[08:36] I just found a small bug in ubottu in #ubuntu-motu [08:36] where should I report the bug? [08:37] jussio1: you are reported as the maintainer of ubottu? [08:37] hmm jussio1 != jussi01 ? [08:38] !bug [08:38] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [08:38] and yes, Im one and the same. [08:38] you will find my bug there. [08:38] in a short while [13:15] jpds, hey :) do you know if ubot2 is dead? [13:17] Oh, now I see why it keeps dying. [13:17] Ursinha: Thanks for the heads-up. [13:17] Nafallo: IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device - :-/ [13:17] thanks for sorting that out so quickly! [13:17] ouch [13:17] :( [13:20] I've freed up some more disk space. [13:22] thanks jpds :) all #ubuntu-br says so :) [13:23] Ursinha: Let me know if you have any more problems. [13:24] jpds: go fix it? [13:24] sure jpds [13:24] thanks [13:24] jpds: give me a run through were the space went please? [13:24] hi Nafallo :) [13:24] Ursinha: hi [13:24] Nafallo: I've deleted some old backups. [13:25] jpds: did you also make sure to not back them up forever? [13:25] Nafallo: Yes. [13:25] 178Mvar [13:25] find $backupdir -name '*.gz' -type f -mtime +15 -exec rm -vf {} \; - changed to +7. [13:25] * Nafallo tries to clean a bit [13:26] 93M var [13:26] * jpds hugs Nafallo. [13:26] * Nafallo checks for old kernels [13:27] except I actually forgot to look... [13:28] jpds: removing one old kernel. [13:28] jpds: bringing /boot from 23M to 12M [13:29] jpds: and /lib from 66M to 38M [17:30] mneptok called the ops in #ubuntu-classroom () [17:52] In #ubuntu-classroom, mneptok said: !mneptok is a hoopty frood who knows where his towel is.