
tfogaloh score, this channel exists ;)02:41
tfogalI'm curious if anyone out there has written a C version of launchpadlib02:42
tfogalC++ would actually work out for us as well02:42
tfogalwould we be stuck with writing our own if we went that route?02:42
lifeless#launchpad-dev is the development channel btw02:43
tfogaloh!  Thanks, lifeless.02:52
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domashiii! bazaar.launchpad.net is returning 500s on most of hits07:12
eagles0513875hey guys i think there are a few bugs with launch pad08:50
domasyup, I agree!08:50
eagles0513875no way to report bugs or anything08:50
eagles0513875at least not that im seeing08:50
eagles0513875and im already logged in08:50
wgranteagles0513875: Where are you looking?08:50
wgrantdomas: Your bazaar.launchpad.net bug is actually in Loggerhead (the bzr browser), not Launchpad itself.08:51
wgranteagles0513875: See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu08:51
domaswgrant: I know!08:52
domaswgrant: that is, I remembered seconds before you wrote that08:52
domaswgrant: I run some loggerheads myself ;-)08:52
eagles0513875so wgrant regardless of if i find a bug in xubuntu kubuntu or ubuntu i still use https://launchpad.net/ubuntu08:52
wgranteagles0513875: Xubuntu and Kubuntu are both Ubuntu.08:52
eagles0513875just making sure before i report something08:52
eagles0513875Deathvalley122: here is what you want m8 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu08:53
* domas throws one more mysql fork onto lp08:54
domasI hope it understands that it shares lots of packs with parent :)08:54
domasit used not to.08:54
eagles0513875hhehehe domas you are reminding me of how confused i am in my databases class08:55
wgrantdomas: It depends if the development focus is set properly.08:55
domasit is being put to different 'project'08:56
domasstupid mysql policies, "community branches are separate project"08:56
wgrantThat is wrong.08:56
domasI'm not denying08:56
wgrantWell, they can't delete your branches if you push them up to their project...08:57
domasthere's no such intention08:57
domasit is mostly custom patch/build engineering08:57
lifeless wgrant you should blog about this ;)08:58
wgrantlifeless: I have no blog :D08:58
lifelesswgrant: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:58
wgrantidenti.ca, Facebook, yes.08:58
wgrantBut they were both added in the past 12 months.08:58
domaswgrant: so all the shared text storage between branches is only when they're clones of development focus branch within same project?08:59
lifelessdomas: yes08:59
wgrantBy default.09:00
wgrantTo do otherwise requires messing with stuff using the bzr API.09:00
domashow much storage does mysql-server take?09:00
wgrantIIRC it's a few hundred megabytes.09:00
wgrantBut I don't know.09:00
domasthats single branch!09:00
wgrantI have never dared to branch it myself.09:00
domasI mean, how much storage do all mysql-server/sakila-server branches take on LP09:00
wgrantI have no idea.09:01
domashahaha, I tried once 'bzr log -v'09:01
domastook a week or so09:01
wgrantdomas: Hahah.09:01
domasI was trying to import stuff into opengrok09:02
domasit supports revision control/annotates/etc when browsing source code09:02
domasopengrok would be awesome within launchpad :)09:02
lifelessdomas: on mysql ? yes, --2a will fix that09:03
domaswhat is --2a?09:04
wgrantdomas: 2a is the new wonderful bzr format.09:05
wgrantIt is really really good.09:05
domasthe new stuff09:07
domasdamn, takes forever to upload new clone to launchpad over 512kbps ;-)09:14
domassilly me, should've just done peer merge into a fast server and then pushed it to launchpad09:50
domaswouldn't have to send hundreds of megabytes over DSL09:50
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james_wif you change the name of your development focus branch on LP does it break stacking13:58
james_w"Name" in "Change Branch Details"13:58
james_wI'm assuming yes, but there is no warning14:00
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heroidbazaar is not working for me17:01
heroidi cant get some branches17:01
heroidhow come here are 156 users and no one can help me?17:02
heroidplease help17:02
heroidhi raspi17:08
heroidcan you help me?17:08
raspihi heroid17:08
heroidbazaar is not working17:08
domasit is working17:09
domasrefresh! :)17:09
heroidi cant get some branches of off it17:09
heroidwell i did17:09
mzzplease be more specific17:09
heroidhere's my output17:10
heroidheroid@heroid-desktop:~$ bzr branch lp:~jamesmikedupont/introspectorreader/wikipedia-strategy17:11
heroidPermission denied (publickey).17:11
heroidbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions17:11
heroidinternet's fine17:11
raspican i somehow automate translation file updating? my code is at code.google.com and it's in svn repo17:12
mzzheroid: works for me. Is "bzr launchpad-login" happy?17:13
henningeraspi: you can import your svn repo into a bazaar branch on Launchpad.17:41
henningeraspi: from there you can activate upload of translation files17:42
henningeraspi: https://help.launchpad.net/Code17:44
henningeraspi: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject17:44
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leonel-vaioHello .  My gpg key has expired, so I can't  to upload new packages to my PPA ,   Should I recreate a new gpg key  and upload it to launchpad or should I "edit" or renew my currengt  gpg key ?21:46
Noldorinhi. Edge is released nightly, right?21:57
lifelessNoldorin: 24hrly yes22:01
Noldorinlifeless: any idea what time roughly?22:01
Noldorin00:00 UTC?22:01
Noldorinno to "any idea", or that time?22:02
lifelessboth :)22:02
Noldorinlol, that's a slight paradox, butr ok22:02
lifelessI have a 1/3600 idea22:04
lifelessbetter? :P22:04
Noldorinlifeless: much better :)22:06
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leonelJust uploaded  4 deb to PPA  and no  email notification and  no signs of it on the page..23:18
leonelis the queue too long ??23:18
wgrantleonel: You should get an email within 5 minutes, unless you didn't sign the package properly.23:19
leonelmy gpg key was expired here  then  I edited  and  move the expire date forward23:20
leonelwgrant: shuld I do something extra ?23:20
wgrantleonel: Did you push it up to keyserver.ubuntu.com? When did you do this?23:20
leonelno I haven't pushed yet ..23:20
leonellooking for docs to do it23:21
wgrantAsking LP to accept an upload from an expired key doesn't sound too likely to work.23:21
wgrantgpg --send-key KEYID --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com23:21
wgrantMmm, might need to put the '--keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com' before the '--send-key'. I don't quite remember.23:21
leonelso after that I reupload the  files ?23:22
leonelkey sent23:23
leonelrunning again  dput..23:23
leonelthank you wgrant23:23
wgrantIf you don't get an email within 5 minutes, wait 10 minutes and try again. There might be some lag in the keyserver replication.23:23
leonelwgrant: so i'll wait 20 minutes to run dput again23:24
wgrantleonel: If it doesn't work right now, yes.23:24
leonelwgrant: thank you23:25

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