
Sput\sh: it was close, but I managed to catch the train :)00:46
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QuintasanI still wonder why update-manager-kde is in gnome category08:29
_Simewow, I have 116 notifications waiting in the plasma notification thingy... and it doesn't open any more.08:46
_SimeI bet it is kpackagekit complaining about a DB lock because I've had synaptic open all night.08:47
* Mamarok is sick of those **** sound problems, really, why can't we get rid of pulseaudio by default? or at least have a warning when somebody isntalls it that it's going to cause problems in KDE?09:21
delightMamarok: what sound problems do you got ? is there a method to reset the sound/multimedia settings in KDE ? Since a couple days the sound in (Karmic) KDE is muted on my machine on Gnome its still working. :-(09:33
Mamarokdelight: not me, but see in #kubuntu, that's the x-th user who runs into problems on Karmic because of that, I a really fed up with that crap09:36
Mamarokdelight: well you have problems because you have pulseaudio installed, that's the very simple explanation. But it kills the sound in KDE, and that drives me mad09:37
Mamaroksince there is no way to deactivate that crap in KDE09:37
Quintasansrsly, pulse audio is a PITA to deal with09:38
Mamarokit hogs the sound and you have to tweak for hours to get it back, I'm not doing that anymore, somebody should slap that idiot of Poettering09:38
QuintasanIMO even aRts was better09:38
MamarokQuintasan: yeah, it was less of a hassle09:38
Mamarokit was still crap, but much less than pulseaudio09:39
Mamarokand the biggest drawback is that a simple user can' do all that tweaking, what the heck does a nerd tool has to be default in a distro that claims to be for all users?09:40
delightMamarok: yes apparently ... strange thing is that it was working for some time and then it simply stopped ... I had the problem in the first place when I upgraded to karmic beta ... i solved it by moving the .kde folder and setting everything by hand again ... after two weeks the sound muted suddenly again ...09:40
delightis it possible to simply stop the pulseaudio service or uninstall it and kde sound will work again ?09:40
Mamarokdelight: of course, but then you will have problems in Gnome, this totally sucks09:40
Quintasandelight: dunno why but some critical apps depend on libpulse and if you want to uninstall it, it wants to remove over 9000 packages along09:41
Mamarokthere should be a possibility to stop pulseaudio in KDE, indeed09:41
delightI got Gnome installed only as fallback ... KDE is so supiriour ;) ... even thou  I got to admit Gnome is still more polished on some edges in ubuntu09:41
MamarokQuintasan: you can just leave libpulse0, that doesn't cause the problem, but get rid of everything else pulse related09:41
delightI'm off trying to fix the kdesound by getting rid of pulseaudio09:43
Mamarokdelight: well, remove Pulseaudio then09:43
delightMamarok: ^09:43
Mamarokdelight: you also have to remove all asound.conf files in your /home/user and remove ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc09:44
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Simethe kpackage updater appears to be crashing on me...11:45
ulysses__greeting from hungarian FSF conference11:46
RiddellSime: wibble, what's it doing?12:19
RiddellSime: the notifier or the application?12:19
Dario_AndresHi, we are getting some crash reports at bugs.kde.org including backtrace with   libindicate-dbus functions .... I think this is a Kubuntu specific addon (yet), should we forward them to kubuntu launchpad ? Thanks in advance12:34
RiddellDario_Andres: hi, yes that'll be our doing12:35
RiddellDario_Andres: please report to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libindicate/+filebug12:35
Riddelland/or poke agateau when he's around (French weekday times)12:36
Dario_AndresI think JontheEchidna does a good work with the BKO<->Launchpad forwarding , may be he can handle this better than me12:39
Dario_Andres(that was a "ping")12:40
Riddellhe's not been around today12:40
RiddellDario_Andres: I can do the forwarding if you want to point me at the bug numbers12:40
Dario_Andresoh :-\12:41
Dario_AndresRiddell: I can give you the bug numbers if it doesn affect your today's normal workflow..12:41
Riddellit's the weekend and we don't have an open archive so I'm free12:42
Dario_Andresok :)12:42
ubottuKDE bug 212408 in general "Plasma crashed with no clear reason" [Crash,Unconfirmed]12:42
ubottuKDE bug 212403 in general "Segfault when adding 4 "K" start menus, and removing them one by one" [Crash,Unconfirmed]12:42
ubottuKDE bug 212486 in general "plasma unstable with adding widgets" [Crash,Unconfirmed]12:42
Dario_Andresthis three so far..12:43
Dario_Andrestoo bad that the backtrace isn't really useful12:43
SimeRiddell: pong13:58
Riddellhello Sime14:04
Simeupdating with kpackagekit doesn't work so hot here.14:05
SimeI run it, select all updates, hit Ok, progress dialog runs, it half done, then it disappears and another dialog appears for split second, then nothing.14:06
Simestrace doesn't show a crash14:06
RiddellSime: hmm, it could be an error anywhere in packagekit, kpackagekit or policykit14:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:18
jussi01could someone rewrite that for current systems for me?14:18
ryanakcaRiddell: Did sysadmin prodding amount to anything the other day?14:49
Riddellryanakca: hmm, I may have failed to do that, remind me again what I was ment to poke for?15:06
ryanakcaRiddell: Finish "reviewing" our screenshot module, they've had an RT (#7201) for it since July.15:08
Riddellryanakca: well I guess it'll have to wait until monday now15:13
* ryanakca nods15:14
Simeshould bluetooth be working on karmic?15:20
RiddellSime: bluetooth should, kbluetooth is more flakey15:20
SimeI'm messing with the wife's new crackberry...15:21
dequireh iall15:59
dequire*hi all lol15:59
dequire? for the devs when they get a min pls15:59
dtchenjust ask and be patient when awaiting an answer.16:00
dequirethe getdeb website is moving to use apt-url for auto download and installations. playdeb.net already uses this. Though apt-url is installed by default on Ubuntu, it is not on Kubuntu. Shouldn't it be added via an update?16:02
Riddelldequire: apturl-kde is installed in karmic16:02
dequireRiddell: I had heard it would be. but still an update adding this package might be worthwhile for 9.04 and lower. it's already in the repos.16:04
Riddell9.04 has been released we don't add things to it16:04
dequireRiddell: fair enough. glad to see it was indeed added. one other thing I noticed is that in Firefox, the "applications" section had to be changed to make apturl work. It involved changing "apt" to "apturl" for apt extensions. or else Firefox would just provide a blank screen.16:06
dequireis this changed in 9.10 also?16:06
Riddelldequire: I'm afraid I don't know about firefox16:14
dequirethanks Riddell. downloading karmic now. looking forward to enjoying the fruits of your collective work.16:18
* ryanakca watches as things crash and burn when he tries to build a package in his karmic schroot16:19
ryanakcaUp to date schroot, any idea why the KDE packages (dependencies for frescobaldi) fail to install? http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/frescobaldi_0.7.15-1_i386.build16:22
dtchenFailed to open connection to "system" message bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused16:24
dtchendpkg: error processing dbus (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 116:24
dtchen^^ ryanakca16:24
ryanakcadtchen: Hmmm... dbus gets pulled in / installed as a dependency, so would that be cause for a bug against the dbus package?16:27
dtchenprobably not.16:29
dtchenyou're probably hitting "Upstart jobs cannot be run in a chroot" on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91016:29
dtchenpeople do read release notes, yes? :-)16:29
Quintasandevelopers don't need to read release notes, they should know whats going on :P16:31
Riddellryanakca: you could use pbuilder instead?16:31
ryanakcadtchen: Hehe :)16:32
ryanakcadtchen: But should a build system really be trying to talk to the outside world?16:33
ryanakcadtchen: OK, thanks. I'll try the workaround suggested in the release notes.16:35
nookie^has work already began on 10.04?16:46
dtchenno sleep for the wicket16:47
dtchenyes, wicket16:47
Quintasanryanakca: as Riddell said, pbuilder works fine :P16:50
* Quintasan can't imagine the PITA that packaging would be without pbuilder16:51
dtchenit wouldn't be that much more painful, considering there are various ways to make and maintain chroots.16:51
Quintasanlol, let's write kde bindings for Whitespace->http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/16:59
ryanakcaQuintasan: sbuild -d karmic foo.dsc ... or sbuild -Ad karmic foo.dsc if it has an Arch: all package... nice thing about sbuild is that it can use an LVM snapshot of a chroot which'll just vanish after the build, instead of having to uninstall everything.17:00
Quintasanah, you use lvm17:00
* ryanakca nods17:01
ryanakcaQuintasan: and kees wrote a script to make these LVM chroots for sbuild for whatever version of Ubuntu or Debian you're using and update the sbuild config file... so it isn't difficult at all.17:02
Quintasanoh man, my second machine still runs Alpha 317:03
Quintasanhurr durr, upgrade went not so good17:18
dtchenwelcome to my life.17:18
Quintasankernel upgrade - kernel panic17:20
* yuriy wants his vertical tabs back in Amarok18:52
apacheloggeryah, the nested navigation is kinda PITA when you do a lot of switching18:54
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kittuany web masters, who r maintaining kubuntu.org, around?20:22
Nightroseryanakca: ^20:26
kittuhmm.. looks like he isn't around..20:27
kittuam kina developing a prototype for kubuntu web site20:28
kittudo u wanna have a look at it?20:28
Nightrosealways interested in new stuff :)20:31
kittuhere u go : http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/9784/kubuntu.png20:32
kittulet me know how it looks :)20:32
Nightrosenot bad!20:33
Nightrosei'm not sure how it fits in with the current kubuntu website but i'm sure you and ryanakca can figure something out and tweak20:33
Nightrosebut it looks fresh - that's cool20:34
kittuhmm.. it will b better if we can replace the current web site. if we can't we can use this for upcoming netbook version20:36
Sputoooh typo20:42
ByronHello everyone. I just wanted to thank you all for the great work on Karmic. For the past 2-3 releases (excluding Karmic) I have had issues with the desktop freezing, the sudden/random loss in network connectivity among a few other annoyances. I almost lost hope in being supported and didn't want to look for alternatives to the desktop I built (it's only 4.5 years old at this point). Thanks again for all the hard word and dedication to make yet20:44
Byronanother great release. Keep up the great work.20:44
kittui'll change it Sput... English is not mother tongue  .. thats the problem :(20:49
NightroseByron: thanks :)20:51
Nightrosegreat to hear20:51
Nightrosekittu: don't worry - there's enough people here to check such things20:52
ByronNightrose: On the contrary, thank you and the rest of the developers.20:52
* Byron is like a kid in a candy store20:53
Sputyep, just saw it by chance20:53
Nightrose*lol* Byron - you're welcome to stay around in the candy store then20:54
ByronNightrose: Don't tempt me ;)20:54
Sputalso such things happen to native speakers too :)20:54
ByronNightrose: You have no idea the greatness to being able to perform a full upgrade or even write a script without interruptions. No frozen desktop, no network drop outs, nothing. I'm flying right now on the desktop.20:56
yuriywhoa that is a sleek looking website20:56
ByronPerforming upgrades took at least 2-3 sessions. I'm surprised the reset button isn't worn out.20:57
ByronSo I say again...20:57
yuriykittu: you're working on a new website? neat. only thing with that mockup was it took me a while to figure out why i was looking at an installer screen -- but that'll probably be better when seen in a webbrowser20:57
* Byron is `sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade`ing right now... in ONE session :)20:59
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