
=== coz_ is now known as booboo
=== booboo is now known as coz_
kwwiickontros: http://sinecera.de/butch_black.pdf <-- ideas?16:28
thorwilkwwii: if i may chime in: "the Butchers" is too wide. I'd try to have a small "and the", to have only "Butchers" to counter "Butch"16:32
thorwilalso to make the general shape more closed/round16:33
kwwiithorwil: yes, good idea16:33
kwwiivery good, I'll work on that a bit, thanks!16:34
thorwilkwwii: the skull should have less sharp shapes (look more like the result of a pen with noticeable width), or the type should have harder edges16:35
* thorwil hits the shower16:35

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