
=== Nicke__ is now known as Nicke
* kb9vqf likes the channel topic07:16
markeynow that Karmic is released, is there NEON for Karmic? :)10:10
ScottKmarkey: Talk to apachelogger.  He said he was going to.11:56
apacheloggerin fact I did say most recently in kde-devel that neon is kinda unmaintained and thus not much of an option for anything or anyone11:57
markeythat's sad12:02
markeyNEON is such a good concept12:02
apacheloggermarkey: how did you fix bug 343716 upstream?12:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343716 in amarok "KIO filebrowser in amarok doesn't play files on a network share (smb/sftp)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34371612:49
* apachelogger notes that the fact that kaffeine was able to do this for years, without ever pushing the stuff somewhere global so that all media thingies could play smb is quite the shame12:50
markeyapachelogger: I think it was a one liner patch, we checked for HTTP and some other protocol, but did not include SMB12:50
markeyadding that fixed it12:50
apacheloggerI see12:50
Mamarokmarkey: don't worry, Nightrose will certainly talk somebody into maintaining it, since she uses Neon IIRC12:51
markeywell I'd use NEON too, for KDE 4.412:51
apacheloggermaybe we should look into backporting the fix then12:51
markeyI don't build it currently12:51
apacheloggermarkey: someone really just needs to mess with the building :D12:51
markeyapachelogger: want me to find the patch?12:51
markeyapachelogger: http://mark.kollide.net/samba.diff12:53
apacheloggerthx :)12:54
apacheloggermarkey: btw ... something I thought about the other day when I plugged in my phone ... would it technical be possible to have a collection file stored along the collection? like you have a collection db on your mobile player, when you plug it in, amarok will just virtually merge the db from the player with the local one to enhance the local one without the need for rescanning, when unplugged the virtual merge gets resolved12:55
apachelogger again and the mobile player collection is also gone from the local one12:55
markeything is: mysqle doesn't save one file, but more like 10012:55
markeyit's a whole dir12:55
markeycheck: ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/mysqle12:55
Mamarokisn't Dr. Konqi supposed to be installed in Karmic?12:56
markeyMamarok: it is. disable apport12:56
MamarokI have people comüplaining about apport and they don't have Dr. Konqi12:56
markeyyes, because of the braindead apport12:56
* apachelogger hates apport to death12:56
markeyme too12:56
Mamarokwell, I told them to remove it, still, Dr. Konqi seems not to be installed12:56
markeyDr Konqui is much better12:56
markeyMamarok: removing does not suffice12:56
markeythere is a file that you must edit12:57
markeyRiddell told me12:57
Mamarokwhich is?12:57
MamarokI didn't edit a file, just removed apport and never was bothered again12:57
apacheloggermarkey: well, from a higher level POV ... like have the mysql magic just use /media/drive/.amarok-collection as additional mysql instance or something12:57
markeyI don't know if that could work, jefferai does collection foo now12:58
apacheloggersure would be awesome12:58
apacheloggerI suppose it would also speed up collection listing for vfat devices (even if they are not in the search path of the local collection :))12:59
apacheloggerlike: amarok detects device => looks for .amarok-collection/ => finds collection => just loads that collection13:00
apacheloggersrsly now13:08
apacheloggerbug 46845813:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 468458 in kubuntu-default-settings "Google search no permission to get URL" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46845813:08
apacheloggerwhy do you keep doing such stuff close to release anyway?13:09
* apachelogger pokes Riddell with his laser screwdriver13:12
Mamarokouch, not in the eye I hope?13:45
Quintasanwtf, two separate installs of karmic have broken networking, wired connections wont work :/13:48
apacheloggerwhy do you think I always call them weird connections :P13:51
Quintasanbut hell, it wont work, no error messages, just fails to get an ip :/13:53
Quintasanand it happend in my brothers installation too13:53
apacheloggerQuintasan: any useful information in ksystemlog maybe?13:55
Quintasannothing, some logs and then deactivating device (reason: 2)13:58
Quintasanhurr, guess I will finish my bothers computer first13:59
aftertafhello, can anyone help . . . my amarok no longer launches.. i think because of a pb with libavcodec ppa packages...14:07
apacheloggermarkey: I find the name mydiroperator in amarok's file browser a bit ... ehm ... weird :D14:26
markeyapachelogger: it's subclass of KDirOperator, that's why14:32
apacheloggerwouldnt it be AmarokDirOperator then?14:32
markeythe whole file browser is weird14:32
markeymy long term goal is to nuke it14:32
apacheloggerthe class is duplicating code internally14:32
apacheloggercopy and move operations within could have some common base stuff14:33
markeythe file browser is a cobbled together mess from Kate and other KDE parts14:33
markeyit also doesn't support our PUD (the overlay thingie)14:33
markeythat's rather problematic14:33
apacheloggerwell, to get rid of it, nepomuk needs to become the ubiquitous database it is supposed to be14:34
apacheloggerthat said, did anyone of you try the new backend yet?14:34
markeywell, I think our collection suffices. no need for direct file access14:34
markeyno, haven't tried Virtuoso14:34
* apachelogger needs to get packages for it14:34
apacheloggerlast I checked there was only the intention to make a debian package14:35
apacheloggermarkey: no file browser implies that only music from within the search path gets played, and that only matches 100% of the use cases if the search path extends to all of the user's data14:36
apacheloggerthough, the user might still have stuff on other partitions mounted to /music or something14:36
apacheloggerso not even that would justify the removal :S14:36
* ulysses__ just reported three bugs14:41
* apachelogger is not seeing any of em14:43
apacheloggersrsly, nothing in my inbox14:44
apacheloggerulysses__: were they interesting ones?14:44
ulysses__two of them probably, kdeinit4 and akonadi_vcard_resource crash, the third is acpid crash14:46
apacheloggerhm, nothing in my inbox still14:48
apacheloggergotta wait for my mails :D14:48
apacheloggerand wait for amarok to finish building14:48
apacheloggermarkey: is that any faster with gold?14:48
apacheloggerI fixed a bug14:57
apacheloggerMamarok: I demand cookies!14:57
Nightrose~order cookies for apachelogger15:09
apacheloggeroh right15:09
apacheloggergood thing I am at home :D15:09
* Nightrose hands apachelogger some cookies herself if the bot is too lazy15:09
apacheloggerNightrose: thx15:10
apacheloggerjussi01: btw, whatever happened to jussi01.com?15:10
apacheloggerssh: connect to host jussi01.com port 22: No route to host15:10
kiaosshi, i am a new kubuntu user15:33
apacheloggerwelcome kiaoss15:33
kiaossi have a problem15:34
kiaossabout auto mounting partitions15:34
apacheloggersupport usually happens in #kubuntu :)15:34
kiaossthanks but15:34
kiaossit doesn't solve my problem15:35
kiaossactually i want to say you15:35
kiaosspartition step at setup, is complicated15:35
kiaossplease do easier it15:36
kiaossi used pardus in past,15:36
kiaossand its setup steps are easier than kubuntu15:36
kiaossi hope you interest my ideas15:37
kiaossgoood by15:37
ghostcubeguys the printer applet drives me crazy it keeps crashing at startup is there anything known15:56
ghostcubegah wrong channel15:58
amikdunno about that, but it reminds me - the printer configuration tabs have some alignment issues - when u go through to the last tab (which requires lots of scrolling down), then back to the first tab - the long vertical size remains, requiring lots of spaced-out scrolling even for the several-lines dialog page15:58
ghostcubehmm i dont even know what the applet is doing15:59
ghostcubei do my config by cups web admin15:59
ghostcubei use the tree view in systemsettings16:00
ghostcubelike in kde316:00
ghostcubedo oyu mean systemsettings printer ?16:00
amikI haven't had a chance to check this on karmic though, but it's very annoying on jaunty16:01
ghostcubehmm dont see this here but the apllet gets me crazy since karmic16:02
ghostcubeapport always tells me its crashing on startup16:02
ghostcubeno idea how to disable it16:02
amikjust cheked - the bug is still present in karmic16:04
amikif u select a printer, select the 'job options' tab', then back to the 'settings' tab, u get the settings tab content smeared over a huge scrollable vertical space16:05
ghostcubenot here16:05
ghostcubei use bespin  and compiz and tree mode in systemettings16:06
ghostcubewhat grafic card are you running is this maybe an xserver error16:06
amikit doesn't happen in tree view!16:07
ghostcubeah ok16:07
amik(just checked)16:07
amikcorrection: it does happen also in tree view, but when clicking the options tab rather than job options. maybe I got them mixed up. but I'm still seeing the bug.16:09
amikyep - when leaving the Options tab, the scroll bar remains and stretches the other tabs out. if u then select the job options tab, for example, u get a scrollbar within a scrollbar16:11
ghostcubeamik: hmm i cant get this bug here16:20
ghostcubedont know16:20
ghostcubei have some other strange bugs since karmic16:20
amikwhen u go to the options tab, does a scroll bar appear on the right?16:22
amikmaybe u just have a printer with very few options :-)16:22
ghostcubehmm i have no scroll bar in options16:23
ghostcubeonly in jobs16:23
amikthat's probably why u don't see the bug...16:23
amikI have a scrollbar appear there (lots of options), and it doesn't go away when returning to other tabs, but instead it stretches their content16:23
ghostcubehmm ok16:24
ghostcubethe printer apllet thing is not new as it seems16:24
ghostcubemany complains about it16:24
ghostcubebut my webcam  not working bug is stressy16:24
ghostcubeuvc driver is messed up16:24
Mamarokoh, apachelogger, so sorry, was afk16:25
Mamarok!cookie | apachelogger16:25
ubottuapachelogger: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!16:25
ghostcubewho had the idea to set the default font size to 816:27
Quintasanurgh, anyone wants to fix PackageKit in Shaman?16:28
apacheloggerisnt that like gentoo stuff?16:35
apacheloggeror arch?16:35
apacheloggerwhatever it was16:35
apacheloggerMamarok: thx16:35
Quintasanapachelogger: shaman2 is being developed with PK frontend16:35
Quintasanit's in kde playground16:36
Quintasanway better than KPK IMO16:36
apacheloggernot that i understand this, but i would translate to duplicated effort16:36
apacheloggerKDE likes duplication a lot it seems16:36
apacheloggerghostcube: go fix the printer applet16:36
Quintasanwell it's animu tiem for me now, my brain hurts from math16:37
apacheloggerthat reminds me that I should get started on the analysis homework16:37
apacheloggeroh my16:37
apacheloggerQuintasan: shaman looks a bit like synaptic doesnt it?16:37
Quintasanyeah, it does16:38
* apachelogger notes that synaptic, just like adept, is one gigantic bitch of unusable design decisions :P16:38
QuintasanI wanted to type, "but it's usable"16:38
apacheloggerthere is a reason ubuntu created that app-install thingy16:38
apacheloggerQuintasan: define usable16:38
Quintasanare we going to write similar thing for KDE or we are sticking with KPK?16:39
* apachelogger does not see where kpk fails to provide the install icon :P16:39
apacheloggerQuintasan: I would suppose kpk gets a UI make over16:39
* ghostcube loves synaptic16:39
Lex79me too16:39
Quintasansounds interesting16:39
apacheloggeractually, IIRC kpk got strong speration of libs and ui16:39
ghostcubethe ui of synaptic isnt bad16:39
Quintasanmaybe I will get pro skills in coding before 10.0416:39
apacheloggerso one could probably stack just another UI on the kpk libs16:39
QuintasanWTF is with network manager16:40
ulysses__an user on the hungarian forum asked for software center in kubuntu, he couldn't find it (because there isn't:(16:40
Quintasanworks on my post-update machine but on clean install it suddenly failed to connect16:40
apacheloggerulysses__: send him to complain to mvo :P16:42
* apachelogger kindly asked for UI/lib seperation but didn't get it yet16:42
ulysses__what is mvo?16:42
apacheloggernot that I would be very interested in creating yet another phony app that is not half as good as it should be16:42
apacheloggerulysses__: michael vogt, the main author of the software center thingy16:43
ulysses__ah, thanks16:43
apacheloggerneed to leave soonish16:43
apacheloggergoing back to graz16:43
Lex79apachelogger: MessagesQt.sh needs some "include /usr/share/cdbs/1...." in rules to working or just add pkg-kde-tools to build-deps ?16:43
apacheloggerthe latter16:44
apacheloggerextraction is done manually in rules16:44
apacheloggerLex79: why do you ask?16:44
Lex79merging qt 4.616:44
apacheloggertake a look at the diff16:44
Lex79ok, don't worry16:45
apacheloggerLex79: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/qt/ubuntu/revision/1116:45
apacheloggerwhat is necessary for that stuff to work16:45
apacheloggerin fact, I even carefully documented it in the changelog :P16:45
Lex79yes, it's the reason I asked :P16:46
apacheloggerLex79: btw, you might want to check if KDE got a more up to date MessagesQt.sh while you are at it16:47
apacheloggerthat is one of the maintenance nightmares I hate most about the whole rosetta import crap16:48
* ghostcube still is runing wicd cause network manager doesnt connect after upgrade16:48
apacheloggergotta go16:48
Lex79apachelogger: where is MessaggeQt.sh in kde ?16:48
Lex79apachelogger: found17:08
mcaswho is working on the kubuntu-docs?17:09
Quintasanoh god plz kill fglrx devels, each release is worse than previous one17:14
Sputthat's why you use the xorg drivers :)17:52
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Air-OpHi, I put my Kubuntu 9.10 onto the USB drive, and grub comes up.  Kubuntu without installing doesn't come up, and can't get to to control-alt-fn-f2 other vts, memtest passed, integrity of the usb drive passed. 1gb ram18:43
Air-Opit's a blank screen18:44
Air-Ophurm, I can't figure out how to report the bug on launchpad18:54
neversfeldeAir-Op: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs18:59
Air-Opneversfelde    launchpad 3.0 is differant than 2.0.. I could do it in 2.019:01
neversfeldeAir-Op: ?19:02
Air-Opneversfelde: , When I go to launchpad and click report bug, it takes me to that faq19:07
Air-OpI see no way to report a bug using the web interface19:07
Air-OpI'm using another computer to gain network access while that computer is down..19:08
smarteractually there is a way, you need to add a parameter to the URL, can't remember it though19:09
smarterthere it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect19:10
smarterAir-Op: ^19:10
smarterit's indicated in the page mentioned by neversfelde btw :p19:10
Air-Opsmarter:   that  one gives me an error when I hit continue, something about edge server being slow.19:15
Air-OpBasically,  I got the usb boot disk working,,  but both the "try kubuntu without a"   and the Install kubuntu    just go to blank screens.  The integrity of the usb thumb drive and the memory pass19:16
ScottKAir-Op: I had that happen a few times, but then trying again seemed to work.19:36
Air-OpScottK: , I've tried 2 or 3 times, will try more... also tried different boot order19:41
ScottKNo idea for sure, just saying because it fails once doesn't mean it will fail everytime.  If you've tried two or three times already, then it's probably something else.19:42
Air-Opcannot mount /dev/loop1 on /cow19:42
Air-OpThis time I hit escape19:42
Air-Opwhen the loading bar was up.. and that's what I'm left with19:43
Air-Opstdin error0 all over the place19:45
amikcan anyone explain why a disk-intensive process (backuppc) causes the desktop to become unresponsive on a quad-core 4g box? where is the contention here? on what resource?19:47
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ScottKamik: I don't know why, but I sure know I'd like it fixed.20:13
amikany idea who/what is responsible for it? kde? ubuntu? debian? kernel?20:14
ScottKNo.  I'd start by looking at iotop and see what's pulling down all the op20:16
amikwhat's op?20:16
ScottKop was a type20:18
amikwell I know what the io is when this happens - backuppc in its daily run, or firefox whenever I close it (10 seconds of disk activity at least), etc. what I don't know is why the desktop becomes unresponsive when that happens20:20
ScottKI get the same thing when pbuilder is starting.20:22
ScottKSo I guess the trick is to find out what's being blocked.20:22
ScottKNot sure how to that.20:22
amikany devs here to help out?20:25
apacheloggeramik: that really sounds like a hardware problem21:20
apacheloggerat the very most a driver problem (hd driver most likely)21:20
apacheloggerin either case you have a bottle neck of some kind, software caused or due to inter-hardware incompability21:20
apacheloggerother than that I can't think of any reason that would cause this21:21
apacheloggeroh well, graphics driver could also be at fault ... hard to say if X locks due to io blocking or due to driver almost craping out :D21:21
apacheloggerthat sudo vs. kdesudo/gksudo crap is starting to annoy me21:25
apacheloggernext bug report about that gets a RTFM21:25
apacheloggerand that pic gets attached to 'em nasty reports21:28
Nightroseuhmmmm i'm probably dumb but wth do i set the wallpaper in karmic?21:30
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JontheEchidnaright click desktop -> desktop settings21:30
Nightrosenot there21:30
Nightroseand it's not in systemsettings either21:31
Nightroseat least i can't find it21:31
apacheloggermissing package21:31
Nightroseoh damn I'm stupid21:32
apacheloggerprobably the desktop file is in some -data package that did not get installed21:32
* JontheEchidna was about to paste pic :P21:32
apacheloggerthat is why I dont like them darn -data packages to include .desktop files21:32
* apachelogger hears rammstein21:32
NightroseJontheEchidna: still it removed my slideshow21:32
Nightrosewhich is not so nice21:32
* apachelogger turns up the volume and goes down stairs for some tea21:32
apacheloggerNightrose: also want a cup?///////21:32
Nightroseapachelogger: always21:32
JontheEchidnaif only the plasma guys could be as good as the konvi guys about config upgrades21:32
NightroseJontheEchidna: :(21:33
JontheEchidnaplasma method is "don't care"21:33
JontheEchidnakonvi method is "don't release until a potential obscure config upgrade bug, encountered while upgrading from KDE3 versions is investigated/fixed"21:33
* Nightrose pokes the Long Pointy Stick Of Dooooooooom(TM) in plasma's direction21:33
Nightroseit's not a huge problem but it still sucks21:34
JontheEchidnakopete fails too, the new MSN plugin for 4.3 uses new config and they never wrote an upgrade script. MSN apparently does not store contact lists server side21:34
JontheEchidnawhat with M$ being big on p2p stuffs I suppose21:35
Nightrosemsn seems to have gone fine here21:35
Nightroseprobably beause of previous upgrade21:35
* Nightrose loves contact pictures in kopete now21:35
Nightrosei'd have loved to have that turned on earlier but it was impossible to use because the images were too big to be usable with more than a few contacts21:36
Nightrosebut now it's lovely21:36
* apachelogger comes back with a cup of good night tea for Nightrose and apachelogger and a cup of irish breakfast tea for JontheEchidna21:38
* apachelogger also came to wonder where the german flat mate dood is21:38
apacheloggerI am all alone, kinda scary :S21:38
Nightrosei'm not alone -> more scary21:38
apacheloggeryou are not?21:39
Nightrosenope - flatmate is in the room next door21:39
apacheloggerI see21:39
apacheloggeralso a german dood?21:39
Nightroseas german as it gets21:39
* apachelogger notes that german doods are the best flatmates since they are so easy to mess around without them even noticing21:40
Nightrosebah and kickoff is changing tabs only on click again21:41
apacheloggermoby in the amarok21:41
* Nightrose grumbles21:41
apacheloggerNightrose: I think we like changed it to that21:41
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Nightrosethat might be but i set it to not do that cause i hate it21:42
Nightroseso it should pretty please leave it ;-)21:42
apacheloggeranyhow ... much more important ... I got an exam tomorrow and am not prepared at all21:42
apacheloggerthough it is more than pointless really21:43
Nightrosesame for "showapplication by name"21:43
Nightrosepretty please don't touch it if i set it kthxby21:43
apacheloggerKDE would have messed up :P21:43
apacheloggerI think we have set it to switch-on-click for like 3 releases21:44
Nightrosei know...21:44
Nightrosestill don't like it21:44
Nightroseand i don't like having to set it again on every upgrade21:45
* apachelogger is wondering why there is no analysis lecture tomorrow21:46
Nightrosebesides all this ranting: karmic is lovely21:46
* Nightrose orders cookies for everyone21:46
jjessecan mine be gluten free?21:46
jjessethanks ;)21:47
apacheloggeroh my21:47
JontheEchidnaI've seen a lot less negativity in the intertubes than with previous releases21:47
JontheEchidnawe must be doing something less sucky ;-)21:47
jjesseis it that bad?21:47
apacheloggertop question for exam tomorrow "what does IEEE and ACM stand for, and what do they do"21:47
jjesse9.10 is bad is what people are complaning about?21:47
JontheEchidnathey're not, which is good21:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I would sure hope so21:48
JontheEchidnameans people are fairly happy and not mad enough to bitch :D21:48
jjesseoh read it wrong21:49
apacheloggerlol, another very likely question for tomorrow "CIA, is not only an intelligence service, what else does it mean?"21:50
apacheloggerif all em nasty questions are going to be that shabby...21:50
* apachelogger is listening to Y.M.C.A.21:52
jjessewhat test are you taking?21:57
apacheloggerbasically, about what study subjects I will have21:59
apacheloggerthe lecture was that the whole study was broken down into parts and then you'd here what each part was about22:01
* apachelogger does not really grasp the point though22:01
JontheEchidnayay for executables being obscure wrappers around others without an obvious dependency \o/ bug 46843022:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 468430 in kdegames "kdesnake gives error message when attempting to start" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46843022:01
apacheloggerwhat is kdesnake anyway :P22:02
JontheEchidnaktron made more like gnibbles22:02
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: Replaces: ktron (<< 4:4.2.96-0ubuntu2)22:03
apacheloggerConflicts: ktron (<< 4:4.2.96-0ubuntu2)22:03
apacheloggernot that I knew gnibbles :P22:03
JontheEchidnakdesnake appears to be a wrapper around ktron that gives a different set of settings to send it into KSnake mode22:04
apacheloggerI suppose the replaces, conflicts is wrong then?22:05
apacheloggerany code stuff that needs fixing22:05
* apachelogger is in mood for a good night hack :P22:05
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: please also invite Nightrose22:07
apacheloggerand while you are at it ... make me able to invite peeps :P22:07
JontheEchidnadebfx: ping22:10
debfxJontheEchidna: pong22:10
Riddellhmm, I thought I felt someone poking me with a laser screwdriver around midday22:10
Riddellthat would have been apachelogger22:10
JontheEchidnawho would have sonic? :D22:11
JontheEchidnadebfx: hi, apparently the kmix maintainer wants to do a better OSD22:11
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: me too22:11
* apachelogger had to get a new laser one22:11
apacheloggerit appears to me I lend my other one to someone22:11
JontheEchidnadebfx: Dario_Andres in #plasma can hook you up with him if you'd like to collab22:11
apacheloggerRiddell: apparently the custom search thingy is completely broken22:13
Riddellcustom search thingy?22:13
JontheEchidnagoogle partner search 403's22:13
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 46845822:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 468458 in kubuntu-default-settings "Google search no permission to get URL" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46845822:13
apacheloggerand no one seems to have access to the management thingy22:13
apacheloggerwhich is an even greater issue22:13
Riddellmanagement thingy?22:14
apacheloggerthe management UI22:14
apacheloggerfor the parnter search22:14
Riddellmanagement UI for what?22:14
apacheloggerthe google partner search22:14
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: basically canonical doods handed jr a url, I think that's all the involvement he had22:14
Riddellwhy would we have access to that?  it's controlled somewhere deep on canonical's business department22:14
apacheloggeryou know22:15
apacheloggerI dont like that :P22:15
Riddellthe canonical webmaster handed me a URL which he got from someone deeper in the dept22:15
Riddelland I do confirm it's broken, that's really not acceptable22:15
apacheloggerleads to one hand doesnt know what the other does22:15
apacheloggerclearly the workflow here is broken, if we don't even know who exactly is responsible :S22:15
RiddellI think we all know what we're doing but something is broken22:16
apacheloggeryeah, but out of our control22:16
RiddellI wonder if I have a phone number for newz2000, it's sunday so he's probably doing christian things22:17
Riddellanyone know when this started?22:17
Riddelldo we have a beastie number?22:17
ScottKRiddell: Before release.22:17
Nightrosebug 46845822:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 468458 in kubuntu-default-settings "Google search no permission to get URL" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46845822:18
RiddellScottK: damn, I'm sure I checked it22:18
* apachelogger did not check TBH :)22:18
apacheloggerdidnt even know that it was implemented22:19
Riddellit was announced in here loudly, but only for people around at the time22:19
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, I revised the structure now we have usr-share-kde4/ in kubuntu-default-settings for stuff that goes to /usr/share/kde4 ... such as search providers22:19
apacheloggerseemed more scalable to me :)22:19
apacheloggerRiddell: hehe, we should emphaise mailing list usage, stuff gets lost way too easy here22:20
apachelogger...also with time zones and stuff...22:20
apacheloggerunable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000822:21
apachelogger0-pointer dereferences are evil I have been told22:21
RiddellI got down to 32 unread e-mails before the weekend, now it's up to 256, which at least is an equally geeky number22:22
Riddellwell answerphone message left on newz2000's phone, if we don't get this sorted by tomorrow we'll revert it22:22
amikapachelogger: so u think the io problem is a driver issue? what can I check? nobody else has display lags when there's lots of disk activity?22:23
apacheloggeramik: well, it can be a driver problem22:23
apacheloggerin fact there are multiple options22:23
apacheloggeramik: as google for a how to on IO analysis22:24
apacheloggerthat stuff is actually quite complicate, so find the actual issue should be quite time consuming :S22:24
apacheloggercomputing is evil22:24
ScottKRiddell: I can't find the bug.22:25
RiddellScottK: for what?22:25
ScottKFor the Google search thingy being broken22:25
apacheloggerNightrose: did you get the google doc invite22:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 468458 in kubuntu-default-settings "Google search no permission to get URL" [High,Confirmed]22:25
apacheloggerScottK: Nightrose already got it covered :P22:25
Nightroseapachelogger: jep - didn't look at it yet22:25
Nightrosevery good22:26
Nightroseah nope22:26
* apachelogger pokes Nightrose with a screwdriver22:26
Nightrosethat's not the way i wanted it :D22:26
Nightrosedamn :P22:26
amikapachelogger: but if it's a general k/ubuntu issue, it's pretty bad... unresponsive desktops are a no-no22:26
Nightroseapachelogger: any timeline?22:26
apacheloggeramik: at the very best it's a graphics driver problem22:26
ScottKapachelogger: I have similar symptoms to what amik describes when I fire up pbuilder.22:26
apacheloggergoes down to IO-device driver problem22:27
apacheloggerand worst would be some bottle neck on hardware layer22:27
ScottKI swear I filed a bug about this before the release, but I can't find it now.22:27
apacheloggerScottK: that is because pbuilder also does decompressiong which diggs into the cpu22:27
JontheEchidnaScottK: I duped it an hour ago or so22:27
apacheloggerplain disk access should not cause unrepsonsiveness22:27
amikapachelogger: I'm still not sure how a graphics driver with lots of free ram and cpu comes to a halt when disk is used... but having nvidia drivers, it should be pretty easy for someone else to confirm this22:28
apacheloggeramik: the driver locks X not anything else22:28
apacheloggerthat can be caused by loads of things22:28
ScottKRight.  There it is: Bug #460764 reported by Scott Kitterman on 2009-10-2522:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 460764 in kdebase "403 Forbidden Error with Kubuntu custom search on Google (dup-of: 468458)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46076422:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 468458 in kubuntu-default-settings "Google search no permission to get URL" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46845822:28
apacheloggeramik: but I would look into IO first22:28
apacheloggermuch more likely problem22:28
apacheloggerlong disk waits for example could cause unresponsiveness because IO tasks pile up22:29
amikI don't think cpu activity (compression in ScottK's case) has anything to do with it. when I fully utilize the cpus, the desktop is light as a feather. just the darn disk...22:30
apacheloggerwell cpu activity != (decompression == disk read + disk write + cpu activity)22:31
apacheloggerin fact I would suppose linux even finds some way to fill up RAM by decompression22:32
apacheloggeramik: find some hardware dood22:32
apacheloggeramik: does CPU usage go up when the system becomes unresponsive?22:33
amikapachelogger: I tried to have a look while this happens (every day), which is hard because of the unresponsiveness, but I never saw a real peak. I'm on a quad core, and shutting down firefox doesn't max it out...22:47
amikI was hoping there are devs here with more in-depth knowledge of what's going on beneath, that's why I'm here :-)22:48
amiknot that you haven't been very helpful ;-)22:48

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