
skiwithpeteI installed from the RC and I'm having loads of browsing issures00:00
skiwithpetesorry, issues00:00
Sirisiangm|lap, do you know anything about that. How would I know I'm compiling for an older kernel version. When I run uname -r I get: "2.6.28-11-generic" and I have /usr/src/linux-2.6.28/ which seems the same?00:00
skiwithpeteis this a known issue?00:01
pukekohowdy.. can a bridge ( virtual interface ) have more than two 'real' interfaces i.e two radios and one ethernet /00:01
jrib!karmic | skiwithpete00:01
ubottuskiwithpete: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party00:01
graingertit's not out!00:01
gm|lapSirisian: see if there's somewhere you can see the ABI version00:01
gm|lapwait a minute...00:02
gm|lapi have 2.6.28-16-generic00:02
noelhow much time for the new release?00:02
Picinoel, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party00:02
gm|lapchances are it may have updated on you00:02
gm|lapalso, a make clean might help00:02
Sirisiangm|lap, I have that kernel too. If I run using that kernel I get no dfference.00:02
nquintero_colubottu. Thanks for your links. I will follow their instructions and check sound again.00:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:02
fairhonanth_brwhat's up00:03
Sirisiangm|lap, One moment. Let me try something. I'll be back00:03
=== SudoKing is now known as aluben
Cam42Anyone know why empathy's spell check is so terrible?00:04
nquintero_coljmadgin: I think this machine has a Realtek sound card. This is a HP tx2-1020 laptop.00:04
akdoes dhcp handle getting of nameservers? Does that work whether ip is static or dynamic?00:04
fairhonanth_brempathy is sucks man00:04
lstarnesak: dhcp can handle that00:05
lstarnesak: when using manually assigned static IPs without dhcp, use /etc/resolv.conf00:05
aklstarnes: do I have to tell dhcp to do that?00:05
lstarnesak: dhcp isn't usually used for static configuration00:05
fairhonanth_brthat software is so immature00:05
ShapeShifter499how do I un-install a file manager without messing with another desktop evironment?00:05
aklstarnes: is there any way to use static IP but at the same time get nameserver automatically through dhcp?00:06
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lstarnesak: I'm not sure00:06
akok thanks00:06
akanyone else know?00:06
Mike_lifeguardI'm using echo "$line" | netcat -u 1234 to send data to a process which then listens on that port. But then I'm left with netcat processes sitting around for no reason - how can I have the netcat process die once there is no more input from the echo (or something with similar effect)?00:06
emericaI'm running a multihomed cli machine eth0 and eth1, the app i'm using doesn't allow specification of what interface to Multicast out of and defaults to eth1, what would be the right way to get it to default to eth0, short of adding setsocketopts to the application00:06
crypto_I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and my headphone doesnt seem to work, even if i put in the headphone jack the sound comes from the laptops default speakers, i have been searching in the forums for a long time but no use, any kind of help will be appreciated00:06
fairhonanth_brunfortunately pidgin is so much better00:06
gm|lapak: what i'm about to suggest is a hackjob...00:06
akgm|lap: that's fine00:07
gm|lapafter dhclient runs, make it do ifconfig on your device or something00:07
pukekoak: can you reserve the static on the dhcpd ?00:07
akpukeko: nope00:07
pukekoap: for the box in question ?00:07
gm|lape.g. if you're going this on eth0 and your IP should be, you find out when dhclient runs, and then after that, you do: ifconfig up00:08
akgm|lap: which script runs dhclient?00:08
Billiardcrypto_: maybe use the timeout option00:08
gm|lapak: lemme find it00:08
crypto_ I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and my headphone doesnt seem to work, even if i put in the headphone jack the sound comes from the laptops default speakers, i have been searching in the forums for a long time but no use, any kind of help will be appreciated00:08
Billiardsorry not at crypto_00:08
BilliardMike_lifeguard: maybe use the timeout option00:09
SpacePigeonwhat are the cons of not using pulse audio?00:09
SpacePigeonThere is something else I can use, right?00:10
gm|lapak: i think NetworkManager is what brings it up, and is invoked from /etc/init.d/NetworkManager... a hackjob would be tricky in this regard00:10
gm|laplook in /etc/network/if-up.d/00:10
pukekoak: what are you trying to do.. don't you have admin on the dhcpd box ?00:10
nquintero_colCrypto: I have same problem. User ubottu write this for my issue, possibly it could works for you:00:10
nquintero_colIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:10
akgm|lap: ok thanks!00:10
mattgyverHey all, whats a good alternative to Visio for Ubuntu?00:10
gm|lapmattgyver: there's openoffice.org drawing00:11
gm|lapalthough i'm not sure if that's "good"00:11
gm|lapmaybe dia floats your boat more00:11
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akpukeko: I don't have admin on dhcpd, only on client.. I have embedded system that needs to make itself available over ssh.. this means static ip so that router can be configured to let ssh through00:11
mattgyvergm|lap, yeah im looking for something thats pretty close to visio, i have one on the tip of my tonge but cant remember the name of it00:11
bostrthi i have asked this question few times over the past few days but nothing: i cannot ssh into my ubuntu machine anymore and the only change i can think of has been i lock my screen now.  No updates or anything. The same thing happened to me in Arch Linux, no ssh after locking screen.  Both use gnome.00:11
Billiardbostrt: what happens when you try to connect?00:12
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pukekoak: ..so therefore you may be facing address conflicts if you nominate yr own ip ..?00:13
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gm|lapactually... i believe that NetworkManager messes with those scripts...00:13
KalculusWhat are the requirements for a username in linux?  (what characters are valid, etc) ?00:14
akpukeko: I'm not sure, but I dont' think so.. router is configured usually to start ips from 100; I have two systems that have static ...10 and ...1500:14
gm|lapso all i can really think of is turning off NetworkManager altogether, and invoking dhclient and ifconfig yourself00:14
gm|lape.g. dhclient eth0; ifconfig eth0
gm|lapsomething like that00:14
akgm|lap: yep, I will look into that.. isn't it just dhclient without args?00:15
nquintero_colAnother question... What must I configure to connect as VPN Client using IPSEC/L2TP?00:15
Mike_lifeguardBilliard: Thanks a bunch, I did see the q option, but I didn't understand what it was for :D00:15
lstarnesKalculus: likely anything from a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 without spaces00:15
gm|lapak: you generally give it an interface00:15
akoh ok00:15
bostrtBilliard: From putty the connection times out, from another unix machine nothing happens, just sits00:15
lstarnesKalculus: there may be additional characters allowed00:15
akI've always run it incorrectly then :)00:15
pukekoak: coz you may have more than one00:15
emericaIs there a default network interface in ubuntu? how is it set? this multicast stuff if not setup for multihomed just goes to the default int00:15
gm|lapthere's /etc/rc2.d and /etc/init.d if you're wondering... stuff beginning with an S in rc*.d starts up, and beginning with K does not00:15
akpukeko: I see, I always had one, that's why..00:15
gm|lapalso, there's /etc/rc.local00:16
Kalculuslstarnes: hmm..  would you know what site i can find out the exact limitations?  i can't seem to find it on google00:16
akgm|lap: yeah, I know about that startup stuff.. I've done a few custom scripts before00:16
lstarnesKalculus: sorry, I don't00:16
bostrtBilliard: in verbose it sits here debug1: Connecting to xxxxxxxxx [xxxxxxxxxxx] port 22.00:17
gm|lapok, you should be pretty much sorted then... the only real issue is that your networking is going to be a hackjob00:17
lstarnesKalculus: you could probably check the man pages and source code for the various account-related utilities or the linux kernel00:17
gm|lapbut the point is that it works00:17
akgm|lap: but isn't dhcp setup going to be messed up by running ifconfig after it? Isn't dhcpd going to think I'm still at the automatic ip?00:18
jedcDoes anyone have advice for getting a cannon ip90 printer to work with 9.04?00:18
gm|lapak: it all depends on your router...00:18
gm|lapi think it'd be MUCH more concerned if you changed your MAC address in some what00:18
Billiardbostrt: and if you unlock your screen it works?00:19
akgm|lap: what types of router will accept this hack and what types won't? I actually potentially will have to deploy this on any/all router networks..00:19
gm|lapak: that's what you'll have to find out yourself... lemme see what other params dhclient takes00:19
gm|lapalso, make damn well sure that NetworkManager is disabled00:19
bostrtBilliard: no, I disabled the autoscreen lock and still does not work. But ssh did stop working on the same day i enabled it for the first time00:19
diofeherwhen ubuntu 10.4 will release?00:20
Picidiofeher, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party00:20
gm|lapactually... have a look in /etc/dhcp300:20
lstarnesdiofeher: 10.04 = 4th month of 200100:20
pukekoak: you may also have to watch out for any lowend switches in between00:20
lstarnesdiofeher: *201000:20
diofeherPici: huhu, thanks man =)00:20
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diofeheroh, 2010?00:21
gm|lapand: man dhclient.conf00:21
Picidiofeher: er, sorry, I'm on autopilot. I thought you were asking about 9.1000:21
lstarnesdiofeher: april 201000:21
jamieleshawHello, what time will karmic be released?00:21
jamieleshawin utc that is00:21
user2I'm trying to port a BASH script to CSH, why does the following not work?00:21
user2BASH: if [[ uname -a | grep -q <name> ]]; then ...00:21
user2CSH: if ( { uname -a | grep -q <name> } ) then ...00:21
Picijamieleshaw, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party00:21
diofeherPici: hehe, no problem00:21
lstarnesuser2: try using tcsh instead of csh00:22
user2lstarnes: I don't think that's a valid answer :)00:22
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akgm|lap: I see, great, I think that's exactly what I need00:22
lstarnesuser2: it is valid to me00:22
lstarnesuser2: what errors do you get?00:22
user2lstarnes: I don't get any errors, but the expression always evaluates as false00:23
lstarnesuser2: what do you get in bash?00:23
user2The BASH I listed works00:23
user2I.e. when the machine name is <name> the conditional code is executed00:24
Doonzhey guys, kinda a weird question. is there a way to set a directory so it automatically list directories by date of edit so that when i type ls it does the same as ls -tl00:24
user2In CSH it is never executed00:24
tonyyarussoDoonz: not that I know of, but you could alias ls to do that globally00:24
user2Doonz: alias ls='ls -tl'00:24
nick1Whats the best kind of booze to put into egg nog?00:25
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nick1i have some really good Promised Land dairy egg nog00:25
Helsinkiiihi-i messed around with Alsa Mixer settings and now my mic doesn't work and my sound sounds weird. i tried resetting it via terminal but it doesnt change anything. i have a conference call and need this running in 5 minutes AHHH00:25
pukekonick1: cheap red wine ?00:25
bae9Are the leaked Ubuntu 9.10 on pirate bay http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5139359 and http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5139362/Ubuntu_9.10_FINAL_LEAKED______AMD64_version genuine ??00:25
=== jimqode is now known as Linus_Torvalds
BenZ__Hi, I need someone to point me in the right direction.  I installed the RC of 9.10 using the update manager of 9.04.  When I rebooted, it does get past the boot loader, but it seems the ramdisk(bootimage?) cannot find the UUID of the disk and it stops there.  Any thoughts on what went wrong (or how I might go about fixing it)?  I was going to try booting off a LiveCD so I could work it from there.00:25
Jack_d_LanternHelsinkiii, there is always running a livecd for your session00:25
Doonzok now for part two of my question. If I have something that connects through nfs can i make it default list like that?00:25
=== Linus_Torvalds is now known as jimqode
nick1cheap red wine are you kidding me00:26
GodfatherofEirenick1 brandy or rum00:26
Helsinkiiii don't have it-lent it00:26
lstarnesbae9: only trust things officially published by ubuntu00:26
bastid_raZoruser2: ls -al is a bit more human readable.00:26
gm|lapbae9: what kind of idiot torrents a free open-source OS over the pirate bay00:26
nick1whats the best kind of rum to use? myers dark rum or maybe captain morgans spiced rum?00:26
th1lstarnes, how can I checlk?00:26
gm|lapof course it isn't.00:26
Flannelnick1: Please stay ontopic, thanks.00:26
Helsinkiiii'm screwed somebody please help.how do i reset alsa mixer settings?????00:26
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nick1ok im sorry00:26
=== RMS is now known as syn-ack
user2bastid_raZor: That's not what the question asked for.00:26
nick1i just thought you guys are so helpful !00:26
nick1you woul dknow !00:26
gm|lapHelsinkiii: not sure... do you know what you did?00:26
hardbop200hi, I'm trying to find some doc on how to enable the grub menu in 9.10 (there's no menu.lst)...can someone point me to the right place?00:26
bastid_raZoruser2: my mistake.00:27
Flannelhardbop200: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic support, thanks00:27
Jack_d_LanternHelsinkiii, try /join #Alsa  while   waiting00:27
Helsinkiiigm|lap no00:27
hardbop200Flannel: will do, thanks00:27
tiannawhat is this?00:27
gm|lapthat's your biggest problem.00:27
lstarnesuser2: oddly enough it fails for me in bash00:27
BenZ__hardbop200, the new grub2 doesn't use menu.lst, it uses grub.cfg (or something like that)00:27
gm|lapbecause if you don't, neither do we.00:27
user2lstarnes: That is odd - it works for me00:27
pukekonick1: i'd go for a light Rum .. and then install karmic beta00:28
tiannakentucky deluxe?00:28
user2lstarnes: I use it in my .bashrc to set up the environment based on the machine I'm on00:28
nick1how do you upgrade to karmic from jaunty00:28
Jack_d_Lanterntianna, a support channel for u00:28
nick1i dont have a cd burner00:28
tiannawhat is a support channel?00:28
lstarnesnick1: when it is released, you can do it with the update manager00:28
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines00:28
nick1oh okay cool00:28
lstarnestianna: a help channel00:28
nick1ill surely do that00:28
lstarnesnick1: you may need to go into software sources and allow upgrades to non-lts releases00:28
tiannai may need this obviously00:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:29
tiannaok...why cant i download anything regular on this thing00:29
BenZ__I need someone to point me in the right direction.  I installed the RC of 9.10 using the update manager of 9.04.  When I rebooted, it does get past the boot loader, but it seems the ramdisk(bootimage?) cannot find the UUID of the disk and it stops there.  Any thoughts on what went wrong (or how I might go about fixing it)?  I was going to try booting off a LiveCD so I could work it from there.00:29
tkingcan you do things... abnormally?00:30
Billiardtianna: such as?00:30
Jack_d_Lanterngoogle the u pocket guide00:30
lstarnestianna: ubuntu is not windows00:30
ZykoticK9BenZ__, ask the same question in #ubuntu+100:30
tiannamaybe as dumb as it sounds my messengers..i can get on windows...00:30
tiannamy windows crashed i cant get it right i cant even get in00:30
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digiforIs there an alternative to plugging my usb into a Windows machine to get it working again?00:30
tiannai get this00:31
velkoBenZ__, maybe you can substitute the uuid by the device name (/dev/sda1) and/or position (hd0,0)00:31
tiannai am quite confused00:31
crypto_how to use windows boot loader instead of GRUB?00:31
Jack_d_Lanterndig you can force mount it00:31
user2crypto: I don't think you can00:31
geomihey guys im looking for /var/run/dmesg.boot but can't find it. where should i be able to locate this file?00:32
crypto_well i have a dual boot vista and ubuntu00:32
crypto_i want to use the windows boot loader instead of GRUb, will running fixmbr be a good option00:32
tiannawhy did my other operationg system crash?00:32
velkogeomi, the file is called /var/log/dmesg00:32
lstarnestianna: the people in ##windows can probably help00:32
ZykoticK9crypto_, if you don't want to boot into Ubuntu anymore that would work fine -- if you DO want to still boot Ubuntu you HAVE to use Grub00:33
GodfatherofEirebeat me to it Istarnes00:33
geomivelko: doesn't exist for me, running 9.04. any other places?00:33
tiannaoh gooodness thank you00:33
maria1is there an issue with the wireless on 9.04?   disconnecting upon high-speed transfers and intermittently?00:33
crypto_well the problem is i get 4 boot options for ubuntu00:33
canthus13NTloader will boot linux.00:33
geomivelko: sorry i found it. you were right. thanks :)00:33
bostrtBilliard:any ideas?00:33
crypto_one is skernel something point 15 and one is something point 11 the fifteen one wont work00:33
Billiardcrypto_: you can remove the old kernels00:33
Jack_d_Lanterncrypto_, edit the oot gru menu.lst to your liking00:34
ax-axand memtest00:34
canthus13Unfortunately, ubuntu updates will NOT update NTloader and you will have to manually update NTloader to the latest kernel version.00:34
Jack_d_Lanternsorry no d key00:34
crypto_kernel 15 aint working kernel 11 is working00:34
Billiardbostrt: nope, i dont have a gui on the machine i ssh to00:34
crypto_i get some strange kinda screen when i boot into kernel 15 something like bad TV transmission00:34
spO`should i update ubuntu right now  ? or should i wait until friday?00:35
canthus13crypto_: fixmbr will remove grub and only boot windows.00:35
darkhamit exist something like mac automator, on ubuntu?00:35
gm|lapargh does anyone know how to fix the stupid battery meter00:35
gm|lapit keeps saying it's fully charged00:35
metbsdspO, what's the difference00:35
gm|lapyes it's actually charging00:35
usserspO`, at this point it doesnt matter, i'd update now, because on 29th the traffic will be insane00:35
gm|lap"Laptop battery fully charged (79.1%)"00:36
usserspO`, it probably already is but not quite that bad00:36
canthus13crypto_: This may help, tho... http://bkpavan.wordpress.com/2008/04/02/how-to-boot-linux-using-windows-bootloader-xp/00:36
spO`will there be much updates from here to friday?00:36
usserspO`, i doubt it00:36
=== nick1 is now known as nick121212
spO`Maybe there will be a special big update just before friday on midnight, kind of like the update surprise00:36
crypto_canthus13 my new version of kernel wont boot, giving me strange errors00:36
ctmjrusser: that is bad advice it is not stable yet00:37
spO`so i guess i will simply backup my settings and install the new ubuntu now00:37
usserctmjr, its a release candidate meaning, that since theres no time left for another RC it will go released pretty much as is00:37
canthus13crypto_: Hmm. Could be video drivers.  Karmic?00:37
usserspO`, look at the page of still unfixed issues see if anything concerns you00:37
usserspO`, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910overview00:38
usserspO`, scroll down to known issues00:38
d0htemneed to speak to an ubuntu operator00:38
crypto_This is an alpha release. Do not install it on production machines. The final stable version will be released on October 29th, 2009. Is it the 29th in india or in USA00:38
d0htempretty inportant, ubuntu final leaked00:38
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party00:39
crypto_Cause its 29th in india00:39
lstarnesd0htem: it's open-source so a leak probably isn't that big of an issue00:39
ussercrypto_, probably 29th in africa00:39
beachdazewhich time zone is the release set for?00:39
digiforIs there an alternative to plugging my usb memory stick into a Windows machine to get it working again?00:39
lstarnesbeachdaze: none00:39
bostrtBilliard: i have no idea but it just started working. after three days of nothing00:39
bostrti did nothing00:39
pukeko29th in NZ00:40
Billiardbostrt: idk thats odd, you sure ports are open correctly?00:40
canthus13I'd say it's set for whenever the counter on ubuntu.com ticks over.00:40
usserthey'll be a couple of days late as usual00:40
bostrtBilliard: just nmap'ed it. the port was filtered but now is open00:41
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!00:41
david_hi folks00:42
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vfen_when does 9.10 release?00:43
lstarnesvfen_: later00:43
mataksis there an aim program for linux?00:43
matakswhat's the name?00:43
david_highlighting text in ubuntu (that should make it part of the register) isn't working.  any ideas?00:43
lstarnesvfen_: sometime within the next 24 hours or so00:44
Helsinkiiihow to run this command: alsa force-reload???00:44
vfen_do i have to reinstall ubuntu then or?00:44
Billiardmataks: pidgin or empathy00:44
Billiardvfen_: no00:44
lstarnesvfen_: you can, but you don't have to00:44
Powersourceanyone good at ubuntuzilla? the please help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130401200:44
Guest51325anyone running squid on ubuntu server?  How's performance?00:45
mattgyverPowersource, what the heck is ubuntuzilla?00:45
Funnyface2hello, is there any way I can run the ARM release of ubuntu on my x86? I was hoping Qemu would do the job, but I can't seem to find a way to set it to emulate an ARM CPU00:45
Powersourcemattgyver, google it00:46
lstarnesFunnyface2: use qemu-system-arm00:46
mattgyverPowersource, ill goggle it ;)00:46
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Funnyface2I think I figured it out :P00:47
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Helsinkiiican someone look at their Alsa mixer settings and tell me what they have because my mic isnt working00:47
ugaritsudo dpkg --configure -a is extremly slow.  anyone know why?00:49
=== default is now known as acad2
ugaritI think this source is the problem ftp://ftp.3drealms.com/share/1rott13.zip00:50
ZykoticK9Helsinkiii, perhaps this can help you http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/12/05/fixing-the-errant-microphone/00:51
server1any update about ubuntu 9.1000:52
Piciserver1, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party00:52
MoaYes, it's been cancelled. Canonical was acquired by Microsoft 2 hours ago.00:52
ubuntu__help ive got no sound00:52
Funnyface2or even worse, by apple00:54
MoaWhy worse?00:54
Frogbarfwhat are the main differences between unbuntu and suse?00:54
SpiceManubuntu has 1 vowel, suse 200:55
FrogbarfI am thinking of possibly switching, what problems can I expect?00:55
schwinn434help i,ve got no sound , as-well00:55
Funnyface2I just dislike apple more than microsoft, don't ask me why00:55
Frogbarfstumbling blocks00:55
MoaI'm not hugely fond of either, but at least Apple makes an attempt at a usable UI once in a while.00:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:55
spikebikeubuntu mirrors will be busier for the next few days00:55
Frogbarfwould I have to relearn a lot of stuff?00:56
Funnyface2schwinn: is your computer some branded one?00:57
BilliardFrogbarf: some config files may be in different places00:57
schwinn434seriously, I have no sound Ubuntu 8.1000:57
trismFrogbarf: probably need to get used to the different package manager, but otherwise...although I haven't used suse in a long time00:57
crypto_schwinn434 faced the same problem00:57
blaz_ hi! How to set up autologin to console? I used mingetty option in the past but there is no /etc/inittab anymore in  Karmic00:57
schwinn434yes hp pavilion dv600000:57
crypto_we got the same notebooks too00:58
FrogbarfHow is ubuntu with keeping current with packages? I get annoyed that some suse packages are not updated to the current version for a very long time. Octave is my current headache00:58
schwinn434really crypto00:58
Frogbarfvery long time can be years00:58
Funnyface2schwinn: if you plug in some headphones, can you hear sound then?00:59
schwinn434no Funnyface200:59
trismblaz_: not exactly pretty but: http://blogs.koolwal.net/2009/03/15/howto-autologin-into-your-linux-system-without-xdm-gdm-kdm-etc/00:59
schwinn434vista has sound00:59
ugaritwhat is this ftp://ftp.3drealms.com/share/1rott13.zip when I do: sudo dpkg --configure -a00:59
Powersourceanyone? please, i really need help with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=818418301:00
ZykoticK9ugarit, rott = rise of the triades (i think)01:00
schwinn434Ive been using ubuntu for monthsm lost sound last night01:00
ugaritschwinn434 turn up the volume01:01
ballahow many hours until release?01:01
Piciballa, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party01:01
tomaszjestem totalnie zielony01:01
ugaritwhere is conanical located?01:01
agusI failed using oracle instantclient, anyone can help me please?01:01
schwinn434not the problem ugarit01:01
Pici!pl | tomasz01:01
ubottutomasz: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.01:01
Bruchey 9.10 out yet01:02
blaz_thanks trism!01:02
schwinn434having boot problems also01:02
dusti cant seem to get alsa working with soptify+wine01:02
blaz_you're totally green01:02
dusti hear lost of noice and after 3 seconds it stops01:02
=== dust is now known as nobody_
blaz_tomasz: you're totally green01:03
ugarithow do i tell sudo dpkg --configure -a to skip  ftp://ftp.3drealms.com/share/1rott13.zip ?01:04
Brucwhens 9.10 out01:04
Kamilionwithin the next ~2 hours.01:04
Kamilionnot two01:04
Kamilionthirty two01:04
Kamilionbarring any major discord01:04
Flannel!isitout | Bruc01:05
ubottuBruc: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!01:05
kaybeethanks guys01:05
Funnyface2will it be possible to upgrade over network, or does it need a full reinstall?01:05
Brucis everyone invited to the party?01:06
DeoFavente1ok the new ubutnu is coming out and I need help (with upgrading)01:06
mattgyverFunnyface2, you can upgrade over the network but grub2 and ext4 wont be setup01:06
FlynsarmyIt's a little buggy (karmic). the pidgin message received found feels squished so it plays really fast01:06
KamilionFunnyface2: Personally, my opinion is that a clean install would be a better option. You can keep your /home/ and use synaptic to dump a package list from your old machine.01:06
DeoFavente1you need to upgrade all your software to the newest version before you upgrade ubutnu right?01:06
lstarnesDeoFavente1: that's a good idea01:06
blaz_If I installed 9.10 beta, will I get 9.10 just with 'aptitude dist-upgrade'??01:06
DeoFavente1do I have to?01:07
jribDeoFavente1: update-manager will do that for you01:07
trismblaz_: yes01:07
DeoFavente1but I got a problem then01:07
DeoFavente1my mysql doesn't upgrade01:07
KamilionIt is a good idea to do so to pick up any fixes to update-manager before upgrading, yes.01:07
nobody_anyone ?01:07
DeoFavente1the problem has to do with messed up permissions01:07
jrib!enter | DeoFavente101:07
ubottuDeoFavente1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:07
KamilionDeoFavente1: check out the docs for the 5.0 -> 5.1 transition.01:07
schwinn434my ubuntu 8.10 install seems to get buggier and buggier01:08
DeoFavente1is there a way to upgrade ignoring mysql?01:08
schwinn434I really like linux, but the os does seem unstable day in day out01:08
Brucif i installl 9.04 now is there a problem upgrading to 9.1001:08
noumaiosupdate-manager -d01:08
KamilionDeoFavente1: yes, you can keep the old 5.0 packages, but the 5.1 client will be installed, IIRC01:08
Flynsarmyalso in 9.10 you can't do a simple amixer set 'Master' 95% unmute either. you have to do 3 lines worth of unmute and even then it doesnt set the volume to 95%. its pretty retarded01:08
Funnyface2I see, well I will just keep 9.04 until something gets messed up, then install 9.10 when I have to wipe the HD anyway :>01:08
KamilionFunnyface2: I'd say do the dist upgrade in another ~2 weeks after the dust settles and the repos arn't so crowded01:09
DeoFavente1ok thanks for the help01:09
noumaiosi think 'd' for distro...01:09
KamilionDeoFavente1: be sure to check out the mysql 5.0 -> 5.1 docs though.01:09
blaz_I'm really impressed with 9.10, for the first time I get smooth webpage scrolling with composition effects enabled.. after all these years...01:10
schwinn434does clonezilla work will?01:10
KamilionDeoFavente1:  I'm looking for the link now.01:10
schwinn434does Clonezilla work well?01:10
nobody_someone? spotify with wine, sound scrambled01:10
nobody_alsa (Sb audigy 201:11
timdotanyone know if Karmic will include Firefox 3.5 or still just 3?01:13
lstarnestimdot: 3501:13
ZykoticK9timdot, 3.501:13
timdotah, cool, thanks :)01:13
DeoFavente1Kamilion: well ill fix it later, but -d will ignore the upgrade and still upgrade other stuff, right?01:14
Ashfire908Hi, I'm having issues with my computer and a External Hard Drive (Maxtor OneTouch III). When I plug in the drive (via firewire), it does not appear as a drive (or at all). It works fine on a HP elitebook running Ubuntu. (though the laptop runs x86 while this system is running 64-bit Ubuntu).01:14
Wargasmhey guys, is there any way to change the startup sound in 9.10?01:14
BlacKnighthey, is there any text editor as fast as notepad in linux? i use gedit but notepad opens like in 0.5 secs gedit more than that :p01:14
blaz_BlackKnight: nedit01:15
EntityRebornBlackFate, lol!01:15
KamilionDeoFavente1: Won't matter, the button to upgrade will be staring you in the face every time you open up update-manager after tomorrow. Taunting you. Begging you to push it. But you must resist!01:15
BlacKnightblaz_: thanks let me try01:15
DeoFavente1Kamilion: Good. I really messed up the permissions with some files important to mysql and now everytime it tried to update it fails horribly01:16
Ashfire908Also, what time does 9.10 release? (rough time, like "between 4-6 pm" is fine)01:16
lstarnesAshfire908: most likily within the next 24 hours01:16
PiciAshfire908, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party01:16
IdleOneAshfire908: you can join the trolls and kids in #ubuntu-release-party01:17
PiciIdleOne: and devs, and operators...01:17
Wargasmis there any way to change the sounds in 9.10?01:17
Wargasmthey changed the sound dialog box01:17
Ashfire908lstarnes, Well, i know that.01:17
KamilionDeoFavente1: do a mysqldump and full backup anyway.01:17
IdleOnePici: yes and the devs and operators. Did not mean to offend you good people who work hard for us :)01:17
Ashfire908Pici, IdleOne: Ok.01:17
PiciWargasm: 9.10 is not released so it is not supported here yet, please use #ubuntu+1 for support in the meantime.01:18
BlacKnightnice, nedit is what i was looking for Thanks! blaz01:18
DeoFavente1Kamilion: But the distro upgrade won't be die because of an error in upgrading?01:18
DeoFavente1leave out the word "be"01:19
dissplease someone tell me how to reinstall grub in ubuntu 9.04 because a windows xp installation wiped it out01:19
IdleOne!fixgrub | diss01:19
ubottudiss: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:19
KamilionDeoFavente1: ... I... Don't know.01:19
ctmjrso what's the over/under on how many times is it out yet is asked01:20
IdleOnectmjr: +3 weeks now :)01:20
KamilionDeoFavente1: But at least with a mysqldump you can remove the package, clean up your mess, and then restore the DB.01:20
DeoFavente1Kamilion: I was just thinking of removing mysql from that one file that keeps track of the versions and upgrade status - even though that soounds really noobish01:21
amjadالسلام عليكم01:21
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية01:21
DeoFavente1Kamilion: /var/lib/dpkg/status I think it is01:22
=== SudoKing is now known as MrMistoffelees
DeoFavente1Kamilion and then I can re-add it after distro upgrade01:22
Ashfire908Uh, ok, my drive started working after various patterns of unplugging/plugging in the firewire, turning the drive on and off, and removing and inserting the ohci1394 and ieee1934 kernel modules...01:22
ro_i need help01:23
stinkyhi ro_01:23
ro_can somebody help01:23
ro_hi stinky01:23
ro_how are you01:23
FloodBot2ro_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:23
stinky:D fine01:23
_JacK_how to list files whose size is greater than 1M?01:23
blaz_hi ro_01:23
DeoFavente1everytime you ask for help a kitten dies - wait that's in another channel nvm01:23
ro_hello blaz how it goes01:23
DeoFavente1what do you need help with01:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:24
ro_i just installes ubunu 9 on a hp tx201:24
jasmuzHello all.. im using Karmic, is it true that the Gnome bar only uses Bmp files instead of png?01:24
ro_but i can get the audio frivers work01:24
losher_JacK_: something like: find . -type f -size +1M01:25
jasmuzHello all.. im using Karmic, is it true that the Gnome bar only uses Bmp files instead of png??01:25
Picijasmuz: 9.10 is not released so it is not supported here yet, please use #ubuntu+1 for support in the meantime.01:25
blaz_what drivers ro_?01:25
ro_audio drivers01:25
Ashfire908ro_, 9.04?01:25
=== losher is now known as losha
jasmuzPici, thanks01:26
KamilionDeoFavente1: phpmyadmin makes it easy to snapshot mysql. Then use apt-file against the mysql packages, and go check their perms.01:26
ubunturocksHello guys01:26
rancehello?? what is this lol01:26
mikeruin which timezone is karmic released tomorrow=?01:26
rancethis is irc right01:26
ubunturocksI need one clarification01:26
ranceim new here01:26
_JacK_losher: thank you01:26
Picimikeru, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party01:26
mikeru: O01:26
blaz_ro_: can you elaborate?01:26
mikerui love the RC totally01:26
ubunturocksIf I upgrade from ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 whether my existing dta will be erased01:27
spikebike¿uʍop ǝpısdn ǝdʎʇ oɥʍ ǝldoǝd ɹoɟ lǝuuɐɥɔ nʇunqn uɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ sı01:27
SpiceManubunturocks: no01:27
rancehello can somebody help me01:27
DeoFavente1Kamilion: "Then use apt-file against the mysql packages, and go check their perms." I'm sorry what's apt-file and how do I use it?01:27
ro_what fo you mean blaz ? this is my first time on ubuntu01:27
blaz_ro_: what is the problem, you try to install something manually?]01:27
mikeruubunturocks: maybe, shouldn't01:27
ubunturocksWhat about applications?01:27
SpiceManspikebike: doubt so01:27
ubunturocksI installed01:27
Ashfire908ubunturocks: What would be the point of a "upgrade" then? :)01:27
DeoFavente1Kamilion: Sounds important01:27
ro_blaz i installed ubunut on it , but the sound didnt work01:27
mgmuscarihas anybody here been experiencing dropped wifi connections when using wpa/wpa2 since the recent kernel update and/or maybe some recent update to module iwlagn?01:27
ro_even the video drivers01:27
KamilionDeoFavente1: google apt-file and behold it's goodness. in short, apt-get install apt-file then apt-file package mysql-server01:27
ubunturocksOK. SO It would be better to back up the data on my home folder01:28
ubunturocksI am right?01:28
Delvienmgmuscari: yes, but i suspect its my schools wifi. as it only happens when i am at schhol01:28
=== sheep is now known as lstarnes
KamilionDeoFavente1: and apt-file should list all of the files that package cares about when it's installing/removing/upgrading.01:28
gogetaarg vbox hates me'01:28
DeoFavente1Kamilion: ok I think I can take it from here thanks for the help this mysql has really been frustrating me lately01:29
ubunturocksI want to know the way,01:29
mikeruubunturocks: when I tried upgrading to the beta, it didn't finish and suddenly my screen went black, and then I couldn't boot even in recovery due to kernel panics. I had to install fresh from the beta CD. but since i used a different partition for /home i didn't lose data, and it was a beta, so no surprise it didn't work.01:29
piersdAnyone managed to get JavaFx working on Ubuntu 8.04?01:29
mikeruubunturocks: if you have the time and you have important files, you might want to do so01:30
ubunturocksI See01:30
ubunturocksThanks mikeru01:30
DeoFavente1mikeru: I have a separate partition for home, but hardly any of my important data is stored there - am I doing something wrong?01:30
mikeruDooFavente1: depends what you hold in your root partition01:30
RoastedI saw a picture of an Ubuntu desktop with a fine white text widget that offered a bunch of system information. What widget or setting would that be?01:31
ubottuyes, I'm alive.01:31
ubunturockscan somebody tell how to convert python source code to deb package01:31
DeoFavente1mikeru: I have have lots of servers running with a bunch of data, should I have created another partition for my servers01:31
mgmuscarihas anybody been experiencing dropped wifi connections using wpa/wpa2 for the last few days? since the recent kernel update or maybe some update to module iwlagn01:31
loshaDeoFavente1: depends. Where *is* your important data if it's not in /home ?01:31
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports01:31
blaz_ro_: sorry I don't have alsa drivers anymore, can't guide you..01:31
DeoFavente1mgmuscari: not this kernel update but another one long time ago01:31
ro_thank you01:32
ubunturocksfor this I need to do this01:32
=== LeNsTR is now known as LeNsTR|Sleep
mgmuscariDeoFavente1: are you using an intel wifi link 5100 agn or 5300 agn?01:32
mikeruDooFavente1: it's not wrong, but it's better to have your stuff in your home, specially if you have a separate partition. If you only have the / partition with home as a folder, doesn't matter as much. But you should keep your stuff (like documents) in /home/(yourhomedir)01:32
ubottuyes, I'm alive.01:32
almoxarifeubunturocks: checkinstall package works for me for creating source to deb01:32
mgmuscarihow do you restart a kernel module?01:33
piersdHi All, anyone got JavaFX to work in Firefox on 9.04?01:33
DeoFavente1losha: Apache operates in /var/www my debian repository operates in /srv/something and I also have mysql and a fps game server which operates in /var/www/somefolder01:33
ubunturocksalmoxarife> I think IT needs make file01:33
RoastedGuys - check the right picture from this thread. What widget is that that shows system information? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8033362&postcount=1501:33
mikeruDooFavente1: as for the server question, maybe. I used a separate partition because I use LVM and it's easier to resize the partitions, and many times I put a new distro on my root partition01:34
almoxarifeubunturocks: it has it01:34
loshamgmuscari: you can modunload and then modprobe a kernel module, *if* no-ones currently using it...01:34
=== idleone_ is now known as IdleOne
crypto__port forwarding01:34
syntaxerwhat is the benefit of using LVM over regular partions?01:34
ubunturocksI check and tell..01:34
mgmuscarilosha: it's my wifi driver... so i guess disable networking and then modunload/modprobe it?01:35
mgmuscarisomething is causing it to die and drop the connection when using wpa/wpa201:35
DeoFavente1losha: how hard do yoou think it would be for me to move my servers to a new partition? My LAMP server is the only one that would be a problem01:35
hikenbootis the xen kernel merged with the generic kernel in 9.1      2.6.31-14-generic?01:35
loshamgmuscari: harmless to try it...01:35
ubunturockswhere it is ..? I could not find01:35
mikerusyntaxer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Volume_Manager_%28Linux%2901:35
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
crypto__where is the ubuntu release party01:35
crypto__i lost the channel01:36
Argos__anyways is ubuntu good01:36
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!01:36
Infomomorelease time :d01:36
mikerusyntaxer: I think  you can have a partition that uses 2 harddrives, but i'm not sure about that…01:36
mikerusyntaxer: # Resize volume groups online by absorbing new physical volumes (PV) or ejecting existing ones.01:36
loshaDeoFavente1: in theory, you can move them, and just leave a link behind. In practice, some apps are sensitive about running via links because it can be a security issue. You could just make backups of /var/www and /srv, or  maybe move them to their own partitions...01:37
verizondroidis it out yet?01:37
lstarnesverizondroid: no01:37
mikerusyntaxer: but it is a little difficult to set up lvm in ubuntu.01:37
lstarnesverizondroid: join #ubuntu-release-party01:37
syntaxeryeah..this is my 3rd dstro I've installed01:38
DeoFavente1losha: ok thanks, ill have to try that someday but that's going to be after I distro upgrade01:38
syntaxerdidn't use LVM this time01:38
rancei cant find a channel to join i join but then nobody talks01:38
loshaDeoFavente1: backup, backup and backup...01:38
Picirance: #ubuntu-release-party is hopping01:38
=== mchdf is now known as merma
DeoFavente1wait I can't connect to release party01:38
DeoFavente1#ubuntu-release-party right?01:39
losharance: are you looking for help on something? What?01:39
lstarnesDeoFavente1: yes01:39
ranceyes i am01:39
DeoFavente1weird I'll try logging out then back in01:39
rancelosha can i pm u01:39
losharance: I don't think my client even supports pm. Why not ask here in the main channel?01:40
rancek well i program in python and c++ and i make programs but i want to learn how to make my bot output messages into a textbox or notepad etc.01:41
losharance: I don't know the answer to that. Have you tried #python ?01:41
ranceill try that brb01:42
DeoFavente1I still can't connect to ubuntu party01:42
ubottuyes, I'm alive.01:43
CWinLxwhen I create a user can I assign a certain disk quota?01:43
halfpinti need some help, my mouse keeps freezing after about a minute after logging in, it only freezes on my logitech g5 mouse and my zenith mouse. I am using a fresh install of ubuntu 9.0401:43
=== CWinLx is now known as alive
mgmuscariis there some way i can see if update-manager has updated a particular kernel module recently?01:43
Retinarguys is canonical doing a midnight release of karmic koala01:43
lstarnesRetinar: there is no set time01:43
InFy_when is the release ?01:43
kisukeRetinar: in what time zone?01:43
lstarnesInFy_: there is no set time01:43
ubunturockswhat is ubuntu security model01:43
ubunturockscan somebdoy explain01:44
lstarnes!security | ubunturocks01:44
ubottuubunturocks: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server01:44
RetinarWould I be able to upgrade to the final release if I got the dailybuild now?01:44
loshamgmuscari: a log of all package changes is kept in /var/log/dpkg.log01:44
lstarnesRetinar: most likely01:44
ubunturocksubottu. We cannot login as root01:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:44
ubunturockswhy friends01:44
lstarnesubunturocks: exactly01:44
InFy_can i upgrade to the RC and then easily upgrade to full later on without update-manager -d? or is the -d required..01:44
lstarnes!root > ubunturocks01:44
ubottuubunturocks, please see my private message01:44
rancewell when i join any chat nobody talks like nobody is in there01:45
lstarnesrance: that is not uncommon01:45
mgmuscarihmmm no mention of iwlagn... it just started doing this a few days ago though :/01:45
lstarnesrance: most irc users don't talk unless they have something to talk about01:45
trismInFy_: you shouldn't need to do that, just apply all the normal updates and you should be fully at the final version01:45
tjzhey guys01:45
spaztikok so this is entirely way OT, but anyone know of any software that will allow me to speak into the mic and it'll apply effects in real time, like echo or something?01:45
InFy_lets's get rollin' then01:45
ranceo ok01:45
kisukewhat time zone is the relase in? gmt?01:46
InFy_idk lol01:46
RoastedGuys - check the right picture from this thread. What widget is that that shows system information? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8033362&postcount=1501:46
losharance: most channels are much quieter than this one, and operate differently i.e. more like a forum: you ask a question, and then much later (hours, days) someone may reply. Either keep your irc open or check if they have an archive...01:46
gogetaanyone use virtulbox01:46
partypantsspaztik: i searched for the same recently, like a voice changer, no luck so far.01:46
spaztikInFy_, real time stuff01:46
ranceo ok01:46
spaztikpartypants, dayum01:46
InFy_idk lol01:46
spaztikgotta party this weekend and i wanna mc :S01:46
gogetaits pissing me off to ni end today01:46
rancesoo anybody program in python cause i need some help :)01:46
Flannelrance: Try ##python01:47
ubunturockslstarnes: Why cant I login as root01:47
lstarnesubunturocks: read the message given to you by ubunturocks01:47
Billiardspaztik: maybe mplayer can apply effects to mic input and play it back to speakers01:47
lstarnesubunturocks: er, by ubottu01:47
trismubunturocks: by default, root has no password in ubuntu, so you can't log in01:47
syntaxerI know DJ software and multi track recording apps normally will have some real time plug ins01:47
lstarnesubunturocks: the root account is disabled in ubuntu for security reasons01:47
spaztikfuck, i hate fscking 6tb of data01:47
trismubunturocks: which is generally a good thing01:47
spaztiktakes SOOOOO long01:47
rancei did flannel nobody has talked01:47
lstarnesubunturocks: you can use sudo to run applications as root01:47
InFy_sudo passwd01:48
bfallikWhat's the right way to configure dual head so everything happens automatically?  I want to plug in an ext. VGA monitor and have X/Gnome auto configure it, and undo that when it's unplugged.  I'm running karmic now.01:48
InFy_then you can set the root pw01:48
lstarnesInFy_: do not recommend that01:48
mikeruubunturocks: and it's a security flaw to login as root01:48
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:48
ubunturocksHmm.. they why they have such account01:48
InFy_it's an open and free platform01:48
lstarnesubunturocks: if it is absolutely necessary and you know what you are doing, you can emulate a root login using sudo -i01:48
InFy_he asks, i provied01:48
mikeruubunturocks: or sudo -s01:48
choronzonI installed ubuntu about a week ago. do I have to do the same thing (download, burn, boot, install) to upgrade to the new version or is there some other way?01:48
rancethx flannel i joined but nobody is talkin01:48
lstarnes-i works better than -s01:48
ubunturockswhat this command is for01:48
spaztik!upgrade | Chousuke01:49
ubottuChousuke: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:49
lstarnesubunturocks: which one?01:49
spaztik!upgrade | choronzon01:49
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party01:49
ubottuchoronzon: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:49
mikerulstarnes: what's the difference?01:49
jainricihello everyone01:49
rancehey :)01:49
lstarnesmikeru: -i simulates a login with root's environment01:49
jainriciHi rance01:49
mikerulstarnes: afaik, sudo -i changes to your home dir, while sudo -s keeps you at the same dir01:49
lstarnesmikeru: -s starts a shell with the user's environment without simulating a login01:49
ubunturocksubottu is bot?01:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is bot?01:49
lstarnesubunturocks: yes01:49
jainricihow to do private chat01:49
lstarnesjainrici: /query nickname01:50
lstarnesjainrici: or /msg nickname message01:50
mikerulstarnes: umm, nevermind. It changes to /root01:50
mgmuscari!ubottu | ubunturocks01:50
ubottuubunturocks: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:50
lstarnesjainrici: please try to keep support in this channel if it is possible01:50
rancejainrici do u program01:50
blaz_spaztik: puredata for example01:50
mikerulstarnes: I prefer -s because it keeps you at the same dir01:50
jainriciI am new to IRC01:51
jainriciand Xchat01:51
ranceme too i just started 5 mins ago01:51
lstarnesmikeru: -s handles the environment improperly01:51
thiebaudeis it out01:51
lstarnesthiebaude: no.01:51
ranceill pm u jain01:51
mikerulstarnes: hmm…01:51
Dr_Willisjainrici:  the xchat homepage has some very good tutorial/docs01:51
spaztikblaz_, sorry what?01:51
Purpleywhats the party chan again?01:51
thiebaudeoops im in the wrong channel01:51
jainricii didnt get u?01:52
ranceprivate chat01:52
blaz_spaztik: for realtime audio01:52
lstarnesjainrici: private message01:52
ravehi how can i upgrade from beta to 9.1001:52
your_ithey how do you have a 3 way conference chat01:52
DeoFavente1h00k: ok, im reading now01:52
ranceu left click on my name and send private chat01:52
enosishey guys, in my previous install i had a little app that controlled the system's audio, and when I was playing music and then started a video it would mute the music until the video was done and vice versa. anyone knows the name of this app? can't remember it to reinstall :x01:52
lstarnesrave: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:52
spaztikblaz_, wow that looks really complex01:52
DeoFavente1h00k: fix one is a no-go01:52
spaztikblaz_, i just wanna apply like an echo or slow my voice down so i can mc to some music01:52
loshayour_it: just have 3 people join a channel which isn't in use (or doesn't exist. It will be created for you).01:53
droso is 9.10 going to be releasted at 12:01am 10/29/09 or later in the day?01:53
lstarnesdro: there's no set time01:53
your_itbut then people can find it on the channel list01:54
RoastedGuys - check the right picture from this thread. What widget is that that shows system information? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8033362&postcount=1501:54
drolstarnes: i hope it's right at 12:01am!01:54
DeoFavente1test me01:54
lstarnesdro: it isn't01:54
InFy_your_it, you can set it to private and/or secret01:54
lstarnesdro: I'm betting 3:27 am01:54
drolstarnes: lolol01:55
KamilionRoasted: I think that's conky01:55
InFy_top right click S and P01:55
loshayour_it: you want to keep it private? I think you can do that, but i dunno how. Check on #freenode01:55
Billiardspaztik: ive been googling, maybe this program called buzztard will do what you want, not sure if it will do stuff in realtime01:56
bshark Hello, if my wireless card works in ubuntu full install, should it also work in a minimal install?... i want to do a minimal install and then add lxde and certain applications, but my wireless card needs to work to do that01:56
jeffrey^^Is the newest ubuntu out?01:56
DeniasIs the newest ubuntu out?01:56
co_musicIs the newest ubuntu out?01:56
BolisIs the newest ubuntu out?01:56
`mrWhoIs the newest ubuntu out?01:56
DeoFavente1h00: it worked thanks01:56
DeoFavente1h00k: it worked thanks01:56
wacaIs the newest ubuntu out?01:56
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:56
mgmuscari!isitout | `mrWho | waca01:57
ubottu`mrWho | waca: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!01:57
Roastedwhat time is 9.10 released?01:57
Infomomodro: who knows01:57
lstarnesRoasted: there's no set time01:57
FlannelRoasted: Please see the /topic in #ubuntu-release-party01:57
Roastedlstarnes - just midnight?01:57
AmaranthRoasted: generally about 12 hours from now but it varies01:57
Choky_Ariestawhen LjL takes a shit.01:57
Roastedflannel - or I could just ask here lol?01:57
co_musicit is out?01:57
naomiit is out?01:57
loshabshark: it should, but you may need to explicitly add the drivers for it as they might not be installed automatically in a minimal install...01:57
Roastedamaranth - good to know, guess theres no reason to stay up late for it then.01:57
jribco_music, naomi: stop01:57
halfpintmy mouse freezes after about 2 minutes of booting up, multiple mouses using usb with 9.04, tried google but cant get it01:57
agushelp me how to configure oracle instantclient01:58
Helsinkiii_can someone help me restore Alsamixer to it's default settings, it's urgent01:58
mesulaWhat time will 9.10 be released?01:58
illovaeat 2 o'clock01:58
FlannelRoasted: This channel is for Ubuntu support, not release announcements.  But to answer: Sometime before it's the 30th everywhere.01:58
dromesula: no one knows, i already asked01:58
spaztikBilliard, hmm looks cool.. gotta get this usb mic workin first :S01:58
Picimesula, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party01:58
spaztiki'mactually using my rockband mic01:58
spaztikbbias though, gotta take dog out01:59
Roastedflannel - I know, but this channel is too overactively anal about not going the slightest bit off topic here, even if it really is on topic, which results in me not really caring to go to another channel to ask 1 simple question when I can ask here with certainty somebody knows the answer/is wondering the same thing.01:59
=== MrMistoffelees is now known as SudoKing
FlannelRoasted: There is no answer.  And again, this channel is for support, not discussion of Ubuntu.02:00
RoastedI mean, I ask a samba question within ubuntu and I'm told to go to the samba channel. I ask about compiz and I'm told to do to the compiz channel. Anything I ask in here, I'm told to go to that channel, which makes me wonder why this channel exists.02:00
=== Guest34161 is now known as Akston
FlannelRoasted: There's 1500 people here, if we have discussions/conversations, no one gets support.02:00
Roastedflannel - well, as you've seen me exhibit, I don't really... care. :) So, like I said, I'll ask here, and I did, and it's done.02:00
jribRoasted: usually if you ask a really specific channel and it seems like no one knows the answer you are pointed to a place where you are more likely to get help02:00
* losha thinks: let's face it. This channel's going to be a mess for at least the next month02:01
Roastedjrib - I'm often told to go to channels and when I get there, there's 0 users there. lol?02:01
FlannelRoasted: Someone probably directed you to the wrong channel then.  No one should send you somewhere with zero people on purpose.02:01
DeoFavente1Roasted: Either you didn't type the name in correctly or you went to the wrong server02:01
thedude42Roasted, you get what you pay for02:01
jribRoasted: well that's just plain not true.  But I don't wish to discuss it anymore.  People are just trying to get you help02:01
DeoFavente1Roasted: did you put a # in front?02:01
Roasteddeofavente1 - yup.02:02
Flannelthedude42: That's not an appropriate attitude.02:02
DeoFavente1oh ok nvm then02:02
FloodBot2Roasted: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:02
PiciAnyway, people are still looking for support for current versions of Ubuntu, lets let them ask.02:02
EntityReborn#ubuntu-release-party is just nutz at the mo02:02
tarepandahow to let  oss sound support in kde402:02
ethana2I have an X-25M 34nm SSD on the way02:02
ethana2they pulled the new TRIM firmware after I downloaded it02:02
partypantsthe newest ubuntu is always out.02:03
agusI cant' connect to instantclient if I use tnsnames.ora02:03
loshaRoasted: pretty cavalier attitude for someone who admits that this is the only channel that ever talks to him...02:03
partypantsignore that02:03
Picilosha: let it go.02:03
ethana2can I ignore the problems as Windows problems02:03
ethana2...or do I need to not upgrade?02:03
loshaPici: dropped...02:03
Roastedlosha - I said this is the only channel that ever talks to me?02:03
* EsmD is away: Nie ma mnie/Away02:03
tarepandamy oss driver can't work on kde402:03
tarepandamy oss driver can't work on kde402:04
tarepandamy oss driver can't work on kde402:04
tarepandamy oss driver can't work on kde402:04
FloodBot2tarepanda: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:04
Pici!repeat | tarepanda02:04
ubottutarepanda: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.02:04
DeoFavente1yea really02:04
Helsinkiiican somebody tell me their AlsaMixer settings that work thanks02:04
DeoFavente1ok, but I need help with something else again - My problem: I have a desktop with no built in nic (old computer) but with a wired nic card, and my laptop with built in wifi, and a wired/wireless router and a bunch more unimportant stuff. However - the desktop is a yottalightyears away from my router! How do I make my laptop a router for a one-computer network?02:05
blaz_tarepanda: you mean oss4 /02:05
RoastedSo, I installed conky - and I have no clue where it's at. Anybody?02:05
blaz_tarepanda: you mean oss4 ?02:05
InFy_is that laptop win or lin?02:05
tarepandaosstest is work normally02:06
DeoFavente1everything is linux in my house - but the unimportant stuff is Fedore02:06
mesulaRoasted: alt+f2 conky02:06
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php02:06
blaz_tarepanda: I have oss4, but no kde.. did you try on 4front-tech forums?02:06
tarepandapidgin have sound02:06
tarepandai try now02:06
loshaDeoFavente1: see above re: InternetConnectionSharing02:06
rafase282how do I have which version of ubuntu I have installed, I want to know if I have i386 or AMD6402:07
Roastedmesula - Hm, it popped up - but I've seen users with it on their desktop and not necessarily in a window like this. Do you know how to customize this menu and put it there?02:07
=== ada2358_ is now known as ada2358
DeoFavente1losha: Iv'e tried firestarter, but It only did the mini-network part - the desktop can't access the big network or the internet02:07
mesulaRoasted: nano ~/.conky.config02:07
DeoFavente1losha: I have a bunch of servers on my laptop and the desktop can access those02:07
loshaDeoFavente1: dunno, never had to do it myself. What about the other link?02:08
mesulaRoasted: Or gedit ~/.conky.config02:08
losharafase282: try: uname -a02:08
Retinarhey, unrelated to ubuntu, but generally how safe is it to take apart a CRT monitor?02:08
mesulaRoasted: It's ~/.conkysomething02:08
mesulaRoasted: Might just be ~/.conky02:08
BootzWolfRetinar, i wouldnt02:09
Roastedmesula - I dont even have .conky02:09
mesulaRoasted: 'man conky' for answers02:09
syriusI can't find anything for volume normlize does ubuntu have a how to for this?02:09
loshaRetinar: high voltages on undischarged capacitors, and of course, risk of CRT implosion...02:09
DeoFavente1losha: My latop does have two nics, btw02:09
syriuson ubuntu's site02:09
syriusI can't find it02:09
FirepuppyI was wondering if a problem in Ubuntu 9.10 has been fixed yet on the PowerPC version where a user account dosen't get created at the end of the installation of Karmic02:09
MasterofPuppetsHey guys, how many more hours 'til Karmic?02:09
DeoFavente1losha: Ok, ill try the optables02:09
PiciMasterofPuppets, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party02:09
RetinarI see. I'd better leave it alone then. Thanks.02:09
DeoFavente1losha: iptables02:09
mesulaRoasted: You're probably using default settings, then.02:09
MasterofPuppetsPici: Awesome, thanks! Didn't know about that channel.02:09
mesulaRoasted: 'man conky'02:09
Roastedmesula - reading the man page02:10
Roastedmesula - nothing yet though...02:10
tarepandakubuntu 9.10  amd6402:10
loshaDeoFavente1: yeah, Personally, I'd try making the router work...02:10
DeoFavente1losha: router on my computer?02:10
PiciRoasted: Also conky's website has some sample configs and more config file documentation.  http://conky.sourceforge.net/02:10
mesulaRoasted: From my own experience, Conky can be difficult and tedious to configure.02:10
loshaDeoFavente1: I thought you said you have a wired/wireless router? That's what they're for...02:11
tarepandauaLinux BELIAL 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:05:01 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:11
FirepuppyOr, even if it hasen't been fixed, how do I create a new account on Ubuntu Server Karmic when there is no other account present?02:11
mesulaRoasted: Unless you go with a sample config file.02:11
Roastedmesula - is conky the only widget thing available in ubuntu?02:11
DeoFavente1losha: Yea but my desktop is at the other end of my house and wiring would be hard02:11
mesulaRoasted: No.02:11
boblawblahmy ubuntu 9.04  wont pick up my intel pro/1000 mt nic02:11
Roastedmesula - is there a better option you know of out there?02:11
DeoFavente1losha: and wireless nic cards cost money02:11
mesulaRoasted: No.02:11
loshaDeoFavente1: well, so does your time...02:12
BootzWolfboblawblah,  is that a wireless nic in a laptop?02:12
boblawblahno no ethernet in a desktop02:12
mikeblhey guys.. could anyone please help me... i have installed ath5k for my atheros wifi card, on a laptop running jaunty... i can see the driver listed under lshw but can't get it to work.. also saw that wireless/cfg80211.ko and mac80211/mac80211.ko are both installed02:12
RoastedIs there a way by terminal to run a command and see what's currently installed from synaptic?02:12
DeoFavente1losha: true but I was hoping it would cost less. also if I got a wireless nic for my desktop it'd probably need drivers02:12
loshaDeoFavente1: entirely up to you, Dude...02:13
mesulaRoasted: Aptitude02:13
boblawblahbootz: everything i read says it should pick up automatically but it wont find it02:13
DeoFavente1losha: I'll try spending time first then02:13
Roastedmesula - beautiful. thx bro.02:13
thedude42DeoFavente1, you have 2 wires though, right?  one to the laptop from the connection, and one to the desktop from the laptop?02:13
mesulaRoasted: No problem.02:14
blaz_Roasted: dpkg -l | grep '^ii'02:14
loshaFirepuppy: tricky. Use the live cd to get root access and create accounts from there. There must be a link, lemme see02:14
DeoFavente1thedude42: router to latop is wireless - it's a long distance02:14
soreauDeoFavente1: What you would have to do is use masquerading. If your laptop already has the net, just plug in a crossover cable from laptop ethernet port to the desktop and do this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137002:14
loshaFirepuppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword02:15
DeoFavente1soreau: one day I decided to make my own crossover cable - can't believe I'm actually going to use it02:15
InFy_set the wired gateway of the laptop to the IP of the wireless connection02:15
sdsdsdGuys, does Ubuntu goes out today?02:15
soreauDeoFavente1: Yea, I have one that's 25+' long I made here with some cat5 and a regular ethernet cable02:15
abryant288i have choppy audio with vlc. can anyone help?02:15
thedude42DeoFavente1, then all you need to do is enable ip forwarding in your kernel and set the laptop as the default gateway on the desktop02:16
DeoFavente1soreau: mines 6 feet but my desktop is only like 3 away02:16
soreauDeoFavente1: Fine. If you get stuck, I might be able to help you02:16
DeoFavente1thedude42: "enable ip forwarding in your kernel" that's the iptables stuff right?02:16
SalvadIs there some command for the console to put the computer in hibernation mode?02:17
soreauDeoFavente1: If both pc's are running ubuntu, all the stuff you need enabled in kernel is already there by default02:17
thedude42DeoFavente1, no, it's kernel setting stuff you do int he file system02:17
d1bmorning -> when is 9.10 out :)02:17
mikeblhey guys.. could anyone please help me... i have installed ath5k for my atheros wifi card, on a laptop running jaunty... i can see the driver listed under lshw but can't get it to work.. also saw that wireless/cfg80211.ko and mac80211/mac80211.ko are both installed, anyway the card doesnt work02:17
soreau! work | mik02:17
ubottumik: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:17
soreaumikebl: ^^02:18
DeoFavente1my laptop and my desktop are running ubuntu - desktop is running 8.04.1 newer ones won't work well on this old computer02:18
poseidonMe and my friends have a bullitin board.  They all made a thread about the Windows 7 release.  They don't come to my house usually so they don't get to see my ubuntu 9.10 desktop with compiz effects, etc.02:18
poseidonAnyone know of a good video which shows all this stuff so I can post it and show them?02:19
m-p{3}Does anybody here has a MSI Wind U210 ?02:19
soreauposeidon: youtube it02:19
mikeblhey guys.. could anyone please help me... i have installed ath5k for my atheros wifi card, on a laptop running jaunty... i can see the driver listed under lshw but can't get it to work.. also saw that wireless/cfg80211.ko and mac80211/mac80211.ko are both installed, when i try to connect i only have auto eth0, which is the ethernet card, that was automatically configured, i see no wireless nic02:19
soreauThere are plenty of compiz vids on youtube02:19
poseidonsoreau, I looked on youtube and the only decent quality stuff I could find was ~3 years old02:19
soreaumikebl: Does lspci show a wireless iface?02:19
amanehi I need help with Karmics grub2: in that the only option is memtest02:19
soreaumikebl: Does iwconfig show a wireless interface02:20
soreauposeidon: and?02:20
* erpo waits impatiently.02:20
amaneI'm stuck at the grub screen02:20
poseidonI'd rather have something more up to date02:20
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:20
soreauposeidon: No one is stopping you from making your own video02:20
poseidonamane, #ubuntu+102:21
mikeblsoreau i have Ethernet controller: Atheros Comm Inc. Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter02:21
Pupuser402-1Somebody report a suicide in 3 minutes at 419 Denny Way, Seattle, WA. My name is Zeek Smith.02:21
poseidonsoreau, when I record it it always lags out and doesn't look very well02:21
soreaumikebl: Pastebin the output of 'lsmod|grep ath' and 'iwconfig'02:21
mikeru   http://releases.ubuntu.com/.pool/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso02:21
kevipapo1hey, just got Ubuntu 9.04 up on my PC, and was wondering if someone could give me a low down on seamless integration of02:21
soreauoh great02:21
kevipapo1*windows apps in ubuntu, or simply windows02:21
soreaumikebl: Since you're running karmic, get help in #ubuntu+102:21
soreauGhad damm this channel and it's 1500 nick names02:22
erpokevipapo1: There is no perfect solution. What windows apps?02:22
ralphvHellow, maco you saw in #puppylinux how alienjeff talks to people threatening suicide02:22
ctmjrPupuser402-1: that is not cool at all02:22
mikeblim running jaunty02:22
poseidonkevipapo1, have a look at wine.  Best thing offered02:22
Crewsr3what is the release party irc channel?02:22
soreaumikebl: I thought mikeru was you *ugh*02:22
FlannelCrewsr3: #ubuntu-release-party02:22
macoralphv: OT for this channel, PM me02:22
Crewsr3Flannel, thank you02:22
kevipapo1thanks both of you. for starters, Steam (not for gaming, for the community, maybe for gaming later) and iTunes. I've heard of Wine, and I'm going to install it very soon02:23
kevipapo1ive heard of the types of things where you run Windows virtually and integrate it into your desktop02:23
erpokevipapo1: I don't think iTunes works in wine. You could try virtualbox to emulate Windows.02:23
BlacKnightwhats the best way to install grub2 and not die trying ?02:23
erpokevipapo1: However, you will need to use the non-free version of virtualbox if you want USB support for your iPod.02:23
kevipapo1now i have Windows on another partition, could i simply boot up that partition into something like virtualbox or VMWare?02:23
TBirdkevipapo1: vmware workstation is probably the slickest way to do that... i do the inverse with it though, run Ubuntu seamlessly inside Windows02:24
insaneNproudanybody know where i can find the old cursor theme from mandrake 7 for ubuntu?02:24
mikeblok... i get ath_rate_sample 19968 1, ath_pci 99224 0, wlan 210544 4 wlan_scan_sta.ath_rate_sample, ath_pci, ath_hal 198864 3 ath_rate_sample,ath_pci02:24
knoppieskevipapo1, never heared of somebody running a real partition as a vmware drive. But you can try it.02:24
gotsanityKevipapo1, virtualbox is what you are looking for but i will warn you it will not work very well with 3d apps and games due to the power requirements02:24
TBirdkevipapo1: i wouldnt boot the partition, it wont work again after if you boot it natively02:24
ethana2erpo: nonFree VBox can handle iPods?02:24
ethana2is it free?02:24
erpoethana2: Free vbox can't handle iPods.02:24
ethana2erpo: right, you said that..02:25
erpoethana2: It's available at no cost for noncommercial use.02:25
soreaumikebl: So you're using madwifi, not ath5k. Also, pastebin is easier for us to help you. And:02:25
mikebland with iwconfig the tonly wireless ext i get is ath002:25
brandonc503hey all.. was looking for some application refferals for emarkting... looking for app that lets me build surveys and lets me form campaigns to send emails to people based on their answers to survey questions.. and reports recieved, bounces, opened, clicked thru..02:25
knoppiesinsaneNproud, have you looked on gnomelook.org?02:25
ethana2erpo: ..and that version can?02:25
soreau! who | mikebl02:25
ubottumikebl: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:25
m-p{3}kevipapo1: It is possible, but I did it a while ago to boot the OS from another HDD.02:25
insaneNproudim basically looking for the hand cursor that has it pointing from a side view like mandrake 7 had02:25
ethana2erpo: I'm not a business, so..02:25
thedude42ethana2, it's more to the point that non-free VirtualBox is required to use USB02:25
erpoethana2: I've never tried. I hate iTunes, personally, but the only obstacle I see is that free vbox doesn't do USB.02:25
insaneNproudknoppies, yea i tried there and couldnt find it02:25
ethana2thedude42: non-free?02:25
soreaumikebl: Ok, now does 'iwlist ath0 scan' show anything?02:25
thedude42ethana2, but the term 'non-free' is a misnomer02:25
erpoethana2: Non-free vbox does support USB passthrough, so it OUGHT to work.02:25
kevipapo1thnks knoppies, i know there's stuff like that for apps to run windows boot camp partitions within windows no problem, gotsanity, last thing i wanna do is overload my computer to play games or run 3D apps in ubuntu :P, TBird, why wont it work afterwards?02:25
ethana2erpo, thedude42, okay, nonfree, I have to pay for it, nonFree, I can't get the source02:26
kevipapo1m-p{3} could you elaborate on that?02:26
Helsinkiiihow can uninstall and reinstall alsa02:26
ethana2is there a nonFree but free version I can use to get USB support in iTunes?02:26
mikeblsoreau I get no scan results02:26
TBirdkevipapo1: activation, hardware changes, etc02:26
thedude42ethana2, when we refer to free and non-free, we're talking about free as in freedom... that is, you can download the version of VirtualBox from Sun's website that supports usb without paying any money02:26
Lintcan you name me some media player with media library? except rhytmbox and amarok02:26
TBirdkevipapo1: it would be like constantly swapping a windows hdd between two different PCs... it wont work well02:26
soreaumikebl: Ok, well it's broken then. Try this: sudo rmmod ath_pci && sudo modprobe ath5k && iwconfig02:27
ethana2thedude42: I say Free and nonFree for liberty, and free and nonfree for price02:27
kevipapo1TBird: true, wont work so well02:27
ethana2blasted English language.02:27
insaneNproudknoppies, i searched for mandrake cursor and classic mandrake cursor and pulled nothing02:27
m-p{3}kevipapo1: http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=377402:27
SkyHighanyone know about monodevelop?? i just installed it and messed around with it and everything, but i dont know how to access the designer...02:27
None94internal microphone doesn't seem to work at all in Ubuntu 9.04. It is unmuted, and volume is all the way up. Would appreciate it if someone PM-ed me an answer02:28
kevipapo1someone mentioned running ubuntu seamlessly in Windows. the only real reason i need ubuntu is to create packages for the jailbreaking community on iPhones and iPod touches, and so i can experiment with the OS some more during this week long break02:28
m-p{3}kevipapo1: See my post (3rd one)02:28
knoppiesinsaneNproud, then I wouldnt know. sorry I cant help/.02:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mono02:28
kevipapo1alright, thanks m-p{3}...lol, i just got what your name sounds like XD02:28
None94kevipapo1, I wonder if they meant installing Ubuntu via a wubi installation?02:28
mMezquitalea fresh install of hardy freezes after logging in, anyone ever experienced this?!?02:28
None94oh virtual box nevermind02:28
ethana2I'm still confused.02:28
linxehmMezquitale: yes!02:28
mikeblsoreau just did sudo rmmod ath_pci && sudo modprobe ath5k && iwconfig and i get no wireless ext but wlan0 with some info beginning with IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:""...02:28
linxehmMezquitale: the motherboard was screwed02:29
ethana2can I, without paying money, sync an iPod with iTunes with Ubuntu as the host OS?02:29
m-p{3}kevipapo1: Gotta go, hope that helped02:29
vigoSkyHigh: I have read a little bit about that, but am not up to date on it.02:29
spaztikany ALSA gurus in here? trying to get my USB mic to play over my default soundcard which goes to my speakers02:29
linxeh mMezquitale: YMMV02:29
kevipapo1alright, thanks m-p{3} bye02:29
soreaumikebl: Yea, now do 'iwlist wlan0 scan'02:29
SkyHighalright, thanks anyways02:29
kevipapo1None94, no, he was talking about having ubuntu seamlessly in windows, unless he doesnt know what seamless means, i doubt that :P02:29
mMezquitalelinxeh, I have windows installed on that machine and I uninstalled LinuxPC or whatever the name it was, it was working, dont think there's something wrong with my motherboard02:30
m-p{3}ethana2: Unless Apple make an iTunes client for Linux or if somebody manage to break the hash protection they introduced, you'll have to use a platform that iTunes support.02:30
mikeblsoreau No scan results02:30
None94ah ;x02:30
ethana2m-p{3}: right, Windows, but as the host?02:30
hikenbootI previously asked this question but my scrollback lines were set to only 500..sorry for the repeat but i am wondering if the xen kernel is contained within 2.6.31-14-generic kernel...in other words is it merged with the generic kernel by default now?02:30
bsharkyou can virtual box, or wubi02:30
ethana2does iTunes do some screwy USB protocol side-stepping?02:30
bsharkboth are pretty fun02:30
linxehmMezquitale: I didn't say there was something wrong with your motherboard. I said there was something wrong with mine, which caused the system to fail under load (Which happened when logging in)02:30
soreaumikebl: Ok, one more shot: sudo rmmod ath5k && sudo modprobe ath9k && iwlist wlano scan02:30
tjzdo you know why my new install (9.04) do not have sound02:31
soreaumikebl: s/wlano/wlan002:31
TBirdkevipapo1: if you want to play games in windows then its best running that as your primary OS and run ubuntu inside it in vmware workstation.. if you do developing then workstation has some good features to help with that too, im told.02:31
m-p{3}ethana2:  You can use VirtualBox non-OSE to sync it within a Windows guest.02:31
LogicalDashtjz, one or more of your audio devices might be muted, or there might be a bad configuration file somewhere02:31
ethana2m-p{3}: and that costs no money, correct?02:31
soreau! audio | tjz02:31
ubottutjz: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:31
kevipapo1TBird: alright, so would you recommend VMWare as the best virtualization utility for me to use? cause i know there's lots out there02:32
halfpinthow do i logout without using a mouse, since mine froze?02:32
kevipapo1from there i'll see how i can integrate it into windows seamlessly, no problem02:32
TBirdkevipapo1: its the most mature.... you can download a 30 day demo for free02:32
m-p{3}ethana2: Yup, it's just that the USB code is currently proprietary, they don't charge any cost for it. It's just non following the OSE model.02:32
LogicalDashhalfpint: if you happen to have dontzap disabled, you could use ctrl+alt+backspace02:32
TBirdkevipapo1: Unity mode is awesome.02:32
ethana2m-p{3}: thank you very much02:32
halfpintthat doesnt seem to be working02:33
kevipapo1*TBird: alright, what does unity mode do?02:33
ethana2anyone else here have a 34nm Intel SSD?  I don't know whether to upgrade to their redacted firmware02:33
mikeblsoreau when i enter iwlist wlan0 scan i get ERROR: Module ath5k does not exist in /proc/modules02:33
kevipapo1TBird: oh, from what i googled, it looks like thats the integration feature of vmware02:34
TBirdkevipapo1: ubutu apps run side-by-side with windows apps, or vice versa... or you cna just run ubuntu ina window, or full screen.02:34
soreaumikebl: What is the output of 'lsmod|grep ath' now?02:34
kevipapo1TBird: great! i guess installing Ubuntu wasnt really worth it after all, seeing as i only need to do .deb packaging. alright thanks, ill remove the partition and set Ubuntu back up in VMWare. ive got a powerful computer so i'm not worried too much about the issue of virtualization in general02:35
ShapeShifter499how do I open port 22 for all ip's on my wifi router?02:35
insaneNproudare there any other sites that have cursor themes besides gnome look?02:35
ShapeShifter499I need to open port 22 for my ssh server02:36
mikeblsoreau i now have ath9k,lbm_cw_mac80211,lbm_cw_cfg80211,led_class,ath_rate_sample,wlan,ath_hal... im sorry i cant paste the text im chatting using another computer...02:36
soreauShapeShifter499: That's hardly a ubuntu question. It would be specific to your router, so consult your router manual, ask in #networking or google it02:36
{Nathan}I haven't used Ubuntu in 3 years. Where did my xorg.conf go? Ubuntu messed up my display and it doesn't show anything on boot.02:36
LogicalDashShapeShifter499: typically you have to do that using your router's firmware.02:36
soreaumikebl: Does 'iwconfig' show wlan0?02:37
ShapeShifter499oh I did not know of a #networking channel02:37
mikeblsoreau i just saw in the network icon that wireless networks just dissapeared, before it was showing it in gray.. i saw it, but couldnt click on it anyways02:37
Kalculuswhat does it mean when an object's permissions are   ---s--s--t  ?  what is the t?02:37
ShapeShifter499i'll go there02:37
mikeblsoreau iwconfig does not show wlan anymore02:37
breakmyfallhas the issues with ati graphics card solved in karmic ?02:38
soreaumikebl: Ok well I guess you need ath5k then. sudo rmmod ath9k && sudo modprobe ath5k02:38
breakmyfallwhen enabled effects02:38
TBirdkevipapo1: yep, cool02:38
hypehave anyone a downloadlink to karmic?02:38
webbb82is there anyway to get firefox 3.5 to not suck so bad02:38
hypei cant find one02:38
trismhype: it's not out yet02:38
kevipapo1TBird: alright thanks, im out then, peace02:38
StrangeCharmis it possible to change a dm-crypt volume that currently uses a passphrase to be mounted at boot time, so that it can be automaticcaly mounted using a keyfile?02:38
=== sean is now known as Guest11603
kevipapo1i might get back in here over in windows, maybe02:39
TBirdkevipapo1: theres other virtualisation solutions for windows... virtualpc, virtualbox etc..02:39
hypeiam from germany and on ubuntuusers.de stay, out now today xxD02:39
Guest11603i have a gx270 and need the integrated graphics card drivers for it, anyone know where to get it?02:39
Linthow can I add user to sudoers file02:39
soreaumikebl: But if iwconfig is showing wlan0 and 'iwlist wlan0 scan' shows no scan results, something is still wrong02:39
kevipapo1VMWare look pretty spiffy though02:39
mikeblsoreau just did that and the wireless option came back, it's still in gray though.. can't click on it02:39
kevipapo1alright thanks, bye02:39
usserGuest11603, dell optiplex gx270 uses intel and works out of the box02:40
Vossusser, thats a much older intel chipset02:40
mrbguyz, does anyone knows when could Karmic be online to download today ?!!!02:40
Vossgx270 is 5 years old02:40
Linthow can I add user to sudoers file?02:40
usserVoss, gx270 is a chipset model or a pc model?02:40
soreaumikebl: You might have to compile your driver, madwifi (which provides ath_pci module and ath0 interface) or ath5k (which provides ath5k module and wlan0 iface)02:41
SapoteLint: useradd02:41
ZykoticK9Lint, add the user to the "admin" group02:41
mikeblsoreau how do i do that?02:41
Vossgx270 is a 5 year old dell model02:41
soreaumikebl: Sorry I can't help more; ask in #madwifi02:41
usserVoss, just recently i installed debian lenny on an gx240 and it worked great02:41
Guest11603yes it is, I need the gx270 drivers upgrade for ubuntu 8.1002:41
lstarnesLint: try adding the user to the admin group (sudo gpasswd -a user admin)02:41
Vossgx240 is from 200202:41
Sapoteusser: debian work great02:41
mikeblsoreau thank you a lot for your time :)02:41
usserSapote, indeed. imaged 30 pcs so far with debian02:42
VossTry getting ubuntu 9.10 running on the optiplex 760 and we will talk :-/02:42
Guest11603there are things I can't do with it until i get the upgraded repositories or whatever02:42
usserVoss, why thats what im running right now on my work pc :)02:42
usserVoss, which is accidently gx76002:42
Vossusser, dell stopped using gx02:42
LintZykoticK9, lstarnes: it doesn't work02:42
slingerVoss, whats wrong with 9.10 on the dell optiplex 760's?02:43
ZykoticK9Lint, did you log out / back in?02:43
Vossslinger, the intel video I think02:43
maggot_brainwhat's the best uk mirror for Ubuntu w.r.t to being up to date?02:43
mbluesHi there - quick question: if I remove Wine using package manager (I would like to update it) would that also delete everything on my virtual drive?02:43
usserVoss, optiplex 760, sorry02:43
lstarnesLint: that user will need to log out02:43
lstarnesmblues: no02:43
slingeroh ok, I've had one running fine on 9.04 for a while now but it has an ATI card for graphics02:44
ussermblues, no02:44
ZykoticK9mblues, just don't purge and it should be fine - check in .wine in your home folder02:44
Guest11603drivers needed for gx270 graphics ???02:44
Vossmblues nah, I sometimes have to uninstall wine because updates installs new versions. I stick with 1.1.2302:44
Sapotemblues: rm $home/.wine/*02:44
mbluesSo to confirm, I would have to manually delete .wine/ to remove my virtual settings?  (I don't want to lose my apps ;))02:44
ZykoticK9mblues, Sapote's suggestion would remove your settings/programs!!!02:45
mbluesZyk, yep - I think I got it - as long as I don't nuke my wine directory I'm good.02:45
hoontekeis there any word on the exact time tomorrow that Ubuntu will be released?02:45
partypants11:36:47AM EST02:46
lstarneshoonteke: no02:46
hoontekeheh, thanks partypants.  :-)02:46
hoontekelstarnes: any reason why no?02:46
mikeruwhen the mirrors finish downloading the iso images from the pool02:46
lstarneshoonteke: the mirrors have to be set up02:46
hoontekemikeru: ah, makes sense.02:46
slingerI'm guessing all the packages are already at the release version, why not just upgrade to the new version?02:46
lstarneshoonteke: predicting how long it takes to set up mirrors isn't an exact science02:47
Helsinkiiii need someone to tell me their AlsaMixer setting asap02:47
Guest11603GX270 graphics drivers for ubuntu 8.1002:47
Helsinkiiimy mic isnt working02:47
hoontekelstarnes: yep, I hadn't thought about that mirrors bit.  makes sense.02:47
Lintno, it doesn't work even after relog.02:47
lstarnesLint: which edition of ubuntu are you using?02:47
lstarneshoonteke: there could also be critical bugs that need last-minute patching02:48
volantei accidently blew away /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf - owned by the module-init-tools package.  how can i recover the base version of that file?02:48
volantecos my system is a fresh install of 9.1002:48
ZykoticK9Lint, when you ran "sudo gpasswd -a user admin" you did replace "user" with you username you wanted right?02:48
partypantsHow does one set a drive to automatically mount when ubuntu starts up?02:48
hoontekelstarnes: depending on what you mean, yep, usually there are.02:48
mikeruIf I'm  running karmic RC, updating is a dist updgrade or just newer packages for my system02:48
ZykoticK9partypants, fstab02:48
Lintsure I did, I am member of admin group02:48
lstarnesLint: desktop or server?02:48
Sapotepartypants: /etc/fstab02:48
lstarnesLint: then adding to the admin group should work02:49
hoontekelstarnes: if yo umean with the distro itself, I tend to wait about a month before I upgrade02:49
ZykoticK9Lint, in a terminal type "groups" does it list "admin"?02:49
hoontekethen it's about an hour to install and update all the bugs since found.02:49
Lintyes, like I said02:49
partypantshmm... fstab: command not found02:50
partypantsduh nvm02:50
Sapotepartypants: fstab is not a command02:50
ZykoticK9partypants, fstab is a file /etc/fstab - you need to edit it with the drives you want to mount02:50
volantecan anyone help?  where do i find the .deb file for module-init-tools for karmic02:51
murchersonhi folks where can i find the flash executable in my filesystem02:51
zozoziwhat's a really small ubuntu distro that will run on qemu?02:51
Lintubuntu is bloated like hell02:52
usserzozozi, install ubuntu server and go from there if you really want to go ubuntu02:52
mysoogalis there a nzb video streaming application for linux ?02:52
{Nathan}I ran the thing that tests all your hardware and when it did the video test, my screen went black. Now, when I boot, I only get a black screen. I have an Intel card. How can I fix this?02:52
volanteerm who knows about package management?  i accidently overwrote a config file from the module-init-tools package.. i want the standard version back..02:52
zozoziusser: which is smallest server install?02:52
mysoogaldoes linux have a usenet video streaming application ?02:53
Lintvolante, reconfigure?02:53
=== Guest81234 is now known as tarakan
hypegrub2 is crap02:53
volantelint, what you mean?02:53
usserzozozi, server install is as small as it gets with ubuntu, you only get a command line interface, from which you can packages you want, like xserver, a window manager etc02:53
zozozii really want a gui, dsl is ok but i'm having trouble getting it onto qemu02:53
volantelint, i think i just need to find the .deb package somewhere and extract the file from that02:53
StrangeCharmwhat's the apt command for a distro update?02:53
mbluesthanks for the help guys, have a nice evening all!02:53
zozoziusser: k thanks, i'll try that02:53
hypeupdate-manager -d02:53
mysoogalsudo apt-get isntall update02:53
macoStrangeCharm: sudo apt-get update02:54
SapoteStrangeCharm: apt-get dist-upgrade02:54
ranceUBUNTU FTW!02:54
rancelol i had to do that02:54
macoStrangeCharm: then to install them. sudo apt-get upgrade02:54
mysoogalanybody using Graboid ?02:54
hypeupdate-manager -d02:54
macoStrangeCharm: the first one i said checks for updates02:54
StrangeCharmthanks Sapote02:54
jjrevzozozi: check out TinyCore02:54
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
mysoogaldoes anybody know if ubuntu has a nzb video streaming application ?02:55
Dasdavlc streams nzb's while they download?02:56
Dasdathat is so cool02:56
Lintcan someone show what /etc/sudoers should look like?02:56
halfpintmy mouse freezes after a minute of logging in i have looked on the help forums i cant find anything that helps...02:56
halfpintits frozen now btw02:56
mysoogalhalfpink i got that also on win pro sp3 !02:57
breakmyfallany one using ati graphics02:57
hype# /etc/sudoers02:57
hype# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.02:57
hype# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.02:57
halfpintno ubuntu 9.0402:57
FloodBot2hype: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:57
mysoogaliwhen playin games mouse freeez02:57
mattgyverLint, http://pastebin.com/m71a7a28d02:57
loshamysoogal: this graboid? http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=79287902:57
halfpintmy mouse freezes just by moving it around for a minute02:58
ipauldevHi all, I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for how to monitor apache bandwidth for virtualhosts, or if there's a supported snmp module available to enable in Ubuntu?02:58
hoontekebandwidth ... not exactly, but have you seen apachetop?02:58
mattgyverDoes anybody know how to remedy 'stuck keys' in VNC?02:58
z987kI just installed 9.10RC on a new box tonight and it doesn't have shit in the repositories.  All the repos are enabled in the sources section.  Is this just something with the RC?02:58
ZykoticK9Lint, the sudoers file is to add programs that won't require Admin passwords -- you don't add users too it (in a usual manner)02:58
mysoogallosha NO graboid is a free client to usenext you download things from there !02:59
xiambax_Can someone should me how to make a bootable usb stick on macosx?02:59
loshamattgyver: I don't think I've ever had a 'stuck key' in vnc. What exactly do you mean?02:59
Dasdaso anyone know how to stream nzb's in ubuntu?02:59
brovahey guys. i have finally decided to make the switch from windows to ubuntu. i have a thinkpad and my hard drive is partitioned into 3 parts. im currently booting from USB. what i want to do is reformat my entire hard drive, or use shred command to erase all traces of vista. can anyone help me with the shred command to use ?02:59
xiambax_I used dd to do it from terminal but its not bootable02:59
mattgyverlosha, when i connect in and start typing sometimes a button will just repeat as if someone were holding down the key ,the only way to fix it is to reboot the box ;x02:59
LintZykoticK9, I've just add admin group there and now sudo works!02:59
hypewhat is an nzb?02:59
z987kbrova, all you need to do is format02:59
ZykoticK9Lint, why was the admin group not there?03:00
Dasdausenet file hype03:00
brovaz987k: in linux or in vista ?03:00
mysoogalnzb is like a container of parts of a big file03:00
need_helphey need help! can someone help me with open ssh tunnel to vnc from windows to linux box ?! i open putty and i added to tunnels: 5900:localhost:5900 and connect to vnc! is that right! thx03:00
RoastedSamba Users - Do you keep your Samba password the same as your Ubuntu system password?03:00
Knuthybrova: the Ubuntu installer gives you the option to use all your harddrive for the install, it'll erase the Vista partition and format it03:00
LintZykoticK9, how the hell I can know?03:00
mikeruI'm sooo confused about usenet03:00
z987kuh, well linux I guess03:00
mattgyverneed_help, that sounds right but your gonna VNC to localhost:590003:01
mikeruthe files are only stored on a particular usenet server, aren't they?03:01
z987kbrova, just use the partition manager in linux to format the vista parition03:01
brovaKnuthy: thank you, i will try that and see if i run into any problems :)03:01
mysoogalyou will only get on usenet if you pay for it ! but i get it for free :D03:01
loshahype: a nzb is a file that lists a bunch of other files to be downloaded, usually from usenet. A sort of alternative to torrents03:01
Knuthybrova: you wont ;)03:01
need_helpmattgyver yup03:01
need_helpmattgyver actually i wanna to make sure of what i did if it's right :)03:01
mattgyverneed_help, you may want to use as opposed to local host though, it probably wont make a difference but .. thats what i do03:01
scratchmeIs there a program like Virtual CD (a windows app) for Linux?  The specific feature I'm looking for is emulating a CD/DVD burner not just reader.03:01
phaidonxso I am trying to install a .deb file but it's complaining about a  dependency that cannot be satisfied libqt4-opengl ( >=4.5.1) From what I can tell that's only on Karmic but I am still on Jaunty, anyway to get that libqt4-opengl 4.51?03:01
mysoogalthe speeds on usenet r pretty crazy ! i hate torrents so much now03:01
brovaKnuthy: i know, i asked about shred because my college professor accidentally used it against his computer in class first week of college LOL03:01
brovahe didnt mean to hit enter haha03:02
mzuverinkI have a amd 64 bit machine, is it still necessary to install 32 bit firefox for plugin support, or have the 64 bit stuff finally catch up?03:02
Helsinkiiican someone help me get my mic working03:02
Lintphaidonx, add the karmic repository manually03:02
loshamattgyver: I've never seen that failure mode. You're sure the physical keyboard isn't faulty?03:02
mikeruumm, does somebody know a good, free usenet server?03:02
mysoogalmikeru YES03:02
need_helpmattgyver now i vnc to localhost:5900 and it work but that's a secure !right03:02
mattgyverlosha, no i have had it happen on other machines too03:02
mattgyverneed_help, yeah if your connecting localhost:port then it works03:03
z987kis there a reason 9.10RC has very little in the repositories?03:03
mikerumysooga1: yes what ?03:03
mattgyverneed_help, dont forget to remove port forwards you might have had previously though if you dont need them, thats easy to forget ;)03:03
need_helpmattgyver the localhost:port where :port= the vnc listening port of linux box! ?03:03
macoz987k: what makes you think that? also #ubuntu+103:03
mattgyverneed_help, yes i guess i should have said localhost:tunnell port03:04
phaidonxLint in /etc/apt/sources.list? which one? restricted, universe multiverse?03:04
need_helpmattgyver aha thx alot :*03:04
Lintphaidonx, main, I believe03:04
mattgyverlosha, its the damndest thing and a pain in the butt too.03:04
phaidonxLint: won't that conflict with my current jaunty source?03:04
OzzahHi guys... I have a bash script, call it run.sh - I want to cd to every subfolder in the current directory and execute run.sh. I have a lot of subdirectories in ., what is the easiest way to do it? can I somehow use find -exec ?03:04
phibxrz987k, try to switch to the main repositories instead of your local repository. some of the local ones (the danish at least) have been a bit dodgy over the past few days.03:05
Lintphaidonx, it won't unless you'll try to upgrade03:05
cordenin what time 9.10 wil be release?03:05
loshamattgyver: I can imagine. Whose client and server do you use?03:05
z987kmaco, I installed it on a new box tonight and I go to install things and the most basic packages like sshd are missing03:05
z987kphibxr, thanks, I'll look into that03:05
hypewhere u from? @ all?03:05
phaidonxLint: aha! Iam likely going to at some point... so when I need to upgrade just comment that out?03:05
macoz987k: did you hit the "reload" button in synaptic after installin?03:05
KnuthyOzzah: yes, find is the solution03:05
Lintphaidonx, yes03:05
z987kmaco, yeah they all time out03:05
macoz987k: the cd wont know whats available online, so you have to tell the machine to check the ......oh03:06
macoz987k: ok then it cant get the list of packages03:06
macoz987k: try another mirror03:06
mattgyverlosha, its x11vnc, which i might have this wrong but i believe it still is tightvnc03:06
breakmyfallHello, I have intel core 2 duo - which computer arch do i have to download 32bit version or 64bit version03:06
boblawblahwhats a cheap gigabit nic that ubuntu will auto detect?03:06
hypemirror? from ubu9.1?03:06
hypegibe me plz03:06
phibxrz987k, the closest I found was "openssh-server" when I searched for sshd though. but, still, go with the main repositories for now until things have settled down a bit. :)03:06
macoz987k: the one you're on is probably overloaded by everyone else trying to get it03:06
mattgyverlosha, x11vnc just ensures that it loads as soon as X loads03:06
OzzahKnuthy: I have never used find before... I tried just a few minutes ago, and I'm not sure how to get it do just do the 1st level of subfolders. It always returns all files in all subfolder03:06
RoastedSamba Users - Do you keep your Samba password the same as your Ubuntu system password?03:06
z987kok, thanks guys03:06
phaidonxLint: So I just added main and then sudo apt-get update and looked into synaptic and I don't see 4.5.1 :s03:07
KnuthyOzzah: does your run.sh takes a directory as parameter?03:07
mattgyverRoasted, no, not typically for security reasons.03:07
macophibxr: yeah openssh-server is the usual for that03:07
hypehttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/ <-- empty :(03:07
ZykoticK9breakmyfall, 32bit OR 64bit < your choice03:07
{Nathan}I ran the thing that tests all your hardware and when it did the video test, my screen went black. Now, when I boot, I only get a black screen. I have an Intel card. How can I fix this?03:07
macohype: not released yet!03:07
macohype: join #ubuntu-release-party03:07
mattgyverRoasted, I find it best to make a specific user for the purpose of the share03:07
Lintphaidonx, did you reload package lists? you should see many updated packages03:07
phibxrmaco, righty. not really into that stuff myself, but I guess he'll find what he's looking for at least then. :)03:07
OzzahKnuthy: no, it is just going to do some stuff in batch, as though I were typing it in the console - except that it would take forever if I did it by hand.03:07
breakmyfallZykoticK9: really, so i can download 64 bit karmic and it will work03:08
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.03:08
MikeFromCanmoreugh, that's old03:08
Roastedmattgyver - what if you just have your home directory set up to be shared through samba? So /home/matt gets shared to "Matt" on your Samba server?03:08
OzzahKnuthy: So I guess I'll need to cd to each subfolder first, and then execute run.sh from within03:08
mrcnån som vet hur jag kan fixa in compiz på ubuntu 9.1003:08
phaidonxLint: what do you mean by reload?03:08
mrce newbiee03:08
KnuthyOzzah: wait, you mean you have run.sh in each directory?03:08
MikeFromCanmoreThere is a new performance regression with recent updates on intel chipsets - anyone know about this already?03:08
loshamattgyver: Interesting: Sounds like this, no? http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=18086803:08
ZykoticK9breakmyfall, so long as it's "Core 2 DUO"03:08
mattgyverRoasted really its okay either way but some of the apps i use for whatever reason dont encrypt the password or show it, so for that reason i dont03:08
Lintphaidonx, press Reload button in Synaptic, for example03:09
breakmyfallyes it is :), thank you ZykoticK903:09
mrcoh, Im new on ubuntu 9.10, cant get compiz to work03:09
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se03:09
mysoogalanybody runnin 9.10 ? hows it goin for ACER laptops ?03:09
phaidonxaha! I hadn't hit the save button on sources.list :p03:09
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howdyhey developers, great job on 9.10. no errors with the upgrade. :0)03:09
mattgyverRoasted, lets say i have multiple users who need to connect to that share, i dont want to give out my ubuntu password, so i create another login for that purpose only, make sense?03:09
breakmyfallcompiz on ati graphics card doesn't work properly on mine03:10
mattgyverSo, for 1 Share, i might have multiple login accounts03:10
phaidonxLint: argh, still no 4.5.1 in synaptic :(03:10
KnuthyOzzah: if you can explain it more clearly it'd be better, for example where's the "run.sh" file? and do you need to run it for each subdirectory?03:10
OzzahKnuthy: no, but it's in . so I can just call ../run.sh03:10
mrccompiz not working on ubuntu 9.10 dell inspiron 940003:10
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breakmyfalli hope it will run better on karmic, it ran well on hardy tho03:10
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Roastedmattgyver - what if the only reason you have your home directory shared out is so YOU (and only you) can access it from a laptop in the house?03:10
OzzahKnuthy: yes, but it shouldn't matter if run.sh is in each sudirectory, cos I can call it using relative paths? (sorry, I'm not very good at this)03:10
mattgyverRoasted, I was just about to say if that is the case its perfectly okay to do that03:11
Roastedmattgyver - I wouldn't share out my entire home directory for anybody to use. But I have my samba account "jason" linked to /home/jason.03:11
Roastedmattgyver - the only thing was, I originally had a separate samba password than my jason ubuntu login password.03:11
mattgyverRoasted, Yeah i have just found over time thats a best practice of mine.  it also makes the administration of accounts a little smoother as things grow03:11
Roastedmattgyver - but If igured out somehow in windows credential manager I can "reset" my samba password from within windows.03:11
Roastedmattgyver - I was just curious if it was a common practice of other users to use different logins for samba/ubuntu. Not whether its the most secure, but what was the most common.03:12
KnuthyOzzah: well, find . -type d -execdir ../run.sh \;03:12
Lintphaidonx, do you see upgradable package list? is that library there?03:12
usserRoasted, samba shares your profile by default, i believe.03:12
mattgyverRoasted, honestly the most common, probably just using the users password, most people dont go the extra mile at least not for home networking reasons03:13
usserRoasted, you can access it with \\sambaserver\username03:13
Roastedusser - oh does it? I have 4 samba users set up, and the other 3 users I have shared out to sepcific directories on a 2nd hard drive, so the only home directory in use is my own. Never knew that.03:13
KnuthyOzzah: will execute run.sh from within each sub-directory (use absolute path for the run.sh)03:13
gogetahi i cant get vbox to use a real partation03:13
gogetait crashes03:13
usserRoasted, take a look at /etc/samba/smb.conf there's a default share called [Homes] setup there03:14
hoontekegogeta: what are you virtualizing?03:14
phaidonxLint: no it's not... nothing is upgradable either ..03:14
OzzahKnuthy: yeah, this is what I had before... I just tried it, it's returning all subdirectories of all subdirectories... I only want it to run in 1 sub level of ., no sub-sub levels etc03:14
gogetahoonteke: xp pro03:14
Roastedusser - Yeah, I did notice that, but I didnt use it before because of the fact I had the other 3 users sharing out on a different hard drive.03:14
hoontekegogeta: make sure you've enabled ... hold on03:14
boblawblahcan someone help me find a gigabit nic that will work with ubuntu? link to new egg gigabit nics tiny.cc/ZJ4TQ03:14
KnuthyOzzah: use maxdepth03:14
boknoyhi guys how to disable changing wallpaper?03:14
KnuthyOzzah: -maxdepth 103:14
mattgyverlosha, funny, a user even writes this issue only happens when VNC server is configured as a service, which is what ive done03:14
Roastedusser - I suppose using "homes" with samba is the way to go if you have a HUGE network though, with a lot of users. That way you only have 1 entry of homes and it auto-links each user to their cooresponding home directory.03:15
Lintphaidonx, strange, it worked for me some time ago... do you see a new repository in 'Software Sources'?03:15
boknoynautilus btw03:15
gogetahoonteke: i ran the vdmk to point to dev/sdb it said that was good but vbox will not use the hdd crashes when finding it03:15
crafmatiki wish there was a way to make xchat prettier.03:15
mMezquitalea fresh install of hardy freezes after I log in.  I login and I see the mouse pointer but nothing else happens, I'm seeing a blue screen and the machine is completely frozen03:15
Roastedusser - whereas I currently have, pam - /media/storage/pam, curt - /media/storage/curt, tyler - /media/storage/tyler, etc. But I only have 3 so its not a headache :P03:15
OzzahKnuthy: and 1 last question about find... how do I match the directories with a regex? for example, I need to match something like run??-*03:15
hoontekegogeta: In VBox, I think it's Settings->Motherboard->Enable IO APIC03:15
ZykoticK9gogeta, i'd recommend asking in #vbox instead of #ubuntu03:15
loshamattgyver: that would explain why I've never seen it in decades of vnc use...03:15
KnuthyOzzah: -name , or -iname03:15
hoontekegogeta: crashes, or just doesn't boot the VM?03:15
mattgyverlosha, yeah, its really wierd and annoying.  Especially when your in the middle of something important03:15
usserRoasted, well, with samba you usually set it up as a domain controller, and it stores all usernames and their homes on the samba servers03:15
usser*samba server03:16
loshamattgyver: looks like this bug's been there for a while. Can you work around it?03:16
Roastedusser - yeah. I've never set up samba as a domain controller. I just used samba so the windows boxes at home could network to my ubuntu box. Then I tossed in a pair of 250gb hard drives for those users to use as backup space. So I kinda used old HDDs + my pc + samba to be a NAS.03:16
OzzahKnuthy: it keeps saying "find: paths must precede expression"03:16
gogetahoonteke: xp installer gets to scanning hd then vbox has crashed03:16
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases03:17
gogetavm hulted03:17
KnuthyOzzah: what did you type?03:17
mattgyverlosha, well if restarting the box via ssh is a work around then yes :)03:17
boknoyany idea on how to disable changing the wallpaper of nautilus?03:17
hoontekegogeta: if vbox is actually crashing, then I don't know.  If ti's just halting, and not booting XP further, then I think enabling IO APIC will fix the issue.03:17
usserRoasted, yea its perfectly reasonable for a small sized network, thats pretty much the setup i have here03:17
OzzahKnuthy: I'm not running the executable yet, just testing the find... I ran: find . -name run??-* -type d -maxdepth 103:17
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loshamattgyver: well, I was thinking more not running it as a service (not sure what that means. You mean it starts from xinetd?)03:17
KnuthyOzzah: put the regexp (of the name) between " "03:18
mattgyverlosha, yes03:18
mattgyverlosha, it allows me to login from the GDM03:18
lekremyelsewhey everybody03:18
OzzahKnuthy: brilliant :) Thanks :)03:18
KnuthyOzzah: you can also replace the -maxdepth by a -d03:18
gogetaall idel in vbox lol03:18
phaidonxLint: argh, stupid me ... I added ppa.launchpad instead of the actual karmic main. Thanks!03:18
boknoyno ideas on disabling wallpaper change with nautilus?03:19
loshamattgyver: what about a kludgy workaround, e.g. can you ssh in and start x11vncserver by hand03:19
Knuthydoes anyone know when the 190.42 nvidia driver will be fully supported on the 9.10?03:19
mattgyverYeah but, honestly its hit or miss with the sticky key03:19
OzzahIs there any easy way to replace all instances of a string in a text file with another string from the command line?03:19
phibxrKnuthy, what do you mean with fully supported?03:19
KnuthyOzzah: sed command03:19
mattgyverlosha, id be more apt to figure out how to, i dont know if its possible, but disconnect the keyboard and reconnect it somehow03:19
mattgyvervia ssh03:20
Knuthyphibxr: avaible in the package manager, and no black screen after install :)03:20
phibxrKnuthy, I grabbed it from Nvidias site, ran the installer and had it working out of the box after a fresh install. :)03:20
boknoyor at least disabling changing the background assigned by kdesktop/plasma/xfdesktop or feh?03:20
usserOzzah, sed -e 's/hello/bye/g'03:20
loshamattgyver: the postings said something about a newer server version being fixed? Maybe you need to download and build the latest server and use it instead?03:20
Knuthyphibxr: I've a GT 230M , only supported from the 190.42 driver, not earlier drivers03:20
Knuthyand it's not working with it :/03:20
lekremyelsewWhere is the file that contains Nvidia graphics card settings?03:21
mattgyverlosha, ill have to do that.  I also read that there is a key fix or soemthing, some option you can run it with03:21
mattgyveri might be able to do that too03:21
[1]Voidjust installed jaunty, having problems installing drivers for an atheros wifi card, ar242x chipset, tried many drivers including ath5k, madwifi, ndiswrapper all of which result in connectivity however VERY slow/timeouts.. wired is fullspeed 100mbit working with no problems. is there anything else i can do?03:21
phibxrKnuthy, I'm using the 190.42 drivers, but since it's a development version (I think?) I doubt it will be included in the official repositories for a while.03:21
usserOzzah, ie cat filename | sed -e 's/<string>/<otherstring>/g'03:21
Knuthyoh :(03:21
nicki downloaded something that i have to compile. i have build-essential installed, but ./configure is not working ? what can be the problem?03:21
uvacavanyone know if are any custom themes for the new login page? (im assuming you cant use old gdm themes)03:22
mattgyverlosha, well back to the grind, thanks for your suggestions man, your the man03:22
mattgyver(or woman)03:22
ZykoticK9nick, could you pastbin the output/error(s)?03:22
Ward012Could someone please help? Everytime I use xvideo output it screws up the display in nautilus. Now i can't use cheese or totem.03:22
x4556anyone know where the rhythm box database is stored. cant find it in .gnome03:22
rancecan somebody private chat me if u know python03:22
loshamattgyver: :-)03:22
nickZykoticK9: ./configure: No such file or directory03:22
MorkBorkwhen does update-manager -d start giving you the final version of karmic?03:23
Knuthyusser: you should use directly the file name at the end of the sed, to replace inside the file03:23
ZykoticK9nick, perhaps it doesn't need a ./configure?  what program is it?03:23
CPrgmSwR2Does anyone here have a hp pravillion03:23
gogetaah there sayin downgrade03:23
gogetaguess its a bug03:23
nickZykoticK9: qtractor, and it does. compiles well on mac os x.03:23
kisukedoes any one know how to get youtube to work on totem03:24
usserKnuthy, yea i know i just didnt want him to accidently screw something up in the file03:24
LadI just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my desktop on the second harddrive and im going to be dropping vista and going to ubuntu i was curious why when i boot it up after the install i can get wired internet but when i am in windows it works, Im not sure where to begin any help?03:24
usserKnuthy, so i suggested a dry run03:24
Knuthyok :)03:24
KnuthyI see ^^, sry03:24
CPrgmSwR2Lad: are you saying there  your wireless internet is not working?03:25
ZykoticK9nick, did you cd into the directory first?  ./configure works for me -- until it errors out on "/lib/cpp fails sanity check"03:25
LadCPrgmSwR2: sorry cant get wired internet03:25
x4556anyone know where the rhythm box database is stored. cant find it in .gnome03:25
MorkBorkin ubuntu type lspci03:25
MorkBorksee what kind of nic you have03:25
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntuone03:25
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nickZykoticK9: i have the svn version. you probably need build-essential. thats why its giving that error for you03:26
Ward012kisuke: It might be possible if you use the xine version of totem and maybea plugin03:26
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hoontekex4556: look in ~/.local/, I think.03:26
ZykoticK9nick, you're right!  i don't have build-essential - shame on me, guess i haven't had to compile anything in a long time03:27
x4556hoonteke, yep, thanks03:27
CPrgmSwR2Lad: In other words you are not able to access the internet03:27
LadCPrgmSwR2: correct :D03:27
Dheydeorry what the discussion about ?03:27
Ward012bye everyone03:27
CPrgmSwR2Lad: What computer do you have03:27
[1]Voidany atheros driver experts out there?03:28
luigijust a question: tune2f work in EXT4 to?03:28
usserluigi, latest versions of it, starting from jaunty03:28
LadCPrgmSwR2: nVidia 680i LT SLI, q6600, 2gb ram, 500gb sata, 8800gt03:28
loshaluigi: tune2fs: apparently it does...03:28
luigilosha, i'm triyng to remove a lot of space of reserved block in a new HD but it seem doesn't work!03:29
BlacKnightbtw, i have a ntfs drive with 86 bad sectors... if I formate it with linux, they will dissapear? at least the warning ?03:29
CPrgmSwR2Lad: can you boot up into linux and run lspci?03:29
LadI can however i will lose connection here03:30
ZykoticK9nick, so now it's getting to Qt 4.1 required and i'm not installing KDE to continue testing.  I'd try the source download though if svn still isn't working for ya.  best of luck.03:30
LadCPrgmSwR2: I can however i will lose connection here03:30
mickster04BlacKnight, from what i know bad sectors mean damaged hard drive no?03:30
CPrgmSwR2Lad: I am wanting to know what your ethernet controller is03:30
BlacKnightya, those places in the harddrive that you cant use because they are damaged03:31
loshaluigi: is that an ext4 feature?03:31
BlacKnightthanks to windows lol03:31
LadCPrgmSwR2: if you can wait about 5 minutes i will return with the output, are there any other steps i should take at this time?03:31
luigilosha,  sudo tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sdd2 do you think this is the rigth sintax?03:31
mickster04BlacKnight, then i suggest yu replace it03:31
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mickster04BlacKnight, then i suggest you replace it*03:31
BlacKnighti'm backing up files atm, but i wanted to know if it worth to format it03:31
CPrgmSwR2not until we figure out what kinda ethernet hardware you have03:31
luigilosha, i hope!!! otherwise i had come back in ext3! :)03:32
mickster04BlackFate, seeing as the sectors are damaged it usually means the HDD's failing so theres little point03:32
loshaluigi: the syntax looks right. Is there an error message?03:32
mgmuscari1is there some way that i can revert my system back to the state it was in a week ago?03:32
mgmuscari1roll back all the updates that have been pushed out since then03:32
CPrgmSwR2jeffrey17: are you a gentoo fan03:32
BlacKnightBlacknight* xD03:33
mgmuscari1somebody broke iwlagn03:33
luigilosha, not at all.. nay message! but rescanning my device they have the same space reserved! 11GB in reserved space it's terrible!03:33
BlacKnightwell, i been using that hdd since january with those bad sectors03:33
mgmuscari1and it got pushed out with 9.04 updates03:33
BlacKnightwindows runs really slow, but under windows it works good03:33
BlacKnightunder linux*03:33
loshaluigi: well, 5% reserved is normal...03:33
ABobawill we be able to zsync the RC1 iso to full 9.10 at launch?03:33
zozozioh wow a 12MB iso ... perfect03:33
mickster04BlacKnight, good point:P03:33
mickster04BlacKnight, well i wouldnt trust it with anything03:34
x4556is 9.10 released?03:34
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party03:34
luigilosha, i have just data in this HD... i wish use all the HD...03:34
BlacKnightwa, my linux drive is 40gb... the damaged drive is 500 gb!03:34
CPrgmSwR2I lost sound on karmic kolla03:34
BlacKnighti'll use it and risk all the new data kthx :p03:35
loshaluigi: I understand. I don't know why it doesn't work. I've never used it myself...03:35
luigilosha, thx anyway!!03:35
kn1000how can i check a programs dependancies that arent preinstalled on ubuntu03:36
luigiusser, have you any idea about tune2f?03:36
Flannelkn1000: synaptic lists dependencies, apt-cache show package will show them too03:36
usserluigi, what about it?03:36
OzzahI'm trying to use sed to replace the a string match in a file with another, but the replacement text is in a variable $f - it's not replacing with the contents of $f as a variable, but rather with $f itself... any ideas?03:36
kn1000Flannel: yeah, but that lists ALL deps, i only want the deps that arent preinstalled with ubuntu03:36
webbb821hey what is everyones favorite online note taking apps03:37
Flannelkn1000: weed out those that are installed (you can list what's installed by dpkg -l)03:37
kn1000i remember there was a site for it, that asked you what metapackage you had, and then compared the packages installed with that metapackage to the deps the program needed03:37
rancedoes anybody know python-twitter the api for python03:37
loshaOzzah: it depends on the kind of quotes you use (I'm not making this up!). What is your command line?03:37
Flannelkn1000: Or, another really easy way to do it is to simulate an install.03:37
luigiit seem doesnt work.. sudo tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sdd2, any error message, but rescanning my HD i have always 11 GB in reserved space!03:37
kn1000Flannel: i am not on ubuntu :(03:37
usserwebbb821, ssh to my home server, and put the note in the text file03:37
usserwebbb821, :)03:37
RoastedQuestion - How can you change the sudo timer? Say I want to set up an Ubuntu lab but I don't want sudo rights to stick around 10 minutes after I put the PW in to do something. How would I change that?03:37
kn1000Flannel: its for wicd, since i cant connect to the net without it,03:38
Flannelkn1000:  http://apt.alturl.com/03:38
Ozzahlosha: sed -i 's/999.999/$f/g' $r-$f/OBSERVATION.DAT03:38
Flannelkn1000: Package list for what's installed by default is available as the .manifest file for your desktop isos03:38
kn1000Flannel: thanks! been looking for that site all night03:38
usserRoasted, dont give the users sudo rights at all03:38
usserRoasted, create another user and remove him from the admin group03:39
loshaOzzah: use double quotes to get $f substituted: sed -i "s/999.999/$f/g" $r-$f/OBSERVATION.DAT03:39
Ozzahlosha: Thanks :)03:39
cordenguys how many hours lift before the release of 9.10?03:39
loshaOzzah: try it before you thank me :-)03:39
Ozzahlosha: I already did, and it works great :)03:40
loshaOzzah: cool..03:40
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ZykoticK9corden, it's not a set time -- feel free to ask in #ubuntu-release-party03:40
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Viggleikwhere to download Ubuntu 9.10?  I need link :D <303:41
mgmuscari1omg people...03:41
ZykoticK9corden, be sure to ask what time it comes "out" ;)03:41
comp_What's a good netbook?03:41
comp_I'm looking to buy a netbook03:41
mgmuscari1!isitout | Viggleik03:42
ubottuViggleik: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!03:42
cordenZykoticK9, i believe that the release adte was based on uk not in us right?03:42
loshaRoasted: check out -k and -K for sudo03:42
cordensince it only 28 in us now03:42
ZykoticK9corden, it's isn't an established time - so it doesn't matter what time zone your in -- they just say the 29th03:43
loshaZykoticK9: whether it's ready or not...03:43
sun`it's status is 'coming soon'.03:43
cordenZykoticK9, oh boy :) cause it's 29 here in philippines :D03:43
gogetayou can cheat the system03:43
gogetaget beta upgrade03:43
crypto__any teracopy alternative for ubuntu03:44
crypto__It would really be a lot of help if i can get a teracopy alternative for ubuntu03:44
Roastedusser - I'm just thinking out loud here with that idea. What if I'm in a huge network environment where users log in with domain accounts from openLDAP or whatever. So there's not any local accounts, just domain accounts taht can access the machine. How would I remove them from sudoers group?03:44
spiderQuick question-- i have both ubuntu and vista. I want to remove ubuntu (temporarily) so i'll delete it's partition. Will this cause the grub menu getting confused and not letting me boot? If so, what's a good way to approach this?03:45
kisukedoes any one know how to get the youtube function in totem working i search and then start something and get "unspecified gstreamer error"03:45
crypto__any teracopy alternative for ubuntu03:45
gogetagod what was that trygger03:45
mgmuscari1spider: as long as grub doesn't reside on the same partition (i.e. you have a separate partition for /boot), it'll just fail when you try to use the ubuntu boot option03:45
spidermgmuscari1: im not sure if that's the case -- how can i check?03:46
gogetaspider: thers a grublive cd that can restore the windows boot as well as the windows cd itsself03:46
usserRoasted, accounts from domain are not added to any local group by default, at least not when i tried it with active directory here, ie any domain group memberships are not mapped locally, domain admins are not local admins03:46
Flannelspider: You'll want to reinstall the vista bootloader first03:46
Roastedusser - ah okay, so by default its already doing the job I want.03:46
usserRoasted, are you using domain?03:46
mgmuscari1spider: run the command 'mount'03:46
Roastedusser - not at home. It was just a "what if I ran Ubuntu at work" thought03:47
Roastedusser - I work for a large school district, so at work we have a domain and all of that garbage.03:47
usserRoasted, kudos to  you, i work in a similar environment :)03:47
spidermgmuscari1: OK-- what should i look for in the output?03:47
loshacrypto__: I mostly use rsync for copying. Occasionally dump/restore for entire filesystems...03:47
mgmuscari1 /boot on a separate partition03:47
Roastedusser - do you guys have any linux labs there?03:48
gogetaRoasted: best way to get around all secrty is a vpg03:49
usserRoasted, even though the groups are not mapped automatically, you can still refer to them once the machine was joined to the domain. ie you can add <domain>/Domain Admins in your /etc/sudoers and assign whatever permissions you want to it, sudo is pretty flexible03:49
Roastedusser - yeah. I understand.03:49
spidermgmuscari1: hmm.. i don't see "boot" anywhere there.03:49
crypto__hello hello hello03:49
Roastedhey usser - gonna fire another question at you here03:49
crypto__Is there anybody in there03:49
LadWho was assisting me with my network issue and had me run lspci?03:49
crypto__just nod if you can hear me03:50
crypto__is there anyone home03:50
usserRoasted, i started deploying a couple of machines for a specific purpose, kiosk stations. the machines are joined to the domain(for dns resolution to work properly) but i didnt need user authentication03:50
Caliginousis there a recommended pdf viewer?03:50
ranceNOD NOD NOD03:50
usserRoasted, so far we have 30 linux stations03:50
crypto__so u can help me now03:50
rancelol yeah03:50
crypto__do u know a tera copy alternative for ubuntu03:50
rancea wha....03:50
crypto__a client for copy pasting03:50
usserRoasted, sure fire away03:50
loshacrypto__: There isn't one: I mostly use rsync for copying. Occasionally dump/restore for entire filesystems...03:50
ranceo no lol03:51
Roastedusser - I'm playing with a 2nd samba file server I have here. I put in two 80gb drives and added them to fstab. They mount fine. As a test, I disconnected one of the 80gb drives and booted to see if I'd get an error when I booted up since the one 80gb drive wouldn't be present. I was trying to duplicate a problem I had before on another machine, that errored out when Ubuntu booted up and required me to hit CONTROL D to bypass and log03:51
Roasted in, acknowledging I saw the terminal looking error.03:51
B1ouBlou:::... http://2tu.us/zyq musica a full con el baile del koala ...:::03:51
mageosGood evening all.  I have an email question on Ubuntu Server.  I am sure there is an easy answer, I just don't know where to begin.03:51
B1ouBlou:::... El topic para #ubuntu-release-fiesta es Fiesta Fiesta!! Traigan las nenas asi tenemos el  baile del koala http://2tu.us/zyq que viene el ubuntu nuevo! /join #ubuntu-release-fiesta03:51
B1ouBlou:::... El topic para #ubuntu-release-fiesta es Fiesta Fiesta!! Traigan las nenas asi tenemos el  baile del koala http://2tu.us/zyq que viene el ubuntu nuevo! /join #ubuntu-release-fiesta03:51
m4rtIx:::... http://2tu.us/zyq musica a full con el baile del koala ...:::03:51
CPrgmSwR2Lad: are you back03:51
FloodBot2B1ouBlou: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:51
m4rtIx:::... El topic para #ubuntu-release-fiesta es Fiesta Fiesta!! Traigan las nenas asi tenemos el  baile del koala http://2tu.us/zyq que viene el ubuntu nuevo! /join #ubuntu-release-fiesta03:51
FloodBot2m4rtIx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:51
m4rtIx:::... El topic para #ubuntu-release-fiesta es Fiesta Fiesta!! Traigan las nenas asi tenemos el  baile del koala http://2tu.us/zyq que viene el ubuntu nuevo! /join #ubuntu-release-fiesta03:51
Magu1la:::... http://2tu.us/zyq musica a full con el baile del koala ...:::03:51
Magu1la:::... El topic para #ubuntu-release-fiesta es Fiesta Fiesta!! Traigan las nenas asi tenemos el  baile del koala http://2tu.us/zyq que viene el ubuntu nuevo! /join #ubuntu-release-fiesta03:51
FloodBot2Magu1la: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:51
Roastedusser - But I think my error when was a bad SATA Cable, cause I did swap it out and never got it again. Well, anyway, I just booted this 2nd machine up with ONE of the two drives disconnected, but BOTH did not mount. Why is that?03:51
Kwanne:::... http://2tu.us/zyq musica a full con el baile del koala ...:::03:51
Kwanne:::... El topic para #ubuntu-release-fiesta es Fiesta Fiesta!! Traigan las nenas asi tenemos el  baile del koala http://2tu.us/zyq que viene el ubuntu nuevo! /join #ubuntu-release-fiesta03:51
FloodBot2Kwanne: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:51
Juch1pilo:::... http://2tu.us/zyq musica a full con el baile del koala ...:::03:51
Juch1pilo:::... El topic para #ubuntu-release-fiesta es Fiesta Fiesta!! Traigan las nenas asi tenemos el  baile del koala http://2tu.us/zyq que viene el ubuntu nuevo! /join #ubuntu-release-fiesta03:51
Flynsarmylol you'd think they'd speak in english considering its an english channel03:52
rsteamWhat's English?03:52
thedude42Roasted, do you use the uuid's in /etc/fstab or are you using /dev/sdXXX for the devices?03:52
Roastedthedude42 - UUID03:53
spaztikanyone know of a good real time effects for doing like funny voices or echos?03:53
Roastedthedude42, usser - more or less I have two IDE 80gb drives on 1 IDE cable - the slave one being disconnected. If both are present, fstab mounts both. If 1 is present, it doesnt mount any.03:53
LadWhere can i look for wireless USB card drivers?03:53
ScottGIs there a way to modify file system metadata on files?03:53
thedude42Roasted, have you gone through dmesg after booting to see if there is any reference to mounting either drive?03:53
Roastedthedude42, usser - I guess I'm just asking - why?03:53
Roastedthedude42 - I have not, let me check it quick03:53
usserspaztik, just use pulseaudio, you'll get a whole bunch of effect right out the box, crackling,stuttering you name it03:53
almoxarifeLad: look in the package manager03:54
thedude42Roasted, do these happen to be western digital drives?03:54
mageosI have an ubuntu server that I would like to configure to send mail.  I already have another server that is handling the mail for the domain, but I would like services that send emails to be able to route email through my current mail server.  I thought about using postfix, but that may be overkill. Any suggestions?03:54
usserRoasted, could be your bios not detecting the other drive, maybe you have some fancy cable select going on there03:54
Roastedthedude42 - one is, one is seagate one is western digital03:54
usserRoasted, ie when one drive is unplugged the other is not detected03:54
loshaRoasted: also, some crazy drives need a 'master without slave' setting...03:55
spidergogeta: grublive cd?03:55
usserRoasted, yea what losha said03:55
Roastedlosha - let me make SURE what my jumper settings are quick. I thought I was CS on both tho.03:55
spaztikusser, hmm. i wasn't looking for a sound server per say03:55
thedude42Roasted, for western digital IDE drives, if it is single drive on an ide cable you have to have either cable select or NO JUMBER03:55
gogetaspider: supergrub its called03:55
spaztikusser, i wanted something more stand alone :S03:55
Roastedthedude42 - the WD drive is actually the disconnected one in this case, leaving the seagate by itself.03:55
usserspaztik, i was joking, sorry03:55
Caliginousis there a nice pdf viewer?03:55
usserCaliginous, evince, okular, xpdf03:55
gogetaspider: it can fix both grub and windows mbr03:55
thedude42Roasted, check to see if the seagate has something similar.... I personally hate seagate ATA drives and have had complete unreliability as the halmark of my seagate ATA experience03:56
ZykoticK9Caliginous, acroread (adobe's pdf viewer) is available if you have the ?partner repo enabled03:56
jhass8405 minutes!03:56
zedsterI have a share on my win7 box that does not need a pw, yet when I try to open if from ubuntu a pw dialogue opens, anyone know what I can do to fix this? It was working fine untill I ran a update on windows03:56
CaliginousZykoticK9: i;ll grab it view package mgr maybe it will enable whatever is needwed03:56
loshaRoasted: I've also had odd experiences with cables. If you have a spare cable, it's worth trying...03:57
gogetazedster: leave the pw empty03:57
Brando753guys is there a Visual (in the sense i can design a GUI then input code into it by clicking the buttons that will execute something) Programing tool for ubuntu (DONT SAY GAMBAS it dosent work)03:57
zedstergogeta: it won't let me hit ok03:57
spidergogeta: OK so this means that i can go ahead and remove ubuntu partition, and when i can't boot use the grub live cd (http://www.supergrubdisk.org/index.php?pid=5 ) ? and it'll be straighforward as to what to do then?03:57
thedude42Brando753, what do you mean by 'programming tool'?03:57
Roastedlosha, usser, thedude42 - Its not a problem at all. I just happened to notice it when trying to duplicate another issue I ran into and noticed it. I wasnt sure if it was a cable/jumper thing or an Ubuntu/fstab thing.03:58
zedstergogeta: correction, I get nothing03:58
WeleI have ubuntu 9.01 installed in my laptop, it was working fine , but 2 days ago the xserver stopped working (I just see a small circle blipping)Could anyone help me fix this  ?03:58
zedsterI even try my win pws03:58
Caliginousapt-get could not find acroread03:58
zedsterits a media center so I leave it open for the local network03:58
gogetaspider: its pretty straght forward03:58
kevdogCaliginous: Do you have all the repositories enabled?03:58
gogetaspider: i would use the grub cd first03:59
Roastedlosha, usser, thedude42 - whcih brings me to another question. Once on my PC I had booted up and been prompted with an old, full screen terminal with a bunch of garbage about fstab and requiring me to hit CONTROL D to bypass it and log in. I later found out I had a bad SATA cable. But I thought it was telling me when logging in that a drive in fstab was not present when I booted Ubuntu. If a drive is not present that is in fstab, are03:59
Roasted you supposed to get any errors, or does it simply just not attempt mounting?03:59
Caliginouskevdog: unsure let me check via the syntaptic pkg mgr03:59
gogetaspider: remove the mbr then use the ubuntu live cd to remove the partation03:59
thedude42Roasted, fstab is going to attempt to mount with the parameters it sees.... so if you have a /dev/sdXXX or UUID=xxxxxx as the device, and that device isn't present when fstab is read, then the device simply does not get mounted03:59
polarbearhow much longer until karmic!!! :P03:59
kevdogCaliginous: or just open up and look at /etc/apt/sources.list03:59
Roastedthedude42 - but it doesnt bombard you with any errors, right03:59
spidergogeta: what will happen if i use it first? will it be able to boot?03:59
gogetaspider: pretty easy slect the start with help then slect windows and fix windows boot04:00
usserRoasted, yes it will report errors, but it wont stop the boot process, unless its unrecoverabe, ie cannot mount / filesystem of something similar04:00
ubuntu_when does 9.10 come out04:00
Roastedthedude42 - I'm just trying to figure out if the bad SATA cable was why I got that error before. I thought it was casue fstab didnt detect one of my drives.04:00
WeleI have ubuntu 9.01 installed in my laptop, it was working fine , but 2 days ago the xserver stopped working (I just see a small circle blipping)Could anyone help me fix this  ?04:00
thedude42Roasted, it will show an error in some cases, depending on what went wrong04:00
Caliginousnopers I dont!!!04:00
polarbearubuntu_: comes out today. i dunno what time tho :/04:00
Roastedusser, thedude42, losha - BTW It was a jumper issue. I adjusted the jumper on the Seagate drive and now I have 1 drive mounted as expected.04:00
loshaRoasted: I think I agree with thedude42. If you *fail* an fsck however, you'll end up in recovery mode requiring ctrl-D or a root login...04:00
gogetaspider: yea it should boot stragt into vista04:00
ubuntu_thats what i thought. i keep refreshing ubuntu.com04:00
loshaRoasted: bah, hardware. Ruins your nails...04:01
Caliginousis it "sudo apt-get install AcroRead" ?04:01
polarbearthe countdown image is now: Coming soon! instead of 1 day04:01
spidergogeta: alright so to make sure i understand: I use grubcd first and remove mbr. Then, it will only boot vista. AFter that i remove ubuntu partitions with ubuntu live cd and everything is easy after that.04:01
Roastedlosha - is it possible that a routine fsck was attempted on my main drive and it failed due to a bad SATA cable? I was having mixed results booting too. Sometimes grub would error out. Other times I'd reboot and grub would boot Ubuntu fine. As I said, it was my SATA cable, but I'm just trying to learn what I can about what happened that day.04:01
Latoid1Здрасте. есть специалисты по sed&04:01
gogetaspider: once you remove ad resize your done lol04:02
ZykoticK9Caliginous, it's "sudo apt-get install acroread" - once you have the partner repo enabled04:02
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:02
Ed54лол што?04:02
gogetaspider: sense i assume you whant the space for windows04:02
Blerghis there a designated ubuntu help channel?04:02
lstarnesBlergh: this is it04:02
ZykoticK9Blergh, you're in it :)04:02
polarbearthe forums :P04:02
Blerghoh phew04:02
loshaRoasted: yes, it's very possible a bad cable would ruin an fsck. If I were you, I would now check the SMART data for the drives and see if they look healthy...04:02
Blerghpfft forums04:02
Blerghmaybe if I want to wait a week for an answer04:03
spidergogeta: ok but i got the grub stuff correct right? After doing this it'll only boot vista without any menu. Hehe, well i don't really think i will resize it because i'll do a fresh ubuntu install after all that.04:03
dibscan I switch my evelution for thunderbird in koala and ubuntu one's dialogue04:03
Roastedlosha - how do I run SMART?04:03
CaliginousI do: /etc/apt/sources.list04:03
Caliginousdeb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu jaunty partner04:03
Caliginousdeb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu jaunty partner04:03
Caliginousbut it ainb;t working04:03
FloodBot2Caliginous: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:03
polarbearforums you may wait like 1hr for an answer :P04:03
gogetaspider yep04:03
zedsteryes geting the rtfm /|/008 in under 5 min is grand :-)04:03
polarbearhow many more hours until karmic!!! :D :D :D04:03
Blerghmay not be specifically ubuntu related, but I've just installed lighttpd and am wondering what the best option is to give users access to /var/www04:04
Caliginousstill not finding mank04:04
Blerghmake a user group and add the users?04:04
gogetaspider: you can leave leave the partation alone then if your gonna use it again04:04
gogetaspider: just format the partation when you reinstall04:04
loshaRoasted: you need to install the smartmontools package. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T. then http://gsmartcontrol.berlios.de/home/index.php/en/About04:04
Caliginousmaybe I should reboot?04:04
Roastedlosha - are these brand dependent on certain hard drives? Cause I have 4 drives in my main rig that Im talking about - 2 WD, 2 Seagate04:05
Latoid1Hello. Are there any specialists in sed?04:05
kevdogCaliginous:  did you chankge your list??  If so sudo aptitude update04:05
ZykoticK9Caliginous, "sudo apt-get update"04:05
armenceHow can I add a specific directory to $PATH ? Specifically a bin directory in my home folder?04:05
kevdogLatvid1: I know basic sed04:05
zedsterok, I see two threads about the win7 share with ubuntu issues, but no answer and both are dead. Anyone know the fix?04:05
ZykoticK9armence, add it to .bashrc in your home folder04:05
kevdogarmence: Do you want to do this once or at boot?04:05
loshaLatoid1: ask anyway. You might get lucky...04:06
chronoshello all04:06
armencekevdog: Both04:06
chronosplz, how I can solve this, http://pastebin.com/m6d9a4ff704:06
LegendarioI've downloaded the netbook remix iso from releases.ubuntu.com but I am having difficulty to write it on a usb drive. Isn't it supposed to be an img file?04:06
Caliginoustanks manks!04:06
spidergogeta: So.... is it possible to just start installing with a new ubuntu live cd (9.10) and just tell it to replace my 8.10 and it won't have grub problems?04:06
Latoid1losha: and others: ok. wait a while please. i'll transalte my question in English04:06
WeleI have ubuntu 9.01 installed in my laptop, it was working fine , but 2 days ago the xserver stopped working (I just see a small circle blipping)Could anyone help me fix this  ?04:06
armenceZykoticK9, How? I mean where in that file?04:07
tonyyarussoWele: There's no such thing as Ubuntu 9.0104:07
gogetaspider: yea just slect manul partating slect the old partation and check format it will whipe out 8.1004:07
Weletonyyarusso::sorry 9.104:07
Caliginouscurious, why does ubuntu window mgr look like leopard?04:07
ZykoticK9armence, you might not have one by default?  but it's ~/.bashrc04:07
spidergogeta: got it, thanks!04:07
tonyyarussoWele: 9.10 talk is still in #ubuntu+104:07
kevdogarmence:  Well to do it for the current command shell it would just be: export PATH=~/bin;$PATH04:07
armenceZykoticK9, Oh, yes, I opened the file, I'm just not sure where I should add what now that I opened it04:08
Weletonyyarusso:oh yeah, it should be 9.0404:08
gogetaspider: and grub wont be installed sence your removing it it will install a new one at that time04:08
tonyyarussoWele: :S04:08
gogetaspider: you will also be able to use format to and make it ext404:09
spidergogeta: what does ext4 mean?04:09
Flannelarmence: If ~/bin exists when you login, ~/bin should already be in your path04:09
armencekevdog: That replaced everything in the $PATH variable04:09
gogetaspider: its the newer filesystem04:09
ballawhich release server are people getting 9.10 off of? please PM me.04:09
armenceFlannel: I just created ~/bin...04:09
ballawhich release server are people getting 9.10 off of? please PM me.04:09
ballawhich release server are people getting 9.10 off of? please PM me.04:09
ballawhich release server are people getting 9.10 off of? please PM me.04:09
ballawhich release server are people getting 9.10 off of? please PM me.04:09
FloodBot2balla: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:09
gogetaspider: older used ext3 by defult04:09
* losha wonders why people do that?04:09
spidergogeta: ok so if i see an ext4 option i should go for it.04:09
Flannelarmence: If you log out/back in, you'll have it in your path already04:10
Blerghnever mind my question, I'll ask in #lighttpd04:10
gogetaspider: yea better perforance04:10
lgcHi. Last time I was around here there were 1300 users on average. Business is growing allright!04:10
kevdogarmence: export PATH=~/bin:${PATH}04:10
crypto__how can i make my TV tuner work with ubuntu04:10
gogetaspider: in 9.10 slect manual partating slect old partation and format to04:10
armenceFlannel: Is there any way to just add it to the path for now so I don't have to log out? Also so I find out how to do it...04:10
mediadatahi all...04:10
crypto__any help on this04:10
Dheydehs crypto04:11
gogetaspider: it will be a right click on the old paration04:11
Flannelarmence: Yeah. PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"04:11
lgcHow can I track the speed of my connection to any given site? I mean the latency, not the bandwidth.04:11
Blerghballa: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910overview04:11
armenceOK, thanks04:11
spidergogeta: Alright. I understand. Thanks a lot!04:11
bigfootbuiltThe Ubuntu website went from "1 day to go" to "coming soon". What's that supposed to mean?04:11
armenceFlannel, kevdog: thanks04:11
mediadatawhy my jaunty can not ping with another pc with os windows ? eth2 is up, in 1 network04:11
zedsterlgc: ping?04:11
gogetaspider: that will be a fresh install04:11
Argos__i want ubuntu today04:11
Flannelbigfootbuilt: Nothing.  It'll be out sometime within the next 32 hours04:11
spidergogeta: great.04:11
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
gogetasipder if you dont get that option you can jusr delete it and make it ext404:12
bigfootbuilt32 hours?04:12
gogetaArgos__: get beta iso upgrade hehe cheat04:12
Artemis3pretty much done, typical mirroring period, but i still hate waiting for the torrents which should be released now.04:12
tonyyarussobigfootbuilt: see topic04:12
spidergogeta: ok but if i'll do that, then i'll need to use supergrub since it'll break grub.04:12
Argos__have u been using ubuntu for ling gogeta04:12
loshamediadata: some windows systems don't respond to ping. Are you sure your does?04:13
Weletonyyarusso: any suggestion for solving my problem ?04:13
Latoid1So, i need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list04:13
Latoid1need help in creating regulae expression for sed04:13
Latoid11. do not edit strings with # at the begininig04:13
Latoid12. strings, that contains substrings "deb" или "deb-src" at the beginning and also04:13
Latoid1have "-updates" or "-backports" or "-security" or "-proposed" or04:13
gogetaspider: no a upgrade or even a frsh install will not brake grub04:13
FloodBot2Latoid1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:13
tonyyarussoWele: no, sorry04:13
gogetaspider: the installer will make the changes to grub it needs04:13
FlannelLatoid1: What are you trying to edit?04:13
lgczedster, thanks. I just tried ping which I unduly dismissed for its simplicity. It does the job in fact. However, there's some other command that tracks every hop the data has to make from origin to destiny. That's the one I'm interested on now.04:13
mediadatalosha: yes, but ubuntu can ping it self ( , win =, netmask
spidergogeta: Ah, you meant to remove it while installing.04:13
Artemis3ouch, never use proposed unless you dont mind breaking your system :P04:14
mediadatalosha: firewall is off in windows04:14
gogetaspider: but 9.10 uses grub 2 and if you have old gub it whont upgrade it it will still work however04:14
artofchoboany ideas why i got this error msg while compiling wireshark 1.0.4 " checking for pcap_open_live in -lpcap... no" cnofigure: error: Can't link with library libpcap.04:14
SpiceManmediadata: but not in your router04:14
RoastedQuestion - Say there's a folder owned by root, and I just used sudo mv to move a file inside of that folder owned by root. Well, I still own the file and I want that file tot ake on permissions of root. Is there a command in terminal to just be like sudo acceptperms and the file I own then takes on permissions of the folder its in? (which is root)04:14
mediadataSpiceMan: i do not use a route04:14
loshamediadata: can you ping the other direction: from windows to ubuntu?04:14
Flannelartofchobo: Why not use the wireshark in the repositories?04:15
mediadatalosha: can not too...04:15
gogetaspider: so if you whant the lastest of everything a total removel is nedded04:15
andrew098I have a problem: I installed xubuntu to 8 gig USB flash drive.   It boots, but refuses to update from the update manager. says "not enough free disk space"04:15
artofchoboflannel: it is missing some protocol like LLTD04:15
artofchoboflannet: that's why i do a recompilation04:15
mediadatalosha: windows - switch - ubuntu04:15
spidergogeta: and a total remove would mean using supergrub and deleting partitions using ubuntu live?04:15
loshamediadata: then you have a network/switch problem, not a ubuntu or windows problem...04:15
Latoid1So, i need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list. need help in creating regulae expression for sed. conditions: 1. do not edit strings with # at the begininig 2. strings, that contains substrings "deb" или "deb-src" at the beginning and also have "-updates" or "-backports" or "-security" or "-proposed" or  "$NAME_OF_DISTR main" substrings, need to be replaced url's within them with  "http://mirror.vladlink.lan/ubuntu". sorry for my english04:15
gogetaspider: yea04:15
oskrhi guys04:16
WeleQuestion  : I have ubuntu 9.04 installed,it was working fine , but 2 days ago the xserver stopped working (I just see a small white circle blipping)Could anyone help me fix this  ?04:16
FlannelLatoid1: Just go to Software Properties and switch mirrors through that04:16
mediadatalosha: i try with another pc win is ok but to ping ubuntu not reply04:16
artofchoboFlannel: any ideas?...04:16
Dheydewale : try configure the X04:16
andrew098Private message me about my USB Xubuntu problem please04:16
Flannelartofchobo: You'll likely need the -dev files for pcap04:16
polarbearhow many people are reloading the cdimage site for 9.10?? :P04:16
Latoid1Flannel: that is not decision for me. i am making some useful script04:17
artofchoboFlannel: I've ensured that libpcap-dev is installed04:17
Stock_TraderI just ordered the cd from shipit, although It didnt ask me if i wanted 32 or 64bit o.O04:17
WeleDheyde:I tried  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm04:17
mediadatalosha: i mean, pc win ping pc win it's reply...04:17
gogetaStock_Trader: i think there ending that program04:17
spidergogeta: ok i understand. thanks for the help, again. i gtg: bye.04:17
Welebut upon restart it I got the same errro04:18
gogetaStock_Trader: i think there only gicing them to new users now04:18
Stock_Traderi just ordered one successfully last night, but i wanted 64bit not 32bit, i wasnt given an option04:18
Stock_Traderim a new user04:18
loshamediadata: Maybe the config is wrong on the ubuntu system. What does 'sudo ifconfig -a' say?04:18
mediadatalosha: wait a second...04:18
polarbearStock_Trader: request another, or just download it04:18
crypto__Hello hello hello04:18
Weletried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg- but it did not fix my problem..04:18
gogetaStock_Trader: and people who pass em out us old users cant get em anymore lol04:18
crypto__is there anybody in there04:18
crypto__just nod if you can hear me04:19
loshagogeta: how do they know if you're "new"?04:19
andrew098Question: can I resize xubuntu partitions on a USB flash installation ?04:19
crypto__is there anyone home04:19
Stock_Traderha, well downloading isnt an option for me, hence why i ordered it via shipit04:19
gogetalosha: probly can only use it 1 time now04:19
crypto__my TV tuner not working04:19
crypto__its integrated in my lappy04:19
loshagogeta: once per street address?04:19
crypto__Dv6 1161tx04:19
gogetalosha: probly the detials didnt get relesed04:19
coordinadori am in 9.04  installed on a SDHC 4gb card in my msi wind u100 :D it works perfect04:20
gogetalosha: they just said it was getting to expensiv04:20
loshagogeta: oh right. I think I saw something about it on slashdot...04:20
gogetalosha: they are selling em now for like 5$04:20
zozozicoordinator: is it fast?04:20
mediadatalosha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/304019/04:20
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andrew098Hey, does Ubuntu / Xubuntu 9.10  work OK for everyday use ?04:21
vikasapCan anyone tell me how do I keep my terminals active when I have done a remote login via ssh ? I am getting timed out and the terminal hangs04:21
kevdogvikasap: Use screen04:21
gogetavikasap: god i forgot the command04:21
obiwan_hi, i mounted a smbfs and since then, ls'ing my home is really slow, even after disconnecting, how can i solve this without rebooting?04:21
loshacrypto__: first, you need to look up the model number of the tv card and see if it's supported...04:21
vikasapkevdog: Ah I see. Thanks. Let me figure out how04:22
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mediadatavikasap: try with screen04:22
m1k3ehey guys, has 9.10 been officially released yet?04:22
kevdogvikasap:  You might want to read a small introduction to screen -- but to start all you need to do is to type screen after you login in -- and there you go!04:22
loshamediadata: something is wrong. The eth2 should say RUNNING but it doesn't. Check the connection. Is there a light?04:22
obiwan_good quetsion m1k3e i'd really like to know i read in wikipedia today it's release date04:23
gogetavikasap: thers another that keeps it open even if you logout04:23
gogetavikasap: been so long i forgot04:23
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vikasapgogeta: Really ? Whats that ?04:23
mediadatalosha: yes, there is light on switch04:23
vikasapThanks kevdog04:23
obiwan_ok it wasn't mounted it's ok now problem solved04:23
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gogetagoogle hehe04:23
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mQQshhow can I disable javascript in firefox on ubuntu?  There is no options under the tools tab04:24
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loshagogeta: nohup? I haven't used that in years...04:24
TenshiOfJapanmQQsh, what about Edit tab, preferences?04:24
kevdognQQsh: Noscript extension works for me!04:24
loshamediadata: what does Network Manager say about eth2?04:25
gogetavikasap: ctrl d detaches the prosses and it will keep running04:25
vikasapgogeta: But that is just one program04:25
gogetavikasap: ctrl a04:25
vikasapgogeta: You cant get the session back04:25
gogetavikasap: screen -r04:25
TenshiOfJapanm1k3e, waiting for the release too :)04:25
mediadatalosha: how i run Network Manager ?04:25
mQQshtenshiofjapan: awesoem worked good thanks04:25
gogetavikasap: will get it bac04:25
mediadatalosha: i'm a beginner04:25
kevdogvikasap:  Yes screen -r  will resume the previous session04:26
mediadatalosha: i use jaunty04:26
gogetaas in resume04:26
lgcLatoid1, I've not been able to come up with such a regexp for the time being. I'm half asleep now... but why don't you try #bash? The guys there have regexps quite fresh.04:26
kevdoggogeta: nohup??04:26
LegendarioI've downloaded the netbook remix iso from releases.ubuntu.com but I am having difficulty to write it on a usb drive. Isn't it supposed to be an img file?04:27
Latoid1lgc: Thanks. i'll go there04:27
loshamediadata: I don't use jaunty or gnome, so I'm not sure. Isn't there an icon for the network in your top panel?04:27
gogetavikasap: nohup app also works04:27
tyler_dhow do I change the tty from a terminal?04:27
gogetavikasap: that can do multi apps04:27
mrbHello Guyz, what is the time expected of Ubuntu Release ?!!04:28
vikasapgogeta: But once you logout, how does the login program that you should be given the previous logged in session... Seems strange to me :)04:28
mediadatalosha: i see with webmin still up04:28
gogetavikasap: last if you forgot nohup disdown job -h jap/orpid04:28
Flannelmrb: Sometime within the next 32 hours04:28
kevdoggogeta:  Do you start nohup at the command line when you execute the program?04:28
loshavikasap: consider using vnc instead. You can run a display with terminals in it, and reconnect to it any time you like...04:28
ZykoticK9Legendario, what is the name of the iso you downloaded?  I see ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img but no ISOs for UNR.04:28
gogetavikasap: screen -r04:28
gogetakevdog: yea nohup app04:29
BionicleWhy does Linux have to be so darn crappy and annoying?  I always get the same damn problems everytime I try Linux.   VIdeo works without the video drivers, but I want the video drivers.  All I get with the video drivers is 640x480 screen resolution.04:29
mrbSo its not very soon !!04:29
BionicleCAn anyone help?04:29
vikasapgogeta: yeah , I got that now. Thanks04:29
kevdoggogeta: No hang up -- well how do you kill it then?  With kill or killall?04:29
lgcLatoid1, you're welcome.04:29
ZykoticK9Bionicle, ATI?04:29
gogetakevdog: i always did it that way04:29
LegendarioZykoticK9, http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/04:30
gogetakevdog: just killed it04:30
Bioniclenvidia geforce fx 5200 compaq mv900 monitor.04:30
LogicalDashBionicle, people are less likely to help you if you call their hobby 'crappy'.04:30
loshamediadata: I thought webmin is no longer supported?04:30
tonyyarussolosha: it's not04:30
kevdoggogeta:  Anyadvantage of nohup vs screen?04:30
ZykoticK9Legendario, sure enough - it's an ISO -- sorry I can't help you there.  Perhaps ask in #ubuntu+1 ?04:30
gogetakevdog: been to long i think with screen i can do multi04:30
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gogetakevdog: havent sshed a server in forever04:31
loshagogeta: getting old...04:31
kevdoggogeta: I mean if you are using ssh and the connection dies, and you reconnect -- how do you resume the nohup application?  And yes screen can definitely do multiple sessions04:31
tyler_dhow do I change the tty from a terminal?04:31
WeleQuestion  : I have ubuntu 9.04 installed,it was working fine , but 2 days ago the xserver stopped working (I just see a small white circle blipping)Could anyone help me fix this  ?04:31
gogetakevdog: i beleve i switched to the pid04:31
ZykoticK9tyler_d, ctrl+alt (F1-F6) ?04:32
gogetakevdog: im rusty come on04:32
tyler_dZykoticK9: any other method?04:32
kevdoggogeta: How do you switch to the process ID?  Dust off the rust?04:32
loshamediadata: can you paste your /etc/network/interfaces file?04:32
ZykoticK9tyler_d, not that I'm aware of...04:32
Tetsu_Hey!Can I ask? When the Karmic final release will release?04:32
Argos__how come ubuntu is so much smoother then windows04:32
BionicleLinux is worse than WIndows.04:33
WeleQuestion  : I have ubuntu 9.04 installed,it was working fine , but 2 days ago the xserver stopped working (I just see a small white circle blipping)Could anyone help me fix this  ?04:33
ian_macBionicle, what are you trying to accomplish from this conversation?04:33
bigfootbuiltBionicle: Sounds like you already made up your mind.04:33
kevdogBionicle is a TROLL!04:33
Tetsu_Can I use Tweak Ubuntu for Kubuntu?04:33
OmletteThen why are you here, Bionicle?04:33
LegendarioZykoticK9, what kind of channel is that?04:33
kevdogQUIT TROLLING!!!!04:33
mediadatalosha: http://paste.ubuntu.com/304023/04:33
gogetakevdog: lol ./04:33
BionicleI am here becuase I am trying to get it working.04:33
ZykoticK9Legendario, #ubuntu+1 is (for today anyways) support for 9.1004:34
BionicleI asked a question and no one is helping.04:34
gogetakevdog i hate you now04:34
ian_macwell, somebody asked you what type of vide ocard you had, I didn't see you respond04:34
LegendarioZykoticK9, thanks04:34
Name141When will the ISO be out for er.. "Karmic" I guess is the realese coming today?04:34
vikasapgogeta: You did not answer kevdog . I am waiting :D04:34
OmletteThis channel is really busy, Bionicle. You won't get an immediate response. Just try asking again.04:34
ian_macand it may be that nobody really has an idea04:34
bigfootbuiltBionicle: When you bash our little hobby here, it is less likely people will listen04:34
WeleQuestion  : I have ubuntu 9.04 installed,it was working fine , but 2 days ago the xserver stopped working (I just see a small white circle blipping)Could anyone help me fix this  ?04:34
kevdoggogeta:  Hate me because you are going to look it up :p04:34
gogetakevdog: ./scrpitname04:34
ian_macpoliteness goes a long way :)04:34
BionicleWhy does ubuntu never ork when I install the nvidia drivers is my question.04:35
Bioniclenever work04:35
kevdoggogeta: What?  That's to run a script -- not to switch the pid04:35
gogetakevdog: i havent been in text mode sence redhat 604:35
WeleQuestion  : I have ubuntu 9.04 installed,it was working fine , but 2 days ago the xserver stopped working (I just see a small white circle blipping)Could anyone help me fix this  ?04:35
BionicleIt goes to 640x480 screen resolution on me.04:35
kevdoggogeta: Hey don't blame me -- you brought it up :)04:35
realistikBionicle: What nVidia card do you have?04:35
gh0zt_afkkevdog: thanks for suggesting FreeNX the other day, i got it up and running and love it04:35
ian_macunfortunately I don't use NVidia, can't help you04:35
Tetsu_Bionicle: You can report the issues to launchpad04:36
BionicleI said that.  nvidia geforce fx 5200 with a compaq mv900 monitor04:36
Argos__hmm i  thought ubuntu is so much way better ..faster browsing etc04:36
loshamediadata: looks ok. ok, try: sudo ifconfig eth2 down; sudo ifconfig eth2 up and then see if it says RUNNING when you run sudo ifconfig -a04:36
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ubottuhandbrake is a an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. - http://handbrake.fr04:36
Tetsu_I've met this issues before04:36
kevdoggh@zt_afk:Yea FreeNX is pretty good -- not totally reliable but soooo much better than VNC!04:36
realistikFX5200 doesn't have support04:36
mediadatalosha: ok04:36
gogetabeen way to long04:36
Tetsu_Just use old update for nvidia,dont use the newest04:36
BionicleWhy not realistik?04:36
loshakevdog: what does 'not totally reliable' mean? vnc is rock solid, if slow...04:36
zedster1anyone else have a win7 box with shared folders?04:36
gogetakevdog: and no he asked how to keep a ssh sesion alive04:36
vikasapgogeta: Hardly a reason ;)04:36
BionicleI use the 173 it recomends04:36
soldatsBionicle: find the logs for xserver and see where the errors are and see what they say, if at best try to google them to see if anything comes up. most likely someone has had the same problem and has solved it04:37
mediadatalosha: eth2 still running04:37
gogetakevdog: ill leave switch to pid to you04:37
BionicleI am new to Linux.04:37
loshamediadata: but is it RUNNING according to ifconfig -a ?04:37
kevdoglosha:  vnc is solid but SLOOOOOOOW -- FreeNX -- way faster but sometimes hangs up on me -- dont know why?04:37
Tetsu_soldats:Just send up to Launchpad for Canioncal04:37
realistikBionicle: I dunno. There's supposedly an older nvidia driver that will work with an FX5200 but I was never able to get it working with mine04:37
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gogetakevdog: you can ./theappname04:37
BionicleWell, sorta new.  I keep trying it, get the same bologny and wipe it out.04:37
centHOGG<AMD64 Kuma04:37
gdbBionicle: Have you used this resource yet? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:37
loshakevdog: even tightvnc?04:37
* vikasap is out04:37
WeleQuestion  : I have ubuntu 9.04 installed,it was working fine , but 2 days ago the xserver stopped working (I just see a small white circle blipping)Could anyone help me fix this  ?04:38
mediadatalosha: yup... i check with sudo ifconfig -a, the eth2 is running04:38
soldatsTetsu_: what?04:38
kevdoglosha:  At least for me -- all vncs are slow -- I like ultravnc but tight is ok.04:38
Tetsu_Wele: Just like Bionicle04:38
gdbBionicle: Is that the 173 you're referring to?04:38
mattgyverCan you RDP into a VM running in Virtual box from an external location off the internal LAN?04:38
gh0zt_kevdog: my freenx has been up for two days now with no crash it resumes perfectly04:38
zedster1Wele: have you done a safe boot or just hit ctrl+alt+f1 and worked in termnal?04:38
BionicleThe nvidia driversion number I install is v17304:38
WeleTetsu_: what shd I do  ?04:38
kevdogYOUR LUCKY!!! and I'm JEALOUS!04:38
loshamediadata: it wasn't RUNNING last time per http://paste.ubuntu.com/304019. Has its status changed?04:39
Tetsu_Safe boot and fix theme04:39
gh0zt_kevdog: i can't believe it isn't a standard package it's infinitely better than vnc04:39
gdbBionicle: Have you applied those drivers according to this page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:39
zedster1mattgyver: yes, but the router would have to know where to redirect it (aka nat)04:39
Tetsu_fix them04:39
LordFDiskBionicle, try the package called  envyng-qt04:39
BionicleLet me go look at that page.04:39
kevdoggh@zt:  What repository did you get your release from?04:39
mattgyverzedster1, I set that all up, and it works internally but im trying to get a buddy to remote in and it wont (im disconnected atm)04:39
Argos__they say that this  version of ubuntu is going to be faster and better04:39
BionicleI installed the drivers with Hardware Drivers under system.04:39
WeleTetsu_: Good answer , but can you let me know how  to?04:39
loshakevdog: I found NX impossible to configure. I have a non-standard ssh setup. Never did get it working...04:39
mediadatalosha: yes, i changed my ip address04:39
loshamediadata: can you ping now?04:39
ShapeShifter499when making a ssh key should I have a paraphrase or not?04:39
kevdoglosha: How non standard?04:40
gdbBionicle: I don't know, I'm just trying to start somewhere.04:40
mediadatalosha: still can not ping ...04:40
gdbBionicle: It looks like that page recommends what you did.04:40
Tetsu_Wele: :| Just at Grub Boot,press any key,and choose second line(Recovery mode)04:40
loshakevdog: not on port 22. Already have keys etc....04:40
zedster1mattgyver: again, its a router issue, make sure you are port directing external connections on those ports to internal ones and the computer has a static lease04:40
loshamediadata: sorry, I'm out of ideas then...04:40
WeleYep I tried it, but no use. also I tried the following04:40
Welesudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm04:41
Welesudo dpkg-reconfigure  gnome-desktop-data04:41
Welesudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-control-center04:41
Welesudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-menus04:41
Welesudo dpkg-reconfigure  gnome-system-tools04:41
Welesudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets04:41
Welesudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-session04:41
soldatsWele: look in the xserver log file there is a code it says to do if anything goes wrong and it should bring it back to a workable system04:41
mediadatalosha: ok, thank's for your attn...04:41
FloodBot2Wele: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:41
kevdoglosha:  That's it?  It should work on any port and with your own keys also!!!04:41
mattgyverzedster1, it does, my machines address is, my vm is, the port forward is set to .41 is that what your speaking of?04:41
EruditeHermithello, can anyone help me with my boot process? It is really slow and there are 2 things I don't understand from my bootchart at http://imagebin.org/69558 . Firstly, I don't have dmraid installed but it is getting called and secondly, .ck-setup takes up a lot of CPU for 10 seconds04:41
gdbThe FX 5200 is listed as a supported card.04:41
Tetsu_just rm all settings on your ubuntu04:41
soldatsWele: do "sudo dpkg-reconfigire -phigh xserver-xorg"04:41
zedster1mattgyver: networking is not my strong suite but no, external:1234 -> internal:123404:41
loshakevdog: maybe I should try it again. Am I the only one who found the instructions confusing? I never used to be so dim...04:42
zedster1ie, port redirect04:42
Welesoldats: I tried that04:42
Argos__when ubuntu 9.20 out04:42
gh0zt_kevdog: http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=297804:42
zedster1Argos__: never04:42
Tetsu_Wele:So,run in low-grapical!04:42
Argos__oopps 9.1004:42
WeleTetsu_:: How do I remove all settings in my ubuntu  ?04:42
gogetavikasap to do it by name its . ./04:42
soldatsWele: well do it without the "-phigh" other wise i cant help since i have to go. id be glad to help if i had more time04:42
kevdoglosha: I wrote a tutorial a long time ago way back in Feisty for FreeNX but its outdated.  But at least at that time it could answer the questions on the problems you claim to be having04:42
gh0zt_kevdog: and i got the client from nomachines04:42
zedster1Argos__: :-), in a few hours04:43
Argos__about time04:43
kevdoggh@zt_:Is seaveas dead?04:43
Welesoldats : Let me give a try w/o phigjh04:43
Tetsu_Wele: Run in low-graphical(I think this is safe mode)04:43
George_EAnyone know how 2 configure ubuntu for multiseat?04:43
ian_macweird issue here....04:43
loshakevdog: maybe it's time to try it again. I'm feeling inspired...04:43
chibihogoshinois the final release of karmic any better than the beta is now ?04:43
ian_macphpmyadmin stopped working04:43
zedster1George_E: multiseat?04:44
soldatsseveass never dies!04:44
zedster1more then one user in the same computer?04:44
gdbBionicle: This may be helpful as well - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:44
ian_macI can't remove the package04:44
ian_macI can't reconfigure the package04:44
loshachibihogoshino: great question. Probably should be asked in #ubuntu+104:44
ian_macI get an error like:04:44
Bioniclegdb, that is what I am reading right now.  Thank you04:44
ian_macdebconf: Unable to load Debconf::Element::Dialog. Failed because: Can't locate Debconf/Element/Dialog.pm04:44
ian_macthere's more...04:44
ian_macbut I don't want to flood...04:44
gdbBionicle: Of course.  Video under Linux has always been a weak point.  Recent version of Xorg have been trying to solve this problem.04:45
ian_macany ideas as to where to start?04:45
BionicleI will install the drivers again and see if I can use that site to get it working.04:45
gdbBionicle: At least that's been my experience, which goes back to 1994.04:45
George_EIts a feature that lets two sets of mice keyboards and monitors act as two seperate computers.04:45
ian_macI can install and uninstall other packages04:45
gogetakevdog: baa i forgot the extra .04:45
Tetsu_Wele: Your problem similar to Bionicle.Try these instruction04:45
gogetakevdog: it would be . appp04:45
gh0zt_kevdog: saveas works for me04:45
kevdoggh@zt_: You mean seaveas repositories for the freenx client?  I thought that was dead?04:46
gogetakevdog: making me look up that old school style heh04:46
Tetsu_ian_mac: Which package?04:46
gdbBionicle: I completely understand your frustration. :-)04:46
kevdoggogeta: I knew you would have to do it!!104:46
gh0zt_kevdog: never heard of it04:46
BionicleThank you.  I appologize for my bad  attitude.04:46
Welesoldats:Now upon restart I am getting the following erro: The panel encountered a problem whiole loading : OAFIID:GNOME_NotificationAreaApplet"04:47
Tetsu_ian_mac: I've never been met this problem!I cant resolve it!Sorry04:47
gdbBionicle: We're all human. :)04:47
gogetakevdog: i think . works on pid to04:47
ian_macman this sucks04:47
ian_macthanks guys04:47
loshasoldats: I thought seveass stopped after 7.0404:47
FloodBot2ian_mac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:47
gogetakevdog: if i rember ny bash04:47
zedster1George_E: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX04:47
BionicleExcept for the video issues, I will say I do like Linux.  Especially KDE.04:47
kevdoggogeta: I'm definitely confused04:47
gogetakevdog like  12304:48
loshaBionicle: and the multimedia issues...04:48
BionicleWhat multimedia issues?04:48
Tetsu_Wele:Just boot by liveCD,Permantly Delete all Setting Folders in your home folder04:48
gogetakevdog should move the prosses the the foreround04:48
BionicleI don't know how to do 5.1 surround in LInux, but sound works fine here.04:48
BionicleJust the front speakers.04:49
gogetakevdog: ctrl a works to04:49
kevdoggogeta: Ahh  yes now I remember that command whereas & moves it to the background04:49
loshaBionicle: making dvds, editing sound...04:49
BionicleAh.  I haven't tried that.04:49
BionicleEditing sounds you can use Audacity04:49
BionicleThat I do.04:49
BionicleWell, I did in WIndows.  Haven't tried Linux for that yet.04:50
WeleTetsu_::trying it out, But I have some folders that I need, wont it be destroyed  ?04:50
Tetsu_to many things to do with Sound and DVD04:50
zedster1Bionicle: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/enable-51-surround-sound-on-linux-ubuntu-804-hardy/04:50
loshaBionicle: I've never found it stable, and ludicrously underfeatured compared to adobe audition (nee cooledit pro)04:50
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kevdoglosha: Here is an old tutorial I wrote way back in feisty for freenx -- it might help you but just remember that some of the things are likely not applicable04:50
gogetakevdog: ctrl a and d make it easy being its detach and attach04:50
Tetsu_Just Ctrl+H,Delete .(name) folder04:50
gdbBionicle: I've not tried it, but there's an Ubuntu version aimed at folks who work with multimedia - http://ubuntustudio.org/04:51
Tetsu_Wele:Back up your contents! Ctrl+H,Delete .(name) folder04:51
loshakevdog: er, was there a url?04:51
lgcAnything important on the new release or just 'cool' things?04:51
Tetsu_losha:Ubuntu Studio for Developer04:51
kevdog_losha: Shoot here it is: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-467219.html  Sorry04:51
loshakevdog_: cool, thanks...04:52
gogetalgc: lots and lots of speed04:52
WeleTetsu_ : I am booting it , I'll start pinging you for steps04:52
zedster1lgc: grub2, ext4 and some security stuff04:52
kevdog_losha: Just making sure you were paying attention04:52
lgcgogeta, zedster1, does ext4 provide the speed or the security?04:53
loshakevdog_: it's very cool. Not enough people write things...04:53
gh0zt_2 hours to install 12MB minimal install ubuntu on qemu with vista host... that sucks a lot04:53
Tetsu_What's news in GRUB2?04:53
zedster1lgc: both04:53
gogetalosha: hey you where hear when i wrote that sh script for that guys network card lol04:53
loshagogeta: yes I was!04:54
lgczedster1, I hope so. Of late, I've seen how my machine gets slower and slower. Could it be that I've made no fresh install since Dapper Drake, only upgrades?04:55
gogetalosha: he still uses it lol04:55
LordFDiskBionicle,  Did you try the envyng-qt package ... it will find, and and show you what is compatible and recommends for AIT and Nvida Video Cards04:55
zedster1lgc: that could be part of, and that also means your hardware is old04:55
gogetazedster1: hey old is fine04:56
jhb1608when I did apt-get update, I get this error: W: Failed to fetch http://deb.opera.com/opera/dists/stable/non-free/binary-i386/Packages  404 Not Found , E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.04:56
cordenguys i have question regarding wubi install04:56
gogetazedster1: hell a apple2 still has uses if your not gaming04:56
LordFDiskBionicle,  It will even install it for you and then ask you to reboot04:56
Tetsu_Older work better then newer! Its my experiment04:56
cordendoes native and wubi install have the same hardware driver?04:56
gogetazedster1: netooks kinda drove that point home04:56
zedster1gogeta: yes, but older can start to seem slow, specially if you use the ram tester/browser known as firefox04:56
Tetsu_corden: Yes04:57
lgczedster1, 5 years young! But my lappy has plenty of punch, with 2GHz Centrino and 2GB memory. Alas it cannot accomodate another processor.04:57
Tetsu_corden: Its just diffent about the graphical04:57
Berzerkerlgc: centrino is a processor technology, not a model04:57
zedster1lgc: come on, I expect more from an ubuntu user, no such thing as a centrino cpu04:57
gogetalgc: dell c610 1ghz 1gb ram 6 meg ati04:57
lgczedster1, on the other hand, I would expect my machine to run faster with every new release, not the other way around.04:58
spikebikecentrino is a marketing term for a platform04:58
gogetalgc: 16mb ati sorry04:58
cordenTnx Tetsu_04:58
Berzerkercentrino refers to Core technology + PROWifi model combinations04:58
gh0zt_does anyone have MSDN access that would download something for me plz?04:58
Tetsu_Berzerker right,Centrino is a technology04:58
lgcBerzerker, Zedde04:58
JohnTeddyIf I open gedit and write up a page of ASCII, then my laptop freezes and I have to hard reboot. And I did not save.. I have all default ubuntu settings. Is my data stored on disk anywhere after the reboot?04:58
gogetac610 is a p3 lol04:58
Berzerkergh0zt_: that would be against the rules of MSDN alliance access, so no.04:59
rescan anybody help me with volume control problem in ubuntu jaunty?04:59
Tetsu_MSDN?for wats?04:59
gogetaits beat up old looks like crap04:59
gogetastill works04:59
gh0zt_Berzerker: rules?  what's rules04:59
lgcBerzerker, zedster1, gogeta, it's the 930, whatever. That's not my point.04:59
Berzerkerhaving MSDN access is like having beta access to microsoft products04:59
Berzerkerthey're protected by NDAs.04:59
gh0zt_only Microsoft would do that05:00
JohnTeddyAnyone know about gedit?05:00
Berzerkeractually, pretty much every company that has closed betas covers them with NDAs.05:00
Tetsu_gh0zt_ may be Apple too!05:00
gh0zt_except the file i need is 4 years old05:00
gh0zt_and superceded by 4 versions05:00
BerzerkerApple does that, Turbine does that, Bioware does that.05:00
jhb1608well microsoft and apple is lame05:01
resPlease help me with volume control problem.. It shows gstreamers sound plugin not installed05:01
Tetsu_try gstremers-2.005:01
resTetsu_: should I do sudo apt-get install gstreamers-2.005:01
gogetagh0zt lol so go find it05:02
resjhb1608: thanks05:02
Tetsu_just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras for extras install05:02
gogetaits the internet05:02
spikebikecentrino used to be chipset+graphics + cpu+ wireless05:02
spikebikethen they caved and allowed external graphics (but still mandated the chipset)05:02
jhb1608your welcome res05:02
kevdog_How come I cant ghost my username using xchat but I can with chatzilla?05:03
gh0zt_$1,200 for a C++ 1.52 file to compile one little object that won't compile in VS200805:03
spikebikebasically an effective trick to lock out other vendors in the laptop chip space05:03
gogetaspikebike: i wanna i7 laptop05:03
* spikebike just bought an i7 desktop05:03
Tetsu_spikebike: How it work?05:03
jhb1608I am afraid to use Ubuntu in a brand new desktop I don't know about.05:03
gogetaspikebike: i7 laptops are still in the 2 grand range05:03
jhb1608so I'm sticking on my semi-old desktop05:04
spikebikegogeta: yeah doesn't seem worth it for a laptop.. yet05:04
Tetsu_I still and always stick to my Thinkpad G4005:04
resjhb1608: couldn't find package...05:04
spikebikeworks great, fast, low power, I actually got a xeon it was cheaper and had ECC05:04
jhb1608ok hold on05:04
gogetaspikebike: yea quads are in the 800$ range now05:04
lgczedster1, by the way, there's some 'system janitor' (I'm translating from Spanish) that's supposed to bring the system back to a like-new install. How safe is it?05:05
Tetsu_res: Version of your Ubuntu?05:05
resTetsu_: jaunty05:05
bdigitalso is the 9.10 release out today?05:05
jhb1608lol I asked the same thing05:05
Tetsu_res: try this sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:05
bdigitalanyone got a link?05:05
jhb1608but I don't see it in the ubuntu website.05:05
gogetanot yet05:05
spikebiketoday!= now05:06
jhb1608spike, nope.05:06
jhb1608later maybe at noon05:06
spikebikenoon in which timezone?05:06
boknoycan I use nvidia-settings with drivers other than nvidia?05:06
jhb1608I dunno anytime05:06
jhb1608it don't appear now05:06
jhb1608just later05:06
gogetaand at noon alll the servers will crash05:06
resTetsu_: downloading05:06
gogetaor be heavly slashdotted05:06
Tetsu_Maybe GMT+005:07
spikebikeI think ubuntu should ditch ftp/http downloads and mirrors.. just post torrents and let anyone who wants to mirror do so05:07
Tetsu_GMT-24? =gmt"005:07
jhb1608you cannot control the time gogeta05:07
gogetaspikebike: they do05:07
jhb1608you need patience05:07
spikebikeseems like a huge amount of work and bother to setup the mirrors, preload directories, trust relationships, etc.05:07
gogetaspikebike: they post torrents as well05:08
lgcI would like to hear about other users' experiences with the system janitor.05:08
spikebikegogeta: yeah I know05:08
gogetaspikebike: you said you wish they did lol they do05:08
chrisoeiI just wish apt-p2p was more mature. Downloading the ISO is one problem, but being unable to use apt-get is a bigger one, IMHO.05:08
Vantraxi must say i am suprised more people arent in #ubuntu-release-party05:09
resTetsu_: still not working after it05:09
genericWhat is the state of 64 bit flash for ubuntu?05:09
jhb1608I like it lgc05:09
gogetachrisoei: never a issue with me just use other and scan for the fastest mirror05:09
Tetsu_res: I think your sound driver have problem05:09
spikebikeVantrax: because it's noisy and it's no party without a release?05:09
lgcjhb1608, hasn't it wiped off programs you wanted to keep?05:09
spikebikeimagine a new years party with new years happening sometime in the next 24 hours05:09
jhb1608It cleaned junk files as I expected05:09
jhb1608so it is fine for me05:10
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gogetachrisoei: alot of people try to use the main and well it gets drug down05:10
gogetachrisoei: using a mirror i have never had a slowdown05:10
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gogetaif anything faster05:10
lgcjhb1608, mine marks a bunch of .deb packages. But apart from freeing up some disk space, I don't see how this janitor is going to make my system run faster. Any ideas?05:11
chrisoeiHm.. I suppose the last time I had a real problem was with the 8.04 release. Could've sworn I tried several mirrors, though.05:11
jhb1608ah good question lgc05:11
gogetachrisoei: slect other in sources and hit scan for best05:11
gogetaauto find05:11
chrisoeigogeta: I'll try that this time around. Thanks.05:12
Tetsu_Select your Country server05:12
gogetaTetsu_: they will all be lo0aded down tommrow05:12
gogetaall the mains05:12
=== jesse is now known as Guest17691
hybwhere i cam get 9.10 offical05:13
gogetatommrow we will tell you05:13
=== rosebj_ is now known as rosebj
jhb1608will it upgrade automatically on my 9.04?05:13
Tetsu_Its autofind the best server for me when I install,so I dont need to get later05:13
Tetsu_jhb1608 Alt-F2, update-manager -d05:14
jhb1608like how?05:14
gogetait will say thers a upgrade avable05:14
MNichieanybody know what time 910 final become available?05:14
ctmjrhyb you can ask in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-release-party05:14
jhb1608it is avalible now05:14
lgcjhb1608, my doubt is if it's going to delete just the .deb packages or also the corresponding installed applications. And then it warns me that it can ruin my system...05:14
Tetsu_Just RC05:14
rosebjyou guys get bored of everyone asking when karmic is going to be out yet?05:14
bazhangjhb1608, no its not05:14
Tetsu_Just RC05:14
WeleTetsu_:back up done, now what are the folders that should be deleted ?05:15
jhb1608can  I upgrade now and upgrade with stable later?05:15
gogetaTetsu_: rc and betas get final early05:15
gogetaTetsu_: so where not rying to upgrade areselfs05:15
Weleu mean under home folder ?05:15
Zahidanybody can tell that i have configure Active Directory on Windows  Server and want to its user on Linux box, wat will be the permission on home folder on linuxbox05:15
Weleok got it05:15
jhb1608can I upgrade the beata and download the stable upgrade now?05:16
gogetait is stable now05:16
gogetabetas always get it early05:16
Weledone ..05:16
Welewhat next  ?05:16
Tetsu_Back up your contents is neccesary05:16
Tetsu_and reboot05:16
gogetamy loader does not say beta or rc anymore05:16
gogetait used to05:17
Weleyeah I did that already05:17
jhb1608thanks Tetsu05:17
gogetamy updater is flaged normal not beta05:17
Tetsu_my update show its beta05:17
jhb1608same here05:17
Tetsu_but,its RC05:17
gogetaubuntu has been doing that sense day 1 and none notced05:17
jhb1608will it update from beta to stable?05:18
Tetsu_Depend on the download files05:18
* DigitalKiwi thinks its cute all the ubuntu users are excited for getting new software finally after 6 (or is it 3?) months and chuckles to himself content with his rolling release distro05:18
gogetarc pretty mutch is stable05:18
Zahidanybody can tell that i have configure Active Directory on Windows  Server and want to put its user home folder on Linux box, wat will be the permission on home folder on linuxbox05:18
Tetsu_Anything will go to stable05:18
polarbearso stable should be out in like 12 hrs?05:18
jhb1608I think so05:18
jhb1608or early05:18
gogetarc just means there testing the final builds05:19
mattgyverAnybody familiar with remoting into a VirtualBox VM over the internet, having a difficult time figuring out what ive done wrong05:19
Ladhow do i install an athos wifi driver thats usb and not recgnized?05:19
Tetsu_RC mean final test05:19
Tetsu_I always use this mean for Windows05:19
jhb1608Release Candidate?05:20
ctmjrLad: what does lsusb and dmesg show05:20
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
Tetsu_Lad: Look up for supported driver05:20
WeleTetsu_:No change, I am still getting the same screen, my xserver is not booting up as expected  ?05:20
gogetaLad: also ook in your hardware tab05:20
Ladctmjr: ;susb: Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0cf3:9170 Atheros Communications, Inc.05:21
gogetaLad: athros should have drivers05:21
Tetsu_Run in low-graphical if you dont need use anything 3D,OpenGL05:21
gogetaTetsu_: never05:21
digital_1Good evening05:22
WeleTetsu_: how do u do that  ?05:22
Tetsu_Wele: Did you get some Xserver repo from Tweak?05:22
Ladgogeta: do i just goto the website then?05:22
gogetaLad: pfft05:22
ctmjrLad: did you look in system > administration > hardware drivers05:22
gogetaLad: look in system and hardware05:22
WeleTetsu_: no improvement, whatever screen I saw before this tweek, I am still seeing the same screen...05:22
jhb1608gogeta, Please kindly let people speak05:22
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Tetsu_Back up your contents to an USB and Re-install05:23
Ladgogeta: ctmjr: only my nvidia card is there05:23
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:23
gogetaLad: just look up your card type05:24
Ladgogeta will do05:24
Tetsu_Wele: sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg05:24
SuhailAnyone know the proper way to upgrade MySQL on ubuntu hardy to 5.1.40/05:25
MrKlownhi all, i have no sound on this laptop, can i get some help by any chance?05:25
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:25
resTetsu_: it says gstreamer plugin not installed05:25
Ladhow do i check which kernal im running?05:25
resTetsu_: what should I do now?05:25
lstarnesLad: uname -a05:25
Tetsu_Applications-->Add or Remove....-->Find GStreamers05:26
Ladand to upgrade it?05:26
gogetalad you shoukd be running the 2.6 serise05:26
kevdogWhy does xchat not except the /nick command for me?05:26
Lad2.6.28 but... the atheros ar9170 chipset, works out of the box after my upgrade to kernel 2.6.31-8 (karma alpha 4).05:27
lstarnesLad: you probably shouldn't be running a kernel that isn't from the official repositories for ububtu05:27
SuhailAnyone know the proper way to upgrade MySQL on ubuntu hardy to 5.1.40?05:27
kevdogLad: uname -r05:27
lstarneskevdog: which nick do you want?05:27
gogetaLad: well kermic is out tommrow05:27
[V]ortex`hello is 9.10 delayed?05:27
lstarnes[V]ortex`: it will be out within a few hours05:27
ian_macSuhail, probably try to get a backported package05:27
Ladis that the new kernal? gogeta? that that text refers to?05:27
lstarnesLad: kernel, not kernal05:27
resTetsu_: yeah I found something gstreamer05:27
[V]ortex`Istarnes: ok thank you05:27
gogetaLad: yes kermic runs the new kernel05:27
kevdoglstarnes: I keep trying /nick kevdog (when I'm kevdog_), and I get you are already logged in as kevdog_ ---- and thats it -- nothing05:28
Suhailian_mac: any place with info on that?05:28
Tetsu_Its 5 or 6 Gstreamers,but you only need 5,Wele05:28
nickkevdog: are you high?05:28
lgcHasta la vista, Baby. So long, friends. My eyelids are getting heavier by the second. Regards.05:28
lstarneskevdog: make sure you don't have extra sessions running05:28
DaZ_kevdog: nickserv+ghost05:28
gogetaLad: you can run kermic beta if you whant for today and upgrade to stable tommrow05:29
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
raikhow much time if left for karmic koala?05:29
ian_macSuhail, http://www.nabble.com/-Bug-403562---NEW--Backport-of-mysql-*-5.1-td24627880.html maybe?05:29
resTetsu_: what should I do now?05:29
digital_1does last daily build = release version?05:29
kevdognick:  Prior to running the above command (sorry about not talking about this), I ran the GHOST command05:29
lstarnesdigital_1: no05:29
Tetsu_Install these Gstreamers,of course05:29
Suhailian_mac: is it nightmarish to go off an do it manually?05:29
ian_macI dunno05:29
ian_macnever done it05:29
resTetsu_:it is already installed05:29
ian_macprobably not05:29
digital_1I d/l the last release version of the alternate install and nowhere does it say its a beta05:29
Tetsu_(- -)05:29
Ladwill i be able to just upgrade from this version to the new one? or will i have to download it and reinstall?05:29
digital_1how would I know if its a beta ver?05:30
jhb1608chill down people lol05:30
DaZLad: theoretically you can upgrade05:30
LadDaZ ty05:30
kevdogLad: what version to what version?05:30
bazhangLad, just keep updating05:30
jhb1608people repeatly asking the same questions05:30
lstarnesdigital_1: lsb_release -a05:30
gogetadigital_1: grub says beta on it but its hardly ever visable in 9.1005:30
lstarnesdigital_1: if you keep updating your packages, it should automatically become the release version when it comes out05:30
Tetsu_res: try on LiveCD,if there problem still be reported,the problem is your sound card,if not,reinstall Ubuntu05:30
digital_1Ok thanks for the info05:31
[V]ortex`how big is the distro file for 9.10?05:31
bazhang[V]ortex`, somewhat less than 700mb05:31
Tetsu_Just like 9.04 or others05:31
gogetalike always05:31
lstarnes[V]ortex`: the .iso is probably going to be around 650 to 700 MB05:31
Tetsu_probably 670~70005:32
[V]ortex`Ok thank you05:32
* kevdog just thinks to myself -- why does everyone have to rush to upgrade today!!!!! I mean are you really going to miss something if you wait a day or two?05:32
jhb1608well will it upgrade automatically even I am installing 9.10 beta?05:32
Flanneljhb1608: Yes05:32
jhb1608kevdog, true lol05:32
jhb1608ok good flannel05:33
gogetakevdog: yes dont knoe what but yes05:33
digital_1Anyone know how to remove empathy from the indicator-applet on the top panel?05:33
JohnTeddyIf I open gedit and write up a page of ASCII, then my laptop freezes and I have to hard reboot. And I did not save.. I have all default ubuntu settings. Is my data stored on disk anywhere after the reboot?05:33
jhb1608I hope 9.10 is better than 9.0405:33
kevdoggogeta: English?05:33
Tetsu_kevdog cant wait.try it first05:33
gogetakevdog: dont make me start speaking spanish on you05:33
jhb1608then leave gogeta.05:34
kevdogTetsu_: If you don't try it in 5 minutes you might blow up!!05:34
kevdoggogeta: Hola05:34
polarbearjhb1608: why does it need to be better than 9.04? you know it will be anyway :P05:34
DaZJohnTeddy: some text editors make backups05:34
jhb1608Because I have issues with certain programs05:34
DaZfilename plus ~05:34
gogetakevdog: hola lol05:34
Tetsu_The newer always better than odler!05:35
jhb1608like the firefox upgrade is grayed out05:35
polarbearare they still finishing compiling this iso or something xP05:35
digital_1grrr need to get rid of empathy05:35
jhb1608but I can't upgrade unless I upgrade to 9.1005:35
JohnTeddyDaZ: Do you know what the default behavior is for ubuntu/gedit on jaunty?05:35
kevdoggogeta: necesito dormido.  Hasta la noche!05:35
Tetsu_JohnTeddy have someproblem with ASCII05:35
DaZJohnTeddy:  i don't, just look for it05:35
kevdoggogeta: Did that make sense?05:35
JohnTeddyDaZ: I did, I don't see it anywhere.05:35
DaZso there's no backup05:36
Tetsu_(name)~ always beside the (name)05:36
JohnTeddyTetsu_: And if I didn't save it? untitled~ ?05:36
Suhailso anybody know how to upgrade to latest mysql build?05:36
solaris__alguien de curico chile05:37
kevdogsolaris__: nada05:37
Tetsu_JohnTeddy: You dont save it,its temp (name)~ on title05:37
gogetakevdog: no no se duerme es para los débiles05:37
digital_1So anyone's guess at what time it gets released?  More curious than anxious.  Is it always the same time?05:37
courpse_How do i allow all connections on any port with Shorewall?05:37
solaris__<°)))< pescado05:38
Tetsu_may be 0700hrs GMT+005:38
kevdoggogeta: I guess I'm weak then!!05:38
raikhow can i upgrade 9.04 to 9.10?05:38
digital_1Tesu_:  thanks05:38
Tetsu_update-manager -d05:38
DaZraik: iddqd&idkfa05:38
DaZand it's 9.1005:38
JohnTeddyTetsu_: i don't see any file. I guess it didn't save.05:38
DaZJohnTeddy: maybe it's somewhere in ~/.gedit05:39
Tetsu_JohnTeddy: of course not,you dont save yet05:39
* kevdog although I'm going to sleep -- I might dream of shooting myself in the head after dealing with all these upgrade questions on this forum -- come on guys keep your pants on and just wait --05:39
Tetsu_JohnTeddy may be it in temp folder in .gedit05:39
JohnTeddyTetsu_: Well I mean there was no backup written to disk as a temp05:39
digital_1Kinda like the darker theme....  This is the one time of year (Halloween) that the default Ubuntu theme color actually seems appropriate.05:39
aberhowso is it out yet?05:40
FireCrotch!isitout | aberhow05:40
ubottuaberhow: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!05:40
Tetsu_JohnTeddy: did you mean...you change contents of a doc,but there are no backup?05:40
digital_1aberhow: not yet05:40
aberhowthanks ubottu , digital_105:40
digital_1ubottu is a bot05:41
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.05:41
gogetakevdog: Sí. Las personas que son molestas preguntar todo el tiempo05:41
generic 05:41
jhb1608I'll give uttobu a hug :P05:41
[V]ortex`is it wise to upgrade to 9.10 today? or should i wait a few days?05:41
JohnTeddyTetsu_: I opened gedit, wrote a page, my laptop froze, I did a hard reboot. I am back on irc, I wanted to know if there is a backup that is auto written to disk from gedit somewhere. I never hit the save button.05:42
Tetsu_digital_1 download theme05:42
ID_10T_errorCan someone point me in the right direction?  I found a bug in 9.10 where it is misreading the motherboard raid information thus preventing start-up.  Where do I go to report it?05:42
=== HardStyle_ is now known as HardStyle
gogetalol hes probly trying toi translate that05:42
Coobraif i run "ufw" will it generate rules for ipv6 if its up ?05:42
Tetsu_JohnTeddy:~/.gedit,may be probably no backup for temp(autodelete when exit)05:42
digital_1Anyone use the mediabuntu repos and if so are they stable enough?05:42
Tetsu_its stable05:43
DaZTetsu_: there's no .gedit05:43
Tetsu_But I have05:43
Coobraanny help :o05:43
ispotI've got " /bin/bash : no such file ..." , when I reboot my new LFS system. who can help me?05:43
digital_1Want to configure all that multimedia stuff in one easy shot rather than have it prompt me each time I hit a different media type (e.g. mp3, wav, mp4, etc.)05:44
[V]ortex`does unbuntu roll out patches like windows?05:44
ZykoticK9digital_1, if you mean the "medibuntu" repository - i've never had any problems with it05:44
digital_1If you mean does it have regular updates, yes.05:44
gogetapretty often05:44
digital_1I'll try the medibuntu repos then.  Thanks.05:45
[V]ortex`ok so there might be an update soon after 9.10 release?05:45
ctmjrID_10T_error: you should wait till 9.10 is officially released then upgrade then if the problem does not go away then report the bug05:45
jvargasdoes this file exists on ur ubuntu installations? libmysql.so05:45
Tetsu_medibuntu update everyweek05:45
gogetaif you mean beta to stable same day05:45
DaZjvargas: if you've installed mysql then yes ;f05:45
jhb1608yes gogeta is correct.05:49
infidxi have 2 computers in my network running sshd and screen identically. However, I can only 'screen -r' to one of the computers. the other one always fails with 'dungeon collapses' message. the terminals are both the same, and TERM is set to screen-256color. What could cause this?05:49
DaZdungeon collapses? :o05:49
courpse_How can i allow all outgoing connections with shorewall?05:49
isola73dsh33phas 9.10 come out yet?05:50
LoafersWhat time is Karmic Koala released?05:50
Tetsu_Turn shorewall of05:50
FireCrotch!isitout | isola73dsh33p05:50
ubottuisola73dsh33p: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!05:50
bazhangisola73dsh33p, not yet05:50
isola73dsh33pnot yet...05:50
RamboI have two issues....i have a d-link 635 wireless router and a dwa 160 wireless reciever both are (n standard) will I be able to get them to work with ubuntu05:50
FireCrotchRambo: Welcome to #ubuntu05:50
infidxdaz yeah screen sometimes uses nethack style error messages05:50
Tetsu_maybe 0700hrsGMT+005:50
courpse_Tetsu_, Um... Was kinda after a better answer to that?05:51
* altf2o has really enjoyed Karmic RC.05:51
courpse_Tetsu_, I asked all outgoing connections, not all incomming connections.05:51
DaZinfidx: dunno, strace it ;f05:51
FireCrotchRambo: Yes you will!05:51
Rambohaha how?05:51
Tetsu_im not ans you cuorpse05:52
courpse_<courpse_> How can i allow all outgoing connections with shorewall? | <Tetsu_> Turn shorewall of05:52
FireCrotchRambo: From what I am reading, that particular wireless card works out of the box in Ubuntu 9.1005:52
Ramboexcuse caps05:52
Rambo9.4 it didnt05:52
FloodBot2Rambo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:52
polarbearjust wait like 6 hrs or so for it to come out :P05:52
Rambothats the best news thanks05:52
kevinlis there any known issue in ubuntu 9.04 that causes your internet to slow to a CRAWL while a torrent, running not even very fast is running? My net connection gets over 20 Mbps on speed tests, but my internet basically stops when i run a torrent going 100 kbps . doesnt happen in windows, never happened in linux to me before.05:52
maman_what..? so long to wait for 6 hours05:53
digital_1what is shorewall?05:53
Rambowhat are you reading FireCrotch05:53
FireCrotchRambo: Errr.... sorry, what I was reading was about 9.04 actually05:53
Tetsu_like UFW05:53
courpse_Firewall software.05:53
jhb1608maman, that's why patience is important.05:53
jhb1608Be patient!05:53
FireCrotchRambo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7943882&postcount=505:54
polarbearsleep, wake up, install :P05:54
maman_ok... i'll do it05:54
Tetsu_kevinl of course,my test speed is 40Mbs,but it only 150kbs05:54
jhb1608yes polarbear05:54
kewlbns699.10 leaked05:54
Tetsu_3hrs more to 7hrs GMT+005:54
jhb1608kewlbns69: wait.05:54
mr_amithi all05:54
jhb1608BE PATIENT!05:55
tottiqis there a release party channel?05:55
mr_amitis it possible to do something similar to http://www.shorewall.net/MultiISP.html05:55
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Karmic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseParties05:55
mr_amitwith UFW?05:55
isola73dsh33pi wish my headphone jack problem will be solved by 9.1005:55
courpse_Erm, how can free software than has been offered all the way thru its progress for free be 'leaked' ?05:55
polarbeari wouldnt trust a leak from another site...05:55
polarbearjust wait like 6 hrs or so and make sure you get the actual thing05:55
kewlbns69it's not downloadable yet from ubuntu.com05:55
isola73dsh33pthe gnome is still similar right?05:56
Tetsu_Download an ISO of RC,burn to ur USBand install05:56
kewlbns69but it is through BT05:56
polarbearunless mark shuttleworth hands you a burnt cd that says 9.10, dont trust it ;)05:56
digital_1I gotta believe this last daily build has to be bit for bit near identical to the release05:56
natarajanwhen is ubuntu 9.10 can be downloaded05:56
polarbearsometime today05:56
kewlbns69he's half way across the planet right now prolly getting drunk lol05:56
QQihash same in daily build05:56
Tetsu_from 0700 to 120005:56
isola73dsh33pbtw, how are they going to inform us?05:57
natarajank thanks polarbear05:57
digital_1via the www.ubuntu.com I guess05:57
polarbearmaybe look at this: http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu-releases/.pool/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso05:57
mr_amitdoes this a right place to get help for UFW?05:57
polarbearthat link is from some1 posting on the forums05:58
kewlbns69there are MD5's in that pool for 9.10 desktop05:58
Tetsu_9.10 not out yet05:58
isola73dsh33pbtw guys, if i install 9.10, will i lost everything i installed in 9.0405:59
knoppiesisola73dsh33p, depends how you install 9.1005:59
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!05:59
kewlbns69there's a thread on ubuntu forums someone posted bt links and md5s06:00
MrKlowncan anyone recommend a good widget type program that lets me put weather on my laptop? it06:00
MrKlownit is quite important for what i need06:00
d9500isola73dsh33p: only if you do a wipe and clean install. if you do an upgrade, you keep your programs and settings.06:00
kewlbns69it's out ppl whoohooo06:00
polarbeari would wait for official!! :D06:00
knoppiesMrKlown, Cairo dock has a weather app.06:00
bazhangkewlbns69, no its not06:00
isola73dsh33pok, thanks06:00
MrKlownty knoppies, is that one decent on system resources?06:00
MrKlownon a budget laptop right now lol06:01
isola73dsh33pthe upgrade can be done via the terminal right?06:01
digital_1How can you view an MDF checksum on an existing file in Ubuntu?06:01
Tetsu_Ubuntu,on the clock or cairo06:01
knoppiesisola73dsh33p, on my old P4 3.0Ghz 1.2Gig ram it uses an average of 25%06:01
maman_hi... i've the problem connecting my digicam PENTAX OPTIO through USB. Ubuntu only detect the USB Drive but not the disk in it.06:01
knoppiesso no.06:01
maman_this problem also found in OpenSUSE06:01
d9500isola73dsh33p: yes. sudo aptitude dist-upgrade.06:01
kewlbns69check the forum digital_1 there's a link to the md5 pool06:01
Tetsu_isola update-manager -d also a resolution06:02
tonyyarussokewlbns69: Stop misleading people with pre-release links that are just going to slow down the servers' syncing process.06:02
knoppiesMrKlown, did you read that?06:02
tonyyarussokewlbns69: also, it doesn't belong in the support channel anyway06:02
knoppiesMrKlown, I accidently used isola73dsh33p name06:02
MrKlownoh lol06:02
MrKlown25% may be abit much06:02
isola73dsh33p25% cpu usage?06:03
MrKlownthe clock has that available where you can use the weather but it doesn't have my exact location06:03
knoppiesMrKlown, yea. If you on a budget laptop, then use something else.06:03
knoppiesisola73dsh33p, yes06:03
MrKlowni was speaking memory06:03
Coobraany ufw experts here06:03
digital_1Then that answers it06:03
isola73dsh33pand your processor is 3.0 GHz?06:03
knoppiesMrKlown, it uses about 38mb of memory06:03
Tetsu_my is 20%06:04
jhb1608mine less06:04
polarbearservers seem a little bogged down atm06:04
jhb1608I love it06:04
Tetsu_Gotta Restart06:04
jitenderhi, dear all06:04
knoppiesisola73dsh33p, yea, an old P4 extreme at 3.0Ghz. Im told that its because my graphics card drivers suck, and that the CPU has to do the rendering.06:04
jhb1608mine 15.9%06:04
knoppiesjhb1608, what PC do you have?06:05
digital_1The hash I have for the alternate 64-bit matches the hash listed in http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/.pool/MD5SUMS06:05
knoppiesjhb1608, I mean, what processor06:05
jitenderany body know about ubuntu file system repair06:05
jhb1608I build this06:05
sata\join ##ubuntu06:05
MrKlownman oh man06:05
jhb1608how do I look on processor?06:05
jitenderubuntu repair06:05
tyler_dvery good jhb160806:05
ravehow to upgrade to 9.10 from beta version06:05
altf2ohmm surely a decent nVidia card wouldn't be to expensive? If you're using an old enough card in todays world, even an older AGP card would be better.06:05
Flannelrave: regular updates06:05
kewlbns69oh ok other ppl are allowed to just not me?06:05
knoppiesjhb1608, system monitor. First tab. system06:06
om26errave, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-uppgrade06:06
jhb1608Intel Celeron(R) CPU E120006:06
jhb1608it have processor 1 and 2 same thing06:06
knoppiesaltf2o, Its got a fx5500gt in it. Its an AGP8x motherboard, but its not my main PC, so Im not bothered about spending money on it.06:06
polarbearrave: wait until it is released, then you will be able to update06:06
knoppiesjhb1608, yea, mine too, but mines just multithreaded.06:06
MrKlowni used the nearest largest city for the weather, not exactly accurate but whatever lol06:06
knoppiesMrKlown, Sorry i dont know of any more.06:07
Flannelkewlbns69, digital_1: Please go to #ubuntu-release-party to discuss the release process, it's inappropriate for this channel.  Thanks.06:07
MrKlownno biggy06:07
yzerguys, seriously, no counter on the main site? :)06:07
knoppiesjhb1608, Are you in Johanesburg? (forgive my spelling)06:07
Flannelyzer: Sometime within the next 30 hours.  Updates in #ubuntu-release-party06:07
MrKlownthis is my cousin's computer, will it be ok if i don't do the newest update? this seems stable06:07
abdulholy shinto06:07
knoppiesjhb1608, duel core, but not really a duel core.06:07
jhb1608yes dual Core!06:07
polarbearokay, time to sleep and wake up when the release is out :P gnite06:08
jhb1608I'm not from Africa, i'm from Monroeton, PA, it is just my English :)06:08
MrKlownthis is kind of sad but ubuntu was easier to install than windows lmao not to mention tons faster06:08
knoppiesjhb1608, Its only got one core, but software thinks its two.06:08
jhb1608ah I see.06:08
knoppiesjhb1608, Im african.06:08
jhb1608Ah cool.06:08
polarbearMrKlown: of course it is...06:08
macoMrKlown: thats not sad. that means we're doing something right :)06:08
StrangeCharmhow can i convert a dm-crypt volume from using passphrase authentication to mount at boot, to using key-files instead?06:08
MrKlowni'm not a huge computer person06:09
KurtKrautIf got that right, only the ISOs were published. No dist-upgrade is possible yet, right?06:09
MrKlownnow if only people would make games for linux without us having to use wine06:09
jhb1608I am, but I need to figure out on the video card I wanted06:09
gogetaknoppies: it doesent think its 2 its multihtreded it behaves like 206:09
FlannelKurtKraut: The ISOs aren't available yet.06:09
isola73dsh33pguys, how do i solve headphone jack problem?06:09
knoppiesMrKlown, they do already.06:09
ChoboMogMrKlown...  If you know how to use IRC then yorue better than the majority of computer users imo :p06:09
KurtKrautFlannel, and the dist-upgrade?06:09
knoppiesgogeta, yea, something like that.06:09
isola73dsh33pthe headphone won't work even after i plugged in the headphone06:09
knoppies!games | MrKlown06:10
ubottuMrKlown: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php06:10
isola73dsh33pand the speaker won't mute.06:10
MrKlownisola73dsh33p: no idea, sorry06:10
FlannelKurtKraut: I don't know.  It's probably less lock-step than the ISOs.  But no, it's not released yet.06:10
kewlbns69tony: for the record i posted a link to the md5 pool not a "false download" as you said...get off your high horse06:10
isola73dsh33pits ok MrKlown06:10
KurtKrautFlannel, thanks for the info.06:10
MrKlownno no no06:10
MrKlowni know about the games for linux06:10
physicistis there any PC manufacturers that bundle their PC with linux instead of Windows?06:10
isola73dsh33pbtw, how do you reply for a specific member?06:10
gogetaphysicist: yes dell does06:11
MrKlownbut i am talking about the mainstream games.. like world of warcraft, batman, ect, the big companies06:11
isola73dsh33pi mean, u're msg comes in red06:11
MrKlownisola73dsh33p: type the first few letters then click tab lol06:11
MrKlownit types their name out06:11
isola73dsh33powh.. LOL06:11
knoppiesphysicist, you would probably be better off building your own and downloading linux06:11
Basstard`Ok, I've a question. I have a friend whom I had to help get XP back running, but showed her Ubuntu and she loved it. Though we had to put kernel 2.6.31 to get her webcam working, and it's still the same version. How will that affect the upcoming upgrade?06:11
gogetaman vbox is craling06:11
Balsaqhas antone had any luck with wireless on ubuntu?06:11
MrKlownok and in all honesty i am not a casual computer user, i fixed this laptop here for my cousin lol... granted i could not get any version of windows to work on it for who knows what reason so he is going to be stuck with ubuntu06:12
isola73dsh33pmine is ok06:12
knoppiesgogeta, you on a windows host?06:12
gogetaknoppies: windows gust06:12
MrKlownubuntu seems just fine for a casual user to be honest06:12
altf2oi've not had any issues with Linksys USB wireless adapters, or built in cards.06:12
tritiumphysicist: Dell, HP, Toshiba, and Acer do06:12
gogetaknoppies: intsalll whent quick enough now its just dragiin along06:12
FireCrotchBalsaq: Lots of people06:13
knoppiesMrKlown, My brother had that problem, it was the HDD. If you format it in ubuntu, and then install windows on it, it might work.06:13
knoppiesknoppies, otherwise get a new HDD.06:13
gogetaknoppies: hope gust tools helps06:13
knoppiesgogeta, not sure what gust is. But I hope it helps too.06:13
BalsaqFirecrotch hmm itried and failed linksys told me no way no how06:13
MrKlownoh i do have a major question about something i need to do tomorrow... i have to hook up a router to this laptop and configure the router settings to get it to work for the ps3 wirelessly... as soon as i hook up the ethernet cable to the laptop should it allow me to go through it step by step?06:13
RakanHello is 9.10 it out?06:13
physicistgogeta: which distro of linux do those manufacters use?06:14
gogetaright now it can barly move a file06:14
FireCrotchBalsaq: If you tell us what card you have and what the problem you're having is, you're much more likely to get help06:14
wolf23friends, is it ready the new version of ubuntu?06:14
gogetaphysicist: ubuntu and moblin06:14
altf2oMrKlown: shouldn't be any reason why not..06:14
knoppiesMrKlown, if you know the IP of the router, then just type that in.06:14
FireCrotch!isitout | wolf2306:14
BlueyRakan: prolly in a few hours --06:14
ubottuwolf23: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!06:14
bazhangwolf23, not yet #ubuntu-release-party to await06:14
physicistknoppies: what's the difficulty of a linux bundle?06:14
MrKlownoh that would just be the standard ip then06:14
RakanBluey, thanks :D06:14
BalsaqFirecroth well i have  linsys g adapter06:14
MrKlownlol i didn't know it would be that simple06:14
physicisttritium: ah thanks. are the products propular?06:14
jitendersome body tell me about ubuntu 9.04 repair06:14
MrKlowni want this laptop but it sure makes the lap hot06:15
knoppiesphysicist, not sure what your question is. But to me there is no difficulty. I could bundle linux to any system in 20min with no sweat.06:15
FireCrotchBalsaq: model number?06:15
wolf23ah ok06:15
gogetaman i dont rember vox being this slow06:15
BalsaqFirecrotch one moment will grab it06:15
physicistknoppies: i mean why PC manufacturers rarely release linux bundled PCs?06:15
knoppiesMrKlown, lapdance gone wrong. You should put the laptop on a solid surface (like a table) to allow airflow underneath it.06:16
MrKlownalso, i am not going to go back through trying to install windows again... EVEN if it did work, that is extra time and i think the kid will be able to handle ubuntu, it's not that hard06:16
MrKlownall he does is gets on myspace and download and play music, he can do all that on ubuntu06:16
knoppiesphysicist, Im not sure. I think its because they want to grab the major market share, and unfortunately, that market share is windows based.06:16
gogetaMrKlown: yep06:16
MrKlownknoppies: i know that but i got sick of sitting at the table lol06:17
isola73dsh33pMrKlown, your headphone jack works fine?06:17
FireCrotchphysicist: There are lots of reasons that PC manufacturers don't include Linux on their computers.  But please, remember that this channel is for Ubuntu support. I recommend joining #ubuntu-offtopic to continue this discussion06:17
knoppiesMrKlown, I think its better the kid learns how to use ubuntu. It will open up his mind to the better world.06:17
MrKlownno idea isola73dsh33p but make sure to check your sound settings at the top06:17
gogetanaa we will see him in hear tommrow06:17
knoppiesMrKlown, I use a peice of wood, about the size of the laptop, and then put the wood on my lap, and the laptop on the wood.06:17
MrKlownfor some reason, i think it's a bug, when you first install certain things are turned down06:17
BalsaqFirecrotch wusb54gsc06:17
Balsaqworks good on my xp06:17
Balsaqnot on ubuntu so far06:18
isola73dsh33pMrKlown, there's no headphone mixer in the volume controller06:18
isola73dsh33pand the headphone switch done nothing06:18
MrKlownis it really called a firecrotch?06:18
MrKlownyes there is isola hold on06:18
knoppiesisola73dsh33p, plug your headphones into the speaker out, and see if it works06:18
knoppiesisola73dsh33p, either your headphone jack is not connected to your PC, or you dont have the drivers for it.06:18
MrKlownare you under alsa mixer?06:19
knoppiesisola73dsh33p, when I say PC, I mean motherboard06:19
isola73dsh33pits owrks now~!06:19
FireCrotchBalsaq: I believe you'll have to use ndiswrapper along with the Windows driver for your card.06:19
FireCrotch!ndiswrapper | Balsaq06:19
ubottuBalsaq: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:19
jhb1608it is a silliest answer06:19
MrKlownwhat did you do isola lol?06:19
isola73dsh33pi'm using a laptop06:19
BalsaqFirecrotch wow interstin mix06:19
FireCrotchMrKlown: pardon?06:19
isola73dsh33puncheck the headphone switch06:19
knoppiesisola73dsh33p, if you open up your PC case (turn it off first) you should see if there is a cable going from the headphone jack, to your motherboard. If there isnt, then its obviously not even connected.06:19
MrKlownFireCrotch: i thought his router was named firecrotch06:19
knoppiesisola73dsh33p, ah, nvm06:20
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:20
isola73dsh33pknoppies, its ok.06:20
knoppiesisola73dsh33p, glad I could help/06:20
isola73dsh33pbut the built in speaker wont shut up06:20
MrKlownbest thing ever about the ubuntu installation process... soon as it finished it connected to the wireless internet automatically06:20
xxaaronxxIm new to ubuntu, can i have some help?06:20
MrKlownvery impressive06:20
physicistknoppies: maybe you are right06:20
jitenderhi knoppies , please tell me for ubuntu repair06:20
knoppiesxxaaronxx, yes, whats the problem06:20
isola73dsh33pknoppies, but i'm not done yet D:06:20
physicistFireCrotch: ah ok thanks06:20
xxaaronxx<--- new.06:20
knoppiesjitender, Ive never used ubuntu repair.06:21
knoppiesxxaaronxx, you mentionted that already, define your problem and I will see if we can help.06:21
BalsaqFirecrotch i was i the wireless channel, a tech had me pull a number off the adapter itself, then he went tothe FCC site and when he got back he said it aint gonna happen...but till look into what you say..thanks06:21
jitenderbut u have any suggestion06:21
jitenderwho know well about repair06:21
knoppiesjitender, I recommend looking at the ubuntu forums, and googling it. You are bound to come up with some answers there.06:21
mneptokjitender: what do you mean *exactly* by "repair"06:22
Balsaqwho knew06:22
xxaaronxxWell, im trying to figureout how all it works, as i am a windows person, not nix. What i want to do is run a box say dual quad, 4gigs ram, for gameservers06:22
geomihey guys, im helping someone recover his broken RAID array using ubuntu. But the "md" driver is in the way - its making the /dev/sdb drive 'in use' probably because it can read its metadata format and creates a md device.06:22
geomiMy question: how can i disable MD?06:22
FireCrotchBalsaq: What? The FCC has absolutely nothing to do with your wireless card working in Ubuntu06:22
hohummmmanyone know eta for 9.10 release?06:22
FireCrotchhohummmm: when it's ready06:22
knoppiesxxaaronxx, Ive never done game servers before. but you can run a dual core with 4 gigs ram easy.06:22
geomii tried letting him use raid=noautodetect boot parameter, but that does not work :(06:22
jitendermneptok, i mean to say ubuntu file system repair06:22
isola73dsh33pwhat does the PCM for?06:23
knoppiesxxaaronxx, It might even pay off to download the 64bit version06:23
isola73dsh33ppulse code modulation?06:23
BalsaqFirecrotch he claimed if the right chip wasnt inside the adapter i was porked...the FCC site supposedly gave him that info once i gave him a long tiny number off the adapter itself06:23
xxaaronxxwell like i said i have NO clue as to what im doing, could i get  a crash run down, on basics?06:23
mneptokjitender: what makes you think the filesystem needs repair?06:23
_ester_help, please. only K3b can burn DVD on my laptop. Brasero, GnomeBaker e.t.c. say "disk not found". how fix it?06:23
hohummmmi'm new to ubuntu. just made the switch from windoze a week ago06:23
jitendermy system not starting up ubuntu , so i needed this06:23
MrKlownit's nice huh hohummmm06:23
=== Rambo is now known as Rambos1
knoppiesxxaaronxx, its easy to use. Moving from windows to ubuntu is easy.06:24
Rambos1im strugging to get my dwa 160 wireless reciever to work under ubuntu06:24
BalsaqFirecrotch nontheless i will tryout your suggestion06:24
Rambos1any help will be great06:24
knoppiesxxaaronxx, the start menu is top left, not bottom left (in gnome) and it is A GREAT DEAL MORE CUSTOMIZABLE.06:24
knoppiesxxaaronxx, but as a server user you wont be interested in that.06:24
hohummmmvery. took a little getting used to but i am enjoying myself. had some issues with flash but otherwise pretty smooth transition06:24
knoppiesxxaaronxx, if you download the server edition, you wont get a GUI, it is purely console. So you might want to start with the desktop version, even though you plan on using it for a server, but then if console is what you like, get the server eddition.06:25
xxaaronxxi see06:26
knoppiesxxaaronxx, I will brb. Ask anything here, everybody is friendly and glad to help.06:26
dmartinezcxxaaronxx: server edition is not recomended for you if you are starting with ubuntu06:27
xxaaronxxWhy so?06:27
[V]ortex`question: can i continue my torrents download from windows into ubuntu and resume vice versa?06:27
MrKlowngoodnight everyone, thanks for the help06:28
dmartinezcxxaaronxx: becouse you will have to manage with te command line and its a bit scarry for starters06:28
xxaaronxxi see06:28
hohummmmis there a dummy manual for noobs?06:29
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ hohummmm newer users may find this informative06:30
JangariI'm trying to install a program from a shell script installer, and it tells me that "To install software you must be logged on as this computer's Administrator. If you are not able to do this, ask your computer Administrator to log in and run the setup file again." Sudoing it doesn't work. Any ideas?06:30
Rambos1im strugging to get my dwa 160 wireless reciever to work under ubuntu06:30
tstebutDoes anybody already used Xen ?06:31
hohummmmcool. i already dl that. i'm just trying to get used to everything and learn all the basic commands06:31
geomiHi all. I'm helping someone recover his hardware RAID - to make that work i need to disable the "md" driver because its making the /dev/sdb drive 'in use' and unable to mount. How can i disable the md driver? i tried using raid=noautodetect boot parameter but it doesn't work.06:31
bazhanghohummmm, help.ubuntu.com and the ubuntu wiki are informative as well06:31
marcussomeone plz help me06:32
demonspork!ask marcus06:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask marcus06:32
almoxarifeRambos1: what's the prob?06:32
marcusI wanna install driver06:32
hohummmmthanks. i have found most of my problems by late night googling. so far no issues. i am suprized how much faster and better this is than windows. been in the dark for a while. lol06:32
marcusgraphic driver06:32
marcusATI Mobiliti Radeon 9100 IGP06:33
marcusi got the prob with 9.0406:33
bazhanghohummmm, ubuntuforums are a big help as well06:33
Laduh guys.... its out06:33
Rambos1i have a dwa 160 wireless usb reciever06:33
Rambos1have no idea how to get it to work under ubuntu 9.406:33
bazhangLad, no its not06:33
=== NoNags is now known as ThomasHaeck
marcusnow i'm using Karmic06:33
soreaugeomi: If its a kernel module listed by lsmod, you should be able to do rmmod md06:33
jitendersomeone plz help me06:33
marcuscan you show me the way to install ATI driver ?06:34
hohummmmthe upgrade doesn't ovewrite with ext4 does it?06:34
marcussorry about my english06:34
marcusi'm vietnamese06:34
soreaumarcus: Which card do you have?06:34
bazhang!vn | marcus06:34
ubottumarcus: Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ06:34
LadTo upgrade from Ubuntu 9.04 on a desktop system, press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes) into the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '9.10' is available. Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions06:34
marcusATI mobility Radeon 9000/9100 IGP06:35
soreaumarcus: The driver is already installed then06:35
geomisoreau: does that work after booting and md having attached to the harddrive? i'm helping someone on a forum i need something that works since i can't try myself.. been trying to help him for ages its just md that's preventing the whole thing to work..06:35
marcusmy friends in ubuntu vn are busy :(06:35
marcusall busy06:35
FlannelLad: the -d in that command explicitly means that it's not out yet.  -d is required to upgrade to development versions06:35
KurtKrautLad, this shows the Karmic Release candidate.06:35
marcusi can understand English,so i think that it's good to be here06:36
voxLad: quit now while you're not too far behind.06:36
Ladvox im done :D06:36
bazhangmarcus, that is fine, just a suggestion :)06:36
KurtKrautLad, try using update-manager -c06:36
zcatNZhave installed cube atlantis plugin for compiz.. now how to I make the gnome wallpaper/background colour go away? I can adjust cube opacity but that makes my icons fade too.. I want just the wallpaper gone06:36
marcussorry,soreau: marcus: The driver is already installed then06:36
Ladno thanks06:36
soreaugeomi: I have no idea about md or raid. All I know is you can unload modules and if md is a kernel module you can unload it like I described. Also, you may be able to try umount /dev/sdb106:36
marcuswhat do u mean Soreau ?06:37
yoophglupwhen i press shit+z it does not write a capital z. all other letters work. I am using ubuntu 9.10.06:37
marcusu mean open source driver ?06:37
soreaumarcus: Yes06:37
marcuscan i have specific driver ?06:37
marcusoper OpenGL and D3D06:37
geomisoreau: /dev/sdb or any partitions are not mounted - so it has to be some kernel module and im suspecting md since there are some messages about it in dmesg. just can't seem to disable md it still attached to the device. ill try your suggestion thanks06:37
marcusfor OpenGL and D3D06:37
sagaciyoophglup: is your keyboard configured correctly06:37
Ladwhats -c flag do06:38
soreaumarcus: The open radeon driver is the only one the offers 3D for that chipset06:38
marcusso ?06:38
geomiyoophglup: try using shiFt instead :)06:38
sagaciLad: checks if a new distribution release is available06:38
diskingeomi, LOL06:38
marcusso,can i have compiz ?06:39
soreaumarcus: Yes.06:39
marcushow about playing CS 1.6 ?06:39
soreaumarI have no idea06:39
hohum_there any way to set the cube up to have a workspace on the top and bottom cap also06:40
soreaumarcus: I have no idea for any particular game06:40
Jester86hey guys.. i know this isnt a tech question but anyoe wanna help me out?06:40
soreauhohum_: no06:40
suturHi folks. I've got an 8GB USB memory stick. Would it be faster to install xubuntu on that, rather than using the hard disk? Seems like HDD is a huge bottleneck...uhm, regarding boot times, application load times etc...06:40
marcusokie Soreau06:40
voxsutur: you get about 3mb/s off of usb06:40
Jester86So i'm nearly graduated w/ my undergraduate and I'm considering grad school.. should I go straight into grad school and if so should i go to a different university?06:40
ESEDU_Anyone know where to findbind9 error log?06:40
marcuscan u show me how to enable compiz ?06:41
Jordan_Usutur: It really depends on the Flash drive06:41
marcusfor the Gnome desktop visual effect06:41
voxsutur: and about 25mb/sec off of usb206:41
soreaumarcus: sys>prefs>Appearance>Visual Effects tab <-- set to Extra06:41
ESEDU_bind9 error log anyone?06:41
voxsutur: so.. its not fast. at all. :)06:41
Jordan_U!offtopic | Jester8606:41
ubottuJester86: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:41
voxJordan_U: its not offtopic06:42
ESEDU_Does bind9 have a error log06:42
tritiumvox: it certainly is06:42
marcusand how about shortkey to show ?06:42
Jester86i know, theres just no one on any other channel.. didnt know if anyone wanted to throw out a quick 5 cents worth of knowledge06:42
soreau!who | marcus06:42
ubottumarcus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:42
suturvox: Shame. USB boasts 480mbps speeds, but yes, I did an hdparm test and it was slower than my hard disk.06:42
bazhangJester86, try #ubuntu-offtopic not here06:42
[V]ortex`how to use !tab06:42
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:42
suturvox: curious really...since a hard drive is mechanical...really curious06:42
asdfkhcan someone whois me and tell me what isp im using06:43
voxtritium: ..asking what the best medium to install ubuntu onto is offtopic?06:43
bazhang[V]ortex`, type three or so letters then hit tab key to nick complete06:43
yoophglupok works now thanks06:43
asdfkhor what state im in06:43
Jester86alright i have an ubuntu/mythtv/mythbuntu ? for you guys06:43
bazhangvox, he was asking about grad school or not06:43
Argosis it out yet06:43
asdfkhnothing really shows up when i whois myself06:43
tritiumvox: no, you are mistaken about what we said was offtopic.06:43
Jester86does anyone know if the digital boxes from twc can act as settop boxes?06:43
bazhangArgos, no, join #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown06:43
[V]ortex`omg it works lol thanks06:44
voxok, i'll get back in my box06:44
loshaasdfkh: you can whois yourself. Try it...06:44
Jester86when does 9.10 come out ... in terms of hours here06:44
akshaywhen will ubuntu 9.10 release?06:44
Jangariless than 24...06:44
bazhangJester86, /join #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown06:44
Jester86alright thanks bazhang06:44
=== asdfkh is now known as addr1
akshayi think ubuntu 9.10 will be super sexy06:45
om26erakshay, its awesome06:45
suturwonder if it will _really_ be faster to boot.06:45
akshaymy jaunty experience was not that good06:45
om26ersutur, 26secs06:45
akshaymy wifi kept dying after few hours06:45
knoppiesom26er, that depends on each PC.06:45
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!06:45
om26erakshay, how do you define: experience06:45
akshaynever happened in hardy before06:46
suturom26er: against what speed for jaunty?06:46
suturom26er: has to be relative to mean something...06:46
mgmuscariakshay: my wifi is so unreliable that i'm now tethered to my router with a 6 foot cat 506:46
mgmuscariakshay: are you using the iwlagn module by any chance?06:46
om26ersutur, people with ssd's also have bbot time 5secs06:46
akshayi was using the default06:46
akshayi had installed madwifi for jaunty06:46
suturom26er: FIVE!?06:46
om26ersutur, yes06:47
akshaysorry for hardy06:47
mgmuscarifor the last few days, ever since some updates, the identity of which i don't remember, my wifi has been completely useless06:47
suturom26er: Shame they're still unrealistically expensive.06:47
mgmuscariand my pulseaudio server keeps dying after only a few seconds06:47
suturom26er: Like...honestly, REALLY unrealistic.06:47
mgmuscariso my music server is essentially useless06:47
om26ersutur, on the other hand Lucid Lynx will have ten sec boot on dell mini06:47
mgmuscarii don't understand what could have changed to just break all of my machines in some way06:47
[V]ortex`is there a rollback function in 9.04 like winxp?06:47
mgmuscari[V]ortex`: i would love that06:47
mgmuscarii'm upset enough at this point to try switching to a different distro that doesn't just throw up updates without sufficient testing06:48
suturSurely there are sata to usb adaptors?06:48
suturOh but then it still doesn't matter does it. Sorry.06:48
akshayanyone suggest me a good download accelerator and manager for ubuntu06:48
loshamgmuscari: there should be a log of package changes in /var/log/dpkg.log. You might be able to track down and backout the relevant change...06:48
om26ermgmuscari, ya ya go use debian and w8 and w806:49
akshaymy internet connection really sucks that way06:49
mgmuscariintel wifi link 5100 agn seems completely broken right now, and pulseaudio won't work correctly with either my laptop sound card, the integrated sound on my asus motherboard on my desktop, or my usb sound device connected to said desktop06:49
zenlunat1cakshay: wget06:49
mgmuscarilosha: yeah i've been hunting through there and i can't figure out what the heck changed. i tried going back to the .15 kernel that was working well for me06:49
yoophglupubuntu 9.10 comes out of beta stage tonight?06:49
om26erakshay, multiget06:49
loshamgmuscari: I recommend 8.04 LTS. The most stable distro around...06:50
zebastianI downloaded a torrent and it was a uif file, i turned it into an iso but i want to have access to the files on it and i can't is there a way to extract an iso's information?06:50
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!06:50
marcushow to "see" compiz effect ?06:50
zebastianby the way i'm in ubuntu06:50
sagaciyoophglup: it comes out of release candidate06:50
mgmuscarilosha: i like some of the features of 9.04 that didn't work well for me in 8.0406:50
genericso anyword on the distro?06:50
addr1im just trying to make sense of these commands06:50
sagacizebastian: you can automount it as a drive in nautilus06:50
yoophglupcool so there will be updates tonight.06:50
addr1im not entirely sure what they do06:50
soreaumarcus: sys>prefs>Appearance>Visual Effects tab <-- set to Extra. Your windows should wobble when you move them06:51
loshazebastian: Gmount-iso provides an easy gui for mounting isos...06:51
om26ergeneric, any words on Karmic would be nice06:51
om26ernot distro06:51
addr1irc is confusing06:51
om26eraddr1, no its not06:51
loshamgmuscari: Well, you can't have it both ways. Either you have the latest features, or you have stability. Pick one...06:51
marcushow about the slide06:52
marcusi mean the windows slide,open the way difference06:52
om26eraddr1, you come to irc type the question/problem you have if any1 knows the answer/solution they start chattin with u06:52
mgmuscarilosha: ideally i would like my 9.04 system to be where it was last week, without having installed whatever updates made everything go haywire... then i'd like to turn off the update manager and have it leave me alone06:52
soreau! ccsm | marcus06:53
ubottumarcus: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz06:53
mgmuscarimarcus: install package compizconfig-settings-manager06:53
loshamgmuscari: well that's possible, with a little effort you can roll back your packages to the state they were in last week, using /var/log/dpkg.log. And no-one forces you to update.06:54
sl1ckwhat time does 9.10 come out?06:54
mgmuscarilosha: what kind of script-fu would i have to do to get that done?06:55
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bazhangsl1ck, please join #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown06:55
zebastianhow can i open a pdb file (in ubuntu)06:55
mgmuscarii'm guessing i need to know what updates i've installed, and what i had before the updates06:55
indusbazhang: when is release?06:55
sagaciindus: today06:56
mgmuscaripeople are so impatient for karmic...06:56
bazhangindus, join #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown06:56
mgmuscariwow, 20600 lines in dpkg.log06:56
=== indus is now known as partyspoiler
partyspoilerwhere is the party tonight?06:57
rosebjyour house06:57
loshamgmuscari: you could do it by hand. Starting from a week ago in the dpkg log, use synaptic to restore the older versions of your package. Chances are, it's just one or two packages that are misbehaving...06:57
knoppiespartyspoiler, We crashing your lawn, hope its big.06:58
partyspoileriam interested in a strange bug with ext406:58
mgmuscarilosha: how would i restore to an older version?06:58
tgraupmann-w7Who likes the WN121T? Ubuntu 9.10 doesn't seem to like it.06:58
Jordan_Upartyspoiler: What bug?06:58
partyspoilerbut i trouble shoot later tonight, some applications which ran great on older distros could crash on ext4?06:58
loshamgmuscari: I thought synaptic had an option to restore an older version?06:58
partyspoileror maybe its akernel thing06:58
tgraupmann-w7I used ndisgtk loaded the drivers, but I can't connect to my network.06:59
mgmuscarilosha: it looks like it's the 2.6.28-16 upgrade that wonked my laptop06:59
Jordan_U!details | partyspoiler06:59
lockyany guides on using partion editor06:59
ubottupartyspoiler: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:59
sagacimgmuscari: boot into an older kernel06:59
loshamgmuscari: usually the previous kernel is still on disk, boot an older kernel...06:59
mgmuscarisagaci: i'm in the -15 kernel now and i'm still getting wifi drops06:59
partyspoilerjordan_U:its a game, whenever i run the version which takes advantage of dual cores, it crashes with segfault06:59
sagacimgmuscari: boot into an older kernel at the grub boot stage07:00
partyspoilerjordan_U maybe its a kernel thing, worked flawless in all older releases07:00
mgmuscarilosha: that's what's confusing me, i figured the problem would disappear if i booted to the older kernel07:00
Jordan_Upartyspoiler: Why do you think it's an ext4 bug?07:00
mgmuscarisagaci: yeah, that's where i'm at right now :/07:00
sagacimgmuscari: maybe it's your wifi07:00
Jordan_Upartyspoiler: Why do you think it's a kernel thing?07:00
mgmuscarisagaci: nothing's changed in over a month....07:00
partyspoilerjordan_U just a hunch, the installer fails to write a few things to home directory07:00
mgmuscariit's only struggling with 11n and wpa/wpa207:01
partyspoilerjordan_U kernel bug because  the dual core thing is enabled in the kernel07:01
partyspoilerso probably not ext4 but kernel07:01
partyspoileri will have confirmation tonight07:01
rosebjso I was installing sun-java6-jdk over ssh and my connection dropped out, and I had to kill the proccess in the middle of it. I ran apt-get -f install which didn't do anything. No when I try to install java agin, I get "/usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"07:02
Jordan_Upartyspoiler: I doubt it's kernel, using multiple cores can trigger race conditions that won't happen when only using one core07:02
partyspoilerjordan_U hmm race conditions?07:02
partyspoilerjordan_U well, the thing is , when i connect to an online server it crashes, doesnt crash with the single player07:02
zebastianhelp i'm on the terminal I have a folder called 75 med when i type ls on desktop it shows it but when i do cd 75 med it says no such file or directory07:03
diskinzebastian, type cd "75 med"07:03
partyspoilerJordan_U: it reloads the config file for that session online and crashes07:03
soreauzebastian: cd 75\ med07:03
diskinzebastian, or type cd 75 TAB TAB :)07:03
partyspoilerJordan_U: it was working fine with alpha 3 of karmic07:03
raikhow to uninstall softwares not list in addorremove like google earth?07:04
partyspoilerJordan_U: could you think of reasons why this might be happening, it was fine for the last 2 years i used it07:05
soreauraik: sys>admin>synaptic07:05
partyspoilerJordan_U: ever since ubuntu 7.0407:05
marcusi',m download a theme package07:07
=== ubuntu_ is now known as kahrytan
marcusthey show that GTK 2x package07:07
marcushow can i install this07:07
marcuscan u help ?07:07
cweaganswhat time zone is the ubuntu 9.10 release based off of?07:07
cweagansas in, is it finalized right now?07:07
marcusi'm using install themes but its not working07:08
raikthanks soreau07:08
sum-itwhen is the realease time for ubuntu9.10 waiting for it impatiently.07:09
Suhailis it possible to update your distro from say 8.04 to like 9.1007:09
sum-itSuhail: apt-get dist-upgrade07:10
Suhailyeah i did that07:10
Suhailbut not much happened07:10
CVirusI read that you shouldn't be jumping releases07:10
rosebjits best to do a clean install07:11
Suhailrosebj: sure but that's not an option07:11
thenetduckhey hey hey07:11
thenetduckis the iso ready yet?07:11
CVirusrosebj: clean install and lose your stuff ?07:11
n512try update-manager -d07:11
SuhailI am trying to figure out how to get MySQL 5.1.40 on my box07:12
Suhaillooks like a manual instsall07:12
rosebjCVirus : well back it up obviously07:12
CVirusrosebj: I don't see how a clean install differs from dist-upgrade !07:12
myadavI have setup a lamp on my local machine can any one tell me how I can send a mail from my local machine for jsut a testing perpose only.07:12
CVirusrosebj: I haven't done a single format in over 5 years07:13
n512suhail: according to the package list, mysql is v5.007:14
Suhailn512: yea? that sucks, I need 5.1.4007:14
n512you'd likely need to build 5.1.40 from source is you require that version.07:14
=== kb is now known as Guest33158
danliiYou shouldn't do apt-get dist-upgrade, it does seldom work as intended in Ubuntu. Use do-release-upgrade instead.07:15
n512been a while since ive built mysql from source, but i dont remember it being THAT bad07:15
Suhailn512: ok will try07:16
Suhailand see how it goes07:16
n5125.1.40 is less than a month old.. its not going to be in dists yet07:16
SingAlonghi all07:19
SingAlongis Karmic Koala reasing today?07:20
tonyyarussoSingAlong: Yes - #ubuntu-release-party to wait for it.07:20
psicobramaybe one of u guys in here will know07:20
LexRgood morning ubuntu!07:20
tgraupmann-w7I can't get on the internet with ubuntu07:21
SingAlongtonyyarusso: whats special on that channel?07:21
sagacitgraupmann-w7: are you plugged in07:21
tgraupmann-w7I have NDIS 5.5 I'm screwed07:21
sagacitgraupmann-w7: dial up?07:21
tonyyarussoSingAlong: It's not a support channel like this one.07:21
psicobrai have set a samba folder to auto mount using fstab but it changes the permissions to route of the folder that is mounted i need to to be mine07:21
n512NDIS = No Driver InStalled.07:21
LexRdo we know anything about time when karmic will be released?07:21
tonyyarussoLexR: Read the /topic in #ubuntu-release-party07:22
LexRthanks tonyyarusso07:22
psicobraif u get me i have mythtv that needs to access that folder but it can't unless the folder is mine or mythtv07:22
lascarhow can I create a live cd with all of my files, settings, etc.?07:22
tgraupmann-w7Normally these steps have worked in the past with 9.04 - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53728107:22
tgraupmann-w7But not with 9.1007:22
=== geo_ is now known as geo05
n512didnt 9.10 move to Grub2?07:23
tonyyarussotgraupmann-w7: Karmic support is still in #ubuntu+107:23
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tgraupmann-w7What does that mean?07:24
tgraupmann-w7a different channel?07:24
tgraupmann-w7Karmic is that a developer?07:24
tgraupmann-w7Or the code name for the next version?07:24
sagacitgraupmann-w7: the latter07:25
furunotgraupmann-w7 : usually ubuntu release is named, e.g. 9.04 is Jaunty Jackalope and 9.10 is Karmic Koala07:25
furunotgraupmann-w7 : it just a name :)07:25
Name141Is Karmic  going to be released within a few hours?07:25
Name141or like.. towards the end of the da07:25
tonyyarussoName141: #ubuntu-release-party please for that07:26
tgraupmann-w7okay I'll be back in +107:26
tgraupmann-w7My kid really wants youtube on the karmac07:26
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
isaachello! :)07:29
dandamandanny devito answered me!07:30
pef^ubuntu 9.10 wtf, 3days, 2days, 1day, comming soon )=07:30
psicobrahas an7y one got any idea of how to chnage a folder permissions07:31
n512chmod <mode> <folder> ?07:31
UbuntuUserhow to run vlc in system tray? i have gnome07:31
pef^psicobra, google chown07:31
psicobrai have got a samba share to mount on startup using fstab but it mounts with root access only07:31
furunopiscobra : right click on the folder and choose properties :)07:31
furunopsicobra i mean, sorry :)07:31
UbuntuUserof course i'd like to do taht from command line07:31
psicobrapef^, chown won't work when the folder ismounted if i un mount it then use chown then reboot it is root again07:32
isaacI want 9.10!!!07:32
isaacWhere is it?07:32
pef^comming soon...07:32
psicobrapef^, any other usefull suggestions07:32
troopperiUbuntuUser: open vlc-> tools->preferences->Interface settings->systray icon07:33
isaacI've been up all night waiting for my 9.10!07:33
isaacbut it still links to the beta07:33
TecnoBratQuoting the other channel ..... "Karmic is nearly released, but asking "when" delays it another day!"07:33
psicobrais there a Way of getting fstab to mount it with specific privileges07:33
mouse{Linux}Stupid question, I have not used ubuntu that long, and not up to an update before, when it is released are there updates ready form beta to release?07:34
UbuntuUsertroopperi: i have chcecked it already but when i run vlc from startup manager vlc's icon does not appear in tray07:34
psicobrai am using 9.10 RC seems ok so far07:34
Wargasm9.10 rc feels solid07:34
TecnoBratpsicobra, yes, privs and owner07:34
pef^psicobra, thats sound rather odd, sorry cant help07:34
mouse{Linux}I had a few problems, one was a kernel error :x07:34
troopperiUbuntuUser: if you open vlc at terminal does it give any errors?07:34
psicobraTecnoBrat, can you be more specific?07:34
Flannelmouse{Linux}: If you're on the beta, you'll upgrade to the final through regular daily updates.07:35
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!07:35
mouse{Linux}Flannel, Thank you07:35
rosebjwhen I run apt-get install I get a message saying /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked. lsof says its 'frontend'. any thounghts?07:35
UbuntuUsertroopperi: i do not thinki so07:35
UbuntuUsertroopperi: where can i paste07:36
TecnoBratpsicobra, I think it depends on the type of partition, but you are looking for uid, gid and mode flags07:36
psicobraTecnoBrat, in fstab?07:36
Balsaqg in abi word, old printer worked great from day one, put a differnprinter in, won't print abiword? did print a test page?07:36
troopperiUbuntuUser: http://pastebin.com/07:37
UbuntuUsertroopperi:  now all is ok! i think that when system starts somethings going on07:37
psicobraTecnoBrat, this is the line that mounts the folder07:37
isola73dsh33pguys, i have alsa mixer, do i still need pulseaudio?07:37
psicobra/PSICOBRA-PC/F /media/movies smbfs07:37
isaac"presses refresh button rapidly on ubuntu.com"07:37
psicobrawhat  should it be?07:37
courpse_Any good mailserver packages?07:37
cweaganscourpse_: yes.07:38
Balsaqconfigured new printer, made it default, printed test...ok...went to abiword, typed document, wont print?07:38
isola73dsh33pguys, i already have alsa mixer, do i still needs pulseaudio?07:38
courpse_cweagans, Care to share some?07:38
troopperiUbuntuUser: great :D07:38
UbuntuUsertroopperi: anyway that isn't my point. i'd like to see vlc in tray whithout my mous click07:38
TecnoBratpsicobra, /PSICOBRA-PC/F /media/movies smbfs uid=1000,gid=1000,mode=0666 0 007:38
cweaganscourpse_: http://tinyurl.com/yfe85yo  :)07:38
* courpse_ susspects a google direct.07:39
Balsaqhow do you make abi word print to your printer?07:39
courpse_i've googled already.07:39
megamanx1978Hi ppl07:39
troopperiUbuntuUser: U want it is allways there?07:39
courpse_And got one that took me over an hour to do, and doesnt work.07:39
EricJHm. Today is release-day, isn't it?07:39
UbuntuUsertroopperi: now it is opening in tray but also window is on the desk.07:39
psicobraTecnoBrat, thanks your a star brb07:39
TecnoBratpsicobra, have any other questions about it ... google is your friend .. also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fstab07:39
megamanx1978Anyone here into linux gaming?07:39
TecnoBratand on that note, bed time :)07:39
partyspoilerisola73dsh33p: ya you do07:39
UbuntuUsertroopperi: i want window only in tray07:39
tonyyarussoEricJ: yes - #ubuntu-release-party for more07:39
psicobraTechnoviking, i tried googling thats how i got it mounted in the first place07:39
partyspoilermegamanx1978: iam07:40
isola73dsh33pok, thanks :D07:40
partyspoilerisola73dsh33p: its installed by default anyway, did u remove it?07:40
raikhow to upgrade from ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10?07:40
isola73dsh33pnot really, i thought i installed it manually07:40
EricJtonyyarusso: thanks07:40
partyspoilerraik: sudo update-manager -d07:40
isola73dsh33pi'm about to uninstall it.07:40
tonyyarussoraik: 9.10 is still in #ubuntu+107:41
isola73dsh33pbut it seems it's required. :/07:41
b0wis 9.10 up already?07:41
partyspoilerraik: or wait till tomorrow and update manager will offer an upgrade07:41
b0wyeah ithought so07:41
cweaganscourpse_: incoming or outgoing mail?07:41
blue112Hum, I wonder if we're gonna have people asking that all day long07:41
blue112I think so.07:41
courpse_Both i'd like, i set up a big howto based thingy, and now i cant send outgoing mail, and tbh, im a bit lost on how to get rid of all the hsit thye told me to stick on.07:42
UbuntuUsertroopperi: do you know what i exactly want to do?07:42
troopperiUbuntuUser: i think so07:42
isola73dsh33pguys, do you know any internet speed tweak for ubuntu 9.04?07:42
megamanx1978I just noticed something interesting it seems like ign.com a major gaming site hates linux07:43
troopperiUbuntuUser: You want only trayicon when vlc start?07:43
KurtKrautDoes anyone here uses Telepathy to access IRC? Can it handle #ubuntu volume of messages and users?07:43
alabdhow to go to the first mail in trash of gmail ?07:43
UbuntuUsertroopperi: yes, without window on the desk07:43
tonyyarussoisola73dsh33p: pay your ISP more money?07:43
cweaganscourpse_: dunno then. I usually just install postfix and I'm up and running....I don't do incoming.07:43
Blank__KurtKraut, if only telepathy was real... :p07:44
courpse_Yeah, i have outgoing working fine, but thats broke now too, i wanna give incoming a go.07:44
Balsaqhelp printing in abi word07:44
megamanx1978every single post on the linux board at ign is locked07:44
KurtKrautBlank__, this channel over a true Telepathy would by mind blowing :P07:44
isola73dsh33ptonyyarusso, i mean like increasing the bandwidth or something07:44
ninjaIIis there an irc channel dedicated to ubuntu developent?07:44
ninjaIIjust looking for the "inside scoop" on 9.10 status :)07:45
isola73dsh33pi'm XP i could increase the bandwidth and manage to increase the internet speed07:45
UbuntuUsertroopperi: do you have any clues?07:45
troopperiUbuntuUser: open vlc-> tools->preferences->and down there is "show settings"...change it all and you can now select interface->maininterface->start vlc only a tray icon07:45
CahanHello, I need to see the boot messages, there are some modules that failed and one that is freezing the boot process until I hit a key, is there somewhere where the boot log that scrolls down the screen is copied to?07:46
forcesis it out jet?07:46
UbuntuUsertroopperi: thans a lot07:46
troopperiUbuntuUser: was that easy?`.D07:46
UbuntuUsertroopperi: it is extremly easy07:46
MinusSeveni'm home from work07:46
megamanx1978Party spioler  do you just play linux games on linux or windows games too?07:47
troopperiUbuntuUser: np :)07:47
zipitoso is the 9.10 released ?07:47
ik1Hello guys....07:47
MinusSevenno its not07:47
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!07:47
ik1I was just curious. what time do you think Ubuntu 9.10 will be released?07:47
rosebjnever o'clock07:48
MinusSevenmicrosoft took kubuntu website offline, said they're copying windows 707:48
MinusSevenI'd say in the next 5 mins it'll be released07:48
=== pef^ is now known as pef^Work
OramahMaalhurhi. is it out? xD07:50
MinusSevenanother few mins I think07:50
isola73dsh33phey guys, I got this error: -> Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)/dists/jaunty/main/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs07:50
isola73dsh33pFailed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)/dists/jaunty/restricted/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs07:51
isola73dsh33pSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.07:51
FloodBot2isola73dsh33p: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:51
* DaZ doesn't understand this whole is it out thing >:07:51
H20few mins .. i cant wait ..07:51
Assyro-D_is what out?07:51
ross-hyphenKarmic !!07:51
UbuntuUsertroopperi: i haven't option 'start vlc only a tray icon' avaible07:51
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party07:52
invitingdopeman9.10 WHAT TIME IS IT COMEING OUT07:52
partyspoilerizzi: karmic is released if peopel are already on rc isnt it07:53
Assyro-D_oo :D07:53
ichat!shout invitingdopeman07:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:53
DaZpipe >:07:53
ross-hyphenWhat a let down after all the release date hype07:53
ichatross-hyphen:  dont be rude, go be a kiddy elsewhere...07:54
=== clay_ is now known as ClayG
isola73dsh33pi got this error while trying to update: - http://paste.ubuntu.com/304103/plain/07:54
isola73dsh33phow to solve it?07:54
ichatross-hyphen:  ubutu is due somewhere today -  in the   EN_UK  (GMT)   timezone07:54
UbuntuUsertroopperi: i have found it. i have to expand additionaly qt option07:54
mneptokichat: please be polite.07:55
tstebutIs there any xen user in here ?07:55
Flannelichat, ross-hyphen, invitingdopeman, et al: Karmic will be released sometime within the next 28 hours.  Please go to #ubuntu-release-party if you wish to ask/discuss it further/whatever.  Thanks07:55
ichatmneptok:  - sorry cant stand for users whi - come here and why that ubuntu isn't out yet (because the cant be paciently waiting for a few more hours07:56
ross-hyphenSorry if you thought I was being rude - just disappointed07:56
SingAlongthe whole release party channel is a troll and full of noobs talking about windows.07:57
mneptokichat: channel your frustration toward something productive. like talking someone out of a Windows 7 upgrade. ;)07:57
partyspoilermneptok: windows 7 is super07:57
mneptokSingAlong: that does not negate the fact that this is a support channel, and everyone needs to stay on-topic.07:57
=== shady` is now known as shady
=== shady is now known as Shady
raikdoes my whole sys change with upgrade to Karmic?07:59
MinusSevendownloading now07:59
MinusSevenversion 14 of Winzip08:00
tonyyarussoraik: nah, just the wallpaper08:00
Flannelraik: In some ways yes, in others, no.08:00
raikwill my application such as pidgin and firefox also get upgrade?08:01
Flannelraik: Yes08:01
Irlaendri wonder08:01
Irlaendrwasnt 9.10 supposed to be released today?08:01
tonyyarussoIrlaendr: #ubuntu-release-party - it will.08:02
FlannelIrlaendr: It's still today.  #ubuntu-release-party08:02
Assyro-D_looks like it was but hmm....08:02
MockYit can take up to 10 hours before it's available08:02
acalvohow can I install a specific version of a package?08:02
Irlaendrtonyyarusso: Flannel: thanks08:02
MightyTweekisola73dsh33p, what is it you're trying to do exactly?08:02
eyalw_Hi, does anyone know where can i find these icons for download? http://www.iconspedia.com/search/gnome/40/    I know its tango, but tango has 215 icons, and this set has 300+08:02
megamanx1978What is new in 9.10?08:04
isola73dsh33pMightyTweek, i'm checking for updated... :/08:04
goosemegamanx1978: it's EPIC08:04
goosealso, it's stable08:04
indian_munndahi guys! I am here. For having a suggestion from you. I am Organising a TECHNICAL FEST in my college but i am not getting a good name for that. I have google too, but whichever name i like is already taken....:P. So can you guys please suggest me an attractuive name for the TECHNICAL FEST?????08:04
tonyyarussomegamanx1978: #ubuntu+1 for 9.10 questions08:04
KurtKrautindian_munnda, the term 'install fest' is rather popular.08:05
isola73dsh33pMightyTweek, nvm, i've solved it. Turns out i need the installation CD and mount it using sudo apt-cdrom08:05
Bombbumlol epic?08:05
isola73dsh33pthanks anyway :)08:05
MightyTweekisola73dsh33p, you shouldn't need the cd-rom for updates, you may get an error message if it can't find it but apt should still check the servers08:06
raikhow to remove adobe air based application?08:06
ltspadminxserver-xorg-video-all if i install this package then thinclient display problem is resolved ??? in ubunut 8.04 ltsp server08:06
indian_munndaKurtKraut: i think is not that attractive dude ..:) any other suggestion....:P thanks for your reply08:06
KurtKrautindian_munnda, if you want your event to be a marketing success, just put the word 'hacker' or 'hacking' on it.08:07
=== Avash is now known as Avash_sir
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indian_munndaKurtKraut: yes you are totally right, I recently made a successful event by using the word "hacking". I was expecting very less people. But i got a very big reponse. People didn't get seats to sit there in the seminar hall....hahaha...lolzz08:09
ikoniahello bushwakko08:10
ltspadmini install ubuntu 8.04 ltsp (amd64 bit) on my server but client is i386..on some client display problem is there..so can i have to install amd64 bit driver or i386 driver for thinclient08:11
icarus-cis the open office in ubuntu go-oo or standard sun openoffice?08:11
krautKurtKraut: your name is annoying ;)08:12
KurtKrautkraut, don't be so jeallous :P08:12
indian_munndanames disscussions08:12
krautKurtKraut: i'm not, but your highlights are spamming my mail-inbox... grrrr ;)08:13
juanefrenwhat time will 9.10 be released ?08:13
mneptokjuanefren: 25 o'clock08:13
Beni_yepp I would have asked that too...08:13
Beni_Last time as I remember it was 3 pm. Am I right?08:13
Beni_I mean the last release.08:14
ikoniaguys- check the topic of this channel please08:14
mneptokthere is no set time.08:14
juanefrenmneptok: good one :)08:14
mneptok#ubuntu-release-party for release stuffs08:14
KurtKrautkraut, what do you use to highlight?08:14
krautKurtKraut: irssi-proxy. maybe something what i need to fix08:14
ichatmneptok:  -  if that talkin involves smashing a Mircrofrut winmac   -08:15
blue112Can't we make a bot which notice to every incoming user "Hey, karmic koala isn't out yet ! If you wanna know when, go to #ubuntu-release-party" or something like that ?08:15
mgmuscarihmmm... is pulseaudio supposed to just exit if it starts using a lot of cpu?08:15
Avash_sirHA HA HA HA HA08:15
Avash_sirSO FUNNY08:15
FloodBot2Avash_sir: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:15
Avash_sirHE HE HE HE08:15
Avash_sirYOU CALL ME SIR FloodBot108:16
Beni_Don't shout Sir!08:16
mneptokAvash_sir: the <capslock> key is on the left side of your keyboard. you should press it.08:17
=== shady` is now known as Shady
=== Avash_sir is now known as YOU_ARE_MY_BOSS
Beni_And check the Caps Lock light on the right.08:18
YOU_ARE_MY_BOSSthanks assistant mneptok08:18
=== pschulz01 is now known as pschulz02
mgmuscariwhat the heck08:18
mgmuscariwhat's going on in here?08:18
=== pschulz02 is now known as pschulz01
=== YOU_ARE_MY_BOSS is now known as HEY_BOSS
[V]ortex`question: when i upgrade from 9.04, will my settings be retained? like browser, shortcuts, desktop panels etc08:20
mgmuscariwhere are the admins08:20
=== pschulz01 is now known as not_pschulz01
gooseHEY_BOSS: ignore the capslock suggestions. new suggestion: hold down the power button on your computer for about 5 seconds.08:21
mgmuscari[V]ortex`: given past experiences, i would backup my /home before upgrading if i were you08:21
mgmuscarigoose: that's a good one08:21
Beni_That will cause a big surprise for you! ;)08:21
Flannelgoose: Please don't be malicious08:21
[V]ortex`mgmuscar: i'm dual booting, so i don't have data to backup; i'm just curious about my tweak settings08:21
HEY_BOSSokay, you guyz are teaching your boss08:21
mgmuscari[V]ortex`: back up your home08:21
mgmuscariif anything goes wrong, you can recover your compiz config, bookmarks, whatever from there after the upgrade08:22
mgmuscari[V]ortex`: i always keep /home on a separate partition08:22
[V]ortex`mgmuscari: i'm new, what's in /home?08:22
mgmuscari /home is where all your user files go08:22
mgmuscaritry doing cd /home/Vortex (or whatever)08:22
=== not_pschulz01 is now known as hurry_up_and_rel
Beni_It's freeezing here. :S:S:S08:22
mgmuscariand then run a ps -A08:22
=== HEY_BOSS is now known as sad
[V]ortex`mgmuscari: i switched off compiz, have no bookmarks; all i tweaked was the panel; are the panel settings there?08:23
mgmuscariit'll show you all the hidden config files and folders08:23
mgmuscari[V]ortex`: yep08:23
sadblah blahs08:23
[V]ortex`mgmuscari: ok, thanks. Alternatively, if i want to upgrade 'clean', waht do i do?08:23
mgmuscari[V]ortex`: neat tricks to use: if you're going to do a clean install, you can spit out your list of currently installed packages from dpkg08:23
mgmuscariand in the feed it back in after the install to reinstall everything08:24
=== PuTrA_caem is now known as andre_cool
[V]ortex`mgmuscari: can you explain further? waht is dpkg?08:24
mgmuscaridpkg handles a database of all the software you currently have installed08:24
mgmuscaritry running dpkg -l08:24
=== sad is now known as VERY_VERY_HAPPY
[V]ortex`mgmuscari: the only thing i installed was ff3.5, and i think 9.10 comes with it; so how do i clean install without remnants remaining?08:24
mgmuscarijust blast away your current linux partitions when you get to the partitioner step in the installer08:25
[V]ortex`mgmuscari: what do you mean? install over? change partitions?08:25
colei hate it when girls just wanna be friends08:25
mgmuscari[V]ortex`: format your partitions when you reinstall08:25
mgmuscari[V]ortex`: just your linux partitions08:26
Flannelcole: Please stay ontopic08:26
colei was wondering can i downgrade to xubuntu with unetbootin08:26
[V]ortex`mgmuscari: i see, ok thankew. i'm assuming there will be such an option when i upgrade?08:26
=== hurry_up_and_rel is now known as icanhazit
agusmy ubuntu run slowly after install xubuntu-desktop instead of xfce08:26
mgmuscaricole: i think you posted an errant message here08:26
=== VERY_VERY_HAPPY is now known as ialsocanhazit
colebecause unetbootin seems to be a piece of crap08:26
colei was just speaking me mind08:27
mgmuscari[V]ortex`: errr, i dunno. if you just want to do a clean install, just burn the livecd and install from scratch08:27
aguscan I remove gnome after install xubuntu-desktop?08:27
mgmuscaricole: something about girls? i dunno08:27
colelol oh w/e08:27
coleit wasent that bad08:27
bryantUh, I know this is an Ubuntu channel, but does anyone mind if I ask a hardware question?08:27
[V]ortex`mgmuscari: ok thanks. I was just wondering if there's any other options to work from within 9.0408:27
colesure whats the question?08:28
* goose hugs cole08:28
isola73dsh33pok, is it out yet?08:28
mgmuscari[V]ortex`: in my experience, upgrading to the next distro stinks08:28
mgmuscari!isitout | isola73dsh33p08:28
ubottuisola73dsh33p: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!08:28
colewhy thank u08:28
crawlerhi there.  does anyone know of a way to toggle the "Activate screensaver when computer is idle" option, via terminal or a shell script?  i'm trying to make gaming less painful xD08:28
mgmuscari[V]ortex`: i always just do a fresh install, keeping my /home and bringing a list of packages from my previous setup with me08:29
colelol i know08:29
mathieuhi can someone help me? im trying to make: /home/mathieu/Desktop/ati-driver-installer-9-9-x86.x86_64.run a deb package but terminal keeps giving me:  Permission denied08:29
mgmuscariisola73dsh33p: antsy much?08:29
=== awilkins is now known as UbuntuHappyRelie
colebut it dose suck when girls just want to be friends lol just saying08:29
goosemathieu: chmod a+x08:29
mgmuscarimathieu: use sudo in front of that08:29
isola73dsh33pnot really08:29
=== LeNsTR|away is now known as LeNsTR
=== UbuntuHappyRelie is now known as awilkins
gooseI agree, cole. I hate hearing that... "Chris, you're such a good friend. I wish I could date a guy who was just like you. Just not...you"08:30
mgmuscarimathieu: oh, and maybe you need to chmod 700 it or something08:30
bryantI turned my computer off from inside windows to cold boot into Linux. After the computer powered off it won't turn back on. The PSU has a a LED lit on the back, but after pressing the power button I'm not getting lights, fans arn't spinning, HD disks are not spinning, no beeps, not other lights but the PSU light on the box are on. Any ideas?08:30
goosemathieu: welcome. that usually happens when you download the file from someone who hasn't modded permissions on it properly.08:30
mgmuscaribryant: weird acpi mode. yank the power cable, wait a few seconds, plug it back in08:30
mgmuscaribryant: didn't shut down properly for some reason08:30
bryantI'll give it a shot08:31
goosebryant: have you fooled with your jumpers at all?08:31
bryantNo goose, never played with any settings since I've had it for ~4 years, not even in BIOS08:31
mathieubtw whats chmod 700 (im a n00b)08:31
mgmuscaribryant: are you saying that once you turn it back ON you aren't getting anything?08:31
spaetz(win shr 308:32
p2when ubuntu 9.10 is coming?08:32
mgmuscarimathieu: 3 digits there, each represents 3 binary bits08:32
SmokeyDhey people. when I run apt-get update on my ubuntu jaunty machine, apt-update starts fetching stuff from ftp.debian.org/sid/main and then it says "Converting acl"  "Converting alsa", etc... What is this all about08:32
bryantmgmu, its not even turning on. I press the power button and not getting anything.08:32
bryantNo lights, no fans, no hard disk spins, no beeps, nothing08:32
SmokeyDI have no debian repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list08:32
goosebryant: perhaps the machine just died? :|08:32
mgmuscarieach set is for R, W, X for the: owner, owner's group, everyone08:32
mgmuscarimathieu: for more info, run man chmod08:32
gooseer, bryant, crack open the box and make sure the processor is plugged in correctly/all the way?08:32
SmokeyDgrep debian /etc/apt/* -iR doesn't return anythong08:32
mgmuscaribryant: clear your cmos?08:32
bryantLets hope not, goose. I just got done writing two papers on it08:32
bryantAnd no other boxes to play with the drive on =X08:33
mgmuscaribryant: even if the machine's dead, they're still on the disk :)08:33
bryantI know mgmu =P08:33
coleanyone excited for call of duty modern warfare 208:33
mgmuscariah, that's a problem...08:33
goosebryant: can always yank the drive and drop it in an enclosure08:33
goosecole: I'm considering preordering it08:33
goosemy day has been made08:33
mgmuscarii want dragon age origins08:34
mgmuscarialso, forza motorsports 3. why did i buy a ps3 instead of an xbox360???08:34
mgmuscarisorry, OT08:34
colelol ps3 is much better08:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:34
mgmuscariyes, but... but... my car is featured in the forza 3 trailer :[08:34
crawlerabout my previous question: i found the key in gconf-editor "/apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled" but does anyone know how to toggle it via terminal?08:34
coleu can do whatever u want to that thing08:35
bryantJust pulled the CMOS battery out, but I doubt its a BIOS problem. I'll try anything at this point, though.08:35
mgmuscaricrawler: ostensibly that setting would be in a file somewhere...08:35
SunlessHaloyo... I'd like to ask, how could I Import my calendar and settings from my windoze Sunbird to this linux one...08:35
mathieu realy sorry but whats chmod/how do i chmod??08:35
bryantNothing seemed too hot when I cracked the case open08:35
mgmuscarimathieu: do you know how to open a terminal?08:35
=== icanhazit is now known as isitout
goosemathieu: open terminal, then do: chmod a+x /path/to/file/blah08:35
=== Loafers is now known as William
gooseyou may need to sudo08:35
crawlermgmuscari: yea, i figured as much :-)  i'll do some sniffing around08:36
bryantmathieu, you can learn a lot about a command if you open a terminal and type 'man (command)' without the sing quotes or parentheses08:36
mgmuscarimathieu: i second bryant on that08:36
=== William is now known as Guest37148
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mgmuscarireally with this guy?08:36
=== Guest37148 is now known as WilliamHenryGate
mgmuscarihaving a little too much fun with the /nick command...08:36
goosebad troll is bad, mgmuscari08:37
bryantAnyone in here go to the Florida Linux Show last Saturday? You may have seen me there =D08:37
sesahhey, does anyone know when karmic koala will be in the repositories?08:37
goosebut we get attacked for mentioning video games between support answers -_-08:37
mgmuscari!isitout | sesah08:37
ubottusesah: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!08:37
bryantROFL, mgmu08:38
=== w7sux is now known as canihaz
mgmuscarii've been spending too much time in here lately08:38
mgmuscarii see what the problem is08:38
mgmuscarino ops in here right now08:38
crawlerlooks like i can do what's needed with gconftool-08:38
bryantCrawler, what are you trying to do?08:38
obiwan_wenoassssssssssss oyee com ova karmik08:39
obiwan_sale ya o que? jeje08:39
bryantAnyone in here go to the Florida Linux Show last Saturday? You may have seen me there =D (Sorry for semi-spam)08:39
mgmuscari!es | obiwan_08:39
ubottuobiwan_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:39
obiwan_lol this is the engish  chanell sryy08:39
crawlertoggle the screensaver idle option via terminal, or shell script for gaming08:39
kyenteiAnyone know the exact time of the 9.10 release?08:39
obiwan_sry mgmuscari i got confused hehe08:39
mgmuscari!isitout | kyentei08:39
ubottukyentei: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!08:39
bryantmgmu, I'm going to have to watch you with these irc commands =X08:39
mgmuscariobiwan_: np08:39
mgmuscari!ubottu | bryant08:39
ubottubryant: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:39
crawlerbryant: forgot to say your name, see aove xD08:39
=== OramahMaalhur is now known as PartyB
=== PartyB is now known as OramahMaalhur
obiwan_well guys, my question translated to english is,... hey guys sup with karmik when's it going outttttT? :P08:40
bryantOh, I see, Crawl08:40
mgmuscari!isitout | obiwan08:40
ubottuobiwan: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!08:40
mgmuscarimissed the underscore08:40
johe|workdoes 9.10 gonne be released today?08:40
crawlerbryant:  yea most games disable screensaver, but zsnes isn't one of them08:40
obiwan_ok hehehe HAHAH lol it must be a really asked question cause you got a !message for it haha08:40
mgmuscari!isitout | johe|work08:40
ubottujohe|work: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!08:41
obiwan_ahahaha is everybody asking the same this morning? :P08:41
mgmuscariobiwan_: yes :p08:41
bryantWhy specifically through screen saver? Just quicker?08:41
obiwan_^_ ^08:41
lyq99i have one question08:41
mgmuscari!ask | lyq9908:41
shled/join #ubuntu-release-party08:41
ubottulyq99: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:41
bryantErr, crawler, why through terminal? Just wuicker?08:41
mgmuscarilol i'm just being extremely pedantic right now08:41
puffHi... I need a little help with manually mounting an external drive.08:41
lyq99i cannot download ubuntu 9.1008:42
mgmuscari!isitout | lyq9908:42
ubottulyq99: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!08:42
Nickname_morning, I am using ssmtp to send emails from my server, but when I send something from a form on the site I always get www-data as the sender08:42
johe|workmgmuscari, thx :-)08:42
crawlerwell, i'll include the command in the shell script i use to start zsnes08:42
Nickname_any ideas how can I change that?08:42
bryantOh, they gave out 9.10 RC cds at the Florida Linux Show. Cannonical was there 8)08:42
=== Nickname_ is now known as NublaII
mgmuscaripuff: external? usb?08:42
SmokeyDman! I am running into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/396205 THis really is annoying. Apt-get is virtually unusable now08:42
puffYes, external, usb.08:42
puffIt is not auto-mounting, for some reason.08:42
crawlerbryant: lol forgot your name again, see above (i'm an irc noob if you can't tell:-)08:43
puffI'm seeing it show up in dmesg as sdc/08:43
=== canihaz is now known as whensitout
bryantOh, I see what you did there =]08:43
puffAnd I have a /dev/sdc and a /dev/sdc108:43
mgmuscaripuff: can you manually mount it using mount?08:43
bryantCrawler, you familiar with bash? If so, very nice =]08:43
psicobraTecnoBrat, you still here08:43
mgmuscarisdc1 would be the partition on the disk08:43
puffmgmuscari: Well, mount -a doesn't do anything.08:44
sonnyhope canonical really2 prepare for tonight crowd : downloading new karmic08:44
mgmuscaripuff: try this: sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /path/to/whatever08:44
mgmuscarisonny: that's what bittorrent is for :)08:44
mgmuscariwhy am i still awake at 4:44am?08:44
crawlerbryant: not too much, i'm still learning the basics.  but i have it to where it kills compiz, then loads metacity..and when i close zsnes, nestopia etc. it turns compiz back on08:44
puffmgmuscari: Cool, that worked.  Thanks!08:44
bryantAlright... time to try the box again mgmu.08:45
mgmuscaripuff: np :)08:45
mgmuscaribryant: depending on your irc client... !tab08:45
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!08:45
mgmuscarithought there was an entry for tab08:45
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:45
mgmuscari!tab | bryant08:45
ubottubryant: please see above08:45
FloodBot2mgmuscari: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:45
sonnyanybody knows whether new karmic is also ready from local repositories tomorrow?08:46
mgmuscarinow i feel bad...08:46
psicobrahi guys i am trying to mount a samba share on start up via fstab and it works great except the permissions arent what i need them to be08:46
psicobrai have //PSICOBRA-PC/F /media/movies smbfs    uid=1000,gid=1000,mode=0666 0 008:46
mgmuscari!isitout | sonny ... ostensibly, yes08:46
ubottusonny ... ostensibly, yes: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!08:46
psicobrawitch sets it has my folder witch is good but i need myth tv to be able to access it08:46
psicobradoes any one knoe what that should be08:46
mgmuscaripsicobra: i was dealing with that the other day08:47
mrkikoHi all! I noticed ubuntu within grub passes to the kernel the root device in form of UUID:...; does the kernel need a special patch to understand this?08:47
bryantmgmuscari: Ah, thanks... Didn't know that. Anyway, box didn't boot after BIOS cleared. (Yes, I made sure power cable was out =P)08:47
MarkGilhi, I am trying to setup spamassassin, and trying to work out how to integrate http://www.malware.com.br/cgi/submit?action=list_sa into my sa-update script08:47
psicobramgmuscari, good so you can help08:47
Cahanwould 740MB free on / be enough to dist-upgrade?08:47
mgmuscaripsicobra: is myth tv running as a different user?08:47
sonnyubottu : thx, cuz last time upgrading my 8.10 to 9.04 i asked to switch my repository to main ubuntu server  :-)08:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:47
psicobrato be honest i don't know i have just this second installed it08:47
=== WilliamHenryGate is now known as PartyBotI
crawlergot it: "gconftool-2 --set /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled --type bool 0"08:48
mgmuscarifyi first i made sure that /media/music (in my case) had the right permissions on it... before mounting08:48
karbois it out yet?08:48
crawlerso i just change bool 0, to bool 1 when the program closes xD08:48
mgmuscaricrawler: nice08:48
mgmuscari!isitout | karbo08:48
ubottukarbo: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!08:48
karbooooh it's as funny as never before every sixth month08:48
crawlermgmuscari: heh, i love linux so much xD08:48
mathieuim really embarrassed to say this but besids your help i still cant worh it out. could you give me exactly what i should type knowing that im trying to make a deb pakage of: /home/mathieu/Desktop/ati-driver-installer-9-9-x86.x86_64.run ? sorry to bother you so much08:48
psicobramgmuscari, ?08:49
mrkikoif someone has the reply,please PM me - I can't intercept messages easily. thank you08:49
sonnysonny quit for  a while ....08:49
mgmuscarimathieu: i'm pretty sure that the fglrx installer has an option to create a deb when you run it... from that path, run: chmod 700 ati-driver* and then run ./ati-driver...08:49
mgmuscaripsicobra: i'm not totally comprehending what you're trying to do and what your problem is08:50
=== OramahMaalhur is now known as PatyBot1
mgmuscariyou want mythtv to be able to read/write the folder?08:50
crawlermathieu: sometimes it's easier to just right-click the file, go to "properties > permissions" and allow execution..08:50
mgmuscaricrawler: lol i didn't even think of that...08:50
=== PatyBot1 is now known as OramahMaalhur
bryantAnyone in here go to the Florida Linux Show last Saturday? You may have seen me there =D (Sorry for semi-spam)08:51
lenovosay ho! if youre at the exeter hotel08:51
psicobramgmuscari, well read mostly but best for it to do both?08:51
crawlermgmuscari: xD it's good to learn from the terminal first though08:51
=== ahmed is now known as Guest38003
sodawatersonny switch user name to sodawater08:51
mgmuscaripsicobra: well make sure that you have rw permissions set up on your samba server08:51
mgmuscaripsicobra: also you need to create a file with the username and password in it if it's password protected08:52
psicobramgmuscari, how?08:52
psicobrai have the folder mounted via samba in the fstab like this08:52
mgmuscaripsicobra: what are you using as your samba server?08:52
psicobra/PSICOBRA-PC/F /media/movies smbfs    uid=1000,gid=1000,mode=0666 0 008:52
mgmuscariso you're running samba on your pc...08:52
psicobrawhat ever comesd with the mythbuntu cd08:52
sodawaterI am looking for M$ Netmeeting desktop sharing replacement in Ubuntu, anybody knows good and compatible one?08:53
mgmuscarii don't know how to configure the samba server offhand... i have a maxtor central axis08:53
psicobrai tried changing mode to 0777 that broke08:53
Flannelsodawater: Ekiga08:53
rajsodawater: Ekiga is probably the best bet08:53
gsevilhow can I create ubuntu repository on Centos?08:54
mgmuscarialright, 5am. i'm going to get to sleep so that i can get up and drive around for a while before class08:54
sodawaterFlannel : I tried it once, and work perfectly with text chat, but i have trouble with desktop sharing. have u try it also?08:54
mgmuscari'night room08:54
rajspeaking of Desktop Sharing, Empathy, the new default IM client in Karmic, is supposed to include that feature08:55
Flannelsodawater: No, I haven't.  But Ekiga is an h.323 client, just like netmeeting08:55
amorphous_should apache give me a list of files int he /var/www/ directory by default?08:55
=== partyspoiler is now known as indus
MinusSevenit's coming08:56
MinusSevensorry, wrong channel08:56
stonedwhen is a karmic?08:56
sodawaterFlannel : yup that's true. I think it will work perfectly with voice or text, but cuz i still dont find the perfect configuration maybe it's just my configuration error08:57
Flannelstoned: Within 27 hours.  See #ubuntu-release-party08:57
stonedi have kde3 remix08:57
stonedshould i upgrade?08:57
stonedI only like ubuntu + kde308:57
sodawateranybody knows why karmic switched it's default im from pidgin to empathy?08:57
sodawateris it better/08:58
stonedsodawater, find out08:58
stonedmy6e, /quit08:58
sodawaterstoned : yeah i will, but right know i am pretty pleased with pidgin08:58
barneystinsonalexander got a small penis08:58
stonedsodawater, ok use pidgin08:58
stonedbarneystinson, no one cares.08:59
FloodBot2andy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:59
=== andy is now known as Guest68955
Inferushai all08:59
Wez9.10 is ouy today right?08:59
alexander_hannes stinkt08:59
sodawaterInferus : hi too08:59
Inferuswas playing with ubuntu 9.1 last night, where is my dockbar!08:59
jtnlget ubuntu 9.10?08:59
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!09:00
zirodayWez: within the next 27 hours, check out #ubuntu-release-party09:00
barneystinsonhow is horny?09:00
alexander_hörsall oder was09:00
alexander_ihr habt alle nen kleinen09:00
ziroday!de | alexander_09:00
ubottualexander_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.09:00
Inferusanyone know the answer? :(09:00
FloodBot2bergjoha: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:00
InferusHow do you show the dockbar... the one that looks just like OSX's09:00
barneystinsonhey hannes hey whats up09:01
barneystinsoncan you make my body rock09:01
jtnlubuntu 9.10 desktop?09:01
zirodaybarneystinson: ?09:01
bergjohamartin da09:01
sodawaterInferus : perhaps you accidentally uninstalled your dockbar when upgrading to 9.10 then09:02
alexander_you have a small dig09:02
zirodaybarneystinson: do you have a support question we can help you with?09:02
bergjohana also geht doch09:02
bergjohaihr assi sers09:02
H20broadcast the party ...` Ubuntu `09:02
Inferussodawater: it was the beta release from ubuntu.com09:02
Inferusi was running it from cd09:02
DeSian_hi, what is happen with ubuntu karmic, i have the last alpha installed but i can't download or upgrade the system apt-get update && apt-get upgrade don't play any error, but by installing package "not package found pidgin" ...etc09:02
barneystinsonblitzkrieg mit dem fleischgewehr09:02
lodderHelp, I have setup a transparent squid server and now I don't have any internet access on the dhcp clients changed all the need configs09:02
lukaszWhat time exactly is karmick to be released?09:02
bergjohaAlex how are you09:02
zirodayDeSian_: ask in #ubuntu+109:02
zirodaylukasz: with 27 hours09:02
SunlessHaloyo, please is it possible to import my windoze Sunbird calendar & settings into the current Sunbirdu running on Ubuntu Karmic?09:03
barneystinsonfuck you bergjoha09:03
alexander_my name is alex09:03
sodawaterInferus : or just like the rest of us, let's wait the final release of Karmic in next 27 hours  :-09:03
H2027 h usa time ?09:03
barneystinsonfuck you bergjoha09:03
sodawaterH20 : in any local time  :-)09:03
bergjohafuck your mother martin09:03
bergjoha... and then fuck you all09:03
Inferussodawater: huh? Is that why I wouldn't have the dockbar?09:04
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:04
H20nice i m look for Sweden pirate time :)09:04
H20looking ^09:04
lodderHelp, I have setup a transparent squid server and now I don't have any internet access on the dhcp clients changed all the need configs09:05
Catalindid the last version of Ubuntu was release?09:06
sodawaterInferus : I am sure it is not, but I also have the same problem with other application when upgrading 8.04 to 8.1009:06
bigbrovarodder> u might want to ask that at the #ubuntu-server09:06
ziroday!isitout | Catalin09:06
ubottuCatalin: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!09:06
agushelp me how to remove gnome09:07
zirodayagus: and replace it with?09:07
XtevenI'm looking for a way to keep track of all the papers I read, I would like to add notes to them and assign labels to them09:07
Xtevenis there something like that in ubuntu ?09:08
agusI have installed xubuntu-desktop, can I remove my gnome?09:08
ziroday!purekde | agus09:08
ubottuagus: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »09:08
sodawateragus : just make sure you already have the replacement first, KDE  for instance09:08
Flannel!purexfce | agus09:08
ubottuagus: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »09:08
zirodayagus: just do sudo aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop09:08
zirodayFlannel: oh neat09:08
agusis xfce depend on gnome?09:09
sodawateragus : no09:09
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal09:09
om26eragus, yes09:09
jcduttonWhy isn't the latest firefox version in karmic ?09:09
bigbrovaragus> xfce is based on gtk09:09
joaopinto!karmic | jcdutton09:09
ubottujcdutton: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party09:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lxde09:09
agusso I cannot remove gnome to change xubuntu?09:10
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »09:10
BlackFatejcdutton, the day is still running.. patience09:10
Flannelagus: You can.  That link shows you how09:10
jcduttonBlackFate, what do you mean? The day is still running. Firefox 3.5.4 was released yesterday09:11
jcduttonbut karmic only has 3.5.309:11
om26erjcdutton, 3.5.4 might come a few days later09:11
BlackFatejcdutton, new version will come in karmic too09:11
induswill firefox  3.6 be in karmic?09:11
sodawaterhope karmic have special feature : option to change the placement of osd-notify09:11
zirodayjcdutton: 3.5.4 is unlikely to get into karmic, however it may become available in a PPA sometime soon09:11
mrfeltonso, what time does KArmic come out?!09:12
zirodaysodawater: it doesn't09:12
ziroday!isitout | sodawater09:12
ubottusodawater: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!09:12
zirodayeek sorry sodawater09:12
agusare some default application like synaptic brought by gnome?09:12
induswill firefox  3.6 be in karmic?09:12
bao_you are all fool, 3.5.5 will come right after 3.5.409:12
om26erindus, you can install it in ubuntu karmic but karmic will never replace firefox 3.5.x09:12
Fri13Hi, what time the ubuntu gets released today?09:12
om26erindus, apt-get install firefox-3.609:13
sodawaterziroday :   :-(09:13
=== MadMax is now known as Guest28074
jcduttonziroday, why is there a delay between mozilla releasing a firefox version and ubuntu picking it up ?09:13
ziroday!latest | jcdutton09:13
indusom26er: its available as a separate package?09:13
ubottujcdutton: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.09:13
bao_will firefox 3.6 work with my banking web site?09:13
indusyeah right, ubuntu people know more about firefox than the mozilla devs themselves09:13
om26erindus, just the name of firefox 3.6 and it says candidate not availble09:13
jcduttonubottu, the firefox 3.5.4 is a security bug fix over 3.5.309:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:13
zirodayjcdutton: Ubuntu is *not* rolling release09:14
induslame excuse really09:14
genericbao_: no ifact you would be putting youself at a serious risk by doing so09:14
SunlessHalobao_: Mr Murphy said... Thing that can go wrong, go wrong09:14
Inferussodawater: no the dockbar didnt even show up in the first place !09:14
induscan someone refer a few rolling releases to me09:14
agusso GTK's app need gnome09:14
Flannelindus: debian testing09:14
indusFlannel: non debian ones09:14
zirodayindus: Arch Linux09:14
indusa little easier like ubuntu but roling09:15
rwwFlannel: Debian Testing isn't really rolling release. Unstable, perhaps?09:15
om26erindus, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-security/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox-3.609:15
arnsmartHello to you all.09:15
sodawaterInferus : ist cairo dockbar or else ?09:15
om26erindus, sorry gave you wrong repo09:15
indusom26er: dont worry ill figure it out09:16
indusi think ill swtich to suse linux now, tired with ubuntu09:16
om26erindus, i tried suse for a day and it sucked for me09:16
UncleAndyHi, all!09:16
UncleAndyWho can help me? I need do update from ubuntu 9.04 to ubuntu 9.10. But I don't know ha.09:17
indusUncleAndy: wait a day and you will be offered the upgrade09:17
zirodayUncleAndy: karmic is not out yet, go party in #ubuntu-release-party09:18
indusUncleAndy: or just type sudo update-manager -d09:18
=== NiteSnow is now known as AtomicCrotch
indusUncleAndy: that command can be run now too and you will get upgraded unless the servers are slow09:18
=== AtomicCrotch is now known as NiteSnow
UncleAndyThanks all!09:21
New_Windso, how do you think. then we can see 9.10 release?09:22
agusso GTK's app need gnome?09:22
Flannel!isitout | New_Wind09:22
ubottuNew_Wind: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!09:22
New_Windah, i see )09:23
slabbehIs 9.10 released? And how do I upgrade?09:25
ubuntu2ubuntu 9.10 released or not09:25
agusgnome depends on gtk or gtk depends on gnome?09:25
Mads|OnlineNot yet09:25
Flannelubuntu2, slabbeh: No.  It'll be released within the next 26 hours.  Check out #ubuntu-release-party for updates/questions/etc09:25
Crazy_<Crazy___> Hi all! I have small problem with b43 driver on Ubutnu Linux. We have crappy access points in our university and my laptop gets disconnected every 3 minutes.09:26
Crazy_<Crazy___> it is really annoying and I have no idea what could be the problem.09:27
Crazy_<Crazy___> I don't have such problem on windows.09:27
Crazy_<Crazy___> and I am not only one who gets this kind of problem on linux. Every one who uses linux here get the same problem.09:27
Crazy_<Crazy___> Possibl solutions?09:27
FloodBot2Crazy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:27
goosebad paste is bad09:27
Crazy_sou any ideas what to do>09:27
goosewhich distro are you using?09:27
=== joe75_ is now known as joe75
goose!isitout | slabbeh09:28
ubottuslabbeh: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!09:28
jcduttonCrazy_, it the problem limited to b43 wireless cards? Are other Linux laptops ok that have other cards ?09:29
Balsaqcan't get printer to print in abiword? configured it and it did do i "test" print?09:30
Crazy_jcdutton, no. every linux user has those problems09:32
gooseCrazy_: what distro are you using?09:33
Crazy_goose, distro is not important. I am using Karmic, my friends use Jaunty and Debian lenny. We all have the same problem09:33
Crazy_goose, I told you I am using Karmic09:34
gooseCrazy_: on second thought, it's probably the routers they're using not liking unix09:34
Crazy_But I had the same problem with Jaunty09:34
goosedo people with macs have the same problem?09:34
Crazy_wait, I will ask someone with mac.09:35
gooseI've found few routers aside from Cisco/Linksys that genuinely _work_ with unix OS's09:35
Crazy_goose, sorry noone with Mac around :D09:36
goosewell, that doesn't prove or disprove my theory then :|09:37
gooseI'm willing to bet it's just whatever networking system your school uses sucks at unix09:37
coz_goose,   unix ...unlike modern linux  distributions..are still very picky about hardware09:38
gooseI used to ping all the time on my old D-Link router. Finally forked out the money for a Cisco router, never had a problem since.09:38
coz_goose,   solaris .,  fro example...one of my favorite unix flavlors  is not great when dealing with  hardware09:38
Degothi, all... i`ve installed kvm virt-manager... and created 2 vm`s... i can ping them from host (host  -> guest), but i can`t ping from guest to guest ...any ideas?09:38
gooseDegot: any firewalls enabled? are they all on the same network?09:39
icarus-cDegot: vlan?09:39
PAgoreDoes somebody know when I can download ubuntu 9.10? :)09:39
icarus-cPAgore: any time09:39
goosePAgore: www.ubuntu.com09:39
Degotgoose, icarus-c: they are in one network (isolated network)09:39
icarus-cPAgore: come on man, this is free and open source software09:39
PAgorey i know ^^09:40
goosePAgore: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/09:40
gooseicarus-c: does one machine have a "real" IP assigned to it, etc?09:41
icarus-cgoose: depends on the setup.  i use NAT myself09:42
Bear10_Is it possible to know where ubuntu is crashing in a install? It just randomly stops09:44
phphorsehi, how many hours will the ubuntu-release take?09:44
gooseBear10_: sounds like a scratched / burned with an error CD09:45
Flannelphphorse: It'll be released sometime within the next 27 hours.  #ubuntu-release-party for questions/updates/etc.  Thanks09:45
goosemay I suggest using a USB drive, or if you use a CD, burn at slowest possible speed and verify09:45
phphorseFlannel: thx.09:45
Cleptosilly question thats been asked a billion times but meh ill ask it anyhow... anyone know whats up with 9.10?09:45
goose!isitout | Clepto09:45
alex__Что за?09:45
ubottuClepto: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!09:45
furuno!id | furuno09:46
ubottufuruno, please see my private message09:46
k1gwbWhat's Karma+1 called again?09:46
Cleptothank you09:46
gooseshould just set ubottu to trigger any sentence with "9.10" to reply "isitout"09:46
gooseanyways, sun is rising, bed time I think. nn09:46
Bear10_goose, its not though09:46
Bear10_goose, i tried multiple burns, diff speeds09:47
Bear10_i also tried different pieces of hardware and each one causes freeze elsewhere im not syure whats wrong09:47
gooseBear10_: boot in live CD and install via terminal?09:47
fahadsadahKind of a weird problem.09:48
andro_any one here?09:48
fahadsadahI did rm -rf / on a Wubi install.09:48
Bear10_goose, ill try09:48
goosefahadsadah: why would you do such a thing?09:48
fahadsadahNow I can't uninstall Wubi in Windows.09:48
furunoandro_ : I'm two, not one :)09:48
fahadsadahgoose: Boredom.09:48
goosefahadsadah: which windows OS?09:48
goosefahadsadah: delete the C:\Ubuntu\ folder09:49
fahadsadahI thought it would be like rm -rf / on a real Ubuntu.09:49
fahadsadahgoose: It doesn't leave anything in the registry, or something?09:49
goosefahadsadah: then right click my computer, find the "boot" section, and disable the "Select OS at startup" option09:49
fahadsadahI've cleaned it from the BCD menu.09:49
fahadsadahAnd from the add/remove programs thingy.09:49
goosefahadsadah: nothing bad, no. residue that it was installed, but you won't get any error messages or anything.09:49
Boebydoes anybody know something about "switchable graphics" in Linux ?09:50
furunoBoeby : do you mean switching from your dedicated gpu to integrated gpu?09:50
BoebyFuruno: yes..09:51
BoebyI have a T400 with an integrated Intel-graphic and a ATI-graphic09:51
BoebyT400 = Lenovo Thinkpad..09:52
icarus-cBoeby: if i were you, i would try to remove the ATI one :P09:52
Boebyto work with an external display, i have to use the ati..09:53
Boebyto save power, i should use the intel..09:53
jezleeOk, it Thursday - when will new ubuntu be released?09:53
furunoBoeby : quick talk to Mr.Google give me this : http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Njc2Nw09:54
furunoBoeby : but it's a 2008 article09:54
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!09:56
Guest604Hey all - when is the release coming out? its Thursday the 29th and midday in South Africa??09:56
furuno!isitout | Guest60409:56
ubottuGuest604: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!09:56
BoebyFuruno - Thanks for your talk with mr. google.. :)09:56
furunoBoeby : seems like it's unsupported yet :/09:57
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!09:57
Guest604thank you09:57
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!10:00
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WhittI'm looking for help with grub, would anybody here be able to help.  My system refuses to boot any kernel higher than 2.6.2710:02
induswhy is the ubuntu website still mentioning ubuntu beta when rc is out10:02
mouse{Linux}it hasn't been officialy released10:03
furunoindus : but you get the RC for download10:03
flowerI'm searching for a 2.6.31 kernel for 8.04, can somebody help me with that?10:04
Tetsu1flower Waiting,maybe google can solve it10:05
furunothe party channel getting crazy, i need somewhere to hide :/10:05
mouse{Linux}in here seems good :x10:06
invitingdopemanfo real tho10:07
invitingdopemanfuckin crazy10:07
invitingdopemandamn 1000 peeps in here10:07
nawaflolYes !10:08
J_Phi all, why ubuntu finish count and still are show "coming soon"?10:08
nawaflolis still have coming soon ?10:08
Fish__J_P, I guess it's coming soon...10:08
nawafloltoo bad !10:09
turshusuppose to :)10:09
furuno!isitout | J_P10:09
ubottuJ_P: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!10:09
J_PFish__: ahahah so coming soon in few hours..10:09
turshuhope so :P10:09
Fish__I hope10:09
Fish__I wanna test the new features :D10:09
Fish__but I don't want to go to beta10:09
Fish__and upgrade it to final after an hour agin xD10:09
tarzeaui wonder what's going to happen with the curves at http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ within a week, or month....10:10
psicobraguys i'm having problems i have sucessfully mounted a samba share on start up using fstab but it needs to be accessable via mythtv i change the permissions10:10
turshui just test it and it's great but has some bugs10:10
nawafloli tried openbox in the new 9.10 beta didn't work ! Hope this upgrade helps !10:10
jony123whats the netstat command to find out whats listening on what ports?10:10
tarzeaujony123: netstat -plunt ?10:10
tarzeauor generally -na10:10
turshunawaflol: did u tried awesome wm before?10:11
furunojony123 : netstat -a if i recall, or just man netstat :)10:11
nikolamI just wander.. what apps yopu guys actually use to plan tasks? And I don`t talk about calendar, alams, but to plan some operations, linke "this action or resource depends on this and that" kind of planning aplication10:11
llutzjony123: netstat -tulpen10:11
nawafloli didn't want it ! i want to test on my hardware !10:11
jony123ok thanks10:11
vdp_ubuntuhi, I am using ubuntu 9.04 and want to create a usb startup disk.  however when I use the option in the administration manu, I get error cannnot determine partition.  What cold be the reason?10:11
Ramunasvdp_ubuntu: you have multiple partitions on the usb drive?10:12
nawaflolhmmm ?!10:12
furunonikolam : I use my whiteboard beside my PC, and Planner for everything else (sudo apt-get install planner)10:12
vdp_ubuntuRamunas: no, I don't have multipal partitions10:12
ppineWhat hour is Karmic going to be released ?10:13
nawaflolDid anyone tried Openbox with his Karmic Kola10:13
jony123ok now its saying sendmail is on port 25 which is bad because then postfix can't bind to that port.  But when i say apt-get remove it says that 'Package sendmail is not installed, so not removed'10:13
furuno!isitout | ppine10:13
ubottuppine: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!10:13
Ramunasppine: no specific time, just sometime on 29th10:13
Whittthe 29th is almost over here in NZ!10:13
ppineIs the iso different then the RC iso ?10:13
jony123tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      9847/sendmail: MTA:10:14
RamunasWhitt: so what? its just beginning over here :P10:14
furunoppine : I suppose...10:14
isola73dsh33p9.10 is not out yet =_=10:14
nawaflolNope !10:14
asdqwehow to run winbox in ubuntu desktop?.10:14
marxushow's the Karmic release?still no link from ubuntu site10:14
ppinei am already running 9.10 for a month orso, dist-upgrade will bring me to the same as the final isnt that right ?10:14
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!10:15
nawaflolbut you have to be the Main Server its better !10:15
asdqwechannel /topic10:15
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furunoasdqwe : do you mean running a windows on a vm in ubuntu?10:15
asdqwevm ubuntu..10:16
marxusis the RC version of Karmic good to go?i want to install it tonight10:16
nawaflolTry VirtualBox Its better ?!10:16
furunoasdqew : ?10:16
furunoasdqew : maybe try use virtualbox?10:16
marxusbut much better if will be installing the final release10:16
nawaflolVirtualBox Is Easy and Stable !10:16
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furunoasdqew : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox10:17
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marxusi thought Karmic would be released 29th of October10:18
furuno!isitout | marxus10:18
ubottumarxus: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!10:18
D3RGPS31I want Ubuntu 9.10!10:18
nawafloli'm geting Xubuntu 8.10 for an old Machine i have ,i'm going to make it a proxy server !10:18
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:18
furunoD3RGPS31 : me, too, check the #ubuntu-release-party :)10:18
mipz0rUbuntu 9.1010:19
mipz0r./exec -o cat /etc/issue.net10:19
D3RGPS31furuno: thank you xD10:19
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asdqwefuruno : u know winbox?.10:19
furunoactually, that channel is quite giving me a headache recently10:19
vixim about to download ubuntu 6.10 just wondering if everything works now in the 64bit ver, like flash and java and all tht or will i hv to break my head again for it10:20
furunoasdqwe : a box that always win :) ?10:20
furunovix : 6.10 ? do you mean 9.10?10:20
asdqwefuruno : winbox for mikrotik... in my ubuntu desktop no run...10:20
furunovix : of course you still need to reinstall them, more info on 9.10 at #ubuntu+1 :)10:20
xt28When I enter "/topic", all I get is "Unsupported command"...10:21
vixim doing a fresh install10:21
turshu /msg ChanServ REGISTER #ubuntu10:21
marxusis the RC version of Karmic, good to go?10:21
Ramunasmarxus: running it right now ;)10:21
bmsatierfHello! So when will we able to download the 9.10 Release?10:22
furuno!isitout | bmsatierf10:22
ubottubmsatierf: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!10:22
marxusRamunas : what's your feedback then?10:22
CopyWriterhi all where can i download the new buntu10:22
Ramunasmarxus: works fine :)10:22
vix"/join ubuntu +1" didnt work10:22
furunoit shouldn't be brown :)10:22
CopyWriterok i see the last messages10:22
bmsatierfOh, thanks!10:22
furunovix : #ubuntu+1 << just click, no space between text10:22
marxusRamunas : great, i'm a LAMP developer so I want to install it if it works very fine..10:23
marxusRamunas : thank you for the info10:23
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!10:24
furunomarxus : I'm using XAMPP just fine10:24
Tetsu1ubottu is a stupid bot!10:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:24
Ramunasmarxus: well, it took me 2 reinstalls to get it working, but its just fine now :)10:25
marxusRamunas : what you have installed specifically?10:26
Ramunasmarxus: as in apps?10:26
xt28Hmm. How do I enter IRC commands in Empathy?10:26
marxusRamunas : yep10:26
grawityxt28: Try the box below?10:26
Sacrowhen's 9.10 out?10:27
futurechimpis it out?10:27
DB42Sacro, sometime today10:27
furuno!isitout | Sacro10:27
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!10:27
Ramunasmarxus: amarok, opera, skype, filezilla, not much else yet10:27
ubottuSacro: please see above10:27
xt28grawity: If I enter "/topic" into that box, I just get "Unsupported command".10:27
icarus-cxt28: what is your IRC client10:28
grawityxt28: Huh. And I thought Pidgin is the worst IRC client ever... Is there /raw or /quote?10:28
xt28icarus-c: Empathy.10:28
grawityxt28: Or, seriously, get a better client10:28
marxusRamunas : does skype works with great audio?10:28
JacksonBrownwhen will 9.10 drop?10:28
Ramunasmarxus: you mean pulse audio?10:28
|chris|am using kvirc in ubuntu and works fine10:28
grawityJacksonBrown: Real Soon Now™10:28
marxusRamunas: yes, definitely10:28
mykelhere http://mirror.lupaworld.com/ubuntu/releases/9.10/ ?10:29
asdqwejacksonbrown:please see above10:29
zetheroo1everyone flood to the release party10:29
dehaani_release party is chaos10:29
=== dehaani_ is now known as dehaani
raikis 9.10 out?10:29
banisterfiendhey guys, im going away for a while and i want to setup this box so i cant ssh to it and use it. How do i do that?10:29
marxusmykel : is that final list?10:29
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!10:29
zetheroo1dehaani_: as it should be10:30
mouse{Linux}so you can, you mean?10:30
llutzbanisterfiend: remove sshd :)10:30
xt28grawity: I am currently running the 9.10 beta live cd... I shall get a better client after installation. Any recommendations?10:30
dehaanibtw does anyone know roughly how many bugs are fixed since RC?10:30
grawityxt28: irssi10:30
banisterfiendllutz: im a bit of a noob when it comes to this kind of thing...how do i go about configuring my system so i can do that?10:30
FPtjeWhere is ubuntu 9.10 is it released this day?10:30
grawityxt28: If you find terminal-based programs confusing, Xchat is awesome10:30
xt28grawity: thanks!10:31
Ramunasmarxus: don't take my word, x server just reloaded randomly10:31
llutzbanisterfiend: sudo aptitude install openssh-server10:31
Salvad1Is 9.10 final for download?10:31
FPtjelol tetsu1 xD10:31
marxusmykel is giving us the link..is this real?10:31
Tetsu1Darn Pidgin10:31
FPtjenot yet salvad1, but it should have been today10:31
llutzbanisterfiend: if your box is behind a router, make sure portforwarding to port22 (default) is set up10:31
SagaciSalvad1: theoretically, yes. practically, no10:32
marxusMykel : please advise your link10:32
banisterfiendllutz: ok thanks, it's installing now...can i get you to ssh to it to check if it's working? (or tell me how i check itmyself)10:32
xt28Tetsu1: Getting nervous? =)10:32
mykelmarxus, huh10:32
sclytrackIs Marc Shuttleworth still in bed? Somebody tell him to wake up and release the freaking thing.10:32
llutzbanisterfiend: better check yourself, ssh -l user host10:33
Tetsu1xt28 my Pidgin got someproblems10:33
llutzbanisterfiend: never give anyone you don't know ssh-access to your boxes10:33
dehaanipidgin is old school now10:33
banisterfiendllutz: but will that let me check whether or not that router thingy is blocking something?10:33
xt28Tetsu1: I can relate to that... (using Empathy, though).10:33
plastunI use 9.04. Where I can find inittab?10:33
rajasunsclytrack: doubt Mark has much say over the release. Think there is a release enginering team for that.10:33
Basstard`What's the equivalence of Kate in Ubuntu?10:34
grawityplastun: Ubuntu uses Upstart, which doesn't really have an inittab...10:34
grawityBasstard`: GNOME uses Gedit by default10:34
banisterfiendllutz: do i have to do anything else once ive installed open-ssh  or will everything just 'work' ? :)10:34
turshuit worked :P10:34
llutzbanisterfiend: user external IP for testing, needs nat-loopback enabled in router10:34
Basstard`grawity: Does it cut it?10:34
plastunand how can I know about demons which starts at system startup?10:34
* grawity shrugs10:34
llutzbanisterfiend: default sshd-config  should be fine for 1st tests10:34
grawityBasstard`: Eh, I just use vim.10:34
s3r3n1t7Hello, i'm using Ubuntu server to run Tomcat for my email management tool. However, recent development on my tool has caused some problem with 1 of the script and is now giving the error message "/bin/bash/: bad interpreter". I've checked for wrong line endings and from what i've seen I can't see what's wrong with the thing.10:34
grawity!upstart | plastun10:35
ubottuplastun: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/10:35
grawitys3r3n1t7: You need to remove the slash from the end...10:35
akshay1 hour to go10:35
banisterfiendllutz: ok the aptitutde install is complete. what's next? :)10:35
akshayinside scoop10:35
grawitys3r3n1t7: If you use /bin/bash/ the OS is looking for a directory with that name... /bin/bash is correct10:35
Dynetrekkhi all. I'm going to help a friend install ubuntu on an elderly PC. what is the recommended *buntu for a "noob" with 512 RAM? Ubuntu, xubuntu...?10:35
llutzbanisterfiend: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start10:35
s3r3n1t7grawity, wait ... did i really type that slash? oh ... my ... thanks!10:35
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:35
sum-itis karmic released?10:36
llutzbanisterfiend: better check yourself, ssh -l user your-external-host-ip10:36
akshay@dynetrekk: xubuntu10:36
Dynetrekkakshay: due to performance?10:36
icerootis there a torrent-client for cli with which i can download an iso and automaticly upload it? (the whole time, not only while donwloading) for uploading karmic :)10:36
Tetsu1Ubuntu is ok10:36
akshaylots of factor actually10:36
akshay512 will do great for it10:36
Tetsu1My PC is 512MB of RAM,I use Ubuntu as well10:36
xt28!isitout | sum-it10:36
ubottusum-it: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!10:36
dehaaniUbuntu + MSI Wind = Problem :s10:36
DexterLBwhen is karmic going to be released?10:36
Dynetrekkakshay: so any of ubuntu or xubuntu is fine? what about kubuntu?10:36
b3rz3rk3rits out!10:36
grawityiceroot: I thought all BitTorrent clients do that. Try rtorrent.10:37
grawityDexterLB: Soon.10:37
geirhaiceroot: transmission-daemon10:37
akshayon 512 RAM, xubuntu will be great10:37
icerootgeirha: grawity i will have a look, thx10:37
DynetrekkTetsu1: and that performs well enough (perhaps turning off some fancy eyecandy)10:37
DexterLBoh ok10:37
tehowe"Can't wait? Download the Beta now."10:38
s3r3n1t7grawity, Hmm, the error message does indeed state a slash, but i can't find it in the scripts. Is there a way to check if any of the files contain a /bin/bash/ with the slash?10:38
DynetrekkTetsu1: also, for a noob, ease of use is more important than snappiness...10:38
Tetsu1Dynetrekk It depend on your 3d Card too10:38
b3rz3rk3rits already out gents10:38
tMxi need 9.10 :(10:38
QweritosGreetings to all! Where I can download the final version ubuntu 9.10? Give link please)))10:38
DynetrekkTetsu1: assume "non existent" or slow, I think10:38
banisterfiendllutz: ok, cool it seems to work. :) But my system at the other system is windows, what's the best way to connect to it from windows?10:38
grawitys3r3n1t7: Just check the very first line of each file -- the #! line is what it's complaining about.10:38
llutzbanisterfiend: use putty, windows ssh-client10:38
geirhaQweritos: Ask in #ubuntu-release-party10:38
grawitybanisterfiend: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/10:39
grawitywoot, I still can type that URL.10:39
s3r3n1t7grawity, I have, and I can't find a script with a slash on the end of that line. Would it cause a problem if i call a script from another script, and both have the shebang?10:39
banisterfiendllutz: cool. So so long as i dont restart my computer now, i will be able to connect to it from my other windows system?10:39
grawitys3r3n1t7: Nope, that really is not a problem.10:39
DjAngo23Hey everyone, got some serious problems with my ubuntu installation. It will now be 8 mounth that i'm using Ubuntu, but sundenly this morning, i could only see 1/5 of my screen. The 4/other 5 was black, but my mouse could go there. Really Strange. Now im i restarted gdm on tty1 bt it's really slow, do you have any idea ?10:39
=== whensitout is now known as pschulz01
llutzbanisterfiend: even after reboot you should be able to. sshd should be startet at boottime10:39
marxusgents i got this link, http://mirror.lupaworld.com/ubuntu/releases/karmic/ is this final?10:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer10:40
DynetrekkTetsu1: will ubuntu perform OK without a 3D card with effects turned off?10:40
bogdanbivWhen is Karmic released?10:40
s3r3n1t7grawity, and using chmod on every file before running it wouldn't cause any problems either would it? (I need to since eclipse doesn't set the executable bit from the working directory) ... I'm stumped, been stuck on this for the past 2 hours and I don't see what's wrong =\10:40
banisterfiendllutz: that's cool. Is it safe to have the server running all the time though? can't someone hack it10:40
DynetrekkTetsu1: or is xubuntu a better option then?10:40
bogdanbivUm correction, at what _hour_ is Ubuntu Karmic released?10:41
Tetsu1Dynetrekk: Ubuntu with No Effects and Xubuntu?10:41
llutzbanisterfiend: ssh is pretty safe, but make sure to use keys for authentication or at least good paswords10:41
grawitys3r3n1t7: How about... grep -R '^#!/bin/bash/' ./10:41
DynetrekkTetsu1: yep? I suspect the graphics card is of the simple kind10:41
Tetsu1Ubuntu have more apps10:41
Tetsu1Xubuntu have more freespace10:41
grawityTetsu1: Both Ubuntu and Xubuntu can use the same programs...10:41
DynetrekkTetsu1: freespace?10:41
llutzbanisterfiend: "ilovemon" isn't a good one :)10:41
bazhangbogdanbiv, join #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown10:42
anoopbogdanbiv: you may have to wait for 4 more hours10:42
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=== Blizzerand is now known as Wikidude
s3r3n1t7grawity, done, returns nothing10:42
Tetsu1Xubuntu with default not have too many programs,you can install then10:42
Tetsu1Ubuntu with default have many program preinstall10:42
=== Wikidude is now known as Blizzerand
DynetrekkTetsu1: ah right, disk space-wise. what's the ubuntu disk use with a "default" install?10:43
DjAngo23Hey everyone, got some serious problems with my ubuntu installation. It will now be 8 mounth that i'm using Ubuntu, but sundenly this morning, i could only see 1/5 of my screen. The 4/other 5 was black, but my mouse could go there. Really Strange. Now im i restarted gdm on tty1 bt it's really slow, do you have any idea ?10:43
jony123anyone here know how to send email threw a non-normal port in evolutions10:43
Tetsu1Just Install CD,Dynetrekk10:43
grawityjony123: through* -- and it can be changed in preferences -> accounts10:43
DynetrekkTetsu1: ok, sounds reasonable enough...10:44
=== Blizzerand is now known as Wikidude
albechI have an older machine with onboard gfx card.. It is running Ubuntu just fine. Now I have installed an old PCI graphics card in hope that I can use a second monitor. According to lspci the installed pci card is found '01:09.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 86C326 5598/6326 (rev 92)'. How do I activate the card and get output on the monitor. I wish to extend the desktop. http://nopaste.com/p/a2QfYnbdk10:44
DynetrekkTetsu1: just making sure that the "system requirements" are realistic10:44
jony123grawity, i cant find the setting in the Account Editor10:44
=== altec is now known as bob
Tetsu1If you dont have many demand,just use Xubuntu10:44
akshaywhy can't I join ubuntu-release-party10:45
s3r3n1t7grawity, the entire error tomcat throws me contain 2 file names. I've checked both files and i cannot see what's wrong with them. Would it help if i pastebin those?10:45
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akshayam i banned?10:45
xt28akshay: I can't either. Maybe it's the IRC client I am using (Empathy)...10:46
Wikidudeakshay : No10:46
grawitys3r3n1t7: Well... I'd prefer to see them unmodified. Pastebins can mess with things.10:46
Tetsu1Dynetrekk: The system requirements,this is minimum requirements10:46
grawitys3r3n1t7: How about, for example, base64 < file.sh > file.sh.base64, and pastebin _that_ one?10:46
akshayi am using the webchat interface and can't join the channel10:46
DynetrekkTetsu1: right. so you should have a bit more for comfort10:46
s3r3n1t7grawity, your previous statement was correct ... I had a link to an old version of the file, one that _did_ contain the shebang ending with a slash. Correcting it10:47
s3r3n1t7grawity, I didn't notice that the path was slightly off, so i was checking the wrong directory10:47
spaetzyes, there is: http://cgit.openembedded.net/cgit.cgi/openembedded/tree/conf/distro/include?id=e601ac0b73c79ceda6fdbb1c634744a703e4710510:47
khannzHi, guys. I've got some sort of trouble with my network interfaces. I got only one, but my system see it as eth2, not eth0. how can fix it?10:48
akshayok people tell me your favourite linux/ubuntu blog...10:48
Tetsu1Dynetrekk: may be,I only need for study and working!So I use Ubuntu,Turn off effects,remove somepackage that I dont need to10:48
theadminakshay: tuxradar.com10:48
grawitykhannz: Does ifconfig -a list eth0/eth1?10:48
iceroot!ot | akshay10:48
ubottuakshay: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:48
Tetsu1!isitout | ubottu10:49
ubottuTetsu1: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!10:49
AdvoWorkanyone here had any problems with cups before? got a printer connected(usb) to a pc running ubuntu, all other ubuntu pc's can see it and print to it. i have 2 xp pcs, ive added the printer fine, it can see it and picked it up but nothing prints out//10:49
DynetrekkTetsu1: then I will do as you are doing.10:49
khannzgrawity, no10:49
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mrwesseems we've survived aye?10:50
grawitykhannz: So... what is the problem then?10:50
Tetsu1!isitout | ubottu10:51
khannzgrawity, ^_^ the problem is that i don't know why my only iface called eth2 if this was eth0 in 2 days ago & eth1 yeasterday10:51
grawity!botabuse > Tetsu110:51
ubottuTetsu1, please see my private message10:51
mrwesanyone have a workaround for Handbrake and Karmic -- fails to launch10:51
uzipeople! anyone know what time is karmic koala is coming? :D10:51
grawityuzi: Soon10:51
xt28khannz: My guess is that eth0 and eth1 have existed at some previous point. During the boot sequence, maybe?10:51
s3r3n1t7grawity, would you please help me with a small thing in order to avoid this ... I'd like to set an env variable to the working directory, so that i can use that variable in my scripts.10:51
uziany idea what time? :D10:51
ltspadminhow to set resolution of thinclient in ubuntu 8.04 ltsp10:52
khannzxt28, can you please tell me how i can figure it out?10:52
grawitys3r3n1t7: Why not just use $(pwd)10:52
KevinMaiwhen does Karmic Final release?10:53
s3r3n1t7grawity, it's run from tomcat, so what directory its in will be unsure when the scripts are called. Generally, they end up somewhere in the working directory10:53
Argosok wheres the party10:53
KevinMaiwhen does Karmic Final release?10:53
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Karmic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseParties10:53
ltspadminhow to set display resolution of thinclient in ubuntu 8.04 ltsp10:53
Argosyes party10:53
ltspadminhow to set display resolution of thinclient in ubuntu 8.04 ltsp on ond sytem..10:54
xuhello. when will 9.10 be published?10:54
grawityxu: Today.10:54
bazhangxu, join #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown10:55
akshayi got banned from #ubuntu-release-party How to unban??10:56
akshayneed help10:56
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:56
s3r3n1t7grawity, nvm i found a solution. I'll just symlink it to the actual working dir.10:56
imperfect-Anyone here aware of an issue with SATA performance?10:57
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:57
imperfect-i.e. it blows?10:57
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!10:57
dux0ro ya10:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about titsout10:57
=== pixlbox is now known as jsongorman
dehaanihoi ubuntuers! wtf is wrong with ubuntu one?10:58
uziActually gonna install jaunty for my friend right now, but should I perhaps wait for karmic? Anyone know the release hour? :D Thank you10:59
psicobrahi all i have mounted a samba share on start up using fstab but i must have somthing wrong beacuse it is always read only i have mounted it using this command in fstab //PSICOBRA-PC/F /media/movies smbfs    uid=1000,gid=105,mode=777 0 010:59
TO3000hw can i unban my self from a channel10:59
psicobracan any one see what i did wrong10:59
varunthackerwhy hasn't 9.10 released yet?10:59
grawityTO3000: You can't - you need to ask the channel ops.10:59
TO3000how do i do that10:59
dehaanipsicobra, you used Windows?10:59
jsongormanHi has anyone used git for version control ?10:59
grawitypsicobra: Try cifs instead of smbfs?10:59
dehaaniIsn't that wrong enough?10:59
=== Mad_Away is now known as Mad_Dud
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psicobrawhat is cifs?11:00
zaoulanyone recall a window manager which supports window 'nesting'  .. that is grouping of windows inside of each other?11:00
xt28jsongorman: yes.11:00
grawitydehaani: No OS (except OS/2) is wrong.11:00
jribjsongorman: someone probably has... just ask your question11:00
grawitypsicobra: CIFS is a newer version of SMB, and cifs is a newer version of smbfs.11:00
=== john is now known as Guest98471
dehaaniOS/2 still runs on thousands of ATMs!!11:00
TO3000how do i ask the channel ops.11:00
psicobrawill it be installed already?11:00
dehaaniI actually quite like Windows 7 btw11:00
grawitypsicobra: It comes with 'samba'11:00
grawitydehaani: Not unusual11:01
BamakoBudapest-Bamako Rally11:01
psicobragrawity, and that will allow groups to have read/wright access?11:01
Bamakocaritative help Africa11:01
Tetsu1when its out ubottu11:01
dehaanianyone know if the msi wind brightness bug is being fixed soon? today?11:01
sulemangrawity, can u please help me khow which lan messanger helps me know which ports users are using???/11:01
TO3000how do i ask the channel ops.11:01
sulemangrawity, can u please help me khow which lan messanger helps me know which ports users are using???/11:01
psicobragrawity, //PSICOBRA-PC/F /media/movies cifs    uid=1000,gid=105,mode=777 0 0 like that?11:02
jribTO3000: what channel?11:02
oobeubuntu 9.10 isnt out yet11:02
oobeubuntu 9.10 isnt out yet11:02
sulemancan u please help me khow which lan messanger helps me know which ports users are using???/11:02
bazhangoobe, join #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown11:02
anoobi downloaded rc and now i have karmic :D11:02
TO3000jrib: #ubuntu-relase-party11:02
grawitysuleman: Wireshark.11:02
jribTO3000: #ubuntu-ops11:02
marxus1anoob : does RC works great?11:03
sulemangrawity, thanks11:03
TO3000jrib: thank you soo much11:03
anoobyes, it does...11:03
sulemangwawity,dude thanks11:03
anoobit beautiful man!11:03
* grawity sighs.11:03
oobebazhang, do they do 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 111:03
bazhangoobe, join and see11:03
anoobi always use debian but now i'm changing my mind11:03
oobebazhang, i have been there for a while11:04
djzndmatt: me listens to DM SOTU while waiting11:04
marxus1just asking when is the release of 9.10 final?11:04
xt28marxus1: #ubuntu-release-party11:05
spaetz!ititout | marxus111:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ititout11:05
bazhangmarxus1, join #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown11:05
oobebazhang, http://pastebin.ca/164764911:05
marxus1sure thanks xt2811:05
Shockrateshi which is the fastest browser for linux? safari, firefox, opera, chromium, konq ?11:07
grawityShockrates: Epiphany?11:07
Shockratesi dont know that11:07
Shockratesi know arora and rekonq11:07
LordNeohi, i'm a newbie and i'm in need of some asistance11:07
khannzGuys, can you tell me how i can configure my device->eth* links?11:07
exoticorn#join /ubuntu-release-party11:08
sulemangrawity, how do i view the shared files in the LAN using wireshare11:08
xt28khannz: Is this the same question as before? Otherwise, please clarify.11:08
suleman how do i view the shared files in the LAN using wireshare11:09
om26erupload the torrent11:10
lbthi, in jaunty when I press Alt-tab it just switches windows without using the 'Cover Switch' ... any ideas?11:10
Guest24937When does koala come out11:10
pkernHi.  How was that tool called that shows me which packages are supported (security-wise) by Canonical and how long?11:11
xt28Guest24937: Join #ubuntu-release-party to find out.11:11
khannzxt28, yup - it's the same. mroe details: my system is virtual ubuntu-server-9.04 on ms cluster & cluster admins in 2 last days reconfigured some architecture so my ubu system have changed MACs twice. I suppose that system have some kind of autoconf because of that & this *auto* was wrong. i don't want to store my old MACs, i just need to use the current as eth011:11
bratizPirateUbuntu 9.10 IS ALREADY OUT Since it was Leaked to Pirate Bay!! Here it is, for i386: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5139359/Ubuntu_9.10_FINAL_LEAKED_____ AND here it is for AMD64 too http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5139359/Ubuntu_9.10_FINAL_LEAKED_____ Greetz!!!!! WAREZ 4Ever11:12
Ramunasyeah, right11:12
chromichow to install just the security updates from the command line?11:13
khannzbratizPirate, should i run it in windos with admin rights?11:13
xt28khannz: At the risk of sounding like a Windows user: Have you tried rebooting?11:13
^mNotIntelligenthi all !11:13
lbtSo "keyboard settings KWin Walk-through-windows is bound to alt-tab"11:14
^mNotIntelligentis 9.10  available for download ?11:14
khannzxt28, sure ))) (in fact i'm doing this winmagic regulary) but let me try again.11:14
lbtbut it just does a plain flick11:14
bazhang^mNotIntelligent, no11:14
lauris^mNotIntelligent, no11:14
lbt(which is annoying since I want to cycle through minimised windows too)11:14
xt28khannz: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?11:14
^mNotIntelligentlauris, bazhang, when can we download that, btw?11:14
khannzxt28, 9.0411:15
pkernBah, I know there was a program that said like "3 years", "5 years" or "not supported" for each package.11:15
lauris^mNotIntelligent, later today11:15
laurisi hope so :011:15
laurisi cam here with the same question :)11:15
^mNotIntelligentlauris, thanks11:16
bazhang^mNotIntelligent, lauris join #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown11:16
lauristhanks :)11:16
^mNotIntelligentbazhang, thanks dude11:17
Malekohow do we copy files without overwriting exisiting files in dest dir?11:17
lbtso when I alt-tab it doesn't actually switch11:17
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xt28khannz: Maybe /etc/network/interfaces is misconfigured?11:17
lbtis this really so hard?11:17
dehaaniWhat is matisse all about? It seems crap to me!11:18
s3r3n1t7Maleko, cp -i11:18
Malekointeractive mode?11:18
s3r3n1t7Maleko, yes, that prompts you before overwriting a file.11:18
xt28Maleko: If cp supports the "-n" switch, use that. Otherwise, cp -i or possibly yes no | cp -i.11:18
khannzxt28, nope - it's quite right (worked perfect before). I think it's because of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules - i have all my old MACs and eth* there + current one. I'll try to comment wrong lines & restart again11:19
s3r3n1t7xt28, cp doesn't support the -n switch according to the man page.11:19
xt28s3r3n1t7: I believe the newest version does. Not sure, though.11:20
chromichow to install just the security updates from the command line?11:20
jmadgini've got a small home network setup with all ubuntu machines, however i can only open a connection with a particular machine if home folder has been opened since boot, this is really annoying, is there a fix for this?11:20
xt28khannz: That sounds good.11:20
s3r3n1t7xt28, i'm running 9.04, latest updates. Might not have come through yet, but mine doesn't support it.11:20
ltspadminhow to configure thin-client-manager on ubuntu 8.04 ltsp server11:20
sulemanhow to know whether packet-socket is enables in kernel11:21
khannzxt28, strange that i didn't googled it in english inet... only 1 russian blog. usually it's tottaly different )11:21
sulemangrawity, how to know whether packet-socket is enables in kernel?11:21
sulemanGranis, how to know whether packet-socket is enables in kernel11:21
SJrWhere is Karmic!11:21
xt28s3r3n1t7: The karmic version supports it.11:22
aaajkhow far is the 9.10 release?11:22
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erUSULsuleman: what is packet-socket? . btw do not repeat that quickly ?11:22
s3r3n1t7xt28, good to know, tnx!11:22
sulemanerUSUL, http://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/CaptureSupport11:22
xt28khannz: I didnt't even remember that file... Do you know when and how it is created/updated?11:23
erUSULsuleman: wireshark should work withoutproblems in ubuntu. but you need to use gksudo11:23
jmadgincan ne1 help?11:23
KevinMaiso long time :(11:23
ubuntistasany news for the upcoming version?11:24
dox_drumnot yet11:24
sulemanerUSUL, i m sorry but where do u use gksudo,11:24
RabidNelsonsuleman: command line11:24
khannzxt28, i suppose it was created during system start when device-searching-scripts working11:24
sulemanerUSUL, i have already installed wireshark11:24
sulemanRabidNelson, thanks11:24
erUSULsuleman:  « gksudo wireshark »11:24
eddymhi all11:25
rafiqAWN shows two icons for every window open,anyone knows how to fix it?11:25
eddymhey does anyone have windows xp in in wmware with ubuntu11:26
xt28khannz: Or just once during system install. I'll try to figure it out...11:26
bratizPirateBayUbuntu 9.10 IS ALREADY OUT!!!! Since it was Leaked to Pirate Bay!! Both the 386 and AMD versions! Here it is, for i386: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5139359/Ubuntu_9.10_FINAL_LEAKED_____ AND here it is for AMD64 too http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5139359/Ubuntu_9.10_FINAL_LEAKED_____ Greetz!!!!! WAREZ 4Ever11:26
marktheunissen_hey everyone, what's the ETA till release? ;)11:26
khannzxt28, well... i'll be glad to be sure where this file come from11:27
furunocan you call a GPL-ed stuff warez?11:27
erUSULmarktheunissen_: a few hours11:27
erUSUL!party | marktheunissen_11:27
ubottumarktheunissen_: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Karmic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseParties11:27
erUSULeddym: ost people use Vobx this days11:27
^mNotIntelligentbratizPiratebay, fake links11:27
jmadgini've got a small home network setup with all ubuntu machines, however i can only open a connection with a particular machine if home folder has been opened since boot, this is really annoying, is there a fix for this?11:27
jmadgin(11:20:32) xt28: khannz: That sounds good.11:27
xt28khannz: You might have to hang around for the answer, though. I don't think I'll get to it right away.11:27
furunoeddym, he mean : most people use Vbox this days :)11:28
khannzxt28, oh, i didnt's said but my system on-air now )) it was right file11:28
plocIs Karmic out ? If not, when will it be ?11:28
Boohbahploc: /j #ubuntu-release-party11:29
khannzploc, just stay tuned )) soon you'll see much ppl with this question & answers on it11:29
fr0stit is out???11:31
eyeofhellNot yet11:31
xt28khannz: Oops, I should have taken a better look at that file. The first comment states how it is generated...11:31
xt28!isitout | frost11:31
ubottufrost: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!11:31
PsyberSfr0st: plenty more hours in the day for them to release! :)11:32
sclytrackIs Ubuntu out yet?11:33
xt28!isitout | sclytrack11:33
ubottusclytrack: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!11:33
furunoUbuntu? of course, where have you been :)11:33
Dezentsclytrack: check www.ubuntu.com11:33
reminkarmic release time????11:34
sclytrackYeah sure, I'm checking that every half hour?11:34
indusis it out11:34
khannzxt28, oops yeah ^_^ i was too busy with configuring to read the header11:34
bazhangremin, join #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown11:34
xt28!isitout | indus11:34
ubottuindus: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!11:34
indusxt28: wrong channel11:34
charanit will in half hour i guess11:34
pcheroIs this a chat for ubuntu mirror site?11:35
digitaloktayHi People11:35
sclytrackDoes anybody know at what time the previous Ubuntu versions released.11:35
lbtis there a chan to get help for clear questions about the released version of Ubuntu (ie Jaunty?)11:36
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Flannelsclytrack: It'll be released sometime within the next 26 hours.  #ubuntu-release-party for details/questions/updates11:36
Flannellbt: This one11:36
lbtwhen I press Alt-tab it just switches windows without using the 'Cover Switch' ... keyboard settings KWin Walk-through-windows is bound to alt-tab11:36
sclytrackFlannel: ok thanks11:36
xt28khannz: Then again, do you have that file (75-persistent-net-generator.rules)? I don't seem to. (Currently using a live CD, though. Maybe that's why.)11:36
PsyberSi can upgrade from the iso, right?11:37
FlannelPsyberS: from the alternate ISO, yes.  Not the desktop one11:37
lbtI have tried enabling disabling the related "Desktop Effects" but it doesn't activate11:37
erUSULPsyberS: from the alternate iso only11:37
PsyberSFlannel: ah hah, did not know that thanks :)11:37
khannzxt28, no or it's somwhere else on FS. it's not in that dir11:37
lbtFlannel: any ideas?11:37
Bear10_goose, is it possible with the ubuntu live, to see whats on the current HD?11:37
Flannellbt: Try #kubuntu, they'll know more with regard to KDE stuffs11:38
invitingdopemanwere is the realase party channel11:38
lbtFlannel: thanks.. will do11:38
Bear10_guess hes not here well, does anyone know how to check current hard drive contents from a live cd?11:38
erUSULBear10_: yes; is easy11:38
H20ubuntu 9,10 trailer is out http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Operating-Systems/Linux-Distributions/Ubuntu-Karmic-Koala-47613.shtml11:38
magnetronH20: digg it11:38
Bear10_erUSUL, how do i go about it?11:38
erUSULBear10_: you have to mount the paritions. Maybe just going to Places>Computer and clicking there11:39
Bear10_erUSUL, alright thanks11:39
erUSULBear10_: if that does not work mount them by hand.11:39
erUSUL!mount | Bear10_11:39
ubottuBear10_: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount11:39
H20but the real one are coming soon as u now ...11:39
invitingdopemanwhen is the release anybody know11:39
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uzieverytime u ask, Shuttleworth is gonna make it delay another 15 mins.11:40
xt28khannz: Here it is: /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules11:40
sophiaany one knows system command to verify whether SMO is connected or not?11:40
Sagaci!hi | ^mNotIntelligent11:40
ubottu^mNotIntelligent: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:40
=== iTroll is now known as Guest58423
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:40
invitingdopemanwere is my 9.1011:41
DJones!isitout | invitingdopeman11:41
ubottuinvitingdopeman: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!11:41
sophiaAnyone can help?11:41
^mNotIntelligentguys joing #ubuntu-release-party its rocking...dont miss the party...else will regret later11:41
erUSULsophia: what is SMO ?11:42
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Sensiva^mNotIntelligent dude,  I guess I am going to lose my eyes coz of this party channel11:42
sophiaerUSUL: Spot monitor11:42
mrintegritySo, i guess it's just mental chatter about the release of 9.10 in here then?11:43
AivariuXJoin to  #ubuntu-release-party we need 1000 members!!11:43
erUSULsophia: sorry do not know what that is11:44
sophiaerUSUL: Ok11:44
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:44
ricdangerwhy is ubuntu "coming soon" ?11:44
furunothe #1000 dude will get a free ubuntu !11:44
^mNotIntelligentguys joing #ubuntu-release-party its rocking...dont miss the party...else will regret later...11:45
om26eris there any image converter than i can use to shrink the size of the picture11:45
furunoom26er : a lot of11:45
furunoom26er : like GIMP11:45
^mNotIntelligentricdanger, midnight release11:45
^mNotIntelligentfuruno, really :-)...lol11:45
Sensivaom26er GIMP, its already installed in your system11:45
AivariuXJoin to  #ubuntu-release-party we need 1000 members!!11:45
=== partypooper is now known as ircspectaclelens
c3lwhen iw the release comeing? says "soon", does it mean that it will be delayed some days?11:45
ricdangermidnight? what time zone?11:45
om26erSensiva, furuno gimp is complex11:46
furunoom26er : Google Picasa?11:46
om26erfuruno, i love google and i am gonna try it now11:46
xukunhi guys /join #ubuntu-release-party they need 1000 members11:46
=== ircspectaclelens is now known as partypooper
Sensivaom26er just open your image using GIMP and click "image" --> "scale image" enter the new dimensions , voila11:47
WipsterI have a problem with printing from some programs, firefox gives an error about the filter thunderbird prints as does gimp. And I can print from a windows computer over the network. I cant work out why firefox is failing. I put CUPS into debug and compared the commands and they seemed the same...11:47
om26erSensiva, actually i have 200 pictures11:48
furunoom26er : you might want to try imagemagick, it's very good for batch11:48
Sensivaom26er and you need to scale them in one shot?11:48
om26erSensiva, yes11:48
Argostheir typying to quick in the next room..cant keep up with it lol11:48
erUSULom26er: use mogrify from imagemagick is a cli utility so you can do a for loop in command line11:48
erUSUL!info imagemagik11:49
ubottuPackage imagemagik does not exist in jaunty11:49
kartikDoes anybody remember gopher?11:49
x3_iVaNhi =)11:49
erUSUL!info imagemagick11:49
ubottuimagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 7: (jaunty), package size 84 kB, installed size 304 kB11:49
kartikDoes anybody remember gopher?11:49
kartikIs gopher an improved version of anonymous FTP?11:49
Sensivaom26er there is also "Phatch Photo Batch Processor" available in Ubuntu repos, you can install it from Add/Remove Programs11:50
erUSULkartik: that is offtopic here...11:50
ideamonkkartik, I remember mugging that in class 6th in glossary list that we were given!11:50
textureglitchanybody know what the difference is between Karmic Netbook and Karmic Netbook Remix?11:50
kartikI just had an exam and i wrote NO!11:50
kartikAnd im sure it was wrong answer!11:50
erUSUL!karmic | textureglitch11:51
ubottutextureglitch: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party11:51
AivariuXJoin to  #ubuntu-release-party we need 1000 members!!11:51
textureglitchthat doesn't really tell me anything. They're both called netbook11:52
erUSULtextureglitch: it tells you to ask in #ubuntu+111:52
BaversjoHi! I need to test my IPTABLES rules and was wondering how I can create a syn-flood to my server using windows?11:53
ichatFlannel  - can you unban me in -  ubuntu-release-party ill be good i - prommise :P11:53
Flannelichat: #ubuntu-ops is the place to go to discuss bans11:54
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.11:54
stardust1985Hi people, please dont forget to join #ubuntu-release-party , only 50 people remain to get 1000 people on the channel :)11:54
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.11:55
BaversjoHi! I need to test my IPTABLES rules and was wondering how I can create a syn-flood to my server using windows?11:55
himurakenSo whats the hold up on 9.1011:55
lochliteso, whats the lates rumors on release time?11:55
ubottuTo ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS11:56
kartikCan somebody help me it wont take more than a second.. Is gopher an improved version of anonymous FTP?11:56
partypooperi expect this channel to have 4000 people tomorrow11:56
SikEnCidelol partypooper11:56
grawitykartik: I think Gopher is older.11:57
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grawityOr.... no, it's not.11:57
partypooperand i will come down here to help these poople11:57
partypooperSikEnCide: are you in release party room?11:57
SikEnCideyeah its scrolly to fast to rtead11:58
grawitykartik: Gopher was created for retrieving information - kinda like HTTP/WWW/etc now.11:58
kartikgrawity: I wrote that gopher is outdated in my exam but i know they are going to cut marks because on some websites i read "gopher is designed to be a better version of anonymous ftp" .. do you have a definative say on the matter?11:58
stardust1985join #ubuntu-release-party11:58
grawitykartik: It's really not a replacement for FTP, nor a better version...11:59
grawitykartik: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gopher_(protocol) has some information11:59
SikEnCideits commen in 5 mins methinks11:59
himurakenIts already out, just press F511:59
kartikgrawity: it says nothing about being a improved version of anonymous ftp but look here http://sawaal.ibibo.com/computers-and-technology/what-gopher-402308.html12:00
kartikgrawity: second answer12:00
SikEnCideits not out i only see 9.0412:00
invitingdopemanweres the release party room12:00
Stormx2j #ubuntu+112:00
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kartikgrawity: http://www.grumpy-server.net/gopher.htm12:01
stardust1985ivnitindopeman #ubuntu-release-party12:01
aaron115Hello everyone!12:01
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FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:03
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=== BeardedAdmin_Awa is now known as BeardedAdmin
erUSUL!away > BeardedAdmin12:04
ubottuBeardedAdmin, please see my private message12:04
himurakenNeed more people in #ubuntu-release-party12:05
clifferhi, should be ubuntu 9.10 be released today?12:06
zealiodcan i get ubuntu to ping an ip throug a certain interface?12:06
erUSUL!party | cliffer12:06
ubottucliffer: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Karmic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseParties12:06
furunocliffer : please join #ubuntu-release-party12:06
Picicliffer, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party12:06
Halitech!nvidia | shockrates12:06
erUSULzealiod: man ping ( -I )12:06
ubottushockrates: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:06
anzohey all12:07
anzoDoes anyone know when 9.10 is going to be released today?12:07
ShockratesHalitech: i have downloaded the latest version from the site. NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.42-pkg2.run12:07
Halitechanzo, when they upload it12:08
Picianzo, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party12:08
=== corden-Philippin is now known as corden
HalitechShockrates, then you just need to run the file you downloaded12:08
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FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:09
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:09
rldowling03I have had a problem with my NVIDIA graphics card in Ubuntu, I cant run the hardware drivers as when they are enabled and running my computer randomly restarts which means I cant use the nvidia drivers. Are there any open source nvidia drivers which are good?12:10
^mNotIntelligentparty animals join #ubuntu-release-party...its rocking12:10
=== ebb is now known as ebbeyes
nic1can i open two files at a time using vim file1 file2??12:10
uziu'll see 2 tabs12:10
nic1when i ran vim file1 file2, file1 opened and i now want to go to file212:10
nic1i am not seeing 2 tabs when i run vim file1 file212:10
uziuse the short cut key to navigate12:10
rldowling03on vim i use :n to go to next file12:10
nic1short cut key?12:10
furunonic1 : try gvim :)12:10
nic1:n takes me to nth fline in the same file12:11
invitingdopemanweres the release party link12:11
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:11
bazhanginvitingdopeman, #ubuntu-release-party12:11
furuno!isitout | invitingdopeman12:11
ubottuinvitingdopeman: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!12:11
rldowling03hmmm, well I suppose :n works on centos, im guessing they work differently.12:11
albasheersIs Karmic Cola launched12:12
erUSUL!party | albasheers12:12
ubottualbasheers: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Karmic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseParties12:12
bazhangalbasheers, not yet #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown12:12
om26erPici, i am here12:12
om26erPici, i was not able to even join #ubuntu12:13
nic1hi, i am getting an error, E:Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?12:13
om26erPici, i registered 5 min ago but still can't join the party12:13
nic1i ran apt-get update, but of now use12:13
Piciom26er: Check your email to finish the registration process.12:13
albechwhat do i have to do to activate this old sis graphics card to use with my second monitor? lspci detect the card fine, but how do i configure the desktop to use it as an extended desktop? http://nopaste.com/p/a2QfYnbdk12:13
Alvinware1I'm living in Malaysia, using the main server and just now i checked update, it didn't show Ubuntu 9.10 for upgrade, is it ready yet?12:15
furuno!isitout | Alvinware112:15
ubottuAlvinware1: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!12:15
D3RGPS319.10 is late :< it's 2 AM, FRIDAY, here in Kiritimati12:16
nabil2199hey guys and gals, remember to use the torrents12:16
iceroottomorrow will be a fine day without this "is karmic out? spam"12:17
Squirmwhat time zone is Samoa?12:17
SquirmGMT +?12:17
D3RGPS31tomarrow people will be wanting 10.04 :<12:17
urc|workquick question: if I do `cat iso > /dev/flash-stick`, will I be able to boot and install from the stick?12:17
aprilhareiceroot, what? it's not out? ;)12:17
erUSULurc|work: not likely; use unetbooting12:17
furunourc|work : I don't think so...12:17
icerooturc|work: no12:17
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:18
urc|workerUSUL: can unetbootin use the iso as source?12:18
raikkarmic koala not coming out today or what?12:18
Piciraik, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party12:18
erUSULurc|work: yes12:18
urc|workthank you12:18
nabil2199urc|work, yes unetbootin can use ISOs12:18
nabil2199I used it to install windows 712:18
* nabil2199 ducks12:18
=== Blizzerand is now known as yure
raikpici i have waited whole day12:18
steveiebit is 29th October and I don't see #Karmic available for upgrade yet....12:19
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:19
Piciraik: Oh, sorry, we didn't know you were waiting. We'll get right on it now.12:19
yurespam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...12:19
yure...spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...12:19
yure...spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...12:19
FloodBot1yure: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:19
yure...spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...12:19
furunoxkill yure12:19
yure...spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...12:19
yure...spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam12:19
uzikick yure12:20
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!12:20
yurespam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...12:20
yure...spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...12:21
yure...spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...12:21
FloodBot1yure: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:21
X-Sleepy-XWhy in the world would anyone want to SPAM this channel? Doesn't Bill G. have anything better to do?12:21
Weegeelol :D12:21
digitaloktayplease ban yure12:21
khannzdigitaloktay, [15:21] * FloodBot1 sets mode: +zb %yure!*@*12:21
digitaloktaykhannz, ;)12:22
icerootfinaly, its out, so the spam can stop :)12:22
furunoX-Sleepy-X : did you mean Steve B. ?12:22
spaetzkhannz: that is only temporarily, right?12:22
=== root is now known as Guest40164
X-Sleepy-Xfuruno: Yes, my bad. Hehe!12:22
Alvinware1What's the time for the ubuntu 9.10 release in South-East-Asia?12:23
William-Ubuntuany body know the exact time 9.10 release?12:23
icerootAlvinware1: its out (torrents)12:23
spaetzrelease time12:23
bazhangspaetz, not known12:23
awhitit seems to be out12:24
spaetzbazhang: sorry, bad joke. I was referring to "What's the time for the ubuntu 9.10 release in  South-East-Asia?12:24
nic1when i try vim file1 file2, i get this error "E233: cannot open display2 files to edit" anyone knows why??12:24
bazhangspaetz, its okay :) /join #ubuntu-release-party12:24
Salvad1Can I run another or the same session in another tty with graphical interface?12:25
WikidudeI am back12:25
uziare karmic torrents in torrents.ubuntu.com is the final ones?12:26
=== root is now known as Guest98726
AustinWolfclawubuntu 9.10 isn't even released yet here in the US...12:26
Wikidudeuzi : They are not yet released12:26
hypn0who cares what happens in the us :-/12:27
iceroothttp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/  <- released (29.10.2009)12:27
cordenguys which to download? ubuntu or kubuntu?12:27
WikidudeIts just RC not the final version12:28
furunocorden : depend on what your preferences :)12:28
raikit is out!!!12:28
cordennah ubuntu all the way, i'll guys download kubuntu-desktop later - go idead right?12:28
furunocoder : Ubuntu is Gnome while Kubuntu is KDE, and I certainly don't want to start an argument about which are the best :)12:29
=== NoCode_ is now known as NoCode
furunocorden i mean *cough*12:29
* Wikidude yawns12:29
khannzraik, so post link here12:29
* Wikidude kncks raik off12:29
dualWhen today is ubuntu coming?12:29
D3RGPS31wish gnome had an option to remove borders like KDE :/12:29
dualUbuntu 9.10*12:30
furuno!cn | zippo12:30
ubottuzippo: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:30
hundcan anybody say me when they will open the download for the new ubuntu version (9.10)12:30
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!12:30
pisanjaunty kubuntu still got lots of bugs, hope it's better with karmic12:30
SkaperenI was looking at the CDs in the Ubuntu Shops ... they don't say if it is the i386 or amd64 versions12:30
=== j is now known as Guest90984
Fri13D3RGPS31: Why you dont just change the windowmanager if you want borders away from windows?12:30
furunoSkaperen : I suggest you get it from ShipIt instead, it's free12:30
WikidudeWhat is the name of Ubuntu 10.04 . Is it decided yet12:30
=== oobe is now known as menotoobe
D3RGPS31Fri13 i only want it for certain windows; like KDE :312:30
pisanlucid lynx12:31
FreeDownloadLucid Lynx12:31
furunoWikidude : Lucid Lynx12:31
hundwhen will the open the download ?12:31
Skaperenfuruno: actually, I'd rather download and burn my own ... but I was just looking ... and I looked at shipit, too ... even less info there12:31
=== menotoobe is now known as `0OoOoO0OoOoO0`
WikidudeThanks all12:31
jhb1608how do I upgrade from 9.10 beta to stable?12:31
D3RGPS31Ok... Karmic Koala is out :D Lucid Lynx out yet12:31
Fri13D3RGPS31: change the windowmanager to one what allows it so you can remove it from the ones what you do not want to have such windeco ;-)12:31
FreeDownloadjhb1608, upgrade manager12:32
SikEnCidejhb1608 when its released do "sudo -apt-get update"    then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"12:32
NobleGot a new Intel SSD. What do I need to do to get maximum performance? what filesystem, BIOS settings etc?12:32
Fri13D3RGPS31: unless you mean that you want to run two different windowmanager on one desktop environment.12:32
albechhow can you get a list of supported hardware on Ubuntu? I am curious if 'Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 86C326 5598/6326 (rev 92)' is supported. It shows in lspci though.12:32
Shockrateswhere is the xorg.conf located?12:32
furunoNoble : I believe you'll need TRIM, but I don't know about TRIM support in Linux tough, G2 ?12:32
WikidudeWow , the users are really increasing at a high rate12:32
mrwesShockrates, /etc/X1112:32
FreeDownloadalbech, /etc/X11/12:33
icerootShockrates: /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:33
D3RGPS31the wait is murder :<12:33
alphashow long has final already been up?12:33
zealiodi dont know what the ip address is of a device, and i cant hard reset it... how do i scan a whole range - and what ip do i need to have to do this?12:33
fsckrootanybody had any luck getting 82801G intel sound working?12:33
furuno!isitout | alphas12:33
ubottualphas: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!12:33
fsckrootrunning 9.10RC and no sound12:33
albechFreeDownload, was that for me or Shockrates?12:33
alphasit's on the server...12:33
=== `0OoOoO0OoOoO0` is now known as oobe
furunofsckroot : please visit #ubuntu+1 for 9.10 related issues :)12:34
jhb1608SikEnCide:  I did and it says 1 package not upgraded. it is devede, not 9.10 stable.12:34
fsckrootthanks :)12:34
FreeDownloadsorry albech12:34
furunofsckroot : or wait several more hour :)12:34
jhb1608thought it was released12:34
Wikidudefsckroot : Probably it will be solved in final release12:34
fsckrootlet's hope so12:34
D3RGPS31when i play movies, minimize windows, or move windows; they move choppy; but when i play games they're smooth12:34
WikidudeNot yet12:34
WikidudeThe long await continues12:34
jhb1608lol they need to work faster12:34
Basstard`..for what?12:34
jhb1608the 9.10 stable, silly.12:35
babbiowhen will be possible download the 9.10???12:35
alphason http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/ it says it's released12:35
Dr_Willisbabbio:  when its ready12:35
T6hello les amis12:35
Basstard`oh, old news already.12:35
furuno!isitout | babbio12:35
ubottubabbio: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!12:35
T6english or french ?12:35
alphasand it's not rc as far as i see12:35
babbiobut only the beta12:35
Wikidudealphas : Its RC and not final12:35
furuno!fr | T612:35
ubottuT6: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:35
jhb1608Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) Release Candidate12:35
furunoT6 : here is english12:35
=== `oobe` is now known as oobe
jhb1608it means beta12:35
furunoor C++ :)12:35
mrwesalphas, Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) Release Candidate12:35
jhb1608still beta12:36
* Wikidude shrinking12:36
alphasno Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)12:36
D3RGPS31when i play movies, minimize windows, or move windows; they move choppy; but when i play games, they play smooth (WoW, Crysis, Pong) :<12:36
* jhb1608 expands12:36
alphasi'll compare it with the rc's md5 when i finished downloading..12:36
alphasi'd say its the final..12:36
JonathanEllisI have remote access into my office through a citrix based solution that emulates the desktop applications from the office in a browser using java. It is also the only way I can get access to the office network filing system. It works on a windows machine using internet explorer but not on an ubuntu machine using either firefox or opera. The tech support people have told me to reinstall java which I have done by purging the three java runtime packag12:37
uziconfirm that its out on some mirrors?12:37
uzilike nl one12:37
WikidudeWell , seems like #ubuntu-release-party is gonna overtake #ubuntu in number of users12:37
JonathanEllisOops sorry, I posted too soon. Please bear with me.12:37
WikidudeThey seems to grow real fast12:37
KoOoSHello !!12:37
X-Sleepy-Xim downloading the real iso 9.10 now12:37
khannzX-Sleepy-X, are you sure?12:38
D3RGPS31X-Sleepy-X: you lie.12:38
Wikidude!hello : KoOoS12:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hello : KoOoS12:38
X-Sleepy-Xno im  sure12:38
WikidudeKoOoS : Hell there12:38
uzilooks like its gonna be announced less than an hour :D12:38
furuno!hello | KoOoS12:38
ubottuKoOoS: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:38
KoOoS:)) , great fammelly here :D12:38
frdgfghello, how can i check what services are running at system startup ?12:38
FloodBot1D3RGPS31: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:38
X-Sleepy-Xi know12:38
furunoWikidude : no it's heaven there :)12:38
* Wikidude totally hates typos >> sorry about that12:38
isola73dsh33pis it out yet?12:38
awhittorrent up: http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso12:38
X-Sleepy-Xisola73dsh33p: im downloading it as we speak12:38
snizulishi ya kaikkiallllL!!! :)12:39
KoOoSmy first try , i'm still 9.0412:39
Wikidude!isitout |isola73dsh33p12:39
ubottuisola73dsh33p: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!12:39
D3RGPS31I'll be asking my 9.10 question nao. :<12:39
snizulisi did something and ready to rock ;)12:39
isola73dsh33pit's not?12:39
Alvinware1only torrent is up already, right? not in the update manager.12:39
D3RGPS31since it's out :D12:39
ManDayIs Karmic out?12:39
slacksurfpersonally, I can install via apt all the tools in BackTrack in a desktop ubuntu already configured ?12:39
frdgfghello, how can i check what services are running at system startup ?12:39
cyptrixit's 30/10/2009 here... still no karmic :|12:39
ManDayIs it out, is it out!?12:39
D3RGPS31ManDay: yes; http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/12:39
WikidudeWho would be the 1st one to run 9.1012:39
furuno!isitout | Manday12:39
ubottuManday: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!12:39
ManDay:D :D12:39
D3RGPS31ubottu: yes it is :<12:39
ManDayD: D:12:39
FloodBot1ManDay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:39
alphasupdate-manager will take some time, depending on the mirror12:39
WikidudeProbably me lol12:40
JonathanEllisI need to install an MS windows browser and a java plugin under wine to try to solve a problem. If I install internet explorer using this information http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-internet-explorer-on-ubuntu8.04 can I then install a java plugin which will work with IE? Background information follows: I have remote access into my office through a citrix based solution that emulates the desktop applications from the office in a browser u12:40
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
WikidudeJonathanEllis : Try asking in #wine12:40
PiciIts not out12:40
Xpistos|workYEAH! UBUNTU 9.10 is out YEAH!12:40
PiciPlease stop posting links.12:40
D3RGPS31Pici: yes it is :<12:40
PiciD3RGPS31: NO12:40
X-Sleepy-XFor the record, I'm downloading ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso, notice it's not RC.12:40
JonathanEllisWikidude: Doh! Of course! Thanks12:40
D3RGPS31Pici: YES12:40
id10tXpistos|work, yeah, and many of us are seeding - so get to it already12:40
mrwesJonathanD, you could install Windows in a Virtualbox12:40
furunoJonathanEllis : or use a vm12:41
Ping_when did that come out?12:41
PiciIts not out.12:41
X-Sleepy-X22:04 last night12:41
Ping_lol confused12:41
D3RGPS31Ping_ just afew minute ago; it was put on ftp12:41
frdgfghello, how can i check what services are running at system startup and how to set one at startup ?12:41
icerootD3RGPS31: look at the titlepage12:41
Ping_thanks ;)12:41
cba123D3RGPS31, No, that is the RC, NOT the final12:41
BuGo_laptopwhen 9.10 will be released. not just a RC but official release?12:41
JonathanEllisfuruno: Thats the other solution I was considering.12:41
PiciBuGo_laptop, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party12:41
D3RGPS31cba123: doesn't have the same hash as rc; doesn't have the rc tag12:41
furunofrdgfg : System > Pref/Admin > Service12:41
furunofrdgfg : or something like that, sorry I'm not on Ubuntu :(12:42
PiciD3RGPS31: Please stop spreading false information. Its not out until the release announcement have been made.12:42
cba123D3RGPS31, It says RC, that is enough for me.  That is not the final.12:42
D3RGPS31cba123: no it doesn't12:42
Ping_ooooooh ok12:42
furunoJonathanEllis : And I believe, it's much easier to use VM rather than try to "brute-force" wine12:42
jhb1608well prove it?12:42
=== Wiplash is now known as Wipster
jhb1608I meant prove on RC12:43
D3RGPS31Pici: how about you look for yourself on http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/ ; no rc tag and different hash12:43
ikoniaguys ubuntu 9.10 is not officialy out - leave it12:43
AlgaemanSo what time does the release happen?12:43
X-Sleepy-XDownload the REAL THING here http://uk.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/12:43
frdgfgfuruno: nevermind, i've found out : man update-rc.d12:43
X-Sleepy-Xits released12:43
cba123D3RGPS31, .../releases/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-rc-desktop-i386.iso  ubuntu-9.10-_rc_-desktop-i386.iso  see the RC in there?  That is the link you posted12:44
uzipeople wait for confirmation12:44
ikoniaguyss STOP NOW12:44
furunoD3RGPS31 : I got redirected to : http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/12:44
jhb1608You can't stop12:44
PiciDon't make me turn this release around.12:44
uziplease don't seed them yet12:44
HalitechD3RGPS31, but if you look top of the page you linked to, it says Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) Release Candidate12:44
hundcant wait !!! i want to download the new version12:44
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Karmic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseParties12:44
Dr_WillisPici:  i wanna stop for a drink of water!12:44
ikonialast warning - STOP the 9.10 links12:44
jhb1608lol I think the servers will be overloaded anyways12:44
D3RGPS31Halitech: i don't see Release Candidate12:45
Franciscohey, i'm here :D12:45
tobiasatorrents working great12:45
=== hund is now known as furyfire
smegocan any one help me12:45
furuno!ask | smego12:45
ubottusmego: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:45
D3RGPS31cba123: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent12:45
uzijust a curious question, how does noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com differ from releases.ubuntu.com?12:46
smegoi cant chang my resolution of my screen its the max is 800/600!!!!!12:46
Halitechsmego, what video card do you have?12:46
Dr_Willissmego:  tell the channel your video card type/chipset12:46
furunosmego : try install your graphic driver, do you have an ATI / NV / Intel card?12:46
Azeotropehow can you listen the microphone feed over ssh?12:46
smegoits intel12:46
smegoon board12:47
chenwlDoes kopete support IRC ?12:47
id10tplease folks, start seeding!12:47
Bear10_if i changed video cards after i've installed ubuntu would there be problems?12:47
smegogigabyte 94512:47
Piciid10t: its not out12:47
Halitech!intel | smego12:47
ubottusmego: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.12:47
flipp|lappimy local mirror -> http://hoellenecke.de/flipp/ubuntu/9.10/12:47
dfgasuh huh12:47
ubuntuislovedIf I install openvpn does that allow me to connect to my machine on that local network?12:47
chenwlDoes kopete support IRC ?12:47
id10tpici - oh yes it is... :)12:47
furunoBear10_ : If you installed from same model and same generation, I don't think so, e.g. from a ATI 5870 to 585012:47
chenwlDoes kopete support IRC ? 额...12:47
id10tpici - i'm seeding like a madman on 3 VPS - 2mb up each12:47
dfgasand the purpose?12:47
Bear10_furuno, well im going from nvidia to ati12:47
flipp|lappihmm k12:48
SuperDefenderXDoes anyone know how to install Nvidia drivers for a x285 in Ubuntu 8.04 64bit?12:48
smegosory can u repet ?12:48
furunoBear10_ : just remove your driver first before replacing the card12:48
HalitechBear10_, uninstall the nvidia drivers first, shut down and change the card then boot up and install the new drivers12:48
SikEnCideSuperDefenderX  install envy-ng12:48
smegoyeas :D12:48
HalitechBear10_, what ati card are you getting?12:48
furuno!nvidia | SuperDefenderX12:48
SuperDefenderXSik: Eny doesn't work12:48
ubottuSuperDefenderX: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:48
Bear10_Halitech, but how do i install the new ones, does it automatically find it?12:48
SikEnCideenvg-ng will get the driver and install for you12:48
Bear10_Its an old one12:49
alphasSuperDefenderX: Take the Nvidia-Install tool, it will compile the kernel module for you12:49
patrickTrunning very well 9.10 good release once again12:49
Bear10_radeon 9250 - 128 mb 64 bit12:49
raji do wonder why i386 is targeted instead of i68612:49
Halitech!envy | SikEnCide12:49
ubottuSikEnCide: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver12:49
Bear10_its agp, so im hoping its compatible with this old computer :/12:49
SuperDefenderXalpha: What's the Nvidia Install tool?12:49
HalitechBear10_, you will only have the open source drivers with that card so don't expect 3d support if you are using 9.0412:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:49
=== baskingshark is now known as paulus68
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about isitavailable12:50
JarlGThe release notes on ubuntu.com say that 9.10 is out, but there is not download on the download page... Is there anywhere else it could be downloaded, or is it simply not out yet?12:50
Bear10_Halitech, I am using 9.04, and im not expecting 3D support, i just need it for surfing the web more than anything12:50
PiciJarlG: its not out yet12:50
SuperDefenderXalphas: What's the Nvidia Install tool?12:50
furuno!isitout | Jar1G12:50
ubottuJar1G: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!12:50
Bear10_the current card i have right now is 64 bit12:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about isitoutyet12:50
smegoman i had installed the 9.04 and the drivers was ok  and now i using 9.10 and the problem is cam ?!!12:50
calmsivai need assistance in installing playonlinux12:50
calmsivaplease advice12:50
Bear10_Halitech, the current card i have now is 64 mb*12:50
HalitechBear10_, then when you boot up it should install the open source drivers12:50
Bear10_Halitech, assuming i have internet connection right? otherwise what happens12:50
Jahithbertoday ubuntu will be out ?12:50
PiciJahithber, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party12:50
furuno!isitout | Jahithber12:51
ubottuJahithber: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!12:51
HalitechBear10_, not sure, never done an offline install12:51
smegoi am using kubuntu12:51
alphasSuperDefenderX: The .run-File from nvidia-website, but better first try the binaries out of the repos12:51
calmsivahave already downloaded .deb and installed playonlinux (I think) - new to linux12:51
uzianyone confirmed if karmic sums all match on all the release servers?12:51
Bear10_Halitech, oh okay ill just leave it then, its not a big deal12:51
X-Sleepy-X31% downlaoded so far :)12:51
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org12:51
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Karmic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseParties12:51
HalitechBear10_, you could always install it and if it doesn't work put the nvidia card back in12:52
JonathanEllisfuruno: Yes. I agree. This is actually a problem I am trying to solve for another user who is non-technical. She does have virtual box on her machine but no windows CD. Her PC came with vista installed but no operating system CD (dont you just love computer shops). When vista got so slow as to be unusable I suggested she try ubuntu. Initially we tried installing it on a dual boot basis but there was a partitioning problem (wierd partitioning scheme 12:52
Bear10_Halitech, i suppose12:52
HalitechBear10_, check synaptic and see if the radeon or radeonhd package is already installed, if it is you should be fine12:52
dibblegowhere is the list of changes for 9.10?12:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about changes12:52
huayra(j #ubuntu-release-party12:53
Bear10_Halitech, thanks, one last question is disabling the fancy effects easy?12:53
=== fcuk112 is now known as franky112
HalitechBear10_, yes, system - preferences - appearances and set it to none12:53
calmsivai need advice on installing playonlinux in jaunty12:53
Bear10_Halitech, thanks thats all i needed to know you've been of great help :)12:53
furunoJonathanEllis : if that PC is from an OEM (e.g. Dell) I believe that you can request the installation dvd. if it custom built by the shop, you *really* should have the installation dvd or just smack the shop owners, it's your right, you've bought it :)12:53
=== franky112 is now known as fcuk112
frantic17hi all. how can i check is there any malicious software in my system?12:53
HalitechBear10_, welcome and good luck with the change12:54
furunofrantic17 : on your Ubuntu system?12:54
Bear10_Halitech, PS: I've seen you around in some other channels im not sure which though haha12:54
Bear10_atleast the nick rings a bell12:54
gdbfrantic17: If it's a Linux machine, there isn't any.12:54
frantic2gdb: are you sure?12:54
kyenteihttp://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/   .. cd's aren't uploaded yet. Been reported the torrent works fine already though.12:54
furunofrantic2 : I'm 99% agree with gdb12:54
frantic2gdb: because i'm getting some messages which saying that there could be some malicious software in my system12:55
digenhas Ubuntu 9.10 been released ?12:55
skshow long do i have to wait12:55
gdbfrantic2: Nothing is 100% sure, but this ain't Windows.  You can't get malicious software on your machine just by hanging about on the Internet.12:55
Picidigen: no12:55
furunofrantic2 : can you give the exact notification? it may be a scare ware12:55
gdbfrantic2: What is providing that notice?12:55
jvaichkrootkit & rkhunter12:55
furunofrantic2 : if it from a website just ignore it ;)12:55
digenPici: any idea when it will be released cause tomorrow is an event and we were going to copy and distribute it to students.12:55
frantic2gdb: dunno, just little window which says that are could be12:56
Picidigen: Theres no set time for release, sorry. Just anytime during the 29th12:56
calmsivaplease advice where i can get assistance for installing playonlinux in jaunty12:56
furunofrantic2 : is it a firefox window?12:56
frantic2furuno: no12:56
sipiorPici: i don't envy you today, friend :-)12:56
gdbfrantic2: is it a popup in a web brower?  and does the window decoration look like Windows XP?12:56
furunofrantic2: screenshots?12:56
frantic2gdb: i don't have12:56
gdbfuruno: we're thinking along the same lines. ;-)12:56
frantic2sorry, i don't have any screens12:56
digenchatman: it says 9.10 hmm but could be 9.10 RC ?12:56
JonathanEllisfuruno: Its an Acer machine sold by PC World. You can imagine how difficult it would be getting satisfaction from the drones at PC World so we havent bothered. According to the Acer website all tech support is provided by the retailer for that machine. The other thing is she bought the machine about two or three years ago so it is out of warranty and I dont think she even has the receipt any more. So that is probably a non starter. Besides vista is 12:56
furunofrantic2 : i believe it's best to ignore, I mean, you're on linux12:57
iliusfrantic17: specially if you use official repositories, dont worry anyway12:57
chatmannoop, just installed @ vmware and it says 9.10 @ system info and cat /etc/issue (no RC to be seen...)12:57
jhb1608I guess the stable isn't out yet12:57
furunoJonathanEllis : request directly to Acer, I believe there's some page in the Ubuntu site about how to request windows installation disk from OEM...12:57
frantic2okay, thanks all for the help!12:57
digenchatman: thanks for the confirmation !12:57
PruneI assume there's no Linux version iTunes?12:57
JonathanEllisfuruno: Thanks. I will try that12:58
chatmanyou're welcome12:58
jhb1608Prune, there is alternative programs for itunes12:58
gtt0hi all! i have a problem: i'm using sftp to upload files directly to /var/www on a webserver. if i own www, that works fine, but then the apache process can't write logs. if apache owns www, i can't copy files to it. i have created a group, and added both myself and www-data to it. then i ran "sudo chown -R myuser.thegroup /var/www". but apache still can't write to a file in that dir12:58
Tesssaany news on when version 9.10 will be out12:58
Tomas1When exactly is the stable going to be released?12:58
jauntyjoeso i have a headless server, console session via vnc and another session via freenx. i "dial-up" internet in console session and just re-logged into that session (timout 10s). ppd is obviously still working but gnome ppp doesn't recognize it12:58
SuperDefenderXI'm trying to install the Nvidia drivers on 8.04 but all the documentation sucks... The drivers in the repo don't work, and the drivers from Nvidia don't work12:58
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:58
aaron111when will ubuntu karmic come?12:59
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!12:59
aaron111it said at 29th12:59
tonyyarussoaaron111: #ubuntu-release-party for that please, also @ Tomas1  Tesssa12:59
Tesssathe nvidia drivers work on 9.412:59
kyenteiAaron111: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/12:59
PruneSuperDefen, there's Nvidea drivers - look in synaptic package manager - do you know how to get there?12:59
gorkhaantorrents are out12:59
sbtwhat file system should I use for an SSD (on my laptop)?12:59
SuperDefenderXPrune. Those are the ones I installed. They are not working.12:59
sksim downloading12:59
calmsivaanyone using playonlinux in jaunty13:00
Dr_Willissbt:  i recall the netbook threads for the AAO and EEE discuss that and other SSD topics.13:00
furunosbt : any filesystem should be good, but I suggest ext3 / 4 (if you're on 9.10)13:00
Prunejhb160 can those programs even log into the iTunes store and buy stuff?13:00
mushroomscomment allez vous?13:00
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sbtok thanks13:00
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Pici!fr | mushrooms13:00
ubottumushrooms: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:00
calmsivaanyone using playonlinux in jaunty13:00
furunosbt : you just need to TRIM (I dont know about TRIM support in Linux tought...)13:00
=== n1k is now known as ni1
uzifuruno: journaled fs do more writes than non-journaled, its really slow on my ssd though13:01
Dr_Williscalmsiva:  why not ask the actual question about 'play on linux' ?13:01
=== ni1 is now known as n1k
calmsivaDr willis : I tried 4 times in 3 minutes13:01
calmsivait is going very fast to keep track - for everyone it looks13:01
furunocalmsiva : what game do you want to play by the way?13:01
Dr_Williscalmsiva:  and  the actual question was what?13:01
nexsjadoes anybody have an Asus P5K Motherboard?13:02
calmsivait is not game alone sir13:02
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=== ni1 is now known as n1k
_jakob__I have Kubuntu 9.04, how do I upgrade to 9.10 when it's out?13:02
furunocalmsiva : so what apps :) ?13:02
calmsivaDr. Willis : any windows applications incl. games13:02
HalitechBear10_, probably not on the channels, I only come here but I'm around the forums alot in the beginner section13:02
SuperDefenderXIs anyone here using 8.04?13:02
calmsivato show it to my office colleagues13:02
whereisitanyone know the eta of the release?13:02
furuno_jakob_ : there's should the direction in the ubuntu website13:02
n1kSuperDefenderX: I am13:02
furuno!upgrade | _jakob_13:03
ubottu_jakob_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:03
SuperDefenderXnlk: Are you using an Nvidia card as well?13:03
Dr_Williscalmsiva:  you are asking how well it works?13:03
calmsivamany are trying to move out of windows13:03
_jakob__ubottu: thanks13:03
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:03
n1kSuperDefenderX: nah, i'm using a via igp chipset13:03
furunocalmsiva : maybe try wine instead? for full (if not better) compatibility, you have better luck with VM tought...13:03
star3am_i'm having a blind moment,13:03
star3am_i want to install nagios313:03
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:04
star3am_but it says it can't find the package ?13:04
star3am_can anyone help ?13:04
calmsivaFuruno ; I do not know how13:04
furuno!ask | star3am_13:04
ubottustar3am_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:04
calmsivaplease guide me a site13:04
furuno!wine | calmsiva13:04
ubottucalmsiva: please see above13:04
Pluto7when will the update be available today, anyone know???13:04
furunocalmsiva :  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine13:04
furuno!isitout : Pluto713:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:04
calmsivameaning sir - thise entire x-chat is flyig for me13:04
LycadeI'm trying to troubleshoot an error on my laptop. I've been using Ubuntu for awhile, but the latest updates for 9.04 started a problem. My machine randomly freezes. The mouse still moves, and everything I click on will quickly happen right after the freeze is over. How do I start the trouble shooting process?13:04
calmsivaFuruno : thanks13:05
star3am_i want to install nagios3 but apt-get says it can't find the package ? any tips ? | star3am13:05
peacefulWhen does the 9.10 release?13:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn13:05
trijntje!info amsn13:05
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97.2~debian-2ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 266 kB, installed size 880 kB13:05
jauntyjoeso nobody here knows about pppd or gnome ppp?13:05
Catalinhello all13:05
Catalinany ideea when the new version will be ready for download?13:05
rafiqAWN is showing 2 icons for each window open...anyone know how to fix it?13:05
Franciscohi catalin13:05
star3am_<Lycade> when it freenzes, see if you can press Ctrl Alt and F4 or Fwhatever13:05
Lycadestar3am_:  I'll try that.13:06
furunostar3am_ : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nagios313:06
sipiortar3am_ : try "apt-cache search nagios" to see a listing of the available nagios-related packages13:06
star3am_<Lycade> try to login and see what is taking alot of cpu with top13:06
Franciscoit seems to be ready for download at releases.ubuntu.com13:06
Pluto7i wouldnt really know anything, im still a freshmen to this OS13:06
Halitechpeaceful, Catalin when its ready and uploaded it will be ready13:06
SkaperenCatalin: soon ... according to the website13:06
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ks3star3am_: I'm able to query the nagios3 package. Was that not found for you, or one of it's dependencies?13:06
alphasLycade: I'd first check if there any oddities in system-monitor (to much cpu-usage oder full ram)13:06
SkaperenCatalin: it was 1 day yesterday, so I think soon is real13:06
mamethdo we have to download from ubuntu site13:06
furunostar3am_ : try update your repo first13:06
star3am_E: The package nagios3-common needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. | star3am13:07
mamethor update manager will be handlingit?13:07
Skaperenmameth: I would think there be mirrors and torrents13:07
Catalin"soon" from my oppinion is a polisemantic word13:07
FranciscoI really hope Inter cards problem is fixed, or my girlfriend will kill me13:07
Pluto7you can go to system > administration > update manager or software sources13:07
jauntyjoeoh sorry my bad, this # is only for asking "when will new version be available"?13:07
SkaperenCatalin: yeah, it would be nice if they were to give the exact minute :)13:07
zvacetplease use torrent for download13:07
peacefulwhat is the difference between release and realease candidate?13:08
Catalinexactly Skaperen13:08
star3am_<furuno> apt-get update fine, still same prob Reading package lists... Done The package nagios3-common needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. | star3am13:08
furunopeaceful : just like a president and a candidate for a president13:08
zvacetpeaceful: Rc is not polished13:08
Halitechpeaceful, the rc may still have bugs in it that they are working on fixing, the release *shouldn't* have any bugs left in it13:08
marxuskarmic is released right?13:08
Lycadestar3am_ and alphas: I notice another issue. When I go to the upgrade area, Ubuntu suggests a "Partial Upgrade." I'm curious if the two issues are related. (The partial upgrade doesn't seem to do anything, neither does a reboot)13:09
tobiasamarxus: yep13:09
stone1343peaceful RC is like the final beta13:09
alphaspeaceful: RC is a possible candidate for being released, but it could be that there are still some bugs in it13:09
SkaperenHalitech: we hope13:09
uzimarxus: seems like it, but no confirmation yet.13:09
jauntyjoefuggle me, this irc is enough to put anyone off using ubuntu13:09
Helsinkiiihow can i reset my alsamixer setting to default13:09
om26ermarxus, not yet13:09
daswitchany one know when they ubuntu are updating the site and when we can start downloading ?13:09
Picitobiasa, marxus: no its not released.13:09
HalitechSkaperen, thats why I said shouldn't :)13:09
furunojauntyjoe : I wonder why?13:09
tonyyarussodaswitch: See #ubuntu-release-party13:09
gt11When would coala be released??13:09
tonyyarussogt11: ^^13:09
sipiorjauntyjoe: heh heh, indeed. unfortunately, today is a bad day to visit #ubuntu, on account of the inconsiderate folks who flood the channel with "when is it out?" nonsense.13:09
Picigt11: anytime today13:09
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.13:09
=== frantic17 is now known as fran7ic
tonyyarussoRemember this is a support channel only - all new release questions go elsewhere.13:09
nargazzhello, i need help. anyone got time?13:09
star3am_<Lycade> i couldn't get it to wiork with direct3d again, blind, i had to work so i reinstalled13:09
om26ernow release party again says unregged13:10
furuno!ask | nargazz13:10
ubottunargazz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:10
SkaperenHalitech: I suspect helloworld will be _relatively_ bug free by now13:10
alphaspeaceful: in the last Ubuntu-Release (Jaunty) the RC was exactly the same as the final (no changes)13:10
pulpfictionwhat's an armel dove release?13:10
nargazzok xD13:10
HalitechSkaperen, one would hope13:10
alphaspeaceful: this time they apparently changed something...13:10
marxusi don't know if it's okay to say here..but i saw it from the release part of the ubuntu website13:10
Halitechpulpfiction, they are a type of ARM hardware13:10
rafiqAWN is showing 2 icons for each window open...anyone know how to fix it?13:10
SkaperenHalitech: of course GNU's helloworld is very bloated with features13:10
gennaroma ubuntu 9.10 quando è disponibile?13:10
gt11gennaro no13:11
Franciscogenaro: soon13:11
L1nUX1z3Ris karmic released today??13:11
pulpfictionHalitech: oh ok, i was wondering if that was the one i should get to install from an usb stick13:11
gennaroe come è possibile13:11
Halitechpulpfiction, no13:11
alphasrafiq: which version are you using? Trunk?13:11
sipiornargazz: simplest if you just lay your question out for us directly13:11
SkaperenL1nUX1z3R: most likely13:11
gennaroC'è il fuso orario per ubuntu 9.10?13:11
zvacetanyone read answers?13:11
L1nUX1z3RSkaperen, what time??? i cant wait13:11
gennaroLo troviamo stasera?13:11
tonyyarussolinkinus: #ubuntu-release-party please.  Also @ gennaro13:11
Halitechpulpfiction, you would still want a regular desktop image13:11
Franciscogennaro: dunno, just have to wait13:11
timdotL1nUX1z3R, there is no definite time13:11
pulpfictionHalitech: ok, thanks man13:11
L1nUX1z3Rtimdot, :(13:12
alphassee #ubuntu-release-party ..13:12
markclhow do you share net connection on ubuntu?13:12
SkaperenL1nUX1z3R: they never say, but I've heard some people suggest around noon ... not sure what timezone13:12
markclto an xp machine via lan?13:12
nargazzmy cousin got a very old computer. 256mb ram/700mhz/old hdd(very slow)40gb. i installed ubuntu on the system but it runs horribly. what system is better/faster??? its ubuntu 9.04 or so/gnome13:12
rafiq2.6.24-24 generic and how to know about trunk?13:12
grawity!ics | markcl13:12
ubottumarkcl: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php13:12
Halitechnargazz, you may want to look at LXDE13:12
furunonargazz : try Xubuntu instead13:12
Halitechfuruno, Xubuntu isn't any lighter then Ubuntu anymore13:13
nargazzok thanks 4 support ty13:13
timdotHalitech, I'm using it and it definitely is13:13
xt28http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ looks like a release to me...13:13
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:13
furunonargazz : or #! linux :)13:13
azexiananyone have any idea of what kind of time karmic is out?13:13
zvacet!samba | markcl13:13
ubottumarkcl: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:13
timdotazexian, nope.13:13
azexiantimdot: ok13:13
L1nUX1z3Razexian, no idea, was asking the same thing13:13
grawityzvacet: samba is for sharing files and printers, not Internet connectivity.13:14
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!13:14
LycadeDang... I think the problem might be related to firefox. Time to play with it. Thanks for the help.13:14
Halitechtimdot, I didnt find it any faster when doing a full xubuntu install, ripping the guts out and just installing what I needed did make a big difference13:14
turshui have wpc54g pcmci card on ubuntu 9.10 and it cant connect my wpa connection what should i do ?13:14
azexianL1nUX1z3R: hm, i guess we just play the waiting game13:14
zvacetgrawity: sorry,my mistake13:14
* grawity thinks ubottu should send !isitout to everyone who joins...13:14
timdotfair enough, Halitech13:14
theclawwhen exactly does 9.10 get released? :)13:14
alphasrafiq: I mean the version of awn?13:14
timdotHalitech, it makes a nice difference for me, though13:14
timdotHalitech, is LXDE complete, though?13:14
YosWhat is the version of the kernel in ubuntu 9.04 ?13:14
* erUSUL agrees with grawity ;)13:14
L1nUX1z3Razexian, best place to wait is #ubuntu-release-party13:14
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!13:15
furunoYos : 2.6.28 if I recall...13:15
erUSULor at least brodcast it every minute or so XD13:15
=== x-kent_ is now known as X-Kent
FranciscoI just hope installation, wifi and video goes well or my girl will kill me :(13:15
jauntyjoeomg this chan should just link directly to #ubuntu-release-party. complete waste of time right now :(13:15
Halitechtimdot, I think they have it listed as an rc but I've tried it on a few Debian installs and it seems nice enough and full featured enough for me13:15
zvacetYos:  2.6.2813:15
jtnlIt can be downloaded ubuntu 9.10?13:15
timdotHalitech, alright then - thanks, I'll try it sometime - i've been interested in it for a while :)13:15
=== Xero is now known as Guest64679
Halitechtimdot, if you have 9.04 I think you can just use sudo apt-get install lxde then log out and change the session13:16
tonyyarussojtnl: Not yet.  See #ubuntu-release-party13:16
jtnlthx tonyyarusso13:16
=== glauber is now known as glaubersp
timdotHalitech, oh - i'll try that now - thanks :)13:16
Halitechtimdot, welcome13:17
marxusgents, i got this link from a friend..http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/13:17
u5penokis some software center in kubuntu is ? (from the box)13:17
marxuswhat is noncdn?13:17
Dr_Willismarxus:  non canadian perhaps?13:17
Ryenwhen will the new ubuntu be out??13:17
ActionParsnip1u5penok: there should be software centre13:18
=== fan is now known as fAn
pulpfictionwhat's jaunty?13:18
icerootRyen: when its done13:18
pulpfictionisn't koala which is being released today?13:18
JediMastersweet, thanks marxus13:18
ktzkkis it the official release?13:18
ActionParsnip1!jaunty | pulpfiction13:18
ubottupulpfiction: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents13:18
icerootpulpfiction: ubuntu 9.0413:18
pulpfictionoh ok :)13:18
Ryeniceroot: thx??13:18
=== glaubersp is now known as glauber
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!13:19
JediMasternice, getting 1.26MB/sec from that 9.10 iso link =)13:19
uziwhat just happened to release party room13:19
JediMasterI'm guessing the fact that that link is nocdn.releases that they're ready to release, just waiting for their content delivery network to grab hold of it to distribute the download load across multiple networks...13:20
ktzkki want to know when the official release out ? i have wait for it all day13:20
mrfeltonIf I dd a hard drive from a desktop machine, and then write the resulting image on to the hard drive of a new server that we have, can I expect it to just work?13:20
JediMasterktzkk: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/13:20
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!13:20
bazhangktzkk, join #ubuntu-release-party for the countdown13:21
uzimrfelton: no!13:21
WikidudeAwwww , I am tired of the wait13:21
mrfeltonuzi: no chance in hell? or unlikely?13:21
icerootWikidude: then go to bed13:21
n1khahaha http://www.chilloutzone.to/video/balkan-lowrider.html13:21
infinity__hey people, i can't wait, when is my love out?13:21
icerootinfinity__: when its done13:21
Shockrates_my laptop subwoofer doesnt work in ubuntu13:21
Wikidudeiceroot : K goodnite , Sleep well13:22
Beni_iceroot: And when is it done?13:22
Ian_Corneuzi: if nothing much has changed, yes :o13:22
furunoShockrates_ : only the subwoofer?13:22
infinity__ice_cream, it's about hours, minute, days ... ?13:22
Shockrates_furuno: yes13:22
Ian_Corneif you're not using a diffrent gpu and stuff13:22
furunoShockrates_ : not the entire speaker?13:22
Shockrates_btw this happened in the past too13:22
Ian_Cornei've done it :p13:22
cba123iceroot, What happened to "Everytime you ask, it gets pushed back 2 hours?"13:22
=== evi is now known as dib_
icerootinfinity__: its done when its done (like duke nukem forever, noone knows)13:22
furunoShockrates_ : try checking the volume in the mixer13:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about isitoutyet13:22
Shockrates_furuno: there is no problem with the speakers and the sub. both worked in windows13:22
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:23
Shockrates_furuno: i have everything on13:23
areayhello... how can i connect to mobile broadband using /etc/network/interfaces or via the command line?13:23
creauxGreatDane: hi13:23
Shockrates_furuno: i have 2.1. and in the mix is stereo selected i think this si ok13:23
om26erparty is hot13:24
uzimrfelton: sorry for the direct answer, depends on the fs. it didn't work for fedora. i think its due to vlm13:24
joanadarcwhere can I get help? Where can I find configurations for pulseaudio? (running 9.10)13:24
mrfeltonuzi: ah, I'm looking at doing this with fedora13:25
RyenUBUNTU"S OUT!!!13:25
phzin+e means?13:25
Ryenlol juju13:25
RyenI just entered too13:25
Beni_not yet?13:25
uziRyen: officially announced?13:25
juju2143wtf you done?13:25
bazhangnot yet13:25
ram__Ryen:  Does that mean, ubuntu 9.10  iso available now ?  (I do not mean the RC)13:26
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!13:26
juju2143is it the rc who are on releses.ubuntu.org?13:26
juju2143i mean .com13:26
ActionParsnip1ram__: there have been non rc ISOs available for ages13:26
spilakviktor_i would like my new 9.1013:26
Ryeniso is available13:26
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Karmic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseParties13:26
* juju2143 is confused13:26
tonyyarussojuju2143: staging and testing.  #ubuntu-release-party to wait for the announcement.13:26
tonyyarussoalso @ Ryen13:26
cba123ram__, EVERYONE will say when it is out, not just 1 person13:26
juju2143thx tonyyarusso13:26
spilakviktor_i'm waiting, but my ubuntu can not upgrade me13:27
sun`IM waiting for it to release :(13:27
spilakviktor_when is it possible?13:27
sun`I think its going to be at 9.1013:27
calmsivaDr. Willis & Furuno :  thanks I have installed Wine13:27
om26ersun`, come to #ubuntu-release-party13:27
calmsivaI have installed C++ IDE13:27
sun`already their.13:28
Beni_9.10 which timezone?13:28
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!13:28
calmsivaand also a small pdf 2 word application (of Windows)13:28
=== sakhi is now known as Karmic-Koala
Beni_in my zone13:28
Karmic-Koalait's out13:28
tonyyarussoKarmic-Koala: No.  #ubuntu-release-party to wait for it.13:28
Karmic-Koalayeah lol13:28
=== Karmic-Koala is now known as sakhi
iceroottonyyarusso: yes13:29
areaydoes anyone know if it's possible to connect to mobile broadband using the command line?13:29
jack_sprattwhat time is karmic out?13:29
rajareay: it is. but you must find out how.13:29
=== xyz is now known as sigint
dib_well, there's no party in #ubuntu-release-party13:29
aoupiareay: havn't done it myself, but look into using wvdial13:29
areayaoupi, raj: thanks guys :P13:30
tavastiareay, I use wvdial for it13:30
rafiq_alphas: are u there..13:30
areayi'll check that out13:30
jack_sprattdib_: but it is coming gout today?13:30
areaythanks tavasti13:30
=== mohamed is now known as Guest89304
juju2143tonyyarusso: you muted me?13:30
root_hi everybody, what the architect of pentium D 805 ?13:30
WikidudeWow , #ubuntu-release-party is really going mad13:30
webpigeon_Wikidude: you sounds almost supprised13:31
jack_sprattWikidude: so i see13:31
=== sakhi is now known as Karmic-Koala
polarbearwhere is a lik to DL karmic >.<13:31
Wikidudewebpigeon_ : No , they are just bursting out lol13:31
=== Karmic-Koala is now known as sakhi
furunoroot_ : 64 bit, source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_D13:32
ActionParsnip1root_: looks like its 64bit here13:32
ActionParsnip1!karmic | polarbear13:32
ubottupolarbear: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:32
Shockrates_<mesaGL> Shockrates_: if your laptop actually has a sub-woofer, you would be very foolish indeed to enable it. the vibrations will almost certainly damage the hard disk13:32
Shockrates_is this correct?13:32
sakhiubottu: ta13:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ta13:32
root_furuno: I khow it is 64 bit but don't know it is i486, presscott, or i686 ?13:33
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:33
sakhita is short for thanks :)13:33
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)13:33
webpigeon_Pluto7: they're a bit premature13:33
WikidudeI meant the 10.4 release lol13:33
zippy27Isn't Flock available for Linux as well now...  I know it's Firefox + proprietary extensions, but some people like it13:33
ZiberHow can I get "mail" to work with postfix?13:34
ZummiG777Question: I've got an Ubuntu 9.04 system (quad core 8GB ram).  During the day the system will essentially soft-lock for 5-10 minutes.  Watching top while this happens the system will slowly increase the load to 10-17 but no process will show up saying it is consuming any additional resources.  There is no IO wait or cpu cycles consumed.  Any ideas?13:34
Wikidudezippy : You could probably run it with wine13:34
dollarbang1I've screwed the pooch this time. Can someone tell me how to overwrite the password so that I can edit the boot. I want to remove some of the older updates. thanks13:34
Wikidude!wine > zippy13:34
ubottuzippy, please see my private message13:34
ubottuMail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com13:34
Guest89304hi all13:35
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer13:35
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html13:35
=== liviubero is now known as Malkavian
zealiodim having a problem accepting vlan traffic from my network - can anyone help?13:35
zealiodI have configured the vlans, but i can't ping anything on the vlan13:35
ks3zeltak1: You've configured the VLANs on the PC or the switch ports?13:36
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:36
hansfbaierI have a problem with karmic: svn update with any svn+ssh-repository returns with: svn: Network connection closed unexpectedly13:36
calmsivacan i install pagemaker in wine ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////13:37
Pici!appdb | calmsiva13:38
ubottucalmsiva: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:38
ks3zealiod: You've configured the VLANs on the PC or the switch ports?13:38
Ventushey, will the ports be released at the same time as the normal versions?13:38
calmsivaubottu : thanks13:38
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:38
calmsivai will come back to you13:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about isisout13:38
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!13:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about itisout13:38
zealiodks3: I've configured them on the switch, on the trunk port - and i've added the vlan to the server also...13:39
xt28I am pretty sure it is...13:39
calmsivaubottu : in my chat why is your colour changing13:39
sksmmmm....how long should i wait13:39
xt28Check out releases.ubuntu.com13:39
calmsivafrom yellow to green13:39
tonyyarussoxt28: NOT final until announced.  Also, not for support channels.13:39
zealiodks3: i can do an ifconfig and see it there - but when i ping something on that vlan, nada - nothing...13:39
Picicalmsiva: Because the bot is using your name it its reply.13:40
VonLoghausensince 9.10 isn't officially out yet, can anyone tell me what I will end up with if I do dist-upgrade -d ?13:40
ks3zealiod: And your routing table shows the IP you're trying to ping is being routing to the VLAN interface?13:40
xt28tonyyarusso: Sorry about that.13:40
mojo_PEOPLE! KARMIC WILL BE OUT SOON! PLEASE JOIN #ubuntu-release-party NOW!!13:40
pisanit is officialy out VonLoghausen13:40
zealiodks3: OK.... unpack that - that maybe what i've missed13:41
VonLoghausenhmmm in #ubuntu-release-party they keep telling it isn't13:41
icerootVonLoghausen: it is not out yet13:41
xvii69Anybidy having wireless issues with the new release?13:41
blackxoredit's possible to upgrade a 32 bits system to 64 bits using the iso image?13:41
ks3zealiod: If you've assigned an IP to the interface, it should happen automatically (as long as you have separate networks on each VLAN)13:41
Halitechblackxored, no13:41
icerootblackxored: no13:41
zealiodi've added the eth1.222 interface to my iptables routing rules.... to accept inbound and outbound traffic....13:41
icerootblackxored: you have to reinstall13:41
pisanreleases.ubuntu.com/9.10 not hard..13:41
pisanswitched from RC one hour ago13:42
icerootpisan: there is rc in the tittle13:42
VonLoghausenso if I the dist-upgrade, I'll just get the rc?13:42
icerootpisan: also this is the support-channel13:42
pisanno over here13:42
dorganso after upgrading to 9.10 yesterday i cannot connect to the wireless network here at work...it sees the other wireless networks around here but does not see ours and when i try to connect to it as a hidden network, after I supply the credentials it just sits there trying to connect13:42
zealiodks3: I've assigned an ip to the interface yes - but... there are multiple pieces of equipment coming through that vlan13:42
blackxoredI have karmic through upgrades but I want 64 bits for developing so ???13:42
Messijuego de boxeo online http://www.kobox.org/kobox-fande-Nourine.html13:42
Halitechblackxored, do you have a seperate /home partition?13:42
VonLoghausenblackxored: re-install13:42
blackxoredHalitech, yes I have a lvm setup13:42
pisaniceroot just saw people asking so answered13:43
Halitechblackxored, then reinstall using the 64bit cd13:43
blackxoredHalitech, and a local apt-cache but what's hard for me is to reinstall13:43
zealiodks3: im trying to ping one of them13:43
jauntyjoecant he just install it twice? 32+32=6413:43
cappizi have a package that breaks my apt-get dist-upgrade13:43
dorganso after upgrading to 9.10 yesterday i cannot connect to the wireless network here at work...it sees the other wireless networks around here but does not see ours and when i try to connect to it as a hidden network, after I supply the credentials it just sits there trying to connect13:44
chillitomhow can i use update-manager to upgrade?  i tried running it with -c.13:44
Halitechblackxored, well, I've heard of a way but it isn't supported and I know if I even suggest it in here I'll get my butt kicked13:44
dorganchillitom: is -d13:44
ks3zealiod: If you do 'ip route get the.ip.address', does it show that it will be routed to your eth1.222 interface?13:44
cappizi was told to use apt-get -f install ... it sill breaks. How can i do this operation but remove the specific package from being installed?13:44
chillitomdorgan, isn't that for development releases?13:44
mkargar__how to install Dell Moni USB Modem(Dialup!) in kubuntu 9.04?(base on Lucant chip!)13:44
zetheroo1is there a tool that can show the bandwidth usage on the network?13:44
dorganno that means distribution upgrade13:44
dorganso after upgrading to 9.10 yesterday i cannot connect to the wireless network here at work...it sees the other wireless networks around here but does not see ours and when i try to connect to it as a hidden network, after I supply the credentials it just sits there trying to connect13:45
blackxoredHalitech, i know karmic is probably the most "clean-install please" release, so now for 64 bits is even harder, do you know about some get-selections and set-selections I could use for reinstalling?13:45
mic69ciao a tutti13:45
JediMasterhey guys, I've got several servers, local and remote that I'd like to upgrade to Karmic shortly (probably local first). Seeing as ext4 is now default (except for upgrades), is it worth me thinking of backing up files and doing a fresh install with ext4 rather than upgrading ext3->4? The local machine is actually a hacked "upgrade" from and old debian to ubuntu 6.04 onwards to 9.0413:45
Pici!it | mic6913:45
ubottumic69: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:45
Pici!es | usuario_13:45
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:45
zealiodks3: nope - it tells me its coming through eth113:45
Halitechblackxored, there was a thread on the forum about marking packages and getting a list of whats installed so you can use it to reinstall but never tried it13:46
zealiodks3: not eth1.22213:46
chillitomupgrade tells me this is still a beta release.. is that correct?13:46
ZiberWhy cant I get "mail" to work with postfix?13:46
rajJediMaster: if you can manage it, i'd advise doing a clean install. if not, you probably wouldn't notice a difference between ext3 and ext4 unless you get some serious load.13:46
ks3zealiod: Aha... then either routing is incorrent or you're using the same subnet on multiple interfaces13:46
Halitechchillitom, currently yes13:46
chillitomokay thanks13:46
rajchillitom: everything should be working in about 3 hours13:46
josh_hey there?13:46
dorganso after upgrading to 9.10 yesterday i cannot connect to the wireless network here at work...it sees the other wireless networks around here but does not see ours and when i try to connect to it as a hidden network, after I supply the credentials it just sits there trying to connect13:46
doktoreashello folks..is there any info on 9.10's release?13:46
zealiodks3: yes - the same subnet13:47
rajdoktoreas: three hours13:47
JediMasterraj: on the local server, it's just for testing, very little load, the remote servers are LTS to 9.04 upgraded machines, and they get hefty loads13:47
doktoreasthx raj13:47
dorganso after upgrading to 9.10 yesterday i cannot connect to the wireless network here at work...it sees the other wireless networks around here but does not see ours and when i try to connect to it as a hidden network, after I supply the credentials it just sits there trying to connect13:48
mkargar__how to install Dell Mini USB Modem(Dialup!) in ubuntu 9.04?(base on Lucant chip!)13:48
jauntyjoedorgan: too much general info. try to be more specific. what wlan card, what wlan ap, what wlan security etc etc?13:48
rajJediMaster: well actually if they're just used as servers it might be best to leave them running 8.04.3 LTS13:48
blackxoredHalitech, ok I think I remember13:48
ks3zealiod: Each interface should be a separate subnet, otherwise you run into issues (like you're seeing).13:48
dorganjauntyjoe: the lan card itself is working it sees other networks....but its a d-link dwa-140 WPA security ap NETGEAR13:48
blackxoredraj, +113:48
rafiqrythmbox shows not playing for every track..anyone knows hw to fix it?13:49
zealiodks3: can they have the same ip address?13:49
sanketmedhiubottu: 9.1013:50
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party13:50
=== fddfoo is now known as fdd
mojo_PEOPLE! KARMIC WILL BE OUT SOON! PLEASE JOIN #ubuntu-release-party NOW!!13:50
zealiodks3: so, can you suggest 2 subnets that i could use?13:50
ks3zealiod: Wouldn't recommend it. If you just want to test the VLAN setup as is, run "ip route add ip.address.youre.pinging dev eth1.222 && ip route flush cache", then try the ping again.13:50
JediMasterraj: I like living life on the edge, they do well on 9.04 at the moment =)13:50
sanketmedhimojo_: when is soon? its already 29th13:50
raikmojo how to join?13:50
rafiqrythmbox shows not playing for every track..anyone knows hw to fix it?13:50
JediMasterraj: also they're behind a reverse proxy, so I can take one machine down at a time for upgrade without taking sites down13:50
calmsivaPLEASE SHOW ME13:50
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:51
icerootcalmsiva: /join #ubuntu-release-party13:51
ks3zealiod: It depends on your current setup. In house, we use,, etc...13:51
sanketmedhicalmsiva:  type /join #ubuntu-release-party13:51
calmsivai am sorry13:51
herb_hello everybody!13:51
icerootcalmsiva: no need to be sorry13:51
johndolmyhi all13:51
calmsivajoin #ubuntu-release-party13:51
Halitech!hi | johndolmy13:51
ubottujohndolmy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:51
dorganjauntyjoe: any ideas?13:51
icerootcalmsiva: start with /13:51
zealiodks3: i'm looking to add 1000 vlans - one for each port on 10s of switches13:51
Orangezjoin #linux13:51
jauntyjoe"and MAY break" - as in "MAY break" our installations or as in may be released soon?13:52
rajJediMaster: haha your call. ahh that's good for a fresh install then. it's almost always better to format over when switching FSes. you miss out on some of the ext4 new features if you don't iirc. the ext4 wikipedia article is a good place to check if you think ext4 works for you.13:52
zealiodks3: so we can use 801.11q tagging to find out where traffic is coming from13:52
jauntyjoeno sorry, dorgan13:52
calmsivaiceroot : what do you mean (i am new to IRC CHAT & linux)13:52
Halitechjauntyjoe, may break your installs13:52
johndolmyat which time will can be downloaded ubuntu 9.10?13:52
herb_i've just installed ms core fonts. Do I have to restart my computer or is there any other way to refresh my look? thanx!13:52
rajcalmsiva: type /join instead of join13:52
icerootcalmsiva: to type a command  use /   so its /join #ubuntu-release-party13:52
tonyyarussojohndolmy: Join #ubuntu-release-party to wait for the announcement13:52
Ramunasjohndolmy: when its released, its not yet.13:52
rajherb_: you have to make sure your theme is using the font you want13:53
lodderI have setup my server as a router with iptables and a transparent proxy, but I have also virtualbox running headless as bridge and I now get no route to host, did i forgot something?13:53
JediMasterraj: yeah I read through it a few months ago, I've also heard some horror stories with ext4 failing dramatically in a few cases, has it matured a little since then?13:53
rajherb_: try to select the font you want in settings and if it's not there you have to update your font cahce13:53
johndolmyok, another question, how nautilus on ubuntu can view unmounted internal volumes and partitions without edit fstab manually?13:53
herb_raj, how can I update the font cache?13:53
rajJediMaster: i think you'll get different answers depending on who you talk to. personally i'm sticking with ext3 for a while. but then again i'd be running 8.04.3 in your position so maybe our stances differ.13:54
Halitechjohndolmy, they should show up under the places menu13:54
ks3zealiod: It sounds like you'd want to bridge between VLANs if that's really the route you want to go13:54
vtechello ever since I upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 my internet speed is ridiculously slow...the firefox broswer is a COW, my torrent speeds are kind of normal though, has anyone experienced and/or fixed this?13:54
zealiodks3: can you exaplin what that means...13:54
rajherb_: do you not see the font in any programs?13:54
mrintegritydoes ubuntu support hdmi output on intel chipsets?13:54
ZiberWhy cant I get "mail" to work with postfix?13:55
JediMasterraj: I bet if you used debian in the past you stuck to "stable" right? I ran most of mine on testing, and even one or two on unstable for a while, rarely had issues other than a few apt-get package conflicts that were easy enough to fix13:55
johndolmywhat I have to do for view unmounted partitions on nautilus?13:55
chosigHey a generic console question, I want to combine two files like cat file1.txt >> file2.txt - but i don't want the first line of file1 to be copied, is there a smart way to use sed or similar?13:55
hlmvtec, I've read somewhere that IPv6 being enabled can give you slow interner performance13:55
mrintegritychosig: cut13:55
tzolkinI install the tp_smapi and hdaps on my thinkpad R400, It's work , but I write a program to read the status of my hard drive, it says the hard drive always running even when i shake my laptop... it seems that the protection program does't work?13:55
vtechlm, where can i disable this? and do i need IPv6? what is it?13:55
rajJediMaster: yeah stable with a few select testing packages13:55
herb_raj, i see. but my firefox doesn't use them13:55
Jan_FiskerHello, I have a problem13:56
Jan_FiskerCould not download all repository indexes13:56
Jan_FiskerThe repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.13:56
FloodBot1Jan_Fisker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:56
hlmvtec, IPv6 is the newer version of IP (the protocol used by internet)13:56
vtechlm, do you think it would be best to disable it?13:56
johndolmywhat I have to do for view unmounted internal partitions on nautilus?13:56
hossanyone here with knowledge of getting wireless to work with Acer Aspire One?13:56
hlmvtec, yeah, you can disable IPv6 is not widely used still13:57
hlmvtec, at least not that I know of13:57
hlmvtec, most of the internet is still IPv4 (the version prior to IPv6)13:57
rajherb_: go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance then click on the Font tab13:57
vtechlm, care to teach me how to do so mate?13:57
t2ttmphdmi audio wont work eather13:58
tzolkinAnyone use the APS for thinkpad?13:58
johndolmywhat I have to do for view unmounted internal partitions on nautilus?13:58
hlmvtec, try a google search for: ubuntu disable ipv613:58
hondai'm crazy so click refresh http://www.ubuntu.com/ in every single seconds.13:58
t2ttmpon an at3n7a-i13:58
Bear10_hmm Ubuntu didn't install my audio drivers!13:58
johndolmywhat I have to edit?13:58
Beni___ http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.10-release13:58
tstebutHello, I'm partitionning, and I wonder why I hsould do extended partition ?13:58
rajhonda: it will be out in 3 hours13:58
Halitechvtec, open firefox and type this in the address bar about:config13:58
josh_guys help me out, i cant use web cam in chat13:58
johndolmywhat I have to edit or install or configure?13:58
herb_raj thanx!13:58
=== dennis_little is now known as dennis
johndolmywhat I have to edit or install or configure to view unmounted internal partitions on nautilus?13:59
rajherb_: you should see your fonts in the list. if you don't tell me.13:59
t2ttmpso you dont run into partition limit ?13:59
=== dennis is now known as dennis_little
hossI have read that using the latest madwifi drivers will work on my Acer Aspire One, but I cannot see the wireless network.  The wifi LED blinks upon startup though.13:59
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Halitechvtec, then filter on network.dns.disableIPv6 and set it to true by clicking on it13:59
rajtstebut: extended partitions are if you need more than 4 partitions13:59
ubuntu_how do i do a admin file edit?13:59
ActionParsnip1honda: i have an infinite script running: while true; do sudo fullupdate; sleep 15; done13:59
hlmvtec, but to easean things for you, the command line should look like somehting: sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=113:59
rajhoss: you might try the netbook remix when it gets released today13:59
ActionParsnip1ubuntu_: gksudo gedit13:59
raikraj someone said four hours four hour earlier.13:59
tstebutraj: thanks14:00
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Karmic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseParties14:00
rajraik: it's 3 hours for sure now14:00
gt11hadn't ubuntu came out yet?14:00
pjammerhas anyone updated their ruby from the default apt-get 1.8.6 patch11114:00
hlmvtec, also Halitech's way of doing should get you going, but it disables IPv6 only for Firefox14:00
hossraj: whatdo you mean?  Is there going to be a release specifically for notebooks?14:00
rajActionParsnip1: you might want to set up a a while with an if to break, or else that will run forever14:00
hlmvtec, sysctl will disable it for the entire OS14:00
rajhoss: yes there is! it's called Ubuntu Netbook Remix14:00
rajhoss: do you know how to torrent?14:00
ActionParsnip1raj: ctrl+c is sufficient14:00
hlmvtec, and don't worry, it is perfectly un-doable and fairly safe to do :)14:01
Jan_FiskerI have a problem with the update manager14:01
josh_what time is the release?14:01
hossraj: yes, but torrents are not permitted on this wifi connection.14:01
vtechlm, thankyou alot bud14:01
dhiaeldeenare there any program that converts a function into a sound ?14:01
t2ttmpi had loads of dependancies errors yesterday with rc14:01
vtecHalitech, thankyou also mate I appreciate it14:01
rajActionParsnip1: ah ;). i tend to set things up like that then go to sleep14:01
dhiaeldeeni want to hear the sin and cosine ...14:01
johndolmywhat I have to edit or install or configure to view unmounted internal partitions on nautilus?14:01
ActionParsnip1seems no one has ubuntu problems today14:01
=== john is now known as Guest2284
dhiaeldeensine and cosine14:01
rajhoss: i mention that because torrents are the fastest way to get new ubuntu releases.14:01
feisaris there a release channel?14:01
jribdhiaeldeen: I believe audacity will let you do that14:01
Jan_Fisker"could not download all repository indexes"14:01
erUSUL!party | feisar14:01
textureglitchwe'll be flooded tomorrow when everyone can't get the new version working ;)14:01
ubottufeisar: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels.  To countdown to Karmic release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseParties14:01
rajfeisar: #ubuntu-release-party14:01
ActionParsnip1feisar: /join #ubuntu-release-party14:02
johndolmywhat I have to edit or install or configure to view unmounted internal partitions on nautilus?14:02
ActionParsnip1textureglitch: tell me about it :(14:02
hossraj:  right on, other than network manager, is there anyway to see wireless netowrks?  I think the card is working, I just cant see the networks.14:02
feisarActionParsnip1: thanks14:02
ks3zealiod: You can bridge rather than route between interfaces. It makes all the interfaces seem to be on the same network. However, since VLANs are used to separate traffic, setting up VLANs and then bridging them together seems a bit.... odd. What is it you're trying to accomplish again?14:02
larry1has 9.10 launched yet?14:02
rajlarry1: 3 hours14:02
Ramunaslarry1: #ubuntu-release-party14:03
larry1raj: thanks14:03
rajhoss: i'm sorry, i don't have much experience with that. i do suggest upgrading to 9.10 and seeing if it fixes anything.14:03
Sensivatextureglitch yeah I am getting ready to flood here tomorrow, I have been waiting for this release since Hardy14:03
hossraj: is 9.10 the next major upgrade (i.e. 18 month support)?14:03
rajhoss: yes. ubuntu gets released on the 4th and 10th month of the year.14:04
rasiqout < http://ubuntu-mirror.cs.colorado.edu/releases/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso14:04
john_sainthi all. im new to ubuntu. do you have a beginner channel cus in need of dire help!14:04
rajrasiq: not officially14:04
hossraj: man, I wish I was home to update my pc.  I guess I will have to wait...14:05
ax-axi want some help with locales - I'm swedish, but I don't want to use swedish. I want to use english for system language, but swedish time system and alphabetic sorting14:05
nexsjajohn_saint, go ahead and ask your question here :>14:05
the_madmanjohn_saint: This is the general support channel, what do you need help with14:05
=== aaron111 is now known as I_cant_wait_any_
m3onh0x84how to know my intel architect ?14:05
mohan1@ax-ax change the language preference14:05
nexsjam3onh0x84, use x86 if you've got a dual core cpu14:06
Jan_Fiskeris it because of the release that my update manager dosn't work14:06
sanketmedhiwill the DVD iso release today?14:06
john_saintwell i loaded up ubuntu for the first time ever after spending so many years with that so called other os comapny. ive found ubuntu easy and very useful apart from 1 thing.... i cant seem to burn dvds. keeps telling me so many plugins missing yet i cant find them. im an absolute bigginer here!14:06
tonyyarussosanketmedhi: sometime, yes.  #ubuntu-release-party to wait14:06
jacobian__The following packages have unmet dependencies:14:06
jacobian__  w32codecs: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.9) but 2.7-10ubuntu4 is to be installed14:06
jacobian__Is that a known problem?14:06
rajhoss: yeah. when you get home you can either upgrade through synaptic or get the ubuntu-9.10-netbook-remix-i386.iso.torrent and follow these directions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick14:06
furyfirewill there be any release today :)14:06
hosscan anyone recommend a connection manager for assisting with wireless setup?14:06
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ax-axmohan1: right now, my locale says LANG=en_GB and LC_CTYPE=sv_SE.UTF8 and so on, but it still sorts files with ä before b14:07
sanketmedhitonyyarusso: I was there, remember14:07
nexsjajohn_saint, what app are you using?14:07
grawityax-ax: LC_COLLATE?14:07
sanketmedhitonyyarusso: now I am not thanks to you14:07
=== carlos is now known as Guest84923
hossraj:  I will have to wait until March, so it will be some time :(14:07
john_sainti have tried them all, even the nero one.14:07
tonyyarussosanketmedhi: Shouldn't have done whatever you did then.  #ubuntu-ops to discuss.14:07
ax-axgrawity: also swedish14:07
nexsjajohn_saint, have you tried Brasero?14:07
tzolkinI install the tp_smapi and hdaps on my thinkpad R400, It's work , but I write a program to read the status of my hard drive, it says the hard drive always running even when i shake my laptop... it seems that the protection program does't work?14:07
zeebleHi. where can i find a list of mirrors where the karmic 64 bit image is out?14:08
UKtourwhen is the nextr14:08
Guest84923hi, I need some urgent help14:08
Beni___zeeble: it isn't out yet14:08
* zeeble looked in a few but didnt find the image14:08
Azeotropehow can i receive microphone feed over ssh?14:08
UKtourwhen is the next ubuntu supposed to come out?14:08
Beni___84923: What is the problem?14:08
zeebleBeni___: umm, lifehacker says it is14:08
john_saintyes. that was the one that kept telling me couldnt copy because of missing plugins yet when i go to the plugin section everything is checked14:08
diduuehm. should apt-get dist-upgrade upgrade to todays release?14:08
tstebutI want a partition for LVM , should I use primary or extended ?14:08
Beni___zeeble: Officaially not14:08
zeebleBeni___: ah, sorry then. actually so does the download page :p just the index page says it isnt14:08
=== Guest55616 is now known as noob
sshcHi, I upgraded GRUB on another computer, but when it boots up, it says "Error 15"14:09
tstebutraj, I want a partition for LVM , should I use primary or extended ?14:09
spook_Beni___: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download now offering 9.1014:09
zeebleBeni___: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ shows ver 9.1014:09
Guest84923I did a upgrade from ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 thru the UPGRADE option, and now I'cant get into the system14:09
Picispook_: no it doesnt14:09
Beni___ Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop (the latest version):14:09
gajophas the new ubuntu 9.10 been released? how do i upgrade it? update-manage -d?14:09
ax-axalso, my rtorrent gets wierd combinations of letters instead of ö and é, is that normal or how do i fix it?14:09
zeeblewha? i just saw it seconds ago14:10
Beni___gajop: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade install14:10
=== Cameron is now known as Is-It-Out-Yet
tstebutGuest84923, you should try to rewrite mbr with grub through recovery console14:10
zeebleDownload Ubuntu 9.1014:10
zeebleits offering 9.1014:10
brianVdoes anyone know of a decent VPN client that will connect to Sonicwall VPNs?14:10
nexsjajohn_saint, hm, never had any problems with Brasero... Well, you could try another app: K3b, though it's for KDE. You just use aptitude to install it, it will download all the missing kde packages and then just run it from Application->Sound & Video14:10
zeeblebut where are the images?14:10
Guest84923the SSH connection gives me stdin: is not a tty14:10
aoupiwhere do update-manager check for new releases? (like, what URL does it get)14:10
AzeotropeGuest84923, why?14:10
tstebutGuest84923, that's what I had to do when upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 and it worked14:10
Beni___I see only 9.04and 8.04 LTS14:10
nexsjajohn_saint, yes. K3b.14:10
Guest84923and the console (screen) just gives a lot of graphical color pixels14:11
t2ttmpi need the mini iso14:11
john_saintwill it be in the add/remove section or do i have to look for it?14:11
zeebleBeni___: dunno mate. but its been 9.10 for the last 10 minutes for me. i can get the x86 version, but i want the 64 bit verison14:11
=== kb is now known as Guest31799
sshcwould moving /boot/grub/menu.lst* to another directory cause GRUB to fail?14:11
Guest84923I have tried to use the LIVE cd to mount my root disk and change configuration files14:11
dorganso i am trying to connect to the wireless network from the command line and when i do iwconfig wlan0 key s:mykeyhere    I am getting Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A)14:11
Sensivasshc sure!14:11
UKtourzeeble: I am not seeing it14:11
AzeotropeGuest84923, you can't even ssh in?14:11
Guest84923I have chaned xorg.conf to the failsafe one14:12
=== Is-It-Out-Yet is now known as It-Is-Out
nexsjajohn_saint, dunno about the add/remove, but you can definitely go to your console and type "sudo aptitude install k3b"14:12
t2ttmpi had to sudo apt-get install ssh14:12
Beni___zeeble: it is 9.04 stil...14:12
DeadmanIncJSwhere is 9.10!? lol14:12
john_saintthank you for all your help. i will go and try it... thank you!14:12
Guest84923but the graphical pixels are still there and I can't use the GUI int14:12
zealiodks3: What I'm trying to achieve is this:14:12
karmic_policewhats the room name for the release party?14:12
tonyyarussokarmic_police: #ubuntu-release-party14:13
gt11still no ubuntu 9.1014:13
zeebleBeni___: UKtour: http://www.zeeble.net/ubuntu.jpg14:13
gajopBeni___: it doesn't seem like 9.10 is out, that command does nothing, at least not for 64bit version14:13
Beni___hmm interesting :S14:13
balahi, i have upgraded to karmic, i am unable to resume after suspend, does anybody know how i can fix that?14:13
Beni___I see totally different one from that14:13
zeeblegajop: yes. the 64 bit is the problem14:14
balai have a dell 1525,intel GM965/GL960,14:14
Guest84923I can see that there are no /dev/pts files after the upgrade, but I can't run Makedev as I can't get in thru SSH or via the screen14:14
Sensivagajop Beni___ its not out yet, when its out, topic will be updates14:14
raphawow, ubuntu.com is under siege14:14
balaand am unable  to access text console too.14:14
=== It-Is-Out is now known as tuO_toN_stI
zeebleno it is out!14:14
zealiodks3: Let's say I have 1 switch and a passthrough server. on the switch i have 5 tagged ports, each with an access point. Client's connect through one of 5 access points. I have tagged the 5 ports, so I can tell where client's are accessing the network from. In reality the scenario is much much bigger...14:14
zeeblegeez. the mirrors arent populated is what it is.14:14
raphaanybody got me a working link to the 64bit-desktop-.torrent?14:14
meeeeeeHi, I had Ubuntu Hardy and recently I've upgraded to Intrepid and then Jaunty. I was trying to install g++-3.4 in Jaunty today with hardy deb packages, so I ran dpkg -i *.deb on them (gcc-3.4 and it's dependencies) but dpkg returend some dependency errors. now running any app ends with segmentation fault! even init (kernel panic). how can I undo my changes on libc (?) ?14:14
zealiodks3: does that help? I'm hoping to read vlan tag data when its all set up14:14
ax-axalso, my rtorrent gets wierd combinations of letters instead of ö and é, is that normal or how do i fix it?14:14
ActionParsnip1rapha: which release?14:15
Guest84923any ideas anyone? I suppose I had some nvidia stuff before, how do I reset that and just use std vga14:15
zealiodks3: adding ip addresses to routes won't really work, as clients will be getting their ips via DHCP14:15
raphaActionParsnip1: 9.10 ofc14:15
ActionParsnip1!karmic | rapha14:15
ubotturapha: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:15
UKtourzeeble: ok then can you send me a torrent file to karmic-32bit?14:15
zeebleUKtour: wait14:15
ActionParsnip1rapha: nothing is "of course" I assume nothing14:15
nexsjawhat's the best distro version of ubuntu for a low-preference laptop?14:15
Beni___ubuntu.com is under siege :S14:15
raphabut why's ubuntu.com down if 9.10 hasnt been released?14:15
zeebleit went back to 9.04 now14:16
wonderworldi will wait for Ubuntu 10.10 Pornographic Penguin14:16
zeeblesomeone's doing a svn checkout of that page or what14:16
LoafersIs this where I download http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/ ?14:16
meeeeeeHi, I had Ubuntu Hardy and recently I've upgraded to Intrepid and then Jaunty. I was trying to install g++-3.4 in Jaunty today with hardy deb packages, so I ran dpkg -i *.deb on them (gcc-3.4 and it's dependencies) but dpkg returend some dependency errors. now running any app ends with segmentation fault! even init (kernel panic). how can I undo my changes on libc (?) ?14:16
Sensivarapha it's not down from here14:16
=== tuO_toN_stI is now known as _________IT_____
tonyyarussoLoafers: It's not out yet!  No links!14:16
SensivaLoafers nope14:16
raphainteresting Sensiva14:16
=== _________IT_____ is now known as __ITS___NOT___OU
ActionParsnip1rapha: I suggest you join the hilarity in #ubuntu-release-party14:16
natrixnatrix89hi. Is there a command in terminal to list all ip addresses connected in LAN?14:16
raphaokay ActionParsnip1 :)14:16
ks3zealiod: Hmmm... the first thought would be VLANs and separate subnets, but I've never done more than about 20 VLANs on a server. Also, you'd need to setup a DHCP scope for each subnet. It seems like there should be an easier way, but nothing's coming to me at the moment.14:17
zeebleip addresses connected in the lan?14:17
=== __ITS___NOT___OU is now known as __ITS___NOT__OUT
ActionParsnip1natrixnatrix89: you could use nmap14:17
bastidrazorikonia: :P was talking about anime. heh14:17
natrixnatrix89actionParsnip1: thanks.. Will install it..14:17
Weedywhen you wakeup from sleep does your NM rescan and reconnect?14:18
=== __ITS___NOT__OUT is now known as _ITS___NOT__OUT_
meeeeeeI had Ubuntu Hardy and recently I've upgraded to Intrepid and then Jaunty. I was trying to install g++-3.4 in Jaunty today with hardy deb packages, so I ran dpkg -i *.deb on them (gcc-3.4 and it's dependencies) but dpkg returend some dependency errors. now running any app ends with segmentation fault! even init (kernel panic). how can I undo my changes on libc (?) ?14:18
Weedymine just keeps trying the last connected network even though it's in a physicaly different place14:18
ActionParsnip1meeeeee: you shouldnt mix release debs, you will get a mess14:18
coz_meeeeee,   did you install from synaptic?14:18
zealiodks3: Yeah... i thought it would be easier too14:19
ttye0I'm sure someone has to have had this problem, but I'm not finding anything about it yet when I search for it. Has anyone a resource or fix for when Karmic will detect a digital camera (Nikon Corporation), but will not assign it an entry in /dev/?14:19
zipitohow can I set as mine window manager gnome-shell instead of metacity ?14:19
=== _ITS___NOT__OUT_ is now known as I_AM_NOT_PASTING
t2ttmpthe mini image is dated 16th oct still14:19
=== I_AM_NOT_PASTING is now known as ITS_NOT_OUT_
reldridgeIf i update using the "-d" option, would i just update again to get the real release of 9.10????14:19
dborbameeeeee - try removing the package you installed & then use synaptic to reinstall necessary packages14:19
meeeeeeActionParsnip1: I know, how can I undo changes? booting with live cd and what?14:19
zealiodks3: am i right in thinking that i'd need to do some iptables rules for each vlan also?14:19
coz_reldridge,  if all of the pacakges have already been installed it wont update anything14:20
jribreldridge: when it's out, yeah14:20
ks3zealiod: If the access points or switches support it, you may be able to simply mark the packets another way. Iptables supports mark / fwmark, which can be used to identify packets.14:20
=== I_cant_wait_any_ is now known as NOT-OUT
dborbameeeeee: does your system not even start up?14:20
reldridgeso if i use the develoment release, it will update to full release when available.14:20
hossraj:  the only think that I read from the Ubuntu site was about Kubuntu's notebook release.  was this the release that you were refering to?14:20
dr3mrois there a difference between karmic final and the daily built available at ubuntu srver14:20
meeeeeedborba: I have no access to any shell or something, I recieve kernel panic at startup (even init recievs segmentation fault)14:20
ActionParsnip1meeeeee: use: sudo dpkg -r <package name>14:20
ks3zealiod: If you're doing any firewall settings, yes. You'd need to setup iptables with each interfaces and the needed allow / deny / nat entries.14:20
zealiodks3: sure - im told vlans is the accepted way only in this instance14:20
clausenwhat does the "boot=casper" command line option do?14:20
H20ppl u need http://www.voddler.com/ it is free like spotify14:20
zealiodks3: sure - thought so14:20
meeeeeeActionParsnip1: listen! it doesn't start up!14:21
clausen(kernel command line)14:21
ActionParsnip1meeeeee: you will need to use: sudo apt-get -f install at the end to make sure the packages are square14:21
Travis-42Is there any way to make certain applications open with a specific window size?14:21
H20but movies ..14:21
ActionParsnip1meeeeee: can you boot to recovery root console/14:21
meeeeeeActionParsnip1: no14:21
binaryDragonTravis-42, do you have gnome or kde14:21
reldridgeso if i use the develoment release, it will update to full release when available.14:21
Travis-42binaryDragon: gnome14:21
theadminJust asking... When? Will? It? Come? Out?14:21
Picitheadmin, Karmic will be released some time during the 29th, i.e: there is no exact time. You can await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party14:21
jribreldridge: yes14:21
ActionParsnip1meeeeee: then you will need the live cd14:21
binaryDragondont know how to do that in gnome14:22
zealiodks3: Am i able to forward all traffic from eth1.222 to eth1, prerouting?14:22
reldridgejrib, thanks..14:22
meeeeeeActionParsnip1: yeah, and then what should I do?14:22
=== hyrcan is now known as hyrcan_away
zealiodks3: otherwise im going to have to duplicate everyrule for every vlan14:22
Sensivaclausen It means running a preinstalled live from a read only file system14:22
theadminI thought it will come out on 29.10.2009/00:0014:22
gt11Is there any way to mount Ubuntu DVD onto a USB stick and load from it?14:22
clausenSensiva, I mean, how is it interpreted by linux?14:22
ks3zealiod: you can use wildcards, so iptables rules with eth1.+ should work... at least it works for ppp devices14:22
ActionParsnip1meeeeee: chroot to the installed system and remove what you installed14:23
clausenSensiva, (I was hoping for a technical answer about how it works)14:23
meeeeeeActionParsnip1: if I chroot it will probably ends up with same situation (running every command recievs segmentation fault).14:23
Guest84923i have the live cd and I have my real file system mounted on the live system14:23
dorganso i am trying to connect to the wireless network from the command line and when i do iwconfig wlan0 key s:mykeyhere    I am getting Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A)14:23
zealiodks3: will give it ago14:23
jj159gt11: yes... alot of ways.. one way is unetbootin... from a windows machine14:23
ActionParsnip1meeeeee: its worth a shot though14:23
clausenSensiva, is it the name of a script that linux will try to run?14:23
=== Dragnslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
Sensivaclausen Unfortunately I don;t know :D14:23
yadudocdoes anyone know how to write multisession data DVD using either K3b or brasero ?14:23
jj159or use usb tool on live cd to copy to usb.14:23
meeeeeeActionParsnip1: Yeah, Actually I'm downloading the cd.14:23
H20http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKGrXbrnK-o    ubuntu festa :)14:23
gt11jj159 thanks!14:23
dhiaeldeeninstalled audacity , are there any program that converts a function into a sound ?14:23
=== jj159 is now known as movela
Sensivaclausen no casper is a package, check its info in Ubuntu repos14:23
Travis-42I can use compiz to force a fixed size window, but I want to only set the initial size, and let me change it later14:24
dhiaeldeenhow to do it with audacity ?14:24
meeeeeeActionParsnip1: do you know any other way?14:24
natrixnatrix89ActionParsnip1: could you please tell me the command i should use with nmap to see all the ip addresses in LAN?14:24
clausenSensiva, the linux kernel is interpreting "boot=casper" to mean something!14:24
cordenubuntu 9.10 32 is not official available14:24
clausenSensiva, or at least, some program is reading "boot=casper"14:24
cordennow i mean14:24
ActionParsnip1natrixnatrix89: nmap is very complex, you should look at examples online14:24
icerootcorden: it is14:24
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:24
movelagt11: unetbootin is great.. it also supports downloading and installing on usb. almost all distros out there are in it... slax nimble x puppy dsl... to try out14:24
Sensivaclausen yeah but I don't know further details14:24
icerootcorden: mainpage is updated14:24
movelagood luck14:24
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!14:25
ActionParsnip1meeeeee: i cant think of anything else14:25
clausenSensiva, thanks anyway14:25
meeeeeeActionParsnip1: thanks.14:25
meeeeeeI had Ubuntu Hardy and recently I've upgraded to Intrepid and then Jaunty. I was trying to install g++-3.4 in Jaunty today with hardy deb packages, so I ran dpkg -i *.deb on them (gcc-3.4 and it's dependencies) but dpkg returend some dependency errors. now running any app ends with segmentation fault! even init (kernel panic). how can I undo my changes on libc (?) ?14:25
cordeni mean now not not :D14:25
movelais today the officail release date for ubuntu?14:25
zealiodks3: sweet, that works14:25
movelahow come kubuntu is released?14:25
Squirmyes movela, for 9.1014:25
ActionParsnip1movela: for karmic yes14:25
sshcI upgraded to grub 2, but it's giving me Error 1514:25
=== sivel_ is now known as sivel
zeeblemovela: its prolly going to release in a while. first let the mirrors download the main image, then they'll release it14:26
movelaSquirm: i'm in the ubuntu site.. it says beta14:26
movelaok thanks14:26
zeeblemovela: it said 9.10 a few minutes ago, then they changed back .. looks like the site got hammered14:26
sshcthe error happens immediately after I boot14:26
Sensivasshc read this post carefully and good luck http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527514:26
Squirmzeeble, lots of mirrors seem to have it already14:27
zealiodks3: so no firther ideas how to map all dhcp address to that vlan? i'd rather not have separate dhcp ranges for each vlan14:27
zeebleSquirm: which one?14:27
movelawin7 was already released yes?14:27
=== se7en is now known as se7en-layan-DOTA
Sensivasshc this post also is the same as your problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1293917&page=314:27
leohartxit's out14:27
ptn107the images are already present on http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//karmic/  I've verified the desktop and alternate images, they're good14:27
movelaon the 27th?14:27
leohartxguys, it's out14:27
zeeblethanks, Squirm14:27
leohartxhttp://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/karmic/  < visit here14:27
richardcavell_This is the channel for Karmic now14:28
raikis it out?14:28
Sensivanope its not out14:28
leohartxit was out on 2714:28
leohartxnow, it's 2914:28
Squirmi'd suggest everyone just wait until the official release announcement14:28
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!14:28
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party14:28
zeebleexcellent thanks.14:28
meeeeeeI had Ubuntu Hardy and recently I've upgraded to Intrepid and then Jaunty. I was trying to install g++-3.4 in Jaunty today with hardy deb packages, so I ran dpkg -i *.deb on them (gcc-3.4 and it's dependencies) but dpkg returend some dependency errors. now running any app ends with segmentation fault! even init (kernel panic). how can I undo my changes on libc (?) ?14:28
ikoniabastidrazor: what ?14:29
Wipsternot officially out but the download page has been updated with the new links, good enough for me.14:29
ptn107It is not 'officially out'  follow ubuntu-announce and wait for the announcement (you can download it now, however)14:29
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!14:29
zeebleyou mean they wait till the last moment to create an iso image with a 29th timestamp?14:29
tzolkinMy hdapsd seems not auto start, how can set it to auto start?14:29
JediMasterbtw, it's offically out now14:30
SuperDefenderXWhen is 9.10 coming out? Isn't that today?14:30
tzolkinadd it to the start session??14:30
Beni___JETZT, NOW, AT THE MOMEN! :d14:30
zeeblehaha, Beni___14:30
Sensiva\ o /14:30
GrossHansUUU! its there!!!14:30
Beni___zeeble: true :)14:30
gt11omg ubuntu.com is down14:30
=== ITS_NOT_OUT_ is now known as Karmic_Koala
zeebleBeni___: yeah, 40% of the download done.14:30
ActionParsnip1its out for those askig14:30
=== Kraln- is now known as Kraln
JediMastergt11: nope, working for me, and it's out14:30
zeeblelol Karmic_Koala14:30
pef^wohoo, it means that ther are updating :D :D14:31
pef^ITS HERE!!!14:31
ActionParsnip1just gotta wait for repos to sync14:31
ptn107please use the torrents today when you download, and at least seed for a little while afterwards pls14:31
leohartxnow, the site has announced :D14:31
ScheITS HERE!!!!!!14:31
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:31
DaHopidownload link for ubuntu nbr doesnt work..14:31
H20sweeet ............14:31
DingToany idea when 9.10 is coming?14:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about isitiout14:31
ActionParsnip1DingTo: now14:31
DingTosry if I am the 100th person asking .P14:31
DaHopiDinTo: its out14:31
batrickptn107: where can we download the 9.10 torrent14:31
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!14:31
JediMasterDingTo: it's out14:31
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Karmic is released! http://www.ubuntu.com/download & http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910 | Karmic party in #ubuntu-release-party | Please use !torrents
JediMasteryes, it's out14:32
raikyes yes its out!!!14:32
pef^UBOTTU LIES!14:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about LIES!14:32
ubottuJaunty can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).14:32
raikcheck you update manager?14:32
ctmjrand the madness begins14:32
gt11Omg awesome!14:32
vaguerantHeh, that still lists jaunty releases.14:32
XLVyeah, bring down those servers ;-)14:32
JediMasterbahhh do-release-upgrade is still not working =/14:32
uziPLEASE SEED!14:32
ActionParsnip1raik: repos are slower than ISOs14:32
Travis-42anyone have problems clicking "buttons" in flash in the 64-but karmic?14:32
Travis-42bit, I mean14:32
H20the part is one .. :)14:32
ptn107batrick: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//karmic/14:32
ActionParsnip1Travis-42: not with the 64bit flash plugin14:33
sshcSensiva: "NB! You have to use the spacebar to mark the choice here. DO NOT go on without doing this. Iw WILL result in your system showing error 15 and being unable to even show a boot menu. If you are running a dual boot system with WindowsXP or Vista, you might have to do additional fixes after upgrading to get it to work."14:33
ActionParsnip1Travis-42: are you using compiz?14:33
jauntyjoeis it out? yes it is!14:33
sshcSensiva: that's my problem14:33
PygmalionSo, probably  stupid question, but anything that isn't dependent on GNOME is the same across all official derivs? So Kubuntu and Xubuntu still have grub2, upstart and stuff?14:33
* Karmic_Koala !14:33
gt11Why the speed is only 90 kbps? :(14:34
sshcSensiva: I remember a dialogue in which I was given an option but I forgot to choose it14:34
DingTowhy I only have DSL 1000 -.-14:34
DingTotakes me now 2 hours to get it :P14:34
t2ttmpif you install you will just get errors when adding packages14:34
joaopintoPygmalion, I believe so, except for pulseaudio which is not installed with kubuntu14:34
sshcSensiva: how do I fix it?14:34
gt111 percent done, heh14:34
ActionParsnip1gt11: because the servers are being hammered14:34
Pygmalionjoaopinto: Oh good, heard bad things about pulse anyway :P14:34
ActionParsnip1gt11: think about it14:34
Sensivasshc check the Grub2 guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527514:34
jauntyjoe0day ftw suxk0rz :D14:35
tzolkinkarmic is out, has anyone try it? how about it14:35
joaopinto!ot | tzolkin14:35
ubottutzolkin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:35
=== Karmic_Koala is now known as Cameron
Travis-42ActionParsnip1: yea, I'm using compiz14:35
ks3zealiod: Sorry, I stepped away for a bit. You can have DHCP run on multiple interfaces, but I'm not certain if that will allow bi-directional communication - I've never used it in a setup like yours. Best I can say on that is - try it :( (and let me know what happens)14:35
K_Dallastzolkin, there are reviews on it also the final relase should not be that different from RC so I would say, pretty neat piece of software you have got yourself14:35
SahkolihaaGoody. 9.10 doesn't boot at all. I'm now getting an Error 15 from GRUB.14:36
SahkolihaaFresh install as well.14:36
DB42what is the torrent link for ubuntu 9.10 DVD (alternative+desktop+server) ?14:36
K_DallasSahkolihaa, check your ISO14:36
shane2perudoes anyone know how if I can run FF3?  I have FF3.5.4 installed via ubuntuzilla14:36
SahkolihaaISO is fine.14:36
SahkolihaaI'm on the live CD now.14:36
johndolmywhat I have to edit or install or configure to view unmounted internal partitions on nautilus?14:36
SahkolihaaMD5 matches what is on the website.14:37
ChogyDanDB42: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/14:37
t2ttmp910 seems flaky at best atm we shud have a 1 week after release party i thinks14:37
K_DallasDB42, http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//karmic/14:37
ptn107Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit torrent -> http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent            Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit torrent -> http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent      go!14:37
ActionParsnip1Travis-42: try without, you may find it works14:37
DaHopiCant download ubuntu nbr 9.10: Not Found14:37
DaHopiThe requested URL /karmic/ubuntu-9.10-netbook-remix-i386.img was not found on this server.14:37
DB42K_Dallas, http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//karmic/ has only CD, no DVDs14:37
t2ttmpthink it could be cos servers being hammerd14:38
K_DallasDB42, ok14:38
mark_quick question.  Does the RC 9.10 ubuntu automatically become the stable 9.10 tree upon update?14:38
superhamwhats in the dvd release?14:38
DB42i want an ALL in ond DVD14:38
DB42is there such a thing ?14:38
Picimark_: yes14:38
SahkolihaaCurently in the process of burning Fedora 11 to disc. :/14:38
DB42there used to be a DVD with desktop+server+alternative14:38
tzolkinK_Dallas, that's great, but I am not sure it can drive my video card "HD3470".14:38
mark_I wonder if repos have had a change to get the 9.10 stable yet?14:38
Travis-42ActionParsnip1: Is there a conflict between them? I make use of some of the compiz features for actual productivity as opposed to just eye candy.14:38
DB42ok, foudn htem14:38
movelathis torrent works! http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/   but is it official?14:38
mark_the mirror repos14:38
ravehow to upgrade to 9.10 from beta 9.1014:39
SahkolihaaNo one knows how to fix error 15 on 9.10?14:39
gt11Yeah, is it http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ the newest version?14:39
Pici!final | rave14:39
ubotturave: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:39
johndolmywhat I have to edit or install or configure to view unmounted internal partitions on nautilus?14:39
SahkolihaaFresh install.14:39
icerootrave: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:39
ptn107movela, yes14:39
ChogyDanSahkolihaa: error 15 at boot?14:39
ChogyDanSahkolihaa: is this an upgrade or clean install?14:40
raikis 9.10 out?14:40
[V]ortex`omg it is out14:40
SahkolihaaClean install.14:40
BOZGraik, yes14:40
icerootActionParsnip1: you said, update-manager not working on your beta. but you need apt-get dist-upgrade not update-manager -d14:40
gt11raik yes14:40
Ventushi i cant find the ports of 9.1014:40
Ventusi need ps3 port14:40
johndolmywhat I have to edit or install or configure to view unmounted internal partitions on nautilus?14:40
ActionParsnip1iceroot: i use: sudo apt-get --force-yes -y dist-upgrade14:40
natrixnatrix89is there a way to detect the devices available on my LAN. I mean to list all the IP addresses on my lan?14:40
ChogyDanSahkolihaa: hmm, so error 15 on grub 2 eh?  Do you have a regular HDD setup?14:40
=== xxx is now known as vale35p
icerootActionParsnip1: ak ok, i though you are running something else14:41
grotiiywhich users should avoid x64?14:41
vega-Ventus: there's no ps3 port of 9.10 ...14:41
Beni___Are the torrent links correct14:41
SahkolihaaChogyDan: 2 SATA drives, 2 IDE drives in master/slave, was installing on the IDE master.14:41
icerootgrotiiy: users with 4gb ram an more14:41
^mNotIntelligentcan anyone tell me what is the official site for ubuntu torrents...thanks14:41
Beni___Are they the proper version?14:41
mok0Let's fix this, people: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2009/oct/29/windows7-usage-guardian14:41
dojowhere are the new md5's for 9.10?14:41
iceroot^mNotIntelligent: ubuntu.com14:41
icerootdojo: ubuntu.com14:41
dojothe ubuntu hashes page doesn't have them14:41
dojoonly 9.0414:42
^mNotIntelligenticeroot, i was expectign soemting like torrents.ubuntu.com ...14:42
ActionParsnip1iceroot: nar, i have it cron'd for 5 am each day but i can run the script when I wish, its called fullupdate ;)14:42
grotiiyiceroot, i have asked which users should avoid x6414:42
ChogyDanSahkolihaa: are you willing to file a bug report?  I suspect your device.map is improperly setup, but it should be fixed in the installer, not just by you manually14:42
raikhow to upgrade 9.04 to 9.10?14:42
icerootgrotiiy: then users with less then 4gb ram14:42
darthanubisHappy Ubuntu everyone!14:42
roygbivhello hello14:42
=== Bangladesh is now known as Ekushey
gt11The torrent fails to download. Just pauses with "Operation is waiting")14:42
ravei m going to reinstall ubuntu is there a way where i can mark and save the sowftware list installed in my current system so that i can simply read tehm through synaptic in new system14:42
iceroot!upgrade | raik14:42
ubotturaik: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:42
pef^raik sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:42
SahkolihaaChogyDan: If I can figure out how to file one.14:42
Law506got 5 mb/s download for ubuntu 9.10!14:42
iceroot!clone | rave14:42
ubotturave: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate14:42
vega-Ventus: seems there in fact is: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/ (but it's a bit slow now)14:42
t2ttmpi had an error 15 i just partitioned manualy and installed again it went away14:43
cordensudo apt-get thank_you canonical14:43
ChogyDanSahkolihaa: hmm, Im wrong14:43
dojoiceroot: i assume you are referring to this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes which has no hashes for 9.1014:43
Guest84923stdin: is not a tty when I SSH to my newly UPGRADED system from 8.10 to 9.04, help anyone14:43
icerootdojo: i am reffering to the donwload-page where are all isos, torrents and md514:43
Flynsarmythe message received sound in pidgin is being compressed in karmic. playing alot faster than it should. ideas?14:43
Ventusvega-, i got connected, but there are no files in ports/9.1014:43
icerootdojo: if you follow the download link you will get here http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/14:44
mezquitalekarmic koala is officially out, woohohooo14:44
t2ttmpanybody got working hdmi audio in 91014:44
vega-t2ttmp: yes14:44
[V]ortex`so this makes this chan the offical KK chan14:44
KevinMaiI installed Ubuntu Karmic Beta, then install Vista. Now, I have Karmic Live-CD. How to repair grub2?14:44
dojoiceroot: thanks, i did not get that page. just the image download. not sure where you got that, but i am grateful!14:44
iceroot[V]ortex`: correct14:44
ChogyDanSahkolihaa: well, actually, it is an error with device.map14:45
icerootdojo: alternate download locations  that was the section14:45
icerootdojo: its a text below the download link to redirect you to that site i gave you14:45
SahkolihaaChogyDan: Ah, I think I see it already. I think it's set the wrong drive up.14:45
KevinMaiI installed Ubuntu Karmic Beta, then install Vista. Now, I have Karmic Live-CD. How to repair grub2?14:46
deviant-routewhats the best way to download 9.10 now?14:46
om26erand now this channel is karmic14:46
[V]ortex`deviant-route:torrent it14:46
ChogyDanSahkolihaa: yeah, thats it, are you running the livecd?14:46
realistikIs there a non-swamped site with torrent links?14:46
dojonot seein it from here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download14:46
om26erkick jaunty users ....kidding14:46
icerootom26er: and jaunty + hardy14:46
dojodeviant-route: torrent14:46
dojomine downloaded at 3mpbs14:46
raveiceroot: where to see !automate14:46
deviant-routeok thanks14:46
SahkolihaaChogyDan: Yes, and I just loaded up GParted and found what the drive should really be.14:46
icerootrave: what?14:46
opiniojuriswhere's the 9.10 torrent?14:46
=== jmrodri-gone is now known as jmrodri_
zealiodks3: cool14:46
om26erempathy suck big time14:46
ChogyDanSahkolihaa: can you wait a sec before you make a change?14:46
zealiodks3: thanks14:46
SahkolihaaChogyDan: Sure.14:47
opiniojurisoops, haven't read the topic :>14:47
ubottuJaunty can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).14:47
raveiceroot: bot told me to see !automate14:47
ChogyDanSahkolihaa: or rather, can you save your old files?14:47
DingToom26er: yeah14:47
DingToom26er: no IRC14:47
iceroot!automate | rave14:47
ubotturave: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning14:47
raveiceroot: bot told me to see !automate i dont know what it is14:47
opiniojurisnope, it's not there....14:47
DingTowhy did they switched to that anyway?14:47
SahkolihaaChogyDan: All my files are on other drives, so that's not an issue.14:47
realistikThanks dib_ :)14:47
icerootrave: ! <-- starts a bot-command14:47
DaHopiplz help, 9.10 nbr will not install: "Could not find kernel image: linux"14:47
freeallWhen updating through Update Managaer, I get an error in the step "Setting new software channels". The error I get is: "W:Failed to fetch http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/... Hash Sum Mismatch". There are a great bunch of files failing with the same error. Can anybody help me?14:48
ActionParsnip1DaHopi: did you md5 test the image?14:48
Flynsarmythe message received sound in pidgin is being compressed in karmic. playing alot faster than it should. ideas?14:48
xnetmultimedia softwares?14:48
om26erkarmic is looking awesome14:49
xnetIs this possible music developer in ubuntu?14:49
om26eralthough i have been using it for 4months14:49
roygbivwhat kernel version is 9.10? ty in advance14:49
invitingdopemanit  says i can only upgrade from 9.0414:49
jauntyjoefreall: i wouldn't expect all the update files to have been mirrored down to dk already14:49
ActionParsnip1xnet: lmms is fun14:49
icerootroygbiv: 2.6.3114:49
carresmdlet's ask the same question as yetserday14:49
ActionParsnip1!info linux-image karmic14:49
DaHopiActionParsnip1: yipp i did14:49
invitingdopemanhow can i upgrade from beta version14:50
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)14:50
carresmdhow do I backup my SSH and GPG keys?14:50
jauntyjoeuse the "main server" or d/l the iso14:50
varun__why is the torrent download very slow too?14:50
icerootinvitingdopeman: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:50
fluidwhats the first-person shooter in the games screenshot on the 9.10 tour page?14:50
ubottuJaunty can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).14:50
ActionParsnip1varun__: it will speed up14:50
pelmenhello everyone. Upgraded to 9.10, nvidia drivers seem to be working, but glxgears fails to start with "No Xlib extension" also compiz fails to start14:50
invitingdopemanthank you14:50
varun__i hope so14:50
ActionParsnip1pelmen: uninstall the nvidia drivers and reinstall them14:50
koolhead17so the magic is here14:50
Plughcarresmd: The ssh keys are in ~/.ssh. Don'tk now about the gpg ones14:50
raikmoving to ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala!! bye14:50
arthurjohnsonWooooo!  Karmic has landed!14:51
pelmenActionParsnip1: using "Hardware Drivers" way or manually ?14:51
Wizzup:D /join #ubuntu-release-party14:51
ActionParsnip1pelmen: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove14:51
carresmdPlugh, thanks14:51
PlughI'm going to have another shot at installing the nvidia drivers. My attempts to do so in the few days before launch all failed with System error: installArchive error message14:52
pelmenActionParsnip1: and then should i install from nvidia.sh file or using "hardware drivers" dialouge ?14:52
roygbivPlugh are you installing on a laptop?14:52
ActionParsnip1pelmen: you can then run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-185-modaliases nvidia-glx-18514:52
blue-pearlwhy ubuntu stopped giving free cd? i can not download it will take ages to download.14:52
ActionParsnip1pelmen: i'd just rip out the packages, same thing14:53
Flynsarmythe message received sound in pidgin is being compressed in karmic. playing alot faster than it should. ideas?14:53
Plughroygbiv, [hehe... nice nick]  It installed on my laptop just fine. I haven't been able to get the install to complete successfully on my desktop.14:53
deviant-routethank god i order my cd early14:53
pelmenActionParsnip1: ok, do i need to restart between purge and reinstall ?14:53
invitingdopeman0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded i get this when i try to sudo14:53
roygbivPlugh hah that's the exact opposite of me. my hp laptop w/ nvidia is giving me fits but my desktop is solid14:53
WelshyRobinvitingdopeman, installing what?14:54
invitingdopeman0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded this is what i get when i sudo upgrade14:54
roygbivoff to download the 9.10 torrent!14:54
Plughroygbiv, ah, ok. My laptop has a newer nvidia card than my desktop. I'm going to do a complete removal of the nvidia drivers on my desktop and try again.14:54
ActionParsnip1pelmen: could do14:54
blue-pearlwhy ubuntu stopped giving free cd? i can not download it will take ages to download :(14:54
WelshyRobinvitingdopeman, upgade to 8.10?14:54
roygbivblue-pearl get the torrent?14:54
KevinMaiI installed Ubuntu Karmic Beta, then install Vista. Now, I have Karmic Live-CD. How to repair grub2?14:54
Squirmblue-pearl, i think you just need to pay for the cd and shipping14:55
switchgirlblue-pearl: its shippit they are still going14:55
invitingdopemanwelshyrob im trying to upgrade from 9.10 beta14:55
jasonfunkWhy did the notifications change in 9.10? i14:55
WelshyRoboh sorry i no nothing bout that14:55
switchgirlKevinMai: you can't it wiped the entire drive14:55
Plughroygbiv, I was totally impressed by how easy it was to get Karmic up and running on my hp laptop. Pretty much everything just worked. I only had to copy over the WiFi firmware drivers from an earlier attempt to get WiFi working when I was using a different distro on the laptop.14:55
pelmenActionParsnip1: ok going for a reboot14:56
coz_KevinMai,   maybe this would help   http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127442814:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about torrents14:56
invitingdopemanhow the fuck do i upgrade from 9.10 beta to 9.1014:56
_jakob__How do I update Kubuntu 9.04->9.10 ??? the update-manager is a gnome program :-/14:56
roygbivwow, no peers for the 9.10 torrent yet heh14:56
Plughinvitingdopeman: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:56
wonderworldcan the normal (not alternate) installer in karmic encrypt the disk?14:56
ctmjrinvitingdopeman: sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:56
invitingdopemani did that it gave me this0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded14:56
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:56
aperubuntu is here hooray! :p14:56
zipitogood day14:57
switchgirlinvitingdopeman: I'd love to know that too without the profanity (miors)14:57
zipitocan someone help me with Gnome Eye ?14:57
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P14:57
invitingdopemanwell tell me how14:57
zipitoit doesn't shows animated gifs (I mean doesn't shows those animation)14:57
blue-pearldownload @ 2kbps......it will take ages. :(14:57
Plughinvitingdopeman: I just did. Scroll back a little.14:57
modernbobis there a list of torrents someplace14:57
roygbivaah here we go now the torrent is downloading from 15/60 peers. nice14:57
apermine is at +- 300 kbs14:57
aper25 mins remaining14:58
apernot on torrent14:58
i_is_brokeinvitingdopeman, try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:58
tommy^wubuntu is AMAZING14:58
roygbivblue-pearl do you have small bandwidth? if not you should try the torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/14:58
invitingdopemani did it gave me this 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded14:58
_jakob__arghhhh :-/ when I run "update-notifier-kde -d" I get: = Welcome to the Ubuntu 'Karmic Koala' development release =14:58
leohartxcan some one give me hash code of amd 64 desktop iso file ? (you get it by check you downloaded iso )14:58
_jakob__This is still a BETA release.14:58
i_is_brokeinvitingdopeman, are you running the latest rc and have kept up on all the updates?14:59
invitingdopemanyes but i still have all the bugs14:59
roygbivi just now started downloading 9.10 from torrent and it'll take about 11 mins. torrent is very fast14:59
td123leohartx: distrowatch.com14:59
goldinshi, I'm updating a machine from 8.10 and I was hoping to update to 9.10, and update-manager -d says "new distribution release '9.04' is available." why doesn't it show 9.10?14:59
om26er1what do i do to get fast-user-switch-applet or indicator-applet with install empathy components in karmic koala14:59
Jordan_U!upgrade | goldins14:59
ubottugoldins: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:59
_jakob__Oh, -d is wrong... -u is better14:59
blue-pearlroygbiv: ya small bandwidth.14:59
roygbivblue-pearl aaah ok15:00
Jordan_Ugoldins: You can only skip releases when going from LTS to LTS15:00
Plughroygbiv, I heard there are more people than usual getting the program via torrent which would account for fast download times15:00
invitingdopemani-is-broke yes but i still have all the bugs15:00
craigbass1976I've got a brother 7840W and can scan using xsane from one ubuntu box.  I can't remember how I set it up though.  Anyone?  The printer part is working.15:00
roygbivPlugh yea i'm showing 65 peers right now15:00
incidenceHi, Is there anyway to keep my WLAN drivers when ubuntu updates kernel? Always, after the kernel update I lose my wlan drivers.15:00
Plughroygbiv, another torrent stream was reported as 400 peers and 2000 leechers15:00
thiebaudeanyone have a link for the torrents?15:00
modernboblst of torrents?15:01
roygbiv24Mb download FTW :-D15:01
i_is_brokeinvitingdopeman, is it an update from 9.04 originally?15:01
=== kj4 is now known as ubuntard
knarfixhi, karmic has been released15:01
modernbobubuntard.. hehe15:01
invitingdopemanyes beta15:01
PlughI've usually found the Ubuntu web site has a list of torrents.15:01
invitingdopemani have 9.10 beta15:01
modernbobwhere is the list of torrents15:01
thiebaudePlugh, i'll try that, thanks15:01
i_is_brokeinvitingdopeman, you might want to download the new iso and try a fresh install.15:01
roygbivmodernbob: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/15:01
worldsayshiWhat's the name of that ubuntu extension having an icon tray like Mac OS?15:02
invitingdopemanso i have to brun it to a cd15:02
roygbivscroll down to the bottom15:02
knarfixhi, i cant login to ubuntu one. says "capabilities mismatch with server"15:02
tommy^wTalking bout that horsetoof goofcawk15:02
i_is_brokeinvitingdopeman, or put it on a flash drive like i did.15:02
=== jmrodri_ is now known as jmrodri
dewmanIf I am running 8.10 will update manager want to upgrade me to 9.04 and then to 9.10 or will it go right to 9.10?15:02
roygbivworldsayshi on mac it's called the Dock, if that helps in searching15:02
invitingdopemanso i have to go buy cds thats bull shit15:02
modernbobno 9.10 torrents listed on that site15:02
Jordan_Udewman: 9.04 then 9.1015:03
roygbivmodernbob there's a whole list of them at the bottom15:03
dewmanJordan_U, Thanks15:03
Jordan_Udewman: np15:03
blue-pearl41 hrs 45 min remaining !!15:03
worldsayshiroygbiv: ah... yes it should do15:03
bgyMy harddisk is sometimes slow, and i hear weird sounds from it, how could i check its health ?!15:03
roygbivblue-pearl yikes lol15:03
modernbobroygbiv: URL please15:03
dewmanJordan_U, Will just download it then...I dont want to be like windows....Multiple upgrades to get to where I want to be.... hehehe15:03
roygbivmodernbob: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/15:03
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!15:03
RowColdoes ubuntu 9.10 correct the problems of the previous version with Intel graphic carts ?15:04
Plughblue-pearl: Torrents always start of showing slow transfer times. It will pick up after a while.15:04
=== rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride
* JediMaster ponders how to do a remote install on a virtual server with 9.04 currently on there... hmmm15:04
=== ericm is now known as ericm-Zzzz
bradpittjava applets are freezing on karmic, too bad.15:04
textureglitchuse the force?15:04
blue-pearlPlugh: i am downloading directly from ubuntu.com not torrent.15:04
roygbivJediMaster: that definitely will take jedi skills15:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about itisout15:04
rmDVD torrents are not seeded15:05
td123blue-pearl: why?15:05
RowColdoes ubuntu 9.10 correct the problems of the previous version with Intel graphic carts ?15:05
FloodBot1RowCol: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:05
roygbivheh oops15:05
ubuntu__RowCol, it seems to, yes!15:05
RowColok thanks ubuntu__15:05
ubuntu__RowCol, well, I have 2 computers with intel cards15:05
=== ubuntu__ is now known as clausen
PlughHm... guess I'm wrong. Fedora lists torrent sites on its download page. I expected Ubuntu would have done the same but it hasn't from what I can tell.15:05
clausenRowCol, (oops, didn't notice my user name)15:05
coz_hey guys  a bit of a techical question..generally .. if I install anew video card  I reinstall everything...is that even necessary ?15:06
modernbobroygbiv: I just do not see a single 9.10 torrent15:06
clausenRowCol, and both of them are better15:06
td123RowCol: and please don't use those ridiculous spacers15:06
blue-pearltd123: torrent is not starting (note my speed is 2kbps)15:06
tigawhat is the best way to upgrade from jaunty? Should i do a dist-update or just get the iso?15:06
darthanubisPlugh, not looking very hard15:06
td123blue-pearl: it will be that speed from ubuntu.com anyway15:06
preecheri just did the update and it went smooth15:06
bradpittjava applets are freezing on karmic, too bad. anyone has the same experience?15:06
roygbivmodernbob i just went there right now and have a whole list of torrents15:07
roygbivbut it redirected me to http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/ this time15:07
iceroot!upgrade | tiga15:07
worldsayshiMy 9.10 is stuck at 32 % :(15:07
ubottutiga: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:07
blue-pearltd123: i mean my bandwidth is 2kbps whatever sie i download its 2 kbps.15:07
roygbivi grabbed both the desktop and server torrents from that page just 15 mins ago15:07
td123blue-pearl: !15:07
td123blue-pearl: wow, so it doesn't really matter to you then :D15:07
om26erblue-pearl: download torrent plz15:07
domjohnson_Thats betterrrrrr15:07
* JediMaster hugs his 2x 13Mbps ADSLs at home15:08
* roygbiv 24mbits down 12mbits up :-D15:08
Plughdarthanubis: No torrent reference at all on the download page. I'm not worried about it. I've been running Karmic for several days now.15:08
polarbearwhy is the DVD image file so big?? o.O15:08
modernbobroygbiv: I have that page up but see no bittorent anything15:08
domjohnson_So...does anyone here actually have Karmic?15:08
zipitodomjohnson_, yes15:08
polarbeardomjohnson_: burning now15:08
darthanubisPlugh, I as well. To avoid the stampede15:08
JediMasterroygbiv: at home?15:08
om26erpolarbear: bcoz it includes all the languages15:08
roygbivmodernbob that is wild heh. i can't explain that15:08
roygbivJediMaster yes15:08
blue-pearltd123: ya ETA is showing 45hrs+15:08
td123polarbear: it's a dvd image... if you want something smaller, get the cd image15:08
Plughdomjohnson_: I've been running it for a few days now15:08
zipitoI've installed it via update-manager -d15:09
polarbearom26er: okay thanks :D15:09
knarfixdomjohnson_: yes.....15:09
JediMasterroygbiv: sweet, what kind of connection is that?15:09
polarbeari have both dvd's and cd's. was just curious about the sizes15:09
roygbivJediMaster it's windstream DSL15:09
knarfixdomjohnson_: does ubuntu one work?15:09
StrangeCharmhow can i convert a dm-crypt volume from using passphrase authentication to mount at boot, to using key-files instead?15:09
Plughdomjohnson_: I downloaded the CD ISO when it was 6 days before release. Did a fresh install of Karmic on my laptop. When I saw how well it worked there, I put it on my desktop.15:09
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:09
domjohnson_Think so, knarfix15:10
JediMasterroygbiv: we've got 23Mbps ADSL at work, the office is literally next door to the exchange =)15:10
knarfixdomjohnson_ : mine worked yesterday...now it doesnt15:10
rmsomeone seed the DVD ISOs please15:10
dewmanIs there anything extra on the DVD besides the language packs?15:10
domjohnson_Im having a lot of problems with apps starting15:10
rmthere are 50-100 peers waiting on them, and not a single seed15:10
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!15:10
roygbivhah yea i'm lucky to be in 1 of the few areas around me they offer 24mbits because i'm closeby their exchange too15:11
rm257 peers waiting, actually15:11
fynhow do i tell my intel mac to boot an ubuntu cd?15:11
knarfixubottu: its out.....15:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about its out.....15:11
om26erfyn: google it?15:11
treble54can I go from Intrepid to Karmic through Update Manager? currently it only says Jaunty is available15:11
fynom26er: i did15:11
goldinsfyn: hold down option I think15:11
dewmanfyn, you smack the mac.... =) lol...15:11
domjohnson_lol dewman15:11
fynom26er: weirdly it was hard to find15:11
roygbivrm i'm downloading 9.10 desktop and server both right now using torrents15:11
td123fyn: go to the bios and change the boot order to start from cd first15:11
fyntd123: ya, bios ... there's bios on this thing?15:11
i_can_has_linuxi can has karmic!15:11
Garandilfyn; hold down alt or command button during boot15:12
Boing_i forgot how to config the bootmanager15:12
JediMasterrm: what's the easiest way? downloading the DVD directly and getting the torrent and putting it in the same dir?15:12
ptn107it is out,  official release announcement     https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2009-October/000127.html15:12
td123fyn: there's a bios on all computers15:12
rmRoyall, DVD iso?15:12
td123fyn: google bios to find out more15:12
PlughFor anyone looking for Ubuntu torrents, I put "torrent" in to the search box in the corner of the Ubuntu web page. I found the page with the list of torrents is here --> http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors15:12
FlynsarmyWhy's it so hard to unmute from the terminal in karmic. in earlier versions itw as a 1 liner. now you ahve to type a min of 3 to unmute in karmic15:12
rmroygbiv, DVD iso? *15:12
GarandilYou can't access the BIOS on mac machines..15:12
i_can_has_linuxJediMaster, the torrent will probably be faster15:12
tpaxHello Friends15:12
roygbivrm yes15:12
roygbivrm: i got the torrents from here http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/15:12
JediMasteri_can_has_linux: I mean to seed the dvd, as he was saying there are no seeds15:13
* penyshocker just installed Lunatic Lemur 10.0415:13
treble54can I go from Intrepid to Karmic through Update Manager? currently it only says Jaunty is available15:13
fynoption key did it, and yes pedantic dude there's certainly a bios, just not one i can go to and tell it to boot from things in a menu :)15:13
tpaxIn the earlier days it was easy possible to make a router out of a ubuntu machine. Now, in Ubuntu 9.10 there is no ipmasq anymore, is there a replacement or something?15:13
roygbivi've never cared for the lemur. koalas i can handle15:13
domjohnson_knarfix: I get a capabilities mismatch15:13
Boing_i forgot how to config the bootmanager15:13
tpaxOr does anyone have another good howto how to build a router with 9.10?15:13
ptn107treble54: you must upgrade to jaunty first, apply all jaunty updates, and then upgrade again15:13
domjohnson_knarfix: do you?15:13
treble54oh bummer15:14
treble54ptn107: thx for answering :)15:14
Plughpenyshocker: Um... not likely unless you have a time machine.15:14
knarfixdomjohnson_: yes same here15:14
IdleOnetreble54: you can only leap frog lts to lts15:14
AivariuXIf I has 9.10 RC installed I have to upgrdade su final or not?15:14
knarfixdomjohnson_ yes me too15:14
rmroygbiv, i see no DVD images on that page15:14
erUSULtpax: for a router i would use a specialized distro like ipcop or Zeroshell15:14
treble54IdleOne: good to know :) thx15:14
ptn107AivariuX: no15:14
tpaxerUSUL, that's not an option right now :)15:14
domjohnson_Maybe they're doing something with the server15:14
SirDidiwhere i can find the md5sum?15:14
roygbivrm: aah ok sorry i misread. they are all CD iso's yes15:14
tpaxI only have ubuntu here15:14
IdleOneAivariuX: run your normal updates and you will have final15:14
domjohnson_in the meantime, you could use dropbox15:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dropbox15:14
knarfixdomjohnson_ : yes i guess so15:14
icerootSirDidi: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/15:15
penyshockeri got two time machines15:15
knarfixdomjohnson_ : or the server is overloaded :)15:15
CrocoJetViva !!! Viva !!! BOOMMM !!! BOOMMM !!! Welcome 9.10 !!!15:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about myself15:15
SirDidiiceroot, thx15:15
penyshockerbut the time machine stucks in the future15:15
roygbivubottu: seek professional help15:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:15
deviant-routeUbuntu is the future for GNU/Linux as a desktop (:15:15
erUSULtpax: then use something like shorewall or firehol and set it up you can add monitoring tools later15:15
tpaxok, thanx15:16
aper6 minutes doggy dogg you're on!15:16
* penyshocker uses the firewall distro: cornholio, the ultimate fork of snortwall15:16
CrocoJetcheers Ubuntu !!!15:16
mUrshEd:) lol ubottu15:16
CrocoJet<<<< fireworks >>>> in my room .. Viva !!! (oh no .. fire fire fire !!)15:16
FlynsarmyWonder what'll happen when shuttleworth retires. Next guy might not want to fuel ubuntu development as heavily15:16
aperi know a girl...15:16
aperthat knows15:16
=== strider_ is now known as strycore
aperthe language15:17
aperwhere they use the word ubuntu15:17
apersomewhere south african15:17
aperit's cool15:17
iceroot!ot | aper15:17
FloodBot1aper: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:17
ubottuaper: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:17
knarfixFlynsarmy: he is still young :)15:17
penyshockerits zuluian15:17
CrocoJet1 hous 16 min .. wow server is busy a lot15:17
penyshockerzulu slang15:17
aperi'm sorry i flodded folks15:17
om26erwhich application is good for audio playback15:17
aperzulu slang?15:17
Boing_i forgot how to config the bootmanager15:17
om26erusing gstreamer15:17
kyenteiCrocojet: what are you downloading? Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits just takes 13 minutes for me atm. :-)15:17
sclytrackanybody know md5 for 64 bit desktop?15:17
penyshockeryeah i know the md515:17
apershe told me ubuntu means human15:18
icerootBoing_: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst15:18
icerootsclytrack: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/15:18
roygbivubuntu in klingon means "epic nvidia driver problems" :(15:18
coordinadori have a problem15:18
CrocoJetkyentei, yes desktop 9.1015:18
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:18
coordinadorLucida Sans doesnt appear in OpenOffice15:18
penyshockerin zulu slang it means something like: you turn me on15:18
CrocoJetwhole Brazil is downloading new ubuntu right now15:18
magnetronroygbiv: dkms has solved that for me15:18
icerootaper: this is the support channel, please use #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting15:18
aperhahahah @ roygbiv15:18
Beastmodeso is the ubuntu support channel for karmic? or ubuntu+1?15:18
kyenteiCrocoJet: Darn, that takes quite some time. I recommend you chose another country near yours and see what the download speed is.15:18
penyshockerwhole cuba15:18
aperthanx iceroot15:18
icerootBeastmode: hardy, jaunty and karmic15:18
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!15:18
icerootwelcome: it is15:19
pef^easiest way to upgrade from 9.10 beta to real 9.10? :D15:19
penyshockerhardy, jaunty, karmic, lemur15:19
Pici!final | pef^15:19
ubottupef^: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.15:19
icerootpef^: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:19
welcomeiceroot : Somebody should update that bot15:19
Picipenyshocker: its Lucid Lynx15:19
penyshockerlucid lynx?15:19
kyenteiiceroot: in the beta, 9.10 was using grub 1.97 (beta 3).. which does not have a menu.lst file anymore. Instead, it uses a grub.cfg file which, before you can edit, you need to give yourself write acces to first.15:19
dewmanWhat is on the DVD of 9.10 that the cd does not have?15:19
Pici!lucid | penyshocker15:19
ubottupenyshocker: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02bhwofEqw for announcement video.15:19
icerootkyentei: ah ok, only know grub legancy15:19
omanidoes someone have a link to fix the fn hotkey problem under koala karmic?15:19
newtolinuxtorrent link to download ubuntu 9.10 please15:19
IdleOnedewman: pictures of sabdfl at the beach15:20
Boing_iceroot, Thank you15:20
Pici!torrents | newtolinux15:20
ubottunewtolinux: Karmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9\.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).15:20
icerootdewman: kde and other apps15:20
penyshockerhelp we all going to die15:20
omanisamsung nc10. ubuntu 9.10 koala karmic, wifi hotkey wont work!15:20
Boing_iceroot, Thank you15:20
icerootBoing_: np15:20
kyenteiiceroot: I see, grub2 is a little bit different. "Chmod +w" on the grub.cfg file, and then "sudo gedit" the file15:20
dewmaniceroot, Thanks!15:20
pvandewyngaerdeanyone got a link to the iso in europe ??     all the mirrors i look at are RC15:20
icerootkyentei: ok, good to know15:20
newtolinuxubottu: thanks is it same version that released today?15:20
icerootpvandewyngaerde: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/15:20
penyshockerlucid lsd15:20
jimqodepvandewyngaerde, torrent it15:20
penyshockeror something15:20
knarfixpvandewyngaerde: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download15:21
penyshockerlucid lisa15:21
jimqode!torrent | pvandewyngaerde15:21
ubottupvandewyngaerde: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P15:21
kyenteiNo need to torrent it, the download of 9.10 is now "official" on the website itself. (main page)15:21
newtolinuxPici: thanks15:21
ubottutorrents is <Reply> Karmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).15:21
jimqode!torrents | pvandewyngaerde15:21
ubottupvandewyngaerde: please see above15:21
newtolinuxbut i need resume support and things15:21
newtolinuxmy net speed is low15:21
icerootnewtolinux: then use torrent15:21
newtolinuxiceroot: :)15:22
omanisamsung nc10. ubuntu 9.10 koala karmic, wifi hotkey wont work! does anybody know how to fix the problem?15:22
penyshockertorrent i got 15MB/s download speeds15:22
omaniFn + F9 for wifi15:22
penyshockerin the hempire of ganjania, we all got FTTH15:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:23
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omanii need a workaround for my hotkey problem. samsung nc10 netboot with ubuntu 9.10 UNR. wifi hotkey doenst work!15:24
cantonacan I run do-release-upgrade on ubuntu-desktop?15:24
MefachedI'm using Rhythmbox for my music, but it keeps skipping; for example, when I open a new tab in Firefox or follow a link, the audio will die for a second. It's getting annoying. Is there a quick fix or should I just use a smaller media player?15:24
penyshockeryes we can15:24
zhanxso over all how has the new release been15:25
penyshockerit smells like teen spirit15:25
knarfixcantona: yes...alt f2  then update-manager -d15:25
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!15:25
Piciknarfix: NO. -d is only for the development release. Please use -c for normal releases15:25
knarfixcantona: i assume you have jaunty15:26
dewmanI wonder if the DVD will allow me to install everything at once.... =P15:26
zhanxthats weird the bot is broken15:26
kyenteiubottu: Where are you talking about?! It's on Ubuntu's main page!15:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:26
maddogкто то говорит по руски?15:26
knarfixcantona: see Pici's message :)15:26
Pici!ru | maddog15:26
ubottumaddog: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:26
iceroot!ru | maddog15:26
cantonaPici:  instead of using gui (update-manager) , i want do use do-releaese-upgrade15:26
=== dwarder_ is now known as dwarder
iceroot!upgrade | cantona15:27
ubottucantona: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:27
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P15:27
Jordan_U_knarfix: cantona "update-manager -d" is only needed to upgrade to development releases, now that 9.10 is out it's just "update-manager" or System > Administration > Update Manager15:27
Picicantona: okay. so use it.15:27
Ali_ixhi, where can i find DVD torrents?15:27
icerootAli_ix: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/15:27
theadminYAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I sezzit. Karmic! I'm upgrading. Well...how long do these normally take?15:27
kazaa_litehi all, i am trying to make my application start at the boot time. so I have copied my_app script in /etc/init.d15:27
knarfixJordan_U_ : thanks15:27
iceroottheadmin: depending on the hardware and conncetion of course15:28
phreestyle-workhave a question: using Preferences -> Startup Programs, how can I get a program to open in a terminal window instead of being hidden?15:28
theadmin!torrents > Ali_ix15:28
ubottuAli_ix, please see my private message15:28
cantonado-release-upgrade is recommand for ubuntu-server, not ubuntu-desktop. so i want to know if there is problem to use it15:28
Jordan_U_knarfix: np15:28
Ali_ixwow, thanks15:28
occyI can't seem to find the Torrent for 9.10 (doesn't say so in the torrent macro either)15:28
kazaa_litenow how to achieve this behaviour on ubuntu "/sbin/chkconfig my_app --add"?15:28
newtolinuxhey is the torrent the same as the iso download from homepage?15:28
Jordan_U_!torrent | occy15:28
ubottuoccy: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P15:28
icerootoccy: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/15:28
icerootnewtolinux: yes15:28
occyJordan_U_: heh you didn't actually read what I wrote :P  but thanks15:28
AaronMTI am quadruple booting XP/2000/Vista/7 and Ubuntu just erased my entire bootup, how do I fix this15:29
Jordan_U_occy: Sorry, !torrent*s* does have the info :)15:29
iceroot!grub | AaronMT15:29
ubottuAaronMT: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:29
Jordan_U_occy: I just chose the wrong one :)15:29
occyno worries15:29
theadmin!torrents > theadmin15:29
ubottutheadmin, please see my private message15:29
dewmanWow. AaronMT, thats scary15:29
AaronMTLooks like I have to downgrade 9.1015:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chkconfig15:29
AaronMTNever had this problem with 5.0415:29
AaronMTWhere can I download Ubuntu 5.04 again15:30
Jordan_U_AaronMT: What do you mean by "erased your entire bootup"? Do you get an error at boot?15:30
PlughI just did a complete removal of the nvidia drivers to get rid of the failed attempts. Since "Hardware Drivers" wasn't showing anything for my machine, I used synaptic to pick the nvidia driver packages to install. The install went well this time. Now to reboot and see if the drivers work.15:30
AaronMT5.04 download link == ?15:30
JohnTeddyThere are only 1795 people in here, that sucks. When will it be over 2k15:30
PiciAaronMT: No where, 5.04 is long out of support.15:30
icerootAaronMT: its 4 years old...15:30
SensivaAaronMT http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/5.04/ :]15:30
AaronMTThat's alright, it works.15:31
Jordan_U_AaronMT: You do not want to install 5.04, it's no longer supported and has *known security vulnerabilities*15:31
welcome5.04 , cool , I want to try it15:31
Sensivaoh man15:31
AaronMTYes, but it works.15:31
welcomeDownloading ....15:31
polarbearim about to install 9.10, how large should i make my swap partition?15:32
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info15:32
ActionParsnip1polarbear: ram x 2 is a good yard stick15:32
polarbearokay, so 6gb15:32
roygbivyes exactly15:32
jmichaelxnot if you have 2GB +15:32
roygbivwoah that's huge15:32
Jordan_U_AaronMT: What do you mean by "erased your entire bootup"? Do you get an error at boot?15:32
roygbivmaybe just 1XRAM heh15:32
polarbear4gb swap?15:32
ActionParsnip1polarbear: if you have 3Gb ram then have a 3gb swap15:33
stimpiedepends on your usage15:33
jmichaelxif you have 2GB+, just match you RAM with equal amount of swap15:33
roygbivi think swap is an outdated concept anyway, especially if you have huge RAM15:33
polarbearokay, 3gb it is :P15:33
roygbiv3GB should be plenty15:33
AaronMTJordan_U_: Dont worrry about it, I'm resolving this with 5.04 which works fine.15:33
ActionParsnip1roygbiv: its good for hibernate / sleep etc15:33
polarbearthanks guys, time to install <(^^,)>15:33
phreestyle-workhow do I get a terminal application to start on Gnome login?15:33
ActionParsnip1!startup | phreestyle-work15:34
ubottuphreestyle-work: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot15:34
roygbivActionParsnip1 well, but that's just more just a handy side-use from its actual purpose15:34
jmichaelxAaronMT, you have my sympathies. maybe this way you will not have unresolved ipv6 DNS lookup bugs15:34
phreestyle-workActionParsnip1: now, how do I get it to SHOW the terminal?15:34
ActionParsnip1roygbiv: true15:34
ricdangernice site15:34
ricdangerexcept that stupid "TOP" :D15:34
AaronMTI'm fine with major regressions - the product works.15:34
knarfixhow do i find out which graphic card i have?15:34
ubuntistaswhich is a better procedure creating an usb iso or cd iso ? or it's the same?15:34
ActionParsnip1phreestyle-work: i think if you write a script then select, show in terminal it should display15:35
tommy^wknarfix: lspci, lshw15:35
deviant-routehow do i check the md5 of the ubuntu i just downloaded?15:35
ActionParsnip1knarfix: lspci | grep -i vga15:35
mskcongrats to the UBUNTU team !15:35
jribubuntistas: if usb works for you, it would save you a cd...15:35
phreestyle-workActionParsnip1: There is no "show in terminal" in the Startup Options15:35
jimqodeubuntistas, both are easy. cd iso you just download. to make a usb there is an option in system menu.15:35
jrib!install > ubuntistas15:35
ubottuubuntistas, please see my private message15:35
IdleOne!md5 | deviant-route15:35
ubottudeviant-route: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:35
stimpiehow much free diskspace is required to update to 9.10?15:35
ActionParsnip1phreestyle-work: there is on a script though, if you right click the script you can select run in terminal, you will then add the script to the startup items15:36
J_Phi all15:36
Boing_ironic I can not see openoffice to install need to create document15:36
chazcoAny word on what changed between the RC and the final?15:36
ubuntistasso jrib is the same huh?15:36
ActionParsnip1stimpie: depends on how many packages and their sizes you have15:36
joaopintochazco, bug fixes15:36
tommy^wyou should be able to install in lvm's at installation on the next ubuntu15:36
jmichaelxdeviant-route, cd to to the dir where you downloaded your image, and just enter 'md5sum imagename.iso'15:36
J_PThe "Marvell Dove desktop image"  and  "Freescale i.MX51 desktop image" are used for what?15:36
jribubuntistas: should be the same yes15:36
ActionParsnip1J_P: embedded systems that use those boards15:36
deviant-routethks jmichaelx15:37
J_PActionParsnip1: for example?15:37
iceroottommy^w: lvms are supported by alternate cd15:37
jmichaelxdeviant-route, yw15:37
ActionParsnip1J_P: a system with a freescale mx51 board with a PROM which you will need to flash with the image15:37
ph33rwe can't upgrade from jaunty to karmic via a cd ?15:37
tommy^wiceroot, yea well i should be supported on the regular one i think15:37
bourkehi, I just updated to karmic, my mobile broadband modem worked when running on the live cd, but after installing, it appears as a cd device.  what might be missing in the install that the live cd had?15:37
ActionParsnip1ph33r: you can upgrade using the alternate cd15:37
J_PActionParsnip1: are there a place in ubuntu site that talking about theses images for mebedded system?15:38
ph33rActionParsnip1: oh cool, thank you :)15:38
thiebaudeActionParsnip1, thats what i didi15:38
disappearedngcan I add msn to gtalk accounts? Does pidgin have sometign like that? are there anything on the repos that allows the 2 diff protocols to talk?15:38
ActionParsnip1J_P: not sure, its not something ive ever bothered with15:38
GiantTalkingCowA quick question to anyone with an Intel card: having any driver problems this time around/15:38
ActionParsnip1disappearedng: sure, it supports multiple protocols including msn and gtalk15:38
andriijas$ dpkg -l | grep "rc  "15:39
andriijaspi  sysv-rc                                   2.87dsf-4ubuntu11                 System-V-like runlevel change mechanism15:39
andriijashow do i make sysv-rc ii again?15:39
J_PActionParsnip1: just curious..15:39
andriijasinstead of pi15:39
ActionParsnip1GiantTalkingCow: intel make sound cards as well as video cards as well as wifi cards, can you be specific15:39
zippy27BBC coverage of ubuntu, if you haven't seen it: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8326264.stm15:39
disappearedngActionParsnip no I mean like msn15:39
TimHortonsGiantTalkingCow, 9.10rc is working MUCH better graphics wise on my intel gfx EEE15:39
ActionParsnip1disappearedng: msn is the microsoft network, can you please clarify15:39
* jrib pardons zippy27 for the cool link but please use #ubuntu-offtopic in the future15:40
GiantTalkingCowTimHortons: Hmmm, the RC wouldn't recognize my card no matter what... not even the x log showed anything wrong. Just for the hell of it, I'll see if the final release fixes anything, thanks.15:40
TimHortonsGiantTalkingCow, best of luck15:40
disappearedngsorry I entered too fast, I meant was it possible for gtalk's protocol to communicate with microsoft's protocol ? (like adding gtalk accounts into MS vv )15:40
GiantTalkingCowActionParsnip1: I meant integrated video card, but timhortons answered my question, thanks.15:40
omanihas anybody a workaround for fn f9 samsung nc10 koala karmic. wifi hotkey doesnt work!!!15:41
ActionParsnip1GiantTalkingCow: remember to be specific, intel make a lot of products15:41
phreestyle-workActionParsnip1: the "make a script" thing doesn't work either15:41
=== syntax is now known as Guest48824
=== john is now known as Guest88474
SMiTTYWhy doesn't the upgrade manager on ubuntu honor proxy settings?15:41
t2ttmpi had to update to get rc to find my ion gpu15:41
Guest88474hi all. only recently started using ubuntu and im still getting to know the features but can anyone help me with this firewall??15:41
kahendoes anyone know whether eclipse has been updated in karmic or if it's still stuck at the _ancient_ 3.2?15:41
ActionParsnip1phreestyle-work: hmm, then not sure, you could edit the script to run a terminal, then run a command inside it15:41
=== Guest48824 is now known as _syntax
iceroot!info eclipse karmic15:41
mosburndoes anyone else have issues with karmic evolution not connecting to exchange anymore15:41
GiantTalkingCowActionParsnip1: I usually am, but it's early, I'm sick and my brain's only half working...15:41
roygbivjava :(15:41
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.1+repack~1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 7 kB, installed size 72 kB15:41
_syntaxwho likes karmic so far?15:41
stimpiekahen: you can run eclipse from any directory15:42
ActionParsnip1GiantTalkingCow: np man15:42
stimpiedont need to install15:42
icerootkahen: 3.5.115:42
ctmjr!firewall | Guest8847415:42
ubottuGuest88474: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist15:42
ttye0stimpie, I think15:42
bourkehi, I just updated to karmic, my mobile broadband modem worked when running on the live cd, but after installing, it appears as a cd device.  what might be missing in the install that the live cd had?15:42
ttye0stimpie, I copied mine into /usr/share and then ln'd the bin15:42
dios_miohey guys.. do we upgrade or do we just download the new ubuntu and do a new install?15:42
pelmenActionParsnip1: wow that was a murder, but i am back :)15:43
ActionParsnip1bourke: boot to the liveCD to make notes on modules and generally whats going on, you can then compare to whats going on with the installed system and copy settings etc15:43
pelmenActionParsnip1: with compiz now15:43
Guest88474im using firestarter but when i go in there its saying so many serious events and shows me ips etc. are these really bad and will they get into my pc?? really worried15:43
stimpiettye0: I have several versions running at the same time ;-)15:43
magnetrondios_mio: you can download the alternate iso and upgrade15:43
ActionParsnip1pelmen: cool, yeah sometimes drivers dont make the jump15:43
AlDougAnyone know what channel I should join to talk about my new LAMP server?15:43
bourkeActionParsnip1: hmm could try I guess15:43
dios_miomagnetron alright15:43
snellcodedios_mio: im doing a new install, because i want to set ext4 and grub2 when it installs, and i dont have much data to worry about15:43
pelmenActionParsnip1: another question, now my "User switch applet" does not show my Pidgin status... only my name15:43
ttye0stimpie, hah15:44
ttye0stimpie, I only use one version at a time15:44
icerootAlDoug: #apache #php # mysql15:44
dios_miosnellcode oh I see....15:44
phreestyle-workActionParsnip1: that's not working either15:44
AlDougthanks, iceroot15:44
ActionParsnip1pelmen: no idea, ive never used the user switcher applet15:44
Law506anyone else download the image and try to boot and get "Invalid or corrupt kernel image"15:44
ActionParsnip1phreestyle-work: thats all i can recommend15:44
snellcodedios_mio: upgrade will not do those features by default, so for me upgrade would be more work15:44
dios_miosnellcode good idea yes15:45
=== hemanth is now known as g33k
ActionParsnip1phreestyle-work: you'll want syntax like this: gnome-terminal --command="do some command"15:45
ActionParsnip1phreestyle-work: is that what you have?15:45
phreestyle-workActionParsnip1: no, I tried to see if it had options like that, but --help didn't list them15:45
Guest88474anyone avaliable for help?15:46
ActionParsnip1phreestyle-work: see if that flys15:46
stimpieGuest88474: just ask15:46
ActionParsnip1phreestyle-work: if you can launch it on desktop like that then it will work as a startup item15:46
g33ki'm on ATI Technologies Inc Radeon HD 3200 Graphics card ubuntu 9.04, is there OpenGl drivers available now? is it advised to remove the drivers b4 upgrade as the previous versions15:46
phreestyle-workActionParsnip1: that doesn't work either15:46
bourkeActionParsnip1: got it! thanks for your help. i just needed to eject the device and then modprobe usbserial. would you be able to recommend where I could put those commands so they're executed automatically?15:46
ActionParsnip1phreestyle-work: just worked here15:47
Guest88474i got firestarter installed and when i check it it tells me ive had so many serious incoming what ever its called and it shows me the ips etc in red. how much do i need to worry about this cus im new to ubuntu15:47
ActionParsnip1phreestyle-work: gnome-terminal --command="firefox http://www.rathergood.com"15:47
deviant-routewhere do i find ubuntu 9.10 md5 hashes15:47
stimpieanywhy to change the mirrors used by the update application? iam stuck with some rather slow ones15:47
ActionParsnip1bourke: you can use /etc/rc.local15:47
bourkeActionParsnip1: thanks very much15:48
ActionParsnip1bourke: you could create a script then simply add the script to that file (add above the exit line)15:48
SMiTTYAnyone know of a way to get update manager to work through a proxy?15:48
omanidoes anybody have a samsung nc10 working HOTKEYS with ubuntu 9.10???15:49
Simkinhey guys15:49
Simkini hit some hotkey, dunno what15:49
Simkinbut my screen zoomed in a little now15:49
Simkinand it is annoying, and panning around15:49
bourkeActionParsnip1: yeah. im thinking it would be better to put it somewhere so that it happens when the modem is plugged in rather than on boot. but ill figure it out15:49
Simkinhow do i undo that?15:49
grawitySimkin: Windows Key + scroll wheel15:49
deviant-routehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes does not show the 9.10 hashes15:49
Simkingrawity: cool!15:49
Simkinthanks man15:49
rakhmadhi guys, just want to say congrats to all ubuntu team for 9.10 release :-)15:49
phreestyle-workActionParsnip1: It opened the terminal, but it gave me an error on login that says "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal"15:49
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party15:50
TheSeeker1Anyone having problems with Gwibber crashing in 9.10?15:50
ActionParsnip1phreestyle-work: strange, did the command still run?15:50
phreestyle-workActionParsnip1: no15:50
ActionParsnip1phreestyle-work: then i'd trouleshoot the child process creation. doesnt sound good15:50
ActionParsnip1anyway kids i'm outta here15:50
notfooman this chan is huge15:50
ActionParsnip1peace out, keep it weapon15:50
mathieuhello all15:51
AshvalaHey! I am having probs with installing the new Karmic Koala on my machine running hardy 8.04.215:51
Ashvalait says it cannot upgrade from a pre-release distro edition!15:52
Xcellyou have to be running 9.04 to upgrade i think15:52
modernbobis there an install guide kinda like the ones I have seen for fedora where there is a step by step to setting up different apps and services15:52
tobiasqdoes anyone know if I need to change anything in /etc/apt/source.list to move from rc to main release?15:52
mosburnAshvala: I dont think you can upgrade skipping that many releases15:52
SMiTTYlooks like the only way to upgrade a computer behind a proxy is to use the alternate iso15:52
FreQUESTeeeHi to all !!!!15:52
Ashvalamosburn: WHy not!?15:53
nyashHi. I've installed Ubuntu 9.10, I cannot get propretary drivers installed for both my graphic card (nvidia) and wifi (broadcom). Ubuntu 9.04 sees and installs them perfectly :/15:53
mosburnAshvala: to many things tend to change and break the upgrade15:53
ikoniaBamako: why post that ?15:53
Tomas1Can anyone tell me please the checksum for the iso (i386) ?? Thanks.15:53
localnnuser__is 9.10 out=15:53
devyllwhere can I find support for 9.10 ?15:53
FreQUESTeeehelp me please)) i have an pentium II an don't know what version to put ... !!15:53
BamakoBudapest-Bamako Rally15:53
ikoniaFreQUESTeee: I wouldn't suggest putting a modern distro on it15:54
Bamakocaritative help for Africa15:54
axisysis there a ubuntu offtopic channel available?15:54
ikoniaBamako: why are you posting that in an ubuntu support forum15:54
AlDouglocalnnuser__: Hooray!15:54
ikoniaaxisys: #ubuntu-offtopic15:54
marcosRzcongratulations ubuntu!15:54
mickster04I have receieve a battery may be broken warning everytime i turn on my asus eee 900?15:54
Tomas1Anyone? The MD5-Checksum for ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso ??15:54
axisysikonia: thanks15:54
SMiTTYTomas1, 98c5c361d0be5f2a07ea8fa5052e5aa48097e7f615:54
ikoniaTomas1: it's on the website15:54
thatdudeI just installed Ubuntu 9.10 - Notifications are way off. http://ecreon.net/ubuntu/Screenshot.png15:54
SMiTTYand yeah, it's on the site15:54
Tomas1ikonia: Didn't found it15:54
PlughNope. Trying to activate nvidia drivers on my desktop fails miserably.15:54
Ashvalamosburn: ok, /me has updated his hardy, now installing the  9.10 version!15:54
blue-pearlTomas1: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/MD5SUMS15:55
unr3a1I will wait to upgrade until the production version is on the repositories.15:55
raikcan we upgrade 9.04 to 9.10 from karmic koala bootable cd?15:55
Tomas1thanks :)15:55
ikoniaraik: need the alternative CD15:55
nyashAnyone had any luck with Nvidia and Broadcom drivers with 9.10?15:55
Ashvalaikonia: 8.04 can also update to 9.10 using Alternate CD!?15:55
j_ackAshvala, 8.04 is a long time support version. the next 10.04 you can direct upgrade afaik15:56
unr3a1nyash, broadcom came out with their own linux drivers15:56
TheSeeker1Anyone have problems with Gwibber in 9.10?  It won't start just get asked to send an error report.15:56
mathieuI have another problem that needs solving... I loged on a few minutes ago only to find that my close, minimize and maximize buttons are gone along with the bar they are attached to. please help me :)15:56
ikoniaAshvala: I believe you have to go to 9.04 first15:56
vaguerant_Hey guys, just got 9.10 UNR, but the previous install instructions no longer help.15:56
BlacKnightHey I have installed the grub2 version 1.97... but the interface looks like the legacy grub, how can I make it graphical?15:56
nyashunr3a1: oh, thanks. Wouldnt know that. I will look for them then guess. Thanks15:56
vaguerant_They talk about how to write .img files to flash media.15:56
raikikonia what sort of alternative cd?15:56
unr3a1nyash, http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php15:56
Ashvalaikonia: aw! Why!?15:56
ikoniaraik: the ubuntu alternative cD15:56
vaguerant_But 9.10 UNR is distributed as an iso.15:56
ikoniaAshvala: package dependencies15:56
vaguerant_How do I write an iso to flash media?15:57
vaguerant_Particularly as it's Ubuntu NETBOOK Remix and most netbooks don't have optical drives. :p15:57
unr3a1nyash, if you have the 4311, 4312, 4321, or 4322 broadcom cards, that link will help you.15:57
Wargasmnyash, look for bcm43xx15:57
jrib!install > vaguerant_15:57
ubottuvaguerant_, please see my private message15:57
IdleOneraik: download the Alternate install iso to upgrade from cd15:57
vaguerant_Thank you.15:58
Ashvalaikonia: The webpage:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 says kubuntu can, why cant I!?15:58
isola73dsh33pis the installation of 9.10 suppose to take long?15:58
sdsdsdmy torrent download never ends... its joking around 99,68% and 99,90% going up and down.. never ends.. its been 25 minutes15:58
om26ertell me a good audio player that use gstreamer15:58
ikoniaAshvala: you may be able to , I could be wrong15:58
nyashunr3a1: actually I dont know what kind of model is that. In windows 'ipconfig /all' shows it as Dell Wireless 1395 WLAN Mini-Card (I've got a Dell Laptop) Although Ubuntu 9.04 always proposed Broadcom drivers for it and it worked15:58
IdleOneisola73dsh33p: depends on your hardware15:58
raikidleone where can i download that from, i don;t see it on ubuntu.com?15:58
IdleOneraik: in that list15:59
unr3a1nyash,  do a lspci and look for network controller15:59
isola73dsh33pIdleOne, it takes about 6-9 hours!15:59
unr3a1nyash, it will tell you specifically what card you have15:59
DamianZHi, I'm trying to upgrade my ubuntu install and I just kee getting "apt_check.py crashed with SIGSEGV in visit_decref()" everytime I sudo apt-get upgrade, any ideas for the cause?15:59
isola73dsh33pnow it's 14 hours D:15:59
sdsdsdyes, i pick the torrent on this site15:59
guisshello guys, can ubuntu 9.10 be installed on a GPT partition?15:59
AxesDNiteis the alternate cd a live cd too ?15:59
icerootAxesDNite: no15:59
ikoniaAxesDNite: no, just install15:59
IdleOneisola73dsh33p: :(15:59
mathieuhi,I loged on a few minutes ago only to find that my close, minimize and maximize buttons are gone along with the bar they are attached to. please help me :)16:00
Wargasmnyash, check PM16:00
sdsdsdubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso is a live CD ?16:00
Plughnyash: I have got the nvidia and broadcom sta drivers working on my laptop.16:00
Out_Coldmathieu, your X is bad... restarting should fix that16:00
isola73dsh33p*cancelled update*16:00
AxesDNitebecause in jaunty I had to go back to old intel drivers, just wanted to check if it's working in karmic or not16:00
GradysGhostGot new Karmic installed.  Got NVidia drivers installed.  Still, I get "Desktop effects could not be enabled"16:00
Out_Coldsdsdsd, yes  a desktop disk is LIVE16:00
raikupgrading to 9.10 takes a lot of time, any other alternatives?16:01
jeffrey17GradysGhost-> did you restart X or reboot?16:01
ikoniaraik: alternatives to what ?16:01
sdsdsdOut_Cold my torrent download never ends16:01
=== AxesDNite is now known as ph33r
raikupgrading to 9.10 ?ikonia16:01
jeffrey17check your xorg.conf and make sure its using nvidia driver.16:01
Out_Coldsdsdsd, then take a direct download16:01
ikoniaraik: clean install ?16:01
IdleOneraik: download the alternate cd16:01
ikoniaraik: if you want 9.10 you have to install it or upgrade to it, how else to you expect to do it ?16:01
xrdodrxIs koala out?16:01
grawity!isitout | xrdodrx16:02
ikoniaxrdodrx: yes16:02
* grawity punches ubottu16:02
Out_Coldhey don't beat on my buddy ubottu16:02
* Plugh isn't sure what to do about nvidia drivers for the desktop. 16:02
ubottuxrdodrx: No! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!16:02
Ashvalaso, nvidia drivers aint working!?16:02
raikwhat is the size of alternate cd? idleone16:02
jeffrey17I just the nvidia drivers using the drivers from nvidias site.16:02
Ashvalaraik: 650 MB16:03
icerootraik: 700mb16:03
Out_Coldnvidia drivers work depending on what card you have16:03
Wargasmsomeone help nyash get wifi drivers without internet16:03
Ashvala690 to be precise :P16:03
GradysGhostSo where did xorg.conf go in Karmic?  It's not in /etc/X1116:03
icerootraik: 689,6 mb16:03
PlughAshvala: Your mileage may vary. :-)  Nvidia 185 drivers work on my laptop but not my desktop (which has an older nvidia card)16:03
Ashvalaplugh: 7200 GT here.16:03
Out_Coldthere is no xorg.conf in karmic as far as i know16:03
unr3a1Wargasm, how do you expect us to do that?  he has to have a computer that can connect online to get the drivers16:03
PlughAshvala: 7300 LE here16:03
GradysGhostI verified that the 180 driver supports my card.  I installed it and rebooted.  That's when I got the error.16:03
jeffrey17GradysGhost-> if you create a xorg.conf in X11, itll work. just compile the drivers from nvidia site16:03
Wargasmunr3a1, he has a computer that can connect, just not the one he's working on16:04
dubandyi hate synaptic. now my computer won't start and going into recovery shell it's read only *facepalm16:04
localnnuser__Out_Cold: but if u create it, will take effect thoygh16:04
blue-pearlcan GDM theme b installed on Ubuntu 9.10??16:04
TecnoBratI quickly googled it .. but not getting any help ... whats the process to upgrade from the RC?16:04
Wargasmunr3a1, otherwise, how do you think he would be on irc?16:04
unr3a1Wargasm, well then he needs a flash drive or something.16:04
isola73dsh33pikonia: what's clean install?16:04
Out_Coldlocalnnuser__, it appears so16:04
TecnoBratI'm getting an error trying to apt-get update16:04
GradysGhostThanks, jeffrey17.  I'll give it a shot.  The last time I did that, it crashed my PC, but I'll try it.16:04
blue-pearlchanging login screen on Ubuntu 9.10 possile?16:04
Wargasmunr3a1, yeah can you talk him through the process of installing drivers without using synaptic?16:04
IdleOneTecnoBrat: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:04
ikoniaisola73dsh33p: install it on a clean system,16:04
unr3a1Wargasm, I pointed him to where Broadcom offers their own drivers for linux, told him what command to use in ubuntu to see the hardware he has16:04
XcellGradysGhost-    if you decide to use the drivers from nvidia site   uninstall what you are using first.. then install what you download16:04
kazaa_litehow to deamonize your application in ubuntu?16:05
LuciusMarehello,for some reason,i cant connect to the ubuntu.com,could you please give me md5 sum for the karmic,desktop i386 iso?16:05
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PlughI don't get an error. The system boots my machine but if I have nvidia drivers enabled in xorg.conf, the screen flickers madly. I can see the text console login screen in the flickering but keyboard is very sluggish and almost non-responsive.16:05
Out_ColdWargasm, it should be in the admin or pref menu16:05
ikoniakazaa_lite: depends if the application can be demonised16:05
Wargasmunr3a1, i've tried that on my own before with no luck.16:05
jeffrey17just kill off gdm (/etc/init.d/gdm top), then compile the drivers GradysChost16:05
jeffrey17gdm stop*16:05
isola73dsh33pikonia, no dual boot? I'm trying to upgrade using the update manager same with raik. But it takes too long16:05
Xcellsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop16:05
blue-pearlLuciusMare: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/MD5SUMS16:05
jeffrey17wow my typing sucks.16:05
LuciusMareblue-pearl: for some reason,i can not connect to the ubuntu.com,as you could read16:06
ikoniaisola73dsh33p: why would you dual boot ?16:06
kazaa_liteikonia: it is a simple printf application......i can do it on centos.16:06
unr3a1Wargasm, I will help him best I can, but he is going to have to get the driver files from one computer to the other himself... I can't help with that... lol16:06
Tomas__damn I just made a bootable ubuntu 9.04 usb key and today I see 9.10 came out lol16:06
ikoniakazaa_lite: how do you do it on centos ?16:06
TecnoBratIdleOne: I'm getting "Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)"16:06
Wargasmunr3a1, he can do that, i just don't know how to install them once he gets them.16:06
KiraI'm starting to doubt that network upgrade is the best way to go whenever a new Ubuntu release is available.16:06
dubandyI hate computers. Im gonna go watch tedtalks instead16:06
TecnoBratoh ... looks like its just partner .. duh16:06
blue-pearlLuciusMare: 8790491bfa9d00f283ed9dd2d77b3906 *ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso16:06
TecnoBratlemme try removing that .. haha16:06
isola73dsh33pikonia, i have XP on my system :/16:06
IdleOneTecnoBrat: I have no idea what that means16:06
* molinero karmic koala rulez!16:06
Plughhm... I suppose that is my alternative. Try the nvidia drivers right from nvidia.16:07
ikoniaisola73dsh33p: that has nothing to do with your ubuntu install16:07
Xcellmolinero-  ya16:07
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!16:07
LuciusMareblue-pearl: thanks16:07
k1dugarnice :) everytime i join ubuntu channel , People in room are always higher then before. Keep up the good work.16:07
localnnuser__Tomas__: talking about it... remastersys wont work with 91016:07
isola73dsh33pikonia, so, i have to remove everything including 9.04?16:07
blue-pearlLuciusMare: welcome16:07
ikoniaisola73dsh33p: just your linux OS16:07
kazaa_liteikonia: here is what i have done: copied it into /etc/init.d and then issued the command update-rc.d app defaults and it shows me that all symlinks were created ---- this is how i am doing on ubuntu16:07
KiraThousands upon thousands of people would be hammering the repositories in the period of a few days.16:07
Tomas__ummm, whats remastersys anyway16:07
Tomas__i'm new :)16:08
unr3a1Wargasm, I am helping him via private chat.16:08
ikoniakazaa_lite: that won't demonize it - that just executes it at start up16:08
Xcellsys cloning16:08
localnnuser__Tomas__: ive found some error in the code of remastersys ive correct it, but still... some problems with ubiquity and grub2...16:08
isola73dsh33pikonia, this is my first time upgrading, so i basically don't know anything ^.^;16:08
kazaa_liteikonia: but it never starts on bootup... in centos i can use chkconfig to do that16:08
PlughHm... very odd. ubuntu not only doesn't use runlevels the way another distro I've used does, it doesn't even have /etc/inittab16:08
jpdsPlugh: Yes, we use Upstart.16:08
KiraWhy not recommend that people download the installation disk image via bittorrent and upgrade using the mounted disk image?16:08
kazaa_liteikonia: i want it to start running at boot time as well16:08
Tomas__is the problem on netbook remix too?16:08
ikoniakazaa_lite: well that's already setup, but you'd have to do something like nohup $program &16:09
Plughjpds: ok. Any quick pointers what I type on the kernel command line of grub to tell it my system not to start X when I boot?16:09
blue-pearlpeople who have finished downloading Ubuntu 9.10,plz tel me if it is possible to install GDM themes(change login screen) from the screenshot which i see on net it seems2me that option is missing frm menu16:09
vikas_hi guys ubuntu 9.10 is out16:09
ikoniaPlugh: that's not a kernel argument16:09
ikoniaPlugh: that's do with init16:09
vikas_but i am having probs in installing16:09
ikoniavikas_ we know16:09
jpdsPlugh: init=/bin/bash?16:10
TecnoBratIdleOne: looks like the "partner" repository is broken16:10
kazaa_liteikonia: where should i do it? on shell?16:10
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).16:10
richardcavellwhat happened to the #ubuntu+1 channel?16:10
vikas_ikonia, so what do u think the probs is?16:10
ikoniakazaa_lite: in your init script16:10
ikoniavikas_: no idea, I meant we know it's out16:10
IdleOneTecnoBrat: it is preventing the upgrade from completing?16:10
tmxhi all16:10
TecnoBratIdleOne: removed that, and apt-get update works perfectly16:10
IdleOneTecnoBrat: way to go16:10
tmxi think 9.10 is verry nice16:10
jezleehi, 9.10 does not install on my computer - it boots then I get kicked to a flashing command prompt16:10
kevdogrichardcavell:  I think the ubuntu+1 channel is here now until the work on the next distro starts16:10
Plughikonia, In Fedora, when I had a problem with my X config I could enter a 1, or 3 at the end of the kernel line to start in that run level and not run X (which was set for runlevel 5).16:10
kevdogjezlee: Use alternate cd16:11
vikas_i just see mouse pointer rolling, doesnt go further16:11
jezleekevdog use what alternate cd ?16:11
vikas_is there anyone here tried installing ubuntu 9.10?16:11
mathieuhello all i just started my pc to find the close, minimize and maximize buttons where missing along with the title bar16:11
ikoniaPlugh: ubuntu uses runlevel 2 for X so you have to disable it in the init process, you can boot into single user mode though and it won't start16:11
kazaa_liteikonia: i am not using any init script16:11
ikoniavikas_: just ask YOUR question16:11
blue-pearlpeople who have finished downloading Ubuntu 9.10,plz tel me if it is possible to install GDM themes(change login screen) from the screenshot which i see on net it seems2me that option is missing frm menu16:11
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ikoniakazaa_lite: if you want it to boot at start up, you'll have to use one16:11
Plughikonia: I can't disable X in the init process if I can't log in to my machine due to broken X config.16:12
IdleOne!alternate | jezlee16:12
ubottujezlee: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal16:12
kevdogjezdee:  The alternate CD download -- not that main .iso -- alternate cd is a text base installer -- sounds confusing but really its very simple16:12
kekei have downloaded 64 bit ubuntu 9.10. and im trying to install through wubi. yet wubi tries to download 32 bit ubuntu. i have a 64 bit system.16:12
thatdude9.10 notifications is killing me - it's displaying way at the bottom.16:12
kenshin_I am new to linux. So I just wanted to ask how to run a shell script without using ./16:12
Sensivakeke place wubi and the 64bit iso image in the same folder and start wubi16:13
=== matthew is now known as Guest21677
nickhugginsCan anyone tell me wether I should download 32bit or 64bit ubuntu for the new macbook pro (13 inch)16:13
vikas_thatdude, did you managed to install 9.10?16:13
miromanythHow do I change the icon for a single program? Such as the icon for Sonata, or even the icon for the Gnome menu button?16:13
bradpittJava Applets are freezing. here's the image http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo62/petsoundsband/Screenshot-5.png16:13
thatdudevikas_: Yes16:13
Plughkenshin_: mark the script as executable and put it in a directory that is in your search path16:13
k1dugarkenshin_: 64bit16:13
gmarshWhat do I do to update my 9.10rc system to 9.10 stable?  Does it effect anything if I do not?16:14
unr3a1Wargasm, nyash disconnected... :P16:14
MichaelKohlerhi, I used the karmic beta and have always upgraded the packages.. do I now have automatically the final version like that?16:14
sumo_suI cant get my karmic online wirelessly because of this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/jockey/+bug/443185 is there a workaround for this without going online?16:15
ripps!beta | MichaelKohler16:15
ubottuMichaelKohler: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:15
kevdoggmarsh: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade --- No it will do nothing if you don't upgrade16:15
MichaelKohlerthanks ripps16:15
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.16:15
gmarshkevdog: Thanks!16:15
jhb1608are ubuntu 9.10 out yet?16:15
nickhugginsShould I use 64bit or 32bit for the new macbook pro 13 inch?16:16
H64bit :)16:16
Sensivajhb1608 yes it is out /topic16:16
mathieui just started my pc to find the close, minimize and maximize buttons where missing along with the title bar16:16
kyenteiWhy is my "nVidia driver X-server" driver not in the list with drivers anymore?16:16
jgayerhi guys16:16
kekei have downloaded 64 bit ubuntu 9.10. and im trying to install through wubi. yet wubi tries to download 32 bit ubuntu. i have a 64 bit system.16:16
jhb1608well how do I upgrade?16:16
Guest21677Ubuntu Rocks!!!!!!16:16
=== kb is now known as Guest46514
Sensivakeke place wubi and the 64bit iso image in the same folder and start wubi16:16
guitar-maniachey! can't seem to get timidity working, it's installed but it doesn't show...?16:17
phil_flnickhuggins: yes 64x16:17
Sensiva!upgrade | jhb160816:17
ubottujhb1608: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:17
kekeSensiva i cant because i need to launch wubi from the ISO... theres no standalone wubi 9.10 yet i think16:17
Moonlitso uh... what's the deal with the "Show icons in menus" checkbox?16:18
strixdoes anyone have problem with syncing ubuntu one gnome client?16:18
Sensivakeke no there is standalone wubi for 9.1016:18
axisyswhen I (iqbala) ssh to a box and ci/edit/co a file rcs knows its me because its picks it up from $LOGNAME.. but if I su - joe and then ci/edit/co rcs thinks `joe' edited the file because the $LOGNAME changed to `joe'.. how do make sure `su - joe` carries the login user's name as the $LOGNAME? `who am i' seems to always know its me even after su - joe16:18
Sensivakeke http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/wubi.exe16:18
kekeSensiva where? on site no16:18
aubreUbuntu 9 and Karmic Koala are  top 10 trending topics on twitter :)16:18
kekek ty16:18
minimousekann mir einer sagen wie ich nen bouncer bei xchat hinzufueg?16:19
phil_fl!de | minimouse16:19
ubottuminimouse: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:19
jeffrey17kde is better ^_^16:19
Ramunasinteral server error on one.ubuntu.com16:19
minimouseah kk16:20
DjonHi, I just noticed that Ubuntu 9.10 can handle my raid natively now. If I intall it on my raid, which is seen correctly by the installer, will the dual boot ubuntu/windows work?16:20
mathieu hello can someone please help me? I just started my pc to find the close, minimize and maximize buttons where missing along with the title bar16:20
bradpitthi.. java applets are freezing. please take a look at this http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo62/petsoundsband/Screenshot-5.png16:21
jeffrey17mathieu-> are you using compiz?16:21
deviant-routecould someone point me to a link that shows ubuntu 9.10 desktop 1386 md5 hash please16:21
jeffrey17and emerald themer?16:21
Ramunasany of you have ubuntu-one working?16:21
boknoyhi guys, whatt's the licensing terms of msttfcorefonts? can I use them for commercial purposes?16:21
icerootDjon: just interesting, useing the normal cd or alternate cd?  9.04 alternate was supporting raids too16:21
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tekryanbradpitt: just so you know that was happening to me earlier on my winbox16:21
timmmmIf I installed Karmic Release Candidate, Do I have to upgrade my system to the final release?16:21
tekryanmight be a facebook coding issue16:21
jeffrey17didnt it only support "fake raid"16:21
iceroottimmmm: yes16:22
iceroottimmmm: final is released today16:22
timmmmiceroot, whats the best way to do that?16:22
=== tekryan is now known as techryan
iceroottimmmm: download the final and install it16:22
timmmmiceroot, I want to keep all my settings and everything, I prefer not to do a fresh install16:22
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iceroottimmmm: so you want to update from Rc to final only?16:22
iceroot!final | timmmm16:22
ubottutimmmm: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:22
aubretimmmm: you may want to consider in the future putting things like /home in a separate disk volume to make that easier16:23
bradpitttekryan : how u fix that?16:23
timmmmubottu, thanks I did that, and nothing was new or installed16:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:23
seniorheuserhi all16:23
blue-pearlpeople who have finished downloading Ubuntu 9.10,plz tel me if it is possible to install GDM themes(change login screen) from the screenshot which i see on net it seems2me that option is missing frm menu16:23
lukesthe geeky me really wants to upgrade from jaunty but the reasonable part of me wants to wait till it stabilizes16:24
SMiTTYtimmmm, you might use the alternate cd and select upgrade. other than that, like ubottu said, apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade16:24
kevdoglukes:  You are about the only person in this forum demonstrating any intelligence :)16:24
gypsymaurotrying to startx it says (EE) Failed to load module "i810" (module does not exist, 0)16:24
h0ssdoes anyone else feel like registering is NOT in alignment with Ubuntu's mission statement?16:24
gypsymauroand in fact I've an 800x600 resolution...16:24
timmmmSMiTTY, when i do those commands, nothing new is installed, how can i check if I am still running the RC or the final?16:24
seniorheusershort question: is it true that an upgrade from 9.04- won't upgrade grub?16:24
Fishieseniorheuser, true16:25
seniorheuserfishie, thanks16:25
Skaperenh0ss: registering for what?16:25
Fishieseniorheuser, as Ubuntu says it's a very risky operation, it is not included16:25
gypsymaurobut I've installed xserver-xorg-video-intel16:25
Djoniceroot: I used the desktop cd (live), and I was able to mount my raid as a normal disk, then I tried to run the instal from the current session and it proposed me two disks, my nvidia raid and my storage hdd. So I wonder if grub will handle the raid for woth ubuntu and windows.16:25
gypsymaurowhy can't load the module??16:25
Fishieseniorheuser, you can do it manually, but as they've stated, it's risky :)16:25
h0ssSkaperen: to participate in irc chat.16:25
FishieSo own risk16:25
seniorheuserfishie, yeah thought so... then it will be a reinstall :)16:25
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timmmmthanks guys, peace16:26
boknoyany one can point me to the license of ms-ttf-corefonts?16:26
Skaperenh0ss: you can start your own channel ... maybe others prefer at least some means to hold spammers back16:26
seniorheuserfishie, well thanks for your help...i'm out again...16:26
Skaperenh0ss: you can do a fake registering, too16:27
ricdangersite is broken16:27
DingToanyone allready got new Ubuntu work with Fritz WLAN STick?16:27
h0ssSkaperen: Your "solution" doesnt address my initial question; but thank you for acknowledging it.16:27
drdreHi ppl help i need to install the Xbmc ore the voddler.com----on my ubuntu 9.1016:28
DeadmanIncJS9.10 baby!!  i love this new look16:28
Tomas__I just noticed the netbook remix 9.10 is ISO format...how do you get around it fast?16:28
vigoIs there a way or a function or pkg to 'snap' the mouse cursor to center screen. Sometimes the mouse wanders to the edge or some odd place and I would like a key macro to center it or better yet a voice command?16:28
DeadmanIncJSanyway, i need Flash player16:28
* zenlinuxPDX is backing up his laptop now in prep for the Koala16:28
dserodioIs 9.10 final the same as 9.10 RC ? Do I need to download the ISO again?16:28
flan_suseWill 9.10 have the ability to install to an encrypted root partition?16:29
gypsymauroI've no a xorg.conf file..how can I generate one?16:29
Skaperenh0ss: IRC registration is not registering with Ubuntu ... I don't understand your worry ... OTOH, I don't care since I don't want to be in a channel that is easy for drive-by spammings16:29
dserodiogypsymauro: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:29
Picih0ss: You are not required to register for this channel at this time.16:29
jondecker76can anyone explain to me what exactly the new "cloud" feature is with the new server edition?  Like what would it be used for?16:30
vigoDeadmanIncJS: Flash is available in the Repositories or Software-Center.16:30
awmcclainWhat user does cron run as when executing cron.daily?16:30
DeadmanIncJSvigo, i know but i never know which one to get16:30
Moonlitwhy doesn't unchecking "Show icons in menus" stop showing all icons in menus?16:30
dserodioDoes anyone have the 9.10 ISOs' MD5 hashes?16:30
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flan_suseAll the servers to download the ISOs are extremely slow right now, lol.16:30
abdulmannanEnter text here...HELLO16:31
gypsymaurodserodio: no way16:31
DeadmanIncJSi downloaded via torrent :)16:31
Oli```Anybody know where the django admin files resource files are kept in a karmic install?16:31
flan_suseBut does anyone know if 9.10 has the feature to install to an encrypted root partition?16:31
gypsymaurodserodio: it runs but nothing produced16:31
disappearednganything good to organize ebooks, pdf? I have a lot and I want something that let me see the front of the book easilyt16:31
vigoDeadmanIncJS: I usually get the 6 from Sun, then the restricted one,16:31
blue-pearldserodio:8790491bfa9d00f283ed9dd2d77b3906 *ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso16:31
boknoyso, am I allowed to use msttcorefonts for commercial purposes or not?16:31
DeadmanIncJSlast time somebody gave me a code to run in terminal16:31
Sensivadserodio http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/MD5SUMS16:31
Morydddoes it make any sense to use the netbook edition on an old laptop (ie 1998 ish)16:32
HBXcan i upgrade from rc1 to rtm...16:32
h0ssSkaperen: It just pisses me off that they advertise irc chat as a means for support yet the chat medium that they choose enforces registration.  I was in the channel about an hour ago and failed to see the "drive-by" spamming.16:32
Sensivaboknoy you may download msscorefonts package and check its license in the README.TXT16:32
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Piciabdulmannan: buy it at the store.16:32
ripps!final | HBX16:32
ubottuHBX: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:32
h0sspici: yes you do have to register with this irc server to get into this channel.16:32
vigoDeadmanIncJS: But that is all really system dependent, ideally you may want the one pkg that works best with your hardware.16:32
abdulmannanI WNT TO ORDER FREE16:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:33
MoonlitMorydd - personally I never bothered, 9.04 desktop worked great on my eee, with the exception of a few dialogs being too big (but netbook had the same issue)16:33
ctmjr!caps | abdulmannan16:33
BaconWhere can I download a free microsoft word licke apaclatipn for my blackberry16:33
ubottuabdulmannan: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:33
orangeflydell latitude d630-9.4 worked with my wireless otb, 9.10 says device not ready....any suggestions....???....16:33
devyllcan you suggest how can I fix the sound problem with 9.10 having Intel sound card :  Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)16:33
abdulmannanI WANT TO ORDER FREE16:33
MoryddMoonlit: I was just thinking that the lower system demands would be better on an old machine.16:34
MoonlitMorydd - didn't really seem to be much different on my eee, though I suppose you could try both and see which you prefer16:34
ctmjrabdulmannan: there are no free t-shirts and turn off the caps16:34
Moonlitbut that was 9.04, 9.10 might be different16:34
blue-pearlpeople who have finished downloading Ubuntu 9.10,plz tel me if it is possible to install GDM themes(change login screen) from the screenshot which i see on net it seems2me that option is missing frm menu16:34
boknoySensiva, I read it and the included EULA for msttfcorefonts, but it doesn't really make it clear to what I can do with it.16:34
polarbearneed some help that should be easy. so my function keys for brightness down and up are not working, but i know the command to change the brightness. how would i be able to bind those keys with the command to change the brightness16:35
kazaa_liteit is so disappointing that there is not even a single tutorial that explains with some dummy_app example of how to make dummy_app to start at boot time for ubuntu16:35
rippsblue-pearl: nope, nobody has programmed a method to easily change themes for the gdm rewrite yet16:35
Sensivaboknoy and its not clear for me too lol may be you should consult a lawyer16:35
KurtKrautI'd like to download the Karmic ISO from torrent and then mount it to upgrade from it. But how can I make the system recognize the mounted ISO in the same way if I inserted a burned CD? How can I upgrade from a mounted ISO?16:35
MoryddMoonlit: thanks for the feedback. right now that machine is serving as a doorstop so trial and error is acceptable. :)16:35
dserodiokazaa_lite: are you somwhat confortable with shell scripts?16:36
guyvdb_kazaa_lite what are you trying to start?16:36
Sensiva!upgrade | KurtKraut16:36
ubottuKurtKraut: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:36
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:36
Moonlitlol Morydd, may as well give it a shot then, not much to lose :)16:36
h0ssAnyone here with experience with Acer Aspire One?  I have having problems getting the wireless NIC working.16:36
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kazaa_litedserodio: i am not excellent with srcipts but can get the info from them16:36
IndyGunFreakh0ss, mine worked fine... do you have the atheros device?16:36
Sensivaabdulmannan caps dude :\16:36
Moonlitdunno h0ss, might try on my eee later if I can figure out how to remove icons from the menus16:36
blue-pearlripps: i mean to change the login screen.....i think the option is missing frm menu (saying this after seeing the screenshots from net)16:36
boknoySensiva, "You may install and use an unlimited number of cop16:37
boknoyies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT." doesn't really say if I can use it for commercial purposes though... :\16:37
dserodioSensiva: thanks, I'll add it to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes16:37
kazaa_liteguyvdb_: i have some app which i want to startup when i boot linux machine... assume it is hello_world application.... i can make it with centos, but sucking in ubuntu16:37
rippsblue-pearl: gdm is the login screen, it was rewritten. Gnome hasn't made an app to change themes yet16:37
IndyGunFreakMoonlit, remove icons from the menu?...16:37
timdotboknoy, what exactly do you want to do to ubuntu?16:37
h0ssIndyGunFreak:  Default drivers didnt work.  I downloaded madwifi and I got the LED to work, but I cant see any access points.16:37
flan_susecdimage.ubuntu.com is not even loading for me. I guess everyone is rushing to grab 9.10.16:37
BaconNo it is the things that you but at the ubuntu store that keeps the ubuntu project live and well16:37
MoonlitIndyGunFreak - yeah, the "Show icons in menus" checkbox doesn't remove all icons from the panel menus when you uncheck it16:37
blue-pearlripps: oh...too bad.16:37
guyvdb_kazaa_lite: if it is a gnome app try System->Preferences->Startup Applications and then click add button. If it is a daemon then you must write a shell script16:37
timdotboknoy, as in.. do you plan to sell it?16:37
Sensivaboknoy seriously I have no idea, and I don't think so, please consult someone who is familiar with copyright laws and terms16:38
KingOfDoshm. who's maintaining the nl.archive.ubuntu.com? the ipv6 uplink is very slow/poor16:38
HBXLinux hbx-desktop 2.6.31-14-generic-pae #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 15:22:42 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linu16:38
HBXis that the final16:38
IndyGunFreakMoonlit, oh you're talking about NBR.. sorry16:38
kazaa_liteit is deamonize16:38
timdotKingOfDos, there's a *lot* of load, in fairness16:38
MoonlitIndyGunFreak - nope, desktop, installed in a VM right now16:38
ctmjrabdulmannan: free gifts are in #ubuntu-offtopic16:38
kazaa_liteguyvdb_: but i could not find any sample script as well for ubuntu16:38
KingOfDostimdot: hehe, but ipv4 is working fine16:38
IndyGunFreakMoonlit, hmm16:38
guyvdb_kazza_lite there is an example deamon script in /etc/init.d called skeleton16:39
IndyGunFreakh0ss, are you using 9.04?16:39
KingOfDosmaybe not at this point, but i'm talking in general terms ;)16:39
timdotKingOfDos, ohh.. fair enough :)16:39
boknoytimdot, not really, say I want to use it in a movie or as packaging. I'm also thinking about msttcorefonts not coming directly from microsoft.16:39
orangeflydell latitude d630-9.4 worked with my wireless otb, 9.10 says device not ready....any suggestions....???....16:39
KingOfDosipv4 is "normally" fast (1400kB/s). and ipv6 slow in general (120kB/s)16:39
lillemangnome applications (like gedit, firefox) does not work with me customizing ISO_Level3_Shift with xmodmap. It works fine in X-programs like the terminal16:39
KingOfDosand it's the same host i guess :P16:39
h0ssIndyGunFreak: I am using 8.10  I know I should upgrade, but bandwidth is an issue right now.16:39
MoonlitIndyGunFreak - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1295357 is all I can really find on it, and a few bug reports suggest it's a design decision, but it's one I certainly don't understand, I mean I'd tick the box if I wanted icons, surely?16:39
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timdotboknoy, that'd be fine, as far as I know - check which license Ubuntu is under, i think it's mainly GPL16:40
lillemanAny help with that would be nice16:40
HukkaHas anybody noticed bad distortions in audio lately? I guess some update (from karmic RC) has done something related to either ALSA or pulseaudio, but don't know what16:40
lillemanworked fine in 9.04, but stopped working in 9.1016:40
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IndyGunFreakh0ss, yeah, those AA1s usually hve one of two different devices.. most of them work fine w/ 9.04 and 9.1016:40
bao__can someone donate a ssh account?16:40
JonathanEllisI am about to install Karmic. I understand that it will be faster to delete my partitions and start again with ext4. At the moment I have a separate home partition which is ext3. The reason I did this was to make backup easier and also so I could just hook up new distro versions to my existing home. Now, having a separate home partition is a bit limiting so can anyone suggest a better way to migrate my data across to karmic?16:40
IndyGunFreakorangefly, what wireless device?16:40
mattgyverIm having some troubles getting RDP to work externally with Virtual Box to connect to my WinXP machine, can anyone assist?16:40
kwyjibocan someone tell me the name of the program used to edit GTK theme colours via right-clicking the desktop?16:41
roygbivJonathanEllis why is a home partition limiting? just curious16:41
KurtKrautbao__, http://www.cjb.net/shell.html16:41
boknoytimdot, but the sourceforge says "Anyone can download and install these fonts for their _own_ use. "16:41
h0ssIndyGunFreak:  If the default driver and madwifi doesnt work, do you have any recoommendations for another driver.  Hell the NICmight be working for all I know, I just may not be informed enough to find the access point.16:41
duryhi there channel :)16:41
timdotboknoy, the font files themselves are in breach of copyright *i think*16:41
orangeflyIndyGunFreak, one second....the first time it searched for drivers, now it's found them....16:41
IndyGunFreakh0ss, well, which atheros device do you have?16:42
JonathanEllisroygbiv: Oh simply because my hard disk is only 40GB so I have to be careful how much space I allocate to root and how much to home16:42
timdotboknoy, and that's why they can't be included in the repo (just a thing that fetches them)16:42
DanaGyeargh, kwin4 is laggy compared to compiz.16:42
JonathanEllisI have a second hard disk which I mount to another folder inside home16:42
h0ssIndyGunFreak:  How do I check?16:42
timdotboknoy, regardless, you should be okay.. i'm pretty sure you won't be sued for it :)16:42
polarbeardoes anyone have a basic understanding of binding keys? i need help with binding my function keys16:42
durythere is not kooka any more in ubuntu16:42
IndyGunFreakh0ss, lspci in a terminal will kick it out(thats a lowercase L)16:42
=== ubox_ is now known as ubox
kwyjibohi. i have a really basic question. can someone tell me the name of the program launched that edits GTK theme colours via right-clicking the desktop?16:43
bostongeek24i don't see karmic in my update manager16:43
durywhere is it possible to get kooka for jaunty16:43
boknoy:\ I don't want to look for a different typeface. I really like to use Bookman Old Style as part of a logo. Yeah, to hell with it's eula. Bookman is such a nice font :lol:16:43
h0ssIndyGunFreak:  I am on windows right now and device manager says "Atheros AR5007EG"16:43
wilhartok i get todays release from: http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/?C=M;O=A16:43
boknoythanks guys :D16:43
durynot kooka package found in Synaptic16:43
bostongeek24do i have to download it from unbuntu? or does it show up as an update?16:43
JonathanEllisbostongeek24: I had a disaster when I did an in place distribution upgrade. Its safer to do a clean install16:44
ctmjrbostongeek24: what distro are you running now?16:44
mattgyverJonathanEllis, What happend?16:44
Jeruvybostongeek24: it should show up as a dist upgrade, unless your running 8.0416:44
bostongeek24im using the beta of karmic16:44
IndyGunFreakh0ss, i remember something weird about that device w/ 8.10, hang on16:44
rippskwyjibo: gnome-appearance-properties16:44
G__81Another great Ubuntu release is out! Ubuntu 9.10 aka Karmic Koala with great new features and a new look.16:44
G__81Have a read of the Ubuntu 9.10 Release Notes.16:44
G__81Congratulations and a huge thanks to all involved in this release! You ROCK!16:44
G__81And now it’s time to party!16:44
G__81Check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseParties for the nearest party and join the worldwide celebrations for the most popular koala ever!16:44
FloodBot1G__81: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:44
G__81If you’re in Dublin, Ireland, join us on Saturday, Oct 31st!16:44
bostongeek24when i check for updates it says there is none16:44
h0ssIndyGunFreak:  You're my hero.16:44
kwyjiboripps: thank you16:44
MoonlitIndyGunFreak - that card worked in 9.04 if I recall, I had issues with it on my eeepc 701 in 8.xx16:45
JonathanEllismattgyver: Cant remember but I remember I had to delete the partition and start again16:45
ctmjrbostongeek24: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:45
IndyGunFreakMoonlit, yeah, it works fine in 9.04/9.10. but he can't upgrade.16:45
G__81how is 9.1016:45
MoonlitIndyGunFreak - ahh, I see16:45
om26erG_81: master peice16:46
G__81is it worth an upgrade ?16:46
polarbearis there a config file that can be executed when your laptop is on battery?16:46
rippsG__81: try a livecd, and decide for yourself :)16:46
FishieG__81, ofc it's worth16:46
JonathanEllisbostongeek24: The other reason it would be good to start from scratch is that the EXT4 file system is faster than EXT3 and if you upgrade a file system from 3 to 4 you dont get the full performance benefit. Or so I read anyway16:46
G__81why is this being said about 9.1016:46
h0ssquick question, is ext4 raid friendly, and doest the alt cd support hardware/software raid?16:47
pradeepEvery time I mount my other partitions i must always enter the password. How do i avoid it?? In jaunty i had to authenticate only once:-(16:47
IndyGunFreakh0ss, look in synaptic, and see if you have "ubuntu-restricted-extras" installed16:47
bostongeek24i can't do sudo it tells me my password is incorrect16:47
bastid_raZorG__81: people don't like change.16:47
Take0nguys I have a microsoft mouse which has 2 extra buttons at the left side and I want to use them for controlling the volume.. Ubuntu recognizes those buttons (I tested with xev) but I can't find any settings to enter what they should do16:47
om26erg_81: you really look at that kind of crap?16:47
G__81its not crap i believe the person who has written is a kernel developer16:48
leohartxi used openssl dgst -md5 to check my amd 64 desktop version iso, and i got this : dc51c1d7e3e173dcab4e0b9ad2be2bbf . why isn't it like the code from provider16:48
h0ssIndyGunFreak: I will have to boot into Ubuntu to do that.  If you have a list of things for me to check that would probably be best.16:48
G__81om26er, he is a kernel developer16:48
leohartxwhat's your md5 code ?16:48
IndyGunFreakh0ss, well.. if i recall correctly... 8.10, that package had to be installed, in order for wireless to work. do you not have wired access?16:49
om26erg_81 he says he is16:49
TheCheezeis there anything really spectacular about Karmic to upgrade from Jaunty?16:49
om26erg_81 who knows16:49
h0ssIndyGunFreak: No I do not.  I am out of country right now and will not be back home for some time.16:49
ctmjrbostongeek24: you forgot your password?16:49
bostongeek24yes lol16:49
IndyGunFreakh0ss, i'm almost positive thats the problem.16:49
bostongeek24it won't download karmic16:49
bostongeek24this is the error i get using apt get16:50
DeadmanIncJSwhy not just download the torrent then bostongeek2416:50
h0ssIndyGunFreak: Is there a deb package or something that I can download just incase I dont have it?16:50
bostongeek24W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY C18DC20E89617F4816:50
offsenseis the intel graphic problem is fixed in karmic koala????16:50
offsenseis the intel graphic problem is fixed in karmic koala????16:50
Pici!ppagpg | bostongeek2416:51
ubottubostongeek24: Getting an error about a PPA's GPG key? see https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%27s%20keys%20to%20your%20system16:51
pradeepEvery time I mount my other partitions i must always enter the password. How do i avoid it?? In jaunty i had to authenticate only once:-(16:51
om26er offsense: much much better than jaunty16:51
polarbearis there a way when my laptop gets unplugged, it will change brightness and go to powersaver in cpu frequency scaling monitor?16:51
dupondjeoffsense: yes16:51
offsenseawesome, thnx16:51
NallemanGreat distro so far, i run the Netbook remix but it seems like spotify is not working. Pretty sad. Im having a aspire one.16:51
bostongeek24that didnt tell me anything ubottu16:51
cripplerHi.  Does UB9.10 force newer grub2 or can you keep the original grub?16:52
om26erpolarbear: when charger cable is disconnected brighness changes to dim automatically16:52
om26erpolarbear: and you cpu usage is on-demand always16:52
bostongeek24any ideas as to why i can't update to the release?16:52
tmxi like the coala16:52
joaopintocrippler, doing an upgrade you can keep grub1, i am not sure about install, i don't think you can choose16:52
Nickosbostongeek24: from what ?16:52
polarbearom26er: is there a cfg executed? i want to change it from performance to powersaver and change the brightness manually16:52
om26erpolarbear: for brightness go to power management in preferences and then go to battery16:53
om26erpolarbear: and unclick dim backlight16:54
Azeotropecould anyone help me with some reverse shell problems? i have have a ssh server behind a NAT a don't own and i want to connect to it...16:54
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/16:54
drowhats the best program inside ubuntu to check md516:54
Altemeihello, what commands are possible for vinagre (remote desktop viewer). when i start vinagre it should connect to a remote machine und in full screen mode. can anyone help me?16:54
IndyGunFreakh0ss, i knew there wa ssomething odd w/ that device..  http://www.webdigity.com/index.php/topic,8202.0.Ubuntu+8.10+-+Atheros+AR242x+problems.html16:54
polarbearom26er: okay i did that. but when it gets unplugged, i want to do "smartdimmer -s 20"16:54
IndyGunFreakh0ss, the problem is, you need internet access to install the linux-backports-modules16:55
h0ssIndyGunFreak: Thank you so much!  I will check it out.16:55
llutz10.04 out? ;)16:55
Altemeihello, what commands are possible for vinagre (remote desktop viewer). when i start vinagre it should connect to a remote machine und in full screen mode. can anyone help me?16:55
b1ackcr0wafternoon all16:56
IndyGunFreakh0ss, you might be able to find the .deb file to download somewhere, or.. if you happen to have an ubuntu 8.10 live CD.. that linux-backports .deb, is on the live cd16:56
b1ackcr0wUbuntu One web interface seems to be down at the moment?16:56
tmxi think so16:56
TecnoBratb1ackcr0w: I would assume its getting hammered16:56
b1ackcr0wthat sounds likely16:57
b1ackcr0wi assume nobody else can get in?16:57
h0ssIndyGunFreak: I have bootable USB drive.  I will check that as well.  Thanks a ton.16:57
ZeikfriedAfter having my system installed for awhile it has started to slow down on login and logout, is there any way to clean up my system to give it that fresh installation feeling once again?16:57
RPG_MasterIf I want to do a fresh install of 9.10, what should I backup besides my home directory?16:57
IndyGunFreakh0ss, only prob w/ the bootable usb drive, is you have to restart after making the changes(assuming its not persistant(16:58
tmxis ubuntu one like a filesharing programm ?16:58
rippsllutz: the first alpha of 10.04 probably won't be out for a month or 216:58
b1ackcr0wi forgot the name of the app zeikfried16:58
joaopintoZeikfried, it is most likely related to some service that you have installed meanwhile16:58
b1ackcr0wwait one16:58
om26erZeikfried: install bum16:58
pradeephow do i install grub 2?16:58
ZeikfriedWhat is bum?16:58
Nickostmx: it's more like a dropbox ..16:58
joaopinto!grub2 | pradeep16:58
ubottupradeep: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:58
xrdodrxRPG_Master: Depends on what u want to keep16:58
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joaopintoZeikfried, it allows you to disable some services from startup16:58
ZeikfriedBesides the guy on the corner that wants change.16:58
frogletI upgraded to karmic but aptitude now wants to remove packages not supported by canonical; how do I prevent this?16:58
RPG_Masterxrdodrx: My app's configs16:58
ZeikfriedWould bum work for both Ubuntu/Kubuntu?16:59
bobsaccamanohi..how do i reduce the frequency of the update manager pop up in jaunty?16:59
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xrdodrxRPG_Master: They should mostly be in /home16:59
frogletalso, something removes my entries from /etc/resolv.conf and I want to prevent this16:59
joaopintofroglet, if they conflict with official packages, you can't prevent them from being removed16:59
frogletI think it is network manager16:59
h0ssIndyGunFreak: I will read the artical and mess around with it.  You have been most helpful.16:59
xrdodrxRPG_Master: In "." directories16:59
bobsaccamanoand is there a way to filter out the relevant updates only..eg i dont want to see any updates related to cups or evolution since i dont use these16:59
RPG_Masterxrdodrx: So just backup my home folder and I'll be set?17:00
frogletjoaopinto, gcc?17:00
b1ackcr0wzeikfried: http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=4775  Ubuntu tweak is pretty good17:00
frogletwhy would it want to remove gcc?17:00
xrdodrxRPG_Master: For the majority of apps17:00
* SMiTTY is running through the 9.10 upgrade from the alternate cd now....wish me luck17:00
timdotgcc is being upgraded17:00
timdotin 9.1017:00
timdotso that might be why17:00
frogletoh but it does not say that  :)17:00
frogletbut thanks17:00
timdotit says so on the ubuntu 9.10 changelist17:01
vigoRPG_Master: Pretty much. /home is where all the good stuff is.17:01
Moonlithttp://kimag.es/share/64852247.jpg < menu issue17:01
xrdodrxRPG_Master: Make sure you copy the . Directories17:01
RPG_Masterxrdodrx: If I drag and drop the actual home folder it should copy EVERYTHING right?17:02
RPG_Master. folders and all?17:02
xrdodrxRPG_Master: Yup17:02
xrdodrxOr cp in terminal17:02
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:03
john_sainthi all does anyone know anything about firestarter? i did ask earlier but got no responce. im new to ubuntu so any help would be greatful.17:03
xrdodrxI usually tar my backups too17:03
bobsaccamanojohn_saint, the firewall?17:03
RPG_MasterI have  backup tar I made awhile ago... but its old :/17:03
frogletit is a front-end for firewalls17:04
RPG_MasterI love "Sweet Leaf" :D17:04
RPG_MasterOne of my favorite Black Sabbath songs :D17:04
vigobobsaccamano: yes, you can filter or set filters on or for that.17:04
john_saintyes. im new to ubuntu and im running firestarter but it keeps telling me ive got so many serious attempts or something. are they really that bad and how concerned should i be??17:04
Khodokhttp://www.ntv.ru/novosti/178965 - Russian state TV channel reported about Karmic release today!17:04
om26ertekken 6 got 8.517:05
om26ersorry not here17:05
ZeikfriedI have Ubuntu Tweak installed, but it is not fully operational due to Ubuntu being installed inside of Kubuntu.17:05
bobsaccamanovigo, how do i do that?17:05
RPG_MasterKhodok: Is that like the Russian PBS?17:05
hannes_hey, when i try to install karmic i get "Compression error, system haltet". Any ideas? :(17:05
zyhow to i enable dynamic type completion in bash anybody?17:05
timdotKhodok, the russian govt are linux fans, aren't they?17:06
PiciZeikfried: We do not support Ubuntu Tweak here, you'll need find support from its developers.17:06
KhodokRPG_Master: You mean BBC?17:06
vigobobsaccamano: How do you update? or which way do you update?17:06
Penolhow do i Activate remote desktop via ssh?17:06
polarbearanyone familiar with smartdimmer? is there a way to increase/decrease by more than just 1?17:06
RPG_MasterKhodok: Well, the American PBS is like that, but way junkier :P17:06
armencehey all, I accidentally deleted a file with rm... Any way to recover it?17:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:06
ZeikfriedI didnt ask for support on Ubuntu Tweak...17:06
dako3256trying to update my server to 9.10 but am getting an 'mysql-server-5.1 not autenticated' i tell it to install without the authentication but i get a fail17:06
lillemanCan anyone help me with my alt-gr not working?17:07
bobsaccamanovigo, using the graphical update manager..17:07
burntashwhen i installed 9.04 i encrypted my home partition, i just installed 9.10 and it mounted my /home partition but in it is just Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop.  how do i recover it and make it work with the new 9.10?17:07
PiciZeikfried: It looked like a support question17:07
xrdodrxarmence: Not easily17:07
ZeikfriedMy question was.17:07
ZeikfriedAfter having my system installed for awhile it has started to slow down on login and logout, is there any way to clean up my system to give it that fresh installation feeling once again?17:07
ZeikfriedPeople recommended using BUM and Ubuntu Tweak.17:07
ABobaAnyone know why zsync isn't working? It seems that it fails to retrieve the iso?17:07
timdotarmence, you're probably going to need some special software for that17:07
iceroot!details | ABoba17:07
ubottuABoba: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:07
timdotarmence, it's probably easier for you just to redo whatever it was17:07
KhodokRPG_Master: I see... This channel was privately owned before, quite a good source of news. It still has this image17:07
icerootjohn_saint: hi17:07
ABobafailed to retrieve from ubuntu-9.10-netbook-remix-i386.iso17:08
ABobaAborting, download available in ubuntu-9.10-netbook-remix-i386.iso.part17:08
armencetimdot, thanks17:08
PiciKhodok, Lets keep it on topic here, chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic17:08
ABobaafter typing in the standard zsync command17:08
om26erABoba: why would you use firefox to download17:08
KhodokRPG_Master: I just thought some of Canonical's PR guys should know that17:08
timdotarmence, in future, perhaps look into creating a "safe" rm - where things are backed up for a few days before being deleted, or a prompt or something17:08
RoyKsomething tells me one or two users around in this country (.no) is updating their machines. I get a throughput of ~50-100kB/s and I'm on a 100Mbps link17:08
frogletburntash, did you do a clean install or upgrade?17:08
vigobobsaccamano: Ok, that is like a frontend to Synaptic which is a GUI frontend to the Terminal. the Filters , or show me this and that can be set in Synaptic.17:08
MoonlitI have a problem with menus in gnome, I'm running Ubuntu version 9.10, when I try to turn off icons in menus, I get the following output: http://kimag.es/share/64852247.jpg but I expected it to turn off icons.17:08
ABobaom26er: I'm using terminal to update my RC isos, not firefox17:08
om26erABoba: ok17:08
frogletburntash, I had the same problem when I did a clean install but not with upgrade17:09
john_saintim new to ubuntu and i got a concern with firestarter. i keep getting serious attempts or something and it shows me the ips in red. are these ips folks trying to gain acess to my pc or what?? and what can i do to hide my pc. please help!!17:09
ABobaiceroot: any ideas?17:09
icerootABoba: wget :)17:09
burntashfroglet: clean install, i just set the / partition to be formatted and to mount the /home to /home.  and it installed.  first bootup i go to login and i get the cannot access ICEauthority and such.  probably because the /home partition is encrypted17:09
armencexrdodrx: It's ok, I have an old version from which I can easily fix things17:09
tomvolekHI all:  has the 64 bit of 9.10 been released also ?   i am looking on ubuntu.com and dont see it17:09
bostongeek24how do i burn an iso image to a dvd?17:09
preecherafter updating to 9.10 from 9.04 i lost 1 or 2 programs--i can probably re-dload just wondering if this is normal17:09
iceroottomvolek: yes17:10
xrdodrxarmence: Oh, ok :)17:10
bostongeek24what program should i use17:10
scatterphi can any one tell me where killall5 is called during shutdown ?17:10
tomvolekiceroot where is it ?17:10
Penolhow do i Activate remote desktop via ssh?17:10
frogletburntash, I don't know how to recover from it, I just did a complete reinstall and formatted /home17:10
burntashfroglet: by the looks of "df -h" my data is still in tact its just /home is encrypted and i dunno how to have it setup to work with 9.1017:10
llutzbostongeek24: growisofs --dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0=your.iso17:10
iceroot!download | tomvolek17:10
ubottutomvolek: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low!17:10
timdotjohn_saint, don't worry about it - it's most likely people who run automated scanners looking for insecure (windows) servers. i, and many others, get entries in log files of attacks all the time17:10
frogletburntash, yes it is still there, your data17:10
timdotjohn_saint, don't worry :)17:10
frogletI just don't know how to recover it17:10
tomvolektx iceroot17:10
iceroottomvolek: http://noncdn.releases.ubuntu.com//releases/9.10/17:11
satyahow can i load yahoo messenger in ubuntu 9.0417:11
frogletburntash, did you try the ecrypt* command?17:11
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).17:11
xrdodrxsatya: Pidgin17:11
bonez46yesterday I ran 'update-manager -d' to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 rc.. will the same work now to go from rc to desktop?17:11
john_saintthanks timdot. its cus its the first time ive used ubuntu and was just worried thats all. i finally got rid of windows and opted for ubuntu..............hope i made the right choice!17:11
joaopinto!final | bonez4617:11
ubottubonez46: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:11
xrdodrx!pidgin | satya17:11
ubottusatya: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete17:11
timdotjohn_saint, you definitely have, well done for ditching the old dog :p17:11
burntashfroglet: doesnt le me run ecrypt17:11
timdotjohn_saint, i did the same about 6 months back - haven't looked back once17:12
raph_aelhi, i've upgrade to 9.10 but still have no sound with my hdaintel on an imac17:12
bobsaccamanovigo, thanks..will do that...btw does synaptic have a config file of some sort?17:12
frogletecryptfs-umount-private does not work?17:12
satyaty frnds:)17:12
bonez46joaopinto: thanks..17:12
xiscousing root, how can I forbid a user to change the permissions of his home folder ?17:12
RobLoachhttp://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/910features doesn't mention pimpage of Compiz.17:12
joaopintoxisco, you can't, unless you change it's ownership17:12
durydoes it work in 64 bit jaunty http://kooka.kde.org/download/17:12
john_saintcheers timdot. its good to know theres real people willing to help out instead of that big corporation that dont care as long as they get their lots of money from licences! thanks again!17:12
timdotjohn_saint, hehe :)17:12
Tesssaquestion just downloaded and burned to cd ubuntu 9.10 get as far as partition manager ans that doesnt work any ides17:13
polarbearin empathy, whenever my type goes more than the box it stretches the whole window. how can i prevent this?17:13
duryor is it for i386 only?17:13
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frogletTesssa, have you tried the alternate installer?17:13
burntashfroglet: nope it says that command is not found and when i try to apt-get install ecryptfs-utils that its not available and referred to by another package17:13
timdotTesssa, do you have windows on another partition?17:14
=== miguelonn is now known as iobiwan_
Tesssano  i havent do i have to download that and burn it to cd17:14
frogletburntash, maybe someone in ubuntu+1 will know17:14
vigobobsaccamano: Yes it does, and this site shows you how to disable the Notification. It still runs, you just do not see it. http://lifehacker.com/5295449/disable-ubuntus-annoying-update-manager-popup  , It is very important to keep the system updated and the latest security patches installed, and allways make a backup.17:14
thatdudeFastest well in killin X Server?17:14
timdotTesssa, if you have windows on another partition then you MUST shut down windows *properly*, else the partition manager won't work properly - have you done that?17:14
burntashi kinda regret doing that encrypt /home option in the 9.04 install now lol17:15
bonez46why are packages 'kept back'? On running apt-get dist-upgrade and see that   devede samba4-dev  are both held back...17:15
icerootthatdude: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop17:15
burntashi thought id be able to recover it on the fly with my passphrase it gave me17:15
Tesssai havent just xubuntu  timdot17:15
thatdudeiceroot: Does not work in 9.1017:15
timdotTesssa, oh okay then17:15
frogletburntash, I think the proper way to do it is to decrypt the partition before the clean install17:15
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is still NOT released and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 - Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party17:15
icerootthatdude: why?17:15
bostongeek24is there a gui program that will burn iso images to a disk17:15
frogletbut I never thought of it17:15
Tesssaand that does the same with xubuntu 9.1017:15
bostongeek24like imgburn on windows?17:16
xiscojoaopinto, so should i change it from the user itself ?17:16
icerootbostongeek24: brasero, k3b17:16
joaopinto!burn | bostongeek2417:16
ubottubostongeek24: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:16
bobsaccamanovigo, thanks again..that was a useful link...its just that i dont want the update manager hogging resources - id prefer setting up a cronjob to do it everyday17:16
joaopintoxisco, yes, assuming the user does not need to write to is own dir :)17:16
frogletburntash, did you make sure ecryptfs is installed?17:16
=== JoeSomebody2 is now known as JoeSomebody
burntashfroglet: i dont htink its installed on 9.10 by default17:17
burntashcause i dont have it on here17:17
xiscojoaopinto, but i want the user can write, execute and read17:17
joaopintoxisco, if it's a regular desktop user, it will require owernship/write privilegs to it's home dir17:17
frogletburntash: can you install it and then modprobe dm_crypt  ?17:17
platypus03i imagine the servers are getting slammed right now but is anyone else having trouble connecting to do updates?17:17
thatdudeiceroot: I was doing the wrong command. Thanks!17:17
frogletremember you have to modprobe dm_crypt17:17
joaopintoxisco, so, he is also allowed to change permissions, that is included with the "write" privilege17:18
icerootthatdude: ok17:18
nascentmindhi. I had upgraded to the rc release of ubuntu. there are no other steps now other than a apt-get update and a apt-get -d dist-upgrade right?17:18
Jeruvyplatypus03: its slow going for sure.  patience is highly required atm :)17:18
frogletoh wait dm_crypt is something else17:18
ChogyDanplatypus03: nope.  you should use a mirror17:18
frogletforget I said that17:18
faustoHi guys, my karmic won't boot (crashes on usplash) unless I remove splash from the boot options. Anyone knows what is the right way of editing grub configurations?17:18
platypus03Jeruvy, well for one thing, clicking 'upgrade' freezes the update manager completely17:18
joaopintonascentmind, right17:18
ChogyDannascentmind: don't use -d,  that is for betas, not releases17:18
joaopinto!grub2 | fausto17:19
ubottufausto: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:19
nascentmindChogyDan, -d is for download only.17:19
joaopintofausto, and please make sure you file a bug report17:19
platypus03Jeruvy, on my other box, it wont even present an upgrade option, both apt and update-manager --dist-upgrade fail saying I'm already at the latest version17:19
rizzuhCongratulations for a new version! *waits for upgrade to complete*17:19
ChogyDannascentmind: o yeah, nvm17:19
frogletburntash, try to install the ecryptfs package(s)17:19
timdotTesssa, no, sorry :/17:19
faustojoaopinto: I filed a bug report some time ago, but it is been ignored17:19
platypus03i was reasoning that since its release day the problems are just related to that17:19
ripps!ask | isaac__17:20
ubottuisaac__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:20
joaopintofausto, somethings have been fixed on usplase meanshile, check your bug report again :P17:20
platypus03but i've only actually gotten a dist upgrade to work once, most times its some ridiculous problem that I have to fix17:20
isaac__right there17:20
isaac__my problem17:20
joaopintofausto, let me know if you still remember the bug nr17:20
isaac__i'm freaking out!17:21
faustojoaopinto: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/38034717:21
bonez46is grub2 new? a natural evolution from grub(1)?17:21
vigobobsaccamano: Yes, I understand. You can disable it, unadvised, and run it at startup , but then you are back where you started, I suggest that disabling the GUI notification and let it run. That is why I posted that link.17:21
t0rcHi, what is the game shown here (http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/910features) ?17:21
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:21
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:21
platypus03ChogyDan, it doesn't seem to be an issue of mirrors, more that the process itself seems to be broken17:21
frostburni like how upgrading from iso makes me download from the internet anyway -.-17:22
icerootfrostburn: you have to download the iso :)17:22
ljuwaidahdoes 9.10 support fingerprint login out of the box?17:22
Kartagiswhere can I find information about linux/linux dual boot?17:22
Jeruvyplatypus03: it could be it cannot update sources so its hanging up17:22
iceroot!grub | Kartagis17:22
ubottuKartagis: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:22
platypus03Kartagis, google17:22
frostburniceroot, i did, mounted it as a cd, and then still asks to download 1837 packages17:22
iceroot!google | platypus0317:22
ubottuplatypus03: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.17:22
hexa-Results for | platypus03 on Google:17:22
rippsisaac__: okay, if your having a problem your sound, it be a better idea to file a bug report. `ubuntu-bug pulseaudio` from a terminal17:22
icerootfrostburn: the final or rc?17:23
platypus03Jeruvy, it didn't have an issue upgrading packages for Jaunty17:23
platypus03only happens with the dist-upgrade17:23
thansen_how do I get the grub2 menu to come up so I can try to boot in 'safe mode'?17:23
burntashfroglet: do you think itd be on the cd?17:23
burntashfroglet: cause apt-get doesnt seem to get it17:23
ChogyDanthansen_: maybe hit shift?17:23
frostburniceroot, the one i just dowloaded off the torrent mirror 10 min ago17:23
Moonlitwhich method of installing apps am I supposed to use? what with Software Centre, Synaptic, Add/Remove, apt, I'm a little confused17:23
burntashfroglet: nevermind i got it17:23
icerootfrostburn: hm17:23
Jeruvyplatypus03: then thats probably it, dist-upgrade updates the sources first, regular updates don't have to.17:23
t0rcHi, what is the game shown here (http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/910features) ?17:23
thansen_ChogyDan: no go17:24
icerootfrostburn: so its using the repo instead of the cd for getting the packages17:24
RamunasMoonlit: whicherver you want I assume17:24
PiciMoonlit: Whatever you want.  They all use the same repositories,17:24
platypus03Jeruvy, i have another host that can't even get the upgrade-dist option17:24
icerootfrostburn: disable the repo maybe or disable lan for that moment17:24
rizzuhdamn /join :(17:24
Guest1I thought this channel was terminated upon release of 9.1017:24
MoonlitRamunas / Pici - but... isn't it a little confusing for new guys?17:24
PiciGuest1: This is #ubuntu17:24
TecnoBratHmmm this mirrors page is wacky https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors .. it'll say mirros are up-to-date, but they were last verified like 3 days ago17:24
TecnoBratseems a little useless to me17:24
Guest1Oh I'm sorry17:24
Guest1I was not aware17:24
frostburniceroot, shrug, it's ok, can't take this offline during work anyway, i'll just download it from a repo... it's just slower heh17:25
Guest1Good bye17:25
rippsGuest1: #ubuntu+1 redirects to #ubuntu now17:25
icerootMoonlit: no, that is the power of linux, that you can do it like you want17:25
Jeruvyplatypus03: I'm on #5, no problems outside of a few timeouts here.17:25
icerootfrostburn: yeah17:25
Moonliticeroot - well, sure, but too much choice can be bewildering17:25
PiciMoonlit: Its all about choice.17:25
icerootMoonlit: of course17:25
ewbkarmic crashes17:25
icerootMoonlit: there are apt-get and aptitude too17:25
platypus03Jeruvy, I'm not claiming it's completely broken but there seem to be issues for quite a few users and I'm trying to deduce why17:25
Tomas__but whats the point of having 3 diff choices17:25
lordnoiddoes everyone have a Capabilities Mismatch on Ubuntu One?17:25
icerootMoonlit: we prefer apt-get (command line)17:25
MoonlitI see17:26
rippslordnoid: I did, a version of ubuntuone in proposed fixed it17:26
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lordnoidripps, okay ill just enable proposed17:26
burntashfroglet: now that i have ecryptfs-utils installed, what do i do17:26
Moonlitspeaking of choice, what's the deal with this? http://kimag.es/share/64852247.jpg17:26
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gobberpooperum question17:27
knarfixG__81: it is cool. try live cd first to see if everything works17:27
gobberpooperare there any common upgrading problems?17:27
bastid_raZorMoonlit: it looks like a horrible theme..17:27
ljuwaidahGod bless17:27
platypus03gobberpooper, seems to be, check the forums17:27
Jeruvyplatypus03: I understand.  perhaps its a local issue, it's still early here I expect the .ca servers to get even busier later.17:27
linked1hi, i have an intel hda sound card, and since a recent kernel upgrade, my sound doesn't work. i tried recompiling alsa, but i still get "unable to open audio device for playback"17:27
platypus03gobberpooper, I cant get either of my hosts to upgrade17:27
Windcapehi, how to change the boot order in grub?17:28
Moonlitbastid_raZor - well, that was my choice, and it's all stuff that was in 9.10 as I got it, but my problem is with the icons17:28
ChogyDanWindcape: what kind of change do you want?17:28
gobberpooperokay one sec ill check it out17:28
bastid_raZorMoonlit: looks like you unchecked the box that would give you icons17:28
mac9416Hello, a friend of mine is trying to upgrade to 9.10 and is getting "Could not download release notes. Please check your internet connection" from Update Manager. It seems the servers are too busy. Can he change to some local mirrors and get it to work?17:28
Tomas__but he has icons17:28
rumpel_hi where are the default ubuntu background images located?17:28
Moonlitexactly Tomas__17:28
Tomas__funny shit :P17:29
WindcapeChogyDan I want to change the boot order. You know, change which system it boots up on as the default one.17:29
ChogyDanmac9416: have you tried the gui dialog in Software Sources17:29
NaviRetlavhi , Who know how to change contrast and colors in monitor , without ati drivers ? There is any tool for it ?17:29
rippslinked1: sound is difficult to diagnose and fix, try filing a bug by `ubuntu-bug linux-sound-base` from a terminal, and filing a bug report. Maybe you'll find another bug with your problem with a possible fix.17:29
Redyа русские тут есть??17:29
Moonlitit'd be more funny if I could actually make it work, mind you, Tomas__17:29
gobberpooperyou have to do it through a livecd to change the gryb boot order17:29
faustoIf I suspect a bug is a duplicate on launchpad should I comment on it with my suspicion and a link to the other bug?17:29
MenZa!ru | Redy17:29
ubottuRedy: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:29
mac9416ChogyDan, and in there change the mirror? Think that would help?17:29
icerootgobberpooper: of course not17:29
icerootgobberpooper: no need of a live-cd17:29
ChogyDanmac9416: works for me17:29
gobberpooperfor grub?17:29
linked1ripps: thanks17:29
mac9416ChogyDan, I have already upgraded, this is a friend of mine. So I can't try it.17:30
icerootgobberpooper: yes17:30
MenZaRedy: /join #ubuntu-ru17:30
mac9416ChogyDan, OK, I will suggest it. Thanks much.17:30
gobberpooperidk i usually go onto the livecd in case there are any problems17:30
WindcapeI strongly doubt the livecd got any software on it that I can't install or have installed already.17:30
meganerd!de | meganerd17:30
ubottumeganerd, please see my private message17:30
timdotis there a backup facility built in to thunderbird?17:30
gobberpooperyou don't need to install anything17:30
Windcapeand the problem is 9.10 is using grub2, so it's not so simple was it was in 9.0417:30
ChogyDanWindcape: try setting the grub_default option to =saved instead of =017:30
WindcapeChogyDan where, what and how?17:31
om26ergobberpooper: what kind of name is that17:31
meganerdtimdot: There is an addon that you can use to backup mail17:31
ChogyDan!grub2 | Windcape17:31
ubottuWindcape: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:31
=== Blood is now known as Squeloss
gobberpooperidk ive been using it since 1st grade so it just stuck17:31
AnirbanHazraHow to check whether php gd library is installed on my Ubuntu or not ?17:31
timdotthanks meganerd, i'll just copy from the directory though.. might as well17:31
ladoHey there17:31
jimqodeflash videos are quite choppy in karmic for me. even when not in fullscreen mode17:31
DekaPinkBit of a stupid question-- But will it still work if I burn the Karmic iso to a DVD instead of a CD? I don't have any CDs at the moment >.>17:32
thedoorhi guys17:32
MenZaSure, DekaPink :)17:32
thedoori have the alpha version of karmic17:32
KurtKrautDekaPink, yes, it will work.17:32
MenZaDekaPink: I resort to doing that all the time - you're fine.17:32
meganerdtimdot: that is what I do, my .thunderbird gets backed up regularly17:32
rippsDekaPink: yes, I do it all the time a dvd-rw of mine17:32
LjL!final | thedoor17:32
ubottuthedoor: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.17:32
DekaPinkThanks. :D17:32
thedoorhow can i update my alpha karmic to the final karmic?17:32
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:32
thedoorLjL, tks :D17:32
joaopinto!final | thedoor17:32
WindcapeChogyDan nothing on that list tells how you CHANGE the grub order17:32
thedoorLOL :)17:32
timdotmeganerd, heh.. yeah.. i vow to set a script up to do regular backups from now on :p17:32
jethro877hows it going17:32
NobleUhm, how do i change GDM theme in 9.10?17:32
crohakonHow can I find what network interface I am using in console17:32
FloodBot1jethro877: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:33
platypus03crohakon, ifconfig17:33
rippsNoble: can't, sinde gdm has been rewritten, nobody has gotten around to writing a theme changing app yet17:33
Kartagiscrohakon, ifconfig17:33
frostburniceroot, found the issue, the iso i have is for amd64 alternate instead of desktop, redownloading the iso now17:33
Nobleripps: :(17:33
AnirbanHazraHow to check whether php gd library is installed on my Ubuntu or not ?17:33
Windcapeand https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/ChangeDefaultOS is outdated17:33
joaopintoNoble, the new gdm is not configurable, you would need to edit /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.defaults/%gconf-tree.xml17:33
WhitorHi, If I install Ubuntustudio-graphics via synaptic ... Its really just a meta package containing a list of other software... If I uninstall ubuntustudio-graphics... It does not uninstall all of the software it was responsible for installing... It just uninstalls the very small meta package... is there anyway to get synaptic (or anything else) to uninstall all software referenced in the parent package ?17:33
jimqodeIs this channel for 9.10 now? Or should I go to +1?17:33
ewbi installed karmic and now i can't boot into windows 717:33
rippsNoble: there might be some method to do it manually, but I wouldn't know where to begin17:34
ewbwhat should i do17:34
Noblejoaopinto: ty17:34
MenZaAnirbanHazra: apt-cache policy php5-gd17:34
=== oyvind is now known as Guest86056
MenZaewb: What problem are you having?17:34
thedoorLjL, it says tats noting to update :(17:34
crohakonOkay, i am installing ddclient and it is asking for the name of the interface device... do I just put eth0 one and call it good, or do I need to do more?17:34
LjLthedoor: why are you sad then?17:34
rippsewb: try installing os-prober and then running update-grub17:34
ctmjrjimqode: this is the channel17:34
thedoorLjL, the update comand return that's no packages to update17:35
meganerdtimdot: I keep my important data on a software RAID, which is then copied to a local NAS (Dlink 323), as well as rsync.net17:35
LjLthedoor: then you're already running the final version. what's the problem?17:35
ctmjrjimqode: besides they locked #ubuntu+1 to invite only17:35
jimqodeOk then, here is the question. After 9.10 upgrade flash videos play choppy. Xorg uses Most of my cpu time when a flash video is running. What may be the cause?17:35
burntashwhen i try to run "ecrypt-mount-private" i get "ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly"17:35
timdotmeganerd, cool :) i've got a backup server that currently isn't really used for backups :p17:35
thedoorLjL, i don't think so ¬¬ how can i see if im runing the final version?17:35
Guest86056Hi, is it just me or is desktop response really bad in Karmic vs Jaunty when under CPU load ? Compilations are killing my desktop, and I'm back to the old days of renicing X to get acceptable response... :(17:35
joaopintothedoor, lsb_release -a17:35
Fishiethedoor, didyou upgrade to 9.10 already?17:35
rippsthedoor: what does `lsb_release -a`17:35
LjLthedoor: by making sure that "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" reports that there are no packages to update.17:36
meganerdtimdot: for documents you may want to look at versioning as well.17:36
timdotmeganerd, heh.. i've tried to get into using subversion a number of times now :p17:36
thansen_what's the 'correct' way to enable nouveau?17:36
thedoorLjL, No LSB modules are available.17:36
ewbit boots into linux and i cant choose windows717:36
thedoorDistributor ID:Ubuntu17:36
thedoorDescription:Ubuntu 9.1017:36
FloodBot1thedoor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:36
timdotmeganerd, it's just doesn't feel right.. :)17:36
ewbi need to work on my spreadsheets, this sucks :(17:36
platypus03LjL, not true, I have a Jaunty box that returns 0 packages to update or upgrade, hence why I'm here17:36
rippsthedoor: your already using the lasest version of karmic17:36
LjLthedoor: i wasn't the one asking you for the output of that in the first place17:37
LjLplatypus03: it's only true if you're *already* running a version of Karmic. scroll back and you'l see that is th case with thedoor.17:37
joaopintothedoor, yes, you are running the final version17:37
t0rcHi, what is the game shown here ( http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/910features ) ?17:37
pro-rsoftI'm running karmic, and want to compile something that can be used with a very old version of libc. Do I really need to downgrade to an old version of ubuntu then, or is there something like a compat-libc or so?17:37
^mNotIntelligenthow many are using the today's release of Ubuntu 9.10?17:37
yoavsbg17Hi, somebody can help me, i have a little problem. when i see a movie at utube the image is in delay between the sound17:37
meganerdI was using subversion, but it gets slow and unwieldy with gigs of photos and movies.  I am still looking for a good solution here (currently settled on rdiff-backup, looking at git)17:37
joaopintot0h, maybe open arena17:37
thedoorldon't get angry :(17:37
^mNotIntelligentt0rc, even I could not see any17:38
Ramunast0rc: nexuiz, I think17:38
thedoorLjL,  don't get angry :(17:38
Windcapegreat, amazing, why the hell did they change to Grub 217:38
pro-rsoft^mNotIntelligent, been using karmic for a few weeks already17:38
SikEnCidesooo i was running the RC and there were no updates today.. is something wrong ?17:38
t0rct0rc, scroll down a little17:38
yoavsbg17Please help me at private :)17:38
thedoorLjL, tks , i will leave now :)17:38
Windcapewhat's the idea with a boot loader that's not configurable17:38
bigjockeryoavsbg17, which flash plugin are you using?17:38
MenZaWindcape: Give it time.17:38
bigjockeryoavsbg17, adobe's or gnash?17:38
kaheni want to reinstall. i should get all custom configuration files and firefox history with me if i tar up /home and /etc, right?17:38
t0rc^mNotIntelligent, scroll down a little17:38
joaopintoWincerind, because grub1 is no longer maintaned, and grub2 provides new features like booting from ISOs, NFS, encrypted boots, etc17:38
WindcapeMenZa give what time?17:38
joaopintoerm was for Windcape17:38
yoavsbg17bigjocker how am i can check it ?17:38
t0rcjoaopinto, Ramunas thanks17:38
^mNotIntelligentubuntu one is availble for all in ubuntu 9.10, right? basic release of 2GB pkg, I mean17:39
yoavsbg17i uses at mozila17:39
Windcapejoaopinto but they didn't think people would EVER want to change the boot order?17:39
^mNotIntelligentpro-rsoft, i meant not the alpha/beta, the final release ...gold one17:39
ripps^mNotIntelligent: yes17:39
bigjockeryoavsbg17, in mozilla enter as URL: about:plugins17:39
jsdfdwhen ever i upgrade i get an error Errors were encountered while processing:postgresql-8.317:39
pro-rsoft^mNotIntelligent, I ran software update today, yes :-)17:39
jsdfdhow can i remove the warning17:39
joaopintoWindcape, you can, but don't ask me how, I didn't needed17:39
t0rcany way to see my current upload/download from terminal?17:39
SikEnCidesooo i was running the RC and there were no updates today.. is something wrong ?17:40
^mNotIntelligentpro-rsoft, yep fine17:40
Windcapeah, so it's the usual GNU thing. No documentation, hurray17:40
joaopintoThe order of the /etc/grub.d/ numbering is probably helpful for the grub menu order building17:40
yoavsbg17bigjocker : can you help me in the private chat ?17:40
rippsSikEnCide: that's okay, your already running final17:40
homerslice75Is there a way to install the latest firefox 3.5.417:40
SikEnCidearrite ripps17:40
drdreXbmc on ubuntu 9.10 how?17:40
smoseranyone have an idea why k3b tells me I dont have any cdrw/dvdrw devices ? i have karmic ubuntu (not kubuntu) and apt-get install k3b.  brasero works fine.17:40
Windcapejoaopinto and? that's irrelevant as you can't rename those files17:40
ekianjohello everyone - i have a question about the alternate cd i just downladed via torrent - can i use that alternate CD to update from a JAUNTY 9.04 NETBOOK REMIX install?17:40
mrwesAnyone found a work around or fix for Handbrake under Karmic?17:40
theclawI upgraded to karmic, but my bootscreen is just a black&white ubuntu logo, and idea?17:41
joaopintoWincerind, uh ? you can't ???17:41
Windcapeand *sigh* all articles say /etc/default/grub , but that's funny enough, not existant on Ubuntu17:41
mrwestheclaw, that's the default splash now17:41
^mNotIntelligentripps, thanks dude17:41
Grilleshi zusammen17:41
theclawmrwes: what's with that new "better" splash?17:41
vigosmoser: Could be a corrupted install, try removing and placing back in?17:41
SikEnCidehow do i get rid of the splash in karmic.. i liek to see what its doing17:41
zeroXtenis it out yet?17:41
joaopintoWindcape, if you don't have /etc/default/grub, you don't have grub2 installed17:41
bigjockeryoavsbg17, you can use also un the console: aptitude search flashplugin-nonfree17:41
leachim6where can I get a list of the new features in karmic?17:41
mrwestheclaw, nod, and you can change the theme now either :(17:42
WindcapeI clearly do, according to grub itself17:42
ekianjo i have a question about the alternate cd i just downladed via torrent - can i use that alternate CD to update from a JAUNTY 9.04 NETBOOK REMIX install?17:42
Windcapesince the /boot/grub/menu.lst isn't there17:42
KrisDouglas!network manager17:42
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager17:42
joaopintoWindcape, I do have /etc/default/grub17:42
mrwesAnyone on the Handbrake issue?17:42
ctmjrzeroXten: yes17:42
theclawmrwes: you mean there is no new splash?17:42
rippsleachim6: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91017:42
leachim6ripps, thanks17:42
Windcapeoh great, it's available though the filesystem, just not the stupid terminal autocomplete shit17:42
zeroXtenahh sweet17:42
zeroXtenthanks ctmjr17:42
mrwestheclaw, you can't apply gdm themes now either17:42
joaopinto!language | Windcape17:43
ubottuWindcape: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:43
bigjockeryoavsbg17, you can use also un the console: aptitude search flashplugin-nonfree17:43
ekianjosorry to bother but can someone answer a simple question here if you have a few mins ?17:43
Ramunasekianjo: just ask17:43
Windcapewhy make tools like this "run 'update-grub' afterwards"17:43
PenolWho here thinks that http://flx.me/xbmscript/  can be run on ubuntu 9.10 ?17:43
theclawmrwes: do you mean there is only *one* bootscreen, the black/white one?17:43
Windcapewhy didn't they just code a GUI tool for the purpose, who does so automatically upon save, with included error checking17:43
mrwes!ask | ekianjo17:43
ubottuekianjo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:43
ekianjoRamunas -> about the alternate cd i just downladed via torrent - can i use that alternate CD to update from a JAUNTY 9.04 NETBOOK REMIX install?17:43
Windcapelike gaaaaah17:43
mrwestheclaw, far as I know, yes.17:44
* zeeble hangs his head17:44
theclawI can't believe that's true17:44
knarfixhas anyone tried karmic koala on a dell latitude c610?17:44
Ramunasekianjo: ah, well, I think you can, but don't trust me17:44
=== syntax is now known as _syntax_
RobLikesBrunchWhat's the absolute best, most fail-free method of installing flash for x64 Ubuntu?17:44
joaopintoWindcape, if you have free time and the skills, feel free to do it, help first, complain later17:44
ekianjoThanks Ramunas, can anyone else confirm : about the alternate cd i just downladed via torrent - can i use that alternate CD to update from a JAUNTY 9.04 NETBOOK REMIX install?17:44
theclawmrwes: I don't think you're right there. It should look like http://www.heise.de/open/artikel/Die-Neuerungen-in-Ubuntu-9-10-845450.html?view=zoom;zoom=117:44
vigojoaopinto: Thank you.17:45
theclawdo I need grub2 for that?17:45
Windcapewhy is /etc/default/grub read-only?17:45
joaopintoWindcape, to protect if from accidental changes17:45
mrwestheclaw, that's what mine looks like17:45
ChogyDanWindcape: it should just need root privileges I think17:45
Windcapeand I grant them how? the context menu don't have any option for such17:46
RobLikesBrunchWhat's the best method of installing flash for x64 9.10?17:46
theclawmrwes: but I said it's a black&white ubuntu logo, that's *not* black&white!17:46
ZeikfriedCan anyone tell me what i would have to do to get my gaming pad installed and operational? This is what i am using. http://www.p4c.philips.com/cgi-bin/dcbint/cpindex.pl?scy=US&slg=AEN&cat=PC_ACCESSORIES_CA&sct=MISCELLANEOUS_PC_ACCESSORIES_SU&session=20081210075254_24.27.184.210&grp=PC_PRODUCTS_GR&ctn=SGC2909/27&mid=Link_Software&hlt=Link_Software17:46
ekianjoChogyDan, Jaopinto, anyone can confirm if I can upgrade a Jaunty netbook remix with the alternate cd from Karmic ?17:46
joaopinto!sudo | Windcape17:46
ubottuWindcape: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)17:46
ChogyDanWindcape: gkdu gedit17:46
gdbJust a comment, but this new installer for 9.10 is *very very* nice, very slick. Kudos to the folks that put it together.17:46
Dr_Cox>Hi all. I'd like to set up an old pc as an ubuntu server. Purpose would be a central storage spot for music and movies. I have a mac and a pc that would be connecting.  I have experience with ubuntu, mac, windows as a user but have never done anything with a "server".  Any suggestions for how to set this up?17:46
mrwestheclaw, oh...I must be color blind17:46
ChogyDanWindcape: gksu gedit          sorry17:46
Windcapeugh, terminal stuff17:47
lluatrying to install 9.10 but it hangs when i choose" try ubuntu w/o changes" or "install ubuntu", the funny part is its working in vbox17:47
theclawmrwes: I mean like only black&white, and low-res as the old one17:47
RobLikesBrunchHOW DO I INSTALL X64 FLASH.17:47
ceafuHey everyone. Got Karmic installed on Mac Mini (2009) 64 bit. Runs great, but still no sound. Tried everything. I ike Snow Leopard a lot, but really want to use and learn more Linux. I am cursed with this sound issue.17:47
detrix42Hello everyone.  I tried to back up my home directory with a simple cp , but cp did not copy any of the hidden files.  How do I get cp to include hidden files?17:47
joaopinto!caps | RobLikesBrunch17:47
ubottuRobLikesBrunch: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:47
ceafuHope everyone else who has installed is loving it.17:47
RobLikesBrunchjoaopinto I was being ignored >: (17:47
RamunasDr_Cox: just install the server version, and then install the services you want, like ftp and etc17:47
gdbDr_Cox: Install samba and then use smbpasswd to add accounts for your clients.  Then in Windows map a shared drive, on Mac Command-K to Go to Server and you're done.17:47
mrwestheclaw, I was slightly upset in the fact you can't apply gdm themes to the login window17:47
knarfixceafu: yes , why not for you?17:47
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:48
ekianjojaopinto, do you know if i can upgrade a netbook remix jaunty install to karmix using the alternate cd ? or is it only for desktop version ?17:48
joaopintoRobLikesBrunch, caps will improve that, from ignored you may go to banned !17:48
robertc1985help, i have several volumes that simply will not mount17:48
dAnonI've got a problem with Enemy Territory Quake Wars, it ran perfectly at 8.10 but in 9.04 it drops fps in fire fights, what's the problem?17:48
lufaszhey! how can I enable universe?17:48
ChogyDandetrix42: I think you can use: rsync -aS17:48
joaopintoekianjo, no idea, I am not familiar with the remix variant17:48
MenZa!universe | lufasz17:48
ubottulufasz: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:48
WindcapeI wish they would stop making files without extensions, annoying to differ them from directories17:48
eitreachHas file sharing been fixed in Karmic?17:48
joaopinto!universe | lufasz17:48
RobLikesBrunchjoaopinto I doubt using caps once and a while to get someones attention will get me banned. Thanks for the lovely pseudo-moderation, though.17:48
ceafunot sure. tried many solutions and nothing. headphones work, but would rather use internal. Other than that, I am very pleased with the performance of 9.1017:48
ChogyDanekianjo: sure, why not?17:48
bigjockerRobLikesBrunch, last I checked the safest way was to download it from adobe's page ... aptitude will install the 32 bit version with a wrapper, but that hangs mozilla up all the time17:48
Dr_Coxthanks - what about very basic stuff like:  do I hook it up to my router, use a wireless card, etc?  The mac is wired to the router, the pc is wireless only.17:48
theclawmrwes: okay, that's another issue :(17:48
theclawmrwes: :) i mean17:48
detrix42ChogyDan: ok thanks I will try that17:48
mlissnerI'm trying to set up anacron to run things on a weekly and monthly basis. Does anybody know what that involves?17:48
joaopintoRobLikesBrunch, don't push your lucj, and please be respectful to the people on the channel, tks17:49
RobLikesBrunchbigjocker: Does that work...for x64?17:49
dAnonI've got a problem with Enemy Territory Quake Wars, it ran perfectly at 8.10 but in 9.04 it drops fps in fire fights, what's the problem?17:49
ekianjoChogyDan : so it will become the Karmic Netbook remix version with the alternate cd right ? it will not change into desktop ?17:49
RobLikesBrunchjoaopinto: I think I'll push it. Thanks.17:49
bigjockerRobLikesBrunch, adobe has a 64 bit version for download17:49
lluatrying to install 9.10 but it hangs when i choose" try ubuntu w/o changes" or "install ubuntu", the funny part is its working in vbox17:49
joaopintodAnon, do you have the 3d capable driver installed ?17:49
RobLikesBrunchBigjocker: I was unaware....thanks D:17:49
gdbRobLikesBrunch you just yelled at a bot17:49
bigjockerllua, check the CD for errors17:49
leachim6ripps, this isn't a list of new features...it's a list of issues :/17:49
dAnonjoaopinto 185 nvidia17:49
wektWill there be a KK DVD?17:49
C10uDhello, anyone knows why pulseaudio keeps muting my sound on boot? i installed karmic like 2 months ago17:50
ChogyDanekianjo: correct.  An upgrade should not make changes like that17:50
mrwestheclaw, yah I was surprised when I found that out, I normally install a beta in a Virtuabox, but didn't have the time this time around.17:50
RobLikesBrunchgdb: "don't push your lucj, and please be respectful to the people on the channel, tks" How is that a bot?17:50
bigjockerRobLikesBrunch, http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html17:50
Pici!dvdiso | wekt17:50
ubottuwekt: DVD ISOs are available via http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/17:50
lluabigdog, it wont let me, that hangs too, but the livecd is working fine in vbox and the md5sum is correct17:50
ekianjochogyDan, great !! thanks a lot for the very quick answer, i could not find it online !! have a nice day/night17:50
ChogyDantake care17:50
ct529hey the new ubuntu site front page is broken on firefox on kubuntu 904!17:50
bigjockerRobLikesBrunch, it's in alpha, but works great17:50
RobLikesBrunchbigjocker: Last time I downloaded the .deb package it was just i38617:50
burntashanyone know how to use ecryptfs?17:50
ct529who is supposed to fix that?17:50
rippsleachim6: oop, sorry http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910overview17:50
_CommandeR_is there a problem with the ttf-mscorefonts-installer because i cannot get it installed allways timed out.17:50
leachim6ripps, thanks :D17:50
gdbRobLikesBrunch: Your comment about occasional caps in response to ubotu's "PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too."17:51
RobLikesBrunchbigjocker: Oh, different link. Thanks.17:51
bigjockerRobLikesBrunch, that's why you have to download it from that URL, it's the labs, alpha software not yet released17:51
=== jeff__ is now known as jdorenbush
gdbanyway, i just found humor in it :) lots of people talk to ubotu like it's human17:51
RobLikesBrunchgdb: I realize this, but the other guy activated the bot...so I was yelling at him for trying to moderate me.17:51
dAnonI've got a problem with Enemy Territory Quake Wars, it ran perfectly at 8.10 but in 9.04 it drops fps in fire fights, what's the problem?17:51
timdotam burning the ISO to a memory stick with unetbootin, currently17:51
leachim6is there a facebook plugin for empathy?17:51
moabirdA quick question for anyone with an integrated Intel video card supposedly supported by the newest Intel drivers (2.9.0): having any trouble with Ubuntu using the drivers, although your card's supposedly been properly detected?17:51
RobLikesBrunchbigjocker, Got it--thanks.17:51
habananyhi brother arand17:51
__shoot^Hey folks. Just upgraded to Karmic, but my bluetooth kb/mouse aren't working in Bluetooth mode. hid2hci (needs to be run to connect up) asks for a devpath. Where might I find the devpath?17:52
_CommandeR_is there a way to fix the  ttf-mscorefonts-installer ?17:52
theblueHi all.17:52
robertc1985help, i have several volumes that simply will not mount one of them is a NTFS internal PATA hard drive and the other is a USB zip250 vfat formatted, the system knows theey are there, but will not mount them17:52
gdb__shoot^: could it mean /dev ?  I dunno, just guessing :)17:52
=== hone_ is now known as hone
bigjockerdAnon, which video card do you have?17:52
theblueI'm running UNR jaunty on an HP mini 1013, and the built-in wired ethernet card is not detected.17:52
RobLikesBrunchbigjocker, err...what do I do with the .so file?17:52
thebluewhat should I do?17:52
__shoot^gdb had a poke around there, couldn't see anything useful :(17:52
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).17:52
bigjockerRobLikesBrunch, copy it to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins17:52
habananyneed your help arand, is it posible to upgrade from karmic realease to 9.10 stable?17:52
bigjockerRobLikesBrunch, and create a symlink to usr/lib/firefox/plugins17:53
darthanubishabanany, why not?17:53
RobLikesBrunchbigjocker, what's a "symlink"?17:53
bigjockerRobLikesBrunch, er ... create a symlink to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins17:53
leachim6I just installed a fresh copy of UNR 9.04 on my hp mini about a week ago and I haven't really customized it much yet....should I just reinstall a fresh 9.10 instead of upgrading?17:53
theblueRobLikesBrunch: it's like a shortcut in Windows, or an alias in Mac OS.17:53
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:53
pyedoghey everyone, anyone got any experience with windows 7 / grub?17:53
bigjocker!symlink ! RobLikesBrunch17:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:53
habananyi dont get it darthanubis17:53
darthanubisbigjocker, wrong, RobLikesBrunch  put the plugin in ~./mozilla/plugins where it belongs17:53
knarfixRobLikesBrunch: symbolic link?17:53
burntashim trying to run "ecryptfs-mount-private" and i get "ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly" any ideas?17:54
darthanubishabanany, I answered your question. What is not to get?17:54
habananyi ve  tried and nothing17:54
vigopyedog: Sort of, yes17:54
bigjockerdarthanubis, putting it in there will only activate it for the current user ... my instructions are for system wide installation17:54
wiluheay, how do i see what version of ubuntu i use ?17:54
wiluif it's Rc1 or beta?17:54
mrwesAnyone found a work around or fix for Handbrake under Karmic?17:54
darthanubishabanany, are you not familair with apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade?17:54
wiluhow do i see if i got that new release?17:54
habananyi tried that17:54
darthanubis!details | mrwes17:54
ubottumrwes: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:54
ks3burntash: Did you already setup the encrypted diretory with ecryptfs-setup-private?17:54
darthanubishabanany, and...17:54
mrwesdarthanubis, it doesn't run :P17:55
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seenahi,1) How enable internet connectin icone and battery information icon on the panel?17:55
seena2) How check if the files are corrupted and recover the same?17:55
mrwesdarthanubis, and if they have Handbrake, they'll know what I'm talking about :)17:55
RobLikesBrunchbigjocker, I just moved it into plugins and it works perfectly. Thanks.17:55
joaopintowilu, System -> About Ubuntu17:55
centaur5What is the password to the user on the Karmic desktop CD?17:55
burntashks3: it says i cant because my /.Private folder already exists.  i basically encrypted my home partition on 9.04 install.  then i did a clean install of 9.10 just awhile ago and mounted my /home partition and i cant access it cause its encrypted17:55
mrweswilu: from a terminal : lsb_release -a17:55
habanany itried that command and nothing happened17:55
wilujoaopinto: ok well what should it write17:55
darthanubishabanany, something always happens17:55
pyedogvigo. i'm having problems. i installed windows 7 over my old vista partition. then reinstated grub. but it won't boot into windows partition any more, just goes back to the menu when i click it17:56
joaopintowilu, uh ? on the system menu, use the About Ubuntu item17:56
burntashks3: i tried and successfully added my passphrase to the keyring with ecryptfs-add-passphrase but im not able to access still17:56
pyedogdid u have any similar problems?17:56
zealiod_still having no luck trying to issue DHCP address over a VLAN17:56
alnris php 5.3.0x available on any version of ubuntu? compared to debian i'm wondering if ubuntu would be ahead of behind debian in that respect17:56
habananyyou mean this command     sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade && sudo aptitude full-upgrade17:56
wiluubuntu 9.10 release 9.10 codename karmic17:56
joaopintoalnr, check packages.ubuntu.com17:56
vigopyedog: Try Fix MBR yet?17:56
darthanubishabanany, no I meant what I typed????17:56
wiluok thsi is the latest?17:56
alyssonto com duvida17:56
joaopintowilu, yes17:56
pyedognot heard of that vigo. u have a link?17:56
wilujoeyeye: yea i just installed this 10min ago17:57
_CommandeR_hi i always get : E: ttf-mscorefonts-installed subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 117:57
knarfixi am running the live cd and have ubuntu-restricted-extras, medibuntu stuff, skype installed. all works. when i press install do all these get installed too?17:57
alnrjoaopinto: i did (or a facsimile thereof) and didnt see it so i was wondering if anyone had personal exp installing it17:57
ks3burntash: Did you encrypt your entire home directory, or just ~/Private?17:57
wilujoeyeye: if u got beta version it should show up on lsb_relase ?17:57
mrwesAnyone found a work around or fix for Handbrake under Karmic? Here's a screenshot: http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/4121/handbrakeerror.png17:57
shorty__hey, i just installed karmic, it does not recognize my nvidia geforce 8600 gt card!17:57
robertc1985help, i have several volumes that simply will not mount one of them is a NTFS internal PATA hard drive and the other is a USB zip250 vfat formatted, the system knows theey are there, but will not mount them on ubuntu 8.04  sorry to keep asking but i need to get these mountsd17:57
joaopintoalnr, well, it should be trivial to build it from source, as long you have experiencing with building from source17:57
gNewPowerHi!  I ahve a small  question: I bought a Seagate 320GB external hard drive.  I want to format it for ext3 and run 'badblocks' on it to make sure that all is well before loading it up with data.  Does that sound reasonable or is there some reason why I should not do that?  Thanks!17:57
timdoti'm off to overwrite Xubuntu with the new Ubuntu17:58
timdotseeya guys17:58
habananydarthanubis , i just tried the one u just gave me and nothing17:58
burntashks3: entire i think.  all the data is still in tact in and /home/username/.Private and in my /home/username there are only 2 files Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop and README.txt17:58
joaopintogNewPower, sounds reasonable17:58
wilujoeyeye: if u got beta version it should show up on lsb_relase ?17:58
gNewPowerjoaopinto, thanks!17:58
habananydarthanubis , i just tried that other  and nothing17:58
darthanubishabanany, it always returns words, what are those words that you are calling 'nothing'?17:58
vigopyedog: Not certain if it will work, but here is one link, http://www.computerhope.com/fixmbr.htm  looking for the Ubuntu Documentation now.17:58
habananyhold on17:59
seenahow scan missing files17:59
habananyone second17:59
miromanythDoes anyone have issues with SDLmame?17:59
shorty__hey, i just installed karmic, it does not recognize my nvidia geforce 8600 gt card! nothing showes up under "Administration - Hardware Drivers"! Can someone help me please?17:59
ks3burntash: I've not gone with that exact setup, so I may (hopefully) be wrong, but I thought that when you encrypt the entire thing, it actually stores the encrypted files in /var/lib/ecryptfs/$USER17:59
darthanubisCalculating upgrade... Done17:59
darthanubis0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.?17:59
gNewPowerjoaopinto, I was just wondering if these drives had some kind of proprietary software which I should not remove when I repartition17:59
_CommandeR_hi i always get : E: ttf-mscorefonts-installed subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Anyone got a solution?17:59
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habananyit says  command not found17:59
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alnrjoaopinto: i was hoping to avoid because i think it has lots of bits and pieces. but a while back i did find some debian experimental version and used that.17:59
pyedogthanks vigo. that'll do, gives me something to work with for a bit17:59
ks3burntash: But I've only setup ecrypt manually, so I may be way off...17:59
Kirschhey all, is it possible to run a process and have ps ax show something different? one of the services i run (simplifymedia) shows my username and password if u do ps ax17:59
darthanubis_CommandeR_, yeah, wait and  run apt-get update again17:59
darthanubishabanany, your system sounds broken18:00
_CommandeR_darthanubis, i have this issue since 2 days ago18:00
boomernangshorty__: you need to update your sources before hardware  drivers will see anything18:00
DareDevil0Hola amigos la barra de gnome-do no les puedo quitar los iconos18:00
knarfixdoes ubuntu one work for you folks?18:00
DareDevil0como hago?18:00
pyedogvigo: plus google is my friend :o)18:00
Moonlitpyedog - your Windows 7 DVD should allow you to repair the boot manager18:00
joaopintogNewPower, oh, about that you will need to check vendor documentation, nothing we can help you with :P18:00
habananywhen i typed the other one that i showed u before  it said all that u just write18:00
gNewPowerjoaopinto, ok. thanks!18:00
darthanubis!es| DareDevil018:00
ubottuDareDevil0: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:00
your_itmy clock is pausing at a certain second then jumping 2-4 seconds ahead. what's going on?18:00
habananyo this o that and that18:00
pyedogyeh it wont't let me do it for some reason Moonlit18:00
vigopyedog: Here is one from or for 8.10, still looking though: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/switching/dualboot.html18:00
burntashks3: when i do ls -al in my home dir, .ecryptfs points to /var/lib/ecryptfs/username18:00
pyedogthanks vigo18:00
darthanubishabanany, sudo apt-get update NEXT LINE sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:01
your_itmy clock is pausing at random seconds then jumping 2-4 seconds ahead. what's going on?18:01
ks3burntash: Ahhh, so that is the case. Is there a /var/lib/ecryptfs? And if so, does it have a folder for your username?18:01
DergelI upgraded my Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 and get an error now. After the restart it says "Mount of root filesystem failed."18:01
darthanubismore than likely you ARE at CURRENT now.18:01
t0rcHow do you make time-based wallpapers for Ubuntu? Karmic comes with a pack18:01
habananyyou mean i got the upgrade already?18:01
darthanubishabanany, OF COURSE18:02
burntashks3: when i actually go into /var/lib, the ecryptfs directory doesnt exist18:02
xiscohow can I create a new user who can't change the permissions of his folder ?18:02
burntashit only points there from my home dir18:02
pyedogok i'm gonna try some things. thanks for the help vigo18:02
vigopyedog: here is the official documentation from Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot18:02
ks3burntash: Is your ~/.Private a symlink as well?18:02
DergelI upgraded my Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 and get an error now. After the restart it says "Mount of root filesystem failed." anyone can help? ->query18:02
vigoNo problem18:02
burntashks3: nope, it just stands alone as .Private  but all my data is in there18:02
ceafuknarfix: Ubuntu one seems to keep timing out for me18:03
darthanubishabanany, lsb_release -a18:03
_CommandeR_darthanubis, i have the exe on desktop how can i make it do use that one instead to download it again ?18:03
boomernangxisco: create a new user... then use the chown command to change the ownership of his /home/blah directory to someone else18:03
darthanubis_CommandeR_, .exe?18:03
darthanubis_CommandeR_, why in gods name are you trying to run an exe file?18:04
ks3burntash: If your encrypted files are stillin ~/.Private, I believe you can manually mount it as long as you made a note of the original passphrase (not your login passphrase, the mount passphrase ecrypt generated - usually a long set of hexadecimal characters)18:04
xiscoboomernang, will the user be able to write/read/execute in that folder ?18:04
burntashks3: i still do have the passphrase18:04
_CommandeR_darthanubis, that is what it tries to update/download18:05
_CommandeR_when installing playonlinux18:05
darthanubis!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | _CommandeR_18:05
habananydarthanubis  when i type sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade it  says Reading package lists... Done18:05
habananyE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)18:05
habananyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?18:05
darthanubis_CommandeR_, you want msffonts?18:05
ubottu_CommandeR_: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 31 (jaunty), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB18:05
darthanubishabanany, you have more than one package manager open dude18:05
DergelI upgraded my Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 and get an error now. After the restart it says "Mount of root filesystem failed." anyone can help? ->query18:06
habananyhow do i know bro?18:06
darthanubis!repeat | Dergel18:06
ubottuDergel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:06
PrinceOfDarknessquick question, I see no official guide to 9.10 upgraede. Anyone knows what to do with nvidia drivers please ?18:06
darthanubishabanany, LOOK18:06
=== andrea_ is now known as sudobash
_CommandeR_darthanubis, well it seems that playonlinux needs them18:06
darthanubis!nvidia | PrinceOfDarkness18:06
ubottuPrinceOfDarkness: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:06
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).18:06
ctmjrhabanany: the command is sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade note the sudo twice18:06
habananyi only have open chatzilla , firefox and terminal?18:06
theclawwhy are the icons in the "system" menu (at the right of the "places" menu)  gone in karmic?18:07
kazaa_liteoka... i can manually start my application using my script in init.d but it does not start at boot time..... how does my init script gets executed at boot time?18:07
darthanubis_CommandeR_, msffonts are in the repos. You will get them by installing the ubuntu-restricted-extras package18:07
ks3burntash: Then create /var/lib/ecryptfs/$USER, and use ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase to regenerate ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase18:07
zimI all Remote Desktop Q. Is there a way to get remote desktop to connect to listening vnc server. I need to do this for a friend who has no way of setting firewall rules on her network?18:07
darthanubishabanany, how many terminals?18:07
darthanubis_CommandeR_, never try to run .exes this aint windows18:08
FishieHi people, after upgrading to 9.10 my ventrilo stopped working, 'input device busy';18:08
habananyonly one teminal18:08
FishieFailed to open input device. Another program might have it open already. rc = -1018:08
om26erhow can i install ubuntu to load most on the ram18:08
_CommandeR_darthanubis, i know :P but this it what the synaptic tries to download18:08
burntashks3: what will wrap passphrase do18:08
your_itmy clock is pausing at a random seconds then jumping 2-4 seconds ahead. what's going on?18:08
ks3burntash: You'll also want to touch ~/.ecryptfs/auto-mount, ~/.ecryptfs/auto-umount, and run "echo /home/$USER >~/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt"18:08
darthanubishabanany, just use synaptic for upgrades and updates. you don't seem to have a grasp of the cli yet18:08
darthanubis_CommandeR_, let synaptic do what it wants18:09
bobsaccamanohi...how do i enable paste functionality with mouse right click in terminal?18:09
bobsaccamanodoesnt seem to work in jaunty18:09
neorabmiddle click18:09
bobsaccamanoand copy with text selection18:09
darthanubis_CommandeR_, get back to me when you've followed the previous instructions I gave you?18:09
ks3burntash: It generates the file ecryptfs needs to mount your directory. ecrypt uses your logon password to decrypt the wrapped-passphrase file, then uses the decrypted wrapped passphrase to mount your encrypted directory18:09
habananywhat to hit on synaptic?18:09
darthanubis!synaptic | habanany18:09
ubottuhabanany: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:09
darthanubishabanany, you have much reading to do my lazy padawan18:10
burntashks3: so ill have to sudo mkdir that dir in /var/lib?18:10
ks3burntash: Yes18:10
burntashk ill try that real quick here18:10
ks3burntash: But you'll want to chown it to your user and group18:10
_CommandeR_darthanubis, did a apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras trying it now, but it is slow because the old mscorefonts installer allways tries to download it.18:10
habananyunderstood but what do i do once i'm on sypnatic18:10
zimany Rmote Desktop users in here I need to get it to connect to a listening vnc server. is there a Howto anywhere?18:10
habananyi open synaptic already , what do i do now?18:11
ceafuIgnoring the mac mini part of it, is anyone else lacking all sound and making any progress fixing it?18:11
_CommandeR_darthanubis, gonna remove it from the catch and try again18:11
darthanubishabanany, I'm not going to teach you HOW to use Ubuntu. There is not enough time or space18:11
antiiuhm, I installed my ubuntu and choose that i would have a encrypted home directory, how can I undo it?18:11
habananyok, thanks anyway18:11
ZzeissQuestion on VirtualBox: is there any way to convert between a VirtualBox VM disk image and boot it as a _real_ (that is, host) operating system?18:11
darthanubisantii, reinstall18:11
awozniakanyone ever seen anything like "d????????? ? ?    ?       ? " when doing an ls -la on a CIFS (samba) mounted directory?18:11
ceafuMac Mini - Realtek ALC889A -18:11
antiidarthanubis: for real?...18:11
darthanubisZzeiss, no18:11
sudobashI was contacted by a headhunter trying to hire me for Microsoft yesterday... I told him I was a hardcore Linux and BSD advocate and that I probably wouldn't be allowed to work for them since I use Open Source code for everything18:11
darthanubisantii, yeah18:11
antiidarthanubis: I havent entered any encrypted password yet so18:11
premiereDoes KVM easy to use?18:11
mokmeisterCongrats to Ubuntu, I'm downloading Unbuntu 9.10 and Kubuntu 9.10 at super fast speeds (400kB/s each!)18:12
bao__can someone lend me a shell account for testing?18:12
LjLsudobash: and why should we care? you're on #ubuntu not #ubuntu-offtopic18:12
Zzeissdarthanubis: Thanks.  (*sigh*)18:12
darthanubispremiere, not as easy as Virtualbox18:12
burntashks3: made the dir, then i typed "ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase" and it isnt the right usage, do i have to type something after ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase18:12
_syntax_How do yall like ubuntu karmic so far?18:12
seenahi, how to enable network manager tray icone18:12
darthanubisZzeiss, yw18:12
joaopinto!ot | _syntax_18:12
ubottu_syntax_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:12
darthanubis!poll | _syntax_18:12
ubottu_syntax_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:12
_Nihil85_ciao a tutti18:12
LjL!it | _Nihil85_18:12
ubottu_Nihil85_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:12
ks3burntash: ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase18:12
Zzeisspremiere: Opinions differ.  ;)   I do have to say that VirtualBox is highly polished.  :)18:13
sudobashstill the same old ASS huh LjL? At least your responding to people...18:13
ctmjrawozniak: it means your permissions are fubar18:13
akashaNYONE ONLINE ?18:13
quentusrex_How do I determine if my ubuntu machine needs to be rebooted18:13
darthanubis!hi | CFulcrum18:13
ubottuCFulcrum: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:13
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LjL!ops | sudobash18:13
ubottusudobash: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!18:13
quentusrex_if I have unattended upgrade installed18:13
premiereZzeiss: thx18:13
darthanubisquentusrex_, it will tell you18:13
CFulcrumI have a question about uninstalling Ubuntu from a dual boot18:14
quentusrex_darthanubis, how and when? and how do I find out for myself?18:14
awozniakctmjr: I can tell.  =)  More than that is fubar.  directory names are also fubar (no, setting iocharset=utf8 does not help)18:14
omaniwhat does "require my password to log in and to decrypt my home folder" mean? - installation of koala -18:14
febbHello all:  Does anyone knows of a web page that shows the ACTUAL and updated hashes (md5sum or sha) of the new Ubuntu 9.10 cd/dvd images ?18:14
omaniwill my home folder be decrypted then?18:14
darthanubisquentusrex_, it will be OBVIOUS, you know in words text pop up, dialog box?18:14
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:14
darthanubisCFulcrum, just delete the partititon18:14
rosebjanyone else getting a "Capabilities mismatch" error with Ubuntu One?18:14
Zzeisspremiere: There are at least three big ones- VirtualBox (which you download), KVM (which comes with Ubuntu and loads a module that is NOT compatible with VirtualBox - the kvm-intel module) and then there's Xen.18:14
darthanubisrosebj, no18:15
quentusrex_darthanubis, I have a headless server18:15
quentusrex_and it isn't telling me when I ssh in.18:15
joaopintoZzeiss, virtualbox is also available from Ubuntu repositories18:15
Jeruvyfebb: there is a md5sum file on the servers you can view or download18:15
darthanubisquentusrex_, when you login out of it via term, and log back into it, it will say on the cmd line18:15
vigofebb: That ubottu msg was for you.18:15
zimOk. I will restructure my question. What is the best way to view/control a desktop where the laptop is on a network where you can't port foward?18:15
arandCFulcrum: darthanubis: NO do not just delete the partition.18:15
kraligorCan someone help me out? I just installed 9.10, was looking forward to the improved ATi support, but when I go to Hardware Drivers there's nothing to select. I use an ATi 3870 PCIe.18:15
defryskrosebj, i get that too, its temporarily and being worked on18:15
defryskrosebj, server has to be upgraded18:16
max_Is there any way to make the download speed faster in the ubuntu 9.10 upgrade? I'm using the alternate CD but It's downloading 200MB of files before the actual install.18:16
CFulcrumDo I need to do anything else after deleting the partition?18:16
rosebjdefrysk : thanks18:16
max_I'm getting 10kb/s18:16
TecnoBratSo .. unless I'm crazy ... I can't seem to update any packages since yesterday (I am running RC), is there actually any updates?18:16
darthanubisarand, you can just enlighten him, I do it all the time to remove dualboot, and then just use the windows boot disk to return the windows boot sector. What is the problem?18:16
burntashrs3: i get "error: wrapping passphrase failed [-5]  info: check the system log for more information from libecryptfs18:16
zimkraligor: The improvement is it no longer requires proprietary18:17
darthanubisCFulcrum, fdisk /mbr18:17
seenahi, Network Manger icon is removed and how to replace it18:17
BadElvisi can access my sound device as root, but not as my normal user. what can i do?18:17
febbubottu: Did that already: It turns that the UbuntuHashes page DOES NOT have the hashes for any image of 9.10 !   go figure....18:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:17
darthanubisseena, nm-applet18:17
CFulcrumI'm not familiar with that - do I edit something?18:17
arandCFulcrum: darthanubis: Do you have a windows boot disk?18:17
Powersourcewhat do you guys think about 9.10? do you get any problems with hardware etc.?18:17
darthanubisarand, I would not have said so if I did not?18:17
ubuntu-ubottu: kernel error18:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel error18:17
uniq_useris there no 64-bit Ubuntu 9.10 yet?18:18
seenadarthanubis, should i type it on terminal?18:18
darthanubisCFulcrum, forget my advise, your not at the proper user level to accomplish said task. Search google for removal of dualboot18:18
ZzeissPowersource: I'm installing 9.10 into a VirtualBox virtual machine right now.  We'll see how it works.  :)18:18
ks3burntash: Perhaps forgot to chown directory? chown user:group /var/lib/ecryptfs/user18:18
The_Jag1Hi all, is it advisable to change the partition from ext2 to ext4? will I loose data in the process?18:18
darthanubisseena, alt-F2 then type it there18:18
kraligorzim: But I don't get the desktop effects activated!18:18
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).18:18
unomystEzanyone here running ubuntu on their ps3?18:18
febb https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes needs an update for 9.10 hashes !  this is urgent !18:18
darthanubisunomystEz, lol why would I do that?18:19
PrinceOfDarknessanother thing folks, I got 9.10 alternate upgrade DVD, but still - it needs to pull 311MB of packages from net. Looks like the DD image is vastly outdated!18:19
Fishie@ Ventrilo: Failed to open input device. Another program might have it open already. rc = -10 - anyone knows how to fix?18:19
vigoThe_Jag1: Back it up.18:19
aranddarthanubis: sorry, question aimed at CF, comment that not everyone has one was what I was conveying..18:19
obiwan_hey guys please one fast question, i know wep keys got 5 or 13 characters, but i'm always confused, do i must specify the 5 chars? or if i type 3, there's a default padding char for missing chars?18:19
burntashks3: what would the group be?18:19
darthanubisarand, I follow:)18:19
The_Jag1vigo: ok TY18:19
ks3burntash: Probably the same as your username18:19
zimkraligor: Ah ok have you tryed downloading the .deb from the ATi site?18:19
joshyfluffhello all ^^18:19
burntashrs3: thats what i thought18:19
unomystEzok, then would xubuntu be considered the "lightest" of the 3 ubuntu distros?18:19
seenadarthanubis, its throwing any error msg, could not open <location>mm-applet18:20
Jad-Ji have a problem with my package manager18:20
darthanubisseena, nm not mm18:20
Jad-JCould not initialize the package information18:20
Jad-JAn unresolvable problem occurred while initialising the package information.18:20
Jad-JPlease report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:18:20
Jad-J'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/au.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty_universe_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'18:20
FloodBot1Jad-J: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:20
joshyfluffcould someone tell me if they flow of a command to list all installed programs?18:20
Jad-Jcan anyone help?18:20
JuJuBeeI have a pc with Pentium4 24.Ghz and 256 MB Ram,  what ubuntu should I install?18:20
The_Jag1also one question: is there a way to back up all repositories AND programs' names so that I can remember all installed software after the update to karmic?18:20
nyashHi. I am having trouble with 9.10 and WiFi Drivers. After an installation the propretary drivers are not being detected. I installed manually two packages from the CD that are in .deb format. 'DKMS' and 'BWML-KERNEL-SOURCE' After that, it detected my WIFI drivers, but after pressing 'ACTIVATE' nothing happens. It just wont activate them :/18:20
darthanubisseena, as in nm=NetworkManager18:20
darthanubis!info nm-applet18:20
burntashrs3: yea i was able to do it without error that time18:20
rippsJuJuBee: Xubuntu, because you don't have enough ram for gnome or kde18:21
fwaokda_how do i get my display to quit dimming while it's idle? I went to power options and unchecked it but it still happens...18:21
joaopintoJuJuBee, check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements18:21
febbUBUNTU Team,  this is urgent :   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes needs an update for 9.10 hashes !  this is urgent !18:21
ubottuPackage nm-applet does not exist in jaunty18:21
ks3joshyfluff: dpkg --get-selections18:21
awayguyo tachifcha none18:21
JuJuBeeripps thanks18:21
Helsinkiiiif i upgrade to karmic from jaunty, how many MB will that download18:21
LjLThe_Jag1: i you *upgrade*, you won't lose your programs in the firs place. only if you reinstall from scratch.18:21
joshyfluffthankyou ks3 :D18:21
The_Jag1LjL: yeah I meant reinstall sorry18:21
Jad-J? :S18:21
darthanubisHelsinkiii! how ever many it tells you. It would be specific to YOUR install, so we can;t answer that18:21
ks3burntash: excellent18:21
Jad-Jsomebody help me18:21
unitedpotsmokersguys, i need help, where to download iso of ubuntu malaysia mirror?18:22
piotrekdo you speak polish18:22
darthanubis!ask | Jad-J18:22
ubottuJad-J: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:22
isolatedsh33phey guys, somehow i lost internet connection in my ubuntu D:18:22
Jad-Jdarthanubis: Could not initialize the package information18:22
Jad-JAn unresolvable problem occurred while initialising the package information.18:22
Jad-JPlease report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:18:22
Jad-J'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/au.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_jaunty_universe_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'18:22
FloodBot1Jad-J: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:22
darthanubis!it | uniq_user18:22
Jad-Jpackage manager problem18:22
ubottuuniq_user: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:22
IdleOne!pl | piotrek18:22
ubottupiotrek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:22
piotrekpo polsku bym pogadał18:22
LjLThe_Jag1: there is no way to do that properly, sorry. you can get a list of all installed packages, but it's *not* a good idea to use that list to reinstall them all, because some of them will be libraries and stuff what was specific to jaunty, not really karmic18:22
burntashks3: touch ~/.ecryptfs/auto-mount no such file or directory, ill have to sudo?18:22
kraligorzim: I haven't downloaded anything yet. Do I get them via the usual ATi Driver Selection interface?18:22
joaopintofebb, check http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/, the md5sums are there18:23
LjLdarthanubis: i don't see anyone speaking italian18:23
ks3burntash: Shouldn't have to... are you able to get a directory listing of ~/.ecryptfs now?18:23
joshyfluffwhat are md5sums for? :S18:23
zimkraligor: I think so have not done it for a long time. just choose linux as your OS18:23
rippsjoshyfluff: to make sure that your iso download correctly18:23
burntashrs3: nevermind my dumbass kept trying to spell it encrypt instead of ecrypt18:24
joshyfluffoh, thanks ripps, i never found out what they did. :D18:24
darthanubisLjL, don't worry about me18:24
ks3burntash: aha... that happens18:24
seenadarthanubis, nm-applet=NetworkManager is throwing an error msg "could not open..18:24
brianVHi. I upgraded to Karmic, and am having trouble with Zend Studio, which is based on Eclipse. Namely, so dialogue buttons don't see to work since the upgrade. Has there been any major changes to java that may have caused this?18:24
kraligorzim: Alright, I found them. Will a doubleklick on the .deb do? :X18:24
joshyfluffthanks for the help guys! *gone*18:24
seenadarthanubis, nm-applet=Network Manager18:24
burntashrs3: echo /home/$USER >~/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt should i use $USER or my actual username18:24
The_Jag1LjL: ok, uhm, well I can still use it to see what's in my PC then I made the addition manually doing the modification needed. So I just need to print sources.list file or need other things too, to see all packages installed18:25
kraligorOh, it's a .run.18:25
darthanubisseena, an abreviated error does me no good as to what is happening on your system. just log out and log back in18:25
zimkraligor: synaptic should take over then follow instructions18:25
bp0how to tell if I'm using xsplash or usplash?18:25
kraligorzim: Thanks a lot! :)18:25
zimkraligor: Np18:25
febbjoaopinto:  Thanks !  but the UbuntuHashes page needs and urgent update..I am complaining since I saw a "doctored" 9.10 iso image...this is for rural installs who need the real stuff and where to verify its integrity.18:25
ScuniziWhy would blkid report many more partitions than what gparted can see?18:25
seenadarthanubis, ok18:25
ManifestWhen I tell my computer to sleep or hibernate it turns off. Why?18:25
ManifestActually, it freezes THEN turns off...18:26
ks3burntash: either. The shell will replace $USER with your username if you use that one. Also, that's assuming you've got your whole home directory setup for encryption, which is what I think you said..?18:26
jrrevery time ubuntu releases I experiment with dual display and rotation out of morbid curiosity.. nothing's changed =\18:26
rippsbp0: you should be using both, usplash is the single white ubuntu icon with a black backdrop, xsplash is the animated one with the dark gradient backdrop18:26
burntashks3: thought so, cause thats bash script/code right18:26
uniq_userhttp://it.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent   I'm getting 600-700 KB/s down, woo hoo18:26
LjLThe_Jag1: "dpkg --get-selectons" will list all installed packages. you can redirect that to a file to save the list18:26
bp0ripps, thanks18:26
burntashks3: in either case, i did that18:26
The_Jag1LjL: nice thanks!18:26
ks3burntash: Yep, bash will replace $USER with your username.18:26
=== irc is now known as Guest23027
brandonban6hey all.... my ubuntu system running 9.04 boots to a black screen with a cursor flashing... I can't type anything, I can only ctrl+alt+del... I found some tips online, but no worky worky. Any thoughts??18:27
ScuniziLjL: can that command be used with another switch to get just the packages that have been installed at the users request?18:27
kevin009after an install, xorg is trying to use a higher refresh rate than the monitor can do. how do i force it to load in safe graphics mode?18:27
ks3burntash: And unless I've forgotten something, that should be all you need to get your encrypted home auto-mounted on login18:27
seenadarthanubis, i am still not able see an icon of Network Manager18:27
Guest23027Any major issues updating from Jaunty to Karmic?18:27
Zzeissbrandonban6: Hmmm... do you get any textage at all (even if it goes away?)18:27
vgambitI installed the RC the other day and did a network upgrade yesterday, but today it won't download any new updates18:27
darthanubisseena, I honestly don't believe you know what to look for.18:28
vgambithave there been any updates to karmic since yesterday, or is that normal?18:28
brandonban6Zzeiss,  good question, let me check.18:28
burntashks3: well i tried ecryptfs-mount-private just now after that and it still says not setup properly18:28
LjLScunizi: uhm, good point. not that command, no, but there could be a command. i know how to do it with aptitude, but that will only work if you only installed stuff wih aptitude i believe18:28
darthanubisvgambit, other than ubuntuone being updated nope18:28
Fishie@ Ventrilo: Failed to open input device. Another program might have it open already. rc = -10 - anyone knows how to fix?18:28
vgambitoh ok18:28
Zzeissbrandonban6: Also try CTRL-ALT-F1 thru F6 to see if any of those show text (that is, more than the flashy cursor)18:28
JoeyM1Hi. Just upgraded from Jaunty to Karmic and now my touchpad has some serious issues. Anybody know where I can get touchpad drivers for an acer travelmate 5720? Or is there another way to fix it?18:28
vgambitthank your18:28
nyashHi. I am having trouble with 9.10 and WiFi Drivers. After an installation the propretary drivers are not being detected. I installed manually two packages from the CD that are in .deb format. 'DKMS' and 'BWML-KERNEL-SOURCE' After that, it detected my WIFI drivers, but after pressing 'ACTIVATE' nothing happens. It just wont activate them :/18:28
zimBack to my Q. can anyone tell me how to Remote Desktop through a firewall I can't change. Can I get Remote Desktop to connect to a listening VNC viewer?18:29
seenadarthanubis, i am new to ubuntu, as i love to work with it i need your help in this. I agree with your point.18:29
ScuniziLjL: I've been hunting for such a command.. makes more sense in what it reports espicially if you're trying to create another system with the same favored packages.18:29
=== gh0zt_ is now known as gh0zt_afk
ks3burntash: Hmmm.... try ecryptfs-add-passphrase once more18:29
JoeyM1any ideas at all?18:29
brandonban6Zzeiss,  no text... grub loads like normal and then straight to the cursor, not even the ubuntu splash screen... ctrl+alt (F1-F6) doesn't do anything, ctrl alt del reboots the system.18:30
darthanubisseena, it is just that I'm working in the dark with you. I can't see your desktop. But the network manager icon is on the upper task bar. If it is a wired connection, it looks like a diagonal link. If wireless it is a cellphone bar icon18:30
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:30
p31181-ircну как, кто-нибудь уже увидел воочию u9.10?18:30
ortsvorsteher!en | p31181-irc18:31
ubottup31181-irc: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:31
SMiTTYWoot....9.10 upgrade went smooth....18:31
antiiSMiTTY: I like it too!18:31
The_Jag1LjL: I need to save sources.list to backup repositories right?18:31
darthanubisSMiTTY, good job!18:31
p31181-ircoh, sorry for my russian18:31
antiiWhy wont my middlemouse on my Thinkpad X40 work!? ;(18:31
antiiCant scroll with it18:31
isola73dsh33pSMiTTY, mine's not18:31
=== c is now known as Guest30924
seenadarthanubis, I removed it unfortunately long back, but my question is how should I replace on the tray?18:31
burntashks3: says it inserted auth tok with sig [buncha hex] into the user session keyring, but still isnt setup properly18:32
Zzeissbrandonban6: Hmmm.... but at least GRUB saw things, eh?  Can you boot a 'recovery' mode?  (I'm thinking your xorg.conf got corrupted)18:32
JoeyM1Sorry about the repost but nobody said anything.18:32
JoeyM1 Hi. Just upgraded from Jaunty to Karmic and now my touchpad has some serious issues. Anybody know where I can get touchpad drivers for an acer travelmate 5720? Or is there another way to fix it?18:32
isola73dsh33pSMiTTY, how'd you upgrade yours?18:32
darthanubisseena, removed it how?18:32
LjLThe_Jag1: if you have third party repositories enabled, i suppose. but DON'T just copy it over the new karmic list later! that would be terrible.18:32
ks3burntash: Okay. Do you have a ~/Private directory as well, or just ~/.Private?18:32
zimantii: try push Left + Right together = middle18:32
seenadarthanubis, right click and remove from the panel18:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about celebration18:32
antiizim: that works, but not as scrolling18:32
The_Jag1LjL: nono I just want the list as a reminding tool :)18:33
brandonban6Zzeiss, if i go into 2.6.28-16 recovery mode, it doesn't look like the normal recovery mode (blue screen with menu to clean, drop to root shell, etc) instead it's a black screen... a bunch of text18:33
seenadarthanubis, do i need do some configuration again?18:33
p31181-ircand so, may i ask there a question about flash video troubles in 9.04 (jaunty)?18:33
darthanubisseena, you can't remove it that way, unless you removed the WHOLE indicator applet?18:33
mattwj2002oh man ubottu is a drag18:33
ortsvorsteherjust ask p31181-irc18:33
burntashks3: all thats in /home/$USER is Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop which symlinks to >- /usr/share/ecryptfs-utils/ecryptfs-mount-private.desktop, .cache, .ecryptfs which symlinks to that /var/lib dir, .Private and README.txt18:33
seenadarthanubis, ohhh no, what should i do now?18:33
K0BAanyone know how i can disable my touchpad in karmic? my laptop's touchpad is knackered, and disabling it and using a usb mouse is the only way i can get anything done without massive amounts of frustration18:33
brandonban6Zzeiss, i'm left with a cursor, I can type it says (initramfs) <blinking cursor>18:33
SMiTTYI see they swapped Pidgin with Empathy...Anyone got OCS working with empathy ?18:33
darthanubisseena, right click  the panel and readd the "indicator applet"18:34
rippsSMiTTY: no OCS in empathy18:34
spiraliz_K0BA, disable it in bios ?18:34
ubottuEmpathy is an instant messaging and video chat client for GNOME. In !karmic, Empathy will replace Pidgin as the default IM client.18:34
isola73dsh33pguys, i could not use my update manager, what might be the problem?18:34
zimCan anyone tell me how to Remote Desktop through a firewall I can't change. Can I get Remote Desktop to connect to a listening VNC viewer? Or tell me a better way :'(18:34
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91018:34
LjLScunizi: uh, actually, now that i think of it, aptitude's command *should* just work, even if you normally don't use aptitude. except it is failing on my system for some reason... but try « aptitude search '?installed!?automatic' »18:34
KrisDouglaszim, you have to speak to your network admin, or consider using a proxy like hamache or an open source equiv.18:35
JoeyM1Hi. Just upgraded from Jaunty to Karmic and now my touchpad has some serious issues. Anybody know where I can get touchpad drivers for an acer travelmate 5720? Or is there another way to fix it?18:35
brandonban6zim,  install hamachi on both clients, and then use RDP with that connection. Google Hamachi18:35
K0BAdisable it it bios? sounds beyond my abilities, but i'll read up on it... jaunty just had a checkbox in gnome-mouse-properties18:35
hajmolais there a way I can get openoffice to not follow my custom Gnome theme? It's a dark theme and the colors clash in OO18:35
jfb_h2ozim, can't remember the details, but I got something like this to work using port forwarding and reverse ssh18:35
brandonban6KrisDouglas, you and I are on the same page :)18:35
Tux^1hi all18:36
ks3burntash: Alright. Let's try chmod -R g-rwx,o-rwx /var/lib/ecryptfs/$USER18:36
h4fi I just installed Jaunty . with ext4. will it cleanly update to koala and grub 2 ?18:36
DrMrHorseanybody have a working copy of karmic from a wubi install?18:36
spantherWhy is there no official Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin inside the Repository of 9.10?18:36
burntashks3: inside the /usr/share/ecyptfs-utils/ecryptfs-mount-private.desktop it has [desktop entry] followed by some values set, like Name=Access Your PRivate Data18:36
burntashdunno if that should be set to my username or not18:36
Tux^1is there a problem in upgrade of Empathy today? i am getting error18:36
darthanubish4f, no, you have to update grub manually18:36
isola73dsh33phello guys, how to upgrade to 9.10?18:36
alesanhi is there an announcement for the successor of karmik yet?18:36
h4fdarthanubis: but the rest is ok ?18:36
ks3burntash: Nope, those are generic files for anyone using ecrypt on the system18:36
darthanubis!upgrade | isola73dsh33p18:36
ubottuisola73dsh33p: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:36
DJones!lucid | alesan18:37
ubottualesan: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02bhwofEqw for announcement video.18:37
seenadarthanubis, after i click add on "indicator applet", its not adding18:37
darthanubish4f, yeah. but if you JUST installed 9.04, why not cleanly install 9.10??18:37
isola73dsh33pdarthanubis, thanks18:37
burntashks3: ran chmod -R g-rwx,o-rwx /var/lib/ecryptfs/$USER18:37
alesanDJones, that will be a long term releasae?18:37
seenadarthanubis, I mean its not adding to panel, nothing is happening18:37
KrisDouglasalesan: god, give karmic a chance, its only been out for a few hours and you are already wishing it away18:37
zimKrisDouglas: brandonban6 jfb_h2o . I can run a listening vnc viewer my end just need her to be able to click button on desktop which connects to my server I can control my network/firewall. I just can't find the option to connect to the viewer.18:37
darthanubisseena, I find that hard to believe18:37
hajmolais there a way I can get openoffice to not follow my custom Gnome theme? It's a dark theme and the colors clash in OO18:37
rippsJoeyM1: have you tried filing a bug report? `ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-input-synaptics`18:37
DJonesalesan: I think its planned to be a LTS18:37
mikebeechamguys...my Karmic notification OSD seems to be really small...is there anything I can do to change this?18:37
_CommandeR_darthanubis fixed it wget http://kent.dl.sourceforge.net/project/corefonts/the%20fonts/final/andale32.exe18:37
h4fdarthanubis: you wan't belive me. its a mistake18:37
alesanKrisDouglas, so why is there an anouncement for the next version already?18:38
darthanubisseena, you should just reinstall, and don't break things you can't fix18:38
Tux^1hi all, is anyone else having problem upgrading empathy?!18:38
zimKrisDouglas: brandonban6 jfb_h2o. I can set it up as a script as I have a static IP18:38
Tux^1or is it just me18:38
incorrectok so if acl has been removed from the normal distro, what are you supposed to use now?18:38
seenadarthanubis, reinstall ubuntu?18:38
darthanubis_CommandeR_, I don't even want to know why or how;)18:38
ks3burntash: Okay, let's try the mount again18:38
darthanubisseena, you have issues over there that can't be solved remotely due to your inexperience.18:39
SMiTTYsucks that they yanked pidgin in favor of empathy.18:39
DJonesSMiTTY: You can still install pidgin18:39
darthanubisSMiTTY, if it is in the repos, nothings been 'yanked'18:39
bullhornempathy sucks18:39
zimSMiTTY: apt-get install18:39
SMiTTYempathy is lacking OCS support. and considering 90% of the company is MS based :)18:39
burntashks3: still saying not ecrypted private directory is not setup properly18:39
MBD123I need some help installing fonts. I tried all of the methods in the forum thread about the topic, but nothing worked. I'm using Jaunty18:39
seenadarthanubis, I mean, do I need to reinstall ubuntu or Network Manager18:39
KurtKrautSMiTTY, what is 'OCS'?18:39
darthanubis!fonts | MBD12318:39
rippsmikebeecham: the notify-osd is smaller than compared to jaunty, but this is on purpose, in order to make it more compatible with netbook versions18:39
ubottuMBD123: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer18:39
SMiTTYyea I still got pidgin :)   just lousy that I have to run 2 clients18:39
LjL!ot | SMiTTY, KurtKraut18:39
ubottuSMiTTY, KurtKraut: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:39
bullhornsudo apt-get purge empathy && apt-get install pidgin   --- is this a correct string?18:39
p31181-ircthis trouble is: i have 2 machines with jaunty, both with AMD Athlon x64 architecture, and wtith Mozilla Firefox accordingly. On 1st computer i haven't any troubles, but on 2nd i can't see videos from www.intuit.ru. From Youtube it works correctly... How can i solve this problem?18:40
GilJWhere can I learn more about creating icon sets for Gnome?18:40
darthanubisseena, there is no way to tell for sure based on the information you have conveyed18:40
KrisDouglasgnome-look.org GilJ18:40
mikebeechamripps: nope...this is VERY small...when using rhythmbox, I cannot see the text at all when the track changes, and the album art is VERY small also18:40
looookdoes using sudo have the same effect as logging into ubuntu as root and doing your work?18:40
GilJThanks KrisDouglas18:40
seenadarthanubis, could you please send me the command to just install Network Manager.18:40
ChogyDanbullhorn: second apt-get still needs sudo18:40
erUSUL!sudo | looook18:40
ubottulooook: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)18:40
SMiTTYLjL, Ummmm it was related to the NEW ubuntu.18:40
seenadarthanubis, alright let me tell you what happened18:40
darthanubisseena, but the networkmanager is not the issue. YOU removing the indicator applet and not being able to put it back IS18:40
rippsmikebeecham: *shrugs* trying filing a bug report. `ubuntu-bug notify-osd`18:40
LjLSMiTTY: err, and?18:41
Wolfcastlehow do I upgrade from jaunty to koala?18:41
LjL!upgrade | Wolfcastle18:41
burntashks3: theres this, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering%20Your%20Data%20Manually   but i dont know if thatll ever let me automount or do anything other than look at the data in a Private folder18:41
ubottuWolfcastle: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:41
darthanubisseena, I'm done with your issue as it is a waste of time. Sorry.18:41
carresmdsince when doesn't 'build-essential' install with 'devscripts' and/or 'ubuntu-dev-tools'?!18:41
rippsWolfcastle: should be a notice in upgrade-manager18:41
zurek22how do i set up apache218:41
pablo__I have a e6400 laptop with an NVIDA quadro NVS 160m and is looks like there are not dirviers for the 64bit 9.10 release? am i missing something here?18:41
seenadarthanubis, ok thank you for your support18:41
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:41
carresmdas a dependency18:41
mikebeechamripps: just figured it...Karmix does not like you using half point font sizes18:41
darthanubiszurek22, read the manual18:41
Wolfcastlehaven't seen any notice18:41
ctmjr!panels | seena18:41
ubottuseena: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:41
Wolfcastleimpressive amount of users in this channel18:41
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91018:42
KurtKrautWolfcastle, all mirrors are very busy at the momment. I suggest you to wait your Ubuntu to offer you an upgrade and them accept it.18:42
armenceHey all, ubuntu just suddenly went to the CLI, displayed: "Checking Battery State" and then I was logged out...18:42
MBD123Is'nt msttcorefonts just a package containing fonts? If so, that won't work. I have about 52 fonts that I got from various places on the internet18:42
SMiTTYLjL, it had to do with the new ubuntu and something being removed and for your to blindly have the bot to tell me to take it elsewhere is just silly18:42
hajmolaWolfcastle, it gets flooded whenever there's a new release18:42
darthanubisctmjr, you watched this go on for almost an hour ;) and had that cmd at the ready?18:42
ctmjrseena: then log out and log back in18:42
Wolfcastlemakes sence18:42
ks3burntash: It looks like I also have a ~/.ecryptfs/Private.sig, but I'm not sure how that gets generated18:42
carresmdsince when doesn't 'build-essential' install with 'devscripts' and/or 'ubuntu-dev-tools'?!18:42
kitplyWolfcastle: I just got the notice now. I m using kubuntu.18:42
carresmdas a dependency18:42
ks3burntash: It looks like that page just goes over manually mounting the directory once18:42
LjLSMiTTY: this channel is for ubuntu support questions and answers, not for *discussion* about ubuntu, old or new, so i beg to differ. there is #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-release-party for random discussion and criticism, thank you.18:42
isola73dsh33phow can i upgrade to 9.10 via torrent? Because my update manager somehow could not connect to the internet. :/18:43
uniq_userhttp://it.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent   Completed!18:43
Wolfcastlekitply: the notice appeared just when i got you're message18:43
MBD123Okay, nevermind. I think I figured it out18:43
darthanubisisola73dsh33p, lol, really? via torrent??18:43
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, if you are behind a proxy, the update manager flat out doesn't work18:43
LjLisola73dsh33p: you really should get it to connect, you won't be able to make a decent update otherwise18:43
WolfcastleThanx I'm off updating then18:43
ctmjrdarthanubis: no i just came in and scrolled back and saw ou telling someone you would not help them18:43
carresmdthe mirrors are slow as hell...18:43
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, you need to get the alternate cd and do the upgrade that way.18:43
kitplyWolfcastle: yeah. go ahead and all the best18:43
burntashks3: it looks like when you run ecryptfs-setup-private, Write the passphrase signature to ~/.ecryptfs/Private.sig18:43
Snicksiehm, little problem :) my ubuntu just changed it's settings of the compizconfig. i didn't say him to do, but yet i lost my effects ;) is there a simple way to get them back and/or know why it dit?18:44
isola73dsh33phow? I'm new to this18:44
burntashks3: is your .sig file encrypted or can you see whats written in there18:44
carresmd'$ sudo aptitude update' takes ages :-(18:44
darthanubisctmjr, lol, thats all you got out of that. Guess your scroll did not catch much18:44
rippsdarthanubis: I think there was something called apt-torrent, but this isn't the place to be talking about it18:44
frostburnis there a list of deprecated packages somewhere so that i may remove them manually before the upgrade?18:44
darthanubisripps, I've seen that, cool18:44
isola73dsh33pI get this error --> Could not download the release notes18:44
euxnekscarresmd: the servers are probably bogged down with downloads18:44
seenaubottu, nothing is happening, its not resetting to my previous settings18:44
cripplerDoes Karmic install grub2 or give you a choice to keep grub?18:44
pablo__I have a Dell e6400 laptop with an NVIDA quadro NVS 160m and is looks like there are no dirvers for the 64bit 9.10 release? am i missing something here?18:44
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, download the alternate cd via torrent or straight iso....either way, once you have the iso, mount it up and start your upgrade18:44
bullhornhow can i do more than 1 operation in the terminal at once?18:44
_PiLoT_hey, is the no way to request a cd of the ntbook remix18:44
euxnekscarresmd: latest ubuntu was just released you know ;)18:44
bullhornis this right:18:44
bullhornsudo apt-get purge empathy && apt-get install pidgin  ?18:44
KurtKrautcarresmd,  all mirrors are very busy at the momment. I suggest you to wait your Ubuntu to offer you an upgrade and them accept it instead of forcing an upgrade right now. If you already started an upgrade, you can abort it safely during the download phase.18:44
ks3burntash: It looks to be some type of signature of the passphrase, but it looks like it get created automatically by several of the ecryptfs utilities18:45
scyxhi, can anyone link me to info about how the new startup stuff works in karmic? i need to run a script before the networkmanager kicks in and rc.local doesn't work for that anymore18:45
darthanubisctmjr, oh look, she is talking to the bot now. Goodluck with that.18:45
isola73dsh33pSMiTTY, i'll try that now18:45
rippsSnicksie: unfortunately, unless you exported your settings to a file, you'll probably have to reset them manually18:45
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, once you get the iso to your box do the following18:45
SMiTTYsudo mount -o loop ubuntu-9.10-alternate-amd64.iso /media/cdrom018:45
ks3burntash: Perhaps try logging off and back on to see if it gets mounted on logon? Perhaps the ecryptfs-mount-private is looking specifically for a ~/Private directory.18:45
SMiTTYsudo /media/cdrom0/cdromupgrade18:45
spiderwhen burning ubunto do i need to burn a single disc image, or create the disk from the contents?18:45
CWinLxanyone here a member of magnatune.com ????18:45
carresmdKurtKraut, I'm on karmic (final) since 13:00 UTC ;-)18:45
LjL!ot | CWinLx18:45
ubottuCWinLx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:45
mikebeechamsecond issue...I have upgraded to Karmic, and now I have two lots of each of my SMB shares listed under My Places...does anyone know why?18:45
ctmjr!attitude | darthanubis18:45
ubottudarthanubis: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:45
RobLikesBrunchFlash has no sound for me, it didn't in 9.04 and still doesn't in 9.10. To get my audio card to work, I had to install ASLA 1.0.21 and run kmix and output it to headphones. Does anyone have any idea what to do?18:45
armenceOK, something happened, the screen went black and then I was logged out... Is there a way to check if I screwed something up or if I dunno... Something happened that I should report as a bug etc... ?18:46
Snicksieripps, settings are alright, if i see compizconfig-settings manager, but they're kinda gone. where could be the prob? ;)18:46
SMiTTYI just finished doing it that way since I'm behind a proxy....after much digging, it turns out that the update manager refuses to use the site-wide proxy18:46
darthanubisctmjr, try to scare someone else18:46
Malekooh nice. they finally got rid of pidgin and replaced it with an excellent im client, empathy. never really like pidgin actually so im glad that its now gone18:46
_PiLoT_will putting the dekstop edition on a netbook make any diffrence???18:46
Q_Continuum_nick Q_Continuum18:46
Zzeissspider: the .iso file is a disk image- it gets burned as a disk image, not a file to be put on the disk.  The .iso format is special that way.18:46
=== Q_Continuum_ is now known as Q_Continuum
rippsSnicksie: compizconfig-settings manager isn't installed by default18:46
The_Jag1LjL: is there a way to backup my entire home folder? I keep getting error on using cp command to copy it to external HDD18:46
ks3burntash: Actually, looking through the ecryptfs-mount-private, it does look like it has ~/Private hard-coded18:46
GibbaTheHuttanyone know a page for 64bit release, main site only shows me 32 bit for some reason18:46
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
LjLThe_Jag1: what sort of errors?18:47
darthanubisGibbaTheHutt, it is there18:47
isola73dsh33pI should download the alternate install CD right? Not the server install CD. Am I right?18:47
spiderZzeiss: ok. just because i got a popup asking me that.18:47
Snicksieripps, i know, it is installed in fact, but it doesn't work atm, NOTHING changed, pretty weird -.-18:47
Pilouhello world18:47
LjLisola73dsh33p: if you want to use it to upgrade, yes18:47
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, correct18:47
Pilouyou speak about 9.10 ?18:47
Zzeissspider: OK then!  Burn as a disk image and you're good to go.  :)18:47
GibbaTheHuttdarthanubis, it only gives option of 32bit, as though its somehow detected what I want18:47
K0BAjust tried to disable touchpad in bios but couldn't find any relevant options :(18:47
LjLisola73dsh33p: but it's still very unlikely that you'll be able to upgrade using only that cd, without internet connection to APT18:47
_PiLoT_will putting the desktop edition on a netbook make a difference???18:47
seenaubottu, i log out and log back in. Still not should any defaults18:47
carresmdcan someone check if 'build-essential' is listed among the packages to be installed when you do '$ sudo aptitude install devscript ubuntu-dev-tools'??18:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:47
LjL!hi | pilou18:47
ubottupilou: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:47
darthanubisGibbaTheHutt, it should allow you to change that18:48
spiraliz_K0BA, read the manual for your comp18:48
burntashks3: id guess that in that sig file is passphrase and cipher type etc18:48
KrisDouglasseena ubottu us a robot :P18:48
The_Jag1LjL: cannot copy folder xxxxxxx the file exist18:48
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:48
isola73dsh33pLjL, then how can i connect to the internet?18:48
Pilouhi LjL and ubottu18:48
LjLThe_Jag1: err, what command did you type?18:48
SMiTTYthat states what I just told ya :) and it works flawless18:48
spiderZzeiss: OK :)18:48
p31181-ircmay i repeat my question about flash? I have 2 machines with jaunty, both with AMD Athlon x64 architecture, and wtith Mozilla Firefox accordingly. On 1st computer i haven't any troubles, but on 2nd i can't see videos from www.intuit.ru. From Youtube it works correctly... How can i solve this problem on 2nd PC? Should i install addition packages ?18:48
darthanubisGibbaTheHutt, ohh your right18:48
scyxhey, can anyone link me to info about how the new upstart stuff works in karmic? i need to run a script before the networkmanager kicks in and rc.local doesn't work for that anymore18:48
p31181-ircmay i repeat my question about flash? I have 2 machines with jaunty, both with AMD Athlon x64 architecture, and wtith Mozilla Firefox accordingly. On 1st computer i haven't any troubles, but on 2nd i can't see videos from www.intuit.ru. From Youtube it works correctly... How can i solve this problem on 2nd PC? Should i install addition packages ?18:48
LjLisola73dsh33p: i'm sorry, i don't know... are you behind a proxy maybe?18:48
The_Jag1LjL: i just do: sudo cp -r /home/fabio /media/HDD18:48
seenaKrisDouglas, oh ok. I am sorry, I am new this thankyou18:48
rippsSnicksie: are you sure your using compiz, or just metacity with compositin?18:48
Q_ContinuumWith 9.10, any known issues with Radeon graphics for booting off the base disk? (I put desktop-i386 on a USB drive) and have NO display after the boot menu.  (Radeon HD3200, Radeon HD4850)18:48
CWinLxdoes anyone know the name of an audio channel?18:49
darthanubisGibbaTheHutt, Alternative download options, including Ubuntu installer for Windows click that dude18:49
nellmathewhow exactly do i add these new "ppa:" to software sources?18:49
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, once you do the upgrade you can do an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade18:49
isola73dsh33pLjL, i'm not using proxy. :/18:49
RobLikesBrunchI updated to 9.10, did a clean install.18:49
RobLikesBrunchInstalled flash via Adobe's official alpha version of x64 flash.18:49
RobLikesBrunchInstalled Alsa 1.0.21 to get my soundcard to work, then used KMIX to select the "headphone" channel from my audio card.18:49
RobLikesBrunchSound STILL doesn't work.18:49
Snicksieripps, it's compiz, im sure18:49
FloodBot1RobLikesBrunch: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:49
LjLThe_Jag1: that error sounds like thre is already some stuff with the same names as the stuff in your home in /media/HDD18:49
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, I assume you are behind a proxy?18:49
RobLikesBrunchDidn't mean to flood, sorry D:18:49
K0BAhehe, the manual? that got lost years ago! i'll see if i can find info on interweb. the touchpad only screws up when i force alsa to reload so that i can actually have sound, i;ve no idea what's going on. might try and have a clean install of karmic to see if that'll work.18:49
darthanubisnellmathew, you add them to your source list like the PPA tell you18:49
carresmdQ_Continuum, no problems here with a HD4890 (via USB)18:49
LjLThe_Jag1: try « cp -a /home/fabio /media/HDD/fabio-backup » instead18:49
_PiLoT_will putting the desktop edition on a netbook make a difference18:49
spiraliz_K0BA, download it18:49
darthanubis!repositories | nellmathew18:49
ubottunellmathew: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:49
The_Jag1LjL: impossible that HDD is clean! what -a stands for?18:50
isola73dsh33pSMiTTY, i am not behind proxy. Its a direct wireless connection18:50
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, if you aren't behind a proxy then you should be able to upgrade no problem.18:50
GibbaTheHuttdarthanubis, aha thanks!18:50
LjLThe_Jag1: like "-r", but does other useful things. "man cp" for info about it18:50
darthanubisGibbaTheHutt, ;)18:50
ScuniziDoes an extended partition have to be mounted before the partitions below it can be mounted?18:50
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, you must have another issue...you can try to run strace against update manger and see where it's being caught up18:50
darthanubisScunizi, of course18:50
The_Jag1LjL: ok I try18:50
isola73dsh33pSMiTTY, strace?18:50
movelahello all.. sorry to bother but why are my ubuntu-restricted-extras pkgs installing but stuck at 51%??18:51
ericzso, i upgraded to 9.10 with the update-manager on xubuntu, and a reboot gives me a busybox shell18:51
atarimoewhere can I find a list of mirrors for the new release?18:51
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, or try kicking off some tcpdumps to see where it's trying to connect and failing18:51
movelacan someone please seeeed//18:51
pablo__I have a Dell e6400 laptop with an NVIDA quadro NVS 160m and is looks like there are no dirvers for the 64bit 9.10 release? am i missing something here?18:51
KrisDouglasmovela, probably because of heavy server use its being slow18:51
_PiLoT_does anyone know if putting the desktop edition on a netbook will make a difference18:51
carresmdScunizi, no it isn't18:51
Andredoes ubuntu automatically create swap partition while installing. i chose the option to use all the hd and replace my old os.18:51
rippsericz: servers are probably being hosed18:51
KrisDouglasPablo__ they may not have been released yet, check the nvidia website18:51
_SihI just installed Karmic and now it doesn't suggest any restricted drivers for my nVidia card in the manager.18:51
carresmdScunizi, no you don't have to ;18:51
movelaKrisDouglas: is there an alternate site to download the pkg itself?18:51
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, strace  traces system calls and signals....great for troubleshooting things behind the scenes18:51
isola73dsh33pSMiTTY, how can i do that? Btw, initially I can download the updates, but after like 300++ files, the connection dead18:51
ericzripps: i already upgraded, it rebooted t the end like it was successful, and i got a busybox shell18:51
ubuntu-movela, ipv4 or ipv6 ?18:52
spiraliz_Andre, it should do if you used the auto partition option18:52
carresmdcan someone check if 'build-essential' is listed among the packages to be installed when you do '$ sudo aptitude install devscript ubuntu-dev-tools'??18:52
ericzit's broken badly, like won't boot18:52
rippsericz: sorry meant for somebody else18:52
ericzripps: ah k18:52
Andreok ty spiraliz18:52
zimwhat has happened to menu.lst under /boot/grub18:52
KrisDouglasmovela nvidia website has .run files which you execute on most linux machines18:52
movelaubuntu i don't know. i just installed it 64bit ubuntu18:52
_PiLoT_does anyone know if the desktop edition will cause issues on a netbook machine18:52
=== cp is now known as Guest43962
brandonban6Zzeiss, it's looking like a corrupted HDD. Able to boot live mint 7, but drive won't mount due to bad superblock.18:53
spiraliz_Andre, cat /etc/fstab in a terminal should show your partitions18:53
ripps_PiLoT_: desktop version will probably be harder to use on a netbook18:53
KrisDouglas_PiLoT_ not at all, will run fine18:53
carresmdzim, karmic has switched to grub218:53
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, strace /usr/bin/python2.6 /usr/bin/update-manager  from a teminal window18:53
nellmathew_PiLoT, no, you'll be fine. I'm using network18:53
SMiTTYsomething like that anyhow18:53
KrisDouglasJust without the UNR interface18:53
_PiLoT_so why is there a netbook remix douglas??18:53
zimcarresmd: what do i edit?18:53
DasEicarresmd: couldn't find devsript (on karmic)18:53
KrisDouglasSSimplified interface for netbooks, makes it more usable18:53
nellmathew_PiLoT, just for convenience18:54
burntashrs3: do you think if i manually recovered like in that link ,i could decrypt the partition to a normal one18:54
The_Jag1LjL: wow that is what I call a loads of errors: mostly "cannot keep owner info of file xxxx, action not permitted"18:54
Zzeissbrandonban6: Uh-oh.  Can you boot a LiveCD and then run smartmon on it to see if the HDA itself knows if it's failed?  You might well be in the market for a new HDA.  Good thing terabyte HDAs are so cheap now. :)18:54
kalywayHcan grub 2 boot iso from hard drive?18:54
carresmdDasEi, sorry it's devscripts18:54
edi_x_1hi all18:54
kalywayHi heard something like that18:54
edi_x_1could someone help me with a really quick question?18:54
isola73dsh33pSMiTTY, done it, it's a long list. I'm not sure what to do with the results :/18:55
ripps!ask | edi_x_118:55
ubottuedi_x_1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:55
zimwhere do you edit grub2 options?18:55
AlDougFor some reason I can't enable mod_rewrite. I get this error when I restart apache:18:55
AlDougSyntax error on line 3 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mysite:18:55
AlDougInvalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration18:55
AlDougI have this as my sites available file:18:55
carresmdzim, I have no idea actually :-(18:55
FloodBot1AlDoug: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:55
jezleedoes anyone know the MD5 Sum of the ubuntu 9.10 desktop ISO ?18:55
AlDougI'm sorry - it wasn't supposed to come out like that... :(18:55
kalywayHjezlee its on the site you downloaded from18:55
DasEicarresmd: http://paste.ubuntu.com/304485/18:55
ks3burntash: You could mount the partition to a temporary spot and copy data off18:55
_PiLoT_hhmmm seems theres no way to request a UNR cd18:55
donavan_trying to clean out some extra junk do i need language-selector ?18:55
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:55
SMiTTYhehe...it takes a big scroll back buffer....not knowing your issue, you'd just have to look and see if something jumps out. With it being able to get 300+ files, it says that your net is working and there may be some sort of timeout with you connection.18:56
isola73dsh33pSMiTTY, is this might be the cause --> stat64("/etc/apt/apt.conf", 0xbfeaee74) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)18:56
edi_x_1makes sense! :)  Ok so I have just uninstalled wine and a shortcut to one of the programs is still in the netbook launcher.  Could someone point me at the location of the shortcut files so that I can delete it manually?18:56
carresmdDasEi, thank man! :-)18:56
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, you should have an apt.conf :)18:56
spiraliz_zim,  /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:56
burntashks3: yea, problem is the partition is 200GB lol i don thave that kinda freespace lying around to copy to or i would18:56
LjLThe_Jag1: that would be understandable if you're copying to NTFS or FAT18:56
zimspiraliz_: ty18:57
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, well I do...it only has my proxy info in it though18:57
gt11Hello! How do I change Ubuntu 9.10 to use my resolv.conf instead of Network Managers?18:57
carresmdanyone still on jaunty and willing to test something for me?18:57
isola73dsh33pSMiTTY, i'm not using proxy, so i wouldn't needing it right?18:57
snotcarresmd: what?18:57
RobLikesBrunchCan someone please help me with getting sound to work for flash?18:57
burntashrs3: is it possible to rename .Private to like oldprivate and then run the ecrypt-setup-private with the same passphrase to get that sig file, and then delete the new .private and replace it with the old one18:57
ks3burntash: Gotcha. Well, I think the setup is good to go once you logoff or reboot.18:57
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:58
ks3burntash: I don't know of a way to dynamically decrypt everything in place.18:58
The_Jag1LjL: it's FAT bc I need to keep it handy for Win machines also :(18:58
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, prob not18:58
LjLThe_Jag1: you really shouldn't use a FAT drive to backup home to.18:58
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/18:58
carresmdsnot, run '$ sudo aptitude install devscripts ubuntu-dev-tools' and check if 'build-essential' is among the packages to be installed18:58
darthanubisWOW! torrents are WICKED fast!18:58
darthanubisjust started and I'll have me iso in 13minutes!18:59
LjLThe_Jag1: a better idea would be to *tar* home to the fat drive. "tar | grep cf"18:59
edi_x_1can someone tell me where shortcut files are stored please?18:59
isola73dsh33pSMiTTY, maybe the reason i got this problem is because I done the upgrades partially. Maybe the upgrade manager didn't restore the original states :/18:59
RobLikesBrunchCan someone please help me getting flash to work on my x64 installation? I have no sound when a video plays.18:59
commander_does anyone use empathy IM ? i rather use Pidgin Empathy is not so user friendly18:59
bostongeek24where can i get torrents of ubuntu?19:00
burntashrs3: unfortunately when i reboot it still isnt decrypting it on login19:00
katycorp1Can anyone give me info on how an upgrade handles video drivers? Will it uninstall existing drivers?19:00
nellmathewis the keyserver down for anyone else? (gpg: keyserver.ubuntu.com ?..)19:00
defryskcommander_, then use pidgin , ,sudo apt-get.....19:00
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, could be....if you can grab the alternate cd I think you'll be good. Do the upgrade from cd and when it asks about the net say no. Once complete, reboot and do an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade19:00
rippsedi_x_1: well, I know that panel launchers are stored in .gnome2/panel.d/default, but I don't know where shortcuts are stored in unr19:00
zaoul1what is the other program similar to tilda?19:00
The_Jag1LjL: sorry to sound noob but can you tell me the exact command for that. sorry :(19:00
RobLikesBrunchCan someone please help me fix my no-sound issue with x64 Adobe Flash?19:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:00
darthanubisRobLikesBrunch, truthfully Rob, uninstall flash from Ubuntu and download and use Adobe's flash ofr 64bit19:00
commander_i am ....empathy doesn't show avatars19:00
zimI have a problem with this line in my grub.cnf on two diff laptops if I remove it they boot fine. What is it for and can I just delete it?  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 2806f658-0935-46c4-b088-630a6a2d3edd19:00
RobLikesBrunchdarthanubis: Done.19:00
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, it worked flawless for me.....9.10 does seem to run a bit faster than 9.0419:00
edi_x_1ripps: thanks, I'll at least check the .gnome folders!  didn;t even really know where to start! :)19:01
RobLikesBrunchDarthanubis: I've tried installing flash every way possible, I did a clean install of 9.10 and installed the Alpha version of flash from Adobe's website. Still nothing.19:01
darthanubisRobLikesBrunch, extract the plugin to ~./mozilla/plugins19:01
zaoul1bostongeek24: check yourself19:01
RobLikesBrunchDarthanubis: I already did.19:01
RobLikesBrunchDarthanubis: Flash works, there's just no sound.19:01
bostongeek24can someone help me19:01
DasEibostongeek24: we can read you19:01
Scunizicarresmd: sorry I missed your post but you are correct.. it's not necessary to mount the extended partition to get to the partitions below it.19:01
RobLikesBrunchDarthanubis: I think it has to do with my unconventional audio-card uninstallation.19:01
darthanubisRobLikesBrunch, make SURe no other flash/gnash packages from Ubuntu is installed on your system19:01
isola73dsh33pSMiTTY, ok, i'll just wait for the download to finish. Thanks for your help :)19:01
ripps!ask | bostongeek2419:01
ubottubostongeek24: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:01
zaoul1bostongeek24: ever heard of this thing called... 'google' ?19:01
RobLikesBrunchDarthanubis: I did a clean install, I'm 100% sure there isn't one.19:01
bostongeek24i didn't findit19:02
LjLThe_Jag1: something like "tar -cf /media/HDD/homebackup.tar /home/fabio", but don't quote me on that.19:02
SMiTTYisola73dsh33p, no worries. Sorry I couldn't find another way for ya.19:02
sudobashare there any major fixes from ubuntu 9.10 to today's release?19:02
carresmdScunizi, no problem19:02
ripps!google | zaoul119:02
ubottuzaoul1: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.19:02
hexa-Results for | zaoul1 on Google:19:02
sudobashubuntu 9.10 BETA19:02
RobLikesBrunchDarthanubus, But to get my audio card to work, I had to install ALSA 1.0.21, and then...because my audio card has multiple outputs, I had to install Kmix to select the correct one.19:02
zaoul1ripps: no.. direct that to bostongeek2419:02
darthanubisRobLikesBrunch, use gnome-alsamixer to adjust sound19:02
RobLikesBrunchDarthanubus, sound works, though...just not with flash.19:02
isola73dsh33pSMiTTY, its okay :D19:02
IdleOnezaoul: please don't tell people to google. We are here to help, if you don't know the answer then don't say anything19:02
ciastekwhere can i find official karmic artwork - cd cover?19:02
The_Jag1LjL: ok19:02
RobLikesBrunchdarthanubis: let me see if that works. One moment.19:03
zaoul1IdleOne: help != hand holding19:03
carresmdsnot, run '$ sudo aptitude install devscripts ubuntu-dev-tools' and check if 'build-essential' is among the packages to be installed19:03
darthanubisRobLikesBrunch, I had tha before. Close Firefox, killall -9 pulseaudio, restart pulseaudio via alt-f2 then reopen youtube19:03
Jordan_Uzim: Can you pastebin the output of "blkid" ?19:03
DaimonicHey, I have installed Ubuntu 9.10. It comes with Grub2, doesn't it? Now I want the graphical OS selection menu, however this seems to be not installed, what package do you suggest? :)19:03
phphorsehi, my apache2 is not displaying automaticaly the index.html when I'm switching to a folder? where can I edit that?19:03
zaoul1hand holding cost money19:03
IdleOnezaoul1: yes, we hand hold. RTFM is for those other distros that aren't #1 on distrowatch19:03
aleronwhat did they add to karmic koala19:04
rippszaoul1: the support channel is here for hand holding, if you don't like it, go be a jerk elsewhere19:04
snotcarresmd: I already have build-essential installed19:04
RobLikesBrunchdarthanubis, still doesn't work.19:04
SuperDefenderXHey, I thought Empathy had video and audio?19:04
carresmdsnot, ah.. too bad19:05
snotcarresmd: but 2 sec. I'll uninstall19:05
DaimonicEmpathy doesn't got my empathy19:05
_syntax_How do you get adobe flash player installed on ubuntu 9.1019:05
carresmdsnot, if it isn't too much to ask from you :-)19:05
gt11Why does sudo apt-get download too slow?19:05
gt11That's because of overloaded servers?19:05
zaoul1have fun ;-D19:05
aj_444 _syntax_: the adobe website.19:05
rippsSuperDefenderX: it does, but you have to use a service that supports it, like google talk19:05
darthanubisRobLikesBrunch, :((19:05
lluahelp :{ , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130474419:05
DaimonicHey, I have installed Ubuntu 9.10. It comes with Grub2, doesn't it? Now I want the graphical OS selection menu, however this seems to be not installed, what package do you suggest? :)19:05
snotcarresmd: np19:05
SuperDefenderXMSN  supports it.19:05
SMiTTY_syntax_, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer19:05
zimJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/m53e2f31519:05
RobLikesBrunchdarthanubis: When I open gnome-alsamixer...nothing happens?19:05
d0wnIs there any way I can download 9.10 onto my desktop, and then upgrade my 9.04 on my laptop to 9.10 over the network from my desktop?19:05
katycorp1Does anyone know how the upgrade deals with video drivers? Right now I use the proprietary ATI driver (it works better than anything else, although it still doesn't play nice with compiz) and it needs to be recompiled/reinstalled with every kernel change. I'm wondering if I should uninstall before the upgrade and then use the generic driver until I can get the ATI one.19:06
darthanubisRobLikesBrunch, 'nothing" that can't be good19:06
heroidkarmic sux! gNS rulz!19:06
zaoul1d0wn: slightly complicated... you would be looking into PXE booting19:06
miromanythCould someone suggest a sega genesis emulator?19:06
snotThe following NEW packages will be installed: bsd-mailx{a} build-essential{a} devscripts diffstat{a} dpkg-dev{a}19:06
rippskatycorp1: it will probably be uninstalled anyway, but doesn't hurt to uninstall beforehand19:06
dserodiokatycorp1: that's probably safer, I've been bitten by upgrades using proprietary video drivers before19:06
snotcarresmd: ^^19:06
zaoul1d0wn: well..19:06
zaoul1d0wn: you should be able to run a command to upgrade19:07
carresmdsnot, that isn't with the command: '$ sudo aptitude install devscripts ubuntu-dev-tools'19:07
AlDougIs there a way to create a launcher that runs the command as root?19:07
rippsmiromanyth: dgen maybe?19:07
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:07
carresmdsnot, or is it?19:07
zaoul1d0wn: update-manager -d possibly ?19:07
snotcarresmd: yes19:07
ks3burntash: Try creating ~/Private and run ecryptfs-mount-private, hopefully that will give more info19:08
snotsnot@snot:~$ sudo aptitude install devscripts ubuntu-dev-tools19:08
snotcarresmd: there19:08
d0wnzaoul1: well, I was going to download the iso onto my desktop with bittorrent, so I could just upgrade from that and avoid the overloaded servers. i'll just wait it out :D19:08
zimJordan_U: sorry did you get that ? http://pastebin.com/m53e2f31519:08
katycorp1dserodio, ripps: thanks19:08
SMiTTYAlDoug, you should be able to set up a launcher and use gksudo....this is what I do for my VPNC   gksudo /usr/bin/kvpnc19:08
h4f2is there a possibility to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 trough torrents ?19:08
carresmdsnot, ok.. thanks!!19:08
nellmathewdoes apt-key adv --recv-keys keep timing out for anyone else? been bout 3 hours now.. can i use another mirror somewhere?19:08
snotcarresmd: yw19:08
Jordan_U_zim: Can you open a grub shell with "sudo grub-emu" and in it run "search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 2806f658-0935-46c4-b088-630a6a2d3edd" then "echo $root" ?19:08
SMiTTYh4f2, no19:08
carresmdsnot, now I have to find a karmic RC user ^^19:08
DaimonicHey, I have installed Ubuntu 9.10. It comes with Grub2, doesn't it? Now I want the graphical OS selection menu, however this seems to be not installed, what package do you suggest? :)19:08
carresmdanyone still on karmic RC?19:08
zaoul1AlDoug: yea.. check out gksudo or gsu19:09
=== ped is now known as phzin
ripps!final | carresmd19:09
ubottucarresmd: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:09
zaoul1AlDoug: i mean gksu... they are the same thing19:09
carresmdripps, sssshhh19:09
ikoniah4f2: no19:09
rippscarresmd: all rc users are now final automatically19:09
snotcarresmd: gl :)19:09
DaimonicWhat package to get gfx support for Grub2 ?19:09
zimJordan_U_ just installing it19:09
carresmdripps, ah.. sorry :-).. But with some luck I might find someone19:10
burntashks3: not setup properly19:10
snotcarresmd: I'm actually sitting right next to one but if I ask he will know that I*m not doing our assignemtn... sorry :)19:10
carresmdsnot, lol!19:10
carresmdsnot, no problem ;-)19:10
thorrejust installed 9.10. Now a program called Palimpset reports that the SMART sensor of my HDD is reporting a high (183 Sectors) "Reallocated Sectors Count. The HDD is 1TB.19:10
rippscarresmd: why, there's practially no difference between rc and final, just a few tweaked packages19:10
=== PacketCollision is now known as PC|Away
burntashks3: whats odd is when i do 'keyctl show' i dont see anything in there about the passphrase i entered19:10
snotcarresmd: kvm or xen might be an option19:11
burntasheven though it said added to session keyring19:11
thorrei have run a proggie from the manufactorer which reports no errors at all. 9.04 did not report any errors either19:11
SMiTTYstay away from xen :)19:11
SuperDefenderXIS anyone else having issues with slow DNS resolution with 9.10?19:11
ks3burntash: It looks like ecryptfs-mount-private does look for the Private.sig file....19:11
carresmdripps, I'm trying to figure out why 'build-essential' isn't a dependency of devscripts and / or ubuntu-dev-tools.. it was in RC19:11
MK13is this way the suggested way to move /home to it's own partition? http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/19:11
SMiTTYkvm is gaining more and more support and has been getting lots of dev cycles.19:11
burntashks3: yea, seems like it19:11
carresmdsnot, I know.. but this is easier ;-)19:11
cripplerany1 here use Clonezilla?19:11
jcduttonthorre, try "smartctl -a /dev/sda"19:12
IdleOne!home | MK1319:12
ubottuMK13: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome19:12
spiderhi guys; need some help. I'm currently have vista and ubuntu 8.10. Im installing 9.10 now (fresh install) and would like it to replace my 8.10. So in the partition stage i chose manual and checked format. But then i get this error: No root file system is defined. What should i do?19:12
Jordan_U_!home | MK1319:12
saxofonercan someone go to musictheory.net, pick any one of the lessons, and tell me if the forward arrow in the flash app works?19:12
saxofonerit doesn't for me with the flash plugin in karmic19:12
MK13IdleOne, Jordan_U_ , thnx19:12
Wiseman1virtualbox question:  I'm running windows 7 in virtualbox, how do I transfer files from 7 back to linux?19:12
Jordan_U_spider: You need to select the partition you want for Ubuntu to be installed to and set its mountpoint to "/"19:13
Q_ContinuumI 'upgrade' by doing a fresh install on a new HD (will be 9.10) then copy over my /home folder (from 9.04) anything that got moved automagically by the upgrade, that I'll have to manually do?19:13
SuperDefenderXSpider: click on "edit partition" and select "/" as the partition you want to install the Linux OS19:13
thorrejcdutton: which package do i have to install to get smartctl?19:13
spiraliz_spider, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition19:13
MK13IdleOne,  what would be your suggested size of the home partition?19:13
mk_ubuntu.com is down?19:13
jcduttonthorre, smartmontools19:13
ks3burntash: Aha... if we get the mount passphrase in your keyring, the signature can be found with 'keyctl show'19:13
Wiseman1for whatever reason utorrent works on this network in windows but not in linux, and I want to download some stuff19:13
thorrejcdutton: never mind, found it19:13
MK13mk_, not for me19:13
Wiseman1But I don't know how to transfer back and forth19:14
rippscarresmd: was it mentioned in the changelog? /usr/share/doc/build-essential/changelog.gz19:14
dehaaniI was expecting 9.10 by now :(19:14
burntashks3: yea right now its not showing anything in there other than a keyring for _ses19:14
MK13mk_, here http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/19:14
AlDougzaoul1: thanks!19:14
rippscarresmd: my build-essential hasn't been changed since july, so this isn't an rc issue19:14
jcduttonthorre, it is a command line tool, but at least it shows you what the drive is inself reporting. Any value >0 is bad news19:14
zimJordan_U_: do I echo root there or in bash19:14
spiderSuperDefenderX: so for the "mount" section i need to choose "/" ?19:14
Jordan_U_zim: There19:15
ks3burntash: Try 'ecryptfs-insert-wrapped-passphrase-into-keyring'19:15
jcduttonspider, yes, that will identify the "root" partition19:15
mk_MK13: it's down ... here19:15
carresmdripps, no it isn't mentioned and this version is from july as well.. perhaps something changed in devscripts or ubuntu-dev-tools19:15
SuperDefenderXSpider: Yep.19:15
zimJordan_U_: hd0,119:15
=== PC|Away is now known as PacketCollision
ampexany advice on 32 vs 64-bit for a laptop with 4gb of memory?19:15
burntashks3: problem with that is you have to include the 'ecryptfs_insert_wrapped_passphrase_into_keyring ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-19:15
burntashpassphrase LOGIN_PASSPHRASE'19:15
spider jcdutton, SuperDefenderX: cool thanks19:15
rippscarresmd: or one of the depends in build-essential pulled in devscipts19:16
thorrejcdutton: isnt it normal for a disk that is that large to have some bad sectors?19:16
uvacavis there any way to make empathy aim messages pop-up? They just sit in the indicator applet thing19:16
mk_where i can get ubuntu 9.10?19:16
Genscherwow, what a great work on ubuntu 9.1019:16
gnac__what does ubuntu use during the installation process if one selects to encrypt the users home directory?  i.e. how would I set up new users in a similar fashion?19:16
jcduttonthorre, a new HD should have a value of zero.19:16
zimJordan_U_: http://pastebin.com/m186debfc updated19:16
gnac__^ using 9.10 ^19:16
MK13mk_, http://mira.sunsite.utk.edu/ubuntu-releases/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso19:16
CaveManAlloha people!19:16
mk_any torrents?19:16
dehaaniwhy isn't apt-get update/upgrade giving me anything new today?19:16
MK13mk_, that is the 64 bit version though19:16
ubuntu-mk_: ubuntu.com19:17
RobLikesBrunchHow do I uninstall flash if I installed it from the official adobe site?19:17
CaveManwhy is ubuntu down???????19:17
CaveMani wanna install ubuntuuuuuuuu19:17
tmxwhats your argument of 9.1019:17
ks3burntash: It should prompt for the login passphrase (or whatever passphrase you used when we generated the wrapped passphrase)19:17
PiciCaveMan: Its hammered from all the people trying to download.19:17
Pici!torrents | CaveMan19:17
* Genscher is happy user of the netbook edition19:17
RobLikesBrunchdarthanubis, how do I uninstall my current installation of flash?19:17
jcduttonthorre, the factory low level format will have handled problem ones at the manufacturing stages19:17
ubottuCaveMan: Karmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).19:17
CaveManPici, there are no bugs in ubuntu so they keep the website offline?????19:17
dehaanihasn't 9.10 found it's way to gb.archive.ubuntu.com?19:18
scyxhow do i switch to the classic desktop on 9.10 netbook remix? =/ desktop-switcher doesn't seem to be there..19:18
carresmdripps, http://paste.ubuntu.com/304504/19:18
jcduttonthorre, the smartctl value should be zero as the drive leaves the factory19:18
carresmdripps, dating back from may 2008..19:18
RobLikesBrunchHow do I uninstall flash if I installed the Alpha x64 version from Adobe's site?19:18
RPG_MasterHow do I backup my Accounts, mail, and address book in Evolution?19:18
zimJordan_U_: was that a fix or just info gathering?19:18
CaveManpeople, i have the asus EEE Box should i download the ubuntu nettop-edition?19:18
thorrejcdutton: im in the progress of installing the smarttools but my machine is a bit slow now since i am restoring a backup at the same time after the 9.10 installation19:18
mk_MK13: tnks19:18
mk_ubuntu-: ubuntu.com is down for me19:19
dehaanihasn't 9.10 found it's way to gb.archive.ubuntu.com?19:19
MK13mk_, for the link?19:19
snotsame here, ubuntu.com is down19:19
jcduttonthorre, you could give the restore lower priority19:19
CaveMani think ubuntu 9.10 is released to early19:19
CaveManmaybe there are some hidden bugs in it19:19
mk_MK13: the links ok, i'm download it right now!19:19
warriorforgodCan anyone point me to a good document telling me how to filter messages out of rsyslog?  I tried an if/then expression but it leaves the messages in messages.19:19
mk_MK13: =]19:19
RobLikesBrunchHow do I uninstall flash if I installed the Alpha x64 version from Adobe's site?19:20
christoph3141Hi! Currently, I'm upgrading to karmic. The dowload process takes *really* long, as download speed is just about 200 kB/s. Usually, my Internet downstream is more than three times that much.19:20
jcduttonCaveMan, Have you found any?19:20
carresmdripps, maybe I'm just imagining stuff :-(19:20
burntashrs3: when i did ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase, it asks Passphrase to wrap: and then Wrapping passphrase:, so do you put the passphrase twice?19:20
MK13mk_, and you use the 64bit version?19:20
CaveManjcdutton, no, but there are some19:20
CaveManbut that is NO shame19:20
dehaaniubuntu.com works for me19:20
dehaanihasn't 9.10 found it's way to gb.archive.ubuntu.com?19:20
CaveManit is so many lines of code19:20
Jordan_U1zim: That looks right, do you get any error when you try to boot with the search line?19:20
christoph3141Can you somehow make it download faster?19:20
CaveMani am also a n00b developer, i know how hard it is19:20
xeemeexubuntu.com works now19:20
mk_MK13: no, i'm getting the 32 bits version19:20
jcduttonCaveMan, I have been using Karmic for the last 4 months19:20
CaveMani work now for 10 months19:20
zimJordan_U1: will try19:21
burntashks3: because when i do the insert-wrapped-phrase, i get that its failed to unwrap the passphrase and inserting it into the user session19:21
christoph3141Or is it just a high server load with the solution being upgrading sometime next week?19:21
mk_MK13: http://mira.sunsite.utk.edu/ubuntu-releases/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso19:21
tmxwhat you think about 9.1019:21
CaveManok jcdutton19:21
thorrejcdutton:   5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   096   096   036    Pre-fail  Always       -       18319:21
Banane1I love the Software center19:21
carresmdchristoph3141, probably19:21
mk_MK13: it's for a friend, i'm a slacker =P19:21
MK13mk_ so you just modified my link, :D19:21
CaveMani was using 2 years freebsd19:21
RobLikesBrunch How do I uninstall flash if I installed the Alpha x64 version from Adobe's site?19:21
CaveMani stepped back to ubuntu 819:21
wiluwhy is my repos so slow even tho i use local area mirrors19:21
wiluit comes like 20k/sec19:21
CaveManbut i love ubuntu19:21
christoph3141carresmd: ok, too bad. Cause it says "About 4 hours remaining" :D19:21
wiluused to come 1.8Msec19:21
mk_MK13: yeah19:21
Banane1wilu maybe because many guys are using the serer atm19:21
christoph3141at just 150 kB/s :(19:22
dehaaniubuntu.com works for me19:22
dehaanihasn't 9.10 found it's way to gb.archive.ubuntu.com?19:22
RLawilu, everyone is upgrading?19:22
phil_flwilu: the repos are ok for me19:22
wiluBanane1: ok i tought about that19:22
zimJordan_U1: nope still broken19:22
jcduttonthorre, If I was you, I would backup all your data and ask the company you brought the HD off for a replacement19:22
nellmathewah you can no longer change the login-window themes?.. (ie: with arc-colors)19:22
carresmdchristoph3141, maybe you could search for a faster mirror19:22
Jordan_U1zim: Do you get an error message?19:22
wilubut this slow? gosh19:22
CaveManubuntu is back online19:22
wiluwhat year is this19:22
ks3burntash: Then let's try regenerating the wrapped passphrase. 'ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase'. The first time it asks, use your mount passphrase, the 2nd time use your login passphrase.19:22
christoph3141carresmd: ok, I'll try aborting the upgrade and selecting a faster mirror then19:22
thorrejcdutton: i will do that, made a full backup just a few hours prior to the installation today ;)19:22
CaveMani think the need to switch to Lighttpd instead of Apache19:22
thorrei will send them an email19:22
rippsdehaani: Don't know, mirror probably has trouble from everyone hosing the servers. Try a different mirror19:22
Banane1I upgraded with full speed ,ok i just have dsl 200019:22
MK13RobLikesBrunch, rm ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so19:23
carresmdchristoph3141, try System > Administration > Software Sources > Download from > Other > select best server19:23
RobLikesBrunchMK13 thank you.19:23
thorrejcdutton: the strange thing is that the windows diagnostics program did not find anything at all19:23
matrix_hey guys how to fix contrast on vlc player19:23
phil_flwilu: maybe it is your connection change the repo, try something, I'm able to install packages as fast as usual19:23
christoph3141carresmd: I'm using kde19:23
zimyup: error: no such device: 28.......................... failed to boot default entry19:23
CaveMan1.4 MB/S download here!!19:23
lukaszIs Karmick known to have problems with Alsa?19:23
jcduttonthorre, that 193 means that 193 sectors have silently been corrupted on your HD. You will not know which files have corrupted19:23
commander_what this means unable to unlock directory?19:23
dehaaniif I download from a mirror, does it come in back to front? like big endian?19:23
thorrejcdutton: i am not talking about the built in one19:23
zimJordan_U1:  yup: error: no such device: 28.......................... failed to boot default entry19:23
MK13RobLikesBrunch, all you did to install it was copy it into a folder right?19:23
carresmdchristoph3141, ah can't help you with that then :-(19:23
NobleWhere is the grub 2 menu.lst? :S19:23
CaveManI GOT 3 WORDZ FOR YAH!!!19:23
ycehey, someone could help me with a problem in ubuntu, i cant get my wifi work19:23
rippslukasz: linux in general is know to have problems with alsa19:23
FloodBot1CaveMan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:23
dehaanigrub2 has a /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:23
jcduttonthorre, windows does not know what it is doing19:24
zimNoble: grub.cnf19:24
pieterc4 words?19:24
binMonkeyi pinned a bunch of packages using synaptic.  now when i try to update with aptitude it wants to update my pinned packages.  is there any way around this?19:24
Nobledehaani: ty19:24
MK13yce, install the drivers?19:24
Banane1But it shoudlnt be edited !19:24
dehaanibut you have to edit the files in etc19:24
nellmathewwilu, it's release day.. servers are working to the best of their ability, bandwidth (close to a gig a person + i'm sure more than a million users..  a lot, even with the mirrors)19:24
wiluok this is silly, playbackin HD its lagging19:24
mk_ubuntu.com is back19:24
burntashrs3: i did teh wrap phrase again, inserted the hex passphrase first, and then my login pass 2nd and im still getting the error on inserting it19:24
VivaVistais there something wrong with the ubuntu website?19:24
VivaVistaOr just overloaded?19:24
carresmdpieterc, I isn't actually a word19:24
CaveMan24/7 i am drunk19:24
rippsVivaVista: probably just overloaded19:24
scyxhow do i switch to the classic desktop on 9.10 netbook remix? =/ desktop-switcher doesn't seem to be there..19:24
yceMK13, i've already installed, but after restart it has been disappeard from the hardware drivers19:24
FlyingFarthi and help me please =< i just installed the newest ubuntu and the boot menu doesnt see windows 7! i also have installed windows xp he sees that 1 ubuntu is installed inside windows xp how do i get windows 7 in the boot menu back?19:24
Tux_^not able to access ubuntu :(19:24
CaveManand that's why i use computers, so they do the thinking19:24
zimNoble: are you having probs with boot error?19:24
pieterccarresmd: yes it iz19:24
FirstSgtCaveMan: You're cool19:24
Jordan_U1zim: Strange, what is the output of "ls -l" in the grub-emu shell?19:25
Stormx2Hi. My "software sources" window won't close. hitting the close button does nothing. it doesn't give me the option to force quit...19:25
CaveManTux_^, i got 1.5 MB/s download from Ubuuntu19:25
Noblezim: Nah, got a new SSD today. Gonna replace my MBR19:25
wiluit should work i got enough memory and super computer still playback lags19:25
MK13yce, run the command "sudo iwconfig" does it show any devices?19:25
rippsFlyingFart: try installing os-prober and running update-gurb19:25
CaveManlolz thanks FirstSgt19:25
binMonkeyi pinned a bunch of packages using synaptic.  now when i try to update with aptitude it wants to update my pinned packages.  is there any way around this?19:25
Noblezim, Installed 9.10 as a new thing, and could not find the menu file :p19:25
Noblezim, after all, it boots superfast19:25
FlyingFartripps did you talked to me?19:25
carresmdpieterc, no it is a character :-)19:25
CaveManthe first thing i do when i installed ubuntu is stripout the menu of grub with a hex-editor19:25
ZzeissNoble: which one?  The Intel X25?  Those work great (for me, at least)19:25
maddy83I have a problem: I installed xubuntu on top of FreeBSD and now I have FreeBSD's bootloader appearing before GRUB. Any solution?19:25
rippsFlyingFart: yes19:25
luboszhow do i stop kvm in karmic?19:26
jordo2323Is there any good tutorial yet to upgrade to karmic?19:26
dehaaniZzeiss, why hex edit?19:26
RobLikesBrunchMK13, I don't remember where I copied it, but there's nothing there.19:26
luboszsudo /etc/init.d/kvm stop does not work19:26
nellmathewkarmic no longer supports GDM themes?19:26
pieterccarresmd: a character can't be a word? Yes it can19:26
luboszstop kvm neither19:26
VivaVistaOh well, since Ubuntu is down might as well try Kubuntu19:26
NobleZzeiss: Yeah, the x25 g2. Worth the money, cant tell yet :P19:26
CaveManstripout the "press keys etc" things19:26
FlyingFarti downloaded boot manager he does the same? but he doesnt see it19:26
carresmdpieterc, nope19:26
ks3burntash: I get an error as well, but hopefully that's because I already have the key inserted19:26
VivaVistaKubuntu download server is also overloaded19:26
FlyingFarti dont know how to update grube manually19:26
jcduttonmaddy83, you need to write a new partition boot sector. grub sits in the embedded area19:26
Zzeisslubosz: As in "remove the module so you can run Virtualbox"?  Try "sudo rmmod kvm-intel"19:26
arne_anyone els having problems with ati drivers and ubuntu 9.10?19:26
treble54whats the command to output my video card information in the shell?19:27
luboszZzeiss: thx19:27
MadnessRedarne_ yes me too19:27
RobLikesBrunchMK13, I installed it to /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins19:27
rippsarne_: catalyst or opensource?19:27
wildc4rdevening all19:27
CaveManbut first19:27
jcduttonarne_, what sort of problems?19:27
daleharveyif I have intermittent stalls during installing from cd (after burning multiple cds) what should I be looking at?19:27
euxnekstreble54: lspci | grep -i vga19:27
euxnekstreble54: that may give you what you're looking for19:27
MadnessRedI have flickering with ati driver19:27
MadnessRedthe restricted one19:27
treble54euxneks: thx19:27
CaveMani was forgotten, before i install 9.10 i watch TUF season ten episode seven first on 9.04!19:27
Jordan_U2maddy83: If you have more than one drive check the boot order, otherwise install GRUB2 via http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide19:27
arne_jcdutton, catalyst19:27
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).19:27
jcduttondaleharvey, sounds like faulty media19:27
zimJordan_U1 or looks like Jordan_U2 now just rebooting without line to get in19:27
daleharveyit occasionally just stops at a flashing cursor, sometimes at the logo19:28
sidewalkso ubuntu.com went down? :-)19:28
tmxjemand deutsch hier19:28
jcduttonarne_, why not use the non-catalyst drivers19:28
MK13RobLikesBrunch, then just delete the libflashplayer.so (or whatever it's name is) and it should uninstall it19:28
heloobviously linux is not ready for prime time...19:28
Banane1Tmx Ja ^^19:28
wiluhey please, how to run .matroska without lag in 9.1019:28
daleharveyjcdutton: yeh its a laptop so the cd drive is probably not the most19:28
RPG_MasterOK, I have backed up my entire Home folder. I'v read some stuff about the .folders not working because of permission stuff. Can I just use gksu nuatilus and change the permission?19:28
wiluusing nvidia19:28
tmxwas sind die entscheidenten unterschieder von 9.10 und 9.04 ?19:28
carresmdwilu, trying playing it via VLC19:28
=== yce is now known as Yce52
=== jan is now known as Guest64551
arne_jcdutton, how do i use the non catalyst?19:28
wilucarresmd: still lags19:29
* RPG_Master is going to do a fresh install of 9.1019:29
daleharveyI used to be able to install through a network install, probably not possible right now?19:29
Banane1Ubuntu One, Grub 2, Ext4 als standard19:29
scyxhow do i switch to the classic desktop on 9.10 netbook remix? =/ desktop-switcher doesn't seem to be there..19:29
RPG_Masterso help me please :D19:29
Banane1Noch so einiges19:29
FlyingFartcan someone please help me i am a beginner i dont understand it all how can i get windows 7 back in the boot menu =<19:29
Bigshot_guys guys i'd like to know if touchscreen works in Ubuntu OOTB does it?19:29
mnoEmpathy ....  why could this ever replace the stinkin pidgin?19:29
carresmdwilu, no excessive CPU usage while playing?19:29
Banane1Kernel 2.6.3119:29
catyCan people get on http://www.ubuntu.com? Thanks.19:29
MK13FlyingFart, it should be detected by grub automatically19:29
wilucarresmd: yep nope.. all good19:29
FlyingFartit didnt19:29
dserodiocaty: yes19:29
_polto_I installed  and successfully used HARPIA on Ubuntu 9.10 32 bits, but on 64 bit version I have errors at execution : https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/harpia/+bug/46342719:29
helowhy is the UNR only provided as a cdrom .iso, when there are no netbooks with cdrom drives?19:29
wilucarresmd: hmm this is weird19:29
tmxstabiler ?19:29
h4f2is there a difference in speed if I will upgrade from main or other server ?19:29
jcduttonarne_, install the package "xserver-xorg-video-ati"19:29
mnono ubuntu.com is down19:29
dserodiocaty: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/19:30
Banane1Ich finde es stabil19:30
Banane1Natürlich gibt es immer Fehler19:30
carresmdwilu, ?19:30
_polto_can somebody help to get HARPIA work on 64 bit Ubuntu 9.10 ?19:30
h4f2I am seeng it slow19:30
Banane1aber ich glaube im Moment ist 9.04 etwas stabiler19:30
wilucarresmd: yea in normal state it lags :( vlc19:30
RobLikesBrunchMK13, okay thanks...I uinstalled and reinstalled it.19:30
Banane1Das heißt aber nicht das Karmixc instabil ist19:30
wilucarresmd: using gnome19:30
RobLikesBrunchMK13, still no sound though...ideas?19:30
FlyingFartthe problem is that i had windows 7 already installed then i installed windows xp he doesnt see my windows 7 not then i hopped that when i installed the newest ubuntu he would have seen it19:30
wilucarresmd: sholid i put something in xorg.conf19:30
FlyingFartbut it doesnt19:30
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
arne_jcdutton, and i will get compiz working with that driver?19:30
jcduttonarne_, or xserver-xorg-video-radeon or xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd  depending on your graphics card19:30
Jordan_U2zim: Even better if you can tell me the output from GRUB at boot rather than grub-emu19:31
carresmdwilu, probably not19:31
mno99.9% uptime race @ubuntu.com19:31
lukaszthe newset kernel in karmick doesn't recognize my audiocard properly19:31
dserodiooops. it's ubuntu.com is actually down19:31
MK13RobLikesBrunch, nope, sorry19:31
tmxbis für 9.10 die ersten updates drausen sind19:31
Tux_^anyone able to ping ubuntu.com19:31
jcduttonarne_, I don't know regarding compiz19:31
phil_fldserodio: works for me19:31
jcduttonarne_, try it and see.19:31
=== jan is now known as Guest10568
MK13i think it is funny how much more active this channel gets after a new version :D19:31
ploji hit refresh once and it loaded19:31
Banane1@tmx Das System updatet ständig bis die ersten Bugfixes draußen sind dauert es bestimmt nicht mehr lange19:31
rippslukasz: try filing a bug report `ubuntu-bug pulseaudio`19:31
matrix_hey guys something wrong with my contrast, every time i shutdown my pc my contrast get screwed up on mplayer19:31
ZzeissWhat's the command to generate an xorg.conf file, so you can mung it?19:31
carresmdwilu, try this command '$ gstreamer-properties' and go to the video tab.. try changing the plugin for 'Default Output'. It might help19:31
NobleHOLY SHIT, takes under 10 sec to boot the new 9.10 with my SSD. Kewl!19:31
burntashks3: when i did add ecrypt-add-passphrase ,and entered my 32 hexidecimal character passphrase, it said it was added to the session key ring and then it gave me a 12 character hex phrase.  should that be getting used for the wrapping passphrase?19:31
tmxah ok nicht schlecht19:32
knoxvilleGood evening guys!19:32
lukaszripps: You mean, on launchpad?19:32
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ZzeissNoble: yep.  That's par fo rthe course.19:32
=== Guest70453 is now known as _syntax_
rippslukasz: ubuntu-bug is a script that will automatically gather all your hardware and software info and help you create a bug report.19:32
NobleZzeiss, this is fucking awesome19:32
zimJordan_U http://paste.ubuntu.com/304510/19:32
NobleNow the bios is the slow guy19:32
FlyingFartcan someone please help me with my boor menu problem?19:32
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:32
ZzeissNoble: With tweaks,you can boot in under five seconds (mostly getting rid of time-waits for things like "wait for user to hit return" and disk spinup)19:32
lukaszripps: thank you19:33
zimJordan_U what do I need to do19:33
RPG_MasterOK, I have backed up my entire Home folder. I'v read some stuff about the .folders not working because of permission stuff. Can I just use gksu nuatilus and change the permission?19:33
* RPG_Master is going to do a fresh install of 9.1019:33
ks3burntash: That could be the sig? The sigs for my passphrases look to be 16 characters.19:33
NobleZzeiss, go on..19:33
chasityI just installed 9.10, and it is saying that a hard drive is bad.....The drive is only 6 months old.......19:33
RobLikesBrunchMK13, do you have any idea how I can set the default card for ALSA?19:33
RLaRPG_Master, yes19:33
stinkywould nyone happen to know how I can install KDE without messing up my applications menu? I saw a script a year or so ago, does anyone remember the name of the script? or have a good way to install KDE that does not mess up my applications menu? TIA :)19:33
FlannelFlyingFart: Verify that 7 and XP are both installed.  XP may have wiped out 7.19:33
RPG_MasterRLa: Thanks :)19:33
burntashrs3: when i do add-passphrase, it sends back "Inserted auth tok with sig [12character hex here] into the user session keyring"19:33
MK13RobLikesBrunch, i have never had experience with that19:33
matrix_hey guys something wrong with my contrast, every time i shutdown my pc my contrast get screwed up on mplayer19:33
ZzeissNoble: I don't know where those hide in 9.10, and I've forgotten exactly.  But you can do it.19:33
RobLikesBrunchMk13, Alright, thanks anyway.19:33
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, disable the other one19:34
FlyingFartthey are boot on a different partition windows xp with ubuntu inside it on on partition C:19:34
ks3burntash: See if that matches what shows up with keyctl show19:34
burntashrs3: oh excuse me not 12, it is infact 16 characters19:34
ZzeissNoble: I know one is in grub.conf.19:34
ring0is there a way to finalize a disc after it has been burned?19:34
NobleZzeiss, Yeah I see that a lot of stuff has changed in 9.1019:34
stinkymatrix_, try running mplayer as root, then save your settings19:34
MK13RobLikesBrunch, no problem19:34
NobleZzeiss, gonna take a bit getting used to19:34
burntashrs3: so maybe thats what i should use for the wrapping phrase?19:34
knoxvilleIs it possible to mod your GRUB dual boot loader, so it is graphical?19:34
NobleZzeiss, had to manually edit GDM for instance. Not a big deal, but annoying.19:34
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, I don't have any other one...but I just wanted to see if there may be some problem there.19:34
looongerhi! what does ubuntu dvd contain? is it a live dvd?19:34
scatterpis there some way to do a secure shutdown such that memory is wiped ?19:34
rippsknoxville: not easily19:34
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, ok.. may I ask what the problem is?19:34
ks3burntash: That should just need saved in ~/.ecryptfs/Private.sig19:34
matrix_stinky:how to save settings19:35
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, No sound in flash19:35
ks3burntash: Then try the ecryptfs-mount-private again19:35
zimJordan_U_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/304510/ thats the grub-emu.19:35
burntashrs3: i have the original 32 character pass phrase, and then i have the 16 character sig thats inserted into the user session keyring, but when i type keyctl show, all i get is "-3 --alswrv 1000 1000 keyring: _ses"19:35
naxaxorg is using 75-80% of my cpu power. i do not have an ati card. "wtf"19:35
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, search it on the Ubuntu forums and you get thousands of posts, with no clear answer.19:35
MK13looonger, the normal CD contains a live environment, the alternate CD doesnt though19:35
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, i386 or amd64?19:35
burntashrs3: except nothing is creating that .sig19:35
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd amd6419:35
Noblegn all19:35
knoxvilleripps: alright, then do any of you guys have any advice for a new user? a guide to bring you into the unix world, terminal and such?19:35
FlannelFlyingFart: Did you use wubi to install Ubuntu?19:35
FrankRobertshi guys i have installed the RC19:35
wilucarresmd: hmm still aint working19:35
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd To get my sound card to work, I had to go through a bit of work19:35
jbichaknoxville: I think Ubuntu 10.04 will have a pretty grub19:35
FrankRobertswhen can i update to the final?19:36
ks3burntash: No, echo the sig to the file.. echo 16charsig >~/.ecryptfs.Private.sig19:36
looongerMK13: I asked about the dvd, is it a live dvd?19:36
FlyingFartdont know i installed inside windows xp19:36
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd: Had to install ALSA 1.0.21, then install KMIX to select the "headphone out" port on my audio card.19:36
knoxvillejbicha: how many byte is it?19:36
FlyingFartjust clicked next and put the password in19:36
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, are you using this flash plugin? http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-
ripps!terminal | knoxville19:36
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, yes.19:36
ubottuknoxville: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:36
burntashrs3: you mean echo 16charsig >~/.ecryptfs/Private.sig19:37
phphorsewich package contains the games, which are in ubuntu at the beginning?19:37
chasityThis is what it says on the hard drive thing....is it a bug?? http://i37.tinypic.com/219vqyq.png the drive is really fairly new... I know that new can go bad though, just wondering if this is a common bug or somethign? Checked drive on XP and was fine, but I know that xp don't check same things...19:37
FlannelFlyingFart: Right.  That's wubi.  To boot Vista, you'll need to add it to your XP menu.  What happens is you boot XPs boot thing, and then can select XP or Linux, if you select Linux, you get to the GRUB menu, but I don't believe that can boot other stuff, since it's another layer removed already.19:37
MK13looonger, never seen the DVD19:37
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, what sound card or chip do you have?19:37
ks3burntash: Yeah, that's what I meant :)19:37
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, I have an ASUS Xonar STX Essence.19:37
tmx@banane1 gibts ein programm mit dem ich die temperatur in meinem notebook überwachen kann ?19:37
Guest10568where is de MD5 hash of ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso19:37
jbichaknoxville: the Ubuntu prettied grub doesn't exist yet, come back in 6 months :-)19:37
matrix_are you there stinky19:37
carresmdwilu, well them I'm out of ideas.. sorry19:37
comicinkerubuntu.com down?19:37
=== arianit_ is now known as arianit
ripps!md5 | Guest1056819:38
ubottuGuest10568: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:38
Guest10568i got this result19:38
docmaxhello, is there a ubuntu version WITHOUT GUI?19:38
knoxvillejbicha: alright! :)19:38
Guest10568is this goed people??19:38
burntashrs3: after i did that echo, i did ecrypt-mount-private and now all of the encrypted files are in my /home/$USER19:38
qwyethdocmax, Ubuntu Server installs without X by default19:38
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, It uses an ASUS AV10019:38
FlyingFartthe "layer: was removed by xp because he tought he was the only 1 on c:19:38
=== Guest10568 is now known as CaveMan1
comicinkerdocmax: yes, the alternate version19:38
CaveMan1i am CaveMan19:38
docmaxand is 9.04 -> 9.10 update running problem-free?19:38
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, Note that sound does work for everything else.19:38
Leonardo-da-invii got a question19:38
=== syntax is now known as Guest67926
Flanneldocmax: Yes.  Alternate CD and server CD will let you install systems without GUIs19:38
burntashrs3: they are still all encrypted file names but they are in there19:38
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, noted ^^19:38
Leonardo-da-invican I have latest ubuntu as domU guest on a Xen?19:39
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, you are on gnome or kde?19:39
Leonardo-da-invican I have latest ubuntu as domU guest on a Xen?19:39
Wo|fHappy Release Day!19:39
=== ubuntu- is now known as t0rrent0w
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd gnome19:39
ks3burntash: Well that doesn't seem right19:39
docmaxcant find any "alternate versions"19:39
Leonardo-da-invisomebody answer me plz19:39
Leonardo-da-invican I have latest ubuntu as domU guest on a Xen?19:39
docmaxjust normal and server edition19:39
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:40
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, are you Treeh on the forums? :-)19:40
qwyeth!ask | Leonardo-da-invi19:40
ubottuLeonardo-da-invi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:40
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd Yessir19:40
marvitCiao a tutti19:40
Leonardo-da-invican I have latest ubuntu as domU guest on a Xen?19:40
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd Nice find :D19:40
ikoniaLeonardo-da-invi: should be fine19:40
comicinkeris ubuntu.com down?19:40
=== MadnessRed_ is now known as MadnessRed
matrix_cany anyone help me hellooooooooooo19:40
knoxvilleIs there any way to upgrade from my current ubuntu version (9.04) to the latest (9.10) without download the whole iso file?19:40
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, you last post there is the same you told me a few minutes ago ;-)19:40
Leonardo-da-invihow to send private message here, newbee am I19:40
zimJordan_U Jordan_U_ are you still here ?19:40
tarakanHello! I'm having a problem with mysqld not starting after the upgrade to 9.10. dmesg return a series of messages like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/304514/ Anyone with a similar problem and aware of a workaround?19:40
ZykoticK9!patience | Leonardo-da-invi19:41
ubottuLeonardo-da-invi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:41
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, Installed Alsa 1.0.21 to get my soundcard to work, then used KMIX to select the "headphone" channel from my audio card.19:41
FlyingFartFlannel: do you know how i can resolve this ?19:41
Jordan_Uzim, Can you try "ls -l" in real grub and see if it matches the output from grub-emu, specifically it should find hd0,1 and it's UUID should end in "edd"19:41
docmaxcant  find "alternate" version of ubuntu... please help me19:41
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, I'm using every source I can.19:41
Leonardo-da-invican I have latest ubuntu as domU guest on a Xen?19:41
Jordan_U!alternate | docmax19:41
ubottudocmax: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal19:41
Yce52Someone can help me with ubuntu 9.10 and hp 6735s' wifi to get it work? :) please19:41
zimJordan_U ok will do19:41
bmidgley2are there ANY feisty mirrors around? I just need one package :(19:41
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, I can only encourage it ;-)19:41
strixcomicinker: apparently - yes19:42
naxamy xorg is using 75% of the cpu....... help please :D19:42
FlannelFlyingFart: My suggestion is figure out how to get Vista into the XP boot menu (##windows may be able to help)19:42
burntashrs3: yea kinda weird...19:42
knoxvilleAny experienced Ubuntu user, who would like to give me a private session, in tips and tricks? :)19:42
FlyingFartk flannel19:42
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, Do you have any idea how to solve the problem?19:42
matrix_whats the commant to check HW_ACCEL ON XORG19:42
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, I've asked loads of people and simply no one has a solution. It's extremely frustrating. :(19:42
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, I'm search google for some info.. We'll get it fixed somehow19:43
CaveMan1people people people, i have the asus eee box (mini desktop) shall i install ubuntu the netbookversion??19:43
comicinkerknoxville: you are dreaming. the room is burning19:43
Leonardo-da-invican I have latest ubuntu as domU guest on a Xen?19:43
dooglusbmidgley2: is this any good?  http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/19:43
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, fantastic, thanks a lot for your help.19:43
Leonardo-da-invican I have latest ubuntu as domU guest on a Xen?19:43
Jordan_U__zim, Can you try "ls -l" in real grub and see if it matches the output from grub-emu, specifically it should find hd0,1 and it's UUID should end in "edd"19:43
qwyethknoxville, if you tell us what you want to learn how to do we can help much more effectively in the channel because there are many of us, and also in the channel others get the benefit of our answers19:43
matrix_whats the command to check HW_ACCEL ON XORG19:43
Yce52Someone can help me with ubuntu 9.10 and hp 6735s' wifi to get it work? :) please19:43
rippsknoxville: try looking around the ubuntu forums, I think they have a forum specifically for tips and tricks19:43
Leonardo-da-invican I have latest ubuntu as domU guest on a Xen?19:43
knoxvillecomicinker: I've noticed but it is hard to keep up! :)19:43
ZykoticK9!repeat | Leonardo-da-invi19:43
ubottuLeonardo-da-invi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:43
ks3burntash: It looks like Private.sig needs to contain two signatures... When you run keyctl show now, do you have two at the bottom w/ 16 character sigs on the right?19:44
MarkAtwoodis keyserver.ubuntu.com down?19:44
linuxnewbiepossible to lock firefox so that no one can close it?19:44
ks3burntash: Also, are the files encrypted, or just the file names?19:44
burntashrs3: when i type keyctl show, all i get is "-3 --alswrv 1000 1000 keyring: _ses"19:44
Leonardo-da-inviI will figure it out19:44
knoxvilleqwyeth: Just usefull information, like shortcuts for terminal, things people would suggest doing as a new user.19:44
knoxvilleripps: thanks! :)19:44
MadnessRedAnyone know how to disable TV detection for an ATi card?19:44
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, there is a bug report.. Not much information though. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/43816119:44
bmidgley2dooglus, I think I can extract the packages I need... good idea19:44
brennusvote: upgrade or not?19:44
burntashks3: when i do 'ls' i get a bunch of files that start with ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.giantlonghexstring19:44
chasityThis is what it says on the hard drive thing....is it a bug?? http://i37.tinypic.com/219vqyq.png the drive is really fairly new... I know that new can go bad though, just wondering if this is a common bug or somethign? Checked drive on XP and was fine, but I know that xp don't check same things...19:45
rippsknoxville: a good websit is ubuntu-geek.com19:45
qwyethlinuxnewbie, R-kiosk might be what you're looking for19:45
burntashks3: everything that was in ~/.Private is now in ~/19:45
ks3burntash: Yeah, that's the file name encryption. Pick one at random and see how it looks in gedit / vi / whatever19:45
comicinkerknoxville: what tipps and tricks?19:45
linuxnewbieqwyeth: thanks!19:45
zimJordan_U nope errors (shorthand) "dev hd0:part tab --> part hd0,1: filesys could not be accessed" same for fd0 then error: no such disk19:45
shiftplusoneis it just me or is ubuntu.com down?19:45
=== syntax is now known as Guest44532
knoxvilleIs it possible to update my current version of ubuntu (9.4) to the latest (9.10)19:46
matrix_is there way to update ubuntu or i need to downloaa iso19:46
comicinkershiftplusone: it's down19:46
dooglusbmidgley2: this may be better?  http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/19:46
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, I got stuck with the sound card not working at all at first, but...after installing ALSA, it's perfect. ALSA supports it: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Asus19:46
comicinkerknoxville: yes.19:46
=== Guest44532 is now known as _syntax_
shiftplusonecomicinker, thanks.19:46
ripps!upgrade | knoxville19:46
ubottuknoxville: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:46
dabukalamshiftplusone: it's just you19:46
chasityshiftplusone, it is down19:46
matrix_is there way to update ubuntu or i need to downloaa iso19:46
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, but that version of ALSA isn't included with Ubuntu...or at all (I'm unsure). All I know is that it works now after updating ALSA.19:46
charnelanyone installed a good mail server for local development in Jaunty ?19:46
zimshiftplusone: its down19:46
matrix_is there way to update ubuntu 9.10 or i need to downloaa iso19:46
furunoat least I'm on karmic :)19:46
charnelPhp development19:46
Pilouno you can update with command19:46
CaveMan1People peopleeeeeeeee19:46
Pilouto get 9.1019:46
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, your on karmic right?19:46
Yce52Someone can help me with ubuntu 9.10 and hp 6735s' wifi to get it work? :)19:46
CaveMan1lalalalal lalalala19:46
CaveMan1i am so happie with ubuntuuuuuuuuu19:47
legend2440bmidgley2: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/19:47
ballaubuntu.com is offline19:47
ballaubuntu.com is offline19:47
ballaubuntu.com is offline19:47
FloodBot1balla: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:47
Martyn1www.ubuntu.com has crashed19:47
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, Yes...but sound didn't work on Jaunty either.19:47
G4JChey all, do you know  where i can get the alternate install dvd of 9.10?19:47
Martyn1balla : Massive hits due to Karmic's release19:47
IledenQuick question - What is the best way to duplicat entire large directory to another path? I assume rsync, but what parameters, and is there a way to monitor the progress, preferably with time estimate?19:47
ejvwho cares if ubuntu.com has crashed...19:47
CaveMan1balla that is because ubuntu is soooooooo populair and the webserver is also apache19:47
Martyn1matrix_ : You can do a dist upgrade19:47
CaveMan1they must use Lighttpd19:47
Martyn1CaveMan1: They use lighttpd19:47
Pilougo to ubuntu-fr19:48
ballawas the traffic unexpected? it should have been anticipated. stupid ubuntu.....19:48
CaveMan1haha ok sorry Martyn1 :P19:48
pbaileyubuntu down ?19:48
KnifeySpooneyHey, where can I find a list of official torrents to download from? I want to add my own seed19:48
knoxvilleshort restart.. brb19:48
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, according the link you gave me your sound card is supported since kernel 2.6.30, karmic runs kernel 2.6.31 (ALSA is part of the kernel)19:48
Jordan_U1zim: Interesting, try asking in #grub and mention the error that you get from ls.19:48
burntashrs3: they are too long to be able to vi one19:48
K99BrainSorry for the stupid question, but someone know why women have everytime problems with partitions?19:48
Martyn1matrix_ : Go to system->Administration->Software Sources19:48
comicinkercanonical crashed it's own server by releasing karmic. self destruction!19:48
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, well it didn't work initially....so I updated ALSA.19:48
Tux_^up it is down again19:48
=== Jordan_U__ is now known as Jordan_U
G4JCballa: Use the Kuate (typo) mirror like me. xP Thank goodness for africans being up today...19:48
Ed54comicinker: use the torrent download19:48
Martyn1matrix_ : Select [updates] tab19:48
Ed54and seed19:48
CaveMan1people this CaveMan is leaving.....19:48
Tux_^strange that they did not anticipate the load19:48
CaveMan1see you later..... byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee19:49
rippsballa: despite anyone's best preperation, even the richest company can't prepare for hundreds of thousands of users desending on your servers all at once19:49
G4JCballa: http://ubuntu.qualitynet.net/releases/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso19:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about status19:49
Tux_^or Windows 7 is so bad all want to try out Ubuntu19:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about website19:49
Martyn1matrix_ : Then "Show new distribution releases", select "Normal Releases"19:49
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, I used this guide: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/08/how-to-upgrade-to-alsa-1020-on-ubuntu.html19:49
charnelxmail repository does not work19:49
zimJordan_U1: ok ty for your help. Do I need that line. its a laptop so wont have any other disks?19:49
qwyethripps, google seems pretty good at that :D19:49
dabukalamTux_^: Windows 7 is a huge improvement, but Ubuntu laughs in it's face19:49
pw-toxichi, is there a possiblility to use 3 displays with an AIT onboard graphiccard and an NVIDIA grafic card with two DVI? it works on windows719:49
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd, except I used 1.0.21 links instead of 1.0.2019:49
Pilouor you can put update-manager19:49
G4JCgah I really need the ubuntu dvd, anyone? <--19:49
Martyn1matrix_ : Finally, you can either run the system update .. or run "aptitude update" and then "aptitude dist-upgrade"19:49
Ccowboyso the web site is down then?19:49
rippsqwyeth: even google has down times... rarely, but the alos have a million backup servers19:49
Jeruvysomeone mentioned that hal_lpadmin had a bug still?19:50
Jordan_U1zim: You don't need that line, what it does is find your root partition by UUID in case the drive order changes19:50
burntashrs3: i VI'd one and its a buncha weird characters but there is some text that says AVI and vidsXVID so it must be a video file19:50
matrix_martyn1 i dont see that option19:50
bmidgley2dooglus, legend2440 excellent!19:50
Tux_^i am really surprised Ubuntu site is down19:50
t2ttmphas a mini iso appeard yet for 9.10 final ?19:50
bmidgley2I'm the only guy today not trying to get karmic19:50
Martyn1matrix : What release are you running?  Should have asked that first...19:50
zimJordan_U1 so in a laptop that won't happen?19:50
Martyn1bmidgley2: I've been running ubuntu+1 as a developer for ages.19:50
ks3burntash: Okay, so the files are encrypted as well. What does 'keyctl show' give you now? Hopefully two useful sigs?19:50
Pilouyou can write in your terminal update-manager -d19:50
Martyn1bmidgley2: So I guess I had the final release a couple days ago :)19:50
bmidgley2karmic prerelease on my alix access point is fun... hitting escape twice on the console kills mount-all and stops it cold19:51
bmidgley2when the console is in raw mode, eg in vi19:51
bmidgley2but who out there would hit escape twice in vi?19:51
Piloumatrix_ : in your terminal, write sudo update-manager -d19:51
burntashks3: 'keyctl show' gives me just Session Keyring, and then -3 --alswrv 1000 1000 keyring: _ses19:52
Pilouit's faster19:52
_emptyHello, just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and verry impressed, is there anyplans on enable encrytion when installing ubuntu? I have been waiting for that feature.. :)19:52
daleharveyI remember you used to be able to use the ubuntu cd to boot, and press something that brought up a network install, you typed in some address / ip and it installed everything from online sources19:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encrypt19:52
daleharveyis that still possible?19:52
comicinker_empty: it's already there!19:52
trantahi all19:52
ks3burntash: Hmmm, so the keys are no longer in your keyring19:52
ripps_empty: yes, you can enable encryption when doing a fresh install19:52
scyxdoes ANYONE use the karmic netbook remix? how can I switch to the classic desktop on NBR?19:52
Tux_^looks like Ubuntu site is back up19:52
trantaguys do u know what KDE is in BackTrack4 final ?19:52
comicinkerscyx: metacity --replace ?19:53
_emptyripps: What?!19:53
docmaxi cant find the non gui alternate version on website19:53
_emptycomicinker: Are you sure?19:53
ZykoticK9Anyone know what happened to the pysol game in 9.10?  doesn't seem to be in the repo?19:53
comicinker_empty: yes19:53
_emptyTell me more please, did I miss this when installed?19:53
varunthackeri installed 9.10.my bootloader hasn't updated.how do i get the info. to add 9.10 to the menu.lst file?19:53
ejvencryption is available in 9.10, the ubuntu kernels come with pretty much all crypto-modules, twofish, aes, des, cbc, xts, etc19:53
ripps_empty: been there since last release, just works better in karmic19:53
_polto_somebody use harpia on 64 bit 9.10 ?19:53
ks3burntash: How about 'ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase | keyctl padd user tempkey @u", then run keyctl show again19:53
_emptyOh, cool let me check!19:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ecryption19:54
comicinker_empty: maybe it's not available in the alternate installer19:54
Tohuw I'm having CUPS issues. All printers were working fine before, but now every job passes the queue and reports it printed, but nothing actually gets sent to the printer. Here's a log from my HP P1006 connected via USB: http://paste2.org/p/489965 Do lines 71-72 have anything to do with the issue, possibly? I'd be happy to provide further information, just let me know what helps. Thanks!19:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encryption19:54
burntashks3: i cant get into .ecryptfs anymore because .Private was mounted to my /home/$user19:54
_emptycomicinker: Downloaded from ubuntu.com?19:54
burntashks3: and when i try to ecrypt-umount-private i get fopen: no such file or directory19:54
comicinker_empty: yes19:54
ks3burntash: Sorry, replace ~/.ecryptfs with /var/lib/ecryptfs/$USER19:55
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory19:55
scyxcomicinker: what's that supposed to do? i'd rather run compiz btw19:55
ejvencryption is available in 9.10, the ubuntu kernels come with pretty much all crypto-modules, twofish, aes, des, cbc, xts, etc < _empty , K99Brain , ripps19:55
hgb21_anyone here know a softare for cracking a wirless using Ubuntu ?19:55
jk1How is everyone finding the update jaunty -> karmic?19:55
ArsinPrograms like firefox are slow anyone know why?19:55
comicinkerscyx: it will replace the current window manager. if you prefere compiz, try compiz --replace19:55
docmaxi cant find the non gui alternate version on website19:55
docmaxany help?19:56
varunthackeri installed 9.10.my bootloader hasn't updated.how do i get the info. to add 9.10 to the menu.lst file?19:56
comicinkerdocmax: it's the server edition19:56
rippshgb21_: I'm not sure if we should be discussing that here, but I here aircrack works19:56
Arsinjk1: System > admin? Update manager19:56
hgb21_cool ...thax19:56
Tohuwjk1: hgb21_: Cracking software is not appropriate discussion for this channel.19:56
qwyeth!cracking | hgb21_19:56
ubottuhgb21_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:56
smacnayis there some secret to getting vnc server to work from an ubuntu machine?  I cannot seem to access this machine with viangre or any other vnc/rdp client.19:56
burntashrs3: the only files in /var/lib/ecrypt/$USER/ are auto-mount, auto-umount, Private.mnt and Private.sig19:56
scyxcomicinker: but will that help me with what i'm trying to do? switching from netbook-launcher to regular desktop and back?19:56
_emptycomicinker and ripps, is it easy to setup in the ubuntu installer like debians one, or is alot of work?19:56
jk1No I mean was the process sucessfull, has anyone had problems?19:56
LogicFanArsin, what do you mean?19:57
comicinkerscyx: for the moment, yes. not after reboot19:57
Tohuw I'm having CUPS issues. All printers were working fine before, but now every job passes the queue and reports it printed, but nothing actually gets sent to the printer. Here's a log from my HP P1006 connected via USB: http://paste2.org/p/489965 Do lines 71-72 have anything to do with the issue, possibly? I'd be happy to provide further information, just let me know what helps. Thanks!19:57
docmaxcomicinker, thanks19:57
shiftplusoneok ubuntu.com works again... was it just getting overloaded 'cause of karmic?19:57
LogicFanshiftplusone, yes19:57
docmaxis 9.04 -> 9.10 update running problem-free?19:57
ks3burntash: That's odd... what happened to wrapped-passphrase? I guess we can regenerate it...19:57
K99Brainjk1, process of what?19:57
burntashrs3: i cleared, can you say that again19:57
ejvshiftplusone: i think you know the answer... lol19:57
Tohuwdocmax: YMMV19:57
shiftplusonelogankoester, ejv , fair enough, thank you. =)19:57
scyxcomicinker: so what happened to desktop-switcher? otherwise i'm going to install the non-remixed ubuntu -the netbook-launcher is almost unusable, completely bugridden19:58
K99Brainjk1, if aircrack and similars are OT here, don't tell nothing more...19:58
MadnessRedhow do I stop if from requesting a password when I mount a partition?19:58
herenbdyhello, I have ubuntu (karmic) set to restore my windows when I log in. I have 4 workspaces, and most of my windows don't reappear in the correct workspaec when I log in19:58
herenbdyanyone know how I can fix this?19:58
comicinkerscyx: I don't know about desktop-switcher19:58
feroxytrying to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 - getting "could not download the release notes" in update manager. Is this just overload on servers?19:58
docmaxTohuw, YMMV?19:59
Tohuwferoxy: probably yes19:59
Idhanhow can I configurate the ip to two computers connect with a lan cable19:59
K99BrainMadnessRed, add the users option in the fstab line19:59
ks3burntash: Not sure what happened to your wrapped passphrase. Regenerate it - ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase /var/lib/ecryptfs/$USER/wrapped-passphrase19:59
ejvMadnessRed: several ways, place it in fstab, or use sudo and add yourself to a nopass wheel19:59
cws_Hi, can anyone tell me how to disable my touchpad in ubuntu 9.10? synclient TouchpadOff=1 doesn't work, and it can't be disabled from 'System/Preferences/Mouse/Touchpad' :-(19:59
RimFrosthello all,  just update to Ubuntu 9.10 in 9.04 it did work to make Ubuntu shutdown direct and not the 60 second thing  does it work in 9.10 also?19:59
MadnessRedwhich of those would you recoment?19:59
Tohuwdocmax: Your Mileage May Vary. Trouble-free upgrade for me may not be for you. Just because one person had a good experience doesn't mean yours will be as smooth. All you can do is read up on it, backup, and try it and see.19:59
Idhanhow can I configurate the ip of two computers connected with a lan cable19:59
yoritomohello all20:00
varunthackerhow to add information to menu.lst to add 9.10 to the old grub list?20:00
Tohuw!doesntwork | RimFrost20:00
ubottuRimFrost: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.20:00
=== PacketCollision is now known as PC|Away
daleharveyI remember you used to be able to use the ubuntu cd to boot, and press something that brought up a network install, you typed in some address / ip and it installed everything from online, is that still possible20:00
Genscherah, any update on things why broadcom wireless (43xx) doesn't work out of the box anymore in 9.10? ;)20:00
docmaxTohuw, ah thanks... have to remebemer the YMMV short =)20:00
TohuwIdhan: gnome-network-manager20:00
daleharveyapparently my cd drive is screwd20:00
drubinAny one know why ubuntu remix doesn't have a jigdo download?20:00
augcamposHi there does anyone have problens in karmic qith module sky220:01
_emptycomicinker: Are you sure about encrytion? Is it only for server version?20:01
ejvMadnessRed: that I can't answer, this is your environment, not mine. If you would like the device always available, put it in fstab, that easiest. If the device is NOT going to be always available, I'd use sudo with a proper configuration so it doesn't prompt you. But be careful with that, because if someone uses your account, they would have administrative control.20:01
TohuwIdhan: make a new connection, and specify the parameters you want, then connect to that one.20:01
wagjoshould I wait until bug with large files in ext-4 is fixed or should i make ext-4 partition now?20:01
K99BrainMadnessRed, usullay, if there isn't ANY line on the fstab file, if you click on the partition in Places, it is mounted without any password request.20:01
vigoHow do I put all my settings, contacts, e.mails, settings and stuff from a backup?20:01
x3464anyone notice that visualizations lock up when scrubbing in Totem?20:01
comicinker_empty: no. it's surely available on desktop edition20:01
x3464For Karmic..20:01
K99BrainMadnessRed, it's the simplier way20:01
Tohuw!anyone | augcampos20:01
ubottuaugcampos: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:01
ejv_empty, encryption is available in 9.10, the ubuntu kernels come with pretty much all crypto-modules, twofish, aes, des, cbc, xts, etc20:01
MadnessRedok, fstab sounds the better way20:01
Tohuw!backup | vigo20:01
ubottuvigo: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:01
MadnessRedIm sure in 9.04 there was an option for remember this password20:02
_emptycomicinker: Strange, I cant find it when doing a fresh install?20:02
vigoTohuw: Thank you.20:02
=== Rascal999 is now known as rascal999
ejvMadnessRed: google automount as well20:02
yoritomo a big problem with flashplayer for firefox, the preinstalled flash plugin is buggy for games and crash on some youtube video, on my karmic64, then i tryed to install de 64 version , working for games and dailymotion, but with youtube firefox crash and close directly20:02
Tohuwvigo: yw. good luck20:02
comicinker_empty: yes20:02
RimFrostwhen i shutdown the system it comes up  The system shuts down in 60 seconds does it work to make the system shut down direct?20:02
PenStandguys where can I download ubuntu 9.10 from a direct link?20:02
_emptycomicinker: Where is it then, if not in the partition section? :P20:02
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91020:02
burntashks3: whoops the laptop ran out of battery power ha, had to go get the cord and reboot20:03
MadnessRedhere is my fstab20:03
MadnessRedproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       020:03
MadnessRedUUID=2f32b8f6-c5ab-4de8-915f-3f3ab1c8bc25 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       120:03
MadnessRed/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       020:03
FloodBot1MadnessRed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:03
comicinker_empty: at the screen where you input your name and password20:03
=== hans is now known as hans[screen]
K99Brain!paste | MadnessRed20:03
ubottuMadnessRed: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!20:03
MadnessRedproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       020:04
MadnessRedUUID=2f32b8f6-c5ab-4de8-915f-3f3ab1c8bc25 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       120:04
MadnessRed/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       020:04
FloodBot1MadnessRed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
MadnessReddidn't work20:04
TohuwMadnessRed: go to that site, paste it there, paste the link you get after pressing submit here20:04
Tohuw I'm having CUPS issues. All printers were working fine before, but now every job passes the queue and reports it printed, but nothing actually gets sent to the printer. Here's a log from my HP P1006 connected via USB: http://paste2.org/p/489965 Do lines 71-72 have anything to do with the issue, possibly? I'd be happy to provide further information, just let me know what helps. Thanks!20:04
K99BrainMadnessRed, lol, you havo to paste on http://paste.ubuntu.com, NOT HERE20:04
MadnessRedI though you were aying that !paste was a command20:05
deviant-routei need help, my broadcom wifi is not working in ubuntu 9.10 final20:05
Genscherdeviant-route, here the same20:05
=== Andorin is now known as AK|vape
Genscherdeviant-route, broadcom not working, was fine in 9.04 and was NOT working in alpha/beta20:05
Genscher(of 9.10)20:05
deviant-routeis there a salution for it yet20:06
Ileden[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~[6~/aw gone20:06
CarlFKinstalled both jaunty and karmic on a laptop that has a 1024x768 screen, X sees that but excludes all the 1024x modes leaving me with 800x600 - what's the right way to fix?   Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/304522/20:06
augcamposin karmic networking not working20:06
augcampos02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 510020:06
augcampos03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8040T PCI-E Fast Ethernet20:06
augcamposPlease help?20:06
Genscherdeviant-route, no idea, noone took me seriously20:06
FloodBot1augcampos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:06
linuxnewbieis there any PC that is as small as a netbook?20:06
deviant-routemy broadcom was working fine in 9.0420:06
Genschersame here20:06
rippslinuxnewbie: ?? a netbook is a pc20:06
MadnessRedAnyway K99Brain, what do you mean by if there isn't any line in fstab20:06
K99Brainlinuxnewbie, some mobile phone are like pc...20:06
jensplinuxnewbie: there are nettops which are small desktop PCs20:06
TidersIs Karmic supported here now?20:07
varunthackerhow to add information to menu.lst to add 9.10 to the old grub list?20:07
Genscherdeviant-route, just looked up this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128886520:07
Iledensorry about the blurb there, something weird happened. :)20:07
K99BrainMadnessRed, any line related to the partition you have to mount20:07
Iledengoing now ->20:07
augcampos[    4.185538] sky2 driver version 1.2220:07
augcampos[    4.185571] sky2 0000:03:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0003)20:07
augcampos[    4.185580] sky2 0000:03:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 1720:07
augcampos[    4.185595] sky2 0000:03:00.0: setting latency timer to 6420:07
augcampos[    4.185635] sky2 0000:03:00.0: Yukon-2 FE+ chip revision 020:07
augcampos[    4.185763] sky2 0000:03:00.0: irq 2298 for MSI/MSI-X20:07
_emptycomicinker: Do you mean the option "requre my password to log in and to decrypt my home folder?20:07
FloodBot1augcampos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:07
strixmy broadcom is working fine after upgrade to 9.1020:07
x3464where did all the screensavers go in Karmic?20:07
G4JCashame they don't hava the alternate dvd. :(20:07
comicinker_empty: yes!20:07
linuxnewbieripps: K99Brain jensp i mean i want the computer part of a netbook but not the LCS20:07
G4JConly alternate cd for karmic20:07
deviant-routei'm guesting this is a problem because of the new kernel20:07
bullhorndirectories/files in the /home/username are locked to everyone, except the owner of that username?20:07
pradeepI cannot connect to hidden wireless networks with wpa2 passwords.The connect button is disabled..20:07
_emptycomicinker: So choosing that will encrypt my home? Great!20:07
sunshinepantswhy does my xp guest install seem to crawl with KVM v.s. VirtualBox?  shouldnt we get similar perf?20:08
MadnessRedK99Brain, no there is nothing there relating to the parition i want to mount20:08
K99BrainMadnessRed, as you have now20:08
osubuckso whats the verdict on 9.10, any good?20:08
_emptycomicinker: Thanks for your time!20:08
VeinorFor some reason my speakers are producing static despite the fact that there are no sound-playing applications20:08
comicinkervarunthacker: you have to copy-paste the new entry and adjust the uuid of the partition and the name of the kernel to boot20:08
MadnessRedwhat do you mean as I have now K99Brain?20:08
comicinker_empty: np20:08
K99BrainMadnessRed, and now, if you click on the partition you want to mount in Places20:08
TidersVeinor, That happened to me as well20:08
xiscohow can I mount a hard disk every time I start up the computer ?20:08
PenStandwhat's the channel for the release party?20:09
K99BrainMadnessRed, it isn't mounted?20:09
MadnessRedI haven't changed fstab20:09
deviant-routeosubuck, it has some broadcom wifi problems other than that it ssuper20:09
VeinorTiders: Any idea what's going on?20:09
ejvthere's a next > next > finish setup for home directory encryption? /me facepalms20:09
MadnessRedthats how fstab is at the moment20:09
TidersVeinor, Havn't been able to figure it out to be honest20:09
jhb1608How do I check my 9.10 if it is really already upgraded?20:09
MadnessRedwhen I click on a parititon to mount it20:09
varunthackercomicinker: can i just install grub 2 ?20:09
burntashrs3: ok i reboot and im back to being able to access .encrypt20:09
rippsjhb1608: System -> About Ubuntu20:09
dios_miono icons on the system menu!!!20:09
burntashrs3: i still think im probably entering something wrong when it come to the passphrase wrapping.  since it asks twice.20:09
rippsdios_mio: that is intentional20:10
comicinkervarunthacker: I don't know20:10
MadnessRedit says "An application is attempting to perform an action the requires privileges"20:10
dios_miohow come??20:10
mzawieskahello guys20:10
mzawieskaI have a problem20:10
comicinkerwho doesnt20:10
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MadnessRedif I don't put in a password it says Authentication Failure20:10
* isonator04 slaps MadnessRed around a bit with a large trout20:10
rippsdios_mio: Gnome is removing a bunch of icons from interface, you can re-enable them from system->preferences->appearence->interface20:10
jhb1608yes is the upgrade I installed is beta or stable? I already downloaded the stable 9.10 ISO, but mine is still beta20:10
mzawieskawhen i go to my laptop downstairs and change to twineView and want to save by clicking Save to X configuration file i am getting error20:11
daleharveyok, I also have an external disk drive, can I boot from that?20:11
comicinkerdaleharvey: depends on your PC20:11
daleharveythe usb stuff comes up in the boot options20:12
comicinkerso it should be possible20:12
knoxvilleWhat was the url to update from 9.4 to 9.10?20:13
commander_i can't get the updates to the repositories20:13
ripps!upgrade | knoxville20:13
d3xteris the new software store able to download and install different packkages at the same time?20:13
ubottuknoxville: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:13
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miguelito12could I ask for some help about 9.10?20:13
d3xtermiguelito12: go ahead20:14
miguelito12I installed 9.1020:14
daleharveyany ideas how I would make the disk drive bootable without deleting anything from it?20:14
burntashks3: eCryptfs requires that the user's mount passphrase be inserted into the user session keyring in order to access the files under the ~/Confidential/ mount point. The mount passphrase is wrapped (encrypted) with the user's login passphrase and is stored in the ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase file. When the user logs in, the eCryptfs PAM module intercepts the user's login passphrase, uses it to decrypt the wrapped mount passphrase, a20:14
miguelito12but now I can't login from the logins creen20:14
KEBA1wow, really empty here -.-20:14
burntashrs3: so i assume Confidential means the Private folder20:14
d3xterdaleharvey: gparted can do that i think, or maybe cfdisk20:14
miguelito12it always returns me to the main black login screen20:14
nixiepixelHi, I need the installation of Karmic Koala to default to 800x600 for my monitor to work correctly - how can I make it do this?20:14
ZykoticK9mzawieska, use "gksudo nvidia-settings" then use the Save button - this is because it's trying to write to xorg.conf which is owned by root20:14
KEBA1i am downloading the torrents with a speed of ~40kiB - do you have such a slow speed, too?20:14
VegarWhat's the default gnome theme in 9.10?20:14
bullhornhow can i delete the emails on gmail.com through evolution mail? i have to delete each mail twice.. once in evolution and once on gmail.com. annoying!20:15
nixiepixelThe installation process, that is.20:15
rippsKEBA1: there are over 1800 people, just not everybody is talking20:15
MadnessRedSo K99Brain is this right? /dev/sda4       /media/DATA  vfat   iocharset=utf8,umask=000,user   0   020:15
K99BrainMadnessRed, yes20:15
kn100how can i make a hard disk not need root priv's to be modified?20:15
packet-sentupdated 3 laptop and 1 desktop, desktop and 1 laptop survived 2 laptops are unusable20:16
stahlstiftisn´t there anymore the desktop-switcher in the ubuntu 9.10 netbook remix?20:16
KEBA1ripps: yeah, my sentence was meant ironically. normal are 1400 iirc - 400 more because of a release? nice :)20:16
d3xtermiguelito12: installation worked fine, right?20:16
rippsKEBA1: sarcasm is difficult on irc20:16
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ks3burntash: I think the folder name is configurable, so they chose Confidential instead of Private?20:16
timetrapYou people did a great job on 9.10.20:16
K99BrainMadnessRed, but, i was thinking.. you have checked the "remember authorization" checkbox?20:16
MadnessRedthere isn't one20:16
comicinkertimetrap: thanks20:16
MadnessRedthats what was confusing me20:16
maurice_hey, i am using samba to access a folder on another ubuntu which is use for downloading with sabnzbd, i cant see whats inside new folders created in the share on another ubuntu-PC20:16
MeXTuXSplash screen doesn't show on startup. Instead of it I got an "Undefined video mode number: 317" error. My Ubuntu version is Hardy and my monitor is HP M5020:16
miguelito12d3xter:yes it worked fine20:16
K99BrainMadnessRed, when the "An application is attempting to perform..." appears20:17
MadnessRedin 9.04 there was a box I could press20:17
miguelito12the problem now is20:17
burntashks3: im just trying to figure out when im prompted for Passphrase to wrap: and wrapping passphrase: which to enter for those 220:17
miguelito12I can not login20:17
stimpiexisco add it to /etc/fstab20:17
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burntashks3: whether its the encrypted passphrase or my login20:17
dioz_miothere is no pidgin.. but a ewird thing called empathy!!20:17
* Skaperen now needs to put 9.10 on an SD card so he can boot it on his netbook20:17
miguelito12neither from the login screen nor from terminal by typing "startx"20:17
K99BrainMadnessRed, ah, ok, and in the 9.10 there isn't?20:17
knoxvilleAny official or unofficial backtrack channels? :)20:17
timetrapMost impressed that you went with 2.6.31 ...20:17
KEBA1ripps: well, in such "empty" (ah, i mean full, i am not allowed to make jokes -.-) channels, i agree with you. in really empty ones its ok, i think20:17
d3xtermiguelito12: you know how to deal with the console?20:17
iPandai just installed 9.10 :D -- anyway, flash is not installed, and when i try to install the .deb i get an error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libnspr4-dev -- and i can't apt-get that. What's the proper way to do it?20:17
MadnessRedno its not there in 9.1020:17
miguelito12yes kinda...20:17
ks3burntash: The first is the 32 or so bit hex mount passphrase, the 2nd is your login passphrase20:17
Idhannetwork question: I have two computer sharing the same wireless routher with ip 192.169.1.x, I need to connect them directly with a lan cable.. with ip should I use for the eth card??20:17
KEBA1nobody downloading the torrens here?20:17
d3xtermiguelito12: are there any error messages in "cat /var/log/messages"20:18
t2ttmpdo update will fix flash issue20:18
SkaperenIdhan: not using DHCP?20:18
ks3burntash: Bah, obiously not 32 bit, 32 characters or so20:18
K99BrainMadnessRed, ok, now it's clear which is the problem :D ok, add that line in the fstab file20:18
MadnessRedok, what is the problem btw?20:18
burntashks3: yea, ok i did that20:18
ZykoticK9Idhan, do you have a crossover-network cable?20:18
t2ttmpsudo apt-get uodate20:18
K99BrainMadnessRed, the policykit is changed20:18
trismiPanda: install flashplugin-installer20:18
burntashrs3: now do the keyctl padd?20:18
miguelito12d3xter: do you mean, after doing startx20:18
MadnessRedok done, should I restart/20:19
d3xtermiguelito12: after you tried to log in20:19
IdhanSkaperen: ZykoticK9: the new ethcard doesnt need a crossover-network.. already few years from now20:19
ks3Yeah, once you've got the wrapped-passphrase file, run "ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase | keyctl padd user tempkey @u"20:19
t2ttmpi did not sure you need to thou20:19
d3xtermiguelito12: 1. try to login, 2. change to the console and run this command20:19
K99BrainMadnessRed, you can try with: sudo mount -a20:19
iPandatrism: how? It doesn't seem to be apt-gettalbe20:19
nixiepixelCan anyone help me figure out how to get the Karmic Koala installation CD to use 800x600 resolution so that I can install it?20:19
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burntashrs3: when i run that it just hangs20:19
KnuthyHi, how comes Opera 10 is not in the 9.10 repos?20:19
IdhanSkaperen: dhcp does it work with direct connection between two computers?20:19
MadnessRedmount: mount point /media/DATA does not exist20:20
trismiPanda: make sure you have the multiverse repository enabled and refresh your repos in synaptic20:20
VeinorKnuthy: Because opera isn't free (as in speech) and open source.20:20
julianoliverKnuthy: it's non-free software?20:20
izzinixiepixel: ctrl + or ctrl - ?20:20
burntashthe curser hangs underneathe20:20
SkaperenIdhan: that's what it was originally designed for20:20
ks3burntash: Sorry, that should be "ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase | keyctl padd user tempkey @u"20:20
miguelito12d3xter: ok, what command?20:20
sobersabreso .. is karmic koala out and we can discuss it in here ?20:20
MadnessRedbut when I give it my password it mounts to /media/DATA20:20
K99BrainMadnessRed, sudo mkdir /media/DATA20:20
Veinorsobersabre: yep20:20
SkaperenIdhan: but it will have to be direct connect to a LAN segment with the router on it20:20
d3xternixiepixel: try to append "vga=785" as a kernel parameter20:20
x3464anyone notice that visualizations lock up when scrubbing in Totem?20:20
d3xtermiguelito12: "cat /var/log/messages"20:20
KnuthyVeinor: I know that it's not free, but I've activated the proprio repositories (as for Skype and so on)20:20
wesslingarhi, anyone familiar with ubuntu 9.1 netbookremix?20:20
SkaperenIdhan: or another DHCP server with a different pool ... or just pick any IP address not in any DHCP pool20:20
unitedpotsmokershello guys, good morning. i download ubuntu iso image (dekstop version), how to burn & install it with pendrive20:21
VeinorKnuthy: did you apt-get update ?20:21
kliklikI've just installed karmic amd64 cleanly and I'm having a lot of BROKEN packages when trying to install flash for example. In synaptic, all the packages are either in installed (local or obsolete) or in installed (manual) statuses.20:21
MadnessRedok thanks K99Brain, it works now20:21
SkaperenIdhan: pick only IPs the LAN is configured for, of course20:21
d3xterwesslingar: just go ahead, maybe someone can help you :)20:21
K99BrainMadnessRed, you're welcome20:21
burntashrs3: still hanging.  im typing "ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ~?.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase | keyctl padd user tempkey @u" and it just goes to a curser blinking on the next line hanging20:21
sobersabrewesslingar: there's this old saying "don't ASK TO ASK, just ASK"20:21
d3xtermiguelito12: or maybe try "less /var/log/messages", this is more comfortable ;)20:21
miguelito12d3xter: I am in the black terminal and I write "cat /var/log/messages"20:21
MadnessRedbut why is it such a complicated procedure?20:21
daleharveycan anyone point to some way to do either a network install or one from an external hard drive, all the tutorials I can find suck, and I cant even find any reference to network install which I have done a bunch of times before20:21
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nixiepixeld3xter, Thanks.. I'll give it a shot.20:22
Veinoroh, wait20:22
nixiepixelizzi,  Thanks hon I'll give it a shot20:22
stahlstiftWhere is the Desktop Switcher in 9.10 Netbook remix :(20:22
KnuthyVeinor: well used synaptic, but I'll use apt-get to see20:22
NeosanoHello guys! I would like to install ubuntu 9.10 to my new computer using netboot. Is it up to date? It says 17 October, but I guess it doesn't matter because it downloads the most part from internet, right?20:22
VeinorKnuthy: I don't know if opera is in the repositories20:22
sobersabredaleharvey: do you already have at least 1 machine installed ?20:22
wesslingari installed the actual ubuntu netbookremix on my eeepc 900a, on the second ssd harddrive (i have to give command "esc" to choose to boot from there), but the performance is really not good, xp is faster...20:22
trismdaleharvey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Server and network installations20:22
cousin_mariois there any difference in the final installation between desktop/alternate installer?20:22
miguelito12d3xter: ok it showed some codes20:22
daleharveyI have one machine installed, but thats the one I want to to a fresh install on top of20:22
miguelito12d3xter: what shall I search for?20:23
dioz_miowhy no "pidgin" but "empathy"??20:23
MBD123I'm trying to download the CD image karmic, but the download isn't starting. What's going on?20:23
julianoliverdioz_mio: pidgin was scrapped in favour of Empathy20:23
unitedpotsmokersI open iso image with poweriso then i extract it into pendrive, but i wont boot20:23
sobersabredaleharvey: you can have several approaches, you can for instance use FAI package.20:23
burntashrs3: when i type "ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ~/.encryptfs/wrapped-passphrase" it prompts "Passphrase:" and i type my login and it shows me the decrypted 32 character passphrase20:23
cousin_marioMBD123: network congestion, presumably20:23
dioz_miojulianoliver, but whhhhhy20:23
SkaperenMBD123: where from?  maybe the site is overloaded20:23
burntashrs3: so wrapped-passphrase must be made right if thats working20:23
cousin_marioMBD123: use torrent20:23
julianoliverunitedpotsmokers: try unetbootin instead20:23
sobersabreFAI=full automatic insallation.20:23
julianoliverdioz_mio: no idea20:23
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VeinorKnuthy: how exactly did you add the opera repositories?20:24
KnuthyVeinor: seems like it's not on the offical repos20:24
mzawieskahow come when i config samba and shared the folder its not showing in my computer downstairs?20:24
MBD123Skaperen: Ubuntu.com20:24
wilui can't playback matroska movies?20:24
gunknowni have firefox and shiretoko installed on my 9.04. What will happen after an upgrade to 9.10?20:24
trismdioz_mio: it is still there, you can install it with sudo apt-get install pidgin (that's the first thing I did)20:24
scott_ino2is karmic out... is it out!!!!20:24
mzawieskai shared the folder but its not showing20:24
wiluit lags lags lags20:24
julianoliverKnuthy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser20:24
SkaperenMBD123: I'd bet you are competing against 12,781 people20:24
sobersabredaleharvey: I used it to install more than 100 workstations, so it works...20:24
Knuthyjulianoliver: thx :)20:24
daleharveysobersabre: looking for the simplest possible20:24
ks3burntash: Hmm, that should have been piped to keyctl... you can manually do it by just typing 'keyctl add user tempkey 32charmountphrase @u'20:24
NeosanoHello guys! I would like to install ubuntu 9.10 to my new computer using netboot. Is it up to date? It says 17 October, but I guess it doesn't matter because it downloads the most part from internet, right?20:25
mzawieskacan any1 help me?20:25
burntresistori running 9.10 and windows are crashing from heavy useage handbrake and  vbox and some others im running a i5  with 4gb but ubuntu is seeing 3  would more ram help or am i maxing out what the cpu can do20:25
SkaperenMBD123: so use torrent or at least a mirror20:25
carresmdwilu, hi again, what GPU do you have?20:25
VeinorKnuthy: try adding deb http://deb.opera.com/opera/ stable non-free to /etc/apt/sources.list20:25
daleharveyit used to be a matter of pressing f7, giving it an address to pull sources from, and everything worked20:25
wilucarresmd: GPU ?20:25
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carresmdwilu, yes what graphics card20:25
sobersabredaleharvey: basically it easiness depends on your setup.20:26
julianoliverVeinor: apparently the version there is outdated.20:26
NobleHaving issues with 9.10 and nvidia drivers20:26
burntashks3: now i typed after that "ecryptfs-insert-wrapped-passphrase-into-keyring ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped_passphrase" and i was prompted again "passphrase:" so i typed my login and then it said Inserted auth tok with sig [16character hex] into the user session keyring" so that worked20:26
wschwhats the best way to manually install grub only onto a partition, not to MBR?20:26
wilucarresmd: wait20:26
wschany docs about it or something?20:26
sobersabreif you have a simple setup and you have control of everything, it's easy.20:26
julianoliverNoble: what happens?20:26
SkaperenMBD123: which file are you trying to download?20:26
unitedpotsmokersplease help me20:26
NobleIts related to compiz I guess20:26
burntashks3: i type "keyctl show" and still get the one line "-3 --alswrv 1000 1000 keyring: _ses"20:26
NeosanoHello guys! I would like to install ubuntu 9.10 to my new computer using netboot. Is it up to date? It says 17 October, but I guess it doesn't matter because it downloads the most part from internet, right?20:26
Noblewhen i try to play in windowed mode20:26
wschunitedpotsmokers, so lets hear your problem first?20:26
wesslingeranyone experience with bad performance under eeepc netbookremix on eeepc 900a20:26
sobersabredaleharvey: what do oyu exactly need to do ?20:26
unitedpotsmokersjulianoliver: i send u private msg20:26
Nobleit crashes the whole drvier20:26
MBD123Skaperen: The CD image20:26
mikejetWhen is Desktop 9.10 (64-bit) going to be available?20:26
SkaperenMBD123: there are several choices ... which?20:26
wilucarresmd: heh, where did i see that20:26
ks3burntash: Hmmm, if the key was successfully inserted there should be around 4 entries showing up20:27
ZykoticK9mikejet, it already is...20:27
sobersabrewesslinger: what do you mean "bad performance" ?20:27
assoguerozen_sxthey just did acroreader for x64 =]20:27
sobersabrewesslinger: is it overheating ?20:27
isolatedsh33pgosh, i had to download ubuntu 9.10 from XP since something went wrong with my apt =_=20:27
wilucarresmd: ok found, GeForce 8800 GTS 51220:27
daleharveysober, I have a laptop with 9.04 installed, I have a cd / iso of 9.10, my cd drive is apparently broken because installing with the cd freezes, I want to do a fresh install of 9.1020:27
julianoliverNoble: what 'driver'?20:27
Noblethe restriced one20:27
Noblecrashes the whole X20:27
Veinorjulianoliver: is it? http://deb.opera.com/opera/pool/non-free/o/opera/opera_10.01.4682.gcc4.qt3_i386.deb was last touched on 28-oct-0920:27
Nobleit seems20:27
carresmdwilu, ok.. shouldn't be a problem20:27
NeosanoHello guys! I would like to install ubuntu 9.10 to my new computer using netboot. Is it up to date? It says 17 October, but I guess it doesn't matter because it downloads the most part from internet, right?20:28
jtholmesmikejet, everything was released20:28
wilucarresmd: PCI Express 1X ?20:28
deviant-routeHey guys i'm not sure if someone alread found this but here is a link that shows you how to fix the broadcom wifi problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128886520:28
deviant-routeit worked for me20:28
henjjI can connect to my workplace VPN but I am unable to view the shared files.  In Nautilus, I type in smb://ipaddress and I get the message "Error: Failed to retrieve share list from server. Please select another viewer and try again.  I'm pretty new to ubuntu so I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this.  Any help woudl be appreciated.20:28
julianoliverVeinor: ok, good. then the info here needs to be updated: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser20:28
MBD123Skaperen: ubuntu-9.10-desktop-1386.iso20:28
sobersabredaleharvey: can you boot via USB ?20:28
wesslinger1sorry my connection suchs, thats why i need to ask again (dont know if anyone answered), has onyone experience with bad performance under actual netbookremix on eeepc 900a?20:28
carresmdwilu, 1X?20:28
Tesssaquestion have been trying to install ubunti 9.10 i dont have windows on my puter but xubuntu  i go through the install proceedure,get to 3of6 click forward jumps to 4 of 7 no partition manager why20:28
julianoliverNeosano: yes, it's probably just outdated information. upgrade after install anyway.20:28
wilucarresmd: yea what's that20:28
mzawieskaI need help with samba sharing folder. THe shared folder that i set up on my computer is not showing off in my other computer20:28
daleharveyits listed in the boot order options, so it looks like I should be able to20:28
wilucarresmd: it plays normal dvdrips20:29
SkaperenMBD123: via HTTP?20:29
carresmdwilu, where does it say that?20:29
Neosanojulianoliver thanks :]20:29
wilucarresmd: nvidia-settings, GPU - 020:29
mikejetThe "Begin Download" button does not work.20:29
MBD123Skaperen: Hang on, I'm going to try restarting. I think it's just a firefox problem20:29
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carresmdwilu, did you build the PC yourself?20:29
unitedpotsmokersmy friend using eeepc 1005. i donwload ubuntu 9.04 remix. install perfectly but unable to make a connection via wireless. hardware not detect. how to fix this? or ubuntu remix not support asus eeepc?20:29
burntashks3: and the auth tok that was 16 characters printed out, i did "cat ~/.encryptfs/$USER/Private.sig" and the exact same 16 character hex is in the .sig file20:30
nixiepixeld3xter, how do I append vga=785 as a kernel parameter? I don't know how to do that with the installation CD20:30
wschTesssa, you should be able to choose for manual if you want to manually partition your drive, if thats what you mean, im not sure if it skips steps if you dont choose manually20:30
erUSUL!boot | nixiepixel20:30
burntashks3: so its just now showing up when i type "keyctl show"20:30
jordo2323Is there a good step-by-step document to upgrade to Karmic yet?20:30
ubottunixiepixel: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:30
Banane1Jordo Which version do u hae ?20:30
Edson`Upgrading to Karmic ^_^.20:30
x3464Wow...  this bug is annoying - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/44880520:30
deviant-routeanyways later guys20:30
ks3burntash: I believe we put the sig in Private.sig, but it looks like there are supposed to be two in there20:30
wschunitedpotsmokers, what card does he have? try googling it if nobody answers20:30
carresmdwilu, did you build the PC yourself?20:31
wschunitedpotsmokers, you can check with lspci or lsucb, depending how the card is interfaced20:31
burntashks3: 2 16character sigs?20:31
wilucarresmd: nope20:31
ks3burntash: yep20:31
nixiepixelerUSUL, Are you suggesting that I have to create a new installation CD?20:31
burntashks3: on different lines?20:31
SuperDefenderXAnyone else suffering from slow DNS resolution in 9.10?20:31
wilucarresmd: ok probably i'll have to change to fedora :(20:31
johnbum5461Hi...just upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 selected auto hide panel and it slid down as it should, and then display froze, then a complete hard restart was required, NOW I cannot access the panel for system or  places, applications or anything else...is there a keyboard shortcut to access the panels, the only thing I can see is the trash can??  thanks for any ideas20:31
ks3burntash: Yes. Not sure what they're for, I've not had to mess with the sig file before.20:31
SkaperenSuperDefenderX: not me20:31
GNU_D_Hi, maybe is offtopic, but can you tell me a link with the price rate for europe shipping for Ubuntu clothes, please ?20:31
nixiepixelizzi, "CTRL -" didn't do anything for me.20:31
erUSULnixiepixel: no i am sugesting you to read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions20:31
sobersabredaleharvey: don't you have a 1-2 GB flash disk  ?20:32
SkaperenSuperDefenderX: but then, I use my own DNS on my own servers20:32
alex_mayorgaanyone else that's music less due to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/442157 ?20:32
profanephobiahey all. so i just did a clean install of 9.10 (yay!) and after I booted I went to edit my grub's menu.lst and its not there20:32
burntashks3: i have a 2nd 16 character one i was given i can append to it20:32
izzinixiepixel: mayb4e alt-ctrl + or -20:32
unitedpotsmokerswsch, i'm not really sure... but i will give u a model number20:32
ZykoticK9unitedpotsmokers, not sure about 1005 specifically BUT try plugging in a network cable, do all available updates, THEN check the System / Admin / Hardware Drivers.  Good luck.20:32
mikejetgawd --- who uses ftp(port=21) anymore?!?20:32
julianoliverprofanephobia: hehe20:32
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).20:32
daleharveysobersabre: nope not that I can find20:32
ks3burntash: Interesting, yeah. echo sig >>~/.ecryptfs/Private.sig20:32
ubottuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.20:32
wschunitedpotsmokers, just search for it in lspci and lsucb output, and google it YOURSELF :p20:32
ghabitHello. Where I can find official mdsum's?20:32
mikejetJust let us download the .iso from port 80. Idiots!20:32
unitedpotsmokersmy friend use asus eeepc 1005HA20:32
magrasomebody who can tell me why the speed i so damn slow using VNC on my laptop to my ubuntu desktop?? i run at 54mbps wireless net at home....20:32
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:32
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).20:33
Skaperenmikejet: find someone willing to host it on port 8020:33
mikebeechamdoes anyone know if there is facebook support in Empathy, since that is what ships with Karmic?20:33
=== raid0 is now known as raid0ff
daleharveyoh wait, I found a 1gb usb stick20:33
unitedpotsmokersZykoticK9: oh... good idea.. i never do that before. ok i will try20:33
mikejetSkaperen, Change ubuntu.com to support that.20:33
knoxvilleHow do I end a job running in terminal?20:33
burntashrs3: added.  yea i found it weird when it gave me 220:33
Skaperenmikejet: I'm not the ubuntu.com sysadmin, sorry20:33
julianoliverknoxville: CTRL-C20:33
ghabitknoxville: ctrl+c20:33
burntashrs3: now what should i try to get this into the key ring20:33
Skaperenmikejet: be nice and I might offer it on my server20:34
wilucarresmd: Talking  Howto: Successfully Play Matroska With Vlc20:34
knoxvillejulianoliver: thanks20:34
knoxvilleghabit: thanks20:34
nixiepixelerUSUL, Thank you, that helps, but I see no list of what the vga= options are, such as what is vga=771 vs. vga=785?20:34
wilucarresmd: searching in google then PD20:34
Aggrav8dugh.  segfault while running the 8.04->9.10 update on ubuntu server.20:34
iPandaso how can i install flash...? the .deb doesn't work because of libnspr4-dev dependency error20:34
magrasomeone?? maby a better solution for remote acces for the X than VNC??20:34
profanephobianevermind i see now that grub no longer uses menu.lst20:34
burntashrs3: i reran insert-wrapped-passphrase, and it inserted the new 16 character sig into the user session keyring20:34
carresmdwilu, or you could just give me the link20:34
scott_ino2iPanda, maybe just install the linux-restricted-extras package20:34
burntashrs3: then ran keyctl show, and still getting nothing20:34
packet-sentis this the official channel for karmic problems?20:35
henjjHello, I can connect to my workplace VPN in Karmic but I am unable to view the shared files.  In Nautilus, I type in smb://ipaddress and I get the message "Error: Failed to retrieve share list from server. Please select another viewer and try again.  I'm pretty new to ubuntu so I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this.  Any help woudl be appreciated.20:35
jennie_alexcan i you guys good websites that give pointers to how we can implement a shell?20:35
julianoliverpacket-sent: yep20:35
Banane1@IPanda sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:35
erUSULnixiepixel: this can be found in google 795 is 1024x768 24 bit color the other nnumbers translate to other resolution color depth pairs.20:35
rippsiPanda: it should work, try unstalling everything related to flash, then reinstall using apt-get flashplugin-installer20:35
X-TaZzHello. I just downloaded the UNR 9.10 iso file. I'd like to create a bootable usb key with it . How do I proceed ?20:35
BunnyGAnyone getting black screen after installing ati catalyst drivers in karmic??20:35
nomicwhere do i put a bug report pls?20:35
burntashrs3: does the keyring hve a name i should type in after "show" like "keyctl show Keyringname"20:35
nomicnot much of a bug20:35
mgv2why i cant connect with guest user?20:35
rdzhi all. it seems that release notes only list issues of the new 9.04. where can i find a list of changes, enhancements and new features?20:35
knoxvilleMy upgrade driver shuts down my upgrade in progress, it shows this error: W:Failed to fetch http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch20:35
julianoliverX-TaZz: i would use unetbootin: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/20:35
iPandaBanane1: ....it doesn't see such a package...20:35
LiberumI'm having problems with my keyboard on 9.10.  I'm using a Mac, and when viewing the Alt key in xev, it confirms that it is actually the 'Alt_L' key, but holding it down and pressing any of the numbers never generates one of the characters that should be there. The numbers work fine with shift. The problem I'm having is that Alt+2 is supposed to give me an e-mail address (this is confirmed by the layout in "Show Current Layout").20:36
Banane1I just tried it :O20:36
Banane1I can see one20:36
ZykoticK9magra, you could check out FreeNX, it's what NoMachine uses.  Don't use it personally, but others really like it.20:36
ks3burntash: Nope, it automatically shows the keyring assigned to you20:36
aliendude5300Hi. I just installed Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 on my Netbook, and I noticed a serious regression since Jaunty. My multi-touch touchpad no longer works (as a multi-touch device), but it does act as a regular touch pad still20:36
julianolivernomic: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/20:36
aliendude5300Can anyone help me?20:36
Liberum*the e-mail at sign, not "an e-mail address" :)20:36
magraZykoticK9: Thanks ill look in to that20:36
julianoliveraliendude5300: be sure to report a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/20:36
ZykoticK9magra, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX20:37
magraZykoticK9: but can i use that to conncet from a win system??20:37
BunnyGAnyone getting black screen after installing ati catalyst drivers in karmic??20:37
burntashks3: hm, so why would i just get 'Session Keyring' on one line and the next line "-3 --alswrv 1000 1000 keyring: _ses"20:37
iPandaBanane1: my apt get doesn't even seee anything that starts with "flash".. what can i do?20:37
sobersabredaleharvey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick20:37
aliendude5300julianoliver: I will. I was just looking for a solution.20:37
ZykoticK9magra, i'm sure (but don't KNOW)20:37
knoxvilleMy upgrade driver shuts down my upgrade in progress, it shows this error: W:Failed to fetch http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch20:37
magraZykoticK9: ok thanks alot!!20:37
sobersabreknoxville: it is possible the mirror website is not in sync ....20:38
Banane1Sorry I dont know maybe something istn right with your sources20:38
mzawieskaI am getting this error when i want to save the twine view in my laptop failed to parse existing X config file /etc/X11/org.conf20:38
SJrUm I'm trying to upgrade, and I lost network cause I had to hibernate, I was in the portion of getting new packages, and then the app closed20:38
mzawieskaany solution?20:38
aliendude5300julianoliver: I can help debug if needed. I'm not a beginner to the terminal or anything... I can help you get any info you need.20:38
sobersabretry using another one.. say in norway, or germany.20:38
ks3burntash: Not sure. Are you running that from the same terminal as the ecryptfs commands?20:38
sobersabredaleharvey: are you there ?20:38
knoxvillesobersabre: you kidding me, what should I do then?20:38
julianoliveraliendude5300: i don't have that hardware so can't help. i can only suggest looking into tp config utilities to try to see if events are being reported.20:38
SJrNow when I try to restart the app, I get "Unable to get exclusive Lock", yet apt or aptitude are not running20:38
burntashks3: yea20:38
ks3burntash: I have a _uid_ses and a _uid, then 2 user keys20:38
Banane1IPanda: nano /etc/apt/sources.list20:38
sobersabreknoxville: when you're installing you are choosing a server.20:38
julianoliverSJr: run 'ps ax | grep dpkg'20:38
burntashks3: when i run "ecrypt-manager" it has add public key to keyring" what would that do?20:38
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).20:38
maxIIIHello everyone!20:39
sobersabreknoxville: did you at any point choose .dk server ?20:39
julianoliverSJr: also make sure you're using sudo20:39
SJrjulianoliver,  nothing20:39
iPandaBanane1: should i add something into that?20:39
henjjHello, I can connect to my workplace VPN (windows server) in Karmic but I am unable to view the shared files.  In Nautilus, I type in smb://ipaddress and I get the message "Error: Failed to retrieve share list from server. Please select another viewer and try again.  I'm pretty new to ubuntu so I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this.  Any help would be appreciated.20:39
knoxvillesobersabre: no, I did not.20:39
profanephobiaOK how can I edit my grub list in 9.10. it wont let me edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg even as root!20:39
sobersabreBTW, knoxville all this should happen AFTER the system has been installed.20:39
ks3burntash: Not sure, but it shouldn't hurt anything to try it20:39
Banane1Post it please20:39
maxIIII have the same problem than http://forums.opensuse.org/hardware/388736-strange-pop-click-sound-speakers-every-time.html but I'm under Ubuntu 9.1020:39
SJrHmmmm that's odd I don't remember using sudo last time20:39
arcskyhttp://hem.passagen.se/dmsn/ubuntu_unetbootin.jpg why doesnt this work ? i get a black screen when im booting up20:39
SJrmaxIII, are the speakers muted?20:40
mzawieska failed to parse existing X config file /etc/X11/org.conf <--this is error I am getting when i am trying to save the conf  to X COnfiguration file20:40
sobersabreknoxville: you can do as follows: restart the installation, and do not connect the machine to the network.20:40
sobersabreknoxville: are you there ?20:40
jennie_alexcan anyone tell me if there is a website that gives pointers to how we can implement a C shell20:40
preecherafter updating to 9.10 i see a "ubuntu one" under apps and internet--when i go to it it has me register and then i get a message i have to wait on it to update--is this something i need20:40
SJrjulianoliver, I tried as root same error20:40
maxIIISJr, no20:40
gigasoft /msg NickServ identify 35183720:40
knoxvillesobersabre: I have 9.04 atm, trying to update to 9.10 through Update Manager.20:40
sobersabrejust disconnect the cable. After it finishes, reboot, and login.20:40
aliendude5300The Lauchpad server is having trouble... I'm getting an error when trying to file a bug... didn't Canonical learn to upgrade their hardware since the last major release?20:40
maxIIIMute or not, there are pop click sound20:40
sobersabreknoxville: then you need to use another mirror.20:40
SJrmaxIII,  so neither PCM or Master are muted, if not then I have no idea.20:41
watskeburtenhow do i get 9.10 from 9.04? distupgrd isnt working. it isnt giving me 9.10, it gives me 9.04 as most recent (I currently have 9.04 installed). update-manager -d tells me I can get, but "9.10 is still BETA" :/ though ubuntu.com says otherwise20:41
knoxvillesobersabre: sorry for slow response, my gf is flooding me with questions.. :D20:41
Skaperenaliendude5300: did you forget to send them the $25,000,000.00 check to pay for that upgrade?20:41
=== Jamie is now known as Guest80110
sobersabrejust run "Software Sources", and it has an option to change the server.20:41
seyfarthIs there a bittorrent for the netbook remix 9.10 .img someone could point me to? My university blocks access to torrent trackers, but not the actual download20:41
knoxvillesobersabre: Under settings in Update Manager right?20:41
burntresistoris there a solution to the problems with my dvd drives losing fuctionality it happen in 9.04 and again in 9.10  they wont open20:41
Raydiation11.8k people20:41
burntashks3: i just ran "ecrypt-mount-private" and it mounted and everything is listed decrypted filenames :D20:41
Banane1@Panda1: shoul look like this20:41
Banane1## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the20:41
Banane1## distribution.20:41
Banane1deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic-updates main restricted20:41
Banane1deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic-updates main restricted20:41
Banane1## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu20:41
FloodBot1Banane1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:41
SJrjulianoliver,  weird there is a process called karmic that is locking it20:42
SJrshould I kill it?20:42
sobersabreknoxville: in the software sources, you can change "Download From:" field.20:42
burntashks3: even though keyctl show doesnt bring it up20:42
miguelito12I am having a login problem which might be related to the message on the screen saying sth. like:" GNOME Power Manager- predefined configuration is not installed properly". Can anyone help me on this?20:42
ks3burntash: Excellent! Wasn't that easy :)20:42
daleharveyok cheers20:42
burntashks3: im gonna try and reboot and see if it sticks20:42
wiludoes anyone have problem with a lag in vlc when playing matroska files20:42
ZykoticK9seyfarth, it seems they have switched to downloading an ISO then moving it to USB (info on UNR download)20:42
maxIIISJr, When I change PCM volume, the pop/click sound is Worst.20:42
Raydiation1does it really boot faster? it boots slower here20:42
sobersabreknoxville: you can choose "Choose", and then "choose the best" something.20:42
wschwhats the best way to manually install grub only onto a partition, not to MBR? this is for booting 9.10 ext420:42
ks3burntash: Sounds good, I'll be here for 20 more minutes or so20:42
sobersabreknoxville: got it ?20:42
SJrHmmmm not sure then maxIII20:42
watskeburtenwilu: use MPlayer for MKVs20:42
sobersabredaleharvey: are you alive ?20:42
knoxvillesobersabre: got it! Thanks!20:42
KitsuneDragonhas anybody else here had problems with OA??20:42
knoxvillesobersabre: kudos to you!20:42
burntashks3: yea i gotta leave in 15 too for class haha, so hopefully this works.  if not at least i know i can still see it and the data is there should i need to copy it20:43
Kartagiswhat's the terminal tool to upgrade to 9.10?20:43
nixiepixelerUSUL, izzi - I appreciate the help, but I cannot find what other vga= options there are in Google, and vga=785 didn't work for me when I typed it at the end of the line after hitting F6 :(20:43
sobersabreknoxville: I'm back to my wife.20:43
AxiusHow to uninstall a package in ubuntu?20:43
daleharveysobersabre: it looks like thisll work, thanks20:43
sobersabreregards all20:43
wiluwatskeburten: ok i'll try20:43
dw13anyone successfully installed gnome-globalmenu on karmic?20:43
KartagisAxius, sudo apt-get purge package20:43
tadociao a tutti20:43
tadovorrei personalizzare un poco il tema del mio desktop. mi piacciono alcune icone di un tema e altre di un altro. come posso fare ad importare una serie di queste nel tema principale?20:43
Kartagis!it | tado20:43
ubottutado: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:43
pbaileyin inglese prego20:43
bonez46I can't get Evolution to work right.. since upgrading to 9.10..20:44
erUSULnixiepixel: first hit in google for "vga number codes" → http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=3677720:44
watskeburtenevolution was removed in 9..10, bonez4620:44
bonez46is this #ubuntu.. the english support room?20:44
rippsbonez46: yes20:44
thevdiHi. gnome-schedule doesn't seem to work anymore - it won't let me set a task "in the future" - any ideas?20:44
bonez46watskeburten: what replaces evolution then?20:44
watskeburtenhow do i get 9.10 from 9.04? distupgrd isnt working. it isnt giving me 9.10, it gives me 9.04 as most recent (I currently have 9.04 installed). update-manager -d tells me I can get, but "9.10 is still BETA" :/ though ubuntu.com says otherwise.....  so how do I get 9.10 stable, from 9.04?20:44
Banane1How can I test the GNOME-Shell?20:44
bonez46or where I can find a list of the changes?20:45
mzawieskaplease any1 could help me with my problems20:45
tadosorry guys :) same question different language then: i'd like to customize my theme. i like some icons from one theme and others from another. how can i import icons from one theme to the other?20:45
aliendude5300Skaperen: It must've got lost in the mail. :P20:45
julianoliverwatskeburten: have you upgraded all the packages in 9.04?20:45
jadHello ;)20:45
thevdiThunderbird probably replaced evolution20:45
angelushi, quick question .... does the alternate CD for Ubuntu double as the desktop CD ... or do i need the Desktop CD if i want to do a fresh install ......20:45
bonez46ripps is there a list of the programs removed, or the replacements?20:45
watskeburtenjulianoliver: yes20:45
jadHave a little issue with Koala eating Windows20:45
Kartagiswhat's the terminal tool to upgrade to 9.10?20:45
xxaaronxxHi all, i have a small issue. I cannt seem to save what im trying to edit a simple text file... :(20:45
aliendude5300Skaperen: Also, it wouldn't cost that much. They just need more bandwidth, not a whole new datacenter.20:45
rippsBanane1: apt-get gnome-shell... then run gnome-shell --replace20:45
evilbughow come pidgin was dropped as the default, because of no a/v chat?20:45
ogrelandhi all20:45
jadevilbug: yes20:45
bonez46I am sure Koala loves to eat Windows20:45
ogreland9.10 really suck20:45
scott_ino2Kartagis, sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:46
ogrelandwireless not work20:46
julianoliverwatskeburten: odd. i don't know the answer to do it cleanly.20:46
jadGrub2 doesn't show Windows as an Option at all20:46
wiluwatskeburten: what about smplayer and kmplayer ?20:46
jad How do I fix that ?20:46
Tesssathink i will wait to go to 9.10 untill thay have sorted the bugs out20:46
burntashrs3: booted in and everything looks decrypted :)  though i did see something about a mount error earlier during the boot20:46
ogrelandproblems with bootup from CD20:46
wiluwatskeburten: i get error in mplayer20:46
rdzis there a changelog or what's new page? the release notes only mention issues... i would like to know about the enhancements, though20:46
|Roert|hello all20:46
remotejad: you stop using windows20:46
ogrelandi'm switch back to fedora 1120:46
watskeburtenwilu: get the lastest version fromsvn. there is a tut about it on the ubuntuforums20:46
VeinorI'm getting static on my speakers.20:46
rippsbonez46: maybe http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910overview20:46
xxaaronxxcan anyone help me?20:46
ks3burntash: Good to hear, other than the last part :/20:46
jadremote: It's a work computer20:46
julianoliverogreland: try to get onto an ethernet network and apt-get update. then you should get an indicator to install a package that'll fix your wireless.20:46
wiluwatskeburten: error opening/initizlizing the video_out (-vo) device.20:46
VeinorEven though there's no sound playing at all.20:46
|Roert|can help me whit an huawei mobile connect usb stik on ubuntu 9.10 64 bit ?20:46
Skaperenaliendude5300: 2000 new servers ... 40 new Cisco switches ... 20 routers with BGP ... 16 redundant internet providers ... you provide all that and we can all have fast downloads20:46
Tesssamight even try win720:46
remotejad: work doesn't have to suck20:46
thevdiHi. gnome-schedule doesn't seem to work anymore - it won't let me set a task "in the future" - any ideas?20:46
profanephobiaI need to change the name of an entry in my grub configuration20:47
VeinorEr, no sound-playing apps.20:47
nixiepixelerUSUL, Great, thanks, I had no idea what to search for, that is very helpful.20:47
wiluwatskeburten: latest version of what? mplayer ?20:47
jadremote: Part of the deal is they can jump back to Windows in case of say a Office 2010 Doc coming in20:47
ogrelandjulianoliver strange when why 9.04 all work fine?20:47
remotejad: they don't need to20:47
henjjHello, I can connect to my workplace VPN (windows server) in Karmic but I am unable to view the shared files.  In Nautilus, I type in smb://ipaddress and I get the message "Error: Failed to retrieve share list from server. Please select another viewer and try again."  I'm pretty new to ubuntu so I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this.  Any help would be appreciated.20:47
xxaaronxxcan anyone help me?20:47
numberlustanybody know where the list of jaunty apt repo mirrors can be found? i want to fix my sources.list to get from something closer to my server20:47
jadremote: They have so far20:47
watskeburtenwilu: yes, latest mplayer from SVN. andrew made a tut about it on ubuntuforums :)20:47
evilbugjad- but i see pidgin implemented it. did the ubuntu team want a more gnome app?20:47
ogrelandi think i will wait till fedora 1220:47
jadevilbug: historically I would say no20:48
remotejad: but they don't need to have windows to read an office 2010 document20:48
julianoliverogreland: i don't know why there is a regression in your case. it's like XP->Vista. many wireless devices broke with new implementations and kernels.20:48
miguelito12Well I need some help on "I am having a login problem which might be related to the message on the screen saying sth. like:" GNOME Power Manager- predefined configuration is not installed properly". Can anyone help me on this?"20:48
jadubuntu has been pretty good about removing all the Gnome defaults and replacing it with things that work20:48
gunknowni have firefox and shiretoko installed on my 9.04. What will happen after an upgrade to 9.10?20:48
vladxxaronxx: what was your problem again?20:48
ogrelandjulianoliver yepp but i have Intel 5100 :)20:48
xxaaronxxi trying to edit a simple html file, and it wont save...20:48
jadremote: Ok well how do I get Windows back intothe chainloader?20:48
xxaaronxxin ubuntu server20:48
martinfmy 9.10 install (x86_32) gets to 95% then has a fatal error on running gnome-install, can anybody advise?20:48
ogrelandi understan if i have some kind realek or bcm based card20:48
remotejad: what's a chainloader?20:49
moltenbobcat henjj, can you ping the ip of the server after establishing your vpn connection?20:49
joaopintojad, sudo os-prober && sudo update-grub20:49
thevdiI just installed 9.10 and now I just have Madonna's borderline playing over and over again out of my speakers and a pound of chopped tomatoes flew out of my CD drive when I rebooted.20:49
jadjoaopinto: Thanks20:49
uCaliginouswhat is ppa?20:49
henjjhow would I do that?20:49
sharefim looking for a way to change permissions on an ntfs drive yet chmod and the like doesnt do anything20:49
vladtry to open it with the terminal. type sudo gedit filelocation/filename.htm20:49
qwyethremote, does openoffice really already have support for office 2010 files?20:49
zoldarhello. After I've turned down color depth to 16 in screen section of xorg, 3d performance improved slightly. However, when running for example a movie on youtube, I can see screen being redrawed, even this xchat window feels sluggish. Any ideas?20:49
Skaperenremote: a boot loader that loads and runs another boot loader20:49
DogstarRandom stranger, passing through, just to say - Team Fortress 2 is $2.50 for the next 30 minutes on Steam. Spread the love.20:49
xxaaronxxi get an error when i use gedit20:49
joaopintosharef, you can't change permissions on ntfs, you need to use uid/gid mount options20:49
xxaaronxxim using edit20:49
julianoliverogreland: right. then that should work fine. google around later tonight for people that have the same card and Ubuntu 9.10. you may find a solution. alternatively, just grab the latest compat_wireless and compile yourself.20:49
vladuse nano20:49
vlador vi20:50
moltenbobcatdogstar: lol awesome20:50
henjjmoltenbobcat, how would I do that?20:50
jadjoaopinto: Is that anywhere on the wiki?20:50
uCaliginousWhat does this mean -- "You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding   ppa:directhex/monoxide to your system's Software Sources."20:50
vladnano filelocation/filename.htm?20:50
sharefreason i ask is i have it shared on ftp and dont particularly want it messed with20:50
troubleshooterHi I did a fresh install of 9.04 then tried to upgrade to 9.10 it will take 10 hours to 10 days. but I requested a cd and was turned down c_dive@hotmail.com . That is all. Chow20:50
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.20:50
moltenbobcathenjj: Applications -> accessories -> terminal in command prompt type ping x.x.x.x20:50
ogrelandjulianoliver now i'm happy with fedora 11 :)20:50
qwyethjad, I run ubuntu in an environment that is pretty much completely windows-based, and for the few programs I need that don't have OSS solutions I run XP in a virtual machine.  It works great.20:50
xxaaronxxok let me try that20:50
thevdiHi. gnome-schedule doesn't seem to work anymore - it won't let me set a task "in the future" - any ideas?20:50
jadqwyeth: Agreed and that's where we are headed20:51
julianoliverogreland: i have the same card but am using Debian on that hardware. works very well on
|Roert|Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 32: mount: block device /dev/sr1 is write-protected, mounting read-only20:51
|Roert|mount: /dev/sr1 already mounted or /media/WINDEasyConnect  busy20:51
joaopintojad, no, it shouldn't be needed, but it seems that in some cases the installer is failing to run os-prober20:51
mathepicI'm going to upgrade my Ubuntu from Wubi-based to partition-based. Can I install the partitioned base Ubuntu and then remove the Wubi one to prevent loss of data?20:51
arcskywubi.exe whats that?20:51
ogrelandjulianoliver it's not depend on kernel vesrion - deb and rpm based sys are module based20:51
Arvaliushello guys , i've just installed ubuntu 9.04 but i have problems with wireless network , when i connect with my network says that the connection is established but no internet, any clues?20:51
qwyetharcsky, wubi is the ubuntu installer packaged to run inside windows20:51
|Roert|pls help20:51
jadremote, qwyeth: Much as I'd like to walk with Cds and erase windows off all the computer I come upon in daily life (The Cash register? really?) cooler heads prevail20:52
mathepicWhy would you just install 9.04?20:52
joaopinto!caps | lowlux20:52
ubottulowlux: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:52
xxaaronxxi get error writing to var/www/index.html no such file20:52
mathepic9.10 just came out. xd20:52
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
xxaaronxxbut its there!20:52
|Roert|cant connect to the internet whit my huawey usb stik20:52
kazaa_litehi all... here is my init script: http://pastebin.com/m1d0aeb1d20:52
knoxvilleWhat program would you guys recommend as mp3 player? I could use a liberary, and that's it.. No fancy stuff like animations or anything.20:52
ogrelandArvalius : do you use some kind of wireless encryption?20:52
aliendude5300Anyways, I reported that bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/46373520:52
henjjmoltenbobcat:  ok, here is what I get:  "PING x.x.x.x (x.x.x.x) 56(84) bytes of data"20:52
thevdiHi. gnome-schedule doesn't seem to work anymore - it won't let me set a task "in the future." If I launch it from terminal, I get a periodic message of "no crontab for <myusername>"  - any ideas?20:52
=== marco is now known as TCDD
kazaa_liteit works from shell but never starts my app on bootup20:52
nhuismanHey I have ubuntu 9.10 installed on a system with an ati card and more then 4gbs of ram.  is it possible with the current ati driver to get 3d support and dual monitors?20:52
mikeruwhat was that search bar that was included in 7.10 called??20:52
nhuismanThe log file for the ati installer of their website basically says no kernel module found.  I'm using the pae kernel20:53
vladxxaaronxx: try with .html20:53
Arvaliusit asks me a password of the network , i enter it but stll same20:53
moltenbobcathenjj, please put your ip address in instead of x.x.x.x20:53
qwyethknoxville, Amarok is awesome20:53
scott_ino2nhuisman, yes if you install the fglrx drivers20:53
moltenbobcathenjj: well the ip of the server you are trying to connect to over your vpn20:53
nhuismanscott_ino2, do those work with 9.10?20:53
julianoliverogreland: indeed, the problem is likely not in the kernel's module interface but rather above.20:53
RenatoSilvawhat athe the virtualization options in Ubuntu?20:53
|Roert|Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 32: mount: block device /dev/sr1 is write-protected, mounting read-only20:53
|Roert|mount: /dev/sr1 already mounted or /media/WINDEasyConnect  busy20:53
rippslowlux: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128018920:53
RenatoSilvaDoes it come with some default application?20:53
vladxxaaronxx: try with .htm20:53
grendal_primehey..i need to storesome stuff offsite via  a backup server.  Has anyone here set up a cloud computing storage device via nfs?20:53
knoxvilleqwyeth: are you using it yourself? and if I'm updating from 9.04 -> 9.10, does it delete my custom applications?20:53
scott_ino2nhuisman, yes, go to System/Administration/Hardware drivers, and it will ist the drivers for your card. just click to activate20:53
nhuismanscott_ino2, I installed the ati drivers off the website20:53
nhuismanscott_ino2,  ya I looked in there before and there was nothing there.20:54
mathepicSo does anyone know if I can install a partition-based Ubuntu before uninstalling my Wubi-one20:54
vladxxaaronxx: nano /var/www/index.htm as admin20:54
joaopintonhuisman, you shouldn't do that !20:54
scott_ino2nhuisman, well you can do that as well... and if successful you should have 3d, as for your dual monitors you may have to open the catalyst controlc enter and do it there20:54
grendal_primesorry accessable via nfs...basically i want to nfs mount a cloud storage device to my backup server so i can send my backups to that cloud storage device as if it was just another dir onthe server.20:54
nhuismanscott_ino2, hmm actually though now that I've installed them i see the activate button20:54
dnkguys what is Can't dispatch DDM chunk 4d50525120:54
kazaa_litejoaopinto: can you help me as well?20:54
daleharveyok, apparently booting from a usb doesnt work20:54
HexGhosthello, im looking for some help on rsync on ubuntu not correctly copying over newer files, if anyone is familiar with rsync and has a spare second :)20:55
scott_ino2nhuisman, well you'll need to remove whatever you installed from the site first20:55
nhuismanjoaopinto, I shouldn't install the ati drivers from the website?20:55
* julianoliver notes that Mark needs to sack the designers he's paid to come up with the new theme.20:55
RenatoSilvawhat athe the virtualization options in Ubuntu?20:55
RenatoSilvaDoes it come with some default application?20:55
nhuismanand then use the ones in aptitude?20:55
thevdiHi. gnome-schedule doesn't seem to work anymore - it won't let me set a task "in the future." If I launch it from terminal, I get a periodic message of "no crontab for <myusername>" If I try "crontab -e", I get nano opening with a  file in /tmp/crontab.blah and it contains '# m h  dom mon dow   command' only - any ideas?20:55
joaopintonhuisman, no you shouldn't, you should use the version available from the repositories, which was properly tested20:55
nhuismanok i'll try it20:55
kazaa_liteanyone willing to help me?20:55
dehaaniif I download from a mirror, does it come in back to front? like big endian?20:55
scott_ino2nhuisman, either install via the "hardware drivers" area or via synaptic. aptitude should work also but ive never used it so i can't speak for that20:55
packet-sentmaybe there is no future!!!20:56
sharefis there a safe way to quickly convert a fs from ntfs to ext3?20:56
=== joseph is now known as spasticteapot
knoxvilleIf I'm updating my 9.04 ubuntu -> 9.10 ubuntu, will it delete my custom applications?20:56
magrawhy do i get sudo: apt: command not found when i type sudo apt -get install openssh-server20:56
dehaanihasn't 9.10 found it's way to gb.archive.ubuntu.com?20:56
kazaa_liteit has taken me 6 hours and this shit thing is still now working20:56
vladxxaaronxx: nano /var/www/index.htm  or index.html if doesn´t work. Tell me if it works for you20:56
qwyethknoxville, yes, I use Amarok for my music library at home.  I ran the upgrade to 9.10 a few days ago and Amarok was unaffected.20:56
nhuismanscott_ino2, ya i usually use the hardware drivers area but it was blank.20:56
joaopintosharef, backup and restore20:56
julianoliverRenatoSilva: i'd look at external solutions, like VirtualBox.20:56
mathepictheres no space in apt-get20:56
magraaha ok20:56
sharefdont have the storage for that ><20:56
knoxvilleqwyeth: Thanks friend!20:56
thevdiVirtualbox works a treat20:56
manitouis it karmic-moblin-remix final out ?20:56
nhuismanok, uninstalled the fglrx via the fglrx-uninstall.sh script in /usr/share/ati, now i'll install via aptitude and reboot20:56
guntbertmagra: its apt-get (not apt -get)20:56
ubottukazaa_lite: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:57
nellmathewanyone up upgraded to ubuntu 9.10.. can you goto software center, type in vlc and double click on it (don't install)?.. thinking about reporting a bug.20:57
BUGabundoI didn't manage to say good bye too ppl on +1 :(20:57
julianolivernhuisman: 'sudo apt-get update' and you should see a little prompt come up asking you to install the driver.20:57
kazaa_liteMka: oka20:57
HenZoJust updated from Jaunty to Karmic and there's no Firefox menu item in the Applications->Internet menu. Did an apt-get remove on all old Firefox packages and --reinstall install on ubufox and still no menu icon. Anyone else experience this? What gives?20:57
thevdiHi. gnome-schedule doesn't seem to work anymore - it won't let me set a task "in the future." If I launch it from terminal, I get a periodic message of "no crontab for <myusername>" If I try "crontab -e", I get nano opening with a  file in /tmp/crontab.blah and it contains '# m h  dom mon dow   command' only - any ideas?20:57
RenatoSilvajulianoliver: but it doesn't come with any solution or sugegsted one in synaptic?20:57
magrayeah thanks, it sez apt -get on a homepage..haha well well now its working thanks....pretty new to this =)20:57
nhuismanah here is the issue i had with the pae kernel and the aptitude version20:57
nhuismanError! Could not locate fglrx.ko for module fglrx in the DKMS tree.20:57
nhuismanYou must run a dkms build for kernel 2.6.31-14-generic-pae (i686) first.20:57
RenatoSilvadoes u9.10 come with FF 3.5?20:57
julianoliverRenatoSilva: i don't know. perhaps qemu, though that's more work.20:57
mathepicRenatoSilva: yes20:58
jadremote, qwyeth: Linux kernel panicing every 15 minutes doesn't help either :)20:58
nhuismanhmm ok looks like the kernel source is missing20:58
nhuismani'll install that20:58
RenatoSilvajulianoliver: ok thanks20:58
qwyethHm... adobe flash is being problematic on my clean install of karmic.  The installer didn't work, and now when I try to remove the package in synaptic I get:20:58
RenatoSilvamathepic: thanks20:58
qwyethE: adobe-flashplugin: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 220:58
RenatoSilvathanks all20:58
mathepicYay finished burning my 9.10 cd20:58
qwyethjad, what the heck did you do to break it then?20:58
RenatoSilvahigh traffic channel this one, should have temp thread sub-channels20:58
kazaa_liteany good person who can help me in starting my app at boot time?20:58
jadqwyeth: The Intel Driver is messed up20:58
|Roert|can help me someone whit my huawei stick ?20:58
rippsqwyeth: try dpkg -r adobe-flashplugin20:59
vladwhat is the cmd for `logout` in ubuntu20:59
oroszghi do you know anybody whenn will xbmc available for 9.1020:59
julianolivernhuisman: see the release notes regarding a problem with restricted drivers.20:59
Skaperenvlad: exit20:59
SJrExcellent, 21 hours left to upgrade, I hate Canada20:59
Skaperenvlad: but logout should work, too20:59
ks3kazaa_lite: You can add it to /etc/rc.local20:59
actafoolhow can i update mu 9.04 to 9.10 ?20:59
kazaa_liteks3: i added it there as well but did not work20:59
guntbertvlad: and ctrl+d too20:59
thevdiHi. gnome-schedule doesn't seem to work anymore - it won't let me set a task "in the future." If I launch it from terminal, I get a periodic message of "no crontab for <myusername>" If I try "crontab -e", I get nano opening with a  file in /tmp/crontab.blah and it contains '# m h  dom mon dow   command' only - any ideas?20:59
kazaa_liteks3: have you seen my script?21:00
=== Sacho1 is now known as Sacho
SJrHow likely is it that my system needs to download 2.8 Gigs to upgrade?21:00
ripps!upgrade | actafool21:00
ubottuactafool: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:00
ks3kazaa_lite: No21:00
SJrThat seems a bit excessive21:00
jadSJr: quite likely21:00
qwyethripps, that command fails like so: http://pastebin.org/4937621:00
kazaa_liteks3: http://pastebin.com/m1d0aeb1d have a look21:00
scott_ino2julianoliver, he's using a ppa not the official release21:00
scott_ino2for hte driver21:00
jadSJr: You are updating every package yuo ahve ever installed21:00
SJrjad, and is it likely that I can only get about 25.4 kb/s21:00
HenZoNobody else experiencing the missing Firefox menu item issue?21:00
joaopintoSJr, not really, since you are upgrading most of the packages on your current system21:00
ArvaliusHello once again . i'm new to linux , i've installed ubuntu 9.04 and i tried to connect wireless to my network which is protected.so when i try to connect i press the pass and it connects me with success.the problem is that despite that i'm connected to my network i don not have internet.thanks in advance21:00
jadSJr: Welcome to release day rush21:00
julianoliverscott_ino2: i see21:01
ks3kazaa_lite: Ahhh, that wouldn't go in rc.local21:01
SkaperenArvalius: time to get 9.1021:01
* julianoliver notes "Package list must be manually refreshed before installing drivers" from: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91021:01
dehaaniso, when 9.10 was released today... were there any further updates since two days ago?21:02
kazaa_liteks3: then how to make my app start when ubuntu boots up? my this script is in /etc/init.c and my script has chmod 777 as well21:02
iPandaI can't install flushplugin-installer using apt-get because i get this error: E: Some packages could not be authenticated -- what can i do?21:02
julianoliverthat should save some people time waiting for restricted drivers prompting to be triggered.21:02
scott_ino2dehaani, as for me, as of yeterday at 4pm there weren't any updates21:02
ZykoticK9thevdi, what version of ubuntu are you using?  9.04 doesn't seem to have gnome-schedule (in menu or from terminal), not sure about 9.10 - only have UNR version installed so far (it's not there either BTW)21:02
dehaanithank you scott_ino221:02
apparleis UXA the default acceleration method for intel ?21:02
rippsqwyeth: hmmm.. try dpkg --purge adobe-flashplugin21:02
joaopintodehaani, yes, but nothing like checking for updates from the update manager21:02
bonez46I am reading on ubuntu's site about the Software Center.. yet I can't find that on my system...21:02
jaddehaani: Nope you did the smart thing21:02
watskeburtenhow do i get 9.10 from 9.04? distupgrd isnt working. it isnt giving me 9.10, it gives me 9.04 as most recent (I currently have 9.04   installed). update-manager -d tells me I can get, but "9.10 is still BETA" :/ though ubuntu.com says otherwise.....  so how do I get   9.10 stable, from 9.04? Install command for CLI prefered.21:02
oleoheh, forgot the jump21:03
nhuismanblah, why would they disable ctrl+alt+backspace, grr21:03
bonez46where is the Software-Center?21:03
jad!upgrade | watskeburten21:03
ubottuwatskeburten: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:03
thevdiZykoticK9: Well, I'm actually using Linux Mint Gloria (7) which I suppose is based on 9.0421:03
dehaaniI'm using apt-get with gb.archive.ubuntu.com21:03
qwyethripps, same thing21:03
watskeburtenthanks jad21:03
ks3kazaa_lite: You need to link it into the rc?.d directory - probably /etc/rc2.d - ln -s /etc/init.d/script_name /etc/rc2.d/S99script_name21:03
dehaaniand there's nothing21:03
scott_ino2nhuisman, there's a simple one click fix for that21:03
linxehwatskeburten: i guess your mirror hasnt updated or something yet21:03
uFo-Zzi updated from 9.04 to 9.10. installed UNR with apt. where i can change the desktop to UNR ? there is no icon anymore ?21:03
ks3kazaa_lite: Although in my view, it would be easier to just add "/usr/sbin/hello" to /etc/rc.local21:03
vladi need a white gnome logo icon that i could use on my gnome top  panel. Anyone got one?21:04
knoxvilleIs there any official or unofficial backtrack channel?21:04
scott_ino2nhuisman, http://lifehacker.com/5385615/restore-ctrl+alt+backspace-behavior-in-ubuntu-91021:04
nhuismanscott_ino2, ya i found it in the release notes21:04
kazaa_liteks3: i did update-rc.d my_scripts defaults to get all ssymlinks21:04
thevdiZykoticK9, if you type "sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule", it is in the ubuntu repo, I think21:04
nhuismanjust annoying that they would take that out.21:04
apparleanyone here, whose intel graphics didn't work in 9.04 and is working in 9.1021:04
nhuismani guess too many people press it and go wtf.21:04
ZykoticK9thevdi, perhaps - sorry i don't assist with non-Ubuntu issues.  best of luck.21:04
julianolivernhuisman: for you and i maybe, not for countless thousands ;)21:04
xrandrso, is 9.10 officially released?21:05
ks3kazaa_lite: If you run 'invoke-rc.d scriptname start', does it start?21:05
scott_ino2nhuisman, i mean i never need to do it really so...21:05
nhuismansilly windows users :p21:05
julianoliverxrandr: yes21:05
rippsqwyeth: hmm... this person might be seeing what your having http://blog.ixti.ru/archives/621:05
qwyethnhuisman, I remember thinking it was annoying back in the day when windows made ctrl+alt+delete not hard-reboot a system anymore21:05
pablo___Ok making some good progress with 9.10 today and this place has helped. How do I go about geting the Compiz control pannel in Koala21:05
packet-sentapparle: myintel drivers now have 3d acceleration whereas before in 9.04 they did not21:05
h4f2will apt-p2p do it faster ?21:05
* scott_ino2 is sad i have to turn off my other machine after 74 days to do an upgrade21:05
kazaa_liteks3: lemme try21:05
xrandrok, for us using the beta version, what do we have to do to get to the live version?21:05
nhuismanqwyeth, ya so make a popup come up21:05
jadSJr: I"m getting 100k right now21:05
nhuismanqwyeth, like they did with the task maanager in windows21:05
thevdiZykoticK9, I suspect it isn't an issue unique to Mint somehow.21:05
theoohow to load mod_rewrite in apache2?21:05
guntbert!ot | nhuisman21:05
apparlepacket-sent: and did it start right out of the box21:05
ubottunhuisman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:06
bobsaccamanohi...where can i find documentation for apache 2.2 in ubuntu?21:06
rippsqwyeth: when your done use flashplugin-installer to install flash next time21:06
julianolivertheoo: #apache21:06
packet-sentapparle: yup21:06
qwyethripps, thanks for the link, trying it out now21:06
nhuismanhow is that off topic? i'm talking about ubuntu... silly21:06
nhuismanoh, sorry i get it.21:06
kazaa_liteks3: yes it gets started, should i add this line to local.rc?21:06
apparlepacket-sent: can you check and tell if UXA is running in xorg logs21:06
guntbertnhuisman: :)21:06
need_helphello how i can upgrade my ubuntu! what is the command thx21:07
xrandralso, my wireless card is only getting a link speed of 1 mbps. How can I "up" that?21:07
ks3kazaa_lite: That would be one option, but make sure rc.local is executable - chmod 0755 /etc/rc.local21:07
timdotwell i have to say guys, i'm very impressed :)21:07
thevdiHi. gnome-schedule doesn't seem to work anymore - it won't let me set a task "in the future." (Task that involves downloading 9.10 overnight ;-)) If I launch it from terminal, I get a periodic message of "no crontab for <myusername>" If I try "crontab -e", I get nano opening with a  file in /tmp/crontab.blah and it contains '# m h  dom mon dow   command' only - any ideas?21:07
julianolivertimdot: ;)21:07
kazaa_liteks3: lemme try21:07
ks3kazaa_lite: That would make it appear that the symlinks in the /etc/rc?.d directories didn't get created properly21:07
timdoti had a little hiccup when trying to do both an encrypted HDD and encrypted home dir.. (i got a bit carried away :P)21:07
queso_Is there an appropriate channel for me to ask a question related to the GPL?21:07
pipegeekNot to beat a dead horse, but .... I mean, I guess I can just add it, but is there any reason basic message formatting was excluded from empathy IM?21:08
SandGorgonoh hey.. Team Fortress 2 for $2.49 for next 2 hours (http://store.steampowered.com/app/440/ ) . Gold compatible with wine - http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=582321:08
timdotbut it was all fab when i got rid of home dir encryption21:08
pipegeeklike, /italic/, *bold* at least21:08
jadqueso_: Fsf ?21:08
qwyethripps, Thanks, that worked!  I bow to your google-fu.21:08
spiralizi got the same problem as xrandr , with two different cards21:08
jadqueso_: #fsf sorry21:08
DanaGhmm, when can I get these features?21:08
h4f2any one tried apt-p2p to update to karmic ?21:08
queso_jad: thanks :)21:08
joevandyki heard about a nginx vulnerability.  how can i tell if my ubuntu 8.04 system has had that update applied?21:08
kazaa_liteks3: ummm....... should i remove all symlinks and create them manually and then try rebooting?21:08
guntbertSandGorgon: no announcements please21:08
xrandrspiraliz: yeah. I got a netgear wireless-g card.21:08
pablo___Is there compizconfig-settings-manager fro karmic?21:08
joevandykis there a way i can use apt to see all the changes to a package?21:08
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
scott_ino2pablo__, yes21:09
scott_ino2it's there21:09
need_helphello how i can upgrade my ubuntu! what is the command thx21:09
julianolivertimdot: perhaps you can encrypt $HOME later.. may be tricky though..21:09
ChogyDanneed_help: upgrade-manager -c21:09
zibi9797i try to install kramic but when i'm boot this cd I have some troubles21:09
timdotjulianoliver, it doesn't matter - i've got an encrypted HDD21:09
ks3kazaa_lite: What shows up from 'ls /etc/rc?.d/*scriptname'21:09
julianolivertimdot: right, of course.21:09
_Trullostupid question, but when following a guide and it says jaunty I have to replace that with karmic right?21:09
need_helpChogyDan -bash: upgrade-manager: command not found21:09
timdoti was just being a bit over the top :p21:09
julianolivertimdot: easily done ;)21:09
pablo___scott_ino2: I am not finding it in Synaptic21:10
xrandrany answers for this?21:10
zibi9797when I chose install there was a small ubuntu icon and then was some kind of mistakes on screen i don't see anythib21:10
thevdiHi. gnome-schedule doesn't seem to work anymore - it won't let me set a task "in the future." (Task that involves downloading 9.10 overnight ;-)) If I launch it from terminal, I get a periodic message of "no crontab for <myusername>" If I try "crontab -e", I get nano opening with a  file in /tmp/crontab.blah and it contains '# m h  dom mon dow   command' only - any ideas?21:10
bonez46anyone else know where the Software-Center lives?21:10
zibi9797can anybody help mi?21:10
timdotthis is sexy anyway, whilst i thoroughly do not agree with using tonnes of system resources for aesthetics.. it looks very, very swish :)21:10
pablo___scott_ino2: do i need to add a repository?21:10
bonez46how do I updated my menu so that it reflects all the cool new features of 9.10?21:10
timdotand i was half tempted to keep the swish effects on :p21:11
rippsneed_help: it's update-manager, not upgrade-manager21:11
scott_ino2pablo__, compizconfig-settings-manager21:11
jadzibi9797: Ask your question21:11
bonez46ripps: how does one update the Applications Menu?21:11
kazaa_literc0/1/6 have K20script_name and rc2/3/4/5 hace S20script_name21:11
a-865where do you disable the confirmation for logout of KDE?21:11
bonez46ripps: mine appears to not have all the changes and features that it should21:11
apparleis UXA the default acceleration method in karmic21:11
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kazaa_liteks3: rc0/1/6 have K20script_name and rc2/3/4/5 hace S20script_name21:12
Dayofswordswoah! its out21:12
rippsbonez46: it should usually be done automatically... try `killall gnome-panel`21:12
pablo___scott_ino2: no results when I seach for that21:12
JediMasteramd64 will work fine on a core2duo right?21:12
DarkDawn1yes it will21:12
Brent^sooooo, funny story time. A friend of mine wanted to install windows 7, so he started by backign up all his files to his ubuntu server... which was running in a VM image on his vista intall. So about half way into his Windows 7 install, he realised what he did... I swear I could hear him screaming "NOOOO" from here :D21:12
bradlandHiya all :)21:12
bonez46ripps: won't that kill my gnome too, and gdm?21:12
zibi9797when I'm boot ubuntu 9.10 i have that small icon and then i have some bad things on my screen i don't see anyching21:12
thevdiCheers for the help!21:12
scott_ino2pablo__, refresh your lists21:12
bradlandI just read something I don't understand... imagine that21:12
bradland"In either case, remember you don't need to assign (*and don't want to) an IP21:13
bradlandaddress to the monitoring interface"21:13
rippsbonez46: no that will initiate restart of your panel and all it's applets, including the menu21:13
pipegeekalso, is there any way to configure logging in empathy21:13
bradlandHow does one "not assign" an IP to an interface?21:13
eitreachUbuntu cannot find any hardware drivers for my nvidia geforce 8600GT. What can be the problem?21:13
magrawhat is the command for changing the sshd_config file in terminal??21:13
Brent^disconnevt it?21:13
ks3kazaa_lite: Does the program use networking?21:13
jadzibi9797: You have an icon?21:13
wschbradland, you dont want to use it?21:13
pipegeekalso, would be nice if one could import one's accounts from pidgin21:13
pablo___scott_ino2: ohoh i bet it because I install 64-bit version21:13
guntbert!ot | Brent^21:13
ubottuBrent^: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:13
kazaa_litenopes, but needs root privileges to run21:13
scott_ino2pablo__, im on 64 bit21:14
scott_ino2shouldn't matter21:14
bastidrazormagra: you would edit it with vim or nano or even with gedit (gui)21:14
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kazaa_liteks3: nopes does not need networking, but needs root privileges21:14
ks3kazaa_lite: Hmmm, I was just wondering if it's trying to start too early in the boot process21:14
bradlandwsch: well, this is going to be used for nTop monitoring, so supposedly the interface should be A) in promiscuous mode, and B) not have an IP21:14
zibi9797jad:yes i have this icon21:14
ks3kazaa_lite: You could try creating the S scripts as S99 instead of S20 and test that21:14
dAnonwill using 64 bit ubuntu get me more performance?21:14
jadzibi9797: Perhaps X crashed?21:14
cwillu_at_workis there any way to get compiz to use "non sloppy" focus-follows-mouse?21:14
rosebjdAnon generally, yes21:14
cwillu_at_worki.e., where the active window is unfocused when the cursor leaves21:14
kazaa_liteks3: whats the difference between S20 and S90?21:15
cwillu_at_workeven if the mouse cursor isn't over another window21:15
dAnonwill using 64 bit ubuntu get me more performance? My processor is 4000+ Athlon X221:15
xrandrOk, the driver i'm using for my wireless card is ath5k for my netgear WPN311 card. But I'm only getting (according to the network manager) 1mbps on it. Anyway to increase this, update the driver, or use a better driver associated with this card?21:15
acid_Русские есть?21:15
jadkazaa_lite: 90 starts later21:15
jad!ru | acid_21:15
ubottuacid_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:15
ks3kazaa_lite: Scripts are ran in numerical order, so S20 is ran before S21, and so on21:15
syki just installed ubuntu 9.10 and im having trouble installing software, in ubuntu software center when i click a app i just get a loading icon, and in terminal i try to install like xchat and it tells me package not found21:15
magrabastidrazor: ok,in x i can acces it but cant save it because i dont have rights to it but in terminal i can use sudo...?? as i told you im new to this21:15
kazaa_liteks3: cool... lemme try this21:15
CarlFKwhat is the command (something like dpkg) to generate a xorg.conf?21:15
neohelixis there an app like rmclock for linux? i am using ubuntu for the first time and it's annoying that i can't switch the cpu voltage easily with a tool21:15
acid_Jad что?21:15
neohelixthis cpu frequ scaling monitor in gnome is pretty useless...21:16
bastidrazormagra: yes if you're using vim/nano use sudo if you are going to use gedit use gksudo21:16
bastidrazormagra: sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config21:16
xrandrCarlFK: dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server21:16
wschbradland, sorry no idea of that21:16
CarlFKxrandr: that;s it  thanks.21:16
bradlandwsch: no problem. thanks for looking though :)21:17
xrandrCarlFK: np :D21:17
wschbradland, something to wrrite in /etc/network/interfaces im guessing21:17
wschiirc even21:17
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bradlandwsch: i think i found something21:17
bastidrazormagra: gedit would be much easier if you're new.. gksudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config21:17
wschbradland, please do share :p21:17
DanaGweird... for the same approximate settings, kwin is way slower than compiz.21:17
bradlandscroll down to the line that says "auto eth1" on this page http://www.hurricanelabs.com/december2008_story_321:17
DanaGWAY way slower.21:17
wschthanx Bracki21:17
CarlFKxrandr:  "/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xorg-server is not installed"  (full karmic install..)21:18
bradlandwsch: amazingly, this is the best documentation i've seen to date! haha21:18
a-865where do you disable the confirmation for logout of KDE?21:18
magrabastidrazor: thanks again!! =)21:18
pablo___scott_ino2: i am so lame. I didnt reload.21:18
scott_ino2pablo__, all is well though21:18
wschbradland, yeah nice find, im gonna bookmark it21:18
CrocoJetsomeone here has webcam working at ubuntu 9.10 ?21:19
phoenixzHi there, my dad just bought an HP 5380 combi printer. it works great, scans, etc.. All is fine, but he wants to print photos on special photo paper and that part doesnt work. The photo paper is in another tray. When trying to print on A4 format, all goed well. When selecting the photo paper, the paper gets picked up, runs though the printer (without being printed on) and a printer led is flashing.. How can this issue be resolved? Anybody who has an21:19
phoenixz idea? He's using Ubuntu 8.1021:19
wschfull of nice stuff to try once i have some time21:19
Wipsterhey all, I'm having a bit of a trouble with error underlining text in telepathy which are not underlined here in xchat, is my library misconfigured? I'm using 9.10 32bit21:19
joevandykhm, it doesn't look like ubuntu has an bug fix for http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Oct/306 yet?21:19
CrocoJetI have "Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0ac8:0302 Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. ZC0302 Webcam"21:19
wschgrub wont boot, how can i fix it?21:19
bradlandwsch: if you've got a switch capable of mirroring traffic, you should definitely check out nTop. I picked up an old SMC TigerSwitch (managed switch) for $30 on eBay21:19
dAnonQuake Wars ran perfectly on 8.10, when upgraded to 9.04 it started dropping fps in fire fights, had clean install of 9.04 before and same thing occured21:19
wschthis is a fresh install of 9.10RC, and i installed grub only on the partition21:19
ChogyDanwsch: get any errors?21:20
Wipstersorry not telepathy, empathy my bad21:20
CrocoJetI think that Samsung Pleomax is totally compatible with linux, right?21:20
xrandrCarlFK: dpkg --reconfigure xorg-server21:20
dAnonQuake Wars ran perfectly on 8.10, when upgraded to 9.04 it started dropping fps in fire fights, had clean install of 9.04 before and same thing occured what can be the cause of this?21:20
wschChogyDan, no it changes to CLI extremely fast21:20
syki just installed ubuntu 9.10 and im having trouble installing software, in ubuntu software center when i click a app i just get a loading icon and when it does load there is no install button and in terminal i try to install like xchat and it tells me package not found21:20
offspringerh, hello. when i try to open Add/Remove aplications i get "This is a serious error in your system for software management. Please check for broken packages with synaptic, check permissions, check that the file "/ etc / apt / sources.list" is properly and reload the software information with: 'sudo apt-get update "and" sudo apt-get install-f "21:20
offspringmeaning i cant actually do anything, tried to do what it said but no luck, any suggestions?21:20
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:21
wschbradland, nice, i got a neat professional modem/router, maybe that can do things liek this21:21
CarlFKxrandr: dpkg: unknown option --reconfigure21:21
dr3mrohi all i am downloading now ubuntu 9.10 and using ubuntu 9.04 asking if any one used it on fujitsu siemsn amilo pi 1505 and tell me if there is a problem ???21:21
phoenixzoffspring: open a shell, and execute sudo apt-get update21:21
wschbradland, a speedtouch 510 equivalent, its actually a flashed 510 :p21:21
xrandrCarlFK: ok, try --configure then...21:21
phoenixzoffspring: first see if that works21:21
offspringa shell?21:21
bradlandwsch: mmmmm, good stuff21:21
phoenixzoffspring: if that gives you problems, we have to look in another direction21:21
phoenixzoffspring: text console21:21
CarlFKxrandr: or... all I really need is enough to set HorizSync and VertRefesh to maybe 31-40 and 50-85 respectively21:21
CrocoJetBitdefender anti virus do not works in new ubuntu21:21
decowhen trying to find youtube videos in movie player i get this error "can't find host name"21:21
phoenixzoffspring: A terminal21:22
xrandrCarlFK: then do that.21:22
wschbradland, it can give me TONS of details of my ADSL line, so if i call my ISP i probably know more about the line then the moron on the other side :D21:22
decowhen trying to find youtube videos in movie player i get this error "can't find host name"21:22
decosorry had some typos21:22
surishello, I'm using two monitors, in each others panel is notification area, but icons doesn't appear in the second one, when i start program, i have tried different program, like opera or transmission..21:22
d0wnHas anyone gotten any nasty bugs during the upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 that would make me want to wait a little longer?21:22
wschlast time it was a woman that said my speedtouch 510 was ADSL2 capable lol21:22
leaf-sheepCrocoJet: Silly antiviruses are for Windows.21:22
AaronMTDownloading 9.10 @ 5kb/sec off the main site - - fantastic21:22
=== john is now known as Guest94765
X-TaZJust installed 9.10. I'm surprised Grub is not de version2. Its 1.94 Beta 4 :x Why this ?21:22
xrandr!patience | deco21:22
ubottudeco: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:22
asfasменя видно?21:22
guntbert!ot wsch21:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot wsch21:22
jnassifgubuntu asks for the root password too much.21:23
wschguntbert, lol leanr the bot21:23
xrandr!ru | asfas21:23
ubottuasfas: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:23
decoxrandr: i fixed a typo wasn't to repeat my question21:23
wschgunknown, its !offtopic21:23
phoenixz!ru | asfas21:23
bonez46what about flash and shockwave? that all worked when I had firefox 3.0.x but now with 3.5.3 none of the animation, the flash stuff is all broken21:23
bradland!ot | guntbert21:23
asfasxrandr, thx21:23
spOwhat is the difference between karmic ubuntu today and karmic ubuntu tomorrow ?  Can you tell me a list of the bug fixes?21:23
ubottuguntbert: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:23
jnassifg ubuntu asks for the administrative password too much.21:23
wschgunknown, sorry wrong highlight21:23
jnassifgyour password. it asks for your password too much.21:23
mtrakerWhy do you think is it better ubuntu tu fedora?21:23
vensignAaronMT: use the torrent files21:23
phoenixzjnassifg: What are you trying to do exactly?21:24
guntbertwsch: clumsy fingers  here :)21:24
offspringright phoenixz, it told me to enter my password so i did, but then this came up "E: Type 'order' is unknown in line 57 in source list / etc / apt / sources.list"21:24
CrocoJetmtraker, or sure !21:24
pipegeekempathy just got into an unusable state withing five minutes of switching.  the "Contact" menu on a conversation opened but didn't draw, and from that point on it was impossible to switch windows or enter text anywhere on the screen21:24
AaronMTvensign: Too many leechers21:24
pipegeekuntil I killed empathy21:24
bradleyhankinsHello everyone, I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 but I am unable to connect to my wireless Internet. How can I turn on my wireless Internet on my computer?21:24
apparlepacket-sent: can you check and tell if UXA is running in xorg logs21:24
joaopintojnassifg, it only asks when an administrative task is required21:24
FlannelX-TaZ: Because that's the most recent GRUB (that is "GRUB2" right now)21:24
NeoMatrixJRAnyone tried the 9.10 UNR?  I'm having some trouble with it.21:24
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).21:24
wschguntbert, lol i can see21:24
vensignAaronMT: you can limit the up bandwith use21:24
mtrakerCrocoJet, not sure I want to see a comparative21:24
wschgunknown, well since nobody helps me and i need to watch every sentence i say here (and constantly try not to swear) its best i leave21:24
roxluhi, does someone knows if it's possible to executs "ls" on a remote machine?21:24
wschdebian here i come21:25
X-TaZAnother question : is there a specific irc chan for the netbook remix ? I have a bug with the light level ,permanently mooving21:25
kubuntuserroxlu: you need to use ssh21:25
roxlukubuntuser: it's possibel with ssh?21:25
roxluhow do I execute that?21:25
CrocoJetmtraker, fedora ... always lot bugs21:25
nickroxlu: yes21:25
petarVelikii just installed ubuntu 9.10, having some trouble installing flash plugin...21:25
kubuntuserroxlu: ssh allows you to have a remote shell and run any linux command21:25
syki just installed ubuntu 9.10 and im having trouble installing software, in ubuntu software center when i click a app i just get a loading icon and when it does load there is no install button and in terminal i try to install like xchat and it tells me package not found21:25
kubuntuserroxlu: is it a server or desktop?21:25
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sykcant install nothing :\21:26
jlewkaэх.. систему преустоновил но квака все равно лагает((((((((((21:26
ShibbletAnyone having problems installing the NBR of Karmic?21:26
spOHow many updates will happen from today until tomorrow.... how come you cannot release it today?21:26
kubuntuserroxlu: are you using a linux machine now?21:26
ro_hmm I just installed xchat using apt-get like a minute ago21:26
ro_worked fine21:26
guntbert!ru | jlewka21:26
ubottujlewka: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:26
=== Tohuw|Away is now known as Tohuw
sykro_ doesnt for me21:26
nicksyk: sudo apt-get update21:26
kubuntuserroxlu: open a terminal and type "ssh username@host.ip"21:27
xrandrhow can I tell if ndis is loading a module or not?21:27
kubuntuserroxlu: you need to replace the username and host21:27
petarVelikii wasn't be able to install anything in beginning too, but now all seems to work good, except flash plugin...21:27
jennie_alexhow can i access the ubuntu source code for ls command21:27
diogo_79hi guys21:27
roxluah.. kubuntuser yeah I know that, but sorry, I meant from a script21:27
Tohuw!hello | diogo_7921:27
ubottudiogo_79: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:27
diogo_79i have ubuntu 9.04 64 bits and firefox 3.021:27
diogo_79but i whant to install firefox latest version21:27
kubuntuserroxlu: ah, now I understand21:27
bonez46kubuntuser: any suggestions about animation stuff.. with firefox 3.5.3? I am on an amd 64 machine..  and when I attempt to upgrade.. it fails21:27
diogo_79can this be accomplish21:27
kubuntuserroxlu: you are on one machine, and want to ssh in a script to do ls?21:28
cagarahey i have a problem. i use xfce4 and i can set up the powersave mode for battery mode! But i need a powersave option for the normal mode because my laptop gets really hot21:28
petarVelikiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:21:28
echelonany reason the karmic upgrade is going to take six hours?21:28
petarVeliki  flashplugin-nonfree: Depends: flashplugin-installer but it is not going to be installed21:28
petarVelikiE: Broken packages21:28
ManiSwhere can I get UNR support?21:28
kubuntuserroxlu: ssh user@host cmd21:28
Tohuwdiogo_79: yes. For future reference, though, put your question all on one line.21:28
Z_o-s-oany idea why maximizing a Hulu video would crash firefox?21:28
diogo_79ok sorry21:28
bradleyhankinsAnyone know how to turn on my wireless connection on my laptop?21:28
roxlukubuntuser: hehe didnt know that worked, thanks21:28
Tohuwdiogo_79: have you tried just running an update? I thought 3.5 was in the 9.04 repos now.21:28
diogo_79is there a good tutorial to do that?21:28
syknick im getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/304567/21:28
pipegeekZ_o-s-o: very likely that flash crashed and took firefox with it.  the linux flash implementation is notoriously crappy21:28
kubuntuserroxlu: you need to make sure you put your public key on the access list of the other computer21:29
JediMasterhey guys, I'm a big Ubuntu fan, I run 15+ web servers running ubuntu, and very happy with it, however desktop wise, I've only got my home media center/server, my main work machine is windows 7, I've had ubuntu as a desktop in a previous job, and pretty happy with it, but I'm stuck with windows for a few minor applications, like photoshop, itunes (for the iphone syncing etc) and for games21:29
diogo_79what is the repository21:29
Z_o-s-opipegeek : something must have broken from 9.04 to 9.10 then21:29
bibabuHeyhey. I want to try the latest ubuntu. But Wubi is not updatet yet. Someone know when it will updated.21:29
Z_o-s-oclean install too21:29
xrandrdiogo_79: yes, go to their website, download firefox, place it in /usr/local  update the launchers21:29
kubuntuserroxlu: I assume it would be bad if ssh wants a password?21:29
TidersWhy exactly is the Nvidia drivers not showing up in my Hardware Drivers thing21:29
JediMasterSo the question is... I've got 8GB RAM, and a quad core, so I was wondering if I could run something like virtualbox and use windows 7 in a VM for the last few apps I don't ahve a good replacement for?21:29
gpledin redhat distros, you can use kickstart to do network installs.  how do you do a network install for ubuntu?21:30
matrix_hey i upgraded to 9.10 now my screen resulution is 800x600 and option 640x48021:30
surisI'm using two monitors, in each others panel is notification area, but icons doesn't appear in the second one, when i start program, i have tried different program, like opera or transmission.. this is bug or what?21:30
diogo_79how to update the lauchers21:30
Brent^would it be better to install Windows home server in a VM image on Ubuntu, or install Ubuntu in a VM image on WHS?21:30
matrix_why i can not better screen resolution this one sucks21:30
petarVelikianyone have any clues about flash plug in??21:30
CrocoJetwell Ubuntu 9.10 is more fast21:30
christoph3141Hi! I'm doing the update to karmic at the moment. During the installation of the successfully downloaded packages, the window is wating (for over ten minutes now) in the step "Configuring bash". The Window isn't responding. What do I do to continue the upgrade process?21:30
ManiSwhere can I get notebook remix support from?21:30
xrandrmatrix_:what kind of video card? and did u enable the restricted packages/drivers?21:30
MoonlitBrent^ - the latter, I would've thought21:30
CrocoJetis a fact21:30
AnnonymorseHey guys, I got ubuntu yesterday (moved over from WinXP) and it's been working great until I try to install easycam for my webcam. I get a python-xml error when installing easycam2-core. Help?21:30
Rods_TigerQuick question - someone told me the other day but I forgot the answer: Which one do I use - "For Dove boards" or21:30
awozniakIs the samba4 package considered stable/usable?21:30
MoonlitJediMaster - personally I'd run it the other way around, Ubuntu in a VM on Windows, because games don't really work very well in a VM21:30
matrix_i have pentium 4 integreated intel chipset21:31
cagaraIMPORTANT: Why is my laptop getting so hot with ubuntu 9.10! on windows it was always pretty cold21:31
Rods_TigerQuick question - someone told me the other day but I forgot the answer: Which one do I download - "For Dove boards" or "For i.MX51 boards"?21:31
joaopintoAnnonymorse, file a bug report at launchpad please21:31
CrocoJetSecond life is working pretty nice at Ubuntu 9.1021:31
dibblegois there an official torrent to download with?21:31
cristi_hi all...karmic is sweeet! one problem i was hoping to resolve is that, using ipw2200, it doesn't seem to pass the mac information to my router correctly, hence i cannot use filtering. used to have xp on this box and it worked fine (the router is setup properly). is this a known bug?21:31
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).21:31
gpleddibblego: you have a fast connection?21:31
bsmartjust installed ubuntu, only running the system monitor, and my cpu usage is in the high 80's!  any idea why so high?21:31
matrix_when i go to hardware to detect my graphic card it does not find21:32
dibblegogpled, not really, I live in Australia21:32
JediMasterMoonlit: was thinking of dual booting but having W7 running in a VM when ubuntu is running21:32
ManiSdoes ubuntu support VIA Unichrome chipset?21:32
matrix_anyone in this room21:32
gongoputch is there an editor styled on textmate (for OSX) for X11 ?21:32
jnassifgwhat the hell did ubuntu do to grub21:32
ManiSit did in 8.04, I tried the netbook remix and it failed21:32
kubuntusermatrix_: many people, you have been here long enough to realize that21:32
NeoMatrixJRmatrix_: what graphics card?21:32
spantherjnassifg, upgrade to V2.0 ! :D21:33
mnaines1I like the new login screen on Karmic21:33
christoph3141The upgrade to karmic is hanging at the step "Configuring bash". Can somebody help me?21:33
matrix_i have integrated intel chipset i have pentium 421:33
CrocoJetUbuntu 9.10 is pure chocolate !21:33
MoonlitJediMaster - I don't know how well that works, I've never tried booting a native Windows install in a VM since XP, but the dual boot definitely sounds wise21:33
jcduttonchristoph3141, be patient21:33
HillshumCrocoJet: Hot chocolate. It overheats on me way easy21:33
christoph3141jdb: its been hanging for more than ten minutes now21:33
ManiSno one knows XD21:34
gpledhow long till synaptic picks it up?21:34
ManiSmy chipset is too budget21:34
pauliuspacould anyone check if pear is working on ubuntu 9.10. I try to install package but package only gets downloaded and thats all - no installation21:34
christoph3141also, the gui has become unresponsive, after minimizing the window and restoring it, all text in it is gone.21:34
syk_i keep getting this when i try to update http://paste.ubuntu.com/304567/21:34
offspringphoenixz: are you still here?21:34
ro_I have windows 7 rc running in Virtualbox on ubuntu.  works great. But don't expect to be able to play games21:34
NeoMatrixJRmatrix_: 1.) gonna need more than "intel chipset" and 2.) prefix your responses with the username of whoever is helping you.  Most IRC clients (at least mine) dings when it sees your name come up21:34
JediMasterro_: yeah, not expecting that =)21:34
mnaines1For all those who are trying to update to Karmic, my recommendation is to download the ISO and do a clean install21:34
mtrakerro_ it's better wine with cedega21:35
JediMasterro_: good enough to run photoshop maybe (8GB quad core)21:35
jcduttonchristoph3141, either just wait, or if you are curious, you could go to the command line and see what is happening21:35
gpledmnaines1: why?21:35
fulletsHow can I get my Jaunty install to let me upgrade to Karmic? Update manager just tells me that my system's up to date and doesn't offer the ability to upgrade to Karmic; do-release-upgrade tells me that there's no new release found.21:35
phoenixzoffspring: yes, but not continuously.. if you want to ask me something, please add my nick so my IRC clients warns me.. whats up?21:35
cagaraubuntu sucks21:35
bsmartjust installed ubuntu, only running the system monitor, and my cpu usage is in the high 80's!  any idea why so high?21:35
fluidwhat is the first-person shooter in http://www.ubuntu.com/files/masthead/910/tour/ubuntu-910-games.jpg ?21:35
Erix_mnaines1: why?21:35
Rods_TigerWhy is UNR recommended for Macs?21:35
ebrainhey dudes21:35
spanthercagara, nobody forces you to use it <.<21:35
mnaines1gpled: Too many issues with upgrading from 9.0421:35
matrix_lspci | grep vga it shows nothing21:35
fluidthen go elsewhere. no need to be here if it sucks.21:35
christoph3141jdb: uhm, I started the update thingy from the gui, so I don't have a command line21:35
gpledmnaines1: if it can not upgrade, it is not ready21:35
jcduttonchristoph3141, did you do the "check install CD" step during the install?21:35
ebrainwhere is Default Mixer Tracks option in Karmic ? http://www.ngohaibac.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/sound-preferences.png21:35
cagaramy PCU is 20% constantly ... used by firef(u)x21:35
christoph3141jcdutton: I'm doing an upgrade via internet21:36
mlissnerAnybody else having the notification bubble pop up an inch or so too low?21:36
mnaines1gpled: It can upgrade, but there are issues with installation freezing or grub not installing properly...it works fine if you do a clean install21:36
cagaraR 1681 cagara    20   0  803m 116m  28m S   42  6.0  39:36.64 firefox21:36
offspringphoenixz: i did as you suggested, it asked me to type in my password so i did and it came up with "E: Type 'order' is unknown in line 57 in source list / etc / apt / sources.list", no idea what that means21:36
Moonlitmlissner - I'm getting that, but I've no idea why21:36
magrawhat's the diffrence between sudo and gksudo???21:36
NeoMatrixJRwhere is desktop-switcher in 9.10 UNR?21:36
innocenceisdeath@mlissner it's supposed to be like that i believe21:36
matrix_VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)21:36
jcduttonchristoph3141, CTRL-ALT-F1 will get you to the command line21:36
mlissnerinnocenceisdeath, I hope you're kidding...21:36
ZykoticK9magra, they both do the same thing - sudo is from command line and gksudo for GUI apps21:36
Moonlitmagra - sudo is command line only, gksudo is the graphical version21:36
HillshumWhat should happen when my machine gets hot? Should it just hang on me?21:37
magraaha oki thanks...21:37
mlissnerinnocenceisdeath, Moonlit, like it's where the second bubble would pop up, if there was a second one..lower than ever before.21:37
cagaranow xcaht using 160% CPU ... what a fail21:37
jcduttonchristoph3141, CTRL-ALT-F7 or F8 will get you back to the GUI21:37
ebrainplease, where is Default Mixer Tracks option in Karmic ? http://www.ngohaibac.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/sound-preferences.png21:37
gpledHillshum: it breaks if it over heats21:37
phoenixzoffspring: seems like your sources list is damaged.. That file contains information about what remote repositories to use when installing software (the software is contained in these remote repositories, and your synaptic can use those to download and install the software)21:37
christoph3141jcdutton: ctrl-alt-f1 just brings me to a virtual console. What does that have to do with my upgrade failing/hanging for over ten minutes on "Configuring bash"?21:37
ManiSis there a way for me to see what packages are included in ubuntu netbook remix?21:37
Moonlityeah mlissner, I know what you mean, it responds weirdly to the mouse too, right?21:37
phoenixzoffspring: pastebin the contents of your /'etc/apt/sources.list file please21:37
connectionVPNis it possibe to do an offline upgrade with the regular CD or do I have to absolutely download the alternate one ?21:37
Amnesiadoes one of you folks know how to connect to an AP which uses WPA 2 AES + TKIP encryption through the terminal?21:37
innocenceisdeath@mlissner i got told the reason why by a friend21:37
mlissnerinnocenceisdeath, do tell21:38
Moonlitinnocenceisdeath - you /were/ serious?21:38
supasteriim running the RC, but it still hasnt given me the option of upgrading to the full 9.1021:38
innocenceisdeath@mlissner it made sense, can't remember why it was though, it still annoys me21:38
supasteriany ideas?21:38
jcduttonchristoph3141, you can use it to do a "ps -ef" and find out what is going on21:38
syk_i keep getting this when i try to apt-get update http://paste.ubuntu.com/304567/21:38
gpledHillshum: its not like a car, that you can pull over and cool off21:38
bionicleIs there software to force Linux to know I have a compaq monitor?21:38
madsenwow 1786 nicks21:38
madsenhi there :)21:38
mlissnerMoonlit, no problems with the mouse here.21:38
erle-suspend to disk just failed on my thinkpad x60 ...21:38
Hillshumgpled: Ubuntu's supposed to prevent overheating right? How does it do that?21:38
gpledbionicle: what does dmesg say?21:38
bionicleEvery bloody Linux distro I try I get the same bull with video problems using the proprietary drivers.21:38
mnaines1Hillshum: It does so by using less resources...21:38
brockCan someone help me find my Windows partition?21:39
th1supasteri, there is nothing to upgrade, RC becomes final by having up to date updates21:39
bionicleWhat do you mean gpled?21:39
Genscher_bionicle, which gfx card?21:39
christoph3141jcdutton: I think you misunderstood my problem: Only the update-thingy-window is unresponsice, I can use the rest of my current jaunty install quite well.21:39
innocenceisdeath@mlissner sorry i can't remember why, and yeh i was serious21:39
ebrainwhere is Default Mixer Tracks option in Karmic ? http://www.ngohaibac.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/sound-preferences.png21:39
Moonlitmlissner / innocenceisdeath - sounds to me like another issue like mine (turning off "show icons in menus" doesn't turn off icons)21:39
supasterithl thanks21:39
bsmartjust installed ubuntu, only running the system monitor, and my cpu usage is in the high 80's!  no processes are using any cpu, any idea why so high?21:39
brockI'm trying to get to my music, and it doesn't show up on "Computer"21:39
bioniclenvidia geforce fx 5200 compaq mv900 monitor21:39
NeoMatrixJRmatrix_: try googling: 845G ubuntu graphics driver.  I don't think you need a specific driver for this.  are you having any actual problems?21:39
* sharef is away: Screenshot of Elive: http://elivecd.org/Main/Screenshots21:39
mlissnerinnocenceisdeath, Moonlit: some insight here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1277268.html21:39
mnaines1Hillshum: Ubuntu does not put as much of a load on the system as Windows does, so because of that, the system runs cooler21:39
* JediMaster has wisely parititon his 1TB drive to 80GB for windows 7 and 920GB for Ubuntu =)21:39
g0thI just upgraded to ubuntu 9.10 and suddenly almost nothing works. My main issue is the sound. I get the following message when I run mplayer: http://pastebin.com/m4216c8ba21:39
Moonlitmlissner - thanks21:39
mlissnerinnocenceisdeath, Moonlit: I'm unconvinced though by the arguments put forward...21:39
Hillshummnaines1: Not on my machine...21:39
innocenceisdeath@mlissner that's not supposed to disable all the icons in the menus21:39
matrix_yes i upgraded to 9.10 now my screen resoultion is bad21:40
KitsuneDragonI did a wubi install of 9.10 works perfectly except for open arena21:40
innocenceisdeath@mlissner it disables those under the system menu21:40
bionicleWithout the drivers all is fine.  It is installing the drivers that mess it all up on me.21:40
Genscher_bionicle, 5200....that's ancient21:40
Moonlitinnocenceisdeath - that's my problem, and I have no idea why not, surely the point of disabling icons is to... disable the icons?21:40
mnaines1Hillshum: What problem are you having?21:40
bionicleWell, I have no choice.  It is all I have.21:40
jontehi how do i dual boot ubuntu 9.10? wubi dosen't work for me21:40
Genscher_bionicle, the open source driver should work nicely with them, better then the closed ones21:40
g0thI still use the old kernel since the kernel from ubuntu doesnt work at all for me21:40
Moonlitinnocenceisdeath - http://kimag.es/share/64852247.jpg < that makes absolutely no sense to me21:40
jcduttonchristoph3141, OK, has it finished the download step?21:40
binodhi all, today i installed  ubuntu 9.10. i cud not get my wireless internet connection. for that i installed  broadcom drivers and n-vidia drivers.When i reboot the system , it didn't work. commond line mode continuouslty blinks and  grphical mode does not appear..... can any body suggest me what is the reason  behind it .... and solution  for it ... i dun want to format my system again..21:40
ebrainwhere is Default Mixer Tracks option in Karmic ? http://www.ngohaibac.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/sound-preferences.png21:41
Genscher_binod, same here21:41
bionicleWithout the nvidia video drivers how can I run desktop effects and all?21:41
Hillshummnaines1: When running my system hard, it will blank the screen and hang21:41
gabxhey hey, I have an issue that i can't figure out, i want ot resize my root partition, using gparted from a live cd, but i can't seem to resize it, i have unallocated space on my disk, and i have non mounted ext3 space aswell, but my root partition will not resize :\ does anyone know any fix to this, or any tips of what i should do?21:41
jontehi how do i dual boot ubuntu 9.10? wubi dosen't work for me21:41
ebrainno bionicle21:41
bionicleNo what?21:41
AceKingwhat is the command for upgrading from terminal?21:41
christoph3141jcdutton: yes. It started the Installation step and it worked fine until "Configuring bash", at which point the update-thingy window became unresponsive and the update seems to hang.21:41
brockbionicle:pretty sure you can't XD21:41
innocenceisdeath@moonlit that's not the system menu, that's the applications menu...21:41
ebrainbionicle, you can't run wirh proper CG support21:41
trijntjehi all, since i'm using only my onboard graphical card i keep falling back to login when i'm watching a movie. Where should i look to fix this?21:41
ChogyDanbinod: try waiting awhile21:41
jabrwocky7anyone have luck with x-fi PCIe on karmic x64?21:41
knarfixmatrix_: had the same problem. i moved .gconf to .gconf old and the problem was gone21:41
binodGenscher, how u are trying to solve it ?21:41
mnaines1Hillshum: Pastebin the specs of your system21:41
Hillshumjonte: Dual-boot with windows?21:41
Genscher_binod, checking it out here right now!21:42
brockI'm having problems in computer.21:42
bionicleSo in other words darned no matter what.  That is why I stay with Windows.  Linux is useless.  They cannot get video right.21:42
brockCan't find my Vista partition...21:42
innocenceisdeath@mlissner yeh that forum post's right, it was place there to make room for other notifications21:42
g0thcan anyone help me?21:42
jontemm dual boot with windows21:42
matrix_knarfix:can you tell me the command i am not that good sorry21:42
Powersourcewhy is 'akonadi' suddenly installed?21:42
jnassifgthe new ubuntu doesn't support syncing to iphones with 3.x firmware out of the box.21:42
innocenceisdeath@mlissner not the best way to handle it imo, but hey21:42
Hillshummnaines1: Is there a command or do I type them up myself?21:42
binodGenscher_: ok i will be waiting21:42
offspringphoenixz: http://pastebin.com/m621f1eef21:42
Moonlitinnocenceisdeath - yeah, but in 9.04 and earlier, it disabled all icons in menus as you'd expect, the reason I disable icons is because I think it looks cleaner without21:42
phoenixzbionicle: Linux can not do video?21:42
NeoMatrixJRmatrix_: try instructions here: (read all first. I think there's specifics for a 8xx chipset) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113058221:42
mnaines1Hillshum: Just type them up yourself21:42
trijntjebrock, where have you looked?21:42
ebrainlol bionicle with Aero you can't get gfx effects too without a devent gfx card21:42
bionicleIt cannot use the proprietary drivers properly I meant.21:42
brockWent to computer<places.21:43
g0thI upgraded to ubuntu 9.10 and now I suddenly dont have any more sound. I still use my old kernel image with the compiled in sound driver. When I start mplayer I get this message: http://pastebin.com/m4216c8ba. I still use the old kernel with compiled in sound driver (the new ubuntu built kernel doesnt work at all for me).21:43
mlissnerinnocenceisdeath, yeah, the old way seemed fine in my use...but in any case, I'll move on to other Karmic problems, I guess, and live with it.21:43
ebrainwhere is Default Mixer Tracks option in Karmic ? http://www.ngohaibac.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/sound-preferences.png21:43
brockAnd all I see is CD drive, USB drive, and Filesystem.21:43
Genscher_binod, my first attempt was a) installing all the propietary stuff with live cd then installing ubuntu --> got into troubles with network etc (can't really install etc)21:43
connectionVPNis it possibe to do an offline upgrade with the regular CD or do I have to absolutely download the alternate one ?21:43
innocenceisdeath@mlissner - it doesn't rly detract from any functionality though i guess - a minor annoynance really at most21:43
jcduttonchristoph3141, open a terminal window and do "top" and see what is taking CPU time21:43
Genscher_binod, now 2nd attempt just finished installing, now checking21:43
ChogyDanconnectionVPN: correct21:43
=== NiteSnow is now known as AtomicCrotch
ChogyDanbinod: try waiting a long time for the boot.  That worked for me, but I have also been having trouble21:44
brocktrijntje help?21:44
Hillshummnaines1: Anything in particular I should add?21:44
gary1can you help me?i have a problem with my backlight control21:44
knarfixmatrix_: not an expert either.... what i did was: pressed ctrl alt f2 then logged in and typed mv .gconf .gconfOld and did sudo reboot....it worked for me21:44
phoenixzoffspring: check line 57 and 58, they are wrong.. you can either comment them (place a # in front of them) or delete them.. line 57 should need a # in front.. line 58 needs an enter (to split it to two lines where it says #WINEHQblahblahblah...21:44
brockWhat's the problem?21:44
Wipsterhow can I change the dictionary empathy uses to the same one firefox and xchat seems to share? empathy likes to flag most of my words...21:44
connectionVPNChogyDan: why? the cd appears in the package sources (but as 3rd party)21:44
trijntjebrock: can you paste the output of sudo fdisk -l21:44
bonez46anyone have flash working on amd 64?21:44
trijntje!paste | brock21:45
ubottubrock: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!21:45
mnaines1Hillshum: I just need the CPU clock speed, hard drive capacity and used space, RAM capacity and used space, and video card type21:45
knarfixmatrix_: if you do that your display will look like the default one21:45
=== AtomicCrotch is now known as NiteSnow
ChogyDanconnectionVPN: there is only a handful of packages available from the livecd21:45
jontethe wubi is only 9.04 i do wan't the new one as a dual boot with windows.is there any way?21:45
christoph3141jcdutton: mysqld_safe is at the very top with about 96% CPU (I have no Idea what that thing is doing), then plasma-desktop, pidgin, kwin, firefox are eating cpu.21:45
binodChogyDan:  approx how long it will take? every time the same case will be problematic ... or it is only for first boot?21:45
christoph3141jcdutton: btw: thanks for your ongoing efforts :)21:45
phoenixzoffspring: you need to edit the file with an editor (any will do) but you need to edit it as root (since its a system file)21:45
ChogyDanbinod: don't know yet.  I have a clean install that works much better.  It's only my upgrade install that does this21:45
bsmartwheres a good place for ubuntu gnome themes?21:46
brockjust a sec21:46
mlissnerAnybody else using encrypted disk, and having the disk mounter show the encrypted disk as mounted?21:46
phoenixzoffspring: place # in front of line 57, and an <enter> on line 58 before #wineHQ21:46
mnaines1christoph3141: Odd...I don't have a problem with firefox and pidgin eating CPU resources on my computer21:46
phoenixzoffspring: then you can again try to use the sudo apt-get update;21:46
knarfixbsmart: http://www.gnome-look.org/21:46
daleharveyholy hell this is the worst install I have ever had with ubuntu21:46
trijntjehi all, since i'm using only my onboard graphical card i keep falling back to login when i'm watching a movie. Where should i look to fix this?21:46
gary1brock i can't config my backlight,my21:46
bsmartknarfix: cheers21:46
kyrandesaanyone noticed that software center is extremely slow with installing stuff? (could be downloading or installing, doesn't tell)21:46
jabrwocky7Kyrand:  Try setting your source server to a local mirror21:47
knarfixbsmart: cheers :D21:47
christoph3141mnaines1: its mainly this weird msqld_safe thingy and plasma-desktop and xorg, the others are so insignificant that top shows 0%, but there at the top of the list anyways21:47
offspringphoenixz: ok ill try, also do you know if theres anyway to change the language of your keyboard?21:47
kyrandesajabrwocky7: thx, will try21:47
daleharveyit has stalled on my around 20 times, using 3 different media21:47
phoenixzoffspring: yeah, but I don't know how to do that in Ubuntu (I'm using Kubuntu, different desktop interface)21:47
mnaines1christoph3141: I don't have any problems at all...My average CPU load is only 1.5 percent over 15 minutes21:47
matrix_knarfix: can you tell me again i rebooted sorry21:47
daleharveyI checksummed the disk, its fine21:48
christoph3141What is this weird mysqld_safe thing? Maybe that is the problem which is preventing my upgrade21:48
gary1my screen is black21:48
daleharveybut the cd drive / usb stick and external hard drive have all had problems21:48
kahenfor any danes out there, dk.archive.ubuntu.com seems to be out of date so you can't install anything. 'gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' and change http://dk. to http://se. i did that and updates worked for me again21:48
=== justi is now known as jungle_justi
NeoMatrixJRUNR anyone?21:48
matrix_knarfix: can you tell me again21:48
mnaines1christoph3141: Now you see why I recommend everyone do a clean install of Karmic instead of upgrading21:48
binodGenscher_: any progress?21:48
mlissneranybody out there switched to ext4 that's using encrypted disk? I'm tempted, but scared.21:48
christoph3141mnaines1: o.O21:48
kyrandesajabrwocky7: I already had the correct one, so not the reason21:49
brock trijntje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/304582/21:49
dr3mroplz can anu one help me with dial up ???21:49
jnassifgIN THE NEWEST UBNUNTU, I dont see a menu when grub loads21:49
=== LeNsTR|away is now known as LeNsTR
mnaines1mlissner: I have it...Any questions about it?21:49
Tohuwmlissner: functionally, it works fine. No problems here.21:50
mlissnermnaines1, I guess my question is whether switching is going to be the end of my system, and if there's anything special I should know?21:50
Genscher_binod, works!21:50
mwfhello - need help with apt-get in the new version 9.1021:50
dr3mrohow to dial up karmic koala ... modem is fine and detected by sl-modem21:50
mwfi fails constantly21:50
ubottuNo! It's not out yet! Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party, and be sure to read channel /topic!21:50
innocenceisdeathmnaines1: do you know what type of encryption is used?21:50
Genscher_binod, ok, i *think* that the problem is if you select/activate the propietary drivers *before* installing ubuntu21:51
mgmuscarisomebody needs to update ubottu :p21:51
jcduttonchristoph3141, try closing all applications except the upgrade window21:51
carresmdubottu, update your facts dude... LOL21:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:51
mnaines1innocenceisdeath: No, I do not.  I just installed Karmic myself and still learning about it.  I never had any problems with the install because I did a clean install21:51
firefly_anyone know how to change the default workspace?21:51
binodGenscher_: i activated only after installing ubuntu21:51
arandmgmuscari: That's referring to Lucid ;)21:51
zeeblehow do i remove evolution etc, without removing the gnome panel, etc?21:51
fulletsmgmuscari: My Jaunty installation seems to agree with ubottu; no update options offered :(21:51
mgmuscariarand: ahaha, good point21:51
trijntjebrock: it looks like your vista partition is at /dev/sda121:51
Hillshummnaines1: http://paste2.org/p/49010421:51
offspringphoenixz: dont think im doing this right, its saying i havent got the rights to save the file and tells me to control that i have written it in the right place21:52
innocenceisdeathmnaines1: i think it's always best to do a clean install21:52
calamarihi guys, im having problems editing the menu options in the UNR on karmic... can anyone help? please PM me21:52
binodGenscher_: does it working in your system?21:52
Genscher_binod, another thing i changed was that i had a cable internet connection so the propietary driver install went different that time21:52
carresmdzeeble, not...21:52
gary1@ brock my screen is black and i can't config it21:52
[TK]D-FenderHello, quick question : Running 8.10 upgraded through to 9.04 and am looking to reinstall from the 9.10 ISO reformatting to use EXT4.  This is a FS change and a bootloader change (Grub 1.x to the new V2).  And Gotchas I should watch out for?  On this drive I also have a WinXP boot partition, & a data partition (fuseblk  <- this NTFS?)21:52
mgmuscariso who here has taken the leap so far... will my /home and settings migrate over painlessly if i do a clean install and spit my list of packages into dpkg?21:52
Genscher_binod, it does now, yes (after 2nd install)21:52
christoph3141jcdutton: oh, right, I have a few konsoles with bash es running, maybe thats the problem21:52
mnaines1Hillshum: Is this a laptop?21:52
zeeblecarresmd: not what?21:52
carresmdzeeble, remove evolution21:52
Hillshummnaines1: Yes. HP 6735b21:52
firefly_how do i set the default worspace desktop that is selected on boot?21:53
mgmuscari[TK]D-Fender: back everything up first, and often. i don't trust ext4... i had problems with it in 9.04 (constantly corrupted journals)21:53
mnaines1Hillshum: And what are you doing that eats up so many resources?21:53
phoenixzoffspring: thats correct, like I told you, you need to edit this as another user (called "root") since you as a normal user do not have the right to change this file. This is for your own safety (you cant accidentally change it, an intruder could not just modify it, etc)..  so if you want to edit it, use the editor you wish, but run it as root21:53
carresmdzeeble, evolution is a dependency of gnome / ubuntu-desktop21:53
phoenixzoffspring: you'd do that with sudo for example21:53
binodGenscher_: i too used cable connection for installing driver21:53
phoenixzoffspring: sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list21:53
christoph3141jcdutton: ok, I closed every window except the upgrade thingy and pidgin21:53
mikehhI installed Karmic beta when it came out and have kept up to date - is there any difference with the release today?21:53
zeeblecarresmd: :( i am not using or going to use any of it. want to use thunderbird cos i have my mailbox from there21:53
Genscher_binod, all fine now :)21:53
jhattarais there any way to open psd CMYK files in Ubuntu so that layers and transparencies are preserved ?21:53
christoph3141jcdutton: but the upgrade-thingy still seems to hang21:53
Blueywhere can I find the md5sum for the 9.10 downloads on the site?21:53
brocktrij now what?21:54
phoenixzoffspring: for a graphical editor, you could use kdesudo (for KDE, dunoo what to use for gnome), like kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list21:54
knarfixmatrix_: did it work?21:54
carresmdzeeble, just leave it there.. it doesn't matter :-)21:54
binodGenscher_: means i have to go for next install?21:54
brockLol, kind of a noob.21:54
mlissnermnaines1, Tohuw, I guess your silence means I have nothing to worry about?21:54
Tohuwjhattara: what happens when you open it in GIMP?21:54
trijntjebrock, what do you want. Do you want to be able to access your vista partition just once or everytime you login?21:54
brockBut I catch on fast.21:54
trijntje!who | brock21:54
ubottubrock: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:54
zeeblecarresmd: hehe, wanted to keep everything clean after a clean install :)21:54
Genscher_binod, i wasn't able to fix my first install21:54
knarfixmatrix_: how is it?21:54
mnaines1mlissner: I do not know what type of encryption it uses, but you need to set the password option on the installation screen to decrypt the home folder automatically21:54
brocktrijntje Oh, just right now, I'm looking to get my music off.21:54
Genscher_binod, and i am an old ex-gentoo'er ;)21:54
Tohuwmlissner: using encrpytion always presents a possible risk. Back up your files and give it a go, but I've had no issues with my server.21:54
jhattaraTohuw, Opening FILE failed: Error loading PSD file: Unsupported color mode: CMYK21:54
binodGenscher_: ok21:55
poseidonI'm installing 9.10 now.  I have 1 gb ram.  Should I still set aside 512 mb for swap?21:55
Hillshummnaines1: Various things. Gaming can do it, installing Ubuntu server in a desktop while surfing the web and playing flash games has done it, compiling does it21:55
carresmdzeeble, yeah I understand it.. but AFAIK it isn't possible to remove evolution21:55
mnaines1poseidon: I would recommend setting aside 1.5GB for swap21:55
mlissnerTohuw, mnaines1, OK, I'll give it a shot. Seems like a good performance boost, and seems like little risk.21:55
Hillshumposeidon: How much disk space do you have?21:55
zeeblecarresmd: thanks21:55
Genscher_poseidon, 1gb is quite low21:55
trijntjebrock: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt21:55
Tohuwjhattara: Googling "cmyk gimp" gives me http://cue.yellowmagic.info/softwares/separate.html21:55
Genscher_poseidon, so sure, i agree with mnaines121:55
akrohitI just installed ubuntu 9.10 Karmic. Why is there a delay after login? I am using xmonad as WM.21:55
zeeblenow adding multipel addons to swiftfox21:56
trijntjebrock, this wil place your vista partition in /mnt. sudo umount /mnt to unmount the partition when youre done21:56
Tohuwmlissner: encrpytion does not improve performance, it improves security.21:56
mgmuscarihow's empathy?21:56
poseidonI have 105 gigs that I use for ubuntu and 40 for xp21:56
mnaines1Hillshum: There's your problem.  Your laptop's video card is not designed for gaming21:56
mlissnerTohuw, right...I should explain better...21:56
jhattaraTohuw, the GIMPs plugin browser tells me i have that plugin (or at least something with a same name) installed21:56
=== ryu2 is now known as ryu
carresmdakrohit, xmonad?21:56
mlissnerTohuw, I HAVE full disk encryption on my laptop with ext3.21:56
Tohuwjhattara: odd! Not sure, ask in #gimp21:56
akrohitcarresmd: yes21:56
brockOk thanks.21:56
mlissnerTohuw, I want to upgrade the filesystem to ext4, for the performance boost that that provides.21:56
dabukalamhow can I find out my DOMAIN for samba purposes? isn't there a command?21:57
Hillshummnaines1: But compiling doesn't use my gpu....21:57
matrix_hey guys its weird when i go to system-hardwaredrivers, it does not detect it, when i had install 9.4 i usually installed my graphic card from there system-hardware21:57
mnaines1mlissner: It does provide a performance boost but its also more secure.21:57
carresmdakrohit, are you using compiz with xmonad?21:57
matrix_now i am on ubuntu 9.1021:57
preecherwhat is ubuntu one? after my 9.10 update i have it--do i need it21:57
DasEiburntresistor: are you using the 64 bit ?21:57
senses2009êàïåö, òóò êòî-òî íà ðóñêîì îáùàåòñÿ?21:57
poseidonGenscher_: I've always only used 512 mb swap, should I really have 1.5 gb?21:57
matrix_and no graphic card21:57
mnaines1Hillshum: The gaming does, though21:57
christoph3141jcdutton: should I just abort the upgrade and try again, this time with no applications startet from the beginning on?21:57
Blueywhere are the md5sums for 9.10?21:57
Tohuwmlissner: ah! Yes, you ought to be happier. btw, try adding noatime to your options.21:57
Genscher_poseidon, maybe 1gb, but you have enough GB anyway21:57
akrohitIn jaunty and earlier versions xmonad used to get loaded in a fraction of second after login21:58
matrix_hey guys i upgrade to 9.10 and my graphic card is not good21:58
carresmd!md5sum | Bluey21:58
ubottuBluey: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:58
mnaines1poseidon: The rule of thumb about swap space is 1.5 times the amount of RAM to give you enough room for both hibernation and extra files21:58
ubottuEmpathy is an instant messaging and video chat client for GNOME. In !karmic, Empathy will replace Pidgin as the default IM client.21:58
Tohuw!doesntwork | matrix_21:58
Hillshummnaines1: I can live with that, but is there a way to improve my system's heat management?21:58
ubottumatrix_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:58
manitoueee-control for karmic ! any ?21:58
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete21:58
carresmdakrohit, are you using compiz with xmonad?21:58
mlissnermnaines1, do you mean that ext4 is more secure? That'd be a surprise...I know about encryption though, otherwise.21:58
mgmuscariis pidgin in the 9.10 repos?21:58
akrohitcarresmd, no compiz21:58
mnaines1Hillshum: The only way is to stop using the high-demand applications21:58
dupondjemgmuscari: ofc21:58
DasEimgmuscari: yep21:58
mlissnerTohuw, do you know if I'll need to update grub settings?21:58
matrix_anyone who upgraded to 9.10 and had problesm with screen resolution21:58
Tohuwmgmuscari: please /query ubottu if you are asking it for information for yourself21:58
mnaines1mlissner: I mean ext4 is more secure, yes.  I also use plug-and-play hard drives for more security21:59
matrix_anyone who upgraded to 9.10 and had problesm with screen resolution21:59
carresmdakrohit, I'm sorry can't help you then :-(21:59
Blueyno no - I know how to md5sum - WHERE are the values stored for 9.10?21:59
offspringphoenixz: got a slight problem, i cannot insert the "#" with this keyboard language21:59
mgmuscariTohuw: ah thanks, forgot about that command21:59
arandmgmuscari: yes21:59
mwfI have a problem with apt-get - someone has time to help me?21:59
DasEimatrix_: no, which g-card ?21:59
aj_444I'm following this tutorial http://www.wine-reviews.net/wine-reviews/microsoft/msn-messenger-2008-and-2009-on-linux-with-wine.html to install WLM via wine. However, I finish it and type wineboot into a terminal and get an error "err:module:attach_process_dlls "msvcrt.dll" failed to initialize, aborting err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Live\\Messenger\\msnmsgr.exe" failed, statu21:59
dupondjemwf: what problem ?21:59
phoenixzoffspring: what keyboard language do you have?21:59
Hillshummnaines1: Under Windows and Jaunty there was much less of a problem21:59
lstarnesmwf: we need to know that the problem is first21:59
carresmdBluey, if you read the ACTUAL text in that how to .. you'll see a link!21:59
mlissnermnaines1, how is ext4 more secure, if you don't mind explaining?21:59
akrohitcarresmd, just after login there is a screen which shows a bar moving for few seconds, both for gnome and xmonad21:59
phoenixzoffspring: tried shift-3 or alt-3??21:59
gigasofthow to make voice calls from aMSN?21:59
carresmdakrohit, ah.. that's the new GDM doing it's work22:00
Blueycarresmd: I'll try again....22:00
Tohuwmlissner: your uuid ought to say the same if you're performing a filesystem conversion. Honestly, I prefer to just backup, wipe, reinstall, but that's me and my OCD for you.22:00
fesseI have problems with the administration of users in 9.10. Whatever I do in "User Settings" gets undone when I close the window. Is this a known issue?22:00
j484rhello everybody....22:00
mwfi can't download anything with apt-get or aptitude - i can't find anything..22:00
phoenixzoffspring: actually, you just inserted the # in this IRC client of yours... if you can insert it there, you can also insert it into your editor..22:00
mwfi've triede to download/install deluge22:00
dupondjemwf: errors ?22:00
matrix_DasEi:VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)22:00
matrix_Subsystem: Fujitsu Limited. Device 11e322:00
matrix_Control: I/O+ Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr- Step22:00
lstarnesmwf: what errors do you get?22:00
akrohitcarresmd, can it be disabled in any way?22:00
mwf2 sec22:00
zeeblehow to get JRE, etc installed? still have the package called ubuntu-restricted-extras?22:00
offspringphoenixz: yes shift 3 gives me £ and alt 3 sends me to another page in IRC22:00
seyfarthhey guys, is there a way I can use the bootable usb i made to upgrade from ubuntu netbook 9.04 to 9.10, WITHOUT wiping all my programs and files?22:00
mnaines1mlissner: Well, for one, its comparable to NTFS in that it provides file system encryption capabilities and it allows for several other security features22:00
vatoI just setup Ubuntu Server 9.04 yesterday. I also bridged my linksys router and westell DSL modem today (Had the dreaded 2x NAT setup before). For some reason i can't idle on irc or on the internet period without being disconnected.. Anyone have any clue as to why this is and how I can fix it? Does it have to do with not all my computers having static ips set? Thank you22:00
Tohuw!oneline | matrix_22:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oneline22:00
akrohitcarresmd, its kind of irritating22:00
dupondjezeeble: aptitude search jre22:00
phoenixzoffspring: how did you get the # symbol in your IRC?22:01
mlissnerAnybody else having openoffice look like cr@p after going to karmic? I have tons of black highlighting in weird places.22:01
Wickedhello all. i like to roll my own ffmpeg and mplayer...how do i over ride a package so its not updated over?22:01
carresmdakrohit, not sure about that.. let me check22:01
jadINtel driver crashes after 15 minutes22:01
Tohuw!enter | matrix_22:01
ubottumatrix_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:01
mgmuscarivato: are you using a wired connection?22:01
jad updated X and Kernel and now it won't start at all22:01
offspringphoenixz: copy paste, doesnt seem possible in the terminal though, it just removes the text22:01
vatoyes, i am.22:01
DasEimatrix_: I have no experience with that but read intel was supported better now, try to reconfigure your x-server;; your syste is up to date ?22:01
Tohuw!pastebin | matrix_22:01
ubottumatrix_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:01
j484ris there a fix for mounting /etc/fstab.. failed after i tried to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.1022:01
vatomgmuscari: yes22:01
mwfi'll get the same error as this person http://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1063522:01
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91022:01
jadWicked: Pin it in aptitude22:01
mgmuscarivato: i've been having problems with dropped connections while idling using the iwlagn module in 9.04, but it doesn't sound like that's your problem22:01
DasEimfw: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list22:02
Tohuwjad: what's the output of your X error log?22:02
matrix_DasEi so how  to fix my xorg22:02
dupondjetrue :P22:02
akrohitHow do I customize the login screen of karmic. I want the user names to be displayed in login screen. How can it be done?22:02
Blueycarresmd: this does NOT have the sums for 9.10 - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes so I again ask -- where are the sums for 9.10?22:02
vatoi also have a windows 7 computer on the network that drops connection as well22:02
senses2009ðóññêîÿçû÷íûå îòçîâèòåñü(22:02
Wickedjad, hmm. i could do that. but id really prefer to make the version i make have a higher version number then the ubuntu installed ones so its not updated.22:02
mgmuscarivato: does the timing of the connection drops seem to correspond to dhcp lease expiration?22:02
Wickedcan i just tack a 1 on the end?22:02
akrohitmy mistake. I dont want the user names to be diplayed22:02
lstarnesBluey: look on the download mirrors22:02
jadTohuw: Failed to loadmodule i810 (Modules does not exist) 022:02
matrix_DasEi so how  to fix my xorg22:02
DasEimatrix_: log out, then on commandline run : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:02
mwf## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includ$22:02
mwf## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.22:02
mwf## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any rev$22:02
mwf## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.22:02
mwf# deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic-backports main restric$22:02
FloodBot3mwf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:02
mwf# deb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic-backports main res$22:02
mgmuscarivato: sounds like a problem with your dhcp server maybe... peek into your router config22:02
offspringphoenixz: think i got it22:02
lstarnesmwf: check aptitude search deluge22:03
carresmdBluey, sorry didn't know that..22:03
akrohitI want the behaviour as that of jaunty and earlier versions22:03
Tohuwakrohit: displaying the user names is the default behavior of karmic's login screen, but check System --> Administration --> Login Screen22:03
carresmdBluey, http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/MD5SUMS22:03
DasEi!paste|  | mwf22:03
ubottu| mwf: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!22:03
Blueycarresmd: blessings22:03
akrohitTohuw, that doesnt give much option22:03
senses2009ÿ óæå íà÷èíàþ òèõî íåíàâèäåòü ôðèìåéë(((((((ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð-ð(((((((22:03
nicklas_ubuntu one doesnt work22:03
akrohitTohuw, i already checked that22:03
bluebananahi, i am trying to install ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop but after the initial screen i choose the 'use without changes to computer option', i hear the ubuntu intro sound but the screen is black.. .can somebody help?22:03
mwfsorry for the paste.. it finds both deluge and deluge-torrent22:03
jadWicked: Edit the database?22:03
Tohuwakrohit: are you seeing any login screen at all?22:03
HardPhuckguys, if i do do-release-upgrade on my production server all my configuration and websites will stay in place, right?22:03
j484ris there a fix for mounting /etc/fstab.. failed after i tried to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.1022:03
vatomgmuscari: thank you sir.22:03
mgmuscarisenses2009: are you typing gibborish or are you sending broken text?22:04
mgmuscarivato: hope that helps...22:04
lstarnesmwf: have you tried both?22:04
vatomgmuscari: you hit the nail on the head, there is a problem. Lol22:04
TohuwHardPhuck: yes. backup first, always22:04
jadTohuw: is the new intel driver still called i81022:04
preecherafter upgrading to 9.10 from 9.04 i have "ubuntu one" under apps--when i try to use it it say "capabilities missmatch server" do i need this ubuntu one? what it be do for me?22:04
RoyallYou know what I don't like? If you wanna download an app in Software Center you have to go to its page, there's no one-click download22:04
mgmuscarivato: awesome. it's nice when things are simple to fix.22:04
HardPhuckhmm i have nowhere do backup :)22:04
jadif i modprobe i810 I instantly lock up22:04
akrohitTohuw, I see the login screen with a box with user names displayed22:04
HardPhuckbackup as to some folders?22:04
mwflstarnes: sudo aptitude install deluge and sudo aptitude installe deluge-torrent?22:04
rippspreecher: yeah, a fixed version is in the proposed repo22:04
lstarnesmwf: try the latter22:04
vatomgmuscari: yes, yes it is :) <3 ubuntu. Take care guys.22:04
Wickedjad....umm...not sure i want to do that. for instance. ive been building debs for ffmpeg on 9.04....when i would update the system it would not be replaced...but when i build it on 9.10 it is.22:05
Tohuwjad: check to see if xserver-xorg-video-intel is instlled22:05
mwfi don't understand?22:05
Wickedidk ill figure it out i guess22:05
EvanCarrollLets play an irc game, entitled 'O', in this game you must say a unicode character that apears to have a base of 'o'. The first person to not respond, or say something already said, loses. First one to start is my challenger.22:05
Tohuwjad: s/instlled/installed22:05
preecherripps thanx--what do it do for me--is it a need prog22:05
Tohuwakrohit: and what is it you want?22:05
lstarnesmwf: sudo aptitude install deluge-torrent22:05
senses2009mgmuscari, à âû íå ïðîáîâàëè íàïèñàòü íà ìîåì ÿçûêå?22:05
FlannelEvanCarroll: This channel is a support channel, please stay ontopic.  Try #ubuntu-offtopic22:05
loshapreecher: presumably it's this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_One22:06
DasEimwf: assuming your repos are up set up correctly, apt-cache search lets you find package-names22:06
Stormx2m-m-m-m-m-monster kill!22:06
poseidonthe new ubuntu instillation is amazing.  I wish I could have used this freshman year in high school rather than gentoo :)22:06
helluplinejoin #ubuntu-br22:06
mwflstarnes: "deluge-torrent" exists in the package database, but it is not a real package and no package provides it.22:06
=== TwoD_ is now known as TwoD
thebwtanyone else getting strange connection issues?22:07
akrohitTohuw, I don't want the user names to displayed. I want them to be entered22:07
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:07
ubottuyes, I'm alive.22:07
=== NiteSnow is now known as NiteSnow|Shower
mgmuscariwhoa, that was an intense netsplit22:07
akrohitcarresmd, did you get anything on login delay?22:08
adacIs it possible to do an upgrade even if I totally out of disk space?22:08
jadadac: No22:08
Lazyadac: no22:08
mwflstarnes: what do you mean? sorry i'm bad at this22:08
senses2009ïèñåö((((((((((( ïðîñòî, çàäîëáàëè ýòè ñïèñêè, ìîæåò ãäå-òî íàéäåòñÿ ïîìîùü ñ ïî÷òîé?22:08
lstarnesmwf: by what?22:08
matrix_netsplit happens to everyone who upgraded to ubuntu 9.10 lol22:08
woddf2How much disk space is required then?22:08
DasEiadac: nope22:08
carresmdakrohit, still looking ... it's a hard thing to find22:08
lstarnesmwf: just forget everything I said so far22:08
matrix_DasEi: i rebooted but i forgot the command line can you  tell me again22:08
lstarnesmwf: run sudo apt-get install deluge-torrent and see what happens22:08
mooh01moi je une fille qui conais  le sex22:08
mooh01il ya quelquin22:08
jadwoddf2: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will tell you it's different for each person22:08
akrohitcarresmd, ok. thanks anyway22:09
DasEi!resolutuion | matrix_22:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about resolutuion22:09
woddf2jad: Thanks22:09
adacLazy, DasEi Can't I just symlink the apt folders to an external disk?22:09
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:09
senses2009ðåáÿòà ÿ âàì ñåé÷àñ áóäó çàñûðàòü òåêñò, ïîêà êòî-òî íå îòâåòèò ìíå íà ìîåì ÿçûêå22:09
DasEi!resolution | matrix_22:09
ubottumatrix_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:09
=== bluebottle is now known as Guest334
=== jungle_justi is now known as junglejusti
j484ris there a fix for mounting /etc/fstab.. failed after i tried to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.1022:09
senses2009à ìíå ïîôèã î ÷åì âû ïèøåòå22:09
senses2009ìíå íóæíà ìîÿ ïî÷òà22:09
mnainesI cannot receive PMs from ubottu because of Bot Sentry22:09
jhb1608I need ot know if they are sure they already upgraded the version.22:09
senses2009à êàê ÿ ñþäà ïîïàëà áåçïîíÿòèÿ22:09
matrix_DasEi: i rebooted but i forgot the command line can you  tell me again  you told me a command line sudo dpkg22:09
senses2009òàê ÷òî22:09
matrix_can you tell me that again22:09
jadmnaines: Hush :) ask in #ubuntu-offtopic22:10
Tohuwmnaines: turn botsentry off for your freenode account then.22:10
senses2009æäó îòâåòîâ22:10
senses2009è ðåøåíèé çàäà÷22:10
senses2009êòî ïåðâûé?22:10
mnainessenses2009: Stop that22:10
jadTohuw: So no Koala for me ?22:10
Tohuwjdb: what do you get from modprobe -l | grep -i intel? (pastebin it, the list could be long)22:10
Tohuwjad, I mean, not jdb22:10
jhb1608it is weird, certain programs freezes (Firefox and Empathy), my system is fine now, but I dunno why it causes the freezing.22:10
j484rprobably he/she hasn;t come to her/his senses22:10
DasEiadac: the problem will be that you need more space to install , before the old packages can be deleted22:10
Flannelsenses2009: Please speak english here, thanks.22:10
DasEimatrix_: log out, then on commandline run : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:11
j484rdid u see my question? so i know am waiting for answer....22:11
senses2009mnaines, why? possibly will write in my language?22:11
jadTohuw: Hold on installing kwin I'll grab pastebinit when it's done22:11
tclarkiehi, i need toset up a firewall to block youtube for 16 macs, any pointers22:11
mnainessenses2009: Because this is an English-only room and all I can see are endless question marks22:11
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd: Bad news, I had to use the command again.22:11
dupondjej484r: how you mean mounting /etc/fstab ?22:11
MidnightDevilmy network doesn't seem to be detected on my new karmic koala install.. i already defined manual settings but still nothing.. what can i do?22:11
adacDasEi, I see. that is a problem then. my persistent live usb stick is unfortunately not that big :/ Guess I'dd need to buy a bigger one then22:11
jadmnaines: Get a Unicode IRC client :)22:11
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd: When I restart, it defaults back to speakers.22:11
Tohuwakrohit: ah, not sure. on that. there could be settings in gconf-editor relevant to what you want to change22:11
j484ryes dupondje ;)22:12
DaimonicHey, someone here using Terminator on ubuntu 9.10 ??22:12
zeeblemnaines: is there some program that provides a GUI interface to ssh/sftp?22:12
akrohitTohuw, ok. thanks22:12
offspringphoenixz: it now says line 59 is unknown22:12
TwoDzeeble: try PuTTY22:12
mwflstarnes: it choose deluge insted of deluge-torrent.. then et prints, Package deluge has no available version, but referenced in a second package. It may mean that this package have been superseded or can only be retrieved from other sources < E: The package deluge has no installation candidate22:12
dupondjeadac: where doesn't it get detected ?22:12
Flannelzeeble: Most FTP clients do sftp.  Filezilla, for instance.22:12
Tohuwzeeble: nautilus22:12
tflgen2anyone experienced in port forwarding over ssh?22:12
zeebleah, ok. thanks, Flannel, Tohuw22:12
Tohuw!anyone | tflgen222:12
ubottutflgen2: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:12
senses2009mnaines, will I leave off well, I need a help, how it to do?22:12
DaimonicHey, someone here using Terminator on ubuntu 9.10 ??22:12
mnaineszeeble, no, there isn't...22:13
dupondjetflgen2: man ssh22:13
Daimonicatleast one, come on *g*22:13
phoenixzoffspring: check whats on that line.. make sure there is no empty trailing line22:13
Tohuwsenses2009: what is your native language?22:13
phoenixzoffspring: off for lunch now, laters22:13
nkei0Sup Ya'll, Anyone know about using KlamAV in Ubuntu (meaning a kde app in a gnome gtk)...?22:13
jadTohuw: http://pastebin.com/f9ed697d22:13
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, do the 'alsamixer' thing .. and after that do 'alsactl store' and 'sudo alsactl store (just to be sure)' and reboot.. see if it stays now22:13
dANCEmUSIChey gang22:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about klamav22:13
Tohuw!anyone | nkei022:13
ubottunkei0: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:13
dANCEmUSICadobe flash?22:13
offspringphoenixz: For Ubuntu Hardy (8.04): is all there is on that line22:13
CKyle33I have a quick question: Is there gonna be an .img release of NBR?22:13
magicrobotmonkeyi upgraded from jaunty to karmic and my wireless disappeared22:13
adacdupondje, What you mean? the disk space? on /22:13
jadnkei0: It works fine22:13
Rods_TigerIs there a point to using "bit torrent" - it's unbelievably slow - by the time I've downloaded the image, the next version will be out.22:13
Tohuw!ru | senses200922:13
ubottusenses2009: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:13
dupondjeadac: you say errors ...22:13
phoenixzoffspring: and you expect apt-get to understand what that means? Where is the # ???22:14
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd: "alsactl: get_control:249: Cannot read control '2,0,0,Mic Capture Volume,0': Invalid argument22:14
j484rto cut the story... was doing the upgrade, it downloaded the packages and installed.. then spiked to 100% cpu... so i rebooted and get this error about mounting22:14
nkei0jad, Hmm, I just installed it, and set it to update the virus stuff but I think it froze.  It's been at 0% for 9 hours...22:14
adacdupondje, did i?22:14
jadRods_Tiger: It will be waaay faster tomorrow22:14
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).22:14
phoenixzoffspring: make sure line 58 does NOT have a # behind it, and that line 59 will be commented with a #22:14
Flannelsenses2009: /join #ubuntu-ua22:14
leaf-sheepRods_Tiger: Stay on your Jaunty version then.22:14
MoonlitRods_Tiger - HTTP's fine, the advantage to torrents is that everyone shares the bandwidth when a new person gets a copy22:14
knarfixdANCEmUSIC: want to install it?22:14
blablaHI! I've a problem with the upgrade to 9.10. finally when I restart every choise of grub give me an error, error unknown. how can I reinstalling grub from livecd? help me, please.22:14
tflgen2dupondje: yes, i know. my problem is that in trying to do a local forward, (e.g. ssh -g -L10000:remote-ip:3389 user@host) I can connect to the localhost:10000 after the session is established, but when trying to connect to 10000 from any other machine, it times out.22:14
carresmdRobLikesBrunch, what about 'alsactl store 2' ?22:14
Tohuw!flash | dANCEmUSIC22:14
MidnightDevilmy network doesn't seem to be detected on my new karmic koala install.. i already defined manual settings but still nothing.. what can i do?22:14
ubottudANCEmUSIC: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:14
jadTohuw: Not that long a list22:14
senses2009ubottu, I not against a help on Russian, where is it needed to go?22:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:15
knarfixdANCEmUSIC: try in ubuntu software center22:15
dANCEmUSICThankyou kindly.22:15
knarfixdANCEmUSIC: karmic right?22:15
RobLikesBrunchcarresmd: That worked. Let me restart.22:15
Tohuwjad: is it really empty, or is pastebin just crapping out again?22:15
nkei0MidnightDevil, What do you mean your network isn't detected?  wireless or wired?  tried ipconfig and iwconfig?22:15
offspringphoenixz: that did it, thanks alot!22:15
j484rits amazing, i;ve always had problems with the upgrade... LOL22:15
Flannelsenses2009: #ubuntu-ua is the Ukranian LoCo channel.  Russian is #ubuntu-ru22:15
tully_ hi, i need toset up a firewall to block youtube for 16 macs, any pointers22:15
CKyle33I have a quick question: Is there gonna be an .img release of NBR?22:15
stittelHi! Where are the hashes for the 9.10 ISOs? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes doesn't include 9.10 yet.22:15
kyrandesasenses2009: #ubuntu-ua22:16
MidnightDevilnkei0 neither of it...22:16
jadTohuw: Not empty just a bout 7 lines22:16
Lazyadac: yeah you probably could mount apt directory to another disk but if the disk space is really tight i would not recommend it because some programs might take more space22:16
ThomasHCgtg bye22:16
MidnightDevilnkei0 when i type ifconfig i get even tho i configured manually both wired and wireless connections22:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ua22:16
carresmdakrohit, try http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8174773&postcount=1222:16
senses2009Flanne, write in English, for me hieroglyphs22:16
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91022:16
tommy^xgreat release guys!22:16
tommy^xthumbs up22:16
Tohuwjad: sorry, it shows empty for me. anything there look like intel-agp.ko or so?22:16
matrix_Dasei: i still can not change my screen resoulution anyone who can help me i am really tired of this upgrade 9.1022:16
tommy^x9.10 is really great22:16
tommy^xim off22:17
dANCEmUSICIm still using 8.04.22:17
nkei0MidnightDevil, What I'm getting at is, Is your network card(s) working?  iwconfig will show if your radio is on/off and whatnot22:17
* tommy^x p0ff22:17
zeebleanyone with a gtalk account i can send a test message to see if empathy is working?22:17
tom967pulseaudio problems, anyone?22:17
Daimonicanyone uses Terminator?22:17
jadTohuw: Yes 4th line22:17
k1lumin4t1_UBUNTU SUX22:17
jorisslobtom967: Yes me!22:17
p1und3ranyone here upgrade from 9.04 64-bit to 9.10 64-bit?22:17
RobLikesBrunch1carresmd: worked great, thanks.22:18
carresmdRobLikesBrunch1, I'm happy :-)22:18
Tohuw!anyone | p1und3r22:18
leaf-sheep!anyone | tom967 Plugh22:18
mnainesp1und3r: I did...I would recommend a clean install22:18
RobLikesBrunch1carresmd: Thanks again for all your help!22:18
carresmdRobLikesBrunch1, sure no problem22:18
TheCheezep1und3r, am doing it now22:18
TheCheezewhat's up?22:18
blablaHI! I've a problem with the upgrade to 9.10. finally when I restart every choise of grub give me an error, error unknown. how can I reinstalling grub from livecd? help me, please.22:18
tom967jorisslob: cracking droppin losin sound?22:18
j484rme p1und3r22:18
TheAspIs there a way to get devicekit to ignore devices?  i have a removeable drive with a partition on it i don't want to mount automatically.  i used to have a rule for hal to stop it, but I can't find a way to do this with devicekit22:18
matrix_anyone who can help me22:18
k1lumin4t1_UBUNTU SUX22:18
knarfixdANCEmUSIC: got it?22:18
DasEip1und3r: what is your problem ?22:18
bsmartwhats everyones favorite theme?22:18
ngranekk1lumin4t1_, why do you say that?22:18
jadk1lumin4t1_: Agreed! Lets help make it better :)22:18
Tohuw!patience | matrix_22:18
senses2009boys and what zanimaetes' you here? I here first, and probably vposledniy of one times -_-)))))))22:18
j484roh why mnaines ..?22:18
Tohuwcome back ubottu, we need your pre-generated wisdom!22:18
k1lumin4t1_ngranek, since you use it... DISTRO SLUT22:18
mnainesj484r: Sit in here long enough and you will see a whole list of problems people are having with the upgrades22:18
Tohuwngranek: do not feed the trolls22:19
senses2009my translator is bad22:19
Sky[x]hoe to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 with install cd ?22:19
jorisslobtom967: At least, I think it might be pulseaudio. I did a clean install of 9.10, but no sound.22:19
notsmoothopshould i get the netbook remix or regular image22:19
p1und3rjorisslob: i had that on my other laptop when i downloaded RC version22:19
ubottup1und3r: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:19
ubottutom967 Plugh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:19
ubottumatrix_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:19
MidnightDevilnkei0 it says "no wireless extensions" , i clicked the button to enable it (the external button on the laptop" but nothing seems to happen22:19
p1und3rlol wtfs22:19
carresmd!english | senses200922:19
ubottusenses2009: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:19
jadblabla: You did a clean install or  an upgrade?22:19
Tohuwsenses2009: #ubuntu-ua #ubuntu-ru22:19
jadSky[x]: You need the alternate CD22:19
jorisslobtom967, p1und3r: No, no sound at all22:19
p1und3rDasEi: i just wanted to know how smookth the upgrade is atm22:19
Tohuwcrap, ubottu just got banned by floodbot22:19
knarfixmatrix_: what graphic card do you have?22:19
nkei0MidnightDevil, Alright, laptop or desktop?22:19
=== jmrodri is now known as jmrodri-gone
nkei0MidnightDevil, Err, i'm retarded.22:20
MidnightDevillaptop, acer22:20
Moonlitbot wars!22:20
ubottuCanadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca22:20
uboxwtf, no more ubuntu+1 ?22:20
blablajad: upgrade :°22:20
ngranekk1lumin4t1_, i invite you to try the new 9.1022:20
adacLazy, about 150 Megabyte. that is very thight22:20
p1und3rjorisslob: i upgraded alsa drivers to 1.0.21 and downloaded gnome-alsamixer i think and fixed it22:20
MrSchmoanyone have a successful upgrade to 9.10?22:20
leaf-sheepubox: #ubuntu+1 is #ubuntu22:20
rippsubox: karmic is out22:20
ngranekk1lumin4t1_, it's really nice22:20
bluebananahi, i am trying to install ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop but after the initial screen i choose the 'use without changes to computer option', i hear the ubuntu intro sound but the screen is black.. .can somebody help?22:20
j484rmnaines : sorry to hear them... i had the same when i upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04... its common theme for me... i will download and install from clean... BTW you lot are doing a great job... well done.. keep up the good work...22:20
knarfixMrSchmo: yes22:20
ngranekk1lumin4t1_, with great artwork BTW22:20
uboxoh, so the beta is no longer beta then?22:20
Tohuw!ops, ubottu just got banned... might want to exclude it from Floodbot -.-22:20
rippsngranek: stop talking to the troll22:20
DasEip1und3r: should be easy, read : http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha422:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:20
Guest1Is this channel for Ubuntu 9.10?22:20
* mwf slaps lstarnes around a bit with a large trout22:20
Tohuwubox: correct22:20
Ted1good evening22:20
senses2009ubottu, ïîòèøîàòïùøîüêùïåëüøâàîïòùøê, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is the bad Russian words22:20
k1lumin4t1_ngranek, fagget22:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:20
uboxcool :)22:20
ZiberUsing mutt, can the email address be different than the user account?22:20
=== knoxville is now known as knxvilla
julianoliverZiber: yes. see 'set from'22:21
TohuwZiber: not for local system mail. For external-to-server mail, yes.22:21
jadblabla: The instructions on the Wiki should tell you what to do.22:21
nkei0MidnightDevil, I actually had an acer with the same problem.  There is a bit of code out there that will most likely help you.  What's happening is the command that your hardware on/off switch generates isn't being recognized.  You need to look into "acerhk" otherwise known as Acer Hot Keys22:21
Guest1Is this channel for Ubuntu 9.10?22:21
jad!grub | blabla22:21
ubottublabla: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:21
julianoliverZiber: also #mutt22:21
TohuwGuest1: yes22:21
j484rGuest 1 : YES! just fire a question22:21
knarfixGuest1: :) yes22:21
ZlobiI have ubuntu 9.10 BETA. Can I update to stable now? Site says that only 9.04 can >> 9.1022:22
jorisslobtom967, p1und3r: alsa-base is at the latest version according to apt-get, I have tried gnome-alsamixer22:22
DasEi!bootoptions  | bluebanana22:22
ubottubluebanana: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions22:22
MrSchmooh man, i have not backup my system and doing an upgrade. it better not go wrong22:22
Guest1I would like to know22:22
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).22:22
jadGuest1: Yes22:22
jadZlobi: Yes22:22
Guest1what is the default theme for 9.1022:22
FlannelZlobi: Just do daily updates (with update-manager) and you're all set22:22
TohuwZlobi: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade22:22
Tohuwguest1: human22:22
knarfixGuest1: the name of the theme?22:22
Zlobijad: 10x, how?22:22
Ted1i was upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10 when the upgrade crashed... my laptop will now not reboot, it says the mounts cannot be mounted... any ideas on how i recover from this?22:22
gOLDfeeshHey my udev doesn't work22:22
Guest1tohuw: human?22:22
Tohuw!doesntwork | gOLDfeesh22:22
ubottugOLDfeesh: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.22:22
ngranekTed1, try to umount the by hand22:23
=== rezd is now known as test
Guest1Tohuw: Not human clearlooks?22:23
j484ri got that Ted1, u using 64bit?22:23
gOLDfeesh!annoying | Tohuw22:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about annoying22:23
gOLDfeeshhaha sorry22:23
jadZlobi: A normal update will get you to 9.10 I'd say wait two or three days to let the servers cool off you aleready have most of the benefits22:23
TohuwGuest1: the default theme for ubuntu has always been human22:23
DasEiGuest1: humane is the name of default-theme22:23
ManateeLazyCatHow to setup "refresh frequency" in 9.10? now, i just can select 60hz, but i can setup 75hz in 9.04. Thanks.22:23
DasEiGuest1: human* is the name of default-theme22:23
Tohuw!manners | gOLDfeesh22:23
ubottugOLDfeesh: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:23
Guest1oh dead22:23
Zlobijad: ok22:23
=== test is now known as Guest27341
Guest1i mean oh dear22:23
=== adam is now known as Guest70894
gOLDfeesh!flood | Tohuw22:23
=== carresmd is now known as carresmd|afk
ubottuTohuw: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:23
jadTohuw: Should I have agp or not?22:23
Zlobiwill help with torrents22:23
leaf-sheep!away > carresmd|afk22:23
mnainesj484r: I always try to help...I want to learn all I can about Linux so I can do tech support22:23
gOLDfeeshI'll stop..22:23
ubottucarresmd|afk, please see my private message22:23
knarfixGuest1: its name is humanity22:23
ManateeLazyCatI found screen position is wrong when fresh frequency is 60hz.22:23
mathepicI seem to be unable to upgrade from 9.10 Live CD (I'm on 9.4)22:23
senses2009thanks to everybody, all the successes -_-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))22:23
p1und3rjorisslob: dont listen to apt-get22:24
mathepicThe dialog does not appear when I mount it22:24
Simkinthank you for removing shit brown backgrounds in ubuntu 9.1022:24
* jad hugs senses2009 22:24
Guest1I believe i set that22:24
carresmd|afkleaf-sheep, thanks22:24
Guest1Thank you for the info22:24
=== carresmd|afk is now known as carresmd
leaf-sheepcarresmd|afk: You're welcome.22:24
senses2009ýò îçíà÷àåò óäà÷è)))))22:24
jad!hmy | Simkin22:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hmy22:24
FireCrotchSimkin: please watch your language22:24
jad!ohmy | Simkin22:24
DasEimathepic: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha422:24
ubottuSimkin: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:24
Flannelmathepic: Alternate CDs can be used to upgrade, Desktop CDs can't (only used to install)22:24
p1und3rjorisslob: google "alsa upgrade script" and get it from ubuntu forums22:24
Tohuwjad: yes. it's a default kernel module. I'm not sure on your answer. Try asking in #xorg, they probably have a better idea.22:24
mathepicAnd in the upgrade manager, it tells me to insert the cd22:24
j484rmnaines : Good Luck!.. you will get there22:24
gOLDfeeshYah my udev doesn't seem to pick up my phone. I know it's a bug with Ubuntu Jaunty found at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36805322:24
jadTohuw: Thanks22:24
mathepicIt used to give me the option though22:24
mathepicNow it doesn't22:24
gOLDfeeshAny ideas on how to workaround that or if Karmic has fixed that/22:24
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:24
jadTohuw: What's the current kernel in Koala ?22:24
_atomicdon't know22:24
gOLDfeeshI know it used to work in Hardy that's for sure22:25
mnainesj484r: Thanks.22:25
julianoliverjad: 2.6.3122:25
mathepicI know the alternate allows you to, but I thought live provided the functionality as well22:25
jadjulianoliver: Which ubuntu revision ?22:25
DasEijad: 2.6.31-1422:25
jadDasEi: thanks22:25
adacLazy, Do you know which apt folder I would have to symlink to the extrenal hd?22:25
knarfixjad: 2.6.31-1422:25
=== edsoncanto is now known as edson
julianoliverjad: i'm currently on Debian Lenny here. type uname -r to find out.22:25
Tohuwjad: 2.6.31-14-generic22:26
=== edson is now known as edsoncanto
jadOK that's what I'm running22:26
jadMIght have to go back to the Beta kernel22:26
j484rLooks like i've learnt a lesson here, going to start a clean install for ubuntu 64bit... ;)22:26
jadthat crashesd every 15 minutes but at least there is a GUI22:26
jorisslobtom967, p1und3r: Hmm... I am going to relog, now my sound is messed up. It gives me a message that the the sound system is in use and I can't access it anymore22:26
Tohuwjad: have you tried sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg?22:26
jadTohuw: Hmm no lets see22:27
EntityReborn9.10 still sucks for dual head22:27
EntityRebornnot working(tm)22:27
p1und3rjorisslob: after the script?22:27
cdw32Would anyone know how to increase video quality?22:27
jadTohuw: That's --reconfigure not dplkg-reconfigure ?22:27
TohuwEntityReborn: X sucks for dual head, and always will until it is fundamentally changed.22:27
j484rTed1 : i have the same problem, and like others too.... best to do a clean install...22:27
offspringis it possible to be able to use the files from your Windows partition without having to reinstall them on the Linux partition?22:27
Tohuwjad: sorry, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:27
jorisslobp1und3r: No this is before the script, this is after doing too many things that I found on forums22:27
jadoffspring: Sure you can22:27
p1und3ryes offspring22:28
p1und3rjorisslob: ah22:28
EntityRebornTohuw, konw anyone who's got it running as it should?22:28
Tohuwoffspring: depends on the files, probably yes22:28
offspringjad: how would i do that?22:28
TohuwEntityReborn: define "as it should" :)22:28
jadoffspring: mount the drive22:28
gOLDfeeshYah my udev doesn't seem to pick up my phone. I know it's a bug with Ubuntu Jaunty found at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/368053   It worked fine in Hardy though. Any idea if it'll be fixed in Karmic?22:28
Tohuw!ntfs | offspring22:28
jorisslobp1und3r: restarting alsa, removing .pulse directories... I hope that relogging will return it to 'normal'-not-working22:28
ubottuoffspring: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:28
=== raid0ff is now known as raid0
gOLDfeesh!sorry | tohtori22:28
jadTohuw: Nope there is no kernel module22:28
ubottutohtori: It's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/22:28
jadAh well I'll figure it out tomorrow22:29
=== andy is now known as Guest22397
EntityRebornTohuw, side by side, two independant resolutions22:29
Tohuwjad: yeah, I'm just not sure, sorry :( try asking in #xorg22:29
DarkKnightCZHi can i have a question? how will i set subdomain in LAMP like mysql.db (/var/www/phpmyadmin), it is redirecting me to /var/www all the time22:29
p1und3rjorisslob: ok im about to upgrade and see wut kinda problems i can start22:29
TohuwEntityReborn: intel/nvidia/ati?22:29
EntityRebornTohuw, note, i have a intel 855GM22:29
EntityRebornolder chip22:29
gOLDfeeshDarkKnightCZ, try asking in #apache22:29
jadTohuw: ok22:29
j484rok, now am shooting... take care and keep smiling..  you will get help!!22:29
TohuwEntityReborn: works fine on my nvidia boxen, but that's using nvidia-setings22:29
ngranekDarkKnightCZ, subdomains usually are defined as virtualhosts in apache22:29
snellcodeDarkKnightCZ: its a vhost in your conf file22:30
EntityRebornTohuw, thats using Nvidia :P22:30
t2ttmpwell this is slow how slow can the package servers be22:30
ManateeLazyCat/etc/X11/xorg.conf doesn't exist in Ubuntu 9.10 ?22:30
jadj484r: I'm smiling but standing on my head does that count?22:30
boscopis karmic faster than jaunty? because on my laptop jaunty is very slow compared to windows, but I want to keep ubuntu22:30
EntityRebornManateeLazyCat, does for me22:30
DarkKnightCZyes it is, but it isnt working22:30
t2ttmp1.74k sec average22:30
ngranekManateeLazyCat, it does not exists by default .... you can create one though22:30
matrix_how to install  VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)22:30
matrix_Subsystem: Fujitsu Limited. Device 11e322:30
matrix_ on ubuntu 9.1022:30
TohuwEntityReborn: yes :P read up on xrandr and see if maybe you can get it together22:30
snellcodeDarkKnightCZ: try #apache i guess22:30
ngranekManateeLazyCat, if you install the nvidia drivers one will be created for you22:30
Tohuw!enter | matrix_22:30
ubottumatrix_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:30
EntityRebornTohuw, kk22:30
loufoquecan anyone point me to a link giving the new features of karmic koala?22:30
ManateeLazyCatngranek: No, I'm Intel.22:30
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm22:31
DeathMetalDeandoes anyone know how to open .bat files? my mate wants to open them on open suse, dunno if there is a difference22:31
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1222:31
ngranekManateeLazyCat, you can create one, and xorg will read it22:31
nixiepixelOh noes! I deleted partitions without removing Grub and then installed Koala .. now I have a Grub error 17... halllp! ='( ?22:31
Powersourcecan anyone help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8191160#post819116022:31
mage__DeathMetalDean: a batch file is a shell script from windows, run it through wine?22:31
daleharveyanyone happen to know what the md5sum for 9.10 desktop i386 is?22:31
matrix_hey guys when i go to system hardware drivers and i want to install my graphic card it does not detect it, i just upgraded to 9.1022:31
DeathMetalDeanok thanks22:31
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:32
mwfI have a problem with apt-get.. I tried to install deluge, but it prints out this: Package deluge has no available version, but referenced in a second package. It may mean that this package have been superseded or can only be retrieved from other sources < E: The package deluge has no installation candidate... anyone can help me?22:32
ManateeLazyCatngranek: I want to know how to change "refresh frequency" in 9.10, in 9.10, i only have 60hz, but i have two frequency: 60hz and 75hz in 9.04, i think something wrong in 9.10.22:32
Zlobiok, torrenting 9.10 desktop 32 & 64, and server 6422:32
carresmddaleharvey, http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/MD5SUMS22:32
Ottomfhi, i have problem with installing steam, annyone care to help?  i have installd wine.. but when i run steam it starts to log in to my acount and wine starts to install gecko, and then it just shuts down, anny ide?22:32
jaddaleharvey: ^^^22:32
ZlobiDo you need more?22:32
korcantrying to install:   sudo apt-get install python-pypdf  I get: Couldn't find package python-pypdf22:32
korcanany ideas?  9.0422:32
henuxgood evening22:32
jadOttomf: try #winehq22:32
ngranekManateeLazyCat, check which version of xorg you are using and check the xorg documentation ... maybe the driver has changed22:32
mage__mwf: if nobody helps you, look at packages.ubuntu.com22:33
nixiepixelNobody here good with Grub?22:33
jad!info python-pypdf22:33
Xgatessay did Karmic have you download lang. packs during the install? I don't remember, but now 9.10 does...22:33
Ottomfjad: tnx22:33
daleharveyok, so I definetly have the correct file22:33
ubottupython-pypdf (source: python-pypdf): PDF toolkit implemented solely in Python. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12-1 (jaunty), package size 30 kB, installed size 196 kB22:33
pauliuspaanyone knows when ubuntu one is going to work with 9.10 ?22:33
mage__!info deluge22:33
Loafers"E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"  No processes are using it...... what do I do?22:33
ubottudeluge (source: deluge): bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK (GTK+ UI). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.6+dfsg-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 251 kB, installed size 1672 kB22:33
carresmdXgates, happened here as well22:33
daleharveyubuntu has crashed on my like 30 times during installation now22:33
korcanjad, how do I get it to install?  Couldn't find package python-pypdf22:33
daleharvey3 different mediums22:33
jadkorcan: It's in universe do you have universe turned on?22:33
ngranekkorcan, aptitude install python-pypdf22:33
mnainesdaleharvey: Are you trying to upgrade or do a clean install?22:33
daleharveyall at different stages22:33
Xgatessucks you can't pick and choose during the install stuff like this....22:34
daleharveyclean install22:34
korcanjad how do I turn it on?22:34
ngranekngranek, did you aptitude update after installation?22:34
mnainesdaleharvey: Try cleaning the CD and try again22:34
jad!universe | korcan22:34
ubottukorcan: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:34
Rods_TigerLook, UNR simply doesn't work - when you shut the netbook's lid, then come back to it and open it, everything's frozen and the only way to use it is to pull the battery out.22:34
XgatesI'm sitting waiting forever for the darn thing to download...22:34
jadkorcan: First link22:34
DarkKnightCZis there any active channel with apache support?22:34
daleharveyive tried with the cd, with a usb stick and an external hard drive22:34
matrix_hey guys when i go to system hardware drivers and i want to install my graphic card it does not detect it, i just upgraded to 9.1022:34
Brent^if my computer is over 125 F what should I do?22:34
jadDarkKnightCZ: @apach222:34
matrix_hey guys when i go to system hardware drivers and i want to install my graphic card it does not detect it, i just upgraded to 9.1022:34
jad#apache2 DarkKnightCZ Sorry22:34
joaopintomatrix_, which graphics cards is it ?22:34
carresmdXgates, the mirrors are very slow right now...22:35
XgatesBrent^: what cpu, and how far over 125?22:35
jadmatrix_: please stop saying things twice22:35
matrix_ VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 0122:35
ManateeLazyCatngranek: 9.04 can work with 75hz, 8.10 and 9.10 can't work. So have an easy way to change "refersh frequency"? Thanks!22:35
daleharveymnaines: ive given up trying with the cd, it only got to the install screen like 2 out of 10 times22:35
carresmdXgates, damn 9.10 release ^^22:35
DarkKnightCZjad: apache2 - 2 people, me and bot22:35
Xgatescarresmd: well the thing is, if you don't need lang packs then you shouldn't have to install them, total waste....22:35
magrasomeone that can help me with firestarter?? i need to just open a incoming port not an ip...how can i do that?22:35
ubuntu_hey. ok my system just crashed. on boot it says it's starting up a maintenance shell and asks for the root password. only i never set a root passowrd. what can i do?22:35
jadDarkKnightCZ: Bleah #apache22:35
matrix_ VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 0122:36
snellcodeDarkKnightCZ: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/vhosts/22:36
XgatesI'm getting dizzy in this channel, to much text flying by, LOL22:36
Loafers"E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"  How do I FIX THIS?22:36
mnainesXgates: You'll get used to it22:36
carresmdXgates, it does download english lang pack IIRC, but if you started the install without an internet connection it wouldn't have to download them ;-)22:36
daleharveyholy crap, it appears to have actually booted22:36
matrix_hey guys when i go to system hardware drivers and i want to install my graphic card it does not detect it, i just upgraded to 9.1022:36
LoafersNo processors are running su22:36
jadXgates: join #kubuntu :)22:36
joaopinto!aptlock | Loafers22:36
ubottuLoafers: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:36
EntityRebornTohuw, thanks22:36
akrohitcarresmd, that helped. thanks a lot22:36
EntityReborngrandr helped :)22:36
timblahIs there a method that I can use to create an ISO file, or any libraries available that I can use?  I want to write a binary file to the first sector of an ISO file.22:36
TohuwEntityReborn: great!22:37
carresmdakrohit, great! no problem!22:37
EntityRebornjust have to figure out how to get out of clone mode :)22:37
daleharveyif I have an install that I think went a bit wrong, is there anything I can do to just make sure everything is fine?22:37
adams__what's a good torrent client for ubuntu22:37
mage__ugh karmic doesn't run cron?22:37
Xgatescarresmd: but the thing is the Ubuntu team should start to cutomize the install... If you do a netinstall you can customize what you want22:37
adams__that's not transmission22:37
EntityRebornCtrl-f5 doesn't help :P22:37
Loafersjoaopinto, thanks a lot!!!22:37
mnainesIf anyone needs help with the 9.10 install, let me know22:37
ubuntu_my system just crashed. on boot it says it's starting up a maintenance shell and asks for the root password. only i never set a root passowrd. is there anything i can do?22:37
XgatesI should just go and look if there is already a netinstall iso for this thing22:37
mwfmage__: when i finds deluge inthere, i says that i need a LOTS of different packages.. should i install them all?22:37
jaddaleharvey: What went wrong?22:38
Tohuwtimblah: there are many, many ways to do that. What is this binary file? Why can't you just use brasero to do it?22:38
qq99Hey guys, I need either a filesystem or a distro that doesn't completely choke my system when I do any file transfer...  I'm doing SATA NTFS to external USB NTFS transfer, and my computer becomes so unresponsive it is nearly unusable...  IOWAIT on my process monitor is taking it all up seemingly :S22:38
carresmdXgates, you probably can with the alternate iso as well?22:38
qq99things weren't much better using ext322:38
mage__ubuntu_: why is it going into maintenance? either fix that from a livecd, or mount the root and chroot to it and set a root password ;)22:38
mnainesqq99: Try ext422:38
ubuntu_i don't have a live cd22:38
matrix_hey guys when i go to system hardware drivers and i want to install my graphic card it does not detect it, i just upgraded to 9.1022:38
matrix_hey guys when i go to system hardware drivers and i want to install my graphic card it does not detect it, i just upgraded to 9.1022:38
oorahanyone else have the brightness flickering problem?22:38
ubuntu_how do i mount the root?22:38
mage__mwf: lots? like all of kde/gnome? or stupid stuff?22:38
timblahthe binary file is a compiled (*.asm), and I want to create an (*.iso) file with the binary on sector 122:38
fenixk19my ubuntu got broken after update. it fails on every command with saying, that libglib lacks g_array_ref object22:38
mnainesqq99: I use ext4 and I have zero problems22:38
Um_cara_qualquerdoes anyone know a brasilian or portuguese channel for C and C++ programing?22:38
timblahTohuw *22:39
qq99mnaines: I'll give it a go when I install 9.10 later tonight22:39
mnainesqq99: Just be sure to do a clean install to reduce the hassle22:39
qq99mnaines: it possible to upgrade my home drive in ext3 to ext4 without deleting the contents?22:39
jadqq99: you probably need to turn on DMA on your drives22:39
DarkKnightCZsnellcode: in my file is it the same which is in that site22:39
Tohuwtimblah: yes?22:39
ubuntu_it crashed cuz i powered of my laptop using the power button. on restart it said it didn't unmount properly so it can't mount the regular mount point now :(22:39
mnainesjad, Ubuntu defaults to DMA mode22:39
timblahTohuw: the binary file is a compiled (*.asm), and I want to create an (*.iso) file with the binary on sector 122:39
not_recognizedi am new to ubuntu and have a wireless g usb adapter TP-LINK Model: TL-WN422G  (Ver 2.1). the adapter is not recognized. if i do iwconfig my adapter is NOT listed. please, help!22:39
carresmdXgates, not sure what you would like to customize though.. as it only installs ubuntu-desktop IIRC22:40
jadmnaines: Yeah but taking up all his CPU would seem like a no DMA issue wouldnt it?22:40
ManateeLazyCatHow to create /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?22:40
mage__mwf: I dont know much about deluge but if its gnome and you run kde maybe you want to run a kde torrent client?22:40
adams__why are the mirrors so slow for pre release ubuntu22:40
fenixk19my ubuntu got broken after update. it fails on every command with saying, that libglib lacks g_array_ref object22:40
sun`my friend asked me that he was ubuntu his system restarted and its not opening.22:40
sun`What can be the solution?22:40
DarkKnightCZcan someone send me right /etc/apache2/sites-available/default with at least one virtualserver ?22:40
Xgatescarresmd: well for starters getting rid of the lang pack, unless English is wrapped up in it22:40
mwfmage__: I could try that.. :)22:40
not_recognizedi am running ubuntu 9.0422:40
leaf-sheepadams__: Karmic came out today.22:40
matrix_hey guys when i go to system hardware drivers and i want to install my graphic card it does not detect it, i just upgraded to 9.1022:40
mnainesjad, no, it wouldn't.  It seems to me like its another issue22:40
jadmage__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh22:41
adams__leaf-sheep, ahh22:41
Zlobinot_recognized: Update the kernel, esp. wireless part, but be careful22:41
jadmnaines: cool well help him out22:41
yanchoanyone can help me with this error please? E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)22:41
fenixk19my ubuntu got broken after update. it fails on every command with saying, that libglib lacks g_array_ref object22:41
jadsun`: Why doesn't it start?22:41
Tohuwtimblah: ok. I don't know your answer offhand, but try asking in ##c; they know their libraries. but be prepared to just be pointed to a manual and told to read it, because that's how they roll.22:41
oorahanyone else have the brightness flickering problem?22:41
carresmdXgates, true.. but if the mirrors weren't that slow today bacause of the release... it would finish downloading within 10 seconds or so22:41
LoafersHow do I reset xchat configuration?  as soon I close it, the whole app closes aather than minimizing to tray...  and last time i rememberd it's a one time config whe nyou first run it so now its impossible to change22:41
yanchoi have no synaptic or other windows open - i tried apt-get upgrade and apt-get update22:41
yofelmatrix_: did you refresh your package cache?22:41
Tohuwyancho: does it persist after restart?22:41
not_recognizedZlobi, does the usb adapter i have actually work on ubuntu??? does a driver exist? updating the kernel?22:42
timblahUsing Brasero, is it possible to select the sector to write the file to?22:42
yanchoTohuw,  didnt test yet22:42
kbpfdisk -l give me the list of Partition but it doesn't show up UUID. Does anyone know how to?22:42
adams__ubuntu has a bad bug?22:42
Tohuwyancho: TIAS22:42
Blueywhy did ubuntu change my mount points for my usb drive?  its now got 2 underscores__ at the end ?22:42
mage__carresmd: lots of bandwidth is expensive22:42
jadLoafers: If it's a config by definition you can change it22:42
Flannelkbp: sudo blkid22:42
yanchoTohuw,  tias?22:42
matrix_does anyone have this graphic card  VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device22:42
kbpthank you Flannel22:42
jadmatrix_: Me22:42
carresmdLoafers, try 'gconf-editor'22:42
Tohuwyancho: Try It And See :)22:42
matrix_jad: are you on 9.1022:42
Xgatescarresmd: well I'm not just talking about bloat, but giving people options, don't treat all Linux users as newbies making it simply one size fits all, but then again I guess they are doing that in the netinstall and alternate already....22:42
mage__matrix_: I've got a windows xp box with one :)22:42
carresmdmage__, I'm not complaining here22:42
jadmatrix_: yes22:42
fenixk19my ubuntu got broken after update. it fails on every command with saying, that libglib lacks g_array_ref object22:42
Xgatescarresmd: what is the alternate for?22:42
yanchohehe ok Tohuw  doing so22:42
korcanjad, I have universe enabled and still can't find package22:43
qq99wtf, why don't they have a download link to 64bit on the download page? :S22:43
Tohuwyancho: if that doesn't work, you can sudo rm that lock file. But try restarting first22:43
matrix_i just upgraded now i can not install my graphic driver22:43
packet-sentIf I choose safe graphic mode on install, do I do anything to run in full graphic mode after install finished and rebooted?22:43
carresmdXgates, text-based setup instead of a GTK GUI22:43
Tohuwqq99: they do.22:43
korcanjad,   python-pypdf    any other ideas?22:43
matrix_jad: how did you install your graphic driver22:43
qq99Tohuw: the big green button only says 32bit22:43
carresmdXgates, plus a few other things, like support for mdadm22:43
jadkorcan: sudo apt-get update22:43
qq99Tohuw: on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download22:43
mnainesqq99: Click on the "Alternate Install Options"22:43
jadmatrix_: I didn't it's broken22:43
Xgatescarresmd: I wonder if it gives you options or just like the gtk install, only ncurses...22:44
matrix_jad: so you have allso 800 screen resolution22:44
qq99mnaines: tyvm, somehow more confusing than it needs to be22:44
Loaferscarresmd, thansk, but xchat is not listed under the apps folder22:44
hipitihopso an upgrade from 9.04 will missout on what ? grub2 ant ext4, anything else ?22:44
mnainesqq99: Its not as confusing as it appears to be22:44
mage__matrix_: lack of autodetect for an onboard sounds like a bug, you should consider posting a bug on launchpad22:44
carresmdXgates, it's more advanced so I think it will allow you to customize the install a bit22:44
jadmatrix_: I have no screen resolution X crashes at startup with driver module problems if I load the driver the kernel crashes22:44
fenixk19my ubuntu got broken after update. it fails on every command with saying, that libglib lacks g_array_ref object22:44
mnaineshipitihop: Nothing missed.  You still get grub and ext4\22:44
leaf-sheepLoafers: Close XChat.  "mv ~/.xchat2 ~/.xchat2-bak" --- You'll then start with a default XChat configuration.22:44
yofelmatrix_: read this: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910#No%20Xv%20support%20for%20Intel%2082852/855GM%20video%20chips%20with%20KMS22:44
hipitihopmnaines: so my ext3 will be upgraded from existing as part of the upgrade ?22:45
carresmdLoafers, look for a xchat folder using 'find ~ | grep -i xchat' and remove it :-)22:45
jadmnaines: No you don't22:45
jadI upgrded and I have grub and ext322:45
mage__hipitihop: not automatically22:45
c_kornhello, I have the problem that the iwlagn proccess causes high cpu usage: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/29031/screenshot_003_kxcpvR.png22:45
jonathan__just installed 9.10.  I have a Nvidia geforce 8400 GS, Ubuntu isn't popping up saying that i need to use the proprietary driver.  anybody know how to manually force a check on the hardware?22:45
mage__hipitihop: its not automatic due to risk of screwing up22:45
mnainesjad: I did a clean install, which I recommend over an upgrade22:45
hipitihopmage__: is it an option during upgrade ?22:45
jadmnaines: Good for you :)22:45
blah569Tohuw:  Thanks!  However, I attemped to join #c, but it says that I'm banned without even entering the room (would be my first time joining the room on Freenode)22:46
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:46
yofeljonathan__: did you refresh your package cache?22:46
hipitihopmage__: makes sense in regards to possibility of screw up22:46
jonathan__yofel: yes22:46
tj83__does #ubuntu+1 normally close between releases? when does talks about Lucid begin for the community? ikonia do you know?22:46
jadmnaines: did it encrypt the volume as ell?22:46
snellcodejad: upgrade will be conservative and not upgrade grub or ext22:46
jadtj83__: after UDS22:46
francis_que tal22:46
matrix_jad: iam thinking to downgrade to 8.4 this 9.10 really is annoying sorry little bitch22:46
fenixk19my ubuntu got broken after update. it fails on every command with saying, that libglib lacks g_array_ref object22:46
jadmatrix_: You mean 9.0422:46
mnainesjad, yes, it encrypted the home directory and I had the option to have my password automatically decrypt it22:46
francis_viva ubuntu22:46
DarkKnightCZmuy bien, y tu?22:46
tj83__jad, can you word out UDS plz?22:46
Mike_lifeguardmatrix_: what's the problem with it?22:46
jadmnaines: how do you mount the drive outside of the kernel ?22:47
francis_acabo de descubrir esto ahora mismo22:47
oorahanyone else have the brightness flickering problem?22:47
leaf-sheeptj83__: As soon as there are a Lucid release, they'll open up.22:47
francis_es una pasada22:47
carresmdikonia, cleaning up? ^^22:47
ubottuThe Ubuntu Developer Summit is being held November 16th-20th in Dallas, Texas, USA. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS for more information.22:47
matrix_mike_lifeguard: i dont get my screen resoultion i can not install my graphic driver22:47
jadtj83__: ^^^^22:47
hajmolawhats the best way to bind a program to a keyboard shortcut22:47
mnainesjad: I do not know.  Sorry.22:47
Mike_lifeguardmatrix_: intel chipset?22:47
DarkKnightCZfrancis_: habla ingles, gracias22:47
yofeljonathan__: does manually opening jockey show something?22:47
jadMike_lifeguard: yup22:47
matrix_mike_lifeguard: YES22:47
MrGoosewhy do all my flash drives mount read-only?22:47
francis_perdon no hay un canal en espanol?22:47
MrGooseautomount that is22:48
yofel!es | francis_22:48
ubottufrancis_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:48
jibadeehaanyone here having problems with ubuntu one ... reporting the capabilities of the client do not match the server22:48
Tohuwblah569: is your name registered with NickServ?22:48
francis_thank you22:48
DarkKnightCZfrancis_: no, hay un canal de ingles22:48
offspringright, so i installed pysdm and all went well, now, how do i find my partition?22:48
jonathan__yofel: if by jockey you mean the hardware drivers box, then no it does not list any hardware there22:48
blah569Tohuw:  This name is22:48
matrix_I WILL RE-INSTALL 8.422:48
Tohuwjibadeeha: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade22:48
DarkKnightCZfrancis_:try #ubuntu-es22:48
blah569not the "timblah" name, but I tried joining on both22:48
mathepicwhen I try to upgrade Ubuntu 9.4 to 9.10, it asks me to insert a CD22:48
matrix_it should really be a warning if you upgrade to 9.1022:48
jibadeehaTohuw, i have 9.10 installed and have done an update22:48
mnainesmathepic: I would recommend doing a clean install of 9.1022:48
DarkKnightCZmathepic: do you have cable connected to pc:22:49
matrix_9.10 sucks22:49
jadmathepic: remove the apt-cd line22:49
jibadeehai wonder if it is an existing setting in my home directory that is causing it22:49
jadmatrix_: for you22:49
Tohuwblah569: ask NickServ if you're identified for this session: /query NickServ identify whatever-your-password-is22:49
Ted1one or more mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot be yet be mounted ?22:49
mathepicI'm not doing this from terminal22:49
dansushihey.. just curious, why does my kubuntu install CD first mention Debian with is boots from CD from the BIOS?22:49
mathepicWhy should I do a clean install instead of updating to 9.10?22:49
jonathan__yofel:  It does list the card while in the live cd, lspci confirms that it is seening the video card correctly22:49
DarkKnightCZis there some guy interested in apache? :) (PM ME)22:49
jaddansushi: it's debian's22:49
dansushijad: what is debian's?22:49
carresmdLoafers, did it work out yet?22:50
Tohuwjibadeeha: how long ago? ubuntuone was updated late last night22:50
jaddansushi: The loader22:50
yofeljonathan__: not sure what the cause is then, but you could use synaptic to manually install the nvidia-glx-185 package22:50
hajmolamathepic, clean installs are just that... clean. If you upgrade, random pproblems you have tend to migrate22:50
dansushiah, i see. ok22:50
mathepicI guess I'll do that22:50
mgv2why xchat for win costs mony?22:50
mnainesmathepic: To avoid any complications.  I have been in here for a couple hours, and it seems like there are many complications from upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10, so I recommend a clean install of 9.1022:50
fenixk19my ubuntu got broken after update. it fails on every command with saying, that libglib lacks g_array_ref object22:50
jibadeehaTohuw, i downloaded and installed 9.10 about 2 hours ago22:50
Tohuw!anyone | DarkKnightCZ22:50
ubottuDarkKnightCZ: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:50
Raiders32hi I'm trying to upgrade from jaunty to karmic.  I keep getting message box that says: "Could not download release notes. Please chech your internet connection".22:50
Loaferscarresmd, No it did not work and i tried the other method too...22:50
Raiders32Any advice?22:50
hajmolaclean installs are always recommended22:50
Xgatescarresmd: ok I'll check it out later...22:50
Tohuwjibadeeha: ah. I am not sure then. Seems to work for me, but I haven't toyed with it much, sorry22:50
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Loaferscarresmd, I foudn the config file but i don't know which option it is to turn on22:50
offspringjad: i installed Pysdm to use the files from my other partition, it all went smooth but the question is, how do i find my partition to mount it?22:50
YosI'm connected to the internet now but the network status shows that I am not connected and I cannot browse the internet22:50
knxvillaRaiders32: Tried another server/host?22:50
=== SudoKing_ is now known as SudoKing
jibadeehaTohuw, i will delete .config/ubuntuone and see if that works22:51
DarkKnightCZ!anyone | DarkKnightCZ22:51
ubottu DarkKnightCZ: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:51
TohuwRaiders32: wait 30 minutes and try again, or try another server22:51
n16h7f0xi've just installed 9.10 but when i try to play youtube videos sound doesn't work22:51
carresmdmgv2, look at the FAQ22:51
aurolachow many msi wind users are in the house ?22:51
n16h7f0xevery other appllication works22:51
nixiepixelOh noes! I deleted partitions without removing Grub and then installed Koala .. now I have a Grub error 17... halllp! ='( ?22:51
n16h7f0xplease adivce22:51
hajmolan16h7f0x, you have to install the flash plugin22:51
n16h7f0xi did22:51
n16h7f0xvideo plays22:51
FloodBot1n16h7f0x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:51
DarkKnightCZIS here someone insterested in apache? i have error with vserv (PM ME)22:51
n16h7f0xsound is off22:51
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tj83__jad, do we know when the first alpha release will be?22:51
airforceguyhow do u upgrade from 9.10 beta to offical 9.10??? please advise22:51
Tohuw!enter | n16h7f0x22:51
ubottun16h7f0x: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:51
joaopintoDarkKnightCZ, we don't provide support on PM, keep it on the channel and dont repeat yourself22:51
=== jamie is now known as Guest13715
joaopinto!final | airforceguy22:52
ubottuairforceguy: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.22:52
hajmolan16h7f0x, do you mean the sound is muted or it's not synched with the video?22:52
jadtj83__: after UDS22:52
n16h7f0xhajmola, muted nothing  and it's at max22:52
Tohuwooh, didn't know about that command, joaopinto. :)22:52
Tohuwjoaopinto: (!final, I mean)22:52
Ted1i get a general error mounting file systems after upgrad\ing from 9.04 to 9.10... any ideas?22:52
tj83__jad, when is that?22:52
yofel!schedule | tj83__22:52
ubottutj83__: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases22:52
airforceguyjoaopinto: thanks will do22:52
not_recognizedi am new to ubuntu and have a wireless g usb adapter TP-LINK Model: TL-WN422G  (Ver 2.1). the adapter is not recognized. if i do iwconfig my adapter is NOT listed. please, help!22:52
hajmolan16h7f0x, but playing an mp3 or something locally works?22:52
not_recognizedi am running ubuntu 9.0422:52
jad!uds > tj83__22:52
ubottutj83__, please see my private message22:52
n16h7f0xhajmola, yes i tried also internet radio and works perfect22:53
yofeltj83__: meh, what I wanted was: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:53
jadyofel: :-)22:53
joaopintonot_recognized, better search on google if that model is supported by Linux at all22:53
DarkKnightCZi have error in setting virtual host (subdomain), it is redirecting to default directory, in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default is http://pastebin.com/m6e4496a222:53
hajmolan16h7f0x, then i'm not sure, sounds like a flash problem...22:53
JasperJonesI am trying to install 9.10 on an old windows machine (and wipe the old hard drive). When I get to step 4/7, prepare partitions, none of the buttons are available. I cannot move forward. Is there something I can do?22:53
carresmdmgv2, http://xchatdata.net/Using/BuildLineup22:53
n16h7f0xhajmola, which should i install flashplugin-nonfree?22:54
mrbrdoit seems X server is ignoring my /etc/X11/xorg.conf ??22:54
LoafersWhy don't favicons appear on the new firefox?  After 2 or 3 clicks they always appear, but they still havn't changed after 999+ clicks22:54
YosI am connected to the internet but it doesn't show on my network status and I cannot browse with FF, please help22:54
hajmolan16h7f0x, yeah that's the one. Looks like theres a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-lib/+bug/39655822:54
daleharveythis sucks, I now have no machine to do work22:54
joaopintoDarkKnightCZ, you are missing a NameVirtualHost directly, and you really should read a vhost setup tutorial22:54
not_recognizedjoaopinto, i did but got no definite answer22:55
LoafersWhy is the Windows Button no longer enabled for Ubuntu?  I used to use it to minimize all windows now I can set it as a hotkey......22:55
jadmrbrdo: The idea is that Xorg Configs should all be GUI configs22:55
will1I upgraded my monitor to a 20" HP2009m with 1600x900 res and now it wont boot. I even tried booting with cd and ended up with the same issue . any suggestions22:55
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n16h7f0xhajmola, let me check thx22:55
carresmdLoafers, can you paste the config file to http://paste.ubuntu.com?22:55
mrbrdojad: what? i need to configure my touchscreen xorg driver.. how can i do that?22:55
carresmdLoafers, and let me know what you want to change?22:55
joaopintowill1, try removing "splash" from the kernel options22:55
oorahthe brightness for karmic is broken on my system. if i decide to try it out again once a week will i have to install updates or do the dowloads have the updates already?22:55
jadmrbrdo: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg plow22:56
jadmrbrdo: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -plow22:56
Rods_TigerJust to let everyone know, don't bother downloading UNR 9.10 - it simply doesn't work properly - you'll get a frozen netbook every time you open the lid, everything you were doing will be lost, and you'll have to remove to battery to use your netbook again.22:56
fenixk19my ubuntu got broken after update. it fails on every command with saying, that libglib lacks g_array_ref object22:56
hajmolaanyone know the easiest way to assign a keyboard shortcut to a program?22:56
joaopintooorah, you will need to get whatever updates are released during next week22:56
mrbrdojad: what did that do?22:56
jadmrbrdo: should redo your config based on your current hardware22:56
tj83__yofel, the !schedule info url http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases redirects to http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatIsubuntu/releases which is really outdated. dunno who would be the one to look into that.22:56
bsandersRods_Tiger: thats interesting.  I've been using the UNR 9.10 RC, and it works just fine here22:57
mrbrdojad: it doesn't change the config at all22:57
DarkKnightCZjoaopinto: added, not working22:57
Loaferscarresmd, sure http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/304634/  I'm trying to minimize xchat when I close the application.  But instead it quits the application.22:57
Rods_Tigerbsanders: what have you done to it that's different to me?22:57
bsandersnothing... installed from USB22:58
Loaferscarresmd, nvm I think i figured it out.  someone responded to my post in #xchat thansk for your help!22:58
jadtj83__: update it then22:58
bsandersRods_Tiger: whats your laptop make/model?22:58
Loaferscarresmd, it supposedly is gui_tray_flags = 022:58
Mike_lifeguardLoafers: There is always #xchat :)22:58
xtsunameis there a way to completely remove a driver installed from nvidia.com?22:58
Rods_Tigerbsanders: same here - it simply doesn't work as a usable netbook. It's an Acer Aspire One.22:58
carresmdLoafers, yeah it is22:58
daleharveyI can get my ubuntu install to load into recovery mode, its a fresh install but the gui keeps freezing, as does the install process22:58
dalton2345hi everyone, how is karmic/22:58
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carresmdLoafers, set it to 122:58
Loaferscarresmd, thanks :)22:58
bsandersso is mine... Aspire One, d250, I believe22:59
TwoDI need tips on what to not backup in /etc or $HOME, such as caches, temp files or other things which are just pointless to have.22:59
xtsunameis there a way to completely remove the driver installed from nvidia.com?22:59
daleharveyis there anything I can do to make it check all the packages and make sure they are complete22:59
mnainesdalton2345: I don't notice any major difference between Karmic and Jaunty22:59
Brenden`what package do i need to have Java in FireFox?22:59
Guest87883Is it normal to have almost all my ram being used? I have  "3962" MB of ram and 3933MB is in use. Why is this?22:59
mrbrdored: it doesn't change or create xorg.conf.. and anything i write in xorg.conf just gets ignored it seems22:59
yofelxtsuname: not sure, you could ask in #nvidia22:59
Rods_Tigerbsanders: mine's just an Acer Aspire One22:59
dalton2345mnaines: not even speed?22:59
carresmdGuest87883, caching?22:59
xtsunamewill do, thx22:59
mnainesdalton2345: Hard for me to judge that on a quad-core machine22:59
ctmjrxtsuname: it comes with an unistall script22:59
Black_PhantomI can't get ubuntu 9.10 cd booting !22:59
Guest87883How do I check carres?22:59
Brenden`what package do i need to have Java in FireFox?22:59
carresmdGuest87883, are you using the 'free' command?23:00
bsandersRods_Tiger: whats the model number (it says in fine print on the bottom of the laptop)?  how old is it?23:00
Guest87883yes carres23:00
Guest87883free -m23:00
IdleOneBrenden`: sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin23:00
Ziber-rw-r-Sr-- 1 ziber ziber 754K 2009-10-27 19:49 drawing1.jpg <-- Whats the "S"?23:00
jaddalton2345: Horrible for me ;)23:00
Brenden`thank you23:00
Black_Phantomwhile other cds ( including other ubuntu versions ) cds boots successfully on my Toshiba Satellite23:00
hajmolaBlack_Phantom, try downloading and burning it again23:00
xtsunamectmjr, is it in the installation file?23:00
dalton2345why jad23:00
h4fhow do I install flash ? should I download from adobe ?23:01
Black_Phantomhajmola I tried booting it on my other pc, it worked23:01
jadTwoD: in /etc everything is useful I can't tell you what's rubbish in $HOME23:01
carresmdGuest87883, use System > Administration > System Monitor to see the actual usage23:01
bsandersRods_Tiger: have you checked the md5sum of the iso you downloaded?23:01
Guest87883Ah, I see.23:01
Loafers!flash > h4f23:01
ubottuh4f, please see my private message23:01
Rods_Tigerbsanders: S/N LUS020AO8982818738250023:01
Black_Phantomhajmola but on my Toshiba Satellite it didn't23:01
mrbrdojad: it doesn't change or create xorg.conf.. and anything i write in xorg.conf just gets ignored it seems23:01
dalton2345i'm gonna install it to a friend tomorrow, hopes he likes it, first time linux user hehe23:01
jadmrbrdo: Bleah I hate X23:01
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hajmolaBlack_Phantom, there's a way to do a "verbose" boot... I can't remember how but that might lead you to the problem23:01
jaddalton2345: ok did you get his usage and hardware specs?23:01
mnainesdalton, hopefully he will like it.23:01
bsandersRods_Tiger: yeah, right above the s/n (at least on mine) it says "Aspire one D250-1389"23:01
h4fLoafers:  same procedure for 9.10  &23:02
stapelHow do I know whether my pc is capable of running 64 bit version?23:02
Rods_Tigerbsanders: MFG. DATE: 0807 AOA 110 - Aw23:02
Black_Phantomhajmola what does verbose boot actually means ?23:02
dalton23452gb and just the net, watching vids, listening music etc23:02
Xgatescarresmd: pm ok?23:02
mrbrdojad: what am i supposed to do?23:02
carresmdXgates, sure23:02
Loafersh4f, yup.23:02
judson_can i upgrade to 9.10 nbr   through update manager?23:02
Black_Phantomhajmola I want to install ubuntu 9.10, but I can't boot the cd23:02
hajmolaBlack_Phantom, it doesn't hide all the jargon from you. But it might tell you where there's a problem23:02
qq99is there a torrent for 64bit up somewhere?23:02
jadmrbrdo: ask in #xorg ?23:02
qq99my mirror is sooo slow23:02
Flannelqq99: Alternate or desktop?23:02
Rods_Tigerbsanders: SNID: 8281001522523:02
qq9964bit desktop23:03
ctmjrxtsuname: sudo nvidia-uninstall is all you need if i remember right if not let me know been awhile since i had to use it23:03
TwoDjad: figured that much about /etc. I'm skipping things like $HOME/.cache,23:03
AlanTo create a USB startup disk for a distro, do i need an installation of that distro to do it from?23:03
resno1what to do you issue to make ubuntu upgrade via termianl?23:03
armenceI'm on the phone with a friend who is trying to connect using an ethernet connection, she can't get connected though... Can somebody help out?23:03
aj_444I'm running the update manager. Its been stuck on fetching file 1325 of 1325 for 20 minutes. Is this normal? It isn't displaying time left etc.23:03
stapelqq99: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt23:03
Alani.e. can i create a Karmic USB installer from within Jaunty?23:03
bsandersRods_Tiger: USB flash drive or USB CD-ROM?23:03
jadTwoD: And rebuild them when you restore?23:03
Flannelqq99: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent (from http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/)23:03
xtsunamectmjr, yeah it seems to have work, thx23:03
* Marfi cracks knuckles for his once-every-6-month help time23:03
MarfiAgain, wonderful job devs...installing it to a VM right now. =)23:04
hajmolaBlack_Phantom, i'm not too familiar with toshibas... maybe try downloading the alternate install cd? That one doesn't boot to a graphical environment but is still relatively easy too use23:04
TwoDjad: yes.23:04
yofelAlan: sure, just use usb-creator with the karmic iso23:04
jadTwoD: cool23:04
hajmolaBlack_Phantom, sorry I can't help you out any more than that23:04
Rods_Tigerbsanders: both actually - couldn't get the usb drive working at first from the MacBook, then I could23:04
LoafersI installed pidgin and I closed it, where did the tray icon go!?!?23:04
johnny_hi, ive installed gt gnutella but it say is and old version23:04
recant_this2judson, 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'23:04
Marfiblah569: What is the problem23:04
qq99thanks guys23:04
Ziber-rw-r-Sr-- 1 ziber ziber 754K 2009-10-27 19:49 drawing1.jpg <-- Whats the "S"?23:04
judson_can u pdate to  9.10 netbook remix through   update manager?23:04
johnny_any idea?23:04
Black_Phantomhajmola thanks23:04
MarfiLoafers: You may have to add the task manager23:04
progre55hi all! I've just upgraded. pusleaudio was causing problems with skype, so I removed it.. but now my volumecontrol doesnt work.. when I try to open "volume control" it says "waiting for sound system to respond" and waits forever. any suggestions, please?23:04
mnainesFlannel, are any of the Karmic developers in here?23:04
ctmjrxtsuname: your welcome remember to reboot to kill all remaining instances of it23:04
Alanyofel: hmm, it breaks all over the damn place in a virtual machine... maybe i'll have to try it on the metal :(23:04
MarfiLoafers: You may have closed it23:04
TwoDjad: well, some of it at least, I don't do automated restores from that backup.23:05
MxWHi, I've got a little problem with the new Nvidia install, I get a black screen (yes I googled :) ) , the thing is that if I use the Option "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP" , I get a screen split in 6, when I take it off I have a black screen with an error in the Xorg.0.log that no displays were found23:05
Black_PhantomI can't boot my ubuntu 9.10 on my Toshiba Satellite laptop, any suggestions ?23:05
Black_Phantomubuntu 9.10 cd23:05
xtsunamectmjr, I'm reinstalling the Ubuntu-ver, is it fine if I just do that then reboot?23:05
Flannelmnaines: Probably, but your best bet of communication is launchpad for bugs23:05
stapelHow do I know whether my pc is capable of running 64 bit version?23:05
Mike_lifeguardBlack_Phantom: any error messages?23:05
MarfiMxW: Take a look at your xorg.conf, and make sure there is nothing funky there23:05
TecnoBratMxW: what version of nvidia-glx?23:05
LoafersMarfi, I don't think so.  My xchat tray icon is showing up fine.... Pidgin is nowhere to be seen23:05
Marfistapel: If it's a 64 bit processor23:05
MxWTecnoBrat: 190.4223:05
MarfiLoafers: Then it may have closed23:05
LoafersMarfi, but i know its running because my username has the pidgin status23:05
n16h7f0xhajmola, solved it with alsamixer (pcm was muted)23:05
FiReSTaRThas anyone been having trouble installing flashplugin-nonfree through apt-get or synaptic?23:05
mnainesFlannel: I do not intend to report a bug.  I simply wanted to thank them for working out all the bugs before releasing Karmic23:05
MarfiLoafers: Or you could have sent it to another work space23:05
Mike_lifeguardMarfi: They want to know how to tell if their processor is 64bit23:05
MxWMarfi: I made the xorg.conf myself23:05
hajmolan16h7f0x, nice!23:06
Black_PhantomMike_lifeguard, all other cds boots successfully except ubuntu 9.10. A message from Intel Boot Agent suddenly comes up and says 'Media failure, check cable'23:06
ctmjrxtsuname: thats up to you if it was me i would at least log out then log back in23:06
FlynsarmyAnyone else experiencing issues with the sounds in pidgin in karmic? the message received plays super fast23:06
Mike_lifeguardFiReSTaRT: You should probably just state what problem you are having.23:06
stapelMarfi; How do I know that?23:06
n16h7f0xhajmola, thank you23:06
TecnoBratMxW: clearly not the one in the repo then? :)23:06
hajmolan16h7f0x, anytime23:06
|gs3irc|i just updated to 9.10 from 9.04, and am having trouble figuring out how to use the new network manager interface dealy. can someone help me?23:06
MarfiMxW: Then you may have missed something. I know with the last few versions of Ubuntu, they got a way from using an xorg.conf, or a minimal one23:06
MxWTecnoBrat: the one from the ppa...23:06
xtsunamectmjr, oh well, I'll find out and see in a few sec23:06
Mike_lifeguardBlack_Phantom: Can you boot from HDD?23:06
dochoodstapel: do you know your processor model number>23:06
Black_PhantomMike_lifeguard, I tried booting the same cd on my desktop it worked, but on my Toshiba Satellite id didn't23:06
Mike_lifeguardBlack_Phantom: or other media?23:06
johnny_hi, ive installed gt gnutella but it say is and old version, any idea?23:06
TecnoBratMxW: hmmm23:06
Marfistapel: Do you not have the sticker on the case?23:06
johnny_hi, ive installed gtk gnutella but it say is and old version, any idea?23:06
Black_PhantomMike_lifeguard, yes I can23:06
Marfijohnny_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:06
dajhornMarfi: Look at the /proc/cpuinfo file and do a web search for the CPU name.23:06
FiReSTaRTMike_lifeguard: it won't install, comes out with The following packages have unmet dependencies:23:07
FiReSTaRT  flashplugin-nonfree: Depends: flashplugin-installer but it is not going to be installed23:07
FiReSTaRTE: Broken packages23:07
MxWMarfi: TecnoBrat , well the thing is that it's not Ubuntu related, cause I tried an other distribution, same problem :)23:07
Black_PhantomMike_lifeguard, but only the ubuntu 9.10 cd I cant boot it, and I have burnt it two times, and checked the md5sum of the downloaded data23:07
mnainesMarfi: I am recommending a clean install.23:07
Marfijohnny_: I would recommend not though, servers are kinda laggy atm. =)23:07
TecnoBratMxW: you could try installing nvidia-glx-185 from the official repo, if thet fixes the issue, then you might need to contact the creator of the driver in the ppa ... just a thought23:07
FiReSTaRTMike_lifeguard: basically apt hasn't been configured for it?23:07
stapelMarfi: Intel Core 2 duo23:07
Mike_lifeguardBlack_Phantom: So, this is not anything to do with ubuntu, but it is actually the firmware giving you an error23:07
johnny_ok thanks marfi, yea i think is bcos i have old libraries23:07
xtsunamectmjr, it seems to work fine. Thank you very much for your help23:07
MarfiMxW: What video card?23:07
MxWTecnoBrat: the card I have is a GT 230M only supported from 190.4223:07
dochoodstapel: how old is it?  when did you get it?  do you happen to know the model number of the CPU?23:07
ctmjrxtsuname: your welcome23:07
TecnoBratMxW: well ... then that idea is out isn't it ... hmm23:08
Mike_lifeguardFiReSTaRT: Is apt-get finding the package at all? If not, make sure you have the right repositories enabled.23:08
MarfiMxW: Did you enable the card from the restricted driver manager?23:08
MxWWell it is enabled :)23:08
yofeldochood, stapel: all core2 duo cpus are 64 bit23:08
MarfiMxW: glxgears. Do you see the gears / what is the FPS?23:08
FiReSTaRTMike_lifeguard: it has been finding packages without any issues, i'm installing a whole bunch, but i'd like to have flash working sometime soon :P23:08
xtsunameis it a better idea to reinstall ubuntu to 9.10 or to upgrade?23:08
MarfiMxW: *glxgears from the terminal23:08
Loaferswow i'm very disappointed in karmic... I had such high expectations23:08
dochoodyofel: I thought there were one or two really old ones that were 32 bit.  could be wrong23:08
MxWTecnoBrat: usually when I have that problem I use the DFP (cause of an EDID problem), and it works23:08
Marfixtsuname: Best idea is to do a reinstall23:08
jadxtsuname: depends23:08
ctmjrFiReSTaRT: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer23:08
hajmolaLoafers, why's that?23:08
mnainesxtsuname: It is better to do a clean install23:08
Mike_lifeguardFiReSTaRT: I meant "Did it find the specific package you're trying to install?"23:09
MxWMarfi: glxgears wont work from terminal23:09
FiReSTaRTctmjr: and it throws out another unmet dependency and another and another23:09
jadReinstall is normally a good idea unless you have a lot of settings that you want to preserver23:09
aj_444Loafers: I respectfully disagree.23:09
MarfiMxW: And you said you did the xorg.conf yourself?23:09
xtsunameit's taking more than 3hrs to upgrade it23:09
jadLoafers: Lower expectations ;) Computers suck23:09
Loafershajmola, firefox is messed up, empathy blows, so i instaleld pidgin and they changed tray icon stuff23:09
stapeldochood: its a dell inspiron 530 e7200 core 2 duo23:09
MxWMarfi: yes23:09
hajmolaxtsuname, that's because the servers are getting hammered right now23:09
MarfiMxW: You may want to have nvidia generate one for you, then edit it23:09
Loafershajmola, also GDM is completely changed and boot loads are longer now23:09
FiReSTaRTMike_lifeguard: yes it did find it, so it points me to the plugin installer, so i try installing the installer but it points me to another unmet dependency which pointed me to another and that's when i gave up and started installing other crap23:09
|gs3irc|i just updated to 9.10 from 9.04, and am having trouble figuring out how to use the new network manager interface dealy. can someone help me?23:09
EntityRebornTohuw, I kinda got it working23:09
mnainesyofel: No, they aren't.  I have a core2 duo in my laptop but my laptop is only 32-bit23:09
xtsunamehajmola, ah, that makes sense23:09
MxWMarfi: the Nvidia generated gives the black screen too23:09
Mike_lifeguardxtsuname: You'll get better speeds downloading iso torrents23:10
hajmolaLoafers, sorry to hear that, you should get on the forums, that's a better place to work out the bugs and inform people23:10
flan_suseI used UNetbootin to make a bootable USB out of the Xubuntu 9.10 alternative install ISO. The problem is, the installer will not continue when it tries to detect a CD-Rom drive. This doesn't make any sense, since I am trying to install it on a netbook. How do I get around this and force it to use the USB flash drive, since I don't have a CD-rom drive.23:10
Marfi|gs3irc|: Should be the same as before23:10
aj_444|gs3irc|: what's wrong with it?23:10
TecnoBratMxW: using nvidia-xconfig?23:10
joaopintomnaines, there are no 32bits only core2 duros23:10
dochoodstapel: it is 64 bit23:10
MxWTecnoBrat: yes,23:10
ctmjr!flash | FiReSTaRT have you read this23:10
ubottuFiReSTaRT have you read this: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash23:10
xtsunameMike_lifeguard, yeah i know, I have downloaded the CD23:10
EntityRebornseems X doesn't want to let the mouse drag things past my internal LCD's limits, event tho the mouse itself can pass the limits23:10
jadLoafers: the tray icon ?23:10
yofelmnaines: really? didn't know that...23:10
Marfiflan_suse: Does it boot the CD at all?23:10
EntityRebornTohuw, seems X doesn't want to let the mouse drag things past my internal LCD's limits, event tho the mouse itself can pass the limits23:10
MarfiMxW: What TecnoBrat said23:10
Argoshey is out yet23:10
EntityRebornArgos, yes23:10
flan_suseMarfi, it boots from the USB, yes.23:10
dochoodstapel, np23:10
MxWTecnoBrat: it's a known EDID problem, but all the solutions I tried (known ones) don't work, so I thought someone had the same problem with the same card23:10
Argosany links pls23:10
TohuwEntityReborn: are you using compiz?23:10
mnainesyofel: Mine is a 1.86GHz Intel Core2 Duo with Centrino Duo technology23:10
EntityRebornArgos, ubuntu.com23:10
Marfiflan_suse: And how far does it get? Just not detect the CD drive?23:11
FiReSTaRTthanks ctmjr, i hope this contains some karmic-related stuff as it used to be straight-forward in hardy/intrepid/jaunty23:11
stapeldochood; would you recommend using that rather than 32 bit?23:11
Marfiflan_suse: And does it kick back an error?23:11
Argosone way to repair windows is to install UBUNTU HEHE23:11
Loafersjad, pidgin doesn't show up on the tray area when i close it, but i know it's running because next to my username there is a green circle dot that's used in pidgin to display status23:11
flan_suseMarfi, after language/keyboard selection, it gives me an error about "no CD-rom drive found", but this is a netbook, and there never was a CD-rom drive.23:11
|gs3irc|well historically i've had issues with knetworkmanager, so i've used wicd for the last year or so. i don't know how to make the connection thingy connect to my wired network23:11
EntityRebornTohuw, erm, I put the effects at hi, yeah23:11
MarfiArgos: Yup23:11
zeeblehow do i get some adobe air apps to run? i installed adobe air, but then when i try to get the air app running, it doesnt start23:11
xtsunameis there a way to make grub realize that there is 2 ubuntu partition and to update menu.lst itself?23:11
TohuwEntityReborn: turn them off and see what happens23:11
jadLoafers: Ok so what's the problem?23:11
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz23:11
dochoodstapel: I would, yes.  There are a few things that don't run well yet on 64 bit, but I've been enjoying 64 bit for awhile... now, I would recommend waiting on 9.10 and use 9.04 for now, but some here may disagree.23:11
dcorkingnew website doesn't link obviously to release notes - where have they gone?  what are requirements for 9.10?23:11
Marfiflan_suse: Is there an option to boot it to ram? I know with Backtrack there is, not sure about 9.1023:11
EntityRebornheh, tat did it :)23:11
Ted1my 9.10 wont boot up,  I get    SWAP: waiting for UUID=949e92f7-a360=4de0-aa53-ee3fbe82cb4923:12
Marfifale: There may be a workaround on the interwebs for it, too23:12
Loafersjad, how to open up pidgin again... it disappeared but i know it's running...23:12
mnainesdochood: I upgraded to 9.10 and so far have not encountered any problems.23:12
|gs3irc|Marfi, aj_444: well historically i've had issues with knetworkmanager, so i've used wicd for the last year or so. i don't know how to make the connection thingy connect to my wired network23:12
aj_444|gs3irc|: are you using Kubuntu?23:12
devonbye everyone!23:12
flan_suseMarfi, it is the alternate install disc, and it will not let me change any boot options.23:12
PHANTOMMike_lifeguard sorry I got disconnected, I was saying then why every other cd can boot successfully ?23:12
joaopintoxtsuname, yes, run: sudo linux-boot-prober && sudo update-grub23:12
angelushi .... my force quit applet seems to be malfunctioning ..... the box that says "Click on a window to force the application to quit. To Cancnel press <ESC>" .... is just sitting there and not doing anything ..... and i cant get it to go away23:12
=== PHANTOM is now known as Black_Phantom
|gs3irc|aj_444: yes i am, i just updated to 9.1023:12
mnainesLoafers, just tell it to run Pidgin again23:12
MarfiLoafers: open a terminal, ps aux | grep pidgin, get the psid, and kill it23:12
jadLoafers: try alt+F2 -> Pidgin23:12
Mike_lifeguardTed1: Check that that is the right uuid. It probably isn't :)23:12
flan_suseMarfi, it just boots right away and begins the install.23:12
FiReSTaRTctmjr: it says that the package is broken23:12
xtsunamethanx joaopinto23:12
dochoodmnaines: I used the RC disk to do a clean install, and it messed up my Grub and my Windows 7!23:12
Marfiflan_suse: The alternate CD is made so you can change the boot options....23:12
zeebleare there any mozilla thunderbird version 3 beta .debs out there?23:12
EntityRebornTohuw, know any tricks to get the desktops extended instead of mirrored?23:12
aj_444|gs3irc|: You might find more luck in #kubuntu23:12
Mike_lifeguardBlack_Phantom: No clue, sorry.23:12
dochoodmnaines: I hope they got the Grub2 issue worked out.23:12
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).23:12
stapeldochood: can you give me an example of things that don't work on 64 bit? Also, will I be able to see the difference?23:12
|gs3irc|aj_444: ah, okay. thanks23:12
mnainesdochood: Did you unplug the disc that had Windows 7 on it before you installed?23:13
Argosgot a question ive got windows os7 64 bit ..is ubuntu going to work23:13
dochoodstapel: I think a few of the games, and Filezilla, for sure.23:13
jadstapel: closed source stuff doesn't work well23:13
Marfistapel: Ubuntu 64 bit should run just fine23:13
Argosok thx23:13
Marfistapel: For the things that wont, you have lib3223:13
jad Video card drivers and Flash most notably23:13
Mike_lifeguarddochood: What GRUB2 issue?23:13
dochoodstapel: that's about it.23:13
MarfiArgos: Yup23:13
ctmjrFiReSTaRT: the only thing you can do i guess is get it from adobe23:13
jadIt runs fine though23:13
joaopintodochood, uh ? filezilla works fine on 64 bits23:13
EntityRebornTohuw, may I PM you?23:13
LoafersMarfi, hwo do i kill it?  i got the process id so i typed xkill 263123:13
TohuwEntityReborn: now you know compiz is the problem there. Install compiz config settings manager and see if you can find a setting causing the constraint. and no, because I've only ever set extended desktops from nvidia-settings23:13
flan_suseMarfi, within a second of booting from the USB, the screen flickers and before I can do anything, it is asking for my language. What key should I hold down to pause this, or to be able to change some boot options?23:13
MarfiLoafers: Just do sudo kill 263123:13
Tohuw!dualhead | EntityReborn23:13
ubottuEntityReborn: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama23:13
dochoodMike_lifeguard: The grub.cfg file never got my partitions put into it.  I tried to do it manually, but it still wouldn't work.23:13
FiReSTaRTctmjr: will do.. thanks :)23:14
stapeldochood: Do you know whether urbanTerror works?23:14
YosHi, I'm connected to the internet obviously but the network indicator doesn't show that and I can't browse the internet23:14
dochoodstapel: can't say.23:14
dioz_miowhat is the compiz manager name?23:14
Marfiflan_suse: Read that screen. Pick the language, then it will be f2 if I remember before you boot the CD23:14
joaopintodochood, run: sudo os-prober, and check the output23:14
dansushii'm trying to install ubuntu right now, and i seem to only be able to make 4 partitions. When I try to as a 5th, it says that it is unusuable. What is going on?23:14
flan_suseMarfi, okay, I will try that.23:14
=== Tohuw is now known as Tohuw|Away
dochoodstapel: but I googled once and found a website that had a list of 64 bit games on linux.23:14
TecnoBratMxW: this the ppa you are using? https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa23:14
Black_PhantomDoes anybody knows why i can't boot my ubuntu 9.10 cd on my Toshiba Satellite laptop ?23:14
Marfiflan_suse: Or in your case, USB23:14
flan_suseMarfi, thank you.23:14
LoafersMarfi, thanks.23:14
stapeldochood: I'll google it. Thanx again for your help23:14
FiReSTaRTctmjr: or i might just wait a bit.. got other stuff to install anyway23:14
MarfiBlack_Phantom: Need more details than that. Video card? Specs? Age?23:14
dochoodstapel: my pleasure23:14
Jad_hi, does anybody knows what apps use the cloud computing feature of ubuntu server?23:14
joaopintoBlack_Phantom, what does it happen when you try to boot ?23:14
erUSULdansushi: hard disk with msdos paritions tables can only hold 4 primary paritions23:15
MxWTecnoBrat: yes23:15
MarfiBlack_Phantom: You may want to try the alternate CD23:15
=== Tohuw|Away is now known as Tohuw
dioz_miosudo apt-get install csmm ??23:15
aj_444Has anybody successfully ran the update manager today?23:15
Black_PhantomMarfi, does it lack less features ?23:15
xtsunameaj_444, running it23:15
Marfiaj_444: I do my stuff through the terminal23:15
SikEnCideaj_444 i have a few times23:15
stapelmarfi: thanx as well23:15
MarfiBlack_Phantom: Nope, same thing. Just has more boot options23:15
Marfistapel: Np23:15
erUSULdansushi: you have to add a extended parition as fourth and add logical paritions within (up to 63 of them)23:15
sun`update manager is still giving an update for Beta Release!23:15
aj_444xtsuname: how long has it taken you?23:15
ctmjrFiReSTaRT: that might be a good idea you never know maybe they are fixing it23:15
sun`update-manager -d23:15
FlynsarmyAnyone else experiencing issues with the sounds in pidgin in karmic? the message received sound plays super fast. Happens the first time i try to play it in the default media player too23:15
xtsunameaj_444, I started it at around 2+23:16
FiReSTaRTctmjr: that's what i figured and while i'm rebuilding my system i won't be watching any u2b vids anyway :)23:16
MxWTecnoBrat: well, gonna try my last chance, using custom EDID, harsh but at leat may work23:16
xtsunameaj_444, and now it's 7+23:16
Argosman this is so slow..how may people are on to this .23:16
Black_Phantomjoaopinto, I can boot every other cd successfully except ubuntu 9.10, when I press boot from cd, Intel Boot Agent comes up and says 'media failure, check cable' the problem is from the cd since i can boot every other cd successfully ( including other ubuntu versions )23:16
=== yoasif_ is now known as yoasif
sun`You should have downloaded the iso.23:16
MarfiArgos: On the update? Thousands, if not tens of thousands23:16
aj_444xtsuname: Thats the time I started. This is taking forever. Its like stuck on fetching 1325 of 1325.23:16
SikEnCideBlack_Phantom try burning it again on a slower speed like 4x23:17
MxWBlack_Phantom: did you check the checksum before burning it?23:17
yanchothanks Tohuw  it did work .. however now i have a "worse" problem: http://queleimporta.com/en/finally-adobe-releases-native-64-bit-flash-10-for-linux/ <- i am following this tutorial to install adobe flash 10 on firefox 3.5 ubuntu 9.04 but i am still unable to have any flesh23:17
jadBlack_Phantom: do a md5sum check on the ISO23:17
MarfiArgos: Best idea is to torrent it and not update for a week23:17
Argoswow 1 day to download no way..iam freaking cable ..should have in 30 minutes or less23:17
rashed2020Is updating really slow?23:17
jadArgos: Torrent it23:17
joaopintoBlack_Phantom, have you checked the iso md5sum before burning ?23:17
xtsunameaj_444, ah that;s kinda bad.... mine is at the 974 of 1600+23:17
Argosok torrent ok ..cool23:17
Black_PhantomSikEnCide, I tried booting the cd on my desktop it booted successfully but it didn't on my Toshiba Satellite23:17
Black_Phantomjad, yes I did its correct23:17
Yos3 and a half hours to go on update manager23:17
Black_Phantomjoaopinto, yes the downloaded data is 100%23:17
Mike_lifeguardTed1: Don't be shy. I just don't remember what you're talking about...?23:17
Pooky1hi =)23:17
mskutis it just me or is empathy pretty much identical to pidgin?23:18
Black_Phantomand I have burned it twice23:18
Tohuw!flash | yancho have you tried this one23:18
ubottuyancho have you tried this one: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash23:18
Black_Phantombut still same problem23:18
aj_444xtsuname: I wish you luck.23:18
jadBlack_Phantom: burn it slower then some CDs don'ttake kindly to fast burns23:18
offspringhello. i am could one of you seasoned veterans tell me how to find my windows partition and read it? i've been looking through a bunch of tutorials without any luck, thanks23:18
joaopintoBlack_Phantom, that is very odd, ubuntu live cd is just a regular cd, your laptop should try to boot from it23:18
daleharveyif I have a fresh ubuntu install that is constantly freezing, and my installs constantly freeze, how can I go around debugging it23:18
dochoodjoaopinto: I ran os-prober, and it didn't give me good output at first.  The, I mounted my /sys dir in the chroot, and it worked.  It put in the output into grub.cfg, but I still couldn't get grub2 to work.  I think it gave Error 11, if I remember.23:18
xtsunameaj_444, thx23:18
s1300045does any one know how to build wireless ap with karmic23:18
jaddaleharvey: Graphics driver would be my first bet23:18
diofeheri want to download the new version of ubuntu... but i wasn't found any server working :/23:18
Black_Phantomjad, the cd boots successfully on my desktop23:18
=== Tohuw is now known as Tohuw|Away
yanchono but i am thanks Tohuw  :)23:18
mnainesWell, everyone, I'm off for a while.  Dinner time.  Been great helping all of you.23:18
Black_Phantomjoaopinto, thats why am insane right now23:18
joaopintodochood, run sudo upgdate-grub after os-prober23:18
xtsunamejoaopinto, sorry to disturb you again, I can't find linux-boot-prober, do I need to install something for it?23:19
dochoodjoaopinto: did that too... still no joy.23:19
Black_PhantomI think I have to report a bug to the developers ?23:19
jadBlack_Phantom: Welcome to computers some combination of the Cd How it was burnt and the firmware on the Cd drive just won't agree23:19
Loafers!bug | Black_Phantom23:19
ubottuBlack_Phantom: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:19
jadBlack_Phantom: Nothing they can do about that23:19
joaopintoxtsuname, did you upgrade, or a clean install ?23:19
ale85how do i upgrade from 9.10rc to 9.10 final release?23:19
tphilosopherHey guys. I have a friend who wants to play a java based game on Linux. I'm just not sure how to run it. The command in the .bat file is "start java -Xmx512m -cp .;Theme Gui". Can anyone help me? Thanks.23:19
joaopinto!final | ale8523:19
ubottuale85: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.23:19
xtsunamejoaopinto, it's a clean install, on 2 partitions23:19
joaopintoxtsuname, sudo apt-get install os-prober23:20
dochoodgot to drop off... thanks guys and gals23:20
joaopintoxtsuname, it's odd. os-prober should have been installed23:20
Black_PhantomMarfi, are you sure the alternative cd would work ?23:20
joaopintoxtsuname, have you used the regular desktop cd ?23:20
jadI had a laptop that with any store bought wire on a particular router wouldn't even get recognized unles the network card was dropped to 10mb/s half duplex transfer mode23:20
s1300045anyone know how to build wifi ap with karmic?23:20
xtsunamejoaopinto, yeah, apparantly it's not, I'm installing it now...... or not.... it's not loading...23:20
roffeI just ran the update manager, and it had nothing to download :(23:20
nitrofurano@nixiepixel please let us know if is everything going fine at your grub fixing! :)23:21
joaopintoxtsuname, is it installing ?23:21
TecnoBratwoot, looks like ubuntuone released and update23:21
TecnoBratwhich fixes the client23:21
aj_444roffe: sudo apt-get update23:21
DaimonicHey, is there something reasonable why my /etc/rc.local has really no effect?23:21
aj_444roffe: then try running it23:21
masuleUbuntu One Client is complaining about a capability mismatch.23:21
joaopintomasule, known problem, being worked23:21
thebwtmasule: they took ubuntu on down to work on it.23:21
roffeaj_444, thanks, I'm trying it now23:21
Argosubuntu 9,10 (karmic koala) rc i386 is that the one?23:22
masulejoaopinto: thebwt: Is it a bug with the server or is the client broken?23:22
EntityReborn:/ how does one install the restricted extras?23:22
joaopintomasule, no idea23:22
offspringHow do I read my Winows partition? I've done as the tutorial told me, still cant find it anywhere23:22
icerootEntityReborn: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:22
thebwtmasule: server side I think, ubuntuone was deleting files without being told to do so. So they threw up a mismatch error while they work on it23:22
Argosubuntu 9.10(karmic koala) rc i 386 is that one23:23
MrWizeGuy1983mysql fails to load, says error mysqld, i'm not sure why it's doing that23:23
masulethebwt: Deleting my precious documents without me telling it to do so?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?23:23
yanchoTohuw|Away,   i ran sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer -- Flash Plugin installed. BUT its still not showing anything23:23
Mike_lifeguardoffspring: Is it mounted?23:23
icerootArgos: that one for what?23:23
dioz_miowhy cant i install ccsm?23:23
joaopintoArgos, is that one for what ?23:23
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz23:23
tphilosopherPlease guys. Can anyone translate "start java -Xmx512m -cp .;Theme Gui" into a Linux command?23:23
EntityRebornmasule, you need to run update23:23
xtsunamejoaopinto, it's now installed, however it found nothing, my HDD is parted to 3, 2 Ubuntu part and win 723:23
YosI worked all day to get my usb modem going on ubuntu...Now I am connected and chattting with you guys however, the network shows that there is no network and I can't browse the internet..anyone to help23:23
joaopintoMrWizeGuy1983, check your "dmesg"23:23
masulethebwt: This is exactly the kind of bullshit keeping me away from online storage.23:23
EntityRebornmy client is running fine23:23
Argosis that that the release i found it on torrents23:23
EntityRebornmasule, you need to run update23:23
loshathebwt: they must've gotten the code from apple'23:23
masuleEntityReborn: Why, is there an updated client?23:23
joaopintoxtsuname, odd :\23:23
firefly2442besides the GUI, are there any big differences between stock Ubuntu and UNR?23:24
icerootArgos: we dont know what you found23:24
mage__how do I write a cron task with upstart?23:24
EntityRebornmasule yes23:24
Ted1I have upgraded my 9.04 to 9.10, but when I boot up, I get the following errors ----- one or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted: (esc for recovery shell)   /: waiting for /dev/disk/by-uuid/2becea6bf-4576-451c-b778-bc0ffcb60212d /tmp: waiting for (null)    swap:waiting for UUID=949e92f7-a360-4de0-aa53-ee3fbe82cb4923:24
masuleEntityReborn: Roger that.23:24
DarkmoonGah, 9.10 FAIL, GRUB error 1523:24
offspringMike_lifeguard: yes, or so it says when i go to System > Administrator > Storage Device Manager23:24
MrWizeGuy1983 * Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                 [fail]23:24
MrWizeGuy1983anyone know how to fix that problem?23:24
jadok this is stupid23:24
jadI'm going to reinstall23:24
Argosubuntu 9.10 rc desktop i386.iso23:24
Jad_is there an rdp app that comes with ubuntu?23:24
joaopintoMrWizeGuy1983, did you check the "dmesg" command output ?23:24
Mike_lifeguardoffspring: So what happens when you open it in nautilus?23:24
masuleJad_: Yes.23:24
icerootArgos: can you please speak in a full sentence?23:24
xtsunamejoaopinto, I removed menu.lst and now all that shows up is the ones on that particular OS only23:24
Mike_lifeguardMrWizeGuy1983: Depends what the actual problem is23:24
Jad_masule, vnc?23:25
icerootArgos: ask a normal question like the others. with your questions noone knows what you want23:25
sathiyacan somebody help me in upgrade ?23:25
masuleJad_: Yes.23:25
joaopintoxtsuname, uh ? there is no menu.lst on grub2 :)23:25
MrWizeGuy1983joaopinto i'm not sure what id be looking for on the dmesg23:25
Argoshah u been partying i c lol23:25
Loafers!help | sathiya23:25
ubottusathiya: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:25
iceroot!upgrade | sathiya23:25
ubottusathiya: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading23:25
offspringMike_lifeguard: i dont know what that is yet, i'm a newbie you see23:25
joaopintoMrWizeGuy1983, check for an error message related to mysql23:25
nitrofurano@joaopinto from getdeb?23:25
Mike_lifeguardoffspring: Open the Places menu at the top left23:26
firefly2442anyone here been using ext4?  I'm wondering how stable it is...23:26
masuleEntityReborn: WTF there is no client update.23:26
Argosok the question is............23:26
masuleEntityReborn: Is it in proposed?23:26
joaopintoMrWizeGuy1983, and respectfully, if you dont know what is dmesg, you shouldn't be running  a mysql server :)23:26
YosConnected to internet but it isn't showing up in my network connections and I cannot browse...any help ?23:26
joaopintonitrofurano, yup23:26
sathiyai need specific help like, i started upgrade and found it is very slow ..23:26
CripplerPidgin not included in 9.10?23:26
EntityRebornmasule, I had to update the repos23:26
joaopintofirefly2442, check the release notes, there is a serious bug reported about it with large files23:26
sathiyai need to increase bandwidth speed now ..23:26
LoafersCrippler, sadly no23:26
Argosi am download  ubuntu 9.10 rc desktop i386.iso is that the correct file?23:26
nitrofurano@firefly2442 i'm not that courageous - i think i'll keep ext3 for a long while23:26
sathiyahowto do ?23:26
icerootsathiya: its normal, because the repos are hardly used atm23:26
erUSULCrippler: no; empathy23:26
Argosfor a torrent site23:26
icerootArgos: no23:26
offspringmike_lifeguard: it's not showing up there no23:26
firefly2442joaopinto: yeah, I noticed that, little nervous...23:26
ubottuEmpathy is an instant messaging and video chat client for GNOME. In !karmic, Empathy will replace Pidgin as the default IM client.23:27
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icerootArgos: iso != torrent   and rc != final23:27
ukkopekkaMy rc.local-file is not executed at startup. Is there any usual reason why?23:27
MrWizeGuy1983joaopinto i'm not running a server, it's part of ubuntu required for some apps as well as servers23:27
veritosWhy is the kdelibs 4.3.2 package called kdelibs5?23:27
masuleEntityReborn: I'm using 1.0.2-0ubuntu123:27
iceroot!download | Argos23:27
ubottuArgos: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low!23:27
joaopintoMrWizeGuy1983, ah ok, but you will need to check the demsg output, and the mysql server logs23:27
EntityRebornMasule, refresh your repos, under update23:27
Ted1I have upgraded my 9.04 to 9.10, but when I boot up, I get the following errors ----- one or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted: (esc for recovery shell)   /: waiting for /dev/disk/by-uuid/2becea6bf-4576-451c-b778-bc0ffcb60212d /tmp: waiting for (null)    swap:waiting for UUID=949e92f7-a360-4de0-aa53-ee3fbe82cb4923:27
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masuleEntityReborn: Yeah, I've reloaded apt.23:28
DanielRichmanBeing a fan of the minimal installer/mini.iso I'd like to use that to install karmic. The links arn't up on the wiki (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD), but I'm guessing that http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ is the right place. The date modified is showing 17th of October - are these images good to use to install karmic release now (ie. they arn't beta ima23:28
DanielRichmanges or anything)?23:28
sathiyado i have no otherway than waiting ?23:28
Argosso i need the final  not the rc23:28
masuleEntityReborn: But there's still no updated version to install.23:28
Mike_lifeguardoffspring: OK, where is the partition mounted?23:28
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EntityRebornmasule, hhm23:28
EntityRebornidk then23:28
icerootDanielRichman: its the rc not the final23:28
Pooky1hi, i would like to know wich download method i should use, for speed and no corrupted files... shall i use Firefox for Direct Download or Transmission in Bittorrent ??23:28
Crippleranyone had problem with xorg file 9.10 creates a blank xorg.conf file?23:28
EntityRebornmasule, but I AM connected to One23:28
Argosok cool23:28
iceroot!final | DanielRichman23:28
ubottuDanielRichman: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.23:28
ubuntua simple question for an emergency situation please... 9.10 install... GRUB Error 15... LiveCD'd in, /boot/grub/menu.lst doesn't even exist23:29
DanielRichmaniceroot, any idea where I might get the final netboot/mini.iso?23:29
icerootPooky1: does not matter, all are fine23:29
ubuntuis this my problem?23:29
erUSULPooky1: torrent is safer23:29
YosI'm connected to the internet but it doesn't show on networks and I can't browse...any help ?23:29
Mike_lifeguardoffspring: got disconnected... where is the partition mounted?23:29
sathiyadoes some experts can come a chat ?23:29
iceroot!download | DanielRichman23:29
ubottuDanielRichman: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low!23:29
offspringmike_lifeguard: mountpoint is /media/sda1 if that is what you mean23:29
iceroot!ask | sathiya23:29
ubottusathiya: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:29
Argosthis is what iam downloading from a torrent site.....UBUNTU 9.10 (KARMIC KOALA) RC I386 is that correct23:29
Mike_lifeguardoffspring: Yes. Open a terminal (do you know how?) and do cd /media23:29
icerootArgos: .... are you trolling?23:29
LjLArgos: "RC"? no, it isn't.23:29
aj_444I was using Gparted Live and accidentally deleted the partition that held the GRUB boot loader.. therefore I cannot boot into any of my OS's. Help?23:29
icerootArgos: is said rc is not the final23:29
erUSULArgos: better dl the final version23:29
icerootArgos: i also gave you the download location23:30
sathiyasome time it utilizes fullbandwidth, but many times it occupies very less what to do ?23:30
joaopintoaj_444, just reinstall grub23:30
MrWizeGuy1983joaopinto it says this about mysql in the dmesg information, i'm not sure what it means http://pastebin.com/d1c9ff92723:30
DanielRichmaniceroot, only desktop/server/alternate cds there - not minimal installation cd23:30
Argoswhere is it23:30
icerootsathiya: wait23:30
FiremanEd2What is the alternate address to the keyserver other than keyserver.ubuntu.com?23:30
LjLArgos: you've been told a number of times where it is. please don't troll. thank you.23:30
dcorkingaj_444, use a live boot disk to make sure everything else is ok23:30
erUSULaj_444: you can restore windows bootloader ask in ##windows for directions23:30
icerootDanielRichman: hm, thats not good, maybe they are comming later23:30
ctmjr!grub | ubuntu23:30
ubottuubuntu: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:30
tanathanyone know how to get my user back in the login chooser?23:30
offspringmike_lifeguard: i do indeed, nothing happens when i do cd /media though23:30
daleharveywith a freshly broken install of karmic, I do apt-get update and get like 50 messages about "Could not resolve 'security.ubuntu.com'"23:30
tanathdisappeared after an update23:30
kh_pylonI boot from the live CD but the installer doesn't find my hard drive.  I can use cfdisk to access it, so the kernel sees it.  how can I force the installer to use that drive?23:31
daleharveywith various different domains23:31
nellmathewwhy can't i choose vlc in software center? keeps closing when i double click or click download..23:31
DanielRichmaniceroot, I'm not sure... the jaunty ones show 17th of April, corresponding to what the equivilant might be for 9.04; not sure23:31
brunophi, I just tested the Karmic liveCD and Xorg cannot start, previously with Jaunty it only started with 'low resolution mode'... is definitely the Intel G43 not supported by ubuntu ?23:31
daleharveyis that normal?23:31
aj_444joaopinto: I cant boot into anything on the computer.23:31
Mike_lifeguardoffspring: uhhhh, you don't even change directories? Any error messages?23:31
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icerootDanielRichman: ah moment, the netinstall is downloading the stuff (so the final)23:31
joaopintoMrWizeGuy1983, try: sudo service apparmor stop; sudo service mysqld start23:31
icerootDanielRichman: so its ok, the content is on the repos not on the cd, there is only the installer23:31
Mike_lifeguardoffspring: dinner now, maybe other can help you. I'll be back later ...23:31
joaopintoaj_444, boot from a cd, or from a usb disk23:31
sathiyaam waiting !23:31
DanielRichmaniceroot, indeed, unless some bugs came up with the installer during beta, but I guess not23:31
tanathdaleharvey, security.ubuntu.com is up. it's just you23:32
aj_444joaopinto: mmk.23:32
icerootDanielRichman: i dont think so too23:32
DanielRichmaniceroot, ok, thanks23:32
YosIs it just me or are the servers being slammed today :)23:32
icerootYos: slammed23:32
sathiyaiceroot, am waiting for your reply.23:32
RebelZeroYos, it isn't you23:32
joaopinto!grub2 > xtsuname23:32
ubottuxtsuname, please see my private message23:32
Pooky1ty for that, also, is there big improvement for a slow laptop with the new ext4 filesystem, and grub 2 ???23:32
erUSULYos: the later is more likely23:32
daleharveywell aparently im not online23:32
icerootsathiya: today there was the karmic release so its normal that the repos are slow23:32
mage__Pooky1: boot loader wont effect the running os23:32
sathiyaoh my bad luck ..23:33
MrWizeGuy1983joaopinto it did stop apparmor but it said unrecognized service on mysql23:33
icerootsathiya: :(23:33
sathiyaok ... anyway let me see ..23:33
Pooky1oki, but im gonna reinstall everything cuz i read there was a new bootloader23:33
joaopintoMrWizeGuy1983, mysqld23:33
ubuntuGRUB 2 bloody fail, fail, fail,23:33
daleharveyhow would I connect to a wireless network from the command line? I know the name of the network and theres no password23:33
sathiyaok one more question .23:33
ubuntuleft me with Errorr 1523:33
ubuntuunbootable system23:33
dcorkingthe torrent swarm is fast and busy -  I think I'll raise my upload cap overnight :)23:33
sathiyawill i be able to change them mirror when upgrade is going on ?23:33
icerootdaleharvey: iwconfig23:33
sathiyait is saying lock errorr.23:33
YosI'm not hogging much bandwidth with this little usb modem of mine :)23:33
MrWizeGuy1983 * Unloading AppArmor profiles                                           [ OK ]23:33
MrWizeGuy1983$mysqld: unrecognized service23:33
MrWizeGuy1983   joaopinto that's what i got23:33
sathiyahow to come out of it?23:33
icerootsathiya: post the command you use23:33
joaopintoMrWizeGuy1983, erm, wait, sorry, it is mysql, no d23:34
sathiyasudo apt-get update23:34
sathiyaE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)23:34
brunopanyone using Jaunty/Karmic with an Intel G43 chipset ... ?23:34
joaopinto!aptlock | sathiya23:34
ubottusathiya: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:34
kh_pylonin /var/log/syslog it shows "dmraid-activate: ERROR: Raid set nvidia_dehefcgcf is degraded.  Not activating" ??23:34
sathiyai did upgrade via update manager..23:34
icerootMrWizeGuy1983: start mysql directly from the binary and not /etc/init.d/mysql start  to see the errors23:34
sathiyano upgrade is going on nowalso ..23:34
sathiyabut i want to change mirror ..23:34
icerootsathiya: another process running which is using the repo?23:34
sathiyato increase speed ..23:34
YosI've got internet up now but it doesn't show in networks and I cannot browse, any ideas ?23:34
rjbhi how can i get the link to download ubuntu 9.10? trying to use wget23:34
MrWizeGuy1983that's the same one i used before he told me to do it the other way iceroot and it just says fail23:34
sathiyacan somebody help for changing the repo while upgrade is going on?23:35
Pooky1RJB: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download23:35
joaopintosathiya, you can't23:35
sathiyasomething like temporarily stopping upgrade, and resuming?23:36
sathiyaoh i cant ?23:36
sathiyaok thanks ..23:36
MrWizeGuy1983oh you said NOT from the etc, i'm not sure where the binary is, i don't use mysql for a server nor did i install it myself, it's there by default on ubuntu iceroot any idea where it is?23:36
rjbPooky1: i can't copy the download link23:36
daleharveysudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Name" ?23:36
Pooky1h ttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download23:36
MrWizeGuy1983is it in /usr/bin iceroot ?23:36
Pooky1remove the space rjb...23:36
ctmjrdaleharvey: sudo ifconfig interface up sudo iwconfig interface essid "name in quotes" sudo dhclient interface23:36
mage__sathiya: take a look at the /etc/apt/sources.list file, im not sure if that gets updated in the middle of an upgrade23:36
sathiyai've found and did edit in sysctl.conf by no big use..23:36
sathiyai updated it, but while running apt-get update it says the lock error.23:37
mage__anyone else having troubles with cron?23:37
ifeanyianyone figured out the sound system on 9.10?23:37
joaopintomage__, you can't/shouldn't change sources while upgrading23:37
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sathiyasee my previous reply ..23:37
joaopintoifeanyi, which sound system ?23:37
daleharveyctmjr: awesome, cheers23:37
ifeanyihow to make the built-in mic work :)23:37
ifeanyiIt was fixed in alsa23:38
FlynsarmyAnyone else experiencing issues with the sounds in pidgin in karmic? the message received sound plays super fast. Happens the first time i try to play it in the default media player too23:38
sathiyaok thanks for all the help ..23:38
joaopintoifeanyi, did you check System -> Preferences -> Sound, and set the input device and level ?23:38
ctmjrdaleharvey: enjoy23:38
ifeanyibut alsa doens't seem to be used anymore23:38
roffeI found nothing to download, could it be the server I'm on?23:38
sathiyalet me go for sleep and my laptop do upgrade ...23:38
sathiyathank you all.23:38
ifeanyiyes done that23:38
AlanOh great23:38
daleharveyno working leases :(23:38
Alanjust what I needed23:38
icerootMrWizeGuy1983: whereis mysql23:38
joaopintoifeanyi, pulseaudio uses alsa23:38
icerootMrWizeGuy1983: or   which mysql23:38
Roeyhi..  I tried installing kubuntu (20091027 dailbuild) 64-bit and on startup it says it cannot find my / (which is on /dev/md1).  Instead, it dumps me to busybox.  I checked out /dev/md* and found that there weren't any listed... I did have the raid45 kernel module loaded (I have / and /boot on softraid1 partitions between two drives).   Anyway, like I said, the /dve/md* devices don't appear to be there at bootup.  How23:38
Roey can I fix thi23:38
ifeanyiit's a problem with the driver and was present in older alsa versions23:38
Alanlooks like the USB startup disk creator is junk23:39
Stormx2Hi. Just rebooted and lost all sound. halp!23:39
icerootRoey: use the final23:39
hvgotcodeshow do i upgrade from karmic beta to karmic?  Nothing is coming up in synaptic23:39
Alanand make me a broken disk missing some packages23:39
ifeanyia jack mic will work but the built-in one won't23:39
Alanso now i have a blank laptop23:39
MrWizeGuy1983ahhh /usr/share/mysql23:39
Alanmy favourite23:39
joaopinto!final | hvgotcodes23:39
ubottuhvgotcodes: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.23:39
Roeyiceroot: there is a difference in that (even between two days?)23:39
rjbhow can i download ubuntu with wget? i need the url23:39
iceroot!final | hvgotcodes23:39
daleharveyAlan, I have having a nightmare along the same lines23:39
icerootRoey: maybe23:39
doltekwhat is the dif between 32 and 64 bit versions??23:39
Roeyiceroot: I was hoping th final might fix the issue--I'm downloading it now.  Was this a known error?23:39
hvgotcodesjoaopinto, thanx23:39
fxhpAlan: please try to use one line for your thought...23:39
icerootRoey: we dont want support rc version if there is a final23:39
SikEnCide64bit has bad support23:39
jhass840why is empathy such a mass failure?23:39
Alandaleharvey: would be nice if released features actually got tested at least once23:39
erUSULrjb: where are you from ?23:39
erUSULSikEnCide: !?23:39
snellcodedoltek: 64 bit can address more ram23:39
rjberUSUL: southamerica23:40
TheCheezeso here i am toying with my fresh 9.10 upgrade23:40
Gikahello -- my friend's pc boots on grub console after upgrading to karmic.  typing "kernel /boot/[name of last vmlinuz image]" and then "boot" works, but how do you make it permanent?23:40
TheCheezei think i dig it so far23:40
icerootRoey: look at the ubuntu bug-page23:40
daleharveyalan: are you getting problems with ubuntu freezing?23:40
* Stormx2 sighs23:40
Alanfxhp: sorry, i replaced the swearing with heavy presses of the enter key...23:40
joaopintoAlan, it would be nice if you were one of the persons testing them, and what is your support question ?23:40
Stormx2I knew pulseaudio wouldn't stay working like this.23:40
yancho anyone can help me get flash 10 work on ubuntu 9.04's firefox 3.5 please? I tried: http://queleimporta.com/en/finally-adobe-releases-native-64-bit-flash-10-for-linux/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#flashtrouble to no avail .. any help is super appreciated :)23:40
YosAh,  how to get connected to the internet...anyone ?23:40
erUSULrjb: http://mx.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/23:40
TheCheezenice job dev team23:40
armenceHow do I tell ubuntu to use a certain DNS?23:40
iceroot!details | Yos23:40
ubottuYos: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:40
Alandaleharvey: no, I can't even install - gets to 30% and then fails to copy a file - end of installation :(23:40
rjbthank you erUSUL:23:40
ifeanyiif pulseaudio uses alsa why does it say pulseaudio as device when i enter alsamixer from the command prompt?23:40
bigfootbuilt9.10 Question..Does anyone else see a greyed out selection for the flash ver 10 update in update manager? Even when logged into root it is greyed out and I can't select it23:40
joaopintoarmence, set it up on your /etc/resvolv.conf23:41
icerootarmence: edit  /etc/resolv.conf23:41
jhass840Is anyone else unable to sign on to AIM using empathy?23:41
TheCheezeyancho- the easiest way i found was to do a google video search and wait for it to ask you to install the plugins23:41
kh_pylonis there a website with archives of the 9.10 RC ?23:41
Roeyiceroot: thanks, I'll try it thn23:41
lircdbugrhey folks: how can I unlock my keyring from the command-line?23:41
JosephDeFazioHello everyone23:41
daleharveyAlan, mine did that around 20 times, one managed to get to somewhere around the end, but the install crashes constantly23:41
lircdbugrubuntu karmic23:41
JosephDeFazioHow can I update from 9.10 beta to the official release?23:41
joaopintoifeanyi, because alsamixer will use PA to control the  alsa level, or something along these lines :P23:41
trismbigfootbuilt: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer worked for me23:41
miromanythIs it possible to remove pulseaudio and just use ALSA and dmix?23:41
joaopinto!final | JosephDeFazio23:41
ubottuJosephDeFazio: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.23:41
Alandaleharvey: this only with USB, or with the CD too?23:41
Gikabigfootbuilt: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:41
Alandaleharvey: unfortunately my machine has no CD drive...23:42
ActionParsnipJosephDeFazio: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:42
daleharveyusb, cd and external disk drive23:42
JosephDeFazioThanks guys :)23:42
ctmjrdaleharvey: ok lets do it again sudo ifconfig <interface> down sudo dhclient -r <interface> sudo ifconfig <interface> up sudo iwconfig <interface> essid "ESSID_IN_QUOTES" sudo iwconfig <interface> mode Managed  sudo dhclient <interface>23:42
daleharveycd never got past preferences23:42
ifeanyiso if i rebuild the alsa driver i should get my built-in mic working again?23:42
fxhparmence: Right click on the network icon and edit connection, or edit the network interface config file manually23:42
offspringcan anyone tell me how to find my windows partition so that i can read the files?23:42
Alandaleharvey: out of interest, what kind of hardware?23:42
ifeanyiwhy don't they included the latest verison in the new release?23:42
bigfootbuilttrism: gika: Thanks guys, but what if this continues for other updates? Will the selections always be greyed out?23:42
joaopintoifeanyi, was your mirc working with ubuntu 9.04 ?23:42
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miromanythoffspring: It should be listed under "Places"23:42
lircdbugrI'm seeing suggestions of pam-keyring-tool, but that's out in karmic23:43
daleharveyctmjr: I guessed about wlan0 being the correct interface as it was the one on iwconfig that had stuff alongside it, does that sound right?23:43
NyoronIf I get the amd64 version, does that mean 64bit in general? I need to install on a 64bit intel, and an amd64. Would that be fine for both?23:43
offspringmiromanyth: yea so ive been told, its not there though23:43
daleharveyAlan: Acer aspire 336923:43
blazzyis evolution the default mail client for the gnome project?23:43
ifeanyiit too a long time but i got it to work after downloading and building the alsa driver from their website23:43
erUSULNyoron: yes23:43
snellcodeNyoron: amd64 is also for intel23:43
YosHere is my problem, I'm connected to the internet but it doesn't show up on networks so I cannot browse with firefox; I'm on ubuntu 9.04, wubi;  I'm using a usb cellular modem that took me all day to get it to finally work on linux but I am still not fully connecteed23:43
joaopintoNyoron, yes, amd64 means 64bits in general23:43
ActionParsnipNyoron: yes it will work on intel 64bit too23:43
miromanythoffspring: What is the partition it is on?23:43
miromanythoffspring: windows I mean23:43
fxhpblazzy: evolution is the default mail application for ubuntu23:43
bigfootbuilttrism: Was the update greyed out on your update manager also?23:44
ctmjrdaleharvey: yes you can double check with sudo ifconfig -a23:44
NyoronerUSUL,snellcode,joaopinto, ActionParsnip: thanks23:44
offspringmiromanyth: what do you mean? not really into this stuff yet :/23:44
miromanythoffspring: Are you still able to boot into Windows?23:44
offspringmiromanyth: yea, it boots perfectly fine23:44
miromanythoffspring: Ok, that's good news :)23:45
miromanythoffspring: Try this...23:45
ifeanyibut a recent kernel update on 9.04 before stopped my built-in mic even before i upgraded to 9.1023:45
millertimek1a2m3i'm having serious trouble with eclipse23:45
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miromanythoffspring: open your terminal "Menu, accessories, terminal" and type23:45
millertimek1a2m3if anyone wants to help me?23:45
joaopinto!details | millertimek1a2m323:45
miromanythoffspring: sudo mkdir /mnt/windows23:45
ubottumillertimek1a2m3: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:45
miromanythoffspring: and then...23:46
blazzyfxhp: any idea what the gnome default is? I've never been happy with evolution.23:46
millertimek1a2m3joaopinto: i'm going to post a pastebin with all the details hold on23:46
miromanythoffspring: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows23:46
trismbigfootbuilt: not sure, I installed it from the command line before I checked synaptic23:46
SnakDocthere a command to restart xserver or reload /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:46
erUSULblazzy: evolution is gnome's default23:46
miromanythoffspring: then see if it's under /mnt/windows23:46
ActionParsnipfxhp: you can install any email client you wish23:46
erUSULSnakDoc: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart23:46
sweetandyPopular day in the ubuntu channel23:46
yanchoTohuw,  i did what you pasted but still its not working :(23:46
YosGuys, how can I get my internet connection to show up on networks so that I can browse the internet;'23:46
bigfootbuilttrism: ok thanks23:46
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SnakDocerUSUL: will that og me out23:46
Scuniziblazzy: you can always install thunderbird with the lightning extension for the calendar.. there's also Zimbra desktop available.23:47
ActionParsnipYos: how do you connect?23:47
erUSULSnakDoc: of course23:47
Legendreknock knock.. what's a suggested partition scheme for a desktop running karmic?23:47
miromanythoffspring: Any luck?23:47
YosActionParsnip: , I use a usb modem23:47
SnakDocerUSUL:  was wanting a way to restart x with out login out23:47
erUSULLegendre: /boot / /home23:47
fxhpActionParsnip: I agree, you can install any email client, however I still stand that evolution is ubuntu's default.23:47
dksoba88is there a faster way to upgrade my 9.04 to 9.10 than with 'update-manager -d'... Everyone is probably downloading it right now... maybe a torrent source for update-manager?23:47
daleharveydoesnt look promising :(23:47
mage__Legendre: same as usual actually23:47
erUSULSnakDoc: there is none23:47
ScuniziLegendre: 8-12gig for root... 1-2gigs for swap ... the rest for /home23:47
Legendreassuming separate mounts for /var, /boot, /home, /usr..23:47
ActionParsnipLegendre: 10Gb /, RAM amount for swap, rest for /home23:47
miromanythIs it possible to remove pulseaudio and just use ALSA and dmix?23:48
mage__Legendre: personally I do / and /home23:48
Legendresorry, I should have been more specific.. see pervious post23:48
Nyorondksoba88: You can always download the iso, via torrent, and install fresh.23:48
ActionParsnipfxhp: it is, but a lot of the defaults don't suit all needs23:48
erUSULLegendre: overkil for a desktop23:48
Legendrewell, I always sep them out23:48
ScuniziLegendre: then you might want to use LVM to you can redo sizes on the fly23:48
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ActionParsnipfxhp: so the fact it is default is moot23:48
joaopintoLegendre, there is nothing special about karmic and partitioning23:48
ActionParsnip!adsl | yos23:48
ubottuyos: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE23:48
Naibhi, the install for karmic doesn't allow me to change the partition where I want to install grub to. I don't want it on the MFT, is this still possible?23:48
fxhpActionParsnip: that wasn't the question.23:48
offspringmiromanyth: somethings definately there, nothing happened at first then typed it again and Device or resource busy23:48
offspring came up23:48
Pooky1could someone explain me how to do a md5 checksum, what software and how to get the key from a file and compare to reference ? =)23:48
Legendrejoaopinto: yes, I realize this.. but I need some hints for sizes for /usr and /var23:48
Naibnvm found the option23:48
Legendreand / for that matter23:48
lircdbugris it possible to open the gnome keyring from the terminal in Karmic?23:48
ActionParsnip!md5 | Pooky123:48
ubottuPooky1: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:48
Pooky1thank you23:48
dksoba88Nyoron, I have too many oddball settings on my computer... I use a lot of proprietary software that needs this or that specially configured. To do that would take much too long, or maybe not even work23:49
mage__miromanyth: try removing the package for pulseaudio23:49
kh_pylonhow can I force ubiquity to use a specific hard drive?  It doesn't detect my drive23:49
hinchyHey there, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my computer... I just downloaded the latest release and burned and verified it, but now when I select the install option on the boot manager, I just get a flashing underscore23:49
ActionParsnipfxhp: what was the question?23:49
Pooky1but not under windows... ubuntu... ?23:49
miromanythoffspring: Go to Places, computer and then /mnt/windows23:49
fxhpPooky1: I normally use python to do md5 checksums23:49
mage__miromanyth: if it wants to uninstall everything obv dont do it ;)23:49
joaopintoLegendre, you do understand that your scheme is recommended for servers, not desktops, right ?23:49
dksoba88Nyoron, But yea... I did do that for my laptop23:49
LegendreI'm thinking / = 2gb , /boot = 150mb, /usr = 6gb, /var = 2gb - rest for home, 256m for swap23:49
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | hinchy23:49
ubottuhinchy: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions23:49
Nyorondksoba88: Well, lots of people are currently updating, so I guess that may be the only way.23:49
YosActionParsnip: I have it all set up already...I'm using it now to chat with you and I am updating I just can't browse is all23:49
miromanythmage__: I'll give it a whirl. Thanks23:49
Legendrejoaopinto: I've done it this way for ten years =)23:49
ActionParsnipLegendre: if that suits your needs, then its fine23:49
mage__Legendre: new to ubuntu?23:49
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fxhpActionParsnip: I was answering another user.23:49
dksoba88Nyoron, ic. Yea I was hoping we could run update-manager through a torrent source some how... I guess not possible. It'd be convenient23:49
tanathcan anyone help me recovery my desktop? it's hidden when using compiz23:50
ActionParsnipfxhp: gotcha23:50
erUSULLegendre: then why you ask ;)23:50
daleharveyctmjr: what happens if it is successful? right now I am hung on "Sending on Socket/fallback"23:50
dksoba88Nyoron, Ubuntu's open source... maybe I should work on that lmao23:50
Argosanyone got it up and running23:50
ActionParsnipYos: you may need to define name servers in /etc/resolv.conf23:50
mage__Legendre: debian/ubuntu puts more into var than the average unix23:50
coordinadori have a problem, my brightness goes up and down repeatedly23:50
offspringmiromanyth: success! thanks alot!23:50
Pooky1fxhp: well its mainly for my iso download.... dont want any problem and trasmission tells me 2.5mo corrupt...23:50
miromanythoffspring: No problem :)23:50
Legendremage__: aye, thats why I'm asking ths stuff ;-)23:50
helluplineanyone is having problems with the new UbuntuOne? mine says that i have a problem with the size in the UbuntuOne23:50
Legendre2gb not enough for var?23:50
trismAnyone know where they moved the Services menu item to in 9.10? It used to be under System/Administration/Services23:50
joaopintohellupline, known issue, being fixed23:50
conb123Man this is bugging me, basically i have no spare cd's downloading the dvd will take a while and it is too late to go to the store so i was wondering if there is a way to boot an extracted ubuntu live cd iso in grub, any ideas?23:51
joaopintotrism, it was removed because it does not work with the new services system, upstart23:51
ActionParsnipLegendre: i'd say 2Gb for / was a little small but you can resize I guess23:51
coordinador***i have a problem, my brightness goes up and down repeatedly23:51
mage__Legendre: try 423:51
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TheCheezehrm... sound is kinda crackly23:51
tanathconb123, have a usb thumb drive? you can use that23:51
Nyoronconb123: You can burn CD isos to a DVD and work off of that.23:51
Legendremage__: 4gb for var? nutty, ok!23:51
fxhpPooky1:  GtkHash, try that23:51
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flan_suseI tried to install the alternate install (from a USB stick created with UNetbootin) but I keep getting an error message about "no cdrom found" when I try to install it on my netbook. Can someone please help? There has to be a way for it to use the USB flash as the installation source.23:52
ctmjrdaleharvey: if it works you will get a msg about an ip address and lease expires in 490004 secs or another number23:52
Pooky1fxhp, aight ill try that... thanks23:52
conb123tantath: Well yeah but something is preventing me from botting form usb-zip devices, my pc must hate me or something23:52
MrWizeGuy1983iceroot i found debian-start under /etc/mysql and it gave some odd error messages then sat there23:52
tanathconb123, Sys > Admin > USB startup disk creator23:52
joaopintoLegendre, with such a complex partition scheme you should be able to size it yourself, that is not a recommended scheme and there are no guidelines for setting it up at that detail23:52
ProfOakflan_suse: In your BIOS you should have a boot order. Check to see yours, and change it accordingly.23:52
fxhpconb123: maybe get the netbook remix version and use the USB drive23:53
flan_suseProfOak, it boots from the USB drive. But during the "installation" it gives me the error message.23:53
mage__Legendre: well I've been sharing the apt cache directory between nodes so it can fill up23:53
Legendrejoaopinto: tell me this, how large are your /var and /usr?23:53
conb123tanath: I know, i have created one numerous times but some kind of bios problem is preventing me23:53
ctmjrdaleharvey: is network manager running if it is try killing it it has a way of interfering with command line stuff23:53
flan_suseProfOak, I am able to select language and keyboard layout. Then it tells me I don't have a cdrom drive, lol. Well, duh, since I'm on a netbook.23:53
conb123fxhp: What is that exactly?23:53
Legendrejoaopinto: trees, not partitions.23:53
YosActionParsnip: and what should I use for nameserver ?  IP address or something ?23:53
ActionParsnipLegendre: you can make them part of / if you dont define a special partitin for them23:53
tanathconb123, you'll need to configure the bios properly to boot from usb. i had trouble at first too23:53
ProfOakflan_suse: You may want to try the netbook remix.23:53
fxhpconb123: its the ubuntu installer that you can run from a tumb drive23:53
ActionParsnipYos: yes you'll need an ip23:54
LegendreActionParsnip: arrgh, lol. Yes, I get that ;-)23:54
flan_suseProfOak, I want to use the alternate CD for partition encryption.23:54
joaopintoLegendre, that is an unusefull question, I have an apt-cacher which files /var, which you don't care about, like I said, sizing those partitions is user dependent23:54
ProfOakflan_suse: I got nothin23:54
mage__ /var/cache/apt/23:54
flan_suseProfOak, no problem.23:54
joaopintoLegendre, you really should leave the chanell for those which need support with real problems23:54
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ActionParsnipYos: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf23:54
ActionParsnipYos: add these lines:   nameserver
TheCheezehow does one know what is the best audio device profile for their system? am on an hp pavilion laptop23:54
daleharveyoh, I was just confused, the computer had froze again, but the terminal still flashes so thought it was alive23:54
joaopintoLegendre, if you need to check a real system, boot the livecd, and check the directories size23:54
ActionParsnipYos: nameserver
conb123tanath: I managed it before i think, but now whenever i switch to usb-zip it jsut ignores it completely i shall try a few more times with it23:55
miromanythTheCheeze: Audio profile?23:55
mage__use! ;)23:55
Chriz1i installed phpmyadmin but when i go to localhost/phpmyadmin only a white screen comes up, any ideas?23:55
conb123fxhp: ok thanks i shall look into it if i still cannot get usb boot to work23:55
TheCheezemiromanyth, in sound preferences23:55
dan__hey, I followed the steps to install grub 2, but the boot loader still shows a version like 1.98 (beta 5) or something, is this considered GRUB 2?  Or do I still somehow have the legacy version installed?23:55
brendan`Chriz1, check the apache error log23:55
habananyhey guys , how do i run minefield 3.7 in safe mode (karmic koala)23:55
joaopintodan__, that's grub223:55
brendan`its usually a php fatal error23:55
tanathconb123, i had to enable booting to usb, _and_ set the boot order. check for both23:55
Gikadid you install the proper php modules for apache, Chriz1?23:55
dan__joaopinto, ok, thank you23:55
lircdbugrgnome-keyring: how do you unlock it from a bash shell? (karmic)23:55
erUSULdan__: it is considered grub223:56
Chriz1Gika, php runs fine23:56
fxhpChriz1: PHP installed?23:56
miromanythTheCheeze: I believe that those are different collections of sound effects for desktop use.23:56
craigbass1976I've added a couple of repos in sources.list (ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily) so that I can get the newest firefox and allow my wife to play farkle on facebook.  However, farkle still doesn't work.  Anyone got any other ideas?  Mafia wars still works23:56
miromanythTheCheeze: Are you having audio problems?23:56
Chriz1fxhp, yeah23:56
ActionParsnipYos: when you have added the lines, run: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart23:56
brendan`i think i need to go upgrade and get shit working on ubuntu23:56
Gikacheck the php logs then Chriz123:56
ActionParsnipYos: you will now have DNS servers23:56
brendan`the white screen is usually a php fatal error23:56
conb123tanath: Yeh i couldn't find a booting to usb option anywhere, also i remember from previous experiences trying all the different usb slots tends to help23:56
daleharveyI may cry23:56
tanathconb123, might also need to do a hard reboot, rather than soft reboot23:56
brendan`check the apache error log23:56
Chriz1nothing in the error log about that23:56
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brendan`if you just put a basic php echo page in there and browse to it23:57
brendan`does it display the text?23:57
tanathconb123, that prolly triggered a hard reboot due to hardware change. just power off completely before starting up again23:57
TheCheezemiromanyth, crackly noises...23:57
habananyhelp, how do i run minefielf 3.7 in safe mode < i'm using karmic23:57
Chriz1brendan`, that works fine23:57
TheCheezelike it iwll pop before playing the noise when someone signs in on messenger23:57
Chriz1but phpmyadmin comes up blank =S, everything else works fine23:57
Admiral-AwesomeWhat had happened to Sessions I just see Startup applications now?23:57
coordinadorHey guys look at this video, this is happening to me when i enter to gnome in ubuntu 9.10:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipD2rQwJpM023:57
conb123tanath: What should i use to format my stick in the appropriate format?23:58
fxhpChriz1: if I can remember correctly, phpmyadmin needs to be setup, did you do that?23:58
erUSUL!lamp | Chriz123:58
ubottuChriz1: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:58
TheCheezeseems like it stopped now i think... weird23:58
Chriz1fxhp, ubuntu sets it up right23:58
tanathconb123, fat3223:58
Chriz1erUSUL, mysql works fine23:58
tanathconb123, i think the usb creator takes care of that23:58
kh_pylonis there a website with archives of the 9.10 RC ?23:59
conb123tanath: Nope told me there is not enough space, where is the usb format tool in jaunty?23:59
miromanythTheCheeze: Hmm. Sometimes people have problems with Intel brand soundcards, but it can be fixed. I think I saw a "how-to" on the Ubuntu forums. I'd look there if the problem persists.23:59
fxhpfxhp: I don't recall, I started using 'emma' for mysql23:59
lircdbugrkarmic has same problem as jaunty: if autologin set to true, you get prompted for keyring to unlock wireless.  auto-nothin!23:59
tanathconb123, install gparted23:59
fxhpIts a mysql client23:59
habananyamigo arand , how can i run minefield in safe mode ?23:59
Pooky1hmmmm, there is no Hashes on the UbuntuHashes for Karmic.... ???23:59
* FiReSTaRT <3 Sun.. they already have the karmic deb for virtual box :P23:59
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conb123tanath: Of course yeah i have that installed i shall use it23:59
joaopintolircdbugr, that is not a problem, that is how the keyring works, if you dont want a keyring password, remove it23:59
fxhpChriz1: I started using 'emma' for mysql client23:59
RenatoSilvaupdating to karmic, will pidgin be removed for the new client?23:59

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