
uvirtbotNew bug: #469336 in linux (main) "part of lm-sensors and fancontrol does not work after fresh install of 9.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46933600:16
snthWhy is there no way to load a different version of the kernel without rebooting?01:08
twbErm, because that's how kernels work.01:08
twbIt's like saying "why can't I refuel my cessna without landing?"01:09
snthtwb: hmm .. they should work differently then.01:09
twbYou are welcome to talk to Hurd or Mach about that.01:09
twbMicrokernels are probably more "pluggable"01:09
twbThe erlang people have also done some work into replacing components of a large, scary system while it's running, without the whole thing crashing down01:10
snthSee, it is possible to refuel it without landing then ;).01:10
twbYou can refuel some aircraft in mid-air, but they generally have to be designed from the ground up with that functionality in mind.01:12
snthI know that you can patch it without rebooting.01:12
twbDo you just.01:12
=== Sn0oP is now known as GammalSokk
jmarsdensnth: You may be interested in http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/07/ksplice-is-like-viagra-for-linux-server-uptime.ars01:20
snthjmarsden: Yeah, exactly. They can apply patches, but I am not sure that they can reload a whole new version.01:21
jmarsdensnth: kspice is open source -- if this is important to you, learn all about it and improve it so it does what you need.01:22
JanCI think VMS kernel can update without rebooting too, I wonder why MS didn't port that VMS-feature to NT with all the rest they took from it  ;)01:32
twbIIRC ksplice also can't patch kernels arbitrarily.  Any change involving a data structure still requires a reboot.01:46
crohakonI need a good guide on setting up virtual hosts...02:05
crohakonanyone got a good link?02:05
twbThe ubuntu admin guide should include that02:08
twbUnfortunately there's no bloody link in ubottu, nor in /topic, and ICBF digging it up yet again02:08
crohakonis the admin guide the same as the server guide02:08
crohakonokay, I have the link booked marketed. Thanks02:08
twbWhich is why it takes me so long to find02:08
crohakonand yeah, why is it not in the topic?02:08
crohakonAny operators here want to be nice and add the link to the topic?02:09
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! infinity, soren, lamont, mathiaz or tom02:09
crohakonAlso, I am not sure creating virtual hosts is the best option...02:10
crohakonI have two friends that are going to college for digital media design... and part of the course study is building websites. I wanted to set them up with a play ground on my server. Give them an one FTP account each, and access to a sub directory each. I am not really worried about security...02:11
crohakonShould I just create the two sub domains and create two ftp accounts that only have access to the respective directories?02:11
naliothtwb: everything sorted?02:12
ajmitchnalioth: it was about adding the server guide to the topic02:13
crohakonhttps://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/index.html <--- in topic02:13
twbAnd/or in ubottu02:13
ajmitchthough when I look now, I see "server guide: http://tinyurl.com/65jzxw"02:14
ajmitchso I guess it's sorted enough02:14
* crohakon dislikes tinyurl...02:14
twbI guess I don't look at tinyurls because they only exist for rickrolling02:14
ajmitchrickrolling & cramming as much as possible into a channel topic02:14
crohakonalthough, that tinyurl is for 8.something... not 9.04... or .10 for that matter...02:15
twbYou could lose the www. from esr's site :-)02:15
twbBut also the other stuff in /topic wasn't tinyurl'd.02:15
ajmitchyou could lose esr's site02:17
ajmitchcrohakon: right, it goes to the server guide for hardy, the last LTS release02:18
twbYeah, replace it with the copy on linuxmafia02:26
twbSince Moen isn't an NRA goon02:26
snthDoes anyone know what's the equivalent to Redhat Kudzu in Ubuntu?02:42
twbsnth: you could create one by adding an init script that does "sleep 10m"02:50
snthtwb: what? Kudzu is a hardware detection tool.02:51
snthIt simply probes for the hardware, looks up the driver/module in a hwdatabase. Then configures your kernel to load that module.02:51
twbIME what kudzu mainly does is say:02:51
twb"hi, headless machine with no display!  Apparently the mouse was unplugged, so I will sit here and wait for input for a while instead of booting!"02:52
qman__I have never needed anything to perform that function since I started using ubuntu02:52
qman__4 years ago02:52
twbBut if you're talking about hardware detection, the closest thing is probably udev (for NICs) and UUID/LABELs (for fstab).02:52
qman__it just works02:53
snthqman__: I am trying to understand how it works :)02:53
twbIn theory what kudzu is supposed to do is notice when you replace one NIC with another, or add a NIC, and pop up a helpful GUI asking you what to do about it.02:53
qman__ubuntu just does something about it02:53
qman__and doesn't ask you02:53
qman__if it's wrong, you go in and fix it02:53
twbMainly what it does is REALLY, REALLY annoy you02:53
snthKudzu doesn't have to ask you about anything. Also, it doesn't only work for NICs. It literally probes for any hardware you add/change.02:54
twbFor example, it once managed to remove all the nodes from my RAID (or was it LVM?) array when I swapped in a new HDD02:54
qman__the point is, that function is not necessary02:54
qman__the system handles hardware changes without that02:55
snthInfact, as far as I remember, kudzu doesn' automatically run. It only runs during boot .. then, you can run it manually, but it won't just detect stuff for you after booting.02:55
twbqman__: rather, Ubuntu acts the same as if you let Kudzu time out.02:55
twbsnth: IME it runs automatically during boot.02:55
qman__it's handled by udev (I think it's still udev?)02:55
qman__it just takes care of it02:56
twbudev will notice new hardware, but not do anything about it.02:56
qman__no user interaction necessary02:56
snth*looking up IME*02:56
twbIME = In My Experience02:56
twbInstall bsdgames, run "wtf ime"02:56
snthSo, when udev detects hardware, how do you load the right module for that hardware?02:57
snthI mean, how do you know which module/driver to load?02:57
qman__normally, it just loads it02:57
twbsnth: if modules aren't automatically loaded, that is a bug02:57
twbsnth: the system includes a big database of magic numbers vs. modules to load02:58
snthWhat loads that module?02:58
qman__the only thing the user needs to do is possibly configure the system to use it, like adding a NIC and assigning the IP address02:58
qman__or adding a disk and specifying a mount point02:58
twbIf you get a very new piece of hardware, it might not be in the database yet.  Then you need to edit /etc/modules by hand.02:58
qman__theoretically you should never have to load or unload modules02:58
snthtwb: where is that database in the system?02:59
qman__of course the world isn't perfect and some stuff doesn't work right out of the box, but for the most part, it works great02:59
twbsnth: a combination of /etc/udev/rules.d and /etc/modutils.d, IIRC02:59
twbsnth: udev mainly says things like "oh, a sata disk!  I'd better load SATA disk support."02:59
twbSome of it is also handled within the kernel itself, I imagine.02:59
qman__but that's precisely the point03:00
snthtwb: hmm ..that behavior of udev is what kuduz does.03:00
crohakontrying to setup virtual users in vsftpd is giving me a headache...03:00
qman__while in redhat you use kudzu, in ubuntu, it just works, and you never have to worry about it03:00
twbsnth: then kudzu is obsolete and useless.03:00
snth:) fair enough.03:00
snthhmm udev man page says that udevd receives uevents directly from the kernel if a device is added or removed from the system. qman__ So I guess this is how it just works :)03:04
snthI wonder what module in the kernel sends these uevents.03:04
snthtwb: man hald this has the database I was talking to you about.03:21
twbsnth: hal is obsolete03:21
twbsnth: it's functionality has been absorbed by udev03:21
snthhmm .. is this what is replaced by udev?03:21
snthOh OK.03:21
twbUnfortunately, other parts of hal are being replaced by devkit, which is reputed to be just as broken03:23
snthCool .. thanks. That's one more difference between rhel and ubuntu. Man, the list keeps growing :).03:24
snthrhel 5 still uses hal03:24
twbUbuntu still uses hal too, for now03:25
snthI haven't heard of any plans for redhat to change using HAL, yet at least.03:26
twbWell, RHEL do tend to lag behind everyone else03:26
snthYeah. (fortunately/Unfortunately) all of our servers are RHEL.03:27
twbPick your flavour of cowboy :-(03:27
snthMy company pays a ton of money for RHEL support and we have never used it -- not even once.03:28
twbSwitch to CentOS, then03:28
snthI wish it was up to me.03:28
twbMy sympathies.03:28
snthManagement still thinks that it is better to have support for the one time that we will need it.03:28
twbI am still maintaining servers that run FC303:28
poningruthat is... a bad idea03:29
twbLike you say: not my decision :-(03:30
twbThe problem with linux is it doesn't fail each week, it fails once every few years -- spectacularly.03:30
twbSo it's hard to convince management to fund a man-week to migrate to a newer release03:31
ScottKsnth: If you just want support for the one time you need it, support contracts for Ubuntu Server are a lot cheaper.03:31
twbThey'd prefer to spend a man-month fixing the spectacular failure while all the users mill around due to the unscheduled outage.03:31
snthI rarely have problems with the kernel itself. It is usually the services on top that can/may crash.03:31
twbsnth: sorry, I meant GNU/Linux, not the kernel03:32
snthScottK: I wish Redhat have the same model. The problem is that all of our servers are RHEL for the last 9 or 10 years or so.03:32
snthIt doesn't seem that they have any plans on changing the platform.03:33
snthAs twb said, it doesn't break often, so they don't see why they may need to change to something else.03:33
twbWe need a routine-failure package03:34
twbIt makes stuff go wrong occasionally, and lets you configure the frequency and severity03:34
snthhaha .. then, they would think that you aren't doing your job right.03:34
twbI actually remember seeing a package a bit like that, which was intended for vocational training of sysadmins (like the RHCE)03:36
snthMaybe in a few years when ubuntu server gains reputation of stability and so forth, companies would start looking at it since it would be cheaper than redhat.03:36
snthYeah, when I was working on my RHCE we had some random scripts that just kinda mess with your system and you have to go figure out what happened. It was kinda cool.03:37
twbhaha "when03:39
twbYou mean "if"03:39
snthNo, I mean "when" :)03:39
snthAre the ubuntu server maintainers/developers/commiters come to this channel or they have another room?03:46
ScottKThis is both for development and support03:46
snthScottK: thanks :) .. I am liking the discussions here so far. You guys form/have a good community in here.03:48
ScottKsnth: It's a distinguishing characteristic of Ubuntu in all it's flavors.  It doesn't happen by accident.03:48
* crohakon smashes head on vsftpd04:28
twbcrohakon: there's probably a #vsftpd04:39
crohakonthere is...04:39
crohakonI had not thought about that...04:39
snthcrohakon: what's the problem with vsftpd?04:39
twbsnth: he's trying to configure it04:40
twb14:00 <crohakon> trying to setup virtual users in vsftpd is giving me a headache...04:40
snthI was just wondering .. I might be able to help.04:42
twbsnth: I was just telling you :-)04:43
crohakonsnth; Every guide I have tried those far has not worked. I just tried setting it up to use Mysql database for user/pass but that does not seem to work either.04:43
crohakonthose = thus04:44
snthtwb: I was kinda hoping for a bit more accurate description of the problem :p.04:44
twbsnth: fair enough04:44
snthcrohakon: what's your config file look like?04:44
crohakonHow is it that I send it to pastebin or what not from console?04:46
twbcrohakon: w3m hpaste.org04:47
twbThat's how I'd do it, anyway04:47
twbThere are little dedicated paste utilities, but I can't recommend one04:47
snthpastebinit /etc/vsftpd04:48
crohakonthere we go04:48
snthcrohakon: and you want mysql authentication only ?04:52
snthcrohakon: first mistake is in line 27. Change this to NO.04:53
crohakonokay, done04:54
snthcrohakon: and where exactly in this file do you try to authenticate against mysql?04:54
crohakonI don't know... I was following a guide... I just did what it tells me to do... something to do with PAM?04:55
crohakon/etc/pam.d/vsftpd contains the lines for accessing the DB I believe...04:58
snthit shouldn't .. but can you show me the contents of that file.04:58
snthAlso do you have the package libpam-mysql?04:58
crohakonI do now..05:01
snthsweet. have you created the database?05:02
crohakonyes, it is created and I have users added already05:02
snthcrohakon: IM me, I need to send you config lines to add.05:03
twbYou realize that libpam-mysql only does one of the four pam bits, don't you?05:12
twb(auth and not password/session/account, IIRC.)05:13
snthtwb: Yeah, that's how I am configuring it with crohakon now. It should suffice, right?05:14
twbI don't know.05:14
snthI am pretty sure that it should be fine.05:14
twbI would never use mysql for anything.05:14
crohakonIt just seemed like the easiest way...05:19
qman__mysql and easy don't belong in the same sentence05:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #470071 in vsftpd (main) "Listing use locale for date representation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47007105:27
kosmichey guys06:03
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crohakonqman__; I have worked with mysql for some time now... so I figured it would give me an advantage.... I was wrong.06:04
twbThat's like saying that you're been a plumber for five years, so you thought you'd make a sports jacket out of turds.06:12
crohakontwb; I understand this now... but a few hours ago I was a tiny bit more ignorant... hehe. I am slowly working on curing that... one struggle at a time.06:23
Classichello all06:58
Classici get this error when ever i try installing mysql06:58
Classicerrors were encountered while processing: fuse-utils, gvfs-fuse06:58
mateiI have a question about the Karmic EC2 image: are Linux Containers (lxc) supposed to work on it? When I try to use lxc-execute or lxc-start, I get "lxc-execute: failed to clone(0x2c020000): Invalid argument"06:58
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jmarsdenClassic: Installing mysql how, on what version of Ubuntu server?07:09
Classicjmarsden: i used sudo apt-get install mysql. the version is 9.0207:09
kblinClassic: seems unconnected to mysql, though07:09
kblinClassic: seems unconnected to mysql, though07:10
jmarsdenClassic: Sounds like your apt-get database is inconsistent or otherwise unhappy?  Try sudo apt-get -f install      and then try the sudo apt-get install mysql again.07:10
Classickblin: i get the same error when i uninstall mysql using sudo apt-get remove mysql07:10
ClassicI get the same kind of error07:11
ClassicFrom running sudo apt-get -f install07:11
ClassicErrors where encountered while processing:07:11
crohakonThanks to snth I can stop hitting my head against vsftpd..07:11
ClassicE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg reutrned an error code (1)07:12
jmarsdenClassic: OK...so it's *really* unhappy.. :(  Did you get those two packages in some unusual way, or have strange issues installing them?07:13
snthAlright guys -- having a long week :) gotta get some sleep. Later.07:13
Classicjmarsden: Wel I'm running on a VPS and I'm helping a friend install something. This was the very first command line I typed: sudo apt-get install mysql-server subversion binutils cvs cvsutils gcc gdb make libmysql++-dev libssl-dev libtool automake g++07:13
snthtwb: mysql_pam supports auth and account :).07:14
jmarsdenClassic: That doesn't really answer my question... did you try at some point to install fuse-utils or gvfs-fuse?07:14
twbsnth: righto07:14
Classicjmarsden: Nope.07:15
jmarsdenClassic: Did your friend, before you started helping?07:15
Classicjmarsden:  No.07:16
Classicjmarsden: I was the very first who accessed it. Idk if its because I was using debian commands at one point >< (I am more familiar with debian than ubuntu so yeahh).07:16
kblindebian commands?07:16
twb"apt-get -f install" is not a Debianism07:17
twbIt's a "I broke the system, please try to guess the fix for me"ism.07:17
jmarsdenClassic: Both sudo and apt-get work the same way in both Ubuntu and Debian... so what did you or someone else *really* do here?07:17
twbClassic: pastebin the *entire* output of apt-get -f install.07:18
twbClassic: I suspect the real information about the problem is during the dpkg --configure -a step.07:18
kblinat least the fuse parts are not part of a plain server install07:19
Classicroot@sfwebhosting:/# sudo apt-get -f install07:24
ClassicReading package lists... Done07:24
ClassicBuilding dependency tree... Done07:24
Classic0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:24
Classic2 not fully installed or removed.07:24
ClassicAfter this operation, 0B of additional disk space will be used.07:24
ClassicSetting up fuse-utils (2.7.4-1.1ubuntu4) ...07:24
Classiccreating fuse group...07:24
Classicudev active, skipping device node creation.07:24
jmarsdenClassic: Use pastebin please!07:24
Classic * Reloading kernel event manager...                                            No /sbin/udevd found running; none killed.07:24
Classic                                                                         [fail]07:24
Classicinvoke-rc.d: initscript udev, action "reload" failed.07:24
Classicdpkg: error processing fuse-utils (--configure):07:24
Classic subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 107:24
Classicdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of gvfs-fuse:07:25
omaniClassic, wtf?!07:25
Classic gvfs-fuse depends on fuse-utils; however:07:25
Classic  Package fuse-utils is not configured yet.07:25
Classicdpkg: error processing gvfs-fuse (--configure):07:25
Classic dependency problems - leaving unconfigured07:25
ClassicNo apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.07:25
Classic                          Errors were encountered while processing:07:25
Classic fuse-utils07:25
Classic gvfs-fuse07:25
ClassicE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)07:25
jmarsdenIf you are sure you don't need those packages, try removing them.07:26
Classicthat did the trick07:28
jmarsdenClassic: No problem.07:30
__rubenhm .. rebooted a jaunty router/firewall due to power maintainance .. now its ipv6 stack seems totally busted (cant ping link local addresses, radvd cant send packets, ..)07:38
kblin__ruben: you sure ipv6 came up at all? tried loading the module?07:39
__rubenkblin: in jaunty its no longer a module07:41
__rubenand i do see link local addresses, but they're tentative07:41
kblin__ruben: certainly is a module for me07:42
__rubenkblin: on jaunty?07:42
kblinubuntu armel port07:43
kblinthough it's a beagleboard, your kernel might be different07:44
__rubenah .. ports (can) use different .config's07:44
__rubenhmm .. attempt to boot previous kernel by altering menu.lst seems to have failed .. and the box is remote (at work)07:45
kblin__ruben: well, there's no official ubuntu kernel for my hardware07:46
twbDunno why you'd use Ubuntu on armel instead of Debian or Emdebian.07:49
twbAt leat armel is a first-class arch on Debian07:49
kblinnot for the OMAP SOCs07:50
twbI'm using kirkwood here, so I guess I just assumed the OMAP targets were already supported07:51
quizmessh ubuntu@stuff.com 'echo $PATH'  ..... my $PATH variable is not fully set .... i added a couple directories to my PATH variable in .bashrc.... anybody know why ?07:57
quizmewhy doesn't .bashrc get read when running commands with ssh07:58
__rubenperhaps it gets executed by sh instead of bash for instance07:58
twbPassing a command to ssh will cause that command to be run in a sh shell on the remote host.07:59
twbThe only configuration file on the remote host that might be read in this circumstance is ~/.ssh/environment.  This file is not read by default.07:59
twbYou can also configure sshd to allow, and ssh to send, additional environment variables.  $LANG and $LC_* are typically in this list; $PATH is (for obvious reasons) not.08:00
twbAdditionally, if you control the script invoking ssh, you can simply do something like ssh x env PATH=z y08:01
quizmeno it's running bash08:02
quizmethe error is:   bash: rake: command not found08:02
quizmeso it's comming from bash08:02
twbMaybe it invokes your login shell -- I didn't think it did.08:04
jmarsdentwb: ssh jonathan@localhost 'echo $SHELL'  outputs /bin/bash, so it sure looks like bash is being run to me...08:04
twbYou're right, it invokes the login shell.08:04
twbOK, this is even weirder08:04
twbI changed my shell to /bin/sh on the remote host, and it's still using bash08:05
twbGrr, NIS' ypchsh didn't do its job.08:05
quizmecan i set PATH=$PATH:/opt/ruby19/bin:.  in ~/.ssh/environment ?08:05
quizmedoesn't work08:08
twbDid you enable environment?08:08
quizmehow do you do that ?08:08
twbPermitUserEnvironment    Specifies whether ~/.ssh/environment and environment= options in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys are processed by sshd(8).  The default is “no”.  Enabling environment processing may enable users to bypass access restrictions in some configurations using mechanisms such as LD_PRELOAD.08:08
med\weedquizme: try doing one of those path add commands as an export08:08
twb...from sshd_config08:08
med\weedsomething like08:09
med\weedssh "export $PATH=$PATH:/SOME/PATH; commands"08:09
twbmed\weed: those should be single quots, and the leading $ is wrong, and ideally you'd use && instead of ;.08:10
quizmemed\weed want to to configure it so that i don't have to do that every time08:10
twbBut I already suggested that approach: 19:01 <twb> Additionally, if you control the script invoking ssh, you can simply do something like ssh x env PATH=z y08:10
crohakonhow do I view a list of users in terminal?08:12
twbgetent passwd08:12
quizmeso i enabled PermitUserEnvironment08:14
quizmebut in ~/.ssh/environment    I put "duck=wow"  but when i did locally: "ssh ubuntu@stuff.com 'echo $duck'" it was empty08:15
med\weedtwb: i know - like i said _something like_08:16
twbquizme: did you restart sshd?08:16
med\weedits only for conceptual ~_~08:16
quizmetwb: no....08:16
quizmetwb: /etc/init.d/sshd restart    like that ?08:17
twbThat will do, yes.08:17
twbssh, not sshd, actuall08:17
quizmei restarted ssh, but $duck is still the empty string08:19
twbquizme: I give up.  Ask #openssh08:20
quizmepretty tricky stuff08:22
quizmetwb: it's set in /etc/environment08:35
ycyin order to use rsync between two machine, should one of them have rsync server (and thus a tcp port open) installed?09:07
kworkyou can rsync over ssh i think09:10
atomic_1rsync -arvupz /source/folder --exclude-from '/from/here.txt' user@remotehost:/BackupFolder > /your/logfile.txt is what i use09:11
atomic_1shove it in crontab and you're done09:12
kworkthou bacula is fancier then rsync09:12
cemcor maybe BackupPC? which can also use rsync09:23
knechthi there. i have to compress huge backups (>120GB). Some files are already compressed (rar, zip, tar.bz2 files), and i search for a way to get these files into an archiv file without double-compresse them. (i prefere 7z or tar.bz2)09:51
knechtin short words: is there a way to tell an archiv manager: Compress all Data except already compressed files, and put everything in a archive? (like a "do not compress these files" filter)09:52
knechtin short words: is there a way to tell an archiv manager: Compress all Data except already compressed files, and put everything in a archive? (like a "do not compress these files" filter, but dont skip the files)?10:02
kworkyou can tell archiver to udpate the archieve with the changed files10:04
jmarsdenknecht: By definition a .tar.bz2 file is a single .tar file which is compressed using bzip2, so ... no, what you want can't be done with that archive format.10:05
jmarsdenYou could create a .tar file or all the already-compressed files, and a .bar/bz2 of everything else, maybe?10:06
knechtkwork: i know, but that does not help me out. i need to do full backups every day, and it tooks to long. i thought already compressed files don't need to be processed again.10:07
jmarsdenknecht: Is the issue really CPU usage??  More likely the speed issue is that your backups are I/O bound, in which case trying to avoid compressing some files will not really help your speed.10:07
knechtjmarsden: to make two archiv is a way, but i will try to find a better one10:07
kworkknecht, try something like bacula10:08
knechtjmarsden: i have a raid, the cpu is for shure the problem10:08
knechtkwork: i take a look at bacula (never heard that before)10:08
knechtkwork: mabe the best way is to copy the already compressed archive every day, and update the clone . . . should work, or?10:14
knechtkwork: bacula is to big for my purpose10:15
kworkfor me bacula is doing one full backup + incremental10:16
kworkfrom there10:16
kworkrather tehn taring whole world together and rsyncing it10:16
kworki have move that that option10:16
kworkits pretty straightforward to set up aswell10:16
jmarsdenknecht: If your backups are all on disk, use rsync to update them each day; something like rsnapshot could work well for you and is smaller/simpler than bacula10:16
knechtkwork: i agree, but my boss does not. There should be rotating full backups available of the last seven days. Not incremental cause he wants to be able to simply pick a backup via smba, and open it on his computer. So if it works, it is the way to go for me.10:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #469548 in samba "can't list smb shares" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46954810:34
kworkknecht, you can define rules10:36
kworkso that you make full backup weekly for exampel10:36
kworkand incremental otherwise10:36
knechtkwork: i also tend to do so, for now i had to do it like i mentioned. Thanks for your help!10:42
Vertigo009Hello everyone. I'm trying to install pear auth_SASL in my ubuntu server, but after i do the install, it keeps saying that it is not installed. Can anybody help me please? Thanks.11:06
Vertigo009root@neptuno:/# pear install auth_SASL11:07
Vertigo009downloading Auth_SASL-1.0.3.tgz ...11:07
Vertigo009Starting to download Auth_SASL-1.0.3.tgz (5,724 bytes)11:07
Vertigo009.....done: 5,724 bytes11:07
Vertigo009root@neptuno:/# pear list auth_SASL11:07
Vertigo009`auth_SASL' not installed11:07
kim0Hi folks .. ubuntu server 8.04 LTS, fails to boot when a degraded raid happens12:09
kim0I understand passing the kernel option, "bootdegraded=true" .. should resolve this12:09
kim0but it seems to be ignored12:09
kim0any idea if kirkland fixes have been integrated into 8.04.2 ?12:10
joeD2get during system installation the follwing message: file:///cdrom/pool/main/u/util-linux/bsdutils_2.16-1ubuntu5_amd.64.deb was corrupt. downloaded the image already twice. Any idea? Thnx.12:24
pmatulisjoeD2: why do you need to install from the cd?12:27
joeD2pmatulis: Where do you install from???12:27
pmatulisjoeD2: the internet12:28
joeD2pmatulis: what is the command for that? Or do you have a link for a description?12:29
pmatulisjoeD2: remove the cdrom line (or comment it out with a '#' mark) and then '$ sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude install bsdutils'12:29
pmatulisjoeD2: the file is /etc/apt/sources.list12:30
joeD2pmatulis: the system has not been up. it's during the groundsystem setup that I get the message.12:30
pmatulisjoeD2: ah12:31
pmatulisjoeD2: check the md5sum of the iso you d/l'd12:31
joeD2pmatulis: how?12:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #470636 in libvirt (main) "virt-aa-helper fails to add copy-on-write images on apparmor profile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47063612:32
pmatulisjoeD2: '$ md5sum /path/to/iso' and then compare it to the mirror you d/l'd from, do a search for "ubuntu md5sum"12:36
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gamla_kossanumm, how can I check when a user account was created?12:36
gamla_kossanby the date of their homediw?12:36
joeD2pmatulis: md5sum ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso 14707e8847b9c9ba2dd1869fb5086e4f  ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso is the result. downloades from http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/12:36
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joeD2pmatulis: found the md5 and it matches nevertheless I burned two cds (after two seperate downloads) and still got the sysm error.12:41
pmatulisjoeD2: i recommend burning another cd but at a lower speed12:44
joeD2pmatulis: already on the way trying it, but what is strange that I bourned the two cds also on different burner12:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #470675 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script pre-removal instalado devolvi? el c?digo de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47067512:45
pmatulisjoeD2: wow, that *is* strange12:48
pmatuliszul: good morning12:49
zulhey pmatulis12:49
joeD2pmatulis: I thought it could be a problem in the iso, but seams no one else has the problem.12:49
pmatulisjoeD2: maybe also test your ram, it might be using the exact place in ram during the install and then boom12:50
joeD2pmatulis: don't get it. what exact place in the ram?12:52
pmatulisjoeD2: during the install, when it processes bsdutils12:53
joeD2pmatulis: by teh way started with a new cd12:53
joeD2pmatulis: ok it was the cd. changed the cd brand and downgraded the burning speed. now server is installed and running. thnx13:11
pmatulisjoeD2: good stuff13:21
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kirklandkim0: those fixes should have landed for 8.04.313:52
kirklandkim0: though you would still need to manually run grub-install on your md device, to put a bootloader on each disk13:52
Fenix1if my domain ip is what is the reverse zone file address13:57
Fenix1I made up the ip13:58
Fenix1Do u only but the network part of your address in a reverse zone file?13:59
kblindepends on your setup13:59
Fenix1what do u mean14:00
kblinwhat you put in the zone setup in named.conf.local14:01
andolFenix1: The actually file name you specify yourself. The name of the zone depends on what is delegated from above.14:01
kim0kirkland: ah .. thanks14:01
kblineg. if it's zone "30.20.67.in-addr.arpa", you'd only put the last octet into the database file14:02
Fenix1ok thanks14:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #371181 in openssh (main) "xauth authentication not working" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37118114:09
SorellDoes any one know If I must have 2 machines to run a simple cloud14:19
SorellI will be using this as a personal cloud14:19
Sorell( I.E. just for me )14:19
kblinI haven't poked the cloud setup yet. for personal use, I just use a vbox or kvm directly14:21
SorellI'm really just doing this right now, as an experiment.14:21
SorellI'm looking at this right now14:23
Sorellit says that I need to have a front end and a node14:23
Sorellbut that seems kind of silly for what I'm doing as14:23
PJiPhoneCan they not be virtual?14:24
Sorellthe front end will be doing almost nothing.14:24
SorellI was thinking that, however I'm not sure14:24
kblinwell, the nodes run kvm, right?14:25
kblinI'm not sure if you can even run kvm on a kvm guest14:25
SorellI think so.14:25
Sorellbecause I think that it needs the CPU VM extensions14:26
PJiPhoneYou can do remote X though14:26
Sorelland the VMs wouldn'tdo that.14:26
PJiPhoneOr VNC of course14:29
Sorellyeah I really didn't want to do that.14:29
Sorellthe end goal here is to be able to access my system on whatever machine I'm on from a host14:30
Sorellwith min impact on said host14:31
Sorell( I'm looking into setting up a web front end. )14:31
PJiPhoneVNC is not hard14:34
PJiPhoneSure it could be done via web14:34
Sorellgrabs gaming rig pulls out HDD and slips in clean disk.14:49
Sorell* Starts node installation14:50
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Sorellanyone know if ubuntu can take advantage of cuda?15:00
Brian_Hhow do you manage nfs share rights between users?15:04
Brian_Hwith samba its pretty easy, and acls just work, however with nfs it seems that its not so easy15:04
__rubennfs uses the standard filesystem permissions15:06
andolBrian_H: Of course, if you don't have the same uids and gids, yes then I'm sure it can be confusing :)15:07
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Xpistos|workIs there an FTP site to download Ubuntu Server? I can only find torrent and HTTP15:09
jpdsXpistos|work: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors15:10
Xpistos|workjpds: Thanks15:11
jdstrandsoren, kirkland: fyi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Virtualization needs some love15:11
kim0Hi folks .. my preseed late_command seems to be not running some commands .. where do I look for hints why they're not running ?15:13
* soren hands jdstrand the "Understatement of the day" award15:16
kirklandjdstrand: agreed15:20
kirklandjdstrand: however, wiki.ubuntu.com contains all sorts of out of date old UDS spec cruft15:21
sorenFor starters, we could move it to something like /UDS/Hardy/Virtualisation.15:24
sorenAt least that way it doesn't make any promises it can't keep :)15:25
jdstrandkirkland: sure, but I don't think that was a spec15:27
jdstranddo with it what you will, I was looking for the documentation for libvirt in karmic, and naturally looked there, and it was, uhmm, not relevant ;)15:28
kirklandjdstrand: oh?  i thought it looked like the Hardy Virtualization spec15:28
jdstrandkirkland: maybe it was, I didn't look to closely15:28
kirklandjdstrand: i think this is the spec that was used to decide to go with KVM rather than Xen in Ubuntu15:29
jdstrandkirkland: ah15:29
jdstrandkirkland: well, one thing the security team has done to clean these things up with things it cares about is create a SecurityTeam/Specifications page, with links to specs in it, then create landing pages for important topics15:30
jdstrandkirkland: eg-- wiki.ubuntu.com/AppArmor was a spec for using AppArmor in Ubuntu15:30
jdstrandit was horribly out of date15:30
jdstrandso we moved the spec to SecurityTeam/Specifications/AppArmor, then created a new wiki.ubuntu.com/AppArmor page, with links all over15:31
jdstrandkirkland: food for thought, I'm certainly not saying you have to do something similar15:31
kirklandjdstrand: gotcha, thanks.15:32
kirklandjdstrand: it does need some housekeeping, i agree15:32
jdstrandand we didn't do this for *everything*, just things we notice as we go15:32
sorenjdstrand, kirkland: It was basically a collective braindump from the virtualisation discussion at UDS in Boston.15:33
* jdstrand remembers that session fondly15:33
sorenMan, I had /no/ clue back then :)15:34
LyonJTI'm having a few issues with my interfaces file and OpenVPN15:44
LyonJTanyone able to help?15:44
mugginzAnyone around who has info on Samba's installation policy?15:51
mugginzWondering what the current position is with respect to sharing folders on a default desktop install15:51
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* soren calls it a day15:58
StrangeCharmi've decided that i want to move /home, /var, and /tmp onto their own disks. is there a good tutorial for this?16:22
mushroomblueStrangeCharm: cp -a * /path/to/new/var16:23
mushroombluethen mount that path as /var, and update fstab16:23
StrangeCharmthanks, mushroomblue16:23
kblinStrangeCharm: actually you'll want to make sure that once the data is oin the new location, you remove it from the old location16:34
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kblinotherwise you won't get back the disk space16:34
StrangeCharmkblin, gotcha16:35
LyonJTDoes anyone have a interfaces file template?16:40
LyonJTmines gone wrong and i need the template back16:40
__rubenthere's no "template", either start from scratch or find the error(s)16:47
LyonJT__ruben: i just need one from scratch16:48
LyonJTi.e. when u first install the OS16:48
LyonJTthen i can amend it from there!16:48
__rubenit depends on the installation, whether or not dhcp was available or not for instance16:48
LyonJT9.10 and it was static16:49
LyonJTi will amend the ip addresses etc16:50
kblinman interfaces has a simple one, I think16:50
LyonJTwiked cheers16:52
LyonJTNope man doesn't16:53
kblinit does have a description, though16:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #369279 in vsftpd (main) "vsftp freeze the connection" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36927916:57
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arthurjohnsonOkay, I have the ubuntu mini.iso and just ran a cli install.  What should I apt-get to be sure to have the "server" release?17:20
zasharthurjohnson: "ubuntu-server" i think17:26
zashor what, no such package in karmic?17:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #471364 in vsftpd (main) "test" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47136417:51
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incorrectis acl being replaced by something else?18:06
blackxoredthere's a git plugin for fusionforge?18:09
googaif i have bind installed, will it get answers for queries directed to it?18:10
qman__googa, only if you configure clients to ask it18:11
googaso it resolves automatically18:12
googawithout seperate configuration18:12
qman__what do you mean18:12
googawell, if you have a authrative name serer for some area, you have to make all these settings for the area and *yawn*, but if you want to set up a resolver for a network you only need to install bind a assign clients to it18:13
googaye i guess so18:14
googait directs them to root servers or smoething, ye?18:14
googadefined in named.conf18:14
qman__you have to either enable root hints, or recursive queries, or a forwarder18:14
qman__root hints are enabled by default18:14
googathats all18:14
googathank u18:14
leonelI see that  kqemu is no longer supported in qemu.. what's the way to go for a non  VMX cpu ??18:24
leonelthis with karmic18:24
caseydis there a gui that comes with ubuntu-server edition.. or is it just a terminal interface18:31
leonelcaseyd: servers normally does not have/use  a monitor18:34
leonelcaseyd: you can install  any gui you like18:34
qman__caseyd, you can install ubuntu-desktop if you want, but that is not supported in this channel18:35
bogeyd6caseyd servers by definition use no gui, but using one such as xfce might now be so bad18:36
leonelcaseyd: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-destkop --no-install-recommends18:36
leonelcaseyd: that will give you only gnome18:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #471446 in qemu-kvm (main) "qemu segfaults with a -cpu option" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47144618:36
arthurjohnsonAs far as I can tell, there is no "ubuntu-server" metapackage.  I installed a cli only system, I'll just install the linux-image-server and openssh-server.  That should be enough, right?18:39
qman__arthurjohnson, linux-image-server is one of the kernel packages18:39
qman__if your system is running you already have it18:40
caseydcool, thanks18:40
arthurjohnsonqman__: I have the ubuntu mini.iso, and installed a cli system.  I'm trying to install the "ubuntu-server" edition, or as close as I can.18:40
caseydI decided since im a beginner for linux, ill just install ubuntu desktop and then install lamp on it. Will be a little easier for me to configure. Thanks =)18:41
qman__arthurjohnson, there's not much installed by default18:41
qman__base system, and that's it18:41
qman__SSH is an option but is not installed by default18:42
arthurjohnsonqman__: Okay, then I suppose I'm pretty close with the "cli" option and linux-image-server, maybe even a little leaner.18:42
dinger1986darkpixel: i got it working but decided aginst it anyways hope your uncle is ok18:50
ruben23how do i change timezone on my ubuntu-server18:59
Piciqman__: Thats not helpful, this is a support channel.19:03
qman__it most certainly is helpful, the first result has his answer19:04
ScottKruben23: IIRC it's sudo dpkt-reconfigure tzconfig, unless you are on Dapper19:04
Piciruben23: I believe  its sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata or tzconfig19:04
ScottKqman__: It may be helpful, but it's not a very friendly way to provide help.19:04
ruben23Pici:  it will not chnage after reboot...?19:06
Piciruben23: It shouldn't.19:07
cemctheoretical question: I have a md0 (raid1). one of the disks gets poof... what happens if I try to add a new _smaller_ disk to md0 ? error message when I try to add, error at the sync's end, or what?19:29
bogeyd6cemc different drives and speeds are fine19:46
bogeyd6cemc you will be limited to the size of the smallest drive19:46
bogeyd6cemc but what you can do is change the bad drive, then build, then change the smallest drive to the biggest and build19:47
cemcI know. but what happens if I try to add a smaller drive to an active array?19:48
cemcto an active md0 I mean19:48
bogeyd6it depends on if the current data usage exceeds the limits of the smallest drive19:49
bogeyd6my guess is you are trying to run it very close, and if you do, you will fail19:50
cemcroot@u910-ipv6:~# mdadm -a /dev/md0 /dev/sdb119:53
cemcmdadm: /dev/sdb1 not large enough to join array19:53
cemcthis is what I wanted to know :)19:53
bogeyd6cemc is this software raid?19:54
cemcand I made sdb1 smaller than sda1 to see what happens if I try to add it19:55
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incorrectstupid upgrade process20:47
Sorellsomething break?20:50
incorrectlibvirt didn't like the fact that i had users on ldap20:50
incorrectthe system rebooted20:50
kirklandsmoser: ping20:50
incorrectseems ldap upgraded ok, now i need to finish off i guess a dist-upgrade should do it20:50
kirklandsmoser: do you have the ami-* id of the karmic GA image in ec2?20:51
kirklandsmoser: or a pointer to where I could find it?20:51
smoserkirkland, ^^20:53
incorrectok nothing major20:55
incorrecti really should setup up a second ldap server20:55
incorrectand all my kvm's starting back up20:55
incorrectsadly i only have one server in my garage20:56
aubreare those images the same ones you get when you install from the Store in Eucalyptus20:57
incorrectaubre, talking to me?20:57
SorellI think to smoser20:57
aubreincorrect: sorry20:58
mathiazkirkland: hi!20:58
incorrectwow even my zimbra server came back to life!20:58
mathiazkirkland: do we have a list of eucalyptus we're looking at for SRUs?20:58
aubresmoser: are those images the same ones you get when you install from the Store in UEC20:58
mathiazkirkland: /SRUs/SRU/20:58
Sorellincorrect: congrats20:58
smoseraubre, they are, yes.20:58
incorrectphew! my heart sank when libvirt didn't upgrade20:59
aubresmoser: ok, they still say RC in the Store, but they work great for me20:59
incorrectcan you rsync to ubuntuone?20:59
incorrecti think i will use that for my backups if i can simply just rsync21:00
SorellI posted this in the forum, does it make sense?21:00
ScottKmathiaz: From reading my bugmail, it looks like Courier is deeply broken.  I don't have time to look into it, but it's probably a good area for someone to dig into.21:00
aubreI'm thinking of writing a "client document" that I can use to hand hold users through the whole client process, since they don't really need to know all that we know about setting the system up21:01
smoseraubre, there be a couple noticable fixes in release compared to rc.  bug 458850 was the biggest.  then there is another fix that happened in 'mountall' that i think would cause a x86_64 image to not boot.21:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #471660 in dhcp3 (main) "DHCP is very unreliable." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47166021:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 458850 in ec2-init "UEC images do not mount ephemeral disk on /mnt at boot" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45885021:01
mathiazScottK: hm ok. I'll keep that in mind then.21:01
aubresmoser: hmm. I'll have to keep that in mind21:02
aubresmoser: I am running release on my front end and my nodes21:02
incorrectoh no my zimbra vm just vaporised21:03
aubresmoser: I did notice that in the SC while you can specify the device you want the volume to have, it will assign you the next available alphabetical letter no matter what, i.e. I put --device /dev/sdh , I get /dev/sdb. I noted this in StorageController documentation, I didn't think it was a big deal21:04
aubreReally when it comes to SC, I wouldn't be sad if it didn't pick my device name for me and just told me what to use.21:05
kirklandmathiaz: hmm, good question21:05
kirklandmathiaz: i think just the bugs that are targeted at karmic-updates21:06
mathiazkirkland: right - ttx asked to keep an eye on these and prepare an SRU while he is away21:06
kirklandmathiaz: agreed, i'll help you with that21:06
mathiazkirkland: I've worked on a bunch of them21:06
kirklandmathiaz: i think we should plan an SRU asap21:06
aubresmoser: kirkland: mathiaz: how will images get put in the store, can users build/sell them like on Amazon, and are there specific store images that the team need to create?21:07
smoseraubre, well, kit really can't do that. thats the thing. at least not without cooperation with the guest. i was told that it would work if you specified /dev/sdh.21:07
aubresmoser: give it a try. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.21:07
incorrectoh crud21:08
smosermy euc is busted right now :-( not letting me run instances.21:08
aubresmoser: doh :(21:08
kirklandaubre: you should talk to niemeyer about that21:08
aubrekirkland: will do21:09
aubrekirkland: tyvm21:09
incorrectweird none of the other vm's are going bang21:09
incorrectoh wow i think it was acpid21:27
incorrectsoftware with bugs! whatever next!21:27
aubrehmm, does anyone remember that command that shows all the IPs you are using that is preferred to ipconfig ?21:34
aubreI mean ifconfig?21:34
mathiazaubre: ip addr show21:34
aubremathiaz: ty21:34
aubremathiaz: Ok, I have a VM I can ssh into at a public IP address, and it lets me in, but when I do a ifconfig or a ip addr show it doesn't show that IP address, it only shows a 172.19.1 address. So when I go to start apache2, it gets confused.21:36
mathiazaubre: yes - that's normal.21:36
mathiazaubre: VM don't know about their public IPs21:36
mathiazaubre: they only know about their private IPs21:37
aubremathiaz: ok, how can I tell an apache2 setup to respond?21:37
qman__aubre, configure apache to listen on the private IP21:37
mathiazaubre: public -> private mapping is done on the CC21:37
aubreqman__: ok21:37
aubremathiaz: ok21:37
aubreI love this - I learm more every day :)21:37
qman__the conversion is handled entirely by the router, or in this case, the host OS21:38
qman__it's the same as in NAT networking setups21:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #471735 in nagios3 (main) "package nagios3-common 3.0.6-5ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation install? a retourn? une erreur de sortie d'?tat 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47173521:41
phoenixzsudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a    gives me this : http://pastebin.com/m46588684     How can I fix this?21:46
aubreqman__: are UEC VMs not pingable?21:53
aubreqman__: I am getting the feeling my VMs aren't visible to the outside world for some reason, I can connect to them from the CC21:54
aubrehmm, I just tried to ping one and got no response21:55
aubreI can ping it from the front-end21:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #471765 in kvm (universe) "Karmic: Desktop Host machine sound dies when guest is running sound" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47176521:57
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jwindleIs there anyone around that might be able to help with a networking interface bonding issue that has come up since using karmic that did not exsist in jaunty with the same configuration?22:00
jwindleIt seems like a problem with upstart trying to configure the bonding interface to soon durning the boot process. I continually get "bonding: bond0: Warning: Found an uninitialized port" from dmesg until I run /etc/init.d/networking restart. Networking doesn't work at all until this is done either.22:04
phoenixzsudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a    gives me this : http://pastebin.com/m46588684     How can I fix this?22:20
phoenixzThis happened right after I did a software upgrade over SSH and the connection got severed while DPKG was showing me some text user interface22:20
zoopstermathiaz: list for eucalyptus sru's https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=1271622:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #471831 in dbconfig-common (universe) "package dbconfig-common (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47183122:41
mathiazkirkland: why is there a patch directory in eucalyptus?22:43
kirklandmathiaz: great question22:43
mathiazkirkland: it seems that some patches were directly applied to the source code?22:43
kirklandmathiaz: i have already filed a spec on this22:43
kirklandmathiaz: that we need to clean up the merging of eucalyptus22:44
kirklandmathiaz: and reduce the diff between us and upstream22:44
mathiazkirkland: ok - so what's the current practice?22:44
mathiazkirkland: patch directly or quilt?22:44
kirklandmathiaz: i think the patches dir is deprecated22:44
mathiazkirkland: ok22:44
kirklandmathiaz: i have been modifying the source directly, since it's under rev control22:44
mathiazkirkland: right - do you keep track of which patch have been cherrypicked from upstrea>22:45
mathiazkirkland: ?22:45
kirklandmathiaz: i suspect that the patches predated the bzr branch22:45
kirklandmathiaz: what do you mean?22:45
mathiazkirkland: well - I'm gonna cherry pick version 933 from upstream22:45
mathiazkirkland: so I won't use bzr merge to do that22:46
kirklandmathiaz: right22:47
kirklandmathiaz: did you try the cherrypick command?22:47
mathiazkirkland: well - bzr doesn't support cherrypick22:47
kirklandmathiaz: so i see...22:47
kirklandmathiaz: hmm, well, i usually just create a diff from upstream for that one revision22:48
kirklandmathiaz: try to apply it (hopefully it's clean)22:48
kirklandmathiaz: then, in the changelog, i quote the other commit message and id22:48
mathiazkirkland: right - I just used bzr diff --old ../upstream ---new ../upstream -r 932..933 | bzr patch22:48
mathiazkirkland: ok - so you add the upstream revno in the changelog entry22:49
kirklandmathiaz: yeah, for posterity22:50
mathiazkirkland: I've pushed bzr branches for relevant bug fixes in eucalyptus22:56
mathiazkirkland: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/eucalyptus/22:57
mathiazkirkland: working from this list^^22:57
kirklandmathiaz: cool.  ready to roll an upload for -proposed?22:57
mathiazkirkland: I'm going to create merge request so that you can review them22:57
FirstSgtis there a cool web-ui for configuring ubuntu services, i heard webmin is outdated/doesn't-work with debian-like systems22:57
kirklandmathiaz: okay22:57
mathiazkirkland: well - some more work needs to be done to prepare the SRU in the bug22:57
FirstSgtI am trying to setup pptp, and can't remember where my users are suppose to go22:58
FirstSgtI thoguht it was in /etc/pptp.conf22:58
FirstSgthmm, found chap-secrets22:59
kirklandmathiaz: the test instructions and such?23:00
mathiazkirkland: yes23:00
FirstSgtthere we go... starting to love ubuntu as a server too... debian is almost 100% adios23:00
mathiazkirkland: although some of the bugs may be difficult to reproduce - bug 45440523:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 454405 in eucalyptus "the CC is returning incorrect networkIndex values on describeInstances" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45440523:01
kirklandmathiaz: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/44435223:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 444352 in ubuntu-release-notes "DB deadlock on reboot prevents UEC from working, temporarily - 403 Forbidden errors" [Undecided,Fix released]23:01
kirklandmathiaz: i think we need to SRU fix that one23:01
kirklandmathiaz: it's won'tfix right now ... i think it should be promoted;  i'm seeing it a lot now23:02
mathiazkirkland: right - I've seen it too in my testing23:05
mathiazkirkland: hopefully a fix can be found :)23:05
mathiazkirkland: I'm also going to create karmic branch23:06
kirklandmathiaz: great23:06
mathiazkirkland: from bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/eucalyptus/ubuntu/23:06
phoenixzAnybody who could tell me how to solve this one? I have 4 ubuntu servers stuck in this.. sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a    gives me this : http://pastebin.com/m46588684     How can I fix this?23:11
aubrewhat would cause my UEC instances to not be visible to the outside world?  they can see the outside world fine23:14
crohakonis there an application that will show you real time who is accessing your web server and ftp server?23:14
aubreI can't ping them, and I can't access their web services23:16
aubreand they are using public IP addresses23:16
aubrecould it be some sort of firewall problem on the front-end?23:17
FirstSgthow can i diagnose pptp to see if its even hearing the connection?23:18
crohakonaubre; What is going on?23:18
crohakonaubre; Are they hosting the web server on a residential account?23:19
crohakonaubre; I know many ISPs (including my own) block incoming ports like 80, 8080, 21, etc... to stop people from running servers.23:19
aubrecrohakon: I think it is an issue with euca-authorize23:20
crohakonthe solution is to have the servers listen on other ports... for example my little play ground at home for web site design and such http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:90/23:20
kirklandmathiaz: okay, so you're just looking for me to spot check your eucalyptus changes, or what?23:22
FirstSgthas anyone else configured a pptpd on a ubuntu server?23:22
aubreport 80 is not blocked on this subnet23:23
mathiazkirkland: yes - if you could have a look at them and ack them that would be great.23:23
mathiazkirkland: I'll do the actual merge once you've ACK'ed them23:24
mathiazaubre: are your routes set correclty?23:24
kirklandmathiaz: postconf -# ... that's a new one on me :-)   /me just read the manpage23:24
aubremathiaz: : I believe so - do I need to do a seperate euca-authorize for port 80 ? or the ping port?23:25
kirklandmathiaz: [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ] && INIT="invoke-rc.d postfix" ... i find this strange, as you test for the executability of a particular path, and then call the invoke-rc.d from the $PATH23:25
kirklandmathiaz: i'd expect you to either check the output of which, and call the one in $PATH23:26
kirklandmathiaz: or to test the executability of a full path, and call that full path23:26
mathiazkirkland: right - makes more sense - I probably just copied'n paste from the postfix maintainer script23:26
kirklandmathiaz: cool23:26
mathiazaubre: yes - you need to do a specific euca-authorize for port 8023:26
mathiazaubre: and allow for ICMP as well23:27
aubremathiaz: ok This might need to be in the docs somewhere.23:27
aubremathiaz: thanks23:27
kirklandmathiaz: rest of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/eucalyptus/k-fix-email-config/+merge/14328 looks fine23:27
kirklandmathiaz: i left a comment in the merge notes23:27
mathiazkirkland: great - thanks.23:28
kirklandmathiaz: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/eucalyptus/k-fix-network-index-values/+merge/14329 looks fine23:31
kirklandmathiaz: thanks for mentioning the revno in the merge23:31
kirklandmathiaz: in the changelog, i mean23:31
qman__oh no23:33
qman__something happened on my file server23:34
qman__some files disappeared and I'm getting read-only filesystem errors on a filesystem that is clearly mounted rw23:34
kirklandmathiaz: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/eucalyptus/k-eucalyptus-conf-support/+merge/14332  <---- \o/  looking forward to seeing that one in action!23:34
qman__mdstat is showing two failed disks23:38
FirstSgtmy netstat shows tcp        0      0 rico.local:1723         68-118-209-54.dhc:50837 TIME_WAIT23:39
FirstSgtso I know its getting by the router23:39
FirstSgtdmesg doesn't show anything pertenant23:39
kirklandmathiaz: regarding https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/eucalyptus/k-keep-network-state-on-restart/+merge/14331 ....23:41
gphi guys pl help my server has run out of space (ec2 instance ) ......i created a new partition and mapped home folder to it but its NOT working23:45
gppl have look my fstab ->>>>>>>>>>>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/308024/23:45
gpearlier it was mapped to mnt23:47
gp"/dev/sda2                                       /mnt            ext3    defaults        0       0"23:47
mushroomblueanyone know how to inject a stub for a package in apt?23:47
gpi copied to home folder to /mnt   and then renamed the home folder23:48
mushroombluetrying to build FreeNX on PPC, and the nxagent source file creates a package called nxagent-source instead.23:48
gpchanged "/dev/sda2 /mnt ext3 defaults 0 0"  to "/dev/sda2                                      /home            ext3    nodev,nosuid    0       2"23:49
gpbut fstab is not mounting it23:49
gppl in the name of Gaint panda pl help me23:50
FirstSgtmy vista machine gets caught on verrifying username and password23:50
gpits national emergency pl help me23:52
kirklandanyone here running Karmic and qemu-kvm wants to help a guy out and test something simple?23:56

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