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TheMusoslangasek: ok, FWIW I don't have access to the site.00:06
TheMusoi.e write access.00:07
slangasekTheMuso: well, for this round I was pointed at wiki.ubuntu.com for Ubuntu Studio's URL ;)  So it was plausible you had the content at your disposal - anyway, is done now00:07
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TheMusoslangasek: right00:51
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zookoHey folks, I just want to say Way To Go on Karmic!  You've done it again!  If your inboxes aren't overflowing with praise and gratitude, then this is just because you've been doing such a good job for so long that the world has started to take you for granted.02:19
TheMusozooko: Try overflowing with bug reports. :p02:22
MsMacoTheMuso: :)02:26
zookoI was thinking that maybe the Lucid LTS could be made super stable by making it be nothing except bugfixes to Karmic.  ;-)02:29
zookoHeh heh.  I'm super excited because the p2p storage system that I love is included in Karmic -- Tahoe-LAFS.02:30
zookoI need to figure out the Lucid schedule to make sure that there is a nice shiny new Tahoe-LAFS at least a few weeks before the appropriate freeze for Lucid.02:30
TheMusozooko: Interesting thought. Audio wise, it will be bug fixes mostly one one side, and hardware enablement on the other.02:31
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zookoBy the way, because of this bug in binutils -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/461303 -- it might be good to find any packages that were built with the bad version of binutils and then grep their source code for ".intel_syntax".02:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 461303 in binutils "generates-bad-code regression" [Medium,Fix committed]02:41
zookoAny packages with intel_syntax ASM that were built with the bad binutils should be rebuilt with the fix.02:41
hyperairis there a way to step a few levels down the stack in gdb using apport-retrace?03:03
Patriickquick question, do most portable hard drives work on Ubuntu immediatly?03:08
wgrantPatriick: You want #ubuntu.03:09
Patriickyeah sorry :(03:09
PatriickIs Ubuntu even open source? :P03:11
wgrant.. huh?03:11
PatriickWhy not just linux from scratch?03:12
Patriickugh nvm03:12
wgrantAh, I see.03:12
keeszooko: we did that yesterday and reviewed all the matches -- none were built after the buggy binutils was in the distro.  lucky us!03:44
* MsMaco wonders who's awake03:48
TheMusoMsMaco: Depends on what issue you are having.03:49
* jdong rubs his eyes03:49
jdongwant... foood... first03:50
MsMacoTheMuso: was just pointed at that bug where Keybuk had large files corrupting. think i'm hitting it too03:55
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merkur2kanyone around who knows a but about package postinst script interaction with mysql?05:53
merkur2kor the debian-sys-maint mysql user in general?05:54
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liwbug #463742 is not in English, probably in Spanish or Portuguese (sorry, I'm ignorant): could someone provide a translation to the bug report?06:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 463742 in update-manager "erro1 atualização para kubuntu 9,10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46374206:47
MsMacobut i dont know portuguese. maybe wait for BUGaubundo to wake up?06:48
liwand thanks06:51
MsMacospanish never puts ~ on top of anything except n06:52
MsMacoand doesnt have the c thing06:52
MsMacowith just the c thing, could be french. with both, portuguese is the only one i can think of06:52
MsMaco(hope that helps)06:53
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syn-ackQuick question: This may not be the correct place for it but let me know.,... I'm setting up a cross compile environment to compile an app for a ppc proc which export CROSS_COMPILE= arg would I use for the libs? libc?07:19
syn-ackthis is on an ubuntu system to another ubuntu system thats why I asked in here...07:20
pittiGood morning07:20
mneptokliw: "error updating for kubuntu 9.10"07:20
liwmneptok, hm, not terribly enlightening07:22
liwmneptok, thanks for the translation, though07:22
mneptokno problemo, senor.07:22
MsMacohello dpm07:25
dpmhey MsMaco07:26
dpmmorning all07:27
dholbachgood morning07:38
dholbachhey MsMaco!07:38
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pittiwow, ureadahead08:02
dholbachwhat's going to be next? :)08:03
rohhi there08:03
dholbachreadahead2? :)08:03
rohhopefully ssd and no readahead ? *ducks*08:03
* roh just waded through a 8.10->9.10 upgrade.. so ignore my sarcasm, sorry08:04
liw"Read ahead 2: The Angular Momentum Strikes Back"08:04
ogradholbach, scott said he works on ureadahead :)08:04
pittiso, no readahead: 45 s, sreadahead (karmic final): 57 s, ureadahead: 25 s08:05
ograoh, pitti said that above :P08:05
rohhm. has ubuntu a concept how do do suspend to disk with crypted disks and crypted swap?08:09
RAOFroh: I think that works right now, as long as you don't have a random key for swap.08:10
* RAOF *does* have a random key for swap, so doesn't actually test.08:10
rohRAOF well. of course i have. without it cryptodisks are plain stupid. (or one doesnt use swap)08:10
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MsMacopitti: WOW!08:10
rohRAOF the question thus is rather: can one make it possible by storing the key on disk, e.g. on one of the crypted disks, which need to be locked and unlocked anyways. on suspend/resume to all make sense08:11
RAOFroh: I mean - you can use the same key for swap as for your other crypted discs.08:21
rohhm. i hit lp bug #388221 yesterday. seems that python-support doesnt have RAOF yes.. but thats somehow a hack. and also requires handling for that in the ramdisk08:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388221 in rrdtool "python-rrdtool is almost empty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38822108:22
rohmixed up 2 lines there. restart parsing at nick08:23
rohwtf. i cant login via ssh without key anymore? the agent tries all keys and doesnt even ask for a pw now?08:23
rohanyways. the rrdtool bug seems to come from python-suÃpport not providing /usr/bin/pysupport-parseversions anymore, which is used to find out which python-versions are installed in debian/rules of python-rrdtool08:26
huatsoups sorry WW08:27
davmor2Congrats Guys Karmic Rocks08:27
RAOFroh: Why is supplying a passphrase for swap a hack? Or, _more_ of a hack than storing the random key somewhere (where?) in (one of) the other disc(s) and reading it after supplying that disc's crypt secret?08:29
rohRAOF hm. the more i think about it it should be ok. i mean.. one needs to check swap for a 'image' of some kind anyways.. i guess that happens in ramdisk anyways.08:30
dholbachdavmor2: thanks to your great work too!08:36
davmor2:) Np's08:37
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bigonI know that this question should probabily go to #ubuntu but are the iwlagn driver missing from the alternate install cd?09:08
MsMacobigon: missing as in you cant go online while running from the alt cd, or missing as in they dont get installed by it?09:10
MsMacowireless drivers are not in use on the alternate cd, no...but you should end up with them installed at the end09:10
bigonMsMaco: there are other wireless driver available during the install09:11
bigonbut not that one09:11
MsMaco*shrug* no idea then. all my laptops are intel. i dont recall ever having working wireless from alt cd...09:12
MsMacopitti: thanks09:12
bigonI was pretty sure it was working with jaunty alternate09:13
MsMacobeats me09:13
MsMacoi dont have any alternate cds to play with, so i cant retest09:13
dholbachcan anybody try to shed some light on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/464411 ?09:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 464411 in linux "After upgrade to Karmic, root partition (sda1) is missing /dev/sda1 is missing from /dev/disk/by-uuid" [Undecided,New]09:20
dholbach^ does this look like a linux bug? or what else could it be?09:28
\shgood morning...*whereismyaspirin*09:33
rohhm. any idea why my ssh client stopped asking for passwords and only lets me login via key now?09:45
ionBecause the ssh server admin disabled password authentication.09:46
lifelessor changed the host key09:47
\shroh, check your sshd config for changes...hopefully you have your config in something like a VCS09:47
rohion after update from 8.10 it started popping up a gnome-dialog for the passphrase and 'just try every key'09:47
rohin this case i'm sure it allow password. standing next to the box. and did the same before the update09:48
\shroh, try this in your ~/.ssh/config  -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/304912/ before any other Host ... entries...it helped me, thx to cjwatson09:49
dholbachso bug 464411 could well be a util-linux bug?09:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 464411 in util-linux "After upgrade to Karmic, root partition (sda1) is missing /dev/sda1 is missing from /dev/disk/by-uuid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46441109:50
roh\sh yeah. that fixed it. thanks09:51
roh\sh please make sure that gets default again or _really_ well documented09:51
\shroh, I think it has nothing to do with openssh-server/client something's changed somewhere in this gnome-ssh-agent or so...ask on #ubuntu-desktop09:52
\shor check the changelogs09:52
cjwatsonlamont: thanks09:56
roh\sh still evil to debug and find09:56
cjwatsonpitti: yes, ureadahead is roughly a factor of two win for me too09:59
SnaresDoes anyone here have a Creative X-Fi? If so, does your mic work?10:10
SnaresDoes anyone have any ideas on how to make it work?10:11
joaopintoSnares, this is not a support channel, repeating on every channel will not help10:12
Snaresjoaopinto: Oh ok, sorry :(10:12
Snaresjoaopinto: I was kind of thinking that you guys could possibly add support for the microphone.10:13
Snaresjoaopinto: I'm not actually trying to get support; I just am trying to find someone who has an X-Fi to figure out if it's a problem specific to my configuration or to all X-Fi soundcards.10:15
joaopintoSnares, that is a support issue, regardless how you put it ;), you already askd on #ubuntu, which has 1,5K users, is very unlikely that you will get an answer with more 0.2K :)10:17
Snaresjoaopinto: :D10:18
directhexor try the alsa channel10:18
MsMacoi think ya ought to just file a bug *shrug*10:18
SnaresMsMaco: Good idea.10:20
Snaresdirecthex: Same :)10:20
Shtli cant able to copy a file more than 600 MB from my pen drive (8 GB) to PC intel celron 1 GHz, 256 MB RAM, can any one tell me cause?? only partial copy is happening10:22
bryceShtl, this is not the support channel; try #ubuntu10:25
Shtlno one is active their10:25
mvopitti: if you could have a look (sru) at bug #446956, that would be much appreciated10:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446956 in update-manager "Upgrade from Ubuntu UNR 9.04 to 9.10 fails with essential package 'ubuntu-minimal' can not be found anymore (mirror overloaded)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44695610:27
mvoif there is currently someone in india reading this, could you please check if in.archive.ubuntu.com works from within india?10:33
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SurfyDudeedoes 9.10 have better support for usb wifi then 9.04?11:37
Madkisshi folks11:44
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directhexSurfyDudee, it has a new kernel, so probably11:48
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pittimvo: will look11:56
mvothanks pitti! one is pending in jaunty-proposed too (a proxy fix)12:03
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pittimvo: please reupload update-manager with -v to include the previous changelog12:35
mvopitti: the karmic one? I can do that, I was not aware it is needed even when 0.126.7 is already in -proposed12:36
pittimvo: it's not needed "even when" it's in -proposed, but *because* it is already in -proposed :)12:37
pitticjwatson: are you already merging debhelper? otherwise I'd do it now (since I want to merge cdbs afterwards)12:43
mvopitti: uploaded again12:43
ScottKpitti: On CDBS merge, I know that Debian took the --install-layout=deb change you sent them and came up with a different approach to solve the problem, so the merge may be a bit odd there.12:44
cjwatsonpitti: nope, go for it12:44
pittiScottK: yeah, I followed the debian bug; I'll have a look at it, and presumably just take their approach12:44
pittimvo: danke12:46
cjwatsonpitti: (not doing a whole lot of merging today, as I'm away next week and need to do some preparation for that)12:47
pitticjwatson: ok; I wanted to get at least those two done today, so that we can unblock lucid soon12:47
cjwatsonpitti: indeed12:53
Keybukm-o-m will be spinning up soon12:55
Keybukmodulo shit t-mobile hotspot on train :)12:55
Keybukkees: I'm afraid I'm having to drop the -security stuff12:55
Keybukwe just don't have the disk space needed to maintain the deltas12:55
cjwatsonoh, is m-o-m running against testing or unstable?12:56
cjwatsonsince https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS says that in general we're syncing from testing this cycle12:56
cjwatsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Backgrounds/Extra_Abstract?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=olivia_karmic2_super.png is gorgeous wallpaper, for those who haven't seen it (it was doing the rounds in the London office)12:59
Keybukthat's not possible12:59
ionkeybuk: With ‘expect fork’, i managed to consistently get Upstart into a ‘stop/killed (IIRC), process <inexistent-pid>’ state. Since i didn’t want to reboot the server to get Upstart back to a good state, i used a script that forks children until a child gets the pid in question, then kills its parent and lets the child exit. Then Upstart noticed the death of the process and all was good until the next attempt. :-P I simply made the daemon stay in ...12:59
ion... foreground, problem solved.12:59
ionkeybuk: I guess ‘expect fork’ isn’t the right thing for a shell script that runs external binaries and then finally execs the daemon that forks once.13:00
Keybukwe're already largely *ahead* of testing, no?13:01
KeybukI'll flush mom's brain and see13:01
Keybukpackages where we're ahead of testing may need to be merged manually13:01
Keybuk(unless we just stick with the unstable version I suppose :)13:01
ionThe fork-and-exec for the external commands must confuse it, or something.13:01
Keybukion: yes, it's quite easy to do that13:01
Keybukion: which daemon were you using originally?  a few handle SIGCHLD themselves13:01
Keybukion: no, that won't work ;)13:01
Keybukion: the shell script eats the SIGCHLDs so Upstart never gets them13:01
cjwatsonKeybuk: I don't think anyone's suggesting we go backwards from where we are now, certainly13:01
doko_starting eclipse on ia64, getting a coffee ...13:01
cjwatsontesting-proposed-updates uploads might be an issue in cases where things are truly wedged in testing ...13:01
ionkeybuk: 0.10 will handle that case without any special configuration at all, right?13:02
Keybukion: right13:02
ScottKSounds like requestsync should also be modified to look in testing by default too.13:03
* cjwatson does a quick check with suite-diff13:03
Keybukcjwatson: so which Debian suites do I need?13:04
hrickardsCan I request a sync from Debian unstable to lucid, or should I wait til the package migrates to testing?13:12
cjwatsonKeybuk: I think just testing13:13
cjwatsonKeybuk: testing-proposed-updates is just another way for packages to filter into testing, and we probably don't want them until they make it there13:14
cjwatsonhrickards: you can request a sync from anywhere :)13:14
hrickardscjwatson: Ok. Thanks. :)13:14
Keybukcjwatson: right, but should I keep track of what's in t-p-u in case anyone wants to merge from there or syncs from there13:14
cjwatsonhrickards: though *automatic* syncs will just be from testing this cycle13:17
cjwatsonKeybuk: mm. that might be a good idea, although is mom able to offer multiple choices for the sync source?13:17
Keybukwe can customise it per-package13:18
cjwatsonFWIW, packages in karmic older than unstable: 3209. Packages in karmic older than testing: 2753. Packages in karmic older than testing-proposed-updates: 2.13:18
Keybuke.g. I'm pretty sure it still merges firefox from experemental ;)13:18
Keybukcjwatson: how many newer than testing?13:18
cjwatson1329 newer than unstable13:19
cjwatson7 newer than t-p-u (t-p-u is a partial suite so the numbers there are always going to be a bit odd)13:19
cjwatsonthis is using lp:~cjwatson/+junk/suite-diff13:19
hrickardscjwatson: Ah, I understand now.13:19
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KeybukI've set it up so you can just add a package to unstable.txt13:21
Keybukthen it will get merged from there instead13:21
pittiE: debhelper_7.4.3ubuntu1_amd64.changes: bad-ubuntu-distribution-in-changes-file lucid13:22
cjwatsonpitti: hmph, I thought we'd added that to lintian13:24
pittilintian is current13:24
pittiwell, while I'm at it I might just do an ubuntu2 with that13:24
cjwatsonI'll add it upstream13:25
ubottuDebian bug 552707 in lintian "lintian: dak will now accept 3.0 (quilt) and 3.0 (native)" [Normal,Open]13:27
cjwatsoneek, that suggests Soyuz is going to need to learn to cope with the new source formats fairly sharpish13:27
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cjwatsonthough I don't see anything on debian-devel-announce@ so maybe it's not actually being used yet13:28
pittidebhelper smoketest passed, uploaded13:29
apwcjwatson, would we expect lucid to show up in rmadison output yet?13:30
cjwatsonpitti: http://git.debian.org/?p=lintian/lintian.git;a=commitdiff;h=b6f772a082dbe4d11d85821da67f85f094fced1a13:30
ScottKcjwatson: There's an ftp-master sprint this week.  I'd expect an announcement about the new source formats soon.13:31
cjwatsonapw: *clicketyclick* should now13:31
pittinice, thanks13:31
* pitti commits cjwatson's recent cdbs change to bzr13:31
cjwatsonsorry, I must have missed the Vcs-Bzr field13:32
ScottKcjwatson: I think wgrant has been working on it for Soyuz.13:32
cjwatsonoh excellent13:32
cjwatsonyay for wgrant as usual13:32
* cjwatson finds https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg01484.html13:34
apwcjwatson, :) thanks13:35
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pittiRiddell: cdbs has some ubuntu changes to kde.mk.in; do we still need that, or are you exclusively using kde4.mk.in now?13:46
pittior ScottK ^13:46
pitti(dh_icons, --without-arts, and some kde-xgettext stuff)13:47
ScottKWe need that13:47
ScottKI'm 100% sure on --without-arts.  Probable on the others13:47
pittinp, keeping it13:48
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ChipzzHi, I would like a moment of your time to draw some attention to http://fosdem.org/2010/distrominiconf (a mail has already been sent to Jono :))14:32
ChipzzI'm pretty sure there are a lot of topics there where ubuntu can contribute its experience14:34
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pitticjwatson, doko_: so, binutils, gcc-4.4, debhelper, and cdbs are in; do you plan more toolchainish uploads?14:55
cjwatsondoko was talking about perl14:56
doko_yep, 5.1 may be good to have in the archive before opening14:57
cjwatsonITYM 5.10.114:57
doko_yep ...14:58
doko_pitti: but then, with an artificial b-d on the libc version in lucid so that it gets built after that one15:03
doko_cjwatson: no PPA's for lucid?15:04
pittioh, right, there was no glibc upload for lucid yet; do you plan one?15:05
ebroderHmm...it looks like not everything got rebuilt for the krb5 1.7 transition (c.f. bug #462059)15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 462059 in root-system "libkrb53 package required instead of libkrb5-3 in Karmic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46205915:06
cjwatsondoko_: not yet, it's later on the checklist15:06
cjwatsondoko_: if we enable them in general, people will be building them with the karmic toolchain, so we don't enable them until after opening15:07
doko_hmm, so no easy eglibc test builds15:07
cjwatsonpitti: eglibc was already uploaded, wasn't it?15:07
pittiah, silly me, looked for glibc15:07
doko_2.10.1, yes, and I uploaded an 2.11~20091028 as well15:07
doko_to a PPA15:08
m4they, is anyone aware of a way to keep avahi from starting at boot? i tried adding exit to the scripts in /etc/networ/if-, commented out the 'start on' lines in /etc/init, modified symlinks in /etc/rc.N, etc.15:33
m4ti'm very unfamiliar with the upstart init system, and i wasn't really able to find out explicit documentation on disabling a service at boot15:33
joaopintom4t, mv /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon.conf mv /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon.conf.disabled15:34
m4tjoaopinto heh15:34
m4tlets see15:34
cjwatsonm4t: commenting out the two 'start on' lines should be sufficient15:39
m4tcwjwatson it seemed to undo itself15:40
m4tbrb thoug15:40
m4texcellent, it didn't start up15:42
m4tdid the trick thank you15:42
m4theh, i spent a few hours rebuilding kernels because i wasn't aware of ext4's need for CONFIG_LBDAF15:43
m4tother than that things work pretty well15:43
joaopintojust a random thought, could the install process easily be changed to just copy the livecd filesystem structure to the target root partition ?15:53
Chipzzisn't that what's basically done anyway?15:53
joaopintoI guess that would avoid the overhead of unpacking the .debs15:53
joaopintoChipzz, it is ? doesn't it just run a regular dpkg -i ?15:54
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Chipzzjoaopinto: the live CDs don't have any debs on them in the first place iirc15:54
joaopintoah ok :)15:54
Chipzzjoaopinto: the alternate installer does; but you were asking about the livecd15:55
Chipzzcopying the filesystem is a bit of an oversimplicification, but that's what it (basically) boils down to15:55
joaopintoright, I was realling thinking about the livecd, I had the wrong idea it had .debs also, I guess that would be too much for a single cd :)15:56
Chipzzsome packages need to have their postinst ran for obvious reasons, and you need to create a new user15:56
jdongI think copying the filesystem is not an oversimplification (tm)15:56
jdongit copies the filesystem then performs some post-configuration magic15:56
Chipzzjdong: ^^^15:56
jdongjoaopinto: the Karmic installer definitely will reach out to the 'net to fetch some language packs as debs, if a connection is available15:57
jdongcopy + magic is a good summary, I guess :)15:57
Chipzzshouldn't the topic be changed btw? #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty -> shouldn't that be dapper-karmic?15:57
joaopintoI am considering developin a tool to build custom install images, ISOs/USB, but I still need to learn more about initrd and friends :\16:01
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 9.10 now playing in a theater near you | Archive: ???? | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
joaopintoright now there is no easy way to build a custom demo cd16:08
ionkeybuk: Btw, now that lucid is open, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ion/ubuntu/lucid/mountall/lucid ;-)16:41
ionkeybuk: (No hurry, really.)16:42
Keybukion: I'm on leave ;-)16:43
cjwatsonmvo: trying to set a record for the longest gap between branch creation and merge - having a look at your ubiquity auto-update branch :)16:43
ionkeybuk: Have a good vacation.16:44
cjwatsonlp:~cjwatson/ubiquity/auto-update is what I have so far although I haven't tested it yet16:44
ion(A quantum superposition of offtopic and ontopic: /me just posted http://lists.debian.org/debian-dpkg/2009/10/msg00154.html)16:45
mvocjwatson: heh :) I'm having a look now16:46
m4they, so i have an old misnamed custom kernel, and even though its removed/purged, update-initramfs -k all still finds it16:59
m4tive tried querying the dpkg db and looking through the files/filesystem but i wasnt able to find a trace of it16:59
m4ti tried strace -f'ing the update-initramfs as well17:00
mvocjwatson: looks good I think, the only thing I can think of is http://paste.ubuntu.com/305206/ (a bug in my original branch)17:00
m4tanyone have an idea of where its getting the list of installed/available kernels?17:00
cjwatsonmvo: makes sense, thanks17:01
cjwatsonjust hitting it with pychecker and waiting for a CD image rsync before I test it (the latter means I probably won't actually test it until next week or so)17:01
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dupondjesomebody can try printing from flash ?17:29
dupondjeseems like I discovered a small bug17:29
pedro_jdstrand, hello, were you looking into evince apparmor bugs?17:44
jdstrandpedro_: which are you referring to?17:44
jdongit's not a bug, it's just really secure (tm) ;-)17:44
pedro_jdstrand, bug 46519217:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 465192 in evince "Evince can't open .tif files - Permission denied" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46519217:44
jdstrandpedro_: is that the only one?17:45
jdstrandpedro_: other than the ones I have already commented on/triaged17:46
pedro_jdstrand, and a crash that might be related to apparmor as well bug 46174717:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 461747 in evince "evince crashed with signal 7" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46174717:47
pedro_jdstrand, no just those17:47
pedro_jdstrand, right, I've been see you doing work there that's why i'm asking ;-)17:47
jdstrandpedro_: I noticed you removed that apparmor tag from the first one. when triaging, if you see that an application is protected by apparmor, and it is apparmor that is causing the problem, please add/leave the apparmor tag17:48
jdstrandpedro_: we changed this around slightly in DebuggingApparmor lately17:48
pedro_jdstrand, good to know, will do it17:48
jdstrandpedro_: there is no evidence that bug #461747 is apparmor related17:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 461747 in evince "evince crashed with signal 7" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46174717:49
jdstrandpedro_: I've taken the other one17:49
pedro_jdstrand, ok, will follow up with the reporter on that one then17:50
pedro_jdstrand, thanks for checking!17:50
jdstrandpedro_: you can see more in DebuggingApparmor, but it is easy to spot an apparmor related issue by looking in kern.log for deny messages17:50
pedro_jdstrand, thanks will have a look into it17:51
jdstrandpedro_: evince now has an apport hook, so it will grab the kern.log messages17:51
jdstrandpedro_: notice in 461747 it references that apparmor is enabled, but no denials17:51
jdstrandpedro_: basically, what you see in 461747 is that apparmor is not a problem17:52
pedro_jdstrand, got it17:52
pedro_thanks again :-)17:52
jdstrandpedro_: thanks for the ping17:52
jdstrandsure! :)17:52
jdonghmm how do we plan on addressing the whole issue with evince reading documents in odd places?17:53
jdong(and/or with odd names)17:53
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dupondjesomebody can try printing from flash ?18:41
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jdstrandjdong: it should be mostly fixed, no?19:41
jdstrandjdong: excepting tunables, which we hope to discuss at UDS19:43
dupondje[ 1257.542387] type=1503 audit(1256922342.551:29): operation="exec" pid=3525 parent=3524 profile="/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.*/firefox" requested_mask="::x" denied_mask="::x" fsuid=1000 ouid=0 name="/usr/bin/lpstat"19:53
dupondje[ 1772.875058] type=1503 audit(1256922857.881:30): operation="open" pid=3706 parent=2137 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd" requested_mask="::r" denied_mask="::r" fsuid=7 ouid=0 name="/var/run/samba/gencache.tdb"19:53
dupondjehaving the following when trying to print from Flash19:54
dupondjeand it doesn't find any printers with apparmor loaded19:54
jdstranddupondje: you mean as in the adobe flash plugin?19:55
dupondjebut i'm using the 64bit addon (manually installed) from labs.adobe19:56
jdstranddupondje: the first is the one we care about19:57
dupondjedunno if it has something to do with that :)19:57
jdstranddupondje: possibly19:57
dupondjesomeobdy with the 32bit need to check ti19:57
jdstranddupondje: can you add to /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox-3.5:19:57
jdstrand  /usr/bin/lpstat Ux,19:57
jdstranddupondje: then run:19:57
jdstrandsudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.firefox-3.519:57
jdstranddupondje: also, please file a bug at your earliest convenience, and use the 'apparmor' tag20:10
JanCI hope nobody uses the 32-bit plugin  ;)20:16
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kirklandjcastro: yo20:33
kirklandjcastro: question about patches.ubuntu.com20:33
jcastrokirkland: sure20:35
kirklandjcastro: i have some people asking about something similar, but more against upstream, than debian20:35
kirklandjcastro: upstream kvm wants to be able to easily see what patches we're carrying20:36
kirklandjcastro: without apt-get source :-)20:36
jcastrokirkland: it's on my todo to discuss with the lp team, I have a call on tuesday with karl, I'll discuss20:36
kirklandjcastro: cool20:36
jcastrothanks for the prod though, it's a good idea20:36
kirklandjcastro: in the mean time, i'll get qemu-kvm into a package source branch20:36
slangasekbzr co lp:ubuntu/qemu-kvm/lucid - no apt-get source ;)20:37
sistpotykirkland: just out of curiousity: have you heard of Alexander Graf yet? (seem to be the SuSE person for virtualisation)20:38
kirklandsistpoty: yeah, i hung out with him a few times at Linux Plumbers conf a few weeks ago20:38
sistpotyah, I see... :)20:38
* sistpoty met him last saturday, however didn't really realize it20:39
kirklandsistpoty: :-)  yeah, he seemed like a great guy20:39
kirklandsistpoty: i love what he's doing with nested virtualization20:39
kirklandslangasek: good call20:40
sistpotykirkland: haven't heard about that one yet, but that he wants to clean up / unify virtualisation stuff... not too sure if that plan succeeds though ;)20:40
Ngis there a plan for the non-booting installs because of the duplicate partition signatures? (bug #426027)20:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426027 in util-linux "/dev/disk/by-uuid doesn't exist in karmic kernels" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42602720:40
Nglike, could jaunty be updated to clear up duplicate signatures based on what's actually mounted?20:40
Ngat least for the rootfs20:41
slangasekhum, does the kernel even tell us that?20:41
slangasek/proc/mounts always just says "rootfs"20:41
slangasekNg: does the git version of blkid fix it for you also?20:42
slangasekseems like we ought to be taking that as an SRU20:43
slangasek(the fixes, anyway)20:43
Ngslangasek: it's not my system, but the symptoms are identical to the person in that bug, it was an old install that wipes out a windows install, so it's showing ext and vfat indications20:43
Ngslangasek: I'm boggling massively at that rootfs thing ;)20:47
Ngwhat possible use is that?!20:47
slangasekoh, things are supposed to be useful20:48
* slangasek makes a note20:48
Nguseful or pretty :)20:48
cjwatsonrootfs is for the initramfs root, no?20:49
Nghey yeah, I have a mount for / too20:49
slangasekoh, ok20:49
slangasekthat's better than what I remember, then20:50
dupondjejdstrand: report bug to apparmor20:56
dupondjeor flashplugin ?20:56
Ngalso I'm curious if there's something that affected people can do after they hack out the UUIDs and boot again, to restore sanity to their partitions?20:56
dupondjebug flashplugin is bit tricky ? as I don't use the real flashplugin package ...20:57
dtchenmdz: I don't know offhand if there's a bug filed affecting grub/grub2. I do know, however, that it seems like every other "no sound" bug filed against alsa-driver in the past couple days has been "oh, you're still running Jaunty's kernel in Karmic", and having the reporter actually boot Karmic's kernel resolves the issue.21:00
dtchenmdz: in terms of verbose logging for PA, it's very chatty at that level, so I'm not sure how to address that without having the bug reporter actually follow a separate debugging path (as happens now with the wiki page). Suggestions welcome!21:02
wgrantcjwatson: I got Soyuz accepting, building and publishing the new source formats a couple of days ago, but I need to add lots of tests and clean things up a bit.21:13
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wgrantSince Debian has it switched on now, I might see if I can get it landed in 3.1.10... or at least the bits that will make it easy to CP later.21:17
wgrantBut does anybody have any idea when Debian will start accepting them?21:18
Shockratesi want to contact the ubuntu developer team21:27
Shockratesbecause there is a newer version of sagemath available 4.2 and the package available in the repositories is version 3.121:28
Shockratescan you make the new package?21:28
sebnerwb sistpoty :D21:30
sistpotyre sebner21:31
sebnersistpoty: have you heard about the karmic linux ext4 bug?21:31
Shockrateswhats that21:31
sistpotysebner: heard: yes, but ignored since I'm a late adopter of new filesystems and am still on ext321:32
sebnersistpoty: ah, /me uses ext4 since jaunty *g* but if I encounter this bug (only happens with new installs) somebody is going to die :P21:32
sebner!backports | Shockrates21:32
ubottuShockrates: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging21:32
Shockrateswe would like sagemath 4.2 as a package in the repositories pleaase21:33
DiddlehaTry to edit a source file using ubuntu's GNU/MC. Fix it so that it uses the internal editor (not nano) and ill write 10 more applications for you.21:33
sistpotyDiddleha: mc? you mean midnight commander?21:34
Shockratessebner: so do i report a bug and ask for it?21:34
Diddlehasistpoty: yes21:35
ebroderAny ubuntu-installer experts around? I'm trying to do an unattended install of Hardy, but with no bootloader. grub-installer/skip works, but even if I set lilo-installer/skip, it still tries to install LILO21:35
sebnerShockrates: well, you first have to wait/ask until Debian has this version and then sync over to ubuntu lucid (9.10) and then request a backport21:36
Diddlehasistpoty: My patch fixes the program, in that itll not show visible tabs and spaces etc (Cant code using it then). Problem is, it breaks the German Umlauts.21:36
sistpotyDiddleha: that's bad, I like umlauts (I'm German) :P... nontheless taking a closer look21:38
Shockratessebner: the binary is available at the site as well as the source. what do we need debian for?21:38
DiddlehaOswald buddenhagen destroyed it for some reason. Perhaps to fix it.21:38
Diddlehasistpoty: Thanks!21:38
sebnerShockrates: let that the Debian Maintainer know21:38
Shockratessebner: by the way if i download the binary, how can i just enter sage and make it load? have to copy it to /usr/bin or something?21:39
Diddlehasistpoty: Do KDE guys usually get into the GNU so they can destory things btw ?21:39
sebnerShockrates: run it with ./foo ?21:39
sebnerShockrates: create a shellscript which starts sage21:39
sebnerand copy that into /usr/bin21:39
Diddlehasistpoty: He asked what we used first, and then destroyed it.21:39
sistpotyDiddleha: sorry, not too sure I understand the relationship (not that involved with mc development myself)21:40
Shockratessebner: lets say that sage is under desktop folder. what then the script would be?21:40
Diddlehasistpoty: Maybe ill take some friends with me and join KDE /hehe ... naah, thatd be equally evil.21:40
sebnerShockrates: ./home/foo/sage-binary21:41
Diddlehasistpoty: Just fix what that guy caused and ill be happy.21:41
sistpotyDiddleha: imo the fix looks sane, but I'm not too sure if it's worth an SRU for karmic...21:42
sistpotyDiddleha: does the same regexp still exist for 2:4.7.0-pre1-3 ?21:43
Diddlehasistpoty: Ive been coding using that fix, or as it was some years ago.21:43
sistpotyDiddleha: because we most likely will merging that from unstable21:43
Diddlehasistpoty: Its the same21:43
Diddlehasistpoty: Thank you buddy, lets make this work.21:44
DiddlehaWould it help if i talk to my Debian developers as well ?21:44
DiddlehaToo speed things up and such ?21:45
sistpotyDiddleha: actually I was about to ask you to do it ;)21:45
sistpotyDiddleha: that way we can get the fix in "for free" by merging the newer debian version21:45
sistpotythanks Diddleha!21:46
DiddlehaIts in an appalling state atm, its time to make things right. Nw21:46
Diddlehasistpoty: the regular "vi" or "nano" etc actually works as expected, but im not sure how anyone could edit any file using this hybrid GNU/MC.21:48
DiddlehaI had to recompile a new version for all oses because it seems the gnu was inhabited by, well... one jerk. If this Oswald Buddenhagen is here id like to have a chat in all friendlyness ?21:50
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geofftShockrates: The Debian maintainer is a friend of mine; he says if you e-mail him he'll look at upgrading the Debian version21:56
geofftthe e-mail address in Original-Maintainer: works21:56
Shockratesgeofft: ok whats his email address?21:56
Shockratescant you tell him to do it?21:58
Diddlehasistpoty: Im working with some governments to make people get some moniesfor their efforts in making the best systems ever. I hope anyone would enjoy that type of a deal ?21:58
Roeyhey all21:59
Roeydoes Ubuntu ship with a 'nocd' boot-time kernel option?21:59
geofftI assume he'll forget without an e-mail.22:00
Diddlehasistpoty: Microsoft coders get much monies and most of those arent very good at all ;)22:00
Diddlehasistpoty: I think, that we as the people deserve to get a bit of money for our _better_ and _secure_ works22:01
Diddlehasistpoty: To be fair ive earned a total of 51 euros in 10 years. But i have high hopes for google ads .. heh :)22:02
sistpotyDiddleha: I'm sorry, but I'm not too sure I can follow you (either with your Microsoft comment nor with your comment about money)22:03
Diddlehasistpoty: That said im a gowd in many operators eyes.22:03
Diddlehasistpoty: Affirmative22:04
DiddlehaHey, its that all saints evening tonight right ?22:04
DiddlehaFax me a mask :)22:04
* sistpoty feels the discussion has started to be a little bit offtopic for ubuntu-devel though22:05
DiddlehaThe man behind the mask! :)22:05
DiddlehaSorry mate. ill downplay22:05
DiddlehaI always figure, since noone is talking i can / we can etc. I can remember back in 1994-95 when people where afraid of chatting in public. Humans should never be afraid, then something is way wrong.22:07
DiddlehaSynaptic crashed in karmic. Forgot to update the the libs as usual ?22:21
DiddlehaAbility to play VOB's was lost. Other then that it seems very nice.22:23
Diddlehadivx works22:23
joaopinto!ot | Diddleha22:25
ubottuDiddleha: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:25
YokoZarAm I crazy, or did adding ppa:foo/ppa  to Software Sources once add the key as well?22:33
ScottKYokoZar: You say that like the two are mutally exclusive.22:35
DiddlehaHmm, i cant play .VOB files after the upgrade to Karmic. What can i do ?22:35
YokoZar!ot | Diddleha22:36
ubottuDiddleha: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:36
YokoZarScottK: what I mean is just adding the ppa would also add the key.  The current behavior seems to give the usual key not found warnings22:36
wgrantYokoZar: It does, as long as the key server isn't broken.22:36
wgrantBut it probably is at the moment.22:37
ScottKI wonder if you can change the key server is uses to one that's actually reliable (the LP keys are mirrored to other keyservers)22:37
wgrantpool.sks-keyservers.net is good.22:37
DiddlehaYokoZar: Where is this "ScottK" you apparently see ?22:38
RoeyDoes Ubuntu have a 'nocd' boot option?22:43
ScottKRoey: Support is in #ubuntu.22:45
Womblenesshey you guys make ubuntu ay22:59
ccheneyi just saw an example of the weird 3/4 high application view bug23:06
ccheneyi saw a report of it on OOo before but this was with evince23:06
ccheneyit shows up as ~ 3/4" tall with a gap at the top and the bar buttons only work if you click where they should be, not where they are being painted at23:07
ccheneyer not 3/4" 3/4 of the height it should be23:07
* ccheney bbl23:08
Womblenessmark shuttleworth is a sexist poo butt stinky23:27
Amaranthccheney: wonder what is happening in the compiz animation plugin to cause that...23:32
Amaranthsounds like it's missing the final damage event23:33
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