
doctormopleia2, bodhi_zazen, BiosElement: ping, is there a meeting?00:05
BiosElementdoctormo: I've got no idea >.>00:05
cprofittI am here...00:05
pleia2I'm here00:06
cprofittbut kids baths are looming00:06
pleia2got little response to my email, so I wasn't sure00:06
cprofittI was not sure if there was to be a meeting either... it was just asked if we could make it... but I thought it was scheduled for 9pm... EST00:06
cprofittI responded -- I thought00:06
pleia2yes, it is a 9EST00:07
pleia2in 2 hours00:07
pleia2cprofitt: yep, you replied, and doctormo said he'd be late00:07
cprofittcool... I thought I saw bodhi and van respond00:07
pleia2nothing from Vantrax or bodhi_zazen00:07
cprofittbut I am not at that computer right now...00:07
doctormopleia2: Ah good, 9pm est, I wonder why I thought it was 7pm00:07
cprofittI will go get the baths done, wife trained in the art of power point and then make the meeting...00:08
Vantraxi think that second time worked out lunchtime for me00:11
Vantrax2hours away?00:11
=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen
doctormopleia2: Did my last messages get through?00:20
Vantrax<doctormo> pleia2: Ah good, 9pm est, I wonder why I thought it was 7pm00:24
Vantraxlast one i saw00:24
pleia2doctormo: you about? /msg me when you have a moment please :)00:33
cprofittVantrax, yeah... it is 1.5 hours away now00:34
bodhi_zazenI will be with child =)00:45
pleia2heh heh "with child"00:46
hal14450mplayer ~/Desktop/Music/flac/Steely_Dan_-_Countdown_to_Ecstasy_\(1973\)/*.flac01:22
cprofitthey hal1445001:22
hal14450lo cprofitt01:23
cprofitthal14450, are you going to the meeting Thursday?01:23
cprofittI need to give you an XL shirt to bring to ausimage for Sunday if you are01:23
hal14450yes i promise i'll be there i've got some stuff to talk to you about and it good news ;-)01:23
cprofittawesome... any hints?01:24
hal14450not sure about Sunday or Saturday yet but I'll try to make it out there01:24
cprofittdamn... I need to find a person who is going for sure...01:24
hal14450its' about Ubuntu01:24
cprofittI keep trying to raise dave123 -- he is going01:24
hal14450i'll know by Thursday01:25
cprofittnow you have me in suspense01:25
hal14450sorry dude01:25
cprofittno problem...01:25
hal14450it's been hectic recently01:25
hal14450we're swamped at work01:25
cprofittI assume you do not want to talk to me about it today... and want to wait until Thursday01:25
cprofittso I will not push...01:25
cprofittgreat... glad to hear work is going well...01:25
hal14450easier to talk in person about it01:26
cprofittI made it to the Fedora thing at RIT01:26
cprofittwe should take this to NY though...01:27
cprofittas it is not learning related01:27
cprofittyou are not in the NY channel though01:27
pleia2cprofitt: coming down to see me on Saturday night? :)01:28
cprofittpleia2, if the family is well I may try...01:28
pleia2yay, I hope so!01:28
cprofittbut I need to get the XL shirt to someone just in case01:28
cprofittI have three kids who have flu like symptoms right now01:28
pleia2then I will have met you, and meeting doctormo at UDS later this month01:28
pleia2aww, poor kiddos :(01:28
cprofittthe eldest even bailed on Trick or Treating because of it01:28
cprofittCool... I hope to get there.01:29
doctormocprofitt: Are you coming to UDS?01:29
cprofittdoctormo, I do not think I could...01:30
cprofittnot even sure where it is01:30
doctormoDallas, TX01:30
cprofittand money is tight at my house01:30
cprofittwhen is it?01:30
cprofittah... this month...01:30
doctormotwo weeks?01:30
cprofittno... I could not afford to do that... and have not taken the time off01:30
cprofittI will be at NYSCATE though01:30
doctormowhat is that?01:31
pleia2doctormo: you did manage to get sponsorship, right?01:31
pleia2I couldn't go otherwise, and my boss is awesome about giving me PTO for it01:31
cprofittthey sponsor people?01:31
cprofittwoah... I will have to look in to that next year01:32
pleia2cprofitt: yep, lots of people01:32
doctormoI didn't, I'm rather bummed, possibly to be a bumb my the end of this workless expierment.01:32
pleia2doctormo: aw, shame :\01:32
pleia2they put me on crew on thursday01:32
pleia2so I'll be working for my sponsorship ;)01:32
doctormogotta do what you gotta do.01:33
cprofittwho would I have to see for next year pleia2 ?01:33
pleia2cprofitt: they announce it, there is an online form you fill out01:33
cprofittnice... is it annual or every six months?01:34
doctormosix months01:34
pleia2there is a developers summit for each release, at the beginning of the release cycle01:36
pleia2so we'll be there to talk about lucid01:37
pleia2and go out drinking in dallas :)01:37
pleia2I've never been to texas before!01:37
cprofittI have been to Texas... it is nice... Dallas is a bit different as far as expressways01:38
cprofittthey have exits in the middle01:38
pleia2good thing I won't be driving01:39
doctormogood thing I can't drive.01:39
cprofittI was designated driver down there01:40
cprofittalso... do NOT turn the inside dome light on in your car while driving01:40
cprofittit is a Dallas 'signal' for a paid escort01:40
* Vantrax wishes he could go01:40
cprofittI almost got beat up by a pimp for that01:40
pleia2Vantrax: for an escort?01:40
* Vantrax can only go to linux.conf.au because work is paying....01:41
* Vantrax is buying a house01:41
pleia2awesome, congrats01:41
cprofittcongrats Vantrax01:41
cprofittMy work will never pay for me...01:41
cprofittI will have to take vacation and pay or get sponsored01:41
doctormoCongratulations, welcome to the jouney to middle class-dom01:42
Vantraxhouse: http://www.realestate.com.au/cgi-bin/rsearch?a=o&id=105975677&f=0&p=10&t=res&ty=&fmt=&header=&cc=&c=60090008&s=qld&snf=rbs&tm=125670151801:43
cprofittholy crap Vantrax01:43
cprofittthat costs 6x more than my pitiful house01:44
Vantraxthe average house price in my city is $420K01:44
VantraxNational average is around $380k01:44
pleia2Vantrax: wow! very nice :)01:44
Vantraxaside from that damn red kitchen...01:45
Vantraxthat is getting made white01:45
cprofittI would not, on my salary, be able to touch a house any where close to that01:45
Vantraxas a result... im going to be very broke for the next 10 years:P01:46
cprofittyeah... the only think I did not like about the house was the excessive red01:46
cprofitt10 years?01:46
cprofittyou can pay it off in 10 years?01:46
* cprofitt slams head in to wall01:46
cprofittI have to pay for 3001:46
Vantraxbut in 10 years i can refinance to something more manageable in terms of repayments01:46
cprofittwell... very ncie01:47
Vantraxcprofitt, aside from the carpet upstairs (which is actually quite nice) its all just carpets etc, so it wont look very rea01:47
cprofittMy wife is anti-modern open floor plan01:47
cprofittso that house would never float for me... but I do like it01:47
Vantraxwell... if my wife gets another promotion we could pay it in 10...01:47
Vantraxcprofitt, this was the one next door: http://www.realestate.com.au/cgi-bin/rsearch?a=o&id=105946485&f=10&p=10&t=res&ty=&fmt=&header=&cc=&c=75231440&s=qld&snf=rbs&tm=125721292501:49
doctormoI'm waiting to buy a house that's actually worth the money I pay for it.01:56
doctormoAnd perhaps one I can pay off in half my life time, as apposed to 2 life times.01:57
doctormoBut maybe I'm just being picky.01:58
doctormoready for meeting everyone?01:59
pleia2we didn't put it on the fridge calendar, but #ubuntu-meeting is free if we want to have it there01:59
Vantraxno need, but if you want02:01
pleia2I think mostly this is just a board meeting, rather than a full team meeting02:01
cprofittpleia2, we meeting here?02:01
pleia2yeah, meeting here02:02
cprofittI would think here for tonight...02:02
Vantraxjust a little chat when we are all around02:02
hal14450pleia2, if it's a small amount of people you're welcome to use my 800 # and conference room if you want02:02
cprofittbodhi_zazen, you here?02:02
bodhi_zazennot really ...02:02
bodhi_zazenI am @ work and need to be running soon, like 5 min ago , he he he02:02
pleia2so I think we just have one agenda item - "the status of the project and how we can get things moving forward"02:02
bodhi_zazeni will watch in as I can02:03
bodhi_zazenI think I have shared my suggestions with cprofitt02:03
pleia2hal14450: thanks for the offer hal14450! I think we'll just have this one here though02:03
pleia2ok, so, the premise here: not much is getting done at the moment, how do we fix?02:04
hal14450np yw, sometimes having a conf call is easier w/ a small number of people you can get more accomplished than you can w/ text in my experience02:04
pleia2I propose adding more hours to the day so I have time to work on this project :)02:05
Vantraxgo bodhi_zazen02:05
bodhi_zazenI can not stay long, so I will "throw out" my observations =)02:06
pleia2ok, please do02:06
bodhi_zazenfirst, we need to get back to our "roots"02:06
bodhi_zazenwe are a moodle project, not a wiki project02:06
bodhi_zazenso, unless there is a gaping void in the Ubuntu wiki, we do not need to write a lot of docuements02:06
bodhi_zazenmoodle, IMO, is more prestentation of the information02:07
pleia2we're not a moodle project..02:07
Vantraxbodhi_zazen, moodle is the platform, were a learning project02:07
pleia2but otherwise I agree02:07
bodhi_zazenSecond, we really need to set an example as leaders02:07
Vantraxand we also have to cater for teaching done in places with limited internet (asciidoc exports) and offline loco training02:08
bodhi_zazenwe can not possibly recruit people if we appear to be bickering amongst ourselfes02:08
pleia2Vantrax: *nod*02:08
bodhi_zazenwe need to accept more then one solution to a problem02:08
doctormoI agree02:08
swoody+1 bodhi_zazen02:09
pleia2what I'd really like to see is the leaders within the project draw upon their strong points and start rolling with it02:09
pleia2bodhi_zazen and cprofitt working on moodle, me getting back to handling more IRC stuff than just Open Week, doctormo continuing his real life classroom work02:10
* Vantrax being Switzerland02:10
pleia2instead of focusing on the specifics of how it all comes together, just getting some content out there and going from there02:10
doctormopleia2: +102:11
Vantraxpleia2's email gave us a loose structure that we can follow that is both effective and covers all areas02:11
Vantraxwe just need to try to make sure we are using a similar style of presentation and writing where possible in producing materials.02:11
bodhi_zazenI would like to throw out the CoC : http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct02:11
bodhi_zazennot to chastise anyone mind you02:12
bodhi_zazenbut that is how a project should wokr02:12
Vantraxbodhi_zazen, -> http://www.ubuntu.com/community/leadership-conduct02:12
pleia2Vantrax: I agree, but currently we're spending a lot of time talking about things without real content to point to to consolidate our styles02:12
bodhi_zazenI think we as leaders need to look at those bullets and get this project back in line with the CoC, the rest will almost certainly fall into place02:13
Vantraxpleia2, no argument there:P02:13
VantraxI would suggest we focus entirely on the beginners section that is outlined in the wiki02:13
doctormobodhi_zazen: That amounts to good government before good food supply. Nation recovery falls on such ideas. But I'm a strong proponent of the CoC in all instances of community involvement.02:14
Vantraxgenerate materials that cover the topics and keep in touch with what other people are working on to integrate things.02:14
pleia2Vantrax: +102:14
doctormoVantrax: What are the begginers sections?02:15
Vantraxif there are problems we can deal with them as they come but we are spending way to much time going back over things that should have been solved02:15
pleia2desktop, I assume02:16
pleia2Vantrax: *nod*02:16
* cprofitt nods02:17
VantraxAlso, I think we need an administrator/chairperson who keeps this all organized and if necessary can make a decision when people disagree.02:17
pleia2Vantrax: a board leader?02:17
Vantraxone of the things you learn in IT is that when you have a board, no one is accountable or responsible for anything02:18
cprofittI agree with that Vantrax02:19
cprofittand if it would help end some of the bickering that I have seen it would be good.02:19
cprofittThere is also a strong need to document what was done in meetings and mailing lists02:20
VantraxWe need to have one person accountable for everything02:20
cprofittI had a struggle re-acclimating myself due to a lack of documented decisions02:20
cprofittalso... do we want decision to be 'officially' made by the board?02:20
Vantraxthey can delegate responsibility for things to people (and I recommend it) but they are accountable for the what things are delegated.02:20
Vantraxcprofitt, i would think that would be a good idea02:21
Vantraxat the moment its not clear what has and has not been officially decided02:21
cprofittmy reason for asking that is... asciidocs appears to be something that was not 'voted' on...02:21
pleia2before we say it's needed, is there anyone here who is willing to take on that responsibility?02:21
cprofittand I was not sure if that was something we desired... or if decisions could be informal02:21
* Vantrax votes for pleia202:21
cprofittVantrax, she said willing02:22
cprofittI think pleia2 would love to do it, but time constraints likely do not allow for 36 hour days02:22
* Vantrax nominates pleia202:22
pleia2oh gosh, I am not going to take responsibility for this!02:23
Vantraxcprofitt, it was something that was discussed alot, and was decided that it was a good idea.  I dont think it was ever formalized.... again why we need an administrator function02:23
pleia2and it's true, I don't have the time02:23
VantraxI can do it, im just a little sporadic at the moment with the baby02:23
cprofittVantrax, with or without an administrator lead board member we also must decide how things become 'official'02:23
Vantraxcprofitt, i agree02:24
cprofittI do not care how that is... but agreeing to the process is critical to everyone feeling 'good' when decisions are made02:24
Vantraxi would assume by agreement of quorum02:24
Vantraxfrom the board02:24
Vantraxthat way it can be done via mailing list02:24
Vantraxif necessary\02:24
cprofittthen we have to document them so potential contributors can 'learn' about what we are doing w/o having to look at old logs and mailing list archives02:24
Vantraxcprofitt, yep, we need someone to maintain a wiki page on these sorts of decisions.02:25
doctormoWhen I proposed the idea of an administrator, I didn't intend for a leadership role , but more of a cleaner of wikis and note of meetings.02:25
VantraxDid i hear you volunteer:P02:25
bodhi_zazenI am not sure we need a chairperson, we do need to :02:25
doctormoDidn't even have to be someone on the board02:25
bodhi_zazen1. improve communication02:25
bodhi_zazen2. a better way of conflict resolution02:25
Vantraxdoctormo, I never said had to be on the board02:25
VantraxI said someone that was head accountable02:26
Vantraxwhich would be by the board02:26
doctormoVantrax: My statement wasn't connected to yours, sorry for the wire crossing.02:26
pleia2Vantrax: I think you'd be great, but I'm concerned about your "sporadic" availability02:26
bodhi_zazenI think if we do those two things, we would be fine, with or without a chair02:26
pleia2we need someone who is around, I am not sure there is someone at this time who can do that02:26
Vantraxpleia2, its getting better now02:26
Vantraxbut shes still only 2 months old02:26
pleia2well for now, I'll try to do a better job at the administrative stuff (been planning meetings and things, but I could be better, and delagate more)02:27
doctormobodhi_zazen: +102:27
Vantraxpleia2, you can do the job and delegate everything:P you would just have to keep tabs on it02:28
pleia2Vantrax: yeah, true :)02:28
cprofittpleia2, perhaps you and I could split duties...02:28
Vantraxbodhi_zazen, both good points02:28
cprofittor you and Vantrax02:28
doctormoswoody, was it you that said you didn't mind taking on some of these tasks?02:28
Vantraxcprofitt, you can delegate responsibility, but not split accountability02:28
* Vantrax is always surprised when ITIL comes in handy.02:29
cprofittI am growing to love ITIL02:29
swoodydoctormo, of course I wouldn't mind :)02:29
pleia2ok, I can take responsibility for making some *someone* updates the wiki and follows up with tasks02:29
cprofittVantrax, I agree you can not split... accountability...02:29
cprofittthen again we have multiple items to be accountable for02:29
doctormopleia2: I'm thinking more of some pre-defined, mechanical tasks. Things like "document board votes in one place"02:29
cprofittcalling meetings.02:29
bodhi_zazenthe problem for most of us is *time*02:29
pleia2doctormo: *nod*02:30
cprofittboth of those could be separate; yes?02:30
Vantraxtrue, but im talking more from an overall administration perspective, which is mostly about communication, and resolution02:30
cprofittVantrax: nods02:30
Vantraxwithin that we would have people responsible for the wiki, for coordinating moodle, asciidoc, etc02:30
cprofittI would offer...02:30
cprofittbut I am concerned that people have concerns with my leadership02:30
cprofittand I do worry about my time as well02:31
* Vantrax has never seen a problem with it02:31
cprofittgiven that I have recently had a conflict with a member of the board I also do not want to cause a rift by taking more on...02:31
cprofittthanks Vantrax02:32
cprofittI also know that my style can be seen, at times, to be too direct02:32
cprofittand not sure how well that meshes with the style this group wants/needs02:32
doctormoWhat ever the news rolls we need to make are, we should make sure the responsibilities and the jobs are documented strongly with the board's objectives and other rolls.02:32
Vantraxdoctormo, first job for the administrator:P02:32
Vantraxdraft and present to board02:33
pleia2doctormo: +102:33
cprofittperhaps we can entertain having a third party person come in and do this with us...02:33
cprofittlike Craig A. Eddy...02:33
cprofittI dunno...02:33
Vantraxthat being said, how about Ill take up the responsibility for the meantime and draft this and present it. Then we open it up to everyone involved to fill the positions outlined02:34
Vantraxincluding the administrator02:34
pleia2sounds good02:34
cprofittVantrax, sounds fair to me02:34
pleia2I'll keep making sure we have meetings and things02:34
pleia2until we sort this out02:34
cprofittpleia2, thanks02:34
pleia2but we're empire building a bit again ;) can we focus back on Getting Things Done?02:34
cprofittyour efforts are appreciated02:35
Vantraxthat way people can step in and take control of a section they are passionate about, but be held accountable to make sure things are getting done, and are integrated02:35
cprofittpleia2, I agree... but part of getting things done is having a way to get the train back on the rails if it goes off again02:35
Vantraxpleia2, i hate empire building, but sometimes you have to do it just a little bit02:35
cprofittwe really lacked in getting things documented02:35
pleia2I know some needs to be done, but I was hoping this meeting could mostly be more with moving forward on coursework rather than even more administrative stuff02:35
VantraxSo, ill get this stuff drafted on the wiki02:36
pleia2thanks Vantrax02:36
cprofittand that cause, IMHO, a situation where people took my trying to figure it out as an inquisition02:36
VantraxCoursework, we focus on the desktop stuff02:36
cprofittrather than a simple... help me understand this02:36
doctormocprofitt: Sorry about that, I hope we got that cleared up. Internet is such a pain for word use meaning.02:36
Vantraxwe get everyone involved in the project to take one topic under their wing from the desktop list and work on it02:37
pleia2ok, can we get some folks to commit to working on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/UbuntuDesktopTopics ?02:37
cprofittto be honest doctormo I am still uncomfortable with how it was 'left'02:37
cprofittpleia2, I will try to get back to my topic that I chose - installation02:37
cprofittin Moodle format.02:37
pleia2swoody: did an awesome job linking to a bunch of resources02:37
pleia2cprofitt: great!02:37
cprofittso I can show a 'style' as an example.02:37
cprofittI also have to work on another article for SmartBean02:37
cprofittthis one about Open Source programming02:37
cprofittthey want me to write a regular piece about FOSS02:38
doctormoVantrax: I'm handeling the entire sys admin course so far, should I take the desktop intro from pleia2?02:38
pleia2I'm going to recruit more people to link to more wiki resources02:38
pleia2doctormo: go for it02:38
pleia2turns out course development is not my forte :) I'm better at organizing people and things02:38
Vantraxdoctormo, i think we should start on the sysadmin stuff after we have a fair bit sorted for the desktop02:39
Vantraxits easier to work upward02:39
pleia2Vantrax: doctormo has already written 10 sysadmin courses02:39
Vantraxnot to say stop working on it....:P02:39
VantraxI know02:39
pleia2ok :)02:39
Vantraxand he should continue, its just as a group we should focus on the desktop02:39
pleia2I think we all agree here02:39
Vantraxthank God for that:P02:40
pleia2hugs all around!02:40
doctormoI agree, although some work on the how to teach in paralell? as people learn?02:40
pleia2doctormo: I think we're going to try to document "what we're doing - here is a link to my stuff" on the wiki02:40
pleia2we'll revisit how this is working after we've got a bit done02:41
cprofittI am good with classroom teaching, but I need help on teaching with IRC and Moodle02:41
cprofittwhile I have written a course in Moodle I have not, yet, had the opportunity to teach it02:41
doctormook pleia2, makes sense02:41
Vantraxdoctormo, I just tend to think we should try to work on doing it a bit before we try to write on teaching:P02:41
cprofittthat is why I was trying to get some K-12 educators involved via classroom20.com02:41
cprofittdid anyone sign-up for the on-line Moodle course they were offering?02:41
doctormoSo Teach and others is -1, SysAdmin is +0 and Desktop is +1, that's a fairly good start on the priorities??02:42
swoodywell as I mentioned before, and also to doctormo - I wouldn't mind taking on maintaining a meeting-decisions page. To organize and summarize all the decisions that have been made...02:42
pleia2doctormo: I think s, yes02:42
swoodykind of offtopic now ;)02:42
pleia2swoody: great!02:42
cprofittthe only caveat to that is how to properly write a course for the media intended02:42
doctormoswoody: It would involve a bit of archive reading to get everything we've forggoten.02:42
swoodybut that way we can have one central location for any newcomers who would like to help out.02:43
pleia2swoody: can you start now by saying you volunteered to do that, Vantrax is writing up a further Roles doc, and some other stuff I forgot already ;)02:43
cprofittI do not want a course on teaching, but having a good idea how an on-line asynchronous course works would help02:43
swoodyand for all of us already involved to remind us of what has been decided ;)02:43
pleia2we have https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Tasks02:43
swoodydoctormo, that's not a problem :)02:43
swoodypleia2, will do :)02:43
cprofitt+1 swoody02:44
cprofittwe need to do that.02:44
swoodyhas any beginning been made for this? or shall I start from scratch?02:44
pleia2well now the wiki isn't loading, but Tasks was our page for ongoing things02:44
doctormoswoody: Cool, would you like me to check up with you next week?02:44
swoodydoctormo, sure thing :)02:45
swoodyI'll be around02:45
pleia2ok, one last thing before we wrap up?02:46
pleia2I am doing the Ubuntu Open Week presentation tomorrow afternoon at 20:00 UTC02:46
pleia2as mentioned on list02:46
Vantraxswoody, it hasnt been done yet, that is half the problem:P02:46
pleia2awesome recruitment tool, are we ready for volunteers? what things can we do tonight to BE ready?02:47
cprofittJust get our process documented...02:47
pleia2only thing I can think of right now is linking to wiki documents02:47
swoodyVantrax, that's not a problem, I'll just start from scratch, and catch up through the logs :)02:47
cprofittand that is a tall order in one night02:47
pleia2cprofitt: I meant things that are posible :)02:47
cprofitthave a process detailed on how to join would be possible though02:47
pleia2we have our joining process details02:48
cprofittperhaps some basic roles for contributors... which I think we have02:48
pleia2do we?02:48
pleia2ugh, wiki down at such a bad time02:48
cprofittwith the wiki down... I am not sure02:48
cprofitthence why I am throwing stuff against the wall02:48
pleia2cprofitt: when you find "basic roles for contributors" can you let me know? I think that's what I'm grasping for here02:49
pleia2great :)02:49
cprofittpage will not load for me yet... but if it does02:49
doctormopleia2: Basic instructions could be, "research" and "write", even if people are writing odfs and sending them to the mailing list, it's not pretty, but it's progress.02:49
pleia2doctormo: yeah, I've been working with the Beginners Team Education Focus Group, encouraging them just to jump in02:50
cprofittdoctormo, would finding and reviewing existing resources be under research?02:50
cprofittmy old team pleia202:50
cprofittthe new lead is very excited to get things rolling02:50
pleia2yeah, I've been working with him these past couple weeks02:50
cprofittgreat guy!02:51
pleia2yeah :)02:51
* pleia2 looks at a calendar02:52
pleia2we are approaching busy holiday times, meetings will be tricky02:52
doctormocprofitt: I'd think more of that as editing and drafting, but I'm open to expanding research to include it.02:53
pleia2do we want to have our next meeting in a week? on Monday? I can't make it but with my boss being out of town, then UDS and Thanksgiving I'm swamped for the next 3 weeks02:53
cprofittI ask that doctormo because I know we wanted to really leverage existing documentation as a means to getting other groups involved and reducing our need to 'write' content02:53
doctormopleia2: I was planning on adding a community event for UDS for this group, we'll try and time it so we can all be online, it doesn't even have to be during the session day.02:54
VantraxDefinitely a good idea02:54
doctormocprofitt: We do, I was thinking about the things I've already written.02:55
pleia2doctormo: please do add such an event, I'm a UDS newbie so I don't really know how this all works - but I'll be there! (just not on thursday, since I'm crew that day)02:55
cprofittthat would be cool to have a UDS event02:55
pleia2and now I need to scoot out of this meeting so I can finish up my UOW presentation for tomorrow02:56
pleia2I'll post the text to the list when I'm done, that way everyone will have ~15 hours to look at it if they want ;)02:56
swoodytake care pleia2 :)02:56
pleia2thanks everyone02:57
doctormopleia2: Let me know if you need any help with that.02:58
bodhi_zazenI have not been following and need to run as well02:58
cprofittthanks everyone02:58
pleia2doctormo: thanks! I'll let you know02:59
swoodywiki's still down :/03:29
swoodythat stinks03:29
cprofittnight all03:29
doctormoswoody: Aye, they should have a backup system for it.03:30
swoodythat wouldn't be a bad idea...03:30
swoodybut how often does it go down like this?03:30
swoodyah, we're back online :)03:33
pleia2thank goodness :)03:34
swoodyindeed :)03:34
swoodySo I was thinking of just including official decisions, and major ideas that were brought up/discussed at meetings...03:35
swoodydoes this sound fine to you all, or would you want more of an outline of the meeting?03:35
nigel_nbpleia2: I would like to join the Learning Team..is there anything I have to do?03:35
swoodynigel_nb, yes, give us a minute to get the flaming hoops ;)03:36
nigel_nbswoody: :D03:36
swoodyheya nigel_nb :)03:36
doctormoswoody: Major ideas and covered ground would be helpful too, especially for new people.03:36
nigel_nbhey swoody.. well.. considering the BT team membership path, I was wondering if learning team has anything like that03:37
swoodynigel_nb, oh nothing really like that, just a desire to help, and a will to carry it out :)03:37
nigel_nbthen I'm in03:37
swoodynigel_nb, but doctormo or pleia2 can help you get started down the right path :)03:37
swoody(better than I, at least) ;)03:38
pleia2nigel_nb: you can start here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Structure03:38
pleia2so first "Introduce yourself to the team and give us an idea of your interests, skills, and how you see yourself working with the team."03:39
nigel_nbthanks pleia203:39
nigel_nbhere on IRC is fine?03:39
nigel_nbRecently, I've seen quite an interest in learning Ubuntu and supporting Ubuntu in my LoCo mailing list and among my friends.  I'd like to help the Learning team in content creation and later on if possible as a teacher.  I've been going through the logs of the classroom sessions and realized that they are quite helpful (and organized).  I'm interested in helping the Desktop Users to develop confidence in using Ubuntu (and lin03:51
nigel_nbux in genreral).  Looking forward to working with the team to spread the knowledge of Ubuntu.03:51
pleia2nigel_nb: great! I'll go ahead and add you to the team04:05
nigel_nbthanks pleia204:06
pleia2nigel_nb: have you signed up for the mailing list?04:06
nigel_nbI think I did earlier today04:06
pleia2great :)04:07
nigel_nbpleia2: will confirm.. 2 mins04:07
nigel_nbpleia2: yep done. Joined the mailing list04:14
pleia2great :) welcome04:15
swoodywelcome aboard nigel_nb :)04:15
nigel_nbI'm just going through the earlier team logs.04:15
pleia2oh no! what has happened to our moodle install?!04:18
pleia2oh, just was rendering oddly in chromium04:19
doctormopleia2: Did you just add our new friend to the ubuntu learning board?04:20
pleia2doctormo: no, just ~ubuntu-learning04:21
swoodySo how do you guys want to label this... wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Decisions ?04:24
swoody /History ?04:24
pleia2ok, let me think04:24
swoody /MeetingBullets ?04:24
pleia2we have an /Agenda04:24
pleia2once upon a time we wrote: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Agenda/0509200904:25
pleia2or like: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Agenda/0727200904:25
pleia2but then I got tired and just linked to logs04:25
pleia2on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Agenda04:25
pleia2once we had them on the Agenda/date pages, we'd migrate them into their own pages04:26
pleia2so https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Agenda/07272009 stuff ended up in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Structure04:26
pleia2right now I think we just want the Agenda/date stuff done, we'll decide where to put it later :)04:27
swoodyok, so you want me to basically fill in the rest of the Agenda/date pages then?04:27
doctormoswoody: I'd like you to make the Decisions page, if pleia2 doesn't mind.04:28
swoodyor do you mean in a manner similar to that?04:28
pleia2doctormo: our wiki is a diaster area of unfleshedout structure04:28
nigel_nbpleia2: I agree with that.. difficult to understand whats going on04:29
doctormopleia2: Perhaps some pruning then? The Agenda pages perhaps need to be condensed into the desicions page?04:29
swoodydoctormo, that's what I had in mind04:29
pleia2doctormo: the Agenda pages need to exist, we need them for team reporting and so we have real records of what occurred during meetings04:29
swoodytaking the info from the existing agenda pages, and merging them all into 'Decisions'04:29
doctormopleia2: OK, then they sounds like a priority.04:29
pleia2other teams use these as "Decisions" pages, I don't see why we can't04:30
doctormopleia2: My only concern is that they'd be spread out, they're a good record, but not much of an index of in place ideas and designs.04:30
pleia2Learning/Contribute is empty (shouldn't this be Learning/Tasks?)04:30
pleia2Learning/Publishing is empty, I don't know what this is supposed to be04:31
swoodyHow about we keep the agenda pages, and make one 'Decisions' page that will link to the agendas for more info?04:31
swoodythat way we can have one central location for an outline of all decisions, and then links to agendas for more details?04:31
pleia2swoody: I think it won't be maintained and we're just asking for trouble04:31
pleia2I think we need to take this one step at a time :) first get agenda pages04:32
pleia2since we're not even doing that right now04:32
pleia2then decide if we want to add more on top of that04:32
swoodypleia2, sounds good to me :)04:33
doctormopleia2: fair enough, swoody are you up for that?04:33
swoodydoctormo, indeed :)04:33
=== swoody_ is now known as swoody
nigel_nbpleia2: sorry about that...14:32
nigel_nbI can access it through the launchpad team?14:32
pleia2no need to be sorry, this is just where the main project folks are ;) I'm at work so won't be terribly responsive14:32
nigel_nbI'm leaving for work in around 15 minutes14:33
nigel_nbbut I will go through the log tomorrow and get back to you if I have questions14:33
nigel_nbpleia2: are we decided on using asciidoc?14:35
pleia2nigel_nb: yep14:36
pleia2this email describes the project workflow https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-learning/2009-October/000067.html14:36
pleia2(this is linked to the Tasks page)14:36
nigel_nbpleia2: so if I want to work on one of the topics you created I create something on asciidoc and upload it to bzr?14:37
pleia2first you make a note on the wiki page to let the rest of us know you're working on it14:38
pleia2then yes, you write it in asciidoc and put it into bzr14:38
nigel_nbi went through your outline14:38
nigel_nbeach of the bullet points is one topic for which material is to be written..am I right?14:39
pleia2if you look on the Learning wiki page, scroll down to the bottom - there are buttons linking to all these things14:43
nigel_nbi did14:44
nigel_nbthats what I'm asking14:44
nigel_nbon the desktop topics, you've given a bullet point-list14:44
pleia2the outlines are still being worked on, it's up to the course developer to decide precisely what is included in their segment and to claim it14:48
pleia2say, maybe you want to put setting up email and chatting into one course, that's ok, just make note of it on the wiki page14:48
nigel_nband I have to make the asciidoc and moodle course for it..14:48
nigel_nband lead a session on it?14:49
pleia2you don't *have to*14:50
pleia2but those are some of the things you can do14:50
pleia2I certainly don't have the talent or time to do all three :)14:50
nigel_nbsame here.. leading an IRC session is not something I'm sure I can do14:52
nigel_nbI'm just going through the system admin courses to get an idea14:52
pleia2anyone going to be about to help me with the UOW session in 2.5 hours?17:33
pleia2(mostly just sitting in #ubuntu-classroom-chat and catching stray questions and discussion I may miss)17:33
doctormopleia2: I'm online for you, I'll be in -chat19:06
pleia2yay, thanks doctormo!19:06
doctormopleia2: np19:08
pleia2doctormo: 1 minute til :)19:59
pleia2doctormo: most of the questions I'll answer in -classroom :) just need you for overflow mostly20:11
doctormopleia2: OK20:12
mhall119|workhey doctormo20:37
doctormohey, basically you want to add your link into the SysAdminTopics page, and then decide if you want to help me incorperate the ideas into the course.20:37
mhall119|workput it under Further Material Links?20:38
doctormoThese are links which can be used inside the materials or used as a basis for creating them.20:38
mhall119|worktop of the list or bottom?  or does it matter?20:39
doctormomhall119|work: Not that important.20:39
mhall119|workdoctormo: done20:41
doctormomhall119|work: Great, so, you were saying you'd like to write some more? you've seen the topics, any passions your feeling for any of the topics?20:42
mhall119|workdoctormo: I want to do some for Qimo20:42
mhall119|workbut I may contribute some general-app stuff too20:42
mhall119|workfor niche apps that I like, gramps for instance20:42
doctormomhall119|work: My personal want is for more general courses, but it's totally up to you.20:43
mhall119|workdoctormo: time is a problem for me20:44
mhall119|workso I generally knock out short stuff when I can20:44
doctormomhall119|work: Perhaps you'd be happier doing drafting on my existing work? There is a need for someone to just read and correct. Peer review if you will.20:45
mhall119|worksure, I can probably do that20:45
doctormomhall119|work: Do you mind if I set you a task?20:47
mhall119|worksure, but no guarantees on when it will get done20:47
mhall119|workcan you add me to the lp team?20:48
doctormook, well I need someone to venture forth and find process problems. I need someone to basically checkout trunk2, grab one of my ODF files and recreate it in asciidoc, the questions you ask and the parts you get stuck on will be very informative.20:49
mhall119|worktrunk2 of the other one you posted?20:50
mhall119|workoh, okay20:50
doctormoI just switched them around, so a checkout of lp:ubuntu-learning-materials should now pull a different branch.20:50
mhall119|work ok20:51
doctormohttp://doctormo.wordpress.com/index.php?s=Systems+Administration <- this is a basic list of things in odf20:52
mhall119|workwhat's the lp name for that?20:52
doctormomhall119|work: That's not on launchpad, that's on my wordpress blog.20:52
mhall119|workI meant for trunk220:53
mhall119|workbzr branch lp:???20:53
doctormoit's lp:ubuntu-learning-materials20:53
doctormoOr at least, it is now.20:53
mhall119|workthat has the odf's you need converted to asciidoc?20:54
doctormomhall119|work: That has the asciidocs, the target, the odfs are linked from my blog.20:56
mhall119|workthere are odfs in that branch too20:56
doctormoHmm, you probably have the old 'trunk' checked out, I just swapted them over, so rename that and do a fresh branch again20:58
doctormosame name20:58
mhall119|workwelcome wrst21:01
mhall119|workstalking me?21:01
wrstof course mhall119|work its because you are so hot :P21:01
wrstno i was simply obeying pleia2 when she said she wanted to see people over at ubuntu-learning21:02
mhall119|workI know it21:02
mhall119|workI see how it is21:02
* pleia2 hugs wrst 21:02
mhall119|workdoctormo: okay, I will set myself to learning asciidoc21:02
doctormopleia2: Your session didn't seem too undrafted.21:03
doctormopleia2: Very well done I thought21:03
* wrst blushes21:03
pleia2doctormo: thank you21:03
doctormomhall119|work: If you get stuck, you only have to copy each sentance into a text file.21:03
mhall119|workwait, she was winging it?21:03
pleia2mhall119|work: I put some notes together late last night, and early this morning21:03
mhall119|workwell it sure didn't seem that way21:04
wrstseemed like a perfectly prepared presentation to me21:04
mhall119|workgood job21:04
pleia2thanks :)21:04
yosawesome :D21:04
wrstpleia2: i just caught the end of things ubuntu-learning what do we do here21:05
* wrst thinks that might have been a dumb question...21:05
pleia2wrst: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning gives some overview21:05
wrstthanks pleia221:05
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekKarmic/Learning is half populated already21:05
pleia2at least all the intro stuff is there21:06
mhall119|workokay, I have to make my trek home, see you guys later21:07
yospleia2, that was an awesome presentation but for me, it was information overload...you said you could use some more reviewers...so where and how do I begin ?21:10
pleia2yos: thanks! currently the finished courses we have are just in the sysadmin category, but there are some pretty basic ones that I think anyone can tackle21:15
pleia2if you go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/SystemAdminTopics21:15
pleia2can click on, for instance "The Command Line Basics"21:15
pleia2that will take you to doctormo's blog entry, where you can download the PDFs, and leave comments in the blog, or talk to us here about what you think21:16
yosThanks pleia2 I'll get started right away :D21:17
pleia2excellent, thank you!21:17
doctormoThansk yos21:27
yosThank you doctormo :D21:27
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
mhall119pleia2: I extracted URLs from your session log and posted them on the wiki page23:44

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