
ShoshanaThere is possible like in windows 7 (mini preview / eliipse tabs) example : http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/8396/74754754858.jpg00:01
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proweranyone else having issues with kdenlive in karmic? in my case at least it's crashing whenever i try to play a clip in any of the preview "monitors"00:05
prower(worked fine in 9.04)00:05
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lindomaralguém sabe me dizer como faço para usar internet no kubuntu 8.10, entra mas não navega00:09
amik!es | lindomar00:17
ubottulindomar: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:17
Huntz23Question, while I was at work one of my family members accidentally close my console window, the kicker was I started a distro upgrade before I left, it was still downloading, any way for me to find out what is said before it got closed00:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pg00:20
jeiworthamik: that was portuguese not spanish ;)00:20
amikjeiworth: I had a dilemma there :-)00:20
amikbut figured it's readable enough to both, especially in that direction00:21
jeiworthyeah, it should be understandable to him00:21
amikand didn't know the pg letters ;-)00:21
jeiworthhmm my amarok is b0rk :(00:21
n16h7f0xafter i installed my ati fglrx driver and xconfig yakuake popdown very very slow...any fix for this?00:21
ShoshanaThere is possible like in windows 7 (mini preview / eliipse tabs) example : http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/8396/74754754858.jpg00:24
jeiworthShoshana: no idea how it works in win7 but my kde gives me small previews when i hover00:25
amikme too. u need desktop effects enabled though (which is done by default, but may not run that way off a livecd I think)00:26
jeiworthah yes00:27
amikShoshana: r u using a live cd or full installation?00:28
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amikdo u have desktop effects enabled?00:30
crazy6what should I do if my dist-upgrade to 9.10 went very, very poorly?00:30
Huntz23anyone ever close a console window during update?00:31
amikHuntz23: no, that would be silly :-p00:31
jeiworthcrazy6: try a sudo aptitude full-upgrade, if something goes wrong it will normally tell you what command to try next, iirc i had to do a dpkg --reconfigure -a00:33
amikShoshana: check in system settings -> desktop that effects are turned on, and in the all effects tab that 'taskbar thumbnails' is selected00:33
Huntz23amik: I know its silly, but it happened00:34
Huntz23amik: I think my missus checked her email and closed it00:35
crazy6jeiworth: dpkg-reconfigure -a ?00:35
amikHuntz23: I'm not sure if running update-manager again will resume, it might work. if not there's a command to complete partial installation, I think apt-get install -f but not sure00:36
jeiworthcrazy6: dont remember exactly, i had to cancel upgrade since the oo-faststarter applet wouldnt close, so i had to continue in the shell, when i tried to aptitude full-upgrade it told me to try a dpkg -something00:36
amikHuntz23: or dpkg-reconfigure -a, sorry I'm a bit unfocused at the moment00:37
Huntz23isn't there a command to give my the last output in the console00:37
Huntz23hmmm, let me see, cuase dpkg -configure -a didnt do anything it said that the database was locked00:38
crazy6jeiworth: hrm, ok, well, fullupgrade installed some more packages... lets try a reset...00:39
amikHuntz23: if it's locked, either the upgrade process is still running, or the lock needs to be cleaned up00:39
amikHuntz23: or some other instance of package management app is running00:40
Huntz23amik: she closed everything00:40
Huntz23I wonder what will happen if I restart?00:40
Huntz23do I do a release check it says I ahve hardy00:40
amikHuntz23: mmm.... I think u should try continuing upgrade without restart, just in case the system is in half-stable state or something00:40
Huntz23oi, that was a typo flurry, I meant I did a release check and it said I was in hardy, I started from gutsy00:41
Huntz23but the kernel didnt change, and wouldn't until restart right?00:41
amikapt-get dist-upgrade doesn't do anything either? or running update-manager?00:41
Huntz23well if it thinks I am in hardy will it try to go to 8.10?00:42
amikalthough, if you're sure it stopped while still downloading (before starting the installation), then ur safe, but restart probably won't gain u much, no?00:42
Huntz23right, but I am sure it finished downlaoding00:43
amikwhat happens when u try all the above commands?00:43
Huntz23becuase I started the upgrade from gutsy00:43
hrvojehello everyone. am using Kubuntu Kermic and Debian Lenny. how can I connect those two computers wirelessly, and connect to the internet with one through another?00:43
carpii_id restart after a distupgrade, just to make sure it worked ok00:43
carpii_youve more chance of recovering from a bad upgrade to a single version, than if youve gone through 2 major versions and its fubarred00:43
Huntz23and now a now lsb-release tells me I am running Hardy00:44
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Huntz23ok, 'sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade' give me this '  'E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?00:46
amikHuntz23: it looks like there's an update-manager log file (actually /var/log/apt/term.log), if that's what u were looking for before00:46
hrvojeHuntz23: must be su (#)00:46
carpii_Huntz, check youre not running another terminal or running a gui package manager maybe ?00:46
carpii_and yeah, sudo00:47
hrvojeHuntz23: and yes, some other dpkg running00:47
amikhrvoje: or maybe the lock remained locked when the update abruptly died, so u need to kill the lock and then u can start over00:47
Huntz23I dont see any others running00:48
Huntz23I only ahve one desktop running00:48
carpii_in ps aux ?00:48
hrvojeamik: yea more probably even, because it isnt' saying that couldn't lock dpkg, but /../lock00:48
hrvojehello everyone. am using Kubuntu Kermic and Debian Lenny. how can I connect those two computers wirelessly, and connect to the internet with one through another?00:48
Huntz23its was closed this morning at 9:14 hmmm00:49
amikI think u can just delete the lock file (sudo) and start over00:49
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Guest22277hi i run feisty fawn and im thinking about doing the upgrade. if i choose the upgrade option from the adeptmanager program, will it upgrade to 8.04 and then ill choose it again to install 8.10 etc or does it upgrade straight to 9.1000:50
Huntz23it will do nothing00:50
amikHuntz23: the locks are just there to prevent multiple package manager instances or GUIs from changing the system concurrently, which would be troublesome. if there's no such app running, it's just a leftover and u can delete it to free things up00:51
Guest72419Jabal al Lawz - ForLifesAnswers00:51
hrvojeGuest22277: # apt-get dist-upgrade (and make sure to have repos of new distro)00:51
Huntz23because fiesty is End Of Life Release00:51
Huntz23I just came from there, to gutsy and now to hardy00:51
carpii_when a version is no longer supported, they dont even provide the repos to upgrade ?00:52
Huntz23Guest22277: did you get that00:52
DragnslcrGuest22277- you'd have to upgrade to each version in between. It would probably be easier to do a clean install00:52
Guest22277hrvoje: if i dist-upgrade will it just upgrade to the repos that i have in my sources.list?00:52
n16h7f0xati driver made yakuake pop down very slow cand you advice this fix00:52
hrvojeGuest22277: of course, it's his source of information00:52
hrvojen16h7f0x: my Yakuake also isn't the fastest one :(00:53
Huntz23hold on, fiesty repo are old00:53
hrvojen16h7f0x: you sure it's coz of drivers? i also have ATI ones00:53
n16h7f0xbefore ati driver installed worked instantly now has a lag and it's really annoying00:53
hrvojen16h7f0x: it all work fine in KDE3, but in KDE4 it's slow00:53
n16h7f0xkde3+compiz=yakuake slow00:54
Huntz23but if you like command line I ahve the page that I used to go from Edgy to Hardy00:54
Guest22277if i do a clean install of 9.10 on my feisty fawn box, will it upgrade all my packages or will it overwrite everything?00:54
hrvojebut KDE3 without compiz - yakuake works fine :)00:54
crazy6hrm dangit, flashplugin-nonfree is broken, and I can't uninstall or reinstall it00:54
Brhad56after upgrading to 9.10, everytime i login, i get a pop-up box from kresource migration tool.00:55
n16h7f0xhrvoje, so any suggestions to fix this "bug"00:55
Guest22277when i say overwrite everything, will it overwrite configuration files, my home directory etc, or is the 9.10 install smart enough to upgrade the distro and keep configuration files?00:56
amikcrazy6: sometimes a dpkg-reconfigure helps it (for me, when I had these problems)00:56
Guest22277because id like to move to kubuntukde3karmic00:56
Guest22277as i dont really like kde400:56
hrvojen16h7f0x: no , sry00:57
hrvojen16h7f0x: get rid of compiz :)00:57
crazy6amik: unfortunately, it just says that it is broken or not fully installed00:57
n16h7f0xhrvoje, don't have compiz00:57
n16h7f0xonly ati driver installed00:57
hrvojen16h7f0x: you have KDE3? on Debian it works fine with KDE300:57
hrvojeand with ati drivers.. ok then it's KDE4, not ati drivers :)00:58
amikcrazy6: and a repair also fails?00:58
Guest22277what i guess i mean, will the 9.10 distro cd upgrade an kubuntu installation or will it overwrite it?00:58
hrvojeanyone know how can I connect two computers (Kubuntu Kermic and Debian Lenny)?00:58
Brhad56define connect00:59
hrvojeBrhad56: wirelessly connect so I can go to net with one through the other (and share files if possible)01:00
crazy6amik: do I do that with apt-get? dpkg ?01:00
hrvojeBrhad56: the one which is already connected is connected via cable01:00
Brhad56hrvoje:  A wireless router is the easiest solution.01:01
Huntz23Amik: here is the pastebin from my intall log http://paste.ubuntu.com/308064/01:02
hrvojeBrhad56: not possible, not my network (but all is legal, don't worry)01:02
amikcrazy6: maybe apt-get install -f (fix broken) will help01:02
hrvojeBrhad56: am in dorm01:02
Brhad56hrvoje:  Dorm won't allow wireless router?01:02
Brhad56hrvoje: how the fux do all the peeps with laptops use internet?01:03
crazy6amik: hrm, that doesn't work, dpkg returns error that package is in inconsistent state01:03
hrvojeBrhad56: don't have phone number here, and why? i heard it's possible to do what i want :)01:03
hrvojeBrhad56: via cabel01:03
amikcrazy6: so maybe there's a dpkg option to clean up or repair01:04
Brhad56hrvoje: what does a phone number have to do with it?    What you're trying to do is possible, but I don't think its what you want.01:04
hrvojeBrhad56: we're connecting here through dashboard of a dorm01:04
hrvojeBrhad56: so you mean with some switch?01:04
hrvojeBrhad56: it ought to be the way to connect one computer to the internet through the another one01:05
amikHuntz23: what makes u think the upgrade didn't complete?01:05
Huntz23did you check my pastebin?01:06
Brhad56hrvoje: Yes, there is.  I don't know how to do it though.  I just don't understand why a router won't work.01:06
hrvojeanyone know how to connect one computer to the internet through the another one?01:06
Huntz23amik I dont know what it did01:07
hrvojeBrhad56: because why whould i buy a router when that's also possible01:07
Huntz23so if its locked and I remove the lock and its not done, what happens?01:07
amikHuntz23: "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" is the last line printed when running an installation afaik.. and it says 'log ended' too which seems like a pretty graceful shutdown01:07
hrvojehow can I connect to Debian irc irc.debian.org here in Quassel?01:08
amikHuntz23: if this is the correct log, I'd guess it completed successfully :-)01:08
Huntz23yes and now that I read the timestamp amik, i think you might be on to something01:08
Huntz23because that was my last step before restart and doin the distro upgrade01:09
Huntz23if its locked there must a reason01:09
Huntz23I did upgrade and it dosnt allow that01:10
n16h7f0xis there any method i can get my original xorg.conf?01:10
n16h7f0xif i no longer have the file01:10
Huntz23Dpkg -config -a says its locked by another process also01:10
hrvojen16h7f0x: try #dpkg-reconfigure xorg01:11
hrvojehow can I connect to Debian irc irc.debian.org here in Quassel?01:12
amikHuntz23: but u already checked that there's nothing relevant running, right? 'ps -e' and look for dpkg/apt-get/aptitude/update-manager/synaptic/adept/kpackagekit/whatever-package-manager-app-is-on-ur-system01:12
Huntz23ok hold on01:13
n16h7f0xhrvoje, doesn'twork01:13
amikHuntz23: if there's really no such app running, then just erase the lock file and run the update/upgrade again and see what it says01:14
mimehi, when dual booting and selecting kubuntu, it appears a creen like a shell and it says ''grub>'', and can't enter kubuntu01:14
mimea screen01:15
Huntz23amik: here is the out put from that, http://paste.ubuntu.com/308071/01:15
amikmime: that's grub, the bootloader menu thing01:15
dhillon-v10hi all, I want to figure out how to clean residual config, in gnome we could go to synaptic manager and then status and then we would see the residual config. How do we do that in Kubuntu01:16
mimebut i didnt touch anything01:16
amikHuntz23: there's a dpkg running there...01:16
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mimewhat i have to put after grub>?01:17
amikmime: if all was well, you'd see the grub menu, or just boot into one of the systems, but it seems something is wrong... what changed in ur system? did it work before? did u upgrade? install?01:18
Huntz23Amik: your right I totally missed it01:18
Huntz23how the heck do I find that though01:18
mimeno, in other  times, when that occured i find a trick, it consists in go to run>chkdsck (or something like that), and then after a bar arrives 100%, then i restart and goes, but no now01:19
mimeany idea with ckdsc?01:19
mimetoday i erase my karmik koala, that has destroyed my jj01:20
mimenot worked very well for me :O01:21
amiku erased karmic koala? what is your goal?01:21
mimebye and thnx01:22
hrvojehow can I connect to Debian irc irc.debian.org in Quassel?01:22
amikHuntz23: try ps -ef | grep dpkg01:23
amikHuntz23: what's the output?01:24
Huntz23holy crap01:24
amikHuntz23: let's not bring religion into this :-)01:25
Huntz23lol, working on pasteing01:25
Huntz23amik: here you go, http://paste.ubuntu.com/308079/01:27
amikHuntz23: anything interesting in /var/log/dpkg.log?01:28
Huntz23did you figure that paste out01:28
amikHuntz23: well, it's configuring a whole lot of packages from the upgrade :-)01:29
Huntz23ok, it looks similar to the other log that show a few pckages being configure and finished by 9:1401:31
Huntz23so is it because dpkg didnt finsih the upgraade that we have no log outputs from it?01:33
amikthe command line shows it's writing the output to file descriptor 49... I'm trying to figure out how to find out which file that is (using lsof)01:34
amikHuntz23: I think it should be 'lsof -d 49', but i'm getting multiple results here... wierd01:37
amiktry it01:37
Deihmoswhen  go to hardware settngs to enable my nvidia driver nothing ever happens01:38
Deihmosi click enable and nothing happens01:39
Deihmosis there something i could do01:39
w0000trestart X?01:39
w0000tor try manual install01:40
Deihmossorry i don't know what that is01:40
w0000tfrom the nvidia site01:40
Deihmosthe funny thing is it works ifne with ubuntu01:40
Deihmosin ubuntu when i click enable it works fine. with kubuntu it never works01:40
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w0000twhat do you mean, "in ubuntu"01:41
Deihmosalso with kubuntu it crashes when i try to change hard drive during installation01:41
Deihmosyes gnome01:41
Huntz23amik: it didnt output anything01:41
Deihmoskubuntu is buggy01:41
amikHuntz23: well, then I guess u can killl dpkg and maybe try to run it again01:42
w0000tsorry don't know about that, i never used the restricted drivers settings for my nvidia card as far as i know01:42
w0000ti just installed the drivers from the site and it worked fine01:42
Deihmosso how do you get the driver installe?01:42
w0000tdownloads -> linux...01:42
Deihmosi am sure that requires a whole page of steps01:43
w0000tworked out of the box01:43
w0000tdownload it, save it somewhere01:43
dibsmy numpad 0 has turned into 'insert' since koala upgrade. Any ideas how to fix??01:43
w0000tgo to a text tty01:43
w0000tlike alt-ctrl-f201:43
w0000tlogin, change to root01:43
Qu4Zdibs: Turn off numlock?01:43
Huntz23amik: for tty it says pts201:43
w0000tbackup your /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:43
amikHuntz23: huh?01:44
w0000tthen stop the window manager (kdm)01:44
dibsQu4z nope01:44
Huntz23but bash and ps both show in pts301:44
w0000trun the installer01:44
w0000trestart window manager01:44
w0000tthat should do it01:44
w0000tif it fails and gui does not start up, restore xorg.conf01:44
Huntz23does that mean anything?01:45
Qu4Zdibs: Go into system settings => regional & language => Keyboard layout => Advanced, and have a look around there?01:45
dibswill do01:45
Qu4ZMaybe "default numeric keypad keys" or something01:45
Deihmoswhy couldn't ubuntu be like windows. click install and that's it01:45
Qu4Z... it is for me :P01:45
Huntz23when I did the ps -e is what I am referring to01:45
dibswhat should my ketboard input mthod be set too?01:46
Qu4ZWhen I installed Kubuntu, it came up asking me whether I wanted nvidia 1.80, 1.74, or 0.96 (don't remember the exact versions)01:46
w0000tyeah sometimes it is a pain in the ass01:46
Qu4ZAnd I chose the recommended option, and ... boom, wobble01:46
w0000ttalking about ati cards... x/01:46
Deihmosdoesn't work for me01:46
dibswhat should my keyboard input method be set to?01:46
amikHuntz23: that means it was running in a console. but it was redirecting dpkg status to file descriptor 49, but it seems from what u said that there's no such thing right now...01:46
Deihmoswel it works fine with ubuntu gnome but not kde01:47
amikHuntz23: so maybe it's time to kill dpkg and start it over01:47
Qu4ZIt worked fine with kubuntu for me01:47
Qu4Zdibs: Where is this setting?01:47
dibsshit, I'm in gnome. doh01:47
Deihmoswhy does gnome have the nice ubuntu store and kubuntu has that ancient manager01:47
Huntz23oof, so is that 'pkill 22540'01:48
Qu4Z*blink* That'd explain why it doesn't work <_< Sorry, I should've guessed that one01:48
Qu4ZAlthough it *is* #kubuntu01:48
Qu4ZSo in hindsight that assumption makes sense01:48
Qu4ZI suggest asking again in #ubuntu :P01:48
dibssorry man, default room when I opened up konversation01:49
w0000ti never used kde01:49
Qu4Zdibs: Well, you are using *K*onversation :P01:50
amikHuntz23: I guess (I use kill or killall but they're all the same I guess)01:50
Deihmoskde is so mch better than gnome but t doesn't seem to get much attention01:52
Deihmoskinda buggy01:52
Qu4ZI prefer KDE too (which is why I'm here, obviously)01:52
Shoshana oh my god look http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/219/8867868.jpg  i cant do it faster? its metalink01:53
Huntz23amik: thanks, hopefully we dont get any broken packages out of it01:53
Qu4ZAnd I hate to say it, but KDE gets plenty of love. KDE4 is still new, so of course it's a little flaky, and Kubuntu is kinda lacking in love01:53
amikHuntz23: after u kill it, u can try running the command again (without the status-fd parameter)01:53
amikHuntz23: and with sudo of course01:54
MaartenLxKDE4 isn't THAT new anymore....01:54
Huntz23I did update && upgrade and it said to dpkg config -a01:54
amikHuntz23: then try it01:54
Huntz23I did01:55
Huntz23its picked up from where it left off it looks01:55
Huntz23crap samba server installs directly in 8.4?01:55
amikHuntz23: I hope all goes well... sorry for taking u thrugh some hoops, but I wanted to be sure...01:56
amikHuntz23: I've never killed an upgrade in the middle... that would just be silly :-)01:57
Huntz23oh, np, I was gonna apologize for jumping you through hoops, because I wasnted to be sure01:57
amikHuntz23: did it finish?01:59
Huntz23so when I get to config files and it says there are new ones but mine have been modified by me should I just take the new ones and if somethin is not quite right tweak it01:59
Huntz23no its askin be about samba.conf01:59
Huntz23its say the package maintainer has a new .conf, but mine has been nodified, keep mine or install new one?02:00
amikHuntz23: It's safer to take the new one and correct it later, hopefully not too much work. or u can diff and see if it really changed much02:00
Huntz23hmm, I dont even rember configuring samba..lol02:02
amikHuntz23: well?02:06
Huntz23its still workin02:07
Huntz23its just asked me about kdesktop02:07
amikHuntz23: same config questions?02:08
amikHuntz23: again, better to use the new ones unless u diff and know what ur doing :-)02:09
Huntz23so I am sure I am gonna loose my changing backgrounds02:09
Huntz23and my login splash screen, *sniff* all in the name of progress02:09
amikHuntz23: u can always blame the mrs....02:10
nikitisHow do you add auto channel joinings using quassel?02:10
nikitisI can't seem to figure it out02:10
Huntz23Amik: somehow I dont think that will fly02:11
Huntz23ha, the newer kernel has the locales problem fixed02:11
amikHuntz23: then consider it an opportunity for change :-)02:11
Shoshanai need help please , i cant resume my download (metalink) its stuck in 98% and stop !02:12
Huntz23amik: anythoughts on this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/308115/02:14
amikHuntz23: no idea... looks like a broken xml configuration file02:15
amikHuntz23: maybe u can try a dpkg-reconfigure on it later or somethig02:16
NJLhow do I disable that annoyiing graphic that pops up when I switch desktops?02:17
Huntz23ok, its done, time to find out what it does, reatarting now, brb02:17
Shoshanai need help please , i cant resume my download (metalink) its stuck in 98% and stop !02:17
Huntz23and update upgrade will fix them or remove hem right02:18
Huntz23anyway brb02:18
amikHuntz23: sec02:18
Huntz23amik: eh?02:18
amikHuntz23: maybe just in case, make sure update&upgrade say there's nothing to do02:18
Huntz23before restart?02:19
amikHuntz23: yep (not dist-upgrade, just upgrade)02:19
amiku can also try that reconfigure on the failed one02:20
Huntz23its says 8 to remove and 2 not upgraded, continue y?02:20
amikShoshana: can u start over?02:20
Shoshanaamik : i strated and after half minute its stopped =/02:20
amikHuntz23: sure why not02:20
Huntz23amik: that is done now, see you on the flip side02:23
* amik crosses fingers02:23
* Huntz23 crosses his too02:24
amikShoshana: sorry, dunno what to do02:24
Shoshanaamik : i download aagain nevermind =/02:25
Shoshanathere is Nokia Ovi for linux?02:25
localnnuser__does any one know if remastersys is already working for karmic?02:26
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nickinamehow to set the label of cd when using mkisofs?02:27
amikHuntz23: is this a good sign?02:29
Huntz23amik: looks good so far02:30
amikHuntz23: cool :-)02:30
Huntz23playing with firefox, seein if 3 is better than 202:31
Huntz23and plan on stayin on a LTS distro for awhile...lol02:31
amikHuntz23: u been hiding in a time capsule or somethin?02:31
Huntz23this EOL stuff is for the birds02:31
Deihmosno matter what i do i can't get ubuntu to look as good as windows 702:32
Huntz23well I ahd broken grub02:32
Huntz23left it for 1 and half or so02:32
Huntz23my first kubuntu was edgy eft02:32
amikDeihmos: then win7 is particualrly suited for your taste. keep using it!02:33
Huntz23by the time I came back we were on Hardy02:33
Huntz23or 8.1002:33
Huntz23so I had to EOL upgrade from edgy to fiesty, from fiesty to gutsy, and guts to here...lol02:34
amikHuntz23: edgy was my first too. but I only wiped out winxp around  intrepid02:34
Huntz23so yeah kinna hidin in a time capsule...lol02:34
Huntz23intrepid is 8.10?02:34
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amikHuntz23: but I had fresh installs in between...02:35
Huntz23yeah, the mointain was there, so I climbed it02:35
amikHuntz23: if it's a new disk, or machine, or whatever... I take the opportunity to make it fresh02:35
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Huntz23well I ahve had jsut the two drives02:36
dixon_hola soy juartbikalou02:36
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amik!es | dixon_02:36
ubottudixon_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:36
Huntz2320 with kubuntu and an 80 with xp on it02:36
amikHuntz23: 20 as in 20mb?02:36
amikHuntz23: I say, this christmas, get urself a treat :-)02:37
Huntz23I should02:37
Huntz23but then I would have to start a fresh install with a new drive02:37
Huntz23but I would really love to let linux run a bit more02:38
amikI'm on a interpid->jaunty right now, considering how to proceed with karmic... got servers here and stuff so don't want breakage or too much downtime02:38
amikthat is, server processes, not a farm :-)02:39
Huntz23I should roll the whole system over to nix and run vmware02:39
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amikHuntz23: anyway, I'm gonna call it a day... good luck, and welcome to the 21st century :-)02:40
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Huntz23lol, thanks amik02:41
Huntz23amik: it nice having your in my corner...lol02:41
amikHuntz23: I've learned a lot today.... thanks :-) cya!02:42
Huntz23me too, tahnks, laterz02:42
nikitisHow do i increase the font dpi?02:47
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ebovineAnyone else having a problem with 9.10 not loading their apache configs at startup, but it does just fine when you restart apache after boot?02:54
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X9nLinux9greetings everyone.  What is the newest version of Kubuntu that will install on a G4 tower? (not an intel processor)03:02
nikitisAnyone know how to increase font size with kde?03:04
tsimpsonnikitis: System Settings -> Appearance -> Fonts03:05
ebovineX9nLinux9: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42771403:05
X9nLinux9ebovine - thank you, been fishing around to find the info.03:06
ebovineYou're probably better off with a distro that actively supports PPC processors, though.03:06
X9nLinux9ebovine: I've watched Kubuntu for a long time and had it installed more than once.03:09
X9nLinux9ebovine: Would like to stick with it ... am impressed with its overall quality and will eventually move on to an intel mac... so will eventually be back into the 'supported' area03:10
maverick_Hi All, greetings, which one is the best VPN utility with Kubuntu?03:10
X9nLinux9ebovine: Furthermore, am very happy with how easy it is to get consistent friendly support for questions here regularly when I've had it running03:13
ebovinehehe.  Yeah, the community and not being RPM based are really the things that keep me in the Ubuntu camp.03:14
X9nLinux9the best 'other' distro I ever tried was not bad looking... as well as functional and easy, but the support was totally non-existent ... so I gave up on that one.03:15
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X9nLinux9you know how it goes.  Sometimes you gotta have answers to some stuff.  If the answers are not available, the computer might as well be a pile of plastic and metal.03:17
Syk3christ i cant stay connected...03:19
Syk3My previous user name was Miakel, I asked about installing *buntu03:19
Syk3both were 64 bit and wouldnt get past the initial screen03:19
ebovineWhat kind of hardware?03:20
Syk3Ive read 9.10 had some issues though? Currently downloading 9.0403:20
ebovine9.10 is pretty fresh.03:20
Syk3Intel Core 2 duo  geforce 960003:20
ebovineShould be fine.03:20
Syk3yes but it isnt03:20
ebovineWhat type of drive?03:20
Syk3Western digital WD50003:21
ebovineHave you tried the text-mode installer?03:21
Syk3I havent03:22
Syk3I will try that next although im pretty new to linux03:22
ebovineWill it boot to the live cd?03:22
Syk3no it wont03:22
Syk3still hangs03:22
ebovineWhat's the last thing it shows you?03:22
Syk3the Kubuntu logo and the status bar03:23
Syk3thats it03:23
ebovineSo it does let you choose a boot option first?03:23
Deihmoswhy doesnt kubuntu have a server list. that's dumb03:23
Deihmosi mean konversation03:23
Syk3ill try the text based install if it hangs again ive just burned 9.04 and will try that03:24
ebovineSyk3: I think you'll have to download the Alternate CD to get the text installer.03:25
Deihmoscan ubuntu see windows shared folders over a network?03:28
ebovineFrom within Dolphin03:29
ebovineThat will get you an ad-hoc, temporary mount.03:29
ebovineYou can edit your fstab to mount them every time at boot.03:32
Deihmosanother homerun03:33
crazy6does the version of knetworkmanager in 9.10 finally support WPA2 ? or should I just stick with nm-applet ?03:42
ebovineIt supports WPA2 Personal03:43
ebovineSo did 9.0403:43
Qu4ZAre there any complicated technical issues in the way of WPA2, or is it just that no-one's implemented it yet? (because it's one of the factors stopping a friend of mine using Kubuntu)03:44
MaartenLxspeaking of which, is there any way to start the wireless without having to give another password right after loggin in?03:44
crazy6ok, so, I have nm-applet autostarting somehow.. but I have totally forgotten where that is set up...?03:45
crazy6nothing in my ~/.kde/Autostart/03:45
BsimsI can't get my system bell to beep nor turn on my numlock/caplock leds03:45
ebovineMaartenLx: You'll need to set the wireless connection up as a system connection.  That second password request is to open the KWallet application.03:49
MaartenLxyeah that's what it is. I'll find some stuff on how to set it up as a system connection.03:49
Bsims I found out how to get my system to beep... I had to sudo modprobe pcspkr its blacklisted on ubuntu03:50
ebovineBsims: Yeah, by popular demand.03:50
Shamoun_so is everything huge in kubuntu? or have is it because im virtualizing?03:50
Shamoun_i refer to text sizes03:50
ebovineShamoun: It probably detected your font dpi settings wrong.03:51
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ebovineSystem Settings->Appearance->Fonts03:52
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ebovineForce your font DPI to 120 and see if that's better.03:52
Shamoun_ebovine, thanks03:56
ebovineShamoun_: No problem.  That used to drive me nuts too.03:56
Shamoun_ebovine, yea that did the trick, thanks, the vm is now usable03:58
Shamoun_er do you happen to know of anything in konqueror similar to the "Clear private data" feature in firefox?03:58
ebovineYou have to do it all manually under Settings->Configure04:00
ebovineGet Google Crome (Chromium) out of the official ppa source.  It has an incognito mode.04:01
The_JourneyWhy does my kubuntu keeps hanging randomly? Like one moment everything works fine, then the next nothing works, I have to press my power down button to shut the computer down04:02
Shamoun_oh its fine, its just a virtual machine, i just went to youtube to test flash, and i thought i'd clear all the tracks so i could tar up the archive and post it on the network04:02
MaartenLxThere! figured out the easiest way to make wireless a system connection. :)04:12
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mackenhello everyone04:36
mackenhas anyone had any problems with loosing sound  in 9.1004:37
RoeyI can't hear any sound on my computer04:41
raavanubuntu! Can anyone help me patch and complie frub with this http://grub.gibibit.com/Download04:51
mocchihi, anyone to know if kubuntu 9.10 support multi monitor?05:01
Roeyyes it does.05:01
Roeymocchi:  you're using an nvidia card at all?05:01
Roeymocchi:  if so, then there is a tool, nvidia-settings, which you can use to set them up05:01
mocchiNo, I use intel card.05:01
Roeythen I don't know05:02
Roeyalright,I'm going to bed05:02
Roeybut keep asking here05:02
Roeyand in #ubuntu05:02
FloodBotK2Roey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:02
Roeysomeone is bound to know05:02
gr0wlermy battery plasmiod resets its size every time it login, anyone else seen this?05:03
MaartenLxugh! Hmmmmm....... I need to figure out my battery settings, Kubuntu sucks my battery dry in an hour and half, Windows 7 ran for 2 hours, 20 minutes 2 days back.05:05
* MaartenLx frantically searches for poweradapter :D05:05
nikitisAnyone know how to kill kwin composition effects via commandline?  And restart it later after you kill it?05:06
MaartenLxHmm.... Quassel crashed on me05:10
MaartenLxI like Quassel though05:10
FireCrotchMaartenLx: Quassel is pretty nice, yeah :)05:13
MaartenLx Yeah I never heard of it before05:14
MaartenLxI prefer it over xchat05:14
FireCrotchIt's pretty new, I believe05:14
MaartenLxand I have never been a fan of irsii type irc05:14
Joshua^DunamisMaartenLx: Wich (k)ubuntu release are you using?05:14
MaartenLxI never used 9.04, this was a fresh install.05:15
Joshua^Dunamisme too. Quassel works fine to me05:15
MaartenLxlast time I used linux was actually Ubuntu (gnome) 8.1005:15
FireCrotchInteresting feature I just found out about quassel... "The core application can be placed onto a server which is connected to the Internet around-the-clock; one or more clients then connect to the core. This way, the connection to IRC can be kept up even when all clients have been closed."05:15
FireCrotchWhich is what people do with irssi/screen05:15
Joshua^Dunamismmm maybe the problem is not on Quassel05:15
Joshua^DunamisFireCrotch: I love irssi, I used on Debian05:16
NailbarAnyone else got a sudden PulseAudio problem just now?05:16
FireCrotchI hate irssi05:16
FireCrotchBut I had been searching for a way to have my IRC client stay connected all the time, like irssi on a server with screen05:17
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: on Ubuntu italian Forum there is many people with pulseaudio problems05:17
NailbarIn italian?05:17
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: I read on italian forum, because I'm italian. PulseAudio do not work fine at thi time05:18
Qu4ZI like irssi ^^05:18
Qu4ZAnd screen <305:18
Joshua^Dunamisbut I use Kubuntu05:18
NailbarThe thing is I'm using Kubuntu. I never installed PulseAudio. It just turned up on my computer.05:18
NailbarApt-get says it's not installed either.05:18
Brhad56close one in new orleans05:19
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: mmm, are you using ubuntu?05:19
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: if you use kubuntu purge every pulse pacchage in the system05:20
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: I don't have any pulseaudio packages in my system05:21
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: ok, so where is the problem?05:22
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: That PulseAudio turned up in System Settings -> Multimedia and stopped my sound from working even though I never installed it.05:23
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: did you install phonon? Try to reinstall kubuntu-desktop so you're sure to install correct dipendencies05:24
Joshua^Dunamishello miescke05:28
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NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: reinstalling kubuntu-desktop doesn't seem to do anything to its dependencies. They're all there.05:29
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: mmm maybe the problem is other. Try with alsamixer on konsole, and see if channels and volumes are correct05:30
kooolanlhey guys05:31
kooolanlcan anyone point me to a tutorial or something so i can fully use my 4gb of ram on this laptop with 32bit ubuntu05:31
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: Are you sure that there is not pulse package in your system? Try dpkg -l| grep pulse* and see the output05:32
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: Aaa! libpulse has been installed for some reason.05:33
Joshua^Dunamismmm let's me see I have it05:33
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: No. That's not it. Everything seems to depend on it.05:34
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: I have libpulse, it's not the problem...05:34
Huntz23does the NTFS work well in 8.04?05:35
MaartenLxdunno.... but it works great and out of the box in 9.1005:36
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: My original output device, HDA Intel (ALC1200 Analog), which worked yesterday, is now grayed out with PulseAudio the only other uption in the list.05:36
FireCrotchHuntz23: I never had problems with NTFS in 8.0405:36
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: try to see alsamixer, or witch backend you're using in Settings -> Multimedia05:36
MaartenLxkooolanl: why not install x64?05:36
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: mmm05:36
kooolanlX64 Was only server that i found05:36
Joshua^DunamisThat's the problem05:36
kooolanland has bad wifi support i heard05:36
MaartenLxI run x64 kubuntu 9.10 on my laptop (hp elitebook 6930p05:37
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: xine is the backend and the only one in the list.05:37
Huntz23FireCrotch: thank you, I ahve some files I need to move around in my broken windows install so I figured I would ask before I wasted time on it05:37
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: Sorry. "Phonon XINE backend"05:37
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: install alsa-base and alsa-utils05:37
NermaNhow to fix sound in vlc and flash in 9.10?05:37
kooolanlMaartenLx no way of doing 32bit and utalize all 4gb05:38
Nailbaralsa-base is already the newest version.05:38
Nailbaralsa-utils is already the newest version.05:38
kooolanli heard someone say its possible05:38
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: did you see alsamixer?05:38
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: Yes. It's there.05:38
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: Ok, try to change volume values05:39
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: Look at Master, Front, PCM...05:40
MaartenLxkooolanl: dunno, I haven't tried. But what I do know of PAE (in Windows) and the equivilent in Linux is that you really only can do it if all of your drivers support being loaded in address space above the 4 Gb mark - for instance if you need to use NDISwrapper for you wireless you may not be so lucky.05:40
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: with the "m" you turn on the channels on alsamixer05:41
MaartenLxThat being said, I run Windows 7 x64 and Kubuntu 9.10 x64 without any problems on this laptop, and 4 GB is available in both OSes.05:41
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: Seems to be working. Tested with arecord and aplay. But Amarok and all other KDE-related still tries to use PulseAudio.05:41
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: ok, now try to reboot your pc, maybe alsa have to reset it05:42
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: Okay. Thanks for the help this far.05:42
NermaNhow to fix sound in vlc and flash in 9.10? please help, in russian support nobody knows05:43
MaartenLxflash? just download flash from the repostory..... I got it to work in firefox just fine.05:44
NermaNsound in flash05:44
MaartenLxvlc? I got it installed, but haven't used it yet.05:44
kartookhey all05:44
Joshua^DunamisNermaN: vlc use the gstreamer backend, if you use kubuntu try with phonon-gstreamer-backend package... may be I wrote not correctly05:44
kartookhow are you doin all05:44
MaartenLxNermaN: not sure.... sound plays just fine here in e.g. Youtube, so I figured flash sounds work :P05:46
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: Yes! Sound! Thanks for the help! I still don't know how PulseAudio got there in the first place, though. Wierd.05:46
NermaNpulseaudio dont work too05:46
NermaNmaybe MaartenLx has working pulseaudio?05:46
MaartenLxhaven't got that installed. Let me see if my VLC works05:47
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: Ok, Nice for you05:47
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: maybe any pulse package was installed and purged off.05:48
MaartenLxYep, sound works in VLC too.... at least with MP3, haven't tried a video05:48
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: Do you have PulseAudio in your output device list as a fallback option?05:48
NermaNMaarten pulse working?05:49
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: yes05:49
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: It's on third position05:49
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: Okay. So it was just my sound card that didn't get initialized correctly. Would have probably been solved through a reboot without all the hassle.05:49
Joshua^DunamisNailbar: may be05:50
MaartenLxNermaN: Haven't got that installed..... but so far I got sound out of everything that I have used and where I expect it to produce sound.05:50
NailbarJoshua^Dunamis: Anyway, thanks again. Now I'm off listening to all them nice sounds everthing makes. Ciao.05:50
ahmedtaufiqdoes kubuntu requires internet connection during installation ???05:57
NoviceOn Karmic it say's that I dont have permission to change an Icon image how do I cercumvent this problem?06:05
=== Avash is now known as LinusTrovalds
d9500Novice: you're trying to change the default icon set or just a single icon?06:10
Novicesry cps06:11
Noviced9500: say's I don't have permission to but I am the only user?06:12
d9500Novice: and you right click on the icon, select properties, and then clcik the square box with the icon image in it? or are you using a different method?06:13
Noviced9500: that is exactly what I am trying to do but it will not let me how do I gain permission to change it?06:14
d9500novice: well, you could try changing ownership to active user, if somehow the permissions got screwed up.06:15
d9500novice: though i'm not sure what effect that might have in terms of problems if other users ever need to access it, if you do add other users in the future06:16
d9500novice: using kubuntu, right?06:17
Noviced9500: sry dang caps06:17
Noviced9500: yup06:17
FireCrotchNovice: If you're trying to change/edit something that isn't owned by your user, use sudo to do so06:18
FireCrotch!sudo | Novice06:18
ubottuNovice: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)06:18
d9500novice: if you're using a kde desktop, you shouldn't have to do any chown stuff in terminal to change the ownership to the active user. just open dolphin, navigate to /home/yourusername/Desktop and you should see the icon there. right click it and select properties, then move the cursor over root actions, then click ownership to active user.06:19
Novicelol funny graphical interface is my friend06:19
Noviced9500: thx very much06:20
* LinusTrovalds makes novice an expert06:21
Novicelol thx everyone06:22
d9500novice: no prob. oh, and as regarding the gui directions, i try to give gui directions as opposed to terminal ones.06:23
d9500(and probably irritate half the people in the channel since doing so usually takes three times as many lines. oops)06:24
Novicewell I do know how to use the terminal but would't use it to change an icon image06:24
d9500novice: ah, but assuming my suggestion worked, that probably means the icon image issue was only a manifestation of the actual problem, which was screwed up permissions. that kind of thing is why i prefaced my answer with a bunch of questions , to determine what the underlying problem was; again, that's assuming my answer actually worked.06:29
d9500i shall shut up now before i go into a monologue on how to better help people. heh06:30
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humblenHi there, can someone help me?  I'm having absolutely no luck installing kubuntu 9.1006:47
d9500humblen: i can try, but if it's partitioning or a bad cd image, then i may not be of much help06:53
humblenI've checked the CD, and am doing so again right now.06:53
d9500humblen: what exactly is it doing? at what part of the install does it mess up?06:54
humblenI've had to resort to the alternate installer, as the graphical one hangs pretty early.06:54
humblenCurrently it hangs on "Detecting network hardware"06:54
d9500what about the alternate one. how far does it get?06:54
humblenThat's where the alternate one is hanging.06:55
humblenIt hangs at 0% on that process.06:55
d9500this is going to be one of those dumb 'is the computer plugged in" type questions, but you've tried downloading the image from, say, maybe a different mirror, and burning a second cd?06:56
d9500besides the alt one, i mean06:56
humblenI downloaded the CD from the bittorrent feed.06:56
humblenAnd, it's at leas internally consistent (it passes it's self-check).06:57
d9500hmm. the offical ubuntu site is slow, or was last time i checked, but i've never had a problem installing from their iso images.06:57
d9500what about other live CDs? do you have maybe an ubuntu or fedora or suse laying around, and if so, do any of those find the nic?06:57
humblenIs it a problem that I have three hard drives with a different linux distro on them?06:57
humblenI've tried the regular ubuntu CD and it hangs too.06:58
d9500what kind of nic does your computer have? nothing exotic?06:59
humblenI've been running gentoo on the machine for a couple of years, but want to switch to kubuntu so I don't have to tinker with it so much.06:59
humblenIntel 1000T06:59
d9500gentoo? whoa, i don't think i'm gonna be able to help you if you were running gentoo before. you're light years ahead of me already :(07:00
aaronI'm setting up a development enviornment for kde... and I keep running into goofy instructions that assume I have everything else up.. but I don't know where to start07:00
humblenI know that that NIC got a little odd in recent versions of the kernel, I had to change my kernel config in gentoo, but I'd expect kubuntu to support it.07:00
aaronI just want to work on a few plasmoids, and play with kicker and kfile/kio behavior07:00
aarondoes anybody know of a really good set of instructions to set it up07:02
humblenI'm trying the "expert mode", but it still hangs at "Detecting network hardware".  Is there any way to skip that step?07:04
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ahmedtaufiqhi, can i use facebook in kdeUBlog, appearing on desktop07:15
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=== KB2JWQ is now known as GeorgeWBush
ahmedtaufiqany one here to help ?07:18
GeorgeWBushyeah i am07:19
malicewhats up guys07:21
GeorgeWBushi am all rich malice mice07:21
malicewell thats nice.. your also a coke addict07:22
GeorgeWBushno i am nort07:22
ahmedtaufiqmr bush, can i use facebook on kdueblog ?07:24
ahmedtaufiqi saw a screen shot on kubuntu website07:25
ahmedtaufiqof this07:25
ahmedtaufiqbut now its not working07:25
ahmedtaufiqcan u help on it07:25
malicemaybe a bug?07:25
ahmedtaufiqnot a bug, i have failed to set up correctly07:26
ahmedtaufiqas i m using it for the first time07:26
* GeorgeWBush asks if anybody can helop me07:26
malicelook up a tutorial07:26
ahmedtaufiqwhere is it ?07:26
malicegoogle.com :)07:26
skreechahmedtaufiq: What's up?07:27
ahmedtaufiqi want to set up facebook on kdueblog07:27
ahmedtaufiqappearing on desktop07:27
skreechahmedtaufiq: There is a facebook plasmoid07:27
ahmedtaufiqwhere is it ?07:27
skreech!info plasma-widget-facebook07:28
ubottuplasma-widget-facebook (source: plasma-widget-facebook): Plasma Widget for Facebook Updates. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2 kB, installed size 76 kB07:28
skreechahmedtaufiq: ^^^ install that07:28
ahmedtaufiqok, from where to install ?07:28
skreechFrom main07:29
amikis there a high-level kubuntu changelog somewhere? where u can see which packages were updated since karmic release, for instance?07:30
skreechIT should just turn up in the list then07:30
skreechamik: THat's a low level changelog07:30
maliceany one know when the function keys will be available on kubuntu karmic?07:31
ahmedtaufiqi have downloaded, now where to install it ?07:31
malicescreen brightness keys don`t work anymore :/07:31
ahmedtaufiqskreech : ??07:32
amikskreech: I guess it's relative... I mean without all the details of every package, just a one-liner per update or something similar07:33
ahmedtaufiqi have downloaded facebook plasmoid, now how to install it ?07:38
amikso, is there a kubuntu updates changelog?07:38
ahmedtaufiqskreech: you there ?07:39
bigbrovarhey guys anyone else having problems printing from  webbrowers (tried and failed from rekonq and firefox)07:49
skreechahmedtaufig: Sorry stepped away07:51
bigbrovarskreech> hey mate07:51
skreechHI bigbrovar07:52
skreechamik: You want a list of all the packages which have changed with one line as to what has changed in them ?07:52
skreechhi eagles051387507:55
eagles0513875anyone have any good how to's on ssh tunnling07:56
eagles0513875skreech: = daskreech ?07:56
eagles0513875skreech: you ever tunnel a connection with ssh before?07:56
eagles0513875how you doing07:56
Fusion64Hello, i recently installed kubuntu karmic amd 64 and i have some problems with my soundcard, its realtek Hd. in settings there are two kinds of drivers shown on the board. one is "HDA ATI SB (ALC268 analog)" and the other one is "Pulse Audio". Pulse audio Does not work.however The first one sounds good but when i try to play mp3's on amarok it doesnt work and no errors are shown,simply the program doesnt do anything. i tried songbird.07:56
skreechNot bad07:56
eagles0513875!sound | Fusion6407:56
ubottuFusion64: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:56
skreecheagles0513875: :-P07:57
eagles0513875skreech: any idea about ssh tunnling or how to go about it07:57
skreechRead the stupid complaint first07:57
skreechFusion64: did you install libxine1-ffmpeg ?07:57
skreechDepends on what you mean about ssh tunnelling07:57
eagles0513875skreech: he could also use kubuntu-restricted-extras to install all restricted formats07:57
skreechYEah but ... yeah07:58
eagles0513875skreech: i would like to use ssh tunnling to bypass everything thats blocked here at my school07:58
Hilikushey guys. im trying amarok as my podcast manager. is teher any way to make it show the textual description of each episode?07:58
amikskreech: I wan't to be able to see a single list/history of updates. I don't actually care how long or in depth each entry is, as along as it's readable and in one place... is there such a thing?07:58
eagles0513875skreech: would you mind hopping in offtopic as i dont want to drag this channel ot07:59
skreechHilikus: Ask in #amarok07:59
Fusion64But songbird Has some kind of error That goes by the name " Internal data flow error". The Main and Big Problem is that I Have A usb adsl Modem And i have with that one too.07:59
skreechamik: I think there might be. Ask in #ubuntu-devel they would be most knowledgeable07:59
skreechFusion64: I don't understand you are playing a MP3 stream ?08:00
Fusion64skreech: no i cant play any format. im stuck!08:03
skreechFusion64: Really?08:04
skreechFusion64: http://www.vorbis.com/music/Mists_of_Time-4T.ogg08:04
skreechGrab that and see if it plays08:05
Fusion64I tried The linux Drivers provided by realtek and When i decompressed it,i found out that it was the ALSA Drivers. I tried to compile the source code but im a beginner to linux stuff and im confused08:05
eagles0513875Fusion64: installing kubuntu-restricted-extras should install any missing codecs as well as other restricted formats such as flash and java if they are not already installed08:06
skreechFusion64: Apparently :) You really shouldn't have to put this much work into getting it to .. well work08:07
skreechFusion64: First thing is to check to make sure that it's not muted. For some reason some installs mute the sound card so you can't hear anything08:08
Fusion64skreech:There is A Little thing i have to say. When i test the analog driver in settings,It Sounds!(As i mentioned above) But I Dont understand whats going on!08:11
kadobanupon upgrading to 9.10, sound no longer works in gtk applications (or at least, rhythmbox and mplayer)  it works fine in the System Settings (test) and amarok, etc.  any ideas? don't even know what to check08:11
Fusion64skreech: No There is a mixer in kde applications and it shows that the sound output is not mute08:13
amikskreech: the answer is http://feeds.ubuntu-nl.org/UbuntuChanges, should u ever need it :-)08:16
kadobanah, PulseAudio is apparently messed up.  when i click Test in System Settings -> Multimedia, any sound after that is broken (a message pops up saying the audio device doesn't work).  could that be my problem?  (and how would i go about fixing that?)08:18
grakerHello. Does anyone know about kaffeine in kubuntu karmic srt subtitles support? It was working well in 8.10 and now it doesn't08:24
KjetilKouch, kmail crashes on me when I click "reply" on any email...08:26
KjetilKanyone seen that?08:26
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trijntje[stupid question allert] How can you shutdown kubuntu? I can only choose hibernate09:25
asktobyThinking about going from Jaunty to Karmic today - anything I should be wary of or did the upgrade go well for most people?09:43
asktobyI've been away all weekend and haven't been watching the scene09:44
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klux-kluxhello all09:50
klux-kluxim from malaysia09:50
trijntje[stupid question allert] How can you shutdown kubuntu? I can only choose hibernate in the main menu09:53
asktobytrijntje: $ sudo shutdown -h now09:53
asktoby(Don't know why it's not in your menu)09:53
trijntjeasktoby, but there should be an entry in the menu right? Maybe its a vbox thing09:54
asktobytrijntje: There should be an entry. I have Hibernate, Restart and Shutdown in mine09:55
trijntjeasktoby, ok thanks, ill see what a reinstall does09:55
kgeekis there any file download tool   in kubuntu10:19
kgeekany one help needed10:19
ni1skgeek, kget10:19
kgeekni1s: alright10:19
kgeekis it same as FDM n IDM replacement10:20
kgeekni1s: FDM IDM are for win10:20
ni1skgeek, huh?10:20
* jonathan__ starts banging my head on the desk10:20
kgeekni1s: wat happend dude !!10:22
Luggagehuh weird, shut down yesterday fine, just booted pc, boots to black nothing happens, reset, kubuntu starts normally  log into desktop, soeakers and such icons are missing hmm10:24
jonathan__hey guys are the servers and the website down10:27
Luggagecan reach it fine here10:27
jonathan__my school sux10:27
jonathan__trying to ssh tunnel around the firewall here10:27
jonathan__but it doesnt seem to work10:28
Luggagenaughty :)10:28
davidhi, kdm is no longer running at boot- does anyone know how to fix this?10:29
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Guest33637i have to manually type startx after console login10:29
Luggageow (not an expert) but kde works fine ater manually starting it david?10:30
jonathan__Luggage: friends use ultra surfe on windows10:30
Guest33637yes luggage10:31
Guest33637any ideas?10:31
Luggagethinking/googling :)10:31
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jonathan__i have been trying luggage and found something use ful but having issues10:32
Guest33637yeah done both10:32
Luggagefor the kdm pob, not the best advice im sure but you could try reinstalling kubuntu-desktop with apt-get?10:33
Luggage(im just new to linux myself)10:33
Luggageand jonathan__ , i dont have much experience tunneling firewalls, I just know it could be youŕe school restricts encrypted traffic to ports it expects traffic and blocks it on other ports perhaps10:38
Luggageso to allow encrypted traffic they want and stop people like you ;) :)10:38
jonathan__then Luggage why can i ssh into a friends machine10:39
Luggagein or outside school network?10:39
jonathan__from inside to outside10:39
indiohi all!!10:40
jonathan__!hi | indio10:40
ubottuindio: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!10:40
indioI need some help installing vmware-server 1 on K9.1010:40
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware10:40
jonathan__indio: check out that link10:41
Luggagewell im thinking you have more experience already tunniling firewalls :)10:41
jonathan__no i dont10:41
jonathan__never done it before10:41
varanusis there a way to change in okular the default annotating values. f.e. i'm using the annotating tools and in particular the line (6) tool and i'm searching a way to change the default width so i don't have to enter every time the properties menu to change it.10:41
Luggagethe succesul attempt with a friend, same port as your unsuccesfull attempt to reach kubuntu.org?10:42
khaije|amalthi all, after dist-upgrade to karmic my laptop no booty boot10:42
jonathan__Luggage: on osx i can get to the site10:43
jonathan__something strange on firefox10:43
varanusi've tried modifying the /usr/share/kde4/apps/okular/tools.xml but nothing happens.10:43
Luggagekhaije, if thatś all the ino you can provide not much anyone can do to help I think10:43
khaije|amaltit gets to the point in login when it starts to load the disk and seizes, the screen gradually gets lighter and lighter until it cant be read10:43
Luggagenot me anyway but im noobish :)10:44
khaije|amalti've seen this problem before but can't remember how to fix it...10:44
varanus#join okular10:44
Luggageguess I wont upgrade yet then10:44
jonathan__Luggage: im linux certified10:45
Luggageim not even a week old on kubuntu10:45
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Luggagebut learn fast (computer stuff anyway)10:45
khaije|amaltanyone know which modules grub uses by default? im guessing ext2/ext4 and lvm...?10:45
indioI've already checked out that one. I got it working on 9.04, but after upgrading to 9.10 I removed unsupported pkgs... I'll give it another round, after I'll tell you 'bout mu luck... Thanks guys10:45
bigbrovaris it just me, or the OO.o kde4 integration on kubuntu karmic is currently broken? any work around yet?10:47
jonathan__Luggage: it works turns out something with the tunneling10:48
jonathan__anywho i need to reboot10:48
jonathan__will try this again on thursday10:49
skarhi, i'm using jaunty with kde. when i login, dcopserver isn't running and i'm not able to use dcopstart. any ideas?10:52
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skarhi, i'm using jaunty with kde and  i'm getting "Error: Could not find service 'konsole-script'." if i run "dcopstart konsole-start". it used to work with hardy kubuntu11:00
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theseusrfhello, where can I find a changelog for the new 9.04 Kernel 2.6.31-14 to the old 8.10 Kernel: 2.6.28-16 ?11:13
theseusrfI am especially interested in the changelog for scheduling in this kernel11:16
Emanonany particular reason i cant click buttons in flash animations and stuff and have to tab through them only in 9.10 not 9.0411:20
Emanonoh and why either pulse or phonon likes to turn off my sound when its not in use (and sometimes when it is) so if something stats to use sound or i happen to touch volume control i get a thunderous pop as it reactivates the sound card (or something)11:24
Emanonany hints11:25
Emanonlike i didnt mind so much when flash for 64 bit dropped out of full screen whenever i touched system volume but having to tab through everything in it is annoying11:26
Luggagetheseusrf: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ i hazard a guess11:27
LuggageEmanon: sorry, wouldn know, im on 9.04 and try and use alsa for most things11:27
Emanoni use xine (through phonon) i assume alsa is lurking in the background there somewhere11:28
Luggageand as far as flash goes, I made the effeort to get the x64 plugin from adobe directly and installing it instead of the package from the repositories11:28
Luggageworks fine except for going fullscreen with youtube and the like11:28
theseusrfthanks Luggage Ill try :-)11:28
Luggage(although a flash game like machinarium works fine fullscreen ?)11:28
Emanonyea thats the only problem i had with it before .10 and wasnt to put off by it11:29
Luggagenp theseusrf I think you can find it somewhere in the wiki11:29
Emanonand the sound doesnt cut off when i have pulse audio volume control open but if i close it it starts cutting off sound every 15 seconds or so whatever i happen to be doing11:30
Emanonlike listening to music which is a pain11:30
Emanoncomes back on if i alter teh volume or open pulse volume control11:30
Emanonother than that it works awesome i was impressed with how easy it was to setup an encrypted lvm2 file system over a 4 disk raid with removable /boot and mbr11:31
Luggagedont remember exactly (linux newcomer) but had some problems with sound in an app, found advice about using alsa, and since I followed that dvice had less problems, but this is under 9.04 not sure what changed with 9.1011:32
Luggagethe only thing bugging me soundwise now is (sorry but honesty insists) that kubuntu cant do something that is 2 clicks in both windows and osx... switch between my soundcard/speakers and usb headset on the fly (without going into console and using asoundconfig)11:33
Emanonyea only started cutting off inn middle of songs like 2 songs ago before it was just when not in use but when it started inturruptiing my music i got right on it11:33
Ash-FoxLuggage, works fine with pulseaudio on kubuntu for me.11:33
Luggageprobably an easy script to make for it, with an icon though.. will have to look into that :)11:33
LuggageAsh-Fox: will have to try11:34
Emanonyea on pulse its just a drop down on output and whatever sound streams are active11:34
LuggageAsh-Fox: I switched to alsa for several things because of problems with the default (don remember if it was pulse)11:34
Emanonthats why i have pulse so i can send different stuff to different devices11:34
Ash-FoxI believe the default setup is to use the pulse sound server which runs on top of ALSA.11:35
Luggagewell for now asoundconfig set-default-card NVidia / Headset works for me :)11:35
Ash-FoxI have noticed the majority of problems with sound on Linux is stuff using the old OSS compatability support.11:35
Luggagekmix wouldn switch11:35
Luggagecould be but Im araid thatś beyond my less then a week's worth of experience with linux :)11:36
Emanondid have to switch to synaptic since kpackagekit refused to install certain things (like restricted extras) id mark them for install hit apply it would go through like 10 seconds of the downloading and installing packages thing then turn off and nothing had happened11:36
Ash-FoxSwitching in a GUI, live, is really only a feature that can be done with pulseaudio at the moment.11:36
Luggageare if/else constructs possible in shellscripts?11:37
corigoAny recommended EXT drivers for Windows?11:37
Ash-Foxcorigo, if pre vista, the ifs ext2 driver11:37
Ash-Foxif vista or higher - none.11:37
Ash-FoxLuggage, not for live switching outside of pulse, no.11:38
corigoFox are you familiar with Ext2Fsd?11:38
Ash-FoxIt's quite broken in vista and higher.11:39
Emanonand unfortunatly i can set phonons backend to gstreamer (which sucks cause its better than xine) if i download the gstreamer backend and use it no sound at all11:39
corigoAsh-Fox so you recommend IFS over FSD for XP?11:41
Ash-Foxcorigo, they're pretty equal in XP. I'd say go with what you prefer. I prefer IFS just because I can get it somewhat working in vista and higher too (with difficulty)11:42
noaXess_kubuntuhi all11:42
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noaXess_kubuntuis it possible to upgrade a kubuntu machine over konsole?11:42
Emanonapt-get distro-upgrade11:43
Emanoni think11:43
Emanondist-upgrade sorry11:43
noaXess_kubuntuEmanon: you mean dist-upgrade.. no doesn't work11:43
Emanonother than that the only way i know is the way on the site update-notifier-kde -u11:44
Emanonbut that requires gui so only gets started through konsole11:44
noaXess_kubuntuEmanon: in ubuntu server there is an option.. hm.. will try that :)11:45
noaXess_kubuntuEmanon: here you are; http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20(Recommended)11:46
Emanonanyone else notice if your not in folder view mode on your desktop plasma throws your widgets around?11:46
Emanonyea i guess all in all i like kde but the little annoyances are getting to me hehe11:48
Emanonjust lil things like gstreamer being better than xine banshee is better than amarok and songbird but no shoutcast support in it11:49
Emanonbut then again theres no shoutcast support in amarok anymore either so...11:49
Emanonirc dropped from kopete11:49
Emanonwhich is irking me more than it should cause i really do like kde better than gnome but gnome is looking better and better (have unr 9.10 on my moms eeepc and its awesome)11:51
Luggagei think how ubuntu looks is depressing lol :) color scheme etc :)11:52
Emanonyea me too11:52
Luggagejust an esthetics thing11:52
Emanonand i like alot of the kde progs better but gnome is seeming more and more consistant and stable thelonger i use kde411:53
Luggagei mean the engines are basically the same so weŕe choosing chassis more or less :) and i like kdeś look better, its fresher, less like it came out of my behind colored.11:53
Emanonyea nkr?11:53
yanhi. i'm using cryptsetup and lvm to encrypt my system. i upgraded to 9.10 last night. i used the graphical upgrade and it got stuck in some moment. afterwords i ran sudo dpkg --configure -a and the upgrade was finished. now i cant pass the password prompt and get the following errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/308419/ . i already tried the steps from the luks faq (http://www.saout.de/tikiwiki/tiki-index.php?page=LUKSFaq) but everything looks11:53
yan fine. running update-initramfs in a chrooted environment, i get the error "cryptsetup: WARNING: invalid line in /etc/crypttab -". i have found many forum posts about this, but no solutions. can anybody help me?11:53
FloodBotK2yan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:53
Luggagebesides nothing stopping you using gnome apps anyway, i do :)11:54
Emanonand i like ktorrent better than deluge or transmission but i dont like having most of kde just for that hehe11:54
Luggagewell a few default apps got scrapped after install11:54
Emanoni know that but most of the apps are good kde side its the base that seems nicer gnome side11:55
Luggagebye browser hello firefox, kicked out default messenger for pidgin, synaptic for packmanaging etc. I do like dolphin a lot11:55
* amik has only seen floodbot bark at ppl during legitimate chat... hopes someone will change its threshold (or algorithm)11:55
Emanonyea just some stuff is nicer in kde but other stuff sucks ALOT11:56
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Luggageah well so far nothing stopped me running "gnome" apps openftd required just about the whole gnome desktop to be installed, but afterwards runs fine under kde. (if diskspace is no objection)11:57
Emanonwhere with gnome its like your on some kind of mood altering drug, things arent as uber where their good but their not as sucky where they're bad either11:57
yanactually my problem isnt necessarily a kubuntu issue, so i'll try in #ubuntu..11:57
LuggageI just couldn stare at the gnome all day tbh lol11:57
Emanondiskspace isnt really an objection i have 2.5 TB but i dont like the whole duplication of labor that comes with haveing pretty much 2 full desktops installed for a few progs11:57
Luggagewhy i went for kubuntu for my first real desktop use of linux11:57
LuggageI knew I wanted *buntu anyway kde looked less depressing (i have chronic depression disorder as it is lol)11:58
Luggageso I went with the happier flashier blue ;)11:58
Emanoni started with slackware but wasnt up to the task then tried mandriva for quite a while then debian and fedora wanted to use kubuntu but refused untill i learned encrypted filesystems were supported on the alternate cd11:58
Emanoni still try out the main ones (slackware, debian, fedora)when they come out with new versions to see if whatever one i like at the moment is stil best for me11:59
Luggagelol my first real use of linux started with backtrack 4 live cd :)12:00
Emanonid be using slackware right now if i could get my partitions set up on it i cant get my initrd to work properly with this same setup12:00
Luggagefirst as an interest to check for mysel how good/bad the situation with privacy and security is with the wifi revolution in progress12:01
Emanonand i wont work on an unencrypted system (unless its windows in which case im not doing ANYTHING with it)12:01
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:01
Luggagebut soon saw the use for it as a tool fixing pc's and such12:01
Emanonubottu? awesome name hehe12:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:01
Emanonstill an awesome name12:01
Luggagewould be cool if he replied something like I know.... :)12:02
jussi01Just a reminder, please :)12:02
Emanonhey lets flood over to #rantradio their cool and theres no such thing as off topic there hehe12:03
jussi01Emanon: why not just use our offtopic channel?12:03
Luggageout of curiosity joined kubuntu-offtopic as suggested12:03
Emanoncause if we're gonna be off topic might as well be WAAAAYYYY off topic12:03
Emanonin a way only rant radio can be12:04
jussi01mhm. anyway, shall we get back to Kubuntu support here?12:04
Luggageah well im in kubuntu-offtopic too emanon if you want to chat12:04
Delagois there any way i can download the latest kernel for 9.10? i deleted my boot and i can't restore it12:10
Emanontry magicrescue?12:11
Delagoi don't have magic rescue12:12
Emanonthats the ones named vmlinux-{version here}-generic right?12:12
DelagoEmanon: yes.12:12
DelagoThank you!12:14
Emanondunno if 2.6.31-14 is newest but it might work12:14
Emanonya never know if some crazy fix is gonna work12:15
Emanonthats what keeps me on linux more than anything12:15
Emanonit makes me feel like a mad scientist12:15
Delagothe bad part is that i have backups. but everytime i excluded /boot12:16
Delagobad mistake12:16
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Emanonwow thats odd stopped with like 50kb left12:18
Emanonthere it goes12:18
Delagothanks again12:19
Emanonnp hope it works12:19
piovisquihi, i'm having trouble with dvd read, sometimes they read, sometimes not. Can anyone help?12:22
Emanongot the restricted dvd packages?12:22
piovisquiEmanon: yes. but a I mean data DVDs12:23
Emanonahh nvm12:23
piovisquithey all read on windows, but not on linux. And they were recorded with k3b :S12:23
osmm_help me guys12:23
osmm_how to fix wine&12:24
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aLeSDhi all12:30
aLeSDI have a problem with kpackagekit: I'm tring to install ubuntustudio-audio. But it doesn't anything12:31
aLeSDI mean it applies the modofication ... but in the end it doesn't install anything12:31
IdhanaLeSD: I haven't try it but is on my repositories..12:32
IdhanaLeSD: can be that isn't in the kde menu..did you try the terminal?12:32
wilsby29is it safe to upgrade to karmic on a production desktop yet?12:32
wilsby29and roughly how long does it take to upgrade12:32
aLeSDIdhan: it says the following packages will be installed ... I run install now ... and it does nothing12:33
IdhanaLeSD: but with kpackagekit.. what say the terminal?12:33
IdhanaLeSD: perphaps there can you see what is the problem12:33
aLeSDIdhan: in the terminal it works12:34
aLeSDI'm just installing12:34
IdhanaLeSD: :-)12:34
aLeSDIdhan: yes ... but it's not the point12:34
nikitisAnyone know of a shell command to kill composite?12:34
aLeSDI can't belive in the package manager of Kde now12:35
asktobyAny gotchas for going from Jaunty to Koala that I should know before clicking "yes"?12:36
nikitisAnyone know?12:36
Emanonalt-shift-f12 to toggle it isnt it?12:37
wilsby29any ideas how long it takes to upgrade from jaunty to koala?12:37
nikitisEmanon: yeah, but i'm trying to make a shortcut for my 3d games.  So that it will kill composite to get better performance12:37
wilsby29E.g: can I select a local server to download from?12:37
nikitisand then start it back up when i'm done with the game12:38
wilsby29can I upgrade from the command line?12:42
wilsby29what tool do I use?12:42
wilsby29apt-get dist-upgrade?12:42
DelagoI accidentaly deleted /boot (grub2 and kernels). I managed to chroot, install grub12:42
ulysses__wilsby29: you should change the source.list file, jaunty -> karmic12:43
wilsby29ulysses___... all of the source.list files ?12:43
ulysses__yes, all 'jaunty' must be changed to 'karmic'12:44
ulysses__then sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:45
wilsby29is that all the upgrade managers do?12:45
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wilsby29they just rename the sources and apt-get12:45
wilsby29thank you12:45
nikitis Still looking for someone who knows a commandline to enable and disable kwin composite.12:47
ulysses__nikitis: you can disable/enable compositing with Alt+Shift+F1212:49
nikitisulysses__: not quick enough.  I need it for a script to make shortcuts to launch my games.  I want it as simple as just clicking on the icons12:49
nikitisand when i exit the game i want the script to re-enable kwin composite12:50
nikitiswithout having to hit the key combination12:50
nikitisi can write the script, i just need to know the command12:50
ulysses__there is a plasmoid called 'Toggle Compositing', you can enable/disable the compositing with one klick12:50
aLeSDhow to change the kdm theme ?12:51
nikitis3 clicks.  one to disable, one to launch game, another to re-enable12:51
nikitis1 click would be just clicking the script to execute it12:51
nikitisSo not good enough.12:51
ulysses__nikitis: see this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7692050&postcount=412:53
nikitisulysses__: ah, great googling... i tried it but couldn't find it.  This may work.12:54
ulysses__nikitis: I googled to 'disable kwin command line', it was the second:))12:55
ulysses__hello Aizram12:55
nikitisI was typing in disabling kwin composite12:55
nikitisulysses__: works like a charm thanks12:56
nikitisgood command to know for us super lazy folk12:56
DelagoDudes, how can I restore my 9.10 kernels from a 9.04 livecd (i deleted them)12:58
ulysses__Delago: can you boot to recovery mode from grub?12:59
Delagoulysses__: no, i deleted /boot. then i reinstalled grub, but i have no menu.lst13:00
ulysses__no idea:S13:00
kgeek!hi |amik13:09
ubottuamik: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:09
linexIn KDE3 there is this torrent-plugin thingy for konqueror so that I can see the meta information of the torrent file. Is there such a thing for KDE4 ? Anyone knows ?13:17
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ubuntu_hi all, I've installed 9.10 but I'm experiencing problems with wireless connection. My card is an intel 3945 ABG, can find and list the essid but is unable to connect. any help? thanks13:24
nidezHi ! I would like to know how to setup windows to open always in the same position and workspace, i'm using Karmik default desktop and Gnome with advanced graphical effects on it and it does not provide thi feat...   i dont talk about startup, but simply closing and opening the window during the same session.  Is KDE doing it ?13:29
kgeekubuntu_: use wicd instead of network maneger which  is by default provided by 9.10 wcid is able to connect  to secured wless network13:29
linexIn KDE3 there is this torrent-plugin thingy for konqueror so that I can see the meta information of the torrent file. Is there such a thing for KDE4 ? Anyone knows ?13:30
kgeekubuntu_: u'll have to install wcid from repository #sudo apt-get install wicd13:30
nidezHi ! I would like to know how to setup windows to open always in the same position and workspace, i'm using Karmik default desktop and Gnome with advanced graphical effects on it and it does not provide thi feat...   i dont talk about startup, but simply closing and opening the window during the same session.  Is KDE doing it ?13:32
InforMedHi! I need help! I'm unable to mount my external usb hard drive on Karmic... When I plug it in, the hdd turns on, and dmesg will say this over and over  "unable to enumerate USB device on port 3"13:32
rafytafyhi guys13:39
KjetilKI got logged out when I got back into the system after hibernation. I've seen this problem before, but I think it was fixed13:43
KjetilKdoes anybody else experience this?13:43
Gargoyle1976I am having trouble getting sound from flash items online...just upgraded to 9.1013:53
bbeckGargoyle1976: I had this problem too, what I needed to do was adjust the PCM volume.13:55
Gargoyle1976bbeck: is that on the mixer?13:56
Gargoyle1976bbeck: Got it!...Thanks!13:57
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mrwoodyhi *. does anyone know why after upgradign to 9.10, any video is weird (like greenish or negative)... I get the problem in two different pc14:04
niek_hi, I just installed kubuntu on my desktop, and I'm having some problems with my dual monitor setup14:05
niek_(also I don't know if I should replace the driver first, as I do want to play certain 3d games?)14:06
endeavor_How can I set the default for all media types to vlc without going to each type individually?14:20
padi999could it be that you guys messed up something with the smtp server settings in kmail? I seem to have problems sending emails.14:21
padi999i mean in karmic14:21
padi999problems := they won't send and reside in the outbox14:21
padi999with a "Socket operation timed out"14:22
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compilerwriterpadi999 I just tried it and it worked fine for me.  You had me scared for a second though.  Have you verified that all is well with your server and that your settings remained intact in the upgrade?14:24
niek_under kubuntu, with closed source ati drivers, how can I get multiple monitors to work like 1 big monitor (monitors are different size too)14:26
compilerwriter!dual head > niek_14:27
ubottuniek_, please see my private message14:27
martinjh99Are DVD's going to be media choices going forward?  Quite like the idea...14:31
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nikitisAre there any good music paid services for kubuntu?  like an alternative to itunes that do not use drm in your songs?14:39
nikitisOr if someone knows how to get itunes working, that would be good too14:39
JontheEchidnanikitis: amarok has a magatune music store. I don't know if that's exactly what you are looking for, though you could try dropping by #amarok to ask I suppose :)14:44
KyranI'm wondering where I can put some suggestions for kubuntu improvement14:44
BsimsI have an issue, I have been bitten by Bug # 425704 affecting my capslock, but does it affect numlock as well?14:46
PiciKyran: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com14:46
PiciKyran: by the way, do you mind if I pm you a completely unrelated question?14:46
Kyranno, shoot :)14:46
Kyranisn't there a kubuntu specific brainstorm thingie?14:50
PiciDoesn't seem to be.14:50
Kyranmaybe there should be14:51
PiciBut a mailing list post says to log ideas there: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2008-February/026018.html14:51
Kyranthey were asking for input on those project timelord announcements14:51
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BunnyGAnyone know why my "Activate" button on Hardware drivers dosent woek?15:26
wilsby29would upgrading from jaunty to koala break stuff like databases (mysql and postgresql) and other server configuration (apache)15:26
amikkgeek: what did I do wrong? :-/15:30
Joaquinhola como estan15:33
Joaquinno me puedo concectar a mi wifi15:33
Joaquincon kubuntu15:34
amik!es | Joaquin15:37
ubottuJoaquin: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:37
Joaquinok gracias15:37
kgeekamik: y dude wat happend !!15:42
amikkgeek: u botted me with a link to irc guidelines15:42
kgeekamik: oh that one sorry i was nt here someone else did from my system ..15:44
amikkgeek: okily-dokily :-)15:45
neoandersenHi, how to fix sound on 9.10?15:45
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* amik notices lots of ppl come here with sound problems (but doesn't know much about it to be helpful)15:45
hackfrosthi all15:46
neoandersenAmorok keeps asking for kdewallet, I type the password but it don't work...15:46
neoandersenno sound on firefox...15:46
Outriderafternoon folk15:47
Outrideranyone else having problems with koala and rt73 ? and have they found a solution?15:49
kgeekneoandersen: why ?15:49
Outriderboth rt73 and rt2500 both usb are loaded15:49
kexmani upgraded kubuntu and it got worse :(15:49
neoandersenkgeek: sound was good before upgrading to 9.10...15:49
kexmannow im at 9.1015:50
kexmanno wifi15:50
kexmanno net15:50
kexmanno sound15:50
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FloodBotK1kexman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:50
Outrideryes that my problem too15:50
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Outriderseems to be a conflict causing very slow connection and lots of dropped connections15:51
kexmanOutrider: i cant see / connect to my wifi15:52
kexmanand my net stopped working :)15:52
kexmani know i can do it via command promp ....15:52
kexmanbut then i would be using gentoo :)15:52
Outriderhmm considering fedora myself :)15:53
kexmani dont know if Ubuntu is better15:53
kexmanmy laptop isnt the newest15:53
kexmanand 9.04 worked ALOT better out of the box15:53
neoandersensound is working now on amarok but not on firefox15:53
Outridermine worked fine until the upgrade15:53
kexmanOutrider: same problem15:54
neoandersenwho uses transmission for torrent?15:54
Outrideranyway be back later15:55
carmelitaHello, I have Kubuntu 9.10, sound only works with KDE apps, not on flash, not on skype. Can someone please help me??? I need sound!!!15:56
carmelitaI already installed pulseaudio, to see if that will change something, but saddly has no changed anything.15:57
smurfsloverhi, just installed the kubuntu karmic but it's a big #fail16:02
BluesKajneoandersen, I forgot to mention when I rescued my karmic install with live cd , reinstalling on / , all my data was saved , including conf files, so if an app was removef for some all i had to do was reinstall16:02
smurfsloverapparently there's no ndiswrapper included16:02
smurfsloverprevious versions of ubuntu had major issues with my card using the acx module16:03
BluesKajerr removed for some reason16:03
neoandersenBluesKaj: Hello my friend!!16:03
smurfsloversome reason???16:03
neoandersenBluesKaj: then all I have to do is put the live ce and search for the option to recover...?16:04
BluesKajneoandersen, usually source code apps are removed because they aren't included in the repos16:04
BluesKajneoandersen, not recover , install on / using the manual partition option16:05
neoandersenBluesKaj: well, I don't have a good idea of what source code apps are... they are recoverable later?16:06
BluesKajneoandersen, kubuntu is detected and the newest kernel source drivers etc are installed on all your HW..make sure the live cd is the latest release16:07
BluesKajneoandersen, yes all mu apps were recoversable16:07
neoandersenBluesKaj: I am using kubuntu here now, in the other hd I want to let just ubuntu...16:08
BluesKajneoandersen, you do what you want but I wanted to let you know the options16:09
neoandersenBluesKaj: then do I must download the ubuntu 9.10 amd64 in order to have this rescue option?16:09
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neoandersenBluesKaj: is it available on 8.04?16:10
ncfi1013what driver should i use for the nvidia 9400 geforce evga?16:10
neoandersenBluesKaj: well I will begin the download anyway...16:10
BluesKajneoandersen, dunno about 8.0416:11
BluesKajbut the latest release has all the fixes you need16:11
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carmelitaHello, I just discovered that pulseaudio is not starting on my kubuntu 9.10, please can somone help me?16:12
BluesKajcarmelita, any sound at all ?16:12
carmelitaBluesKaj: I just made it work!!!16:14
carmelitaHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! YES!!!!!16:14
noaXesshi all16:15
BluesKajalsa slidera were muted or turned off i bet16:15
BluesKajalsa ctrls16:15
noaXessi have a brand new kubuntu 9.10.. and want really disable screensaver, screen powersaving.. have disabled powerdevil, disabled powermanagement.. but screen goes to black after few minutes.. how to really disable suspending the screen?16:16
wintemute`:) I have an entirely different question. I have problems connecting to a wpa2 secured network with my eeepc 900 (it think i's 900. Ralink chipset anyway.)16:16
noaXesswintemute`: what client? do you use kubunt's integrated network manger?16:18
noaXesswhat about wicd?16:18
wintemute`yeah, the fancy little toolbar thing :) It connects, I can ping stuff, maybe bring up one website.... but then the connection closes.16:18
wintemute`noaXess the conection lasts about a minute. I haven;t tried anything else. How would I go about trying wicd?16:20
noaXesshey BluesKaj..16:20
noaXesswintemute`: hm.. just sudo apt-get install wicd and restart kde session16:21
cjaewhy  can I only dl 9%  of and .iso and then get the delayed signal on kget (trying to download kubuntu 9.10)16:21
wintemute`noaXess: tried that in the last version... it uninstalled a bunch of stuff and I ended up without working wireless. I'll go see if that's true now.16:22
noaXesswintemute`: hm.. just install wicd and try it?.. i have it also installed... and also gone back to kde-network-manager without loosing any wlan functionality16:23
noaXesshow can i disable auto black screen?..16:24
wintemute`noaXess: i claims it wants to remove the network-manager and plasma-widget-network-manager packages.16:25
noaXesswintemute`: thats normal.. they are in conflict with wicd.. note them and you can reinstall them16:26
cjaeanyone else having problems downloading 9.10?16:28
wintemute`noaXess: wicd installed... be back.16:30
wintemute`that means a reboot, right?16:31
kgeeki have to ask wats KISD which fails every hrs.. in recent version16:32
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neoandersenBluesKaj: I heard about ext4 Can I choose it?16:35
kgeekneoandersen: yaa u can i m having this16:37
neoandersenBluesKaj: and I remember there are options about partition in the begining or in the end... is it important?16:37
wintemute`noaXess: seems to work. At least, it hasn't lost connection yet. Thanks!16:38
neoandersenBluesKaj: real partition, virtual partition... I don't remember....16:38
noaXesswintemute`: your welcome.. :)16:38
neoandersenkgeek: I am going to install over ubuntu trying to recover it...16:41
kgeekneoandersen: oh! so   wats prob16:41
noaXessis there a way to disable black screen for display? my machine goes allways to black screen after minutes, but screensaver and display manager are disabled16:41
neoandersenkgeek: I updated to 9.10 and lost X16:41
noaXessneoandersen: reconfigure x..16:42
DragnslcrnoaXess- check the power management settings. I'm not sure about 9.10, but 9.04 had a couple settings buried in a weird place16:42
neoandersenkgeek: it is not installing or uninstalling nothing... because of ready only flile system...16:42
BluesKajneoandersen, use the manual artitioning option on /16:43
BluesKajer partitioning16:43
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BluesKajneoandersen, choose manual partitoning, then you have to look for the / partition in the list and select it16:45
Idhanis there any tool to set an image in grub???16:46
neoandersenBluesKaj: is it going to ask about swap?16:46
BluesKajneoandersen, if you have a swap just leave alone16:47
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kgeekneoandersen: #dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorf16:48
ulysses__there was once kgrubeditor, I don't know what happend with it16:48
BluesKajkgeek, please , that has nothing to do with it16:48
kgeekBluesKaj: y so .mine was also dead i made xserver working using the same16:49
kgeekBluesKaj: may be i m wrong with neoandersen problem ..16:49
BluesKajyes , that was tried many moons ago16:50
neoandersenkgeek:  I have tried it yesterday: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130987016:50
kgeekneoandersen: so that didn't worked?16:50
Idhanulysses__: yes?16:50
neoandersenkgeek: no16:50
kgeekneoandersen: :P16:50
kgeekneoandersen: is xsercer installed on ur box16:50
BluesKajkgeek, please don't interupt16:51
neoandersenkgeek: I can see the files throgh cd and  ls but I can't chage nothing...16:51
kgeekBluesKaj: sry if u felt so . was just trying to help!  Np16:51
BluesKajkgeek, ok16:51
neoandersenkgeek: : )16:52
BluesKajneoandersen, where are you in the install ?16:52
neoandersenI am in 92% downloading the Ubuntu amd64 on ktorrent...16:53
BluesKajwell, i have to go do some work ...bbl16:54
neoandersenBluesKaj: I was going to make backup but I give up, too much stuff...16:54
kgeekBluesKaj: hey where are u  going dude u said me not to inturrupt n uare going ..!!this is nt justice16:54
neoandersenBluesKaj: ok, I am going to do what you said16:55
neoandersenI am going to burn the image now...16:55
BluesKajkgeek , he knows what he needs to do16:55
s1300045supposedly kde 4.3.3 should be avaliable soon, but is there anything really to get excited about?16:55
kgeekBluesKaj: just joking ..16:55
neoandersenBluesKaj: can it be burned in an rewriteble cd?16:56
BluesKajgoing now , remember to choose the manual partitoning option , then choose / as the partition to install on16:57
BluesKajthen you should be fine16:58
kexmannone of my network interfaces is seen in dmesg16:58
kexmanwtf ??16:58
neoandersenBluesKaj: what the program to record cd?16:59
u19809does anybody know if there is a channel for thunderbird ?16:59
neoandersenk3b : )]16:59
kgeeki have installed wicd nw i want to enable .default network maneger ..17:15
kgeekhow can i17:16
ahmedtaufiqcan anyone help me on gnu grub17:16
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JonTheNiceGuyHi, I've just tried Kubuntu NBR for the first time - I've never really tried KDE before, although I've used Ubuntu for a while. I'm having some difficulty configuring both my 3G dongle and my OpenVPN connections via the Network Manager application. I think I know what the issue is in OpenVPN (no passphrase on the certificate), but I'm struggling to configure the 3G stick for the 3 network in the UK. Does anyone have any tips?17:23
JonTheNiceGuy It's a Huawei E156G, which I've had working under Ubuntu before.17:23
JontheEchidnaJonTheNiceGuy: that's a bit of a trouble area for the KDE NetworkManager frontend17:23
JonTheNiceGuyI did guess that from the bugreports I'd looked at17:23
JontheEchidnayou may wish to try installing network-manager-gnome and running nm-applet instead17:23
SeicherlBoBFrage: wenn ich jetzt Kubuntu auf einer Festplatte X installiere (/ mounted on sdX1) und in 2 Monaten eine neue Platte einbaue, kann ich root "einfach" auf eine andere Platte verschieben (dd) und im grup den Eintrag ändern und alles läuft? Oder stell ich mir das gerade zu einfach vor.17:27
Tscheesy!de | SeicherlBoB17:27
ubottuSeicherlBoB: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:27
SeicherlBoBsorry!! my mistake, thought i was in .de17:28
dvheumenHi! ... I know there exists some package that allows for the configuration of GTK(2) from a KDE4 desktop ... but I don't remember it's name and I don't seem to recognize it from the package list. Can anyone throw me a bone?17:28
ahmedtaufiqseems that everyone sleeping here17:29
ahmedtaufiqno help17:29
SeicherlBoBIf I install kubuntu on a harddrive, can i move the installation later to another drive (dd ?) or is it harder than i think right now?17:29
SeicherlBoBo.c. modifying grup entries and stuff...17:29
dvheumenSeicherlBoB, you can, but it's not easy. You'll have to manually modify several configuration files and most likely the kernel image needs to be recreated because of different partitions17:30
dvheumenit's mostly the low(est)-level configuration that will complain17:30
SeicherlBoBdvheumen: so simply dd'ing and grup editing wont do it?17:30
ahmedtaufiqi have multiple os on my pc17:31
ahmedtaufiqi just want to change the booting list at startup , can any one help ?17:31
SeicherlBoBahmedtaufiq: you can edit the grup entries17:32
dvheumenSeicherlBoB, nope, most likely not17:32
SeicherlBoBdvheumen: that means i should buy the new drive before installing ;)17:32
visHi there. :) I've just installed the kde packages to the main ubuntu install - it looks fantastic, I'm very impressed17:32
visI can't seem to get my second monitor working properly though17:33
visis this a common issue?17:33
SeicherlBoBahmedtaufiq: google: grup edit => http://www.google.at/url?q=http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2007/05/ubuntu-how-to-edit-grub-boot-parameters.html&ei=RWnwSr_cB6OOnQP8y5T5Bw&sa=X&oi=spellmeleon_result&resnum=1&ct=result&ved=0CAcQhgIwAA&usg=AFQjCNGVMSP3vs1CF0fxqBYw6sQNKXXXew17:33
clintcgreetings all, I've booted the kubuntu 9.10 cd and I am presented with a login screen, is this normal (never saw this before), what are the creds?17:34
vismy second monitor is a clone or mirror of the first, and when I identify monitors, both are labeled twice with the names of both monitors17:34
visI'm new to kde so I have no idea how to fix this... can anyone help?17:34
dvheumenSeicherlBoB, yeah that's probably the best idea. Unless you feel comfortable with fixing a broken system that might not even reach the root filesystem during the boot process17:35
SeicherlBoBvis: what graphics card are you using?17:35
visATI radeon17:35
ahmedtaufiqits very difficult,17:35
ahmedtaufiqcan u explain in simple way17:35
SeicherlBoBdvheumen: damn... so no way to wait until xmas ;)17:36
SeicherlBoBvis: have you ever heard about xrandr?17:36
visno, I haven't17:36
SeicherlBoBvis: then you will, soon ;)17:36
kubunterahmedtaufiq: goto /etc/grub.conf17:36
dvheumenSeicherlBoB, well that depends ... how many free time do you have during xmas ... you could devote a few days to fixing your system :D17:37
vislol, found it. does kde already have this tool?17:37
ahmedtaufiqwhere to go ? on terminal ?17:37
JonTheNiceGuyJontheEchidna: I don't suppose you know how to get nm-applet to run when the KDE plasmoid is already running?17:37
JontheEchidnaJonTheNiceGuy: killall knetworkmanager17:37
JonTheNiceGuyperfect, thanks JontheEchidna17:38
dvheumenwell... no answer to my question it seems ... I'll try later ... bye17:38
JontheEchidnaus Jons have to help each other out you know ;-)17:38
kubunterahmedtaufiq: goto /boot/grub/grub.cfg in konsole17:39
ahmedtaufiqok then ?17:39
ahmedtaufiqi have to set windows , on the top of the list17:40
kubunterahmedtaufiq: see thru the file17:40
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ahmedtaufiqso that it runs automatically17:40
kubunteru will find a windows entry17:41
SeicherlBoBvis: hope you find a way. ATI driver is not so easy to handle. You have to keep in mind, that there are 2 drivers usually: the proprietary one by ATI and one open source. both have different capabilities with different devices. you might have to check a couple of compatibility/feature lists17:41
clintcis there a default login for the kubuntu 9.10 cd?17:41
ahmedtaufiqon konsole it said , permission denied17:42
visI have the proprietary driver installed already.. I'm mainly confused because gnome seems to handle dual monitors perfectly17:42
kubunterahmedtaufiq: cut and paste it at 1st pos.17:42
kubunterahmedtaufiq: do sudo su....u noob17:42
viswhereas the kde gui for changing those settings seems to be clueless17:42
SeicherlBoBvis: yes, sometimes it's not so intuitive. but if you manage these things with xrandr, you're fine.17:43
SeicherlBoBvis:  have you installed it?17:43
visno, im googling for a gui interface for it =)17:43
ahmedtaufiqhey what u said ??17:43
kubunterahmedtaufiq: enter thru root permissions17:44
ahmedtaufiqit will be easier that i uninstall the kubuntu17:44
clintcis there a boot option I missed? Does anyone else have to login when booting the 9.10 cd?????17:44
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kubunterthats ur wish17:44
ahmedtaufiqrather than listening ur bad comments17:44
SeicherlBoBvis: do you understand german?17:44
vissorry, no17:44
vishttp://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=927&num=2 this seems pretty decent17:45
SeicherlBoBvis: yes... i like the phoronix site, they are quite good. go for it!17:45
visI can't work out how to stop the second monitor from mirroring the first17:47
SeicherlBoBvis: the sooner you start dealing with things on terminal, the better anyway ;) quite often, when you have a gui it does in fact use a backend that was designed for terminal execution. so you will have less troubles when you do it yourself on terminal ;)17:47
SeicherlBoBvis: whats your ATI model?17:48
kexmancan anyone help me fix my networking and get it to work on my laptop ?17:48
visI have no idea how to find that out.. lol17:48
kexmanim using BCM431117:48
kexmanimean that chip17:48
SeicherlBoBvis: notebook or desktop?17:48
SeicherlBoBvis: check the ccc (if installed), maybe you find it there17:49
viswhat's ccc?17:50
SeicherlBoBvis: catalyst control center17:50
SeicherlBoBvis: you should see something like this: http://ati.amd.com/images/headers/products/software/CCC-LE-Color.png which tells you the model17:51
visbare with me.. ccc isn't in my kde menu17:53
SeicherlBoBvis: dualscreening worked in gnome?17:53
SeicherlBoBvis: ok... did you try xrandr --auto ?17:53
visyeah, no change17:53
SeicherlBoBvis: did you try the various "--left-of" or "--right-of" parameters?17:54
SeicherlBoBvis: like they say at phoronix: "xrandr --output VGA --auto --right-of LVDS" of course you have to use your connector lables17:55
visI was a little confused with the man pages17:56
SeicherlBoBvis: read the whole article ;) and read the man-page. it will help you a lot. you can do freaky things with xrandr!17:57
visi genuinely think that a good working environment affects concentration span!17:57
visI just need to move my panel now.. lol17:57
SeicherlBoBvis: read it twice ;) usually i need even a third time of reading - and read it one by one. start playing around to get a feeling about how the parameters are ment to work.17:58
stefanjrklbhello :)17:58
visthankyou SeicherIBoB17:59
SeicherlBoBvis: no problem. time to give something back to the community for me ;)17:59
stefanjrklbI have question how I can check If my Ati drivers are working ?? I installed drivers from ATI and now I want to know if they are working17:59
SeicherlBoBstefanjrklb: well... you can read this? .. no sorry, that was evil18:00
visstefanjrklb: If you're in gnome, a quick way I know of to try is to activate the "extras" display effects18:00
visit will either make your windows wobble, or fail18:00
stefanjrklbi use Kubunttu18:00
visalthough I've just realised this is a kubuntu channel..lol18:00
visexcuse me.18:01
stefanjrklbno prob :)18:01
stefanjrklbI am new i things connected with linux :)18:01
bbigrasis "apt-get purge flashplugin-installer nspluginwrapper" enough to completly remove flash before installing the 64 bit version?18:01
kexmanwhy the heck doesnt my wired interface show up in dmesg ?18:01
kexmando i need to lead any specific drivers or do something special ????18:01
SeicherlBoBstefanjrklb: if you really want to know the performance of your machine, the the phoronix test suite.18:01
SeicherlBoBstefanjrklb: there you get the test suite: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=pts_20_release&num=118:03
visdo you know the command to launch catalyst, SeicherIBOB?18:03
SeicherlBoBvis: sorry, i havent been using the AMD drivers since 2 years...18:03
stefanjrklbOk guys :) but my question I think is very simply for you :)18:04
stefanjrklbWhere I can check that kubuntu is using drivers which I installed recently and now drivers which Kubuntu installed during installation of Kubuntu :)18:04
SeicherlBoBstefanjrklb: well, that is another question! sorry for misunderstanding18:05
SeicherlBoBstefanjrklb: http://blogs.koolwal.net/2009/04/24/tip-how-to-check-which-video-driver-is-your-x-server-using/18:06
visamdccle - catalyst control centre ;)18:07
vis*amdcccle - catalyst control centre ;)18:07
SeicherlBoBvis: that looks good ;)18:07
JonTheNiceGuyJontheEchidna: Any idea how to stop knetworkmanager from starting? I've removed it from $HOME/.kde/share/config/plasma-netbookrc but it then whinged on startup that there was already a network manager running.18:09
JontheEchidnaJonTheNiceGuy: sudo apt-get uninstal plasma-widget-networkmanagement18:09
JontheEchidnauninstall having 2 l's of course ;-)18:09
JonTheNiceGuyHmmm, I was hoping not to have to remove it18:09
JonTheNiceGuyOh well.18:09
mhzanyone know where to find nivida geforce 9600M 64 bit driver?18:09
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SeicherlBoBJonTheNiceGuy: i dont know the newest widget, but i use wicd and i can recommend it18:10
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JonTheNiceGuySeicherlBoB: Does wicd support openvpn and 3g USB modems?18:10
JonTheNiceGuyIf so, I'm there! :)18:10
SeicherlBoBJonTheNiceGuy: it supports almost everything, especially for wifi with several different security configurations. you can design your own templates, that are then accessible through the gui. sorry, no USB modems as far as i know, but umtsmon does that for me18:12
SeicherlBoBcheck google for openvpn with wicd, i bet there already is a howto.18:12
OxDeadC0deis it a good idea to be using tmpfs for /tmp ? I have plenty of swap and usually about 500mb free ram.. and realize I'll lose everything there when I reboot but some things seem faster (like temporary firefox downloads)18:12
SeicherlBoBJonTheNiceGuy: look at this: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/moinmoin/3GUsbModem18:16
jschallhey i'm on rc1, do i need to do anything special to get to 9.10?18:17
JontheEchidnajschall: just make sure you have the latest updates and you'll have 9.10 final18:18
JonTheNiceGuySeicherlBoB: Thanks for that, I'll hold off for now I think, but defo looking at that for the future! :)18:18
SeicherlBoBJonTheNiceGuy: and you can define pre- and post-connection scripts, so you could start openvpn "manually" everytime you connect to a specific access point18:18
SeicherlBoBJonTheNiceGuy: and if you need a vpn everywhere, you can let the daemon run and it will try to connect anyway as soon as it can18:19
ToranHi! How can I get compositing/desktop effects to work with dual monitors? I am on a thinkpad laptop with intel 945GM graphics.18:26
SeicherlBoBToran: what's the problem? the dual screen or the effects or the performance?18:27
ToranDesktop effects works when I have just the default screen enabled. As soon as I have my second monitor hooked up and have dual displays going, it no longer has desktop effects18:27
Toranit's like it isn't even trying to do them. It's not slow or anything, just not present18:28
SeicherlBoBToran: ok, sorry, i can't help with that18:28
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SeicherlBoBToran: have you booted with both displays? have you tried to re-enable it?18:29
Toranis it possible to get working?18:29
Toranyes, I've booted with both displays. Re-enabling just instantly causes the message "desktop effects have been disabled..."18:29
SeicherlBoBToran: KDE 4.3 ?18:30
Toranactually, the KDE control center is still broken with dual monitors and I can't use it to configure them, I have to issue an xrandr command to enable it18:30
pepepluis kpackagekit the same as software center/store?18:35
mrguitar1I'm having problems getting openvpn connection to work in knetworkmanager. Saying, "Failed to connect: 'No VPN Secrets!'" anyone know a work around?18:43
goodnightPROJECT TIMELORD is here18:46
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ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:51
ice_bsr à tous18:52
Denisund hallo18:59
pepePluguys what the hell, why can't i rearrange the task bar windows?19:00
mpower_bmwwhy no kde 4.3.3 for kubuntu19:02
busbabyhey peeps ... anyone on 9.04 know how to get rid of the 9.10 upgrade notification in the taskbar?19:02
mpower_bmwwhy no kde 4.3.3 for kubuntu19:05
=== mhz is now known as brendan-
busbabympower_bmw: kubuntu 9.10 has kde 4.319:06
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|moe|since 9.10 does not use an xorg.conf - where can i set my horizontal scrolling for my synaptics touchpad?19:08
Dragnslcrmpower_bmw- maybe because 4.3.3 was just released by the KDE team today19:08
=== Guest79173 is now known as daeman
busbabyanyone still on 9.04 know what im talking about?19:10
CarbamideHello! Is it possible to, when I plug in my phone to tether, have kppp automatically open?19:10
daemanJe tu někdo z čech?19:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cx19:11
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.19:11
Dragnslcrbusbaby- when you click the update icon, do you get asked about updating to 9.10?19:12
tertittenprobably a stubid question, however I'm in ubuntu 9.10 now, if i install kubuntu-desktop package will I then have kubuntu 9.10 ?19:14
BluesKajtertitten, yes19:14
BluesKajyou'll have both gnome and kde19:15
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tertittenBluesKaj: so no need to do a cleen install of kubuntu, just install kubuntu-desktop and that's it ?19:15
tertittenBluesKaj: thanks, avihay: but what ?19:17
BluesKajtertitten, but you will still have gnome , so at login you can choose which desktop19:17
avihayfrom my experience, installing kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu doesn't install a complete KDE oriented desktop environment19:17
tertittenOK, I see, then it's probably best to do a clean install, ty guys19:18
BluesKajneither does a clean install , depends on what repos are enabled19:18
brendan-what do you suggest then avihay?19:18
brendan-do you have a guide?19:18
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »19:19
brendan-what if i wanna keep gnome and just have the option to go w/ kde?19:19
BluesKajbrendan-, then you can choose at login19:19
avihayno, If you have ubuntu installed, kubuntu-desktop will not give you a 100% kde experience without tweaking19:19
brendan-but i won't need to do the removal commands and just follow the kde setup instructions in that case19:20
BluesKajoh brother , here we go again with the blah blah naysayers ...ok have your objections and fun ..I'm gone19:20
avihayso I suggest that the next time you reinstall ubuntu, consider installing of kubuntu instead19:20
avihayignore the of19:20
brendan-i just wanna have the optionb to run both19:21
brendan-so removing gnome would defeat that.. but i assume i can just follow the guide to install kde and have the option on which to boot at login19:22
brendan-or is that going to screw it up?19:22
avihaywell I never tryed  "sudo aptitude --with-recommends install kubuntu-desktop"19:23
avihaysounds like a better idea19:24
brendan-we'll find out19:24
|moe|when I start ubuntu i get the message "clocksource tsc unstable", is that critical?19:26
brendan-well that completed.. let's see how this goes. brb logging out & back in19:28
busbabyis anyone still on kubuntu 9.04?19:29
dequirebusbaby: i am19:30
busbabyare you getting that "upgrade to karmic" notification in the taskbar?19:31
busbabyi cant get it to go away ... i dont want to upgrade19:31
dice1904sooo i installed this, tried reinstalling OSX, and its saying my HD is not there any more19:32
dice1904any ideas?19:33
kgeeki m getting a problem  of KTTSD failed . tell me how to resolve this19:33
busbabydequire: ??19:33
dice1904no one?19:35
Dragnslcrbusbaby- when you click the update icon, do you get asked about updating to 9.10?19:37
DragnslcrAnd are you checking the "Don't ask again" checkbox and clicking "No"?19:38
busbabyactually, i don't see that option19:38
mhzgot it installed, just can't get the wireless working but that's on me19:39
mhzi do like the kde environment though19:39
mhzt'is sexy19:39
busbabywhen i double click on the icon in the taskbar, the window pops up ... at the top on the window it says "Distribution upgrade available" "The latest stable release" "Upgrade to karmic 9.10"19:40
Thundercross*WB(bowser)WB* - <Bowser> wheee! <Bowser> http://reality.homelinux.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=4298 <Bowser> I want to play DDR against a ghost.19:42
kgeekbusbaby: upgrade  it them y are  u loving to be lagged19:42
penguin_hi all )19:43
busbabykgeek: i already tried it on a different box ... i wasnt impressed and i noticed some performance issues19:43
penguin_I need help19:44
penguin_who can help me ?19:44
Dragnslcrbusbaby- hm, I tried answering "No", and the update notifier is still there. Dunno offhand how to hide it, other than killing the notifier entirely19:45
busbabypenguin_: lol - why dont you ask and we'll try19:45
busbabyDragnslcr: cool .. thanks anyways19:45
kgeekpenguin_: say  ur problem ....whosoever weill be able to solve will solve19:45
penguin_how I can install compiz in kubuntu 9.10 ??19:45
busbabypenguin_: its basically already installed19:46
busbabypenguin_: goto "system setting" --> "desktop" --> "desktop effects" --> "all effects"19:47
busbabyyou can play around with everything there19:47
Dragnslcrpenguin_- KDE 4 does its own compositing, and compiz doesn't always work well with KDE (it was designed for Gnome), so it may not be supported anymore19:48
bowserhi all, Kaffeine, VLC, Miro, I get no video whatsoever, sound plays thought19:48
bowserany idea? I do have medibuntu packages19:49
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:49
bowserVLC says it does not support avc1/xvid depending in file19:50
kgeekbowser: had u installed VLC n all19:50
xntechi love 9.10, this is a sexy OS19:50
bowserkgeek: please? my vlc is 1.0.2 goldeneye19:51
kgeekbowser: mine is same as well19:52
kgeekbowser: mine is working very fine ..19:52
lakisi have installed kubuntu karmic .. what should i do so that every time i log to kubuntu the NTFS partition that has the windows installed is mounted automatically ??? please help ..19:53
kgeekbowser: had u done #sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/karmic.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list19:53
bowserkgeek: yes, i do have karmic medibuntu repo19:54
bowserkgeek: it is that no player displays video at all19:55
dice1904my USB thing isnt working :-/19:55
busbabylakis: first try to mount it to some folder in your home dir first19:56
busbabydo you know how to do that?19:56
busbabysudo mount -t ntfs /dev/blah19:57
busbabywhere blah is the partition holding windows19:57
lakisbusbaby i want to mention19:57
Guilo44hi all !19:58
Guilo44I have a problem with files I cna't manage19:58
dice1904hi guilo19:58
bbeckAnyone have a clue as to when KDE 4.3.3 will become available in the repos?19:58
lakisin the previous versions of kubuntu when i opened dolphin manager , in the list on the left it was always appeared there and i was just giving a password if i wanted to access it...19:58
Guilo44they have been saved by museeq which filesystem coding was set to ISOCP125019:58
Guilo44so files with accents have ? in there names19:58
Guilo44and I can't move/copy/del them19:59
lakisso busbaby ??19:59
busbabytry using dolphin and navigate to /dev/<whatever>19:59
lakissudo mount -t ntfs /dev/windows20:00
lakisthis is what i gave20:00
roKBis no one else getting 'starting KTTSD failed' problem in kubuntu karmic every few minutes ??20:00
bbeckroKB: do you have the clock setup to speak the time?20:01
roKBlakis: /dev/windows OR /dev/sda2 (something like that) ?20:01
lakisi gave sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/windows but it didnt do anything.. it just opened in terminal the help for mount command20:02
roKBbbeck: yes20:02
bbeckroKB: If you don't have KTTSD installed then that's the error message it will produce.20:03
aLeSD_does kubuntu uses pulseaudio ?20:03
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Guest19461Hello ive ben tryin to figure out if it is possible to install ventrillo on kubuntu?20:03
reagleBRKLNKDE news says there's 4.3.3 debs on the kubuntu news page, but i don't see info20:04
jschallGuest19461: yes, install the "wine" package, go to appdb.winehq.org and search for ventrilo.20:04
Guest19461ok ty20:04
jschallGuest19461: for detailed instructions20:04
n16h7f0xif after installed apache /var/www was reacreated is there any chance i can recover it's containment? (ext4 filesystem)20:04
roKBlakis: type 'sudo parted /dev/sda' for knowing which partition is of windows20:05
roKBlakis: when you get (parted) prompt, type 'print'20:05
jschallGuest19461: i have to go now but if you go to #winehq, they can help you, as can probably almost anyone here.20:05
hagabakamy display is having horizontal narrow flickering bands throughout the screen, more noticiable to the right. they're there both in KDE and the konsole...20:05
Guest19461ok ty20:05
hagabaka*the console20:05
lakisrokb and how do i find out whicch is the partition of windows ?20:05
lakissda or sdb or whatever..20:05
bbeckGuest19461: looking at the ventrillo website, it appears that a Linux client is in the works, but not out yet.20:06
Guest19461yeah thats what i was lookin at earlier just double checking20:06
Guest19461i have another question20:07
lakisrokb and how do i find out whicch is the partition of windows ?20:08
Guest19461i play guildwars alot and i know that linux can make it run smoother then its is doin right now20:08
roKBlakis: what is the output of 'print' command in (parted) prompt20:09
roKBlakis: ?20:09
lakisGNU Parted
lakisUsing /dev/sda20:09
lakisWelcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.20:09
FloodBotK1lakis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:09
lakisrokb now it is mounted20:11
lakisi can see it in dolhpin manager20:11
lakisbut how can it always be mounted everytime i log to kubuntu?20:12
roKBlakis: write a line in /etc/fstab for windows partition20:13
=== root is now known as daeman
lakisok but how?20:13
lakisrokb ?20:16
roKBlakis: which partion is windows, /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2 or something else ?20:16
lakisi dont know rokb..how can i see this ..20:16
roKBlakis: sudo parted /dev/sda20:16
roKBlakis: print20:16
lakisrokb did you see ?20:20
Luggagehow can I find out what happened if starting kubuntu leads to a black screen, after reset button it boots fine, would like to know the problem, I haven changed any system settings, configs anything like that from yesterday to today, but today it did the boot to black thing twice, and fixed after hitting reset button on the pc.20:21
Luggageany log location im missing, system logs app in kdm doesn show anything noteworthy20:22
Luggage(kubuntu 9.04)20:22
roKB_lakis: sorry, i was disconnected20:24
bbeckLuggage: It sounds like a problem with X, so most likely the problem will be logged in the x.org log file.  (If you don't see it there, check the syslog.)20:25
roKB_lakis: what u get in output of (parted)print ?20:25
lakisrokb i told you20:25
Luggagethanks bbeck20:26
lakisPartition Table: msdos20:26
lakisNumber  Start   End     Size    Type      File system     Flags20:26
lakis 1      32.3kB  8998MB  8998MB  primary   ext420:26
lakis 2      8998MB  9500MB  502MB   extended20:26
lakis 5      8998MB  9500MB  502MB   logical   linux-swap(v1)20:26
FloodBotK1lakis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:26
lakis 3      9500MB  32.0GB  22.5GB  primary   ntfs            boot20:26
lakisrokb : so ??20:28
Guilohow can I manage files with unrecognized symbols in their name ?20:29
Guilodolphin says they don't exist20:29
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
busbabyGuilo: use konsole ... and what are you trying to do with them? remove, move.... ?20:30
GuiloI would like to rename them so they would be usable20:30
Guilobut I can neither rename nor copy nor delete them even with konsole20:30
Guilohow could i select all files in a folder and rename thmen in a straiht to files without these special charcaters20:31
busbabyyou should be able to see them right? (ie: ls -l)20:31
Guiloyes they are visible20:31
Guilobut I can't do anything with them20:32
busbabyok, paste one in here ... i want to see what chars you talking about20:32
Guiloexample :20:32
Guilomv "Strollad - La F�te Du Slip - 01 - La F�te Du Slip.mp3" 01.mp320:32
Guilomv: ne peut évaluer `Strollad - La F�te Du Slip - 01 - La F�te Du Slip.mp3': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type20:32
busbabytry: cat badfilename.mp3 > goodfilename.mp320:33
Guilocat: Strollad - La F�te Du Slip - 01 - La F�te Du Slip.mp3: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type20:34
Guilo(no file or folder of this type i guess)20:34
Thundercross*WB(bowser)WB* - <Bowser> wheee! <Bowser> http://reality.homelinux.net/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=4298 <Bowser> I want to play DDR against a ghost.20:34
busbabywhat is that? german? i dont understand the last part20:34
Guiloit's french and may mean no file or folder of this type i guess20:34
busbabydid you try double quotes around the bad-file-name?20:35
Luggagelol bbeck the only errors i found in the black screen boot are in the succesful boot afterwards too hmmm mystery still then :)20:35
Guiloyes I have just tried and it's the same problem20:35
Guilofor info these files have been created by museeq which was set to : filesystem encoding IS0-CP125020:36
busbabyhave you tried single quotes?20:36
=== Luggage is now known as Luggage-AFK
busbabyi just tried it ... it works for me20:38
Guilosomething more : if I do ls -l I can see  Strollad - Yec Hed Mat - 11 - Un P'tit D?tail.mp3 with the ? in a little square20:38
Guilobut if i do mv * i've got Strollad - Yec Hed Mat - 11 - Un P\'tit D\351tail.mp3 and an error next20:39
Guiloso it seems the ? has been replaced by 35120:39
mhzyou guys recommend a good site for kde themes?20:39
mhzthis default one is yucky20:39
andrewminWhen I turn on my computer, KDE won't connect automatically to my wireless network (WPA2 encrypted). It connects fine in Ubuntu and Xubuntu, but in Kubuntu, I have to delete the connection and manually add it agian20:40
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andrewminI've updated all my packages, too20:40
mhzdid you enable it to connect automatically?20:40
andrewminmhz: yup20:41
andrewminmhz: and then i turned it off and rebooted20:41
BluesKajmhz, kde-looks20:41
Guilois it possible to set konsole to work in something else than utf 8 ?20:41
Luggage-AFKandrewmin: add the details to /etc/network/interfaces manually? solved it for me to auto connect and also to connect to hidden essid20:45
Luggage-AFKbut its a different pc then here so I cant check how exactly i put it up again20:45
andrewminLuggae-AFK: How exactly would you add?20:45
Luggage-AFKedit the /etc/network/interface with kate or similar after stopping networking20:46
andrewminLuggage-AFK: Right, but what interface would you add? wlan?20:46
Luggage-AFKthen start networking, should work on boot then, it does for my mothers pc, but im at my home now or i'd check for you20:46
Luggage-AFKifconfig -a20:47
Luggage-AFKadd the appropriate one for your wireless, in my momś pc itś wlan0 tht needed to be added20:47
andrewminLuggae-AFK: Thanks20:47
andrewminjust add the wlan0 line?20:47
Luggage-AFKif you are back tomorrow I can promise to check and write down how I did it there20:48
Guilousing windows-1250 encoding in konsole helped me to delete my files but not to rename them20:49
Luggage-AFKits something like:20:49
Luggage-AFKauto wlan020:49
Guilothanks for your help busbaby20:49
Luggage-AFKiface wlan0 inet dhcp20:50
Luggage-AFKthen the details like wireless_essid myrouter20:50
jamoif got a question. I want to install a ati graphic driver in kubuntu sry for the question but i've this system new20:50
jamocan anybody help me20:50
=== ubuntu is now known as cuznt
Luggage-AFKwireless_key blablaba etc.. There shoudl be a forum post on ubuntuforums, thats where I found the help to get the wlan at my momś running automatically on boot and with a hidden ssid20:51
Luggage-AFKif you are back tomorrow I can paste you how its set up and working over at moms20:52
cuznti need some hard drive format help please. I wish to partition my 320 g sata instead of the 500 g it wants to in ubiquity20:53
Luggage-AFKotherwise good luck, and im sure thereś a useful opost in the forums that helped me :)20:53
markus__hy everybody20:54
markus__I use kopete and skype at the same time. kopete displays all messages that skype receives. problem is skype does the same. is there a way to stop that?20:55
markus__and I would like to get rid of the skype icon as the kopete one is enough.20:55
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap21:01
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
Ded1catedafter installing kubuntu-desktop and after a graphical login i get kicked back to the login screen (graphical) bevore the first item of the "loadbar" appears21:02
Luggage-AFKthat happened to me with a bad display driver coniguration21:03
Luggage-AFKbut dont know how to help you out :(21:03
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Ded1catedmy xorg is pretty empty, and should be default21:06
Luggage-AFKfound more or less 3 causes when I was trying to trouble shoot when it happened here21:07
Luggage-AFKtrying to remember the other causes, for me it was the display driver, it was the thing last attempted by me on my first linux install lol, i botched and on next boot had the login loop21:07
=== Guest64492 is now known as FewClues
nomopofomoi just created a new ext4 partition with the kde partition manager. how do i start using it?21:08
=== Luggage-AFK is now known as Luggage
BluesKajnomopofomo, install an OS on it21:09
Luggagewas afraid of offending wanted to reply put files on it, or ask to define starting to use it :)21:10
=== dragan is now known as dragan_
nomopofomoi mean i can't access it in my file manager, so i'm guessing i have to mount it21:10
nomopofomomaybe i have to restart?21:10
dragan_kako se ovo koristi21:10
Mamarokdragan_: English, please21:11
Luggagedragan check /dev/ folder for device name21:11
Luggageor use lshw or such21:11
Luggagethen E.g. sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 I think21:12
dragan_serbian, please21:12
Luggagein konsole21:12
Luggagehi chronos21:12
chronosI have a kubuntu install cd, 9.1021:13
chronosand a ubuntu with kubuntu-desktop package, 9.0421:13
BluesKajnomopofomo, do a google search for mounting partitions and adding them to fstab21:13
chronosI can make upgrade using files of cdrom from my desktop install?21:13
chronosor only using internet or a new install with cdrom21:13
dparkerI just authorized a system update for my 9.10 install and got a message that an unauthenticated package had been installed - any idea what that might be?  I wasn't asked any questions, and I don't see anything in any logs indicating what it was.21:14
cuzntthere does not seem to be a PartitionManager21:15
BluesKajnomopofomo, http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/mounting.html21:16
Dragnslcr!info partitionmanager | cuznt21:16
ubottucuznt: partitionmanager (source: partitionmanager): partition manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 726 kB, installed size 2848 kB21:16
chronosdparker, I think that it means that third party packages (packages than not official packages) won't be upgraded21:16
cuzntim on a love cd21:16
cuzntlive rather21:16
dparkerchronos - that wasn't the wording though - it was "was installed"21:17
Dragnslcrcuznt- if partitionmanager isn't on the CD, use gparted instead21:17
chronosahn guys, no way of use files of livecd to update from installed distro?21:18
cuzntgparted qtparted is not installed21:18
* cuznt brings up the run command and types it all in each of its own of course21:19
Dragnslcrcuznt- did you try actually installing the packages?21:20
properzhi , i changed resultion but my bar still not in all screen21:20
cuznti am on a live cd. trying to manually partition my 320g sata21:20
DragnslcrThe LiveCD doesn't install every package on the disc in the live environment21:20
nomopofomohow do i get the uuid of a partition?21:20
cuzntby default for some reason it thinks my 500 g is the master21:20
DragnslcrProbably because the 500 GB disk is connected to SATA121:21
cuzntits not sata21:21
DragnslcrIn that case, PATA disks come before SATA disks21:21
BluesKajnomopofomo, /dev/sdax is usually enough to id a partition21:22
DragnslcrI guess that would be up to your BIOS21:22
cuznti will return!21:22
Dragnslcrcuznt- so did you actually try installing the partitionmanager package?21:23
ncfi1013what is another name for aptitude, if there is one, because i have it running and i want to turn it off and i cant find it in system activity.21:24
BluesKajDragnslcr, you can lead a horse to water........ we seem to be getting a lot of doubters or non - listeners in here21:24
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properzhow i enable effects ? i cant its tell me congiuare X server something21:25
hagabakaproperz: do you use an ATI card?21:26
properzi have NVIDIA card21:26
Dragnslcrncfi1013- apt-get, synaptic, and kpackagekit are the first ones that come to mind that might have the APT database locked21:26
properzoh is good or bad ?21:26
hagabakawell I don't know what to do with nvidia21:27
Dragnslcrproperz- you might need to install the restricted drivers21:27
properzdragnlscr : i have the driver i just dont know how to install it21:27
hagabakaI use an ATI card, desktop effects worked in jaunty but not in karmic, I had to set up "kernel mode setting" to get it to work21:27
DragnslcrThere should be an icon in the system tray for restricted drivers21:27
|moe|_hagabaka: where did you set that up?21:28
properzDranglscr : there is README in nvidia how ot install or something ?21:29
Dragnslcrproperz- you shouldn't need to look at any README files21:29
Dragnslcrproperz- Kubuntu handles it all through a graphical interface21:29
ncfi1013what would i look for in system activity to turn it off?21:29
Dragnslcrncfi1013- if none of those programs are running, the database lock might have gotten stuck21:30
Dragnslcr!aptfix | ncfi101321:30
ubottuncfi1013: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:30
hagabaka|moe|_:  I needed to add the x-edgers ppa, and then add a file containing "options radeon modeset=1" in /etc/modprobe.d. desktop effects work now, but X server has crashed a few times21:30
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|moe|_hagabaka: thank you!21:31
properzso how i can use effects ? /=21:31
BluesKajproperz,, system settings/desktop/desktopeffects - enable21:32
dpl8texhay all21:32
properzBlueKaj : its enabled but it tell me i need to congiuare something X Server21:33
=== dragan is now known as dragan_
hagabakaproperz: what's the exact error? does it say "Failed to activate desktop effects..." or something else?21:34
properzone sec i tell you21:34
properzthe following effects could not be activated : .......21:34
properzin the first time i try its tell me configuare something21:34
hagabakadisable it and enable again, and see if you get that message21:35
tech404I'd like to find a balance between encryption and performance. I will be the only user of the system. Would anyone have an opinion about encrypting /var and /home with preboot luks, swap encrypted with a random, as well as putting /tmp on tmpfs? Would data in /home be safe?21:36
properzplease check your X - server21:36
hosifiedyep, it's official...kde better then gnome in my opinion....;)21:37
properzhow i enable effects ? i get error ( configuare X server)21:38
nomopofomook so i've got the new partition in fstab now but i can't use it because of permissions, i think... how do i properly set up the disk as a regular user disk and not for admin only?21:38
hosifiedI only switched to ubuntu as my fulltime desktop about 7 months ago...today, I'm proudly on kubuntu...;D21:38
nomopofomoyeah just double checked, root can create folders but i can't on my regular account21:39
ncfi1013dragnslcr: i did as you and ubottu suggested. would the two of you explain to me what i just did?21:39
nomopofomodo i want to use chown?21:40
Dragnslcrncfi1013- did it work?21:40
hosifiednomopofomo: I remember when I wanted to automount my disks I had the same issue...what I did you resolve it was setup a subfolder on my disk called files and then modified the permissions to allow me to write to that folder.21:41
ncfi1013dragnslcr kpackagekit opens but not adept21:41
nomopofomohosified: i think i just want to change the owner of the folder that the disk is mounted to21:41
hosifiednomopofomo:  yeah, you can do that as well.  The folder should have a placeholder created under /media21:42
Dragnslcrncfi1013-  I think KPackageKit doesn't try to lock the APT database until it actually installs or modifies packages, while Adept tries to lock the database when it first starts21:42
hosifiedtry to use chmod 777 on the folder (ie. chmod 777 /media/sda1)21:42
properzhow i enable effects ? i get error ( configuare X server)21:42
hosifiedor change the ownership via the chown command21:42
ncfi1013im getting read only mode in adept21:43
nomopofomohosified: yeah i just did :P21:43
hosifieddid it work?21:43
ncfi1013that usually means another pkg mgr is open21:43
nomopofomoyeah there was no placeholder in media though, it's an ext4 partition that i pointed to a folder in my home director21:44
ncfi1013is there something running in the background?21:44
properzhow i login as root ? in terminal21:44
properzwhat command i need21:44
hosifiedoh, ok.  Same principle tough....glad you got it figued out...21:44
Dragnslcrncfi1013- KPackageKit, Adept, aptitude, etc. are all just frontends for APT. To make sure that multiple APT programs don't interfere with each other (which could cause major problems), an APT program gets a lock on the database to prevent other programs from accessing the database at the same time21:44
ncfi1013how do i find out?21:44
hosifiedproperz: sudo su21:44
Dragnslcrncfi1013- I don't know if there's a way to see which program locked the APT database. You may just have to look through the process list for any programs21:45
properzhow i configuare my X Server ? ( i want get my graphic card work)21:46
hosifiedproperz: what kind of vid card do you have?21:46
ncfi1013that part i know. i just dont know specifically what to look for21:46
Dragnslcrncfi1013- kpackagekit, apt-get, adept, aptitude, synaptic21:47
Dragnslcrncfi1013- those would be my first guesses21:47
rerushgproper: how about...... System>Hardware Drivers.......?21:48
ncfi1013dragnslcr: kpackagekitsmarticon maybe?21:49
DragnslcrI dunno, maybe21:50
Riddell** Getting KDE 4 ready for LTS talk in #ubuntu-classroom in 10 minutes21:50
DragnslcrOne thing you could try is opening Konsole and doing "sudo more /var/lib/dpkg/lock"21:50
DragnslcrI don't know if the lock file will have any information in it, but it's worth a shot21:50
ncfi1013dragnslcr: nope nothing21:51
rerushgncfi1013: reboot maybe?21:51
properzsorry i didnt wat here21:52
properzhow i configuare my X Server ? ( i want get my graphic card work) i have nvidia 9500gt21:52
DragnslcrYeah, I was about to say, at this point it might be easiest to logout and log back in, and if that doesn't fix the problem, reboot21:52
ncfi1013in system activity what does renice process mean?21:52
DragnslcrDid you run that command that ubottu gave you?21:53
rerushgproperz: should be automatic.... try menu: System > Hardware Drivers21:53
Dragnslcr"nice" is the Unix term for priority21:53
DragnslcrAnd you still get an error about the database being locked?21:53
properzrefuseg : i  tired its not automatic21:54
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rerushgproperz: card does not show up in list?21:55
properzrareug : no21:55
BluesKajproperz, you have to make sure your graphics card driver is correctly installed, xorg isn't necessary to run kubuntu now. Your graphics driver should be the nvidia-glx-185 driver, look in kpackagekit or your package manager for the installed driver21:55
Dragnslcrncfi1013- I don't know what else to suggest, other than logout, and if that doesn't work, do a full reboot21:55
hosifieddoes anyone know why amarok doesn't download lyrics?21:56
ncfi1013i killed kpackagekitsmarticon and adept is still read only. thank you for your help. i know more now than 20 minutes ago21:56
properzbluekaj : i have glx-190 driver21:56
hosifieddoesn't seem to work on a fresh install21:56
stefanjrklbHello Guys :) I have a question for experience linux users :)21:56
stefanjrklbWhat should i read to get to know kubuntu/ubuntu better :)21:57
stefanjrklbI am new in this staff :)21:57
properzhow i configuare my X Server ? ( i want get my graphic card work) i have nvidia 9500gt21:57
brendan-anyone able to recommend a visio substitute for *nix?21:58
hackfrostyou can also type man "your command" in the Konsole21:58
hackfrostfor example "man apt-get"21:59
hosifiedproperz: is there not a little green icon that looks like a pci card in your taskbar, bottom right hand side?21:59
|moe|_sun tells me that my version is sun java15 but update 17 is most actual, where do i get this update for karmic?21:59
hosifiedyou need to enable the restricted nvidia drivers.21:59
kristian1torchlight, by the makers of diablo 2. make yourself heard: http://forums.runicgames.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=90122:00
hosifiedotherwise, you can enable it through the applications -> system -> hardware drivers option in the "K" menus....22:00
ncfi1013 would the nvidia graphics driver version 185 be compatible with my nvidia geforce 9400 evga and not cause problems with my gui?22:03
hosifiedyes, they should work fine...they work great for my 8600 GT.22:03
hosified.....so far, so good anyways...;)22:03
hosifiedbut you never can be 100% sure...22:04
hosifieduntil you try.22:04
properzmy effects still dont work ! its tell me configuare X Server !!22:04
hosifiedproperz: you have to reboot after you install/enable the nvidia drivers.22:05
ShuraHi, I don't have the "crypto" menu in Konqueror configuration, is it normal ?22:05
properzhosifiled : i rebooted22:05
hackfrosthow can I make my eeepc boot faster ?22:05
properzhosifiled : i using virtualbox22:05
hosifiedeffects won't work in a virtual machine.22:05
properzhostifiled : yes they are i used in the past22:06
properzjust tell me how to configuare X server .22:06
RussellAlanubuntuI started my Kubuntu box and i get Mount of filesystem failed | s msintenance shel will now be started.22:06
properzhow to configuare X SERVER !!! GODDD DAMMT22:07
ncfi1013hosified see i had problems with my old onboard and i had to redo my whole system by logging into dos - i call it dos cuz im not sure what its called now22:08
hosifiedproperz:  hold on....i'm looking for the config file....22:09
ncfi1013i am just worried/paranoid the same will happen again and i dont know very well how to fix it if im not looking at a gui22:09
properzhosifled : ok22:10
danielixhi there!22:10
hosifiedtry editiing /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:11
hosifiedthat contains the default display settings for your x-server display.22:11
hosifiedfor options in that file, you'll have to google...22:11
danielixgreat distro Kubuntu had become with 9.10 !! thnx to all22:12
danielixalldow I have one issue with the 5.1 sound configuration22:13
danielixI will state my doubt here if alowed22:13
hosifiedproperz: also, if your inside a virtual machine....ie virtualbox...you need to install the virtualbox guest additions22:14
properzhosifiled : i installed22:14
hosifiedk, just checking22:14
properzi need configuare x server22:14
hosifieddid you enable 3d acceleration on the virtual machine and grant enough video memory?22:15
properzoh one sec22:15
hosifiedwell, xorg.conf should be the file for that...search google for the specific options that you can set.22:15
danielixIs there a way to configure more than just one master channel? so when I will try to pull up the volumen from the kmix then all the sliders selected will move toghether22:16
properzhosifiled : right now i do22:16
hosifiedso right now you have the 3d enabled, atleast 32mb of video memory and the guest additions installed....22:17
hosifiedand you've rebooted.22:17
properzhosifiled : what the hell when i rebotted my computer22:17
properzi got virutal terminal22:17
properzi cant use my computer22:18
hosifiedI believe left ctrl + alt + F7 will force graphical mode.22:18
TheWoozleIs it possible to run dpkg on a filesystem other than the one you booted from (e.g. on the hard drive, when you boot from a liveCD)?22:18
properzwhen i reboot him its join me to place with commands22:18
hosifieddoes it say tty1?22:18
properzhosfiled : YES !22:19
hosifiedpress left ctrl + alt + f722:19
properzi presse22:20
hosifiedmake sure you have captured the mouse in the virtual machine...22:20
properzits stuck when i preesed22:20
hosifiedjeeze, I have no idea what you got done now....22:20
hosifiedyou don't have the cd still mounted do you?22:20
properzits because the command22:21
hosifieddid you modify xorg.conf in any way?22:21
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hosifiedrestore the original.22:21
hosifiedif you made a backup...;)22:21
properzi remember i write22:21
properzor something22:21
hosifiedsee, you can't use nvidia-settings inside a virtual machine.  The virtual machine doesn't have direct write capabilities to the video card.22:21
hosifiedit uses emulated drivers...22:21
hosifiedwhat is your host operating system?22:22
properzi told you i remember before like 3 months i got virtualbox+kubuntu + graphic card work22:22
properzwindows 722:22
hosifieddid you just upgrade to windows 7?22:22
hosifiedsay in the past month or so?22:22
=== Surion_ is now known as Surion
TheWoozleI need to either run dpkg on the hard drive from a liveCD, or else I need to figure out how to remount the root system as writeable (for some reason it is getting mounted read-only).22:23
hosifiedthe graphics should work using the guest additions drivers...but I don't expect you to get your affects working...i've never seen it working in virtualbox....22:23
hosifiedi've only heard recently that Vmware Workstation 7 has full 3d acceleration and graphics capabilities...22:24
hosifiedespecially on Windows 7.22:24
properzok you know what22:24
properzi install now my kubuntu22:24
hosifiedkubuntu runs great as a host...;)22:25
hosifiedditch the windows....take the challenge...:D22:25
properzi have one question before22:25
properzthere is any way to write fixmbr / fixboot without use windows disc ?22:25
hosifiedjust so you know, I run WIndows 7 inside a virtualbox VM on my kubuntu host, it doesn't give me 3d graphics and effects....22:26
properzthere is any way to write fixmbr / fixboot without use windows disc ?22:26
hosifiedfixmbr / fixboot?  sorry, never heard of it...22:27
properzok thanks22:27
hosifiedthe only time I ever repaired a windows boot record was with the fdisk command22:27
hosifiedon a bootable floppy...22:27
properzi know when i install kubuntu22:27
properzi didnt get the windows in grub22:27
properzand then i need fix it with a disc22:28
hosifiedno, you can modify the grub configuration to show the windows installation...i'm assuming you are setting up a dual boot installation.22:28
hosifiedgoogle dual boot ubuntu windows grup22:28
hosifiedcorrection: google dual boot ubuntu windows grub22:28
properzhosfield : after  i install kubuntu22:29
properzi need to download something22:29
properzto get graphic card work ?22:29
hosifiedif you install kubuntu on your host, you should then get the green card icon in the bottom right of your task bar to enable the restricted nvidia drivers...which will in turn state that you need to reboot and then the effects will work.22:30
hosifiednvidia right?22:30
properzyes nvidia22:30
properzso i need press the green card icon in the task bar ?22:30
hosifiedok, that's what should happen...I just installed kubuntu today...I was running ubuntu for the past 7 months.  If the green icon doesn't appear in the taskbar/system tray...you can find it under Applications -> System -> Hardware Drivers from the "K" menus....22:31
properzok thanks , last question , how much size i need to do in swap area ?22:31
hosifiedin there, you'll need to select the driver version and click enable....22:31
hosifiedI usually let it automatically choose.....personally I don't use any swap cause I have 4GB of ram and I carefully monitor my memory allocation.22:32
hosifiedHowever, a good size would be 512 - 1024....22:32
properzi have 4gb ram too22:32
hosifiedif your disk is swapping out anymore then that, your system performance will be severly impacted...in my opinion, swap is bad - but an evil necessity....22:32
properzso i dont need swap areA?22:32
hosifiedyou don't need it...but if you get a program that is out of control and has a memory leak, your system may crash or become unresponsive....512 or 1024 would be safe.22:33
hosifiedno more then that, it's a waste of space.22:33
properzyou will be here more half hour ?22:33
hosifiedswap is for swapping information from memory to disk to free memory for other programs...meaning you would have to use all your memory up somehow before swap starts getting utilized...22:34
properzba bye22:34
hosifieddo we get paid for this??? lol22:35
hackfrostbye all22:38
equaegheisn't swap also used to store images when suspending to disk?22:38
hosifiedequaeghe:  I didn't think that was written to swap...but it might be....I though that was stored in a hibernation file...I know in windows it's not part of the page file (ie swap).22:39
hosifiedbut you could very well be right....22:39
BluesKajswap file used to be normally 1.5 times ram , maybe it's different now22:40
hosifiedSwap space is the area on a hard disk which temporarily holds memory pages that are inactive. Swap space is used when physical memory, or RAM, is full. If the system happens to need more memory resources or space and the physical memory is currently full, inactive pages are then moved to the swap space. Note that the access time for swap is slower therefore do not consider it to be a complete replacement for the22:40
hosified physical memory. Swap space can be a dedicated swap partition (recommended), a swap file, or a combination of swap partitions and swap files.22:40
hosifiedthat's from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq22:40
hosifiedHibernation (suspend-to-disk) The hibernation feature (suspend-to-disk) writes out the contents of RAM to the swap partition before turning off the machine. Therefore, your swap partition should be at least as big as your RAM size. The hibernation implementation currently used in Ubuntu, swsusp, needs a swap or suspend partition. It cannot use a swap file on an active file system.22:41
jazzy_dHeya everyone22:41
hosifiedcongrats equaeghe, you got that one right.  All the purposes of swap are listed on that link above...22:41
jazzy_dIm on 9.10 and I have a sound problem when Im playing 24bit 96khz flacs in Amarok22:41
jazzy_dit produces noise22:42
equaeghehosified: yeah, it bit me before, I had 1GB swap and 2GB ram...22:42
jazzy_dvlc plays them but seems resampled22:42
BluesKajamarok plays flac ?22:42
jazzy_dto 44.122:42
BluesKaj96khz is rather audiophilic for a pc :)22:43
hosifiednice....properz is going to be pissed when he finds that out...:)22:43
hosified"welcome to linux"...:D22:43
hosifiedmy bad...22:44
jazzy_dso any fix for my case?22:45
BluesKajhosified, I told prosperz to make sure he had the right driver installed , but just ignored advice and repeated his problem...he's not a reader , too busy asking for help22:45
hosifiedI don't feel so bad then....22:46
jazzy_dIm using audigy se by the way22:46
hosifiedhalf the battle is learning how to google....22:46
hosifiedmaybe he should start with that...22:47
jazzy_dIm googleing but no result22:47
hosifiedoh, sorry jazzy_d, I was refferring to another person/problem....22:47
BluesKajjazzy_d, check the internet for a more audiophile friendly app then amarok, there is one , but I can't recall it's name22:48
hosifiedI dunno if exaile supported flac or not....I find it to be a decent audio player...but it was more for gnome then kde.22:48
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jazzy_dI have errors with audacious 2.122:49
jazzy_dits oss22:49
jazzy_dIm on alsa22:49
hosifiedhmmm....jazzy_d: this may not be the best advise but....have you installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras?22:49
jazzy_dnothing happend22:49
hosifiedhmmm, ok...22:49
jazzy_dthe guys at #linux on efnet told me that, then they told me to configure alsa for 24/9622:50
jazzy_dbecause on default its 16/44.122:50
jazzy_dbut I cant find on google how to do that22:50
hosifiedjazzy_d:  going to have to pass on that question, i'm still tinkering with the audio on my installation.  However, I thought that the default sound system in kubuntu was pulseaudio.  Anyone verify that?22:50
hosifiedjazzy_d...I also remember in ubuntu that there was an alsa mixer program and config program that I installed that allowed me to configure those options...22:52
BluesKajjazzy_d, Aqualung audio player22:52
hosifiedlemme see if they are availble for kubuntu in the package manager.22:52
ericGI just switched to Konversation as my IRC client instead of Quassel. I like the layout better, but I can't find where to hide joins, parts, nick changes, etc. Can anyone point me in the correct direction?22:52
jazzy_dthe only one Im seeing is kmix22:53
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ShuraHi, how can I import a personal certificate in Konqueror ?22:53
jazzy_dperhaprs alsamixer is terminal thing22:53
BluesKajericG, on konverstion, click the sttings tab/configure /22:55
kubuntuserjazzy_d: alsamixer is a terminal thing22:55
BluesKajericG, configure konversation/chat window22:56
todd_ericg under behavior/chat window/2nd box is hide joins,parts22:56
jazzy_dIm running alsamixer now but it only shows how to adjust volume22:57
hosifiedsudo apt-get install padevchooser22:58
hosifiedthat might do the trick jazzy_d22:58
ericGthanks BluesKaj todd_ found it :)22:58
jazzy_dI had read that amarok plays them fine btw, but I dunno whats the deal22:58
jazzy_dok hosfield22:58
hosifiedhold on, that installs a lot of gnome crap...22:59
hosifiedlets see if we can find a better way to modify the pulse audio config then that....22:59
BluesKajVLC is still my fav audioplayer , it has a lot of configurable options23:00
jazzy_dvlc downsamples them to 44.123:00
jazzy_dhosified I already runned it23:03
hosifiedok....I don't think it will cause you any problems.  I'm just going through my installation and I don't see pulseaudio as being installed.  Maybe that's the answer to your problem, install pulse audio.23:03
jazzy_dand with sudo apt-get install padevchooser Im installing it?23:04
BluesKajhosified, pa doesn't run well with pci audio cards, it just creates an uneeded layer23:04
hosifiedyeah, seems like some others are having the same issue with audigy cards.  Read this..23:05
hosifiedsorry, no answers yet jazzy_d23:05
hosifiedi'ver got some flac files here, let me see if I can get them to work...23:06
brendan-anyone know if its possible to configure the windows start button for the KDE menu?23:06
brendan-or gnome for that23:06
BluesKaji have a cmedia pci card , and pa is choppy and distorted on it , so I purged it , now my sound is as good as my pc soundcard ca muster23:07
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rysiek|plhi guys23:08
brendan-what i wanna do is map the windows button on my laptop keyboard to display the menu23:08
BluesKajbrendan-, are you trying to hide kubuntu ?23:08
brendan-i'm trying to display the menu when i press the windows key on the keyboard23:08
jazzy_dhosified, the cards listed are audigy 2 z something23:08
jazzy_dand I have audigy se23:08
jazzy_dor that doesn't makes chage?23:09
BluesKajbrendan-, check the keyboard shortcuts in system settings23:09
hosifieddunno, still looking...23:11
jazzy_dsomeone posted that the fix is by adding him in audio group23:11
nomopofomohow do i select a single file instead of opening it?23:11
bbecknomopofomo: when hovering a plus sign should appear, press that.23:12
nomopofomobbeck: does that include the folder view widget?23:13
bbecknomopofomo: I don't think so, you may just have to rubberband the file.23:13
nomopofomobbeck: fyi ctrl seems to work :P23:14
jazzy_dhosified, downloading done23:17
jazzy_d*and installing23:17
amikis there a way to upgrade to karmic straight from an iso (alternate, I assume)?23:19
nomopofomohey, i'm trying to figure out what file is stopping amarok's collection scanner.. i'm running amarok --debug but it's not telling me anything useful  like which file it's processing... anybody have any useful info?23:20
jazzy_dhosified ?23:22
hosifiedyeah, i'm hear man...working on the same stuff...my audio is all fooked as well...23:22
hosifiedI think i'm going to install pulse audio and see how that works...I just don't seem to be able to get this to work based on the default kubuntu installation...23:24
kexmani have broadcom wired / wireless network adapters23:24
jazzy_dtell me the result23:25
kexmannone of them show up after upgrade to 9.1023:25
BluesKajamik, latest version should if you run it from the commandline, sudo do-release-update, but make sure you just use the cdrom as the repos, comment all other debs in sources.list23:25
kexmanwhat should i do ?23:25
kexmanupdate kernel ?23:25
kexmando i need to load any driver ?23:25
jazzy_dhosified I have to reboot the pc, coming after 5 mins23:26
amikthanks BluesKaj, is do-release-update the same as update-manager?23:27
BluesKajyes, it's a server command23:27
robyciao :-)23:27
kexmancoool ive been trying to get some solution from web nothing like this .... cant find no solution here neither23:28
amikBluesKaj: by server command u mean command line?23:28
robyhi does anybody know how to add icons in the main menu of new kubuntu netbook?23:28
amikroby: u can ask in #kubuntu-netbook23:29
BluesKajamik, the devs use that command on the repos servers23:29
robyoh I should know ;-)23:29
robythanks I'll try!23:29
kexmanhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8233103 not even turning off acpi didnt helped ....23:30
sobihi, today has released kde 4.3.3, but not still in repo, anybody knows, when it will be install-able ? using kubuntu 9.1023:30
xtyperhow i upgrade my kde ?23:31
sobihave the same questions :)23:31
robyhey guys another more general question....23:33
sobihow to upgrade my kubuntu 9.10 to actual kde 4.3.323:33
jazzy_dhosified any result?23:33
robycan you give some hints for an application like cheese in kubuntu?23:34
dparkereek - what's happened to kommander?  is it supported in 9.10?23:34
=== Maarten- is now known as Maarten
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde423:36
Deihmosi can't get firefox to look as good as ie 8 in windows 7. in windows everything looks clear and crisp but with ubuntu it looks old and washed out23:38
Deihmosis there something i need to do23:38
Deihmosi think maybe in windows they use clear type23:39
BluesKajDeihmos, make sure you are using the same resolution as windows and dpi23:40
Deihmosusin gsame resolution23:40
=== Maarten is now known as Maarten1
kaddihi, I can't change the brightness on my laptop screen, this has been so since I upgraded to karmic. Today I noticed the following line in dmesg:   12.046297] acer-wmi: Brightness must be controlled by generic video driver   And thought it might point to the problem.... Anyone know anything about regaining brightness settings?23:41
kexmansudo modprobe -r b44 ssb ndiswrapper23:41
kexmansudo modprobe ndiswrapper23:41
kexmansudo modprobe b4423:41
kexmanfix to broadcom net problem in 9.1023:41
xtyperwhen i restart my computer in kubuntu my screen black and didnt restart , and i need to press in button to restart my computer23:44
xtyperagter upgrade kde the language stay?23:50
jazzy_dhosified ?23:51
jazzy_dhosified_ ?23:51
=== john is now known as FewClues
jazzy_dan result?23:52
hosified_i've installed pulse audio, I can only get 2 channel audio...:S23:52
hosified_so no further ahead as of yet....23:52
hosified_haven't even tried the flac files23:52
carmelitaHow can I add spell ckeck to kontact(kmail) under kubuntu 9.10 what do I need to install? I need it for spanish23:52
jazzy_dI need 2ch23:52
carmelitaPlease, can someone help me?23:52
jazzy_dbut how to configure it for 24/9623:53
jazzy_dcuz Im still getting noise23:53
hosified_if I knew, i'd tell you....still digging...23:53
=== ubuntu is now known as cjae
The_Journeyhow can I turn off 3d acceleration? It's causing my system to freeze23:55
busbabyanyone on kubuntu 9.04 still?23:56
genii-aroundbusbaby: Quite a few, including myself23:57
amikme too23:57
kexmanshame on kubuntu i say :)23:57
genii-aroundShame on kexman, I say! ;)23:57
kexmani always tought about this distro as a plug in and play distro :D23:57
busbabydo you guys have the update notifier telling you about 9.10, even though you told it "don't ask again"23:58
amikbusbaby: I have the icon, but don't remember any 'dont ask again' being asked23:58
busbabyso i guess you cant get rid of it either then eh23:59
kexmanbusbaby: i didnt say dont ask again still was getting it :)23:59
kexmannow no net for me :) hahah23:59
kexmani managed to update it with update-manager23:59

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