menu entry10:13
kelohippiActionParsnip: i did10:14
ActionParsnippurplefool: you should use alacarte to edit the menu to put that app command back in, thats all i know10:14
ActionParsnippurplefool: if you reinstall it, is the menu item reinstated?10:14
kelohippiActionParsnip: but it is weird it was verified cause when i burned the dvd it gave some error in last bits it was writing10:15
ActionParsnipkelohippi: then all i can suggest are boot options10:15
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | kelohippi10:15
ubottukelohippi: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions10:15
codeFiendvox: maybe not... i'm not at that machine right now... but on mac it shows it in network settings, so i'd assume dhcp server sends it10:15
ActionParsnipkelohippi: errors aint good10:15
purplefoolActionParsnip, no it wasn't.  i was working this page:  http://tan-com.com/posts/technology/fix-ubuntu-904-ati-driver-issue and got to the very end where i needed the menu and it is not there.10:15
codeFiendvox: I think i thought about ifconfig because I used that to check whether I even got an ip address assigned10:16
codeFiendvox: sorry, got mixed up10:16
voxcodeFiend: when you get to the machine, type "sudo route", then look for an entry with the G flag10:17
voxcodeFiend: if that's not set, it's not getting the default gateway from dhcp for some reason10:17
codeFiendvox: ok, I will try that10:18
codeFiendvox: thanks for the advice.10:18
voxcodeFiend: no probs10:18
codeFiendI'll probably be here tomorrow night with lots of stupid questions if that doesn't work :)10:18
voxcodeFiend: thats cool, it's what we're here for :)10:19
znhHello. Is there an alternative way to display icons on the desktop? Like in a circle or some other fancy something10:21
Xtreme_Great_THI HII, TOTAL AMUESANT.10:21
ActionParsnip!caps | Xtreme_Great10:21
ubottuXtreme_Great: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:21
SpaceGhostznh: my friend, make love to .png's they are your friend.10:21
ActionParsnipznh: you could use a dock10:21
znhActionParsnip, for icons on the desktop? Desktop icons?10:22
Xtreme_GreatThat's not me. This guy is using my nick with an underscore in the end.10:22
ActionParsnipznh: sure why not10:22
voxXtreme_Great: yes, that's why you're both from the same address.10:23
=== lexhung is now known as harperlee
Xtreme_GreatThat's my brother and he has to have my nick. What do I do?10:24
SpaceGhostNot let him on.10:24
Xtreme_GreatAnd since we're on a lan, on wan side, we10:24
linnyhit him10:24
Xtreme_Greatare supposed to have the same ID.10:24
SpaceGhostMaybe not let him log in, then /slap yourself until he bleeds?10:24
ActionParsnipXtreme_Great: get him his own nck10:24
znhActionParsnip, which dock can you recommend?10:25
Xtreme_GreatHe wants mine... He's too small to listen and settle down for a new nick... :)10:25
SpaceGhostSimple, don't let him use it.10:25
kelohippiActionParsnip: depmod -a fixed it o.O10:25
SpaceGhostMust he be on IRC?10:25
ActionParsnipznh: people who use compositing rave of avant-window-navigator   theres also kooldock and cairodock10:25
ActionParsnipkelohippi: nice one10:25
linnyi personally use tint210:26
Xtreme_GreatHe just has to do whatever I do...10:26
keyboardknightturn off his computer10:26
SpaceGhostHave him do a rm -rf /10:27
Xtreme_GreatHe uses doze...10:27
Xtreme_GreatWith a win at the start... ;)10:27
SpaceGhostOh, then use logmein and screw with him a bit.10:27
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!10:27
infidel2si have a Dell inspiron e1505 notebook with ubuntu 9.04 and wifi isnt working, just the wired ethernet (and they're on the same internal card). is there anything special i have to do to get wifi working?10:28
Xtreme_GreatI'll get a real good beating from mom if she knows I screwed up the computer...10:28
SpaceGhostIt was a joke obviously, as you'd notice the nature of the comments.10:28
linnywhos will robinson ?10:28
voxSpaceGhost: seriously, dont do that10:28
SpaceGhostWell, maybe you could use logmein and remote control it.10:28
MenZaSpaceGhost: Please don't. Joke or not, some people may run it.10:28
SpaceGhostsorry vox.10:28
MenZaSpaceGhost: Humour doesn't travel well across the 'tubes.10:28
FlannelSpaceGhost: I don't care.  Don't joke about that here.  Heck, this is a support channel, you shouldn't be joking a whole lot here anyway.10:28
SpaceGhostmy god, seriously?10:28
FlannelSpaceGhost: Yes.10:28
ActionParsnipSpaceGhost: very10:28
Xtreme_GreatWhat does it do anyway?10:28
MenZaXtreme_Great: It removes your root partition - i.e. all your system files.10:28
MenZaXtreme_Great: And breaks your system quite badly.10:28
Xtreme_GreatMenZa: On Linux right?10:29
ActionParsnipXtreme_Great: emphasis on ALL10:29
Rohirrimwithout asking any questions10:29
MenZavox: Well, break => makes unusable.10:29
linnyinfidel2s: i would googlw up about the particular wifi card/chipset  you have then go to ubuntu forums youll find somthing there10:29
SpaceGhostI didn't know people were that inept. Lawl. I tend to look up any command I'm given, but I can't expect anyone else to do that.10:29
MenZaSpaceGhost: The only medium I can think of where humour does well on teh internets is through pictures of cats with mildly humourous captions.10:29
MenZaSpaceGhost: It's not a matter of ineptness, it's a matter of people in here trusting others.10:30
SpaceGhostMenZa: I completely agree, except not really.10:30
Xtreme_Greatinfidel2s: Download, compile and install the compat-wireless source package. That should work. If it doesn't, I'm not here... :)10:30
Blank__MenZa, do i know you from somewhere? :p10:30
Blank__(ot i know)10:30
MenZaNot as far as I know. And, as you pointed out yourself, offtopic. :)10:31
voxSpaceGhost: 99% of the people who come here don't know any better. suggesting someone use it, in any context, isnt really A Good Idea.10:31
Xtreme_GreatGuys, I have this cool new program, Megahal.10:31
ActionParsnippersonally i think their should be an alias by default in .bashrc so it doesnt do anything10:31
infidel2sXtreme_Great ok i'll try that, otherwise do you think ndiswrapper might work?10:31
SpaceGhostOkay, I kinda fucking got it guys.10:31
RohirrimI have a question, I have installed ubuntu on a partition (small, of 20 GB) and have vista on one partition and two other partition with vista, But now I wanna remove vista, so is it ok that i can use the other three partitions (after removing vista) in ubuntu with keeping the file system of those partitions as NTFS?10:32
Xtreme_Greatinfidel2s: ndiswrapper should work, but you won't have many features (like rfmon mode). That would depend if you're into wireless hacking. Otherwise, just go for ndiswrapper.10:32
patbamActionParsnip: i tried booting a live fedora cd and it hung :P the fates are agin' me10:32
ActionParsnippatbam: very interesting, is your cpu 64bit?10:33
patbamActionParsnip: yes10:33
voxXtreme_Great: it would be preferable if you didnt try it out in here.10:33
Xtreme_GreatDoes anyone know how to attach Megahal to an irc network? And someone please tell some channel where bots are allowed for testing and training.10:33
ActionParsnippatbam: and what arch do you download for your ISOs?10:33
Xtreme_Greatvox: Don't worry. I know this is a no spam channel...10:33
ActionParsnipXtreme_Great: irc allows spawning and destruction of channels10:34
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ActionParsnipXtreme_Great: just join a randomly named channel and it will be made10:34
nordhri[1]SpaceGhost, you there?10:34
patbamActionParsnip: i have tried both 64 and 32 bit for ubuntu, with the same freezing result. for fedora apparently there's just one distro for the live cd, which is labeled F12-Beta-x86_64-Live.torrent10:34
Xtreme_GreatActionParnship: But noone would be there to talk to the bot then...10:34
ActionParsnippatbam: could try a bios update if one is known to fix the issues you are having10:35
ActionParsnipXtreme_Great: you would be10:35
patbamActionParsnip: hmm that sounds interesting :)10:35
ActionParsnipXtreme_Great: and if yuo use tab you can complete my name quicker and accurately10:35
Xtreme_GreatActionParsnip: Oh, I can train him offline. That's not the problem. But I want it to know about different kinds of people.10:35
ActionParsnipXtreme_Great: get it set up and i'll mosey on in10:36
Xtreme_GreatActionParsnip: Awesome! Now here comes the problem....10:36
* raid0 hello loes10:37
* raid0 loves*10:37
Xtreme_GreatActionparsnip: I go the bot source from http://megahal.alioth.debian.org/download/old/, and had to change some code to eliminate errors and warnings.10:37
raid0how are we today? :)10:37
RohirrimI have a question, I have installed ubuntu on a partition (small, of 20 GB) and have vista on one partition and two other partition with vista, But now I wanna remove vista, so is it ok that i can use the other three partitions (after removing vista) in ubuntu with keeping the file system of those partitions as NTFS?10:37
Xtreme_GreatActionparsnip: But, it connects to the network, and after the first statement, does not say anything.10:37
ActionParsnipXtreme_Great: why is that a problem?10:37
ActionParsnipXtreme_Great: then you need to tweak more10:38
Kerioif i wish to switch from one nvidia card to another with 9.04 is there any precausion i should do?10:38
frogzooRohirrim: if you wipe those partitions, format them as ext310:38
raid0Rohirrim,  yes its ok, you wont have problems10:38
Xtreme_GreatActionParsnip: And does not work with any commands listed in the source. Of course, I didn't read the whole source yet.10:38
RohirrimI don't want to format those partitions, I ll need a large backup drive to format them :P10:38
Xtreme_GreatActionParsnip: Then it seems, it's going to be quite some work trying to tweak it.10:38
raid0Rohirrim,  you can keep them though and use them as NTFS partitions, if you tend to wipe Ubuntu sometime for windows10:38
RhysMActionParsnip: are there any cost/legal implications of using open source software in a corporate environment?10:39
ActionParsnipXtreme_Great: then setting up the channel to test something you know is broken is pointless10:39
[1]SpaceGhostRohirrim, they will continue to work as they are independant from vista10:39
* patbam tries to figure out what his bios is 10:39
RohirrimThanks then, vista is going10:39
ActionParsnipRhysM: you cannot see the OS itself, thats all (as its not yours to sell) otherwise, go crazy10:39
ratboxHey there ubu-users, anyone know where someone might host there Ac!D Linux ISO image for cheap?10:39
[1]SpaceGhost!anoyone | ratbox10:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about anoyone10:40
[1]SpaceGhost!anyone | ratbox10:40
ubotturatbox: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:40
ActionParsnippatbam: if you screw the bio you may brick your motherboard10:40
patbamActionParsnip: yeah. but right now the system is more or less unusable10:40
oh_robotshell question. how can I  copy all  *.jpg files in a certain directory or its subdirectories to one /target folder?10:40
patbami nuked windows :P10:40
[1]SpaceGhostcp _R *.jpg /pathtofolder10:41
RhysMcp -R*10:41
ratboxOkay, fine.  I need to host my Linux Distro somwhere, and I barely make enough to eat one, who's got hosting for cheap/free?10:41
ratbox*eat on*10:41
pemacan anyone help me, I cant get my dvd's to play in my player, when i input the command 'mount' it returns back /dev/sr0 on /media/cdrom0 type udf (ro,nosuid,nodev,utf8,user=pema) reads10:41
Boohbahoh_robot: cp -a /certain-dir/*.jpg /target10:41
ratboxsorry, typo10:41
[1]SpaceGhostoh_robot: cp -R .jpg /path10:41
prince_jammysuse find10:42
[1]SpaceGhostratbox: dreamhost10:42
Boohbahratbox: i might have that, what's your distro? PM please10:42
ActionParsnippema: you dont mount dvds to play them10:44
patbamActionParsnip: hmm there is a bios listed for linux for my model on the acer site10:44
ActionParsnippema: you will need libdvdcss2 from the medibuntu repo10:44
pemalibdvdcss2 is installed10:45
pemathere's a dvd in the drive and it's the same dvd drive i used to install ubuntu10:45
[1]SpaceGhostpema: what player are you using?10:46
pemaI've tried mplayer and vlc10:46
ActionParsnippema: load a media player app. click file -> load disk10:46
RhysMi hate google10:46
ActionParsnipRhysM: dont use it, there are lots of search engines out there10:47
Kerioif i wish to switch from one nvidia card to another with 9.04 is there any precausion i should take?10:47
RhysMno google does its job fine it's just my laziness really lol10:47
flyguy97I have a bluetooth mouse that I connected using Blueman. After a nominal period of inactivity the mouse seems to disconnect but the send and receive indicator say the mouse activity is registering with the computer, but still the mouse pointer does not move.10:47
RhysMit always gives me search results from 2005/200610:47
ActionParsnipKerio: should just be ale to switch10:48
Keriolike in windows "remove harware" or something similar10:48
Kerioyok thank you10:48
ActionParsnipRhysM: i hate how it adds a whole bunch of crap to copied urls when you copy them10:48
[1]SpaceGhostKerio: turn off your computer.10:48
ActionParsnipRhysM: its so infuriating10:48
patbamActionParsnip: eep no docs on how to flash th ebios without windows :(10:48
Keriook, should i leave the pwer cord plugged in? :)10:48
ActionParsnippatbam: dos10:48
[1]SpaceGhostkerio: no10:48
Keriohehe, i know just kidding :)10:49
pemamplayer returns "No stream found to handle url dvd://1" and vlc returns Playback failure:10:49
pemaDVDRead could not open the disc "X�G��G��G8�G".10:49
pemaYour input can't be opened:10:49
pemaVLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd://X�G��G��G8�G'. Check the log for details.10:49
oh_robotBoohbah: thanks. but "cp -a /certain-dir/*.jpg /target" doesn't check the subdirectories, too10:49
FloodBot3pema: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:49
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[1]SpaceGhostKerioL I hear that you can just drop it out a window.10:49
[1]SpaceGhostThat works too.10:49
patbamActionParsnip: pardon my newbtacularosity, but do you mean that dos is on the system, or that i can install it, or somethign?10:49
ActionParsnippatbam: you'll need a dos boot floppy or boot cd10:49
[1]SpaceGhostUse freedos10:50
infidel2sXtreme_Great: when i had ubuntu 8.04 my wifi worked automatically on this laptop. then i stopped using it for a month and then installed 9.04 and it suddenly stopped working. do you think that's more likely ubuntu's fault of my hardware failing?10:50
ActionParsnipinfidel2s: you havent configured the wifi for the new kernel10:50
patbamah okay, i've found somelinks about it. will read a bit, thanks folks10:50
infidel2sActionParsnip well i tried 'configuring' it10:50
infidel2si set up the wpa2 info10:50
[1]SpaceGhostLater paham10:50
ActionParsnipinfidel2s: but does it have a driver?10:51
[1]SpaceGhostHave you seen tyler durden?10:51
infidel2sActionParsnip i have no idea. not sure how to check10:51
oh_robot[1]SpaceGhost: "cp -R .jpg /path" says "cannot stat .jpg: not such file ..." ...hm10:51
[1]SpaceGhostI less than three you too.10:51
ActionParsnipinfidel2s: wpa2 is going to do nothing if the OS cant even talk to the device10:51
[1]SpaceGhostoh_robot, you need the asterisk. the *10:51
infidel2soh_robot you probalby want *.jpg10:51
RhysMcp -R *.jpg /path10:51
[1]SpaceGhostbefore the.jpeg10:51
pemadam, it just crashes 'movie player'10:52
daurehi, I have a problem with file sharing in ubuntu(9.04). I right-click on a folder and go to the share tab and when I click on "configure file sharing" it prompts me for a password and does nothing, subsequent clicks also does nothing10:52
ActionParsnipfor i in `ls *.jpg` do; cp {} /path \;10:52
ActionParsnipwithout the  \10:52
[1]SpaceGhostIs this dvd made of kryptonite?10:52
nordhri[1]SpaceGhost, you have a call on the secret batphone10:52
[1]SpaceGhostActionParsnip: I prefer methods that people can flesh out and understand.10:53
RhysMAny ideas on a media centre solution comparable to VMC and controllable by remote/pda?10:53
pemawell it plays ok when i was using window10:53
[1]SpaceGhostnordhri, that was the most epic way to say you have a pm.10:53
pemawon't play with ubuntu10:53
ActionParsnip[1]SpaceGhost: me too but it would work10:54
[1]SpaceGhostActionParsnip: he forgot the * before .jpg10:54
pemaI spent hours on the internet trying to get a fix10:54
HajuuDude wtf, in VLC you cant set the audio device to use, just the audio device type10:54
ActionParsnipmakes sense10:54
Hajuuthats so dumb.10:54
sanjayhi jon10:55
[1]SpaceGhostActionParsnip: he forgot the * before .jpg10:58
[1]SpaceGhostSorry about that repost. accidental up key10:58
=== [1]SpaceGhost is now known as SpaceGhost
HajuuYou better be sorry.10:58
HajuuOr else there would have been trouble!10:59
flyguy97anyone else expierencing problems with their bluetooth mouse. Mine drops its connection after inactivity10:59
SpaceGhostSo much that I erected a statue in your honor.10:59
infidel2sdo most laptops from 2006 require ndiswrapper driver installs in jaunty caues i have a dell and i thought that was the #1 supported linux laptop?10:59
* Hajuu snickers innocently10:59
Hajuuyou said erected!10:59
infidel2s(for wifi)10:59
SpaceGhostI said it, I know.10:59
ArasTaguys...how to install skype on ubuntu10:59
infidel2sall my other drivers (video, sound, etc) worked fine10:59
SpaceGhostinfidel2s: use a wired internet and get your drivers.10:59
ArasTaapt-get install skype does not work10:59
XamDMArasTa, enable medibuntu-repo and install it with apt11:00
SpaceGhostYou have to add the repositories.11:00
ArasTahow to enable that XamDM11:00
infidel2sSpaceGhost do i have to use ndiswrapper to get drivers or are there linux native ones11:00
Viki27Hello , i trying to compile the xml-rpc package from http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/ , and i get error , i tried to find on Google an answer.. but no luck .. the error while using the command : "sudo make" i past my error into pastbin , can please anyone take a look and tell me what i should do ? http://pastebin.com/m2a1a2dff11:00
XamDMArasTa, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu11:00
ArasTaXamDM, thanks dyude11:01
guifreanybody from US?11:01
HajuuNope, people from the USA aren't allowed on the internet.11:01
guifreI'm not from US11:01
SpaceGhostViki27: recompile with this on the end -fPIC11:01
SpaceGhostI'm sober! Do I get a high five?11:02
voxguys, this is for ubuntu support. for everything else take it to #ubuntu-offtopic11:02
guifreok, by11:02
tillindoes anyone know why this short python script doesn't work http://paste.linuxassist.net/215069 ?11:02
annahi there is there anyone from the netherlands then?11:02
XamDMArasTa, hope it helped you medibuntu also brings packages for libdvdcss2 (DVD-playback)11:02
SpaceGhostOkay, if I were to write a script that gave me high fives everytime I spelled something correctly that was more than six letters, how would I accomplish that?11:03
HajuuSpaceGhost: No highfives until you drink your winez, young man!11:03
Viki27SpaceGhost: to use it as flag after the make command such : sudo make -fPIC ?11:03
ArasTaXamDM, done dude...it's installing ;)11:03
ArasTathatnks that was helpfil XamDM11:03
XamDMArasTa, there is also a nice tool ubuntutweak can be found on www.getdeb.net11:04
XamDMArasTa, has some more useful repos11:04
SpaceGhostMaybe if I were to install wine on my computer could I write a script to run and everytime I logged in, it would run and use libnotify to say "*HighFive!*" Then open a game of solitaire?11:05
daurecan anybody help me with smb sharing in ub9.04 please ? when I click on "configure file sharing" in the share tab of a folder's proterties window it doesn't do anything11:05
Viki27SpaceGhost: to use it as flag after the make command such : sudo make -fPIC ?11:05
HajuuOr maybe.11:05
daurei've googled and searched the forums and can't find anything11:05
SpaceGhostViki27: yes11:05
HajuuYou can't cheat your way through life SpaceGhost11:06
Viki27SpaceGhost: make: PIC: No such file or directory , make: *** No rule to make target `PIC'.  Stop.11:06
SpaceGhostNo, but I can try to get root permissions on it.11:07
ArasTaXamDM, thanks man11:07
SpaceGhostViki27: Sorry mate, I was just pouring through the paste. Let me look more.11:08
SpaceGhost55./usr/bin/ld: XmlRpcCpp.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC11:08
SpaceGhostViki27: look at that line that I didn't mean to paste in this channel, but as a pm.11:09
infidif lshw sees my wifi card but says it's disabled, does that mean the drivers arent installed or that they could be but some config option is disabling it?11:09
Viki27SpaceGhost: ok , i see this line what i should do ?11:10
SpaceGhostIt says to recopmile with -fPIC. I have no idea what it means and as it was my only lead, I'm tapped.11:10
AkifTariq123I use ubuntu minimal CD to install Ubuntu. Usually when I have to reinstall ubuntu, I delete all the folders by booting from rescue cd and backup my needed files and then install ubuntu in the same partition. This was I am able to install ubuntu cleanly without loosing my data. I have a lot of packages in apt cache folder. I was just wondering if I can ask ubuntu to consult it first if it has the latest version so I can save my bandwidth usage.11:14
Blank__AkifTariq123, there's a program called "apt-cacher" which can do that11:14
Blank__it can import any packages from your cache and act as a proxy for either your local machine or your whole network11:14
Blank__for instance, i use it on my home server because of my slow connection - every megabyte counts11:15
AkifTariq123can you please provide my useful link ... so while installing ubuntu from CD I can tell it to use apt-cache....11:15
Blank__you won't need to do it during the install...11:15
Blank__you'll need to copy your old cache folder somewhere else, then set up apt-cacher after you install11:15
rootdaming users11:16
oh_robot"find *.jpg" returns me a long list ... how can I display a number showing how many files have been found?11:16
AkifTariq123ok... so it means I do not need two PCs for this setup?11:16
MenZaoh_robot: find *.jpg | wc -l11:16
MenZaoh_robot: wc -l will count the number of lines.11:16
=== root is now known as Guest13136
Blank__not necessarily, AkifTariq12311:16
AkifTariq123ok thanks a lot _blank I will google apt-cache11:17
Blank__you're welcome11:17
SpaceGhostoh-robot, did the cp -R *.jpg /whateverfolder, not work for you?11:17
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oh_robotSpaceGhost: no not really. the "cp -R *.jpg ../target" didn't do anything. I had more success with "find . -name "*.jpg" -print -exec cp -r {} ../target" ... (although it feelds like a dirty workaround)11:20
infidare there any wifi laptop cards that are gaurenteed to work out of the box on ubuntu 9.04 jaunty?11:21
tillinwhy this for doesn't work in python --> for i in os.system("cat dictionary.txt"):   s.send('VRFY ' + i + '\r\n')11:21
infidtillin for starters dont use os.system. use readlines11:21
tillininfid sorry i don't understand you11:22
=== ap is now known as nosrepa
infidtillin you want a function that will read your text file and split each newline as an array element for your for loop11:22
plitter\msg plitter11:22
oh_robotMenZa: thanks "find *.jpg | wc -l" will then -just- count the files, isn't it. can I count the files additionally to executing the command itself?11:22
MenZaoh_robot: what do you mean?11:23
tillininfid but this isn't the same than  for i in `cat dictionary.txt` in bash ?11:23
infidtillin so use like f = open('dictionary.txt').readlines()11:23
tillininfid ok 1 sec11:23
infidtillin make sure you have the right permissions on the file11:24
tillininfid looks -> http://paste.linuxassist.net/21507011:26
tillinit's simple but I'm starting with python and get me crazy11:26
infidtillin i'm hoping your indentation is there in your actual file11:27
tillinindentation ?11:28
infidpython requires things after : to be indented11:28
infidunless its one statement on the same line11:28
tillinyes but I put it :11:28
infid    bar()11:28
tillinbut in this case I have 3 sentences inside11:29
tillindo I need to put a do ... done like bash11:29
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infidwhen you stop indenting, that's how python knows the block is done11:29
Mariandroidevery time I logon some of my desktop-icons are shuffled around. Can they be locked in place ?11:29
infidtillin you should probaly ask in #Python cause i gotta sleep11:30
tillinhaha ok thanks you infid11:30
adHi. I've installed Ubuntu and have a Favorites folder with .url files from a Windows XP machine. How do I import them into Firefox?11:33
coz_ad   there is a small application to convert those  hold on11:34
AnthonyVOanybody ready for help?11:34
AnthonyVOhave no sound from Creative x-fi11:34
AnthonyVOdriver is ok and sound from mic is ok  but all ubuntu software keep silence11:35
coz_ad  are you still here?11:35
keyboardknightI just bought a new disk. how do I get ubuntu to automatically mount it on boot?11:35
Hajuuad is already dead.11:35
keyboardknightright now I have to go to disk utility to good it11:36
Mariandroidis there another app already claiming the sounddevice AnthonyVO?11:36
adcoz_: Yes, you told me to hold on :)11:36
HajuuI know, it's a real tradgedy.11:36
coz_ad  ok    here    http://www.speedyshare.com/603291896.html11:36
=== Hajuu is now known as ae
AnthonyVOwell it was 2 soundcards11:36
aehow can there be two letter nicks free on such a big network11:36
Mariandroidcos mine seems to only do 1 sound at a time11:36
adcoz_:  Thanks!11:36
=== ae is now known as Hajuu
AnthonyVO1 onboard and x-fi  ...i pushed off x-fi in bios11:36
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jribHajuu: well there are a lot of 2-letter nicks...11:37
AnthonyVOit is workin and  driver is workin too  just  need  to set it as default...just dk how11:37
MariandroidAnthony, sorry, I'm afraid I cannot help you.11:38
AnthonyVOi see11:38
BoohbahAnthonyVO: pastebin the output of 'cat /proc/asound/cards'11:38
Guest23823hello world11:39
AnthonyVOBoohbah: wha?11:39
AnthonyVOBoohbah: i dont get it11:40
BoohbahAnthonyVO: what part do you not get?11:40
pierrecaillouj'essaie de faire un réseau de partage lan entre ubuntu et un mac sous osx vous pouvez m'aider?11:40
Boohbah!fr | pierrecaillou11:40
ubottupierrecaillou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr11:40
AnthonyVOpastebin the output of 'cat /proc/asound/cards'11:41
AnthonyVOBoohbah: i guess everythig  i dont get it))11:41
Boohbah'cat /proc/asound/cards'11:42
AnthonyVOBoohbah:cat /proc/asound/cards  what is  that ...  wha u need ... im  kind  a  beginner((11:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gaming11:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lesbians11:45
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php11:45
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:46
Hajuuhaha what an awesome quit message11:46
MikeChelenfrogzoo: stop by #ubuntu-gaming too if you like11:47
frogzoothat was for innomen11:48
rockyHmmm G/day11:48
Hajuuif theres innomen, is there innowomen?11:48
Hajuuotherwise thats sexist!!11:48
bazhang!ot > Hajuu11:48
ubottuHajuu, please see my private message11:48
Hajuurocky: hi 2 u fellow aussie11:48
BoohbahAnthonyVO: type that command into a terminal11:49
Hajuuhaha yeah you better run.11:49
switchgirlEEEHajuu: I can show you about lesbians11:49
BoohbahAnthonyVO: pastebin the output and send the link to the channel11:49
=== cedric__ is now known as cdebes
innomenHey guys, Crossover worth the money?11:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crossover11:49
innomenfrogzoo, thanks11:49
switchgirlEEEHajuu: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Lesbian_Linux_Distro11:50
bazhangswitchgirlEEE, Hajuu please stop now11:50
bazhang!pl | ubuntu11:50
ubottuubuntu: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:50
peehi, apache, mysql etc. are making archives in /var/log. can I delete them, without problems?11:50
MikeCheleninnomen: depends a little which games you care about11:50
AnthonyVOBoohbah: ahhhh   i get it now .. here u are11:51
AnthonyVO0 [XFi            ]: CTALSA - Creative X-Fi11:51
AnthonyVO                      Creative ALSA Driver X-Fi11:51
Hajuuahh, don't paste in here11:51
Boohbahpee: why not logrotate them?11:51
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!11:51
peeubottu: pozdrowienia do polski. :-) -- only a greeting.11:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:51
BoohbahAnthonyVO: so, only one device? thought you had two...11:51
HajuuHe disabled one in the bios11:51
peeBoohbah: logrotate seems to be dificult... should I need it?11:51
Hajuudo keep up xD11:51
innomenMikeChelen, Specifically defence grid which the latest wine refuses to render and hellgate london which the latest wine refuses to allow cursor access11:52
AnthonyVOBoohbah: so i pushed off on of them in bios.. it was azalia codek onboard11:52
MikeCheleninnomen: checked wine appdb for any workarounds?11:52
Hajuuinnomen: have you tried cedega?11:52
i1102828hello, everybody. I have long question, should I use past.ubuntu.com or forums?11:52
AnthonyVOBoohbah:mm should i pushed back on?11:52
MikeCheleni1102828: either one?11:53
icerooti1102828: here in a short detailed version11:53
innomenhajuu: no i havent tried either, wanting to get some idea of the diffrence before i spend the money11:53
=== thinced is now known as thinced_
AnthonyVOBoohbah: its off but driver still there and its default (i think so..)11:53
=== thinced_ is now known as thinced
HajuuCedega is very very nice.11:53
HajuuIt's similarities to wine are fairly limited these days11:53
innomenMikeChelen, winedb is the most outdated thing ever, but yes i looked11:53
HajuuI dont condone it11:53
Hajuubut you can 'trial' cedega by torrenting the .deb package11:54
Boohbahpee: if you want to keep old log files around and don't want to use much space logrotate is good.11:54
Hajuubut do buy it if you like it :)11:54
innomenHajuu, i will do both, thats how i always do it, dont worry i'm more of a privateer than a pirate :)11:54
Hajuuwine sucks, even just installing it can cause inherant system instabilities11:54
Hajuuit's widely known.11:54
FloodBot3Hajuu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:54
peeBoohbah: but can I delete old log-file archives without problems?11:54
Guest31522Exist a tool or something that send via mail an existing vulnerabilities from ubuntu?11:55
AnthonyVOBoohbah: so i can push it back on and paste again...11:55
innomenHajuu, i installed the beta just to make word 2007 work since there is no real competition, but none of the games i want to play work11:55
MikeCheleninnomen: might want to ask in #wine - tried this yet?: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=14995&iTestingId=3518611:55
innomenapprently the games i love everyone else hates11:55
HajuuNo real competition for word?11:55
HajuuWhat about open office?11:55
innomenHajuu, hahahaahaha lmao lol hahaah *wipes eyes* you're suck a kidder11:56
MikeChelenHajuu: what system instabilities are you talking about?11:56
HajuuOpenoffice is great.11:56
MikeChelenopen office is good, abiword is also decent11:56
HajuuI use it for my business.11:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:56
innomenHajuu, if you dont plan on writing anything, sure11:56
Hajuu:/ what exactly is your problem with it?11:56
innomenHajuu, and my dentist dosent even own a computer, your point?11:56
innomenHajuu, where to begin, lets start with spellechk, did you know the standard.dic file is inexplicably in a random proprietary format that literally nothing else can read?11:57
AnthonyVOBoohbah: so wha i need to do? push it back on in BIOS?11:57
innomenMikeChelen, checking11:57
MikeCheleninnomen: might also try google docs, there is a firefox prism which can make it feel like a standalone word processor11:57
bazhanginnomen, Hajuu please continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic11:57
suppermannHello. Will it be possible to upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 LTS to 9.10 ?11:57
innomenMikeChelen, i have a google docs account, i'll look into that11:57
MikeChelensuppermann: sure why wouldn't it? upgrading distribution is always an option11:58
bazhangsuppermann, you will need to take all the intermediate steps: 8.10 9.04 then 9.1011:58
innomenbazhang, i'll answer direct questions where they are asked thanks :)11:58
suppermannbazhang, really? that would take a whole day, I could imagine!11:58
MikeCheleninnomen: one other alternative is virtualbox, it can run windows and therefore any win software11:58
suppermannI think I'd rather take backup and then netinstall..11:59
innomenMikeChelen, i cant make that work, it only lets me allocate up to 128 megs of video ram11:59
CHESLYNhajuu: you are in the wrong room go to http://childrenplayinggames.com11:59
Hajuumeh cedega really is the best option11:59
HajuuCHESLYN: I didnt know children liked discussing open office :|12:00
MikeCheleninnomen: that should be enough for word, for games in virtualbox check out opengl acceleration12:00
HajuuBut thanks for your input ;)12:00
innomenHajuu, i tend to agree, the crossover wiki only mentions support for like 7 games12:00
innomenMikeChelen, explain?12:00
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:00
acantidebuenos dias12:00
innomenMikeChelen, no i know VB i mean what do you mean "check out opengl12:01
innomenMikeChelen, do i do this chekcing from ubuntu or widnows in vb or vb or the game or what12:01
CHESLYNanyone how can i change me to 'root'12:01
bazhang!es | acantide12:01
ubottuacantide: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:01
bazhangCHESLYN, use sudo12:01
MikeCheleninnomen: VB can do opengl accel, there is some info on their forums: http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewforum.php?f=1&start=012:02
innomenthanks :)12:02
i1102828People, I've just posted the question about possible bug in a kernel pls, have a look12:03
innomenI better jet before bazhang bans me because his bagel told him to. l8r guys.12:03
CHESLYNbazhang: after that12:04
Guest31522anyone knows a tool or something that send via mail an existing vulnerabilities from ubuntu?12:04
bazhangCHESLYN, what are you trying to accomplish12:04
DanThirstI'm on karmic, and my clock is losing time?12:05
bazhangDanThirst, karmic support in #ubuntu+112:05
voxDanThirst: join #ubuntu+1 for karmic support12:05
DanThirstthank you12:06
achilleshello guys, I have an audio cd would like to convert it to mp3 files, how can I ?12:06
Guest31522no one kwnows that?12:06
bazhangachilles, sound-juicer can do that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping12:08
achillesbazhang, thank you very much!12:09
=== DaZ is now known as Ania12lat
lastmanHi, I dont understand the site structure of ubuntu.com. I often can find pages only with google. For example https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonHD found with the words "ubuntu radeonhd howto" But I cant find it when starting one level above https://help.ubuntu.com/community12:20
znhlastman, that is why Google is so famous my friend12:22
MenZalastman: That's because it's a wiki, not a directory as such.12:22
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bazhang!cn | albertxiaoyu12:23
ubottualbertxiaoyu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:23
znhbazhang, are you human? cuz that was really really fast12:24
zvacetlastman: you can always try http://crunchbang.org/ubuntu-search-engine/12:24
jribznh: we have our doubts, but he's foiled all our captchas so far12:25
marcus_hey,  i hope this isn't too off topic. i believe i installed the latest compiz using ubuntu-tweak in jaunty, lost my extra animations even tho i have the packages installed for them. anyone know how to get em back?12:26
krs2run ccsm and look that the animations plugin in enabled12:26
marcus_yes it is enabled, i also went to preferences and unchecked automatic sorting and looked for it there, it's missing12:27
marcus_the extra animations is missing that is... the default animations are still there and enabled12:27
shanemcintyrenot sure if this is the right place to post this question but aircrack, actuall airdriver-ng seems to not detect the bcm43xx driver, or it tries to install the old bcm43xx when ubuntu has b43, do i need to patch and compile into the kernel?12:27
lastmanYou want to be dependant by a search engine to find YOUR pages? Because of google you dont care any more for a good site structure?12:27
MenZalastman: I never said that. I don't like how the wiki is, but screaming about it isn't going to fix anything.12:28
shanemcintyrebcm43xx = broadcom driver12:28
jriblastman: it's a wiki, feel free to contribute!12:28
MenZalastman: You're also more than welcome to write pages and make it all easier to navigate, if you wish.12:28
lastmanThen take this as an example http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Startseite12:29
jriblastman: we are volunteers here not the creators of everything ubuntu12:29
AnthonyVOplease help me  with sound  somebody((12:30
marcus_anthony i might be able to help what's up12:30
IRConananyone in here use a soundblaster extigy with ubuntu?12:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:31
bazhangrazz_ma_tazz, please ask a question12:31
razz_ma_tazznah... was just having some fun :)12:31
nic1Hi, i am trying vlc on ubuntu, i am getting this error: " No suitable decoder module:12:31
nic1VLC does not support the audio or video format "MIDI". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this."12:31
ruby_on_tailsI remember a way to write with my mouse on the screen/windows how can I do that ?12:31
ruby_on_tailspoodle writing sort of thing12:31
AnthonyVOmarcus_: have 2 sound cards workin only one on board  but  i need  to work  another one x-fi...ofcoz beeter they workin bove...12:32
marcus_haha just the man to ask, i'm an xfi user myself12:32
marcus_are you running 9.04?12:32
ak5hello, looking for simple gtk calendar app - any ideas?12:32
AnthonyVOmarcus_: yep  64 jaunty12:32
marcus_ok, you're going to have compile the latest alsa drivers (1.0.21) from source12:33
marcus_and put pulseaudio on the backburner12:33
marcus_one sec ill link you12:33
ruby_on_tailsanyone ? :D12:33
AnthonyVO0 [XFi            ]: CTALSA - Creative X-Fi12:33
AnthonyVO                      Creative ALSA Driver X-Fi12:33
AnthonyVO 1 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel12:33
AnthonyVO                      HDA Intel at 0xe2100000 irq 2212:33
FloodBot3AnthonyVO: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:33
jonathan__hello! I'm currently writin a reconnect script for my dsl modem. I need root previleges in this script, how do i get them without entering my password every time the script is executed?12:34
marcus_yeah it detects it12:34
marcus_but it doesn't work right?12:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wipe12:34
AnthonyVOmarcus_:  its actually workin  i can hear sound  from my mic  but  only that..no other soft workin12:34
duffydackrecommend a good disk destroying util?12:34
marcus_oh you've already installed the latest alsa?12:34
AnthonyVOmarcus_:  i think HDA intel maybe default12:34
marcus_ok one sec12:35
duffydackselling my hd to a buddy... he wouldnt know how to recover anything but I`m not taking any chances!12:35
nightfrogduffydack: dban12:35
AnthonyVOmarcus_:  idk if it latest its from oficial Creative webpage12:35
marcus_oh yeah those don't work right12:35
voxduffydack: shred12:35
marcus_as far as i know12:35
AnthonyVOmarcus_:  heheh12:35
marcus_they were compiled for an older kernel12:35
AnthonyVOmarcus_:  its a ver 1.0012:35
marcus_yeah they don't wokr12:36
AnthonyVOomarcus_:  oh so i need another one?12:36
marcus_you need this: ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.21.tar.bz212:36
nightfrogduffydack: dban is nice because it linux :-)12:36
AnthonyVOmarcus_:  ty12:36
marcus_./configure ; make ; sudo make install12:36
AnthonyVOmarcus_:  and  how  to make  bove  cards workin?12:36
=== oh_robot_ is now known as oh_robot
fcuk112_AnthonyVO: you can d/l xi-fi linux drivers, google for it.12:36
marcus_fcuk112_, : he already got the outdated ones, they don't work for newer kernels12:37
fcuk112_marcus_: oic.12:37
duffydacknightfrog, what do you mean? its a linux util only?  shred isnt?12:37
marcus_AnthonyVO: that i'm not 100% sure of, but i had a link yesterday that mentioned something about making a certain soundcard default in alsa12:37
marcus_i'm trying to find it... but i would try installing those alsa drivers first12:37
AnthonyVOon my way))12:38
ultrav1olethow can I know motherboard socket under linux?12:39
AnthonyVOmarcus_: oh 1 sec should i delete old driver 1st?12:40
nightfrogduffydack: i dont know what shred is but dban is a utility designed on linux12:40
=== Chybeck`Aw is now known as Chybeck
marcus_AnthonyVO i dont think you have to12:40
voxultrav1olet: sudo lshw |more12:41
AnthonyVOmarcus_: and wha about Creative Utilites? have them?12:41
marcus_as far as i know none of the official creative stuff works in linux12:41
ultrav1oletvox: done that - it doesn't show the relevant info12:41
ultrav1olethowever I see the motherboard ... that's enough12:41
marcus_if you have an XFi with an I/O bay that I/O bay won't work either12:41
voxultrasonic: it tells you the cpu type12:42
AnthonyVOmarcus_: makin ... mmm and  after instal just leave bove SC or push off in BIOS HDA?12:42
AnthonyVOmarcus_: hmmm   i need only console launcher12:42
marcus_you can try leaving the console launcher and all that stuff i guess12:42
marcus_and see if it still works12:42
marcus_i would turn the onboard sound off in bios if you dont need it12:43
marcus_that is what i did12:43
AnthonyVOmarcus_: ahh   i mean i cant find Launcher for X12:43
amikropHello. Which is a simple quick and easy way to cut an mp3?12:43
marcus_launcher for console?12:43
amikropTo make it shorter to a specific time?12:43
santicffs, wrong channel12:43
grawityamikrop: I think Audacity runs on Linux - it's quite easy to use.12:44
marcus_amikrop, try audacity12:44
amikropI would like to avoid big and complex tools like audacity, something straightgorward and minimal would do.12:44
amikropoh, ok12:44
AnthonyVOmarcus_: naaa  creative cosole launcher to edit all sound channels...12:44
AnthonyVOmarcus_: drivers installed... reboot?12:44
marcus_AnthonyVO: I  just alsamixer pretty much12:44
Nightwolfaudacity isn't big and complex imo12:44
marcus_yeah you'll have to reboot, and then unmute with alsamixer12:44
duffydacknightfrog, I dont need to boot into it, I can wipe it while inside ubuntu as it`ll be hooked up to my usb external12:45
amikropmarcus_: so, what would be the process to cut an mp3 using audacity?12:45
AnthonyVOmarcus_: k and push off HDA in BIOS?12:45
marcus_AnthonyVO, imo yes12:45
amikropleaving the rest of the mp3 (quality sampling, volume, etc) untuched?12:45
AnthonyVOmarcus_: right BRB))12:45
marcus_amikrop, just select and crop?12:46
amikropmarcus_: could I type a specific time?12:46
marcus_i haven't used audacity that much but i think you can12:47
marcus_lemme see12:47
drdozeris there an xml-spy-like app packaged for ubuntu?12:47
marcus_at the bottom if you set12:47
marcus_selection start and end12:47
EnissayI want to install mono package from here https://launchpad.net/~directhex/+archive/monoxide, after adding PPA's using sudo apt-get install mono, its said that its not availabe!!??12:48
marcus_and btw to crop all you gotta do is select and then hit edit menu, then trim command12:48
EnissayI want to install mono package from here https://launchpad.net/~directhex/+archive/monoxide, after adding PPA's *and using sudo apt-get install mono, its said that its not availabe!!??12:48
marcus_or just cut actually12:49
Dr_WillisEnissay:  update, then install12:49
marcus_amikrop, : seems like cut just automatically crops the selection in audacity12:49
marcus_er no12:50
EnissayDr_Willis, of course i did update before apt-get12:50
dinar2i want to move screen in monitor, there is no buttons on monitor. but nvidia settings programs also does not have button for that12:50
Dr_WillisEnissay:  then i would guess the package name is not 'mono'12:50
Enissayi think so too12:50
Enissaybut what's its name then :/12:50
marcus_amikrop, :  you'd have to use trim and then delete the silence before and after12:50
Dr_WillisEnissay:  use synaptic to show the packages avail at that repo. or apt-cache search,, or some of the otehr tools to seearch for pacakges12:51
fcuk112_Enissay: are you looking for monodevelop?12:51
davidm2010Quick question, I am using Silverstripe with the event calender on Apache, the widget for the calender doesn't work except when I am working on the host server. Any clues?12:51
Dr_WillisEnissay:  or try TAB completion to apt-get install mo,tab>12:51
amikropmarcus_: I can only do it with hand selection, can't I type an actual number?12:51
marcus_yes on the bottom12:51
* Dr_Willis stays away from mono as if it had mono...12:51
marcus_it allows you to choose12:51
marcus_hours minutes seconds12:52
dinar2how to move screen, it is gone to right12:52
marcus_start and end12:52
marcus_you can either type it or use arrow keys12:52
marcus_i installed the latest compiz using ubuntu-tweak in jaunty, lost my extra animations even tho i have the packages installed for them. anyone know how to get em back?12:53
AnthonyVOmarcus_: hey12:53
dinar2salam eldar12:53
marcus_wb AnthonyVO12:53
AnthonyVOmarcus_: still silence12:53
marcus_go to console type alsamixer12:53
marcus_terminal sry12:53
eldarsalam dinar2 :)12:53
marcus_put your master, pcm, front at around 6912:54
eldarI believe that's a wrong channel, I need #ubuntu+112:54
AnthonyVOmarcus_: yeeehhhaaa12:54
marcus_also make sure it says creative xfi on top12:54
dinar2hm i do not know what is ubuntu +112:54
grawitydinar2: #ubuntu+1 is a channel name.12:55
Dr_Willis # precedes channel names on IRC normally12:55
dinar2 /msg alis list ubuntu+112:55
grawitydinar2: Ubuntu +1 would mean the next release of Ubuntu (Karmic)12:55
bazhangdinar2, /join #ubuntu+1 for karmic discussion12:55
AnthonyVOmarcus_: ooook   and  wha about mike?12:55
dinar2 /msg alis list #ubuntu+112:55
EnissayDr_Willis, fcuk112_ , i'm trying to install NRPG RatioMaster.......     mono tab give this: http://pastebin.com/d34e0998412:55
marcus_for mic12:55
meatbunhow to create loopback interface number 2?12:55
dinar2ok thank you12:55
marcus_AnthonyVO, hit tab in alsamixer to go to the capture menu12:55
marcus_Anthony2,  put master up and mic up all the way, then press space while mic is selected12:56
marcus_it should say capture underneath12:56
marcus_and you can un-capture the other stuff12:56
dinar2does not nvidia x server settings allow to movw screen in monitor?12:57
marcus_also, i found a little bug where i have to toggle digital-IO under playback to get mic to work12:57
dinar2it is gone to right some12:57
AnthonyVOmarcus_:  huh nothin12:57
marcus_try toggle mute on the digit-IO in playback by hitting M12:57
marcus_and make sure mic volume is up under playback12:58
marcus_also you can test the sound in System > Preferences > Sound12:58
marcus_under Sound capture12:58
bust3ranyone know howto get a canon smartbase pc1230d laserprinter/copier/fax etc.. working in ubuntu?12:59
Dr_Willisbust3r:  i would check cups.org to see how well that printer is supported by CUPS first.12:59
bazhanghttp://linuxprinting.org bust3r have you looked at this site12:59
bust3rno i didnt ty very much12:59
AnthonyVOmarcus_:  rrrr  no  sound is offf   mmm  in  sound properties  how everything supose to b13:01
AnthonyVOmarcus_: ?13:01
bust3rwell its the same i found really13:01
marcus_i set everything to ALSA In sound properties13:01
bust3rjust one type of smartbase works13:01
marcus_you might want to try this: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/ubuntu-904-jaunty-keeping-the-beast-pulseaudio-at-bay/13:01
bust3rguess i gotta use my other printer lol13:01
marcus_to disable pulseaudio because that causes problems with xfi13:01
marcus_or just remove pulseaudio altogether with sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio13:02
=== jt76 is now known as alien
=== alien is now known as jt76
marcus_if you use that site to disable pulseaudio just make sure you set default card to "XFi" not "Intel"13:03
ltspadminthinclient cannot boot through floppy in amd64.bit ubuntu13:03
dinar2i want to move screen in monitor13:03
=== Chybeck is now known as Chybeck`w3
=== factorx__ is now known as Tommy_DO
ltspadminthinclient cannot boot through floppy (ngr.ing) in amd64.bit ubuntu13:04
AnthonyVOmarcus_:  how  to b sure in at?13:04
dinar2monitor does not have buttons except power button13:04
silv3r_m00nwhich is the best xml editor for linux ?13:05
AnthonyVOmarcus_: asoundconf set-default-card Intel (how is that supose to look?)13:06
marcus_put XFi13:06
marcus_instead of Intel13:06
ltspadminetherboot (nbi.img) cannot work in amd64bit os13:06
=== john is now known as Guest44746
crippler hi. GpartedLive cd how do I save log of gparted harddisk checkup/error messages (harddisk partitions are unmounted in order to run GPL )13:07
Dr_Williscrippler:  save them to some pastebin site perhaps.. or flash drive. or mount a drive and save them there.13:08
icerootsilv3r_m00n: there is no best, everyone is prefering another editor13:08
dinar2i cannot enter now nvidia channel...13:08
icerootsilv3r_m00n: but xmlspy is running with wine.....13:08
dinar2can you ask there how is  it possible to move screen?13:08
Dr_Willisdinar2:  not sure what you mean by 'move screen'13:09
dinar2monitor has not buttons, only power13:09
dinar2screen is shifted to right13:09
William-Ubuntui have problem with synaptic13:09
AnthonyVOmarcus_:  right  have da sound... wha with mic?13:09
Dr_Willisdinar2:  you mean the display on the monitor is  too far to one side?13:10
marcus_AnthonyVO, you have sound now?13:10
William-Ubuntuwhen i type some key words in quick search ,it doesn't search automatic13:10
dinar22 centimeters13:10
marcus_AnthonyVO, but no mic?13:10
Dr_Willisdinar2:   this a lcd or crt monitor?13:10
AnthonyVOmarcus_:  yep  but  thers  no mic13:10
iceroot!enter | dinar213:10
ubottudinar2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:10
Dr_Willisdinar2:  DVI or VGA connection? If it can do DVI. then i reccomend using DVI13:10
ltspadminetherboot (nbi.img) cannot work in amd64bit os13:11
dinar2looks like it can...13:11
dinar2dvi-1 = dvi?13:12
Dr_Willisdinar2: double check the monitor/panels for some menus/buttons. with lcd's there should be some 'auto fix' things normally.13:12
ltspadminltsp-build-client --arch i386 run nbi.img cannot work properly ...13:12
Dr_Willisdinar2:  dvi has pins and a -- type pin also. if  it can do DVI it will give a much better image.13:12
ltspadminafter this command "ltsp-build-client --arch i386"  run nbi.img cannot work properly ...13:12
dinar2Dr_Willis: monitor has only power button13:13
ltspadminafter this command "ltsp-build-client --arch i386"  run nbi.img cannot work properly ...13:13
gamerxi have issues, everytime i go into fullscreen mode it just goes black screen13:14
Dr_Willisdinar2:  i would double check again. ive never seen a LCD monitor with just a power button.13:14
gamerxalso, i can re-size video or it will freese13:14
gamerxand i cannot change users or go into a guest session without it going black too13:14
dinar2samsung syncmaster magic cx 718t analog13:14
MarcoPauany advice for compressing the movie files taken with digital camera that are far too large?13:14
gamerxim guessing its something wrong with some resolutuion setting13:14
digital-rougegood morning all i need help installing a theme13:15
digital-rougeanyone help?13:15
bust3rwhat kind of theme13:16
digital-rougea gtk theme13:16
digital-rougei installed one already but the code to install it was already there13:17
bust3riunno i use emerald and compiz13:17
digital-rougeim using compiz13:17
bust3ru use emerald?13:17
digital-rougei was unaware of i could install through that13:17
grawitydigital-rouge: GTK themes usually can be unpacked to ~/.themes/13:18
grawitydigital-rouge: And if it's a "GTK theme", it's unrelated to Compiz or Emerald.13:18
Dr_Willisdigital-rouge:  or drag/drop it onto the theme-appearance program's main window13:18
digital-rougeleme try that13:18
digital-rougelol thats it13:19
digital-rougewow thanks man13:19
dinar2please ask in nvidia channel, who is registered, how can i move screen to left 2 cm from computer. because monitor does have only power button. nvidia glx 180 driver. ubuntu 904.13:19
digital-rougehey iv noticed that my system is slowing down anythign i can do?13:19
digital-rougeor a way to check if programs are running in background13:19
khtaamdigital-rouge, run top in a terminal13:20
digital-rougewhat is top and how do i run it:?13:20
digital-rougesuod top?13:20
grawitydigital-rouge: Just 'top'13:20
khtaamdigital-rouge, just open a terminal and type 'top'13:20
khtaamhit enter13:20
grawitydigital-rouge: Or 'htop' if you want a prettier view (this one needs to be installed separately)13:20
grawitydigital-rouge: Or, for a simple list of processes, there's always "ps".13:21
khtaamdigital-rouge, top shows what processes uses the cpu13:21
digital-rougeahh ok13:21
digital-rougehey thatnks for the drag and drop thing   can i do that with icon packages too?13:22
nightfrogso does ps13:22
nightfrogps aux13:22
Dr_Willisdigital-rouge:  try it and see.. (and the ansere is yes)13:22
ltspadminbuild-client fails to build i386 version of boot, amd6413:22
Dr_Willisdigital-rouge:  if the theme part's archives are done properly13:22
digital-rougethanks bud13:22
Dr_Willisdigital-rouge:  also check out the program 'gnome-art' it automates it even more13:22
Dr_Willisdinar2:  if you cant join a channel its possible you need to register your nickname.13:23
dinar2i do not want , i already registered in other computer13:24
grawitydinar2: Then you need to _identify_13:24
dinar2i do not know password13:24
grawitydinar2: ...13:24
Dr_Willisdinar2:  so register a new one..  i guess...13:24
switchgirlEEEif anyone hhas made bread by hand and has a good recipy for brown bread please /msg me13:24
Dr_Willisdinar2:  its not like they charge for having more then 1 nick reg'd13:25
dinar2it is hard...13:25
dinar2and few will be used here13:25
Dr_WillisHard? gee.. tive them an email address and click on an email link..  Good luck I guess.13:25
dinar2hm i donot know email password!13:26
dinar2(here and now)13:26
ltspadminbuild-client fails to build i386 version of boot, amd6413:27
xukunI have a new usb wireless headset but what I do there no sound coming from the headset. I'm using plulseaudo. Any idea?13:27
ltspadminbuild-client fails to build i386 version of boot, amd64 in ubuntu 9.1013:27
=== zelfje2 is now known as Zelfje
bazhangltspadmin, #ubuntu+1 for karmic13:28
z0manifestAre almost all Wifi cards fairly support with Linux as I'd like to buy this one, yet it is not in the support hardware docs page.13:29
gamerxcan someone help me with black-screen issue?13:29
=== z0manifest is now known as z0manifest-afk
ltspadminbut this is common question..13:29
ltspadminmr. bazhang13:30
CHESLYNhello everyone13:30
CHESLYNhow do you format a flash?13:31
timberhi, i typed this command for a tutorial...how can i undo? xmodmap -e 'keycode 115 = Super_L'13:31
MikeChelenCHESLYN: you can install disk manager from add/remove, or use cfdisk in command line13:33
Dr_Willistimber:  you could just log out/back in..  what was the key it was remaping anyway?13:33
UA-175how come i cant burn dvd?13:33
UA-175it says "cant write with current set of plugins"13:33
bazhangUA-175, using which app13:33
UA-175the one in standard ubuntu install13:34
CHESLYNmikeChelen: mn13:34
bazhangUA-175, is this a dvd iso or a data dvd or other13:34
timberDr_Willis: if i just logout there'll be undone? i was trying to remap the key for use like a keybinding for the menu on the panel13:34
MrLutiuscan someone help me to find equlizer on amarok v2.2?13:35
UA-175well i dried to ass a dvd.iso but that didnt work, so then it said drag in media files, that let me13:35
UA-175but still wouldnt burn13:35
UA-175dried = tried13:35
=== jmrodri-gone is now known as jmrodri
ltspadminis ubuntu 8.04 amd64 is stable...for i386 client13:35
UA-175dried to ass... wtf13:35
sblunixltspadmin: for what i386 client?13:36
CHESLYNmikeChelen: sorry , must i put in the flesh the execute ckdisk and after that because i have i virus no it13:36
ltspadmini386 archi..client...13:36
UA-175"pease replace the disk with supported cd or dvd; its not possible to write with current set of plugins"13:36
MikeChelenCHESLYN: can you rephrase your question?13:37
digital-rougedr-willis:  thanks for the suggestion but i got a problem with fire fox13:37
bazhangUA-175, is this a standard dvd-r ?  also what do other burning apps turn out such as gnomebaker or k3b13:38
digital-rougelast pass wont stop openeing at start up of ff13:38
ltspadmini install amd64 bit ubuntu 9.10..which is bita version...in that case when etherboot client cannot boot the properly...through nbi.img image..13:38
ltspadminthis bug is resolved in ubuntu 8.04 ltsp server ???13:38
CHESLYNmikeChelen: i have a virus on a flesh now i what to format it, so must i put it in and execute the command cfdisk13:39
Sutibuhey all, if my laptop suddendly won't boot, but gives me a ramdiskfs prompt and alot of messages saying: sda 1:00 status: {DRDY err} error: {UNC} etc., does that mean my drive is bricked?13:39
UA-175i havnt tried others13:39
jt76dose anyone know how to automatically remove linux headers?13:39
luis_alguien habla español?13:39
bazhang!es | luis_13:39
ubottuluis_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:39
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:40
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:40
CharelBOkay now I'm stopping13:40
bazhangCharelB, /msg ubottu please13:40
ltspadminalternate ubuntu 8.10 is beta version in ltsp13:40
nawaflolHey !13:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:41
* grawity thinks ubottu needs UTF-8ization.13:41
amikropmarcus_: thank you :)13:41
satyagi am creating a live cd , wanted to know how can i mange the startup programs for this user?13:42
nawaflolDo any one have the install option on the administrator  bar ? i'm not using a live cd !13:42
timberdoes anyone know how to make the SUPER_L a keybinding for the applications menu?13:42
satyagi meant the live use13:42
nawaflolDo any one have the install option on the administrator  bar ? i'm not using a live cd ! ..13:42
nawafloli still have which is odd13:43
nawafloljust asking ?13:43
luis_are there many diferents betwen ubuntu 9.10 RC and ubuntu 9.10 FINAL?13:43
nawaflolhave it *13:43
Dr_Willisluis_:  i imatgine there will be a few bug  fix's yes.13:44
marcus_amikrop, np13:44
UDAYthis is Uday13:45
=== elfuser is now known as Dark_archer
nawaflolcan anyone check if he still have the install option on his administrator bar13:45
nawaflolcause i still have it ! which is weird cause i installed ubuntu and not running a live cd13:45
* satyag having trouble controlling live user ;-)13:46
=== Dark_archer is now known as elfuser
marcus_what's the cmd to restart alsa?13:46
* satyag digging /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper-bottom/10adduser13:47
marcus_sudo /etc/init/alsa.d or something13:47
marcus_i forget13:47
CHESLYNmikeChelen: i have a virus on a flesh now i what to format it, so must i put it in and execute the command cfdisk13:48
timberis there a way to make SUPER_L the keybinding for the applications menu?13:48
marcus_nvm i foudn it13:48
grawityCHESLYN: cfdisk is not necessary, mkfs.vfat is enough. Even better, just remove the damn virus manually13:49
JimmioHello all. Compiz has a grid plugin that lets you move and size windows to maximize work space. Anything like that for metacity?13:49
grawityJimmio: Metacity is very simple, it doesn't have much features.13:50
natalie_#join quackenet.net13:50
grawityJimmio: Btw, you might want to look at tiling WMs (dwm, awesome, wmii)13:50
Jimmiograwity: I tried awesome. A bit more awesome than I can stand. dwm and wmii I've never heard of.13:51
natalie_#join quakenet.net13:51
anitahow can I know if I have opengl installed?13:51
Jimmionatalie_: It might help to use /join #quakenet.net ...13:52
grawitynatalie_: I think you want /connect quakenet.com13:52
=== anthony is now known as Guest77491
MikeChelenCHESLYN: yes, cfdisk should work13:52
natalie_#join quakenet.org13:53
grawitynatalie_: It is /connect13:53
wertik_rusor server )13:53
The2morrowManHow's everyone?13:53
amikropmarcus_: I did snap to: <what I want> now how do I save the mp3? it has only "save project" and it saves to project13:55
marcus_you want to export13:55
grawityamikrop: Export13:55
CHESLYNgrawity: what do you mean mkfs.vfat?13:55
Dr_WillisCHESLYN:  thats the command to format a filesystem to the 'vfat' type13:56
jdolanhi, ive been experiencing crazy thrashing and swap usage lately when running a vmware image on my Ubuntu host.13:56
jdolanit looks like Ubuntu doesn't recognize just how much memory vmware is using, or something.13:56
anthony_what do you think of Crunchbang?13:56
jdolananyone seen anything like this before?13:56
stephan_salut le monde13:57
=== Chybeck`w3 is now known as Chyb`bricorama
bazhanganthony_, it is offtopic here ; try #crunchbang or #ubuntu-offtopic13:57
bazhang!fr | stephan_13:57
ubottustephan_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:57
angelopthello, im really in need of some help here, anyone available?13:57
angeloptim new to ubuntu13:57
CHESLYNDr_Willis: so i must just put the flesh in and execute that command13:57
bazhangangelopt, please ask the channel a question13:57
jimmy51_does /etc/resolv.conf automatically get overwritten if you're configured for DHCP?13:58
anthony_sorry, just asking as i'm interested in trying all Ubuntu versions13:58
nawaflolDo any one have the install option on the administrator  bar ? i'm not using a live cd ! ..13:58
nawaflolcan i by anyway check if i'm using a live cd ! i know its weird ,but any help ?!13:59
amikropgrawity:, marcus_ : ok, thanks. but did the quality, frequency or anything got worse?13:59
angeloptwell, i just installed the OS and it actually finds the wireless networks14:00
marcus_depends on what you encoded it to14:00
angeloptthing is, i cant connect to my wireless network14:00
marcus_you should be able to change14:00
angeloptit doesnt validate14:00
marcus_the options for quality and stuff14:00
bazhangangelopt, did you associate to the AP14:00
Sutibue2fsck says: error reading block xxxxxxxxxx, force rewrite <y/n>? does it hurt to say yes?14:00
nawafloli think you sould you use WICD !14:00
angeloptim using14:00
grawityamikrop: You always lose some quality by reencoding a MP3 file (or any other lossy codec).14:01
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:01
angeloptchecked the pw and its ok14:01
nawaflolhmm weird14:01
amikropthank you14:01
=== z0manifest-afk is now known as z0manifest-
angeloptbut it cant validate14:01
nawafloldid you post a thread on ubuntu forums14:01
grawityamikrop: But if it was 192 kbps, and you chose the same when exporting, it shouldn't be noticeable.14:01
=== anthony is now known as Guest24318
ActionParsnipyo yo yo14:02
gmapI have this mobo http://www.newegg.com/product/product.aspx?item=N82E16813131073 with NV RAID 0/1/0+1/5 JBOD. I have 2 sata HDS hooked up. I installed a fresh copy of ubuntu 9 server,and during the install it asked me if I would like to install raid. I said yes, everything went through and then when I did reboot I got a Grub error 514:03
grawityOkay, what just happened here14:03
tehbautdoes GRUB not like AHCI?14:04
* erUSUL floodbots brainfart ?14:04
erUSULgmap: on raid setups you have to install grub on both disks iirc14:04
JimmioTo whomever just helped me, I just learned to use awesome. Much much better. Thanks.14:05
gmaperUSUL: what option would that be under during install? I chose the first option. use entire disk unguided. maybe that was the wrong option.14:05
tehbautI'm getting GRUB _ (never does anything after that)14:05
erUSUL!raid | gmap14:06
ubottugmap: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:06
gmapok thx14:06
hjar23I am having massive problems changing my screen resolution. Could someone help me?14:06
erUSULgmap: first question you used linux software raid or the Bios's raid  ?14:06
erUSULgmap: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID#Boot Loader14:07
gmaperUSUL: That is my question as well. My bios does have an option to enable raid, but It is disabled and ubuntu still recognized it. Should it be enabled14:07
eniacpxhjar23: What version of ubuntu? Are you using any special nvidia drivers or anything?14:07
ActionParsniphjar23: whats the output of: lspci | grep -i vga14:07
erUSULgmap: linux software raid is allways the best option unless you need compatibility with windows14:08
CHESLYNgrawity: i execute the command mkfs.vfat and it says /dev/names  [blocks] and other options what must i do14:08
icerootgmap: normaly there are 2 raid-controllers on common boards. for sata and ide14:08
erUSULgmap: check the last link i posted14:08
icerootgmap: or better, 2 raid options in the bios14:08
ActionParsniperUSUL: hardware raid is a far better option ;)14:08
hjar23eniacpx: Ubuntu 9.04, i'm using normal nvidia drivers (version 180)14:08
gmapi had this debate last night in a linux channel and someone recommened I install ubuntu and it will do all the work for me.14:09
ActionParsniphjar23: and does: nvidia-settings  give any error messages?14:09
erUSULActionParsnip: if you have  ~600$ or more sure ;) and be sure it has battery backed ram14:09
eniacpxhjar23: How are you trying to change the resolution, and what happens?14:09
erUSULgmap: well the boot loader needs sometimes an extra step14:09
hjar23ActionParsnip: nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce 7600 GT]14:09
ActionParsniperUSUL: sata pci is ~40 and works great14:10
vassilevskyHi! Anyone knows a decent FTP client that can work through a SOCKS proxy?14:10
ActionParsnip!ftp | vassilevsky14:10
ubottuvassilevsky: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd14:10
JimmioerUSUL: 600 dollars? Almost all current boards support raid.14:10
erUSULActionParsnip: for 40$ is not real hw raid is as fakeraid as the mobos one i'm afraid14:10
kbpI get this error when compiling: gnuc -O3   -c -o main.o main.c. make: gnuc: Command not found. I tried apt-get install gnuc but it isnt available in repository. Does anyone know any idea how to solve this?14:10
ActionParsnipJimmio: yeah but its crappy software raid14:10
ActionParsniperUSUL: bah14:11
hjar23eniacpx: The only two ways I'm aware of is "system->settings->screen" and "x-server"-thing. the screen says something about my drivers not having the capability of using that program14:11
JimmioActionParsnip: That I didn't know. You learn something everyday, huh?14:11
enduser000hello, can anyone help me get os x booting with grub when grub is installed on my ubuntu partition and the disk is gpt? (using grub 2 with /boot/grub/grub.cfg). there doesn't seem to be anyone up in #grub at the moment also14:11
erUSULJimmio: i'm talking about *real* hardware offloaded (i.e. the computations are done in a cpu in the card itself and not in your cpu) raid cards with its own ram backed by battery so a power loss does not destroy your data14:12
ActionParsnipyou can get some sweet scsi cards that do some badass raids14:12
eniacpxhjar23: Are you able to run 'nvidia-settings' from a console?14:12
ActionParsnip256Mb of cache14:12
gmapanother question. I have a geovision dvr card. I think I found it under lspci list but I do not see any devices under /dev. I contacted geovision and they said it is not compatible with linux. Is there any hack around this, or should I just buy another brand?14:12
JimmioerUSUL: Power loss rarely destroys data, and if it does, it's only on one drive 99/100 times.14:13
satyag<nawaflol> : if you are still there run ubiquity from terminal14:13
hjar23eniacpx: yes14:13
JimmioerUSUL: I hard reset computers constantly, I've never had data loss even once xP14:13
erUSULJimmio: some people (many) can not take that risk. desktop users can most of the time14:13
SMSshockSMS BOMBER - CHITAJ CUZHIJE SMSKI - > http://tinyurl.com/yl5vfhu14:13
SMSshockSMS BOMBER - CHITAJ CUZHIJE SMSKI - > http://tinyurl.com/yl5vfhu14:13
sgs1990does ennybody know how i can connect to a windows computer whit ubuntu????14:13
eniacpxhjar: Try changing the res in 'X Server Display Configuration'14:14
erUSULsgs1990: connect to do what? file sharing? remote management?14:14
rezdsgs1990: for Remote Connection you could use rdesktop.14:14
safeWhenever I'm watching video with Compiz enabled, the sound/video starts to lag and scramble. It runs fine before I switched to a new user, also whenever I'm using metacity. If i start compiz I get "/usr/bin/compiz.real (video) - Warn: No 8 bit GLX pixmap format, disabling YV12 image format", can that have something to do with it?14:14
JimmioerUSUL: Ah. Servers and such. Yeah. That I understand. I run a webserver here, but I keep a backup on a separate system just in case.14:14
hjar23eniacpx: but that doesn't have any higher resolution modes than 640x480. why?14:14
ActionParsnipsgs1990: plug a cable between, connection14:14
blackxoreda good audio cd ripper? suggestions?14:15
ActionParsnipsgs1990: now if you want something more elaborate, you'll have to give us more info as "connect" means so many things I wont even start listing them14:15
enduser000blackxored: serpentine for gnome isn't bad14:15
erUSULblackxored: i allways used old good grip14:15
blackxoredenduser000, thanks I'll try that on e14:15
scunizihjar23: did you just install? have you done all the updates yet?14:15
bazhangblackxored, sound-juicer is ok14:15
sgs1990ActionParsnip:  sorry my bad,, ill put it down in a nother way14:15
ActionParsnip!info grip | blackxored14:15
ubottublackxored: grip (source: grip): GNOME-based CD-player/ripper/encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.1-16 (jaunty), package size 449 kB, installed size 1276 kB14:15
ActionParsnipsgs1990: do you want to accessthe files by any chance?14:15
ActionParsnipsgs1990: or maybe a shared printer14:16
sgs1990yep that is what i meant14:16
skylarHey, would anyone know why the ubuntu menu button and keyboard stop responding at random times ?14:16
sgs1990no the first one14:16
sgs1990to acces the files on the computer14:16
ActionParsnipsgs1990: ten please use exact terminology in future, its a bit more than "connect" isnt it14:16
rezdsgs1990: samba14:16
CHESLYNgrawity: i execute the command mkfs.vfat and it says /dev/names  [blocks] and other options what must i do14:16
ActionParsnipsgs1990: ok first theing you need to do is run: sudo apt-get install samba14:16
sgs1990sorry you are right,,,,14:16
blackxored!info serpentine14:16
ubottuserpentine (source: serpentine): An application for creating audio CDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-5ubuntu4.1 (jaunty), package size 163 kB, installed size 1176 kB14:16
erUSULsgs1990: Places>Network>Windows Network does not show anything ?14:17
G_A_Cis there an IRC channel specific to Launchpad, or is it OK to ask Launchpad questions in here?14:17
Jimmioskylar: I've had that issue too. To be honest, I have no idea what causes it. It happens only on my slow laptop with open source ATI drivers. All my desktops run it fine with no issues, so I'm guessing it's video related and is caused by that ATI driver.14:17
sgs1990no it dowsn't even open it14:17
ActionParsnipsgs1990: this will then allow you to use nautilus to share folders like you do in windows14:18
kostas_thess1Hello . Can i login to the local network router that is my server via apache or something like that? with php script or something?14:18
enduser000does anyone know how I might get os x booting with grub on my ubuntu partition (they're on the same hdd, a gpt one)?  I'm using grub 2 (and there doesn't seem to be anyone up in #grub at the moment)14:18
ActionParsnipsgs1990: open what, what is "it"14:18
sgs1990it doesnt open the folder of windows network14:18
sgs1990but ill try this first bevore ill ask ennymore stupid cuestions14:19
kostas_thess1Hello . Can i login to the local network router that is my server via apache or something like that? with php script or something?14:19
sgs1990thanks 4 the help actionparsnip14:19
alfatah3what your name14:19
skylarJimmio: This is a desktop, it only seems to happen after a few minutes of inactivity.14:19
ActionParsnipsgs1990: thats all there is to it, now when you go to the windows side, you can click start -> run14:20
benstehow can I convert a m3u stream to mp3 file in ubuntu - http://www.metafilegenerator.de/dyn/metagen.m3u?stream=wdr_loop2_webm.m3u ?14:20
alfatah3whre you come from14:20
sgs1990thanks 4 the help14:20
ActionParsnipsgs1990: and tpe \\<ubuntu host name>    e.g.   \\fileserver14:20
skylarAnd I have a Nvidia graphic card14:20
bazhangalfatah3, this is ubuntu support; do you have a support question14:20
jimmy51_does /etc/resolv.conf automatically get overwritten if you're configured for DHCP?14:20
ActionParsnipsgs1990: and you will see the shares, you can even map network drives etc14:20
jimmy51_i made a change yesterday but it's gone this morning14:20
kostas_thess1ActionParsnip hello my friend:)14:20
Jimmioskylar: Try disabling screensavers. Do you have the drivers for your card? If not, that's probably the issue xP14:21
sgs1990thanks a lot14:21
ActionParsniphi kostas_thess114:21
Merc|1490 users :O14:21
ActionParsnipsgs1990: np man14:21
kostas_thess1Hello . Can i login to the local network router that is my server via apache or something like that? with php script or something?14:21
skylar yeah I do, I don't have a screen saver either 0.)14:21
JimmioMerc|: That's nothing. It was over 3000 before.14:22
skylarI couldn't think of any possible reason as to why it does it.14:22
Merc|Jimmio :O Holy ubuntu!14:22
Jimmioskylar: I'm sorry, I don't think I can help. Maybe post in the forums to see if anyone knows?14:22
scunizikostas_thess1: login to do what?  that's the determining factor.. ssh is the way to connect for total access.. web based access will be specific to an application typically14:22
CHESLYNguys please how do i format a usb storage please......?14:22
skylaryeah I'm gonna see if I can pinpoint when it happens before I make a post.14:23
skylarThanks for the suggestions tho ^^14:23
Jimmioskylar: You could also use xfce for the time being, just install it through the package manager, then select session before login.14:23
erUSULCHESLYN: you can use gparted if you want GUI app14:23
scuniziCHESLYN: install gparted14:23
skylarOk Jimmio14:23
Jimmioskylar: xfce is a completely different windowing manager, and many times faster than Gnome.14:24
Jimmioskylar: different desktop environment**14:25
kostas_thess1scunizi i want to login to the router that gives me promt to add username and password to join14:25
grawityJimmio: Yeah, neither Xfce nor GNOME are WMs. (Btw, you can use Xfwm4 on GNOME and vice-versa)14:25
IledenHi! My brother was doing a system upgrade for ubuntu, and the process hanged in the middle - forcing a hard reboot. The system booted ok, but gnome is broken. However, the text consoles (crtl-alt-Fx) are accessible. What are the apt-get commands he should run to check the state of the system, and complete the upgrade?14:25
ArabusHey, I have a problem with openvpn authentication using pam_radius_auth. The pam module is spamming my logfiles with debug messages and I would like to find out what these messages mean and what i can do to avoid them. Can someone point me in the right direction? I have tried to google for the debug message, but so far all i found where people with problems with the pam_radius_auth. The auth is working though. I only wnat to get rid of the deb14:26
ramseizehello does anyone of you know of a cheap reliable vps hosting that offers high storage disk space, such as fdcserver and eboundhost, what else do you know?14:27
bazhang!ot | ramseize14:27
ubotturamseize: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:27
Ytxxanyone here know a little about VPS ?14:27
CHESLYNerUSUL: if i apt-get gparted they ask me i'm i ''root'' whats wrong14:27
bazhangCHESLYN, use sudo14:28
scuniziCHESLYN: sudo apt-get install gparted14:28
YtxxHow do the VPS companies set up the servers ?14:28
erUSULCHESLYN: use « sudo aptitude install gparted »14:28
gamerxHELP ME, whenever i go into fullscreen or anything the screen just goes black!!!14:28
nancymavhow can I get the latest version of boost in ubuntu?14:28
scuniziboost?  sounds like an energy drink14:29
grawityYtxx: Debian, for example, can be installed automatically using debootstrap. Creating a disk image for a VPS is easy too - dd, mount -o loop, debootstrap, umount. And Xen is scriptable too.14:29
IledenEhm, also the system apparently does not get online....14:29
Ytxxgrawity: well what one needs in order to set up a VPS company ?14:29
erUSUL!latest | nancymav14:29
ubottunancymav: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.14:29
grawityYtxx: Lots of spare hardware.14:30
nancymavI need latest14:30
nancymavhow can I get boost 1.40 for eample?14:30
Ytxxgrawity: can you be more specific14:30
scunizinancymav: get the source.. compile it yourself14:30
CHESLYNerUSUL: after yhat how do i format the USB?14:31
erUSULCHESLYN: run system>admin>parition/disk editor14:31
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Distro^Junkiecan anyone help me with the removal of kde4 in ubuntu... seems they were installed when I installed amarok 2.. but have since installed good ol amarok 1.414:33
bazhangDistro^Junkie, 9.04 ?14:33
erUSULCHESLYN: should be pretty intutive ... you choose the disk in the top right corner drop down menu. then right click on the bar14:33
bazhang!puregnome | Distro^Junkie14:33
ubottuDistro^Junkie: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal14:33
sdwrageHey guys :)14:34
sdwragegood morning14:34
sdwragehow is everyone?14:34
incidencesdwrage: #ubuntu-offtopic14:34
IledenAnyone? What would be the check-and-fix commands to run on a system that's broken after an upgrade hangup that forced a reboot?14:35
pshr_sdwrage, good evening :P14:35
Arabusanyone know where to go with pam_radius related questions?14:36
sdwragepshr_, location?14:37
Distro^Junkiebazhang: thanx alot14:37
erUSULIleden: is dpkg in good shape? can you run and apt-get update/upgrade ?14:37
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IledenerUSUL: Unfortunately no internet connection on the system. What would be the dpkg command to run? "dpkg --configure -a"?14:40
erUSULIleden: is dpkg-reconfigure -a iirc14:40
Ytxxgrawity: do you know any site with tutorial ?14:41
CHESLYNerUSUL: i don't understand14:41
icerootwhat is the difference between cat foo >> bar and cat foo 2>> bar?14:42
LjLerUSUL: wait, i just joined so i don't really know what this is about, but dpkg-reconfigure -a will reconfigure all installed packages (and ask configure questions about all of them), i believe, is that what's wanted?14:42
grawityiceroot: >> redirects stdout (stream 1), 2>> redirects stderr (stream 2)14:42
grawityiceroot: So 2>> would only redirect error messages.14:42
IledenerUSUL: ok, thanks! I'll tell my brother to try it. I'm troubleshooting the issue for him through phone (since he has no net connection...)14:43
HexTasy_lol, bet that's a borring phone call14:43
icerootgrawity: so i have to use cat foo >> bar 2>> bar  to have stdout and stderr14:43
HexTasy_... waits for typing brother.... waits for reply on IRC....14:43
erUSULLjL: Ileden did a forced shutdown during an upgrade want to know the commands/steps to fix/see what's broken and repair the system14:43
grawityiceroot: You can use >> bar 2>&114:43
psineticHey guys, what's up? I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 right now. I'm trying to get my desktop image to change automatically like every 30 minutes. Can someone please tell me how to do this? I've been searching google for almost three weeks now and can't find it. THANKS!!! :)14:43
grawityiceroot: This will redirect stderr to stdout (stream 2 to stream 1)14:43
grawityiceroot: Or, try this: &>> bar14:44
LjLerUSUL: that's probably the one he said, dpkg --configure -a14:44
raff_anyone using 9.10?14:44
IledenHexTasy_: On top of that, his phone is running out of battery. And apparently has :) So, I guess he'll have to return to the issue tomorrow with a live-cd for help.14:44
erUSULLjL: Ileden ok do what LjL said dpkg  --configure -a14:44
sgs1990ActionParsnip:    are you still here?????14:44
HexTasy_whut's &>> do anyways14:44
CHESLYNerUSUL: that command you give me system>admin>parition/disk editor does not work in terminal14:44
HexTasy_Ileden: doh14:45
icerootgrawity: good to know, where i can find something like that in manpages?14:45
LjLiceroot: "cat" is unlikely to output anything to stderr anyway...?14:45
erUSULCHESLYN: you do not have a graphical interface ?14:45
icerootLjL: it was an example14:45
IledenHexTasy_: not a nice situation to be in, for him :)14:45
grawityiceroot: 'man bash'14:45
icerootgrawity: ok, thank you14:45
gasmaskI played with some settings in compiz manager I think, and now everything goes black and I cant see anything in gnome. I had to log into irssi in recovery mode. any way to reset compiz settings from the command prompt?14:45
CHESLYNerUSUL: what do tou mean?14:45
ActionParsnipsgs1990: suo14:45
psineticHey guys, what's up? I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 right now. I'm trying to get my desktop image to change automatically like every 30 minutes. Can someone please tell me how to do this? I've been searching google for almost three weeks now and can't find it. THANKS!!! :)14:45
erUSULCHESLYN: i'm asking if you are running an Xserver if you have gui14:46
ActionParsnipsgs1990: wassup dude?14:46
anjuderi want name french chat14:46
sgs1990actionparsnip:  can you help me whit the same problem again,, i followd your instructions ass well as i could14:46
IledenOh well, thanks for the help anyway!14:46
sgs1990but still cant fix it14:46
grawity!fr | anjuder14:46
ubottuanjuder: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:46
psineticanyone know how to change desktop background images automatically on a time schedule please?14:47
ActionParsnipsgs1990: did you install samba14:47
dconlonHi, Karmic won't boot with an xorg.conf file in place. Fresh install from the beta.  Boots into a black screen, no X. Known issue?14:47
sgs1990ActionParsnip:  I installed samba.14:47
ActionParsnip!karmic | dconlon14:47
ubottudconlon: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:47
ActionParsnipsgs1990: did you use nautilus to share folders14:48
psineticso i'm guessing no one knows how to do this then....14:48
sgs1990ActionParsnip:  tried that 2 and still it will not work14:48
CHESLYNerUSUL: i'm running Xserver14:48
ActionParsnipsgs1990: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba14:48
CHESLYNerUSUL: so there is no other way to format it14:49
psineticHey guys, what's up? I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 right now. I'm trying to get my desktop image to change automatically like every 30 minutes. Can someone please tell me how to do this? I've been searching google for almost three weeks now and can't find it. THANKS!!! :)14:49
erUSULCHESLYN: ohh sorry i know what you meant System>Admin>parition/disk editor is the menu where you can find gparted not a command14:49
gasmaskanyone know of a command line http browser?14:49
sgs1990ActionParsnip:  ill take a look there,, thanks again.   hope this will be the las14:49
grawitygasmask: w3m, lynx, elinks, links14:50
skuldHi.  I need help setting up Internet Connection Sharing so my laptop can connect to the internet through my linux box.  Currenlty I'm using Firestarter, but I don't want to use that if I don't have to.14:50
fred456 http://tr.im/CxkK14:50
psineticseriously does anyone know how to do this? >_>14:50
skuldis the iptables commands I read on what to use14:51
ActionParsnipsgs1990: you can also do it the manual way in /etc/samba/smb.conf14:51
psineticHey guys, what's up? I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 right now. I'm trying to get my desktop image to change automatically like every 30 minutes. Can someone please tell me how to do this? I've been searching google for almost three weeks now and can't find it. THANKS!!! :)14:51
sgs1990ActionParsnip:  ill try that 2,, thanks for the help. hope i havn't bin a 2 big of a trouble14:52
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skuldbut it doesn't seem to work.  Also I noticed that my eth2 is coming up with state:UNKNOWN14:52
psicobrahi all just installed ubuntu but it thinks the maximum resolution of my monitor is 800x600 but it ashould be 1024x76814:53
durrecould anyone advise me. we have 7.04 on a production server. I need to upgrade this server with java6. turns out this version was EOL and you cant use apt-get anymore. is it safe to upgrade to something like 8.04? the only time I've done that I couldnt start the machine for 4 days cause of some driver issue14:53
CHESLYNerUSUL: ok i'll try lol i can believe i'm struggling to format i USB thanks14:53
psicobrai have tried editing the xorg.conf but it's not there14:53
erUSULCHESLYN: i agree that it should be easier that it currently is.14:54
psinetic>_> what the fuck.14:54
ActionParsnipsgs1990: not at all14:55
jussi01!language | psinetic14:55
ubottupsinetic: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:55
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skuld@psinetic:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26467214:55
ActionParsnip!caps | psinetic14:55
ubottupsinetic: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:55
psineticnotice my language but don't notice the question i've been asking since i've been in here for the last 20 minutes >_>14:56
LCOHi, does anyone know where to get libglade2 for Ubuntu? Because I've installed it like 10 times and I still get the error: "Main.rb:3:in `require': no such file to load -- libglade2 (LoadError)"14:56
psineticthanks skuld14:56
skuldnow to get my question answered LOL14:56
gamerxthe other night i noticed that when i hivered somehtign it told me the temperature, where is that, like the local temp in my city14:56
lala_ http://tr.im/Css614:56
gamerxActionParsnip, hi :)14:56
skuldanybody know about ICS?14:56
skuldinternet connection sharing using iptables?14:57
matuwill i get an ubuntu stable version using apt-get update with the 9.10 beta ?14:57
erUSUL!ics | skuld ubottu knows14:57
ubottuskuld ubottu knows: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php14:57
skuld@matu:  it's beta...probably not14:57
matuwaiting 8days ?14:57
erUSUL!final | matu14:57
ubottumatu: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:57
gamerxlolz yes14:57
CHESLYNerUSUL: ok can you just explain me from start like perhaps we never had this confusion please thanks alot14:57
gamerxmatu, arent we all14:57
skuldI;m already using firestarter....and i've followed that tutorial, doesn't seem to work14:58
psineticActionParsnip, if you could see my lowercase then you noticed no one answered my question for several minutes and i got utterly no response. Don't tell me "you can read lowercase too" if you don't respond to lowercase. >_> At least I got your attention.14:58
matuah kewl i just need to wait 8days and update it14:58
matuis it correct ?14:58
skuldI think firestarter may be causing issues with me being unable to surf my own webpages on my own server14:58
gamerxmatu, same14:58
matuthank you bye bye14:58
erUSULCHESLYN: you have gparted installed ? are you using ubuntu ? then Go to the menu System>Admin>parition editor to launch gparted (it will ask your password)14:59
erUSULCHESLYN: once in gparted it should be pretty easy to do what you want14:59
ashchow can I reinstall apache2 and have it regenerate all the default configs? I did a apt-get remove --purge apache2 && apt-get install apache2 but it didn't reinstall teh configs14:59
IRConanashc: the configs are part of apache-common or something I think15:00
melissa http://tr.im/Css615:00
ashcIRConan: excellent.. thankyou15:00
matucan i put the netbook remix .iso to my usb stick using dd ?15:01
Slart!usb | matu15:01
ubottumatu: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:01
m_salut !15:01
bazhangmatu, unetbootin15:01
m_l y a quelqu'un ?15:01
IdleOne!fr | m_15:02
ubottum_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:02
bazhangm_ #ubuntu-fr pour francais15:02
purma1how do i disconnect from wlan networks?15:02
Slartpurma1: right click on the network manager, uncheck the wireless box?15:02
Slartpurma1: there might be better ways to do it though.. if you don't want to disable wireless altogether15:03
purma1Slart: heh. thanks. was too easy15:03
Slartpurma1: =)15:03
gasmaskanyone know how to reset the compiz settings to default? or know where the compiz.conf file is located?15:04
matui guess it is not up to date because in the latest netbook remix version we were able to make an usb install stick bootable using dd...15:04
B3rz3rk3rgasmask just turn off your effects, and turn them on again15:05
Wazzzaaagasmask: go to compiz settings manager -> preferences15:05
Wazzzaaathere's a button "reset to default"15:05
gasmaskB3rz3rk3r & Wazzzaaa . Im stuck in the terminal, I can see anything in the gui anymore15:05
Wazzzaaaeven after reboot ?15:06
gasmaskWazzzaaa: rep, tried rebooting15:06
gasmaskWazzzaaa: everything that I click on goes black, until the whole screen is black15:06
Wazzzaaawell, I don't know the exact location, but it should be somewhere in .gconf i guess15:07
gasmaskand it happened after I was playing around with the compiz manager, enabling things15:07
dar__someone hgere ever use Time navigator or IMB TIvoli or Symantec Backup Exec ?15:07
gasmask~ meaning home directory right?15:07
Wazzzaaayes, ~/.gconf/apps/compiz15:07
Wazzzaaamaybe ?15:07
gasmaskin recovery mode, I log in as root.. would that be a different location for my normal username log in?15:08
CHESLYNerUSUL: I dont see admin in menu system>15:08
runeYo guys. Could really need some help here. I am doing a site with about 5000 articles very deeply nested. I have spend the entire day looking at taxonomy and the endless ways of doing menus. I'm so confused! What are you using on your large sites?15:08
bazhangCHESLYN, what version of ubuntu15:08
erUSULCHESLYN: are you using default ubuntu or are you using kubuntu / xubuntu ??15:08
matui think i should wait for a proper .img15:09
erUSULCHESLYN: is maybe Administration ?15:09
CHESLYNerUSUL: ok now how?15:09
thiebauderune, are you in the right chat room?15:09
CHESLYNerUSUL: please..15:09
erUSULCHESLYN: select the disk you want to format in the drop down menu15:10
runethiebaude: Nope....thx!15:10
CHESLYNerUSUL: it the bar15:10
fred123 http://tr.im/Css615:11
erUSULCHESLYN: you should read something like [ /dev/sd(a,b,c) Size ]15:11
fred123 http://tr.im/Css615:11
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dan1357 /leave #ubuntu15:12
erUSULCHESLYN: on the drop down menu; click on it to choose the disk you want to format15:12
CHESLYNerUSUL: ok15:13
CHESLYNerUSUL: and now what?15:13
erUSULCHESLYN: right click on the graphic representing the parition you want to format15:14
erUSULCHESLYN: choose format as and choose the filesystem you want to use15:14
CHESLYNerUSUL: there is no format15:15
erUSULCHESLYN: if it is a usb pendrive you probably want fat3215:15
hadeanhi around. is there any command i can use inside a shellscript that takes the focus to the terminal?15:15
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hadeanlike.. i have 4 windows open and one is a terminal, and i push the button to focus that terminal and run a command. i already made a macro, but now how can i focus the terminal?15:16
erUSULCHESLYN: can you take a screenshot of waht you see and upload it?15:16
erUSUL!paste | CHESLYN15:16
ubottuCHESLYN: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!15:16
CHESLYNerUSUL: there is a virus on now i what to format it please15:16
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unknown_hello, do you know maybe how can I play WMV files in x64 version of ubuntu ?15:18
unknown_w64codecs, ubuntu-restricted-extras installed15:18
erUSULunknown_: tried vlc or mplayer ?15:18
unknown_erUSUL: mplayer15:19
CHESLYNerUSUL: there is a virus on now i what to format it please?15:19
erUSULunknown_: maybe the wmv is encrypted/protected ?15:19
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unknown_erUSUL: no it isn't, in i386 version works for me ok, x64 doesn't seems to have all codecs in w64codecs package, so I wounder how can I make it work15:20
erUSULCHESLYN: can you take a screenshot of waht you see and upload it? <<< i need to see what is going on15:20
icerootCHESLYN: a virus on ubuntu?15:21
bazhangiceroot, a virus on his/her usb stick15:21
CHESLYNiceroot: on my usb15:21
icerootCHESLYN: but a windows-virus?15:22
CHESLYNiceroot: yes15:22
icerootCHESLYN: ah ok15:22
erUSULCHESLYN: the menu option is "Format to" on the right click menu15:22
erUSULCHESLYN: if it is grayed out you have to umount it first by choosing umount in the same menu15:23
vanishinghi guys.15:24
vanishingdoes anyone know which room is for official karmic development?15:24
bazhangvanishing, #ubuntu+115:25
vanishingthank you!15:25
Antaranian4hello , when I view a (certain) csv file in emacs, line endings are displayed as ^M . how can I convet them to "/n" symbol ?15:25
ZummiG777Question: I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 on a Dell OptiPlex 960 (Quad Core).  Periodically during the day the system will go into a ~5-10 minute long soft-lockup.  Mouse can be moved but nothing responds.  The only error I can find in syslog is an error stating " Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -124451388 ns) "  Any ideas?15:25
vanishingtesting irc on empathy15:25
svetylk0Hi folks :-) I have a simple question... i am writing an article about synchronizing the time using ntpdate, and i want to be sure, if i place it into /etc/cron.daily , does it run automatically as root?15:25
hadeancan someone at least tell me the program wich i have to look for documentation to set focus to my terminal via a bashcommand?15:26
a931bwidk who but sum1 recomendet me TWM window magager15:26
a931bwany1 have better ideas for lame comp15:27
cochiseIs anyone here running karmic beta?15:27
chmacDoes anyone use the gnome-system-log utility? In previous versions it would automatically scroll to the bottom of a log file and keep new lines on the screen. Now it doesn't, seems like a major feature loss to me...15:27
Halitech!9.10 | cochise15:27
ubottucochise: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:27
macoa931bw: uh try using xubuntu. twm is rather unfriendly15:27
CHESLYNerUSUL:  after that15:27
vanishingim running karmic15:27
macoa931bw: xubuntu (or lubuntu, even) i made for low-end systems15:27
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
macoa931bw: lubuntu has LXDE15:28
Halitecha931bw, try LXDE .. sudo apt-get install lxde15:28
bazhanga931bw, lxde15:28
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erUSULCHESLYN: after what? umounting ?15:28
erUSULCHESLYN: See this screenshot is my own computer with a pendrive http://imagebin.org/6865115:28
a931bwi think15:28
a931bwthat guy jsut kidding15:28
a931bwabout TWM T_T15:28
FloodBot3a931bw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:28
CHESLYNerUSUL:  yes unmounting15:28
* AnthonyVO wonderin which view better to use (resourses, graphics, speed) Separate x Screen or Twinx View15:28
erUSULCHESLYN: choose format to15:29
coz_AnthonyVO,  if you intend on using compiz I would definitly go with twinview15:29
OerHekshadean sudo apt-get install ntpdate > this will run automatic when booting ubuntu15:29
AnthonyVOim now coz_15:29
AnthonyVObut its kind a lil slow15:30
a931bwtriing lxde15:30
coz_AnthonyVO,  open up ccsm  go to general optins display settings tab15:30
sgs1990OerHEks:  you are dutch right???15:30
coz_AnthonyVO,  Texture filter = Best    disable lighting...disable Detect refresh rate  and disable sync to vblank but leave detec outputs enabled15:31
Guest1804I have forgot my freenode password, I have tried sendpass (says needs authorization). I could not connect to /join #freenode (says for staffs), have sent email but no reply, googled but no ways. Please help me once :(15:31
mo0nykitWhat should I write in the Makefile so that "make" will automatically perform "g++ sample.cpp -o sample.o -v"?15:31
coz_AnthonyVO,  then open a terminal and type   ps ax | grep compiz15:31
matuNew Intel video driver architecture available for testing<= does it mean the graphical accelaration is available in a stable release ?15:31
coz_AnthonyVO,  tell me what that read out is15:31
bazhangGuest1804, /join #freenode for this15:31
OerHekssgs1990 yes :)15:31
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CHESLYNerUSUL: i just do see format is there maybe something wrong?15:32
sgs1990Oerheks: just doing a gues but is your name Stephanie,,,   ???15:32
Guest1804bazhang, thanks15:32
MenZaGuest1804: You can /query sivel about this issue as well (freenode staffer).15:32
OerHekssgs1990 : nope, sorry15:32
erUSULCHESLYN: does that really makes such a difference? seen my screenshot15:32
a931bwlxge is nice15:32
CHESLYNerUSUL: i unmounted it nothing15:32
sgs1990OerHeks:  no problem,, was a small chance15:32
AnthonyVO3519 ?        S      0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/compiz15:33
AnthonyVO 3578 ?        S      0:31 /usr/bin/compiz.real --ignore-desktop-hints --replace --sm-client-id 10fbff3b6ba803601712561337939478400000034280022 --loose-binding core ccp15:33
AnthonyVO 3739 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/compiz-decorator15:33
AnthonyVO 3740 ?        S      0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/compiz-decorator15:33
AnthonyVO 4379 pts/2    S+     0:00 grep compiz15:33
FloodBot3AnthonyVO: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:33
coz_AnthonyVO,  ok that is fine15:33
AnthonyVOu mean normal?15:33
coz_AnthonyVO,  although I am not sure of   10fbff3b6ba8036017125613379394784000000342800215:33
coz_AnthonyVO,  pretty much although hold on15:33
sgs1990OerHeks:  do you know a way to get to the files on a windows computer while using ubuntu,, having problems whit that, and if you know, than would you please explain to me in dutch???15:34
coz_AnthonyVO,  ok you must be using session restore with that large number readout15:34
bazhangsgs1990, for dutch support /join #ubuntu-nl15:34
sgs1990thats an option 215:35
AnthonyVOanyway slow a lil15:38
zer0her0how do i get terminal to always open in 80x4315:38
AnthonyVOcoz_: Separate x screen takes much more resourses?15:39
* AnthonyVO wonderin .... hmmm if anybody can help me with Second Life Client settings...8-)15:40
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CHESLYNerUSUL: after taking the screenshot15:44
Antaranian4how can I replace ^M with "/n" symbol in a text file using sed ?15:45
CHESLYNerUSUL: you said i must take a screenshot15:45
Neremorhello! Could anybody tell me which architectore intel dual core processors have, please?15:45
gmaperUSUL: The tutorial you sent https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID mentions you cannot use anything but RAID 1 for booting grub. I need to combine 2 hds into 1 big one which is RAID 0 isn' it?15:45
grawityAntaranian4: You use 'dos2unix' from the 'tofrodos' package.15:46
erUSULgmap: yes is raid 0; or linear15:46
Antaranian4thanks, grawity15:46
erUSULgmap: do as the doc suggest use a separate boot parition in raid 1 mode ?15:46
G_A_CNeremor: how do you mean? there's dual core Pentium 4s, and dual core Core (and Core 2)15:46
erUSULCHESLYN: you are still not able to right click on the disk and choose format ?15:47
NeremorI mean a simple intel dual core, with two processors (E5200)15:47
CHESLYNerUSUL: yes15:47
erUSULCHESLYN: then yes do a screenshot and upload it15:48
erUSUL!paste | CHESLYN15:48
ubottuCHESLYN: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!15:48
lizhengchinese ok?15:48
G_A_CNeremor: I think that's the Core 2 architecture15:49
Neremordo i need the kubuntu 32 or 64 bit version?15:49
jorikNeremor: that depens on your cpu15:49
NeremorThe CPU is E5200, as i wrote above...15:50
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:50
G_A_CNeremor: you can run either. If you have 4+ gigs of RAM then the 64 bit version, otherwise either will be fine15:50
CHESLYNerUSUL: yes how do i upload it15:51
snowballgood morning15:51
hwildehow to kill console-kit daemon ?15:51
uni4dfxhi, i have a radeon hd card and compiz won't run (segfaults), but 3D works because glxgears runs fine... any ideas why?15:51
bob_dole2is PCI sufficient for Gigabit NICs, or should I go PCI-e. I'm not sure what bandwidth the PCI bus has.15:51
erUSULCHESLYN: go to here http://tinyurl.com/imagebin15:51
dsdeizanyone using ncmpcpp?15:52
dsdeizcan i bind <space> to pause in ncmpcpp in the playlist window? it's a bit hard to pause it using shift+p15:52
zer0her0how do i get terminal to always open in 80x4315:52
erUSULbob_dole2: PCI = 133 MiB/s shared with other devs 1 GiBit = 125 MiB/s so if you can go with PCI-e15:52
MenZawith awesomewm, can anyone tell me how to do basic things (or point me to a link) like re-sizing windows, changing between windows inside workspaces, and the workspaces themselves.15:53
bob_dole2erUSUL, thanks. Setting up LTSP servers, got a switch with Gigabit uplink waiting on me.15:53
erUSULbob_dole2: unless PCI here is PCI-X 64 bit wide (found in servers) ;)15:54
happycubeyou can get a few hundred mbits out of pci gig-e, but yeah pci-e is better15:54
amatoriusHello, I'm reccommending Ubuntu as a class assignment and I was wondering what the most important concerns were with migrating from windows apart from the cost, that is15:54
bob_dole2erUSUL, unfortunately it isn't. All the real servers here are 600mhz >15:55
MenZaamatorius: compatibility.15:55
happycubeapp compatibility, alas.  and sometimes hw although i have plenty of "damn, that's cool" moments where something just works that wouldn't on windows ;)15:55
CHESLYNerUSUL: it dont want to work it only shows open,unmount volume,properties and applications when i right click on it on the desktop because it show the usb also15:55
fusshello everybody. somebody know how-to remove icons in gnome-pannel applet "window list" in gconf-editor?15:55
macofuss: i dont think you can. pretty sure thats hardcoded15:56
Antaranian4grawity: I used it with "dos2unix -a cars.csv" and now there are spaces instead of "^M" , but used to be "/n"s15:56
erUSULCHESLYN: you've seen my screenshot ? http://imagebin.org/6865115:56
erUSULCHESLYN: where are you right clicking ? all what i'm saying is to do it *inside* gparted15:57
hwildehow to kill console-kit daemon ?15:57
dsdeizanyone? :(15:57
CHESLYNerUSUL: nop15:57
snowballdsdeiz: what's up?15:58
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erUSULCHESLYN: no what?15:58
amatoriusMenZa, happycube: the specs are that it must run on a P4 processor & 1G RAM and must be Office compatible, is openoffice.org difficult to switch to?15:58
VockI recently tried to do multiple monitors on my laptop, however, when I unplugged the external monitor, I'm stuck with 1024x768 resolution, and can't go higher. I have two black bars on the sides of my screen, indicating an improper aspect ratio? Any ideas how to fix this?15:58
fussmaco i remove icons in buttons, so maybe i can do this and for the thiss applet...15:58
MenZaamatorius: Not at all.15:58
MikeChelenVock: what video card?15:58
CHESLYNerUSUL: i did'nt see you screenshot15:59
VockMikeChelen: It's a lenovo thinkpad, the Intel Graphics15:59
snowballVock: edit your xorg.conf file and remove the virtual section15:59
lazarusi get internet from wireless and want to share it over ethernet, how is this possible please, tried manual IPs and used firestarter, did not work15:59
dsdeizsnowball: um, just wanted to ask if i can bind <space> to pause in ncmpcpp, doing shift+p is a bit hard15:59
Vocksnowball: it's enough to just restart X after that right, don't need to reboot?16:00
snowballVock: reboot, just to be safe16:01
amatoriusMenZa: when you say not at all do you mean minimal training or training reccommended for noncoms16:01
snowballdsdeiz: sorry, not that i know of16:01
dsdeizawesome is awesome but i like xmonad better :D16:03
MenZaamatorius: Should be easy to just dive into.16:03
j1mp492My ubuntu is slow and laggy all the time.16:03
IdleOnej1mp492: how much ram do you have?16:04
mengui would like to let some friends connect my web server with my ip adress. however i couldn't succeed. i have my nat settings as the following: http://i35.tinypic.com/2w4i9nn.jpg and i have set the static ip from here: http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/31916:04
amatoriusMenZa: Sorry to hassle, but I'm trying to look at this from a theoretical technical standpoint and I have little experience doing so16:04
menguwhat i'm doing wrong?16:05
MenZaamatorius: You're not hassling, at all. OpenOffice.org is very reminscent of older versions of Microsoft Office. It should be very familiar.16:05
boscopin gnumeric, when I enter "=SQRT(2)" it shows "#NAME?" why?16:06
j1mp492IdleOne: 416:06
pronoyguys apache problem...can anyone help me ?16:06
anarki2004i'm trying to get the quake 3 engine installed and the method by which i am doing it involves a *.run file. I can't seem to get this file to execute however - can somebody help me?16:06
Halitechpronoy, what kind of problem?16:06
MikeChelenmengu: does the website look okay from your computer? maybe ssh tunnel would be easier16:06
erUSULboscop: works here16:06
menguMikeChelen: i can access it by http://localhost and
boscoperUSUL: how is your cell setting?16:07
arquebusanarki2004: did you chmod the file?16:07
menguMikeChelen:  but cannot access it with my IP16:07
j1mp492IdleOne: im not sure if it is ubuntu or my internet but firefox freez all the time. the interface fades to black and then back..16:07
anarki2004not entirely sure what that means16:07
pronoyHalitech opening localhost/cmsname asks to save the page16:07
snowballanarki2004: drag the file into terminal16:07
anarki2004sh ioquake3-version_etc.run is the command i was told to use16:07
Halitechmengu, does it work with http://localhost ?16:07
sjokkisi didn't find the option to encrypt my harddrive when i installed 9.04. what's the best (or 'official') way of doing it after installing? i'd like to encrypt the whole drive, so that i need the decryption password to boot up16:08
Halitechpronoy, what kind of file?16:08
pronoyHalitech php16:08
arquebusanarki2004: you have to change permissions for a file to execute because it does not have execute permissions by default, look up chmod on google16:08
anarki2004ok cool16:08
snarksteri need alittle help with evolution16:08
sjokkisanarki2004: man chmod16:08
snarksteranyone here comfortable with evolution enough to help me16:08
Halitechmengu, is port 80 blocked by your isp? check here http://www.canyouseeme.org/16:08
Gummianarki2004, try right click → properties on the file16:09
Halitechpronoy, did you install the php module?16:09
pronoyHalitech yes16:09
MikeChelensjokkis: use the alternate install cd for full disk encryption16:09
anarki2004what do I change in the propertiesZ?16:10
Nhawdge1Hey all, i'm trying to blacklist my gspca_main module to prevent my built i webcam from starting on fire, but it doesn't seem to be disabling, what am I missing?16:10
Halitechpronoy, did you restart apache afterwards?16:10
erUSULboscop: default. Number type gneral16:10
anarki2004i see16:10
anarki2004allow executing...n/m16:10
amatoriusMenZa: One last thing, do you know of a support service with monetary quotes for a business environment? I'm having some difficulty finding one...16:10
pronoyHalitech oh yeah that i forgot16:10
boscoperUSUL: when I click insert->function, SQRT shows up as unknown function!!16:10
Halitechpronoy, try that16:10
sjokkisMikeChelen: do i have to reinstall to do it?16:11
erUSULboscop: i can find it here... maybe you have it localized on your own language ?16:12
AnthonyVOneeed help plz with GRUB16:12
boscoperUSUL: would the function names be changed? that would be stupid!!16:12
Richlv9.04. i am missing system -> administration -> software sources. what package[s] should i install ?16:12
boscoperUSUL: I have english as language16:13
HalitechRichlv, are you using Ubuntu or kubuntu or xubuntu?16:13
erUSULboscop: yes but excel does it... althought it accepts both versions)16:13
RichlvHalitech, ubuntu with gnome16:13
menguHalitech: nope, it is not blocked. is there anything wrong in my configuration? or should i also configure anything else?16:13
boscoperUSUL: in the section "mathematics" there are only product and sum!16:14
jt76Richlv - use this cmd in terminal -/etc/apt/sources.list-16:14
HalitechRichlv, do you have synaptic package manager in the list?16:14
boscoperUSUL: and in "gnumeric" is only gnumeric_version16:14
jt76open it in nano or pico16:14
SlarterUSUL, boscop: Excel doesn't accept the english version if you're using the localized office... at least not from my experience.. btw my gnumeric accepts sqrt as a function16:14
RichlvHalitech, yes16:14
Take0nwhy does every window I open, open at the left top corner?16:14
AnthonyVOplease help me with GRUB16:14
n8woodanyone have experience using LDAP authentication for samba shares?16:15
grawityTake0n: What window manager?16:15
Richlvjt76, ok, that's another version, but why am i missing software that's mentioned in all guides on the wiki ?16:15
Take0nI want them to open in the middle of the screen16:15
erUSULboscop: then something is wrong in your install.16:15
Take0ngravity compiz16:15
erUSULSlart: thanks for clarifying ;)16:15
erUSULboscop: purge and install gnumeric again ?16:15
boscoperUSUL: can I reinstall the functions?16:15
jayy_123need some HELP...... trying to enable speaker sound on Thinkpad x200 with Jaunty... any solutions?16:15
Halitechmengu, having trouble with your picture as I only understand english but everything looks okay16:16
AnthonyVOhave 2 HDD and 2 OS on each one  Ubuntu 9.04 and Windows 7  so  1st was Windows after (with 1 HDD connected only) Ubuntu..so now  im able to Login only Ubuntu..bud  bove HDD connected so how  can i Login into win7?16:16
HalitechRichlv, you can also see the repos by opening synaptic and going to settings - repositories16:17
erUSUL!find gnumeric16:17
ubottuFound: gnumeric, gnumeric-common, gnumeric-doc, gnumeric-plugins-extra, gnumeric-gtk16:17
amatoriusDoes anyone know of a support service with monetary quotes for a business environment? I'm having some difficulty finding one, and I need it for an assignment.16:17
jt76Richlv is this a new install and you never saw ur software sources?16:17
erUSULboscop: not likely16:17
Slartboscop: try doing a "sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnumeric.*"16:17
jayy_123any Thinkpad users with Jaunty?16:18
RichlvHalitech, ok, thanks. but why is that menu entry missing anyway ? :)16:18
Take0ngrawity, any suggestions?16:18
Richlvjt76, an existing install that was given to me16:18
aem-irc-ai have a problem with some kind of power saving mode. im using 9.10, and about after 10 minutes my display goes black. no screen savers, no power saving mode on?16:18
boscoperUSUL: ok I worked around it with ^(1/2) for now. but I can't copy a table from gnumeric into OO writer, it says "requested clipboad format is not available" :(16:18
lazarushow can i get a local connection running between two laptops on ubuntu 9.0416:18
snowballlazarus: ssh16:19
HalitechRichlv, not sure and not sure aht the package would be, always thought it was put there with synaptic16:19
erUSULboscop: if you are using writter use oo calc. there is no linux equivalent to OLE16:19
boscoperUSUL: can't the apps just copy it to the clipboard with \t and \n?16:20
lazarussnowball, can an ssh help me create a local connection ? I am trying to share internet from wireless and through lan to the other computer, and jam_ google it before telling to do so, all the forums were helpless16:20
IdleOneRichlv: install software-properties-gtk16:20
geder  ah bueno  •16:20
RichlvHalitech, i searched packages for 'source' and 'repo', did not find anything relevant. well, thank you & jt76, will edit sources file then :)16:20
jam_lazarus: just making sure :)16:21
RichlvIdleOne, it is installed16:21
snowballlazarus: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-632062.html16:21
IdleOneRichlv: hmmm not sure why it's missing from the menu16:22
erUSULboscop: well you tried and it failed... export as csv and paste that (or insert )16:22
geder#ubuntu jkopjooooo16:22
geder#ubuntu alñguien habla español?16:22
erUSUL!es | geder16:22
ubottugeder: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:22
antgelhello.  i have a working 9.04 netbook remix install image on a USB stick.  if i want to use this on a desktop machine, is it just a matter of installing as normal then tweaking the packages?16:22
geder  thanks ^^  •16:22
JuJuBeeFirefox just updated and now the menus are missing.  ff is not in full screen mode (F11) I tried that...  Any ideas how to retrieve?16:23
jt76Richlv after that you can use sudo apt-get update to update the changed source files16:23
TercesJuJuBee: Right-click on the toolbar and check "Navigation Toolbar"16:23
amatoriusAh, never mind found one. Thanks for your help MenZa.16:24
JuJuBeeTerces: I do not have a toolbar.  I only have the window title bar and the body of the web page, no nav or links etc...16:24
snowballlazarus: did that work for you?16:25
TercesJuJuBee: Have you tried logging out of all sessions (or rebooting) yet?16:25
lazarussnowball, that's not sharing that's bridging, it won't work16:26
lazarusit's a mac address filter on the other end16:26
snowballlazarus: sorry, misunderstood the question16:27
RodduxWhere's WastePotato16:27
JuJuBeeTerces: I closed all sessions and restarted, but not reboot16:27
lazarusit's ok snowball16:27
TercesJuJuBee: There's a more drastic approach, which is deleting your settings manually16:28
TercesJuJuBee: Do you want to do that?16:28
snowballlazarus: try - http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sharing-internet-connection-in-ubuntu.html16:28
TercesJuJuBee: You can move your settings temporarily and then put them back too.16:29
JuJuBeeTerces: you mean move .mozilla/firefox/myProfile.default ?16:29
monostonehi, can someone help me understand why when i run ps command I see processes dated from months ago that I'm sure are no longer being run. I have a ton of ssh session processes dangling around, does ps keep a historical or something?16:29
TercesJuJuBee: Yep.16:30
erUSULmonostone: what is the state of that processes ?16:30
purmai installed my ubuntu again saving /home and swap partitions and changed my password also. but now when I use wlan its askin me password for the keyring. and my new password isnt correct, but the old one before format works. how is this possible?16:30
antgelpurma: your keyring password is stored somewhere in your home directory16:31
purmaantgel: how can i access them?16:31
monostoneerUSUL, some S and some T16:32
sgs1990join #ubuntu-nl16:33
splashotehey everybody, I want to change the max. limit to show the names of the files on my desktop. i want to cut it down to two lines.16:34
JuJuBeeTerces:  so now I have to reinstall all of my add-ons ?16:34
antgelhello.  i have a working 9.04 netbook remix install image on a USB stick.  if i want to use this install image for a standard desktop install, is it just a matter of installing as normal then tweaking the packages, and if so, which ones?16:34
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TercesJuJuBee: That's why I said it was an extreme solution...16:35
sgs1990join #ubuntu-nl16:35
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x_antgel, dont do it that way will cause problems16:35
TercesJuJuBee: There's probably one specific file in the profile that you could delete to reset the GUI, but I don't know which one that is.16:35
antgelx_: why?  what problems?16:36
x_antgel, you need to download the correct .iso image for the machine, dont use a netbook image for a desktop16:36
TercesJuJuBee: Did you know there was a safe-mode? "firefox -safe-mode" works sometimes16:36
x_many driver etc problems16:36
erUSULmonostone: they are sleeping (s) or stopped. but they are running...16:36
Guest31522anyone knows a tool or something that send via mail an existing vulnerabilities from ubuntu?16:36
antgelx_: do you have an actual answer to my question or are you just FUD'ing me?16:36
x_antgel, ok, continue on your path then, have a nice day.16:37
* x_ goes back to doing his homework16:37
cagrido u hear me?16:37
antgelx_: well, do you?  or is it some sort of privileged information?16:37
LjLcagri: no16:37
x_antgel, i told you what to do did I not?16:37
aem-irc-aanyone? screen goes black after 10 minutes in laptop 9.10. no screensavers, power saving off16:37
splashoteany way to change the limit of file-name length to be shown on the desktop?16:37
mcphailantgel: as i recall, the netbook remix has a menu option to convert to standard desktop after install16:38
monostoneerUSUL, woah! so that means that i have about a dozen ssh sessions just hanging their, isn't that very bad security-wise? Could sudden disconnect from a ssh session, without actually doing an 'exit' be the culprit?16:38
antgelx_: no, you told me to do what i /don't/ want to do, without giving me any data as to why i should do it like that16:38
x_mcphail, oh yea. since what ver?16:38
erUSULmonostone: probably; can you "kill" them ?16:38
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:38
snowballsudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop16:38
mcphailx_: no idea. It is on the present version. Why the aggression?16:38
sgs1990join #ubuntu-nl16:39
x_mcphail, what aggression? i asked a question16:39
x_this is why i have stopped helping people in here.16:39
antgelx_: because you don't know the answers?16:39
JuJuBeeTerces:  Tried resetting toolbars etc... If I continue in safe mode, all is good (minus the add-ons) but if I try to make changes and restart, I get same problem... :(16:39
x_antgel, seems like you can't figure out how to use a .iso so. good luck buddy16:40
queso_I have two monitors connected to my computer and everything has been working fine until today. For some reason the mouse gets stuck in one of them.  Any idea why this would be happening?16:40
* antgel rolls about in fits of laughter16:40
snowballgueso_: your xorg.conf file is messed up16:40
snowballguseo_: probably do to an update16:41
queso_snowball: the nvidia gui tool probably wrote it16:41
antgelmcphail: thanks for the info.  am not in a position to download a desktop iso, and even if i was, i wouldn't be inclined to waste the bandwidth for the sake of a few crummy packages16:41
LjLantgel, mcphail: UNR 9.04 is compiled for the Atom processor architecture. it's at the very least not ideal to use it on other processors.16:41
queso_snowball: an update on what?16:41
mcphailantgel: given that the netbook image is about 20% larger than the CD, I suspect most important packages are on there anyway :)16:41
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snowballqueso_: post your xorg.conf file somewhere16:42
x_antgel, LMFAO16:42
x_antgel, LMFAO16:42
mcphailLjL: atom is x86, no?16:42
antgelLjL: that's interesting, it's not compiled for i686?16:42
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mcphailLjL: as far as I know, it runs fine on non-atom processors16:43
* x_ rolls around in fits of laughter16:43
LjLmcphail: yes, it is, but there are variations inside the x86 architecture. i didn't say it won't work (the instruction set should be a subset, i believe), just it may not be optimal16:43
monostoneerUSUL, im showing you a tiny extract of the ps command, some im sure i can kill, especially vim commands, but others i have no idea how to treat them, they appear repeated but are stuff like my sftp server, this is a server box with an uptime of around 2 years, reseting isn't an option http://pastebin.com/m3c6a6c016:43
dpacerUSUL: hey16:43
dpacerUSUL: remember me?16:43
antgelx_: thought you were going to do your homework.  but good that you're still here, as you can learn from LjL how to support users16:43
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x_antgel, waa16:44
mcphailLjL: i'll check my eeepc when I get home, but I think it uses standard repos16:44
x_its funny, no one mentions how it loads specific info for that processor16:44
LjLmcphail: it's possible what i said is only true for 9.10 actually, on second thought. i need to check16:44
erUSULdpac: can you refresh ?16:44
queso_snowball: http://paste.ubuntu.com/298357/16:44
JuJuBeeTerces:  well, easier I guess to start fresh... I use xmarks anyway so not much trouble...16:44
erUSULmonostone: restart the ssh server may clean up the connections left half open ?16:45
mcphailLjL: most of the older eeepcs aren't atom, and i have heard they work ok16:45
antgelx_: well, you certainly didn't mention it, you were too busy being arrogant.  care to enlighten me?16:45
dpacerUSUL: My HDD space was disappearing. Well, I couldn't figure out and yeah, a restart did bring the space back. But today 1.5GB is gone. I certainly can't keep losing space like that.16:45
snowballqueso_: one sec16:45
LjLmcphail: well, basically only the 70x and the 90016:45
queso_snowball: sure, thanks for your help16:45
monostoneerUSUL, probably, but that is just one of the many processes16:45
infinity217hi guy i m trying to use tuxguitar but cant egt it to work any useful links16:46
x_antgel, the atom chip is built with different functions on the chip than a standard processor16:46
trelarasshi i found this website that i would like to share with you guys.. you can book online in realtime and have sex !! or become a male/female escort and make money!!havent tested it yet (booked someone ) but looks cool goto www.electronicvisits.com (go to search providers) ;)16:46
x_antgel, its called google. I can type google.com and figure things out. not about being smart.16:46
monostoneerUSUL, my main concern is to figure out the reason for this occurring to be able to prevent it in the future16:46
snowballqueso_: I believe it has to do with the section commented out by update-manager.16:46
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)16:46
MK13how can i determine what firmware is needed for my broadcom wireless adapter?16:47
mcphailLjL: i think the atom has SSE3, doesn't it? Apart from that i think it is fairly standard x86...16:47
snowballqueso_: try uncommenting the mouse section and restart x - backup xorg.conf file before trying16:47
antgelx_: so basically you have no clue and are trying to spin that as a Good Thing.  anybody can google.  i came here because some people here know about ubuntu16:48
arshad_hi im new16:48
arshad_testing how the things work16:48
x_antgel, you have been told the answer by 2 people now16:48
x_antgel, so obviously you dont want to hear it16:48
queso_snowball: so uncomment lines 56 to 78?16:49
antgelx_: wtf?  what exactly is the answer, and who were the 2 people?16:49
antgelthis should be good16:49
snowballqueso_: just 55-6316:49
snowballqueso_: just 56*-6316:49
x_antgel, the atom runs at half the speed of an equivalent celeron chip, so using an OS designed to run that chip, for a desktop with a p4 or dualcore or something in it, is stupid. now do you get it?16:49
queso_snowball: okay, thanks, I'll give that a shot16:50
PrebenRwhat is the channel for Karmic?16:51
MenZaPrebenR: #ubuntu+116:51
antgelx_: and what makes ubuntu netbook remix "designed" to run on that chip?  and who were the two people who said that?  i don't think anybody said that16:51
x_antgel, um. why dont you do some research on why they made a netbook "remix"16:51
antgelx_: put another way, what evidence do you have that atom compile flags hamper performance on a non-atom processor?16:51
antgelx_: because i know why16:52
pcassianoWhich Mind Map tool do you use in your Ubuntu (if any)?16:52
x_antgel, then good.16:52
x_if you know, you dont need me16:52
* addisonj loves IRC drama, who needs TV16:53
LjLmcphail, antgel: well, feel free to research this better because i'm a bit confused myself. two facts is that there certainly exist an LPIA (low power intel architecture), and that the download page for UNR says an Atom is "required" (though granted, that's a lie in any case). but it might be that only Ubuntu Mobile, and not UNR, currently use LPIA by default, or that UNR is scheduled to do that for 9.10 but doesn't currently. it's also true that i don't see a16:53
tester123pcassiano: xmind, or freemind16:53
LjLseparate linux-image for LPIA in the repos.16:53
antgelx_: well, i don't need anyone whose "help" isn't based on hard facts, i can find loads of speculation on the web, especially in the windows world16:53
Slartpcassiano: hmm.. give freemind a try.. it's not perfect but it does a reasonable job16:53
kellihi all16:53
antgelhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1147618 suggests that it runs okay on a non-Atom16:53
x_antgel, ignored, good day16:53
kellihello everyone16:54
mcphailLjL: i'll have a look at my netbook when i get home16:54
antgelx_: well, that's one way to get out of a sticky mess16:54
antgelLjL: any comment on the admittedly spurious link i pasted ^^?16:54
erUSULmonostone: i'm afraid i can not help further...16:54
iamringohey, so potentially dumb question, but anyone know of a terminal command to get the free space on a disk?16:54
mcphailiamringo: df -h16:55
antgeliamringo: df -h16:55
antgelmilliseconds in it ;)16:55
x_anyone with a criminal justice degree lol.16:55
Mariandroidjust criminal, that good too?16:56
monostoneerUSUL, thank you16:56
duelleHi, I have problems setting up a dual boot system with winxp. winxp runs fine in standalone. if i set up ubuntu and grub is installed win says that "ntoskrnl.exe" would be corrupted or missing. I tried many different solutions from the web - but nothing really helped16:56
mcphailantgel: anyway, you'll soon know if it won't run on a desktop when you try to install :)16:56
x_Mariandroid, haha as in committing crimes?16:56
* Mariandroid gives a fat wink16:56
LjLantgel, well, if it's true that it uses the i386 kernel, as opposed to the lpia one, as one post says. though normal ubuntu uses the generic kernel anyway, i don't believe 386 is even available anymore...?16:56
x_mcphail, i never said it would not run, just for the record16:57
Slartduelle: what does your grub configuration file look like? can you pastebin it?16:57
Slart!pastebin | duelle16:57
ubottuduelle: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:57
masqueradedo you say "the media says" or "the media say"?16:57
queso_snowball: didn't help, from what I can tell :(16:57
Slart!ot | masquerade16:57
ubottumasquerade: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:57
x_masquerade, in what context16:57
duelleSlart: u mean menu.lst?16:57
Slartduelle: yes16:57
masqueradeSlart: omg oke oke. that was just a short question and this channel is not so crowded that this would have disturbed anyone :)16:58
LjLantgel: ah, no, as for being available it's available. in that case you'll probably want to switch to the generic kernel anyway after installing it.16:58
iamringoAnd emptying the trash is the same as rm ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*?16:58
duelleSlart: ok, wait a sec16:58
masqueradex_: hold one one second16:58
x_all the time he spent arguing with me he could have downloaded a ubuntu desktop iso16:58
duelleSlart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/298368/16:59
LjLx_: quit it, seriously. both of you shoud have taken this to PM *ages* ago. this is not the channel for personal bickering.16:59
antgelLjL: so, install it, install the generic kernel, then tweak the packages as necessary - it's still using the i686 binary package arch in the repos?16:59
=== fares is now known as invalidrecord
duelleSlart: winxp is on the first partition of a 500gb sata hdd16:59
LjLantgel: that's the very thing i'm not sure about anymore16:59
masqueradex_:  like in "the media say/s that it will snow tomorrow16:59
x_LjL, im sorry i started off trying to help him, and he called me a liar so ... i got mad.17:00
x_masquerade, says17:00
LjLantgel: this is a quote from some days ago from someone in another channel: "UNR can be a bit funny if you try to install downloaded deb packages, because its arch. is lpia not i386"17:00
pcassiano'xmind', 'freemind'... do exists some Linux's Mind Map tool like the (commercial) NovaMind?17:00
mcphailantgel: if my memory serves, it is using the standard repos. But my memory is rather poor...17:00
antgeli already said i'm not in a position to download an .iso.  and for the record, i didn't call him a liar, i just asked him to backup his assertions with data, and he failed17:00
x_masquerade, only "YOU" can use Say, like I say stop i17:01
antgelLjL: okay.  i could run it as "live" and see what it does, i suppose.  thanks a lot for the info17:01
masqueradex_: really? my teacher said it is say because the media was plural.17:01
mcphailLjL: i have installed x86 debs on UNR (skype, amazon music downloader etc)17:01
LjLmcphail: the repos might be perfectly standard without the *architecture* being standard. although i admit i'm not seeing much trace of LPIA-compiled packages at archive.ubuntu.com17:01
Slartduelle: hmm.. it looks alright to me..  that's what my dual boot settings look like... odd that it doesn't work17:01
x_masquerade, it is plural, says17:01
masqueradex_: i was arguing with him because i was also thinking it was sayS :)17:01
masqueradex_: thanks a lot.17:01
antgeli think this would be a good thing to put on the wiki, it seems to be a bit of a can of worms17:01
LjLantgel: while doing that, you should run "uname -a" and see which kernel *and* arch it's running with17:01
antgelLjL: *nod*17:02
duellei read, that this error may come from a malformed boot.ini in win, but if i start win with the boot cd and fix the mbr it runs fine again17:02
mcphailLjL: goog point!17:02
duelleslart: i read, that this error may come from a malformed boot.ini in win, but if i start win with the boot cd and fix the mbr it runs fine again17:02
arshadhi all17:02
arshadcan any one tell me how to participate in the room17:02
Rodduxsay hi17:02
arshadi don't understand whats going on17:03
Rodduxlike so17:03
Rodduxjust lurk17:03
x_Hi arshad welcome to ubuntu anonymus17:03
Rodduxand listen17:03
antgelLjL: everything in binary archive appears to be i386 or amd6417:03
duelleslart: to determine the source of the error i removed a data storage ide hdd - so theres only this one left atm and in this state i installed ubuntu - though grub should just know this one sata-hdd17:03
arshadis this a place where questions can be posted?17:03
Slartduelle: hmm... you're not using some weird built-in-into-the-bios boot selector? you're just using the regular grub boot menu?17:03
queso_snowball: any other ideas?17:03
Rodduxarshad: yesa17:03
samlhow can I see messages during boot?17:03
mcphailarshad: try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. this room is rather busy and is a support channel.17:03
Rodduxbut not if you can google them first17:03
samlinstead of usplash progressbar17:03
x_LjL, google does say that atom uses intel 32bit instruction set.17:03
snowball_queso_: not affect?17:03
masqueradesaml: recovery mode?17:03
arshadthank you17:03
x_LjL, which would make it fully x86 compat?17:04
LjLx_: it certainly does, but that's not the point. please, read back what i said17:04
queso_snowball_ : no, it didn't make a difference17:04
samlmasquerade, no.. during normal  mode.. there's no keyboard shorcut to print messages?17:04
masqueradesaml: i dont know of any, sorry17:04
snowball_queso_: restore your config back to the original17:04
x_LjL, read what17:04
duelleSlart: i think one point in my configuration with both hdd connected is, that the ide hdd is primary master, and all sata ports start at third or fourth17:04
samlmasquerade, oh don't be sorry i love you17:04
x_duelle, change it in ur bios?17:05
LjLx_: my messages, where i have explained how something can be perfectly x86 compatible and still be compiled as a different target for optimization.17:05
Slartduelle: yes.. that kind of makes sense.. that would make the IDE drive sda.. could that be correct?17:05
duelleSlart: so there is such a menu containing boot priorities, but atm there should be just this one17:05
x_LjL, that was partially my point for telling him it will run, but not as good as possible.17:05
snowball_queso_: post your /etc/dbus-1/system.d/hal.conf17:05
duelleslart: that surely could be - but atm there is no other than the sata hdd17:05
masqueradesaml: lol oke17:05
Slartduelle: but you're now running with just the sata drive.. and you can boot ubuntu just fine.. but not windows17:06
LjLx_: and that's the exact same thing that i said, so i'm not sure what you're arguing17:06
duelleslart: jep17:06
Slartduelle: if you boot into ubuntu and start gparted, what is the name of the windows partition?17:06
x_LjL, ok, if its fully x86 compat, then why did they optimize it for something else, is what im missing.17:06
Slartduelle: is it still /dev/sda1 ?17:06
chi_hi all, is there a different sound engine in 9.10 in contrast to 9.04?17:07
antgelactually he said:17:07
antgel16:36  x_> many driver etc problems17:07
duelleslart: wait a sec - gparted isn't installed by default17:07
x_antgel, cause i did not even think it was x86 at first17:07
Slartchi_: I think it's still alsa in the bottom.. but you can ask in #ubuntu+117:08
duelleslart: got it - sda1 is my ntfs partition containing winxp17:08
antgelx_: so you didn't have a clue then got annoyed because i pointed that out.  good to be off your /ig list17:08
boscopwhy isn't times new roman installed on ubuntu??17:08
x_wow. time to smoke a bowl.17:08
LjLx_: uh. the *instruction set* is the same. however, the hardware implements it in a totally different way from current "desktop" x86 processors. so, the *same* instructions can take *different* amounts of times to execute. additionally, one of the goals of Atom is to take up little power (you can guess that's why it's called a "low power intel architecture"), which makes for a completely different optimization target than one for speed.17:08
masqueradeboscop: because it is the worst font ever17:08
MenZa!offtopic | x_17:09
antgelwhat a shame17:09
ubottux_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:09
boscopmasquerade: which one is better then?17:09
mcphailboscop: property of Microsoft. You can install it, though17:09
masqueradeboscop: dejavu is great. i also like delicious17:09
masqueradeboscop: unfortunately i cant give you a good example with serifs out of my head17:09
MenZaboscop: What are you using it for?17:10
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer17:10
boscopMenZa: concept paper17:10
mcphailboscop: Times New Roman is a fine font. Most MS fonts are good. Arial is the exception. Install msttcorefont17:10
Slartmasquerade: bitstream has a serif font.. also deja something..17:10
masqueradeoh, really? oke then17:10
MenZaboscop: Bitstream Vera Serif is a wonderful font. If you're willing to dabble in LaTeX, Computer Modern is rather amazing.17:10
boscopmasquerade: dejavu looks pretty much like times new roman. how does it differ ?17:10
masqueradeboscop: it makes a big difference if you look close. also, every idiot uses times new roman, so you want to be better ;)17:11
masqueradesee you everyone, got to go17:11
boscopmasquerade: that's why I use latex, normally17:11
Slartduelle: hmm.. have been googling around a bit.. haven't really found anything useful.. if you ask me it should work.. don't know why windows is being cranky17:12
queso_snowball_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/298375/17:12
duelleSlart: the problem seems to be, that win doesn't really know where to find its files - may I need to change some parameters in menu.lst for booting winxp?17:13
Slartduelle: here's my menu.lst.. I don't have windows on sda1 so I have to use the two "map" commands.. but this works with windows xp and windows 717:13
antgelLjL: thanks again, i'm off now17:14
Slartduelle: perhaps.. although I doubt it's a grub parameter you need to change.. it might be something in windows though.. something that is used later in the boot process17:14
duelleSlart: i read that these mapping commands would only be needed if win isn't on the first partition - but i couldn't really find out if i need makeactive or boot in my menu.lst17:15
EmilemiLI have a problem with the included firewall on ubuntu server, i cant connect to a samba share with my regular (windows) pc. iptables does not show anything, webserver and protftp works tho.17:16
boscopmasquerade: I installed msttcorefonts, but they don't show up in the fonts list after restarting OO!17:16
duelleSlart: afaik nothing changes in win when i install grub - just the mbr - and if i fix it with win it works fine again - so there has to be some error in the mbr -> grub or am i wrong?17:16
skylsome of my machines use nano (or something) as the default text editor for things like git commit ... how can I switch back to vim?17:16
Slartduelle: I actually looked in the documentation about makeactive.. perhaps windows wants its partition to be set "active" .. you could give it a try.. see if it helps17:16
snowball_queso_: sorry, i don't know what is wrong17:17
=== Antaranian4 is now known as mkdotam1
Slartskyl: try setting the EDITOR enviroment variable to vim ?17:18
Zuz|Kubuntuanyone familiar with twinkle?17:18
mcphailskyl: some programs respect the $EDITOR or $VISUAL environment variable17:18
duelleSlart: i tried many different combinations of makeactive etc ... but nothing worked ... does it matter if makeactive is placed before chainload +1 or so?17:18
queso_snowball_: okay, thanks for your time17:18
Slartduelle: before the chainloader command would be my guess17:18
mcphailskyl: the other thing to check out is "man update-alternatives"17:19
EmilemiLno one that knows how to config the firewall in ubuntu using only ssh? (running headless server)17:19
duelleSlart: ok, i got grub in front of me  just add makeactive before chainloader +1?17:19
Slartduelle: yup17:20
cdeszaq1In Ubuntu server, what is the location of the C header files that match the kernel?17:20
indian_munndazaoul: hello17:20
duelleslup: and change nothing else?17:20
duelleslart: and change nothing else? sry17:20
Slartduelle: nope.. keep the rest as it is17:20
duelleslart: still the "ntoskrnl.exe" missing/corrupt error -,-17:21
boscopI installed msttcorefonts, but they don't show up in the fonts list after restarting OO!17:21
fcuk112_how do i uninstall adobe air apps from ubuntu?17:22
indian_munndacan anyone help me with shell scripting? I want to write a script that should display basic system information, current % use of CPU and load averages of 1, 5 and 15 mins......???17:22
Slartduelle: then I have no idea.. if it was my system I would have a look at the boot.ini file on the windows system.. perhaps ask in #windows17:23
DekaPinkHey hey. I have a bit of a problem loading Ubuntu. Now and then, it loads up fine and dandy, but usually the loading screen will finish, disappear, and then the monitor just shuts off and stays that way until I reboot.17:23
snowball_DekaPink: what version are you running?17:24
OerHeksindian_munnda i use GKrellm for that17:24
duelleSlart: i looked @ boot.ini and tried - as in some forums was said - to change paritions or disks - but that doesnt help too ... the config of boot.ini is the same as there would just be winxp only - i compared it with such a system17:24
fcuk112_ah i can just use synaptic.17:25
DekaPinksnowball_: It most recently happened when I was trying to run 9.04 as a livecd, but it's happened for at least a couple versions back as well.17:25
indian_munndaOerHeks: wats that?17:25
whitedaDekaPink, I have noticed that on my Dell running Jaunty every once in a while too17:25
snowball_DekaPink: what is your graphic card?17:25
duelleSlart: but i'll give it a try and ask there - although i thought that ubuntu would just change the call to boot and nothing in boot.ini or so17:26
ha1331Just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10. All went pretty well, except for the fact that I had VirtualBox with XP client and after upgrade I didn't have the image anymore. So I lost the whole XP.17:26
DekaPinksnowball_: ATI AIW Radeon 8500DV17:26
OerHeksindian_munnda it's a tool + gui that display cpu load / temp / proc / hdd use and more17:26
snowball_DekaPink: do you have restricted drivers on?17:26
dewmanDekaPink, I had that problem as well. What I did was reset the display on my monitor and it seemed to correct the issue.17:26
Slartduelle: mm.. I don't think ubuntu has changed anything in the boot.ini file.. but the original boot loader from windows might do some magic that grub can't do.. but these are just guesses at this point, sorry I can't be of more help17:27
indian_munndaOerHeks: but i want to write a script that will display that information, I got an assignment. Thats why...help17:27
DekaPinksnowball_: Not unless that's something that's turned on automatically, as it happens on the livecd as well as when I install.17:27
=== Whitesquall1 is now known as Whitesquall
ha1331And these days when I start playing movie on smplayer, on start of the movie I get loud cracking noise from speakers.17:27
DekaPinkdewman: Oooh. Thanks. :)17:27
duelleSlart: ok, then i'll try it @ #windows right? thank you very much for your time - and i hope that my english was not that bad ;)17:27
OerHeksindian_munnda else maybe this url might help you with commands > http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/top-linux-monitoring-tools.html17:28
snowball_DekaPink: go System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers17:28
dewmanDekaPink, what I meant to say is that I reset the auto config on the monitor and the display came up...Give that a whirl17:28
Slartduelle: it's way better than my german ;)17:28
diego_need help please17:28
duelleSlart: thx ;) so #windows was the right one?17:28
ha1331diego_: dont ask if you could get help, jst ask what you need and maybe someone helps you17:29
Slartduelle: ##windows or #windows.. I'm not sure.. I think it's ##windows17:29
ukevHi, I've got a problem with ubuntu one, am I right here for this?17:29
mcphailindian_munnda: most of that information is avaialable under /proc/17:29
duelleSlart: ok, got it - thanks a lot - good evening17:29
snowball_ukev: what is your problem?17:29
Slartduelle: bye17:29
duelleSlart: bye17:29
diego_i have questions about installation of LXDE on ubuntu with gnome17:29
solar_anthi all17:30
ha1331diego_: just ask the question :D17:30
ukevthe evolution contacts don't sync to ubuntu one (karmic) but files and tomboy works17:30
solar_antis it allright to ask uestions about portable ubuntu in this room?17:30
ha1331solar_ant: that's the purpose of this channel17:30
Slartsolar_ant: yup.. just go ahead17:30
DekaPinkI'll try and see if I can boot into Ubuntu now~ BRB.17:30
indian_munndamcphail: but i m getting, how should i start.....:(17:30
LjLportable ubuntu?17:30
diego_i'd link to install LXDE, can it live with gnome ?17:31
diego_i will install lxde with apt-get and then what happens ?17:31
diego_need to uninstall gnome ?17:31
LjLdiego_: you can keep both.17:31
ukevdiego_, it works, you can chose at the login screen which one you want to use17:32
diego_how can i select them ? automatically at login screen so ?17:32
ha1331diego_: there is option for it on the login screen17:32
diego_ok, and with lxde can i use all my software ?17:32
ha1331just select the one you wish to use17:33
MattRoxorsHey, can someone help me change terminal so that when i want to open a file from it or use a file i dont have to put the ./ before the file name? so that it will automatically look in my cwd17:33
diego_all my software available under gnome will be available under lxde ?17:33
mcphailMattRoxors: that is a bad idea, but you just add . to your $PATH17:33
rascal999ALERT! /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk does not exist. Dropping to a shell! - wubi install, any ideas?17:33
MattRoxorswhy is it a bad idea?17:34
MattRoxorsthe only reason i want to do it is because that is the way terminal works at my university and i find it easier to use that way =]17:34
mcphailMattRoxors: if you have an "evil" version of - say - ls in your current directory you may run the evil version rather than the system version when listing files17:35
Etanolnoob question17:35
Etanoldoes Clam AV on ubuntu scan for windows viruses?17:35
MattRoxorsee didnt think of that, very good point17:35
mcphailEtanol: yes17:35
ha1331MattRoxors: it's a security consern. It's not like the double slash after http: :)17:35
Etanolmcphail: thanks17:36
diego_software installed under gnome will be available under lxde ?17:36
=== Chyb`wii is now known as Chybeck
dewmanlxde is pretty cool. I just installed it.... =)17:37
diego_lxde is lighter17:38
diego_:dewman have you got all your software already installed under lxde too ?17:38
dewmandiego_, No I just installed it about 30 seconds ago17:39
barbaroshi everybody17:39
barbarosdoes anyone have a program name providing "free" bluetooth proximity software features17:40
innerselfIf I was running Ubuntu server w/o X windows, do I have to have linux on a remote machine to administrate it remotely?17:41
=== saftsack_ is now known as saftsack
Slartbarbaros: like this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70237217:41
mcphailinnerself: no - you can use the terminal17:41
saxininnerself: no17:41
DekaPinkHooray, Ubuntu loaded that time.17:41
fahadsadah!putty | innerself17:41
ubottuinnerself: PuTTY is an !SSH client for Windows. Please see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage and downloads. See also !scp (Secure CoPy)17:41
elopsusing ubuntu 9.04... dual boot with windows 7.... i did this once... to hide the windows partitions from the places menu17:41
fahadsadah!ssh | innerself17:41
ubottuinnerself: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)17:41
elopsbut i cannot remember how17:41
roffeIs LXDE built by the Lubuntu-guys?17:42
innerselfthank you!17:42
barbarosthanks alot! i wonder how i missed that one17:42
elopsAny ideas?17:42
Slartbarbaros: you're welcome17:42
elopsi remember something about creating a file and typing the "sda1" "sda2" to hide those volumes from places17:42
elopsbut i dont remember how i did that!17:42
falstaff|hHello, how can I debug cryptsetup in early stages? I get asked several times for the same password, but i entered it correctly (in the end, the partition is mounted everytime...)17:43
foul_owlWhat is a .la file? I am trying to install SDL_image and SDL_net locally, since I do not have root privs. I tried building SDL_image and SDL_net from source, but I get .la files rather than .so and I don't know how to link to them....17:43
elopsi dont want the volumes from windows to show in the places menu... because they're mountable17:44
phakofoul_owl: la is some libtool temporary file format17:45
elopsany recommendations here?17:45
MeXTuXI'm trying to find all mp3 and ogg files on my hard drive and write the output to a text file with an absolute path. Does anybody know how to do this??17:45
elopsjust to prevent those volumes to show up on the places list17:46
ostcarhi, is it posible, to use tracker to get an index from an external hard drive which can be searched direktly?17:46
SlartMeXTuX: "find" would be just the tool for you..17:46
elopssomeone gave me a link but i cant seem to find that as well17:46
hugo_sudo intall17:46
MeXTuXThanks. I'll give it a try :)17:46
foul_owlphako: thanks! I'll read the libtool docs17:47
foul_owlphako: I found the libs.... :rolleyes:17:47
duffydackelops, you mean the .hidden file?17:48
diego_firefox and gnome slowdown my notebook17:48
duffydacki have one to hide lost+found17:48
LantiziaLo, can anyone remember that command thats like..... DISPLAY=0 : gedit        <-- i.e. specificy what display you want to launch the command on17:49
heroin_Hey guys, GDM has a resolution which is unsupported by my monitor so i cant graphically login, just terminal how to i force 1400x900 reso on  gdm?17:50
SlartLantizia: DISPLAY=:0.0 gedit   ... from memory17:50
Lantiziacool thanks Slart17:51
SlartLantizia: you're welcome17:51
zer0her0how do i get terminal to always open in 80x4317:51
duffydackzer0her0, gnome-terminal --geometry=107x3417:52
unopheroin, the best way is probably to manually configure your xorg.conf file17:52
axisyslooking for good training center / class for ubuntu advanced.. anyone can suggest one ?17:52
zer0her0duffydack: thank you17:52
duffydackzer0her0, obviously changing the numbers17:52
phakogedit --display=:0.0 should work as well17:52
duffydackthats just my setup :)17:52
zer0her0duffydack: right ;)17:52
unopzer0her0, there's an app called devilspie that you can use to set dimensions, remember workspaces, etc for your desktop applications17:54
DJ-Nomadhi all I got abluetooth problem,when trying to read music from memory card in phone it times out but it will read my picture,anyone know how to lengthen the timeout period17:54
zer0her0unop: interesting in repo?17:54
fahadsadahHow do I upgrade Kubuntu to Karmic?17:55
unopzer0her0, i guess17:55
unop!info devilspie | zer0her017:55
ubottuzer0her0: devilspie (source: devilspie): find windows and perform actions on them. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22-1 (jaunty), package size 28 kB, installed size 128 kB17:55
zer0her0oh awesome bot :)17:55
Slart!karmic | fahadsadah17:56
ubottufahadsadah: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:56
brubrickpor favor alguien que hable español!!!!!17:56
Slart!es | brubrick17:56
ubottubrubrick: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:56
shavinderi have tried creating a secure (username based) file sharing mechanism according to this https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileprint-security.html but when i try to access ubuntu samba share from windows it says "cannot access"  , it cites some path not found reason. Can anybody guide me on this?17:56
zer0her0just got back from lunch and in semi-food coma17:56
vanishing!info rickroll17:56
lanoxxanyone here knows about gnome-session and gnome-save-session?17:56
fahadsadahSlart: Thanks.17:56
ubottuPackage rickroll does not exist in jaunty17:56
Slartfahadsadah: you're welcome17:56
Slart!bot | vanishing17:57
ubottuvanishing: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:57
elopsI have a cronjob, whose last act is to shadow a section of the filesystem with lndir.  The cronjob succeeds for the most part, but lndir mysteriously only mirrors about 10% of the target path.  When I run the lndir command standalone, outside a cron job, it works fine.  Anyone have any ideas?17:57
unoplanoxx, a bit, what's the question?17:57
shavinderin fact it shows "homes" as the share name which does not seem right cos there is no directory by the name 'homes' on my ubuntu server17:57
unopelops, does lndir have a debugging facility, if so, you could output that to a log file and examine it that way ...17:58
unopshavinder,  there is a default share called homes -- see your /etc/samba/smb.conf  which lists all users home directories under it17:58
lanoxxunop, in man gnome-session there are 3 files mentioned but on my system none of them are present and also running gnome-session-safe does not create any session file17:58
indian_munndamcphail: what is the command to know system name?17:59
unoplanoxx,  session files are created in ~/.config/gnome-session i believe - do you have that directory and anything within it?17:59
shavinderunop: I shal have to confirm that tommorow at my work place, but the prob is why cant i access it from windows on LAN?17:59
lanoxxunop, im looking for that issue because in system->preferences->apperance->visual effects my settings are not saved and always reverted on reboot, i believe it has something to do with the session management18:00
unopshavinder,  well, have you enabled guest access to your shares? if not, have you enabled the samba user? is the samba password database created? etc etc18:00
unop!samba | shavinder18:00
ubottushavinder: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:00
falstaff|hAnyone knows how usplash works? How can i show some text on usplash? cryptsetup does it too, how does this work?18:01
innerselfoin #litestep18:01
lanoxxunop, yeah there are several files present, do you have any idea why the visual effects applet would want to delete the ~/.gnome2/session file?18:02
indian_munndacan anyone help me with shell scripting? I want to write a script that should display basic system information, current % use of CPU and load averages of 1, 5 and 15 mins......???18:02
lanoxxfor me there is no such file present18:02
lanoxxindian_munnda, ask in #bash18:02
unoplanoxx, i'm not totally sure -- but i believe the  ~/.gnome2/session  is no longer used18:02
lanoxxunop, then is that a bug?18:02
elopsI have a cronjob, whose last act is to shadow a section of the filesystem with lndir.  The cronjob succeeds for the most part, but lndir mysteriously only mirrors about 10% of the target path.  When I run the lndir command standalone, outside a cron job, it works fine.  Anyone have any ideas?18:02
lanoxxbecause im running on karmic and just downloaded the latest version of gnome-control-center and this written like that in the source18:03
Slartindian_munnda: why not parse the output from top?18:03
unoplanoxx, well, if you have this file and it is not being used - then it's not a bug.  but if you're getting an app wanting this file or to delete it, then yes, it's a bug./18:03
Slartindian_munnda: or check where top gets the info from.. it's probably available from some file in /proc or /sys18:03
indian_munndaSlart: there is a condition in assignment not to use top.....:(18:03
madsjthe flash at http://go.tv2.dk/video.php/id-25776457.html is black, but firefox recognizes it as flash; how do I get it to play ?18:04
Slartindian_munnda: oh.. and then I guess there is a condition that you're supposed to learn something from this excercise too, isn't there? =)18:04
lanoxxunop, hmm, would be nice to talk to the guy that wrote the patch, any idea who is the maintainer of gnome-control-center?18:04
unopelops, does lndir have a debugging facility? if so, you could output that to a log file and examine it that way.  if not, you could redirect STDERR to a log file i.e.      lndir .... 2> /tmp/lndir.err.log18:04
indian_munndaSlart: is the system name and hostname same?18:04
madsj(same thing happened under windows ...)18:05
RegressLessjust updated to new firefox after removing old. Now there's no firefox under Apps/Internet. How can I fix this?18:05
unoplanoxx, that info should be available on http://packages.ubuntu.com18:05
unop!bug | lanoxx18:05
ubottulanoxx: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:05
emilyshi.. i'm new with ubuntu/linux. i notice that most of the software it's in tar format not executable. why? i have no skill with coding.18:05
duffydackRegressLess, 3.5 depends on 3.0 :)18:05
lanoxxunop, thanks18:05
Berzerker-3.5 does not depend on 3.018:05
Berzerker-it's an entirely separate package.18:05
Slartindian_munnda: hmm.. I'm guessing no..  couldn't you, just hypothetically have a computer with two nics.. each connected to a different network where the computer had different hostnames.. but the system name might still be the same..18:06
unop!source | emilys18:06
ubottuemilys: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html18:06
vanishingemilys: you have to compile the code in the tar file18:06
duffydackwell when I tried to remove 3.0 after installing 3.5 it gave me warnings18:06
duffydackand wanted to remove 3.518:06
Slartindian_munnda: come to think of it.. I'm not even sure what a system name is...18:06
Berzerker-I don't have firefox 3.0 installed, but I have 3.5 installed.18:07
MK13how can i figure out the firmware that my broadcom wireless adapter requires?18:07
indian_munndaSlart: so do you what is the command to check system name?18:07
indian_munndaSlart: so do you know what is the command to check system name?18:07
RegressLessBerzerker-: how did you install 3.5?18:07
vanishinguname -a18:07
lanoxxunop, so u are sure that ~/.gnome2/session is not used any more? cause then i would report the bug against gnome-control-center18:07
djdarkmanhello, is there a way for systray capabilities for evolution like KMail?18:07
unoplanoxx, i'm fairly sure, not 100%18:07
Berzerker-Regel, sudo apt-get install firefox-3.518:08
Berzerker-RegressLess, *18:08
Slartindian_munnda: hmm.. not sure.. googling suggests "hostname" would tell you the system name..18:08
BoxMagnetindian_munnda, /etc/hostname18:08
LjL!info mail-notification-evolution | djdarkman18:09
ubottudjdarkman: mail-notification-evolution (source: mail-notification): evolution support for mail notification. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.4.dfsg.1-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 84 kB18:09
RegressLessBerzerker-: your answer is asterisk? I tried sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 but that didn't give me the link to the program in my menu18:09
vanishingguys..if i nmap localhost -p 0-65535 -sS from local machine, and no port is showing open, then no port is open right?18:09
uni4dfxhow do i force a sound card to always get the same index?18:09
indian_munndaBoxMagnet: i wqant system name not hostname...:)18:09
djdarkmanLjL: but does it require an open evolution window?18:09
Berzerker-RegressLess, I pinged the wrong name, my answer is 2 lines above that one.18:09
Slartvanishing: sounds like a fair conclusion18:10
emilysvanishing : it's very different with windows, i only need to do double click to install a software. so why not all ubuntu software comes in .deb packages? i really don't understand about this. but i'm proud to use ubuntu, i like the spirit of freedom of it.18:10
LjLdjdarkman: i am not sure, use kde myself18:10
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
vanishingSlart: oh..ty18:10
BodsdaIf I have my router sending incoming traffic on a specific port to one of my PC's, how can I tell that PC to then route that traffic to another one of my PC's?18:10
Berzerker-RegressLess, it's a different program. firefox-3.5 installs "shiretoko", that's firefox-3.518:10
BoxMagnetindian_munnda, they are the same in linux?18:10
mcphailindian_munnda: this isn't a homework channel and your questions aren't very specific. I suggest running "man uptime", "man uname" and searching under /proc/ to complete your homework18:10
vanishingemilys: you can get a deb file from compiling the source code(ie.the tar package)18:10
Slartuni4dfx: there is a file you can edit.. /etc/udev/rules.d/ somethnig.. have a look.. they use pretty descriptive names18:11
mandrig!tar | emilys18:11
ubottuemilys: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression18:11
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!18:11
vanishingemilys:try getdeb.com to search for your needed package if you dont want to compile..18:11
mandrigemilys: basically, tar files are archives, like .zip in windows18:11
ThinkWriteMUteHow do I install the Kernel version before the current one?18:12
indian_munndaBoxMagnet: thats wat i was asking to slart..:)18:12
indian_munndamcphail: i m sorry but its too urgent for me18:12
RegressLessBerzerker-:that's odd18:12
vanishingThinkWriteMUte: download the kernel from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/, sudo dpkg -i PackageName.deb18:13
shavinderunop: if I installed ubuntu server 8.7 lts, and if i followed the the link https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileprint-security.html is there anything else i need to do?18:13
shavinderunop: what i mean is, isnt everything else enabled by default? like samba user etc?18:13
unopshavinder, hopefully not, if it still doesn't work - you might want to refer to the samba troubleshooting documentation on samba.org18:14
Berzerker-RegressLess, it's how it is. 9.10 comes with 3.5.3 installed by default as Firefox 3.518:14
shavinderunop: well thanks , i shall read up further. thanks18:14
=== Sevet is now known as SevetAway
vanishing!info pptpd18:15
ubottupptpd (source: pptpd): PoPToP Point to Point Tunneling Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-2.1ubuntu1.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 89 kB, installed size 364 kB18:15
giuppy,j linux-it18:15
RegressLessBerzerker-: either way, that was correct so thanks18:15
falstaff|hWhat does this means in a bash script: <&318:16
vanishingif i have no open ports on my machine, then can i assume it is safe?18:16
mcphailfalstaff|h: stream 3 is redirected18:17
hemanthlocalhost is down, even though apache2 status is OK need some help18:17
vanishinglocalhost is down?18:17
biznock09hi all where can i get usb-creator?18:17
m0RrEbiznock09: it's preinstalled18:18
falstaff|hmcphail, hm can this influnce the livetime of a variable?18:18
biznock09morre: where can i find it18:18
BodsdaIs there any way to have tiered tabs in firefox? For example I could have 3 tabs that when I switch between them shows 3 different sets of tabs... like grouping 3 firefox's together on fluxbox?18:18
m0RrEbiznock09: alt + f2, type in usb-creator-gtk18:18
mamooliDoes any one know a program like open office draw which can use dynamic curved arrows to connect objects?18:18
mcphailfalstaff|h: i honestly don't know what you mean by that! :)18:18
falstaff|hmcphail, in /usr/sbin/cryptdisks_start, $found is not set to "yes" anymore after this sequence...18:19
biznock09morre: says it cant find it18:19
m0RrEbiznock09: sudo apt-get install usb-creator-gtk18:19
=== kb is now known as Guest86083
steveireHi. I'm having a problem with my X setup. I have two screens, but only one is usable.18:19
m0RrEsteveire: nvidia?18:19
mcphailfalstaff|h: if stream 3 is another script it could reset a variable, i suppose...18:19
steveirem0RrE: Yes18:20
m0RrEsteveire: have you activated the nvidia driver?18:20
Bodsdasteveire: take a look at the   nvidia-settings    program18:20
biznock09morre: sudo apt-get install usb-creator-gtk18:20
steveireIt was usable before I upgraded.18:20
steveireI have run nvidia-settings several times.18:20
biznock09Morre: says it couldn't get18:20
vanishingsteveire:did you try xrandr?18:20
m0RrEsteveire: sudo nvidia-xconfig, restart gdm, then try again18:20
biznock09Morre: sorry, couldn't find18:20
m0RrEbiznock09: which version of ubuntu?18:20
steveireMy second monitor has aX mouse cursor, but no background and I can't put widows there18:20
vanishing!info xrandr18:21
ubottuPackage xrandr does not exist in jaunty18:21
biznock09morre: is there hope18:21
emilysvanishing : i already browse getdeb.net and try to download and installing something. its easy but its also need dependencies. so why? i'm sorry if it's not the right channel to talk about it cause i see people here not asking Q like i do. can you recommend me channels to talk about it?18:21
_Raine_I'm having some problems in connection to laucnhpad18:21
m0RrEbiznock09: http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/u/usb-creator/usb-creator_0.1.10~hardy1_all.deb18:21
mamooliDoes any one know a program like open office draw which can use dynamic curved arrows to connect objects?18:21
d33dmamooli, DIA?18:21
dan7gghello .. i have a problem with a Ubuntu laptop (acer 5315). Can anybody help ?18:21
steveireAny ideas?18:21
m0RrEdan7gg: depends on your problem right?18:22
d33dmamooli, http://projects.gnome.org/dia/18:22
mamoolid33d: you dont know a better and fancier one?18:22
vanishingemilys: ugh...most likely your package depend on some other packages that was not preinstalled18:22
Ytxxanyone used Xen on Ubuntu ?18:22
* skuld needs help with postfix/dovecot with mysql authentication...getting error Unknown Header Line 5 ....18:22
MK13how do i get my card vendor/id in hex format?18:22
vanishingemilys:so dependencies needs to be installed in order to make your package usable18:22
biznock09morre: can this make usb bootables of anything18:23
mamooliDoes any one know a program like open office draw which can use dynamic curved arrows to connect objects?18:23
d33dmamooli, you could try Inkscape - though its more like adobe illustrator18:23
steveireWhat is xinerama?18:23
m0RrEbiznock09: i don't know.. you could get unetbootin for like anything i guess18:23
biznock09morre: for example i want install programs in another unconnected computer18:23
dan7ggok.. here it is. I have a router in the house. When I plug the ethernet cable it connects to the network, the dns works, but any connection freezes after the first 100 bytes or so. If I plug the internet cable and setup PPPoE  the internet connection works fine18:23
Slartmamooli: not sure if there's anything with a gui.. there are some command line utils though.. latex and pstricks is a low level solution..18:23
falstaff|hmcphail, http://paste.ubuntu.com/298428/, i do a echo $found three times, the last time it is "no" again... and i dont have  a clue why...18:24
mamoolid33d: i doest have those dynamic curves for connections18:24
vanishingemilys: also , apt-get build-dep is also useful if you need to compile a package18:24
_Raine_Anybody knows if launchpad is having connection problems?18:24
dan7ggany other device i plug in the router works perfectly18:24
dan7ggexcept for this acer laptop18:24
biznock09Morre: thanks18:24
d33dhm...not sure if there's anything else out there mamooli - however I'm still looking :D18:24
Slartmamooli: graphviz might be worth taking a look at18:24
vanishingmamooli: you just need arrows linkings right?18:25
steveireIn the nvidia settings ?I changed from "Separate X screens" to "twinview" and when I hit apply I got  http://dpaste.com/110255/18:25
mamoolivanishing: yes18:25
steveireDoes that mean anything?18:25
=== philippe is now known as Guest50206
vanishingthen i got a bunch18:25
mcphailfalstaff|h: it isn't easy for me to check that out at present as i am on PuTTY on my mobile phone! You'd need to check the script to see what had been opened as stream 3 and track that down18:25
vanishingVYM(view you mind)18:25
vanishingprograms like that18:26
steveireDo I want twinview or separate in order to have "one desktop of double width"18:26
dan7ggok.. here it is. I have a router in the house. When I plug the ethernet cable it connects to the network, the dns works, but any connection freezes after the first 100 bytes or so. If I plug the internet cable and setup PPPoE  the internet connection works fine. Any other device I connect through the router works fine including the laptop running Windows XP or other OS. On ubuntu the connections freeze18:26
d33dmamooli, http://gaphor.sourceforge.net/ - I see arrows there?18:26
Guest50206salut a tous suis nouveau y a t'il un francais dans le coin?18:26
mamoolid33d: thanks for your care18:26
dan7ggcan anybody help ?18:27
Slart!fr | Guest5020618:27
ubottuGuest50206: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:27
vanishingsteveire:   i donno if xrandr command works for nvidia(most likely it will), but it is helpful in setting up dual monitors18:27
Mastrgamrcan anyone just answer some (hopefully simple) questions o.18:27
falstaff|hmcphail, ah sorry... there is a exit 0 also there, it seems that there is some kind of parallelism18:27
cgrozahello,in xawtv my logitech quick cam chat for skype works...and it worked in skype a few days ago...but now it no longer works...can you help me?18:27
Slart!ask | Mastrgamr18:27
ubottuMastrgamr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:27
steveirevanishing: Does this help? http://dpaste.com/110259/18:28
dan7gg!ask I have an Acer 5315. I have a router in the house. When I plug the ethernet cable it connects to the network, the dns works, but any connection freezes after the first 100 bytes or so. If I plug the internet cable and setup PPPoE  the internet connection works fine. Any other device I connect through the router works fine including the laptop running Windows XP or other OS. On ubuntu the connections freeze18:28
steveireI don't know what it means18:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:28
Mastrgamrwith the 64-bit, 9.10 beta, is there anywhere i can download the wireless drivers for my broadcom card?18:28
Slart!karmic | Mastrgamr18:28
ubottuMastrgamr: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:28
vanishingsteveire: hold on..let me pull some info out for you18:29
frikkieCan someone please give me some help on XSANE. Prints and scans single page documents but as soon as multipage option is clicked the whole program shuts down18:29
cgrozahello,in xawtv my logitech quick cam chat for skype works...and it worked in skype a few days ago...but now it no longer works...can you help me?18:29
d33ddan7gg, maybe you've tried this but...powercycling the modem, then router, then plugging in?18:29
* skuld needs help with postfix/dovecot with mysql authentication...getting error Unknown Header Line 5 ....18:29
dan7ggi've tried all that18:29
m0RrEskuld: look at line 5 then?18:30
JenHello, please can you help me if possible. I'm attempting to 'gpg --clearsign .ssh/id_rsa.pub' but receiving 'You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for...', I didn't set a password so I'm pressing [ENTER], and then receiving 'gpg: Invalid passphrase; please try again ...'18:30
JenWhat is the solution?18:30
skuldpassdb sql {18:30
steveireWhat is xinerama and do I want it disabled or enabled?18:30
skuldit looks right according to the dovecot wiki18:30
vanishingsteveire: can you give me the output of xrandr -q18:30
dan7ggwhen i type ifconfig on the eth0 device i get a large number of errors18:30
d33ddan7gg, I had that problem on Fedora, it worked on a Vista machine but wouldn't work on my fedora box, I wasn't able to figure it out. I'm wondering if there's any firewall/ports/router issue?18:31
steveirevanishing: It's the exact same as above18:31
d33ddan7gg, ooo - pastebin those errors :D18:31
cgrozahello,in xawtv my logitech quick cam chat for skype works...and it worked in skype a few days ago...but now it no longer works...can you help me?18:31
vanishingsteveire: you only have 1 monitor connected atm?18:32
dan7ggd33d,  it's not with the firewall (direct PPPoE works fine), not with the router (any other device or OS works)18:32
steveireNo both are connected. The second one shows only and X cursor18:32
steveireWhat is xinerame?18:32
d33ddan7gg, right - read your errors and noticed that. can you paste what errors you're getting?18:33
d33ddan7gg, pastebin! mind you :D18:33
vanishingsteveire: this should help you:http://www.howtoforge.com/dual-monitor-setup-on-ubuntu7.1018:33
dan7ggdon't know how to read them18:33
vanishingsteveire: but i donno why only 1 monitor shows up in your xrandr output18:33
Prunewhen ever I try to do something it says I do not have permissions18:33
d33ddan7gg, can you copy and paste from a terminal?18:33
dan7ggwhat command should i use ? i've checked the system logs, but there's nothing there about the errors18:33
mMezquitaleanyone knows if ubuntu plays well with nvidia video cards that are rated for PCI Express 2.0 slot but are used in PCI Express x16 slot?18:33
dan7ggit says something like TX packets:20 errors:302 dropped:018:34
icerootmMezquitale: that is related to the motherboard, not to ubuntu18:34
BoxMagnetwait, is 2.0 newer than x1618:34
mMezquitaleiceroot, i know the hardware works but will ubuntu have any issues though, that is what I am asking, I can stick a PCI Express 2.0 video card in a PCI Express x16 slot, no issue there but will the OS have any issues???18:35
d33ddan7gg, that means you have a connection problem somewhere. i think.18:35
cgrozahello,in xawtv my logitech quick cam chat for skype works...and it worked in skype a few days ago...but now it no longer works...can you help me?18:35
emilysvansihing : what i'm actually asking here is why ubuntu software didnt always come in .deb? imho it will attract more user to try out ubuntu remembering theres a lot of people who just like me, pure user.  however im using ubuntu for about about 5 months and i rarely go back to windows cause i feel its challenging.18:35
icerootmMezquitale: why should the os have an issue with that? if the hardware and connection is ok, ubunu does not care about it18:36
dan7ggd33d,  i'll do more research and come back soon18:36
icerootmMezquitale: its more important that the drivers support the card18:36
vanishingsteveire: how are you connecting your second display to your machine?18:36
mMezquitaleiceroot, you must be new at this then, people have had issues with something as basic as memory18:36
d33ddan7gg, i'm trying to find a good command for you to get some logs so we can figure this out :D18:36
LjLemilys: Ubuntu software *does* almost invariably come in .debs18:36
steveireThere are slots for two cables in the card at the back18:36
icerootmMezquitale: memory-problems are hardware/motherboard problems, not ubuntu problems18:36
=== switchgirlEEE1 is now known as C\
mMezquitaleiceroot, drivers are not implemented in hardware18:36
steveireOh, actually there's a plitter18:36
icerootmMezquitale: .......18:37
vanishingsteveire: try to connect your second monitor directly to the slot?18:37
icerootmMezquitale: i mean the nvidia-linux-driver must support the card18:37
icerootmMezquitale: if the card is to new maybe there is no linux-driver for it18:37
d33ddan7gg, this may seem silly - but try /etc/init.d/nscd restart18:38
toefurhow do i set it to where i can drag the window to the second screen?18:38
Mike_lifeguardWhat is the first column in the output of ps aux? Probably either gid or uid18:38
toefuri use rotate cube and desktop cube18:38
mMezquitaleiceroot, ok before I decide which one to buy I will look up the list for supported hardward,t hanks18:38
toefurif i turn those off will i be able to do it then?18:38
vanishingemilys: debs and exes are basicly the same idea, both compiled from source..if you need a deb, the chance is you can find it on the web, but source files gives you more options when you compile imo...18:39
vanishingsteveire: connected?18:39
icerootmMezquitale: yes, that is a good idea, the rest (pci x16, pci 2.0) is not part of ubuntu but of your board/the card18:39
dan7ggd33d, brb 1 minute i'll try that18:39
steveirevanishing: I didn't change anything. I don't think it's a hardware problem. It worked up until I updated my system an hour ago.18:40
lazaruswhere can i find xorg.conf18:40
icerootlazarus: /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:40
steveire(from old jaunty to updated jaunty)18:40
vanishingsteveire: hmm so it was working?18:40
steveireIt was18:40
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=== Chybeck is now known as Chybeck`Aw
steveireI guess I got a new kernel in the update so I had to download and install the nvidia installer again.18:40
TohuwHow do I tell ufw to always apply rules against a specific interface? Scenario: a system acting as a small dedicated firewall, with 2 NICs, one for inside interface one for outside interface18:41
vanishingwhat do you see in System>Preferences>Display?18:41
steveireonly one screen18:42
steveireThe nvidia tool shows both18:42
steveireBut appears to have no effect18:42
emilysLjL : not xbmc, i love that software but i can't find deb package of it.18:42
vanishingpaste your xorg.conf?18:42
vanishingonto dpast of course18:43
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debbie2009good afternoon all18:44
Tohuw!hello > sebsebseb debbie200918:44
ubottusebsebseb, please see my private message18:44
vanishingsteveire:yup..only 1 monitor is showing in xorg.conf18:45
LjLemilys: but that's not "Ubuntu software". it's random Linux software made by people who have nothing to do with Ubuntu18:45
debbie2009would love someone help me create some more space for my file system..only have 1% left18:45
steveirevanishing: I see two18:45
dan7gg_d33d,  i tried that .. there is no nscd there... also when i cat /var/log/kern.log i get this "eth0: no IPv6 routers present"18:45
LjLemilys: and anyway they *do* provide their own .deb packags for ubuntu, see http://xbmc.org/wiki/?title=HOW-TO_install_XBMC_for_Linux_on_Ubuntu_with_a_minimal_installation_step-by-step18:45
sebsebsebTohuw: Better to do that one in the channel, than in pm really, I think18:45
vanishingsteveire:my bad...lol18:45
JesperHansenhi, I am trying to install 9.10 beta from a usb stick. Downloaded the ISO, mounted it in daemon tools, used the usb util that followed and checked the integraty of the stick and its ok. I am however gettings errors. "Can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow"... The casper.log is http://pastebin.org/46737 and dmesg is http://pastebin.org/46738 - NOTE: Both are with DEBUG= kernel boot option.18:45
Tohuwdebbie2009: What filesystem format are you using, how big is the hard disk, what other partitions exist on the disk, etc18:45
steveirevanishing: What is xinerama?18:45
icerootJesperHansen: #ubuntu+118:45
steveireWhat is twinview?18:45
Tohuwsebsebseb: agreed, I meant to use |18:45
d33ddan7gg_, is your network card setup to specifically use IP6?18:45
JesperHanseniceroot, kthx18:45
sebsebsebTohuw: Plus you can't pm a factoid to two people so debbie2009  never got it in pm18:46
vanishing!info xinerama18:46
ubottuPackage xinerama does not exist in jaunty18:46
sebsebsebTohuw: as far as I know18:46
steveirevanishing: What actually is it? Should I tick enabled or not?18:46
dan7gg_i don't think so...18:46
Tohuwsebsebseb: yeah, meant to do !hello | sebsebseb debbie200918:46
Tohuwsebsebseb: yeah, meant to do !hello | sebsebseb, debbie2009*18:46
vanishingsteveire: xinerama:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinerama18:47
icerootsebsebseb: twinview = same view on both screens, xinerama (nvidia) 2 different screens but one resolution18:47
d33ddan7gg_, ok sorry - sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart18:47
sebsebsebiceroot: wrong person?18:47
cgrozahello,in xawtv my logitech quick cam chat for skype works...and it worked in skype a few days ago...but now it no longer works...can you help me?18:47
toefurxinerama i hear isnt good18:47
debbie2009Thanks Tohuw... erm i think i only set up a 5gb partition for linux18:47
Tohuwiceroot: you want steveire18:47
vanishingsteveire: iceroot:twinview = same view on both screens, xinerama (nvidia) 2 different screens but one resolution18:47
dan7gg_no way... the DNS works and I can send and receive about 100 bytes through a connection before it freezes18:47
icerootsebsebseb: hm, sometimes the tab from irssi is not perfect...18:47
Tohuwdebbie2009: post the output of sudo fdisk -l to pastebin and link to it, please18:48
digital-rougehello all i need help my eth1 chipset is unknown i dont know y18:48
vanishingsteveire:so twinview is mirror and xinerama is extension...from iceroot18:48
sebsebsebNearly 1600 nicks the numbers are becoming bigger!18:48
digital-rougelool i still cant registermine18:48
AviramHey, How do I put icons there like in this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-sw7uPege018:48
Aviramat 1:0018:48
cgrozahello,in xawtv my logitech quick cam chat for skype works...and it worked in skype a few days ago...but now it no longer works...can you help me?18:49
ovyhi anyone uses ubuntu 9.10 prv me, i have a question18:49
icerootovy: #ubuntu+118:49
a__how do you change permissions in a ntfs external HD from read only to read write. I've already tried the gui, with no effect.18:49
craigbass1976I've got a brother MFC 7840 that's out of ink.  Is there any Ubuntu way to get into it and retrieve the faxes it has in the print queue (and how do you spell cue with the qu?)18:50
emilysLjL : thank you for the link you gave me. i think i can install xbmc right now. and what about vuze? im installing it from add/remove but it still in v.318:50
d33dAviram, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock18:50
sebsebsebdebbie2009:  I just joined, and I done partitions loads of times. You just installed Ubuntu or something?   Yes  5GB  for Ubuntu isn't much,  10 to 12GB /  some swap space, and a big seperate /home that's a good set up18:50
janjissHi guys!18:50
d33dcgroza, did you try enabling it in skype?18:50
Tohuw!info avant-window-navigator | Aviram18:51
cgrozad33d,idk how i do that?18:51
debbie2009thanks seb - i cant even save a screenshot to desktop, as it says drive full *-(18:51
ubottuAviram: avant-window-navigator (source: avant-window-navigator): A MacOS X like panel for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 63 kB, installed size 316 kB18:51
LjL!backports | emilys18:51
ubottuemilys: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging18:51
a__owner main directory is root, owner of subdirectories is 9918:51
sebsebsebovy: I do, but you can ask more than one person in #ubuntu+118:51
steveireApparently I can't copy/paste from that dialog18:51
cgrozad33d,it works in xawtv,ekuga but in skype it doesnt18:51
digital-rougehey guys need some help with network problems18:51
d33dcgroza, one second...let me grab skype and test it out on my laptop. I think its just a hardware config.18:51
AviramWhich one is the one with the "physics"?18:51
dan7gg_d33d,  i tried restart network... no luck18:51
AviramAvant-Window-Navigator or CairoDock?18:52
sebsebsebdebbie2009: ok I see18:52
TohuwAviram: both technically but, you probably want avant-window-navigator18:52
sebsebsebdebbie2009: well yeah sometimes new users do stuff like that, and then run out of space18:52
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sebsebsebdebbie2009: Have you got the LIve CD?18:52
Tohuwdebbie2009: you can copy and paste output from the terminal. drag across the text, right click and copy, then go to www.pastebin.ca and paste it in there18:53
debbie2009its crazy, i know... just need to know what if anything i can remove from the home directory18:53
debbie2009ok,ill try18:53
janjissHeppy birthday ubuntu! :)18:53
devajhi all can someone help me with backup18:53
AviramTohuw, why?18:53
sebsebsebTohuw: Did you give her a command to run?18:53
devaji wanna backup my system partition to my external hdd18:54
sebsebsebdevaj: usaully people only really need to,  backup what's in /home18:54
geurthakfoorttar + gz18:54
TohuwAviram: configuration and featureset. The one specifically shown in that video is avant-window-navigator18:54
Tohuwsebsebseb: yes, fdisk -l18:54
sebsebsebTohuw: ok18:54
devajwell my problem is this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/backup-solutions-763284/#post372723318:54
devajhope u get a good idea about what i am trying to explain18:55
d33dcgroza, ok sorry- let me install skype now - one min :D18:55
AhmedGogandoes ubuntu has multi desktop facility ?18:55
d33dAhmedGogan, meaning?18:55
cgrozad33d,ok : thanks for helping me :D18:55
devajanyone got any solutions18:56
emilysvanishing LjL thanks to both of you18:56
AhmedGogani mean to say more than one desktop18:56
AhmedGoganthe feature usuall in linux shells18:56
devajplease visit http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/backup-solutions-763284/#post372723318:56
vanishingemilys: np18:56
devaji am still without any answers18:56
d33dcgroza, so you do have skype installed just fine, program works right? on ubuntu?18:57
devajfor the last 2 days lol18:57
debbie2009i have a 500mb linux swap partition - could i not use this?18:57
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sebsebsebdevaj:  a browser has to be open befor webpages can be gone on18:57
Tohuwdebbie2009: You don't have any room to increase the partition, because the rest of the disk is in use. I suggest backing up any files and either redoing your partitioning scheme and reinstalling everything or (easier) add a new drive18:57
a__how do you change permissions in a ntfs external HD from read only to read write. I've already tried the gui, with no effect.18:57
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sebsebsebdevaj: I was opening mine18:57
dAlfa89_AhmedGogan, yes it does, you should have a little desktop switcher on your top bar?18:57
Tohuwdebbie2009: in general, your swap space ought to be 2x the size of your physical RAM18:58
sebsebsebdebbie2009: How much RAM do you have?18:58
AhmedGoganany on here to answer my question ?18:58
debbie2009oh......i have 1gb ram18:58
devajso any solutions my friends18:58
digital-rougewlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device   ????????????????????????????/ someone help please18:58
sebsebsebdevaj: I'll have a quick look hold on18:58
debbie2009ok...ill format the drives and retry18:58
devajthank you sebsebseb18:58
TimothyAdigital-rouge; give the ?'s a break18:58
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debbie2009i have a dua boot system, so i really dont want to dmage windows18:59
digital-rougekey stuck18:59
henriquelmHello there18:59
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digital-rougetimothya: can you help18:59
madsjdigital-rouge: it's bad to pour coke in your keyboard ;-)18:59
debbie2009thanks for all your excellent help18:59
digital-rougeit aint coke :)))18:59
ThinkWriteMUteHow do I stop it from logging in automatically via CLI?19:00
madsjdigital-rouge: any sticky liquid will do the same trick ;-)19:00
digital-rougetell me about it19:00
digital-rougeso can someone help me wiht this error19:00
d33dcgroza, still with you - just downloading/installing :D19:00
henriquelmWhat's the best way to partition a hard drive to ensure that I'll be able to upgrade ubuntu later without losing files?19:01
cgrozad33d, ok19:01
AhmedGoganany php expert here ?19:02
digital-rougehenriquelm: back up everythign on cd's or external drive19:02
MrDustyHey guys I am using Ubuntu 9.10 and have configured my work VPN using NetworkManager (just like I have for my ubuntu laptop which runs 9.04) and for some reason, it doesn't do anything when I try connecting.. it doesn't error it just does simply nothing, I can't see anything in syslog relating to it either, so it looks like its not working.  Is anyone else having similar issues with this? Is it known, am I doing something stupid ?19:02
snowball_MrDusty: what vpn client are you using?19:02
d33dcgroza, ok so lets go to... the little Skype icon at the bottom, click it, and go to options, then click on "Video Devices" on the left hand column and make sure that "Enable Skype Video" is CHECKED, and what's listed in the "Select Webcam" area?19:03
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:03
henriquelmdigital-rouge, wouldn't be better to just have different partitions?19:03
BodsdaHi - I have pc1 and pc2: pc1 is sharing its connection with pc2. I have my router set up to forward incoming http traffic to pc1. How can I configure pc1 to send any incoming http traffic to pc2?19:03
d33dubottu, Lies. Karmic hasn't broken me.19:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:03
digital-rougewell what if somethign happens to one of them19:03
digital-rougeor both19:03
petter_upgraded to 9.04, booted fine first time. but when I picked my usual -rt kernel, nvidia wasn't compiled in for it. do I need to just install linux-restricted-modules-rt?19:03
cgrozad33d,its checked and its listed /dev/video019:03
d33dcgroza, when you click it - do you get any other options?19:04
MrDustysnowball_, Actually I am lying, errors here: http://pastebin.ca/1635412 - I am using PPTP so network-manager-pptp19:04
petter_doesn't seem like restricted-modules-rt installed it!19:04
devajpeople any good duplicate finder available for ubutnu19:04
cgrozad33d,if i click test ,the test era is getting grey19:05
d33dcgroza, interesting. ... seems like skype can't see your cam - UNLESS that's your camera just named /dev/video0 by default...19:05
devajwith good option sets19:05
henriquelmdigital-rouge, I know, i will keep a backup of the most important stuff, but what if I have a separate partition for "var", or "etc"19:05
cgrozad33d,and if i unplug the camera i get the same result19:05
henriquelmor home19:05
digital-rougeok are you asking what the best format would be or ?19:06
snowball_MrDusty: are you running this as root?19:06
d33dcgroza, what's the camera again? Make / Model and What version of Ubuntu and Skype are you running?19:06
dayzmelttogetherhi is anyone here a guru with ubuntu?19:06
cgrozad33d,its a logitech quick cam chat for skype19:06
digital-rougeonly the peopel with funny names19:06
goosedayzmelttogether: what do you need?19:06
dayzmelttogetherwell im in a bit of a jam19:07
sgs1990does ennyone know how i can delete a folder that is in the location pannel???19:07
henriquelmdigital-rouge, yes, what's the best way to format the hd to run ubuntu and be able to upgrade later19:07
cgrozad33d,and the skype version its 2.119:07
snowball_dayzmelttogether: what's up?19:07
dayzmelttogethermy keyboard and mouse miraculously stopped workin last night19:07
digital-rougeuse gnome partition manager19:07
digital-rougeits the easyest19:07
dayzmelttogetheri didnt update, i noticed it happened wen i tried the beta of ubuntu 9.1019:07
d33dcgroza, try following this - see if that works. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65137519:08
snowball_dayzmelttogether: did you upgrade your distro to 9.1019:08
henriquelmdigital-rouge, i don't mean the software man19:08
AhmedGogandoes ubuntu supports ip changing software ??19:08
cgrozawhen i try to install gspca-source it says package not found19:08
dayzmelttogetherso i reverted back to 9.04 wen 9.10 didnt work and for days its been fine now even puppy linux and the live cds have no mouse or keyboard support19:08
digital-rougeim trying to remember the correct format19:08
cgrozad33d,when i try to install gspca-source it says package not found19:09
hsarcirythmbox starts with my macine even though is not in my "Startup programs" list....any ideas??19:09
digital-rougeits somethign 319:09
digital-rougeim looking it up19:09
cgrozad33d,do i need other repos?19:09
henriquelmgosh, forget it man19:09
dayzmelttogetheri got 8.04 live cd with support by messin with the f6 options..but how do i fix it19:09
Tohuw!manners | devaj19:09
ubottudevaj: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:09
d33dcgroza, im no master at this...can you get anymore information on the camera (Eg: Logitech Quickcam Express...? Express II??19:09
digital-rougethats it ext 3 is what ubuntu wants you to use when instalig but fat 32 will work with both linux and windows19:09
sgs1990does ennyone know how i can remove a folder that is in the location pannel??????????19:09
henriquelmby the way, there's ext4 already19:09
sebsebsebdevaj: uhmm not that sure about backup to be honest, however maybe this will be useful19:10
digital-rougeim new to ubuntu19:10
Tohuwsgs1990: in general, drag it out or right click and remove19:10
snowball_dayzmelttogether: you mean to say that no live cd's have mouse/keyboard support or just 9.10?19:10
sebsebseb!backup |  devaj19:10
ubottudevaj: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:10
digital-rougebut i had a bunch of problems wiht the formating so i know a thing or 2 now19:10
henriquelmdigital-rouge, I can tell, thanks though19:10
dayzmelttogetheri mean the live cds dont either but i dual boot in windows and my mouse and keyboard work fine there19:10
digital-rougewell you got the right answer19:10
* skuld wants to know if anybody has experiance with setting up postfix/dovecot with mysql userbase?19:10
cgrozad33d,well thats all i know about my webcam19:10
dAlfa89_What on earth is the difference between filesystem types? Is it something blindingly obvious and I'm being stupid?19:11
sgs1990does ennyone know how i can remove a folder that is in the location pannel??????????19:11
AhmedGogananyone here to help me ?19:11
devajwell thank you all for all your help19:11
digital-rougecan someone help me with this? wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device19:11
ikoniacgroza: yes19:11
dayzmelttogethercurrently i have 9.04 installed, last night i shut down and on boot no mouse or keyboard19:11
d33ddevaj, you could try this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/simple-ubuntu-desktop-backup-with-backerupper.html19:11
snowball_dayzmelttogether: hmm.. i don't have an answer for you, seems like a hardware issue19:11
AhmedGoganhow can an ip be changed in ubuntu19:11
ovyhas this happened to any1? i'm on ubuntu 9.10 and when i set some panels to autohide they hid... permanently... now i cannot make them show and cannot even close them. they show an extra line on the screen and i don't know how to close them19:11
ikoniacgroza: sorry - that wasn't for you19:11
snowball_digital-rouge: in terminal type ifconfig19:11
d33dcgroza, well it looks like the majority of all the cameras work https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams19:12
devajsorry for being such a ****ole19:12
ikoniaskuld: I have done that19:12
sgs1990digital-rouge:  is your wirless network card supported??19:12
skuldifconfig eth0 192.168.x.x for example19:12
dayzmelttogetherwell, i know it isnt a hardware issue as ive otten my mouse to work with the live cd im currently using but its no permanant19:12
devajthank you all19:12
cgrozad33d,in hardy worked out of the box19:12
AhmedGoganwhere is terminal19:12
devajgod bless19:12
d33dcgroza, are you on beta yet?19:12
skuld@AhmedGogan:  Accessories19:12
cgrozad33d,i am on intrepid and i have a jaunty cd ,should i upgrade19:12
dayzmelttogetheris there a way to rest the grub and xorg file for that install from this live cd?19:12
d33dcgroza, This is coming from my perspective, I'm no ubuntu-master of any sorts, but 9.10 karmic koala is fantastic, its pretty solid since I've been using it. I really enjoy it.19:13
sebsebsebd33d: wrong channel you want #ubuntu+119:13
d33dsebsebseb, ?19:14
cgrozad33d,well i will get the stable version...as soon as possible19:14
d33dcgroza, try out the stable. that's always safest.19:14
sebsebsebd33d: that's the Karmic channel currently19:14
hsarcirythmbox starts with my macine even though is not in my "Startup programs" list....any ideas??19:15
dayzmelttogetherdoes anyone know how to reset the 9.04 kernal , xorg file, and grub loader?19:15
d33dsebsebseb, Oh! duh sorry about that.19:15
dan7gg_d33d, if you're still around just want to let you know i solved the problem.. it's the MTU for the ethernet device.. I set it to 1492 and it works like a charm ;)19:15
cgrozad33d,i will, now after that tutorial after reboot everything should work....19:16
d33ddan7gg_, good to know- i would have never guessed it was the MTU, usually that's like auto stuff :D19:16
dayzmelttogetherwhere would i go for a difficult question?19:16
tech_Does anyone use gammu/wammu?19:17
dragonSomeone is asking me this, and I need to answer - What percentage of modern hardware (being currently sold) would support Ubuntu server edition?19:17
ha1331can I have compiz and gnome shell at same time and how usable is gnome shell?19:17
Neremorhello! could anybode tell me what i have to do to share files with another pc in the network? both PC's are connected to the internet via an dsl modem19:17
iskinHow do I include support for 'alt'+(number code) to type foreign characters?19:17
soreauha1331: 1) No 2) Not at all19:17
ck773that is really hard to quantify19:17
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BoxMagnetha1331, compiz is 3d effects like vista.19:18
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daevskiNeremor, both linux?19:18
ha1331dragon: that's kind of difficult question to answer... don't expect your 8$ webcam to work definately19:18
Neremoryes, both kubuntu 9.1019:18
dragonha1331: Did I mention Ubuntu Server edition?19:18
soreaudragon: 86.975%19:19
teolicyHi. I'm looking for a command line utility which can help me solve the following problem: I'd like to copy several large files (say, several movies to a USB stick). I immediately find the first movie to copy, and I want to (a) start the copy, (b) later on start copying another file, but I'd like the latter file to be queued rather than copied in parallel (performance, fragmentation, poor USB controllers, etc). Any recommendations? I'd a19:19
teolicyhappy for a Gnome front end to this utility, but that's part B.19:19
ha1331dragon: you did. My point was that there is lots of hardware out there.19:19
soreaudragon: That's from the survey they did last night19:19
dayzmelttogetherok where would i ask a question specificly on editing devices and setting on ubuntu 9.04?19:19
tech_I'm looking to get some gammu/wammu help if I can..surely one of these ubuntu pro's could help me out. :)19:20
BoxMagnetteolicy, sudo cp /path/to/file /path/to/dir & second one here & third one here19:20
dragonsoreau: I'm serious here. A person is deciding between Ubuntu and Mac, and I'm influencing his decision.19:20
MrDustysnowball_, I am logged into Gnome, I would of thought it would of asked to su to root if needs be - how do i do this as root ?19:20
dragonha1331: yes19:20
ha1331dragon: why would you want to have some number?19:20
daevskiNeremor: I'm not familiar with KDE yet, but in gnome all you need is samba installed and to right click the folders and share them, like windows.19:20
Slartteolicy: perhaps rsync could be of use..19:20
Neremorwell, and how do i connect to this folder from the other pc?19:20
jgaydoes anybody know how to make empathy always bring a conversation to focus when someone IMs me?19:21
Neremorif i enter "smb://" as path there, i get the message that no other pc's were found in the local workgroup...19:21
daevskiNeremor: then you can use any folder viewer and type smb://ip.address.of.machine19:21
jgayor rather, always add the conversation to my set of conversation tabs19:21
Neremorah thanks19:21
teolicyBoxMagnet: First, I think you mean && and not &. Second, when I give the first copy command I don't know what file b will be. I want to start copy 1, then issue the command for copy command 2, and to have copy command 2 wait to start until 1 finishes. (or better, talk to copy command 1 over a UNIX domain socket and queue the file in that process).19:21
FoolsRunHello, I got a call from my ISP saying that they'd received reports of a "tcp sweep" originating from inside my network. I have two Windows PCs and an Ubuntu fileserver with SSH open to the world. Are there infections which could have taken control of the Ubuntu machine and caused something like that?19:21
ha1331there is no number to be had. Maybe you need to figure out what you need to work and then ask if they work instead of asking how many of all the possible options would work?19:21
soreaudragon: Then just tell him it's widely freely supported, works with many if not all mac products and everything is freely downloadable/installable through repositories19:22
BoxMagnetteolicy, ahh.19:22
dragonha1331: I'm looking for just a rough estimate. Numbers generally sounds promising. I'll quote what he said.19:22
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daevskiNeremor: if that doesn't work look in the kubuntu documentation. I found it to be very well written. I was just doing the same thing recently.19:22
ck773dragon: check out the hardware compatibility list: http://www.ubuntuhcl.org19:22
iskinI've set 'right alt' as compose key but I still can't input foreign characters with alt+(num code), like in Windows. Does anyone know how to make this work properly?19:22
falstaff|hcan i log usplash output somehow?19:22
digital-rougehey snowball_: help me out some?19:22
arandteolicy: can you use wait $pid command ?19:22
TohuwFoolsRun: yes, there are. If you're going to open SSH, consider using keys instead of password authentication19:22
dragonha1331, soreau: This is what he asked: "How does one go about selecting a box to buy when there is the problem that it may have hardware that ubuntu can't use?"19:22
BoxMagnetteolicy, write a bash script?19:22
snowball_digital-rouge: yeah, sorry, what's up?19:23
Slartdragon: you check what hardware is in the box, check the hardware compat. list or try running a live cd on it in some kind of store19:23
ha1331dragon: well, my experience is that if one buys a real server (not one of those hand build by your car mechanic) it works.19:23
soreaudragon: In that case, he needs to look at the ubuntu system requirements on ubuntu.com19:23
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:23
Tohuwdragon, soreau, ha1331: http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/19:23
teolicyarand, BoxMagnet: Yes, that's what I do now. It gets annoying after a while.19:23
digital-rougeim me snowball- please19:24
tuteDoes some one knows a soft to send sms ?19:24
ltcabralhey how do i see if i have sudo on a machine?19:24
BoxMagnetteolicy, someone suggested rsync?19:24
teolicyBoxMagnet: How would it help me?19:24
Slartltcabral: "which sudo"19:24
Jordan_Udragon: You can buy a computer that comes with Ubuntu from system76 or Dell19:24
daevskiAnyone know why my Remote Desktop (viewer) doesn't refresh when I open folders and click around? The mouse moves correctly, and the refresh rate for that seems okay, but it's not refreshing windows. I have to reconnect to see changes... :(19:24
FoolsRunTohuw: I'll implement that as soon as possible. What should I look for in the meantime on the Ubuntu machine/what should I be trying to clean up?19:24
digital-rougesnowball_: just to hard to follow the convo in chat19:24
tonyyarussoFoolsRun: It's more likely that your ISP doesn't know what they're talking about, but you can use the rkhunter and chkrootkit tools too check your machine.19:24
snowball_MrDusty: I do not recommend running the connection as root but it looks like you have permission errors (maybe the program was not installed correctly?)19:24
BoxMagnetteolicy, I am not sure, it may have the options you are looking for, I am not the one who suggested it, maybe scroll up19:24
Neremorwell, enter the pc of the other pc didn't work19:24
dragonTohuw: That page looks scary. I want him to feel comfy with ubuntu. He's ready to spend $999 on a Mac server.19:24
FoolsRuntonyyarusso: thanks. I have to listen to them because they threatened my service if I don't fix it19:24
soreaudragon: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/techspecs19:24
ltcabralSlart: how do i know if MY USER has sudo?19:24
soreaultcabral: It does19:25
TohuwFoolsRun: stop sshd, and check out your running processes for anything that looks suspicious19:25
dragonSlart: LiveCD will be an option AFTER he buys it.19:25
dayzmelttogetheri need an expert, where can i find 1?19:25
teolicySlart: How do you recon I should use rsync here?19:25
ltcabralsoreau: i just see /usr/bin/sudo19:25
Tohuw!ask | dayzmelttogether19:25
ubottudayzmelttogether: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:25
soreaultcabral: and?19:25
FoolsRunTohuw: Well I need to keep sshd on right now --I'm not on-site :)19:25
ltcabralsoreau: that means i have sudo?19:25
ha1331oh, sorry, wrong window19:25
soreaultcabral: yes19:25
korcanhow do I flush the dns cache?  I don't have nscd to restart...19:25
Slartltcabral: YOUR USER doesn't have sudo.. the system has sudo installed.. or it hasn't.. then the user can be configured to be allowed to use sudo or not.. which question are you asking?19:26
tonyyarussodragon: I don't know percentages, but "most".  If you want to be sure, check out providers like System76, ZaReason, Dell, and Sun, which all certify all or some of their hardware with Ubuntu.19:26
Jordan_Ukorcan: There is no dns cache by default except in the browser19:26
TohuwFoolsRun: then change your passwords and check your passwords19:26
ltcabralSlart: ok i got it... thanks19:26
Slartdragon: then I guess the live cd isn't an option19:26
tonyyarussoFoolsRun: Ask for logs.19:26
BoxMagnetputting your self in the same group as root = bad idea, or good idea?19:26
TohuwFoolsRun: check your processes, not your passwords, sorry typo19:26
korcanJordan_U, so closing the browser should do it?19:26
Jordan_Ukorcan: Yes19:26
dragontonyyarusso: That's a good idea. I'll check the certification thing. Thanks!19:26
MrDustysnowball_, Its installed by default, we're talking about NetworkManager19:26
korcanJordan_U, thanks...19:27
Slartteolicy: well.. you can use rsync as a file copy with some extra features.. I'm not sure but it's possible that rsync can be convinced to do what you want..19:27
TohuwBoxMagnet: depends on the group and what that group has access to19:27
tonyyarussoFoolsRun: You can also look through /var/log/auth.log for any logins from IPs that aren't yours.19:27
dayzmelttogetherok, no mouse no keyboard, suddely stopped working after reboot, doesnt work with live cds unless i check all f6 options, works fine with windows dual boot, how to i reset whatever it is that halted those functions??19:27
TohuwBoxMagnet: putting yourself in the group called root is a very bad idea19:27
BoxMagnetTohuw, ok, i think ill stay away from doing that.19:27
snowball_MrDusty: try installing vpnc19:27
mneptokdragon: what type of hardware is being bought?19:27
BoxMagnetTohuw, what can happen?19:27
tuteDoes some one knows a soft to send sms ?19:27
FoolsRunTohuw: thanks. I haven't completed malwarebytes scans on the Windows machines yet, so hopefully I'll find something there.19:27
teolicyI /think/ (this is a bit of an open idea here) that what I really want is this: a copy program which has a separate UI and daemonized backend. The backend has a queue. The front end can: block and show the progress of the backend (speed, estimated progress, etc) OR add something to the queue of an existing backend OR start a whole new backend. Think 'screen'.19:27
BoxMagnetFoolsRun, is someone using ur wifi to download stuff?19:27
snowball_MrDusty: the default network manager doesn't come with vpn19:27
daevskitute: gmail does it now.19:27
dragonmneptok: A regular desktop PC, probably quad core, for use with Ubuntu Server Ed.19:28
TohuwBoxMagnet: that circumvents much of the protection offered to prevent tampering with system settings and files19:28
tutei-m trying via web services but i don't want to open firefox to do it19:28
MrDustysnowball_, vpnc is a cisco client, I have installed network-manager-pptp... ?19:28
daevskitute: gmail is integrated in Pidgin also.19:28
FoolsRunBoxMagnet: unlikely, but there are no logs to check so it's possible.19:28
mneptokdragon: not a rack-mountable machine?19:28
BoxMagnetFoolsRun, your router keeps logs.19:28
dayzmelttogether no mouse no keyboard, suddely stopped working after reboot, doesnt work with live cds unless i check all f6 options, works fine with windows dual boot, how to i reset whatever it is that halted those functions??19:28
dragonmneptok: no19:28
MrDustysnowball_, they are installed anyways.. i just checked..19:28
TohuwFoolsRun: my money is on your windows machines being the culprit, but it's hard to say without checking. Try checking your router logs or putting packet monitors like wireshark on each machine19:28
mneptokdragon: US, or ... ?19:28
BoxMagnetFoolsRun, you can also go to the attached devices section and check ip addresses, you can also restrict access to the router based on mac address of each pc's wifi card/nic19:28
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dragonmneptok: yeah, California19:28
BoxMagnetFoolsRun, that way if someone can hack the p/w some how they still cant get in.19:29
mneptokdragon: i think that's spelled "Kuhhleefohneeyah" now ;)19:29
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dragonmneptok: how does location matter?19:29
MrDustysnowball_, it now fails saying no valid secrets19:29
Slarttute: sending sms's usually cost money.. it's not a technical problem afaik.. or you can connect a phone using bluetooth and use that to send your sms's.. there is a gnome-phone applet to do that19:29
mneptokdragon: some Ubuntu vendors do not ship outide of the US19:29
dragonmneptok: He's looking to pick it up from Fry's.19:30
dayzmelttogether no mouse no keyboard, suddely stopped working after reboot, doesnt work with live cds unless i check all f6 options, works fine with windows dual boot, how to i reset whatever it is that halted those functions??19:30
Tohuwtute: http://www.livejournal.com/tools/textmessage.bml?mode=details19:30
FoolsRunhow often does auth.log get archived? I can unzip the log from the date the ISP reported the problem19:30
BoxMagnetFoolsRun, on your router?19:30
mneptokdragon: next to impossible, if you want a warrantee that covers Ubuntu19:30
FoolsRunBoxMagnet: in Ubuntu19:30
BoxMagnetFoolsRun, or on ubuntu19:30
tonyyarussoFoolsRun: Should be in the form of auth.log.1, auth.log.2, etc., separated once per day.19:30
FoolsRunper-day, okay.19:31
BoxMagnetthere ya go19:31
tonyyarussoFoolsRun: (You can set up different schemes if you wish for the future)19:31
mneptokdragon: if you install Ubuntu on a machine sold with Windows, 99% of OEMs immediately void your warrantee.19:31
BoxMagnetFoolsRun, if your wifi is compromised id seriously consider restricting based on mac address19:31
FoolsRunBoxMagnet: I'll check that next19:31
Jordan_Umneptok: Not the hardware warentee19:31
tutethanks bro ... i'm on it!19:31
dayzmelttogether no mouse no keyboard, suddely stopped working after reboot, doesnt work with live cds unless i check all f6 options, works fine with windows dual boot, how to i reset whatever it is that halted those functions??....is there another place to ask this kind of question?19:32
mneptokJordan_U: yes, the hardware warrantee, in many cases.19:32
craigbass1976Anyone?  I need to receive the faxes currently sitting on my "out of toner" printer and print them out somewhere else.19:32
dragonmneptok: That's something I don't want him to know.19:32
tonyyarussomneptok: I'd also question that...  I've known Lenovo, IBM, Dell, and HP all to offer support after Ubuntu installation.19:32
mMezquitalehow can you tell what video care you have using the command line?19:32
AviramHow od I do physics with the avant?19:32
mneptokdragon: better to buy from a vendor that ships with Ubuntu (System76/Zareason/Dell) or build your own.19:33
tonyyarussomMezquitale: lspci usually19:33
pistymani am trying to make a virtual cd/dvd drive in ubuntu so i can get windows 7 (i cant live with ubuntu). I am trying to use this http://sourceforge.net/projects/cdemu/files/CDemu%20daemon/cdemu-daemon-1.2.0/cdemu-daemon-1.2.0.tar.bz2/download but i cant install it. i promise this will be my last request for help if it works ))19:33
BoxMagnettonyyarusso, even dell!?19:33
elops 19:33
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية19:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:33
mneptoktonyyarusso: Dell will look up your service tag and only offer support if you are running the OS that shipped with the machine.19:33
trismpistyman: you'd probably have better luck with cdemu if you add the repo instead19:33
dragon!botabuse > elops19:34
ubottuelops, please see my private message19:34
tonyyarussoBoxMagnet: Yeah - my parents dual-boot on everything and they both have Dells.19:34
pistymantrism: assume i am retarded and need my hand held please19:34
dayzmelttogether no mouse no keyboard, suddely stopped working after reboot, doesnt work with live cds unless i check all f6 options, works fine with windows dual boot, how to i reset whatever it is that halted those functions??19:34
tonyyarussomneptok: How would they know if it wasn't a software problem?19:34
BoxMagnettonyyarusso, glad to hear it, usually dell offers bad support to begin with.19:34
Jordan_Umneptok: Support is not the same as replacing the hardware under warentee19:34
Aijse! karmic19:34
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:34
Aijsesweet almost!19:35
mneptoktonyyarusso: "Let's run the hardware diagnostic tools. Click the 'Start' menu and choose ...."19:35
tonyyarussomneptok: eh, I just tell them we both know those steps are hooey anyway and get to the point :P19:35
mneptoktonyyarusso: yeah, good luck with that19:35
dayzmelttogetherhow do i reset xorg?19:36
Mike_lifeguardWhat is the first column in the output of ps aux? Probably either gid or uid right? All my processes have a number instead of a name O.o19:36
BoxMagnetdayzmelttogether, reset ?19:36
MikeChelenMike_lifeguard: try using pgrep instead19:36
BoxMagnetdayzmelttogether, ctrl+alt+backspace may work depending on version19:36
Jordan_Umneptok: I've only encountered one person who claimed that using Linux voided my hardware warranty and that was an Apple store employee who was told by his manager that he was wrong19:37
dayzmelttogetherwell restore it i am not sue to its original, i cant get mouse and keyboard support maybe its xorg i also read to reset grub19:37
trismpistyman: on the packages page of the cdemu site there is a link to their ubuntu ppa repo, although launchpad seems to be dead at the moment, so I suppose it isn't very helpful19:37
Mike_lifeguardMikeChelen: Sorry if I'm not clear - I think my processes should have my username attached, not a number right? I seem to have done something wrong while changing my group membership or somesuch19:37
BoxMagnetJordan_U, because it is software, not hardware.19:37
pistymantrism: thanks mate..19:37
BoxMagnetMike_lifeguard, no, that number is the process id number or PID19:38
pistymani just want to know how to create that drive19:38
Mike_lifeguardBoxMagnet: No it isn't - otherwise I have many processes with numbers like 'www-data' and many processes all with the same pid :|19:38
BoxMagnetMike_lifeguard, no, process id number is different for each process.19:39
BoxMagnetMike_lifeguard, use top19:39
bigl9erCan anyone help me to get a microtouch touch screen working in Ubuntu? None of the guides work, this connects via PS/2 port19:39
Mike_lifeguardBoxMagnet: I just said that! It is the 'user' column that has a number instead of a name for all my processes19:39
dpandaplanning to give ubuntu another full-time use chance. will get a new desktop cpu, not looking to spend a fortune, apart from regular computing i just need to run photoshop on xp on virtualbox on daily basic apart from gimp, so what standard processor+ram+motherboard combo will be sufficient? core2duo or dual core? intel motherboard/asus which in general has better compatibility with ubuntu19:39
BoxMagnetMike_lifeguard, oh really.....19:39
Mike_lifeguardBoxMagnet: nobody but you is talking about the pids19:39
BoxMagnetMike_lifeguard, ok ok hold on19:39
MikeChelenMike_lifeguard: some processes can have a number like "1000"19:40
MikeChelenin the user column of ps aux19:40
Mike_lifeguardMikeChelen: Why would that be?19:41
AijseAnybodu know it's gonna be possible to have Amarok 2.2 on ubuntu 9.04 or is it only for Karmic?19:41
FoolsRunAlright, I get some of this in auth.log:    root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=[my sudoers user] ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/gconftool --get /system/http_proxy/port19:41
k0ruptedhey, using the ecrypted home dir during the install... and user changed his password, and now can't login... anyone know how to change the passphrase?19:41
trismpistyman: are you sure you need cdemu to do this, what are you trying to do with the windows 7 iso?19:41
tonyyarussodpanda: Honestly, probably anything on the market will be plenty sufficient for those needs.  Since you're considering virtualization and image editing, I'd be inclined to spend more on extra RAM at the expense of some CPU grunt if it comes down to that.  Searching Newegg reviews for "Ubuntu" and "Linux" is a good way to check compatibility for me.19:41
MikeChelenMike_lifeguard: users can be referenced by their id number, dont think the system really cares which gets used19:41
sebsebsebAijse: there's probably a ppa,  also #kubuntu is the KDE channel19:41
BoxMagnetsorry Mike_lifeguard was just trying to help :-(19:42
pistymantrism: i am trying tt install windows 7 but i dont have a dvd burner to burn it19:42
trismpistyman: you should just be about to mount it (mount -o loop windows_whatever.iso /mnt)19:43
Aijsesebsebseb, yes but i'm not gonna run it on kubuntu, it allreaady is possible to run it on kubuntu ... im interested in using 2.2 on ubuntu 9.0419:43
Mike_lifeguardBoxMagnet: It's no problem, I just don't want you going on a wild goose chase wasting your time answering a question I didn't ask :)19:43
trismpistyman: err, need a sudo in there first19:43
dpandatonyyarusso: so say intel core2duo, compatible motherboard [will search as u said] and 4 gigs of ram should do me good?19:43
BoxMagnetMike_lifeguard, understood.19:43
sebsebsebAijse: you can run KDE apps inside  Gnome/Ubuntu yes19:43
gooseaaaaaaaah highlight Mike_lifeguard!! :p19:43
tonyyarussodpanda: Sounds good to me.  (Better than anything I have...)19:43
Aijsesebsebsen, no waaaaaaaaay19:43
BoxMagnetMike_lifeguard, user id 1000 = the user logged on of im not mistaken19:43
sebsebseb!ppa > Aijse19:44
ubottuAijse, please see my private message19:44
pistymantrism: so what do i type into that termninal? sudo mount -o loop windows_whatever.iso /mnt ?19:44
trismpistyman: although this won't really help you install it, but cdemu won't really either...19:44
dpandatonyyarusso: ah people here are buying core i5 and core i7s like crazy :) and i am struck with a very incompatible old cheap celeron lenovo laptop19:44
tonyyarussodpanda: I have a P4 on my most powerful machine :P19:45
BoxMagnetwhats more important in the end, ram or processor speed?19:45
snellcode# of cores19:45
pistymantrism: so is there anyway to install windows without a dvd or USB?19:45
BoxMagnetahh good call.19:45
visbitshi, im trying to run a service at startup but i need to run as a user not root.  Any ideas?19:45
BoxMagnetthats why my laptop is so much faster than my p4 desktop.19:46
Slartvisbits: use sudo19:46
daevskiAnyone know why my Remote Desktop (viewer) doesn't refresh when I open folders and click around? The mouse moves correctly, and the refresh rate for that seems okay, but it's not refreshing windows. I have to reconnect to see changes... :(19:46
snellcodeit will be number of cores once parallel programming really takes off19:46
visbitsslart how can i add a service to init.d and tell it to sudo another user?19:46
Slart!boot | visbits19:46
ubottuvisbits: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:46
sebsebseb1windows |  pistyman19:46
dpandatonyyarusso: hey running a lil bit old hardware is a challange actually, i live off coding on this celeron19:46
Slartvisbits: do the rc.local thing19:46
sebsebseb!windows !  pistyman19:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:46
BoxMagnetvisbits, /etc/rc.local runs commands as root.19:47
sebsebsebduffydack: I was to fast19:47
visbitsSlart this is perfect19:47
tonyyarussovisbits: Another option is to put it in the user's crontab with @reboot as the time code.19:47
sebsebsebduffydack: so wrong keys19:47
daevski!windows | pistyman19:47
ubottupistyman: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents19:47
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duffydacksebsebseb, my cp -av of the whole / to smaller hd worked btw...19:47
BoxMagnettonyyarusso, isn't /etc/rc.local bad for network sensitive apps though. do to the timing of its running19:47
visbitswhat script runs at shutdown?19:47
sebsebsebduffydack: ok good19:48
snowball_MrDusty: sorry, i left for a bit19:48
snowball_MrDusty: are you going thru a router?19:48
JuJuBeeI am ttying to install SmartBoard software on Ubuntu 64 Bit.  It requires autopackage, but I think autopackage is 32 bit?19:48
dpandasnellcode: hey remember yesterday u mentioned core i5, spent quite few hours checking prices, they are still quite costly here in india man19:48
visbitsjujubee, try apt-get install autopackage.i38619:49
visbitsor w/e instruction set it uses :)19:49
snellcodedpanda: but cheaper than i719:49
JuJuBeevisbits: couldn't find it19:49
tonyyarussoBoxMagnet: I have no idea.19:49
dpandayes of course snellcodel19:49
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JuJuBeevisbits: in fact apt-cache search autopackage shows nothing.19:50
arandIs there a way to ignore the lease time using dhclient?19:50
snellcodedpanda: go amd then19:50
dpandasnellcode: thinking to settle with a core2duo19:51
dpandac2d is so 2006 though :D19:51
snellcodedpanda: for a bit more $ you can get a lot more value with i519:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about survey19:52
jodehow can I configure ubuntu to automatically login?19:52
BlackFLAGcan anyone help me on adobe flash problems on ubuntu 9.04? i just downloaded it yesterday and i downloaded a plug-in for flash but the movies using flash dont play very well19:52
trismjode: System/ Administration/Login Window on the security tab19:53
sebsebsebjode: For security reasons that usaullly isn't the best idea19:53
dpandasnellcode: actually as they are pretty new around here, prices differ a lot [in india] & shipping from US is not practical :(19:53
snowball_BlackFLAG: what is your graphics card?19:53
BlackFLAGim not sure19:53
trismjode: I agree with sebsebseb, but if you still want to, that's how you do it19:53
Slartjode: there is an autologin option in system, administration, login window19:54
snowball_BlackFLAG: intel,ati,ndvia?19:54
mMezquitaleanyone knows of a reputable online store to purchase toner??19:54
BlackFLAGndvia i believe19:54
GentWhat is a free  remote desktop manager that I can use with my black berry19:54
SlartmMezquitale: try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic19:54
mMezquitaleok thanks19:55
dimi3Hello I'm trying enable audio capture in the recording tab for the audio manager, however everytime I open it again it is disabled.. Has someone experienced this?19:58
daevskiAnyone know why my Remote Desktop (viewer) doesn't refresh when I open folders and click around? The mouse moves correctly, and the refresh rate for that seems okay, but it's not refreshing windows. I have to reconnect to see opened windows :(20:00
BlackFLAGsnowball: how do i determine what graphics card i am using on ubuntu?20:00
BoxMagnetdaevski, can you try using gtkvncviewer ?20:00
daevskiBoxMagnet, I can one minute, please/20:01
newubuntuNeed some help if anyone is available20:02
snowball_BlackFLAG: hmm, if you had intel i would suggest upgrading the kernel20:02
hzlockyWhy apt-get propose me ruby1.8 instead of ruby 1.9.1?20:03
=== bac` is now known as bac
BoxMagnethzlocky, apt does not always give the newest ver of a program, some times stability issues.20:03
BoxMagnethzlocky, do they have a .deb on the site20:04
hzlocky1.9.1 as marked as stable and recomended at http://ruby-lang.org20:04
BoxMagnethzlocky, did you update?20:04
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BoxMagnethzlocky, sudo apt-get update20:05
iceroothzlocky: apt-get will never upgrade a version20:05
iceroothzlocky: only security fix20:05
BoxMagneticeroot, what!?20:05
iceroothzlocky: or better, the main ubuntu-repos will never upgrade software20:05
faryshta_Hi, do you guys know a good debugger for c++?20:05
hzlockyfaryshta_: Visual Studio 6.020:06
faryshta_hzlocky, for linux please.20:07
BoxMagnetfaryshta_, gcc20:07
clearscreenfaryshta_: gdb20:07
BoxMagnetor is that a compiler20:07
icerootfaryshta_: #c++20:07
daevskiBoxMagnet, Not hosted with VNC on the client PC, does that matter? I got connected but it's just a black screen with a mouse :-\20:07
BoxMagnetdaevski, whats it hosted with?20:07
daevskiBoxMagnet, gnome's built-in remote desktop options in preferences20:07
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daevskiBoxMagnet, I thought it would work just as well. :-p20:08
BoxMagnetdaevski, hmm, thats what i use with gtkvncviewer, works fine its a bit laggy20:08
trismdaevski: that uses vnc20:08
kakazzaHi, how can I see the version of a package before I download it via aptitude?20:08
icerootkakazza: apt-cache show packagename20:08
icerootkakazza: also see apt-cache policy packagename20:08
BoxMagnetdaevski, is this wifi?20:08
trismdaevski: you could try xvnc4viewer, I use that fine with gnome remote desktop (using it right now)20:09
daevskiBoxMagnet, no, both PC's are hard wired with ethernet.... is that what you mean?20:09
daevskitrism, ty I will try it now20:09
norenhello all20:09
OLD-MANhello noren20:10
BoxMagnettrism, hmm xvnc4viewer is nice.20:10
noreni have just migrated from kubuntu to ubuntu !! how to get a pure ubuntu install20:10
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal20:10
iceroot!puregnome | noren20:10
ubottunoren: please see above20:10
kakazzaI take it, I can't turn my 32bit ubuntu into a 64bit ubuntu *fairly* easily?20:11
kakazzaor, at all20:11
icerootkakazza: no20:11
norenoh i have already got the ubuntu desktop and now want to remove any residual kde packages20:11
icerootkakazza: you have to reinstall to go from 32bit to 64bit20:11
kakazzaI see :/20:11
icerootnoren: then read the link ubottu gave you20:11
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal20:12
icerootnoren: without the sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:12
BoxMagneticeroot, can kakazza keep his .folders for settings?20:13
noreniceroot: i am trying to get the best performance out of my old laptop.. kde was not working properly it was too heavy20:14
BoxMagnetnoren, xfce is nice...20:14
icerootBoxMagnet: what?20:14
BoxMagneticeroot, all the .folders in /home for settings20:14
icerootnoren: best performance with official ubuntu = xubuntu20:14
norenBoxMagnet: installing only xfce will do or i have to get the complete xubutnu-desktop20:14
Hazelesqueif, for hysterical reasons, I am using a machine that is running Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty20:15
daevskiboxmagnet, trism, xvnc4viewer is just black with mouse, also :(20:15
Hazelesqueand I want to install MySQL 5.1 on it20:15
icerootBoxMagnet: apt-get remove will imo keep these settings, only apt-get purge will kill them20:15
Hazelesquewhat is the best way?20:15
BoxMagneticeroot, thanks, good to know20:15
howeeelli'm trying to: `cpufreq-info | grep "The" | echo ${0[2]}`20:15
icerootHazelesque: not using feisty20:15
howeeellwhat is the proper way to do that20:15
trismdaevski: do you have it set up to require accepting the connection on the desktop first? mine comes up black until I click accept20:15
BoxMagnetdaevski, ok, do you have xvnc4viewer open usin a terminal?20:15
Hazelesque(feisty, being The Ubuntu That Time Forgot, only has mysql 5.0.x)20:15
iceroot!eol | Hazelesque20:15
ubottuHazelesque: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases20:15
norenaah guys one more question20:15
Hazelesqueiceroot: tell that to my department's sysadmins.20:16
icerootHazelesque: just tell them about security20:16
daevskiboxmagnet, trism, no request -- and I just found out gnome's RDV is also showing black screen lol... I am going to have them reboot.20:16
norenmy old desktop i got the minimal ubuntu installation.. but cant get the graphical display started20:16
daevskiboxmagnet, trism, Thanks for thinking it through for me though.20:16
Hazelesqueiceroot: I am presently trying to install mysql 5.1.39 from tarball, but I forgot how much of a pain mysql is to install when you have to do it manually ;P20:16
trismdaevski: np, good luck20:16
BoxMagnetdaevski, ok.20:16
kpHello I have some few queries on ubuntu .....can some one help me20:16
icerootHazelesque: why need 5.1.x? and not 5.0.x?20:17
noreni am stuck at consle login only, any parameter i can fix at boot option20:17
Hazelesqueiceroot: ISTR that 5.0.x doesn't have stored procedures?20:17
icerootHazelesque: sure it has20:17
Hazelesqueoh? *checks*20:17
sebsebsebkp: Of course just ask20:17
icerootHazelesque: 5.0.0 has stored procedures20:17
trismnoren: do you have gdm installed?20:17
dragonkhdoes anyone know of software to manage my server and to manage virtual machines ?20:17
icerootdragonkh: ssh?20:18
sebsebsebdragonkh: Virtualbox maybe,  VMware Server ?20:18
Hazelesqueiceroot: ahh, my mistake, although I'm sure there are some features that don't work properly before 5.120:18
norentrism: yes i have that but the graphical wont start only stuck at console20:18
kpI'm using fedora11, and I'm kind of getting bugged..... i want 2 know , how stable is ubuntu as anos20:18
Hazelesquebut it appears that the department is using 5.0.2220:18
Hazelesqueso I'll just see what version *is* in Feisty...20:18
dragonkhI want a web interface to configure my server and manage virtual machines20:18
dragonkhdoes such a thing exist even ?20:18
iceroot!info mysql-server feisty20:18
ubottu'feisty' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner20:18
kpaccording 2 me, fedora11 is a piece of crap....20:19
sebsebsebkp: That depends on hardware and that,  not much point putting  9.04 on though when your running Fedora 11,  since  Ubuntu 9.10 comes out not tommorow, but the next Thursday.20:19
elopsok. i have a athelos 5212 wifi card. and it would not work. i do iwconfig and there it says wlan0 should it not be ath0 on athelos chipset?20:19
elopsok. i have a athelos 5212 wifi card. and it would not work. i do iwconfig and there it says wlan0 should it not be ath0 on athelos chipset?20:21
ra21vihow and what I should configure, since my Laptop HDD is getting hotter and hotter for no reason running Ubuntu...20:22
BoxMagnetra21vi, its getting real hot, or the fan is just running constantly20:24
kakazzait's getting hot in here, I take off all my clothes20:24
ra21viBoxMagnet: no, fan not running constantly...20:25
elopsin bt3 my card work and when i do "lspci" it come up as atheros 5212 and ath0 in "iwconfig" but in ubuntu it says atheros 5001x+ and wlan0? is there a way to force ubuntu to use right driver? i have used google for hours now and i dont find anything that help. probably bad to search20:25
elopshelp me pls20:25
BoxMagnetra21vi, mine is doing it too. very hot.20:25
kakazzaAre you sure you don't want to ask that in #remote-exploit elops?20:25
ra21viBoxMagnet: only the area containing the HDD is getting too much hot, even I cannt comfortably rest my hands20:25
BoxMagnetra21vi, mine too20:26
ra21viBoxMagnet: search and digged Google, found many things , but could not get it working20:26
BoxMagnetra21vi, the only thing i see is if ur fan runs constantly20:26
rrredswireless device problems20:27
ra21viBoxMagnet: no, fan is not running constantly, tht would mean I will have to look why my CPU is running with 100% thrust.20:27
ra21viBoxMagnet: so did you find any solution for yourself.. i think i won't sustain this with such lots heat. That may damage my hardwares20:28
BoxMagnetra21vi, no not yet.20:28
snellcodera21vi: get ssd20:29
snellcodesolid state drive20:29
BoxMagnetwhats that20:29
ra21visnellcode: wow, god didn't made you doctor. I am thankful.20:29
snellcodeBoxMagnet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid-state_drive20:30
ra21visnellcode: are you just like this by birth, or you practised a lot?20:30
tpocraHow can I best make an ubuntu live CD from a .iso when I am running Debian?20:30
BoxMagnetsnellcode, ok thanks for wasting my time20:31
snellcodenp, i use ssd, works great for me20:31
LumagAlguien de chile20:31
david_j_rCan someone spare a moment for a simple question from a first-time Ubuntu (would-be) user?20:32
BlackFLAGhow do i access python on ubuntu?20:32
trismBlackFLAG: type in python at in the terminal20:32
haximusprimehey guys. can anyone tell me how to find the UUID of a cd rom drive?20:32
cjones051073run 'python' at the command line20:32
haximusprimeblkid doesnt seem to apply to them20:32
ra21viBlackFLAG: just open the termina, and write python..20:33
aarkeriodavid_j_r,    shoot!!20:33
snellcodera21vi: did you not say your hdd was too hot?20:33
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xerox1hi, i am trying to connect to an oracle database by using sqldeveloper: result -> error 17002; what's wrong?20:34
david_j_r@aarkerio - Thanks!20:34
david_j_rSimple question = have the 9.04 live disk, and want to install -- should I wait for the 9.10 release and just start there? or install 9.04 and then do the upgrade?20:34
snellcodera21vi: cause ssd runs cool, so i dont know why you dismiss the option20:34
strydaanyone here?20:34
Snotty_whats up? Are you happy to use Karmic Koala 9.10?20:34
dAlfa89_stryda, no, nobody's here20:34
strydai downloaded ubuntu off the website for the x64 version right and i set it to install on wubi20:35
strydaand i came back and it was re-downloading it?20:35
strydawhy is it doing that? :S i already have the .iso20:35
trismxerox1: http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_sql_developer_vendor_error_17002.htm perhaps20:35
jkroonhi guys, i've got an ubuntu install here (installed inside windows) that when it boots just gives me a blank screen (monitor complains about input not supported).20:35
aarkeriodavid_j_r,    well if you would asking me four or five months ago I would say 9.04, but we are a week from release so, Install 9.1020:35
jkroonwhere do i start looking?20:36
strydai downloaded ubuntu off the website for the x64 version right and i set it to install on wubi, and now it's re-downloading it? why?20:36
jkroonand for that matter how, because no matter what option i select from the boot grub menu thinngy i get the same problem.20:36
Snotty_For me 9.10 Karmic Koala is the best OS ever20:36
aarkeriojkroon, /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:36
sebsebsebSnotty_: Wubi can go bad on people etc20:37
xerox1trism, thx, but i am on client side, not server side20:37
david_j_raarkerio - that was my hunch, but wasn't sure.20:37
jkroonaarkerio, how do i get to it?20:37
sebsebsebSnotty_: and  the channel for it untill it's released is #ubuntu+120:37
jkrooni can't do ctrl+alt+f[1-6], and ctrl+alt+kp[+-] doesn't seem to change res either.20:37
david_j_rI'm so looking forward to it! Ubuntu has definitely salvaged a machine for me. Wonderful stuff!20:37
aarkeriojkroon, can you  alt+ctrl+ f1 ?20:37
daevskiboxmagnet, trism, either of you still around?20:37
sebsebsebstryda: see above when I messaged  Snotty_ by mistake regarding Wubi20:38
BoxMagnetdaevski, im here.20:38
trismdaevski: any luck with vnc?20:38
jkroonbut scroll-lock doesn't flicker, so i don't think it's a kernel panic.20:38
[manas]Jimmio,  alive?20:38
daevskiboxmagnet, trism, lol -- well I learned that only the user that I set the remote preferences on am I allowed to see the desktop. but all viewers fail to show menu or windows open20:38
pfifoQuestion, dose anyone have any experience with streaming rtmp, specifically livestream.com, I know i can get the webcam to stream, but I want to stream a file (pre-recorded stuff) or my desktop (or a portion of the desktop)20:39
kenxxcan someone help me with dual booting?20:39
=== |Myxb| is now known as Myxb
aarkeriodavid_j_r,    http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/20:39
trismdaevski: yeah, with the gnome remote desktop, you can only access a logged in session...you'll need a different vnc server if you want to create new sessions20:39
david_j_raarkerio - thanks! appreciate the help.20:39
trismdaevski: I know that tightvnc will do this, but I was having problems with it so I switched to the gnome remote desktop20:39
daevskiboxmagnet, trism, There are like 3 users on that PC, so I would have to set the Remote Desktop options for all the users (or maybe as root) -- but no fix yet :(20:40
kenxxwhen you add windows to menu.lst for grub  what would /dev/sdb1  be for  hd#20:40
BoxMagnetdaevski, or do what trism said20:40
aarkeriokenxx, never ask if someone can help you, just say Hi! and type the question with relevant information20:40
daevskiboxmagnet, trism, Thanks again. I'm done for today. I have bigger fish to fry :-p20:40
kenxxthats what i thought,   but it just says  "starting up..."20:40
BoxMagnetdaevski, but i also had problems with tightvnc20:40
kenxxand sits there forever20:40
kenxxsorry aark20:40
BoxMagnetpfifo, try hd(0,0)20:40
pfifokenxx, you have to use the 'chainloader' command from grub20:41
BoxMagnetpfifo, grub counts from 0 before grub2 was released20:41
pfifoBoxMagnet, he said sdb120:41
BoxMagnetpfifo, trust me, i had this problem for like 5 hours once20:41
kenxxtitle Microsoft Windows XP Professional20:41
kenxxroot (hd1,0)20:41
kenxxchainloader +120:41
jkroonok, i'm going back to gentoo.20:41
jkroonless effort.20:41
kenxxis that right?20:41
BoxMagnet!pastebin > kenxx20:41
ubottukenxx, please see my private message20:41
daevskiAnyone know of a way for ubuntu to share the sound card? (I.E. Youtube + XMMS + Systems sounds all at same time)20:42
aarkeriojkroon, try debian without X system20:42
MenZadaevski: It should do that by default.20:42
BoxMagnetkenxx, try (hd0,0) if its the first hd,20:42
MenZadaevski: It doesn't play nice with, say, Skype though.20:42
pfifokenxx, yes looks good, your sure its on the first partition of your second harddrive? (not second partition of only harddrive)20:42
jkroonaarkerio, pfft.  ok well.20:42
kenxxits on the second drive20:42
kenxxubuntu on first then windows on second20:43
daevskiMenza -- I've never had that luxury :(20:43
BoxMagnetkenxx, harddrive or partition20:43
MenZadaevski: Hmm, that's odd. :\20:43
daevskiMenza: If anything is using sound, nothing else on my system can :(20:43
kenxxhard drive i have two20:43
MenZadaevski: Are you on Ubuntu 4.10 by chance? :p20:43
BoxMagnetdaevski, are u using OSS instead of alsa?20:43
MenZadaevski: OSS, which has been deprecated for YEARS, only allows playback from one client at any given time. ALSA fixed that in, what, '04?20:44
kenxxsda1 , 2 and 5  are ubuntu ,   sdb1  is windows20:44
Sandy80dwhen I try to boot my ubuntu all I get is a blank screen with a mouse pointer, anyone available to help me troubleshoot?20:44
daevskiMenza, BoxMagnet: I'm running 9.04 and asla is the default :-\20:44
pfifokenxx, try to toggle the bootable flag on the dos partition, also you can try not using grub and booting from the MBR of the second drive via CMOS setup (or f11 key or whatever) I myself have found that winblows can be picky and wants to be installed on sda1, so thats where I always put it20:45
BoxMagnetkenxx, well you want to boot the ubuntu partition first, so grub loads, and then you can load windows or ubuntu from their20:45
aarkeriokenxx, try  :  rootnoverify(hd1,3)20:45
hwildewhat does it mean if system fails to boot and just says  GRUB loading, please wait...    then nothing happens?20:46
Adam_eMI need to set up freenx server, and I'm having problems since it doesn't authenticate the user. Maybe a kind administrator would help please?20:46
BoxMagnetthis is why i use UUID20:46
mgv1can pidgin work with skype chat?20:46
kenxxi gott keep restarting ,,,  this is getting annoying as shit20:46
kenxxim bout too just forget it20:47
d33dmgv1, anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, but i don't think so - however you could always install skype20:47
hwildewhat does it mean if system fails to boot and just says  GRUB loading, please wait...    then nothing happens?20:47
kenxxi like ubuntu  but  windows has more shit i need,  and there arent any open source software or payable software for it20:48
jussi01!language | kenxx20:48
ubottukenxx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:48
mgv1d33d, ok20:48
eject_ckdoes anybody uses munin on ubuntu ?20:48
aarkeriokenxx, write in your blog your configuration, Is annoying if in six months the problem appears again20:48
* d33d googles munin20:48
jussi01!anyone | eject_ck20:48
ubottueject_ck: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:48
hwildewhat does it mean if system fails to boot and just says  GRUB loading, please wait...    then nothing happens?20:49
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daevskiUbuntu just froZE!!20:49
Sandy80dwhen I try to boot my ubuntu all I get is a blank screen with a mouse pointer, anyone available to help me troubleshoot?20:49
eject_ckI have annoying trouble what difficult to solve, no graphs building. I checked configs (both minun.conf and munin-node.conf) and see that both are correct but no graphy20:49
eject_ckempty html pages without graphs20:49
daevskiBoxMagnet, MenZa: I'm back. Ubuntu froze... :-\20:50
TimHow can I open .pub files?20:50
Tim(Microsoft Publisher, I guess)20:50
Jordan_Uhwilde: Has it always done this?20:50
daevskiBoxMagnet, MenZa: But yeah... sound doesn't share, which I thought was aweful primative.20:50
duffydackCan I reload the /etc/hosts file without rebooting?20:50
tonyyarussoTim: It may be different now, but the last time I checked the answer was "you don't".  :(20:51
hwildeJordan_U, why doesn't it give an error or something?  I reinstalled grub from the livecd, I fixed the UUID, all the tricks I know20:51
TimOh :(20:51
=== Tim is now known as Glowball
eject_ckduffydack: you don`t need reload something20:51
duffydacklike mount -a does for fstab..ugh20:51
aarkerioduffydack, try     sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart20:51
[manas]can anyone help me to configure virtual box so i  can connect iphone and upload music via itunes???????????20:51
duffydackI thought you had to for that file.. seems not20:51
* duffydack hides head in shame20:51
Jordan_Uhwilde: I don't know, you might try grub220:52
kenxxrootnoverify (hd1,3)    No partition20:52
kenxxwhy is this so gay20:52
trism[manas]: you need to make sure you install the virtual box from the virtual box site, because the one in ubuntu doesn't have usb support20:52
mneptokkenxx: because you have a limited understanding of pejorative adjectives20:52
Sandy80dwhen I try to boot my ubuntu all I get is a blank screen with a mouse pointer20:52
kenxxwell if  /dev/sdb1/   is  hd1,0    why would it not work20:53
tpocrakenxx: You may need to swap device mappings20:53
tpocrakenxx: because windows doesn't understand what it means to not be on the primary HDD20:53
tpocraSometimes I've had to add the lines such as20:53
trism[manas]: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads20:54
tpocramap (hd0) (hd1)20:54
tpocramap (hd1) (hd0)20:54
kenxxand i put this where?20:54
kenxxin menu.lst20:54
tpocrato the relevant section in /boot/grub/menu.list20:54
tpocraAssuming you run GRUB legacy and not GRUB 220:54
kenxxyeah  9.0420:55
kenxxhas legacy right?20:55
tpocrakenxx: http://www.oculon.org/hijinx/linux/grub.htm20:55
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tpocraI think so, I don't run Ubuntu.20:55
naesojoOlá pessoal, tudo bem, por aqui???20:55
Klatuferatanektucan the "ls -l" command print the permissions as octal values instead of printing them in the rwx------ form?20:56
tpocraI think 9.10 is the first version to default to GRUB2 though.20:56
guntbertKlatuferatanektu: try stat for the whole show20:56
anndyhi guys20:56
* Polarina waits for GRUB3.20:56
icerootPolarina: first grub2 would be nice20:56
kenxxyeah i downloaded the beta or 9.10  and  it find windows auto   but  it doesnt wanna boot too anything20:56
icerootPolarina: what most call grub 2 is grub 1.9.x20:56
Sandy80dwhen I try to boot my ubuntu all I get is a blank screen with a mouse pointer20:57
guntbert!9.10 | kenxx20:57
ubottukenxx: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:57
guntbertSandy80d: do you boot from HD or from CD?20:57
Klatuferatanektuguntbert, thx :)20:57
guntbertKlatuferatanektu: you are welcome :-)20:58
Sandy80dguntbert, HDD20:58
[manas]trism, i did i just need to configure it intall some packeges20:58
naesojoAlguem aqui fala português?20:58
Sandy80dguntbert, all I can do when I get to this blank screen is press ctrl-alt-F120:58
guntbertSandy80d: did you try "rescue system" (don't remember the exact name)20:58
sebsebseb!pt |  naesojo20:58
ubottunaesojo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:58
Sandy80dguntbert, yes and fsck still the same20:59
guntbertSandy80d: when you boot into the rescue system - do you get a display there?21:00
craigbass1976Is there a way to make a launcher for a jsp file?21:00
Sandy80dguntbert, are you talking about the recovery mode you can select before grub loads, this is the one I mean21:01
m0r0nWhy does my flash drive require root21:01
daevski_And now someone just threw the circuit breaker switch... what a day I'm having. :-p21:01
digital-rougehey guys is there a program to password protect someoen form downloading stuff in vista?21:02
kenxxtproca    i think i got it  Thank you21:02
guntbertSandy80d: "before grub loads"? what would that be? sorry...21:02
[manas]can anyone help me???21:02
icerootdigital-rouge: ##windows21:02
kenxxappreciate the help dude21:02
iceroot!ask | [manas]21:02
ubottu[manas]: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:02
m0r0ndigital-rouge:  type "/join #windows"21:02
digital-rougeya my grandfather keeps downloading free shit and wonders where all the viruses and pop come form21:03
Sandy80dguntbert: after the bios screen there is a msg that says, grub loading, hit esc for options (and there you can choose recovery mode)21:03
LewiePLooking for some ubuntu help21:03
n8tuser!ask | LewieP21:04
ubottuLewieP: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:04
[manas]can anyone help me which package i need to install to make virtual box support iphone??21:04
=== ustream is now known as JoeK
scott_ino2[manas], what do you mean by support iphone, it should work?21:04
m0r0nWhy does my flash drive require root? It didn't before21:04
guntbertSandy80d: of course :), I was slightly confused - I just booting a machine into that mode21:05
scott_ino2[manas], so long as it recognizes it things hsould work just like they do on windows21:05
scott_ino2minus flashing firmware don't try and do that21:05
[manas]scott_ino2, so when i plug it to machine it found by virtual box21:05
[manas]scott_ino2, no it not21:05
crescendoHow can I prevent distribution upgrades from creating new entries in GRUB?21:05
scott_ino2[manas], hmm that's pretty much what happens when i do it in my xp virtualbox virtualmachine21:06
LewiePI've not used Ubuntu for a while, used on my old desktop, but I have just been given an old laptop, so I thought I would give it a go again. I've installed it, and it seemed to be going fine, but everything runs incredibly slow and choppy. It feels similar to when I have had graphics driver problems in windows. The Latop is a 1.5ghz celron, and has Intel Extreme 2 integrated graphics. Any suggestions?21:06
[manas]scott_ino2, when i plug it nothing happening21:06
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scott_ino2[manas], only thing i did is install "guest additions"21:06
guntbertSandy80d: the recovery menu has serveral options - did you try xfix?21:06
infidel2sare there any laptop wifi cards gaurenteed to work with ubuntu 9.04 out of the box?  i'm having too many driver issues with my current card21:06
[manas]scott_ino2, i did it21:06
tred can someone point me to a webpage on setting jaunty up headless?21:06
Guest69401I've seen people with ubuntu who have a "start" button much like the one in Windows, how can I get one?21:06
Sandy80dguntbert, i sthat teh option to fix grpahics probelm, if so yes21:06
kenxx"NTLDR is missing"   is what i get after i mapped hd121:06
tredive tried a few but they were for older ubuntu21:06
scott_ino2[manas], you need to make sure any device isn't being used by ubuntu, so make sure you unmount your phone from ubuntu21:06
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[manas]but i was talking to Jimmio  ihter day he told me i need something else to inatll but his away now21:07
siddoes anyone by chance have a google wave invite?21:07
[manas]scott_ino2, let me try21:07
DArknald I've seen people with ubuntu who have a "start" button much like the one in Windows, how can I get one?21:07
Sandy80dguntbert, i believe I have tried all of the rescue options in the menu21:07
agriproptry google21:07
guntbertSandy80d: ok, then have look at /var/log/Xorg*21:08
guntbert!google | agriprop21:08
ubottuagriprop: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.21:08
daevski_Anyone know why my sound isn't shared? I'm using ALSA... :-\21:08
agripropsorry i'm new here21:09
aarkerioDArknald, try  at http://www.gnome-look.org/21:09
agripropdon't know the rules yet21:09
DArknaldaakerio : I've only found the themes there21:09
Sandy80dguntbert, ok, i'll have a look...21:09
DArknaldaarkerio: I've only found the themes for it21:10
daevski_DArknald: You're probably seenning some screenshots of Kubuntu (the KDE enviroment of Ubuntu)21:10
guntbertSandy80d: I won't be around much longer, but if you get no clues from your log files yourself you can !pastebin it21:10
daevski_DArknald: Ubuntu uses gnome enviroment, but they have kubuntu.com :-p21:10
Prettodoes anyone knows where i can find templates for posters about karmic?21:10
guntbert!ot | Pretto21:11
ubottuPretto: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:11
LewiePI've not used Ubuntu for a while, used on my old desktop, but I have just been given an old laptop, so I thought I would give it a go again. I've installed it, and it seemed to be going fine, but everything runs incredibly slow and choppy. It feels similar to when I have had graphics driver problems in windows. The Latop is a 1.5ghz celron, and has Intel Extreme 2 integrated graphics. Any suggestions?21:11
DArknalddeavski: Okay, thatks21:11
trismDArknald: you might want to try installing gnome-main-menu21:11
trismDArknald: that might be what you mean21:11
Sandy80dhaving startup trouble have posted my xorg log here if anyone can help me troubleshoot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297789/21:11
kenxxdoes anyone know how to fix "NTLRD is missing..."  when booting into windows after installing ubuntu21:12
nex_When is ubuntu 9.10 out? I cant find any info on their site :\21:12
dAlfa89_In 8 days21:12
[manas]scott_ino2, same sh...21:12
nex_Ok ty21:12
trismDArknald: you can add it to your panel by right clicking the panel/Add to panel/Main Menu21:12
daevski_DArknald: You still here?21:12
ioka<LewieP> from my experience you can not run ubuntu normal with less than 1gb of ram.21:12
DArknaldtrism, Okay dude, thaks, I'm installing it now21:13
daevski_DArknald: You can also customize your desktop a bit with this guide, if you wanted to: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-8-10-Desktop-Customization-Guide-100830.shtml21:13
LewiePioka: Really? That's surprising to me, I would have assumed that any machine that could run Win2k well would be able to play nice with ubuntu.21:14
blue-frogLewieP: what's the RAM of your old laptop?21:14
daevski_Anyone know why my sound isn't shared? I'm using ALSA... :-\21:14
LewiePI'm not sure, is there an easy way to check?21:14
blue-frogLewieP: running ubuntu right now?21:14
dominic_I have a problem with update manager on karmic21:14
dominic_Is this the right place to ask?21:15
DArknalddeavski, thanks, i'll take a  look21:15
blue-frogLewieP: ssytem/admininstration/system monitor21:15
DArknalddaevski, i'll take a look21:15
guntbertSandy80d: there *are* known  troubles with intel graphics21:15
blue-frogLewieP: then first tab21:15
Sandy80dguntbert: ok, any workarounds?21:16
LewieP236.1, which I assume is 256mb21:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:16
iokaI'd argue with that , LewieP .At least this is my experience.21:16
blue-frogLewieP: quite enough21:16
guntbertSandy80d: not from me - sorry - my old ati works as expected - and thats the amount of my involvement with video hardware - sorry21:17
jt76has anyone here used Crossover on ubuntu?21:17
guntbertdominic_: ask in #ubuntu+1 please21:17
blue-frogLewieP: system/preferences/appearances  5th tab make sure visual effects are disabled21:17
jt76k thx21:17
blue-frogLewieP: and while you are in system monitor, see if there is a program clogging your puter21:18
guntbert!hi | dragonkh21:18
ubottudragonkh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:18
LewiePblue-frog: I should have said, I tried that already and it didn't make a difference21:18
LewieP*the appearance stuff, will check for programs now21:19
blue-frogLewieP: ok what about cpu in processes tab of system monitor?21:19
dominic_ok, guntbert21:19
dominic_Thanks :)21:19
micr0xhey folks, I have a cd, but not sure if it's ubuntu 9.04 beta or final, is there a way to know that?21:19
trismLewieP: you can always try an alternate desktop environment or window manager, usually speeds things up a bit (gnome is pretty resource intensive)21:20
LewiePNothing out of the ordinary there21:20
seb-ever customized a live cd?  i'd like to know max size of everything can fit due to compression21:20
StVitus test 2nd time 2nd server "hello world"21:20
trismLewieP: xfce should work fine with 256MB of ram21:20
blue-frogLewieP: now one thing as well once I had my dual core it was hard for me to ever get back to a single processor PC as it seems so slow (even though I worked for years with it)21:20
guntbertStVitus: not here please21:20
TorchDragonIs anyone here using OpenVPN's server component on 9.04? I'm trying to get my openvpn environment working again, the server component executes without an issue but the client fails with a private key failure.21:20
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vanishingmicr0x:test the md5sum21:21
LewiePThing is though, it is awful performance compared to the same hardware running win2k, so I don't think it is that21:21
TorchDragonI spoke with #openvpn and they don't have anything for me. Is there an incompatibility with the certs generated by the OpenVPN 2.1_rc11 package from the Ubuntu distribution using the 2.1_rc20 client?21:21
LewiePtrism: I don't know what those things are, could you explain more please21:22
blue-frogLewieP: system monitor 3rd tab (resources) how are the curves looking?21:22
porter1Is launchpad extremely slow for anyone else? I'm on a uni connection (which is very fast), but launchpad seems to be really slow or damaged.21:22
Sandy80dhaving startup trouble have posted my xorg log here if anyone can help me troubleshoot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297789/21:24
trismLewieP: in the default ubuntu install, there is software called GNOME that manages your desktop menus and windows. but there are other desktop enviroments and window managers that are less resource intensive than gnome.21:24
* Strife89 is trying to build a wget script that looks for links of a specific layout (they're all the same except for some numbers at the end); follows them, and then looks for a link to a PDF on the respective page. If it finds one, it is to download it to a set folder.21:24
MoxyFI'm root , how do I force attatchment to a screen session21:24
trism!desktop | LewieP21:24
ubottuLewieP: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors21:24
LewiePCPU: Hovering around 20%, memory 60%, swap 30%, Network: Mostly flat21:25
Travis-42can I change the size of the Desktop Notifications?21:25
blue-frogLewieP: trism is right. 256 not enough for gnome nowadays21:25
TorchDragonAlso, any way to repair a package management environment after having accidently run dselect / apt-get upgrade and dumped a ton of debian-lenny packages into the mix.21:25
trismLewieP: on the laptop I'm using right now, I only have 64MB, so gnome won't even start, but I am running ubuntu fine with icewm instead21:25
d3xterhey guys21:26
MoxyFI'm root , how do I force attatchment to a screen session.  It says "(Attached)" and won't let me connect.  If I need to kick someone off that's okay because I need to get on ASAP.21:26
d3xtercan someone review my idea at brainstorm? :)21:26
guntbert!ot | d3xter21:26
ubottud3xter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:26
aarkerioscreen -r -d21:26
d3xterMoxyF: already tried -RDD?21:27
hwildehow to fix boot failure at GRUB loading, please wait....21:27
LjLStrife89: for n in {1..100}; do wget --recursive --level=1 --accept pdf "http://whatever/$i"; done21:28
LewiePIf the issues are graphics drivers, would switching to a different desktop environment fix it or not? I am inclined to say a lack of RAM isn't the problem because despite only having 256 of ram, I still have these issues when there is plenty of RAM free21:28
LjLStrife89: something like that21:28
youknowmehwilde: What happens, exactly?21:28
hwildeyouknowme, that's exactly what happens.  it says   GRUB loading, please wait ...21:28
youknowmehwilde: hmmm21:29
hwildeI have already reinstalled grub via livecd, and the mbr21:29
n8tuserLewieP-> you can try the livecd to test it21:29
LewiePn8tuser: How do you mean? I already have Ubuntu installed21:30
falstaff|his it only me or general: launchpad is sloooow21:30
LjLfalstaff|h: it can be quite slow.21:31
youknowmehwilde: Maybe read here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86591721:31
dragonkhhow do I tell what version of ubuntu my server is running ?21:31
LjL!version | dragonkh21:31
ubottudragonkh: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »21:31
somebodyhey guys21:31
=== somebody is now known as eVias
eViasbetter now21:31
eViasi have this problem when i dist-upgrade my ubuntu21:32
n8tuserLewieP-> well to test if your system can handle what you claimed. .. so try the livecd rom or the iso21:32
Travis-42is there any way to change the display size of Desktop Notifications?21:32
eViasit says gnome-mount, gnome-session, hal, etc. could are left unconfigure because of dependency problems21:32
LjLeVias: are you dist-upgrading to a different version of ubuntu?21:33
eViasso when i try and start my linux it says kernel panic root fs could not be mounted .. lol21:33
eViasupgrading from feisty to hardy21:33
LjLeVias: you do realize that's not the recommended way to upgrade?21:33
jayy_123hi all. I really need some help. Speakers are not working on my Thinkpad x200; sound card is not being recognized. Any suggestions?21:33
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:33
LjLeVias: you can't upgrade trom feisty to hardy directly, you need to go throug gutsy.21:33
eViasi know, i just hav no other choice21:33
LjL!upgrade | eVias21:33
ubottueVias: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:33
eViascd won t work and iso booting neither21:33
vanishing29th..and tmr is rc..eh21:33
LjLeVias: neither of those is the way to upgrade21:33
eViasdamn i forgot about apt-get upgrade21:34
LjLeVias: the way to upgrade is to use the upgrade manager. however, i'm afraid it's too late now.21:34
eViaswhat a noob i am21:34
eViasit is ..21:34
LjLeVias: so now you can't boot at all, anyway?21:34
eViasguess it will be one more of an experience with linux21:34
eViasyes i can, recovery21:34
vanishingeVias: what happened?21:34
eViasand am uapt-get upgrade 'ing21:34
eViassays 20 mins to download files21:35
eViashope it wil fix it21:35
LjLeVias: it might, if not, it might boil down to something trivial like changing /etc/fstab21:35
LjLeVias: still, that's the sort of unsupported upgrade that may easily leave you with other half-broken things21:35
eViasi understand21:36
eViasi guess i will be hoping 30 mins more21:36
eViasif it doesn't work i will have to get any cd drive .. that actually works21:36
eViasmine boots on the cd but than crashes when trying to start the install21:36
eViascan t load boot cd21:36
Jonianhi , i'm probably in the wrong place to ask this but how can i copy a file in every subdirectory using terminal ?21:37
eViasso i thought about upgrading manually .. but didn t think bout the update manage ..21:37
eViaswhy do i always want to use my terminal ... bad habbit there ..21:37
TorchDragonJonian: cp -r /target /destination21:37
eViasit s okay vanishing, thank you, i figured i forgot about 'upgrade' :/ .. lo21:38
Jonian<TorchDragon> , that will copy target in every subdirectory of destination ?21:38
Joniansay destination/subdir ?21:38
eViascp - r will not copy the file in every subdirectory21:38
vanishingJonian: you want to copy a file to everysubfolder?21:38
eViasit will copy every file of target in destination21:38
Jonian<vanishing>  , yes21:39
debbie2009is it possible to increase swap file size21:39
eViasdebbie2009, only unbooted i guess21:39
Jordan_Udebbie2009: You can either boot a LiveCD and resize your swap partition or add a swap file and use it in addition to your swap partition21:39
debbie2009ok...so if i use a live cd21:39
Aviramholy shit21:40
AviramI just noticed there are 1548 ppl here21:40
AviramI mean.. WOW21:40
vanishingJordan_U: no need21:40
debbie2009I have 1gb memory - so i guess the best size for swap file is 2gb?21:40
Aviramfirst time I've been in such full IRC channel21:40
FloodBot2Aviram: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:40
debbie2009thanks vanishing21:40
Aviramno wonders why so many messages per minute21:40
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eViasAviram, i guess many people need help21:41
eViasand i always found what i needed21:41
eVias(been here yesterday, and today)21:41
AviramYeah, people in here are awesome :D21:41
tredwhen i try to run jaunty headless, everything seems to work ok except plasma wont start, all my apps still open up onscreen21:41
Jonianso,vanishing....any idea ? :)21:41
tredany ideas?21:41
eViasyesterday i found a faq about how to boot on iso, really interesting, couldn t work with my version though21:41
eViasan today i got told, or rather i realized i'm a dumbass :D21:41
vanishingJonian: still looking..21:42
vanishingmean while try man cp21:42
vanishingsee if anything comes up21:42
nosrepadoes dontzap have any effect in karmic?21:43
nosrepasomeone is telling me that wont work, and I don't have a copy on me to test21:43
nosrepadontzap -d specifically21:44
vanishingthis is an interesting solution21:44
vanishingsee the second post21:44
spinehi- im running ubuntu 8.4 on a sony viao x505- the volume is low- ive tried alsa mixer and also adding to alsa-base21:44
FloodBot2vanishing: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:44
trismnosrepa: no, it was removed as an xorg option, see https://wiki.edubuntu.org/X/Config/DontZap for how to enable it in karmic21:44
spinenothing works21:44
debbie2009thankks all - it seems that swap file isnt really that important21:44
spinecan someone help21:44
nosrepathanks trism21:44
vanishingdoh..now im flooding..lol21:44
=== spine is now known as noFATE
m0r0nWhy does my flash drive require root? It didn't before21:45
Jonian<vanishing> , thanks ...i'll check it :)21:45
eViastry this Jonian21:45
eViasfor dir in $(find www/ -type d); do; cp -i www/index.htm "$dir"/; done21:45
=== raid1 is now known as raid0
vanishingyea..thats what i saw21:45
eViasreplace www/ by target dir and www/index.html by target fie21:45
eViasyeah vanishing just read about it :D21:45
vanishingman just love google21:46
eViassorry i didn 't see you posted that link21:46
eViasyeah :D21:46
Jonianit's working on my box...now it's time to try it in my server :)21:46
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=== Andre_Gondim_ is now known as Andre_Gondim__
vanishingJonian:basicly the context is this:http://dpaste.com/110354/21:46
* eVias is hoping these 5 more minutes will save his life21:47
eVias(getting upgrades) :p21:47
snow_ruwhy ?21:47
eVias(getting upgrades) :p21:48
LjLwhy what?21:48
eViaswhy what i meant too .. lol21:48
snow_ruI can not autocomplete in normal user. Just when I loggin as superuser, I can use tab to autocomplete my command ?21:48
eViasenjoy vanishing21:48
vanishingty..:) and good luck21:48
eViasty :]21:48
snow_ruvanishing, ?21:49
=== NorwayGeek is now known as NorwayGeek|Away
eViashe s one eating21:49
eViasi have no idea, am looking though21:49
PacketCollisionsnow_ru: is /etc/bash_completion being called in your .bashrc?21:49
eViasthere you go :)21:49
BoxMagnetwhere do I find a list of graphics cards supported on ubuntu 9,04 ?21:50
infidanyone know a USB wifi card that works in ubuntu 9.04 plug-in-play?21:50
quimkaoshi! any sugestion for software that video records my screen?21:50
snow_ruPacketCollision, there is no .bashrc in my ~21:50
Edgar1can someone help me with this?21:51
Edgar1I want to read a CD with isofs file system21:51
eViasbut the problem is .. ?21:51
eViasif you just can't mount it try this Edgar121:52
eViasmount -o loop -t iso9660 PATHTOYOURISO/FILE.iso /mnt/iso21:52
eViascreate /mnt/iso first of cours21:53
BoxMagnetwhere do I find a list of graphics cards supported on ubuntu 9,04 ?21:53
PacketCollisionsnow_ru: I guess I should have asked if you are running bash :)21:53
Edgar1it seems it cant mount21:53
eViaswhats the printed error ?21:53
Edgar1but when i open it, it shows me 0 files21:53
princerudymy name is prince21:53
iceroot!hardware | BoxMagnet21:53
ubottuBoxMagnet: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:53
m0r0nWhy does my flash drive require root? It didn't before21:53
eViaslook at the access rights on the folder21:54
PacketCollisionsnow_ru: echo $SHELL to check21:54
djbpythonI've got a question about cron21:55
djbpythonIf i set a job to run every 24 hours will it run a second process if it is already running?21:55
princerudyI have a probleme with phpmyadmin21:55
princerudyerror 40421:55
princerudySome one can help me§21:55
princerudySome one can help me?21:55
FloodBot2princerudy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:55
snow_ruPacketCollision, /bin/sh21:55
PacketCollisionah, that's why21:56
PacketCollisionsh doesn't have that feature21:56
daevski_Anyone know why my sound isn't shared? I'm using ALSA... :-\21:56
PacketCollisionuse chsh to change your shell21:56
=== daevski_ is now known as daevski
puffHi, I'm trying to help a friend recover his ubuntu password.  However, when I restart (or shutdown fully and then start) the machine, the monitor goes into power saver mode, and only comes back when the ubuntu  GUI splash screen.21:56
puffubutu 9.0.421:57
PacketCollisionsnow_ru: just type chsh21:57
PacketCollisionit will ask for password, then enter /bin/bash21:57
PacketCollisionpuff: try hitting esc like crazy while booting21:57
=== Deadly is now known as Guest13930
PacketCollisionsnow_ru: you will have to open a new terminal to see if it worked21:57
snow_ruPacketCollision, good21:58
snow_ruit works21:58
daevskipuff: If he has a video card with 2 outputs, check that only one is used.21:58
puffPacketCollision: I did, it eventually started beeping.21:58
PacketCollisionthen what daevski said is the next thing to try21:58
daevskipuff: esc or F2 or del all trigger bios on different computers21:59
PacketCollisionand try switching which output the monitor is attached to.21:59
* PacketCollision leaves for class21:59
puffThatwb was it.21:59
daevskipuff: yeah, use VGA instead of DVI. it's primary21:59
puffDual-head video card.21:59
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quimkaosany sugestion for screen recording software22:00
daevskipuff: :) -- that's all I could think of, so I'm glad that worked22:00
xyroHey everybody. I have an ssh question. I have a vps and I'm trying to change the ssh port to 19585. I changed sshd_config and restarted the daemon. I also changed the iptables rule set to allow connections on that port and restored it from file. Now, I'm still connected on the old port cause I'm worried about being locked out, can that explain why I can't login over the new port settings?22:00
icerootxyro: no22:00
daevskiAnyone know why my sound isn't shared? I'm using ALSA... :-\22:01
icerootxyro: nmap serveradress -p 1958522:01
=== Deadly is now known as Guest88750
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xyroiceroot, 19585/tcp filtered unknown22:01
icerootxyro: then its a firewall22:02
icerootxyro: filtered = firewall22:02
xyroiceroot, but when i run netstat i can see the connection on 1958522:02
icerootxyro: running on the server?22:02
acadi know this is an odd question for a ubuntu irc room- but i'm looking for someone who has utilized ms windows 7. how much ram would you say is ideal so that the system doesn't need swap?22:02
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icerootxyro: running netstat on the server of course displaying the connection22:03
icerootxyro: but the firewall is filtering everything with comes not from localhost22:03
acad*the reason i ask is i sell ubuntu systems and compare them to vista right now- i'll soon be comparing to windows 7.22:03
icerootacad: ##windows22:04
princerudyHello Andy22:04
princerudyare you connected?22:04
princerudyAndy, is me from LIBREVILLE PRINCE22:04
xyroiceroot, iptables -L output "ACCEPT tcp  --  anywhere  anywhere  tcp dpt:19585"22:04
princerudyYOAN'S ASSISTANT22:04
FloodBot2princerudy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:04
djbpythonI have a python script that always needs to be running. How can I do that under linux22:04
icerootxyro: sorry dont know iptable-rules so cant see if it is correct22:04
LjLprincerudy, pease, this is a public channel, not your private chat with Andy22:04
switchgirlEEEhi can anyone help me get a sharpe edge on an image in gimp?22:04
icerootswitchgirlEEE: #gimp22:05
switchgirlEEEhttp://logodesignerblog.com/creative-business-cards-design-inspiration/ like this in black and white22:05
xyroiceroot, I can even see the connection on my auth log. and it even states that the key was accepted!22:05
switchgirlEEEyeah iceroot its DEAD there22:05
xyroiceroot, this is just weird22:05
icerootswitchgirlEEE: and this is ubuntu-support channel22:05
icerootxyro: but filtered = firewall  hm22:06
tavastianybody having ideas why upload of dvb card firmware wcould fail? dmesg says only: 'tda1004x: Error during firmware upload'22:06
duffydackwhen trying to sudo without being a sudoer, it says the incident will be reported.. where ?22:06
reneehey, I've never used IRC before but here I am. I've gotten a dvd stuck in my drive after a burn hung up. Anyone know how to eject it?22:06
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switchgirlEEEno one answers iceroot I know and gimp is supported by canocal afaik22:06
puffYay, that's all solved, now my next problem...22:06
xyroiceroot, ok, thanks. I'll try and see why i'm getting filtered22:06
eViasduffydack .. logs ?22:06
duffydackeVias, which one22:06
icerootswitchgirlEEE: as i said, this is the ubuntu-support chanel, for application-specific questions there are other rooms22:06
icerootxyro: nmap localhost -p yourport  on server tells open?22:07
reneenvm. it just spat it out.22:08
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duffydackswitchgirlEEE, whats the problem ( I just got here)22:08
xyroiceroot, actually, i see now that it's filtered when i run nmap from server (nmap localhost) but when i run it from my machine it says that the port is open22:09
eVias/var/log/sudolog duffydack22:09
puffAs it turns out, my next problem just solved itself.  We gotta Dell vostro 1520 laptop, installing ubuntu on it, turned out the keyboard and trackpd didn't work.  That problem solved itself.22:09
icerootxyro: filterted on server but opened for client?22:09
xyroiceroot, yup. any idea what it could be?22:09
icerootxyro: so maybe the server cant contact the client after and ssh request and because of that you get the error22:09
xyroiceroot, i just cjanged the iptable entry from 22 to 1958522:10
vanishingnmap localhost shows "internal open ports" too22:10
puffSo, for the record, we found a spare keyboard, plugged it in, managed to get the install working, but were worried about getting the keyboard and trackpad working.  However, after we installed all updates and restarted, it was all working properly, yay!22:10
vanishingie:open to localhost but not outside22:10
duffydackeVias, doesnt exist22:10
ApocalI am having problems installing ia32-libs on my amd64 desktop system, can anybody help me resolve this? ( dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs_2.7ubuntu6.1_amd64.deb (--unpack): unable to create `./usr/lib32/libGL.so.1.2': No such file or directory )22:10
eViashmm well thats where it logs on my machine :s22:10
icerootxyro: but i am sorry, dont know iptables very well22:10
arandIs there a standard for naming bash scripts (not executable with sh but with bash)? .run?22:10
xyroiceroot, I don't get an error it just freezes. no ^C working either once it freezes like that22:10
joaopintoApocal, do you have free disk space ?22:11
wrfmy everyone like ubuntu why should i get this distro22:11
icerootxyro: what tells   ssh -p yourport localhost  on the server22:11
Apocaljoaopinto, Yes I have more than 400gb free :(22:11
eViaslook in you sudoers file22:11
vanishingwrfm:you should know it by know22:11
icerootxyro: possible to connect?22:11
eVias/etc/sudoers > for the line "Default  logfile='22:11
vanishingwrfm: because we got nice ppl in this community22:11
eViasshould be written in there22:11
eViasyou have to open it using visudo though22:12
xyroiceroot, Permission denied (publickey).22:12
winchesteragi am new to linux/ubuntu and for one of my college classes we are working on creating char device drivers. I have added the build essintial package. What else do i need to do to set my desktop edition 9.10 to insmod to the system22:12
daevskiAnyone know why my sound isn't shared? I'm using ALSA, but apps don't share sound card :(22:12
vanishingdaevski:share? define share plz?22:12
iceroot!karmic | winchesterag22:12
ubottuwinchesterag: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:12
Apocaljoaopinto: Hm I have the proprietary nvidia drivers installed, googling the problem makes it seem like a conflict?22:12
icerootxyro: hm22:13
djbpythonif cron has run a script, and it goes to run it again but it is already running will it spawn a second process?22:13
daevskivanishing: XMMS and youtube don't both play sound at the same time.22:13
Apocaldjbpython: yes22:13
djbpythoncan I make it not do that?22:13
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daevskivanishing: nor will Pidgin and XMMS or system sounds.22:13
Apocaldjbpython: You need the script to use locking to make sure only one instance is running at any time... ask the script maintainer to do that22:13
xyroiceroot, I think a reboot might sort things out, but I'm worried about getting locked out22:13
duffydackeVias, its not there..  the "incident" does appear in /var/log/auth.log tho.22:13
djbpythonApocal, I am the script maintainer22:14
duffydacklike i`d expect.22:14
eViaswell okaii ^^22:14
icerootxyro: restarted ssh after port change?22:14
duffydackI was just thinking maybe it would be more "in my face"22:14
xyroiceroot, yup22:14
vanishingdaevski:oh..are you using karmic?22:14
Apocaldjbpython: Ah heh then look up some basic bash "tricks" to have a lockfile22:14
daevskivanishing: nope, Jaunty22:14
wizzo50After updating Flash Player on here, how can you go back to the version before, from ver 10 to 9? I can't seem to find Ver 9.0 in order to load and play some other games on facebook.22:14
Apocaldjbpython: googling for "bash one instance running" gives you tons of hits22:15
dragonkhhi - is it easy to upgrade the kernel on ubuntu ?22:15
vanishingdaevski: hmm...i know a issue in karmic which relates to this..but not jaunty.22:15
vanishingan issue*22:15
dragonkhcan I just do an apt-get install kernel-version and everthing will work ok ?22:15
daevskivanishing: Okay thanks22:15
vanishingdaevski:wait,let me google it22:16
wizzo50any help on here22:16
daevskivanishing: I did google it, and posted on forums today. No luck yet :-p thanks though22:17
daevskivanishing: By the way, this is true of my mom's PC also. completely different hardware.22:17
m0r0nMy flash drive says it need root anyone know why?22:17
dajhorndragonkh: Yes.22:17
wizzo50After updating Flash Player on here, how can you go back to the version before, from ver 10 to 9? I can't seem to find Ver 9.0 in order to load and play some other games on facebook.22:17
mneptokdaevski: your sound card probably does not support hardware mixing22:18
winchesteragin general what would i need to install to insmod modules22:18
daevskimneptok --> vanishing: By the way, this is true of my mom's PC also. completely different hardware.22:18
vanishingmneptok: he had different hardwares..22:18
dragonkhdajhorn: do I have to reboot afterwards - just Im working on a remote server and I dont want to loose it if things go wrong22:18
vanishingdaevski: ill keep looking22:18
mneptokdaevski: some of this is fixed by improved drivers available in the Karmic kernel. grab a Live CD and see if Karmic fixes the issue.22:18
dajhorndragonkh: Yes, you must reboot to get a new kernel.22:18
mneptokvanishing: there's not one, single sound chip that does not support hardware mixing.22:19
wizzo50After updating Flash Player on here, how can you go back to the version before, from ver 10 to 9? I can't seem to find Ver 9.0 in order to load and play some other games on facebook.22:19
dajhorndragonkh: If you are using an official Ubuntu kernel, then it is mostly safe.  If you are using a custom kernel or local modules, then be very careful.22:19
xyroiceroot, well, it works fine if i cahnge the port to 99. I guess I'll just keep it like that22:19
vanishingdaevski and mneptok: in karmic you can choose sound volume for different apps...but not jaunty..22:19
mneptokvanishing: as long as the sound card supports hardware mixing22:20
xyroiceroot, I think it may have something to do with the fact that i'm running on a shared server. maybe they have a centralized firewall or something22:20
tredis karmic gonna be a LTS?22:20
mneptoktred: no22:20
vanishingmneptok: right. but he had 2 systems with same issue.22:20
mneptoktred: Lucid should be22:20
mneptokvanishing: there's not one, single sound chip that does not support hardware mixing.22:20
tredwhen will lucid be out in useable form?22:21
vanishing04 means april22:21
dajhorntred: The end of this month.22:21
mneptokvanishing: what if BOTH machines had sound chipsets that do not support hardware mixing, hmmm?22:21
vanishingmneptok: right......22:21
vanishingdajhorn: he meant lucid.22:22
ApocalCan someone help me figure out this ia32-libs problem on jaunty? It's driving me crazy as I can't use wine or the adobe flash plugin :(22:22
daevskivanishing: sounds volume maybe, but I should be able to share the card with ALSA after version 4 or something, way back in the day (or so I was told today)22:22
tredwhen i try to run jaunty headless, everything seems to work ok except plasma wont start, all my apps still open up onscreen22:22
wizzo50anyone know Facebook on here?22:22
daevskivanishing: *Ubuntu v4 lol22:22
x86_64Is x86_64 = 64 Bit PC? If I can run Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition that I ordered and $(uname -m)=x86_64 , can I run 9.10 64 Bit?22:22
vanishingdaevski: lol..22:23
daevskiwizzo50: I'm sure most of us have used it.22:23
vanishingwizzo50: who doesnt...22:23
daevskiwizzo50: just pose the question :-p22:23
dajhornx86_64: Yes.22:24
maekfacebook friended me22:24
BoxMagnetdaevski, ever get vnc working fully?22:24
wizzo50daevski: How comes after I updated to flash player 10 from 9, now I can't get the games to load on it22:24
BoxMagnetwizzo50, how did you get the update?22:24
daevskivanishing: Is it wise to partition out certain root folders if I plan to reinstall OS weekly, or monthly? (like /etc and /home and that?)22:24
mneptokdaevski: /home, certainly22:25
wizzo50adobe install22:25
vanishingdaevski: very wise imo22:25
daevskiboxmagnet -- gave up on it for today. I might look for an alternative that allows me to control PC no matter who is logged in. I might also look into using SSH instead of virtual... I would really LIKE virtual for teaching though.22:25
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:25
BoxMagnetdaevski, haha i hear ya, think of how much better someone would be if they learned term before gui though...22:25
dajhornwizzo50: For a short time, the Ubuntu package would install a flash version that reported a bad version number.  Before you do anything else, reinstall the flash plugin, or get it from adobe.com directly.22:25
eViastotally agree with boxmagnet22:26
wizzo50BoxMagnet:  Flashplayer plugin through Ubuntu22:26
Travis-42Is it possible to change the font-size of the Ubuntu Desktop OSD Notifications that pop up?  Mine are tiny22:26
dajhornwizzo50: Past that, you should provide a more specific error message or glitch.22:26
BoxMagnetwizzo50, through synaptic, and now no flash loads or?22:26
daevskimneptok, vanishing: I could partition out /home, but is it needed if I have like 6 HDD in here that I store important things on anyways? I think all I would lose is installed apps and plugins and such -- would those things transend from 9.04 --> 9.10 even if I partitioned /home elsewhere?22:27
rdehleri selected canada for timezone when i setup my ubuntu build even though i'm in the US, now i changed my timezone back to US, but aptitude still uses ca.archive.ubuntu.com (which is really slow for me) instead of us.archive.ubuntu.com -- anyone know how to change this?22:27
wizzo50BoxMagnet: Like when I am on facebook and go to play Mobsters, it just loads the first box and then another little box appears saying about adobe update and locks up with a black square22:28
=== Deadly is now known as Guest63730
daevskiboxmagnet: I use term all the time, I just am trying to ease my mother and sisters into using 9.04 from windows :) they have a very nice setup, but forget where things are somethimes. Visual learning is the best for that!22:28
mneptokdaevski: look into "dpkg --get-selections" and "dpkg --set-selections" to restore apps22:28
BoxMagnetdaevski, wht about everything else?22:28
wizzo50BoxMagnet: I have uninstalled and reinstalled and still no change22:28
BoxMagneterr... wizzo50 what about everything else22:28
daevskimneptok: oh kewl. thank you :)22:28
BoxMagnetdaevski, true, and the older you are the harder to learn is very true.22:29
dajhornrdehler: System -> Administration -> Software Sources -> Ubuntu Software -> Download From -> Server for United States22:29
BoxMagnetwizzo50, ok one sec.22:29
rdehlerthx dajhorn22:29
wizzo50BoxMagnet: Pretty much except Mafia Wars22:29
wizzo50BoxMagnet: ok22:29
daevskiboxmaget: everything else? If you mean my term skills, they are good enough to get things done.22:29
vanishingdaevski: some settings might not migrate from 9.04 to 9.10 well, and some will. so i would just "back them up" or keep the /home22:29
daevskivanishing: sounds good. I think I will look into it. I like being on the edge with the new releases and I don't mind installing some apps again. Then again, who says I can't dual-boot and have one stable and one experimental? :-p22:30
BoxMagnetwizzo50, can you find the previous version of the package in synaptic?22:31
FoolishOwlIs there something like a /dev pathname for stdout?22:31
wizzo50BoxMagnet: not for sure22:31
wizzo50BoxMagnet: Where is that?22:31
BoxMagnetwizzo50, in the update manager22:31
=== redseam1 is now known as nerdydork1
dajhornFoolishOwl: Many utilities will take a single - dash character for stdin or stdout.  Mainly gnu programs, like tar and dd.22:32
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BoxMagnetwizzo50, search for flash plugin in synaptic package manager22:32
vanishingdaevski:lol..yea..like conky setting, they will work in 9.10, and i am not in the mood of rewrite the whole conky script.. and i have karmic, backtrack, vista in a little 160GB..lol22:32
BoxMagnet!synaptic wizzo5022:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:32
wizzo50BoxMagnet: Ok, I am in the Synaptic Package22:33
ubuntuwhats the time for the 9.10 release tomorrow?22:33
dajhornFoolishOwl: Some systems map it to things like /dev/fd/0 and /dev/fd/1.22:33
ubuntuthe 22nd22:33
m0r0nubuntu: Not tomorrow22:33
Mastrgamris there a place online where i can download the wireless driver for my laptop? there no way for me to connect to the internet on linux22:33
vanishing!karmic ubuntu22:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about karmic ubuntu22:33
daevskivanishing: I have 1.5TB of hard drives, soon to be more. and I looooove linux :-p So muc learning to be had!22:33
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:33
RandomTimeWhat's the release day for 9.10?22:34
m0r0nubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule22:34
daevskimneptok, vanishing: *slaps forhead* update-manager -d will let me upgrade to 9.10 ! -- good to know. lol22:34
RandomTimethanks, I should have just !karmiced22:34
wizzo50BoxMagnet: Ok,I searched, now what22:34
Vonoffis there any way of turning on PAE without installing the linux-image-pae image? the pae image doesn't work with the nvidia driver package i am using :-/22:34
tmaHey folks. Noob to Linux here. Having trouble installing macchanger on my ASUS 1005HA. Running Ubuntu 9.04.22:34
vanishingdaevski:lol..i think you would prefer a clean install22:34
tmaERROR: Can't read MAC list file "/usr/local/share/macchanger/OUI.list", It looks like a bad installation22:35
tmaERROR: Can't read MAC list file "/usr/local/share/macchanger/wireless.list", It looks like a bad installation22:35
wizzo50I don't see it in there22:35
Mastrgamris there a place online where i can download the wireless driver for my laptop? there no way for me to connect to the internet on linux22:35
daevskivanishing: oh..... noted, thank you.22:35
tmaCan anyone help?22:35
ubuntuya the release candidate is what I meant should I just wait for the final?22:35
ubuntutried the beta it was a little buggy but very nice22:35
BoxMagnetwizzo50, select adobe flash plugin, go to the top left, select package hit force version, select the old version22:35
vanishingubuntu: there shouldnt be much of a huge change from rc to final ..22:36
wizzo50BoxMagnet: I found it, adobe-flashplugin22:36
ubuntualright I'll get the RC than thanks for the info22:36
vanishingdaevski: np..you will be impressed by karmic..22:36
wizzo50where is force22:36
daevskivanishing -- is that new splash screen in?! the moving pretty one?22:36
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tmaps, not sure if this is the right place to ask the question about maccchanger22:36
BoxMagnetwizzo50, top left says package, in there is force version22:37
vanishingwizzo50: in synaptic, select the package,package menu,force version...22:37
wizzo50BoxMagnet: It's not highlighted22:37
vanishingdaevski: yea..and new gdm22:37
daevskivanishing -- stfu. I wish I had time for it now... but I will tomorrow :)22:38
vanishingwizzo50: or you could just highlight package and ctrl+e..lol22:38
quimkaosaaaaa pliz give me a sugestion for screen video recording software for my lovely ubuntu22:38
BoxMagnetwizzo50, ok.. highlight the package before you click on package in top left, and hit force version.......22:38
ryan_xchatWould someone please help me with FLASH plugins? I have a new install of 9.04 and I have installed the swfdec plugin. I cannot view certain videos. For example, at this site: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/team-teal-channel   The embedded video is not viewable.22:38
quimkaosmy googling isent working22:38
BoxMagnetvanishing, thank you..22:38
vanishingdaevski: you can watch youtube vids about it...rofl22:38
vanishingBoxMagnet:np..lol..love this community22:38
daevskivanishing: are you remoting my desktop right now? lmao -- I totally started that a minute ago.22:38
dajhornVonoff: Visit forums.nvidia.com and do a search.  There is commentary that builds >185 are incompatible with PAE generally.22:39
ApocalHow do I install the adobe flash plugin on amd64?22:39
tmaUbuntuNetbookRem: Hello? are you there?22:39
[manas]ok maneged to connect iphone to virtual box but how i will take my music from hdd to virtual box?????22:39
daevskiApocal: I just went to a page that needed it within Firefox and used the plugin popup22:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about disupgrade22:39
Vonoffdajhorn, i am using 190.40...guess those fall into that category?22:39
vanishingdaevski: hmmm..i donno if this could work, probably not,,,but theres a ppa for karmic xsplash22:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about distupgrade22:39
daevskiApocal: I am running on amd6422:39
MastrgamrApocal i know its easy to find a guide on the forums22:39
vanishingyou mean downgrade?22:39
OllebolleAnyone with some knowledge in C programming got a minute to talk something over?22:39
IdleOne!upgrade | BoxMagnet22:40
ubottuBoxMagnet: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:40
d33d!upgrade -d22:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about upgrade -d22:40
Mastrgamrand you can google it.. its easy to find guides for 64-bit flash installs22:40
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava22:40
wizzo50BoxMagnet: I highlighted and hit Ctrl-e, nothing and Under Package, Force Version isn't even made to select22:40
tmaDoes anyone know why macchanger wouldn't be able to read my OUI.list and wireless.list files?22:40
Apocaldaevski Mastrgamr: Yes, the problem is the ia32-libs failed to install...22:40
BoxMagnetwizzo50, you cant select between 2 versions?22:40
dajhornVonoff: Probably.  (I see the -pae package at the packages.ubuntu.com, but it is not available on my local machine.  A non-main kernel is unlikely to be tested by the packagers.)22:40
wizzo50BoxMagnet: Does flashplugin-installer make any difference or affect it22:40
vanishingdaevski:if i were you, i wouldnt try this,,,,but here you go:https://launchpad.net/~xsplash-team/+archive/ppa22:41
tma::sigh:: I'm not even sure that people are seeing my posts.22:41
wizzo50BoxMagnet: Then there is a flashplugin-nonfrree22:41
BoxMagnetwizzo50, id say so.22:41
BoxMagnetno not that one.22:41
Mastrgamr...oh i never had that problem O.o22:41
BoxMagnetwizzo50, im not sure sorry....22:42
rustytechdaHey, you should check out this cool IM program I use, Trillian.  It allows me to talk to people on all the major IM networks.  You can find out more about it at http://www.ceruleanstudios.com/22:42
Vonoffdajhorn, guess there's no other way besides PAE to enable the whole 4gb ram in my system? (64bit is a nono, just switched from 64bit gentoo to 32bit ubuntu on the laptop)22:42
tmaCan someone just direct this noob to where he needs to go?22:42
vanishingtma: need help?22:43
daevskivanishing: have you tried kubuntu recently? I've been looking at KDE4 and the new looking gdm screenshots. It looks really kewl.22:43
tmavanishing: yes! thank you!22:43
dajhornVonoff: Nope.  BTW, I've always had proprietary driver weirdness on PAE computers.  I don't think that vendors do all that much testing on PAE with 4G+.22:43
ryan_xchatI have a FLASH plugin question if someone can help22:44
wizzo50BoxMagnet: The Adobe-flash is a and the nonfree is a
vanishingdaevski:nope...T.T but i have gnome, kde, openbox,fluxbox,awsome,xfce,ldce(forgot) installed.....:)22:44
Schmittywhats the name for ubuntu 9.10?22:44
dajhornVonoff: Any reason why you can't do a 64-bit kernel with the ia32-libs package?22:44
MastrgamrKarmic Koala22:44
rimvisis there anychance to run mirc whit mrc plugins?22:44
vanishingtma:so whats going on?22:44
rimvisi mean on xchat22:44
BoxMagnetwizzo50, ok, try the other one then. no harm in trying it22:44
ryan_xchatCan someone help me, please?22:44
maekcan anyone suggest a simple pop server? I only have 1 account22:44
Schmittythanx Mastrgamr22:44
tmavanishing: i am trying to find out if anyone has run into the problem of macchanger not being able to read the OUI.list and wireless.list files when installed on ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix22:44
BoxMagnetwizzo50, uninstall the old one first22:44
maekryan_xchat: just ask22:44
duffydackok, how can I set the locale/language to say spanish in a terminal?22:44
daevskivanishing: lmao -- okay bye for now. I'm out.22:44
ryan_xchatWould someone please help me with FLASH plugins? I have a new install of 9.04 and I have installed the swfdec plugin. I cannot view certain videos. For example, at this site: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/team-teal-channel   The embedded video is not viewable.22:44
wizzo50BoxMagnet: ok22:45
pompatoHello everyone22:45
vanishingdaevski: cya..22:45
pompatocan someone help me please?22:45
Travis-42is there a way to make focus follow the mouse?22:45
BoxMagnetpompato, ask22:45
vanishingtma: how did you install it?22:45
pompatoI have a problem running apache2:22:45
pompatoapache2: error while loading shared libraries: libmysqlclient_r.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:45
traitdoesn anybody know how its possible to make grub or sth. else to start an installed os or some live-systems from one usb hd?22:45
vanishingtma: i thought macchanger is default installed..o.o22:45
BoxMagnetpompato, search for libmysqlclient and install the package22:45
d_bEasyTag question. Is it possible to add several values for something? I remember you were able to add several genre tags with Foobar2000, is this also possible with EasyTag? If not is there another tag editor that can do this?22:45
pompatoI already tried that22:45
tmavanishing: sudo apt-get install macchanger22:46
BoxMagnetpompato, ok which one you got installed?22:46
pompatoBoxMagnet: i already tried that, but I retry22:46
tmavanishing: that's what I used22:46
m800sucksok guys i installed ubuntu on my laptop but it did not partion itself enough space to put any more files on the drive. it's like it just made enough for install and thats it, how do i fix this?22:46
rimvisryan_xchat, try install plugins for mozzila22:46
vanishingtma: ok...and the symptom?22:46
ryan_xchatI did22:46
BoxMagnetlibmysqlclient15off - MySQL database client library22:46
BoxMagnet, and install -dev too22:46
xrandrm800sucks: reinstall?22:46
zlancei gots a question, i got 2 comps on one router, how can i make a folder on one visible on the other, both are wired22:46
tmavanishing: ERROR: Can't read MAC list file "/usr/local/share/macchanger/OUI.list", It looks like a bad installation22:46
tmaERROR: Can't read MAC list file "/usr/local/share/macchanger/wireless.list", It looks like a bad installation22:46
ryan_xchatrimvis: I installed them22:46
tmaThat's what it's giving back to me.22:47
dajhornTravis-42: System -> Preferences -> Windows22:47
rimvisthat site fuckedup22:47
vanishingtma: hold on,,let me see22:47
ryan_xchatrimvis: Which plugins should I install?22:47
pompatoBoxMagnet: I got the 15-dev22:47
rimvisuse that one if u see22:47
traitdoesn anybody know how its possible to make grub or sth. else to start an installed os or some live-systems from one usb hd?22:47
m800sucksxrandr: i am dual booting btw. but umm how do i ensure that it gets more space its like it didnt really ask me22:47
wizzo50BoxMagnet: Ok, I uninstalled all 3 of them, now what22:47
rimvisu cant do anything if u dont u should install plugins22:47
Travis-42thanks dajhorn22:47
ryan_xchatrimvis: So I see a black box where the video should be22:48
ryan_xchatIf I type "about:plugins" in firefox's address bar, I get a report showing I have the Flash SWFDEC22:48
zlanceshould i set up nfs ?22:48
vanishingtma: have you tried reinstall macchanger package?22:48
rimvisget adobe flashplayer 10 for mozzilla ryan_xchat22:48
rimvisso anybody knows how to use mrc files on xchat???22:48
muxfrif I have ubuntu 10.4 beta, do I have to reinstall the final, or updates should take care of it?22:49
tmavanishing: I think so...though technically I don't know for sure.22:49
dajhornmuxfr: Don't reinstall.  Updates will give you the final release.22:49
muxfrgood ok thanks :)22:49
vanishingtma: try sudo apt-get purge macchanger22:50
vanishingand then sudo apt-get install macchanger22:50
Bluey1where are the hobbit client configuration files?22:50
ApocalThanks everyone who helped me install the flash player, now it works! However, I still am having problems installing ia32-libs :(22:50
Matteexcuse me, I cannot run any programs my /home directory is full at 6.8mb22:51
[manas]how i can put my files to virtual box???22:51
=== bluebottle is now known as Guest94926
rimvismatte try wipe some space22:51
pompatoBoxMagnet: are you there?22:51
d_b[manas]: google: virtualbox shared folders22:52
tmavanishing: I thought that would work, but I just got new errors then the same errors22:52
vanishingtma: new errors?22:52
anonymous_Happy Birthday Ubuntu!!!22:52
vanishingpaste it in dpaste.com22:53
tmaAfter this operation, 332kB of additional disk space will be used.22:53
tmash: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory22:53
tmash: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory22:53
FloodBot2tma: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:53
vanishingtma: hold on22:53
BoxMagnetpompato, sorry  back22:53
tmavanishing: thank you, now will never do that again.22:54
Matte"Could not set application as the default: Failed to write file '/home/matthew/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list.IE9Y1U': fflush() failed: No space left on device" -I get this when I try to install opera....22:54
=== heroid_ is now known as heroid
c4ptdoes anyone use wpa2 enterprise on their lan?22:54
Iimitkhello all. i'm trying to get headphones to worm on my ubuntu jaunty. many resources suggested turning Surround off in Volume Control > Preferences, however there's no such option for surround in my list22:54
vanishingtma: ehh...its FloodBot2..lol anyways, which version of macchanger are you using?22:54
rimvismatte need more space delete some files that u dont need them22:54
Jordan_UMatte: Is your filysystem full?22:54
Iimitkto work*22:54
vanishingtma:check it in synaptic22:54
Mattethere's nothing else to delete!22:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about macchanger22:55
wizzo50join #unity-coders22:55
rimvis Unknown file type /home/rimvis/.wine/dosdevices/c:/PAUTO/mrc/pauto.mrc. Maybe you need to install the Perl or Python plugin?22:55
rimvisanybody knows how to fix it?22:56
[manas]d_b, thanks22:56
tmavanishing: 1.5.0.-322:56
connexHi, I need help with mpd file permission22:56
Matteand no my filesystsem shouldn't be full22:56
pompatoBoxMagnet: I got the 15-dev22:56
pompatoBoxMagnet: the 16-dev22:56
pompatoBoxMagnet: and the 15off22:57
MatteI have deleted everything but my desktop in the /home directory >.<22:57
dragonkhwhich ubuntu server download do I need?22:57
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dragonkhI can  only find ones ending in amd.iso - but I have an intel22:57
snellcodedragonkh: amd64 is also for intel 6422:58
dragonkhah ok22:58
vanishingtma:apparently i dont have that file either22:58
pepe__alguien que hable en español me puede enseñar paso a paso como recuperar la clave wep del router??? una cerveza tiene la culpa ;)22:58
vanishingtma: but my macchanger works22:58
vanishingtma: so what command did you use on macchanger?22:58
Mattewho can help me install opera cause firefox does no good with youtube sound22:59
tmavanishing: at first I got that error just by using the word macchanger with no arguements22:59
vanishingtma: and now?23:00
wizzo50BoxMagnet: I have reinstalled the adobe-flashplugin and still don't work. Like when I try to load Farm Town, the graphics are bouncing back and forth between 2 boxes23:00
vanishingtma: what is the error with no arguements?23:00
dragonkhwow 6 mins to dl the ubuntu server distro !23:00
Iimitk hello all. i'm trying to get headphones to work on my ubuntu jaunty 9.04 laptop. many resources suggested turning Surround off in Volume Control > Preferences, however there's no such option for surround in my list23:00
tharveyhow would I configure jaunty to use specific permissions to automount filesystems from removable storage?23:00
tmavanishing: Same as when I posted before.23:01
tmavanishing: the only thing I can get to is the help menu23:01
vanishingtma: the cannot find wireless.list error?23:01
RhysTMhi guys is there a ubuntu equivalent to services.msc so i can trim down my system?23:01
tmavanishing: yep23:01
vanishingtma: i assume you use jaunty?23:01
wizzo50BoxMagnet: You still there?23:01
tmavanishing: true23:01
tmavanishing: I think23:02
pompatoso can anybody help me ?23:02
vanishingtma:lol..alrite..try sudo apt-get install macchanger-gtk,,then run macchanger-gtk23:02
vanishingpompato: 1 min bud23:02
=== ubuntu is now known as Ademan
paolochi parla italiano23:03
Matteok who here can help me get sound on firefox23:03
Ademananyone know what importing user accounts does if you're installing over an existing partition, but not formatting?23:03
RhysTMequivalent to services.msc anyone?23:03
m0r0nMy flash drive says it need root anyone know why?23:04
AdemanRhysTM: what does services.msc do?23:04
RhysTMshows system services23:04
RhysTMprint spooler file sharing things like that in windows23:04
vanishingtma: if that doesnt work,,,try use ifconfig as an alternate solution23:04
tmavanishing: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)23:04
vanishingtma: oh...dpkg didnt finish23:04
AdemanRhysTM: services are controlled by files in /etc/init.d/ there's a whole rc system to launch them at boot23:04
vanishingtma: sudo killall dpkg23:05
angelusis there a way to pin an application to the desktop???23:05
vanishingtma: sudo dpkg reconfigure -a23:05
vanishingtma: if i remember correctly23:05
RhysTMademan: how can i remove/stop ones i dont want running?23:05
Jordan_Uangelus: What do you mean?23:05
Matte/tmp & /home are full but are completly empty... anyone know how to add space?23:06
vanishingtma:nope..not reconfigure..its sudo dpkg --configure -a23:06
angelusas in the application always stays in the bottom ...... kinda like "pin to desktop" in Windows23:06
IdleOneangelus: right click on the menu item and add to desktop23:06
AdemanRhysTM: sudo service cups stop     would stop cups, and so on23:06
Jordan_UMatte: Can you pastebin the output from "df -h" ?23:06
IdleOneangelus: ahhh sorry I misunderstood23:06
AdemanRhysTM: if you want to prevent them from starting at all, you'd want to modify your rc files, but I don't know enough to give you good advice there23:06
RhysTMis there anywhere i can find a list of the services and what they do23:06
RhysTMthats alright i have a few vm's to experiment on23:07
tmavanishing: status database area is locked by another process23:07
RhysTMi know every service in windows in detail i ant to get to the same level in nix23:07
doggutsRhysTM: install "Boot-Up Manager"23:07
Bluey1where are the hobbit client configuration files?23:07
vanishingtma: keep sudo killall dpkg23:08
AdemanRhysTM: anything in /etc/init.d/ is a service, so ls /etc/init.d/ would list all of your services (not necessarily running ones though)23:08
PhantomLinkHow do I format an SD card as FAT32?23:08
RhysTMyeah im looking in there now ademan just doesnt mean a lot to me lol23:08
RhysTMim googling them one by one just wondering if there was a definitive list23:08
tmavanishing: http://dpaste.com/110389/23:09
vanishingtma: how about ps aux | grep dpkg ?23:09
AdemanRhysTM: they're all scripts, you can open most of them up and there should be some sort of description in each23:09
PhantomLinkI'm in gparted, but I don't see the sd card23:10
RhysTMdogguts: do you know the aptitude package name23:10
Matte /dev/sda5 is full23:10
tmavanishing: ahmm...I think you just went a bit over my head again. :-/23:10
RhysTM   /dev/sdb phantom?23:10
PhantomLinksdb is my linux drive23:10
RhysTMtma: ps aux shows running processes23:10
vanishingtma: oh...ugh type this command and dpaste.com the output:ps aux | grep dpkg23:11
PhantomLinkcan I just right click the card on the desktop?23:11
RhysTM| grep dpkg shows all entries with dpkg in23:11
vanishingtma: =.= its ps aux | grep dpkg...igore the smilie..23:11
RhysTMyeah go to properties and see where the mount point is23:11
doggutsRhysTM: got it through Software Center (karmic)23:11
Matteany ideas why I can't run any setups... trying to get opera for youtube sound23:11
doppleCan anyone tell me any info on ubuntu and the iPhone before I try makin my lappy a Linux box23:11
RhysTMmatte: errors?23:11
PhantomLinkit's fat16, i want it to be fat3223:12
tmavanishing: tma      14551  0.0  0.0   3340   808 pts/0    S+   23:11   0:00 grep dpkg23:12
doggutsRhysTM: package is called "bum"23:12
=== jmrodri is now known as jmrodri-gone
RhysTMyour pulling my plonker lol23:13
Jordan_U!iphone | dopple23:13
ubottudopple: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:13
trismdopple: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone23:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hobbit23:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xymon23:13
LjL!msg the bot23:13
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:13
doppleThanks Jordan_U23:13
MatteCould not set application as the default: Failed to write file '/home/matthew/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list.NAR61U': fflush() failed: No space left on device23:13
Jordan_Udopple: np23:13
vanishingtma: i donno whats wrong with your dpkg thingy...but restart should solve it..23:14
RhysTMif there is space check you have write permissions for the folder23:14
vanishingtma: before you do that23:14
PhantomLinkhow do i format my sd card as fat32?23:14
PhantomLinkit's fat16, but i need fat3223:14
n8tuseruse cfdisk or fdisk23:14
vanishingtma: i want to mention: if macchanger really doesnt work, you can use ifconfig is alternative solution like this:http://dpaste.com/110392/23:15
Matte /dev/sda5 is full....23:15
RhysTMdogguts exactly what i wanted23:15
PhantomLinkcommand not found23:15
doppleJordan_U: what about a solution that doesn't use virtualiztion of windows the laptop isn't good enough to run vms23:15
vanishingtma: just substitute the 00:00:00:00:00:00 to your new desired mac address23:15
doggutsRhysTM: though i think it used to be called Services under System -> Administration (might be mistaken)23:16
vanishingtma: sorry i cant be much more of a help...T.T23:16
vanishingtma: sorry if*23:16
tmavanishing: You were super helpful, even if we didn't get it working. I'm now officially a bit more comfortable trying to get help on dipping my toe into the Ubuntu waters from Windows.23:17
zebastianI have an external hard drive, i formatted it to ext3, will a mac be able to mount it and read the files? a  macbook that is23:17
vanishingtma: lol...ty..try ifconfig it it really cant work:http://dpaste.com/110392/23:18
vanishingtma: but it i meant macchanger23:18
voxtma: what are you trying to do?23:18
vanishingvox: his macchanger isnt working23:19
tmavanishing: of course. thanks so much!23:19
vanishingtma: np23:19
vanishingtma: hopefully vox can help you23:19
tmavox: macchanger wont install properly23:19
RhysTMediting in run level s is not allowed?23:19
RhysTMcan i get around that?23:19
tmavox: It can't read my OUI.list or my wireless.list23:19
vanishingRhysTM: go to /etc/rcS.d/23:20
vanishingRhysTM: and edit in there23:20
shavinderis it possible for me to grab priginal smb.conf file which ships with server 8.04? I was not wise enough to back it up.23:20
vanishingRhysTM:but you have to be careful23:20
tmavox: don't suppose you know much about why that might be do ya?23:20
RhysTMvanishing its a vm i have copies :p23:20
voxtma: looking23:20
MatteWho has Opera as their browser? And could you tell me if youtube works >.>#23:21
RhysTMit does indeed23:21
RhysTMas does irc :p23:21
vanishingRhysTM: lol.alrite...just change the name of the file(starts with S) that you dont want to start with K23:21
HexTasy_how would I make bzip, zip multiple files in one directory?  say I wanted to do only .jpg's and keep the origional23:21
HexTasy_do I need some for; do vodo?23:22
voxtma: may i ask why you need to change the mac?23:22
Burtybobhey all23:22
RhysTMcheers vanishing23:22
tmavox: for your reference on what's going on - http://dpaste.com/110394/23:22
RhysTMhe's hacking his cable modem lol23:22
vanishingtma:good luck bro..23:22
vanishinggotta run...23:22
vanishingcya guys23:22
RhysTMcya vanishing23:22
tmavox: really just playing around, watching things on youtube, trying to recreate and learn23:22
tmavox: apparently, no one else has my problem.23:23
voxtma: do you have synaptic open?23:23
BurtybobAnyone have any ideas why my webmin disk quotas for a user would say like 26GB even though there is nowhere near that amount in the /home/user folder...?23:23
tmavox: yep23:23
voxtma: thats why dplg/apt-get arent working23:23
voxtma: dpkg, sorry23:24
tmavox: just closed it, trying macchanger-gtk again23:24
Mattehow do i see my disk usage in the terminal.... I'm a new user23:24
voxMatte: df -h23:25
raid0anyone has an idea how can i enable wireless on ubuntu on my laptop, that the "wireless" button doesnt work?23:25
raid0it sees the wifi adapter, but sees it as "disabled" state23:25
n8tuserraid0-> first is it has to be recognized, type dmesg or lspci23:26
raid0it is recognized23:26
raid0it was working till last restart23:26
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:26
shavinderanybody using ubuntu server 8.04 here?or any later one?23:27
tmavox: http://dpaste.com/110395/23:28
tmavox: still no good23:28
Jeruvyshavinder: if you have a question, just ask :)23:28
voxtma: one sec23:28
WinZguys, anybody else experiencing segfaults because of libc lately? I have like 5 people who says that different programs go to segfault several times per day23:29
Matte"Could not set application as the default: Failed to write file '/home/matthew/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list.D9BZ1U': fflush() failed: No space left on device" - The only thing on the /home directory is the desktop...How is it full!?23:29
shavinderJeruvy: I already asked earlier :), I lstupidly mutilated my smb.conf without backing it up, and although I am reading up docs to get file sahring working, I needed a copy of an original smb.conf if somebody over has it.23:30
voxtma: there's two issues here. the first is it doesnt like the format of the OUI.list/wireless.list files, and secondly that you're not specifying which device to change the mac of23:30
BurtybobMatte I have a similar problem... Mine is saying that I am useing 26.26GB and like 1200 files which I can't see or find23:30
voxtma: can you pastebin your OUI.list and wireless.list please?23:31
RhysTMi dont know if anyone can help i am running mint on a thinkpad t41 and every now and again the processor max's out for seemingly no reason23:31
adonai2009i  installl ubuntu and i liked but i thought that i will find seo and sem tools marketing , email bulk software and toher free stuffs23:31
adonai2009but i dont23:31
Matteburty we need help!?!?! lol23:31
adonai2009finally not at all is free ..23:31
shavinderI a hopeful  docs at samba.org would wisen me up on how to get my sharing working but it would be psychologically comfortable for me if any of you guys just dpaste and original smb.conf if you have it lying around as a backup :)23:32
Jeruvyshavinder: http://www.linuxformat.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=5988723:32
SeaPhoranyone know what app i'd use to console into a cisco router23:32
shavinderJeruvy: Thanks a lot for that. I appreciate23:33
Jeruvyshavinder: cheers :)23:33
voxadonai2009: what part of it did you pay for?23:33
tmavox: this may sound silly, but is pastebin a different website?23:33
voxtma: nono :) just where you've been putting those errors - that's a 'pastebin'23:34
RhysMwell that was crazy23:34
tmavox: wireless.list   http://dpaste.com/110403/23:34
RhysMtyped putty into a terminal and x crashed23:34
=== HexTasy_ is now known as nubble33
voxtma: ok, i see what's happening23:35
tmavox: really?! sweet!23:36
qoshey guys. where can i get older kernels. i am searching 2.6.31-12 for karmic ...23:36
voxtma: firstly, you're trying to run it as a user.. which isnt going to work. you have to run it as super-user, so you need to put "sudo" infront of the command - sudo macchanger23:37
voxtma: secondly, you need to specify which device you need to change the mac of23:37
voxqos: join #ubuntu+1 for karmic support23:37
voxtma: so, an example command would be "sudo macchanger -A eth0"23:38
skuldanybody know how I can <find> a string in a file in VI?23:39
Priceyskuld: type '/' then the strink23:39
Priceyskuld: the press enter23:39
Priceyskuld: without quotes of course23:39
tmavox: http://dpaste.com/110407/23:39
Priceyskuld: and watch out, as many characters have special meanings...23:39
voxtma: ...ok then23:40
SeaPhorskuld, http://www.ahinc.com/linux101/vi.htm23:40
voxtma: sudo apt-get install --reinstall macchanger23:40
tmavox: http://dpaste.com/110414/23:42
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GodfatherofEireHow does one change the IP config from the command line?23:42
voxtma: hm. one sec.23:43
hackspider@godfatherofEire see man ifconfig23:44
mysoogalhi can somebody direct me to drupal room23:44
GodfatherofEirehackspider, thanks23:44
quellhorsthow can i set stuff in init.d to run on boot?23:44
mysoogalanybody knows how to configure flashvideo on drupal ?23:45
SeaPhorGodfatherofEire, for a smaller more condensed look ai ifconfig --help23:47
=== Guest64781 is now known as atomicguy
GodfatherofEireSeaPhor, thanks23:48
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=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
bjvhow do i launch the GTK editor?23:52
bjvi want to change some gnome settings23:52
WinZbjorge, gconf-editor23:52
voxtma: sorry, i've been called by work, am going to be busy for atleast half an hour.23:52
tmavox: ok, going to watch zero punctuation. will b watching the chat for when you're back23:54
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