=== sean is now known as Guest19538 [00:15] when i try to run jaunty headless, everything seems to work ok except plasma wont start, all my apps still open up onscreen. any ideashow to get plasma to start headless? [00:16] sorry but what is 'headless' ? [00:16] tred: with out a monitor? [00:16] yes [00:16] where would i find kubuntu cd art? [00:18] tred: i'm guessing your running it in a virtualmachine and x-forwarding? [00:18] how u know that 'everything open up onscreen except plasma' without monitor ? [00:18] i use vnc to log in from my xp machine [00:18] cool [00:19] its a normal kubuntu install with x11vnc autostarting [00:19] tred: r u using x-forwarding ? [00:19] not that i know of [00:20] whatever apps i had running when i shut down restart fine and i can use them and console, but the desktop itself wont start [00:20] tred: where r u running kbuntu, virtualmachine ? [00:20] no virtual machine [00:20] i know with kubuntu one can create customized menus. does the menu allow you to leave it on the menu, but simply hide an icon per user [00:20] its a a separate pc [00:21] tred: i have a old PC whose 2 pins of monitor-cabinet socket are broken [00:21] tred: so it don't show good graphics, all seems too dark [00:22] ive seen where i might can make a dumnmy vga plug, but im hoping i can get it done in the software [00:22] tred: i think now i can access that pc from my iMac if u will elaborate little more what should i do? [00:22] Um, no, that's going to be a hardware fix. [00:23] roKB, do what i did, install x11vnx, and use tightvnc viewer on ur good pc [00:23] tred: no, i don't want to go near that pc except booting [00:23] tred: i will put my servers on that pc :) [00:23] tred: will it show real time desktop graphics ? [00:24] yes [00:24] specially on a 100mbps network :P [00:24] * roKB thanks tred for his help [00:25] wait a sec and and i will give u the command string i use [00:25] nightwlkr: ofcourse i have my systems on lan not on modems :) [00:26] x11vnc -rfbauth /home/tred/.vnc/passwd -forever -tightfilexfer [00:26] u have to set up own passwd first [00:26] roKB: then it will b in real time possibly with minor flickering [00:26] tred: its for starting vnc on kubuntu, right ? [00:27] right [00:27] after u install the x11vnc package [00:27] tred: i hope it usage will be in man pages ? [00:28] if i remember right i had to change the permissions on my home/.vnc folder before it would let me set a password [00:28] the x11vnc homepage is good too [00:29] night all and good luck roKB [00:29] tred: thanks a lot [00:29] nightwlkr: thank u too :) === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [00:30] the -forever part is needed to keep it from shutting down when first vnc wiewer leaves === sean is now known as Guest35274 [00:30] and the -tightfilexfer lets u send files from ur good pc to the x11vnc machine [00:32] so far only thing stopping me from being headless is plasma wont start [00:33] tread: did kbuntu jaunty worked well ? [00:33] release canidate comes out tomorrow? === starcraft is now known as starcraftman [00:33] i like it mostly, not too sure yet if i like the plasma desktop [00:34] i m using beta release with daily update [00:34] i may install intrepid on anoth hdd i have laying around and see which one i like better [00:34] and starts to like plasma [00:35] do u any site like futuredesktop.org which guides step-by-step to configure kubuntu to a usable state ? [00:35] futuredesktop is for ubuntu [00:35] i had trouble at first with resolution changes on reboot, but thats cuz im using a KVM switch, i edited xorg.conf and fixed that problem [00:36] nope, im just scratching my ass and digging around on the net, hehe [00:36] will vnc allow me to run it full screen on my iMac ? [00:36] it will very close to full screen [00:37] it depends on how u have ur viewer set up [00:37] can i watch movies remotely too, so i don't have to create samba share [00:39] i dont know if the speed is good enough for that [00:39] i think i watched a youtube vid in browser other day ok, but thats not a regular movie === starcraft is now known as starcraftman [00:49] 700MB movie RIP have bitrate of 1200kbps roughly, it should run fine on 100mbps LAN infrastructre [00:54] anyone know what would be similar to the "run" function in Windows in kubuntu [00:55] and where to find the wine directory in kubuntu [00:55] Zuz|Kubuntu: ? [00:55] wine is found in ~/home/user/.wine [00:55] installed a windows game and want to play it? [00:56] nope [00:56] im trying to run x-lite 3 for windows on kubuntu [00:56] i cant seem to get any soft phone to work with broadvoice on kubuntu [00:56] but i can with windows [00:57] i installed Keiga with adept, it says its installed, but i cant find it anywhere on this laptop [00:58] its prob in /usr/bin [00:58] not keiga, i meant Ekiga [00:58] Zuz|Kubuntu: press Alt + F2 [00:59] open konsole and type: $ which Ekiga [00:59] it will tell u the location of Ekiga [01:00] tells me to run this # regsvr32 .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Common\ Files/Intel/ataplugin/ATAPlugIn.ax [01:00] now should i include the #? [01:07] rokB: ok its working [01:09] Zuz|Kubuntu: Ekiga working now ? [01:09] Anyone know how to get extended desktop working on kubuntu [01:10] all it sees is my external display in System Settings > Display [01:10] though the display is mirrored [01:11] what u see in "multiple monitors" under Display ? === mzawieska is now known as ziomus [01:47] hey how are u suppose to use this os [01:47] first time ive ever used this [01:48] can anybody please tell me [01:49] You might want to ask something a bit more specific [01:49] ? [01:50] like the the tool bar [01:50] i cant find the programs i minamized [01:52] o wait never mind i fixed it [01:54] kubuntu is pretty cool [01:54] compared to vista it seems like the same [01:55] i got a question what does Ktorrent do? === LjL-Temp is now known as LjL [02:01] klockworks- it's a BitTorrent client [02:01] what does bittorrent do [02:03] Its a a tool to share files [02:03] It's used to download files from other users that also have the file, instead of downloading over a connection to a single server [02:04] compared to vista it seems like the same <--- and its not fine to say that :P [02:04] uh y [02:05] ok i got a quetsion how do u send private messages? [02:16] !pm | klockworks [02:16] klockworks: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. [02:17] pm Dragnslcr like this [02:18] pm/ Drangsclr erm [02:18] pm I Drangsclr .. [02:19] !pm Dragnsclr ... [02:19] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [02:19] ?? [02:20] pm | Dragmsclr like this [02:29] do i have to get a antivirus for kubuntu? [02:29] hello [02:40] for a room witho so many people its so quite === anthony is now known as Guest63992 [03:02] hi. schedule shows RC available? [03:35] anyone know a software i could use to test my mic? [03:40] skype? [03:40] :p [03:56] anyone know how to start plasma decently in a headless jaunty? i can leave a bash window open and start it from there after i log in on vnc, but it doesnt start quite normally [05:14] hello!! [05:15] ive a question... every time i run flash videos or... play some games like chess games, my intel core 2 duo runs like hell, not even in other computers running cd4 the processor works so hard, why is that? [05:16] is it something about the kernel? [05:16] should i use 64 bits? what should i do? === lucas_ is now known as nn123 [05:21] im no expert but are ur video drivers up to snuff? [05:22] well... [05:22] im with kernel 2.6.31 [05:23] and i guess i mean im running kubuntu 9.10 [05:23] but it used to do like that on other versions also [05:23] so, i dont really know why is it [05:23] there may be some graphics specific drivers u need to dl [05:23] what card do u have? [05:23] intel x3100 [05:24] i guess i have lastest intel video card drivers with this version of kubuntu [05:24] intel has some linux drivers for that card [05:25] dont u know if kubuntu or ubuntu are supposed to give us those video drivers? [05:25] i think all u get from ubuntu/kubuntu are generic drivers [05:26] then ill check them out [05:26] thanks [05:27] http://intellinuxgraphics.org/documentation.html [05:34] anyone know how to start plasma decently in a headless jaunty? i can leave a bash window open and start it from there after i log in on vnc, but it doesnt start quite normally === hemathor_ is now known as hemathor [06:06] * bolshevikgypsy trying to get the hang of kubuntu [06:07] it might take a bit [06:07] x === maximo is now known as Maximo === richard is now known as Guest21498 === tyler is now known as Guest11942 [07:28] anyone know how to start plasma decently in a headless jaunty? i can leave a bash window open and start it from there after i log in on vnc, but it doesnt start quite normally [07:44] tred: alt+f2? [07:58] hi, Kubuntu 9.04 isn't able to find one of my SATA drive in the installer, any workarounds for this? Both BIOS and Windows can recognize it, and the installer can find my other drives (which I now temporary unplugged) === kb is now known as Guest69212 [08:05] does gparted see that drive? [08:06] no idea, is gparted available from the live cd ? [08:07] jussi01: no, i just leave a console window open when i shut down or reboot, and it opens fine headless and i vnc in and restart plasma from the console window [08:08] windy, u have to use the package mgr to install gparted [08:08] can u see thAR DRIVE IN DOLPHIN? [08:09] damn caps key, i need to remap this kbd i think [08:09] not in /mnt/ [08:09] it should show in /home/media/ actually [08:10] nope, nothing [08:10] and it'd be really hard to use a packet manager to install something on a CD ;) [08:10] hello [08:11] no, the package manager would download it from the net and temp install in ur ramdisk [08:11] ur ramdisk is ur memory [08:12] good I got a lot of memory then :p [08:12] i have to install partimage on my livecd every time i want to do a image of this drive [08:13] from my livecd [08:13] "No devices detected" [08:13] is that what gpaterted says? [08:14] gparted [08:14] yep [08:14] ouch, gonna need someone better than me, im not all that good anyways, hehe [08:14] let me think a bit meanwhile [08:15] do u have any other live cd u can use to see if they see it? [08:16] also did u check the livecd u have for errors? [08:16] got some different installers, but I checked with Windows, and the disks there and in good state. I checked with the kubuntu CD both before and after adding a MBR to the disk. [08:16] I think it's clean, it's only 2 hours old :p [08:16] the question is more if the installer requires the SATA mode to be AHCI or something [08:17] im not sure, ive seen ppl talk about issues with AHCI but i didnt follow the outcome of the problem [08:18] it cant hurt to change the mode just to see [08:18] i had a prob sorta similar with a xp install once, it wouldnt do crap till i changed the APIC setting in the bios [08:20] ask the ppl in ubuntu channel, plenty of experts there usually [08:20] xp was almost a decade ago though, not many people left with pure IDE drives in modern computers. [08:21] lol im an antique [08:21] im just now starting to get sata drives [08:23] no luck with ACHI, *turns off again* [08:23] ask in ubuntu channel, plenty of activity there right now [08:26] tred: Im here also ;() [08:27] ok good [08:27] help windscape with his sata prob. i got all night, lol [08:29] found a ubuntu cd , think it's also 9.04, lets see if it got same issues [08:29] else I have to go hunting for my win7 cd... it's meant to be somewhere in the room [08:31] bah, it's broken. [08:34] is there a firmware update for that drive? [08:35] or a bios update for the mobo? [08:38] can't see why either should be needed. Checked with my Win7 install disk, it can see the drives [08:38] guess I'll file a bug report later. [08:43] jussi01: any ideas on my plasma problem? [08:57] hi [08:57] how to read dvds ? [08:57] i use kmplayer [09:03] vlc is good [09:29] hi [09:30] anybody knows how to get kdepim3-dev installed in 9.04 ? [09:30] or the real question, how to get taskjuggler with ical support in 9.04 ? [09:41] how comes that i can't read dvds with kmplayer although i Read them with dragon player ? [09:42] u prob need some more codecs [09:45] tred: i have ldvdcss2, libdvdread4 libdvdnav4 and w32codecs... [10:57] roKB did u try vnc yet? [11:00] kkk [11:01] no [11:01] i m currently in college [11:01] i will try, when i will go home for winter vacations [11:02] i sorta got headless working, i can unplug my monitor and vnc in, and start plasma after i get in, but its not starting quite right [11:03] im prob gonna have to use a dummy vga plug [11:04] means kubuntu senses whether or not a monitor is attached [11:05] earlier versions u could run headless, but plasma is too new, i saw where next version or version after that is supposed to run headless easy [11:06] there is prob a config file i can edit to hardwire the correct settings but i dont know where it is yet [11:09] i am new to kubuntu, so i don't know either [11:11] its pretty useable the way i got it now, just a minor annoyance really that the tray isnt working and windows open at goofy sizes, but actually its mostly working [11:12] im actually on my xp computer right now using vnc to chat thru my kubuntu box [11:12] u said last night that u have managed to change the resolution in some configuration file [11:13] yes, i was having some probs with the resolution changing when i rebooted thru vnc, so i edited in the settings i wanted in xorg.conf file [11:15] my kubuntu wasnt picking up my monitor cuz im hooked up with a KVM switch right now, so i just gave it some hard settings to use instead of autodetection [11:16] /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the file i edited [11:18] in older kubuntu all ur possible resolutions showed up there, not sure about now, but mine was bare default stuff, so i added in what i wanted and i havent had a prob since [11:26] mihi === widmo01 is now known as strikepl1 [12:50] split ? [12:50] nah [12:50] yah [12:51] Hiyas [12:57] Bonjour à tous [12:57] !fr [12:57] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr === widmo01 is now known as strikepl1 === BlueEagl1 is now known as BlueEagle [13:22] how to access the parallel port from wine programs [13:26] damn, my home machine runs faster with winxp, and slower with kubuntu 9 :( === antonio__ is now known as akenaton14 [13:28] Hello === francesco_ is now known as francesco__ [13:29] hi.doen anyone knows an application to "record the monitor " [13:29] what i see on my desktop [13:29] like camstasia on windows [13:29] but for ubuntu === widmo01 is now known as strikepl1 [13:32] Let me just fire off this question. When I am hope I have a second display, but when I am on the train (on my way to work) I have only my laptop display. I would love to be able to run a command to switch between xorg.conf configs without having a second X session open (i.e. fast user switch) rather, I would like to get on the train, open my laptop and switch to single-head mode. Get to work or home, plug in my external display, run a [13:32] command to get into dual-head mode. POssible? [13:33] hi [13:34] I know that amdcccle can trigger such a switch, with limited success. That is, the displays are not properly configured (they only become mirrored even though I select Big Desktop mode) unless I reboot the machine. Logging out/back in does not work. [13:34] rmrfslash: 1 word. xrandr [13:34] rmrfslash, its just a case of swapping your xorg.confs as you say [13:34] then restart x [13:34] yep its called xrender [13:35] carpii: not even [13:35] no need to restart x all works from teh cli [13:35] oki [13:35] restarting X is an archaic way to do this [13:35] How to make the parallel port accessible in programs running under wine [13:35] windows/os x have had this capability for the last decade [13:35] yeah i agree, but you just asked for some sort of solution [13:35] linux you need to do everything short of rebooting the machine to accomplish this [13:35] well....... I suppose yes. [13:35] :) === administrator is now known as Guest20107 [13:39] freenode.ned [13:40] There are so many things wrong w/ this situation I don't even know where to begin. First, why are there two applications for configuring a display? === naked is now known as Dressed === administrator is now known as Guest62253 [13:41] xrandr, there's some System Settings > Display thing, and amdcccle === Dressed is now known as dressed [13:41] then for audio there's phonon, xine, alsa, etc [13:41] google on xrendr to fuind out how esay it is to use. and why there are multiple possibilities ? because its linux :) [13:42] for networking theres wicd, knetworkmanager, network management applet, [13:42] you have the same amount iof wifi managers for windows ... [13:42] yeah, it's linux, but it seems like there's a lot of redundancy in the development === administrator__ is now known as holmqvist22 [13:43] and as a result there's the feeling of perpetual beta-ness [13:43] not really, its about tast en options you need/want to use. [13:44] wdym not really. no noob will even think about using kubuntu because they will attach a second display, go into System Settings > Display and see that no econd display is even detected. They're not going to know to fire up konsole and run amdcccle, or start editing xorg.conf by hand and learning randr options [13:45] they're just going to be like "oh well" and install windows and maybe run kubuntu in a vm === Guest62253 is now known as administrator [13:46] rmrfslash: You can't get everything you want and that also for free [13:46] Hi all. I set "Restor manually saved session" in Kubuntu, but I get no option to "Save session" in my Kickoff menu. Is this a known problem? === administrator is now known as Guest23448 [13:46] and xrendr can be scripted for easy use. takes about 5 min to do so [13:46] apparle: that's pretty much what I say to people when they ask me "how's linux" [13:47] apparle: I never tell them these stories... I just kind of say "eh, for the desktop it's not quite there yet" or "you get what you pay for. though it is great on a headless server" [13:48] trijntje: hit the leave button in kickoff menu, there is will be [13:48] But if you're able to tweak a little and get what want for free than what's the point in paying :D [13:48] apparle: yes, that's true === holmqvist22 is now known as holmqvist27 === dressed is now known as TobiasE [13:49] Mr-S^b32, thanks a lot! [13:49] no problem [13:50] rmrfslash: What matters is whether you have the time, patience and brains to do the tweaking :D [13:50] even windows takes quite some time and applications to tweak. for me no time difference. [13:50] If "have the brains" means "has the time to google for a few hours" then yeah [13:51] rmrfslash: Actually google doesn't yeild everything............. [13:52] rmrfslash: For eg: I found nothing regarding my MoBo on any damn sites........... just people asking for solution........ so I found out mine...........(although they were simple) [13:53] I will admit, from the desktop perspective i.e. not plugging in monitors and unplugging them, limited need for sleep/hibernation -- yeah I have no complaints w/ ubuntu [13:53] my desktop at work gives me no probs cuz I just leave it on. uptime of like 4000000 days [13:54] rmrfslash: I haven't tried those things ........... but for me both sound and display were giving a lot of problem [13:54] my laptop really elucidates the issues. though I have to say, it does take windows like 9 years to come back from sleep [13:55] apparle: I guarantee that somewhere out there (maybe somewhere in the deep web), the answer to your question is there [13:55] i never saw the point of hibernation nor sleep for machines. [13:55] for a laptop, it's obvious [13:56] rmrfslash: Come on............. there can be times when the problem you face is new [13:56] true [13:56] not to me. either i run it or but it down [13:56] Hibernation is hopeless............. Sleep is required sometimes [13:56] hibernation for me is only usefull when sleep doesn't work [13:56] :P [13:57] interesting ... sleep is requierd for what purpose ? [13:57] shutting the laptop lid [13:57] :D [13:57] and not having to wait for the hdd to write everything to disk [13:57] i just put it in lock mode and min cpu power when closing the lid [13:57] before you toss it into a bag [13:58] still, sleep consumes less power [13:58] i dont like that. still comsumes power, work files and stuff have been written down on the hard drive. saving session and restarting does the same for me [13:59] hibernation writes to disk [13:59] sleep just keeps memory alive and writes everything to meory [13:59] just open the lid and resume [13:59] shutting down is best [13:59] i agree and the safest way for you files. had nightmerris with resume ... === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [14:00] ok... I'm not going to get into why shutting down is not possible. trust me, it's annoying to shut down and boot up all the time [14:00] not possible as in, it's "possible" but not practical [14:00] i can imagine .. [14:00] and i like the boot code display :) === holmqvist27 is now known as Unknow [14:01] anyways. [14:01] I don't take risks will suspend............ when only 15-20 seconds to boot [14:01] I need to read up on xrandr [14:01] you will like it, works faster than ccmld and any windows app i know of [14:02] apparle: it's just annoying to make sure you save everything, shut the machine down, then get to work or somewhere else and boot back up [14:02] i mean it's a laptop afterall [14:02] I use a laptop for what a laptop was meant for... not just for going from my bed to my couch [14:03] :D [14:03] But making sure you save everything ensure no risk and also what all work you have done [14:03] I write my code, shut the lid, get to work, open it, write more code, shut the lid, go home, open the lid and resume being as pathetic as possible [14:03] Ahhhhh I am Desktop loving guy [14:04] :D [14:04] i don't even know why they make me come in [14:04] the commute is nothing more than an inconvenience. though for them, they want to see warm bodies. [14:05] that's neither here nor there though [14:05] :D [14:12] gotta jet === Unknow is now known as google [14:33] j === NAKKEL is now known as Nakkel [14:51] I guess installing KDE 4.3.2 isn't a good idea on Jaunty. [14:51] Completely broke my desktop some how. Oh well, might aswell grab the 32-bit beta of 9.10 and play around with it. [14:51] Why? Works for me. [14:51] Can't right click the desktop, task tray doesn't seem to work, task bar doesn't work. :( [14:51] kwin it's self doesn't work - had to start up Compiz. [14:52] need help.. im newbie.. i have problem to setting my ethernet.. any1 help?? [14:53] Sahkolihaa: KDE 4.3.2 working perfectly here with jaunty, and working fine for most people afaik [14:53] I guess I'm one of the unlucky few then. :P [14:53] yep :( [14:54] I'm downloading the 32-bit beta of 9.10 to toy around with anyway. [14:54] you're sure the upgrade finished correctly? [14:54] As far as I'm aware, yeah. [14:54] No errors. [14:55] Всем привет [14:55] Although it did seem pretty quick at updating... [14:55] I think it updated 40 packets. [14:55] packages, rather. [14:55] есть русские? [15:05] okular keeps crashing since today. there where some poppler updates, could this be the problem? [15:12] i see in this a crash hidden plot to make me install karmic... i'm so tempted.. === andrew_ is now known as Guest38755 [15:48] hi [15:55] hello, i've tried to find a kubuntu download for multicore processor, but all i find is some forum threads about it.. [15:55] could someone please help me find it? :) [15:55] erm [15:55] all kubuntu releases work on multicore processors [15:55] oh ok! :D [15:55] :) [15:55] thanks! [15:55] but.. [15:56] is it a generic kernel? when i try to download it says i368 [15:56] "the key for SMP support is to use a generic kernel, and not an i386 kernel." [15:56] that sounds like out-of-date information [15:57] 2007 [15:57] thanks again :) [15:57] so it doesnt matter at all? just choose the right archi: intel or amd? [15:58] one more question :D do kubuntu support 6GB ram memory? [15:58] iderik: i386 version supports up to (about) 3GB RAM, 64-bit edition supports more [15:58] if you have 6GB, get the 64-bit edition [15:58] (click "64bit AMD and Intel computers" on the download page) [15:59] however, you may wish to wait until the new version of Kubuntu is released in 7 days... [15:59] yeah! i saw that [15:59] the new version has a more mature desktop environment, with far fewer bugs [15:59] isnt it easy to just update it? [15:59] yes, it is easy to upgrade === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube [16:01] more mature desktop environment? isnt it the same KDE4? or whats new? [16:01] it is KDE 4.3.2 instead of KDE4.1 [16:01] same sort of thing, but with fewer bugs === LjL-Temp is now known as LjL [16:02] KDE4.1 was quite nice but a bit unreliable [16:02] KDE4.3 is much more stable [16:03] JontheEchidna: Policykit works now properly [16:03] Half-Left: cool :) [16:03] Vroomfondle, thanks for all the help! :) [16:03] no problem :) [16:03] JontheEchidna: But I'n scared, I've just seen Inkscape 0.47 pre [16:03] m [16:04] JontheEchidna: I hope your build doesn't trigger the qsvg rendering bug :p [16:05] one more, hehe. i want to be sure i get this right. The radio button says "64bit AMD and Intel computers", but when it starts to download it says "Computer Platform: amd64". im pretty sure im using an intel and not an amd. is this still the right file for me? [16:05] it's still fine [16:05] "amd64" will work fine on an Intel processor too [16:05] :-] [16:06] oh! i bought three 2GB memories, and it said "recommend for i7 core processors". do i damaging the memories by not using a i7 socket? [16:06] iderik: it's just that AMD released their 64-bit consumer processors first so "amd64" became the common name for them [16:07] iderik: no, you won't damage anything [16:07] just as long as your motherboard supports the kind of memory you bought [16:07] wie! :D [16:16] hi, I have a question about kde notifications [16:17] I'm on karmic, and there seems to be a regression in the notification during file transfer [16:17] we used to get information about transfer speed, but not anymore [16:18] !karmic [16:18] Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [16:18] I can't find a bug report anywhere, but when it comes to kde4 notification applet, I don't really know how to identify it as a software [16:19] komuta: Please visit the #ubuntu+1 channel, as indicated by the channel bot, to discuss 9.10/Karmic issues. this channel is for release versions and not beta [16:19] ok, thanks [16:30] !ops [16:30] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, tsimpson, jpds, seth_k, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, trappist, crimsun, seth, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici, jussi01, ikonia, Mamarok, ryanakca or maco [16:31] Windowsuckscock: please use a more family-friendly nick [16:31] Windowsuckscock: what can we do for you? [16:33] jussi01: yesterday why did I have to wait 1 second? [16:34] robin0800: sorry, I got distracted. I run the floodbots, but I had a look at konversation and couldnt find what I was after, so couldnt help [16:35] jussi01: thats alright I don't think Konversation can block them I've tried everthing [16:38] robin0800: they are channel modes, so Im pretty sure they can be turned off - I know quassel can do it [16:40] jussi01: if that's true why can't Konversation [16:41] robin0800: It can, at least, the one I'm using - right-click a name, modes menu. [16:43] the_madman: you have to be ops to use most of those [16:44] robin0800: My bad. [16:46] jussi01, it would really help if the kubuntu floodbots had their own set of channels. that'd reduce the modespam from +e to almost zero [16:46] jussi01: watch out, he changed name, and I am not in irssi right now [16:47] when the rc .iso will be available? [16:48] sobczyk: later today [16:50] I always wondered why is it so hard to navigate to a page with unstable installation .iso's on (k)ubuntu website even the wiki on KK does not have the links === luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez [17:14] hellow all [17:15] can any1 help me with configuring a network between 2 kubuntu computers? [17:16] i have 2 kubuntu platforms both connected to the same network, with internal ip's set up and installed samba..but they can't find each other in network [17:17] nightwlkr: if those are linux machines you don't need samba [17:17] samba is for connections with windows shares [17:17] so what do i use instead? [17:18] /cs access #kubuntu list [17:18] /msg Chanserv access #kubuntu list [17:19] what is wrong with quassel? [17:22] nightwlkr: sorry, I am not a networking person [17:22] ok thnx Mamarok [17:23] nightwlkr: what do you want, share files? use sftp or nfs === KatanaX is now known as CupofDice [17:33] hey guys, I am switching back to kubuntu 9.04 after 2 years of using windows. I've been out of the loop, so I have a few questions. 1. I have 3 gig of ram, what should my swap be? 2. What should my root be (I have 400gb HD)? 3. Ext3 or ext4? [17:36] your swap can be up to 1GB, and use ext3 === julien is now known as ijT [17:36] hi [17:36] hello everybody [17:36] okay, thanks James. About my root? what is a good size? [17:37] CupofDice: if you want to use hibernation (suspend to disk), swap needs to be equal or bigger as RAM [17:37] ah, okay llutz, really needed to know that! Thanks [17:37] the / can be from 20 or 30GB [17:38] CupofDice: Mostly depends on what you do, really. [17:38] Ah, I do install a lot of apps. I managed well with 10gb or so in the past [17:39] i'm trying to install kubuntu but i have a white screen in ubiquity... and do not know what to do... i change my graphics card is a nvidia 8400. Any suggestions ? [17:40] CupofDice: mine is /dev/sda2 19G 4,6G 14G 25% / but i have 700GB data-partition. all depends on your usage (i still prefer ext3) [17:41] what is the mex value in a shell var? [17:42] didn't understand that llutz. lol. so 20gb root, 3gb swap, and rest for /home should not be a problem? Okay, thanks. Sorry of annoying! been ages since I used linux [17:44] what is the max value in a shell var? [17:51] are there any RC images available? [17:53] reagleBRKLN: [17:53] reagleBRKLN: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KarmicKoala/Beta/Kubuntu [17:54] reagleBRKLN: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/ [17:54] reagleBRKLN: Sorry about that first one... miss-struck the key >.<' [17:54] thanks [17:55] robin0800: i looked there before lunch, but see it just went up! === kb is now known as Guest22985 [18:01] I want to access parport0 without sudo what to do [18:08] Hi anyone that can help me recover my personal GPG key? [18:09] I've moved my home directory and I don't know how to recover it. === Tscheesy is now known as with_Tscheesy === jono is now known as crimsun === crimsun is now known as jono === with_Tscheesy is now known as Tscheesy === Tscheesy is now known as Tscheesy_ [18:28] lucypher, open dolphin/places/root .. home should be listed [18:30] Hi. Can anyone tell me why Kmail might strip out all spaces in an HTML e-mail? === lucas_ is now known as localuser [18:30] Example of what I mean at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8142748#post8142748 [18:31] I've checked on the web and the forums but can't seem to find anything on this issue. [18:31] The problem doesn't occur when composing mail in plain text. [18:34] hey anyone from Frankfurt Germany? [18:41] !de | thishere [18:41] thishere: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [18:46] hm someone should teach the bot #ubuntu-ch [18:48] Tscheesy_: does -ch provide support? i thouht not. last time i checked, its topic explicitly said explicitly support was to be found in other places [18:49] yes - it does support - but sorry - it's in English [18:49] cause we have 4 languages here [18:50] and anyway the bot has a !ch factoid in the first place, though don't quite understand why it's in german [18:58] does qtparted still exists in the repo's under that name? [19:01] i am not used to IRC anymore I just wanted to get into a rom where people from Germany are so Ican find a sysadmin for a clinet in GErnay [19:01] !de [19:01] In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [19:05] How to see the size of gfx memory [19:08] hello [19:09] /join #ubuntu-de === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === rosco_y is now known as rosco_away === mzawieska is now known as ziomus [19:46] hello are you here ? [19:47] yes I am here [19:49] Hey guys. Installing Kubuntu 9.04, wiping out windows for good. Should my root, swap, and home all be primary? I don't expect to create more partitions. [19:50] Everything can be on single partition except for swap why to create multiple paritions [19:50] DiceyX: doesn't matter [19:51] okay, thanks sobczyk. I want three separate partitions for for my /home so I can always switch to another linux os [19:51] that's the way it works right? [19:52] you can have one /home so when you switch the distributions you'll have the setings [19:52] Also, what about beginning? I should choose beginning on all right? Not end? [19:52] Beginning for 'location for the partition' I mean. [19:52] it all depends how you want the partitions to be cofigured, it won't influence how the system works [19:53] okay, thanks sobczyk [19:53] Hello guys [19:53] anyone expert with windows here [19:53] for a begginder I'd choose "/" to be primary and the rest (/home swap) on a logical [19:54] I used linux years ago. Do you mean if I want to reinstall windows, I should choose logical for the two? [19:55] you want dual boot? [19:55] no [19:55] Getting rid of windows [19:55] really sure about it? [19:55] Yes [19:56] Plz help.........anyone expert in windows............ coz linux users are better with windows than original windows users.......that's why asking here [19:57] then go with 1 primary for / and 2 logical for swap and home, or use 3 primary's [19:57] DiceyX: if you'll have only 4 paritions then they can be all primary [19:57] folks [19:57] okay, thanks Tec [19:57] apparle: Ask in ##windows [19:57] anybody having problems running gisomount? or gmountiso? [19:58] thanks sob, will only use 3 partions, all of them can be primary [19:59] apparle: yo, redmond expert here :) [19:59] format c: helps alot ;) [20:00] roKB: what is yo and redmond [20:00] Hello I wonered if here are PHP developers ? And what IDE that they are using ? [20:00] Weird. It won't let me choose 15000mb for the partition size [20:01] apparle: redmond is the place where Microsoft have headquarter [20:01] ah, was my fault [20:02] apparle and roKB - Please remember this is not a Windows support channel, ##windows is [20:02] genii: sorry [20:03] genii: Don't worry I am not exactly trying to get support for windows............I was just wondering is there any config file like xorg.conf to configure the display drivers in windows :) [20:03] apparle: u have to tweak with registry [20:04] just for timepass ..... since there is not much activity going on [20:09] how do u put a icon on the desktop? === john is now known as Guest68116 === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [20:14] does anybody know? [20:14] means ? [20:14] how do u puta icon on the desktop? [20:15] use folderview [20:15] eh folderview? [20:16] KlockWorks: you want a shortcut to application? [20:16] yea [20:16] like a trash [20:19] folder view is a plasmoid that can display files in a directory and shortcuts to applications [20:21] thanks for the help guys. Kubuntu is now installed. fast. === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [20:53] I want a tool which alert me of new mail in my Gmail account................our college has a very restrictive firewall ...so something which will go through it [20:54] and I don't want o use a mail client just mail alerts === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [20:58] Results 1 - 10 of about 21,800,000 for GMAIL ALERT LINUX. (0.22 seconds) === sshc_ is now known as sshc [21:13] what [21:14] jhutchins: didn't get.................I am looking for a simple KDE solution [21:15] #dd-wrt [21:15] hi, there's a kubuntu user that just sent me an email asking for how to do some things with kubuntu [21:15] s0101: missed your /join? [21:15] where should I point him to? [21:15] apol: here? [21:16] apol: wiki.kubuntu.org? [21:16] !forums [21:16] The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums. [21:16] boo! [21:16] maco: i guess he will prefer e-mail, since he used email to contact me [21:16] there's a kubuntu forums somewhere too [21:16] apol: oh. then in that case... [21:16] * maco finds link [21:16] apparle: Add kde to the search string. I mean, twenty eight million hits. You're bound to find something useful. [21:17] :) [21:18] http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users [21:18] apol: ^ [21:18] jhutchins_lt: but if someone can tell me exactly what I want by typing just 1 line then why google and find what is relevent [21:19] apparle: Nobody knows what's right for you. [21:20] anyways I found what's right for me in our repos [21:20] apparle: You need to decide for yourself. With that many hits, there's more than one answer out there. If there were only one I'd be the first to tell you - if I knew. [21:20] apparle: Which is it, and why do you like it? [21:20] kgmailnotifier.......... its the first one which worked [21:20] thanks maco, I sent it [21:22] but found a problem in it again.......... it asks my password every 60sec...... even when I have asked it to store password [21:22] :) [21:22] So i just replaced my motherboard and now kubuntu is locking up intermittantly. I'm going to assume it's the board swap since win7 would only show me a blue screen. I'm wondering whats the best approach to get some stability? [21:23] new mobo [21:23] :D [21:24] apparle: it is new [21:24] I mean swap [21:24] DoubleD84: I would definitely check all the connectors, power, RAM, cards, etc. Then you might want to install/re-install the kernel. [21:25] Remind me what ubuntu's equivalent of kudzu is for hardware detection? [21:25] jhutchins: everything is connected well I've already gone over it to make sure nothing was loose [21:25] I attempted to reinstall the kernel but it's locking up before i can get anywhere === Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut [21:34] I want to lose windows all together but there are apps which i use on a regular basis that don't have an equivalent in linux. Is there a better way to run virtulization so there isn't such a performance cut? === sammy is now known as Guest74391 [21:36] sal [21:37] DoubleD84: try them in wine [21:38] how can i add a personal message for blocked websites that comes up instead of acces prohibithed in dd-wrt? [21:38] ya that's worth a shot.. i played around with apps in the past and didn't have much luck.. that was a few years ago though [21:39] DoubleD84: then try again coz wine as well as linux are growing fast [21:41] it's certainly come a long way since i first attempted to use it [21:44] does someone know how to change my eth0 IP graphically? [21:44] lucasicf: did you try System settings [21:45] how can i add a personal message that comes up instead of acces prohibithed in dd-wrt? [21:45] apparle: yes.. i didn't found any configuration for network devices (eth0) [21:46] just for network connections [21:46] lucasicf: did you see network management [21:46] s0101: Ask in the #dd-wrt channel [21:46] the last on on left side [21:47] apparle: yes i did.. nothing.. :( [21:48] lucasicf: try with wicd then [21:48] !info wicd > lucasicf [21:48] !info wicd >> lucasicf [21:48] !info wicd : lucasicf [21:48] ':' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner [21:48] !info wicd | lucasicf [21:49] lucasicf: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB [21:49] i did it with ifconfig, but i was searching a graphic solution [21:51] s0101: http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/ Their forum seems probably the best place then to ask if the #dd-wrt channel here is quiet [21:51] lucasicf: wicd is a diffrent network manager .......... maybe it will do your job..... [21:51] bye guys see you later [21:56] Is Kubuntu Karmic Koala _the_ KDE release? (it should be) [21:59] Hello I'm trying to create a qtscript plasmoid now when I try to run it I get: cannot create javascript scriptEngine [21:59] anybody any idea? Missing dependecies? [22:09] Does anyone here use Akregator and Google Reader together? Is the feature not yet working? [22:12] howitzer`: http://ubuntu-user.com/Online/Blogs/Marcel-Gagne-Orbiting-Planet-buntu/Karmic-Koala-Ubuntu-Gets-The-K (from the Planet) [22:13] no me va la wifi [22:14] no me va wifi atheros ar5600eg en kubuntu 9.04 [22:14] !es | agustin_ [22:14] agustin_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [22:15] !ops [22:15] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, tsimpson, jpds, seth_k, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, trappist, crimsun, seth, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici, jussi01, ikonia, Mamarok, ryanakca or maco [22:16] Lymphocyte: what? [22:16] do !ops [22:16] Lymphocyte: what do you want? [22:16] maco do !ops [22:16] Lymphocyte: i am an op. what do you want? [22:16] i am a lymphocyte and can adapt [22:16] so ban me [22:17] i will turn into a cytotoxic t cell [22:17] Tscheesy_: Is that not untrue? [22:17] oh god, youre a bad biology joke? [22:17] howitzer`: ;) [22:17] oh i am sorry [22:17] please can you stay in topic :) [22:17] im bored [22:18] niko: this person's been trolling all day [22:18] nalioth: i thouht someone suggested not banning the people who ask to be banned? [22:18] maco: use !ops so [22:18] niko: i am an op [22:18] It's the same guy who was trolling another day as macrophage or so [22:19] but i thought.... [22:19] dont ban him or remove him any more - he seems to be on a crusade to get banned. unless of course he continues in the channel <---!!!! [22:20] genii, nalioth see? [22:23] I just received a Huawei 3G USB modem for my laptop (Dell D620). I connected it, network manager seems to recognize it and all, I add a new entry, and it shows in the knetworkmanager list.. Then I want to select it from that list but I can't, its as if the entry has been disabled.. How can I get this to work? [22:29] yeap [22:31] HOLAAAAAAAAAAAAA [22:31] howdy === xanela8 is now known as MERY_20 [22:31] HOLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA === JulCes_ is now known as JulCes [22:34] made the switch to 4.3 last week after four years of gnome, little things here and there are still blowing my mind, you guys have really come a long way since 4.0, its just about perfect [22:36] just realized this was #kubuntu, not #kde, but still, kudos to all [22:36] phoenixz: on Jaunty ? i had to use a Karmic-Kernel for my Stick [22:37] Tscheesy_: Karmic, Im cheating with 9.10 :) [22:38] Tscheesy_: but, the thing is that knetworkmanager won't let me select it.. do I actually need a phone number, name, etc? because first off, I don't have those. I filled in some values as a test (phone number *99#, for example) but knetworkmanager still wont let me select the @#$(* modem from the connection list [22:38] So how did you get yours to work? [22:39] Im on carrier "Telcel" in Mexico. [22:39] *99# or *99## and an Accesspoint from your Provider and the PIN [22:41] APN here for example is - google shuld know yours [22:44] Anybody here that can help me with plasmoid/Qtscript bugs in kununtu? [22:46] phoenixz: (without the Brackets ;) ) [22:47] Tscheesy_: I figured :) Im looking now for that data, but its not easy to find for telcel... === carlos is now known as Guest72278 [22:48] Tscheesy_: problem remains though, I see the "telcel" connection in the knetworkmanager list, but I can not select it.. I click on it, nothing happens [22:49] hello, I use #kubuntu. Now I want to install a minimal #ubuntu. what package(s) should I install? [22:51] e66: difference betwween ubuntu and kubuntu is only the display manager, really.. [22:52] e66: ubuntu-desktop - and if you like to switch the login-Manager its another Meta [22:52] yeah I know. [22:52] but since many graphical programs on top of that use specific display managers, yeah, you see different programs.. Any and all shell programs, services, etc etc, are equal [22:52] e66 use apt-cache search, I think its called ubuntu-destkop or somethign.. but dunno what "minimal" means for you [22:52] But installing a ubuntu-desktop will install lots of applications that I really dont need [22:53] sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [22:54] e66: it's like kubuntu-desktop - it installs a standard-environment based on a Toolset [22:54] e66: you could remove those later if you wish.. Not sure what to do for minimal [22:54] phoenixz: It will install mono, brasero, evolution, evince and lot more stuff. I really dont need them [22:54] e66: try to use the --no-recomends Option [22:55] Tscheesy_: any reason why I should not be able to select the 3G modem connection from the knetworkmanager list? [22:56] hi, I have two computers on my network, which I can see under network, but when I click on the computername[...].workstation file I get that the file or folder not found... any ideas? [22:56] How can I get ksnapshot to run when I hit printscreen? [22:56] phoenixz: what's in dmesg and lsusb ? [22:57] Tscheesy_: that works. downlaod size reduced. :D [22:58] phoenixz: ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/ ) ;) [22:59] Tscheesy_: one sec, gathering info [23:00] phoenixz: dmesg |grep hs [23:00] http://pastebin.com/f3ab5915b for dmesg [23:00] http://pastebin.com/f4d93a5ca for lsusb [23:01] Tscheesy_: dmesg | grep hs didnt return anything [23:03] k.. - lsusb is listing it.. reading dmesg.. [23:04] Tscheesy_: its all at the end of dmesg AFAIK [23:04] Tscheesy_: I also tried wvdial, but that one keeps saying "No carrier" [23:06] first question, i dont know what key combo i hit but pc speaker is now beeping every letter i type, how do i undo that? [23:06] besides reboot [23:07] tred: oh but that must be fun! :) [23:07] sorry [23:07] its funner than shit, lol [23:07] tred: rmmod pcspkr [23:07] phoenixz: it's attachached to ttyUSB0 or ttyUSB1 as it seems [23:07] ok, what damn combo dit i hit to start it? [23:08] that command removes the pc speaker driver :) [23:09] Tscheesy_: wohoo! I gottit to work with wvdial, its not great, but it works for the moment.. still want it with knetworkmanager though.. [23:09] i dont want to remove the driver, i want to remove what i did to activate it on keypress [23:09] tred: though it may not be a perfect solution, at least it will remove the anoying beeeeeeeep for the moment.. [23:09] so will rebooting [23:10] tred: it should leave your normal music audio intact [23:10] tred: true, true.. but I dunno what could cause this one.. had it myself once, reboot didit.. [23:10] BRB [23:10] i want as much to remove the cause as i do the effect [23:12] guess im gonna do the reboot bit, this is annoying at best [23:12] back with real question shortly [23:12] the cause will be removed with using a reboot but if youre lazy you can remove the effect [23:12] and continue working [23:15] mo betta [23:15] Tscheesy_: it looks like its working with wvdial... since I disconnected my UTP network cable, and Im using the E160 :) knetworkmanager won't take it though :( [23:15] no more ditty-bop [23:19] my real question is about plasma, imtrying to set up a headless jaunty, and most of it works, but when i x11vnc into the headless pc plasma has not started, no biggie, i can still open a konsole and start sudo start plasma, which gets most things working, except now everything on desktop is in root user, and i cant figure out how to switch to normal user, or how to start plasma as root FOR normal user [23:19] sven_oostenbrink: yes - no mixed connections here too - under different Operating Sytems.. what tells you : lshal|grep hso and usbtty0/1 instead of hso [23:20] lshal|grep hso shows nothing [23:21] sven_oostenbrink: sry - ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB1 [23:21] i alway get a get a kick out of linux acronyms, like foo etc, im still waiting to see fukt, lol [23:21] lshal | grep tty | pastebinit, see http://pastebin.com/f4ee3b928 [23:21] tred: you mean foo | bar? :) [23:21] that 2 lol [23:22] sven_oostenbrink: thts to big for now - i need to sleep .. do ttyUSB [23:22] ah no - mom [23:22] only returned 1- entries or so [23:22] 10 [23:24] k - they are there - ttyUSB 0 and 1 - one of them could be a little ROM form the supplier and the other the modem [23:25] are there other options to apt beside apt-get? [23:26] apt-trash maybe, as an uninstall [23:27] sven_oostenbrink: actually here it's bound to hso0 - http://pastebin.com/m3c5f8a0d [23:30] sven_oostenbrink: is it a new Device ? perhaps too new for the Kernel ? [23:39] bug 1#: when installing i've set the user to auto login, restarted, then i got a xmessage "defaut "X... --session" not found, changing do default", when I dismissed the message, kde loaded [23:44] talvik: beta? [23:45] if yes: did you get the latest updates? [23:45] RC [23:45] just installed [23:45] hm.. [23:45] couldn't wait another weak [23:45] i had something like this a week ago with the beta [23:46] did you update your RC? :D [23:46] talvik: This usually happens when for instance you used to have Gnome desktop environment installed, then installed another one (like KDE) then de-installed the Gnome one without changing the default selection of the Gnome desktop in the window manager (gdm or kdm, etc) [23:46] not yet [23:46] its not config [23:46] really CLEAN install [23:47] what hapens if you don't use autologon? [23:47] haven't tried [23:47] but probably will work fine [23:48] I think it tried to auto login === root is now known as Guest9825 [23:48] without having a default DE set [23:51] and is the default font size supposed to be 9! [23:51] so did you try to logon normally setting DE to KDE and THEN set to autologon and relog? :F [23:51] : [23:51] :D [23:51] i'll try [23:51] brb [23:52] as far as login goes, how can i start a sudo app as a diff user when im root? [23:53] there was that one command... [23:53] wait a sec [23:53] my user's default DE is 'gnome' [23:53] xhost + [23:53] @tred [23:54] im trying to do a headless jaubty, but i cant get plasma to be have, i can start it as sudo when i get in, but then everything is root and i cant change it to normal user [23:54] but with that command even "nobody" could connect to the xserver [23:54] gnome-session is usually the DE name [23:54] so it's not very secure [23:54] im using kde [23:54] tred: xhost - is for setting it back to normal [23:55] i can vnc in as normal user, but i have to sudo plasma to start desktop [23:55] why is everything root? [23:55] did you login as root? [23:55] you shouldn't do that [23:55] and i cant get out of root after that with plasma running for normal user [23:56] i logged in as normal user === LjL is now known as LJL [23:56] why is everything root, cus i started plasma from sudo, only way i can start it so far [23:57] why can't you start plasma as normal user? [23:57] when i log in on vnc, first kinsole i start says normal user [23:57] thats what im asking [23:58] permissions on plasma file say everyone read, executable [23:58] so you get a normal user console after login via vnc and then when you start IN that terminal window plasma its run as root? [23:58] sounds wheird [23:58] no, the only way i can start plasma is via sudo [23:58] -h [23:59] what does it say when you try to start it as normal user? [23:59] i cannot start plasma as user i logged in as [23:59] hm.. [23:59] command not found, or something like that [23:59] does it work locally?