
Slam-ercan anyone tell me if the ubuntuone server is hammered? The website is very slow and almost unresponsive01:32
spmSlam-er: looks like one of the daemons went gaga; I've restarted so should be gold again.01:38
Slam-erOkay, thanks, would this affect the actual operation of ubuntuone as well? I've been having a bear of a time trying to get my data uploaded01:38
Slam-ermy applet say's all of my files are up to date but it's only uploaded 2gb of 16gb worth of files01:39
Slam-erhello, is anyone available to answer a question?04:36
Slam-er_hello, anyone here?05:57
spmSlam-er_: some are, some aren't. :-) your best bet is just ask the Q, if someone can help, they will.06:11
Slam-er_thanks, well I'm just wondering if there is a server side issue going on06:12
Slam-er_the applet say's everything is synced but I have 12gb of data that hasn't uploaded, I can't figure out where the problem is06:13
Slam-er_read a lot of bug reports, seen similair issues but no solutions or suggestions06:13
spmwe've having fun with the web front end atm; but I'm not aware of issues with the rest of the system.06:13
spmbut what you're describing sounds like a bug. somewhere...06:14
Slam-er_does the client push the data or does the server pull it? also, the only obvious error I can see is som pol-kit errors, could that be related?06:14
spmI believe it's client push - if only that that makes more sense. "pol-kit" errors?06:15
Slam-er_give me a second, I'll get the right terminology... I have to look it up06:16
Slam-er_something like this bug... I get this a lot06:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451154 in ubuntuone-client "connects to server even if autoconnect is set to 'never'" [High,Fix committed]06:18
spmhmm. well the good news there is that a new client should be released RSN to fix it.06:20
Slam-er_how soon should that be?06:22
spmgood Q. not sure. it was released to the beta ppa early Sat morning fwiw06:25
Slam-er_oh, okay, is there any documentation on it available? I'm pretty new to Ubuntuone so I've been doing some catch up06:27
spmthe beta ppa? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/beta06:31
spmtho. that's not so much docco as "here 'tis"06:31
Slam-er_okay, thanks, I hope this does the trick06:33
spmthe main website has some links down the bottom that may help too; to the faq etc; worst case, use the launchpad answers system and ask question(s) there.06:39
Slam-er_okay, I'll look around and see what else I can find, thanks for helping out, are you a developer or a tester by the way?06:47
Slam-er_I gotta get some sleep now, thanks again for answering my questions06:49
spmdeveloper? tester??? you wrong me. sysadmin. ;-)06:51
lodderissue with ubuntuone webservice?07:16
spmlodder: yeah. being a tad painful atm. we're aware of and monitoring closely. try try try again.07:20
lodderspm: just did now it works ;)07:21
nijabateknico: hello07:42
tekniconijaba, there we are07:42
nijabaso what can I do appart from telling you that I get a 404?07:42
tekniconijaba, does u1 in general work for you?07:43
teknicodo you see the main page?07:43
teknicothat should then redirect to the Files tab07:43
nijabateknico: I have had my share of issues since the begining, but seems to work ok on file sharing now07:44
teknicoso you can get to the files tab07:44
nijabateknico: lately I have ha to re associate my machines to my account a few times for not apparent reasons07:44
nijabateknico: yes, definitely07:45
tekniconijaba, yeah, there have been a few problems with the service07:45
teknicocan you get to the notes and account tabs too?07:45
* nijaba trying07:45
teknicobecause I have a free, 2GB subscription, and the contacts tab is working for me07:46
nijabateknico: only contact seems to have a pb07:46
teknicoI'm trying to understand what's different for you07:46
teknicocan you try logging out and back in?07:46
nijabateknico: sure07:47
tekniconijaba, this morning my u1 applet is not connecting, I wonder if it's related07:50
nijabateknico: Proxy Error The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.07:50
nijabaThe proxy server could not handle the request GET /auth/login/. Reason: Error reading from remote server07:50
nijaba Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8g Server at one.ubuntu.com Port 44307:50
teknicothat's after logging in with launchpad?07:51
nijabateknico: just after clicking on sign in07:52
nijabateknico: but I have not been redirected to lp yet07:52
teknicommm, look like some of the web servers are down07:52
teknicoit's strange that you always get the broken ones, and I always the working ones, though :-)07:53
nijabateknico: yeah, I tend to have bad luck with u1 :P07:54
tekniconijaba, I've logged out and now I can't login either, proxy error too07:54
tekniconijaba, thanks, I'll get some admin and see what's going on07:55
nijabaah...  I feel less paranoid now :P07:55
nijabateknico: woot, back online08:00
nijabateknico: still get the same 404 on contacts though...08:00
tekniconijaba, yes, the app servers are having problems08:01
teknicoyour 404 is really strange though08:01
tekniconijaba, please try https://one.ubuntu.com/contacts/me/details/08:01
nijabateknico: but the 404 error I've had ever since I have seen this tab appear08:01
nijabateknico: same error08:01
tekniconijaba, do you get it on https://edge.one.ubuntu.com/contacts/ too?08:02
nijabateknico: yep08:02
tekniconijaba, I need to get the logs, I'll get back to you, thanks for now08:03
nijabateknico: sounds like some crazy stuff going on in the db for my account since the beginning08:03
nijabateknico: I wish there was a procedure to delete and recreate an account08:04
tekniconijaba, can you file a bug with as more details as possible about your account problems?08:04
tekniconijaba, if you didn't already :-)08:05
nijabateknico: my previous problem was filed in a bug08:05
nijabateknico: the 404 one is not, do you want me to open one?08:05
tekniconijaba, which bug?08:05
* nijaba searching08:06
teknicommm, can't find bugs reported by you on neither ubuntuone-servers nor ubuntuone-client08:07
nijabateknico: bug #36243208:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362432 in ubuntuone-client "Authentication fails repetitively" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36243208:09
tekniconijaba, ok, thanks. that's on ubuntuone-client08:10
tekniconijaba, please file another one at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+filebug specifically for the 404 on the contacts tab08:10
nijabateknico: bug 45698808:15
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456988)08:15
tekniconijaba, great, thanks, I'll update you there when I understand what's going on08:16
nijabateknico: cool, thanks08:16
barlasMy ubuntuone client doesn't seem to be working13:14
khtaamone.ubuntu.com seems to be down13:18
joshuahooverbarlas,  khtaam: unfortunately, we're experiencing some server issues currently...we're looking into them right now and trying to get fixed right away13:19
barlasjoshuahoover, My client wasn't working before either.13:21
joshuahooverbarlas: how long ago?13:21
barlas3 days ago, that's when I actually tried syncing /uploading a file13:21
joshuahooverbarlas: are you on 9.04?13:22
barlasjoshuahoover, Yes, I am using KDE, before that it used to ask for password for gnome keyring and connect to server, now it doesn't do that either.13:22
joshuahooverbarlas: do you have the latest update of the client? we released an important fix on monday13:23
barlasThis monday? No, let me get that. Thanks13:24
joshuahooverbarlas: ok, and remember, we are having some server issues right now so that may still prevent you from connecting...but it's worth a shot :)13:25
=== mattgriffin changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Recent performance improvements are causing issues for some users. We're working on a resolution. Sorry for the inconvenience. | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 261, Protocol Revno is 73 | Release 1.1.0 (cleint) 1.0 (protocol)
=== jamalta_ is now known as jamalta
=== jdobrien is now known as webm0nk3y
alex-weeejhow do i configure my login?15:05
joshuahooverhi alex-weeej: i'm not sure i understand your question15:05
alex-weeejsince installing karmic i have not been asked to log in to launchpad for ubuntu one15:05
alex-weeejand so it does not work15:05
alex-weeejthe applet does nothing when i click it15:05
alex-weeejit has no tooltip15:05
alex-weeejthe "Connect" button does nothing in Nautilus15:06
joshuahooveralex-weeej: are you on 9.04?15:06
joshuahooveralex-weeej: more than likely, it's due to server issues right now...how long has this been going on?15:06
CardinalFangthisfred, aquarius, are you finished with my hardy box?15:06
alex-weeejhow can it be due to server info? it doesn't even know my username is "alex-weej"15:06
aquariusCardinalFang, yes15:07
alex-weeej*server issues15:07
thisfredCardinalFang: quite15:07
alex-weeejjoshuahoover, for since as long as ubuntuone came into karmic15:07
joshuahooveralex-weeej: ok, please make sure you have the latest updates and right-click on the ubuntu one client and select "report a problem" so that we can get some log info and track it there15:08
alex-weeejhang on hang on15:08
alex-weeejwhere on EARTH am i supposed to set my login details?15:08
alex-weeejpreferences has nothing of the sort15:08
joshuahooveralex-weeej: it should prompt you with a web page to login15:08
alex-weeejoh ok15:08
joshuahooveralex-weeej: but right now that's not likely to happen due to server issues15:08
alex-weeejthat's probably why then15:09
joshuahooveralex-weeej: but if it's been going on for a while, that's not good...if you go to ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log can you post it to pastebin.canonical.com and post the link here?15:09
alex-weeejah the client does respond now, but now i asked it to connect again it hangs for ages15:09
alex-weeejseems like the web-interface code is synchronous15:10
rodrigo_no standup?15:14
CardinalFangOne must only incant the magick words.15:18
CardinalFangMEETING BEGINS!15:18
aquariusstatik, jblount, vds?15:20
dobeyvds has a headache. he asked me to paste his status, but never pasted his status to me :P15:20
dobeyjblount is searching for internets15:21
teknicolet's start then15:21
CardinalFangONE: Created couchdb and desktopcouch packages.  Fixed another bug (version at end of /var/log/couchdb/ in postinst) on the fly.15:22
CardinalFangTODO: Install clean karmic RC and test packages.15:22
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:22
CardinalFangrodrigo, s'il vous plait.15:22
rodrigo_• DONE: Fixed line breaks syncing between tomboy<->web UI. Copy/paste of contacts in evo-couchdb (https://bugs.launchpad.net/evolution-couchdb/+bug/451837). Continued looking at nested lists XML<->HTML problems15:23
rodrigo_• TODO: Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). openSUSE/Fedora packaging with aquarius. API documentation for couchdb-glib. Make sandy's snowy test suite work with our server (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/snowy/tree/api/tests.py). Discuss with jdo and aquarius about oauth token per app, not per machine?15:23
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:23
rodrigo_teknico: go!15:23
teknicoDONE: helped nijiba on #ubuntuone; fixed retrieval of invalid values in choice fields of the contact form (#456267)15:23
teknicoTODO: more improvements to the contacts web UI (#456267); integrate the client-side code needed by delete buttons on repeatable sections of the contacts edit form (#439093)15:23
teknicoBLOCK: none15:23
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/451837)15:23
tekniconext: urbanape15:23
urbanapeDONE: Getting a goofy bug fixed and out the door. #45573815:23
urbanapeTODO: Get a harder and more nasty Bindwood bug fixed and landed. #443121 Oof.15:23
urbanapeBLOCK: Nothing besides tracking down some Mozilla Places devs and getting some help.15:23
urbanapedobey: one of your many lives, please.15:23
statikurbanape, are those two bugs critical enough that they have to be uploaded to karmic? if so, does asac know about them?15:24
dobey☺ DONE: triage, Fixed clientdefs ImportError for tests,15:24
dobey☹ TODO: triage, bug fixes,15:24
dobey☹ BLCK: None.15:24
dobeyaquarius: kachow!15:24
aquarius⚀ DONE: helped Chex with couchdb setup; helped rmcbride build hardy u1couch; tried to fix spawning problems on one.ubuntu.com; branch for bug #45553915:24
aquarius⚁ TODO: help thisfred with _users deployment in u1couch; fix my unknown couch token; look at oauth-enabling twisted; make tomboy first-sync experience nicer15:24
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED: still have no oauth token15:24
aquarius⚃ BUG COUNT:https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~sil/+assignedbugs?field.tag=ubuntuone-karmic - 115:24
aquariusno-one next15:24
urbanapestatik, only one bug, and I believe it's probably critical.15:24
aquariusdobey, good work on the clientdefs thing!15:24
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/455539)15:24
dobeyaquarius: i believe statik should be next? :)15:24
aquariusoops. statik?15:25
statikDONE: reverted to using paste instead of spawning and said many frustrated words about spawning only locking up under load and not during any of our testing15:25
statikTODO: help wherever i can with critical bugs15:25
statikBLOCKED: nope15:25
aquariusbah, my machine is doing that thing where you authorise it to get an oauth token and then it keeps popping up the authorise page again. dobey?15:27
CardinalFangHrm, the karmic black&white boot image sort of pulses bright/dim.  I'm not sure I like that.15:27
CardinalFang(The shed should be green!)15:28
jblountHi guys, re, and all of htat.15:33
jblountor that.15:33
jblountDONE: Lots of weird random bugs15:33
jblountTODO: Get copy changes up for mattgriffin on edge15:33
jblountBLOCKED: Had bad times with internet connection this morning, hoping for the best at random coffee shpo #115:34
dobeyaquarius: the applet is doing it you mean?15:36
aquariusdobey, yep15:36
dobeyaquarius: i guess the storage server is having issues, and syncdaemon is thinking auth failed15:37
aquariusdobey, start applet; web page pops up; I say "authorise this computer"; that web page navigates to localhost and then back to u1 correctly; wait a couple of seconds; I get a new tab asking me to authorise computer again. :(15:37
dobeyaquarius: i think some recent fixes in trunk from facundo make that happen a lot less though15:38
aquariusdobey, ERROR:dbus.proxies:Introspect error on com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon:/: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)15:40
aquariusand syncdaemon is not running15:40
aquariusI thought that the applet started it?15:40
aquariusdo i have to run it manually?15:40
dobeythe applet does start it15:42
dobeywell, starts it after successful auth phase15:42
dobeyif it starts up and gets AUTH_FAILED though, it's going to have the rinse/repeat thing happen15:43
facundobatistaaquarius, dobey: what I did is stop confusing any error during oauth, with an oauth error15:43
dobeybut that can also be circumvented by setting the pref to not connect on start15:43
facundobatistaaquarius, dobey: so, say, if we have a timeout during auth, no more AUTH_FAILED is signaled15:44
dobeyfacundobatista: right, which would reduce the likelihood of the repetitive auth happening :)15:44
facundobatistadobey, yes, :)...15:45
urbanapestatik, just sent a note to asac, rick, you and kenvandine asking for a nomination acceptance.15:48
CardinalFang78 seconds to log-in prompt, in virtualbox.  :\15:49
kenvandineurbanape, thx15:50
urbanapekenvandine, np. While I knew Bindwood was replicating the livemarks, I didn't realize they were going to render the entire browser useless.15:51
urbanapeI just thought they'd be clutter, but harmless clutter.15:52
barlasjoshuahoover, Still having problems after the update, I guess I will wait for the server problems to resolve before trying again.15:55
joshuahooverbarlas: do you see any errors in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log?15:55
barlasjoshuahoover, No, the last line says "We are online"15:56
barlaserr.. sorry, wait15:57
aquariusfacundobatista, ok, when I start ubuntuone-client-applet and it takes me through the oauth dance, syncdaemon exits:15:57
aquarius/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/action_queue.py:981: DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.615:57
aquarius  logger.error("OAuth failed: %s", e.message)15:57
aquarius/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/action_queue.py:982: DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.615:57
aquarius  self.event_queue.push('SYS_OAUTH_ERROR', error=e.message)15:57
aquariusfacundobatista, once syncdaemon's printed those two, it exits15:58
dobeyyou're not running trunk i think, but the version in karmic?15:58
aquariusdobey, correct15:58
facundobatistaaquarius, that's code before my fix15:59
dobeyaquarius: i also presume you care more about the token staying round than syncdaemon working right now?15:59
aquariusdobey, yes15:59
barlasjoshuahoover, Getting "Authorization Error: name or service unknown" error now15:59
facundobatistaaquarius, I recognize it because one of my small fixes was stop using the deprecated .message15:59
aquariusfacundobatista, yeah, I'm running the karmic version; wasn't sure if your fix had hit release yet :)15:59
dobeyaquarius: open prefs, quit the applet, set "connect on start" to "never", close prefs, and start the applet again16:00
dobeyaquarius: sorry. i thought "in trunk" would have implied "probably not in karmic" :)16:00
aquariusdobey, when I open prefs and then kill the applet, the prefs window disappears too16:01
barlasjoshuahoover,  "[Errno socket error] [Errno -2] Name or service not known" to be exact16:01
dobeyaquarius: ok, well quit the applet and run ubuntuone-client-preferences16:02
joshuahooverdobey: is the error barlas is getting ^^ related to the server issues?16:02
dobeyjoshuahoover: no, it's a DNS lookup error16:02
dobeybarlas: does running "host ubuntuone.com" in a terminal give you an IP for it?16:03
aquariusdobey, OK, so, now, when I run the applet it comes up as disconnected (the ! in a cloud).16:03
dobeyaquarius: right16:03
dobeyoh right, i forgot i put in a fix to avoid doing the auth if the applet is set to be disconnected16:04
aquariusindeed. :)16:04
dobeybut there is still hope16:05
aquariusI am happy to follow instructions :P16:06
barlasdobey, I wasn't able to, but now I can. Am not getting that error now16:06
barlasGetting no error at all16:06
dobeyaquarius: if you run d-feet, and call the login method on the applet, with ("https://ubuntuone.com", "ubuntuone") as the arguments16:07
barlasHave to leave, will be back later. Thanks16:07
joshuahooverbarlas: is the client connecting?16:07
dobeyaquarius: it should do the auth bits, and still avoid starting syncdaemon and connecting (but then failing to auth)16:07
joshuahooverbarlas: ok, please ping me when you get back on16:07
barlasjoshuahoover, Okay, thanks.16:08
aquariusexcellent, thanks dobey16:09
dobeyit would appear i'll be doing a fair bit of auth work for lucid16:14
joshuahooverdobey: for bugs like #456884 any tips on how to best triage these? i can't make sense out of them normally16:22
dobeyubottu:bug #45688416:23
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456884)16:23
dobeynot exactly16:24
dobeyjoshuahoover: that one looks like the stack trace is incompelte16:25
joshuahooverdobey: hmmm...ok, wonder what we can tell the user16:25
dobeyjoshuahoover: looking at it, i'd say it is likely something in dbus or nautilus causing memory corruption, but those are a terrible pain to debug16:26
joshuahooverdobey: got ya16:27
* dobey marks it incomplete and asks for more info16:29
joshuahooverthank you dobey16:30
joshuahooverdobey: some users (on karmic) are showing bugs with only this in the oauth log and really no other info: Starting Ubuntu One client version 1.0.2  ...it's probably related to server issues (based on the timing) but i'm concerned about that being the only thing logged...thoughts?16:33
dobeyjoshuahoover: i guess it depends on the issue. are they all "crash" issues?16:34
joshuahooverdobey: here's an example: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/45706816:34
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/457068)16:34
dobeyjoshuahoover: not sure. sounds like it could be the server issues, but i'd expect to see the connection error logged still16:36
joshuahooverdobey: yeah, that's what i was thinking...very strange16:37
dobeyi suspect if tried again now though, it will work mostly ok16:37
dobeymostly in that it'll do the auth bits anyway16:38
dobeyok, well i'm gonna go get some lunch16:39
dobeybbiab :)16:39
=== john is now known as Guest48652
ukevmy evolution contacts won't sync to ubuntu one, files and tomboy works17:33
ukevI have them in the desktop couch but it seems that the desktop couch does not replicate to ubuntu one17:34
ukevcan anyone help me ? ;)17:34
teknicoukev, hi, I'm investigating, just a sec17:38
ukevok, thank you17:38
thisfredukev: this is in progress, but not ready yet17:41
teknicoukev, desktop couch replication with the service is not working yet, it should in a few days17:41
ukevah ok... maybe a note on ubuntu one or in the faq would be nice because it seems to be ready (for at least testing it)17:42
ukevand another thing... do you think bindwood will also be ready for testing in a few days or will that need more time? I tested it and added a few comments here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bindwood/+bug/44312117:44
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/443121)17:44
ukevbecause, when it needs more time, I will setup xmarks, but if I only had to wait a few days, I will wait... ;)17:45
teknicoukev, thanks for the comments, bindwood should not take longer either17:56
dobeyukev: as i understand it, the client side is all ready, but we're working on a fix necessary on the server to make that piece work, which should be updated in the next few days17:57
ukevok, thank you17:59
ukevare there plans, what comes next?17:59
teknicoukev, we were thinking about time travel and teleportation, but there are a few bugs to solve yet ;-)18:00
ukevhaha... nice one :)18:00
ukevplease mail me, if you have solved them ;)18:00
teknicoukev, you'll be the first to know!18:00
dobeyCERN is working on them18:00
dobeybut the LHC keeps breaking18:01
dobeyso much drama in the LHC18:03
dobeylife is hard bein' H I double Gs18:03
jblountdobey: PIMP18:06
dobeyi feel fat18:16
=== john is now known as Guest35121
nimhha ha, my last holiday I stopped outside of CERN18:26
nimhto have my photo taken with a large dipole magnet18:27
nimhI tried to get a tour, but I found out that you have to apply six months in advance18:27
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
CardinalFangnimh, the first use of time-travel will be to subvert the six-month wait for a tour.19:12
nimhhell no, if I get my hands on a time machine I'm going back in time to kidnap Bridgette Bardot, Debby Harry and Sophie Marceau19:13
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
=== mattgriffin changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Ubuntu One is now available and faster than ever. | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 261, Protocol Revno is 73 | Release 1.1.0 (cleint) 1.0 (protocol)
thisfredCardinalFang: I was at europython when it was in CERN, and we went down into the ATLAS detector even :D20:48
thisfredI wonder  the reason it keeps breaking down just before going functional is that time travellers keep sabotaging it to prevent it blowing up the planet. Would that excuser work for couchdb replication to the cloud as well?20:50
thisfredheck, maybe I just bumped into something when I was down there. I know *that* excuse will work for couchdb replication...20:51
rarrrrrrthough it shows promise, couchdb is yet to strongly exercise the anthropic principle ..20:51
dobeypirate day was last month :)20:53
CardinalFangthisfred, where did the time travelers come from?  The explosion must not be too bad if we progressed enough to build a time machine later.20:54
thisfredMaybe there was no explosion, and they want to keep time travel to themselves by having it never invented?20:55
* thisfred implodes20:55
hollmanhello all21:03
hollmanhow can I add my computer to ubuntuone ?21:03
joshuahooverhi hollman21:05
joshuahooveryou should be able to open the ubuntu one client (applications->internet->ubuntu one) and then see a web page popup prompting you to add your computer to your account21:06
joshuahooverhollman: are you on 9.04 or karmic beta?21:06
hollman_hello all, how can I add my computer to my account of UbuntuOne ?21:08
joshuahooverhi hollman_: maybe you missed my message? you should be able to open the ubuntu one client (applications->internet->ubuntu one) and then see a web page popup prompting you to add your computer to your account21:08
hollman_joshuahoover:  Thanks , but it showme an error: Authorization Error: Ermo socket error ermo -2 Name or service not know21:10
joshuahooverhollman_: ok, if you go to a terminal session and type: host one.ubuntu.com21:10
joshuahooverhollman_: let me know what you get back21:11
magatzok, the web is back.... but why i'm nont to upload a file?21:15
magatzi keep on getting: Internal Server Error21:15
joshuahoovermagatz: you should be able to, i'm going to check here right now21:16
magatzsorry mispelled: i'm not able21:16
hollman_joshuahoover: $ host one.ubuntu.com Host one.ubuntu.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)21:17
joshuahooverhollman_: ok, that's the issue, it's a dns error...can you get to ubuntu.com in your web browser?21:17
hollman_joshuahoover: ohhh21:18
hollman_yes i Can21:18
magatzme too....21:18
joshuahooverhollman_: hmmm... ok, and how about https://one.ubuntu.com21:18
hollman_joshuahoover: yes I can21:19
hollman_I have a proxy server configured21:19
magatzme too with https, and no proxy configured21:19
joshuahooverhollman_: ahhh...ok, the client won't work behind a proxy server currently21:20
hollman_joshuahoover: haaaaaaa, thak you21:20
hollman_:( ++21:20
magatzmy 2cent.... now i can upload....21:20
joshuahoovermagatz: still testing...so far i'm able to upload via the web ok, asking others to test...how big is the file you're uploading (shouldn't matter, but i might be able to do a better test here)?21:20
magatzsmall files... between 10 and 100 kb21:21
magatzwait i'm trying now21:21
joshuahoovermagatz: ok21:21
joshuahoovermagatz: we're getting some additional logging on the servers to help us nail down these errors...you shouldn't get a 500 even once21:23
magatznow i've just upload a 5,5 mb file without error....21:24
joshuahoovermagatz: that's good to hear, in the mean time we're looking into the issue as it's not good that you get that even one time21:26
magatza question: i'm using ubntuone from a desktop and a laptop21:27
magatzif my ubuntuone folder on  desktop pc there is a file called aaa.zip21:27
magatzdo i expect to see the same file on my laptop ubuntu folder?21:28
joshuahoovermagatz: it should, but due to some things we're tracking down right now with that part of the service, you may need to disconnect and connect your client to force it to see the change21:28
joshuahoovermagatz: repost:  it should, but due to some things we're tracking down right now with that part of the service, you may need to disconnect and connect your client to force it to see the change21:30
hollmanhey,  joshuahoover i remove the proxy configuration from my Computer, and i Continue with the problem ... :(21:33
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