
shtylmanRiddell: the kubuntu site pictures have been epic as of late...when will there be one of you going off a waterfall?01:55
RiddellI tried01:57
RiddellI went down this a couple of times http://picasaweb.google.com/sea.kayaking.scotland/WetWestPaddlefest2009RiverMoriston#538997267542759121801:59
Riddellbut seems the photographer wasn't looking at the time01:59
RiddellI doubt the kubuntu logo would have been visible anyway, that being the whole point of the photos of course02:00
shtylmanof course :)02:00
shtylmanthats really cool...how often do you go kayaking?02:00
Riddellwhenever I'm not doing Kubuntu :)02:01
shtylmanso never? ;p02:01
RiddellI went today and lost a boat :(02:01
shtylmanlost as in broke? or lost as in..it floated away02:02
ScottKOuch.  At least you came back.02:02
Riddellwell of course I came back, you don't think I'd capsise now would you?02:03
Riddellit was someone else's boat, but I was the responsible person who should have not led her down a river of that level02:04
RiddellI saved her but not the boat02:04
shtylmanhow chivalrous of you02:04
Riddellthe boat will be somewhere in the north sea by now02:08
shtylmanholy crap02:09
RiddellI spent too long rescuing her that I didn't have a chance to catch it up02:10
shtylmanwhite water rapids can be a bitch02:10
ScottKRiddell: Happy at being saved or angry at having lost the boat?02:13
RiddellI told her to be happy, it's all part of the fun of it.  I'm a bit annoyed at myself for losing the boat though02:17
Riddellhttp://www.sepa.org.uk/water/river_levels/river_level_data.aspx?id=14956  hmm, that's quite a rise in the river level today02:17
Riddellit's gone from Scrapeable to Huge in half a day02:18
shtylmanwow...the "SEPA" ...02:19
shtylmanjust like the EPA here...hehe02:19
Riddellthat government agency is missing an adjective to differentiate itself from all the other EPAs02:21
Riddellshtylman: I don't think I congratulated you on your karmic contributions yet.  well done that was all first rate coding with a pleasing eye on fixing up bugs after the initial code02:25
shtylman(bows) ... I couldn't have done it without the assistance and help of various people along the way02:26
shtylmaneveryone that I spoke with from go-oo, sun, suse, novel were all very helpful about it02:27
ScottKsudo apt-get remove pulseaudio == win.02:57
ScottKNow eldest child can finish her homework.02:57
shtylmanScottK: are your kids kubuntu guinea pigs?03:00
ScottKshtylman: "Satisified users"03:00
ScottKSatified because it's that or no computer.03:00
shtylmanhahah... noted03:01
ScottKAt first they were pretty resistant, but lately it seems to be OK for them.03:04
shtylmanthats good... do they play any games on it? does it work well for that?03:07
shtylmanI havn't tried playing games in ages03:07
ScottKNo, they aren't much into gaming.03:07
ScottKIf I could just get the current iTunes working in wine, we'd be done with Windows for them.03:08
Riddellwhat's that for?03:08
ScottKRiddell: For iTunes.  The Apple music store gets a lot of their allowance.03:09
ScottKThat and unless you jailbreak them, iPod Touch are hard to do much with.03:09
Riddellin the rare cases that I've bought music I find the amazon music shop to be very good and without the obscure format Apple uses nor the proprietary software tie in (well a bit if you buy an album you have to install their downloader but at least it has a linux version)03:11
shtylmanRiddell: but then how do you get it onto the device?03:11
shtylmanI know that for my iphone... I have to use itunes as I have found no other *good* way of getting my mp3s onto it03:12
Riddellamarok worked fine when I had an ipod.  dunno if that's true with new models03:12
shtylmannot with iphones :/03:12
MsMacoget a non-evil device03:12
shtylmanwhen a not evil device works as well... I will :)03:12
RiddellI was about to say something along those lines03:12
MsMacothat Cowon D2 crimsun got me works well03:13
shtylmanits not a phone03:13
MsMacoand the Cowon iAudio 7 i had before it (which was stolen) worked well03:13
MsMacono, these are music players03:13
shtylmanany they don't look as cool as the iphone :)03:14
MsMacofor ...ya know... well thats what amarok and music stores are FOR isnt it?03:14
shtylmanyea... but I got tired of carrying around a music player and a phone03:14
shtylmanits nice to have them in one device03:14
shtylmanim waiting to see what android 2.0 brings and maybe one day htc will make an acceptable device03:15
Riddellonce the N900 gets a Qt Maemo on it I may be tempted to buy a mobile phone/music player for the first time in my life03:15
Riddellor I may not03:15
shtylmanhaha yea... I agree03:15
shtylmanif they can price it .. *reasonably*03:15
shtylmannokia is notorious for 700$ phones at that range03:15
* ScottK is working on getting a free one. We'll see if it pans out.03:17
crimsunmotorola droid?03:18
* Riddell snoozes03:18
ScottKcrimsun: No, N90003:19
crimsunScottK: right, but for shtylman's comment about Android 2.003:19
ScottKAh, right03:19
shtylmancrimsun: it might be promising... we shall see... wasn't a big fan of moto phones in the past03:20
vorianwe should just automerge with expirimental04:36
vorianjust sayn04:36
vorianforget testing04:36
crimsunwhy experimental? pssht, getdeb all the way!05:12
jussi01crimsun: rofl!06:00
jussi01heya markey06:34
markeyRiddell: Chromium Daily builds are still borked. maybe the Ubuntu-Mozilla team isn't all that interested in getting them to work?06:34
markeyconsidering that they are Mozilla people06:35
markey(I've asked them many times)06:35
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi01_
apacheloggerdarn papercuts09:35
apacheloggermarkey: maybe you need to sacrifice a chicken to asac :P09:36
* apachelogger looks for something to stick on that papercut of his09:37
markeyuse urine. it heals09:39
markey(also drink it)09:39
apacheloggermarkey: gotta try that09:44
apacheloggerbut now -> leaving for exam09:45
apacheloggerwish me luck :S09:45
amikgood luck, apachelogger!09:45
ulysses__good luck apachelogger09:57
apacheloggeroh well, that wasn't too good :|10:51
apacheloggerno shabby questions at all10:51
* seele yawns11:34
seelemy early meeting got cancelled, but i just made breakfast so i cant relaly go back to sleep11:35
seeleoh well11:35
* seele noms11:35
Riddellooh breakfast, good diea11:43
* apachelogger opts for lunch11:46
apacheloggerlatex -> xhtml is quite the mess11:48
apacheloggerreminds me on the early days of word :D12:18
=== fenris__ is now known as ejat
MsMacoargh! is there any way to tell kmail "no, the folders you have cached for this account are COMPLETELY WRONG. go try again"? cuz instead of re-fetching the folder list, it's just checking the same non-existent folders over and over and skipping the ones that it SHOULD be listing but isnt. deleting the account and then configuring it again is the only way i know to avoid this14:28
MsMaco(which of course requires reconfiguring filters and all that junk)14:29
ScottKDeleting the index files in ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail has worked for me in the past.14:32
MsMacoschmidtm_: that only lists POP-y things...local folders'14:36
MsMacohmm and ../dimap/ lists 3 number-named directories...but they jsut have cur/ new/ temp/ directories under them. no mail14:39
ScottKNo idea then. Sorry14:41
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RiddellLex79: where did you get to with qt 4.6 beta?15:06
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Riddellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek starting now15:11
LureMsMaco: "File -> Refresh Local IMAP Cache" does not help?15:18
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
claydohMamarok: ping??15:37
Mamarokclaydoh: pong15:43
SputScottK / shtylman: I think I've read that Linux can now talk to modern iPods/iPhones without jailbreaking them15:44
ScottKSput: That'd be cool.15:44
Sputnot sure what's needed for that, but it sounded like things are going forward15:44
claydohMamarok: re kubuntu-users, I probably should just keep my mouth shut, eh? :/15:47
claydohMamarok: assuming you are following the 'distro in crisis' thread15:47
Mamarokno, but we are back at the usual OT discussion with the same guys all the time15:47
MamarokI will just simply block that thread, then they will need to change the subject anyway :)15:48
claydohyeah, the same old censorship thin15:48
Mamarokand those are just lazy buggers, they know pretty well the rules and that it is OT, they simply try us15:48
claydohthey will howl loudly and use it to 'prove'  their point15:49
claydohI did make the mistake of respnding without changing the topic\15:49
MamarokI am not afraid to block a topic if its getting over the top, they simply need to learn that this is not according to the rules, period15:49
Mamaroklet them take this to sounder15:49
Mamarokwell, I will answer in that thread now, declaring it as closed, then block the topic15:50
claydohMamarok: do you use the web interface for that or the listadmin thing?15:50
claydohcurious on that15:50
claydohooooh this supposedly dead lappy motherboard is decidely not dead!15:51
claydohnow i will have 2 laptops15:52
claydohMamarok: I really should stay out of arguments, I can't win against those sorts of people, you can never win with them15:54
Mamarokwell, I don't get into arguments anymore, those are idiots behaving worse than kids, so if the behave like this, let's take Kindergarten measures15:58
Mamarokfor the subject blocking I use the web interface15:58
claydohMamarok: funny as I work with a lot of teens and young adults as their  supervisor, and find it much easier to handle them than in the ml :)15:59
Mamarokindeed, I am stunned at how much those people on the k-u list behave sometimes16:00
Mamarokhow nuch worse*16:00
Mamarokmuch, even16:00
Mamarokand I am that close to moderate that Steve...16:01
claydohI do better in face-to-face, and as a boss, I control their pay :)16:01
claydohsame here on Steve16:01
Mamarokwell, let's se if he goes further, and he will have a moderation flag, the web interface is still open...16:02
Mamarokwe are far too nice anyway, the list has calmed down a bit since Steven doesn't post anymore, but as soon as you have a controversial thread like this they are off the track again16:03
Mamarok!cookie | claydoh16:06
ubottuclaydoh: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!16:06
claydohyummy! thanks :)16:07
MsMacoLure: no that doesnt do anything. i quit and restarted kontact, and that worked. im not sure thats EVER worked before.16:10
MsMaco(this is like the 15th time this has happened)16:10
Mamarokclaydoh: Derek's post was sent earlier, just don't comment on it *sigh*16:14
Lex79Riddell: almost finished with qt, I've to do testbuild16:20
Lex79Riddell: I did a full merge16:21
Riddellvery brave16:25
ScottKNow's the time16:31
MsMacogrrrrrrrrr kmail! i just looked and the proper-folder-list onlyhad mail up to june. so i told it to check for mail again. and now it went back to the wrong-folder-list16:31
JontheEchidna40 less bugs in amarok. Not bad for a morning's triage. :)17:06
RiddellNightrose!  markey! amarok hugs for JontheEchidna!17:08
* Nightrose amarokhugs JontheEchidna17:08
Nightrosewhat am i hugging for?17:08
Nightroseohhh -40 bugs17:08
Nightrosevery good17:08
NightroseJontheEchidna: have some cookies!17:08
JontheEchidnaom nom nom17:08
Mamarok!cookie | JontheEchidna17:09
ubottuJontheEchidna: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:09
* Mamarok needs to fill up that cookie box soon17:09
markeyJontheEchidna: *hug*17:09
JontheEchidnaapport manages to catch the weirdest looking crashes17:10
MsMacohey folks. some plasmoids are webkit/javascript magic right?17:35
MsMacoany idea which ones? for example the old-style menu applet?17:36
Riddellthat's c++17:37
Riddellgoogle and facebook plasmoids are python17:37
RiddellI don't know if we have any webkit or javascript ones yet17:37
littleCan something like the old-style menu be written in webkit/javascript?17:38
MsMacoRiddell: meet little. she's considering trying out kde 4.3 after being initially scared off by 4.017:39
littleLOL, it's true. (:17:39
MsMacoand she's a javascript person17:40
MamarokJontheEchidna: that report: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=176144 the backtrace seems strange, it doesn't have a crash handler17:41
ubottuKDE bug 176144 in ContextView "Crash when "add own cover" with track not in collection" [Crash,Reopened]17:41
Riddellwell webkit is HTML so applets there are only what HTML/css/javascript can do (which is a lot if you know what you're doing)17:41
ScottKlittle: You right click on the K and switch back to the old menu17:41
ScottKIt's not only maintained, it works better in 4.3 than it did in 4.2.17:41
Riddelljavascript bindings for plasma I've not looked into but I expect they can do most things plasma applets can17:42
Mamarokalso, doesn't 'no symbol table available' indicate that the debugging packages are not installed?17:42
littleScottK: Yeah, my worry is that at some point the KDE project will lose interest in continuing development or support of the old style menu, so if it's something I could maintain on my own, that would stop being a stumbling block for me. (:17:42
Riddellbut right, there's already an old style menu17:42
ScottKlittle: I understand, but so far there's no sign of that.17:42
MsMacoboo rich isnt around17:43
littleIf it happened, could I recreate that menu with webkit/javascript?17:43
MsMacolittle's also a documentation person, so i thought she should meet nixternal too17:43
JontheEchidnaMamarok: the crash handler doesn't always show up in the backtrace. Some debug symbols are missing, yes. But all the amarok ones are there.17:43
Mamarokwell, how am I supposed to see where the crash happens?17:44
Mamarokthat's pretty much the first backtrace I see without a crash handler17:44
Mamaroknot very useful IMHO17:44
JontheEchidnait's not very specific, but the crash happens in SetCustomCoverAction::slotTriggered()17:45
JontheEchidnaat the very least it shows that the bug shouldn't be closed17:45
Mamarokwhich thread?17:46
Mamarok# I mean?17:46
JontheEchidnaThread 117:46
Riddelllittle: webkit probably not, javascript with Qt API probably17:47
littleRiddell: Thanks. I'm not sure if I'm able to work in Qt API or not. I'd have to take a look at it and see if it clicks with me. (:17:48
MamarokJontheEchidna: did you see comment #4? I can already tell you that they will close this as invalid, since adding a cover for a track not in the collection seems weird to me17:49
ScottKlittle: I've found that with use I like the new on better on desktops where I have a scroll wheel.  I still like the old one better on laptops.17:50
littleScottK: I've used a menu like the old one for so long that I guess I'm just resistant to change. I'm one of those, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," people. (:17:50
JontheEchidnaMamarok: as long as Amarok still lets people set custom covers like that the bug is still valid17:50
ScottKlittle: I didn't like it at first either.17:50
JontheEchidnasomebody saying it's a bad idea to let users do that on some bug tracker doesn't make the bug invalid as long as the application still lets the user do that17:51
littleScottK: I kept the new one in addition to the old one in the Kubuntu I have in VirtualBox, so I can try it from time to time and see if I can get used to it.17:51
Mamarokwell, I can't reproduce this here with current git, might already be fixed, but I subscribed lfranchi to it17:52
JontheEchidnalooks like kde bug 197343 actually17:59
ubottuKDE bug 197343 in general "Amarok crashed when setting custom album cover" [Crash,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19734317:59
claydohScottK: is it possible to switch from a knr desktop to a regular one, ie is there an option in kdm to choose ?18:14
ScottKclaydoh: No.  You have to uninstall plasma-netbook and kubuntu-netbook-default-settings and restart18:14
claydohok, do you have to install k-d-s? or is that already there?18:15
claydohScottK: thanks! I think that will be a common question , looks like many are giving it a try18:17
ScottKit's already there18:18
ScottKInstalling kubuntu-desktop is probably simplest.18:19
Lex79someone know how to fix this dpkg-source error? http://pastebin.ca/165344018:40
Lex79Messafes.sh is a link to MessagesQt.sh, introduced in this revision http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/qt/ubuntu/revision/1118:42
ScottKLex79: Don't pack symlinks inside debian dir, use dh_link to install whatever symlinks you need18:45
Riddellthose files aren't in the copyies of qt I have but they are in the bzr checkout18:47
Lex79yes, I downloaded those files from bzr18:47
Riddellapachelogger should know, he put them there18:48
Lex79Riddell: so should I remove the link from debian dir ?18:48
Lex79ok I will ask him18:48
* apachelogger does the 0101+1010=1111 dance18:50
apacheloggeroh wellz18:51
apacheloggerLex79: if you remove the link you win a free trip to remove all of rosetta support :P18:51
apacheloggerdespite the fact that it worked before with having the link in the debian dir and the resulting assumption of mine that Lex79 did something wrong ... remove the symlink and make the rules file create one before it executes extract-messages.sh and remove the link in clean again18:52
Riddellthat seems the best way18:52
apacheloggeryou know, I actually dislike java more than python18:53
apacheloggerpython at least doesn't make my system lag like it was shot with a bazooka18:53
Lex79apachelogger: have you time to do that and push to bzr please?18:56
jussi01_can someone teach me how to contribute to translations? I cant do it myself but Ive been educating the girlfriend :)18:56
apacheloggerLex79: doing homework right now18:57
RiddellLex79: in debian/rules at common-install-prehook-impl:: you should be able to just add  ln -s debian/MessagesQt.sh debian/Messages.sh  and below the extract-messages line   rm -f debian/Message.sh19:00
Lex79Riddell: that's all?19:01
Riddelland bzr remove debian/Messages.sh19:01
Lex79Riddell: http://pastebin.ca/165347219:03
Lex79ok it work19:08
Riddellkubuntu-default-settings update is in -proposed for bug 468458, please test19:15
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/468458)19:16
Riddell(it's the google search issue)19:19
JontheEchidnaI don't think it's hit the mirrors yet :(19:27
ScottKRiddell: Are we reverting or is it a fixed URL?19:29
RiddellScottK: this upload uses the same URL as firefox19:36
Riddellthere's also a possibility of fixing the current broken URL so if that happens by tomorrow we're sorted, else I'll ask pitti to move this one to -updates19:37
jad_JontheEchidna: Nice topic19:50
ghostcubegood looking developers19:57
* jad_ growls20:00
seelelol who set the topic?20:05
jjessehaha nice topic20:05
jad_Topic set by JontheEchidna on Thu Oct 29 20:20:24 200920:09
JontheEchidnaRiddell did the good looking developers part ;-)20:10
Riddellnaturally by developers I'm including all contributors20:11
jussi01_Riddell: do you have a nice super long number for us to call as well? ending in 3?20:11
* apachelogger slides off the chair20:13
jussi01_(for all those missing the joke... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWc3WY3fuZU )20:13
apacheloggera) I need something useful to do ... playing with back tracking, recursing and an object that can have 9 states is a bit ... ehm ... suckish20:17
apacheloggerb) I also need a cup o tea20:17
jad_I suggest we give you a job to make a kuppa tea20:17
ghostcubeyeah for all20:18
* apachelogger checks the tea stock20:18
apacheloggeroh, that should work just fine20:18
RiddellScottK: do you know if netbook arm ever got released?20:18
ghostcubeisnt there an arm netbook in the run20:18
ghostcubei read about something20:18
apacheloggerjussi01_: so, why can't I access0r jussi01.com?20:18
ghostcubeheh i started an amiga2000 3 days ago20:19
jussi01_apachelogger: becaust the network cable is unplugged, and the dns points to a machine that isnt there...20:19
ScottKRiddell: I don't.  The final respin worked, so there's an image.  I don't know if it got anywhere to call it released.20:20
Riddellthere's images at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-live/20091029/ but they should be at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/releases/9.10/release/20:21
jussi01_apachelogger: for extra double triple kudos with many many people you could  fix bug 45709420:21
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/457094)20:21
jussi01_apachelogger: for extra double triple kudos with many many people you could  fix bug 45709420:22
jussi01_stupid lp20:22
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/457094)20:22
apacheloggerjussi01_: so no kubotu?20:23
apacheloggerpoor ol bot20:23
jussi01_ok, Im off to bed. apachelogger, if you do feel like hacking that bug, tsimpson is the man to collaborate with20:23
jussi01_apachelogger: soon, I hope.20:24
apacheloggerok, I dont feel like hacking that bug20:24
apacheloggerdamn that pyware20:24
apacheloggerwe shall all use proper languages :P20:24
apacheloggerirc bots needs to be written in C ... old communication media, old language to write bots in :P20:24
jussi01_apachelogger: feel free to port ubottu to rbot... Ill use it :D20:25
* jussi01_ would _love_ if someone did that...20:25
* apachelogger doesn't feel like doing such a big project20:25
apacheloggerand the politics20:25
apacheloggeroh dear the politics20:25
* JontheEchidna can see the big language wars on the Planet now20:26
* jussi01_ hugs apachelogger20:26
jussi01_well the supybot is a trainwreck so Im told, so meh, dont care what language, as long as it works and doesnt eat so much memory...20:27
jussi01_tsimpson: is your man if you want to hack on the bots :)20:27
* apachelogger notes that the good ol amarok bot used supybot IIRC20:27
apacheloggertsimpson: python does not have an ical parser?20:27
tsimpsonapachelogger: not one with good rrule support20:28
* apachelogger would think that a plugin to process ical ought to be somewhat simple20:28
apacheloggertsimpson: sweet20:28
apacheloggerand then people use django20:28
apacheloggerinsane python rabbits :P20:28
tsimpsonthe rrules stuff is the only problem with the webcal stuff20:28
apacheloggermarkey: wanna migrate the ubuntu bot to rbot :)20:29
ghostcubecan is aks something? why does every DE try to make an own network manager if wicd is there20:29
markeyapachelogger: gosh I kinda have my hands full already ;)20:29
apacheloggermarkey: figured, but worth a try :)20:30
markeyapachelogger: you could however kick the ubuntu mozilla team in the arse20:30
markeyfor borking the chromium builds20:30
markeythat's not nice20:30
apacheloggerwell, are they broken because of the mozilla team or because upstream chromium broke something ?20:30
jussi01_awww markey20:31
markeybecause of the mozilla team20:31
jussi01_anyway, bedtime....20:31
jussi01_nini all20:31
apacheloggernini jussi01_20:31
apacheloggertsimpson: how does one get a testing setup anyway?20:32
tsimpsonfor ubottu or?20:32
apacheloggeroh he left20:33
apacheloggeroh dear20:33
* apachelogger broke the tsimpson :S20:33
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: so I was wondering where the DBus listening bits for codec installs should go for kubuntu-notification-helper. Any opinions?20:34
apacheloggerthere should be no dbus listening :P20:34
ghostcubeehm, codec installs ?20:34
apacheloggerthere should be an all nu class I suppose20:34
Quintasanhmm Wave seems nice, I've just got my invite20:36
Riddellit's just a fancy web forum I thought20:37
apacheloggera bit more20:38
apacheloggerRiddell: think of it as a combo of irc, email and google docs20:38
apacheloggerthough I think even that description doesnt really match what wave can offer20:38
ScottKLooks like Debian KDE team is going to switch to version 3 source package format and using upstream tar.bz2 as is soon.20:38
RiddellI never saw the google docs bit20:38
ScottKWe should probably plan on doing the same for 4.4.20:38
RiddellScottK: soyuz doesn't support .bz2 or at least didn't when I asked a few months ago20:39
Riddellasked about dpkg-source 3.0 on their channel but no reply yet20:39
ScottKI got the impression from the Debian mail it's wrapped up int he version 3 format.  Let me check20:39
ScottKRiddell: wgrant has a branch that's about ready to land that supports it.  Soon, but not yet20:40
jjessewave is a waste of time20:40
apacheloggeryou know20:40
apacheloggerby the time we get bz2 upstream might have moved on to lzma :P20:41
* ScottK gave wgrant a ping. He's asleep now, but he'll know20:41
tsimpsonRiddell: are you asking about the flood in #k?20:42
tsimpson*'s the exempt list, getting fill20:43
jad_apachelogger: it's time moderated IM with a data store20:43
* apachelogger slides off chair again20:43
tsimpsonapachelogger: sorry, my client crashed after I asked my last question20:44
apacheloggertsimpson: yes, ubottu testing setup20:45
* jad_ gets apachelogger tea and cookies20:45
tsimpsonapachelogger: just install supybot python-tz python-sqlite and get the plugins from lp:~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak20:45
apacheloggerway too much work :P20:46
tsimpsonwait until you see the code ;)20:46
jpdstsimpson: We need storm.canonical.com in it!20:46
* tsimpson makes everyone aware he did _not_ initially write the code, but took over it20:46
tsimpsonooh, I completely forgot about storm...20:47
apacheloggerfirst thing I'd do is refactor the code :P20:47
jpdstsimpson: When the SQLite DB is PostgreSQL, I'll be happy.20:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: pling pling20:48
tsimpsonI was going to, but it's a lot of work20:48
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: plong plong20:48
tsimpsonjpds: I didn't choose the DB format, it came using sqlite (2)20:48
tsimpsonand I didn't even know python when I took over the code20:48
jpdstsimpson: Yeah, I know.20:48
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: thoughts on timelord?20:48
tsimpsonso cut me some slack when you read it :P20:48
* apachelogger wrote a python app and still doesn't know python :P20:49
apacheloggerbetter that is I  must say20:49
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: we need to collectively just decide what we're doing about l10n, then announce20:49
apacheloggermaybe just rephrase the l10n stuff20:50
JontheEchidnathen decide later? ;-)20:50
apacheloggersaying that we are going to look into what is best to get the issues resolved once and for all20:50
apacheloggerwe can't really decide anything without directly poking around20:50
apacheloggerconsult with TB and stuff20:50
JontheEchidnayeah, it's too big of a decision to do in any short amount of time20:51
JontheEchidnaI'll edit the announcement, then we can make public to the l10n peeps who usually do kubuntu annoucnement l10n20:51
MamarokI have a spellchecker problem: since Karmic, I can't do spellchecking in anything else than english and, strangely, hebrew, although I have installed English, French, German and Italian (no Hebrew at all), including all spelling packages, thesaurus etc, it works nowhere: Ktae, Kword, OOo :(20:51
txwikingerapachelogger: python is somehow odd20:52
apacheloggerpython is python20:53
txwikingerI start to like ruby better than python20:53
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I edited the condensed announcement and for the full announcement added a paragraph explaining that we may not switch for 10.04 if it is found too disruptive. (But that the option will be kept open for the future)20:58
apacheloggerme likes20:59
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: go pushy push20:59
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pushy push to where?20:59
JontheEchidnalol, orgy20:59
jad_  :-)21:00
apacheloggersuper orgy porno party ... awesome song by the planet smasher :S21:00
jad_Riddell: did you get the pastebin I had made with the changes to the FAQ/21:00
jad_JontheEchidna: Did you get mroe wallpapers for the weather plugin21:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: need a fancy pic of me for the announcement? :P21:01
apacheloggerNightrose: did you read the condensed announcement?21:01
JontheEchidnajad_: there is a unique wallpaper for every weather condition that needs one at the moment I believe. If I find something better than the current ones, though.. :D21:02
JontheEchidnaIt's all in kdeartwork/WeatherWallappers21:02
JontheEchidnaminus the spelling errors ;-)21:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, about them codec installer... I was thinking a bit about my kdistrohook concept and came up with a pretty much scaling system21:02
Nightroseapachelogger: i skimmed it last night but have to read it again21:02
apacheloggerNightrose: can do that now?21:02
* apachelogger wants that crap out the door21:02
jad_JontheEchidna: Now we need to do one for weather at night and weather at day :)21:02
JontheEchidnathat's a bit more tricky (and also would double the size of the wallpapers) :x21:03
Nightroseapachelogger: yea21:03
Nightrosegive me 5 mins21:03
jad_JontheEchidna: But if there is alpha blending it would be really pretty at sunset and sunrise :)21:05
JontheEchidnaI also need to figure out what I am going to do with that thing code-wise. It's not the prettiest (or the working-est at the moment in trunk)21:06
txwikingerjad_ how about some different ones for different seasons too21:07
Nightroseapachelogger: JontheEchidna: 2 things:21:07
Nightrose1) somebody not aware of what Timelord is will think you're on crack21:07
jad_txwikinger: I don't know rain in winter looks awfully like snow21:07
Nightrose2) linking to the docs on google docs will get you beaten up big time21:07
Nightrosethe rest looks good to me21:07
* jad_ supports JontheEchidna having the workinest code in trunk :)21:08
txwikingerrain does not look like snow, and I like snow ;)21:08
apacheloggerNightrose: how does 2 come?21:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you are on crack Nightrose sez :P21:08
Nightroseapachelogger: non-free, closed crap bla bla bla21:08
Nightrosei've had it a few times already ;-)21:08
JontheEchidnaKDE is using google docs to coordinate the move to git21:09
txwikingergithub and ubuntu one are not better either21:09
JontheEchidnathat too21:09
JontheEchidnahaters will be haters21:09
NightroseJontheEchidna: yea and the people who moved it there got beaten for it as well21:10
Nightrosejust put it on a wiki if possible and be done with it21:10
Nightroseor publish it as a pdf21:10
apacheloggerI like that21:11
* apachelogger does not feel like converting the formatting to stupid moinmoin markup21:11
apacheloggerespecially not moinmoin markup21:11
apacheloggerthat is the most awful of them all21:11
JontheEchidnawhere to host the pdf?21:11
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: kubuntu.org?21:11
* apachelogger gets to figure out the hosting21:12
jad_Sory I dozed off are we still talking about porting the bots?21:12
BlizzzNightrose: ty, for the Google Wave invite! Somehow, sputnik invited me some time before without letting me know. his invitation arrived earlier this day. i wonder if you can recycle mine for somebody else?21:19
Nightroseyou can21:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/Timelord/21:20
* apachelogger notes that pdfs look quite professional21:20
NightroseBlizzz: the links are valid for one - no matter who21:20
apacheloggerNightrose: what to do to make us not sound as much on crack as I'd like to be :P21:21
BlizzzNightrose: good! with what email address are you registered there?21:22
NightroseBlizzz: lydia.pintscher21:23
Nightrose@googlewave.com or so21:23
Nightroseapachelogger: haha - good question21:23
Nightrosehave a link to what timelord is21:23
Nightrosethe original one21:23
Nightroseor something like that21:23
apacheloggerNightrose: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/Timelord/21:24
Blizzzyeap, ty21:24
Quintasanoh, michal.zajac@googlewave.com :D21:24
apacheloggerNightrose: I suppose the announcement holds a more in-depth description21:24
Quintasanapachelogger: wow, good night read for me :P21:24
Nightroseapachelogger: people will stop before even getting there if they read that crack :D21:25
apachelogger<= sitter.harald@googlewave.com21:25
apacheloggerNightrose: I was afraid so, but since I am constantly on too much kaffeine...21:25
JontheEchidnaNightrose: is it less on crack now?21:35
jad_apachelogger: yay Send me an invite :)21:36
JontheEchidnaobligitory "can haz invite pl0x"21:37
NightroseJontheEchidna: much better :)  the first sentence seems to be missing a comma21:37
Nightrosesomething is strange there21:37
* apachelogger agrees21:37
apacheloggermarkey, Mamarok, Nightrose: what ever happened to the PedroLeKoi dude I sent to #amarok?21:37
JontheEchidnaa bit too long in general21:38
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: how about some intro to the intro?21:38
apacheloggergetting the reader started for the information ahead21:38
Nightroseapachelogger: not seen anything21:38
apacheloggerNightrose: markey and Mamarok should know, they were around at the time21:38
markeynever heard of him21:39
markeyMamarok says she showed him hacking guide etc21:39
markeythen he vanished21:40
markeyonly the hard come into the garden21:40
JontheEchidnaapachelogger, Nightrose: reworked the first para21:40
NightroseJontheEchidna: ++21:40
apacheloggerNightrose: think we can publish?21:43
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: we need a pic to go with that nus21:43
Nightrosepic would indeed be nice21:43
apacheloggernakkid kubotu21:44
apacheloggerall them hot ruby sloc :D21:44
ryanakcaapachelogger: Announcement loogs good21:45
* apachelogger sings to surfin'USA21:45
apacheloggerso we only need like a pic21:45
apacheloggerNightrose, JontheEchidna, ryanakca: suggestions?21:46
JontheEchidnain all its nonfree, copyrighted glory: http://imagebin.ca/view/7uzolWG.html21:46
* apachelogger can always undress and make a pic :D21:46
apacheloggerkubuntu 2.0 :D21:46
apacheloggerweb 2.021:46
apacheloggerthat would be one epic battle21:46
txwikingerapachelogger: Too cold for surfing21:46
JontheEchidnahttps://www-admin.kubuntu.org/node/115 <- for those who can view21:47
JontheEchidnawhoops, lost the contact us link21:48
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: Is there anything in the brainstorm draft that isn't in the announcement?21:49
m4vaww, sry21:50
JontheEchidnaryanakca: it's more like the "source code" of project timelord21:50
JontheEchidnajust to show people the thought process that went into forming everything21:50
JontheEchidnaor that was the thought anyway21:50
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: OK. And spacing between the paragraphs in Proposed solutions...21:50
JontheEchidnaAh, yes21:51
JontheEchidnaoh, that was supposed to be a list in the google doc21:51
JontheEchidnait didn't copy/paste well21:51
* JontheEchidna <ul>'s21:51
ryanakcaAlso, the contact us link isn't very clear, there's three MLs and several IRC channels on the page, maybe 's/contact us/contact the Kubuntu Developers/' so they know which channel / ML they want?21:53
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: Apart from that, looks good21:54
apacheloggerflatmate suggested: someone with sheet of paper saying something like "Timelord"21:54
apacheloggerwould probably fit the topic at hand21:56
ryanakcaEven, have one of those folders with "Project Timelord" stamped on it :P (À la http://mysite.verizon.net/resobodw/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/3fw08.JPG )21:56
apacheloggerit's pretty abstract to find a pic that says communicates antyhing useful :P21:56
* ryanakca could probably work something of the sort up... with my stack of shiny Kubuntu stickers :)21:58
apacheloggerin like 5 minutes! :P21:59
apacheloggerout the door it needs to go21:59
JontheEchidnaoh, do I have to do a special thing so that the whole story doesn't appear on the front page?22:00
JontheEchidna<!--break--> ?22:01
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: Yes22:03
JontheEchidnabtw, something I don't like about that22:03
ryanakcaapachelogger: Sure, I found my letter stencils :P22:03
JontheEchidnait's not exactly obvious where to click to read the whole thing22:03
JontheEchidnaand if you add a link manually, you still get that link for the full story22:04
JontheEchidnasomething that could be made better?22:04
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: You could use <!--break--> and put in a JS blurb right above it that only shows the link if the page isn't whatever you make it. Can't tell you how off the top of my head though22:05
JontheEchidnaunfortunately I never did js, just basic XHTML + CSS :(22:06
* JontheEchidna never entered web 2.0, or even 1.522:06
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: Googling, just a sec22:11
apacheloggerryanakca: stop googling and get going on the pic :P22:13
ryanakcaapachelogger: I have PROJE coloured in.22:14
ryanakcaI just need to finish going over with permanent marker, stick on the logo, shove in some homework and take a picture22:15
ulysses__Oh no, Firefox crashed, and I can't report it, Launchpad timeout every times22:19
ryanakcaapachelogger: Picture time :)22:22
apacheloggercheese :D22:23
=== santiago-ve is now known as Guest16021
JontheEchidnamore like, "kamoso" :D22:24
* claydoh thinks he may take his annual weekly trip over to the Brown side this week22:26
claydohoops wrong chan sorry!22:27
* ryanakca kicks his card reader22:28
ryanakcaTime to get a USB cable :P22:28
Nookie^Riddell: kubuntu 9.10 recived today good feedback on swedish online magazine =)22:32
* ryanakca twiddles while digikam runs22:37
JontheEchidnaI'm having dinner in a sec. Feel free to publish the doc once the image is done ;)22:38
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: OK22:39
* apachelogger waits for image...22:47
ryanakcaapachelogger: I guess I'll be filing bugs against digikam. Going to go use F-Spot on my dad's Ubuntu computer, sssh!22:49
apacheloggerlast I used it digikam worked just fine :)22:50
ryanakcaapachelogger: Haha, no. ID-10T error. Digikam was behaving correctly by not displaying any pictures from my camera... the card was in my card reader.22:50
ulysses__Ok, I won't report this crash, Launchpad don't like me:(22:51
ulysses__o.O I reported three bugs yesterday, and they was private, Launchpad really don't like me:(22:53
ryanakcaapachelogger: nope. Trying to transfer pictures gives my a SIGSEGV now22:54
ryanakcaF-Spot it is22:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 468651 in kdepim-runtime "akonadi_vcard_resource crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New]22:54
apacheloggerryanakca: big time fun22:54
apacheloggerhow about using windows :P22:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 468668 in kde4libs "kdeinit4 crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New]22:54
ryanakcaapachelogger: http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/timelord/23:01
ryanakcaapachelogger: A few more to come.23:02
ryanakcaapachelogger: DSC_0005.JPG is oriented so that the text is vertical. Anyways, take your pick, the rest are pretty much all the same, I moved the lamp in some of them for different lighting. Supper's ready, BBL23:06
apacheloggerryanakca: background could be better23:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: huh?23:08
JontheEchidnaThat would be better as "Yo dawg, I herd you liked installing Ubuntu, so we put Wubi in your Ubuntu so you can install while you install"23:08
* apachelogger pokes JontheEchidna into kritaing one of ryanakca's pix so we can push tha nus23:10
apacheloggerI've got analysis lecture in like 8 hours, so we better hurry :P23:10
JontheEchidnain what way would I Krita the pix?23:10
apacheloggersmaller, hotter, dunnoer23:10
apacheloggerjust krita them some23:11
apacheloggerthen upload and publish23:11
apacheloggerand then annoy people with information about it23:11
* apachelogger prepares blog posty post23:11
JontheEchidnaah, kk23:12
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ready :P23:17
JontheEchidnakilled plasma-desktop trying to paste large pix :x23:18
JontheEchidnaman I hate my compy23:18
apacheloggerwell, we need a small pic for kubuntu.org anyway :P23:18
ryanakcaapachelogger: I can use my orange carpet... or my wooden kitchen table... all the surfaces in this house are either reflective or orange :P23:18
ryanakcaapachelogger: Pick one and I'll shrink it...23:19
apacheloggerthe highlight background is orange :D23:19
* apachelogger leaves the picking to JontheEchidna23:19
ryanakcaHighlight background?23:19
JontheEchidnaI liked 0523:19
* ryanakca needs to leave in ten minutes...23:19
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: OK... *fires up imagemagick*23:19
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: how big a side?23:20
apacheloggerryanakca: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/snapshot049.png <- highlight background23:20
ryanakca200px? 300px?23:20
JontheEchidna300 sounds good I suppose. What do you think?23:20
* apachelogger thinks he always used 300 back in his amarok days23:21
JontheEchidnahttp://imagebin.ca/view/eEXtwbK.html :D23:21
apacheloggeror maybe it was 250 or 35023:21
apacheloggerdefenitely something in that range though :D23:21
apacheloggerhow about ryanakca dresses up as burgler and someone makes a pic of him "stealing" the folder? :{23:22
apachelogger:P even23:22
apacheloggersomehow I have the feeling that imagebin.ca is is owned by KDE :P23:23
* JontheEchidna abuses gimp23:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I am not sure those gimp effecties are what we want23:23
JontheEchidnahehe, yeah. Just messing23:23
JontheEchidnaaround with it23:24
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggerryanakca: what do you think of that last one?23:24
ryanakcahttp://ryanak.ca/~ryan/timelord/timelord-X.png where X is the side... pick one, I gave you several sizes23:24
apacheloggercould work without the reflection maybe :P23:24
apacheloggerhow about using 400px linking to 800px?23:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: please implement in nus23:27
ryanakcaAnyways, I'm off.23:27
ryanakcaChange / use however23:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: maybe convert to jpg23:30
apacheloggerthose pngs are of the large sort23:30
* JontheEchidna wonders how to properly use attached files in the story23:32
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: just attach em :P23:33
apacheloggerIll do the rest23:33
JontheEchidnawhere'd they go?23:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: send by mail or upload somewhere23:35
JontheEchidnaoops, attached to 9.10 release announcement23:35
apacheloggerClick <a href="https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/9.10-release">here</a> to read more.23:35
apacheloggerwhat is with that?23:35
JontheEchidnaI should just stop trying now23:35
JontheEchidnaI think I deleted the release announcement v.v23:36
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: press the back button23:38
apacheloggersince it is https it might not work23:38
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: all back?23:39
JontheEchidnaat least I can create a new story with the copied text23:39
JontheEchidnabut it won't let me submit a previous story23:39
apacheloggerjust make sure you traverse all the settings23:39
JontheEchidnaya, set to full html23:41
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: can I has attachments now? :D23:42
JontheEchidnarite, emailing now23:42
JontheEchidnanow people will just wonder why it shows up again in RSS :D23:43
JontheEchidnahopefully to be eclipsed by Timelord's awesomeness23:44
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: you should haz by now23:49
JontheEchidnaready to push?23:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so whats with ... Click <a href="https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/9.10-release">here</a> to read more.23:51
JontheEchidnaoh, lol23:51
JontheEchidnawas gonna edit that to be the final release link o' the timelord announcement23:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it still would show up on the full page though?23:53
JontheEchidnayeah, that's the only thing...23:54
JontheEchidnaremove it I guess, and hope people are clever enough to know how to get to the full page23:54
* apachelogger notes that we did not mention the website in timelord :P23:54
* apachelogger hugs JontheEchidna23:58
JontheEchidnato the interblag!23:59
* JontheEchidna will probably blog tomorrowish23:59

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