
KurtKrautjoaopinto, done00:00
joaopintonow just: debuild, to build the package00:00
KurtKrauterror :D Puting on a pastebin.00:00
KurtKrautjoaopinto, http://pastie.org/68084400:01
joaopintoI hope is not about a missing GPG key :)00:01
joaopintoKurtKraut, dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Dependências de construção não satisfeitas: cdbs <- pretty clear00:01
joaopintoyou need to have cdbs installed00:01
KurtKrautjoaopinto, I'm impressed I didn't had it installed. Sorry for that00:02
joaopintoKurtKraut, is it done ? can I go to sleep ?00:06
KurtKrautjoaopinto, I've forgot I'm using my login ktk2 right now, wich hadn't a PGP key. debuild complained the lack of it and I'm creating one right now.00:07
joaopintoit should have created the .deb anyway00:07
joaopintoGPG is for the dsc/changes signing, it is not required to build00:07
KurtKrautjoaopinto, gpg: /tmp/debsign.lBPdAxiz/pomamonitor_0.1-1.dsc: clearsign failed: chave secreta não disponível00:07
KurtKrautjoaopinto, indeed, I didn't touch that file00:07
KurtKrautjoaopinto, do I have to create a .dsc file by hand:00:08
joaopintoit was created, just not signed00:09
KurtKrautjoaopinto, er... how can I get this signed? :P00:10
joaopintoKurtKraut, why do you want it signed ?00:11
joaopintoto have it signed you need the gpg key, the DEBEMAIL, or debuild -kemail00:11
KurtKrautjoaopinto, oh, I just realised that the .deb was created.00:11
KurtKrautjoaopinto, I was thinking this was a 'show stopper' error00:11
joaopintobut you really don't need it signed unless you plan to upload to a PPA or similar00:11
joaopintoah no :)00:11
KurtKrautjoaopinto, now you can have the best sleep on Earth because... you did it! You guided such a naive and noob person like me through the process. I appreciate a lot your help.00:13
KurtKrautI'd also like to thank Darxus , RAOF, azeem for the attention00:13
jgoppert1hey does anyone want to sponsor my libjsw package, it gets the joystick library working by just not dealing with gtk in the jscalibrator program01:18
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jgoppert1hey i have an automake project i'm trying to package, i'm new to packaging and am not sure if i need to modify the default lib.install file in the debian folder, the deb that results doesn't have the shared libraries in it05:53
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fabrice_spjgoppert1, you should modify most of the files generated by dh_make06:05
LucidFox"November 5th: Toolchain Conservatively Uploaded"06:29
LucidFoxAs opposed to being uploaded anarchistically? :p06:30
dholbachgood morning07:19
ice_creamhi, why was my beloved slim removed from karmic?07:21
wgrantice_cream: It was unmaintained, so the maintainer requested that it be removed from Debian. We then followed Debian's removal.07:22
ice_creamthat is sad news =/07:22
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DexterLBis there anyone here with some free time who is willing to help?13:26
DexterLBplease try to dpkg-buildpackage or debuild this: http://scratch-rockets.hobby-site.org/wiki/images/7/75/Timelapse-0.0.1-0ubuntu1.tar.gz13:33
DexterLBI think it's something only in my system, and I don't want to upload it to the PPA just to see the error...13:33
joaopintoDexterLB, better pastebin the error13:33
DexterLBeverything builds fine, the binaries are in place after the "install" (in debian/timelapse/usr/bin/)13:39
DexterLBonly dpkg-genchanges fails13:39
DexterLBI googled this error a lot, I saw it in many logs and many people asking about it on forums but no solutions13:39
joaopintoI already got that issue on the past, but I don't remember what was the cause :\13:40
joaopintoI think I have just recreated the source dir, and moved debian/* over the new dir13:40
DexterLBwhat do you mean recreate the source dir13:43
DexterLBjust make a new source dir and move the files to it?13:44
DexterLBhow about the -orig folder?13:46
DexterLBwait, not folder13:47
DexterLBi mean .orig.tar.gz13:47
DexterLBI moved everything but the error still exists :(13:52
DexterLBI'm sending it to PPA to see if they'll email me the same error :P14:13
DexterLBwell, not they, it14:13
bddebianHeya gang14:58
sebnerhuhu bddebian14:58
bddebianHi sebner14:59
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proppyScottK: Hi, I updated poker-network 1.7.5-215:08
proppyI'll update mentors.debian.net15:08
proppyScottK: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/p/poker-network/ updated15:15
proppywill upload it to revu too15:17
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Laneywgrant: Is there any chance of an MDT instance vs sid? Maybe by a tab/link at the top which defaults to Squeeze?15:59
mok01I have a weird problem with a revu package, it pulls in dbus which fails to install in the chroot environment apparently because it interferes with the workstation16:04
DexterLBI've uploaded a package to my ppa16:11
DexterLBit's waiting for build, which is schaduled after 17 hours.16:11
DexterLBI've found an error in it and I know it won't build.16:11
DexterLBIf I submit the new version will it cancel the old one's build16:12
DexterLBor should I cancel it before that (and how)16:12
jdongppa questions are better in #launchpad16:12
jgoppertcan anyone help me with a debian/ lib.install file16:16
mok01jgoppert: what's the problem?16:16
jgopperti'm trying to package opencv and the default file has a bunch of wild cards for the so's and .a, but none of them actually install in the package16:16
jgoppertsave with my opencv-dev16:17
mok01jgoppert: what default file?16:17
jgoppertno headers ?16:17
jgoppertoops, damn empathy16:17
mok01jgoppert: the install files name is <package>.install16:17
jgoppertyeah, and it matches what i put in the control file16:18
mok01jgoppert: looks ok16:18
jgoppertdo i have to uncomment dh_install  in the rules?16:19
mok01jgoppert: no16:19
mok01jgoppert: excuse me, YES16:19
jgoppertoh ok, cool16:19
mok01jgoppert: dh_install is what reads the file and does what it does16:19
jgopperti thought it said it was just for specific things not covered by the other rules16:19
jgoppertoh ok cool16:19
jgoppertthanks for the help16:20
mok01jgoppert: there are specialized dh_install_* for things like manpages etc16:20
mok01jgoppert: dh_install is the "generic" one it can be used for everything, but some of the specialized ones have more intelligence16:20
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jgoppertyeah i see those, they worked the man etc was in my packages, lol just no libraries16:21
mok01jgoppert: should work now16:21
jgopperti'm getting like 6 hours build times on my ppa, does that ever speed up, is it just because karmic was just released?16:21
mok01jgoppert: probably16:22
mok01jgoppert: see https://launchpad.net/builders16:22
mok01jgoppert: the ppa builders are steaming from work16:24
jgoppertyeah it looks like it16:24
jgoppertanyways to check whats included in the deb if you just use debuild -S -sa16:25
mok01jgoppert: errr debuild? I use less16:25
jgoppertwell right, but i mean i don't have a .deb16:26
jgopperti just have the changes, dsc, orig tarball, etc16:26
mok01jgoppert: ah, well to create the deb, you use debuild -S -sa16:26
jgoppertyou mean debuild -sa?16:27
mok01jgoppert: once it's created, you can view what's inside it using "less"16:27
jgopperti can create it using debuild -sa, i thought the -S told it to just build the source16:27
ScottKproppy: Thanks.  I'll try and have a look a little later today.16:27
jgopperti'm also checking it with pbuilder, but is there a way to find what pbuilder built?16:28
mok01jgoppert: ah, yes16:28
proppyScottK: np16:29
jgoppertdoes pbuilder get wiped out after its finished?16:29
mok01jgoppert: yes16:29
mok01jgoppert: that's the whole point :-)16:29
jgoppertyeah, i figured, lol, just seems like a pain to have to do debuild -sa check that it has the right stuff, then do pbuilder, then do debuild -sa -S lol, wish there were a more streamlined process16:30
jgoppertbuilding opencv takes like 20 minutes :-/16:31
ScottKjgoppert: If you want to mess around with stuff you can use pbuilder --login and have an open chroot to try stuff in.16:31
jgoppertyeah that might hlep16:31
jgoppertcan you only have one pbuilder up at a time?16:33
jgoppertdh_install: opencv-dev missing files (usr/lib/lib*.a), aborting, oh that sucks, so i guess if it fails to find a wildcard your done for?16:34
mok01jgoppert: you can have as many as you want16:34
jgoppertmoko1: thanks16:35
mok01jgoppert: people often have pbuilders for different distros16:35
jgoppertmoko1: yeah that would be helpful16:35
* mok01 wanders why he can't do copy-paste in the terminal by double-click / middle mouse16:36
mok01after installing karmic16:36
jgoppertcan someone explain why the lib-dev.install file has /usr/lib/lib*.so,   while the lib1.install has /usr/lib/lib*.so.*  ??16:39
vanryuhi, can anyone help me? I wanna package a linux libre version of the ubuntu kernel. Should I use the ubuntu source package of the current kernel as the upstream source?16:47
geserjgoppert: lib*.so is the symlink needed during linking while lib*.so.* is the real lib16:50
jgoppertoh i see, so on an end user system the symlink isn't needed?16:51
jgoppertmakes sense i guess16:52
joaopintovanryu, isn't the linux kernel package libre ? non libre modules are on their own packages16:52
vanryuI mean the privative blobs that are included with the linux kernel. I mean to remove them by using the deblob script of the FSF linux libre project.16:54
jgopperti've got a package who put the .pc in libdir, shouldn't it be datadir16:55
mok01jgoppert: the -dev file contains the *.so file only, which is in fact a symbolic link16:56
jgoppertmoko1: thanks16:56
geserpkg-config files should be placed in /usr/lib/pkgconfig/ (like the others)16:56
mok01jgoppert: the lib package contains the shared library proper, along with a symbolic link to it, called something like *.so.116:57
jgoppertok, odd then my default debian install file opencv-dev.install is looking in /usr/share/pkgconfig/*16:57
mok01jgoppert: huh?16:58
mok01jgoppert: the -dev package should INSTALL a *pc file in the pkgconfig dir16:58
jgoppertmoko1: i get the so stuff now, i'm jus wondering why my debian install file is trying to install a pkconfig file in /usr/share/pkconfig when it should be /usr/lib/pkgconfig16:58
mok01  /usr/lib/pkgconfig is what you want16:59
jgoppertok, so i just delete the other then16:59
jgoppertopencv-dev install had both /usr/share/pkgconfig/* and /usr/lib/pkconfig/* from dh_make17:00
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mok01jgoppert: It's redundant17:02
jgoppertmoko1: thanks17:02
jgoppertif you have a package that takes 20 minutes to build are there any tricks of the trade to get the kinks worked out or do you just have to build 20 times before you get the package right17:03
mok01jgoppert: if you build the package locally on your machine (i.e. install the build depends) you can call debian/rules directly like this: fakeroot debian/rules build17:05
jdonganyone use znc from the repos?17:05
jdongI think I just noticed znc-extra doesn't match znc's version; borks loading any of those modules17:05
jdongneeds a no-src-change-rebuild...17:05
jdong(asking for a sanity check from potential ZNC users before I make a fool out of myself XD)17:05
mok01jgoppert: then, when you have things compiled, you can re-build the .deb files quickly by doing "fakeroot debian/rules binary"17:06
jgoppertmoko1: thanks, that helps17:06
joaopintoor debuild -nc17:10
jgopperti found out that pbuilder also stores the created debs under /var/cachepbuilder/result, that helped me scan that the right files were there with less17:14
falktxback again17:24
falktxand still having problems with revu17:24
falktxrevu upload17:24
Legendarioi was loocking for the tor package and could see at packages.ubuntu.com that it left ubuntu on jaunty. Why such a thing happens?17:34
hyperairbecause the author wanted it removed17:35
hyperairubuntu's release schedule was too slow for tor, it seems17:35
Legendariohyperair??? too slow??? wht do u mean?17:36
hyperairuse a little google. i've got a deadline to meet and can't spare the time to dig it up for you, sorry.17:37
sbalneavLegendario: http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/Apr-2009/msg00072.html17:37
hyperairhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tor/+publishinghistory <-- this might be of help as well17:38
Legendariosbaneav, it left because it lacked mainteners?17:42
Legendariosbalneav, it left because it lacked mainteners?17:42
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Legendariothanks a lot guys17:49
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Laneythat fresh lucid smell18:38
* Laney does some merges18:39
sebnerLaney: smells like old, dirty testing to me :P18:50
Laneyyou were always the sync the latest crack king18:52
sebnerLaney: the best you can do ;)19:00
* JontheEchidna wonders how many uploads we'll get before auto-sync kicks in19:50
* geser should get the ubuntu-dev-tools SRU done before sebner starts filing sync requests :)19:53
Laneyclearly everyone should run u-d-t out of bzr ;)19:54
ajmitchgeser: so is there a documented way to tell it to sync from unstable for those packages that need it?19:55
Laneyajmitch: -d unstable19:56
* Laney just did this19:56
ajmitchI guessed there would be something obvious, I just haven't caffeinated yet today :)19:56
LaneyI should hope it's in the manpage19:56
geser-d     Specifies which Debian distribution a package should be synced from.  Default is testing. (man requestsync)19:56
* Laney knocks some more merges off19:57
ajmitchgeser: I had just looked in the manpage & missed it19:58
ajmitcheven though it's right there in plain sight19:58
geserajmitch: the changed default is currently only in bzr. requestsync from karmic needs currently "-d testing" to do the right thing for lucid19:59
ajmitch& I see the announcement about MoM being only against unstable at this stage20:01
micahgajmitch: I saw something about that being a possible SRU in karmic (requestsync)20:02
ajmitchmicahg: yes, that's what geser is doing now20:03
micahgah :)20:03
ajmitchbefore the hordes descend & start requesting syncs20:03
* micahg needs to made sure to scroll up :)20:03
fabrice_spalready 6 sync requests waiting for sponsorship...20:05
fabrice_spso the hordes are already here! :-)20:06
* ajmitch wonders whether sponsored syncs should have some justification for syncing from unstable20:06
Laneyyes please20:07
ajmitchI see most of the syncs filed so far are from squeeze20:07
ajmitch& the one other I can spot (bug #472936) is requesting a version that's in squeeze anyway20:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 472936 in dar "Please sync dar 2.3.9-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47293620:08
Laneythat's an old version of requestsync20:09
Laneywe haven't had "Please" for a while20:09
sebnerLaney: would you mind doing MD?20:09
ajmitchLaney: but it's so polite20:09
Laneysebner: I already synced it20:09
sebnerLaney: ah great, didn't notice20:10
Laneyyou should get the other place on your perform...20:10
Laneyajmitch: mok0 complained that we were being too nice ;)20:10
Laney(I think it was him)20:10
ajmitchmaybe there should be some big DO IT NOW! in the mail then20:11
Laneywell more that it took up space in the title, the body is still nice20:12
geserajmitch: and name the option --lamont?20:12
ajmitchgeser: I don't think he has direct archive access anymore, does he?20:12
ajmitchthough it wouldn't surprise me if he still does :)20:13
geserdon't know20:13
* ajmitch might need to actually fix the rc bugs tracker stuff this cycle20:15
jgoppertif i want to create a package that modifies another packages files  (/etc/vim/vimrc) how do I do that20:17
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mok0Laney: it was me :-)20:17
mok0jgoppert: that's not allowed20:18
jgoppertok, for my lab i want to setup vim to autocomplete, how should i do that20:19
mok0jgoppert: on many machines?20:19
jgoppertmok0: yes20:19
mok0jgoppert: perhaps you should consider using something like cfengine20:20
JontheEchidnaDo fakesyncs from karmic get autosynced this time around?20:21
Laneydepends what version number they had20:21
JontheEchidnaIt's showing up as "outdated with local changed" in the multidistro tools on qa.ubuntuwire20:21
ajmitchJontheEchidna: if there's a newer version from squeeze20:21
ajmitchJontheEchidna: got an example?20:21
Laneyfakesyncs are just normal uploads really20:21
Laneythen yes with that one20:21
JontheEchidnacool, so then I won't have to bother with a sync request20:22
Laneypresumably it was a fakesync because the orig md5sum was different though20:22
jgoppertmak0: checking it out, thanks20:22
ajmitchok, squeeze & sid have the same version for that20:22
Laneyso I'd imagine it will break if its not a new upstream20:22
JontheEchidnayeah, new upstream release20:22
Laneykeep an eye on it, but I bet it will be ok20:22
ajmitchtesting save 0.10.4-120:22
ajmitchsilly paste20:22
ajmitch'save' should notbe there, but it's a new upstream version20:23
Laneytesting why?!20:23
ajmitchI remember smb4k being somewhat problematic in the past20:23
JontheEchidnaha, one could merge squeeze from squeeze20:23
ajmitchLaney: hm?20:24
Laneyajmitch: It's an autosync, we don't usually explicitly test those20:24
ajmitchLaney: yes, I was pasting from packages.qa.d.o20:24
ajmitchshowing the version in squeeze, nothing more20:25
LaneyI thought you said that you were testing it ;)20:25
ajmitchI'm not that silly20:25
mok0My sbuilder stopped working after karmic upgrade. Anyone else experienced something like that?20:26
fabrice_spmy sbuild is still working (building with a lucid schroot right now)20:27
ajmitchso I guess it's time to update the VM to lucid20:28
Laneycowbuilder-lucid doesn't work for me20:29
Laneybut pbuilder does20:29
mok0fabrice_sp:  Hm20:31
fabrice_spmok0, do you get some errors or something?20:32
mok0fabrice_sp: the problem has to do with dbus20:32
mok0Hang on, I'll pastebin it20:33
fabrice_spstrange: sbuild really worked after upgrade. ok20:33
mok0I get this error every time I try to build something20:34
randomactionmok0: I had this problem today with dbus in karmic chroot20:36
fabrice_spmok0, did you edit your source chroot before? It seems like something got wrong there. You could perhaps edit it, to delete the 'messagebus' user20:36
fabrice_spa dbus revolution?!20:36
mok0fabrice_sp: perhaps. I never touched it20:36
randomactionI uninstalled dbus (which killed my X session), reinstalled and it's ok20:37
fabrice_spmok0: dbus does not get installed in any of the build I've done since 2 days (something like 10 to 12)20:38
fabrice_spbut I regularly do an apt-get update / apt-get upgrade directly in the karmic-source schroot, so perhpas it fixed something20:39
mok0fabrice_sp: deleting the messagebus user doesn't change anything20:40
mok0randomaction: I also uninstalled dbus from the schroots20:41
mok0randomaction: but it seems to be installed as part of the build20:41
fabrice_spif you are inside the -source chroot. can you try to run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade?20:41
mok0fabrice_sp: will do20:42
mok0fabrice_sp: apt-get upgrade fails with that same message20:43
mok0dbus is "unconfigured" and it tries to configure it20:44
fabrice_spand --reinstall it?20:44
fabrice_spI'll check if I have it in my chroots20:44
fabrice_spis it a karmic schroot or a lucid one?20:45
mok0fabrice_sp: I don't have a lucid builder yet20:46
fabrice_spmy karmic chroot don't have any dbus installed20:46
fabrice_spI may have deinstalled it, now that I think a bit about it20:47
mok0fabrice_sp: I don't know where it comes from. I removed the package now, and the sbuilder works!20:49
fabrice_spmay have been pulled as a dependency of another package earlier20:49
mok0fabrice_sp: perhaps, but that sound strange, even20:52
fabrice_spyeah :-/20:52
fabrice_spdid you noticed that in the source page in Launchpad, Lucid comes at the bottom, below Dapper ? :-) Like here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mixxx20:53
mok0fabrice_sp: where did you get the lucid debootstrap?20:53
ajmitchmok0: probably just another symlink :)20:54
fabrice_spmok0, I used only mk-sbuild-lv with lucid, and it worked20:54
mok0fabrice_sp: under karmic?20:54
mok0ajmitch: :-)20:55
ajmitchmok0: have a look in /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts, most new release scripts are just a symlink20:55
mok0ajmitch: ah, yes, I now remember fooling around with that earlier20:55
fabrice_spmok0, yes20:55
mok0Ah, so it's part of the karmic package now. Nice20:56
* mok0 wants a lucid builder too... 20:56
sorenfabrice_sp: That list is sort alphabetically according to the version string. ("10.04" < "6.06"). There's a bug open about it :)20:57
fabrice_spoh, right :-)20:58
mok0soren: does that mean the 6.06 release and forward are renamed to the correct zero-prepended 06.06 ? ;-)21:01
mok0upto and including 9.10 -> 09.1021:01
sorenmok0: I suspect the problem will be solved in a sensible way.21:03
sorenmok0: So answer your question: Probably not :)21:03
mok0Well when that is fixed we'll be in good shape untill year 210021:05
fabrice_spis there an automatic way to get a debdiff between latest Debian version and previous one?21:07
sorenfabrice_sp: Launchpad provides this.21:07
fabrice_spwith Debian version? ofr example, between -1 and -1.1?21:07
sorenfabrice_sp: Oh, sorry.21:07
sorenfabrice_sp: No.21:07
sorenfabrice_sp: For that, you need: http://patches.ubuntu.com/by-release/debian/21:08
* soren wanders off21:08
fabrice_spcool: that's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks soren!21:09
sorenfabrice_sp: Sur e thing.21:11
Laneywhat's up with that?21:21
Laneyworked on amd64/lpia/ppc21:22
RAOFLaney: Oooh!21:26
Laneyhey RAOF!21:26
RAOFLaney: Because binary-indep will only be called on i386, and that's the target that's failing?21:26
LaneyHow was the wedding?21:26
Laneyyeah I don't see an error though21:26
RAOFThe wedding was awesome!21:26
RAOFLaney: http://paste2.org/p/49756821:27
Laneynice and buried21:27
RAOFYup.  And not immediately fatal.21:28
RAOFAny particular reason it feels the need to call dh_clean twice?21:28
geserdon't the buildds build in parallel now?21:28
LaneyI built the arch:all package locally too and it worked21:29
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randomactionfabrice_sp: pull-debian-version in u-d-t21:40
randomactionthat should be pull-debian-debdiff21:41
wgrantLaney: Definitely. I'm busy with exam stuff until Monday, so after then it should appear.21:44
Laneyawesome, thanks21:44
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vizekeHi everybody, I'm new in here. I just want to help making Ubuntu better. I'm graduated in Computer Science with a good work experience. What should be my first steps? I'm reading the MOTU/Contributing and Patching Guide... thank you23:44
NafaiWhere is the appropriate place to ask questions about creating a PPA?23:47
micahgNafai: #launchpad23:49

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