
doctormoby the way, how is Vantax doing on the style sheets for moodle?00:00
cprofittto be honest I am not sure...00:00
cprofittI have not asked him about it.00:00
cprofittdo you know anything about Latex?00:00
cprofittdoctormo, other than the logo -- what did you think of the slide background?00:01
doctormoI know a little about Latex00:01
doctormoI think it's good, it's nice and light, which is good for readability.00:01
cprofittA person asked me to convert that image to Latex00:02
doctormoThat doesn't make sense to me, I always figured images like that were set as importable objects and that what you really made in latex was akind of positional template for various elements.00:04
cprofittI will have to ask him then...00:04
cprofittdo you have an SVG source for the logo?00:05
cprofittinteresting diagram...00:06
cprofittwe need to publish some of this stuff from the mailing list...00:06
cprofittI mean that was a bit of work doctormo and it is all hidden and obscured00:07
cprofittdoctormo, this is the proposal you liked from pleia2  - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-learning/2009-October/000070.html00:09
doctormoI just commited those to the bzr today actually.00:10
doctormoPerhaps we need to ask about each of them at a meeting before they go to the wiki00:11
cprofittyeah... that would be good.00:13
cprofittI really want things like that up on our wiki... so potential contributors can see it00:13
cprofittI am not finding an svg version of the logo.00:14
cprofitt... how do you take an svg and add it to a GIMP file?00:15
cprofitthmm... seem like just open it... and render...00:17
doctormoYou can also open it in inkscape00:22
doctormosorry for not responding, I'm baby sitting / dog sitting and the dog was going all stressed00:22
cprofittI have two kids that are bouncing off the walls right now... so I can understand00:23
doctormo Do you still need an svg?00:24
doctormoHave you seen the svg I used for the command line basics presentation?00:24
doctormocprofitt: Can we put on the agenda for the next meeting to elect a person responsbile for talking care of some administrative functions for the group?00:25
cprofittdoctormo, sounds good to me...00:26
doctormoThis would include organising meetings, chairing meetings, adding a section to the wiki on agreed administrative functions, structures etc and basically writing this sort of thing up. including posting meeting notes to the mailing list for archival?00:26
doctormopaultag, pleia2, hal14450, Reepicheep, Saj0577, maxb, Extend: Any of you want to take care of some group administrative functions?00:40
paultagYo, what's up00:40
doctormothere are some parts to our group function that may not be functioning as well as they need to be.00:41
doctormoSo perhaps someone who's job, responsibility and final say on these matters is required.00:42
doctormoBut I want to sound people out and see if anyone is even willing to do it, otherwise the meeting will be pretty dull.00:42
paultagI feel that I have been less then active in here, but I would not mind providing some help where it is needed00:42
doctormopaultag: Is it the kind of thing your good at/will enjoy doing/can be reasonable expected to attend to at a steady rate?00:43
ZachK_heya all00:44
paultagdoctormo, yes, I am almost always online. I have no problem helping lead00:46
doctormopaultag: lead? no, the position would be leadership of administrative functions. The board would be used to decide things though. Or at least that's what I'm thinking.00:50
paultagdoctormo, Sorry, that's what I meant. I am a bit out of it right now00:51
doctormonp, recover :-)00:52
paultagthanks :)00:52
pleia2yeah, I've sorta been doing some of that but not reliably lately01:02
paultagIs there a google cal for this team?01:04
pleia2no, when we plan meetings we put them on the fridge calendar01:05
pleia2the doodle poll on our wiki shows best times for most of us (sunday and monday evening edt)01:06
pleia2but honestly when it comes to course development workflow I think we're at the point where we all just need to write some stuff and start getting a feel for it01:08
pleia2we can design structure all we want, but we won't really know what is perfect until we really get rolling with it01:08
cprofittpleia2, doctormo and I were just discussing the difference between content generation and course design01:14
cprofittNot sure if you saw my post on the idea of how to organize the status of a course01:15
pleia2yes, I did01:15
doctormoAye, me and Bios have spent the day writing some of the courses up01:15
cprofittdoctormo, what did you put the courses in?01:17
doctormoSo far trunk2, we're not finished yet01:17
doctormoIt's just development step01:17
cprofittI think I finally came up with a good analogy for some of this...01:17
cprofittasciidoc = source01:17
cprofittMoodle = compiled for 64bit01:18
cprofittPDF = compiled fro 32bit01:18
cprofitt... does that fit?01:18
cprofittwhat is trunk2?01:18
* cprofitt smiles01:22
cprofittnot good then?01:22
doctormocprofitt: good analogy01:25
cprofittDo you use 'classes' the same way I use 'topics'?01:25
cprofittI looked at -- http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~doctormo/ubuntu-learning-materials/trunk2/annotate/head%3A/courses/sys-admin/introduction.txt01:26
cprofittand it looks like you do...01:26
doctormoSections > Topics == development, Courses > Classes == Publishing. But that's not fixed01:26
cprofittthe .List of classes -- looks like what I call topics01:26
cprofittwhat is the > mean in that above?01:29
cprofittI define course as - 10. a program of instruction, as in a college or university: a course in economics.01:30
cprofittwhich we seem to share a definition on01:30
doctormo> means contains01:30
cprofittbut the sub-components of a course are topics to me01:30
doctormoonly because in my teaching I split them out into teachable classes01:31
cprofittclasses =  a group of students meeting regularly to study a subject under the guidance of a teacher: The class had arrived on time for the lecture.01:31
cprofittright... so they are topics you are covering in 'classes'01:31
cprofittbut not classes...01:31
cprofittanother reason I was getting confused...01:31
paultagcprofitt, it looks like classes are being taught in sessions01:31
cprofittsome topics might take more than one session...01:32
cprofittbut a topic is a single topic.01:32
cprofittthe amount of time a topic takes would be determined by the length of the session...01:32
cprofitt1 hour, 2 hour, 1 week on-line...01:32
cprofittso the sessions would be variable -- while topics would not; correct?01:32
cprofittpaultag, I agree...01:33
paultagcprofitt, Sorry, courses are taught in classes.01:33
* paultag goes idle again01:34
cprofittclasses (or sessions) could have only one topic or more than one... depending on the 'length' of the session.01:34
cprofittwith asciidocs... if I am following the asciidoc component would be the topics -- in individual parts...01:36
cprofittthe asciidoc would also contain the 'outline' of topics01:36
cprofittis that accurate?01:36
paultagwhy asciidoc cprofitt?01:37
doctormoI tend to afix a session size as two hours of teach/student intruction and time. Then other parts, it was worth defining a string of classes which progress as an entire course develops, instead of topics which are too ridgid to teach in my real world sessions.01:37
paultagcprofitt, that is almost as low as Text01:37
paultag+1 doctormo01:37
cprofittnot sure paultag doctormo and bioselement want to use them as 'source' documents01:37
paultagAh, cotcha01:37
cprofittfor producing the PDF, HTML, etc.01:37
paultagMakes sense.01:37
cprofittdoctormo, so a person making a course made in one hour chunks would need to write a new course...01:38
cprofittor if the course was to be put in to Moodle with a five week period it would have to have a different asciidoc  course?01:38
doctormocprofitt: It should be possible to bring the component parts together into different lengths, as each asciidoc is not really one file.01:39
cprofittbut the 'course outline' would need to be different... right?01:42
cprofittone would change that...01:43
doctormoIf you needed the course to be longer, shorter etc01:43
* cprofitt starting to understand more01:43
cprofittnot longer or shorter for the course...01:43
cprofittbut the 'sessions' would change01:43
doctormoah yes, sorry01:43
doctormoThe topics, classes would be longer or shorter. Some of that may be down to compression.01:44
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cprofittnow... in an attempt to 'refine'01:45
cprofittif you are willing to entertain my idea doctormo01:45
cprofittwould be to just list the topics in the main doc... with a time the topic takes...01:45
cprofittand a total 'course' time01:46
cprofittthen it could be used in multiple versions of the course...01:46
cprofittwould that work doctormo ?01:46
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doctormocprofitt: I'd need to think about how to encode time information, perhaps in the teachers part of the section.01:47
doctormoPerhaps three times, a) Instructional time, b) classroom time, c) Student at home time (i.e. 1 week)01:48
cprofittdoctormo, I have not seen a course that tied itself to specific time amounts per session...01:48
doctormocprofitt: I only do that because it made it easier to teach.01:48
cprofittlesson plans are made to break that stuff up... but the course outline itself did not try to break it up to specific sessions.01:48
cprofittdoctormo, yes... from the perspective of making one course that fits your current style that works...01:49
cprofittbut for an overall course design that accommodates multiple 'styles' it might not be the best fit01:49
cprofittK-12 Courses do not even 'control' the specific pattern all the topics are covered in...01:50
doctormoSure, and in the case of the format of how things are going to be written, it's just a matter of uncompressing certain parts (which I compressed) and splitting them up as required.01:51
doctormoWe can document things in a way that allows us to control the output, but we can't really develop things so that they can model every teaching style. That may just be a matter of crossing that birdge when we come to it01:51
doctormoOtherwise, we'd not be able to do anything.01:52
cprofittdoctormo, that is my point01:52
cprofittI do not see a need to divide the things up to the level you have01:52
cprofittlet the course instructor handle that...01:53
doctormoI haven't split things up, except in terms of subject matter.01:55
doctormoIf they're not split up there, then we won't be able to develop effectivly.01:55
cprofittno, no I agree... with how they are on your page...01:57
cprofittjust change the 'heading' to topics01:58
cprofittand include the time period it takes to cover the topic01:58
doctormowhat heading?01:58
cprofittthe heading of 'classes' change it to just 'topics'01:59
cprofittthat is an example of a course... that shows what I mean01:59
cprofitthe has course sessions... and the topics take several 'sessions'01:59
cprofittsome topics take more sessions that others...01:00
cprofittI do not think we have to break our topics up -- let the instructors do that...01:00
cprofittwe just define a course and the topics contained with in...01:00
* cprofitt smiles01:00
cprofittdoes that make sense?01:00
cprofittdoctormo, ?01:03
cprofitthey doctormo -- what was the last part you had of my discussion with you?01:44
doctormoMy computer crashed, sorry about that.01:44
* doctormo will never buy from system76 again01:44
cprofittthere is a pastebin01:44
doctormo[Sat Oct 24 2009] [20:59:57] <cprofitt> he has course sessions... and the topics take several 'sessions'01:45
cprofittreally... had issues with them?01:45
doctormothis machine isn't up to snuff, there is some kind of power fault or some weird faltingness to it.01:46
cprofittI bought Lenovo... because they are very good laptops01:47
cprofittI build my own desktops01:47
doctormoThe problem is that the computer works most of the time, so when I sent it back to them, they couldn't find a problem and thus didn't want to fix it (it needed replacing)01:47
doctormoIt's hard to find intermitant failures and the problem is that I couldn't keep on sending it back to them, I need it, it's my only computer.01:47
cprofittso... back on to our previous topic...01:49
cprofittdo you understand what I was saying about how to just list topics w/ time to cover the topic01:49
doctormoso, from what you were saying about topics, the way we're doing it is correct and your happy with topics in devel.01:49
cprofittinstead of breaking it up in to a chunk size you like?01:49
cprofittyeah... just do not call them classes... or restrict them to being 1 hour or 1 hours... etc..01:49
cprofittmakes the documents we are using much more versatile IMHO01:50
doctormoI agree, of course I will backport to asciidoc what we have and work from there01:51
cprofittI think I see how asciidoc fits now...01:52
cprofittat least from my vantage point it now has a place I can understand01:52
cprofitt... another organizations thing...01:53
cprofittwith LP -- how will that be organized... by the 'areas'?01:53
doctormoIn LP, so far only a single project exists and a single trunk branch, but it's possible to split out if it becomes a problem.01:55
cprofitt... so all topics will be in the same branch under the same LP page?01:56
doctormoyes, ubuntu-learning-materials01:57
doctormothe trunk development should be lp:ubuntu-learning-materials01:57
doctormoBut branches will be expected as people edit and create various modifications.01:57
cprofittI will try to get more familiar with that.02:23
cprofittdoctormo, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-learning-materials ?02:24
cprofittit comes up empty02:26
cprofittah... w/o the ~02:27
doctormoAye, so cprofitt, now that we've gone over some of the structures and symantics, are you more confident and trusting of my decisions so far?02:32
cprofittthat is a loaded question.02:34
cprofittit implies that there was a lack of trust before... which there was not.02:34
cprofittit was a lack of understanding and a desire to understand it02:34
cprofittI never questioned the groups decisions... in fact I was unaware that they were your decisions.02:35
cprofittI knew you supported them... and worked on them...02:36
doctormoWell so far I've been the person writing stuff, so it came to pass that descisions were made so things could get written.02:37
doctormoThe problem today has been that I've felt like I've been defending all my work to your scrutiny. It didn't feel like you were just asking questions, but that may just be the language employed.02:38
doctormoEither way, I want you to know that I've been uncorfortable02:39
cprofittI guess it is tough at times to tell the difference; why would you have felt that I was questioning the validity of your work?02:39
paultagSorry to jump in here02:39
paultagcprofitt, I've been tracking this, you did come off a bit aggressive02:40
cprofittplease enlighten me to what you viewed as aggressive02:40
paultagcprofitt, Loaded questions like that :X02:40
cprofittI know I was having a hard time following some of the items and asked several times for clarification02:40
cprofittpaultag, I am honestly asking for you to tell me where...02:41
paultagcprofitt, YOU tell me why I was being aggressive. It's hard to read nuance over text.02:41
cprofittthat is true...02:41
paultagcprofitt, so try to work conservatively and read liberally02:41
paultagcprofitt, as a good rule of thumb :)02:41
paultagI'm sorry, write *02:41
paultagLong nite :)02:42
cprofittpaultag, seriously... how can one ask questions and get information if they do not understand...02:42
cprofittif there was something you can point to that would be great... it would give me an example.02:42
paultagcprofitt, Worded with tact, and acknowledging that one might not understand something02:42
paultagcprofitt, Sentiences like that can be construed as aggressive02:42
paultagcprofitt, I'm not passing judgment here, I'm just posting my commentary. I have been just watching02:43
cprofittI am not following paultag02:43
paultagcprofitt, I am totally removed from this issue.02:43
cprofittpaultag, not challenging that impartiality... just really trying to see what you are saying...02:43
paultagcprofitt, Meditate on it, perhaps thinking about how you read text would help. I don't think I can state it too much clearly :/02:43
cprofittI am sorry paultag I really could use a more clear example from you...02:44
cprofittwas this the sentence you are referring too -- if there was something you can point to that would be great... it would give me an example.02:44
paultagcprofitt, I won't. Showing you instances won't help the big picture02:44
cprofittw/o examples I am not sure how to proceed.02:45
paultagcprofitt, Think about it. And how you read other's IRC messages.02:45
paultagcprofitt, It will come to you. Of that I am sure.02:45
paultagI'm not being argumentative or attacking how you conduct yourself, just figured I would add another ( impartial ) viewpoint :)02:46
cprofittpaultag, I can appreciate that. I work better with examples - fresh in my mind.02:47
paultagcprofitt, Understood. Perhaps review your logs.02:47
cprofittI have been...02:48
doctormocprofitt: since this is my thing, I'll find one02:49
paultagcprofitt, Just read through a few times. At least until you figure out "* cprofitt smiles" can be considered condescending02:49
* cprofitt smiles02:49
paultagGood timing02:49
cprofittpaultag, that was advice that someone else suggested I do to lighten things up02:49
paultagcprofitt, perhaps consider using emotocons02:50
cprofittI am a rather straight forward person..02:50
cprofittsorry... sarcasm coming now...02:50
paultagClearly :)02:50
cprofittwhat is different from :)02:50
cprofittand /me smiles02:50
doctormo[Sat Oct 24 2009] [18:36:34] <cprofitt> but can you point me to the log from the meeting in which the group adopted asciidoc officially02:51
* cprofitt nods to doctormo 02:51
paultagcprofitt, the difference between a patronizing smile, and a genuine one, over text, I'm afraid02:51
cprofittpaultag, so you are saying that : ) is genuine and /me smiles is not?02:52
paultagcprofitt, over text, yes. That's how it's taken02:52
* doctormo grins like the cheshire cat02:52
paultagcprofitt, /me smiles is taken as "I'm right, and you should know that"02:52
cprofittThat is stupid02:52
paultagNoted duly02:52
cprofittI had no idea that was a convetion....02:52
cprofittmy god that is stupid02:52
paultagNoted dully :P02:53
paultagErm, dually02:53
paultagWord puns \o/02:53
cprofittI knew about SCREAMING02:53
doctormoActually I took /me smilies to mean, he smilies. I see no alternate motive or meaning.02:53
paultagAh, I read those differently :)02:54
cprofittbut never thought /me 'action' was inferred as something other that what was said02:54
paultagcprofitt, Indeed it can be02:54
paultagcprofitt, Such as this case here.02:54
paultag( imho )02:54
* doctormo does a little dance02:54
cprofittso my whole attempt to lighten things up  with /me smiles caused issues...02:54
cprofittmy lord02:54
cprofittwith they quoted text doctormo how did that bother you?02:55
cprofittI have been trying to pick things out of logs and mail list content to see things we need to add to our wiki...02:55
doctormoActually it might just be with the directness of the language. if you say "/me smiles a jasmine smile of perfumed arabia" it's not really serious.02:55
cprofittso that people coming in 'late' can be up-to-date with where we are02:56
cprofittI missed a great deal with the mail list issues and missed meetings...02:56
doctormoAye, I can see a need for that.02:56
doctormoWe've certainly had to go over a lot today to cover up for that mistake.02:56
cprofittand can empathize with decisions and directions not being in the wiki... but 'hidden' in the logs and archives02:56
cprofittI really do not want to cause ripples, but want to smooth things out for the future...02:57
doctormoOk so, using "but" to start a sentance preseeds to emotive as negative, then we move on to "point out"02:57
doctormowhich means "something I can't see" or "something that I don't think exists"02:57
cprofittIt was 'something I did not see'02:58
cprofittI still have not found it...02:58
doctormoI'm sure it doesn't exist02:58
cprofittif it does not exist... I want us to vote on it and make sure it does exist.02:58
cprofitt... if that is necessary...02:58
cprofittI am not sure how formal we need to make this stuff to be honest02:58
doctormoWell, your going through each of the meetings to make this list right? then if it was voted on, it'll be there.02:59
doctormoBut TBH, I'm not concerned with things being voted on if we know there is general concensus already. That's what makes the tone acusitory.02:59
doctormobecause I shouldn't have to point it out, or even find it in the logs, it just shouldn't be that important.03:00
cprofittdoctormo, assuming all the meetings were on the page - yes03:00
cprofittI did not want to assume there were.03:00
cprofittin the last meeting someone, I do not recall nor is it important, said we had made it official in a meeting03:01
cprofittso I was looking for it03:01
doctormoI think we have, or at least I have a vague memory of it.03:01
doctormoBut if it's important to vote on it, we'll vote on it next meeting.03:01
doctormoAndif we need a list of agreements (which considering today I think we do) then we'll dot hat.03:02
cprofittI do not know if it is important to vote on... but it is important to document...03:02
cprofittdocument the process so people know what that process is.03:02
paultagdoctormo, is there a wiki?03:02
cprofittpaultag, there is.03:02
paultagcprofitt, perhaps look to that?03:02
cprofittit is not there currently...03:03
paultagcprofitt, sounds like a great thing to add03:03
cprofittthat is one of the things we need to work on... and I was trying to get a fix on.03:03
doctormoAye, it's the first job of the new admin'er03:03
cprofittI agree paultag03:03
cprofittbut we need to find all the pieces...03:04
cprofittI think at times people have felt 'blind sided' by things... due to not knowing that a decision was made...03:04
cprofittthat has led to some 'bent' feelings and frustrations and I think documenting things -- at least the process decisions would help avoid those things03:05
paultagThat's on me now cprofitt.03:05
doctormopaultag: You can get the data together, but we'll have a propper vote on it next meeting (monday?) just to make sure there are no objections.03:06
cprofittwhat is on you paultag ?03:06
paultagRIghto doctormo. I'll need to pick apart logs from TN, as well as review some old documents03:06
paultagcprofitt, the lack of public documentation of internal practices03:06
doctormoSo all it is is probably a page such as http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Team would be filled with a list of board members, dates for re-election, next meeting time and then previous desisions with voting table and link to irc log?03:07
cprofittI must have missed that... sorry paultag03:07
cprofittkids were monsters today...03:07
paultagcprofitt, as of about 4:00 PM :P03:07
cprofittI saw doctormo discussing the need for that...03:07
cprofittbut not that you had taken it on03:07
paultagdoctormo, I was thinking a page "development" for the team best practices03:08
paultagdoctormo, What to use etc03:08
paultagdoctormo, objections, concerns or questions on that?03:09
paultagyou too cprofitt03:09
cprofittpaultag, I have no objections to that...03:09
paultagquestions or concerns then ?03:09
doctormoSo http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Team/Development ?03:09
cprofittwe need to get the process documented so contributors know how to proceed03:09
paultagdoctormo, yeah, I have it open now, but have not saved it with a basic layout yet03:10
doctormocprofitt: There are a couple of processes, organisation, development and publishing.03:10
doctormoEach one needs describing.03:10
doctormoBut the orgnisation is fairly easy, go onto the Topics page for that section, and add and remove topics as required.03:10
paultagdoctormo, is it OK to split it up to those four then?03:12
doctormoSplit what up into what four?03:13
paultagdoctormo, the documentation into processes, organization, development and publishing03:13
doctormoOK, but it's three. unless by processes you mean internal organisation?03:14
doctormomy fault for stray comma.03:14
paultagdoctormo, that, or how we accept non-member contributions etc03:15
doctormothere is no such thing as member-contributions.03:15
doctormomembers are only priviliaged by what they are organising, everythign else is open season.03:15
paultagdoctormo, i.e. a document you write would be approved by default, whereas something emailed to you might undergo a review. That kinda thing03:16
paultagdoctormo, or the actual process of review03:16
doctormoOh everything gets peer review, i don't care if your king, or even bodi, stuff gets reviewed. It's all about eyes.03:16
* doctormo hopes people get that I was joking about bodi :-P03:17
paultagdoctormo, perhaps document that process then?03:17
doctormopaultag: I don't understand.03:18
paultagdoctormo, the process of peer-review. Just so that if we have a sub-par document, we can point to how we have a process for accepting new material instead of arbitrarily denying contributions03:19
doctormoThat may want to go into the development -> publishing documentation.03:19
doctormoi.e. at the start of publishing is says "After peer review [see development page], you publish yadda yadaa"03:20
doctormoAnd in development at the bottom, it explains how merge requests work in launchpad.03:20
doctormothanks paultag, your a star03:23
paultagnp doctormo03:24
paultagI'll BRB03:24
cprofittdoctormo, just trying to be clear for me, we would peer review the 'source' or asciidoc part; right?03:28
doctormocprofitt: Yes, or at least that's the best idea if we want to merge it using bzr/lp03:30
cprofittnow I am scared to type /me nods03:33
cprofittfor fear that has a meaning I am not aware of03:33
doctormoIt might mean tht your going to sleep! (it doesn't)03:33
cprofittnight all05:02
pleia2hm, Org seems to be a bit of a duplicate of Structure13:47
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Saj0577__hey did someone ping me?18:48
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=== paultag_h1n1 is now known as paultag
=== Saj0577_IrcBroke is now known as Saj0577
doctormo_Hey BiosElement21:53
=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo
BiosElementAhh, hey doctormo22:23
=== Saj0577_ is now known as Saj0577

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