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chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell - so, this crash might be a gconf issue00:13
chrisccoulsonwhen an application calls gconf_client_add_dir for the first time, there should eventually be a call to CORBA_ORB_init00:14
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, right00:14
chrisccoulsonbut this never gets called again because it assumes it remains initialized00:14
chrisccoulsoneven after shutdown_orb is called00:14
chrisccoulsonin gconf_get_config_listener()00:15
chrisccoulsonthats the interesting bit00:15
chrisccoulsonanyway, i'm going to have to stop looking at this for tonight, else i will never sleep00:16
chrisccoulsonit will take me the whole night just to wind down ;)00:16
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, sleep on it! :)00:16
chrisccoulsoni should comment on the bug report really, else i will just forget it all by morning ;)00:17
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Amaranthhmm, that seahorse bug sounds like a fun bug compiz used to have with gconf02:23
amin888i need some help.... i installed nvidia driver NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.42-pkg1.run manually for GeForce 7300 LE since Hardware Drivers show empty driver... the installation is succefull and i can play 3D game... but i can't have compiz started ???06:57
amin888btw this is for Ubuntu 9.1006:57
pittiGood morning08:30
didrocksgood morning pitti08:34
pittihey didrocks08:36
mptmvo, good morning. Should software-center trunk still work on 9.10?08:39
mvompt: yes08:42
mvompt: is it not for you?08:43
mptmvo, no, I get "NameError: global name 'os' is not defined" whenever navigating to an application screen08:43
mptFile "/home/mpt/hacking/software-center/softwarecenter/distro/aptutils.py", line 36, in get_release_date_from_release_file08:43
mvompt: oh, give me a sec08:43
mvompt: I fix that08:43
mvompt: r42008:45
mptmvo, that's changed the error: it's now "NameError: global name 'datetime' is not defined"08:46
mptmvo, File "/home/mpt/hacking/software-center/softwarecenter/distro/Ubuntu.py", line 122, in get_maintenance_status08:47
mvompt: heh :) let me switch to a karmic machine to test08:48
seb128good morning desktopers08:48
mptmvo, on another topic, I don't see a 1.0 branch on the Branches page. Should there be one? Or is lp:ubuntu/karmic/software-center enough for that?08:49
mvompt: the karmic branch is the 1.0 branch, we can create a explicit name if you prefer that08:49
chrisccoulsongood morning seb12808:50
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:50
chrisccoulsongood thanks - it's nearly the weekend :)08:51
chrisccoulsonhow are you?08:51
mptmvo, I don't mind, just as long as there's somewhere to apply critical 1.0.x fixes if there are any (and to turn on the angled path button by default, perhaps)08:51
* seb128 wonder if chrisccoulson ever sleep, he's up after everybody and already there in the morning too08:51
* seb128 wonder if chrisccoulson ever sleep, he's up after everybody and already there in the morning too08:51
seb128chrisccoulson, good thank you08:51
chrisccoulsonheh, i don't sleep very much ;)08:51
chrisccoulsonalthough i have been to bed before 2am several times recently08:51
mvompt: please try r42108:53
mptmvo, that works, thanks :-)08:54
seb128"Launchpad will be going offline for maintenance in five minutes. "08:55
mvompt: is this  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=1.0-available-category.jpg still desired? or will that change again for 2.0 ? otherwise I give it a short at implementing it now08:55
* mvo wants something more exciting than bug triage08:55
seb128mvo, launchpad is going down so you will be forced into it ;-)08:56
seb128mvo, there is plenty of merges and updates too08:57
mptmvo, I'd give that a 60% probability, though I need to discuss the layout with ivanka08:58
mptmvo, there are other things that are both more certain and probably more exciting :-)08:58
mvompt: what do you have in mind ?08:58
mvompt: for 60% I won't start08:58
mptfair enough -- one moment08:59
pittiseb128: FYI, versions.py failed over night (for some mystical reason index/lucid/var was removed completely)08:59
pittirunning now08:59
seb128hey pitti09:00
seb128ok thanks09:00
seb128grrrr at robert_ancell09:00
seb128hard to make him things he has not interest in09:00
seb128he started full steam on 2.29 but doesn't seem to care about merging on debian09:01
seb128let's wait for him to join tonight ;-)09:01
mptmvo, there's this <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#cancel-bar>09:02
mvoyou promisied "more exciting"09:02
mptmvo, or this <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Handling%20an%20externally-changed%20apt%20cache>09:02
mptoh, foo09:02
mptThe intersection of {more exciting} and {fully specified} is mainly Clutter animations09:03
mptat the moment09:03
mpt<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#%E2%80%9CWhere%20Is%20It?%E2%80%9D%20button> and <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Animation%20of%20the%20main%20pane>09:03
mvompt: is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=1.0-installed-home.jpg (as a treeview) still the plan?09:04
mvompt: what will it do when packages are activated? still a treeview?09:05
mptmvo, that's subject to the same 60% certainty -- if we change how we present departments, the "Installed Software" section will change to look much more similar to the "Get Software" section09:06
mvompt: ok09:06
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chrisccoulsonwas there an announcement for LP going offline?09:16
chrisccoulson(or perhaps it just got lost in my inbox)09:17
seb128I didn't read one09:17
chrisccoulsoni can't find one either09:18
chrisccoulsonit seems we never get announcements any more09:18
seb128lut huats09:42
huatshello seb128 !09:43
seb128cassidy, hey09:44
seb128cassidy, should we sync telepathy-gabble 0.9.2 in lucid?09:44
seb128ie is that the right version for this cycle?09:45
cassidyseb128, this version still have regressions comparing to the 0.8.x branch but hopefully that should be fixed for the Lucid release09:45
seb128seems a "no" ;-)09:46
cassidyand we'll probably use new feature from this version in Emapthy 2.30 so I'd say to go for it09:46
cassidytbh, the main regression is the proxy support which has always be broken so...09:46
seb128"should be fixed" is not good for a lts09:46
cassidyoh, LTS, right09:46
seb128we need to aim for something which will be stable by lucid time09:46
seb128not something which might be in the middle of unstable serie09:46
cassidyyou can keep 0.8 for now and I'll let you know when we think 0.9 is good enough to replace it09:47
cassidy0.8.x is still well maintained as that's the version shipped with Maemo 509:47
seb128cassidy, is empathy supposed to unhide the list on the same workspace it was?10:08
seb128or on the current workspace?10:08
seb128when you click on the notification area icon10:09
seb128using compiz10:09
cassidyahah, good question. IIRC we uses gtk_window_present() whose behaviour is unclear10:09
seb128if that makes a different10:09
cassidyand depends of your WM10:09
cassidy(I know that sucks)10:09
seb128dunno what pidgin do but that works10:10
seb128it open the list on the workspace where you are10:10
seb128the empathy behaviour is driving me crazy10:10
seb128I work on several workspace and the list never opens where I'm working10:10
cassidywe have lot of troubles with that; seems lot of WM are broken10:10
Zdraseb128, I really want some WM guru to take a look10:10
cassidyseb128, do you have that in house? :)10:10
Zdraseb128, because IMO it is *all* WM that are broken10:10
Zdraand each version is broken in a different way10:11
cassidyI just tried and the contact list appear on the active desktop10:11
seb128the best wm guru we have there is Amaranth10:11
Zdrarb/pidgin does ugly hacks to position the window10:11
seb128dunno what hack they do but that works mostly10:11
seb128you could maybe copy some of those10:11
cassidyseb128, some help on this issue would be really appreciated10:11
Zdraseb128, they reposition manually the window on the desktop and the position/size10:11
seb128noting that for sprint and UDS10:11
Zdrawhich should be useless10:11
seb128but we don't have wm gurus either10:12
cassidywe'd prefer to have the bugged code fixed properly (in Empathy, WM, ...) than adding more hack10:12
seb128that's not going to happen though10:12
cassidyafaik it works fine with metacity10:12
Zdracassidy, that's what I keep saying for years... but really that need WM guru to look into. I don't know enough how it works10:12
seb128it's an user story fail for empathy meanwhile10:13
ZdraI'm prepared to be told empathy is doing something wrong, but I would like to know the real reasons, not just pull hacks to make it work by hiding the real defect10:13
seb128cassidy, the issue is that as you said the gtk function behaviour is not defined10:13
seb128and the gtk issue is open for years10:13
cassidywe already tried different hack and they always fix one case and broke others10:13
seb128I appreciate you don't want to have hacks but meanwhile your software look buggy compared to others10:13
Zdratbh I almost never had any problem using ubuntu with metacity and its compositor10:14
seb128Zdra, the main issue is that the gtk call behaviour is not defined10:14
Zdrabut other users report problems even in the exact same configuration... that's crazy10:14
seb128ie should present bring you to the dialog, bring the dialog to you or just raise it10:14
seb128it's let to the wm to decide right now10:15
seb128so with some wm you will get the dialog on your workspace10:15
seb128some others will change the active workspace10:15
seb128some others will make it claim for attention in the taskbar10:15
Zdraseb128, the biggest problem reported by users is that the window position is reset to left/top corner after unhide the window10:16
seb128there is that issue10:16
Zdraseb128, and that is not supposed to be WM-dependent, the position really should be remembered10:16
seb128and the fact that using compiz it doesn't show it on the right workspace10:17
seb128I will put it on the lucid list of issues so we look at it10:17
Zdraseb128, for the move to desktop, give focus, etc, I can understand empathy should do it, because it is not guaranteed by gtk_window_present10:17
seb128but I think you will have to workaround in empathy10:17
seb128the gtk behaviour not being defined is the issue10:17
seb128and it will require spec changes and gtk changes10:17
seb128which I doubt will happen quickly10:17
cassidyZdra, did we try to use the same hacks as rb ?10:17
Zdracassidy, no10:18
Zdracassidy, I saw it and told "I don't want to be responsible of such a hack"10:18
cassidymaybe that's something we should try10:18
seb128let's be pragmatic in some case hacks are required to make the user experience good10:18
cassidyyeah :(10:19
ZdraIIRC other app does gtk_window_hide() gtk_window_show() instead of gtk_window_present() to be sure it is forced to be moved to current ws10:19
seb128I will try to see what we can do for a proper fix there10:19
seb128but as said if that require xdg spec changes and gtk changes it will take a while10:19
seb128so meanwhile we will want to workaround10:19
seb128Zdra, seems to be a good way if that works10:20
Zdraseb128, tbh the whole concept of window hiding in the status icon is not well supported in GNOME10:20
Zdraseb128, note that even rb is not unbreakable, I already had window possition issues with it ;)10:20
ZdraI think the best hack is in piding10:21
Zdrabest in the sense of works the best, not the nicer10:21
seb128as said pidgin seems to work fine for users10:23
seb128ie we get no complain about it10:23
seb128Laney, hey11:44
seb128Laney, do you want to sru the new f-spot update?11:44
seb128to sru = to work on the sru changes11:45
Laneyseb128: yeah, maybe tomorrow11:56
seb128Laney, ok thanks11:56
pittichrisccoulson: would you have some time for another SRU? (bug 463353)12:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 463353 in system-tools-backends "[users-admin] Modifying user password has no effect" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46335312:28
pittisorry for delegating, SRU management and UDS planning pretty much eat all my time these days12:29
pittior seb128?12:29
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i can take a look at that12:29
chrisccoulsondo you want to assign it to me? (i'm just about to go for lunch)12:29
seb128pitti, I will let chrisccoulson look at this one, I have only today left as work day before sprint and uds12:30
pittichrisccoulson: thanks muchly; will do12:30
mvoasac: around?12:38
seb128mvo, he's on vac for the week12:39
mvoseb128: thanks :)12:40
seb128mvo, you're welcome12:40
seb128mvo, what you mean by *pff* is *slacker* right? ;-)12:40
mvoseb128: I just wanted his feedback on the "XB-Restart-Required idea12:40
mvoseb128: yeah12:40
seb128what is that?12:40
seb128you want to be able to know in advance what will need a restart12:41
* seb128 switches channel for the discussion12:41
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seb128pitti, there is 2181 i386 crash bug in the retracer queue15:06
* seb128 look to the amd64 one15:06
rickspencer3bonjour seb128 what's the matter?15:06
seb128hey rickspencer315:06
seb128rickspencer3, just 2181 crash bugs in launchpad which have not been retraced yet15:06
seb128on i38615:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - they're not all seahorse-agent crashes are they?15:07
seb128chrisccoulson, could be, we will know when they will be retraced...15:07
seb128chrisccoulson, still looking for bugs?15:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i don't think we're going to get away without fixing the seahorse-agent crash - the crash reports are still flying in quite quickly even with apport disabled by default15:08
chrisccoulsonseb128 - did you have any bugs in mind?15:08
seb128chrisccoulson, bug #44213015:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442130 in gvfs "Custom fstab causes duplicate entries for partitions in Places" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44213015:08
seb128chrisccoulson, we should add a bug pattern for the seahorse crash15:08
seb128chrisccoulson, that would block bug filing pointing to the open bug15:08
chrisccoulsonyeah, that might be a good idea15:09
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'll take a look at that gvfs one later as well then15:09
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks15:10
seb128892 amd64 crash bugs to retrace15:10
chrisccoulsonseb128 - are you not here next week?15:10
seb128chrisccoulson, I will be traveling on monday and then be on us time15:10
seb128and sprinting15:10
chrisccoulsonah, ok15:11
seb128I will probably be there but on different hours15:11
chrisccoulsonit's going to be quiet in here next week15:11
seb128and not as much as I usually do15:11
chrisccoulsoni'll probably have a baby by the time you arrive back from the US. when she decides that she wants to arrive!15:12
seb128oh right15:13
seb128you are going to have short nights for other reasons soon ;-)15:13
seb128you are going to have short nights for other reasons soon ;-)15:13
kenvandinechrisccoulson, when we stop seeing you everyday, we will assume the baby came :)15:13
chrisccoulsoni think i should just forget about sleep entirely!15:14
kenvandinesleep is overrated15:14
chrisccoulsonthat's what i keep telling people ;)15:14
chrisccoulsonbut sometimes i feel like i could sleep at work15:14
chrisccoulsonprobably not the best place to fall asleep ;)15:15
* kenvandine was replacing the brakes on my car at midnight last night... i would rather have been sleeping... but if i am hacking on stuff i would prefer that to sleep :)15:15
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - i take it you have a source of light to be able to work on your car that late at night?15:18
chrisccoulsoni can't do anything to mine at the moment, as it's dark when i get back from work15:18
kenvandinei need a bright portable light though15:21
kenvandinethe overhead lights aren't great for working under fenders :)15:21
* kenvandine has some busted up knuckles today from not being able to see well15:21
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pittiseb128: ugh16:11
pittiseb128: does it keep breaking on the same bug, or does it make progress?16:11
seb128pitti, it makes progress16:11
seb128pitti, retraced 50 bugs between the 2 recent restart16:11
pittiok, and today's crashes were due to the LP rollout, I guess16:12
seb128I'm suprised we keep getting so many crash bugs16:12
seb128is apport still on in karmic?16:12
seb128pitti, they crash every hour16:13
seb128gateway errors16:13
seb128or permission errors16:13
Laneyseb128: what's the bug # for the unclickable button in --view mode?16:20
seb128Laney, bug #44816216:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448162 in f-spot "sidebars pictures are not clickable" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44816216:23
seb128thank you16:24
pittirickspencer3: do you know whom to subscribe to a bug report about "Add Service Tag and support URL in System Monitor"?16:48
pittirickspencer3: (someone from OEM?)16:48
rickspencer3yes, bfox16:49
Amarantheep I'm subscribed to a blueprint for a UDS session16:50
pittiAmaranth: I just subscribed you, yes16:50
AmaranthI'm not going to be there :P16:50
pittithought you were interested in following/commenting on the blueprint16:50
Amaranthcube by default == no way :)16:51
seb128what blueprint?16:51
pittiAmaranth: if you aren't, please unsubscribe again and accept my apology about the spam16:51
seb128oh, set of effects to use16:51
pittiAmaranth: see, that's why I subscribe you :)16:51
rickspencer3cube by default == yea baby16:51
rickspencer3also, flaming cursor16:51
pittirickspencer3: it looks ridiculous on slower hw, though16:51
Amaranthrickspencer3: we'd have to switch to 4 workspaces by default too16:51
seb128pitti, don't fall into the troll16:51
pittisee, the subscription was useful :)16:51
rickspencer3thanks seb12816:51
* pitti ignores the flamewar^Wbikeshed^Wdiscussion and goes on with planning16:52
AmaranthThere are some things we should change though...16:52
Amaranthfor example, the video plugin is completely useless16:52
rickspencer3I thought the "flaming cursor" part was a bit of give away16:52
Amaranthrickspencer3: I liked that part16:52
rickspencer3Amaranth, anything we can remove to speed up load time?16:52
Amaranthrickspencer3: You can test my branch to speed up load time and see if that helps :)16:53
rickspencer3tbh, I would like to turn on the cube if possible16:53
rickspencer3but sounds like there will be some serious issue16:53
Amaranthotherwise if we strip plugins we consider worthless it could help a little too16:53
Amaranthless for it try to find16:53
rickspencer3but when I show the cube, it gets people really interested16:53
seb128would it make a difference to put everything now on by default in an -extra binary16:53
seb128and have that not installed?16:53
seb128now -> not16:54
rickspencer3maybe add Cube to the High Level of effects option?16:54
Amaranthseb128: it could help a little16:54
seb128Amaranth, a little only? what is all the time spent?16:54
Amaranthseb128: it'd at least make people not enable cracktastic things without thinking16:54
seb128compiz takes 10s if there is nothing to read too?16:54
Amaranthseb128: well most of the time seems to have been spent in that shell script...16:54
Amaranthotherwise it only loads information for plugins it has loaded16:55
seb128ok, let's see how it goes with your version first16:55
Amaranthso not shipping a plugin would save a stat call or whatever16:55
Amaranthon the other hand the ccp plugin loads information for every single plugin16:55
seb128it's weird that a piece of shell takes 15 seconds to run16:55
Amaranthbut it uses protobuf so it's pretty fast and there isn't as much IO16:56
Amaranthcompiz itself uses DOM + XPath to load XML for the plugins that are loaded16:56
Amaranthrobert_ancell seems to have added something to compiz to tell what part is taking the most time, he might have a better idea of where any potential bottleneck actually is16:57
Amaranthat least it loads faster than gnome-shell ;)16:57
chrisccoulsongconf is a bottleneck on my desktop16:59
chrisccoulson4 seconds16:59
Amaranthyeah, that'd be ccp17:00
Amaranthso not shipping as many plugins would help some there17:00
Amaranthsince ccp loads the info for all of them17:00
chrisccoulsonoh, i meant gconfd starting is the bottleneck on mine17:00
Amaranthoh :)17:00
chrisccoulsonthis is before compiz starts17:00
chrisccoulsonwow, i wish my company would spend some money on some decent laptops17:02
Riddellpitti, dpm: we have https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-lucid-kubuntu-translations-feedback-and-improvements and https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-kubuntu-translations  I propose to replace them with kubuntu-lucid-translations17:17
mvoAmaranth: I did a profiling patch some tme ago for compiz, should be in bzr17:18
Amaranthmvo: oh, that was you17:18
Riddellasac: can we have a kubuntu firefox session to look at the KDE firefox integration bits?17:19
dpmRiddell, that's fine by me, but I'd like to be able to add info to the spec, at least move the summary in the community blueprint to the desktop one17:21
pittiRiddell: WFM; I didn't really put a lot of meat into it, so we can just invalidate it17:22
dpmRiddell, also, the <track>-lucid- name I think should be kept for consistency with other sessions on the Desktop track17:23
Laneyseb128: I added SRU stuff and opened a Karmic task on bug 448162. We'll get it to Lucid by a sync.17:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448162 in f-spot "sidebars pictures are not clickable" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44816217:23
Riddelldpm: I'm planning on using kubuntu-lucid for all our kubuntu ones, I have scheduling powers now I'm told so we're partly a track to ourselves17:23
seb128Laney, thanks17:24
pittiRiddell: done17:24
dpmRiddell, ahaaa, then feel free to use the superpowers and move it to the Kubuntu track17:24
Laneythank you for triaging and chasing17:24
Riddellpitti: what have you done?17:24
pittiRiddell: marking desktop-lucid-kubuntu-translations as superseded by community-lucid-kubuntu-translations-feedback-and-improvements ?17:25
Riddellpitti: I wanted to make a kubuntu-lucid-translations the superseed them both17:26
pittiRiddell: ah, there's a third one; sure, please go ahead17:26
Riddellthere will be17:26
pittiyou can also just rename the existing one, FYI17:28
pittiRiddell: ^17:28
pitti(if everything else in it is correct, that's easier)17:28
Riddellso I can, that's clever17:29
dpmpitti, ccheney` I was thinking about having a dedicated session on OO.o translations, but seeing that there is https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-openoffice already, do you think it might be a better idea to discuss translations in there as well instead?18:00
mac_vdjsiegel: ping... sent the mail.. sorry, for sending it late ... i forgot about it :(18:31
djsiegeloh, thanks mac_V!18:31
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, i'm really confused about how screensaver inhibiting works at all in totem18:40
chrisccoulsonit calls Inhibit on the wrong dbus path18:40
pittichrisccoulson: perhaps that's the s3kr1t bus that works :)19:11
mclasenchrisccoulson: if you look at gnome-screensaver, it actually registers an object at that path19:37
chrisccoulsonmclasen - sorry, i went away21:04
chrisccoulsonmy gnome-screensaver only registers a path at "/"21:04
mclasenthe other one doesn't show up in d-feet21:04
mclasendon't know why21:05
chrisccoulsonmclasen - totem always gives me this warning:21:05
chrisccoulsonWARNING **: Problem inhibiting the screensaver: Method "Inhibit" with signature "ss" on interface "org.gnome.ScreenSaver" doesn't exist21:05
chrisccoulsonbut the inhibit is registered21:05
mclasenoh, interesting21:05
chrisccoulsonand this is why totem isn't cleaning them up properly for me, because it *thinks* it failed to register it, and so doesn't save the cookie21:06
chrisccoulsoni'm a bit confused why i seem to be the only person with this problem though21:06
seb128did you try with an another user or a guest session?21:08
chrisccoulsonseb128 - one second, i will try that now21:09
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that's wierd - it works ok from the guest account21:12
chrisccoulsonwell, i'm totally confused!21:43
seb128Ampelbein, hum, if totem is crashing that's a totem problem ... not true21:47
seb128Amaranth, ^21:48
Amaranthseb128: it's certainly not a compiz problem :)21:48
seb128Amaranth, and not a totem one either21:48
Amaranthseb128: totem or one of the libraries it uses (nvidia fail again?)21:48
seb128I just hate those bugs about video crashing when compiz is on21:49
seb128nobody wants to take responsability for those21:49
seb128I would like to know where to reassign it21:49
seb128totem is wrong but xorg or compiz would bounce back21:49
AmaranthIf it's not a crash in compiz I have no idea21:49
seb128so we are stucked with useless replies21:49
Amaranthsee if you get can a backtrace from him or something21:50
seb128I did ask for one21:50
Amaranthbut then again you can't tell with nvidia and X, only with nvidia OpenGL21:50
Amaranth(if the nvidia driver is the cause, I mean)21:50
seb128but I guess it will be one of those xerror due to limited video ressources21:50
seb128hey robert_ancell21:56
robert_ancellseb128, hey21:56
seb128robert_ancell, thanks for the update, some notes though21:57
robert_ancellalways with the notes :)21:57
seb1281, could you please do the merges on debian?21:57
robert_ancellyeah, I knew you were going to get me on 121:57
seb128I know it's no fun21:57
seb128but it's no fun for your coworkers either21:57
seb128so let's share those and not just dump the task on others ;-)21:58
seb1282- I'm not sure if we should run into 2.2921:58
seb128it's probably fine for the ones you did21:58
seb128but we should check upstream roadmap21:59
seb128we don't want to get stucked in the middle of refactoring21:59
seb128especially that GNOME3 will likely be 2.3221:59
robert_ancelloh, is that what you've heard?21:59
seb128and some maintainer can decide to skip 2.30 or have it an unstable version toward GNOME 2.3221:59
seb128well, since the gnome-shell guys mailed d-d-l saying gnome-shell will not be ready before 2.3222:00
Amaranthseb128: plus if GSettings makes it we probably don't want to try to transition to that in lucid22:00
seb128ie will only be a tech preview version this cycle22:00
seb128Amaranth, no22:00
seb128things I'm not sure we should change count glib and gtk22:01
seb128I know it's not going to be popular22:01
seb128but I'm not sure it's the right cycle to get gvariant, dconf, etc early changes22:01
Amaranthso I would stay away from everything GNOME that uses gconf until the decision for gsettings/dconf is made22:01
robert_ancellAmaranth, i.e.  every package?22:01
Amaranthrobert_ancell: yeah, pretty much22:01
seb128Amaranth, dconf you mean there no?22:01
Amaranthseb128: eh? I said dconf22:02
seb128I didn't get why staying away from apps using gconf22:02
seb128in case they migrate mid cycle you mean?22:02
AmaranthIf you upload 2.29.1 now then 2.29.2 switches to gsettings...22:03
seb128that's a good point22:03
seb128I doubt dconf will be ready this cycle though22:03
seb128they are still discussing migration strategies22:03
seb128they will probably land the glib, etc changes required22:04
seb128and have dconf working and ready to be used22:04
seb128but I doubt many applications will switch22:04
seb128some might experiment22:04
seb128but there is a need to solve to migration issue before22:04
seb128desrt will be at uds22:04
seb128robert_ancell, I would suggest we are careful on 2.29 until uds22:05
AmaranthFrom the way the conversation seemed to be going the migration plan was "migrate wallpaper and such and toss the rest"22:05
seb128that is the opinion from some people22:05
seb128I don't see that work for distros22:05
robert_ancellseb128, right.  Is it worth queueing them up anyway?22:05
seb128robert_ancell, it's fine doing selected ones I think22:06
seb128like evince, eog you did, it's easy to roll an application back22:06
robert_ancellseb128, in the archive?>22:06
seb128upload 2.28 as 2.29.is.2.2822:07
Amaranth2.29.1+really2.28.2-0ubuntu1 :(22:07
robert_ancellseb128, then lets be optimistic and say "no applications are going to cause a problem" then roll back any that are22:07
seb128it's not nice looking but works22:07
seb128robert_ancell, right22:07
seb128things I would be careful about nautilus, gnome-panel22:07
seb128things I would be careful about nautilus, gnome-panel22:08
seb128+ I'm not sure about glib, gtk22:08
Amaranthgnome-panel, really?22:08
seb128I want to discuss that at uds22:08
seb128Amaranth, we got stucked in the gvfs transition in hardy due to those22:08
Amaranthsure but I don't think anyone is doing _anything_ with gnome-panel anymore22:09
Amaranthsince it's going away and all22:09
seb128it's the sort of code which interact with other components22:09
seb128well; not in 2.3022:09
seb128but right22:09
seb128I'm not sure about the evo stack too22:09
seb128they are switching to dbus and gtk rather than bonoboui22:10
Amaranththe kill-bonobo branch landed, didn't it?22:10
seb128it's good but it's a lot of refactoring22:10
seb128and I'm not sure if it will reach stability for lucid22:10
seb128since we have to keep bonobo anyway22:10
Amaranthlet's shove compiz 0.9 in there ;)22:10
seb128gnome-panel; gconf, etc ...22:10
seb128robert_ancell, well small example or refactoring is gcalctool22:11
seb128you said you would take the opportunity of GNOME3 for that no?22:11
robert_ancellseb128, it's got a new UI but the changes are incremental22:12
seb128robert_ancell, anyway I will let you judge what you consider risky or not22:12
seb128I might disagree on something and not sponsor it22:12
seb128but if you feel something should be fine for the lts do the update22:13
seb128let's wait for glib, gtk though22:13
seb128I'm not sure when gtk 2.20 is scheduled22:13
seb128we need to check that before shipping 2.1922:13
TheMusoGreetings all.22:14
* TheMuso will help with GNOME merge stuff once he has the audio stack updated.22:14
seb128hey TheMuso, thanks22:15
seb128robert_ancell, btw I will fix eog build now22:15
robert_ancellseb128, oh, haven't read email yet. problem?22:16
seb128robert_ancell, gnome bug #60070622:17
ubottuGnome bug 600706 in general "don't use LOCALMODLIBS in the configure" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60070622:17
seb128robert_ancell, the same issue22:17
seb128robert_ancell, recent python version break that, it's not meant to be used this way22:18
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i figured out my inhibit issue :)23:20
seb128chrisccoulson, oh?23:20
chrisccoulsonthe hamster-applet is snooping on the org.gnome.ScreenSaver messages, but not handling them correctly23:21
chrisccoulsonwhich makes dbus return an error, even though gnome-screensaver inhibits correctly23:21
chrisccoulsonif i get rid of the hamster-applet, it all works correctly!23:21
chrisccoulsonthat was a wierd one to figure out23:21
chrisccoulsonbut because dbus returns an error, rather than the inhibit cookie, totem cannot remove the inhibit when it closes ;)23:22
seb128good catch, how did you figure that?23:22
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i just started randomly killing things in my session23:22
chrisccoulsoni took the "scientific" approach ;)23:25
seb128I would probably have started to look into user config23:26
seb128and start stracing things23:26
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i was starting to get to that stage, but then i noticed when i was using dbus-send, that the call was returning before gnome-screensaver had handled it (and i knew this, because i had gnome-screensaver interrupted in GDB when i ran dbus-send)23:29
seb128in any case good catch23:29
chrisccoulsoni need to try and figure out what hamster-applet is doing wrong now23:29
seb128good night everybody23:47
chrisccoulson'night seb12823:57
seb128night chrisccoulson!23:58

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