
* MrNaz_studio hugs xubuntu 9.10 boot times00:41
fencersbeatnguwhat about lubuntu??? :-(01:50
redsandroCan anyone help me fix my network that failed after I upgraded 9.04 to 9.10?01:55
redsandroI googled my head off but I cannot get it to work01:56
redsandroHalfway during the update, ethernet disconnected and it won't come back, not after reboot or what01:56
redsandroI guess this is not a very active channel ;)01:57
redsandroI am talking to you, MrNaz ubottu mnemoc skysong_ corenominal heatherRm n2diy ochosi _Techie_ Animagladius nano durt Pici pteague_work kancerman raevol oolon deci wikiii znag C00LARR02 TheSheep cxyz TDJACR w-m- ikonia jussi01 genii rr72 Roybot C00LARR01 Daviey redkloud ubuntulog cha0s tomaw__ tavasti x404x pleia2 nalioth Cham anom01y pteague arthurjohnson Legendre Pricey p0rkjello danopia xxploit jdb Visigoth _Pete_ Sysi Barbicane mk500 IRSeekBo01:58
AnimagladiusAwesome, good to know!01:58
redsandroAlarmbells? ;)01:58
VisigothRather annoying of you redsandro02:10
redsandroVisigoth, I can imagine everyone is watching football and have an alarm signal setup if anyone mentions their name (like me) so they would know anyone is actually here, asking for help, like the xubuntu help pages say this irc channel is for, thank you02:14
pteague_workmight also try #ubuntu channel, larger # of bodies screaming for help...  are you using the network manager or /etc/network/interfaces to set your ethernet card?02:18
=== pteague_work is now known as pteague_laptop
redsandroyes I do02:20
redsandrobut the icon has a cross in it02:20
redsandroit sais network manager is not running02:20
redsandrothe part that needs to say connected or auto sais 'never'02:20
redsandroifup of ifdown eth0 sais the device is not configured02:20
redsandrobut ifconfig mentions the device with correct settings02:20
pteague_laptopmy mythtv frontend (mythbuntu uses xfce as well) has that same thing with the x for the network & the reason why is because i forcibly set it up in /etc/network/interfaces because the network should be working whether somebody is logged into the computer or not02:21
redsandroI don't have that, I used to, so I understand that the cross does not nesessarily mean that the network is down02:22
pteague_laptopyeah, i don't know what network manager does, but it sets up the network in a way that i've not been able to get ifup/ifdown to work... i think it's because they rely upon the network interfaces configured in /etc/network/interfaces02:22
redsandrobut it is02:22
redsandrothat file has the default contents02:22
pteague_laptopyou have the right modules loaded? it could be the network module needed for your network card isn't loaded02:23
redsandrohow can I check?02:23
redsandroI am gathering a few pieces of advise because I need to run up and down to go to the to-be-fixed computer and this one with internets02:23
redsandrois there something to modprobe?02:24
pteague_laptopno idea, but it looks like `modprobe -l` might list all the modules on the system...02:24
pteague_laptopcheck & see if /etc/modules has anything listed in it... do you know what network card you have?02:25
redsandroyes it is umm02:26
redsandroVIA technologies VT6102 or 620102:26
redsandrolp in etc/modules is all02:30
redsandromodprobe -l gives a lot of modules, including a lot of lans02:30
redsandrodammit I have visitors, need to go02:33
redsandroI appreciate you thinking with me, thanks02:33
fyusyI tried looking around in rtm....but could not find vino-server03:00
fyusycongrats on the latest release btw03:01
=== roberto is now known as Guest25563
Guest25563hello does anyone know how to fix a "General mounting filesystems error" when starting xubuntu 9.10?05:34
Guest25563i have read it was related on a looping mounting from var  var/tmp on previous releases, but not in 9.1005:36
redsandroI am back, wondering if anyone can help me fix my ethernet lan connection that failed after the update to 9.10 Koala05:49
Guest25563hi redsandro05:50
redsandroHi guest05:50
Guest25563i have update to 9.10 too05:50
redsandrodo you have network fixing knowledge?05:50
Guest25563mmm let me see i don't know if it is working yet05:51
* jarnos installed xubuntu 9.04 using alternate cd and it forgot to ask me where to install grub.05:52
Guest25563i think my lan is working fine05:53
Guest25563your lan worked on previous releases?05:53
Guest25563i don't have much knowledge, in fact i am currently looking for an expert05:56
redsandroyes it used to work, it even works with the liveCD just not with the update05:56
redsandroI am not an expert, looking for help also, you can ask your question but I'm not sure if I am able to help05:57
Guest25563thank you redsandro05:57
twinsenhow do I enable a usb sound card?  it doesn't show in alsa mixer, although `cat /bin/bash > /dev/dsp1` tells me that my usb card is active05:58
Guest25563so, did your lan give you an ip address?05:58
Guest25563did you try an sudo ifconfig eth0 up?05:58
redsandroyes ifconfig shows the eth0 with ip just fine06:01
redsandrobut ifup eth0 sais device is not configured or something06:01
redsandroso it looks like the card is detected but there is some other problem06:02
redsandrohovering over the networkmanager icon in the top panel also sais "Network Manager disabled" or something06:02
_Techie_redsandro, thankyou for mass highlighting the channel members earlier. it really made me want to help you more to help more06:05
redsandroHey _Techie_, you remember me, always nice to have a friend06:06
Guest25563what about your configuration at your desktop icon?06:07
Guest25563if you click on edit connections do you have there an eth0?06:08
redsandroÝes it has the eth0 listed, normally it sais 'auto' behind it but now it sais 'never'06:08
redsandroI cannot change it, if I edit it nothing happens06:08
_Techie_redsandro, try editing your interface configuration manually then bringing it up06:12
redsandro_Techie_, you mean /etc/network/interface?06:19
redsandroit has the default contents auto lo, iface inet lo something something06:20
_Techie_can you pastebin it please06:20
redsandrowhat can I add to it?06:20
_Techie_pastebin it and ill add the lines for you06:20
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic06:21
redsandroit has no network so Id have to go downstairs, memorise the lines and go back upstairs and enter it manually06:21
redsandrobut I remember it without the commented lines:06:22
redsandroauto lo06:22
redsandroiface lo inet loopback06:22
redsandrojust 2 lines06:22
Tesssaanyone help upgraded from 9.04 t0 9.10 restarted the puter it came up with the xubuntu screen as far as the login window my correct name was shown then i entered my correct password the screen flickerd out and came back but had returned to the login window i then entered a incorrect password told me not authenticated reentered my correct password kept returning to the login window no error msg06:22
Tesssaoh had to reinstall 9.0406:23
_Techie_Tesssa, i guess you didnt save any of the log files before you re installed?06:24
Tesssadidnt think i neede to06:24
Tesssaor needed even06:25
Tesssasurely the upgrade would do that06:25
_Techie_well usually when something goes wrong, if it doesnt display the error it usually puts some info into the logs06:26
redsandrocan you tell me what to add to interface? eth0 something, but I don't know what06:26
Tesssait didnt06:27
_Techie_redsandro, pastebin your /etc/networking/interface and i will add the changes, its easier as then i know it will be entered properly06:27
redsandrobut how can I pastebin without network access?06:28
_Techie_just type it out into pastebin then06:29
redsandro<Tesssa> oh had to reinstall 9.0406:30
redsandrowrong paste06:30
_Techie_redsandro, http://paste.ubuntu.com/306454/06:33
redsandro_Techie_ thanks. How to I manually bring it up, circumventing that network-manager?06:34
_Techie_sudo ifconfig eth0 up06:34
redsandrothanks Ill go down and try it06:34
_Techie_let me know if it works06:34
redsandroyep, be back06:35
homebrewciderhey there, I have a server that was running xubuntu 8.10, I upgraded to 9.04, but I get this error message >no exec line in the session file :xfce4, running the gnome failsafe session instead>06:37
homebrewciderI click okay and I get <could not find gnome installation, will try running the "failsafe xterm session>06:38
homebrewciderthen I get a terminal, and I obviously don't know what to do next06:38
_Techie_homebrewcider, i would help you but unfortunately im a gnome user and i only really use xfce when i use my laptop, may i ask why your using a display manager on a server?06:39
homebrewciderI use it to transcode videos and such06:40
homebrewciderbut that's really not the point06:40
_Techie_i know, i was just interested06:40
redsandro_Techie_, it worked! Thanks. So simple, weird that the upgrade process somehow messed it up.06:41
redsandroNow I will try to continue the upgrade. The upgrade manager immediately sais that no upgrade is possible so it must try a partial upgrade. And when I agree it immediately fails and goes into gpkg -configure -a mode for recovery or something, it's working on it now.06:41
_Techie_cool redsandro, glad i could help you06:41
_Techie_redsandro, you may also find that your network manager may work now, just a possibility06:42
redsandroSo I'd like to think highlighting the channel somehow helped me get someone to help me after all ;)06:42
redsandroBut the network manager still sais it's disabled, but that's not a problem for me if I have a working ethernet card :)06:43
_Techie_no, it didnt i was gonna help regardless but the mass highlight ticked me off slightly06:43
redsandrookay sorry but thanks.06:44
redsandroFunny how it was rather simple but I couldn't have ever done that. Knowledge is power.06:44
_Techie_anybody here wanna give feedback on my cheap assassins creed dualscreen wallaper i made?06:44
redsandroshow us06:45
redsandrolooks nice, I can imagine it being on double screen. The bad thing I can say is that I don't like white/bright, but that is subjective to all06:47
Balsaqcmmd not found06:47
_Techie_Balsaq, you can also just look in the about section under the *nix version aswell06:47
_Techie_hey bal, you here?06:59
Balsaqtrying every driver in here07:00
Balsaqsays i am connected to my nw07:00
_Techie_was your network problem in puppy for a wireless connection or wired?07:00
_Techie_im thinking that what i did for redsandro before may work for your puppy install, maybe with some changes07:01
Balsaqpage load error07:03
_Techie_are you able to pastebin your /etc/networking/interface07:03
_Techie_put it to a USB drive and pastebin it from a pc with a working connection07:03
_Techie_cat /etc/networking/interface >> /home/username/Deskop/interface.txt07:04
Balsaqi dont knwell it is sitting next to my functioning xubub computer07:04
Balsaqsorry no clue what you mean07:04
_Techie_use that command and change the username to the name of the user on the puppy machine07:04
Balsaqbut one computer is next to it07:04
_Techie_and it will create a file on your desktop called interface.txt, copy that to another pc and pastebin it07:05
_Techie_actually, hold that07:05
Balsaqin terminalso what is the 1st thing  i do...and do i do it on my woeking xubub computer or on the non working puppy07:05
_Techie_cat /etc/networking/interface >> /home/username/Deskop/interface.txt && ifconfig >> /home/username/Deskop/interface.txt07:06
_Techie_run that command on the puppy machine and make sure you change the 2 username sections07:06
Balsaqhey got it i tthimlk07:06
Balsaqtype in my ip in the address bar ?07:06
Balsaqand got to verizon?07:07
_Techie_wow, problem solved07:07
Balsaqsecurity warning?07:07
Balsaqi duhno if it will let me do other stuff07:07
Balsaqwarning warning ????07:08
Balsaqwhat is this07:08
_Techie_no clue07:08
Balsaqpage load error07:08
Balsaqsomething wrong with seamonkey07:10
=== __Techie_ is now known as _Techie_
Balsaqits not fixd i am at my own dooestep though07:17
Balsaqits like its trying to hack me07:17
Balsaqneed to dummp the linux firewall is my guess07:17
_Techie_my connection timed out, the last message i recieved before "<Balsaq> its not fixd i am at my own dooestep though" was "<Balsaq> something wrong with seamonkey"07:19
Balsaqyeah i cant surf the net een though verizon announced i am online07:21
Balsaqtry reboot07:27
Balsaqshoulg i go to bios ans put network 1st07:28
_Techie_no, that would just make you attempt to boot from network07:29
Balsaqshould i mount the drive?07:31
_Techie_wait what? what does mounting a drive have to do with networking?07:32
Balsaqprolly not a gd thing07:33
Balsaqdo you know how to disable the linux firewall07:35
Balsaqcalling verizonn07:39
Balsaqit thinks i am wireless07:47
chewybitsThe partitioner for the install is invisible! what should I do?07:51
an0nmat1rwill xubuntu run on a IBM p3 with 128 mb ram?07:55
_Techie_an0nmat1r, yes07:59
Balsaqwhen my partitioner was invivible i went into gparted08:01
_Techie_thats not exactly me08:05
_Techie_thats my australian connection08:05
Balsaqi see08:05
_Techie_brb, gotta do some work on the australian server08:05
an0nmat1r_Techie_: 9.10 or 9.04 or hardy?08:06
_Techie_an0nmat1r, i would think that both would run on that hardware08:06
an0nmat1rthanx _Techie_08:06
Balsaqoh by the way that code you gave me didnt work...but i appreciate it (xp thing)08:20
Balsaqgot an idea, will load xp on here on another partition and then figure out from there how to get puppy online08:27
Balsaq_Techie_ you n here08:31
Balsaqmaybe puppy will run better next to xp?08:31
_Techie_would make a difference08:32
Balsaqtherer is some tool that uses the xp driver for ether08:32
Balsaqmay work08:32
Balsaqthat un08:32
_Techie_it doesnt require you to have xp installed08:32
Balsaqwell i clicked n it and couldnt get it08:32
Balsaqbut if i am olnine with xp cant i run linux in it somehow08:33
Balsaqputting in ntfs on a 6g partition08:33
Balsaqpuppy is an 4g08:33
Balsaqi know whats going on its and old ehter card withou the right drivers inside puppy08:34
Balsaqi had puppy live on a newer computer and it went right online no prob08:34
Balsaqnow once i am online in xp, will i be able to then somehow use puppy?08:37
an0nmat1rtorrent kor xub 9.10?08:52
Balsaquh oh stuck at 46% never saw that happen before?08:52
an0nmat1rgot it08:53
Balsaqso when i tun this thing on with 2 os's in here what will happen_Techie_ (still loading)09:25
Dynetrekkhi. how can I get exaile to play my mp3s?09:35
Dynetrekkerror message is: you do not have a decoder installed to handle this file.09:36
SysiDynetrekk: install xubuntu-restricted-extras09:37
Sysithat contaiins also flash and other useful stuff09:37
DynetrekkSysi: thanks. annoying to live in a non-free world :)09:37
Dynetrekkhow can I find a network printer? (there's only one printer on the network)09:49
Dynetrekkoooh, I found it. wasn't hard at all :)09:53
jarnosDynetrekk: Are you using the development version of exaile?10:24
Dynetrekkjarnos: nope. but I fixed it by installing xubuntu-restricted-extras.10:26
Dynetrekkanother question: the xubuntu box I'm setting up has a couple of USB speakers (ridiculous, I know!). does anyone know how to fix that?10:43
balsaqnow how do i use puppy?10:43
Tesssaanyonr help me please.. downloaded and started to install xubuntu 9.10 got as far as 3of6 the keyboard UK one clicked forward and arrived at 4of7 but no partition manager just a large blank white box and no way of setting the partition manager click forward and am told no root file system found and i have to quit11:55
Tesssaany answer11:55
Tesssaoh am back using xubuntu 9.0411:57
Devastatorwell, i'm trying to install xubuntu with alternate cd, but whenever i select an option it will hang and hdd will stay lit all the time13:16
n2diyDevastator: does the CD pass the 'check for defects' test?13:25
SAngeliI wish to install ubuntu or xubuntu on an SD Memory card (2GB). I noticed that xubuntu is quite fast and I do also appreciate xfree to gnome or kde. It makes desktop management faster. Question #1: Are all applications available for ubuntu available also for xubuntu? Question #2 All support for xubuntu where can it be taken? from ubuntu?13:29
ochosiSAngeli, ad 1: yes. ad 2: what do you mean by support?13:32
SAngeliIf I have a question or an issue, example I do have a bluetooth not working for my mouse when booting from Live cd. Where would I search? still in ubuntu website?13:33
ochosiSAngeli, well, yes. mostly xubuntu and ubuntu are identical. so ubuntuforums.org etc will still be your source for research13:34
SAngelione last question if you know:  is it possibile to have all or part of System Rescue CD applications installed on both ubuntu and xubuntu?13:35
ochosiSAngeli, i assume so, i never used any of those apps you're referring to. but since both gnome and xfce are gtk-based and xubuntu and ubuntu use the same repos i don't see why this shouldn't work13:37
SAngelithan, thank you for your help.13:38
SAngeliI will try to install xubuntu into my SD Memory Card13:39
SAngeliI hope not to encounter into any issue13:39
SAngeliochosi, do you know of any article that explains how to install xubuntu into a memory stick (in my case SD Memory)?13:43
Balsaqyo _Techie_13:45
Balsaqhi knome13:45
knomehello Balsaq13:45
Balsaqhey knowe i put puupy and xp in a computer lastnight....when i boot it goes to xp...where and how to i use puppy never even see it on the way in?13:46
knomeBalsaq, looks like you didn't install grub13:47
Balsaqwell i did have it there because before i put xp in the puppy was booting in grub13:47
Balsaqit would boot with grub but i could never get the puppy online-16 hours of hard work13:48
Balsaqso i heard about running it inside windows?13:49
Balsaqdriving me nutz, i have installed ubuntu, xubuntu, xp....cannot for the life of me handle this crazy puppylinux13:49
Balsaqi thnk i have to reinstall the grub due tothe xp13:50
knomei suppose so as well13:52
Balsaqso if i do get the grub back going again...what will happen when i boot up knome? i imagined/hoped it would boot to a screeen where i choose which OS i want to use?13:53
knomeyes, that should happen13:54
Balsaqthanks at least i know what i am shooting for13:54
knomehehe, yeah13:55
Balsaqi am hoping somehow the driver that lets me online with xp will merge with puppy and let ppuppy online13:55
Balsaqyou see i put xp in, and i go right online...same computer with puppy cannot go online13:56
Balsaqproves to me its a driver issue...at least in my newbie mind...13:57
knomeBalsaq, sorry i'm a bit unfocused, i need to go soon and all14:00
knomeBalsaq, i hope somebody can help you more14:00
Balsaqok cu14:00
Balsaqdoes linux have a "safe mode"14:08
oorahhow come xfce isn't default desktop for Ubuntu?14:09
|Logitech|Balsaq, linux have recovery mode14:11
Balsaqwhere is it?14:12
knomeoorah, xfce is the default desktop for xubuntu14:12
knomeoorah, gnome is the default desktop for ubuntu14:12
|Logitech|on start press escape key...you see grub menu14:12
Balsaqi need to recovery mode to try to get online...verizon is suggesting Logitech14:12
Balsaqis there anything else Logitech?14:13
|Logitech|and select linux kernel 2.6.x (recovery mode)14:13
oorahknome, i know, but gnome doesn't seem like the best "flag ship" desktop choice14:14
Balsaqok Logitech is there more14:14
knomeoorah, well, that's what mark shuttleworth has originally thought and by that we go14:14
|Logitech|Balsaq, ?14:14
Sysioorah: that's your opinion, someone have different14:15
Balsaqso at that point am i n the recovery mode Logitech(newbie here)14:15
|Logitech|Balsaq, ok14:15
Balsaqok thank you14:15
|Logitech|Balsaq, recovery mode is console :)14:15
|Logitech|withaut gui14:15
oorahSysi, thats why i said seem, as far as speed and efficiency. i didn't say fact or is, but seems14:15
Balsaqi am confused now...i know where console is14:16
Sysioorah: some things are maybe simpler in gnome, dunno, i prefer xfce14:16
Sysimore people gnome14:16
|Logitech|wen you enter in recovery mode you have list to select things14:16
|Logitech|find root console or network shell14:17
Balsaqjust so yuo know i am going in there in an effort to get online...i tell you this in case you have any more tips14:18
Balsaqotherwise ill go tothat computer now and try14:19
Balsaqi have a verizon  tech on the phone also14:19
Balsaqare we done Logitech?14:19
|Logitech|i don't know what re you doing xD14:20
Balsaqtrying to get online...verizon said if it were a xp we would go in safe mode to help me get on line...so that promted me to ask if linux had a  tyoe of safe mode14:21
oorahanyone notice volume is muted at startup? is that normal?14:21
|Logitech|oorah, i have solution14:21
Balsaqi am listening and taking notes14:22
|Logitech|The solution was comment out line 372 in /etc/init.d/alsa-utils14:22
|Logitech|mute_and_zero_levels “$TARGET_CARD” || EXITSTATUS=114:22
|Logitech|sudo mousepad /etc/init.d/alsa-utils14:22
|Logitech|and comment on line 37214:22
|Logitech|to look like this # mute_and_zero_levels “$TARGET_CARD” || EXITSTATUS=114:24
|Logitech|and reboot pc14:24
Balsaqdo i actuually write so lets see if i know what you mean...newbie here14:25
Balsaqhang on14:25
Balsaqon start press escape key14:25
|Logitech|Balsaq, try to type in console sudo /etc/init.d/networking start14:26
Balsaqok so start on the consloe..at that point14:26
Balsaqok so i go to consloeand type.....sudo/etc/init.d/networking start14:27
|Logitech|sudo /etc/init.d/networking start14:27
Balsaqok so a space after sudo14:28
Balsaqnow am i good?14:28
Balsaqthats it ...i can go try it now?14:28
|Logitech|try :014:29
Balsaqok i have no idea what that is but thanks alot14:29
Balsaqam i suddenly on line then?14:29
Balsaqor did i just get risd of a firewall?14:29
Balsaqor am i siply now in recovery14:30
Balsaqis that how i get in recovery mode?14:30
|Logitech|you are noob14:30
Balsaqor is that the fix for my problem14:30
Balsaqi am trying to ask you why i type that in sir?14:31
oorahis there something like brasero for xfce? i know it works but i also know xfce apps tent to be lighter and faster14:31
Balsaqwhat results happen when i type this command in terminal Logitech?14:32
|Logitech|oorah, yea xfce have brasero14:33
|Logitech|Balsaq, this command start your network insteface14:33
Balsaqso is the next step to ping google Logitech...or is the next step to then hook me up to the internet14:35
|Logitech|try to ping14:35
Balsaqok good and then i will know what i have huh?14:35
Balsaqthank yopu so much14:36
Balsaqbe back after i try it14:36
oorahis xfburn pretty good?14:37
oorahis xfburn pretty good?14:42
|Logitech|you mean brasero?14:43
ballsaqi am here again14:44
ballsaqhi logitech14:44
ballsaqnow i realize another small problem...the computer i amtrying to fix -has xp and puppy on the HD...and now i do not know how to get to puppy...14:45
ballsaqiam on mu xubuntu talking too you14:45
ballsaqwhen i bot up i go right to windows never see puppy linux at all anymore14:46
|Logitech|i dont;t know14:46
ballsaqmaybe i reinstall the puppy alone again and dump the xp14:47
|Logitech|you have 2 linux instaled on hdd?14:47
|Logitech|puppy and xubuntu?14:47
|Logitech|multi boot xp and puppy14:47
ballsaq i am on a stand alone xubuntu now with u....the computer next too me has puppy and xp14:48
|Logitech|try to instert puppy cd and repair grub14:48
ballsaqand a momnet ago i was upstairs on xp talking too u14:48
oorahis xfburn pretty good? how bout madori for web browsing?14:48
|Logitech|maybe work14:48
oorahi meant midori14:48
|Logitech|puppy use grub or lilo?14:49
|Logitech|try to repair grub14:50
ooraham i muted or somethin? lol14:50
|Logitech|just asking the stupid questions14:51
oorahsimple questions being ignored in a support channel is total bs14:51
oorahjust lookin for user feedback thats all14:51
|Logitech|xubuntu have mozilla and brasero14:52
ballsaqin puppy live...14:56
ballsaqu want me totrun in ram only Logitech?14:57
ballsaqto run*14:57
ballsaqor go cammand line only14:57
ballsaqor just go tothe puppy i ahve installed on the HD14:58
ballsaqor can do a filesystem check14:58
ballsaqah gonna run in ram...14:59
|Logitech|ballsaq, ask google how to repair grub14:59
|Logitech|i'm out14:59
ballsaqok thanks14:59
ballsaqappreciate it14:59
ballsaqill be quite15:00
ballsaqahhh now i see 2 partitions....one puppy and one xp (talking to myself...whispering)15:02
novafluxxMy first time here, just dropping in15:04
novafluxxThank you15:04
novafluxxI know its a Sunday morining, at least on the east coast here, so I'm surprised to see life in here right now15:05
ballsaqi am in ma15:06
novafluxxFL here15:06
ballsaq MA15:06
ballsaqmy mom is there15:06
novafluxxeveryone's mom is here15:06
ballsaqthe villages15:06
novafluxxoh yeah15:06
novafluxxi've heard of it15:06
ballsaquh huh15:06
likemindeadTEXAS YEE-HAW.15:07
novafluxxYes, I'm in the Tampa Bay area15:07
Sysiheh, here it's starting to be sunday evening15:07
* likemindead just woke up.15:07
novafluxxSunday evening means closer to Monday morning15:07
novafluxxwow looks as though people really do come in here15:07
novafluxxI don't even know why I joined, I was just looking at wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu and saw the IRC chat thing at the bottom, decided to test Pigin's IRC offerings15:08
novafluxxI fired up the 9.10 live CD, it reminded me of Gnome15:09
novafluxxisn't it written in GTK right?15:09
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels15:09
ballsaqhey Logitech iam online...but using live cd though15:09
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com15:10
novafluxxWhat I DO LOVE is the xsplash in Xubuntu, wow that was a pretty sight15:10
ballsaqmakes no sence too me, i get right online using the live cd, but couldnt do it trying to get online using the same puppyOS that is on my HD?15:10
ballsaqbrb nova15:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:12
novafluxxThat thing's pretty neat15:13
novafluxxI'm not familier with IRC15:13
BBalsaqi guess puppy like to go online only from live cd?15:13
BBalsaqdriving me nutz15:13
novafluxxno idea, never used it15:13
novafluxxWhoa, the #ubuntu channel is way to crowded for me, so crowded they gotta be all formal about things.15:23
likemindeadYeah, novafluxx, it's lame, but necessary, I suppose. :-\15:24
novafluxxYes, I think I'll hang out in here, with you folks15:24
novafluxxHey guys, during Ubuntu install, or Xubuntu I assume, you have the option to encrypt your /home directory. I was curious, what type of encryption is it, how many bits, algorithm, hash, etc, where can I find this info15:27
novafluxxAWESOME! THank you15:30
SAngelitoo bad. I was unable to install xubuntu into my SD memory card. I ran out of space15:43
SAngeliI dedicated 1.7 GB of space15:44
SAngelidoes anyone know how much disk space I need in order to install it?15:44
Carnophageanyone has problems with automatic screen brightness reduce? eg when disconnecting ac power (xubuntu 9.10 of course ;-) )16:18
Balsaqu on here _Techie_16:20
novafluxx /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER novafluxx fwowbiihyegi16:25
novafluxxOh well16:26
novafluxxI'm new to this IRC thing16:26
novafluxxshould i be concerned that I put that for the universe to see?16:26
Sysioverall space..16:27
* likemindead is really digging the new Epiphany browser.16:54
jarnosIs it possible to install grub(2) in xubuntu 9.10's root partition using xubuntu 9.04 in the same computer? (Installation of grub(2) to xubuntu 9.10's root partition failed during installation.)17:25
jarnosThere seems to be a lot of files of grub(2) in the /boot/grub folder, though.17:26
jarnosI want to chainload 2 grubs, but I don't know, if chainloading from grub legacy to grub(2) works.17:30
Carnophagejarnos: chainload from grub legacy to grub2 works, as it is one of the steps of installing grub217:40
jarnosCarnophage: Why would installing grub2 require chainloading from grub legacy?17:44
Carnophagejarnos: my mistake, it's one of the steps of installing grub2 having grub legacy already installed17:45
jarnosCarnophage: oh, it would be good enough, if I could install grub legacy for xubuntu 9.10.17:47
pbbs90210I am trying to figure out if using the runtime ubuntu on CD if a usb netgear or usb belkin adapter would work. Am going to purchase adapter at staples?19:05
jcollierdaviscan anyone help with a sound card issue?19:07
pbbs90210Sorry, am new to ubuntu?19:07
_Techie_!ask | jcollierdavis19:08
jcollierdavismy sound has never worked tho19:08
ubottujcollierdavis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:08
pbbs90210I am trying to get some advice on using a usb wifi card with the runtime CD... Thanks..19:08
=== leaf-sheep is now known as Guest62438
DevastatorI still need some help with xubuntu installer, it will infinite loop when detecting network hardware causing kernel panic, is there a way to fix it?19:48
ron_o3000 KB/s downloanding Karmic with bittorrent.19:50
likemindead">NickServ< identify ******** NickServ :No such nick/channel" WTF?19:51
Devastatorservices off19:52
Sysifreenode broke19:53
ron_owhy isn't there a tracker listed for bittorrent for xubuntu on this channel?19:53
Devastatordoes anybody can help me with my installer issue?19:53
nikolamhmm, I would like to dave a .jigdo file for desktop 9.10 to be able to make it out of ubuntu dvd, to reduce download19:55
|Logitech|Devastator, what version of xubuntu?19:59
Devastatorkarmic koala19:59
Devastatoris it a bug or something?19:59
|Logitech|i don't know20:00
Devastatorwhich version do you recommend?20:00
|Logitech|i don't use karmic20:00
Devastatortime to redownload :S20:01
Devastatori always had problems with my network pcmcia card, but i would never though it would prevent me to install an os20:02
Sysithere isn't that much problems with karmic20:05
Sysinot more than always when new version comes20:06
Devastatorwell.. i'm gonna try xubuntu 9.0420:12
Devastatori have removed the pcmcia card, but still looping when detecting network hardware, then gives kernel panic "out of memory"20:38
ron_okarmic xubuntu download page:http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/9.10/release/20:48
dahaichi guys o/ I just upgraded to karmic, and I have one problem there - new login screen. Is it possible to have same login like in jaunty? I dont like choosing of user, and there are some graphical glitches as well [during load]21:05
maxwellHello everyone.21:14
likemindeaddahaic, I had similar issues. I just enabled auto login. You could try Slim.21:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about slim21:15
dahaici read about gdm-legacy idea, but ..21:17
Sysii wonder what would it be like to use KDM21:18
Sysibecause new gdmsetup is bad21:18
likemindeadI think Slim is a better alternative.21:18
maxwellMy Xubuntu installation was running slow after the upgrade (and rather slow before the upgrade), so I did a clean install, and it's STILL running slow. I tried installing Ubuntu on this computer for a bit and it seemed to run faster than Xubuntu, but I really prefer the xfce desktop environment. Any ideas as to a solution to this problem? Running a computer with an AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1700+ (1470.331 MHz) and 500MB of RAM. I'm thinking t21:19
maxwellhis might have something to do with my NVidia graphics card, but have no idea what I could do about it. Any ideas on how to speed this system way up? There is no reason it should be running so painfully slow!21:19
Sysilikemindead: xdmcp is possible/easier with that?21:19
maxwellHALP! :-)21:20
Devastatori wish i had an issue, i couldn't even install it :(21:20
maxwellAhh, soooooo sloooooooow.21:21
Sysilikemindead: no xdmcp, no slim for me21:22
SiDidahaic, likemindead i think gdm-2.20 should still work21:27
SiDibut i dont know if xsplash will work very well with it so you may have to uninstall xsplash too (the thing  with little sparkles before GDM loads)21:27
likemindeadI just go with a BIOS password & then have Xubuntu auto login.21:28
CarnophageSiDi: for me installing old gdm ended with a broken sys21:28
maxwellMy graphics card is actually:  ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AS [Radeon 9550] (Secondary)21:28
dahaiceh, that thing with little sparkles is quite irritating :P21:29
SiDidahaic, come on, its sexy!21:29
SiDiCarnophage, what got broken exactly?21:29
dahaicit does those graphical glitches I was talking about! :D21:29
SiDidahaic, we're not responsible for how its implemented ;d21:30
SiDiwe're only responsible for how sexy it is in Xubuntu21:30
SiDibut you may want to report a bug against xsplash21:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-bug21:30
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:31
CarnophageSiDi: the system didn't start, instead of gdm screen I got black screen, maybe something more then remove new gdm install old gdm has to be done21:31
IonParticlehello, has anyone encounter an issue with kde applications where they seem to have not picked up on dpi settings and displays everything in large font?21:35
IonParticlee.g.: smplayer here: http://imgur.com/o2t4z.png21:35
Carnophagewhat controls screen dim in 9.10? I can change screen brightness with my fn keys, but it doesn't decrease automaticly when on battery power21:36
Carnophagenoone with xubuntu 9.10 on a laptop?21:38
Sysii have, it works totally21:39
SiDiCarnophage, im on a laptop21:39
SiDiits xfce4-power-manager, it decreases brightness after inactivty but alas it doesnt offer to decrease it immediately when on battery power21:39
Carnophagethx, I'll have to take a look into acpi scripts, couse it worked in 9.04 (and I was using xfce4-power-manager then)21:41
IonParticlethe old power manager had more options21:41
IonParticleincluding a checkbox for "Reduce backlight brightness"21:42
CarnophageI can live with doing in "by hand", but would be nice to have it automatic21:44
Carnophageand my last problem after upgrade, howto mute/unmute Pulse Audio with fn keys? (works with amixer, but PA still stays muted)21:48
dahaicok, that xsplash was really causing those glitches21:48
SiDiCarnophage, you should report your problem in bugzilla.xfce.org then21:49
SiDiCarnophage, i have no idea about pulseaudio. All i can tell is that its absolutely not compatible with xfce4-mixer and xfce4-volumed21:49
CarnophageSiDi: I'm trying to solve my problems first, as I did an upgrade, so it might be my old configuration problems21:50
XubuntuNewUserHi, everyone. I just installed Xubuntu 9.10. I need to get flash up and running! (Quickly!)22:01
dahaiclol :)22:02
XubuntuNewUserTried installing the Xubuntu-restricted-packages.22:02
IonParticlego here: http://www.w3schools.com/Flash/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_button22:03
IonParticleFirefox should tell you about installing missing plugins22:03
IonParticlethen just choose Install22:04
XubuntuNewUserAlso tried afterwards with the flashplayer from adobes website. This method gave med the "Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'". (I'm on Amd x2 64-bit.)22:05
SiDiXubuntuNewUser, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer ;)22:05
XubuntuNewUserI just triedthe webpage IonParticle gave me. Clicked the "install plugin"-link. It gives an error - and clicking ok on the error gives a screen with "Adobe Flash Player (installer) Installed".22:07
dahaicXubuntuNewUser: there is "experimental" 64bit flashplayer [in case you are interested] http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html22:08
dahaicthat is probably what is running on my laptop22:08
dahaic[my memory is .. not greatest thing :D]22:08
XubuntuNewUserHow experimental is it?22:10
dahaicit is experimental as is gmail beta :D I suppose :)22:11
dahaicso, they are giving you way to use it, and doesn't guarantee anything22:11
IonParticleooh, nice22:11
IonParticle64-bit flash, finally22:11
IonParticleer, how stable is it?22:11
knomeIonParticle, i have no problems with it22:12
knomeIonParticle, if you keep firefox open for a long time, it might stop working for some reason, but will work again when you restart firefox22:12
knomeno bigger bugs/drawbacks than that22:12
IonParticlethat happens with the old version too :/22:12
dahaicI am using it from february, when I bought new laptop and tried linux for the first time22:12
knomei have used adobe's 64-bit flash for ages22:13
XubuntuNewUserThe following packages have unmet dependencies:   flashplugin-installer: Depends: nspluginwrapper (>= but it is not going to be installed                          Depends: ia32-libs (>= 2.2ubuntu18) but it is not installable E: Broken packages22:15
XubuntuNewUserThats for the "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"-way.22:16
IonParticleyou have to enable the universe repository22:18
XubuntuNewUserHOW do I install the 64-bit flash? I downloaded it, but the only thing I can do is open it and se a libflashplayer.so-file.22:19
IonParticlego to Synaptic > Settings > Repositories and make sure (main), (universe), (restricted), and (multiverse) are checked22:19
XubuntuNewUserIonParticle: One of the four buttons in "Software Sources"?22:20
XubuntuNewUserThe four first ones are all clicked "in".22:20
dahaicXubuntuNewUser: wait a sec, I will paste you my location22:22
dahaicit should be the location where it is needed22:23
dahaicso just copy it there22:23
dahaicthe libflashplayer.so22:23
XubuntuNewUserAre you on 64-bit?22:26
XubuntuNewUserI've got a "flashplugin-alternative.so" in there already. Hmmm... Why doesn't that one work?22:27
dahaici have 64-bit :)22:27
dahaiclibflashplayer.so        libtotem-gmp-plugin.so          libvlcplugin.so22:27
dahaiclibjavaplugin.so         libtotem-mully-plugin.so        npica.so22:27
dahaiclibtotem-cone-plugin.so  libtotem-narrowspace-plugin.so22:27
dahaicthat is what I have there22:28
XubuntuNewUserHow do I open that folder with PERMISSION? I can't copy anything into there.22:29
dahaicopen terminal22:29
dahaicin directory where you have the file22:30
XubuntuNewUserNo other way then terminal?!22:30
spaztikanyone else notice that the audio mixer acts strange when adjusting volume? it does a mix of Master and PCM alterations.. is this to mimic logarithmic volume controls?22:30
spaztikalso, my icons are hiding under my toolbar (which doesn't have auto-hide enabled)..  how do i stop this?22:31
dahaicXubuntuNewUser: well, I would recommend to get used to terminal - it is much faster, at least to give help :)22:31
vinnlXubuntuNewUser, what do you want to do?22:31
dahaicthrough "places" open directory containing the file, right click, open terminal, in terminal write: sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/22:33
XubuntuNewUserOk. I DID know how to write cd and ls, but i can't change the directory I'm in (in the terminal) to Desktop?!!?!22:33
dahaicand you are there :)22:33
XubuntuNewUserIsn't it just    "cd Desktop"  if "ls" displays "Desktop" in blue?22:34
XubuntuNewUserSorry guys. Forgot that linux is CASE sensitive. Arhgg..22:35
dahaicheh :)22:35
dahaicactually, I dont understand, why windows isn't - it is "unnatural" for computer...22:36
XubuntuNewUserSimple. WE are not computers. WE are natural, the are not.22:37
XubuntuNewUser(No windows fan, don't get me wrong.)22:37
dahaic:) grammar differ between lower and upper case as well :P22:38
XubuntuNewUserBut still. Case is superb for id and passwords, NOT a simple directory change task. (Imagine having twenty different "Desktop", "DesKtop", etc.22:38
XubuntuNewUserdahaic: Yeah? Like in "I" and names you mean?22:39
dahaicyep :P22:39
XubuntuNewUserOh, my. Do I need to restart the Firefox to get flash working?22:41
dahaicmy friend recently did some coding of other guys code, and he found two variables: NameID and nameID... in the same file :DD22:41
dahaicTHAT is crazy..22:41
dahaicyep, you have to restart it, afaik22:42
XubuntuNewUserYou get my point. :P22:43
XubuntuNewUserOk. Restart of firefox...22:43
dahaicis it working?22:47
XubuntuNewUserBUT. No sound. :(22:48
dahaichaha :D22:49
XubuntuNewUserAt all in Xubuntu. Haha!22:49
XubuntuNewUserSilly, just silly.22:49
XubuntuNewUserSo. How do I get the sound working?22:49
vinnlHave you turned up the volume in Xubuntu?22:49
dahaicI am afraid, I am not able to help with that :)22:49
dahaici am arfraid of linux sound architecture :P22:50
XubuntuNewUserTo start with. I didn't have any controls. Although I did/do have the "speakerish"-button beside the clock. I clicked there, and there where no controls. So I clicked "Select Controls..." and selected some of the usual ones, but no difference. I suspect some controls come default IF sound is enabled.22:52
XubuntuNewUserI've got to soundcards. Built-in and SBLive5.1. I'm NOT using the SBLive5.1.22:53
ron_ohehe, got karmic installed via Vbox. :) nice..22:53
XubuntuNewUserBut in the "Mixer" there are three cards?!?!22:53
vinnlHmm :S22:53
XubuntuNewUserThere's a Sigmatel too... Anyhow. How do I fix this?22:54
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:54
vinnlThat's targeted at Ubuntu, I suppose :( Still, looking at those webpages might be of some help22:54
vinnlAnd otherwise wait around for someone who can help22:54
XubuntuNewUserI thought I was in the community now. :D22:54
vinnlYeah but not everyone is watching this channel attentively, maybe someone who knows more about this reads your question later22:55
ron_othe thing about sound is you have to work from your hardware up. If your system doesn't recognize your sound card then nothing else will work.22:56
dahaicyeah, but knowledge is not distributed uniformly :P22:56
vinnlXubuntuNewUser, did you run other operating systems on that hardware? ANd if so, did the sound work there?22:56
ron_odahaic, I need to remember that one. :)22:58
XubuntuNewUserron_o So, give me a hand here. I worked out of the box from the Ubuntu LiveCD 9.10.23:04
XubuntuNewUserWhy on earth doesn't it work out of the box after an install with the Xubuntu 9.10? It's the SAME thing, isn't it?!23:05
ron_oto get sound working try $ aplay <name_of_song> and see what it does.23:05
XubuntuNewUservinnl: TONS of other systems. Every one of them works PERFECT with sound.23:06
XubuntuNewUserName of song? Which song?23:06
ron_o*any* song..23:07
XubuntuNewUserI haven't downloaded anything. Just tried youtube and the Totemplayer's radiochannel.23:07
ron_ocome on now. Use your common sense.23:07
ron_ogo find a song then.23:07
kebso the flashplayer isnt working on your install23:07
XubuntuNewUserHow about a SOUND somewhere in the system? Where are they?23:07
XubuntuNewUserkeb: Oh, yeah it is. But not SOUND.23:08
ron_o   ___    $ mlocate  *.mp323:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about examples23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about example-content23:08
kebdid you check the logs for error messages.  for example /var/log/kern.log23:08
vinnlXubuntuNewUser, then it's not a hardware problem :)23:08
vinnlXubuntuNewUser, try /usr/share/example-content23:08
XubuntuNewUser.../example-content  doesn't exist in this system.23:09
vinnlThere's an audio file inthere23:09
vinnlA 9.10 LiveCD you say?23:09
vinnlIs there an Examples folder on your desktop?23:10
DevastatorI still need some help with xubuntu installer, it will infinite loop when detecting network hardware causing kernel panic, is there a way to fix it?23:11
XubuntuNewUserHow do I search for a file (without terminal)?23:11
XubuntuNewUserwuups. Found the searchutility. :)23:12
dahaicXubuntuNewUser: Places/Search for Files23:12
XubuntuNewUserYepp. Exactly! What format are sounds in on the Xubuntu?23:13
|Logitech|XubuntuNewUser, you type in terminal whereis file to find location23:13
vinnlDevastator, does the network work on the livecd?23:14
|Logitech|XubuntuNewUser, use catfish23:14
dahaicXubuntuNewUser: well, you can download sound filefrom http://math.muni.cz/~xhaicman/lampa.wav23:14
|Logitech|in accessories23:14
dahaicit is my voice, so its legal :D23:15
vinnlXubuntuNewUser, Xubuntu can just play normal sound files (though might need to download some software for certain formats). If there's an Examples folder in your desktop there should be one there (you can recognise it by its icon)23:15
dahaicjust one word, but sufficient for testing23:15
Devastatorvinnl i'm using alternate cd as my system is too old23:15
XubuntuNewUservinnl. No, there isn't an examples folder.23:15
vinnlDevastator, ah :S23:16
Devastatorvinnl any thoughts?23:16
vinnlOther than removing the network hardware? I'm afraid not :(23:16
Devastatorvinnl already did :(23:16
vinnlIt's probably a bug, so reporting it (bugs.ubuntu.com) might provide you with a workaround23:17
vinnlBut probably not23:17
vinnlAw :(23:17
kebDevastator did you already check the disk for errors23:17
vinnlAh, good one23:17
Devastatorkeb yep, disk is fine, also checked iso md523:17
Devastatorvinnl it keeps trying to detect network hardware in a infinite loop, then starts to write KILLED on the screen23:18
kebwhen you start there should be a way to try it with noapic and noacpi and other options23:18
Devastatorafter a minute or so, kernel panic - not syncing - out of memory23:18
XubuntuNewUserdahaic vinnl |logitech|   No, neither .wav- nor .ogg-files work.23:19
Devastatori've opened a thread in the forum, but isn't much views23:19
DevastatorXubuntuNewUser did you tried wma? lol, just kidding23:19
dahaicmidi maybe :D23:20
kebXubuntuNewUser did you try running the mixer and upping the volume etc23:20
|Logitech|XubuntuNewUser, your sound maybe muted?23:20
vinnlNo it's not the file formats :P23:20
dahaicI am just glad, that it works for me :D23:21
XubuntuNewUserThe "speaker"-icon is also greyed out. That is not supposed to be like that, right?23:21
vinnlWell, perhaps if you can skip Ubuntu-specific instructions, the webpage https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting might help23:21
dahaicI would hate messing with audio23:21
Devastatori'm so dissapointed with my issue.. can't find anything on the net23:22
dahaicDevastator: it is the latest installer?23:22
dahaicand how old is your computer?23:23
Devastatordahaic yes, i've downloaded today, my laptop is a toshiba 1675cds, 64mb of ram, celeron 550mhz23:25
dahaicwell, I am not linux power user, or something like that, but usually, people with very old hardware stay with older kernels23:27
kebDevastator does that kernel panic occur during install or while loading the initial boot sequence23:27
Devastatorkeb during install, when trying to detect network hardware23:27
kebdid that laptop run a previous version of Xubuntu?23:28
Devastatorno, it is running debian lenny23:29
Devastatorbut it's too heavy, i've read that xubuntu is the best choice for old hardware23:29
kebok, i dont know in what ways lenny install differs from xubuntu install23:30
kebdid you use text mode?23:30
Devastatornot yet, i will try to ctrl+c while detecting23:31
Devastatorto see if it stops23:31
vinnlDevastator, you can also try running Xfce on top of Debian23:31
Devastatorthanks, worth a try23:32
Devastatorbut what i really want is to start fresh23:32
vinnlYou can also do that with Debian, if Xubuntu's not working ;-)23:32
Devastatori will try to contribute a little, if i can23:33
Devastatori was curious about ubuntu, everybody says it's nice23:33
vinnl(If you want to do it with Debian, follow these instructions: http://wiki.debian.org/Xfce )23:34
vinnlYeah that's because it is :)23:34
vinnl(If it works :P)23:34
kebi hear fluxbox and icewm are lighter than Xfce for a desktop23:35
Devastatorfluxbox is what i'm running23:35
vinnlkeb, true, but less feature-richt as well23:36
vinnlAlso, running bare command line is even faster :)23:36
Devastatorbut my browser is heavy :|23:36
vinnlIt's finding the right balance for you23:36
vinnlDevastator, which are you using?23:36
Devastatorice something23:36
vinnlDevastator, Iceweasel?23:36
Tonnohi to all.23:37
vinnlThat's just Firefox rebranded23:37
vinnl!hi | Tonno23:37
ubottuTonno: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:37
vinnlDevastator, you might want to try Google's Chrome or Midori23:37
Devastatorvinnl i knew that, but i though firefox was lightweight :(23:37
vinnlDevastator, not really23:38
Devastatorask me how i know :(23:38
Tonnoit is posible to change the theme of xfce? ( sorry for my english. this is my first time using xubuntu )23:38
kebfirefox chews up 100MB resident and 292 virtual memory with only one text page open23:38
kebon my system23:38
vinnlHow do you know Devastator? ;-)23:38
vinnlkeb, you want to check Writeable Memory, I've been told23:38
vinnlTonno, sure23:38
vinnlTonno, I wrote about that: http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2008/02/10/design-your-own-desktop-with-xfce-44/23:39
dahaicI don't know heavier browser than firefox :P23:39
Tonnovinnl, it is hard to do? or i can do it like '123' like ubuntu does?23:39
vinnldahaic, well... In Xubuntu Konqueror will be heavier, I suppose23:39
vinnlTonno, depends on how far you want to go, I suppose it's one step harder or something23:40
vinnlBut very doable23:40
Devastatoris it unpolite to bump a forum topic? i'm on page 5 right now23:40
vinnlYeah often it is23:40
XubuntuNewUserStill no sound. The help-webpage doesn't really work well.23:41
Devastatorvinnl but i haven't got an answer yet, should i bump?23:41
vinnlDevastator, how old is it?23:42
Devastatorrunning installer with acpi=off, noapic, nolapic, nomraid23:42
Devastator2 hours23:42
vinnlThen no, you shouldn't bump23:42
Devastatorwith acpi=off, noapic, nolapic and nomraid i could get "cannot detect your network hardware"23:45
Devastatormuch better23:45
Devastatornow i'm gonna try with only acpi=off23:46
kebif you figure out which option is triggering the panic, you could file a bug23:47
Devastatori will figure.. you bet23:49
kebhehe good spirit :)23:50
Devastatorthat's how i'm when i'm pissed :D23:50
Tonnovinnl, woah man! my god O_O, are u sure that xubuntu?23:51
vinnlTonno, hmm?23:51
kebhaha "make Xubuntu look like Windows Vista"23:52
Tonnothe bad news for my is that i will have to use emerald if i want xubuntu like win7 i vist@ :(23:52
vinnlkeb, yeah, that was a fun experiment :P23:53
kebvinnl those themes are from 4.4, do they still work for 4.623:53
vinnlTonno, there are xfwm4 themes too that emulate that, I suppose, but without transparency23:53
vinnlkeb, depends, which themes?23:53
vinnlAh, the Vista ones? Yeah23:53
kebthat could be fun23:54
vinnlHmm, I didn't really like them in use :P23:54
kebok now the reason i logged in here today... does anyone know how to get a partition *out* of a RAID1 configuration without losing data?23:56
Tonnovinnl, but u have a good graphic card no?23:57
vinnlTonno, ha, not really :P A guy was here thursday, and said how he had a five year old graphics card that was better than mine :P23:57
vinnlAnd I just replaced my previous card with this one :P23:57
dahaicnight, people o/23:57
vinnlNight dahaic23:57
kebim using a NVidia fx5200, works ok but not great for compiz23:58
Tonnojejeje :P how many mb of graphic card u have?23:58
Tonnoi have a Open Chrome 25623:59
vinnlMy previous one was 64 MB IIRC and I could run it on that23:59

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