
Turlnewz2000: there's a typo in http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download-netbook00:00
Turlnewz2000: Learn how to createa UNR flash drive » (createa should be "create a")00:00
newz2000thanks Turl04:04
pores_nHello, anyone?15:00
pores_nI sent patches for 2 bugs of ubuntu.com15:02
ubot3Malone bug 463849 in ubuntu-website "Ubuntu.com has text outside the screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:02
ubot3Malone bug 376919 in ubuntu-website "text of #ubuntulogo should be hidden" [Undecided,New]15:02
pores_nBut no responce yet. Please take a look.15:03
newz2000pores_n: ok, will do15:37
pores_nthank you.15:44
Jordan_UHow do I use an anchor that has a dash ( '-' ) in it? I am specifically trying to add something like "[[#Error 15 - File not found]]" in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 but that doesn't seem to work.18:04
jhan hi19:01
jhani'm using ubuntu 9.4 version,i have installed and configured thunderbird successfully,but my problem is Emails reach to my mailbox very late,what is the reason??/19:02
jhanplease help me, i'm facing this problem very day19:02
Jordan_UHow do I use an anchor that has a dash ( '-' ) in it? I am specifically trying to add something like "[[#Error 15 - File not found]]" in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 but that doesn't seem to work.19:03
newz2000Jordan_U: #Error%2015%20-%20File%20not%20found21:00
Jordan_Unewz2000: I tried that and it didn't work21:00
newz2000https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Error%2015%20-%20File%20not%20found seems to work for me21:01
Jordan_Unewz2000: The page ended up with the %20's escaped21:01
newz2000oh, you're wanting to edit the wiki and add that link21:01
Jordan_Unewz2000: Yes21:01
newz2000Jordan_U: you may need to ask in #moin for help w/ that21:01
Jordan_Unewz2000: Thanks21:02

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