
hycwgrant: thanks00:27
hycyes, I tried several times, waited 10-15 minutes between tries, etc.00:28
lifelesswgrant: do you think there is an outage?00:32
wgrantlifeless: I don't.00:45
kklimondaheh, new T400 costs $600 and the motherboard for my T61 is $300.. life is such a bi***00:55
wgrantThat's a cheap T400.00:55
wgrantImpressive. An US T400 is AUD1000 cheaper than an identically specced AU one.01:03
hycI've just spent $120 and $150 respectively on two new LCD panels for my laptop01:05
hyc15.4" WUXGA01:05
hycbecause none of the new laptop models seem to be available in 15.4" any more01:05
hycalso, AMD CPU...01:06
hycI'm still avoiding Intel01:06
hycunfortunately I haven't yet got any working modelines/timings for this display.01:07
hycand it's possible that I damaged the LCD cable; waiting for a new one at the momet.01:07
hycthe joys of DIY upgrades01:07
hyclife would be easier if we had open source BIOSes01:11
hycthen I could just find the source and reflash the correct values01:11
lifelesshyc: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coreboot01:12
hycnot enough support on current laptops01:13
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SjorsI was reading about Launchpad Translations02:13
SjorsIs it possible to use that with a project hosted on Sourceforge?02:13
RenatoSilvaI think so02:19
beunoSjors, sure, just use Launchpad for translations02:21
Sjorsok great, I'll pass the idea on to the rest of the team, see what they think02:24
Sjorsthanks :)02:25
MsMacois it possible in the bug advanced search to look for bugs a certain person *hasn't* commented on?04:31
wgrantMsMaco: No.04:31
wgrantAlthough you could use the API to get a list of all bugs, and then do a set subtraction...04:32
MsMacohow about bugs with no comments?04:32
wgrantYou could order the results by number of comments ascending.04:32
MsMacoi want to find audio bugs that dan hasn't commented on. i tried -crimsun in the Commenter field, but LP got unhappy :P04:32
MsMaco:-/ i want the newest ones too though04:32
dtchen"audio bugs that dan hasn't commented on" is a very, very big set04:40
wgrantThat sounds like a bug.04:41
dtchenI'm already subscribed to the common ones by virtue of being in ~ubunut-audio-team04:41
dtchenhowever, it's the wacky ones like the libao-pulse that are slipping through the cracks04:41
dtchenyou pretty much have to read ubuntu-bugs to get those04:41
MsMacowell i wanted to get new bugs (say in the last week) with the word "sound" in them that you haven't commented on04:46
MsMacobut yeah, sounds like i need to go learn python :(04:46
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TheNetrixwhats this place for?08:14
wgrantTheNetrix: Mostly support for Launchpad.net08:15
TheNetrixOops, Im in the wrong place08:16
A4TechAll greetings. At the launchpad, you can create a project that only I could download and update?10:46
mwhudsonA4Tech: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/20810:47
A4Techmwhudson thx :)10:50
nachiketHello, I need help with permission during installation of a source package15:20
maxbnachiket: It sounds like you have an Ubuntu packaging issue, rather than a Launchpad issue. If that is the case, #ubuntu-motu is a more suitable place to ask.15:27
nachiketI was refereed here by Launchpad's help system.. I am trying to use Launchpad to build a package15:28
Krystofmwhudson: I did not expect to see you here15:29
maxbnachiket: You should explain in more detail what the problem is - your initial question didn't sound like that at all.15:29
Krystof(what I actually came here to ask was: how long should I wait for a response to a message sent to feedback@launchpad.net before I should start wondering whether it's got lost in the mail?)15:30
nachiketsorry, I have a package that compiles fine locally on my machine.. When I try to compile the package after uploading to Launchpad I get errors relating to permissions15:30
nachiket"make install" command in my rules file fails as it is trying to write into /usr/local directory15:31
maxbRight, that's definitely a bug in your package's source, so I think it falls more into #ubuntu-motu territory15:32
nachiketok i'll ask there15:32
maxbKrystof: I'd suggest you ask here on a weekday15:33
sageNsandOn my bug report is there a way to close it. Someone posted a link that I think is rouge. I took the page private, but would like to delete it15:53
GoundysageNsand sorry for this off topic but what does "rouge" means ? :p15:54
sageNsandthe link won't open in firefox but when you paste it in internet explorer it wants to open a .exe in VLC15:56
sageNsandread post 8 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/41879015:57
ubottuError: This bug is private15:57
sageNsandIn Vista I get a security popup dialog and you can see the extension has a .exe16:00
sageNsandThis is an old bug report when karmic testing and I would like to let it die in the 60 days time so I need to stop someone from posting. How do I do that?16:09
sageNsandI thought there might be a option under Status16:11
SjorssageNsand, Goundy: he probably meant rogue16:28
GoundySjors thank you :p16:29
andrea-bssageNsand, you should ask an administrator to delete that comment. You can do this opening a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad16:30
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mwhudsonKrystof: why not?18:46
edayHi! I upgraded to 2.0.1 on both my Ubuntu and OpenSolaris machines, and when doing a fresh 'bzr branch lp:drizzle', I get a timeout after about two hours. I've tried both paramiko and openssh. Thoughts?  http://pastebin.com/m33fb788219:08
edayFor most of the time, it just sits at:  [#########|          ]    188KB     1KB/s | Fetching revisions:Get stream sourc19:09
NoCodeAre keyservers down?19:12
NoCodeIf so, when will they be back up?19:12
maxbNoCode: Try pool.sks-keyservers.net19:14
NoCodemaxb: So, how am I supposed to get a ppa key from there?19:20
maxbNoCode: just search for it by name or fingerprint?19:23
mwhudsoneday: are you branching into a shared repo?19:32
mwhudsoneday: if so, make sure it's the same format as the remote branch19:32
edaymwhudson: I am, using 2a format (default)19:33
edaymwhudson: ok, lemme try 1.919:33
mwhudsoni suspect that will go much better19:33
Krystofmwhudson: I don't think I'd spotted that you were a canonical employee19:34
Krystofso I had a slight blast-from-the-past moment19:34
mwhudsonKrystof: ah :)19:34
edaymwhudson: ahh, yes. there it goes. I thought you could use a local 2a repo? Is that a bug or intended?19:35
mwhudsonKrystof: i also now live in nz ...19:35
Krystofsee, I didn't know that either.  There was me expecting you to be awake in daylight GMT19:35
maxbeday: Also remember that 2a is rich-root19:42
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dhillon-v10hi all, I am trying to get the launchpad-gm scripted to work but no luck, I installed them but when I open up a bug, the stock replies script isn't working19:51
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moradanhello, point me please with a description of how can I organize translation of some documentation which is in xml with launchpad. I have not created a project yet - and if it would be created it will only be using for translation. (The project is a very specialized part of GNU and is under GPL so I think there should be no problems with working on it with launchpad).20:41
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moradansorry I was disconnected and haven't seen answers I any - please repeat (maybe personally)20:45
lifelessmoradan: we only support gettext - .pot/.po based translation21:09
lifelessif you want an xml based system, you'd need to write a xml->.pot, and .po->xml translators21:09
moradanI thought there are some workarounds....21:10
lifelessnot that I know of; but I'm not a translations developer21:10
lifelessin a few hours jtv will be around, he will know if anyone does21:11
moradanthese files are from some other automating system - maybe there are some ways to convert in/from .po21:12
mermais there a way to change my launchpad username?21:21
lifelessmerma: on your user page21:31
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lfaraonerockstar: if we import bugs from trac into launchpad, how do we handle the user migration?21:58
rockstarlfaraone, what do you mean by user migration?22:01
lfaraonerockstar: how will users who had trac accounts but not launchpad accounts go about logging in to launchpad?22:04
rockstarlfaraone, they'll have to create launchpad accounts.22:05
lfaraonerockstar: okay. how do we tie their previous comments to their new account etc?22:07
lifelessif they had email info in trac22:08
lifelesswe can have a placeholder for them22:08
lifelessas long as trac exports that, of course22:09
rockstar...what lifeless said.22:09
rockstarThen you just make sure your launchpad account is tied to that email address.22:09
lfaraonelifeless, rockstar, is there anything we can do with redirects or something to ensure our bug number URLs don't break?22:11
lifelessget the import into lp done22:11
lifelessthen build an apache mapping table with mod_redirect22:11
lfaraonelifeless: okay, will the person who does the import be able to give us the new bug numbers?22:12
lifelesslfaraone: I'd expect so; if you ask for it we can make sure it happens22:13
wgrantlfaraone: One way it is often done is to give the LP bugs nicknames like 'project1234' which identify their numbers on the old bug tracker. Then you just have to redirect from http://url.to/old/bugs/1234 to https://launchpad.net/bugs/project1234, and LP will do the redirect to the new number.22:16
lfaraonelifeless: Okay. Kiko mentioned that CNAME support is eventually going to be implemented for branded subdomains. (ie "bugs.sugarlabs.org") When this happens, would you be able to add the redirect on your side?22:17
lfaraonewgrant: ah, mk. can we specify that in the import, or do we have to do that manually?22:17
wgrantlfaraone: It's normally done as part of the import, but I don't quite know how.22:18
lifelesslfaraone: I can't comment on branded subdomains - I'm not familiar with the plan there22:19
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lfaraonelifeless: understood.22:33
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MTecknologyIs it possible to have the ubuntu-drupal-openid project reactivated?23:20
thumperMTecknology: anything is possible with enough time and caffeine23:22
MTecknologythumper: Would you be the one that is hyped up on caffeine that will help me?23:23
thumperMTecknology: what is the rationale for reactivating?23:23
thumperMTecknology: do you know why it was deactivated?23:24
MTecknologythumper: It was requested - by me23:24
MTecknologythumper: I want to take all these branches and assign it to the project  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-drupal-openid-devs23:24
wgrantThat's not a project.23:25
wgrantOh, other way around. I see.23:25
MTecknologyI can create a new one too - that's not a big deal at all23:27
thumperMTecknology: using the API? As there isn't a way to move branches between projects on the UI right now23:27
MTecknologyoh - I thought there way23:28
maxbLP seems slightly confused about having branches for a disabled project :-)23:28
thumperMTecknology: there used to be23:28
MTecknologymaxb: It's because they still exist and are fully functional23:28
thumperMTecknology: but it got temporarily removed due to package branches23:29
thumperand we haven't yet come up with a good ui23:29
thumperI need to get a hacky one up23:29
MTecknologyI deleted a branch that I need to exist.....23:29
thumperMTecknology: active again23:29
MTecknologythumper: thanks :)23:30
thumperMTecknology: np23:30
MTecknologyI hope they do a push before realizing the branch is gone :S23:30
thumperMTecknology: there is a method on the branch object called "setTarget", this can take a project23:30
thumperMTecknology: :)23:31
MTecknologythumper: I wasn't smart and trashed 2 branches...23:31
thumperMTecknology: oops23:31
thumperMTecknology: and I take it you don't have copies?23:32
MTecknologythumper: not me - but somebody else does23:32
MTecknologythumper: I guess jsut bzr push will correct it23:32
thumperMTecknology: we don't actually remove the branch off disk for a week23:32
thumperMTecknology: a push will23:32
thumperMTecknology: but it won't have the same subscribers or links23:32
MTecknologythumper: could you push them? :D23:33
MTecknologythumper: or correct, or idk23:33
thumperI don't have access to the filestore directly23:33
thumperit would need a LOSA23:33
MTecknologyoh, ok23:33
RenatoSilvaWhy does ubuntu still have that brown look? Is there any bug registered for implementing a better theme like a blue/white look?23:42
spivRenatoSilva: go to System->Preferences->Appearance and choose a theme that you like23:47
spivI personally like the brown look.23:48
RenatoSilvasecond channel to not actually answer the question23:48
mwhudsonRenatoSilva: was the first as inappropriate as this one?23:48
RenatoSilvaI already did a long time ago, I've erased the brown from Ubuntu a long time ago, but Karmic brought it back :(23:49
RenatoSilvamwhudson: I mean, I'm just curious why sabdfl or whoever "still keeps ubuntu brown"23:49
spivWell, considering "blue/white" to be "better" than "brown" is pretty clearly a subjective matter of taste, and it's not really on topic for this channel anyway, so I think my answer was appropriate enough ;)23:50
wgrantI quite like the brown, and I believe sabdfl said that it certainly wouldn't be going blue any time soon.23:50
wgrantand this channel is completely the wrong place to ask.23:50
RenatoSilvaspiv: I'm trying to find the appropriate channel to ask this23:50
wgrantOne related to Ubuntu would be a good start.23:50
RenatoSilvathey don't answer, I guess there's no developer there, they don't know why ubuntu is brown23:51
lifelessRenatoSilva: #ubuntu-desktop23:51
lifelessand/or the ayatana mailing list23:51
RenatoSilvaI think I would not think about this if Karmic didn't remove my login screen without option to customize again (it seems). Anyway, I don't really mean it should not be brown, I'm just curious for the reason.23:53
RenatoSilvalifeless: thanks23:59

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