
\u03b5is there a way to mark releases as testing?00:15
wgrant\u03b5: No :(00:17
NakedNousI have never used freenode00:18
\u03b5any way to mark one as current stable then?00:18
NakedNouscan anyobe see me?00:19
\u03b5NakedNous, yes, Hi00:19
NakedNoussay great! Hi all!00:19
NakedNoussay sorry for my English, it is not my first language00:19
\u03b5you don't need to write "say" in front of everything :)00:20
NakedNousI'm a packager newbie and it seems I lost my private key when upgrading to karmic00:20
NakedNousmy packages are located at: https://launchpad.net/~nakednous/+archive/ppa00:20
NakedNousand I want to upgrade them to karmic00:21
\u03b5you need to make a new key then00:21
\u03b5then set it up in launchpad00:21
\u03b5then sign the repo with your new key00:21
NakedNousis it the only way?00:22
\u03b5hopefully it is :)00:22
NakedNousI don't want the public part of the kay to be changed00:22
\u03b5then you have to do the math yourself00:23
\u03b5why is that important?00:23
NakedNousI thought the private key was also store somewhere at the ppa server00:23
NakedNousI don't want people using my software to sign it again00:24
wgrantSo, there are two keys involved in PPA.00:24
wgrantOne is the one where *only* Launchpad has the private key. that's the one that your users see.00:24
wgrantAnd one where only you have the private key.00:24
wgrantThat's the one you use to uploda.00:25
NakedNousI think so00:25
wgrantNobody cares about that once you've uplodaed.00:25
wgrantWow, I cannot type today.00:25
NakedNousdo mean that the public part will remain unchanged?00:26
NakedNousthe one my users see?00:26
wgrantYou never had the private key for the key that users see.00:26
NakedNousthats great!00:26
NakedNousso I need to regenerate it, but what if I need it at another computer in the future?00:27
NakedNousI will check how to retrieve it00:27
wgrantYou can copy your keys (they live in ~/.gnupg) between machines. But guard them well.00:28
NakedNousI see, need to study00:28
NakedNousfinally, could you please point me the url where to generate the kyes, I forgot it00:29
wgrantNakedNous: See https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editpgpkeys00:30
NakedNoussay thank you all!00:31
NakedNoushave a nice day00:31
wgrantYou too, NakedNous.00:31
DBObzr is the slow, I assume this is known so just popping in to ensure this is the case00:39
wgrantDBO: What operation is slow?00:40
dtchenbzr itself, or pushing to somewhere hosted by Canonical?00:40
DBOsomeone pushed a new branch, and nobody can access it yet00:40
DBObeen about half an hour00:40
DBOwanna know something amusing?00:40
dtchennot really.00:40
DBOmy speakers came back to life00:40
DBOfor no friggin reason00:40
DBOabout 2 months ago, out of the blue, been working ever sense00:41
DBOalso I work for Canonical now :)00:41
wgrantThe branch scanner appears to be doing bad things.00:42
wgrant(ie. nothing)00:42
wgrantmthaddon: ^^?00:42
wgrantHm. Odd that no yellow boxes are showing up.00:43
wgrantHmm. I wonder if it's related to the large number of new branches that have been created in the past 12 or so hours.00:46
wgrant(due to Lucid)00:46
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wgrantrockstar: You're not still around?00:55
rockstarwgrant, I am.00:56
wgrantrockstar: What is going on with the branch scanner?00:57
rockstarwgrant, I didn't know anything was going on with it.  One sec.00:57
wgrantJust busy with the 16000 new branches?00:57
rockstarwgrant, oh yes, that's VERY likely.00:57
wgrantMight want to dent and topic it, unless it's finishing soon (I presume you have pretty graphs)00:58
rockstarwgrant, investigating it.01:03
mwhudsonyes, branch updates seem clogged by the 16000 new branches01:46
mwhudsonprobably requesting them all be mirrored in one hit isn't so smart01:46
wgrantProbably not. How's it going?01:46
mwhudsonwgrant: probably 25% done01:47
wgrantmwhudson: Eeep.01:47
mwhudsonyeah :(01:47
mwhudsonafter 3 hours of progress01:47
mwhudsonnot so great01:47
wgrantStill, better than the old days when LP had to be taken down entirely for 12 hours for a new release's *translations*.01:47
wgrantAdding it to the topic and denting it seems like a very good idea at this point.01:52
* mwhudson dents01:52
=== mwhudson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Help contact: rockstar | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev | There are delays processing new branch data due to 16000 new source package branches for Lucid. Should be back to normal in a few hours.
wgrantmwhudson: Thanks.01:54
exarkun16000 is a lot of branches isn't it01:55
wgrantmwhudson: Now, remember to log back in as your normal user, or we'll have a repeat of mrevell-as-Launchpad.net.01:55
mwhudsonwgrant: heh, i dented from a client that supports multiple accounts (on my phone, ffs)01:56
mwhudsoni guess i should finally set up gwibber on my machine01:57
lifelessexarkun: its a measurable fraction of our total01:57
wgrantmwhudson: Gwibber 2.0 really sucks.01:57
exarkunI guess the lucid developers are really prolific?01:57
lifelessexarkun: its one branch per package01:57
wgrantexarkun: They're copies of all the old Karmic branches.01:57
lifelessmore or less01:57
wgrantOne for each source package.01:57
lifelessexarkun: Ubuntu as a whole doesn't have 'trunk', it has one 'branch' per release, and each 'branch' is > 16000 real branches01:58
exarkunYou're not talking about an editor for gnome, you're talking about karmic+101:58
wgrantexarkun: Right.01:58
exarkun(lucid is an editor for gnome)01:58
exarkunthat makes sense then I guess01:59
RenatoSilvaany problem with the branch ui updates in LP?02:34
RenatoSilvapushed 2 revisions 10 minutes ago and nothing yet02:34
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wgrantRenatoSilva: There are long delays - see the end of the topic.02:45
RenatoSilva /topic does not return anything02:46
RenatoSilvabut ok02:46
lifelessabentley: hi, do you remember the error you had when you tried --parallel?02:56
abentleylifeless: IIRC, subunit wasn't packaged in ubuntu and easy_install didn't work.02:57
lifelessok; thats been covered in the thread - subunit uses autoconf (because its many-languages)02:58
lifelessI'm not sure how to many something that uses autoconf easy_install-able02:58
lifelessabentley: would more documentation in bzr have helped (to provide the expectation that you'd need to configure && make?03:04
abentleylifeless: Yes, I definitely felt at a loss as to how I was supposed to get subunit.  And I was surprised that it wasn't in Ubuntu because I'd been hearing about it from Canonical folk for years.03:06
abentleylifeless: I can't see any description of the argument to --parallel in the command help.03:08
lifelesshow do you get help on a registry?03:09
abentleylifeless: You can set value_switches=True, like I did with branch formats, or you can write up a help topic, like we did with transports.  I don't think there's support for autogenerated help otherwise.03:12
lifelesswhat does value_switches do - would it stop the registry being lazy?03:13
abentleylifeless: value_switches causes each value to be a separate option, e.g. --fork, --subprocess.03:14
abentleylifeless: It would not stop the registry from being lazy.03:14
lifelessI think we should make that change, and file a bug about not getting help otherwise03:15
abentleylifeless: Anyhow, parallel=fork and parallel=subprocess both work now.03:22
_habnabitIs there any sort of ETA on the branch update backlog?04:55
wgrant_habnabit: I estimate another 4 or 5ish hours, but that's working from this morning's prediction.04:57
_habnabitDang it. :(04:57
wgrantYes. This issue was not forseen, since the process has not been run on production before today.04:58
abentley_habnabit: It's going through ~2.5k/h, with 14k remaining.05:11
abentley_habnabit: actually, closer to 3.0k than 2.5k.05:14
lifelessthe lines have crossed ;)05:14
lifelessits 22000 seconds behind at the moment05:15
lifeless6 hours to get where it is, 6 hours to go05:15
lifelessso it will be about 44K seconds behind when it catches up completely05:16
PengThis is wildly off-topic and very unimportant, but could someone near Canonical network-wise do me a favor? How accurate is ntp.ubuntu.com? ISTM it's about 2 ms slow, but I'm far away and it could just be an Internet issue.05:26
wgrantI've a host a couple of hops away.05:28
* wgrant checks latency.05:28
PengThanks. :)05:36
wgrantPeng: I can't find another NTP server equally close (<1ms), but most others nearby seem to reliably be about 1-2ms ahead.05:38
Pengwgrant: So it really is a little inaccurate? Interesting, thanks. :)05:44
wgrantPeng: I'd say so.05:45
Pengwgrant: Thanks a lot. :)05:46
lifelessPeng: ask in #canonical-sysadmins05:55
lifelessPeng: or a question on launchpad05:55
lifelessntp is meant to do latency adjustments05:55
Penglifeless: Yeah, but it doesn't handle asymmetric latency.05:59
lifelessPeng: it doesn't? damn - I haven't read the spec to see06:01
wgrantHow could it?06:02
PengI think I've heard that Chrony tries to handle it better than the reference implementation.06:03
lifelesswgrant: because traffic gets sent in both directions06:08
PengUsually it's close enough to symmetric that it's not a problem.06:09
lifelesswhen ntp was designed and built asymmetry was very common06:18
lifelessso  its surprising to me that it wouldn't be catered or06:18
mneptoki'd like Ubuntu to use an NTP pool instead of Canonical instances07:20
lifelessmneptok: do you mean regional ones/07:21
lifelessmneptok: I recall some concerns about swamping unprepared time sources07:21
mneptokserver 0.pool.ntp.org07:22
mneptokserver 1.pool.ntp.org07:22
mneptokserver 2.pool.ntp.org07:22
mneptoklike so07:22
mneptokgrabs servers from a round-robin07:22
wgrantAnd possibly increases load on that round-robin by a couple of orders of magnitude.07:23
wgrantlifeless: How's the scanner graph looking?07:23
lifeless8K to go07:23
mneptokif you don't want that load, don't make your stuff public and encourage its use07:23
lifelessmneptok: folk base load estimates on  current data; dropping several million machines onto an unprepard pool would be pretty harsh07:24
mneptoklifeless: that's why a Blueprint and UDS discussion would be in order ;)07:25
mneptokand add Canonical servers to the pool07:25
mneptok"We're bringing the horde, but we have the salad and dessert."07:25
thumperwgrant: we seem to be processing just over 2k an hour, so probably another 4 hours (ish) till complete07:37
wgrantthumper: Ah. Not too bad.07:37
* thumper gets ready to watch the rugby07:38
lifelessthumper: 3K07:40
lifeless2hr to go07:41
lifelessmwhudson: if the puller had nothing to do, did you consider just lying about last-mirror?07:42
vasihey, i can't figure out how to link my launchpad bug report to the equivalent report on SourceForge08:05
vasishould i be using the "Also affects project" link? and what if the project isn't there?08:05
wgrantvasi: You need to click 'Also affects project', select the upstream project, and enter the SourceForge.net URL08:06
wgrantIf the project isn't there, you'll need to create it.08:06
vasioh, random users can do that? cool08:06
vasii kinda assumed that was for only admins08:06
wgrantIt happens all the time.08:06
vasiok, that was surprisingly easy....sorry for the newbie question :-)08:07
vasi(i did look at the docs, i swear!)08:07
goodnightwhat's a "triaged" bug?08:43
mwhudsonlifeless: yeah, it's a little more complicated than just lying about last mirror08:45
mwhudsonbut it's probably (a) doable and (b) worth it08:45
lifelesswgrant: 3K09:06
wgrantlifeless: Not bad.09:06
wgrantUnlike the lack of tests for error cases in archiveuploader.09:06
lifelessthere are no error cases09:07
lifelesswe know this, cause there aren't any tests....09:07
wgrantLooks like lp:launchpad/devel just got scanned.09:09
lifeless1.5K now09:14
lifelesslatency in the graph data I suspect09:17
lifelessbut there is also a bend in the curve09:22
lifelessmay be something associated with the size of the data set09:22
_habnabitYaay! My branch finally updated.09:22
lifelessI now see ~50009:22
lifelesswe're down to 9000secs latency09:23
gioelehello, can SSH pubkeys be fully removed from a Launchpad account or will Launchpad just set them as "old"?10:20
=== mwhudson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Help contact: rockstar | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev
alefterisI have checked out a mirrored branch and pushed it into a new lp hosted branch, but when doing bzr info,  parent branch still mentions the mirrored one12:05
alefterisHow can I change it? thanks12:05
lifelesschange what12:09
maxbbzr pull --remember parent-you-want ?12:13
alefteristhanks maxb12:17
alefterisNow I have another problem, when trying to change the development focus, the new branch is not there for selection, only the mirrored on is12:19
alefterisany idea what I'm doing wrong? thanks12:19
alefterisnevermind I found it12:39
alefteristhe dev forus is a release series not a branch :/12:39
alefteriswhen someone aproves a merge request from the web, is the merge peroformed automaticaly in the branch or I have to do it also manualy from the terminal?12:42
lifelessyou have to do it12:44
alefterislifeless, lifeless I notised in the web merge request it has a commit message field? what is that used for?12:46
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Pengmneptok: Adding a couple servers to the pool would not make up for the load Ubuntu users would bring...15:10
carresmdcurrently launchpad is _very_ slow.. having problems?15:50
carresmdah, it's getting better15:52
dtchenfiling a bug using edge appears to OOPS16:13
dtchenthree in a row, the most recent being OOPS-1400EB43416:13
mneptokPeng: all Ubuntu use those servers now, so ...18:33
hychey, I added an upstream bug to launchpad #291760 but it used the wrong Project name19:46
hycnow when I try to change the Project it times out and says Bad Gateway19:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291760 in network-manager "network-manager roams to (none) ((none)) - background scanning" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29176019:46
hycthe upstream is gnome 580185 filed against NetworkManager19:47
ubottuGnome bug 580185 in general "NetworkManager drops the network every 120 seconds" [Critical,Needinfo] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58018519:47
hycbut the LP project says Linux, I wanted to change it to NetworkManager19:48
hycanyone know why trying to change this fails?19:48
lifelesshyc: it already has a network manager task21:23
hycyes, but it's all messed up. The NetworkManager task points to a kernel bug report22:16
hycand the Linux task points to a NetworkManager bug report22:16
wgranthyc: Click the little arrow at the left of each task, and select the correct bug watch for each.22:19
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RenatoSilvais it common to report development bugs for documentation or whatever?22:56
RenatoSilvathat is, report bugs that affect your development version, but no released version at all22:57
hycwgrant: yes, I tried that but as I said at the beginning of this conversation, I was getting timeouts / Bad Gateway responses from that23:11
wgranthyc: Reproducibly?23:15
wgranthyc: It's incredibly slow, but I just swapped them23:17
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