[00:00] bug 370172 [00:00] Launchpad bug 370172 in linux "Disconnecting/Reconnecting USB Hubs causes wierdness" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/370172 [00:01] how do i file a bug against the kernel? "apport-bug linux" says "This is not a genuine Ubuntu package" [00:01] you have a special kernel? [00:04] no [00:04] sounds bad [00:04] maybe not the latest? [00:05] works for me :/ [00:05] i used ubuntu-bug though [00:05] not apport-bug [00:05] but thats just a link afaik [00:05] then the man page is wrong [00:05] * BUGabundo tests [00:05] let me upgrade to latest everywhere [00:05] i'm fully up-to-date [00:05] $ ubuntu-bug linux works [00:05] fta: lets discuss the archive reorg tomorrow. and do that this weekend with some lag into monday if needed [00:06] k [00:06] $ apport-cli -fp linux works too [00:06] didnt get a response on redirect yet. [00:06] but i dont think that should hinder any changes [00:06] we can push for that afterwards still [00:07] http://paste.ubuntu.com/300134/ [00:10] linux-image-2.6.31-12-generic [00:10] thats old [00:10] i am at -14 at least [00:10] uname -a [00:10] Linux tinya 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:04:26 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux [00:10] could be they prevent filing with old versions [00:12] ? [00:13] Linux BluBUG 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:05:01 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux [00:13] damn [00:13] fta: you have -12 [00:13] according to your paste [00:13] *** Problem in linux-image-2.6.31-12-generic [00:13] fta@ix:~ $ uname -a [00:13] Linux ix 2.6.31-12-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 7 18:42:46 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux [00:14] yep, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 11 not upgraded. [00:14] dist-upgrade [00:14] kernel not upgraded? [00:14] lol [00:14] i'm not a noob [00:14] i know [00:14] anyway [00:14] so you cannot file a bug with -12 running [00:15] yes, kernel & epiphany [00:15] why epiphany? [00:15] The following packages will be REMOVED: [00:15] epiphany-gecko epiphany-webkit-data gstreamer0.10-schroedinger [00:15] epiphany should be done [00:15] yes [00:15] thats oki ... isnt it? [00:15] i don't care, i don't use epiphany at all [00:16] i dont see why your kernel isnt updated [00:16] fta: time for a $ sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade ? [00:16] epiphany cant be the reason [00:16] bad mirror? [00:16] well. he doesnt really post everything [00:16] staled due to major upgrades? [00:17] The following packages will be upgraded: [00:17] epiphany-browser-data epiphany-extensions gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic xserver-xorg-input-all [00:17] maybe he has pinned it or whatver [00:17] good [00:17] there you go [00:17] kernel upgrade [00:17] (i jsut pasted the epiphany part) [00:17] you said you are not a noob [00:17] ;) [00:17] so i thought you were really stuck [00:17] so now you can update? [00:17] good [00:18] false alert is better than real bustage ;) [00:18] assuming i've been using debian since 1997.. [00:18] yes [00:18] i never assumed you are noob ... in no way ;) [00:19] my update gets new openoffice ;) [00:20] already got it, that's why i said i was up-to-date [00:20] ok [00:20] yeah [00:20] i just didn't check the not upgraded [00:20] but it looks what you are running [00:20] for linux [00:20] kk [00:21] gwibber is stable now btw ;) [00:21] asac: my old copy of gwibber 1.2 stop pulling feeds :( [00:21] BUGabundo: 2.0 is now good [00:21] try it [00:21] I would file a bug, but since its outdated [00:22] no one is supporting it [00:22] asac: I'm using it [00:22] but has many bugs [00:22] latest? [00:22] asac, but upgrades should restart the daemon [00:22] tends to jam [00:22] its very slow [00:22] fta: we fixed that somewhat [00:22] Refresh doesn't work [00:22] no Jaiku support [00:22] we stop the daemon now if you explicitly quit gwibber [00:22] asac: FINALLY [00:22] oh; good [00:22] BUGabundo: refresh works ;) [00:22] I had to kill it manually [00:22] BUGabundo: could be that some backend is broken [00:23] we want to know which backend it is [00:23] BUGabundo: maybe you are not running the build from today [00:23] daily build [00:23] it was approved like 8 hours ago or so [00:23] 2.0 will not support Jaiku [00:23] daily might be too old [00:23] yes [00:23] AFAIK [00:23] it seems like if you upgrade gwibber without restarting it, it dies. at least until yesterday [00:23] but refresh and stuff is now solid [00:23] all the threading is fixed ;) [00:23] Installed: 2.0.0~bzr476-0ubuntu1 [00:23] fta: that might be a different thing. but gwibber died regularly [00:23] just because it was using multi-ple threads [00:24] without ensuring thread-safeness [00:24] how come daily is older? [00:24] 2.0.0~bzr473-0ubuntu2~daily1 [00:24] BUGabundo: k ... i think i know what you mean [00:24] the display doesnt refresh [00:24] damn: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/34297729/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.thunderbird-3.0_3.0~hg20091023r4223%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd4~intrepid_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [00:24] thats a minor bug compared to what we have before [00:24] dh_install: thunderbird-3.0 missing files (debian/tmp/usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0*/[LR]*), aborting [00:24] asac: from user POV it stays the same [00:24] but you can just click on "messages" again and will see all the updates [00:24] BUGabundo: well. not really ;) the same [00:25] you can at least get new dents/tweets [00:25] usually update works [00:25] but sometimes not [00:25] so you get used to it until we fixs that in SRU [00:25] fta: tbird is a beast [00:25] and why SOOO big delay between pulling it , and showing on notify osd? [00:25] BUGabundo: thats notify-osd [00:26] BUGabundo: so some backends take like 3-10 seconds to pull [00:26] so you get the notifications at least with that delay [00:26] that's plain bad [00:26] + you notify-osd also defers notifications like 10 seconds or so sometimes [00:26] asac: so https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/446146 will just be SRU? [00:26] Launchpad bug 446146 in linux "Huawei E169 USB dongle not working with kernel 2.6.31-12.40" [Medium,Fix committed] [00:27] nothing changed there as expected [00:27] :(( [00:28] I guess Canonical is planing to ship CDs with updates for every affected user :p [00:29] we already talked about that yesterday [00:29] and ? [00:29] you and me [00:29] they plan to enfoce policy? [00:29] i said all i think [00:29] its a shame [00:29] it really is [00:30] no ... i didnt talk to any kernel folk, because i know the procedure. rerolling a kernel after RC is far off [00:31] I know [00:31] asac: so what can *I* do to [00:31] fix this for me? [00:31] you can grab the latest upstream daily ;) [00:32] I'm tired of melting my android with tether [00:32] BUGabundo: try http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.31.5/ [00:32] from the kernel PPA? [00:32] not sure if its in there [00:32] or if you need .32 [00:32] http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.32-rc5/ [00:32] I'll test it [00:32] i would install both and see if that works [00:33] after upgrading to the newest kernel ( http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.31.5/ ), downloaded from another machine I finally found a way to connect with my E220 using the mentioned [00:33] quoted from the bug [00:33] Looking at the changelog for (http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/ChangeLog- it appears Ben H's fix is included. [00:34] yes [00:34] so verify that the .5 works [00:34] downloading now [00:43] hey everyone i am running jaunty and have a problem with swiftfox - the browser resets all my settngs, and bookmarks/history are inacessible if i am not running browser as root [00:44] i have tried chmod and various solutions found on the forums, but alas [00:45] anyone with a solution? [00:54] hitting the pillow. gdnuit everyone [01:01] lunatic: we dont do swiftfox in here usually [01:01] but following things you find on forums usually makes it worse ;) [01:01] thats all i can say:) [01:02] lunatic: its most likely a packaging thing [01:02] if you ever run a firefox/xulrunner as root [01:02] you will be busted [01:02] at least on old branches you could never run it as user again [01:02] so never ever run as root [01:02] asac i had the same problem with firefox [01:02] is the most important rule [01:02] yes [01:02] in the past that was an issue with firefox [01:02] not sure if its still an issue [01:02] i hoped not [01:03] but running any mozilla as root is strictly destructive [01:03] well i read that ppl got to solve the issue [01:03] so what you probably need to do [01:03] is to remove the package ... find everything that is left behind [01:03] in the /usr/li/... directories it used [01:03] and remove them manually [01:03] like profile folders? ok got it [01:03] and then get firefox 3.5? [01:03] lunatic: well. most of those solutions are liek: "you need to run as root" ... you need to remove your profile from time to time ... you need to do x y z ... or something other ugly [01:04] lunatic: yes. and if you ran it as root you might have now root only files in your profile [01:04] asac i did notice that^^ [01:04] so you really should first cleanup all the stuff [01:04] e.g. remove package [01:04] check that there is nothing left in /usr/lib/ etc. [01:04] that is remotely related [01:04] to swiftfox [01:04] maybe check if there is something still in /usr/lib/swiftfox after removing [01:05] then fix your profile [01:05] chown USERNAME -R /path/to/profile [01:05] and hope for the bets [01:05] best [01:05] next time when it doesnt start [01:05] dont try as root [01:05] ;) [01:05] rather try disabling extensions etc [01:05] first [01:06] there is almost no way running mozilla as root will help ;) [01:06] it will only cause more pain [01:06] lunatic: if you hard core you can use things like strace -eopen -f firefox ... and check what files it cannot open etc. [01:07] though it needs a trained eye to spot that among all the crap that comes out there ;) [01:09] hmm. did that sound like harsh words or why did he skip ;) [01:10] night [01:11] yay i got kicked out of my session) [01:14] okay i have --purge removed swiftfox, the SF dir in /usr/lib got deleted. [01:53] asac, i knew there was something weird with tb3... debian/tmp/usr/lib/thunderbird-3.1a1pre it's no longer 3.0 === BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo [12:13] fta: oh. so they made a final branch now? [12:17] asac, you should receive a mail about http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=552185 [12:17] Debian bug 552185 in gnome-bluetooth "[gnome-bluetooth] read/write access to the /dev/rfkill device is" [Minor,Open] [12:26] av`: are you gnome-bluetooth in debian? [12:26] av`: you need to add a udev rule [12:26] for now [12:27] thats what we did in ubuntu [12:27] asac, yes, I follow gnome-bluetooth for debian [12:27] asac, did you read that bug report? [12:27] its kind of a temporary solution [12:27] thats why putting it in gnome-bluetooth is right [12:27] would you mind writing a rationale for adding it now? [12:27] in the end it should be wrapped in bluez api [12:28] in the bug report of course [12:28] the rational for adding it now is that otherwise nothing will work ;) [12:29] at least not really nice [12:29] ly [12:29] i am running ... you can paste what i wrote here or i will answer when back later today [12:29] ttyl [12:29] ok, cya later [13:49] hi [13:49] asac, no, i didn't [14:41] mozilla 46625 [14:41] Mozilla bug 46625 in Layout "
tag overlaps left aligned images" [Normal,Verified: duplicate] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46625 [14:41] mozilla 466250 [14:41] Mozilla bug 466250 in Graphics "build failure for cairo-gtk2 build with a directfb cairo" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=466250 [14:44] asac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/300578/ [15:25] asac, i've created a branch for tb 3.1 following comm-central, i based it on mozilla-central as obviously, it's what upstream wants [15:26] i've updated tb 3.0 to follow comm-1.9.1, based on mozilla-1.9.1 [15:30] i won't add 3.1 to my bot until we've reorganized the daily PPAs [16:14] * eagles0513875 waves to fta and asac and anyone else in here [17:28] dtchen, i think my problem with openarena is that it takes nearly all the cpu on my 2 cores, like 180% cpu, and p-a fights for the rest [17:28] fta: yes, it's a SDL issue [17:28] an SDL* [17:29] it's on my queue for today [17:29] ohoh, nice [18:05] is stardict installable? for me, it has been unupgradeable for months :( [18:07] oh, nm. i remember now. scrollkeeper vs rarian-compat === asac__ is now known as asac [21:32] fta: these SDL changes to PulseAudio themselves are _huge_ [21:32] fta: I haven't even started looking at the ALSA ones, though I expect them to be less invasive [21:33] fta: Karmic's SDL driver for Pulse is horridly outdated [21:33] dtchen, i have no doubts about that. let me know if you want me to try something [21:34] fta: I'm afraid it will take more than 24 hours just to review the code changes [22:01] fta: ...yeah, this stuff isn't going into karmic-updates at all. It'll be much better in lucid. [22:01] eeh [22:01] it will always be much better :) [22:02] fta: I should have something in the ubuntu-audio-dev soon after, if not by, karmic's release. [22:02] the 100% cpu usage is caused by both the pulse output plugin and SDL spinning in their respective loops [22:02] twice the work for the fail [22:03] and on top of that, it's not even progress; it's just busy spinning doing nothing [22:04] dtchen, that explains a lot.. [22:06] ...and the alsa output plugin just does buffering all wrong [22:07] it looks like I need to keep an eye on libSDL, too :/ [22:11] dtchen: thanks for the note. I'm realying it to joaopinto who is also suffenring from it [22:12] it will probably help with vbox too