
tate_Hello gents, I'm having some sound drama I need some guidance on.00:20
tate_I just installed mythbuntu 9.10 and when mythtv is running no other sound can play.00:20
tate_Is this a setting or is it just a nasty, nasty bug?00:21
bubba_I can't tell you anything about it, but I've observed similar behavior on my ubuntu 9.10 desktop00:32
bubba_I just tested and I could not start vagalume with mythtv open00:33
bubba_vagalume will not play if it can't access the audio device (I think)00:33
bubba_my guess is that it's pulseaudio related00:34
mrandtate_: hold on a second... there is something that might help you.00:38
tate_I've had SO much trouble with pulseaudio00:38
tate_I'm likely going to attempt a gentoo installation soon.00:39
tate_It's my media center and ubuntu can't give me working sound.00:39
bubba_yeah, I just hear people complain about it a lot and I've had lots of problems00:39
mrandtate_ check out the work-around on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/46057900:39
bubba_have you done the basics like check alsamixer00:39
tate_Yeah, that's a negative; didn't resolve the problem00:45
tate_Also my speakers often crackle when mythtv isn't running.00:51
tate_Pulseaudio sucks00:51
tate_I hate this.00:51
mrandtate_: we do too.00:51
tate_Is Fedora in bed with it?00:52
mrandYes.  Pulse Audio is the future for linux audio.  Rollout has been pretty bad though.00:53
mrandI'd found a thread about disabling pulse audio in the past... let me see if I can find it again.00:53
tate_I tried that in 9.04 and had no luck.00:55
tate_My logic in moving to gentoo is that I can have a distribution without pulseaudio00:55
tate_But I've had so much trouble with this.00:55
mrandtate_ : are you running mythtv on top of GNOME?00:57
tate_Among others yes00:58
tate_I run it over kde, xfce, and gnome00:58
mrandtate_: the bug that the above bug references (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/436792) contains considerably more information about the types of things that people have tried, including a link to the forums.00:58
mrandIf you do find a combination of things, we'd greatly appreciate hearing about it on Bug #46057900:59
=== bryan is now known as Guest81420
quinten_can i safely upgrade from 8.10 to 9.10? or do i need to upgrade to 9.04 first?01:24
hadsYou need to go through 9.04 is you're doing an in-place upgrade.01:24
hadsIf you want to reinstall with your old database saved that should work okay.01:25
quinten_hmm, i guess there's no other software installed that i need01:26
quinten_that would mean just downloading the .iso and installing over the existing install?01:26
foxbuntuquinten_, it will format the drive01:27
mrandfoxbuntu: actually, if you don't select "format", it won't ;-)01:32
quinten_i'll just do the upgrade in two stages. just thinking of reducing strain on the servers01:33
foxbuntumrand, yes, but I was making the assumption he wasnt going to dual boot mythbuntu and mythbuntu01:33
quinten_is mysqldump a good enough way to backup the db?01:33
foxbuntuquinten_, yes01:33
quinten_anything else i should backup? will any of the .mythtv files get overwritten, or my lirc configs?01:36
mrandfoxbuntu: not talking dual boot either. when I was doing a little upgrade testing, I found that if you do not tick the format box, it will just overwrite the files it needs to and leaves everything else alone (like files my home directory).  I'm not saying it is a suggested upgrade path, since it seems likely that it would overwrite your database and such.  Just an interesting tid-bit, really.01:36
foxbuntuquinten_, I would backup anything you might have customized01:36
foxbuntumrand, ah...I guess I had never tried that01:37
foxbuntubrb...switching window managers01:37
mrandquinten_: for example, I have apache set up for stuff other than mythweb, so I'd want to save those.  And stuff in my home directories.  And yes, I'd probably save lirc related configs, just in case.01:37
mrandbrb... switching shoes01:37
Pwenhi all. anyone care to help me with my harmony 525/soundgraph imon combo?01:38
Pwenthe problem I am having is rather strange. it was working before, but then I rebooted, and now its not working. irw doesnt pick anything up but when I try to use mode2 to grab the raw codes I cant because the lirc hardware device is already in use (by lircd I would assume)01:49
mrandSorry, I'm rusty on my lircd stuff... did you try to kill or stop lircd?01:54
Pwenyeah, when I stop lircd and use mode2, it can grab the raw codes01:55
Pwenso the remote/hardware is ok01:55
Pwenand when I start lircd again it appears to be behaving normally01:55
Pwen 3639 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/lircd --output=/var/run/lirc/lircd --device=/dev/lirc001:55
Pwenthats all good, lirc0 is the device node I capture the raw from using mode2, the output is the socket that irw reads01:56
mrandsorry - so it works when you manually start it?01:56
Pwenno. irw doesnt ever see any keycodes as translated by lircd01:57
Pwenmode2 can read the hardware and grab the hex values, but from there lircd isnt reading those hex values or isnt passing the keycodes onto irw - not sure which01:58
Pweneven tho the lircd.conf is exactly the same as before :|01:58
mrandso would that point to a problem with the hardware.conf file?01:59
Pwengood thought02:01
PwenI havent used lircd before a few days ago so Im still a bit lost ^_^02:01
Pweneverything in hardware.conf appears normal02:01
mrandI haven't messed with it in nearly a year, and even then it just worked for me.02:01
Pwenloading the correct modules etc02:01
Pwen... I can move the mouse around on the screen with the arrow keys, but irw still doesnt pick anything up02:02
Pwennow Im really confused02:02
mrandah... something else is grabbing it and treating it like a keyboard and/or mouse.02:03
Pwenwell, its got that dual functionality02:04
mrandWell, I mean its grabbing the keyboard portion and not passing it on to lircd maybe.  I don't have any specific ideas beyond looking over this wiki page I put together a while back... the remote is obviously different, but the concepts might still apply (as I recall, Adam Pierce talked about something grabbing the input as well):  http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Gyration-based_MCE_Remotes#Linux_Installation02:06
Pwenboth the devices mention mouse02:09
Pwenin my listing by-id02:09
Pwenbut I think that is normal02:09
PwenI fixed the remote02:15
Pwennote to everyone who didnt know: lircd.conf cannot have any comment-only lines02:16
PwenI put a comment in the file and effectively split the config in two02:16
foxbuntuPwen, what do you mean?02:22
foxbuntuPwen, there are comments in it by default02:23
Pwenfoxbuntu: yeah but they are no more than one crlf seperating each config option02:26
Pwenso it might say02:27
PwenKEY_BLAH xyz02:27
PwenKEY_BLAH1 abc02:27
Pwenif you put a # comment in between those lines, apparently lircd breaks02:27
Pwenat the end of each line is fine tho02:27
foxbuntuPwen, oh you mean you put one between the code state/end sections02:28
mrandMan, who comes up with these parsers?!02:28
foxbuntuPwen, yes, that will bust it02:28
freakqncdoes anyone know if http://mythbuntu.com/ is don?03:16
freakqncnevermind http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MythTV_distros has a wrong link .com instead of .org03:17
superm1.com used to redirect to .org i thought03:19
superm1that could still be a problem03:19
jrjacksohey, i just upgraded to 9.10. previously my remote was working (hauppage wintv card)03:51
jrjacksonow no /dev/lirc0 is being created03:51
Cuco3I planned to uninstall mythtv and I deleted the mythtv account. problem is, when I go to remove mythtv, it won't let me uninstall. probably I need that account. can anyone help?07:35
nurettini am using avert tv analog cad07:39
nurettini am changed system07:39
nurettinv4lctl video standart is ntsc07:39
nurettinhow can i change07:43
nurettinto pal07:43
Seventoesanyone know where to get a cheap low profile vid card with composite out?08:33
satfan39Hi, looking for support for mirobridge and cron08:41
satfan39mirobridge runs fine when started from the terminal but crashes after a few seconds when started via crontab08:45
satfan39according to mythtv.org this is because it can not connect to mythconverg because it does not find the "config.xml" file08:46
satfan39But in my case, the  config.xml file is ok and located in the .mythtv directory so I am lost08:46
satfan39I use miro 2.5.3 and ubuntu Jaunty kernel 2.6.3008:47
satfan39I run the latest version of svn ( 22659 )08:47
satfan39I mean mythtv 0.22 svn 2265908:53
satfan39this is the error message that I get when attempting to run mirobridge via crontab08:54
satfan39/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/MySQLdb/__init__.py:34: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated08:54
satfan39  from sets import ImmutableSet08:54
satfan392009-10-31 09:52:01,298 - mirobridge - INFO - Using python library 'pyparsing' version 1.5.008:54
satfan39/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/MythTV/MythLog.py:34: DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.608:54
satfan39  self.message = message08:54
satfan39Exception AttributeError: "'MythDB' object has no attribute 'db'" in <bound method MythDB.__del__ of <MythTV.MythDB.MythDB object at 0xb79df26c>> ignored08:54
satfan392009-10-31 09:52:04,320 - mirobridge - CRITICAL - MythTV python bindings could not be imported08:54
herby_Hello everybody10:31
herby_I have a problem with mythstream on MythTV 0.22. Could it be possible that anybody can help me? (Please excuse my unperfectly english its not my first language)10:34
pknight_hey, just upgraded to 9.10 and having a heck of a time gettiing my remote to work again.. no /dev/lirc0 device12:46
pknight_(hauppauge win tv go plus remote - used to work fine with "Hauppage TV Card" picked)12:47
jeffjeffdejeffhi all, probably a simple one for you.  i'm running frontend/backend on one machine, and ubuntu with mythtv installed on another machine.  having difficulty connecting to the backend.  in control center, i can test the connections succesfully, but when i try to watch tv, it says "could not connect to the master backend server -- is it running? is the ip address set for it in the setup program correct?" any suggestions?  do i ha15:01
caustic386just installed 9.10 this morning, anybody else have trouble with USB?  my usb ports compeltely stop working after boot, so no keyboard or mouse16:02
caustic386it also refuses to mount CDs, so I can't install any wireless utils to try and troubleshoot from CLI16:02
jeffjeffdejeffanyone able to help?  have set up mythnews and have selected the feeds that i'm interested in, but i don't seem able to view them when i select them.  any suggestions?16:04
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tmktwhere can i see mytharchive status without using the fe?17:26
tgm4883tmkt, mythweb?17:27
tmktyeah..looked there17:36
tmktcouldn't find anything17:36
tmktanother issue17:41
tmktwhen mytharchive is installed17:41
tmktproject-x isn't a dependency17:41
tmktso using myth archive fails17:41
tgm4883tmkt, it's a suggests17:57
tgm4883which means it isn't a requirement17:58
tgm4883does it not function at all without it?17:58
tgm4883what does project-x do?17:58
Spirits-Sightcan MythBuntu be installed along side windows XP like regualer Ubuntu 9.1017:58
tgm4883Spirits-Sight, yea17:58
tgm4883Spirits-Sight, are you talking about wubi, or dual boot?17:59
Spirits-Sightso it will give the same option when installing ubuntu (dual boot)17:59
Spirits-Sightubuntu = mythbuntu17:59
tgm4883Spirits-Sight, I'm not sure, I assume so, but I don't have any windows machines to test on18:00
tgm4883are you talking about during partitioning?18:00
Spirits-SightI believe so18:03
tgm4883Spirits-Sight, we use the same partitioner, so yea it should be fine18:04
Spirits-SightOK thanks18:04
tgm4883I got to run though, birthday party18:04
ourtvi have lots of empty recordings.  is myth.find_orphans.pl what i use to clean them up?18:14
android6011does anyone use xbmc instead of mythfrontend?18:26
ourtvwell i'll be if i can get myth.find_orphans.pl to work.  what's the magic word?19:12
tmkttgm4883: nope..fails without it19:13
tmkttgm4883: not quite sure what it does19:13
ourtvfrustrating having all of these empty recordings and not being able to mass delete them.19:15
Cuco3Hi is anyone around?20:03
Cuco3I have a question about uninstalling MythTV. The backend won't completely uninstall; it gives me an error msg when I try "sudo apt-get remove mythtv-backend" ...dpkg: error while cleaning up:20:04
Cuco3 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 120:04
Cuco3Errors were encountered while processing:20:04
Cuco3 mythtv-backend20:04
Cuco3E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)  20:04
=== quinten_ is now known as quinten
Cuco3I have a question about uninstalling MythTV. The backend won't completely uninstall; it gives me an error msg when I try "sudo apt-get remove mythtv-backend" ...dpkg: error while cleaning up:20:55
Cuco3subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 120:55
Cuco3Errors were encountered while processing: mythtv-backend20:55
Cuco3E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) 20:55
Nickni_Namehello, can someone help me i cant activated tvout. when i use atitvout the tv make some "blinks" and its activaeted but nothing i see20:57
Cuco3I have a question about uninstalling MythTV. The backend won't completely uninstall; it gives me an error msg when I try "sudo apt-get remove mythtv-backend" ...dpkg: error while cleaning up:21:26
Cuco3subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 121:26
Cuco3Errors were encountered while processing: mythtv-backend21:26
Cuco3E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) 21:26
quintenis there a good OSD for mythui?21:36
quinteni'm not a big fan of the default one. i like the new mythbuntu theme though, very nice21:36
quintenjust want an OSD to go along with it :)21:37
ourtvyay! huludesktop and boxee from the main menu!  that's sweet21:50
Cuco3I have a question about uninstalling MythTV. The backend won't completely uninstall; it gives me an error msg when I try "sudo apt-get remove mythtv-backend" ...dpkg: error while cleaning up:21:52
Cuco3subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 121:52
Cuco3Errors were encountered while processing: mythtv-backend21:52
Cuco3E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) 21:52
Cuco3I have a question about uninstalling MythTV. The backend won't completely uninstall; it gives me an error msg when I try "sudo apt-get remove mythtv-backend" ...dpkg: error while cleaning up:22:29
Cuco3subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 122:29
Cuco3Errors were encountered while processing: mythtv-backend22:29
Cuco3E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) 22:29
darthanubismythtvfrontend on one remote goes all zombie23:16
darthanubisI can use the frontend to do everything BUT watchtv and play recorded shows23:17
darthanubisThis seems to just began out of nowhere23:17
darthanubison another frontend the auio plays fine, but the video plays extremly fast23:17
darthanubiseverything seems to work correctly on the backend, except for the backend not reading videos from themounted nfs share. The muisc module is reading the nfs mounted music folder just fine however?23:18
darthanubisSeem it broke after going final. RC worked flawlessly23:19
darthanubisthere is no crash file for the frontend as I have to kill it manually23:20
Cuco3I have a question about uninstalling MythTV. The backend won't completely uninstall; it gives me an error msg when I try "sudo apt-get remove mythtv-backend" ...dpkg: error while cleaning up:23:35
Cuco3subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 123:35
Cuco3Errors were encountered while processing: mythtv-backend23:35
Cuco3E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) 23:35
superm1Cuco3, you'll probably need to add a "set -x" on the second line of /var/lib/dpkg/info/mythtv-backend.postinst to debug that23:45
Cuco3Thanks will try this out now! :)23:50
Cuco3This is how my mythtv-backend.postinit looks like:23:52
Cuco3#!/bin/sh -e23:52
Cuco3set -x23:52
Cuco3case "$1" in23:52
Cuco3    configure)23:52
Cuco3(the first few lines, at least)23:52
superm1something like that yeah23:52
superm1and hopefully when you try to remove it will shows you clearly where it's failing now23:53
Cuco3ok, so now I try uninstalling ...?23:53
Cuco3ah ok23:53
superm1oh wait Remove23:54
superm1it should be in postrm23:54
superm1my bad :)23:54
Cuco3here was the results for what its worth23:54
Cuco3+ [ -x /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend ]23:54
Cuco3+ update-rc.d mythtv-backend defaults 24 1623:54
Cuco3+ which invoke-rc.d23:54
Cuco3+ [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]23:54
Cuco3+ invoke-rc.d mythtv-backend start23:54
superm1!pastebin | Cuco323:54
superm1oh wait i think Zinn is mia23:54
superm1try to put that in http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/ instead of the channels23:55
Cuco3ah sorry23:55
spirits-sightIs installing MythBuntu from scratch better then installing Ubuntu then mythbuntu on top ?23:57
Cuco3so I removed "set -x" from postinit and added it to postrm23:58
Cuco3that pastebin was the result23:58
superm1Cuco3, how do you not have /home/mythtv?23:59
superm1that's the cause of your problem clearly23:59

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