[00:18] hipitihop: mythbuntu control center has an option to enable/disable mythweb security [00:25] although when I check mine it says it is enabled but it isn't asking me for a password... [00:56] ToeBee: thanks, that seems to have done the trick [01:11] ToeBee: try dpkg-reconfigure mythweb [01:12] well I wasn't complaining. My mythbox isn't visible from outside my NAT so I don't WANT authentication [01:12] just observed :) [01:14] ToeBee: yes I agree... although I have 4 kids machines on the network and I didn't want them stuffing with mythweb but the security is a pain so now disabled :-) [01:16] might be able to do some more fine-grained control using .htaccess files for apache [01:16] so for example you could only require a password for "important" pages [03:17] * ToeBee wonders why he is watching live TV [03:17] keep wanting to skip the ads... [03:26] ToeBee, if your mythweb security thing is enabled but doesnt ask for a password, you probably started at a time when there was a bug [03:27] that reconfigure cycle or disable/enable in mcc should resolve it [03:31] well I just installed all the updates. We'll see what happens when I reboot :) [03:40] love the new hardware though... "Flag Commercials 3% Completed @ 101.735 fps." [04:01] wow irc is cool [04:02] I am setting up a mythtv in a linux computer [04:02] but I want to run a frontend from a windows computer [04:02] that has the tv capture card [04:03] is there a way to do it through the network [04:03] Willy_, I think you are confusing the terminology [04:05] Willy_, while there are frontends for windows, and ways for windows PCs to interact with a Mythbuntu machine, you cannot use the capture card from a Windows PC to record video on your Mythbuntu machine [04:07] so [04:07] what about watch tv? [04:07] i saw this guy that watch tv in a laptop and I got the impression that he was using a wireless network [04:08] is it possible [04:08] some how access that programming [04:08] using my router [04:08] or no [04:08] i am new to ubuntu and mythtv [04:09] but i am fast learner when it comes to computer stuff [04:10] Mythtv is pretty much Linux software, AFAIK the Windows port isn't done. [04:14] this guy did something nice http://members.iinet.net.au/~davco [04:14] for windows [04:14] but I had trouble with the mysql [04:14] because you sort have to know how to setup [04:14] I was able to open the program but I couldn't connect to local host [04:14] the mythubuntu is so nice [04:14] because it does all that stuff for you [04:15] no if I setup a server [04:15] and run it on a linux machine [04:15] can I broadcast it some how through the network? [04:17] http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Executive_Overview [04:18] Willy_: there are players for windows but the video capturing and recording needs to happen on linux. http://www.sudu.dk/mythtvplayer/ [04:18] yes [04:18] I can make it [04:18] i have a computer that has a capture video [04:19] but hopefully i found the software for it (drivers) [04:19] i can make that work [04:19] do all the capturing and recording at a linux box [04:19] check the mythtv compatibility to see if your hardware will work in linux [04:19] but how do I broadcast the video [04:21] well you can either stream things through the mythweb plugin or use something like the player I posted above that connects directly to the backend server [04:21] http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Executive_Overview [04:21] cool [04:21] yes, definitely read that link [04:22] hey [04:22] it ask me for a member group password [04:22] I am trying to run it for the first ime [04:22] *time [04:38] so, I just asked in #mythtv-users with no joy and was suggested to try here, so here I am [04:38] BitS, asked what? [04:38] to make a long story short: seperate front and backend machines. Backend can be connected to from a mac running mythfrontend, but my mythbuntu front end fails [04:38] or rather, hangs [04:39] with no ui [04:39] BitS, please gather more info using Mythbuntu Log Grabber and post the link it generates here. [04:39] http://pastebin.org/48880 [04:39] oh [04:39] thats the output of mythfrontend -v all [04:40] BitS, that will help as well [04:40] should I still run the log grabber [04:40] I'll do that [04:40] yes [04:41] http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/f68bab4ed [04:42] heh, first time I looked at those logs [04:43] the initial problems were simply because the backend was sitting at a boot prompt due to my own stupidity [04:44] I don't suppose it could be something as silly as the nvidia drivers? [04:48] I've had both the frontend machine and backend machine initially setup as frontend/backend standalone systems and it worked during my initial playing around, now I'm trying to move things around so I can put the backend in a closet. I've reinstalled both with 9.10rc i386, both using the iso as it comes and after a apt-get update/upgrade [04:48] the backend was amd64 initially, but I switched it to i386 as that was my first guess as to the weirdness [04:49] BitS, do you have some upnp hardware in your network? [04:49] possibly a router, or anything like that? [04:49] when I say switched, I should say clean reinstall [04:49] my router is a fbsd box, I've got one WAP that shouldn't for any reason and a xbox360 thats turned off [04:49] actualy I think the 360 isn't even wired at the moment as I stole the network cable for this [04:50] Okay that's good to keep it ruled out [04:50] lemme think about that for a second [04:50] someone came in here a week or two ago with similar problems and it appeared to be caused by some kind of UPNP conflict [04:50] theres a windows box [04:50] can you remove it from the network temporarily just to isolate this problem out? [04:50] 2k3 domain controller, it shouldn't do anything [04:51] just a sec, I'll disconnect everything that isn't required [04:52] hrm, I forgot about my freenas box [04:52] its probably doing upnp for itunes or something [04:53] well if you do determine that's the cause, then there may still be a bug here in the conflict, but you'd at least have a workaround to get you up and running until that bug could be figured out/sorted [04:53] yea [04:54] freenas is off, nothing but the wap, fbsd firewall/router, the frontend, the backend, and this machine [04:54] taking the wap out of the picture is a little harder [04:54] the #mythtv-users guys basically said 'i have no idea, it looks like its working except its not' [04:54] and my mac frontend works fine :/ [04:56] hey what is that command to install mythtv from terminal [04:56] BitS, can you try running "mythfrontend -v all -d" That should disable the backend autodiscovery and hopefully skip some of that upnp stuff [04:57] BitS, that and you can modify /etc/default/mythtv-backend on your backend to disable upnp from that side too [04:57] hey how do Install mythtvubuntu from terminal [04:58] Willy, apt-get install mythtv if you just want mythtv [04:58] Willy, apt-get install mythbuntu-desktop if you want all of mythbuntu [04:58] what is the difference superml [04:59] Willy, if you aren't sure of the difference, please just install from the Mythbuntu CD [04:59] still no joy [04:59] you'll have a better experience without having to learn a lot of the intricacies [04:59] I guess there is a really slim chance I've installed something upnp related on the fbsd box [05:00] the puzzling part is the working mac frontend [05:00] yeah... [05:00] unfortunately, I don't want to leave my laptop hooked up to the TV, and that doesn't help the other rooms [05:01] someone in #mythtv-users suggested a multicast routing issue but I've got what appears to be valid multicast routes [05:01] on both the backend and frontend [05:01] not sure how to test mcast routing really though [05:03] i can not do it superml [05:04] i think i need access as adminstrator [05:04] heh, yea, thats a requirement [05:04] how do i login as admin [05:04] You don't. Use your user password. [05:05] hrm [05:06] rm -rf .mythtv and starting the frontend with -d doesn't give me a config screen anymore [05:06] never mind i got it [05:06] it still knows about the server [05:07] pardon my ignorance but uhm, wtf? [05:09] wtf [05:09] so it connected [05:09] renamed /etc/mythtv [05:09] * BitS shoots himself in the foot [05:13] wait so what was the final solution? [05:13] /etc/mythtv is chosen as the main location for config related stuff purposefully [05:13] so that jamu and mirobridge and a few other things work right [05:16] I'm not sure [05:17] I differed the two directories and the only differences were that the new fild has the dbport set to 0 instead of 6543 which I added during trial and error, and the new config.xml has a MediaRenderer guid [05:17] well if you figure out what it was causing it, please get it on a bug :) [05:17] removed both of them and its still working [05:17] yea, I'm gonna figure it out now cause I've screwed with both systems so much I want to start over [05:17] it very well could have been a combination of the config dir and something on my network [05:18] I'm down to a firewall, the myth machines and one laptop [05:18] I'e taken out the wap, the w2k3 domain controller, and a freenas box [05:19] the only file difference I can see is the MediaRenderer tag is different now [05:20] I presume thats used in the database for settings and such related to the specific frontend? [05:20] hey how come [05:20] i need a password when I run mythtv [05:20] it says i need to belong to a group [05:21] glad its working, but my living room is a mess with wires and computers [05:21] Willy, that it normally handled when you do a mythbuntu install [05:21] Willy, (from cd) [05:21] yeah [05:21] Willy, if you are installing on top of gnome or anything, it attempts to configure your system proprerly [05:21] i do not have a cd [05:21] with regard to group management [05:22] okay [05:22] it has something to do with my /etc/mythtv [05:23] if I rename it to something else, the frontend runs [05:23] if I put it back without touching anything, it breaks [05:23] compare the permissions between the two perhaps? [05:24] so, if I have both /etc/mythtv and ~/.mythtv, both with config.xml files, does the /etc one get loaded first and ~ one get overlayed? [05:25] nevermind [05:25] removing the one in /etc doesn't matter [05:26] we're down to mysql.txt [05:26] moving it solves it [05:30] interestingly, ~/.mythtv symlinks to /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt (which seems normal enough) , if I remove ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt it just recreates the symlink, which again makes sense [05:30] but removing it from /etc/mythtv works [05:30] sigh, okay, so now to figure out why [05:30] sorry, I'm rambling [05:30] this gets logged somewhere right, so my useless thoughts my be useful to someone in the future? :) [05:31] Yeah [05:31] I wonder how I screwed this up off the start [05:32] so uhm [05:33] don't set DBPort in mysql.txt [05:33] apparently [05:33] if its 0, it works, if its 6543, it doesn't work [05:34] is /etc/mythtv a mythbuntu thing or a standard mythtv thing? [05:34] trying to figure out where this belongs [05:34] as far as reporting a bug or stupid mistake [05:34] It's standard in ~/.mythtv/ [05:35] DBPort sounds like the mysql port, which isn't 6543 [05:35] my ~/.mythtv symlinks to /etc/mythtv/ [05:35] well, the mysql.txt and config.xml do [05:35] heh [05:35] that [05:35] that would explain a lot wouldn't it [05:35] :) [05:35] One of those d'oh moments. [05:35] so whow did dbport get set in mysql.txt? [05:36] ok the program runs [05:36] but when i press watch nothings happen [05:36] !logs | Willy [05:36] Willy: MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/ You can use mythbuntu-log-grabber from the Applications menu to automatically post the most relevant logs to our pastebin. [05:37] how do i do that zinn [05:37] give me the command to run in terminal [05:37] Come on, you need to think a little yourself too. [05:38] usually what you say is a permissions problem [05:38] !bla% [05:38] If you try to watch tv and are greeted with a blank screen and a return to the menu then please check the permissions on your recording directory. It should be owned by mythtv:mythtv, have permissions of 775, and not be inside your home directory [05:38] come on... help me out. I am new to both things linux and mythtv [05:38] oh god, finally, HD goodness [05:38] again it would have been done properly if you installed from a mythbuntu live cd... [05:38] thanks for all your help [05:38] yeah the cd [05:38] BitS, glad it was fixed [05:38] well I was downloading an iso [05:39] BitS, do you have any insight where that DBPort got set? [05:39] maybe i could turn that into a cd [05:39] at what point? [05:39] I did it [05:39] :) [05:39] originally upnp wasn't working, so I entered the info when prompted [05:39] so if I click on watch tv and nothing happens is because is not properly install [05:40] I'm not sure WHY I thought that was the right port, I saw it somewhere online and used it, but after thinking about it, its obviously not the standard mysql port, at the time I just assumed it was different for some reason in mythbuntu [05:40] I should have known something was up when I saw 6544 as the mythtv status port [05:40] You got confused with the backend port. [05:41] yep [05:41] These things happen [05:41] obviously it was a user error, but ... something needs to be added to timeout or warn that the db isn't functioning properly [05:41] and thats why its hangging [05:42] hey how can i check if my capture card is working [05:45] BitS: Good luck in there :) [05:46] Willy, that depends on the type of capture card [05:47] i know there a command you can use to know what hardware you have [05:47] hads: heh, could be worse, I made the mistake of asking a stupid question in #c on efnet years ago [05:49] BitS: heh, it's usually not bad in there, just a bit of attitude sometimes. [05:52] sudo lshw i did this [05:52] and found something for the video card capture [05:53] Bt878 Video Capture [05:55] omgomgomg latoya saw michaels ghost [05:56] is there no one in that family who has any self respect [06:03] superml [06:03] i found some drivers [06:03] how can test to see if they make the capture card work [06:19] when I inert a DVD and then use Optical Disks .. Import DVD, it fails with "...this is bad" dialog, where do I look for errors ? [06:36] hipitihop: mtd.log [06:37] I think, I don't use it myself. [06:43] * ToeBee files another minor bug [06:55] ok i tested my video card capture and it works [06:55] i tested with tvtime [06:56] i was able to see my local channels [06:56] i think i did the installation wrong for mythtv [06:56] because i run the setup [06:56] and everyting [06:56] but when I go to front end and click watch tv nothing happens [06:58] you have to make sure that you associate it with a video source [06:58] if you have no guide data source, then you still have to set it to no data [06:58] let me check that [07:01] i click on video source [07:01] and it did xmltv grabber search [07:06] check the backend log then for what's going wrong [07:06] !logs [07:06] MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/ You can use mythbuntu-log-grabber from the Applications menu to automatically post the most relevant logs to our pastebin. [08:52] hads: log says: "mtd started at Wed Oct 28 14:26:46 2009..mtd is running on a host called ion-htpc...14:26:46: Waiting for connections/jobs...14:26:46: mtd is listening on port 2442...14:26:46: a client socket has been opened...14:26:46: Drive not available: /dev/scd0...14:27:22: a client socket has been closed...14:27:31: a client socket has been opened [08:52] hads: nothing stands out apart form not available. /dev/scd0 [08:53] but playing the the dvd is fine. [08:55] checking dmesg [09:03] hads or others, pls see snip from dmesg and please help me shed some light on the problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/303444/ [09:15] "Out of memory: kill process 3358 (mtd) score 1243418 or a child [09:16] You have memory issues. [09:17] so 2gb is insufficient for importing a DVD ? current used is 471916k and free is 1325464k [09:18] as per top [09:21] As I said, I don't use it so I don't know. It looks like you have memory issues though. Something isn't right. === tmkt_ is now known as tmkt [15:26] <_abbenormal> hello guys [15:27] <_abbenormal> where do we change the ip address to static from dhcp in the past i would use /etc/network/interfaces but no info there about eth0 [16:18] <_abbenormal> http://pastebin.com/m1dce83d8 [16:35] <_abbenormal> i figured it thanks [16:46] <_abbenormal> nope adding that to the etc/network/interfaces does not work as now i have noi eth0 to work with so something is still not right in mythubuntu-9.1.0 [16:48] do it from the network manager GUI [16:49] <_abbenormal> wont stay keeps going back to dhcp [16:50] <_abbenormal> ill try again [16:50] <_abbenormal> brb [16:58] <_abbenormal> ok now it is showing up so where are those setting stored at [17:33] hi I am trying to upgrade to 9.10 - update-manager asks for sudo password ? - what is it/or did I forgot it ? [17:33] Has anyone tried pinning to defer the upgrading of myth packages? [17:34] sudo is the same password as your user password. [17:39] great - then I forgot my password.. must find out how to solve this then. - thanks. [17:41] reset password by booting to single use mode or rescue mode or whatever it is called, go to a root prompt and type "passwd username" [17:44] thank you [18:32] getting a blue screen when playing videos, from desktop using mplayer changing the driver to x11 works fine. Changed player line in config to "-vo x11" and still get blue screen === bogus is now known as Guest77940 [19:13] hi , Does anyone know how to configure multiple instances of lirc. Such that the init.d thing starts each instance with seperate config [19:14] lorenzo1985, it's all set up in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf [19:14] set up the second instance as a transmitter [19:14] and the init script handles the rest [19:15] The second instance is just a [19:15] another reciever, i want to connect the two together [19:18] Like so: [19:18] /usr/sbin/lircd --output=/var/run/lirc/lircd --driver=devinput --device=/dev/input/event5 --pidfile=/var/run/lirc/lircd1.pid --listen=8765 /usr/sbin/lircd --output=/var/run/lirc/lircd --driver=devinput --device=/dev/input/event6 --connect=localhost 8765 [19:19] posibly a third instance too [20:04] lorenzo19851, that's what the logic does currently [20:04] just configure it in the transmitter section even though it's not a transmitter [20:17] getting a blue screen when playing videos, from desktop using mplayer changing the driver to x11 works fine. Changed player line in config to "-vo x11" and still get blue screen. How does one correct this? It just started when I upgraded from 8.x to current. Clean install did not fix [20:28] sounds like you dont have a lot of vram possibly [20:30] !dailies [20:30] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/daily-live/current/ [20:33] how do I verify? [20:37] hello all. I installed 9.10 but cant seem to get my pvr-150 to work [20:37] all im getting from /dev/video0 now is black static [20:38] also the ir blaster wont work as it cant find the lirc_pvr150 module [20:38] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1294825 [20:40] MythbuntuGuest55, well are you using an integrated video card? [20:41] if so, check for a bios setting to increase vram [20:41] if there isn't one, there is something an X setting, depending on the driver [20:41] ok some more googleing and i found i needed to switch the input from the composite input to the svideo input....so now i got video from the tuner...but my blaster cannot change the channel on my stb..so it cant record anything :( [20:47] superml, intel 82865g [20:48] yes it is integrated [20:48] I have tried http://www.mythtvtalk.com/forum/installation-issues/11939-blank-blue-screen.html to no avail [20:51] i would recommend adding a discrete card to the system if yo can [20:55] unfortunately it is a small form-factor dell with no slots [20:56] anyone have any ideas how i can get my ir blaster working in 9.10? [20:58] superml, does it help that I can get it to work under desktop, but when launched from myth it displays blue screen with audio? [20:59] Wicked, lirc_i2c and lirc_pvr150 are both broke for 9.10 [20:59] it's a bigger problem than just he lirc modules [20:59] some i2c infrastructure broke in 2.6.31 [20:59] crap [20:59] so absolutely no way i can use a blaster on 9.10? [20:59] MythbuntuGuest55, no, go check the vram stuff i said. you're only options are gonna be bumping up that vram if you can find a setting, or finding a way to get the discrete card in the box [21:00] if thats the case im gonna have to stick with 9.04 [21:00] Wicked, well there is some efforts to get it working, but i dont think it's complete [21:00] check with j-rod in #lirc to see where he's at [21:01] damn. i friggin hate when distros are released and old hardware that used to work flawlessly breaks [21:01] Wicked: Please watch your language. [21:01] sorry [21:01] ok superm1 [21:01] problem is that no one tested the i2c stuff early enough i believe [21:02] another solution can be to switch to a mceusb2 for blasting [21:02] or a serial [21:03] i only have this one pvr150 and its my single ir receiver/blaster [21:04] i wish i had known about this before installing 9.10..but i guess it serves me right....not fully doing my homework [21:04] guess i just assumed since it was one of the best supported cards in linux...it would stay that way [21:05] well everything else about it is well supported [21:06] yea. [21:06] i can still capture video off the card...but it cant blast....which for me is a total deal killer. [21:06] no blast = no recordings