
dannyboy1121Just onelast general question. I was surprised to see in Citrix Xenserver that there was no direct installation candidate for Ubuntu Server. Is anyone aware if this is likely to change?00:12
foxbuntudannyboy1121, iirc, Xen was dropped in favor of KVM, so no00:16
dannyboy1121many thanks00:32
sven_oostenbrinkI have a 9.04 server, which I want to upgrade to 9.10.. How can I do that?01:10
zashsven_oostenbrink: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading -> Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Servers01:18
zashI wonder if/when to upgrade my hardy server01:20
qman__zash, about 7 months from now ;)01:24
ruben23hi what is the boatloader of ubuntu server..?01:24
qman__ruben23, grub01:24
ruben23grub or lilo01:24
ruben23cant find grub.conf01:24
qman__9.10 uses grub201:24
zashqman__: yeah, too bad 10.04 won't be called llama :(01:25
ruben23qman__: 8.04 im using01:25
ruben23how do i find it, grub.conf01:26
qman__ruben23, the config file is /boot/grub/menu.lst01:26
qman__some systems use grub.conf, ubuntu uses menu.lst01:26
qman__same file01:26
ruben23qman__: thanks01:29
clustyi am tryign to enable mod_rewrite in 9.0401:40
clustyi am getting this when i try to start apache:http://pastebin.com/m6f4e421701:41
ruben23hi anyone have idea of this error on my updates...? ----->http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php01:43
qman__clusty, sudo a2enmod rewrite01:47
qman__undo whatever change you made first01:48
ruben23any idea of the error on updates01:48
qman__ruben23, you didn't link to your paste01:48
qman__you linked to the main site01:49
ruben23qman__:how do i correct it..01:49
qman__ruben23, link to your paste01:50
ruben23qman__: what you mean paste..?01:50
qman__ruben23, look at the link you gave, it isn't the right link01:50
ruben23qman__: how do i link to my paste01:51
zzz2009I am setting up a server, I had used Fedora, but decided to try Ubuntu.01:52
zzz2009I am setting up the DNS as the first service, could somebody expain the rational behind the ubuntu/debian bind 9 configuration?01:52
zzz2009why isn't bind chrooted? why the, to me, odd division of conf files? TIA Josh01:52
qman__ruben23, copy the correct URL, with the random bit at the end, such as clusty just did01:52
=== zzz2009 is now known as jla
qman__jla, ubuntu relies on apparmor instead of chrooting01:53
jlajla = zzz200901:53
qman__bind isn't allowed to access files outside of its defined directories01:53
clustyqman__: had some nasty confs that were causing the crash01:53
qman__the "odd" division, as you put it, is just for convenience01:53
ruben23qman__:  ill cechk on the source.list on apt...?01:54
qman__ruben23, no01:54
qman__pastebin, you need to link to the correct URL so we can see the output01:55
jlaOk, so chroot is not considered necessary, but why divide up the conf files, setting up a split dns means that i have immediately break the current setup, will this break some other part of the system?01:55
qman__jla, the conf files are merely dividing the sections, and are included in01:56
qman__it works the same way as if you had one file01:56
ruben23 qman__: what i do its just apt-get update, nothing else01:56
qman__ruben23, show us the output of the error01:56
qman__jla, you can replace the separated conf files with one single file if you really want to, but it's not that complicated01:56
jlano it doesn't the default cannot be included in the named.conf as all zones must be in a view!01:57
qman__jla, ?01:57
qman__named.conf includes named.conf.options and named.conf.local01:58
qman__at the given points, stated in named.conf01:58
qman__it works exactly the same as if all three were in one file01:58
ruben23qman__:  what you think...?01:59
qman__ruben23, looks like either a corrupt download or corrupt files on that mirror02:00
zashbut srsly, still lighttpd 1.4 in karmic?02:00
qman__ruben23, try a different mirror, or try again later02:00
jlait also includes named.conf.default.zones which contain the zone references for the root hints and rfc1912 zones.02:00
jlathe hints zone should be included in all views, but the rfc1912 should only be included in the local view!02:00
ruben23qman__: how do i change my mirror..?02:01
jlain the current default config setting up views in named.conf.local does not work.02:01
zashso lighttpd 1.5 is still in beta?02:01
qman__jla, then just comment out the rfc1912 inclusion02:02
qman__I don't even have that file02:02
qman__so I don't know how yours is set up, it may have changed02:02
jlaqman__, OK, but how llikely am I to break some other part of the overall setup?02:03
qman__jla, not at all02:03
qman__if you wanted to, you could just delete all those config files and use only named.conf02:03
qman__and it will work02:04
qman__though just commenting out what's breaking things is probably a better way02:04
jlaqman__, true, but in this case I have to split the default.zone file in to two pieces. I do it my way and see what happens.02:06
qman__ruben23, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+change+mirror02:07
bostrthi, i have a server with ubuntu 8.10 on it, is there a way without a reinstall to ugrade to 9.10?02:16
qman__bostrt, upgrade to 9.04, then 9.1002:18
ruben23qman__:  it display mirror but it didnt tell how to set the new mirror on the server...:-(02:19
bostrtqman__: i believe 8.10 is unsupported02:19
bostrtbut could i change the souces.list file around?02:19
qman__bostrt, no, just upgrade to 9.04, then 9.1002:20
qman__sudo do-release-upgrade02:20
bostrtqman__: hm, i tried that earlier but nada, now it seems fine. perhaps user error02:21
qman__bostrt, also, 8.10 isn't unsupported yet02:22
qman__not for another year or two02:22
ruben23any chnage the mirror of an exixting ubuntu server..02:28
nijababorst, qman: 8.10 is not an LTS -> as such it is supported 18 months. EOL -> 10/200402:50
nijabaerr= EOL -> 04/200402:50
nijabamaybe I'll get that right once: EOL -> 04/201002:51
* nijaba got it right, finally...02:52
qman__hah, yeah02:52
ruben23im getting this error when i run update-----> http://pastebin.com/m314ac77e02:52
qman__EOL 4 years before it's released ;)02:52
nijabaruben23: is your connection reliable?  Sounds like the file you download get corrupted.  A faulty proxy cache may cause this as well.02:55
ruben23nijaba: i have squid on my gateway server, guess need to turned it off02:59
ruben23to isolate02:59
nijabaruben23: that's an idea.  if you can confirm after turning it off, check the caching parameters which might be a bit too conservative.03:00
nijabaruben23: that's an idea.  if you can confirm after turning it off, check the caching parameters which might be a bit too conservative.03:01
PC_Nerd1011Hi,  I'm upgrading from 9.04 -> 9.10, and when it restarts bind9 -> "rndc failed to connect"...  bind9 wont start seperately, and named -g -p53 reports an error in being able to read /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf (sym link to elsewhere)....   any suggestions ?03:26
marcelcohrshi, how do i start the ftp server?04:05
marcelcohrsanybody active in this channel?04:06
marcelcohrscome on guys04:09
Sam-I-Amfirst you need to install one04:18
Sam-I-Amthen its either controlled in inetd.conf or by its own config file04:18
marcelcohrshi guys04:56
marcelcohrsi cant access my mysql server 4 some reason04:56
JanCfoursome reason?04:56
marcelcohrsok ok ok04:56
marcelcohrsmy fault04:57
JanCjust use plain English if possible  ;-)04:57
marcelcohrsmy app(navicat) says: can not connect to mysql server at 192.....04:57
JanCnavicat is a proprietary app IIRC?04:59
JanCdoes it support the MySQL version in Ubuntu?04:59
marcelcohrsit works with my mysql on osx05:00
marcelcohrsi just set up a vm machine with linux ontop of osx05:00
marcelcohrsinstalled a lamp05:00
marcelcohrsi can connect to the apache via firefox, but not to mysql even the service is running05:03
qman__marcelcohrs, by default, mysql listens on a local unix socket05:05
qman__you need to configure it to listen on an IP address if you want remote access05:05
qman__in the main mysql config file, bind-address05:05
qman__it's commented out05:05
marcelcohrsnice which folder is it by defauilt at05:05
qman__/etc/mysql/my.cnf IIRC, something like that05:06
marcelcohrsam using latest ubuntu server build05:06
marcelcohrswas set to loopback05:09
marcelcohrsshould i set it to the et0 ip?05:09
qman__ah, must have changed defaults05:09
qman__it used to just be commented out05:09
qman__set it to whatever your IP is05:09
marcelcohrsbut its bind-address, right?05:10
marcelcohrsdo i have to restart mysql05:10
marcelcohrshost 192.... is not allowed to connect to the mysql server05:12
qman__you have to create a user with permission to connect from remote hosts05:13
qman__in mysql05:13
marcelcohrsi also cant run mysql from my commandline05:13
marcelcohrsaccess denied for user marcel @....05:14
qman__grant some privileges on databasename.* to user@host05:14
qman__mysql -u root -p05:14
marcelcohrsin the same file?05:14
qman__and type the password you set it up with05:14
qman__no, that's a mysql command line05:14
qman__you set the mysql root password during install05:15
qman__so, log in as root, and set up mysql users05:15
qman__log in to mysql as root, that is05:15
vraayou could use phpmyadmin to do that as well05:15
vraaand that's a little easier to understand than mysql command line05:15
qman__mysql is a pain05:15
marcelcohrstrue true05:15
vraasince i think he said he had apache access with firefox already05:15
marcelcohrsthats why i use navicat05:15
vraaim not sure what navicat is, but you could use mysql administrator i think it sounds like they may be similar05:16
marcelcohrsno linux is running in a vm machine ontop of osx 10.5605:16
qman__that's not relevant05:16
qman__this software would have to be installed on the linux machine05:18
qman__phpmyadmin, etc.05:18
marcelcohrssorry, but HOW do i add or grad access to marcel(systemuser)05:18
marcelcohrsroot works05:18
vraayeah i'm talking about your ubuntu computer, "sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin"05:18
marcelcohrsthere is no giu05:19
vraaand that'll give you phpmyadmin, so when you go to http://ipaddressofcomptuerrunningubuntu/phpmyadmin/ you get a nice interface05:19
marcelcohrsjust commandline05:19
vraayou certainly have ssh access right ?05:19
qman__it's a bad idea to do this, but you could do "grant all privileges on *.* to 'marcel'@*;05:19
qman__what you should do, is create a database05:19
qman__and then create a user05:19
qman__to access that database05:19
qman__and you should never share mysql passwords with system passwords05:19
marcelcohrsooh kay05:21
qman__mysql is restricted to the local machine by default because that is a secure configuration05:21
qman__if you need remote access, you should only grant specifically the remote access you need05:21
marcelcohrsbut its just me05:21
qman__to the host you need, to the database you need, and for only the user you need05:21
marcelcohrsthis is a virtual machine05:22
qman__and only the privileges you need05:22
marcelcohrsi would like to crud my dbs remotely via a gui app called navicat05:22
marcelcohrsso pretty much i neet  root access05:22
qman__then, what you should do05:23
qman__is create a user called navicat05:23
marcelcohrsin linux right adduser05:23
qman__and grant it all privileges on all databases, but only from your host05:23
qman__in mysql05:23
qman__like this05:23
marcelcohrsi love u man05:23
qman__grant all privileges on *.* to 'navicat'@''05:23
qman__set password for 'navicat'@'' = password('new_password');05:24
qman__and do this where is your host's IP, and new_password is the desired password05:24
marcelcohrsmysql syntax error05:26
marcelcohrsgrant all privileges on *.* to 'navicat'@''05:26
marcelcohrssorry sorry05:27
qman__you might have to do each database individually05:27
marcelcohrswas me ;)05:27
qman__oh, ok05:27
marcelcohrsokay should i test now?05:28
marcelcohrsor smth else?05:28
qman__go ahead and test05:28
qman__see if you can log in from the host05:28
marcelcohrsit WOXXX05:29
marcelcohrsure teh man q man05:29
marcelcohrshave u used vsftpd?05:30
marcelcohrscause i can connect already, but i dont have any writing permissions05:30
marcelcohrsapparently it uses the linux accounts05:30
marcelcohrshow would i set i.E. the user marcel to read and write everywhere]05:31
marcelcohrsi can see already the root layer, but i cant drop my files anywhere05:31
qman__pretty sure vsftpd won't let you do that05:31
qman__use sftp instead05:31
marcelcohrshow do i unistall vsftp?05:32
marcelcohrscaus i think i starts on startup05:32
qman__sudo apt-get purge vsftpd05:32
marcelcohrspackage sftp has no installation candidate05:34
marcelcohrswas the install successfull?05:34
qman__no, sftp is part of openssh-server05:34
marcelcohrsi remember i checked installed ssh server on my ubutu installation05:35
qman__so it's probably already installed05:35
qman__it uses system accounts and permission05:35
marcelcohrsokay i got rid of vsftp05:35
marcelcohrshow do i run it?05:36
marcelcohrsshouldm i use macfuse?05:36
qman__no idea what that is05:36
qman__most linux and nix systems have the ssh, scp, and sftp clients05:36
qman__available at the terminal05:36
fallousmacfuse lets you mount sshfs and such05:38
marcelcohrsthats right05:39
marcelcohrsi connected already to my linux-box via sshfs05:40
marcelcohrsi can see everything, but with my account (marcel)05:40
marcelcohrsi still cant write05:40
fallouschmod or add your user to a group that does have write perms to the dirs05:40
marcelcohrshow would i grand myself these permissions?05:40
marcelcohrsthe user has been created automatically during the installation05:40
fallousyes, and the user doesn't have write perms for whatever dir you're trying to monkey with05:41
marcelcohrsno idea ho i would set it to a root use05:41
fallousyou don't want to ssh as root05:41
fallousremote connects as root is a Bad Idea(tm)05:41
marcelcohrsi know everybody says that05:41
marcelcohrswhat should i do05:42
fallouswhat I said :)05:42
marcelcohrsi need to drop content(php files) in /var/www05:42
marcelcohrsokay let me review05:42
marcelcohrschmod or add your user to a group that does have write perms to the dirs05:42
uvirtbotmarcelcohrs: Error: "^" is not a valid command.05:42
marcelcohrssrry guis05:43
marcelcohrsim coming from the dark(windows) and am going slowliy towards the light05:43
fallousI'd set /var/www to be owned by group www with write enabled, then add marcel to that group05:43
marcelcohrsim on /05:43
marcelcohrswhat the command?05:44
marcelcohrsdo i need to sudo that?05:44
fallousah, I see there is no default www group in 9.1005:44
marcelcohrssorry guys05:45
marcelcohrswhat do i need to type05:45
twbfallous: historically, at least, www-data is used by httpds/05:46
fallouson my box I just chmod /var/www so it's editable by any user since I only have my own accounts in there and everything is backed up05:46
fallousso quick and dirty like I do it is chmod 777 /var/www05:47
twbfallous: do you also make all your executables set-uid?05:47
* twb sighs05:47
fallousI also irc naked05:47
twbI don't wish to know that!05:47
twbKindly leave the stage/05:48
marcelcohrsoh MY GOD05:48
marcelcohrstoo much information fallous05:49
fallousit happens when you ask too many questions ;)05:49
twbOnce again demonstrating that Ubuntu's -server is nearly as despicably juvenile as all its other channels...05:50
fallousand to assuage twb, no I don't run setuid ;)05:50
fallousof course it always amused me that linux lacks wheel but that's my old bsd bigotry flaring up05:52
marcelcohrsthanks sooooo much05:53
marcelcohrsbee back soon05:53
marcelcohrslove u guys05:53
marcelcohrs<3 qman05:53
falloussorry, already married05:54
supermatthewi setup my server with ISPConfig and Courier mail server, but mail isn't working06:15
supermatthewi keep getting Unknown user or password incorrect when i try to login via squirrelMail06:16
Fenixdoes a DNS need a static ip?06:27
FenixDoes a DNS need a static ip06:30
debio264I'm setting up a single sign on system, and I pretty much have Kerberos and LDAP all set, but I'm wanting to have home directories shared across the systems signing in to the Kerberos/LDAP setup06:31
debio264can anyone recommend a filesystem to use there?06:31
debio264should I just use Samba and have a big home directory share?06:31
debio264or something distributed like Coda?06:31
debio264or even NFS?06:32
FenixI would try samba06:36
twbdebio264: are the clients running Ubuntu or Windows?06:40
debio264twb: Ubuntu06:40
twbThen try NFSv4 before Samba06:40
twblibpam_mount.so blows06:41
debio264yea, should I just make one big share of /home, or mount the user's directory at login?06:41
twbdebio264: ask NFSv4's documentation.06:42
twbObviously for NFSv3 you export /home directly (or rather, whatever filesystem that lives on), and Samba you export individual home directories.06:43
twbI don't know how NFSv4 does it.06:43
tonyyarussoHi, I need some help with BIND.  I'm trying to make a machine on my LAN act as if it were the official archive mirror (for an installfest).  I got it so it answers for archive.ubuntu.com, but now I want to add us.archive.ubuntu.com, etc., and I'm not sure how to do the subdomains.06:51
tonyyarussonvm, I appear to have gotten it...06:55
supermatthewcan someone help me, my mail isn't working06:56
Boohbahus.archive.ubuntu.com CNAME your.a.record.ubuntu.com07:02
Boohbahtonyyarusso: the CNAME points to the A record that points to your IP07:02
tonyyarussoIs it possible to do wildcards?07:03
Boohbah*.ubuntu.com CNAME ubuntu.com07:03
supermatthewcan someone help me, my mail isn't working, when i try to send mail from, nothing happens(no errors) but it doesn't arive, when i try to it nothing happens. I can't figure out were log files re07:04
twbtonyyarusso: wouldn't it be better to just fix the preseeding so that machines didn't try to talk to archive.u.c?07:05
twbBoohbah: I don't think you can CNAME between domains.07:05
twbBoohbah: oh, never mind.07:06
tonyyarussotwb: That's on the list for Lucid (along with attempting PXE), but I just frankly don't have time to figure that out and make new images before our release party in 7 hours.07:06
tonyyarussotwb: Also, I want it to work for people who are upgrading as well.07:06
twbPreseeding by hand is just adding url=http://fred/preseed.txt to the boot prompt07:07
twbGranted it wouldn't help upgraders07:07
tonyyarussoI also won't be around to explain that to everyone necessarily - I'd like it to work as hands-off as possible.07:09
tonyyarussoAnyway, we'll see how this works, and make adjustments for next time as needed.07:09
Boohbahtwb: i get paid for DNS stuff :) looking forward to IDN's!07:13
twbBoohbah: including all the exciting issues that Unicode brings?07:15
Boohbahtwb: punycode07:18
Boohbahtwb: yes, very exciting! i'm sure there will be many buggy implementations to exploit :)07:18
supermatthewscrew it, ill modify the system to talk to my windows machine which i know can send and recive mail07:21
twbsupermatthew: what MTA are you using?07:22
Boohbahsupermatthew: that's kind of lame. tried postfix? there are plenty of howto's for postfix + ubuntu07:24
supermatthewi am using postfix07:24
supermatthewi setup ispconfig07:24
twbsupermatthew: I don't know what ispconfig is.  Is postfix configured?07:24
supermatthewispconfig is a server manager, like cpanel/whm07:25
twbispconfig is not part of Ubuntu, so I can't help you.07:26
=== t3cki3_ is now known as t3cki3
tonyyarussoFor some reason in karmic I can't get the default gateway set from within /etc/network/interfaces - I have to do 'route add default gw' separately.07:31
tonyyarussoIsn't the syntax just "gateway" within the iface options?07:31
marcelcohrsi cant access my mysql with my account error 1045 access denied for user marcel07:32
marcelcohrsi tried already adding marcel as a user in mysql07:35
marcelcohrssolved it07:37
marcelcohrshat to grant @ LOCALHOST07:38
marcelcohrsbut ive another  problem07:38
supermatthewyay i got mail to send07:54
supermatthewi just nuked my vps and started over07:54
twbtonyyarusso: is the interfaces stanza static or dhcp?08:51
tonyyarussotwb: static08:53
twbI'm out of ideas, then08:55
twbUnless your gateway is accidentally not within the netmask you defined08:55
tonyyarussonetmask of for a gw09:02
twbtonyyarusso: just pastebin your whole interfaces file09:11
twbI doubt I can help, but it won't hurt09:11
tonyyarussoactually, atm it's more important for me to get some sleep.  Perhaps another time.09:12
Fenixwhere is named.conf file path directive09:35
kblintry find /etc -type f -name named.conf09:43
dvrvmgood morning. just upgraded my server to karmic, now the system won't boot because the file system doesn't mount anymore... known problem?09:52
wetnose'admin' user not found on Karmic UEC Cloud Controller install http://tinyurl.com/yh4gk8209:54
wetnoseHas anyone tried installing UEC via Karmic installer?09:55
wetnoseDoes anyone know of a forum for Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud users?10:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uec10:08
twbApparently not10:08
cemcif I use virt-install --vnc, how can I tell it to listen on, and not only on ?10:09
twbcemc: do you REALLY want to do that?10:10
twbcemc: seems to me port forwarding with ssh would be safer10:10
twbi.e. ssh -nfL 5900: vm && vncviewer
cemcI'm doing that right know, with ssh and port forwarding. I was just wondering if and how it can be done10:12
twbI don't know, sorry.10:12
cemcnp. btw, this KVM thing IS fast, heh10:13
kblincan kvm in karmic finally do snapshots and restores from running vms?10:15
kbline.g. from virt-manager?10:16
cemckblin: hm, haven't tried that, it's my first time with KVM10:16
kblinI'm running kvm on my 8.04 dev box, and it's pretty nice, apart from not being able to conveniently do snapshots10:18
kblinso on my 9.10 laptop, I tend to use virtualbox10:18
kblinthe laptop can't run KVM (no VT support), or I'd have tried10:19
wetnosetwb: sorry, what does "!uec" mean?10:21
twbwetnose: I was hoping ubottu would help out10:21
twbwetnose: the ! means "hey, ubottu!"10:21
twbkblin: I don't know about virt-manager or kvm, but qemu (on which kvm is based) can certainly do snapshots of running VMs, as long as you're using the qcow2 disk format (rather than the raw format)10:22
dvrvmhow should my menu.lst look exactly? it looks like update-grub sees the new 9.10 kernel but doesn't renew the menu.lst file10:23
wetnoseIs there much interest in Eucalyptus from Ubuntu users?10:23
kblintwb: yeah, I know, but it's not terribly useful if that's not integrated in the GUI. at least not very convenient10:23
twbkblin: sure.  I'm just saying that the backend, at least, ought to do it10:23
twbNobody will give me a VT-capable machine to play with virt-manager and kvm on :-(10:24
twb"We'll use vmware/openvz/virtualbox again because you don't have experience deploying kvm"10:24
twbWell, of course I don't!  You can't bootstrap from null!10:25
* twb grumbles10:25
wetnoseAny KVM fans here? I wasn't sold on it when Ubuntu drank the coolaid.10:26
twbI *love* qemu10:26
kblinwetnose: I like it. it's just the UI that sucks10:26
twbqemu -curses and -nographic are killer features10:27
cemcof course you don't use the UI much once the guest is up... so...10:27
kblinfortunately most of my windows machines can suspend to disk, so I don't miss the VM-based suspend10:27
wetnoseI use Xen with a webui I wrote myself10:27
cemcI mean come on10:27
cemcstart/stop, that's it10:27
twbkblin: doesn't virt-manager mean that it has the exact same UI as xen?10:27
kblincemc: not so much10:27
cemcthe ssh guest10:27
kblincemc: my guests are mostly windows10:28
kblinno ssh there10:28
wetnoseDoes console access to KVM guests still require use of VNC?10:28
cemcI liked vmware's UI, and virtualbox UI too, but this virsh does the trick too10:28
twbI also like how qemu includes DNS, DHCP, userspace masquerading, etc.10:28
cemcand virt-install10:28
twbwetnose: -curses means I don't need to use VNC -- it just displays the 80x25 console directly in my xterm10:28
twbwetnose: VERY fast compared to VNC, very nice when doing d-i installs10:28
kblintwb: meh. real IPs and bridging is the way to go. which virt-manager does rather nicely10:28
twbkblin: that's harder if you don't have root10:29
kblinok, I got root on my dev box, non-issue for me10:29
twbI create and destroy lots of little VMs that only live a couple of hours, tops10:29
kblinand I need to have virtual machines that can talk to each other10:29
twbIt's nice to not have to piss about with an expensive (in terms of my time) setup process10:29
wetnosedoes Xen use qemu?10:30
kblinit's kind of hard to test windows cross-forest trust domains if the machines don't talk to each other10:30
twbI heard xen uses qemu for "full" emulation, e.g. with windows DomUs10:30
kblinwetnose: nope10:30
twbkblin: I don't have to deal with Windows at all.  It's lovely.10:30
renatinhobrasileiros na sala ?10:30
kblintwb: well, check my cloak to see why I have to10:30
twbkblin: haha10:31
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.10:31
wetnosewhere does ubuntu make package based bug tracking available?10:31
kblinif you want to file a bug, you can do that from the command line, though10:32
wetnoseI am trying to find out why UEC install failed to create a user I can login with. :-)10:33
renatinhonopt ingles10:33
renatinhonot ingles10:34
kblinwetnose: so what's the deal with that cloud thing anyway? isn't that just a couple of VMs you can migrate between servers, with a fancy name?10:34
wetnoseKarmic UEC feels like Hardy Xen. DOA :-(10:34
renatinho :'( alguem fala a minha lingua10:35
wetnoseEucalyptus was a research project that kinda reversed engineered Amazon ec210:35
renatinhoeu sou brasileiro lingua portuguesa10:35
wetnoseUbuntu Enterprise Cloud is Eucalyptus on ubuntu.10:36
kblinyeah, I got that much... but what is it good for?10:36
wetnoseYou can use all the Amazon tools to manage your own cloud10:36
jpds!br | renatinho10:36
ubotturenatinho: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.10:36
twb"reverse engineered", or "read the whitepaper and implemented the same thing"?10:36
kblintwb: that's pretty much the same thing10:36
twbWell, I bet the former is illegal now10:37
wetnosetwb: yeah, I said kinda10:37
kblintwb: nope10:37
twbwetnose: righto10:37
wetnosetwb: because it's not the right word10:37
kblintwb: not if you do it correctly10:37
twbkblin: hehe10:37
wetnoseHere's the correct description: http://open.eucalyptus.com/10:38
wetnoseI want to have my own ec2 and s3 services on my own hardware10:39
wetnosetonight if possible10:39
wetnosebut ubuntu seem to have shipped yet another broken offering10:39
kblinwetnose: well, then set it up manually, I guess10:40
kblinor buy amazon10:40
kblindepends on how much time/money you have, obviously10:41
kblintwb: http://www.samba.org/ftp/tridge/misc/french_cafe.txt describes Samba's approach at reverse engineering quite well10:41
wetnoseYeah, I might go the manual route10:41
wetnoseWas excited at the promise of it "just working". http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/private-steps10:42
twbkblin: ah, of course.  You Samba people would have first-hand experience.10:42
kblinwetnose: it might be fixed soon10:43
kblinwetnose: but there's a reason why the bleeding edge is called "bleeding edge"10:44
wetnose9.10 isn't really bleeding edge10:44
wetnosehey, I'm going to stop bleeting and get back to solving the problem10:46
twbCompared to LTS it is10:46
* twb kicks LDAP config change10:47
wetnosethanks folks10:48
wetnoseFound the answer to make Karmic UEC work!11:01
wetnoseYou need to reboot the server. Just Like Windows. :-)11:02
simhhi, is this a proper place to ask about ubuntu 8.04 lts instalation problems? the installer does not detetect my hdd and no1 could help me so far :)11:15
dvrvmplease, could someone pastebin his 9.10 server menu.lst?11:23
dvrvmupdate-grub sees the kernels but somehow doesn't update the file11:23
twbdvrvm: does 9.10 use GRUB Legacy or GRUB 2?11:26
twbGRUB 2 uses grub.cfg (or so), not menu.lst11:27
dvrvmtwb: i updated from 9.04 ergo still menu.lst and grub111:30
twbdvrvm: you've confirmed this?11:31
twbi.e. you're not just assuming that it's the case11:31
dvrvmi have no grub.cfg and aptitude says grub2 is not installed11:32
dvrvmthe problem comes from the fact that i didn't allow the updater to update menu.lst and now it looks like update-grub doesnt "see" where to put the new data11:33
twbdvrvm: it's "grub-pc" or so, not "grub2".11:35
twbBut it appears that karmic and lucid still support grub legacy11:36
dvrvmno, grub-pc is not installed either, grub-common is at 1.97 beta411:36
twb1.97 is grub211:36
twbBut grub-common is not a problem, I think11:36
dvrvmok, so why is my system booting the old kernel?11:36
zoopstertwb: if you are using grub2 and update-grub (stub for grub-mkconfig) you need to pass more parameters...man pages will help11:37
twbdvrvm: dunno.11:37
zoopstersorry...that was for dvrvm11:37
dvrvmzoopster: man update-grub gives my only one option (-y)11:38
zoopsterdvrvm: really...so for grub2 update-grub is a stub for grub-mkconfig11:38
dvrvmhm, and i have the grub 0.97 package installed (but grub-common 1.97)11:39
dvrvmplus, no grub-pc and no grub211:40
twbdvrvm: ignore me and carry on.  I was expecting Ubuntu to basically force people to switch to grub2 with dummy packages11:41
twbWhich AFAICT is not the case.11:41
zoopsterappears to be the case twb11:41
twbzoopster: yeah?  packages.ubuntu.com/grub doesn't have "(dummy package)" for the grub package, cf. packages.debian.org/grub11:42
twbI don't have a non-LTS box around to confirm though11:42
zoopsterjust found a note that upgrades will not get grub211:43
zoopsteronly new installs11:43
twbzoopster: OK, I misunderstood your previous remark.  Carry on.11:43
dvrvmhehe, i would be happy to switch to grub2 ONCE MY SYSTEM BOOTS AGAIN :D11:43
twbdvrvm: do you have physical access?11:44
dvrvmactually, atm only the "physical" access works :D11:45
dvrvmi will just try and edit menu.lst by hand11:45
twbYeah, that's what I was gonna suggest11:45
dvrvmhm, looks like it's booting :D11:50
dvrvmhm, looks like it's booting :D11:50
dvrvmhm, looks like it's booting :D11:50
dvrvmhm, looks like it's booting :D11:50
dvrvmhm, looks like it's booting :D11:50
dvrvmhm, looks like it's booting :D11:50
dvrvmhm, looks like it's booting :D11:50
dvrvmhm, it's booting now apparently :D11:50
dvrvmhm, it's booting now apparently :D11:50
dvrvmhm, it's booting now apparently :D11:50
dvrvmhm, it's booting now apparently :D11:50
dvrvmhm, it's booting now apparently :D11:50
dvrvmhm, it's booting now apparently :D11:50
dvrvmhm, it's booting now apparently :D11:50
dvrvmhm, it's booting now apparently :D11:50
dvrvmhm, it's booting now apparently :D11:50
dvrvmhm, it's booting now apparently :D11:50
dvrvmit's some kind of booting now apparenty11:53
zoopsterdvrvm: if you want to upgrade to grub2 now...https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Grub2Testing11:56
dvrvmi have to wait until fsck finishes to see whether my system still works at all :D11:58
twbI dropped grub in favour of extlinux.11:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #466513 in samba (main) "Update from ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46651312:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #466540 in samba (main) "package samba-common-bin (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: defektes Tar-Dateisystem - Paketarchiv ist defekt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46654012:36
spiritof76is fsck a safe command to run?12:51
twbspiritof76: on what?12:52
spiritof76on karmic either server or desktop12:52
twbI mean, on what filesystem?12:53
twbIs the filesystem damaged?  Is it mounted?12:53
spiritof7632 bit ..12:53
twbWhat type of filesystem is it?12:53
spiritof76version 2 and 412:53
twb"32 bit" is not a filesystem.  A filesystem is something like XFS or ext3.12:53
spiritof76ext 3 and ext 4 I think12:54
twbe2fsck will ask you before doing anything drastic.12:54
twbYou can also run it in read-only mode, IIRC.12:54
twbIt will impact performance, of course.12:54
spiritof76I wanted to try and use it as a defrag? is this reasonable?12:55
twbIf he comes back, someone explain that ext filesystems don't need defragging unless you use the reserved blocks.13:04
jlai am trying setup a soho server, there are a number of packages that seem to be un-necessary e.g. wpa*, ufw, ppp13:47
jlaif I remove these am giving myself a problem?13:47
KurtKrautjla, if they're not truly needed, no, no problem.14:02
Fenix1which file should i use in bind, named.conf or named.conf.local14:20
Fenix1Ive read tutorials saying both:S14:20
KurtKrautFenix1, I guess it depends on the BIND version. The named.conf.local seems to be the most update setting.14:33
Fenix1what is the difference between them do you know?14:35
jlafenix1, depends upon your ned15:22
jlaned-> needs, if you are setting up a simple caching server then the conf.local is ok. however if you are setting up a split server or something more advanced I wwould save the existing files somewhere and start from scratch!15:23
jape^Is there a tool to automatically change the mirrors used by atp-get?15:26
andolsed? :)15:27
jape^I havae a us-version on ubuntu-server in my vm, and I like to change the mirrors from us to fi :)15:27
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zashdamn it, something's up with pymsnt :(15:42
Constyhas anyone had an issue with 9.10 where SSHD isn't working properly? The service is running, and I can ssh into myself, but can't from any other PC on my network. The odd thing is I can use telnet on 22 to see the OpenSSH signature, but when using ssh on another box it just sits there and hangs16:43
ConstySo because I'm able to telnet, it's not a firewall related issue16:44
jmarsdenConsty: I suggest you use   ssh -v -v -v  user@hostname   to see exactly where in the SSH dialogue things are hanging.17:03
Constydebug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP17:04
Constyserver isn't sending that back apparently?17:04
jmarsdenConsty: It's a total guess, but the server may not have enough entropy available, and be hanging reading /dev/random ??  If you have a physical screen and keyboard on the server, use them and pound on the keyboard, or do something else that will give the machine some randomness to work from...17:06
ConstyYeah I've tried that. It's very weird17:14
ConstyThe issue doesn't exist with 9.04 server.. when I reinstall that SSH immediately works, but not with 9.1017:15
Constyany easy recommendations as far as switching repos? because as it stands now i can't even get a successful apt-get update because of the servers getting hammered I assume17:15
ConstyI'm thinking maybe this issue is resolved by updating17:16
Shubuntuhello, i have a question regarding naming hosts17:31
Shubuntui am a bit confused about how to name the host17:31
Shubuntui'm setting up a vps17:32
Shubuntuand trying to follow this tutorial on howtoforge17:32
Shubuntuin that page it's saying I have to name my server server1?17:33
Shubuntuany help is appreciated17:33
zashhave to? i doubt it17:36
Shubuntui just don't understand how the naming works17:36
Shubuntumy site is fastformer.com17:36
Shubuntunow if i name the host server1.fastformer.com17:36
Shubuntuthen i'll have a problem with my mail server being fastformer.com17:36
crohakonWhere is a good guide on creating virtual hosts?17:37
Shubuntucause i want to have my emails like ceo@fastformer.com17:37
zashShubuntu: you can name it whatever you want, but ofc it needs to be the same everywhere17:37
zashShubuntu: and for mail you set an MX record pointing to the mail server17:37
Shubuntuzash, but what do people do in this situation? I don't understand how this works17:37
crohakonwhere ever they say to put server1, you put the name of the server you want.17:38
Shubuntuzash, the problem i have here isn't with mx, i already have done that in my dns17:38
crohakonfor example... mail.fastformer.com?17:38
Shubuntui only have one ip17:38
Shubuntuwith which i'm going to set up everything17:39
Shubuntuso i need help figuring out how this works, so i won't make a mistake17:39
bdelin881after a karmic upgrade on my server i am getting this error: "mount:unknown filesystem type 'bind'" I get this error after doing mount -a, I have 2 binded directories on my server that are not getting bound when the system reboots17:40
bdelin881they are set up in fstab, can anyone help? :)17:40
bdelin881it all worked pre-upgrade17:41
Shubuntunow in the example it says: "   server1.example.com     server1", what i need is to name it fastformer.com17:41
bdelin881already have uninstalled and tried reinstalling bind917:41
crohakonoka, so put in your IP and mail.fastformer.com17:41
Shubuntubut this is all my server not just mail17:41
Shubuntulike www.fastformer.com is going to have the same ip17:42
bdelin881i have to go soon, guess nobody knows then...17:42
zashShubuntu: if you only have one server, do what i do, CNAME *.mydomain to mydomain and mydomain IN A myip17:42
crohakonbdelin881; I have not attempted to update to .10, I am not so much help.17:43
zashexcept i have mail.mydomain A myip, and MX points to mail.17:43
bdelin881hmm maybe i should have waited17:43
bdelin881i did it remotely17:43
Shubuntui can easily do that with a virtual mx17:43
Shubuntuthat's not a problem17:43
Shubuntui already know how to do those things with webmin17:43
Shubuntui just don't understand how i can have my server name be fastformer.com17:44
Shubuntuwithout a prefix17:44
Shubuntuthat way all that go under it17:44
zashShubuntu: why does it matter?17:44
Shubuntuwill be *.fastformer.com17:44
Shubuntuemail addresses17:44
zashShubuntu: it can be named whatever.fastformer.com  and handle mail for @fastformer.com17:45
Shubuntui don't want email addresses to be ceo@server.fastformer.com17:45
crohakonbdelin881; That is why I am waiting. I want to see all the problems that people have first so I know what I am getting myself into.17:45
zashShubuntu: just set up DNS properly17:45
Shubuntuso naming doesn't matter?17:45
crohakonShubuntu; example... mail.whatever.com is the server, but the email addresses are still blah@whatever.com17:46
Shubuntubut this is my one server17:46
Shubuntuit will have the webpages, the mails, everything on it17:46
crohakonmail.whatever.com is just the server your clients connect to when sending receiving or sending mail17:46
crohakonShubuntu; and?17:46
Shubuntuso i can't name the server mail.fastformer.com17:46
zashShubuntu: noone outside of your org needs to ever know what your server is named17:47
Shubuntuand i don't know if i should call it www either17:47
crohakonmy domain, I have ftp.whatever.com, mail.whatever.com, smtp.whatever.com, and www.whatever.com17:47
crohakonall on same IP17:47
zashShubuntu: just set up A and MX records in DNS properly17:47
Shubuntucrohakon, that's all dns stuff, we're not talking about that, i know how to work with dns17:47
crohakonShubuntu; then what is the problem?17:48
Shubuntui'm asking these because if you look further in that tutorial this same server1 appears in set up of the mail server17:48
crohakonserver1 = wtf you want to name your mail server.... for example... mail.whatever.com17:49
crohakonit will not be a prefix to your email accounts.17:49
Shubuntuin the imapd.cnf it's setting CN=server1.example.com17:49
zashShubuntu: I think you should read up on how mail and dns works17:51
Shubuntui just need one good tutorial that explains how mail servers are set up17:52
Shubuntuand i know how dns works17:52
Shubuntuit's just a bunch of tables17:52
Shubuntuanother question, which is the best mail server?17:58
Shubuntushould i use postfix or go for dovecot? any other good options?17:58
zashShubuntu: both?17:58
zashI have postfix and dovecot17:58
Shubuntuhow does that work?17:59
zashdovecot is for clients17:59
palt_Shubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer :)17:59
zashpostfix retrives and sends mails to other domains17:59
bogeyd6update servers are frigging CRAWLING at 36kbs17:59
bogeyd6i wish you could choose your own update server17:59
zashand dovecot is what the clients talk to to get their mail17:59
Shubuntuok so for my webmail / pop3 / imap i should use dovcot18:00
Shubuntuand for sed / receive use postfix18:00
palt_bogeyd6: I use another mirror, guess you could do that :)18:00
Shubuntuand i won't install courier right?18:01
=== palt_ is now known as palt
=== bogeyd6_ is now known as bogeyd6
Shubuntudo i need to define private ips in the hosts file as well?18:06
paltShubuntu: What do you mean?18:15
Shubuntuwell my server has 1 real ip, and one private ip18:16
paltSå one for the internet and one for the internal network?18:16
paltso .P18:16
Shubuntuso when i say server.fastformer.com server18:16
Shubuntudo i do like server.fastformer.com server as well?18:17
Shubuntuyes palt18:17
paltIf I'm not mistaken, the hosts file is just a place where the computer looks up a hostname before doing a DNS query.18:18
Shubuntuoh ok so no biggie18:18
Shubuntuyou finally answered me :P now i know what it is, so no biggie18:18
paltBut if you have two IP's pointing at the same hostname, I don't know whats going to happen18:18
Shubuntui've set them to broadcast the same18:19
Shubuntuand the private to be eth0:018:19
Shubuntuso it'll be fine18:19
paltOften you could have a central hosts file that you distribute among your own servers. That way if your DNS dies you can still reach your servers.18:19
paltIt's also neat for shortcuts :)18:19
Shubuntuyeah i understand what hosts file is now18:20
paltSorry, I just got a bit carried away :P18:20
Shubuntui had a different understanding hence why i was confused18:20
Shubuntuno worries thanks a lot18:20
Shubuntunow i need to set up postfix and dovcot to use virtual mails18:21
paltCheck out the link I gave you earlier. Should contain some useful information :)18:22
Shubuntuwill do, and i'll come and bug you till i know how things work18:23
Shubuntui think these things lack good documentation18:24
Shubuntui wish there was a simple wikipage that would have sample configs for these things18:24
paltSometimes they'll do. But I'm off pretty soon but there are plenty of other people here to bug ;)18:24
Shubuntu do i have to get a ssl? is there a good free one?18:40
Shubuntui understand that most of them are domain specific?18:41
paltNo, you don't have to get SSL. But it's great to have it :)18:41
Shubuntuso like if i get one that's for www.fastformer.com it won't work for mail.fastformer.com18:41
Shubuntuare there free ones?18:41
pwnguinyou can self sign18:41
pwnguinor i think cacert is kinda free18:42
Shubuntui know that one18:42
paltA valid signature I think you have to pay :)18:42
pwnguinblame mark shuttleworth18:42
Shubuntuthe problem is i don't want to pay 50 bucks for a wild card18:42
pwnguinis that all a wildcard costs?18:42
Shubuntui just checked and they have something called wild card18:42
Shubuntuit's the cheapest18:42
paltDo you have many services that uses SSL?18:43
Shubuntuthere are ones that cost up to 300 bucks18:43
Shubuntuwell for mail18:43
Shubuntuand for taking donations18:43
Shubuntuwhich i wanna kinda pass onto paypal18:43
paltThen it's cheaper to just get one for mail.yourdomain.com instead of a wildcard18:43
Shubuntudon't wanna handle money18:43
pwnguinthe 300 bucks ones usually also cost your time and effort to comply with security precautions18:43
Shubuntui will need one more for webamail18:44
paltpwnguin: That's the green bar in the browser?18:44
Shubuntuand another for user log in on the site18:44
pwnguinpalt: that's an EV cert. they're expensive yes, but last i saw like thousands expensive18:44
paltone trick is to get one for the main domain. ANd then use mod_proxy to add yourdomain.com/webmail18:45
paltThat way you only need one cert18:45
Shubuntuhow would i do that?18:45
Shubuntuand if i host more websites on the same server18:45
Shubuntuwill it work for them too?18:45
Shubuntui have registered another site and the name registrar offers me a free ssl18:46
paltIt'll work for all yourdomain.com/something. But not for something.yourdomain.com18:46
MTecknologyI think my system was broken into....18:46
paltBut I'll have to run. pwnguin can probably explain it deeper :)18:47
MTecknologyHow can I find out for sure?18:47
Shubuntuok thanks18:47
Shubuntupwnguin, how would the proxy thing work?18:47
crohakonShubuntu; Did you just find out that your ISP blocks ports? hehe18:50
Shubuntuhun? what does that have to do with ssl?18:51
Shubuntui think you misread my question18:51
crohakonShubuntu; most likely, watching stargate u while chatting =)18:51
Shubuntuhehe ok then18:52
pwnguinShubuntu: not a damn clue. i still havent set my ubuntu server up with SSL18:52
bogeyd6shubuntu you can create your own ssl certificate using http://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Apache2_SSL_in_Ubuntu19:23
bogeyd6Shubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/forum/server/apache2/SSL19:24
stas```Hi, cand somebody help me, I keep getting stuff like this in my syslog19:27
stas```init: Failed to open console: Permission denied19:27
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bogeyd6stas``` google hasnt even heard of that error19:45
stas```bogeyd6: yeah, I know19:45
stas```what's strange, is that vzctl ignores kmemsize for one of the vm i created19:46
stas```it leaves it only with 30megs ram19:46
bogeyd6derp derp19:47
stas```103:  kmemsize         314861    1740548    1740800    1847296         1619:48
bogeyd6Virtuozzo does have known issues19:48
stas```and inside the vm I can see 30megs19:48
stas```bogeyd6: that channel has no users19:50
stas```inside VM20:01
stas```I got this20:01
stas```# invoke-rc.d networking restart20:01
stas``` * Reconfiguring network interfaces...20:01
stas```/bin/sh: run-parts: Cannot allocate memory20:01
stas```Failed to bring up venet0:0.20:01
stas```/etc/init.d/networking: 75: readlink: Cannot allocate memory20:01
stas```same shit I believe happens in the other VM20:01
stas```it seems it can't alocate memory , but memtest doesn't seem to bring errors20:02
g-hennuxmy ubuntu virtual machines ("virtual flavour") can't mount nfs any more.20:45
g-hennuxkernel is "2.6.31-14-generic-pae", might that be the problem?20:45
g-hennuxthat kernel doesn't contain any nfs modules, as far as i can see20:45
g-hennuxshowmount -e HOST *does* list the exports, but i can't mount them, and "dpkg -L linux-image-2.6.31-14-virtual | grep nfs" is empty20:48
g-hennuxindeed, that kernel (for i386!!) has no nfs.ko (amd64 has!)20:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #467426 in openssh (main) "openssh package installation crashed when installed via synaptic package manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46742621:01
g-hennux#453073 -- that is it21:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #467441 in postfix (main) "fail to install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46744121:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #467435 in openssh (main) "After update to karmic, ssh-askpass does not seem to work. (dup-of: 467434)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46743521:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #467434 in openssh (main) "After update to karmic, ssh-askpass does not seem to work." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46743421:16
Shubuntuumm for my webserver, should i go for apache, lighttpd, rails, ....21:38
Shubuntuplease give me suggestions21:38
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:38
Shubuntui'm not trying to take a poll21:40
Shubuntujust asking people to give me suggestions21:40
darkpixelShubuntu: If you want to start out with 'easy' in my opinion, go with Apache.  If you want to start out with something very lightweight and very flexible, try lighttpd.21:45
fallousI used apache for a decade or so, but lately started using lighttpd21:46
Shubuntuwill i be able to run webmin on lighttpd?21:46
Shubuntuis httpd the same in terms of creating sites?21:47
guntbertShubuntu: please be aware that webmin is no longer supported on ubuntu21:52
Shubuntuoh, so i shouldn't use it anymore?21:52
Shubuntuwhat does ubuntu support now?21:53
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.21:53
guntbertShubuntu: but that said: ebox is in no way a replacement for webmin :-(21:54
Shubuntui really liked virtualmin21:55
Shubuntuahh it's very limited21:59
Shubuntuyeah i can see21:59
Shubuntucan you have ruby on rails running on apache?22:01
KurtKrautShubuntu, if you are asking this to everyone here, the answer is yes, it is possible to run rails on apache.22:20
Shubuntuok, then rails is going be an apache module correct?22:22
Shubuntudo i have to download rails as binary and compile then?22:23
Shubuntuas source*22:23
Shubuntuand what happens to openssl library for ruby, gems, etc22:24
KurtKrautShubuntu, I think you'll receive a better support on that subject on a specific RoR forum.22:25
Shubuntukk thanks22:27
KurtKrautShubuntu, you're using Xchat. Xchat has nickname autocomplete like bash. Just start typing someone's nickname than hit TAB on keyboard.22:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #467542 in libvirt (main) "package libvirt-bin 0.6.1-0ubuntu5.1~hardy1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso post-installation script devolvi? el c?digo de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46754222:41
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=== marcelcohrs is now known as flashGordon
vladimir_'m getting this output when restarting apache2 on freshly installed LAMP http://pastebin.com/m942dba23:45
vladimir_how do i set my ip static ?23:51

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