
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
Lex79ScottK: I've uploaded ktorrent 3.2.5 in my ppa, https://edge.launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/staging/+packages02:25
ScottKLex79: It's in Main.  It's really too late.02:33
Lex79ok, no problem02:34
PedroLeKoiMorning everybody.08:19
PedroLeKoiMay I help someone by testing something?08:20
PedroLeKoiSomebody there who wants assign a task to me?08:32
apacheloggermorning PedroLeKoi .. that entirely depends on what kind of task you were thinking about :D09:19
apacheloggermgraesslin: ahoy! is there any plan to make the zoom effects in kwin bind to mouse scroll?09:20
PedroLeKoiapachelogger: Yesterday I did some ISO testing.09:21
apacheloggermgraesslin: people with visual impairment need this quite a bit ... having to use the keyboard for regular zooming is a PITA09:21
apacheloggerPedroLeKoi: I doubt we have isos to test right now :)09:22
apacheloggershould get some iso testing tasks tomorrow or the day after that09:22
PedroLeKoiapachelogger: To be honest: I am a new member of the Ubuntu Community. If you may tell me where I can find a list of task I eventually can asign myself to - that would make things easier.09:23
apacheloggerif only there were a list of tasks :S09:23
PedroLeKoiapachelogger: I have seen the ToDo List... Right.09:23
PedroLeKoiapachelogger: That is exactly what I was wondering about.09:23
mgraesslinapachelogger: can be done, would be easy in fact09:23
apacheloggerthat is rather incomplete and long-term and all09:23
mgraesslinthe disadvantage is that we have to start mousepolling then and that causes wakeups :-(09:24
apacheloggermaybe configuration option?09:24
apacheloggeralso, compiz does seem to use scrolling by default ... neverminding the wakeups?09:25
mgraesslinperhaps they have a better solution for it ;-)09:25
apacheloggernow if only we had a code spy :D09:26
mgraesslinthey have in general mouse actions which KDE doesn't support09:26
mgraesslinI have been asked so often for ctrl+alt+left mouse button for activating the cube...09:27
apacheloggeras bad as that is... it actually makes KDE feel a lot more mortal TBH, I didnt think there was anything left KDE could not do :S09:29
apacheloggerPedroLeKoi: well, what would you like to do? what are you good at?09:29
apacheloggerPedroLeKoi: iso testing only happens before releases which is only a monthly task09:29
PedroLeKoiapachelogger: To make it easier for you, you may have a look on https://wiki.edubuntu.org/PeterStoelzgen.09:33
PedroLeKoiapachelogger: I signed the Code of Conduct. Created an account on Launchpad. Asked for a mentor. What I want to say is: I want to help seriously.09:35
apacheloggerquite impressive cv :)09:37
apacheloggerPedroLeKoi: question is, do you want to do programming?09:37
apacheloggerthere sure are other ways to help, in fact, I would consider these other ways more important at this point09:39
PedroLeKoiapachelogger: Answer is: Yes. Truth is: It would make me calm to know that I get some guidance - at least in the beginning.09:39
PedroLeKoiapachelogger: What isn't part of the CV - impressive or not: I am unemployed right now. That means: I have plenty of time...09:40
apacheloggerPedroLeKoi: how good is your c++?09:40
PedroLeKoiapachelogger: I have almost no practical experience but read some lessons, can read the code and I am motivated to learn...09:41
apacheloggersounds all to me as if you were best stuited contributing to KDE directly, rather than via Kubuntu :)09:42
GarthPSHi everyone, I have am package problem.I try to compile amaroj from git, but since my upgrade to 9.10 I have this error "Phonon library or includes NOT found!" but I have all phonon package installed!!09:42
GarthPS"libphonon4" "libphonon-dev" "libqt4-phonon" "libqt4-phonon-dev" "phonon". and  I have sylvain@Hellboy2:/usr$  find -iname "phononnamespace.h"09:42
GarthPSon amarok channel the told me that a package is bad.09:42
apacheloggerPedroLeKoi: so, do you want to contribute to Kubuntu explicitly? programming only only partly what we do, while contributing to KDE directly you would get a chance to spend most of your time at programming + you get to work with some of the best developers the FLOSS world has to offer09:44
apacheloggeryou choice: kubuntu or kde :)09:44
PedroLeKoiapachelogger: You leave me no choice! I say KDE.09:45
apacheloggermgraesslin: do you think you could get PedroLeKoi hooked up to KDE development? find him a mentor or something?09:46
apacheloggerGarthPS: sudo apt-get build-dep amarok09:46
mgraesslina mentor for KDE programming? Don't know if anybody does that09:46
mgraesslinhave never heard of it09:46
apacheloggermgraesslin: well, there is no official programm for that :D09:47
mgraesslinI think the easiest is to pick a nice project and drop in the IRC channel09:47
apacheloggerthough maybe there should be09:47
mgraesslinhave often seen it in #plasma09:47
PedroLeKoimgraesslin: What is a nice project from your point of view?09:48
GarthPSapachelogger: in fact i will do a fresh install...it would be better09:48
* apachelogger waits for mgraesslin to say kwin :D09:48
mgraesslinno I won't :-)09:48
PedroLeKoiThat was a quick answer...09:48
apacheloggerGarthPS: hopefully not because of this issue, because it is really just due to a changed path09:48
mgraesslinthe nicest code base to work with is probably Plasma09:48
mgraesslinbut there are many great projects09:49
mgraesslinand all need helping hands09:49
apacheloggerPedroLeKoi: I would think that it largely depends on what you care about09:49
apacheloggeryou like music -> amarok09:49
mgraesslinyes, just think about something that really bugs you and fix it ;-)09:49
PedroLeKoiYou two have fun, haven't you?09:50
PedroLeKoiYeah: Amarok sounds good to me.09:50
PedroLeKoiHow do I get there?09:50
mgraesslinamarok is great - they already use git :-D09:51
apacheloggermarkey: ping09:51
PedroLeKoiI shall ping markey?09:51
mgraesslinPedroLeKoi: http://amarok.kde.org/en/contribute09:51
apacheloggermarkey was up until 5 am :D09:51
apacheloggerno point in pinging it seems09:52
markeylol, actually I got up at 5:0009:52
markeysubtle difference09:52
GarthPSapachelogger: which path chane?09:53
apacheloggermarkey: PedroLeKoi would like to join amarok development09:53
markeythat's nice09:53
PedroLeKoiapachelogger: I see.09:53
markeyfirst step: /join #amarok09:53
apacheloggerGarthPS: of the phonon stuff ... just run the commend I told you and clear your build directory09:53
PedroLeKoiI am very sensitive with pinging people...09:54
PedroLeKoiDon't be afraid.09:54
apacheloggerGarthPS: then run the regular cmake command and you should be good to go again09:54
apacheloggermarkey: btw, are you planning on going to Berlin LT next year?09:55
GarthPSyep but it don't want to install build-dep amarok (pb of dépandencies)..so it will not be bad to do a fresh install! ;) but thankx!!09:55
markeyapachelogger: haven't thought about it yet. when is it?09:55
* markey isn't good with planning ahead09:56
apacheloggermarkey: june 9-1209:56
markeyI'm kinda fed up with conferences currently. Gran Canaria did that to me09:56
markeyI hated that place09:56
markeyhorror show09:56
apacheloggergood thing I wasnt there09:56
markeybut germany is ok09:56
* apachelogger is going to take over LT 201009:57
markeywell, june is still pretty far away.. can't really tell yet09:57
* markey has never been at LT09:57
apacheloggeroh, need to change that09:58
apacheloggerLT is the quite awesome :D09:58
markeynice :)09:58
markeyberlin's airport situation sucks09:58
Mamarokmarkey: just tell me at least 2 months before if you want to go to Berlin, I'm not going to do that "I go, I don't" stuff anymore09:58
markeybut apart from that, berlin is OK with me09:58
Mamarokmarkey: and "if" we go, we could add some additional time for Dinslaken09:59
apacheloggernever had airport problems, other than me almost passing out in tegel :D09:59
Mamarokpassing out? what did you eat/drink?09:59
apacheloggerwhat would I be drinking at LT ... too much of that10:00
apachelogger+ I didnt sleep that night10:00
apacheloggerI had to sleep in my car at Salzburg airport10:01
=== xerosis_ is now known as xerosis
apacheloggeraustria is so freaking insane11:33
* apachelogger likes that11:33
jussi01apachelogger: similar to you then? :D11:48
apacheloggerjussi01: http://randomizemylife.livejournal.com/117419.html11:54
ryanakcaIt normal that jockey FTBFS on i386 but not on the rest of the archs because it can't find pykdeuic4 ? python-kde4-dev (which ships pykdeuic4) is a B-D, and it didn't have an issue finding it on any other arch... http://launchpadlibrarian.net/34241055/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.jockey_0.5.5-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:53
JontheEchidnajockey only builds on i38612:54
JontheEchidnaThere was a kdebindings update a few days ago to fix that issue, though. So if jockey was retried it should work12:54
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: Ah, ok. And I'm guessing it will be retried? :)12:55
JontheEchidnaI hope :) pitti would probably know12:58
Tscheesy_Riddell: Is it possible to re-use Kubuntu.Org News Pictures and Translated Phrases in Kubuntu-de.org ? (we would use cc-by-sa 3.0 normally)13:17
ScottKryanakca and JontheEchidna: I just retired it.15:27
ryanakcaScottK: Thanks15:30
ryanakcaHurray, knmap built! :D15:30
ScottKJockey built.15:34
ryanakcaScottK: good :)15:36
* txwikinger slowly wakes up after an awesome Ontario GNU Linuxfest15:49
Tscheesy_txwikinger: did you meet up Gagne? and had your speech? (any Pics? ; )15:53
txwikingerTscheesy_: I had my speech...I did meet Marcel, at least not knowingly15:56
txwikingerThere were lots of people15:56
Mamarokthe Kubuntu Ship-it still talks about the beta release instead of the RC for download17:12
Mamarokoh, and do the new ship-it rules apply to Kubuntu also?17:13
ScottKI'd assume so.17:28
Mamarokok, so we should point people to their LoCo Team in the topic rather than to Ship-it, right?17:29
jpdsMamarok: shipit page> Talk to newz in #ubuntu-website.17:30
Mamarokjpds: thx, will do17:30
jpdsMamarok: Or file a bug at bugs.lp.net/shipit17:33
jpdsCan't remember what I did last time.17:34
Mamarokjpds: will see, I pinged newz for now17:35
adiroibancan someone help me with bug 459476 . I don't know how to „convince” khelpcenter to load the translated docs17:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 459476 in ubuntu-translations "Translations not included in kubuntu-docs" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45947617:42
JontheEchidnaadiroiban: is KDE itself set to a different language than english?18:01
JontheEchidnaSystem Settings -> Regional & Language18:02
JontheEchidnaI get localized docs here18:02
adiroibankhelpcenter UI is translated18:02
adiroibanbut not the content18:02
JontheEchidnaoh, same here18:03
JontheEchidnait's deceiving because the sidebar is translated too18:03
JontheEchidnaActually where there are spanish docs in kde-l10n-es, I see localized docs18:04
adiroibancan you give me an example ?18:05
adiroibanit is sad that from khelpcenter I can not get the real path of those HTML files18:05
adiroibanall paths are in the form help://doc18:06
JontheEchidnaAt least for spanish, kgpg has docs in kde-l10n-es18:06
JontheEchidnaif there's nothing in /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/<LANG> it'll fall back to english18:08
JontheEchidnaBe back later, good luck.18:08
adiroibanhow do you install the translated docs for kgpg ? I have installed kgpg but it only contains these files http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/301479/18:33
RiddellTscheesy_: yes of course, we don't have a formal licence as far as I know but cc-by-sa 3.0 is sensible18:52
Tscheesy_thx - this just because theres no License-Link yes - and- we're cautious ... so i would send this lines to our Team-ML18:54
ScottKNice: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/409321:04
Lex79JontheEchidna: can you upload kamoso 1.0.5 from my ppa? https://edge.launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/staging/+packages21:45

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