
=== jdong_ is now known as jdong
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
rafael_carrerasHi, i'm ubuntu member now and like to have a cloak21:51
naliothrafael_carreras: your request will be acted upon within 24h  :)21:56
rafael_carrerasthanks a lot, nalioth21:56
nhandlerThe description for ~ubuntu-irc-cloaks should probably be updated. The team is restricted, so people can not apply for membership to that team22:27
LjLnhandler: uh, doesn't restricted just mean that *applications* need to be approved?22:34
LjLto my knowledge, it's always been restricted22:34
jpdsLjL: No, it means noone can join the team unless an admin adds them.22:35
PriceyLjL: what you described is 'moderated' iirc22:38
LjLPricey: well ok, why's it restricted then?22:38
PriceyNo idea.22:39
PriceyI assume because hte process we have is that people come here and give us the launchpad url.22:40
nhandlerWhich makes sense, since I do not believe people can send a message when they request to join a moderated team anymore22:40
LjLnhandler: ah.22:41
LjLbecause i remember they used to22:41
LjLi certainly got messages in requests to join ubuntu-irc22:41
nhandlerLjL: When someone requests to join a moderated team, it simply sends an email to the team admins asking them to approve/deny the applicant. There is no place in the process for them to specify their freenode nick22:42
Priceylaunchpad profiles have a space for irc nick22:42
Priceyso it could be done the other way i guess22:42
LjLnhandler, when i was in the irc council, i got requests from people to join the ubuntu-irc team, and i really think i recall people could include a personalized comment in their request..22:42
LjLi might remember wrong i suppose22:43
LjLuhm i guess i do, i don't really see any comments looking at old mail22:44
nhandlerLjL: Yeah, I just tested on staging.launchpad.net. There is no place to specify a comment22:45
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL

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