
manolo_ok, done00:00
joshuahoovernow, do you have the .u1conflict file there or no?00:01
manolo_how come? we haven't done anything yet, have we?00:01
joshuahooverno, we haven't00:02
joshuahooverand normally this one file would already have .u1conflict appended to it, correct?00:02
manolo_yes, that's it00:02
manolo_it was an entire folder, actually00:02
manolo_wait wait00:03
manolo_I was looking at the wrong folder :/00:03
joshuahooverahhh :)00:03
manolo_there it is, in all its shining u1conflictness :)00:03
joshuahooverok, so can you try what you normally try to get rid of this conflict?00:04
joshuahooveralright, you've done all that?00:07
manolo_now it's staying, apparently00:07
manolo_usually, it goes back to .u1conflict right away00:07
joshuahoovermanolo_: is there anything else that you might normally do when this occurs? quit the client and start it back up maybe? just trying to reproduce it so we get good debug logs here  for the devs :)00:08
manolo_let me try to open one of them and save it again00:09
manolo_I don't know, it's working OK now :)00:12
manolo_if I get the problem again, I will come back to the channel with the log00:12
manolo_sorry to be disturbing for nothing00:12
joshuahoovermanolo_: thank you! no, you're helping us get to the bottom of a problem, we really appreciate it00:13
joshuahooverif it does occur, please file a bug by right-clicking on the ubuntu one client and selecting "report a problem"...try to give the steps you think you took to get the problem and then attach all the log files found in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/ to the bug00:15
joshuahooverthanks again for your help!00:15
manolo_I certainly will. Thak you!00:15
lamalexwhat with tis caps mismatch jawn im getting?00:26
joshuahooverlamalex: have you updated your system and restarted the ubuntu one client?00:27
lamalexjoshuahoover: aptitude doesnt show any updates and ive restarted system since the last time i updated00:27
joshuahooverlamalex: are you on 9.10?00:28
joshuahooverlamalex: can you try running this in a terminal session? sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:28
lamalexi use aptitude  but sure, ill do it again00:28
lamalexi literally did it before asking though00:28
lamalex(i read the topic)00:28
joshuahooverlamalex: strange, because i haven't had anyone yet who can't get the update00:29
lamalexwhat's the correct version?00:30
joshuahoover1.0.2-0ubuntu2 is what should show on your system00:30
lamalexhmm nope, im at 0ubuntu100:30
lamalexi wonder why it's not finding the upgrade00:31
lamalexwhen was it pushed?00:31
joshuahooverlamalex: i believe within the last 5 hours or so00:31
lamalexah, maybe it hasn't hit my archive?00:32
joshuahooverlamalex: that would be my guess...today all the servers are pretty loaded with traffic, so it may take longer than usual for things to replicate00:32
andersfederhey, ubuntuone is very cool .. is there a dev mailing list?00:48
chitchat098hi, can anyone tell me about the security used by ubuntu one to secure my files?03:07
chitchat098i can't find anything about this on the uone website03:07
Neil3hey folks05:53
Neil3just pondering switching to ubuntu one from drop box, service wise, they both look very similar though05:54
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x-iphi all13:07
joshuahooverhi x-ip!13:10
x-iphi joshuahoover13:12
x-ipit would be dangerous to copy my private gpg key to ubuntu one ?13:12
x-ipi mean, to use it as backup ...13:12
joshuahooverx-ip: unless you're encrypting it yourself, i do not recommend that13:18
x-ipthanks joshuahoover13:18
joshuahooverx-ip: for more info related to ubuntu one security and privacy, please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Security13:18
x-ipthanks a lot :)13:19
joshuahoovernp :)13:19
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urbanapeMEETING BEGINS / MEETING STARTS - Now is the time on Sprockets venn ve dance! Or, if you're on the desktop+ team, shout out with 'me' and we'll find out what you've DONE, what you have TODO, and what is BLOCKing you.14:02
urbanapeakvarius, if you please. DANCE!14:05
urbanapeer. aquarius, go ahead and start14:06
aquariusoops, sorry14:06
aquarius⚀ DONE: branch to add more logging for find_port_linux problem; help people debug dc-non-starting issues14:06
aquarius⚁ TODO: look at oauth-enabling twisted; make tomboy first-sync experience nicer; work on desktopcouch developer docs14:06
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED:14:06
aquariusCardinalFang, bring that beat back14:06
CardinalFangYes sir!14:06
CardinalFangDONE: Made ini mutating program, 'ini_apply_changes'.14:06
CardinalFangTODO: Optimize program, Bug#464626.  Take rest of day off, in exchange for last holiday worked.14:06
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None14:06
urbanapeDONE: Start a branch to do better chunking of initial push of local Firefox bookmarks for Bindwood.14:06
urbanapeTODO: Get it pushed, learn the inner workings of our PPA, so Bindwood can get updated there in the meanwhile before Lucid. Fix some U1 web UI bugs.14:06
urbanapeBLOCK: None14:06
urbanapeteknico: teknicolly, you're next.14:06
teknicoDONE: tried using evolution with couchdb; helped lisas with u1 client problems; helped investigate desktopcouch sync problems14:07
teknicoTODO: integrate the client-side code needed by delete buttons on repeatable sections of the contacts edit form (#439093)14:07
teknicoBLOCK: none14:07
tekniconext: rodrigo_14:07
rodrigo_• DONE: Fixed XML<->HTML converter. Tested evo-couchdb contacts syncing. Looked at #46297814:07
rodrigo_• TODO: Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). openSUSE/Fedora packaging with aquarius. API documentation for couchdb-glib. Make sandy's snowy test suite work with our server (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/snowy/tree/api/tests.py). Discuss with jdo and aquarius about oauth token per app, not per machine? Look at Tomboy no14:07
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no14:07
rodrigo_next vds14:07
vdsDONE: still tests file sharing, desktopcouch, bindwood and tomboy,  code review14:07
vdsTODO: code review14:07
vdsBLOCKED: nope14:07
LJVhi all ,, is there any option tu unsubscribe from  ubuntuone?14:20
vdsI guess so14:27
urbanapeMEETING ENDS14:28
urbanapeso mote it be14:28
=== filo1234 is now known as Guest68977
=== Guest68977 is now known as filo1234
filo1234hy guys, how can i delete a file down myfiles on ubuntuone?14:31
filo1234i have not trash icon there14:33
leoquantthx fixing that mismatchbug with the latest update.14:39
jcastrorodrigo_: I am getting permission denied on all my evo couch addressbooks, ken says it's something to do with not being able to talk with the desktopcouch?14:42
filo1234how can i delete from web interface, files down Myfiles directory?  i have not trash icon for to make it15:01
aquariusfilo1234, if you click on a file, but not on the name of the file, then it shoudl highlight that file and give you a trashcan for it15:01
rodrigo_jcastro: yes, seems so, run e-d-s on a terminal:15:04
rodrigo_$ evolution --force-shutdown15:04
rodrigo_$ /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.2815:05
filo1234aquarius: sorry but i cannot delete it :( i make a screenshot15:05
rodrigo_and then run evolution and try opening the addressbook15:05
filo1234aquarius: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/497758/Schermata-2.png15:06
aquariusfilo1234, you get that blue highlight when you just mouse over ubuntu.iso, yes?15:07
aquariustry clicking on it, where the mouse is in that screenshot15:07
aquarius(that is, click on the row for that file, but not on the filename)15:07
aquariusfilo1234, ok, you should get a delete trashcan there, and you don't, and I don't know why. jblount?15:08
rodrigo_jcastro: and pastebin the output in the terminal15:08
rodrigo_jcastro: some people are having the same problem, so if it's that, restarting dc should fix it15:09
filo1234aquarius: i can't15:09
jcastroI will try restarting15:09
filo1234i don't know15:09
aquariusfilo1234, someone else may be able to help more -- jblount or urbanape have been working on the files web interface15:09
filo1234aquarius: if i make it oh another foledr,i have trash15:10
filo1234aquarius: thanks15:10
jcastrorodrigo_: restarting dc fixed me15:11
filo1234aquarius: where i can to find theys?15:11
rodrigo_jcastro: cool15:11
filo1234oh ok15:11
aquariusfilo1234, in this channel -- I'm hoping they're around. jblount, urbanape? :)15:12
pfibigeraquarius: jblount is out today, urbanape should be around15:12
filo1234aquarius: ;) sorry i have seen :P15:12
pfibigerfilo1234: one thing you might try: upload another small file to "My Files" directly, and then see if you get a trash can for that, or for the ISO if you click the highlight from one to the other15:13
urbanapeIm here15:13
urbanapewaht's up filo1234?15:13
urbanapedamn, and I can almost type, too.15:13
filo1234urbanape: i cannot delete a file on MY File directory, i have not trash icon15:13
filo1234i try with another version of firefox15:14
filo1234urbanape: this is my problem http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/497758/Schermata-3.png15:14
urbanapeyup, just got caught up from the backlog.15:14
urbanapefilo1234, any errors reported in the error console?15:15
filo1234urbanape: nope15:15
urbanapedo you get a flash of two links on the right hand side of the name column? There should be something there for File Information and Delete15:16
urbanapealso, if you can check the generated DOM, you should see something like this around the iso link: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/305139/15:19
filo1234urbanape: i have not that code on source page15:26
filo1234urbanape: after i try from karmic koala and ubuntuone-client15:27
urbanapeI don't know if inspect element is only available with the Web Developer extension, but it's what I used (right click in that table cell, and choose Inspect Element)15:28
urbanapeyou wouldn't have exactly that code, of course, but the structure should be similar.15:28
urbanapeIf you look at just the page source, it won't be there. That table is created dynamically at runtime via AJAX and buzzword buzzword, buzzwordly.15:29
urbanapesorry, felt a little foolish after the "dynamic", "runtime" and "AJAX" came tripping out.15:29
filo1234urbanape: thanks a lot15:31
aquariusinspect element is a firebug thing15:31
urbanapeI know that the Web Developer extension also has the ability to view generated source (to serialize the current state of the DOM)15:32
aquariusurbanape, javascript:alert(document.querySelectorAll(".yui-dt-selected")[1].innerHTML) ?15:36
filo1234urbanape: on karmic and ubuntuone-client i'll to be able to see all folders, right?15:36
filo1234but problem is not firefox version i think, i have try from windows too15:38
filo1234and problem is the same15:38
urbanapeWeird. I'm unable to reproduce. Anything in "My Files" should show the info and delete buttons when the row is selected.15:41
urbanapeespecially if you're able to reproduce across browsers (and operating systems!)15:42
urbanapefilo1234, I'm not sure what your last question means exactly. See all folders where?15:42
filo1234from nautilus15:42
filo1234uhm i'm installing firefox-3.5 now15:44
urbanapewhat were you on? 3.0?15:46
urbanape(Should have been fine, I think)15:46
filo12343.0 urbanape now15:46
filo1234urbanape: with ff-3.5 don't see files and folders, i have an empty page :/16:03
urbanapeThat's definitely a step in a different direction.16:04
urbanapedang. Unfortunately I have a lunch date I can't break. I'll be back in about an hour.16:04
filo1234i'll followig my tests :P16:05
filo1234i go home now, see you and thanks a lot16:08
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CardinalFangthisfred, new change at  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cmiller/ubuntuone-servers/ini_apply_changes16:15
thisfredCardinalFang: great, will rereview16:15
CardinalFangyay, unittest16:15
thisfredCardinalFang: looks good to me, tests pass, so approve stands16:23
CardinalFangThank you sir.16:25
FrankRobertshi guys, are there any plans to integrate the ubuntu one contacts with IM contacts (or even websites like myspace, facebook)16:53
filo1234urbanape: hi, with karmic run16:55
joshuahooverFrankRoberts: yes, we have that in our roadmap :)16:55
joshuahooverhi filo123416:56
filo1234hi joshuahoover16:56
FrankRobertscool, anything to say about when this can be expected?16:57
FrankRobertsi really need it ^^ :)16:57
joshuahooverFrankRoberts: i'd love to give more definite dates, but we'll be enhancing contacts in a variety ways over the next 6 months16:57
FrankRobertsis there any way i could help in the process? im not a programmer but would love to participate if needed16:58
FrankRobertsI think it has high potential16:58
joshuahooverFrankRoberts: we'll likely do some early testing with a select group of people...if you'd like to be in this group, send me an email at joshua.hoover at canonical dot com16:59
FrankRobertsgood idea I'd love to help16:59
FrankRobertsthe mail is on its way17:00
joshuahooverperfect! thanks!17:00
FrankRobertsits in you mailbox :)17:02
netbookHi, I have just updated using Update Manager and I still have "Capabilities mismatch"17:47
netbookanyone know how to fix this?17:48
raindogFor the last week I have not be able to get ubuntuone to connect.  I am running karmic updated fully.  So, I went to the web interface and removed my computer and tried to re-add it to no avail.  Am I missing something?17:50
joshuahoovernetbook: if you run the following in a terminal session, can you let me know what version is there for ubuntuone-client? dpkg -l ubuntuone*17:50
joshuahooverraindog: are you seeing any errors from the client?17:51
raindogjoshuahoover, no.17:51
joshuahooverraindog: ok, can you quit ubuntu one client and then try launching it from a terminal session: ubuntuone-client-applet17:51
netbook"ubuntuone-client?" as command?17:52
netbookyea i have client applet17:52
raindogjoshuahoover, sure.  one moment.17:52
barlasjoshuahoover, I have 1.1+r273, on karmic17:52
joshuahooverbarlas: ok, that's good :)17:52
joshuahooverbarlas: now try this in a terminal session: killall ubuntuone-client-applet ubuntuone-syncdaemon17:53
joshuahooverbarlas: after that, then do: ubuntuone-client-applet17:53
barlasAh, it worked, thanks.17:54
netbookjoshuahoover, i quit and restarted it... it worked17:54
barlasI tried it before, but without killing syncdaemon17:54
netbooki tried that before i swear ><17:54
netbooki did ps aux|grep ubuntuone and i didn't see syncdaemon listed17:54
joshuahooverbarlas: that's our fault, we're getting a fix in to restart the client with syncdaemon after an update17:54
joshuahoovernetbook: ^^17:55
raindogjoshuahoover, no errors in the terminal, still will not connect.  Went to web interface.  Still can't re-add this machine, but it does show the files that are supposed to be there.17:55
barlasA quick question: If I delete files from ~/Ubuntuone folder, will it delete files from cloud too?17:55
joshuahooverraindog: can you check the bottom of the following log file? ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log17:55
joshuahooverbarlas: yes17:56
netbooki don't have to open any port if I have "ACCEPT ESTABLISHED" in my iptables right?17:56
raindogjoshuahoover, sure.17:56
joshuahoovernetbook: you shouldn't17:56
netbookjust checking, it seems to work17:56
joshuahoovernetbook: good!17:56
raindogjoshuahoover, end of the logfile is many entries of 'Starting Ubuntu One client version 1.0.2'17:57
joshuahooverraindog: hmmm...ok17:57
netbookwhat aer y'all using ubuntu one for?17:57
joshuahooverraindog: can you check this log file (if it exists): ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log17:58
barlasnetbook, Backup, file sharing etc.17:58
netbookbackup would be nice17:58
netbookthere is not windows client right?17:59
joshuahoovernetbook: no, there is not17:59
joshuahoovernetbook: we're considering it17:59
raindogjoshuahoover, syncdaemon-exceptions.log is empty however there are several syncdaemon-exceptions.log files from today.  Where can I post the contents?17:59
netbooki have a netbook that i take notes on, i get better batt life with windows xp17:59
joshuahoovernetbook: our client is open source and so is the storage protocol we use so anyone can build a client for any platform17:59
netbookfreedom for the win18:00
joshuahoovernetbook: the web ui is your only option from non ubuntu computers right now, sorry18:00
netbookits cool, it would probably be better for batt if i use web ui instead of client syncing all the time18:00
joshuahoovernetbook: possibly18:01
joshuahooverraindog: sorry...post them to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/18:01
raindogjoshuahoover, http://paste.ubuntu.com/305247/18:01
joshuahooverraindog: :)18:01
joshuahooverraindog: can you try this: killall ubuntuone-client-applet ubuntuone-syncdaemon18:03
joshuahooverraindog: then this: mv ~/.config/ubuntuone/ubuntuone-client.conf ~/.config/ubuntuone/ubuntuone-client-old.conf18:03
joshuahooverraindog: then this: ubuntuone-client-applet18:03
raindogjoshuahoover, hmm, same result.  checking log files18:06
joshuahooverraindog: if you do: dpkg -l ubuntuone*18:06
joshuahooverraindog: what version for the client shows up?18:06
raindogjoshuahoover, From oauth-login.log     Starting Ubuntu One client version 1.0.218:07
raindogjoshuahoover, on the web interface I still can't point it towards this machine.  I removed this machine entry while troubleshooting earlier.  Not sure if that might be why the connection isn't taking.  Just a thought.18:09
joshuahooverraindog: here's something else we can try (aside from starting over with a "clean" u1 install)18:10
raindogjoshuahoover, which i can do, if so be it.\18:10
joshuahooverraindog: go to applications->accessories->passwords and encryption keys18:10
joshuahooverraindog: under passwords, do you have an ubuntu one token?18:10
raindogjoshuahoover, affirmative.  ;)18:11
joshuahooverraindog: ok, let's try this: killall ubuntuone-client-applet ubuntuone-syncdaemon18:11
joshuahooverraindog: then: delete that token18:11
joshuahooverraindog: then: ubuntuone-client-applet18:11
joshuahooverraindog: if that doesn't work, i'm going to suggest a clean install, which we have instructions for18:12
joshuahooverraindog: unfortunately, the log files are telling us very little18:12
raindogjoshuahoover, I was able to re-add this machine via web interface, but the applet still won't connect correctly.  Can you give me the link for a clean install of u1?18:14
joshuahooverraindog: before that, can you see if there is a new ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log file?18:15
raindogjoshuahoover, sure.18:15
joshuahooverraindog: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/77818:15
raindogjoshuahoover, newest syncdaemon-exceptions.log same as what I previously pasted.  Clean install time it looks like.18:17
joshuahooveryeah, i'm afraid so, i hate recommending that, but if you continue to get the same errors/behavior after the clean install, we can eliminate something goofy in the install somewhere18:18
raindogjoshuahoover, Thank you very much for your time and assistance.  It is greatly appreciated.18:18
joshuahooverraindog: has it ever worked for you? i assumed it was based on what you said earlier, maybe a bad assumption18:18
tcoledumb question, how do we allocate story numbers again?18:18
tcoleer, wrong window18:18
joshuahoovertcole: heh18:18
raindogjoshuahoover, yes, but it hasn't connected properly for the last two weeks or so, and I do updates daily.18:18
raindogjoshuahoover, Once again, thanks.  reinstalling...18:20
joshuahooverraindog: cool, i'm VERY interested in hearing the results :)18:20
raindogjoshuahoover, I'm just hoping it isn't something stupid that I've overlooked.  Don't want to be outed for the sometimes-power-noob that I am.  :)18:21
joshuahooverraindog: happens to me all the time and i'm part of the team :)18:22
raindogjoshuahoover, That did the trick.  The connection is holding.  Added a few test files.  They synced correctly.18:27
joshuahooverraindog: good! (kind of)18:27
joshuahooverraindog: good that you're back up, bad that i wasn't able to help pinpoint the real problem you were experiencing18:28
raindogjoshuahoover, I should have backed up the orginal log and config files.18:28
joshuahooverraindog: i think that's ok, they were very useful18:29
joshuahooverweren't very useful18:29
joshuahooverraindog: if it happens again, ping me here right away18:29
joshuahooverraindog: thanks for being so patient!18:29
raindogjoshuahoover, Well, either way, thank you very much.  If you are ever in Michigan I owe ya a beer.18:29
jcastroraindog: where in MI are you?18:36
urbanapefilo1234, I'm back (a little later than I expected). are you still missing the info and delete icons?18:43
filo1234urbanape: sure on karmic by firefox18:44
urbanapethat's bizarre.18:50
filo1234urbanape: yep18:54
filo1234urbanape: i think about some conflict with some plugin, flash or java18:55
urbanapedoubt it. It's just javascript.18:55
filo1234on karmic i haven't installed any plugin18:55
filo1234urbanape: uhm18:55
urbanapedo you use greasemonkey?18:55
filo1234no no18:55
filo1234and javascript are enable too18:56
=== teknico_ is now known as teknico_away
FrankRobertswhere can i find the roadmap for the ubuntu one project?19:25
joshuahooverFrankRoberts: currently, we don't have one published, we will have one out for lucid very soon19:31
raindogjcastro, Just outside Lansing.  You're in A2?19:36
jcastroraindog: royal oak19:40
raindogjcastro, I haven't made it to any of the MI loco events yet, but I hope to by spring.19:40
jcastrothat would be swell, we had the release party last night! You can hang out with us at #ubuntu-us-mi if you'd like19:41
mowcan you encrypt your backups?22:43

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