
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
armin76asac: fyi karmic firefox still sigbuses on sparc, debian has it working, trying to find out how :)18:32
BUGabundoasac: FYI android usb tether works 100% with NM karmic/lucid20:01
BUGabundoOTOH 3G modems still don't :\20:01
nikolamBUGabundo, what 3G modem you have?20:02
ejatBUGabundo: hmm20:02
nikolamusb or internal, mini PCIexpress or something?20:02
BUGabundonikolam: e22020:03
BUGabundohey ejat20:03
BUGabundonikolam: usb20:03
BUGabundoI have a full bug20:03
ejatBUGabundo: im using e16020:03
BUGabundoas dupe of master one20:03
BUGabundowith all details :)20:03
ejatso far ok :)20:03
ejathey back to BUGabundo20:03
* ejat idle lately due to bz for next week event :(20:05
BUGabundonikolam: anything you need from me?20:07
ejatBUGabundo: hv u try livecd or fresh install ?20:08
ejatstill gave u same result?20:08
BUGabundoejat: same install from karmic alpha220:08
BUGabundoup to current luclid20:08
BUGabundoall kernels20:09
* ejat kinda weird ..20:09
BUGabundomain and ppa20:09
* ejat using since karmic alpha2 ..20:09
BUGabundoseveral other users on the bug with same modem20:09
BUGabundohave similar prob20:09
ejatowh ..20:09
ejatluckily im using other series of usb modem..20:09
nikolamBUGabundo, not pericularly I have 3G/GSM card and wanated to know your model20:10
BUGabundonikolam: as I said before, its all on my duped bug :)20:11
BUGabundoI can add more stuff if it help20:11
BUGabundobeen netless for 1 month :(20:11
armin76asac: it could be due to --enable-optimize21:02
ftadtchen, any news about sdl?22:08
micahgfta: I hope to get to songbird this week22:10
ftamicahg, lots of red those days :P22:12
ftado we know if PPAs are already open for ludic?22:25
ftaBUGabundo, asac: ^^22:25
ftai meant lucid22:26
* fta should not type in the dark22:27
BUGabundoyou look at the keyb ?22:28
micahgi don't this it is yet22:33
micahg*think it is22:33
BUGabundofta: GLERROR: dlerror() returns [libGLU.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]22:45
BUGabundo$ dpkg -S libGLU.so22:45
BUGabundoia32-libs: /usr/lib32/libGLU.so22:45
BUGabundoia32-libs: /usr/lib32/libGLU.so.1.3.07060022:45
ftawhere from?22:45
BUGabundo$ xmess Toki\ -\ Going\ Ape\ Spit\ \(UE\)\ \[c\]\[\!\].bin22:45
BUGabundoI tried to play that rom22:46
BUGabundobut it says it misses a ,so22:46
BUGabundoI searched for it, and lead me to ia3222:46
ftais xmess a 32bit only app?22:47
BUGabundono idea22:47
BUGabundoits a ROM emulator22:47
BUGabundobrb food :)22:47
ftait doesn't seem to be using ia3222:53
ftastrange it loads the .so22:54
ftait's in libglu1-mesa-dev22:54
dtchenfta: it's next in my queue. I've been busier than I would've liked this weekend thanks to the grub bug.23:09
BUGabundodtchen: how is that bug going?23:17
BUGabundofound the root cause?23:17
micahgfta: is there a place I can request a feature for your bot?23:17
dtchenBUGabundo: no, I've had no time to debug it23:19
dtchenI have to finish a driver, commit some Ubuntu fixes, get them upstream, debug this grub issue, fix libsdl, and find something to eat23:19
dtchenoh, and I suppose I should finish triaging these bugs23:20
ftamicahg, well, apart from telling directly or by email, no23:22
BUGabundodtchen: do you have the time in that list to include a $ for (I=0, I<10,I++) clone dtchen; done ?23:24
dtchenBUGabundo: cloning me wouldn't help. I'd still have to eat, but I'd have to eat even more. ;)23:25
BUGabundoclone food too :)23:26
micahgfta: I was just wondering if it should respin if there are no bzr or upstream changes23:36
micahglike songbird today23:36
ftait should not23:41
ftadid it?23:41
fta* new upstream snapshots:23:42
fta  - songbird (1.5.0~a~svn20091031r15614 -> 1.5.0~a~svn20091101r15615) [42.28MB (+0kB, +0.00%)]23:42
ftaso that was expected23:42
ftamicahg, ^^23:43
micahgoh, weird23:48
micahgfta: nevermind, my eyes are playing tricks on me :)23:50

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