
KurtKrautI've created a shell script (http://code.google.com/p/pomamonitor/) and I want to distribute it in a .deb file. How can I learn how to create a package for Ubuntu?00:58
tsimpson!packaging | KurtKraut01:12
ubottuKurtKraut: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports01:12
KurtKrauttsimpson, thanks.01:14
KurtKrautHow do I specify the control file (containing dependencies, description etc.) in the dpkg --build command?01:34
lfaraonedirecthex: does the version of monodevelop in your PPA contain the python language bindings?01:39
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directhexlfaraone, no. we haven't gotten around to it yet (it's a new package)02:50
lfaraonedirecthex: ah, okay. I'm not too experience with packaging of mono applications, would I be able to help?02:51
directhexlfaraone, just hasn't been done yet. would probably be a simple copypasta from monodevelop-vala's debian/ dir into the new dir, should build with little massaging02:51
directhex(at a guess)02:51
lfaraonedirecthex: mk.02:53
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eboysrIs there a channel I can ask questions on how to make an Ubuntu package? I added some code to the gnome-control-center package, but I need to know how to compile it to test to see if my code works well.06:40
randomactionsee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix06:43
JanCeboysr: asking here is okay, not sure how many paople are around on Saturday night (US) or Sunday morning (Europe) though  ;)06:45
eboysrlol yeah.. Here I bet most people are just pigging out on Halloween candy or something06:45
eboysrWeird how postfix gets installed along with devscripts06:47
eboysrAnyway I got it thanks randomaction and JanC06:47
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lars_anybody here, who can assist me in my first steps of bugfixing ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aiccu/+bug/223825 )10:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 223825 in aiccu "aiccu init.d script will race dhclient (upstart issue?)" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:24
lars_(cute bot :) )10:25
lars_I have a fix for that, but I'm not really sure how to get it into a patch ( where to put upstart-files in debian/ ? )10:26
eboyjrlars_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix I am programming a fix for something myself right now10:29
eboyjrlars_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems Take a look at Example 1. too10:29
lars_oh, thanks eboyjr :) *reading*10:29
eboyjrAnd yeah that is a cool bot. bug 2342510:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 23425 in ubuntu "[Breezy RC] Touchpad not responsive (dup-of: 22584)" [Critical,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2342510:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 22584 in linux-source-2.6.15 "[ Breezy Colony 5] Touchpad problem (doesn't work)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2258410:30
eboyjri just put random numbers heh10:30
dupondjeI'm trying to find out how to debug nautilus :p10:32
lars_dupondje: sounds like biiiig fun :)10:32
dupondjewant to fix some SynCE bugs :)10:33
lars_All I want is to get rid of /etc/init.d/aiccu in favour of a new /etc/init/aiccu.conf by me10:35
lars_And I cannot find any part in debian/* except a file debian/aiccu.init.d (which is never used in rules or control)10:36
maxblars_: I'd guess you want to see 'man dh_installinit'10:37
lars_AH :)10:37
lars_thanks maxb :)10:37
lars_hmm referred in man is debian/package.init but in source is debian/package.init.d ... :) but it works, so i will delete package.init.d and put my file as package.upstart? right?10:40
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larsduesingHi :)12:41
larsduesingI uploaded a patch to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aiccu/+bug/22382512:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 223825 in aiccu "aiccu init.d script will race dhclient (upstart issue?)" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:41
larsduesingbeing that my first patch, do I have to do anything else to get the patch sponsored by motu-team?12:42
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geserlarsduesing: is this also for a SRU for karmic or only for lucid? (didn't read all the bug comments?13:59
larsduesinggeser: SRU?14:21
larsduesing*sorry* I'm new to all14:21
geserlarsduesing: SRU = Stable Release Update, i.e. karmic-updates in the end14:23
larsduesingI think it could be SRU...14:24
larsduesingbut I'm not really sure, as I don't know what impacts could be.14:24
larsduesingbut people are waiting sind 2008-04-28 now for this update14:25
geserlarsduesing: your debdiff needs small corrections, the version needs to be bumped (you can't have twice 20070115-9) and the Maintainer field needs an update too14:26
geserthe Maintainer field can be easily updated with update-maintainer from ubuntu-dev-tools14:26
larsduesingShould I enter me as Maintainer?14:26
larsduesing(as in ubuntu only motu is as maintainer)14:27
geserand the version should be for an SRU: 20070115-9ubuntu0.1 targeting karmic-proposed (and not unstable)14:27
geserthe Maintainer would be Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com> (if I remember the exact value correctly) but the update-maintainer script will do it for you14:28
larsduesingResetting as: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>14:28
geserand the upload later to lucid should be versioned 20070115-9ubuntu1 targeting lucid14:29
larsduesingaiccu (20070115-9ubuntu0.1) karmic; urgency=low14:29
larsduesingin changelog?14:29
geserbut yes14:29
larsduesingaiccu (20070115-9ubuntu0.1) karmic-proposed; urgency=low14:29
larsduesingthank you :)14:30
geserand you need to get an ACK from motu-sru (just subscribe them to the bug and wait for an ACK)14:30
geserand  subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to get your fix uploaded to lucid (once it's open)14:30
geserand the syntax for automatic bug close through debian/changelog is "LP: #xxx" (Closes: #xxx is used in Debian)14:32
larsduesingok, corrected... updloading new patch :)14:36
larsduesingdone. :)14:37
larsduesingthanks geser14:37
larsduesingsubscribed both :)14:40
Hrunhi, i want to try some ubuntu software development, how do i get the source in such a way that i can make a diff which could be accepted?15:27
Hrun(and what is a nice small fail-proof package to start?)15:28
maxbI would advise working on packages which personally interest you is the best place to start15:28
maxbHrun: Also, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing is a good place to start reading stuff15:31
nachiketI need help with permissions issues when compiling a source package on Launchpad15:33
Hrunok. i'll have a look.15:33
maxbnachiket: I may be on both channels, but others won't be, so re-state relevant facts here.15:34
nachiketYes, certainly... I have a source package that builds fine locally on my machine.. I uploaded the package to Launchpad and the build system fails when trying to run "make install". The install step tries to copy over certain binaries into /usr/local which it is unable to do because of permissions15:35
maxbRight.... the fact that your package tries to write to /usr/*anything* directly is a bug. The build should fail for you locally too. (Unless you're running it as root, which is *very much not recommended*)15:36
nachiketI run it with sudo15:36
nachiketDoesn't a deb install require sudo anyway?15:36
joaopintoyou are not expected to install anything out of the build directory :)15:36
joaopintonachiket, install yes, building no15:36
nachiketi dont understand...15:37
nachiketi am trying to write the compiled binaries into /usr/local/bin15:37
nachiketis that a bad pattern?15:37
joaopintonachiket, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete15:38
nachiketThanks.. I guess I did read that guide and maybe I missed some step?15:39
jdongthe guide should give you the understanding that files should be staged into $(DESTDIR)15:39
joaopintoas part of the building process you install files ate debian/tmp or debian/package-name, not on their expected target location15:39
jdongi.e. $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin15:40
nachiketI see.... But, there's no DESTDIR on that page..15:41
jdongah they refer to it as $(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/15:41
nachiketI see...15:41
nachiketok thanks.. I think I understand..15:41
nachiketI have an unrelated question...16:08
nachiketHow do I distribute a Java package as a Debian/Ubuntu deb file?16:08
nachiketIs there a similar packaging guide?16:09
joaopintonachiket, you mean a java application ?16:11
nachiketFrom Java source16:11
nachiketI did find this -> http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/building.html16:15
joaopintodirecthex, ping16:16
joaopintodirecthex, is monodevelop expected to work out of the box :P ?16:17
AnAntHello, is it true that Ubuntu will by syncing from testing instead of unstable during Lucid cycle ?16:20
joaopintoAnAnt, I don't know for sure, but that is the docummented policy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS16:22
AnAntoh, because its LTS !16:22
joaopintoit is :)16:23
nachiketany help on a packaging flow for java?16:29
joaopintonachiket, just check the source for an existing java package16:33
sebnerjoaopinto: it should, why?16:33
joaopintosebner, because it didn't, with a default VB project16:33
joaopintoit missing dependencies16:33
sebnerjoaopinto: ok you better talk with directhex then16:34
joaopintodoesn't monodevelop provide an integrated gui editor ?16:35
sebnerjoaopinto: not for VB but GTK# (C#)16:35
joaopintoerm, the help button also crashes, I am already disapointed16:35
joaopintook, I thought it the gui editing would be language independent :P16:36
joaopintowell, the Help crashes on the main window, this one is not VB specific :)16:37
joaopintomissing monodoc16:38
joaopintoargh, now the code editor complains that the file was changed outside, after using the design editor16:48
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iWolfI would like to join the MOTU team17:49
geseriWolf: have you already read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing?18:56
iWolfIll think ill brush up on my linux skills before joining18:57
iWolfUsed to linux, used Ubuntu for a while, Debian on another PC, And now going back to ubuntu18:57
micahgI wanted to run a packaging bug comment by a MOTU, is one available19:12
micahgnevermind, I'll just link to the upstream bug19:14
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azeemdoes ubottu have a seen function?19:51
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Amaranthazeem: No, that's what SeenServ is for20:02
jpdsAmaranth: SeenServ is dead.20:06
carresmdEvening. Is it possible to build multiple debian packages, i.e. package, package-common, package-doc, using cdbs and distutils for python applications?21:53
RAOFcarresmd: Yes, absolutely.21:58
RAOFcarresmd: Just to check, you mean: "build multiple binary packages (foo, foo-common, foo-doc, foo-bar) from a single source package foo"?21:58
carresmdRAOF, correct. BUT what if a source package uses distutils (setup.py)?22:05
RAOFcarresmd: Why would that make a difference?22:05
RAOF_No_ (upstream) build system does anything special for multiple binary packages.22:06
RAOFAt least, none that I know of.22:06
RAOFThey're all done at the packaging level, (almost always) _after_ the buildsystem has done whatever it'll do.22:06
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carresmdRAOF, then how would I specify which files belong to package(-whatever)? I have to say, this is my first day trying to package something.. ^^22:08
RAOFI'd suggest looking at a multi-binary package as an example.  Let's see if I can find a simple one...22:08
lifelessRAOF: subunit22:09
RAOFlifeless: Thanks.22:09
lifelessRAOF: fairly small, but builds a lib, -dev, python module, apps package etc22:09
RAOFFor some reason I can't help spelling that "subunity"22:09
lifelessand includes python22:09
carresmdI'll take a look :-)22:10
RAOFThe most active ingredient is debian/*.install, which tells dh_install what files to move to which package (basically).22:11
lifelessdon't forget debian/control :)22:12
RAOFWell, that too.22:13
carresmdso basically the *.install files specify what files belong to a specific package?22:14
RAOFBut that declares what packages there are, wheras the install files more closely map to the actual question (how would I specify which files belong where).22:14
RAOFcarresmd: Indeed.22:14
carresmdthus, cdbs (*.install files) comes in action between building and packaging right?22:17
RAOFWell... we don't use "packaging" in that sense.22:18
RAOF(We use it to describe the whole process of specifying how to turn a source tarball into one-or-more binary packages)22:18
RAOFBut you're conceptually pretty much correct.22:19
carresmdis compiling > cdbs > building better?22:19
RAOFNot really, because CDBS orchestrates the compiling too. :)22:20
carresmdwell it doesn't matter right now ^^22:20
RAOFWhat's happening underneath is: CDBS implements the standard debian/rules interface (which you'll find in Debian policy, and it's worth a read).22:21
RAOFBut for now, you've got an idea of what you need to do.22:21
carresmdLooking at the example package, subunit.install 'fetches' files in 'usr/bin' where 'usr/bin' is in the build directory right?22:22
RAOFFor this, you'll want to read "man dh_install".22:23
carresmdAh, that's what I needed :-)22:25
RAOFdh_install is the component that reads the *.install files and acts on them.  But, yes.  subunit.install specifies that the "usr/bin" heirachy should be copied into the the directory that the "subunit" package is being built in.22:25
RAOFYou might also want to check out some of the other dh_* man pages.  Those are the utilities that CDBS calls to get the job done, and they act on various files in debian/22:26
carresmdhow would I only compile the package so I can take a look in it's build/ directory?22:29
carresmdjust make build?22:29
RAOFdebian/rules build22:30
RAOFWould work (check out the targets that debian/rules has to have - Debian policy!).  Also, dpkg-buildpackage or debuild or your choice of package-building frontend will generally leave everything in place.22:31
RAOFHm.  With the exception of everything moved by dh_install.22:31
carresmdRAOF, how would I set a prefix for debian/rules build? As subunit doesn't create a 'build/' dir or something alike22:40
RAOFcarresmd: I'm not sure what you mean.  What are you doing, and what do you want to do?22:41
carresmdI'd like to see the files before that are split up with the debian/*.install files.22:42
carresmdSo I get an idea how stuff actually works22:43
carresmd(with the subunit package)22:43
RAOFSo, what _I_ would do is: unpack the subunit source (apt-get source subunit will do this for you), change to the subunit-0.0.2 directory, and run "debian/rules build".22:44
carresmdyes, done that. But they files are all scattered around in the tree.22:45
RAOFThey'll all be in debian/tmp22:46
RAOFOh, whoops.22:46
RAOFdebian/rules install will do a little more that you're after22:48
carresmdbut it does keep debian/tmp intact as it seems :-)22:49
RAOFSo, "debian/rules clean" followed by "debian/rules build" followed by "dh_auto_install" should get you into a state where everything's in debian/tmp, but before dh_install has copied or moved things around.22:49
carresmdI'll try22:49
carresmdthat's what I was looking for.. Thanks22:51
carresmdwhat's ran after 'dh_auto_install'?22:53
carresmdI assume 'dh_auto_install' is part of 'dh_install' right?22:54
carresmd'dh_install' is the script ran after 'dh_auto_install' :-)22:55
DktrKranzcarresmd: this is the full sequence: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/307050/plain/22:57
lifelessman debhelper22:59
DktrKranzerr... too verbose, this is better: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/307054/plain/23:01
carresmdthanks, that made it clear :-)23:05
DktrKranzyou're welcome ;)23:06
ari-tczewwhen autosync will wake up to work?23:07
DktrKranznot before toolchain has landed23:09
ari-tczewso after 5th23:15
carresmdRAOF, I have successfully build my very first multiple binary package (or whatever they are called).23:18
carresmdRAOF, Thank you for guiding me the right way! :-)23:18
RAOFNo problem.23:18
carresmdI assumed it would be complicated because I was using distutils...23:20
carresmd“Assumption is the mother of the screw-up” -Angelo Donghia ^^23:20
carresmdanyway, goodnight!23:21
mruizhi all23:37
ari-tczewhmmm is comming necessity to forward some packages into debian before DebianImportFreeze :P23:45
ajmitchgood to see *some* discussion about sync-from-testing for lucid23:49
ajmitchbecause it seems like it's surprising to quite a few people23:49
geserari-tczew: this page need to be fixed to compare against testing instead of unstable (lucid will sync with testing and not unstable)23:49
ari-tczew; O23:51
ari-tczewwhy testing in this development cycle?23:51
ajmitchbecause lucid is an LTS release23:52
PiciWe won't be downgrading package versions though... will we?23:52
ajmitchno, we won't23:52
ajmitchbecause we can't23:52
PiciJust making sure.23:52
* jdong loves that answer :)23:53
geserajmitch: did we sync from testing for dapper and hardy too, or is this completely new?23:53
ajmitchgeser: completely new23:53
ari-tczewueee, so this release won't get many new upstream versions?23:53
ajmitchand from the responses from some canonical employees, not particularly well communicated23:53
ajmitchI wonder how feasible having universe autosync from debian, where possible23:54
ajmitchie where all build-dependencies are satisfied23:54
geserajmitch: please don't make it too complicated23:56
wgrantThat has been suggested before.23:56
wgrantgeser: I'll add testing versions of the mdt pages now.23:57
geserI'm currently thinking what's the best way to change the requestsync default. changing requestsync in lucid is easy, but I'm not sure if a backport or a sru is better for karmic and jaunty23:57
ajmitchgeser: "too complicated" is bad, but we're going to have a lot of people wanting the newest stuff in universe again23:58
ajmitchI don't particularly like the idea of only being able to sync from testing23:58
geserI don't have an opinion on that right now, need to think more about it23:59
lifelessThere doesn't seem to be consensus on ubuntu-devel about it yet23:59

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