=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman === starcraft is now known as starcraftman === duanedesign is now known as okloco === okloco is now known as duanedesign === freeflyi3g is now known as freeflying === fader_ is now known as fader|away === nxvl_ is now known as nxvl === RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx === maen_afk is now known as maen === fader|away is now known as fader_ === imlad|away is now known as imlad === marjomercado is now known as marjo === imlad is now known as imlad|away [16:44] !staff [16:44] Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :) [16:44] !ops [16:44] Help! Seveas, Hobbsee, LjL, ompaulafk, Keybuk, mdz, sabdfl, janimo, ogra, mdke, dholbach, or jono [16:44] eh? [16:45] cytotoxic, ? [16:45] He's been hassling a number of channels now, jono/Seveas [16:45] ok [16:45] #ubuntu, #kubu-ot, -server, etc. [16:45] thanks Seveas [16:45] (will unban in a few mins) [16:45] Seveas: Second time he's hit with different nicks. [16:46] And masks, I believe. [16:47] Seveas, MenZa, is that someone trying to get their friend's computer banned or something? [16:48] unknown [16:48] mdz, not a clue. [16:48] mdz, or just someone with too much time on his hands :) [17:03] Hmm, MC meeting. [17:04] maco, mdeslaur; any of you two around? [17:04] We don't seem to have a quorum. === imlad|away is now known as imlad [17:09] jpds: wrong spelling? he's mako [17:10] maco: Sorry, I'm reading from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Council/Meeting [17:10] And it seems my calendar got the time, sorry. [17:10] no i think its right time... [17:11] im signed up for next meeting though :) [17:11] jpds: I'm here [17:11] dholbach is doing the airplane thing, so i guess he's missing [17:11] jpds: isn't the meeting at 1700 UTC? [17:11] mdeslaur: Yes, sorry about that. [17:12] mdeslaur: your first test for core-dev: fix jpds' calender to show the correct meeting time :) [17:13] hehe [17:14] * mdeslaur -> back at 1700 [18:00] * highvoltage peeks in [18:01] Do we have a quorum? [18:01] * geser is here [18:01] soren, persia: are you here? [18:04] highvoltage: as you applied also for package upload right, could you please add a list of package for which you want upload rights to your application? [18:04] geser: ok [18:07] * soren is sort of here [18:09] geser: my sponsor suggested that I apply for MOTU but per-package upload rights would also be fine for now, I can't get hold of him so I just added a link to those packages to my application page [18:11] soren, geser: Is it just you and me? [18:11] soren: jpds is also here, but still no quorum [18:12] Ah, right. [18:12] highvoltage: no hurry, it looks like this meeting isn't happening due to missing quorum [18:13] soren: our hope is persia to reach quorum, anyone else is either travelling or don't have time (don't know about persia) [18:13] geser: ok. is there any chance for feedback so long? and also, will you reschedule or would we wait until next month this time? [18:13] highvoltage: we will probably do it per mail [18:13] It's midnight in Japan. [18:13] geser: ok [18:16] * soren wanders off for a bit === jono is now known as crimsun === crimsun is now known as jono === niko is now known as Guest97125 === nik0 is now known as niko === asac_ is now known as asac === fader_ is now known as fader|away === imlad is now known as imlad|away