
ron_ofor boot I know, go at least 250MB.. mine @ 100MB has issues with space.00:09
ron_o... /usr is huge... depends on how many apps you have, I guess.00:09
ron_omy /usr is at 4 GB..00:13
Bwyardhow do i mount a hard drive partition00:17
ron_o# sudo mount /dev/<named_partition>00:19
ron_oand #umount    .... to unmount it.00:20
raevollivecd uses intel KMS... that's so awesome00:21
raevolalmost done installing on my eeepc00:21
Bwyardum its not working00:22
Bwyardim trying but its not working00:22
ron_oyou have to have the right name of the partition.00:23
Bwyardits sda400:23
ron_ois it like sda4..00:23
ron_oand you are in root?00:23
Bwyardim using sudo00:23
Bwyardwell gpart says it mounted in / /media/linux and linux00:24
ron_owhat's the error?00:24
Bwyardso how do i remove those three mounts then mount it so i can write to it or see it in thunar00:24
ron_owhat are you trying to mount exactly?00:24
Bwyardthere is no error00:24
ron_ooh sorry..00:24
Bwyarda ext3 partition thats blank00:24
ron_obeen awhile.00:24
ron_oyou have to mount a device to a mount point.00:25
Bwyardwell its mounted to 3 mount points00:25
ron_olike  #sudo /dev/sda4  /media/cdrom00:25
ron_othen just umount it..00:25
Bwyardsrry bout that00:28
Bwyardi logged out and logged back in00:28
Bwyardits unmounted frome verywher but /00:28
Bwyardwhen i try to unmount in gpart00:28
Bwyardit says i need to manually unmount00:29
Bwyardi will be back later00:29
Bwyardwheni get back can u plz help00:29
Bwyardit will be like 10 - 15 min00:29
ron_othe command is just #umount <device> in root00:29
ron_oI must go now.00:29
Bwyardhow do i unmount a extra partition mounted to /00:44
kromaris it somehow possible to controll 2 pcs with one keyboard and mouse?00:47
bwyardit fixed01:02
raevolhmm i don't really like the new GDM, and there seems to be no options for changing it around01:09
bwyardhow do i mount windows drive01:24
StudzI just upgraded to 9.10 and anytime I open an application there is no bar at the top of the window. So I can't move, close, etc and it overlaps the top panel. I can't seem to google for a solution since all the hits are off topic when I include the word "window"02:27
StudzIs there a thread or fix for this?02:28
AquinaTry to reboot the system. In case it doens't help experiment with xfce4-panel or xfce-panel. Maybe there's a problem with that.02:36
StudzRebooting doesn't seem to have any effect. Anything specific with xfce4-pane02:37
millo87hey, I'm trying to install xubuntu - upon recommendation of the guys at #ubuntu.  I'm currently sitting at the screen with "Install Xubuntu" in the middle - with boot options02:52
millo87everything I click/type gives me a popup box with what looks to be "/inrtall/vmlinuz"02:52
millo87can anyone give me some idea where to go from here please?02:53
ceafu_Hey all. Is Xubuntu 9.10 having all the pulseaudio and/or alsa sound issues with snd-hda-intel that ubuntu and kubuntu are ?03:12
Andysalina5not that im aware of...03:12
millo87hey, I'm trying to install xubuntu - upon recommendation of the guys at #ubuntu.  I'm currently sitting at the screen with "Install Xubuntu" in the middle - with boot options03:14
ceafu_Does Xubuntu have pulseaudio installed by default. I am try to decide whether or not to download, burn, and do another install today.03:14
millo87everything I click/type gives me a popup box with what looks to be "/inrtall/vmlinuz"03:14
millo87can anyone give me some idea where to go from here please?03:14
Andysalina5im sorry i cant03:21
ceafu_Is pulseuadio installed in Xubuntu 9.10 by default ?03:28
JammetHello there ... :)04:21
JammetI've just finished the software upgrade to 9.10 and now - the "add/remove software" program in the menu is gone. I read that there is a new, different programs for installing software now, but I don't know the name.04:22
raevolhey is it safe to click skip during "downloading language packs" in xubuntu install?05:25
raevolit says it's going to take an hour...05:25
raevolbtw empathy suport for irc is terrible, and irssi is terrible too05:27
raevoldid i miss anything?05:27
raevolscrew it clicked skip05:31
hellotheretaking into consideration that Xubuntu uses Xfce, which is a good thing, excepting that, how would you rate Xubuntu in comparison to other distros with similar markets?06:16
_Techie_what is this, some sort of poll?06:18
hellothereit's called research06:19
_Pete_hopefully not real one?06:20
hellothereoh please06:20
hellotherewould anybody be kind enough to answer the question06:29
_Techie_i would rate it very evenly, while it lacks some of the more advanced features of its counterparts, it runs fast on most hardware06:33
_Pete_define fast?06:34
_Techie_speed of GUI06:35
_Techie_i find that menu's open alot faster than when using some other distros06:35
RikaI hate to ask this, but can someone tell me why gcc is no longer officially supported?06:43
_Pete_Rika: ?06:44
RikaNeevermind. I answerd my own question when I was scrolling through the upgrade list06:44
Rika(that is, 4.4 isn't supported in jaunty but in karmic, so it only appears in the karmic lists, which is why gcc-4.3 is.. well, no longer supported.)06:45
_Pete_that would be breaking news :)06:45
RikaSo.. uhm.06:45
RikaI just feel dumb now. Sorry about that.06:45
_Pete_well, join the club06:45
Kimbosobisobican I use unetbootin-windows-377.exe to put Xubuntu's ISO on a flashdrive ?07:11
_Techie_yes Kimbosobisobi you can07:11
KimbosobisobiOK, so after the ISO is done I just select it, tell it the flash drive (after I get my junk off of it) and I should be good to go long as I select it at next boot?07:12
RikaThat's how I installed xubuntu on my laptop07:12
_Techie_yep Kimbosobisobi easy as pie07:13
KimbosobisobiGroovy baby.07:13
Kimbosobisobino need to change the FAT32 ?07:13
_Techie_no, as long as you have a fat32 partition07:13
KimbosobisobiI'll see if this one actually works unlike the last 2 releases07:14
_Techie_ive never had problems with *buntu and unetbootin07:15
_Techie_especially 8.10 and 9.0407:15
KimbosobisobiI was referring to the kernels don't work properly with the e1000e module07:16
Kimbosobisobilast one that did was hardy07:16
_Pete_Kimbosobisobi: works perfectly here with my EeePC 1000he07:16
Kimbosobisobi_Pete_: I'm on a Dell Inspiron 53007:17
KimbosobisobiIt would work sometime, sometime not07:17
_Pete_and what exactly isnt working?07:17
Kimbosobisobiit will 'twinkle' at the router07:18
Kimbosobisobiand never get a connection07:18
Kimbosobisobisometimes , after many times, of rmmod e1000e , and modprobe e1000e07:18
Kimbosobisobiit will come back07:18
_Pete_are you sure it is about that linux?07:18
_Pete_Kimbosobisobi: ok then07:19
Kimbosobisobiyeah, I'm not getting my hopes up07:20
_Pete_I think things are repaired very fast on linux-world07:21
KimbosobisobiWell Intrepid and Jaunty didn't work07:21
KimbosobisobiJaunty worked a little better07:21
Kimbosobisobibut still wasn't enough to make me switch back07:21
Kimbosobisobinow if XP was out of security updates .. sure07:21
_Pete_always can blame bad HW07:22
_Pete_luckily I never have had one07:22
Kimbosobisobithat's what they do here in linux07:22
_Pete_do what?07:23
Kimbosobisobiblame "hardware that was made for windows only"07:24
_Pete_btw, count me on to that those07:24
_Pete_since I am doing that also (=linux dev)07:24
_Pete_but what else can you do when no specs are available?07:25
_Pete_like in this07:26
_Pete_how to program certain hardware07:26
_Pete_those win-gays dont make that info public07:26
_Pete_so only way to try is reverse-engineer07:27
Kimbosobisobiwell it worked in hardy07:27
Kimbosobisobiso what did they break is the question07:27
_Techie_well, what stopped working?07:27
Kimbosobisobimy NIC, properly07:28
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi01_
AxiusHow to change a user name?07:49
_Techie_one sec ill grab the command07:50
_Techie_sudo usermod -l NEW_NAME OLD NAME07:51
AxiusWhen I try to remove a user I get this message : userdel: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later. What should I do ?08:14
TheSheepAxius: are you trying to remove yourself?08:15
TheSheepAxius: did you try doing it as a root?08:16
AxiusI used sudo userdel unername08:16
AxiusHow to addf a user to sudoers?08:21
AxiusHow to add a user to sudoers?08:22
_Techie_by any chance were you originally trying to change a user to another user and have now resorted to deleting the user and creating a new one?08:23
Axiusi have created a new user and i want to delete the old user.08:31
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi01
* Avash notifies every one who are fun lovers to join channe #avash which is truly a fun channel09:21
nikolamHm, someone screwed up ionice settings in /etc/cron.daily/slocate, making it -7 instead of 7...  on Hardy09:51
nikolamThats why I was so frustrated once per day excpt I was not beside computer, and that was.. almost never..09:52
nikolamI would like to see to what package does /etc/xron.daily/slocate comes from..09:52
knomenikolam, install apt-file09:54
nikolamknome, i found it with synaptic package properties. it is from slocate package..09:57
nikolamAnyway, thanks for apt-file :)09:57
nikolamHm, it is also interesting that there is no slocate package anymore, beyond interpid/8.1010:00
MaxFramesdammit... on my PIII 733 system karmic actually boots slower than jaunty :(10:52
Sysihow did you measure?10:52
MaxFrameser... counting the seconds?10:53
Sysiwith 2,4 celeron it's faster10:54
hellotheresmart girl10:54
Sysifirst boot of course is slower10:54
MaxFramesof course I did not count the first boot10:55
MaxFramesmy poor old compaq deskpro... I admit it has seen better days :P10:56
MaxFramesbut I have another problem... I use a tool called Synergy to use a single keyboard and a single mouse to control two computers11:02
MaxFramesa windows xp computer acts as synergy server and the xubuntu pc acts as the client11:03
MaxFrameswith 9.04 I hadn't any problem; with 9.10 what I type on the keyboard does not match what appears on xubuntu11:03
MaxFramesfor instance, I type "-" and I get "'"11:04
MaxFramesit's like the mapping is wrong11:05
MaxFramesthe physical keyboard is an italian one, and both operating systems are set up to use the italian layout11:05
Yoshi47so i upgraded to 9.10 this morning, and when i log in it thinks does the sparkly splash screen then returns to the login menu, i have tried reset all the permissions on my home folder but that still don't work, anyone having similiar issues?11:13
Yoshi47umm starts fine with startx -- :111:15
MaxFramesgosh... that's a little bit worse than the little glitches I am getting :(11:15
Yoshi47MaxFrames, What are you getting11:16
MaxFrameskeyboard mapping problems using synergy11:16
MaxFrameswhat I type on the server PC does not match what I get on the client11:17
MaxFramesI have a windows pc as synergy server and linux as client, and both are set up for italian keyboard11:17
MaxFramesbut now linux thinks it's a US keyboard, apparently11:18
Yoshi47MaxFrames, synergy has bugs, but is nice to use, i'll give you that11:18
Yoshi47never had that problem though11:18
MaxFramesbut it worked perfectly with 9.04!11:18
Yoshi47MaxFrames, maybe you need to install the italian keyboard layout or something like that, i don't know cause i don't ever change it11:18
MaxFramesthe italian keyboard layout is already installed on both PCs11:19
MaxFramesif I type on the linux PC with the physically attached keyboard, it works fine11:19
MaxFramesthe problem is just with synergy11:19
Yoshi47well thats interesting, i had xubuntu but on the update it changed to gnome, i didn't ask for that, so i know have to install xfce cause apparently it uninstalled it, not all of it just the meta package11:20
Yoshi47MaxFrames, i don't know how synergy supports languages, have you looked at the features?11:21
MaxFramesI don't know either, I just know that it was working before, and all I had to do was apt-get install it11:22
MaxFramesit's horrible... synergy was crucial for my workstation :(11:24
MaxFramesif i don't find a workaround, I'll have to format & reinstall 9.0411:25
Yoshi47lol, my screen rotated 9011:26
MaxFramesI'll remove synergy, reinstall it, reboot both pcs and pray11:27
Yoshi47 i don't think canocial did enough testing11:27
MaxFramesI tend to agree11:27
Yoshi47but what do you do11:28
MaxFramesI don't know, all I know is that every time I upgrade I spend two days fixing things11:28
Yoshi47we are the testers, i just think it should of stayed in beta longer, especially with all these new users coming from windows11:28
Yoshi47MaxFrames, better then everyday fixing windows!11:28
MaxFrameswell, my windows xp box hasn't needed special care for months now11:30
doktor_dreis there some global music volume controller in xubuntu? the sound volume is much lower than what I have in windows!11:31
Yoshi47MaxFrames, well you get lucky then, but i'll give you that if you know how to treat it it does that job, just not my job and what i need to do11:31
MaxFramesdon't get me wrong, I like ubuntu but it's just not ready to replace windows for casual end users yet11:31
Yoshi47doktor_dre, yes11:31
doktor_dreYoshi47: where?11:31
Yoshi47make sure you PCM is up11:31
Yoshi47ok lets start from the beginning11:31
Yoshi47you running xfce11:31
Yoshi47click on your volume icon by the clock11:32
doktor_drebrb 1 min11:32
MaxFramesI'll reboot now, and reinstall synergy, bbl11:32
doktor_drei don't have it, Yoshi4711:36
doktor_drenow I do11:36
doktor_drethat was it, thanks11:36
Yoshi47right click, add new items11:37
Yoshi47ok you have it now?11:37
doktor_dre12:36 < doktor_dre> that was it, thanks11:37
Yoshi47so you see the PCM11:37
doktor_dreit's ok11:37
doktor_drei've increased the volume11:37
Yoshi47well if you want to make it real loud like on a laptop make sure the PCM is up to but not to high11:38
Yoshi47that will give it a boost11:38
doktor_drei've no idea what is pcm, i'm using a laptop and like I said, it's OK - I've made the sound louder already11:38
doktor_dreI know how to use the volume controller, just couldn't find it11:38
Yoshi47you usualy have to add more controls and then you will see it11:40
doktor_dreit's OK11:40
Yoshi47doktor_dre, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse-code_modulation if yuor interested11:41
doktor_drethanks for help but I can't resist but to ask a question11:42
doktor_dreare you one of those people that try so much to get into the staff of a certain channel by helping more than they need to?11:42
doktor_drei've noticed freenode is full of such...... uh volunteers11:42
doktor_drewhen I say multiple times "it's OK. thanks"... there's no need to explain in more details over and over11:45
Yoshi47doktor_dre, nope im at work and that more then i contributed all month11:59
Yoshi47just thought i would enlighten you so you not like rest of the world,12:00
flan_suseI have Xubuntu 9.10 installed on my netbook. When I connect to my protected wireless router, I enter my WPA passphrase. After doing so, the passphrase seems to be stored as plaintext in the NetworkManager. On Ubuntu (GNOME) it was stored as a hash. How can I get it to do the same on Xfce?12:00
Yoshi47flan_suse, same network manager?12:01
flan_suseI have "Start GNOME services" checked under Sessions > Advanced12:01
flan_suseYoshi47, it's the NetworkManagers that comes with Xubuntu 9.1012:01
Yoshi47may gnome key ring has somethign to do with it, i don't know12:01
MaxFrames:((( I am trying to install synergy-plus to see if it solves the issue (I already upgraded the windows machine to it, now I'm trying to update the xubuntu machine)12:07
MaxFramesI am following these instructions: https://launchpad.net/~eugenesan/+archive/ppa12:07
MaxFramesI cannot register the PGP key of the package, the keyserver times out :((12:07
MaxFramesso I cannot install synergy-plus12:07
MaxFramesis keyserver.ubuntu.com even the right address?12:09
Yoshi47don't know but some one in ubuntu said some servers where out12:12
MaxFrames.... at last, it responded12:18
MaxFramesnow I am installing synergy+ on both machines, let's hope it fixes the issue12:18
MaxFramesin case it doesn't, can you suggest the best path to return to 9.04?12:20
* MaxFrames clears throat12:22
MaxFramesstill not working, all is lost :(12:29
MaxFramescurrently I am trying to make synergyc quit after the logon screen and then load again in the user context12:38
MaxFramesbecause apparently restarting it cures the issue12:39
MaxFrameswhile I wait for reboot: do you also now get a flickering "dotted" plain xwindows background after issuing a reboot/halt?12:43
MaxFramesYESSSS! problem solved!!!! synergyc must be loaded for the logon screen, then unloaded, then loaded again12:45
MaxFramesapparently, if it is running during the logon process, somehow settings are messed up12:45
Yoshi47login manager language maybe12:46
MaxFramesalthough that was not a problem with 9.0412:46
Yoshi47i know the new gdm has it12:46
Yoshi47n ope gdm changed since then12:46
MaxFramesok, so that must be the issue12:46
MaxFramespossibly my gdm is set up for US12:46
Yoshi47something like that yea12:46
Yoshi47open a bug up maybe on synergy?12:46
Yoshi47you will help improve it12:46
Yoshi47since you rely on it so much12:47
MaxFramesdo you know how to check the gdm language?12:47
Yoshi47mine just showed it at the bottom you could select it, like on the taskbar when viewing the login screen12:47
MaxFramesoh, ok, so it's italian already12:47
MaxFramesanyway.. I have found the hint about loading/unloading/reloading synergyc here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56440512:48
MaxFramesI have made all the modifications outlined there, and it works12:48
MaxFrameswell, I am going out for a well deserved lunchtime :)12:48
Yoshi47lunch, where are you12:49
MaxFramesitaly, and late for lunch by about 50 minutes :D12:49
Shockrateshow do i mount a ntfs secondary drive12:49
MaxFramessee you later12:49
Yoshi47Shockrates, command line?12:49
Yoshi47or gui12:49
Shockratesthe easiest way12:49
Yoshi47xubuntu 9.10 or 9.0412:50
Yoshi47when you plug it in it doesn't come up in thunar? or on your desktop?12:50
Shockratesits a hdd12:50
Yoshi47do you want it always to mount on boot12:50
Yoshi47you will have to add a line to fstab then12:50
Shockratesa thing i did some time ago12:51
Shockrateswas to run fdisk12:51
Shockratesand then mount it to some place12:51
Yoshi47read this it might be what you want http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78526312:52
Shockratesi have no internet access to that pc12:53
Yoshi47umm, never?12:54
Yoshi47but something like this in your /etc/fstab12:55
Yoshi47/dev/sda4       /windows        ntfs    defaults,noatime   0       012:55
Yoshi47but change to suit your needs12:55
Shockrateshow can i share an internet access between kubuntu and xubuntu using ethernet? i have a laptop with wifi that has internet connection and a desktop pc12:55
Yoshi47of course12:55
Yoshi47Shockrates, thats a whole diff sotry12:55
Shockratesyes i need this one12:55
Shockratesi found the solution for mount12:55
Yoshi47but possible, you rneed to bridge your lan to your wifi on your one and then set you wifi as a AP12:56
Yoshi47Animagladius, HI12:56
AnimagladiusHi Yoshi4712:57
Shockrateswhats the xubuntu text editor command13:18
Sysimousepad is default graphical13:18
Shockratesand the command for it13:20
Shockrateslike gedit13:20
Laserbeakxubuntu recognizes my soundcard and nothing is muted and all channels are turned up, but i get no sound13:27
Laserbeakcan someone help?13:27
venezolana I need to install xubuntu excel in an application that uses the company13:29
venezolana because the plugin is to excel13:30
venezolanawho knows?13:30
knomevenezolana, sorry, but can you try to rephrase?13:32
venezolanaI need install excel in xubuntu13:33
knomevenezolana, then you will have to install it under wine or use a virtualization software and install windows and then excel.13:34
venezolana because there is an application in the enterprise that works only in Excel13:34
venezolana yes, I'm testing with wine13:37
venezolana wanted to know if there were other options13:37
venezolanathanks, knome.13:38
venezolanawhat is np?13:38
knomenp == "no problem"13:41
MaxFrameshow do I restore the need to type a username to logon? the new gdm's users list is a security risk13:43
Yoshi47MaxFrames, is your password that bad13:48
MaxFramesmine is not. other's... I don't know13:48
MaxFramesoh found out13:49
MaxFramessudo -u gdm gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list 'true'13:49
MaxFramesanyway in my case (PIII 733, 320 MB RAM) the new gdm didn't pay off because it's both slower and with less options than it used to be13:50
Shockrates<Shockrates> i want to share the internet connection between a kubuntu and xubuntu box via ethernet. they kubuntu box only has internet access13:51
Shockrates--> agelos (n=agelos@ppp089210213146.dsl.hol.gr) has joined #kubuntu13:51
Shockrates<Shockrates> how can i do it?13:51
MaxFramesI suppose with 10.04 I'll have to choose whether to scrap this PC or go Puppy Linux13:51
knomeMaxFrames, the gdm and its options might change for 10.04 as there is many regressions.13:52
knomeMaxFrames, for xubuntu, we might even migrate to some other display manager.13:53
MaxFramesShockrates: already googled? eg http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137013:53
Shockratesinst there an easy gui way?13:55
valushey all13:56
valusi'm using xubuntu for about a week now and just want to tell that's a marvellous operating system13:56
valuspowerfull as a linux13:56
valusmany packages as a debian13:57
valusand ressources costless with xfce13:57
valusthe only problem i had was to access network shares but now i use samb4k13:57
MaxFramesit's ok. it just gives me a day of headache every time I upgrade the distribution, but overall it's a fine OS14:05
flan_suseI'm having a problem with saving my wireless WPA passhprase using Xubuntu. I have "Start GNOME services" enabled, and I also installed "Seahorse" via Synaptics.14:37
flan_suseHowever, the NetworkManager is not saving my WPA passphrase. And the one time it did, it left it unprotected (plaintext, not a hash, like GNOME does.)14:38
flan_suseWhen I open up Seahorse, I cannot "change password" for the login key.14:38
flan_susePlease, any help would be appreciated.14:38
Animagladiuswtf @ NickDeNeger14:54
Nomecasualeis there somebody who could help me installing Xubuntu?15:05
hellothereWhere do you come from!15:05
Nomecasualeis there anybody who could help me installing Xubuntu?15:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:06
NomecasualeOh, thanks15:06
hellotherePizzza spaghettti15:06
hellotheremafia romola15:06
NomecasualeSo, I would like to install Xubuntu, but I'm not expert at all, I don't know how to start!15:07
hellothereinsert cd and press start!15:07
NomecasualeEhehe Mamma mia pizza mandolino :D15:07
NomecasualeI do not have a CD15:08
hellothereoh please15:08
hellothereeverybody has a CD15:08
NomecasualeNot me!15:08
Shockrateshi how to i change the encoding of a txt with kate?15:08
NomecasualeShould I go out to buy it?15:08
ablomenNomecasuale, http://xubuntu.org/get15:09
ablomenyou can download it there15:09
NomecasualeOk, I'm taking a look15:09
Shockratesand then burn it with imgburn if you use windows15:10
Shockratesor something else15:10
NomecasualeOh, I understand15:10
NomecasualeThen I suppouse I have to boot it from the bios15:11
Nomecasualeis that correct?15:11
knomeNomecasuale, yes, set bios to boot from CD, put the cd in and restart15:12
NomecasualeOk, perfect15:12
NomecasualeI have to partition on my hard disk in Windows15:13
NomecasualeHow does it works to put Linux on a partition?15:14
NomecasualeIs it different?15:14
NomecasualeSorry, I meant two partitions ;)15:14
knomeNomecasuale, no, linux partitions can be created like windows ones. they are usually formatted to other filesystems (ext3) than the windows partitions15:16
NomecasualeOk; Installing Linux will delete some information in my hard disk? How can I set the boot type at the beginning of my session?15:19
Nomecasuale(If I'm disturbing with so much questions please just tell me)15:19
knomeNomecasuale, no, if you install linux into empty partitions, nothing will be changed15:20
knomeNomecasuale, (x)ubuntu installs grub in the hard drive MBR, which controls which OS you want to boot15:20
knomeNomecasuale, it usually automagically notices that there is a windows installation and adds it to the boot list15:21
ceafuI am interested in removing pulseaudio completely from Xubuntu. I had ubuntu, installed xubuntu-desktop, and now removed all ubuntu stuffs. Is anyone running Xubuntu without pulseaudio ?15:22
ceafu9.10 Karmic that is15:22
NomecasualeHi all, my connection went down, I took the opportunity to buy a CD15:41
NomecasualeI was asking: if I have 2 Windows partitions, both with some data, is it possible to avoid data loosing?15:42
knomeNomecasuale, there are some tools with which you can resize windows partitions without losing data on them15:44
NomecasualeOh, perfect, how do they work?15:45
knomelike a normal partitioner :P15:45
knomeone of them is acronis partitionexpert15:45
knomethat's not free though15:45
knomeand i don't know of a free alternative15:46
NomecasualeOMG, maybe my skills in informatics are too low to get start with Linux15:46
knomeNomecasuale, do you have a spare HD?15:48
NomecasualeIt's not spared physiccally, just two partition I think: it's a notebook, I bought it this way15:49
Nomecasualethe one that has Windows is quite full, the other has some space15:50
knomeright. i meant that if you have one more HD you could use in installing linux15:51
knomeNomecasuale, you can also use wubi, which installs ubuntu inside windows15:51
knomebbl ->15:51
NomecasualeMmm, I have an old machine, I need Xubuntu15:52
NomecasualeAnd I have DSL on Windows15:52
NomecasualeBut even DSL in windows works slowly15:53
Nomecasualeand it runs on a little windows15:53
NomecasualeHowever, are the data in the second HD (if it is in effect a second HD) in danger?15:55
NomecasualeInstalling DSL, instead of Xubuntu, would avoid the loss of data? Does DSL require its own HD?15:58
oolonis there still issues with 64bit os's and flash?15:59
likemindeadAnyone know what the deal is with this ugliness I'm getting with any & all notifications?15:59
MaxFrameslikemindead: 9.10? was it ok in 9.04?16:00
likemindeadYes on both accounts.16:01
MaxFramesany chance you have an nvida gfx chip?16:02
likemindeadIt's the only issue I've had with 9.10 & I've been using it since Alpha 6.16:02
likemindeadNope. Old ghetto ATI Rage or something.16:02
likemindeadPIII laptop with 1GB RAM.16:02
MaxFramesmm, a PIII fellow :) me too16:03
MaxFramesis this an upgrade or a fresh 9.10 install?16:03
likemindeadFresh install (at Alpha 6).16:03
MaxFramesI'm no expert, but have you tried to do some apt-get housecleaning and then check for updated packages?16:04
likemindeadHaven't tried anything yet. Was hoping it might be fixed by the final release time.16:04
MaxFramesOr to play a bit with screen resolution-color depth-graphic theme?16:05
likemindeadI'll give that a go.16:05
likemindeadI'm going to boot the Ubuntu 9.10 Live CD too & see if the same problem is there.16:05
MaxFramesI'm guessing possibly incomplete gfx card support=>clean obsolete packages16:05
MaxFramesyes, good idea16:05
MaxFramesI had a similar issue anyway back with 6.x16:06
MaxFramesif I recall well, it went away with 8.0416:06
MaxFramesI had artifacts on many window borders16:06
oolonim gonna try the 64 bit version for the first time. seems nvidia will play nice with newer beta 190.*16:16
hellothereHello Naxzul care ye to introduce you?17:02
Laserbeakhello, xubuntu recognizes my soundcard and alsamixer is turned all the way up, speakers are on, nothing is muted, but i'm not getting sound17:02
Laserbeakahh is it cause i'm not a member of the use audio devices group?17:03
hellotherei don't know, do you have a membercard?17:04
charlie-tcaCould be17:04
Laserbeakdo i have to restart xserver after i add myself to audio?17:05
charlie-tcaYou have to logout and login so it knows you changed what the user can do17:07
Laserbeakk thx17:07
Laserbeakhmm still no sound\17:09
charlie-tcadumb question time: speakers turned on?17:10
Laserbeaknothing muted17:10
Laserbeakspeakers plugged in17:10
Laserbeakmixer recognizes card17:10
Laserbeakgonna try the default card....17:11
charlie-tcaMight try different jack in the card17:11
charlie-tcaI got one with three output jacks, if I hit the wrong jacks, it won't make no sound at all17:12
Laserbeakthis is a cheap usb with only one audio out/in17:13
Laserbeakbut it worked on every os i used it on17:13
Laserbeakok didn't try default card yet lol17:13
Laserbeakdefault card is fine17:14
Laserbeakbut the reason i don't use it is cause only one channel works17:14
charlie-tcaThe card is recognized, right?17:15
Laserbeakyep both cards17:15
charlie-tcadumb question again17:15
Laserbeaknah it's what u gotta do to make sure stuff is working17:15
charlie-tcasomebody else will have to jump here17:15
Laserbeakwell, thanks for trying17:16
Laserbeakbut my biggest problem is yet to come(getting xubuntu to boot xserver with my nvidia card plugged in)17:16
Laserbeakdual monitors17:16
charlie-tcaOh, yeah. I hear karmic is not playing nice with dual monitors17:17
Laserbeakoh im on 9.0417:18
Laserbeakwhen i click UPGRADE in the update manager17:18
Laserbeaki get an error saying my net settings are wrong(??)17:18
charlie-tcaShould be easy then. Use the nvidia program, is it twinview?17:18
Laserbeakbut i downloaded all of 9.04's update17:18
charlie-tcaare you using static ip?17:18
Laserbeakno it's a 3rd party card17:19
Laserbeaki want to use two cards at once17:19
Laserbeakhow do i switch between devices in terminal's version of alsamixer?17:21
charlie-tcaDon't know.17:22
charlie-tcaalsamixer -c {card: #}17:22
Laserbeakthat did it thansk17:23
charlie-tcano problem17:23
charlie-tcaat least I helped a tiny bit17:24
charlie-tcafeel a bit less useless now17:24
Laserbeakhehe but i told you you weren't lol17:24
Laserbeakstill, i think i might have to go to the sister channel(more users to ask me questions)17:25
Laserbeaki'll let you know what happens17:26
charlie-tcagood luck17:26
Naxzuloh sorry i forgot i had this window running17:32
Naxzulhmm im just curious and downloading the xubuntu (recently discovered xfce so..) and i wanted to see how the channel goes..17:32
Laserbeakusually a great channle iirc17:34
Laserbeakkinda quiet atm17:34
Naxzulah ok17:34
Laserbeaki haven't used xubuntu in a while myself17:34
Naxzulwhat distro you're currently running then?17:34
Laserbeakoh im mainly a windows user17:37
Laserbeakbut i've always wanted to get into linux17:37
Naxzuli run windows only for resident evil 5 :P17:37
=== hhlp_ is now known as hhlp
Laserbeakcause sometimes you lose your key and end up having to steal the softwar17:38
Naxzuland im still looking for a distro that suits me.. id love to try gentoo but im too lazy to wait for days to have it installed17:38
Laserbeakwhich is a pain in the butt17:38
Laserbeakwhy days to install?17:38
Naxzulbecause i would have to install quite a few things17:38
Laserbeakyeah i'm trying to fix audio.video right now17:39
Naxzulsabayon is cool though...17:39
Laserbeaksabayon? nver heard of it17:40
hellotheresabayon lul17:40
Laserbeaklul? someone told me lul is dutch for c**k17:41
Naxzulwhy lul?17:43
Naxzulsabayon is really cool.. some of the devs aren't, but the distro is nice to use17:43
Laserbeakoh it's a distro17:44
Laserbeakwell off to the forums17:44
hellotherelast time a put the sabayon piece of livecd into my drive and booted it it couldnt even play multimedia files with its xboxmediaplayawuteveritiscalled17:44
Laserbeakno help in #ubuntu17:44
NaxzulLaserbeak: what's the problem?17:44
* Laserbeak copies and pastes17:44
Naxzulhellothere: yes, you'll have some trouble with the sound in 5.0.. guess you're using the hda intel?17:45
Laserbeakhello I have 2 soundcards, both recognized by Alsamixer. all channels are unmuted and volume is up. the problem is, one is broken and i don't use it cause it outputs on one channel. the other works on every OS i've used it on, but gives me no sound on this installation. I've added myself tothe use audio devices group, plugged everything in and turned the speakers all the way up and still get nothing can someone pls help?17:45
hellotherei'm very much so using the hda intel17:45
Naxzulhad the same problem.. removing and reinstalling pulseaudio helped:p17:45
NaxzulLaserbeak: tried disabling one of the cards?17:46
Naxzulcould fix it.17:47
Laserbeakhow do i do that?17:47
Laserbeakand i'm not using pulseaudio according to what apt says17:48
Laserbeakjust alsa17:48
jarnosCan you install grub to alternate position than MBR, when you install Xubuntu by the desktop CD?17:48
Laserbeaki think so jarnos, i have no idea how though17:49
knomejarnos, yes, it's a choice in the "confirm installation" (or sth like that) page17:51
jarnosknome: great17:56
maxwellIs anyone else finding that the new Xubuntu boots a little faster, but is super laggy when one is using it?18:00
Naxzuldoes xubuntu ship with compiz?18:01
Naxzulwho of you should i trust?:P18:01
maxwellMe ^-^18:02
Naxzulyou said nothing:/18:02
Sysithere is composing opacities but that's not compiz18:02
Naxzulah.. i love transparencies.. my transparent thunar is so cool ^^18:02
=== Naxzul is now known as skysong
hellothereyou can ,make yer desktop cute w/ compizz18:07
skysongwithout you mean?18:08
skysongoh i don't mind having it ...18:08
Sysii installed compiz but i decided that original composing was better18:09
skysongbut do original compositing allow you to add transparency to thunar?18:10
Laserbeakholy shit18:10
Laserbeakworking so well now i damaged my ears18:10
Sysii don't think so18:10
skysongthing is thats what made me move from windows to linux, i would never get a desktop as cute as this in windows;)18:10
skysongcongrats Laserbeak :)18:10
* Laserbeak shakes his head vigorously18:11
Laserbeakare you naxxoul?18:11
Laserbeakoh ok yeah thx!18:11
* Laserbeak goes to emergency room :)18:11
at133Hi, I just installed xubuntu 9.10 and I can't get my wireless working. In past versions of kubuntu and ubuntu it has worked fine on install. I am following the troubleshooting area on the wiki, but I don't have a network manager icon in my systray. Is there a way to put it there?18:33
ron_ocan anyone tell me why there are so many resolutions with wallpaper? Why do you need it?19:35
ron_oit doesn't seem like mines  a problem unless I get one too small.19:35
doktor_drejoin group "give us old grub we don't wanne grub2" on facebook!!!!!19:59
knomedoktor_dre, what's wrong with grub2?19:59
doktor_dreno menu.lst !!!!20:00
doktor_dreessential for good computering20:01
tobiasajust me having problems with task popups that is not clickable?20:28
tobiasaand flashing if I put the mouse over them20:28
Laserbeakhello, i was getting a message "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".K2 - Fatal Error: CHost::Init() - Unable to find a suitable FBConfig" so i installed mesa-utils and when i try to run glxgears i get the message "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual" what do i do?20:40
fedei have a question... this is the right place?20:48
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:50
veneficuzHi, I20:55
veneficuzI am having some problems installing from the Alternate disk20:55
veneficuzit is currently stuck on "setting user and password", anyone else had that problem?20:55
veneficuzin the /var/log/syslog it says "user-setup: Done", but then nothing happens20:56
fedeno sorry21:05
veneficuzwas afraid of that21:05
Sysidisc checked?21:06
_Techie_have you tried checking the disc then starting again?21:06
veneficuzI'm doing the disk check now21:06
Sysimine laptop booted to installation finally \o/21:06
_Techie_Sysi, what do you reckon of karmic?21:07
Sysibad gdm, irritating popups21:07
Sysivery fast, and rather goodlooking21:07
fedemy question is: I have done a ubuntu server installation. But now i want a simple graphical system, like xubuntu (which i feel comfortable on laptop) to manage it remotely via vnc. What should apt-get to get this xubuntu-server hybrid done?21:08
Sysixdmcp has been made difficult but i'm not sure if i need it anymore :P21:08
_Techie_sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop21:08
Sysii'd think xdmcp work for remote control21:09
Sysibu i've only tried it in jaunty21:10
Sysithat was very easy, not with karmic, not sure about LTS21:10
veneficuzthe CD passed the check without any problems, so that does not seem to be the reason for the stopped installer :(21:10
Sysitry again?21:11
veneficuzyeah, I'm restarting the install now and hoping it was just a fluke21:11
veneficuzis there a better way to get full disk-encryption? since that is the only reason I'm using the Alternate install disk21:12
fede_Techie_: thanks very much, i'm downloading right now :)21:14
_Techie_no problem fede21:15
fedeSysi: when done, i will check what's xdmcp, thanks for info21:15
wormsikhello...can I ask about grub problem in xubuntu 9.10?21:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:17
Sysifede: basically same with xfce: http://www.zolved.com/synapse/view_content/28158/Remote_Login_via_XDMCP_on_Ubuntu21:19
wormsikI've just installed xubuntu 9.10 on notebook...I have got splitted HDD with Win XP, but after succesfull installation and reboot I got into grub, but when I tried to boot Xubuntu, it returned error: no such device: and lot of numebers and letters...I don't know whats wrong, but maybe can it be caused by floppy drive?21:20
zooljust installed new 9.10 xubuntu and for some reason my sound is gone ...21:28
zoolcan anyone help21:28
_Techie_alot of users seem to be having trouble with karmic21:28
Sysinot more than every release, i hink21:29
_Techie_if you problem seems as though it could be general ubuntu rather than xubuntu specific you could also ask in #ubuntu where you would most likely get a better response21:29
Sysiit would be good if some general genious would be here21:30
wormsikif you have a problem with the sound (i've got same problem in karmic beta), try to type in console sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload21:30
_Techie_wormsik, did you mean /usr/sbin/alsa ?21:31
_Techie_yay, time to load my jaunty USB, be back soon21:33
zooldid "sudo alsa force-reload" no information was shown and the sound is still not working21:35
zooldid u get it to work21:36
zoolin jaunty I removed a lot of packages to reduce the load but the sound was working ok21:37
_Techie_whoopsie, forgort to transfer my 4gig casper drive, i aint goin very far on 1 gig21:37
zoolperhaps I can try a reinstall of some key sound packages21:37
dave_looking for help troubleshooting power management on an older dell laptop21:38
_Techie_yay USB time21:55
awhy hello!23:05
AnimagladiusI don't know!23:05
knome!hi | a23:07
ubottua: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:07
aso... i'm very much a noob and the taskbars on the top and bottom of the screen have disappeared =O23:08
ais there a magical <and easy> way to make them come back?23:08
knomea, alt+f2 -> xfce4-panel23:09
Sysipress alt + f2 type: xfce4-panel23:09
knomeSysi, slooooooow23:09
azomg you guys are amazing!23:09
Sysiyour line wasn't good :P23:09
aall the stuff on the internets was for ubuntu and kept saying to do the same thing but with gnome so i was a tad confused about that >.<23:10
knomeSysi, your mom wasn't good ;(23:11
Sysii'll go sleeping..23:12
knomehehe :D23:12
knomenight Sysi ;)23:12
atyvm for your help everyone!23:13
MrNaz_cicwhat plugins do i need for totem to play dvds?23:22
knome!dvd | MrNaz_cic23:23
ubottuMrNaz_cic: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about victory23:27
fedebut i do :)23:27
MrNaz_cicknome 9.10 apparently deprecated restricted-extras for a different meta package23:29
knomehmm, i can't remember that being discussed...23:30
knomeyou might be correct though23:30
MrNaz_cicperhaps i'm confusing that with the hal deprecation then23:30
MrNaz_cici know there were quite a few changes23:30

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