[09:53] any change getting this included in ubuntu kernels: http://lkml.org/lkml/2009/10/22/37 ? [09:53] I would appreciate if someone with hso gear could also test the patch [10:04] Wellark_: Is this patch already in Linus' tree? [10:04] no, just sent it to lkml [10:06] Wellark_: once it is accepted, file a bug in launchpad with a pointer to the patch in Linus' tree. And come and ping us here again. We'll try to get it in as a kernel update (after Karmic release) [10:07] amitk: sure. will do. [10:07] Wellark: thanks. [10:08] I found out about the problem on a netbook when I was testing kubuntu-netbook.. It soft locked always when I inserted SIM card [10:08] (modem resets it self -> usb disconnect) [10:11] with one of the usb 3g dongles? [10:13] built-in, but basicly the same [10:14] device object with mutex and other stuff gets deleted too early and results in soft lock in certain conditions [11:34] hi [11:34] i ahve a problem with my ati graphic card in ubuntu 9.04 [11:35] when i go to the dmesg log i encounter this [drm] Initialized radeon 1.29.0 20080528 on minor 0 [11:35] [ 35.121172] mtrr: type mismatch for c0000000,10000000 old: write-back new: write-combining [11:35] [ 35.341420] mtrr: type mismatch for c0000000,10000000 old: write-back new: write-combining [11:35] [ 35.341486] mtrr: type mismatch for c0000000,10000000 old: write-back new: write-combining [11:35] [ 35.341535] mtrr: type mismatch for c0000000,10000000 old: write-back new: write-combining [11:36] dont know what it is and how to fix [11:36] ca someone help [11:41] diogo_79: open driver or closed one? [11:41] and what is the output of /proc/mtrr [12:30] amitk i have install radeonhd [12:30] iam going to restart and see what happens [13:38] apw: I think you might be interested in these two patches: [13:38] apw: http://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/54215/ [13:38] apw: http://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/55298/ [13:38] apw: related to the page allocator OOMs [14:43] Do you guys know what is needed for eCryptFS? I've been playing with things and I can apparently decrypt things, but then ls -l has a lot of ?'s in place of normal files, instead of drwx------ it's ?????????? === MTecknology is now known as MTeck-ricer === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube [16:44] !ops [16:44] Help! lamont, zul, T-Bone, mdz, or jdub [16:44] !sTAFF [16:44] Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild or stew, I could use a bit of your time :) [16:46] cytotoxic: Are you going to do this in all Ubuntu channels? [16:57] !ops [16:57] Help! lamont, zul, T-Bone, mdz, or jdub [16:57] ban me [17:00] lolwut? [18:23] pgraner, found a flight to Dallas... what was the hotel or do I need to chat with someone in particular? [18:27] nm, renaissance hotel [18:54] Any ideas what would cause this or if it's even an issue? init: procps main process (549) terminated with status 255 [19:03] JFo: all the info is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-L [19:04] yeah, the room rate for UDS is showing $135 a night pgraner ... [19:04] that is probably not gonna happen :) [20:22] MTeck-ricer: it sounds like an upstart issue. Are you uptodate with the latest karmic? [20:22] amitk: ya [20:24] probably worth a bug report, then [20:25] ok, thanks [20:56] is anyone aware of the kernel messages and console login displaying during bootup and reboot on karmic, because I made a bug report and haven't heard anything on it [20:56] the bootup and reboot process is a bit of a mess [21:00] Xgates: 444362? [21:01] 442697 [21:02] The problem is the bug report is listed as ---> [21:02] Karmic - Linux-generic kernel - i8042.c Controller Not Found [21:02] and it's not really about a controller not being found it's about the bootup and reboot process going on that's a mess [21:02] you could just modify the title of the bug... [21:03] I don't see where you can edit? [21:04] are ya logged in? [21:04] yeah [21:05] click the little pencil next to the title [21:05] the problem is, since posting it I've noticed other problems that are more important for the dev to see that the bootup reboot process is a mess [21:05] edit the text field [21:05] click the green checkbox [21:05] er checkmark [21:05] ok my bad couldn't tell what that was, LOL [21:06] yeah there was just a usability test done on the icons and it turns out everyone thinks thats a warning sign with a titled exclamation mark or something [21:25] can we delete the bugs, because I need to change it but I can't edit it, I can only edit the title [21:25] isn't there a button somewhere to edit the description? [21:26] yes there is [21:26] there's another pencil [21:27] every time I try to edit it at the bottom it says --> Entity-body was not a well-formed JSON document. [21:27] and the cursor just spins and it never saves [21:27] heh [21:27] fun. [21:27] go to #launchpad and complain [21:27] Xgates: are you on edge or stable? [21:27] Xgates: like, does the URL say edge.launchpad.net? [21:28] bugs.launchpad.net [21:28] wow a bug in production. nice! [21:29] bug in production, huh? [21:29] can we delete a bug we posted? [21:30] looks like all I can do is Convert to a question [21:34] mark it as invalid if you want it "removed" [21:36] ok I got it edited [21:37] so not sure if this is a kernel issue or just usplash messing things up but this is the bug: --- 458527 [21:37] the kernel team should look at it, just in case it's a combination of the kernel and usplash because the bootup and reboot process is messy looking [21:43] bug 458527 [21:43] Malone bug 458527 in usplash "Kernel Boot Up & Reboot Process With Usplash Screen Not Working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/458527 [21:43] the bug number sounds familiar.. [21:44] or not [21:45] Xgates: usplash doesn't die and come back. [21:45] Xgates: usplash dies, and xsplash is late in taking over. [21:45] basically, xsplash doesn't start fast enough [21:46] if xsplash doesn't start fast enough, then gdm isn't starting fast enough. [21:55] I said what I said because usplash pops out then back [21:56] if usplash died then why it comes back, then goes away again [21:57] call it dying or what you choose, I'm just saying it disappears, console msgs popup then it reappears [22:10] Hi, I have an up to date karmic by my side, and I'm not able to use the wlan0 interface, using the rt61pci driver. I've installed 2.6.29 from kernel-mainline and it works without any problem. From that point on.. nothing. Ideas? [22:10] I've already tried enabling the backports and install linux-backport-modules, no good..