
JontheEchidnathat could be problematic00:00
JontheEchidna--with-kde uses pkg-kde-tools-0.5.2ubuntu1/debhelper/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/kde.pm00:07
JontheEchidnalooks like the rosetta magic needs porting to dh700:07
macoRiddell: ok im coming00:10
macoto uds00:10
macoim still not sure about this hot tub thing00:11
Riddellmaco: yay!00:11
Riddellnearest hot tub seems to be 4 miles away so you're safe00:11
macooh ok00:11
macohow did you google the nearest hot tub?00:12
Riddelltheir website lists nearby spa facilities00:12
Riddellthere's no mention of anything on site00:12
* JontheEchidna goes off to do other things while dh_shlibdeps runs00:16
Riddellwell I'm away for the next three days, keep merging and having fun00:18
RiddellI just posted on that "looking for input" thread on kde-devel, hopefully that won't blow up while I'm away :)00:18
Riddellqt and phonon uploaded00:18
ScottKseele: Yes00:29
seeleit's really annoying, although it also made me realise that if you get multiple messages from the same application within a certain period of time, you dont need to show the 2nd to n messages, just the first one00:34
seelethe auditory ping is all you need00:35
seeleso say you send me 3 PM's within a few seconds of each other00:35
seelemessage one should have a ping + notification box00:35
seelemessage 2 and 3 should just have pings to let me know that you are still talking to me00:35
seelebecause knowing you are sending more than one message means that the conversation is important00:36
seelewhere if you were just sending me one message, you might have simply responded to a question, posted a link or some other mlp, or mentioned me in passing00:36
seelewhat would be really awesome is if we could detect desktop behavior00:37
seeleso say you ping me, i switch from an app to the message, then immediately switch back to my original app00:37
seelethat could be a clue that i'm not involved in the conversation and doing other work00:37
seeleand so a "smart" system would forgo the visual notification and just ping me00:37
seeleand after a while, if it notices i *really* dont care about what you have to say, forgo the pings too and just collect the messages in whatever queue/indicator00:38
* seele is done brain dumping00:38
seelebut the out of sync pings are a realy problem00:38
seeleyou start to wonder what the pings are about00:39
seeleor why the messages are flashing with no ping00:39
seeleand if the two are even related to each other00:39
Kanohi, how to get rid of the kwin error message when you restart kdm while you are under kde 4.3 karmic00:57
JontheEchidnaIn short, there isn't a way. (I assume you're using nvidia)00:58
Kanoi want to install 3d drivers in live mode01:00
Kanoi tested fglrx01:00
ScottKshtylman: Pack ear plugs for UDS.01:02
jjessewhy do you snore ScottK?01:03
ScottKshtylman: You will think rgreening is exaggerating about how much he snores.  He isn't.01:03
jjesseoh yeah i've heard stories about rgreening01:03
ScottKjjesse: rgreening.  I shared a room with last time.01:03
claydohRiddell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu done, as well as fixing up the older pages as well01:09
ScottKshtylman: You're in luck.  I read the list wrong.  It's txwikinger that needs the ear plugs.01:09
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jefferaiseele: you don't happen to know how one disables the firewall on a *buntu box, do you?01:41
jefferaiI figured it out a few months ago, but rebooted this server and now I can't figure it out again01:41
jefferaimanual says it uses ufw, but I don't even have that installed01:41
ScottKufw isn't enabled by default anyway.01:48
jefferaiand whatever this is, it was enabled by default01:52
ScottKThen it's not something installed by default.02:01
ScottKWhat problem are you having.02:01
jefferaisure it is02:03
jefferaistandard install of ubuntu server vm version02:03
jefferaior whatever it's called these days02:04
jefferaifrom the first bootup I had to do something to allow access in02:04
jefferaiI just can't remember what02:04
jefferaieverything's running inside -- I can e.g. telnet 22, but I can't get in from outside on any port02:04
jefferaiwhich sounds a lot like a firewall02:04
ScottKIt does, but ufw is the only firewall and it's off by default. It's a bit odd.02:05
ScottKjefferai: #ubuntu-server is probably a better channel02:09
jefferaiah, thanks02:10
txwikingerWhy do I need earplugs?02:12
jjessebecause he snores02:12
jjessesoooooo loud02:12
jjessergreening that is02:12
txwikingerYou don't know the Texas air.. It makes you so tired, you sleep anyway02:13
ScottKtxwikinger2: You don't know how loud he snores.04:09
txwikinger2Well.. I will find out04:09
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
ScottKYes.  You will.04:10
txwikingerI have been known to sleep through all kinds of stuff04:11
* txwikinger wonders if he should start to help some merging work for lucid04:12
shtylmanlooks like Roderick is rooming with himself...04:50
markeykubuntu review06:28
ScottKSo it's not entirely clear to me that my last mail to kubuntu-devel was entirely CoC compliant.  I'm reasonably certain I don't care.06:36
tsimpsonit's not explicitly non-compliant, therefore I deem it compliant ;)06:45
ScottKI'm waiting for the reply that explains how qualified he is to have an opinion on something he's never used.06:47
tsimpsonmessages like the one you replied to is why I no longer read the kubuntu-users list any more06:47
tsimpsonI'd just get too worked up and angry, and I'd just rather save the energy for other things06:47
ScottKYep.  I don't read it anymore either.06:49
ScottKThe only 'user' list I read is ubuntu-server and that's both users and developers.06:49
ScottKI guess I read devel-discuss too, but not in detail.06:49
ScottKmarkey: Thanks.  Not a bad review.06:50
ScottKryanakca: ^^^ what about adding the review markey mentioned in the review section of the web site.06:50
ScottKIf you do, make sure to link to the full version of the review (linked off that one)06:52
markeyah yes, you have this CoC :)06:55
markeyit's just too tempting06:55
markeywhat would happen if I, theoretically of course, said "fuck" here06:55
markeynot that I would ever do such a naughty thing06:56
ScottKDepends on if someone was annoyed.06:56
ScottK!language | markey06:56
ubottumarkey: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:56
ScottKThat's about the worst that would happen06:56
tsimpsonthere's nothing in the CoC about swearing06:56
markeyok, but that's actuall sane, deciding on a case-by-case basis06:56
markeywe do it like that too06:56
tsimpsonhowever the guidelines do disallow it06:57
ScottKThere's separate rules for IRC.06:57
markeybut people are invited to use all sorts of swear words on our channels, unless they are insulting someone (us, mostly)06:57
tsimpsonthere is an unwritten rule in IRC-land, that *-devel is self-governing06:58
ScottKOK, snarky message number two launched (motu-council list this time).07:03
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nhnHi guys. Not strictly Kubuntu related, but can someone tell my how a bug like this gets assigned low priority? It is a total showstopper for my SO's laptop. There is even a confirmed fix for it just lying around: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/41893308:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418933 in linux "no internet connection (wifi+ethernet doesn't work)" [Low,Confirmed]08:06
allee-knhn: not the right channel IMHO, try  #ubuntu-kernel if you can ping Andy Withcroft there.   I would argu with: a) regression b) patch available.   Don't fight the prio is wrong war ;)08:26
nhnok, thanks. Looking in from the outside, a priority of "low" just strikes me as very odd even though int he end, if the bug gets fixed it does not matter much! :-)08:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw I only get one unreleased fix when diffing sp bzr to what we have in karmic09:16
Tonio_I was asked by some users about plans for 4.3.3 and jaunty09:24
Tonio_is that in the run or canceled ?09:24
apacheloggerwas never planned09:26
Riddellmarkey: that kubuntu review is the first time I've seen anyone complain about adblock-by-default, it's almost like he has a vested interest :)09:33
amichairapachelogger, JontheEchidna, Riddell: is sp in bzr fixed? can I continue with bugfixing?09:44
* apachelogger didnt see any issue09:44
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amichairapachelogger: I co from bzr and it's not the code shipped in karmic but an older version09:48
Riddellamichair: from what I checked out yesterday there is an extra fix in bzr which hasn't been uploaded to ubuntu, which makes bzr more up to date than karmic09:48
Riddellbzr has software-properties (0.75.5) UNRELEASED09:48
Riddellkarmic has 0.75.409:48
amichairfor example, the import key dialog shows gpg files. bzr version, like jaunty, doesn't09:48
* apachelogger is wondering why rake on gentoo looks for the mysql socket in tmp -.-09:50
amichairthe second tab is labeled 'third party software', like in jaunty, whereas in karmic it's 'other software'. etc...09:51
amichairor, I might be missing something :-)09:52
amichair(but I don't see what)09:52
apacheloggermaybe your branch is all outdated? :P09:53
apacheloggerbzr branch lp:software-properties09:53
Riddellamichair: diff -urN is your friend09:54
amichairapachelogger: it's the first time I ever used bzr, a fresh co09:54
apacheloggerRiddell: diff -urNad is superior to diff -urN :P09:56
apacheloggerhow about using redmine for project management?09:56
* apachelogger lacks organization, and feels like a chicken running in circles09:56
apacheloggera blue headed step chicken if you will09:56
amichairapachelogger: is that part of ur recursion ex?09:56
apacheloggerrecursion is all implemented09:56
apacheloggern^3 steps to ensure every field of a labyrinth gets visited09:57
* apachelogger runs off for analysis09:59
markeyapachelogger: about redmine, that could even be interesting for replacing Buzilla in KDE10:34
markeyI'm so fed up with it10:34
markeycould spend all day with closing dupes10:34
MelisUmarkey: Can redmine close dupes for you??10:41
MamarokRiddell: I just found a bug: when using the krunner in the Quicksand mode, typing Amarok it says "Amarok (KDE3, Audio Player)", which seems not so in Opensuse10:43
markeyMelisU: I don't know. maybe?10:46
markeydupe detection is hard, but possible10:46
ghostcubeanyone read about the mac file killing game ?10:47
Mamaroknope, link?10:47
ghostcubeits only german one10:48
MelisUgreat idea ;) kde games needs one of those10:54
neversfeldemeh, koffice-data-kde4 tries to overwrite an icon, which is also in krita-kde4 1:2.0.2-2ubuntu3. Riddell told me to make koffice-data-kde4 replace krita-kde4 (<< 1:2.0.2-2ubuntu3) but that  does not work. I really do not know what to do next? :)10:58
ghostcubeforce the icon overwrite ?10:59
ghostcubeor is it possible to remove krita before installing koffice11:00
ghostcubeiam not so good in packaging11:00
Riddellneversfelde: replaces krita-kde4 (<< [new-koffice-version])11:02
Riddellneversfelde: use the version your are packaging now for the replaces11:03
RiddellMamarok: quicksand mode?11:03
neversfeldeRiddell: mhh, ok. I will try it. Thank you11:03
dpmRiddell, did you create any other blueprint for the Kubuntu translations session? I saw you renamed the desktop- one to kubuntu-, but it was still marked as superseded by the community- one:11:08
dpmso now the community one has been scheduled instead11:09
Riddelldpm: hmm, that sound be the other way around11:09
Riddellkubuntu-lucid-translations is the one I wanted11:09
dpmRiddell, yeah, that's why I'm asking11:09
dpmcan you un-supersed it? Then I can supersede the community- one and ask jono to remove it from the community track11:11
ghostcubebtw 4.3.3 works fine but still printer apllet is stressing peoples :)11:11
MamarokRiddell: in the Krunner, you can change the mode it works, default is Command oriented, Task oriented is Quicksand11:11
neversfeldeMamarok: I cannot confirm your problem, here quicksand says "Amarok (Medienwiedergabe)"11:13
Riddelldpm: let me see how well this train internet works11:14
Riddelldpm: superceded removed11:16
dpmRiddell, ok, marked the community- one as superseded. I'll add some notes to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/LucidTranslations. There's also a big red cross next to Sprints, so perhaps the blueprint will have to be re-targeted to Lucid11:21
Mamarokneversfelde: well, I have several apps that say "KDE3, description", so maybe the translation corrected that11:23
* Mamarok goes making a screenshot11:23
neversfeldeMamarok: I'll have to finish my work and will test it with an english system after it11:23
Mamarokneversfelde: http://imagebin.ca/view/jO2mPRW.html11:26
Riddellrickspencer3: can you accept kubuntu-lucid-translations for uds-l?11:30
Mamarokneversfelde: wait, I suspect it to be due to me not having the Karmic Amarok installed, but using git11:31
amichair3 good newses: first, I figured out the sp bzr deal... as it turns out, the bzr was indeed up to date, but the diff consistent entirely of the introduction of the bug I was seeing! which made it look like the reverse diff is a bugfix, and bzr is the one that's behind... sorry for all the confusion I caused!11:47
amichairsecond, my first kubuntu bugfix ever was applied by someone from the bug report! mazeltov to me!11:48
amichairthird, considering the first - now I have another bug to fix, with zero research required!11:48
KottizenI've found a bug, but I don't know in which package.11:49
KottizenCould I explain it here?11:49
RiddellKottizen: go ahead11:52
Riddellamichair: congratulations!11:52
KottizenRiddell: Oke11:52
KottizenRiddell: I've tried to install a graphic driver for my video card. I clicked to "Hardware drivers" and then it searched. It found a driver from ATI/AMD, same as on Ubuntu before. But, when I clicked the button "Activate" nothing happend. The button got pressed down, and then released, but I got no message or nothing.11:54
RiddellKottizen: that's a bug in jocket-kde which I think is already reported, you can search through the existing reports at bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey and/or report a new one with the command "ubuntu-bug jockey-kde"11:56
ryanakcaScottK: I'll add it when I get back from school tonight11:56
Riddellit maybe just that you don't have a packge cache, try if apt-get update helps it11:56
KottizenOkey, thank you. Is there any other way to install the driver? Like "apt-get" in the terminal?11:56
KottizenUpdated. Do I need to restart?11:57
KottizenIt works, thanks" :D11:57
jussio1Does jockey-kde not run apt-get update on start? and if it doesnt, why not?11:59
Riddelljussio1: no and it should12:13
jussio1Riddell: ok, is there a bug? if no, Ill go file one...12:13
ryanakcajussio1: looking in jockey/detection.py says it queries some remote servers about hwids... but I don't see anything about apt12:13
ryanakcaDo we have any DDs in the room that could sponsor knmap (fixes a FTBFS, package split) to Debian (so that we can then merge/sync it back into Lucid)? It seems to be rather difficult to get it reviewed and sponsored...12:17
apacheloggermarkey: it should become kde's management interface :D12:19
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apacheloggermarkey: take a look at the quelle logo http://diepresse.com/home/wirtschaft/economist/520003/index.do?_vl_backlink=/home/index.do12:22
apacheloggerin the context of it being a german company with an austrian sub12:23
markeythat blue hand?12:23
markeylooks like the amarok logo, exchanged with a hand :p12:23
apacheloggerright hand I might point out12:23
apacheloggerin a very precise angle too12:23
markeygotta go jogging, bbl12:24
jussio1Riddell: ryanakca hrm, that bug seems to be around from as early as jaunty dev cycle. bug 35713412:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357134 in jockey "jockey-kde hungs on 'Activate'" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35713412:24
jussio1maybe something needs to be addressed there.12:25
apacheloggerredmine is like the master method12:39
apacheloggerit is superior to everything else12:39
apacheloggerevne launchpad :P12:40
apacheloggerbut that is naturally the case since lp is pyware and redmine rubyware :P12:40
neversfeldeRiddell: now koffice is making progress, I think I will finish it today. Shall I upload it to the backports beta ppa?12:47
apacheloggerneversfelde: more like staging or whatever is used for QA13:08
neversfeldeapachelogger: ok, it is in experimental at the moment, but there is also Qt 4.613:23
* apachelogger doesnt get that whole ppa crap anymore TBH13:23
apacheloggerone big mess if you ask me13:24
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: dont get your comment on bug 5387913:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 53879 in kdenetwork "kppp menu entry should launch as root by default" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5387913:39
JontheEchidnaI get a kdesudo dialog when I launch kppp13:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you should read what people are writing :P13:43
* apachelogger is reclosing13:43
JontheEchidnawhy should I bother to read a crappy forum post when they have a perfectly good bug tracker to explain themselves with?13:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: close the bug next time :P13:44
apacheloggeryou either get being nice and read what they want you to know or be unfriendly and close the bug for some reaosn they will not understand anyway :P13:44
apacheloggerat least I got to bitch about freedesktop.org13:45
apacheloggerprivate bug13:46
JontheEchidnaSo I figured out why the # of reports around release was so low13:46
* apachelogger tries to remember what crappy crap he was supposed to add to the url13:46
JontheEchidnaapport was clogged and shat them all out yesterday13:46
* apachelogger used privacy :D13:46
JontheEchidnaone would think that privacy would be correct13:46
apacheloggershall I go bitch at that bug report agian?13:46
apacheloggerhow the freak am I supposed to remember that?\13:47
JontheEchidna"O users of the holiest firefox..."13:47
apacheloggerI am using chrome13:47
* JontheEchidna too13:48
apacheloggerwhich does not allow javascript deactivation per page13:48
apacheloggerso deactivating javascript leaves me with not being able to triage bugs and do stuff on the university website13:48
apacheloggersince lp decided to abandon konqueror and ignore it being default in kubuntu I cant use that either13:49
apacheloggermost obvious keyword :D13:49
apacheloggerI remember talking to dfaure about bug 38144713:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 381447 in kde4libs "kded can't find "kded/networkstatus.desktop"" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38144713:51
JontheEchidnadid he have any insight?13:52
apacheloggerIIRC he agreed to remove the debug message all along so I can close the bug :P13:52
JontheEchidnaoh, well we should have debug messages disabled by default in 4.3.1 and up or so13:52
JontheEchidnahence that kdebugdialog stuff that we have to do to get debug from our aps13:52
apacheloggerit should have been disabled before as well :P13:53
apacheloggerI know it was for 4.1, that is when I started using kdebugdialog at least13:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also, I think that particular message is different because it does not get assigned to a bug domain or something, so it is unaffected by kdebugdialog anyway13:54
apacheloggergood thing apachelogger was intelligent enough to post code references in that bug report -.-13:54
* JontheEchidna wishes qt4-x11 would get through binary new soon13:55
* JontheEchidna is crazy enough to run lucid :x13:55
Sputapachelogger: interesting that you guys like redmine so much... I'm still undecided, we use it, and I like its flexibility, but it misses features and some users like bitching about it13:55
apacheloggerusers always bitch13:55
Sputbut then they prolly bitch regardless of the tracker in use13:55
apacheloggerSput: pretty much so13:56
apacheloggerSput: redmine 0.9 is going to be a lot nicer too13:56
Sputso I'm just not sure how redmine compares to the others, because all I know is Mantis besides13:56
Sputhmmm.. time to switch branches then?13:56
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdecore/services/kservicefactory.cpp?r1=935291&r2=101843913:57
apacheloggerSput: not sure if it is that stable for production use yet13:57
Sputmeh we probably use trunk anyway :)13:57
Sputso what are the killer features in your opinion?13:58
apacheloggerplugins :D13:59
apacheloggerSput: I suppose the integration of management and issue tracking13:59
Sputyeah I like how flexibel one can define a workflow13:59
apacheloggerin launchpad you sometimes notice a lot that the parts are developed largely independent of each other13:59
apacheloggeryou have to jump through a couple of hoops to get from a translation bug to the affected translations and stuff14:00
SputI see14:00
apacheloggerinteraction between blueprints (kinda like feature tracking) and bugs is close to none14:00
Sputmmmh... maybe I'll remembering updating our redmine to something current14:00
Sputtrunk still seems to be 0.814:00
apacheloggerthough really, the blueprints stuff is quite the stub14:00
apacheloggerSput: http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/Download that seems to suggest stable 0.8 is in a seperate branch14:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 28917414:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289174 in kde4libs "missing Icons after Update to kubuntu 8.10" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28917414:02
apacheloggerwhat to do?14:02
apacheloggerleave it alone?14:02
JontheEchidnaif we can't resolve it this release close it I guess14:02
Sputnice, there's a FAQ plugin14:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: we can't14:03
apacheloggerI am not sure we want to either14:03
Sputoooh and a Vote plugin14:04
Sputand still no captchas :P14:05
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: then we should close as can'tfix, except we ironically can't do that14:06
apacheloggercant fix as cant fix14:07
apacheloggerwith redmine you can :P14:08
apacheloggernew status -> name = Can't fix; Issue closed [x]; Default value [ ] -> Create14:08
apacheloggerkdesudo --desktop /usr/share/applications/kde4/firefox.desktop -- kubuntu-firefox-installer -i14:09
* apachelogger is quite the leet haxx0r14:09
apacheloggerTonio_: if you get round, kdesudo could use a release and upload to lucid14:09
apacheloggerotherwise I can't upload nu kubuntu firefox instaler :)14:10
Sputapachelogger: now make redmine upstream implement proper captchas!14:17
apacheloggerthat is how we like it14:17
apacheloggerSput: dont know them :P14:17
apacheloggerTonio_ might14:17
apacheloggerulysses__: "I can't include the output of 'apt-cache policy kde4libs', because apt couldn't find this package." ... kde4libs is a source package, one of its binary packages would be kdelibs5 :)14:19
falktxaynone can tell me what is the fastest way to create man pages?14:20
falktxare there tools for that?14:21
falktxor just need to write the full thing manually?14:21
apacheloggerfor kde apps14:21
apacheloggerinstall kdesdk-scripts14:21
falktxi use kde14:21
apacheloggerkdemangen.pl /usr/bin/amarok > amarok.114:21
apacheloggerfalktx: only works for kde apps14:21
apacheloggerdoesnt matter what desktop environment14:22
apacheloggerbut the script parses KDE's standard --help output, so it only works for KDE apps14:22
ScottK"<jussio1> Does jockey-kde not run apt-get update on start? and if it doesnt, why not?" <-- Doesn't help if you are depending on the wifi drivers jockey installs to get a network.14:22
apacheloggerand even there not always completely correct14:22
falktxso no such tools?14:22
apacheloggerif that is what I said14:22
apacheloggerthough I do not think that I said that14:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: where do kernel bugs go?14:23
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: linux source package14:23
apacheloggerwell, which one :)14:23
apacheloggertry to move a bug there14:23
apacheloggeri.e. search for it first14:24
apacheloggerall hail the launchpad limitations, it's like a way too small hat that launchpad thing :P14:24
apacheloggeranyhow ulysses__'s crashes on restore from supsend seem to either be hardware related or the kernel eat memory addresses14:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: thanks, linux seemed to have worked14:26
apacheloggeras long as you dont search for it :P14:26
JontheEchidnayeah, punt & forget14:26
apacheloggertoo many crashes in kde4libs14:26
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 440361 should stream up, I suppose?14:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440361 in kde4libs "kdeinit4 crashed with SIGSEGV in KJS::PropertyMap::mark()" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44036114:27
JontheEchidnait was up in the 80s with tons of crashes from crappy python plasmoids from kde-look14:27
apacheloggercrappy python14:28
* apachelogger giggles14:28
JontheEchidnaI guess, but without a testcase there's not much upstream will do14:28
apacheloggerwasnt the idea that script plasmoids cant crash plasma? ;)14:28
JontheEchidnabut as long as it's in their bugtracker and not ours...14:28
* apachelogger woudl wish for sandboxing14:28
JontheEchidnawell, it doesn't actually crash plsama14:28
JontheEchidnabut apport detects all python exceptions as crashes14:28
apacheloggerinteresting concept14:29
apacheloggerprobably makes sense at some level14:29
apacheloggerkdebase 16214:29
ScottKPython exceptions that aren't caught are crashes.14:29
ScottKSounds like the problem isn't catching an exception, but pointing the blame at the wrong package.14:30
apacheloggerpython itself is an unchaught exception from my POV14:30
JontheEchidnathe python plasmoids in question are from kde-look, so they have no package14:30
JontheEchidna== closed faster than... something from texas or something14:31
apacheloggercan not compute bug 46560414:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 465604 in kdebase "no input in konsole possible after switching from non kde application" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46560414:33
apacheloggercnc exception caught14:33
ScottKYesterday I got a bug on clamav that was from some PPA, so I not only invalid'ed the bug, but hunted down the PPA owner and asked them to remove clamav from their PPA.  They actually did.14:33
ScottKSpeaking of random crap14:34
neversfeldesomeone stole the koffice 2.1 beta packages for karmic :)14:38
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: half of the kdebase bugs are not-upstreamed/un-prioritized. Might be good to just go through and prioritize for when the lucid bug triage policy kicks in14:40
apacheloggerwhen does it kick in?14:40
JontheEchidnawhen the spec gets approved I guess14:41
* apachelogger doubts that14:42
apacheloggerwho would approve the spec?14:42
JontheEchidnaRiddell is the set spec approver for that spec14:43
JontheEchidnathis also ties in with what we end up doing with apport crash detection, so it would be best to not enact new policy before we can ensure that apport will be disabled14:43
JontheEchidnaespecially if part of the spec is making the public aware of new policy14:44
JontheEchidnamaybe I worry too much?14:44
apacheloggertechnically what you just said overrides the kubuntu council14:45
apacheloggerwhich, AFAIK has the last word on decisions of such large impact14:45
apacheloggerso even when jr approves the spec it is not any more backed up than it is now :P14:45
JontheEchidnaI suppose that's correct14:47
JontheEchidnaI guess this will wait till the post-UDS meeting?14:47
apacheloggeras usual14:48
apacheloggerwho does do the work?14:49
apacheloggerso, who gets to decide?14:49
JontheEchidnaI suppose14:49
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: srsly, if you, as prime bug triage, can't decide upon how you want to work anymore I would be so outta here14:49
* JontheEchidna really, really wishes more people would look at the bug tracker once in a while14:51
JontheEchidnatake bug 446180 for example14:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446180 in kdebase-workspace "zz-plasma-remove-network-manager.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44618014:53
JontheEchidna1 bazillion duplicates, I've even mentioned it more than once here14:53
JontheEchidnabut nobody takes care of it14:53
JontheEchidnabecause nobody looks at the bugs in the bugtracker14:53
JontheEchidnathe problem is most likely that whatever package has that upgrade script lacks a dependency on python-kde4, but I have my hands full handling the other 3,000 bugs14:55
apacheloggerwhen will you learn14:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I wonder how that is possible considering loads and loads of crap depends on python though14:56
JontheEchidnaubuntu users, primarily14:56
JontheEchidnainstall k3b for example14:56
JontheEchidnapulls in kdebase-workspace-bin since it has policykit14:56
JontheEchidnabut not python-kde414:56
JontheEchidna-> failure when kconf_update runs14:57
apacheloggergdebi, install-package, plasma-addons, software-properties, languages-selector-kde414:57
apacheloggerto run into that issue one must not have any kubuntu tool14:58
JontheEchidna^none of which are installed by ubuntu users installing k3b14:58
ScottKJontheEchidna: I'm looking at 44618014:58
apacheloggerbug 45503414:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455034 in kdebase "Dolphin file/folder select, rename very slow when information panel open" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45503414:59
apacheloggermaybe we should remove the info panel from kds?14:59
apacheloggerthough I think that breaks UI consistency and doesnt qualify for SRU?14:59
* JontheEchidna would wait to see how things are in 4.4 before k-d-s'ing it15:00
apacheloggerwe kds the info panel IIRC15:01
apacheloggerupstream does not have it on by default15:01
JontheEchidnaoh, hmm15:01
apacheloggerso we might be at fault here15:01
apacheloggeras ever so often15:01
apacheloggerhow I do hate bug reports and their incredible unimportance compared to real problems15:02
jwisserWhat does kds mean?15:02
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ok, let's do it. Engage lucid bug triage mode!15:03
JontheEchidnaand.. punch it!15:04
* JontheEchidna sips the hot earl grey15:04
* apachelogger runs around in circles15:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: are you going to let everyone know?15:06
apacheloggerkubuntu-devel, ubuntu-devel, blog about it, ubuntu bug squad, ...15:07
* txwikinger watches apachelogger runs around circles15:07
JontheEchidnaoh yeah, we were going to do that15:07
ScottKJontheEchidna: Fundamental problem with 446180.  kdebase-workspace-data describes itself as "shared data files for the KDE 4 base workspace module", but it also ships arch all code like the file that caused that crash.15:09
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do we have a standard reply when closing because bug is already upstreameD?15:10
apachelogger"launching juk and amarok in konsole vs. xterm"15:12
apacheloggerclosing => useless title15:12
JontheEchidnahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Bugs/Responses#Upstream Bugs of "Low" Importance15:13
JontheEchidnaif this keeps up I'll have blogged almost every day this week15:14
apacheloggerbug b15:14
apacheloggerbug 29894015:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 298940 in kdebase "multiple kde4 vnc sessions for same user does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29894015:14
apacheloggerwho freaking cares about freaking vnc15:14
apacheloggerwhy is that crap even around15:15
apacheloggereven rdp is superior15:15
* JontheEchidna fixed up the responses a bit15:19
apacheloggerbug 44960415:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449604 in kdebase "Trash icon likely to be removed; cannot restore it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44960415:19
apacheloggeryou know15:20
JontheEchidnaI... I cannot control my hand...15:20
apacheloggerI can only do so much bug triage until I go all crazy because of the crap I get to read15:20
JontheEchidnamust... remove.. trash...15:20
apacheloggerAlso, consider flagging this as a security issue, since people tend to rely on the trashcan as a way of removing sensitive information from their systems. Dolphin and other programs will continue using Del to send files to the trashcan, even when the user has no apparent way to empty it.15:20
apacheloggersure, like it is impossible to recover data from a crashed shuttle HDD ...15:20
apacheloggeroh hold on, it is possible15:20
aleiteHello guys...15:20
apacheloggerG, it must be sure easy to recover data that was only deleted15:20
aleitea typical scenario is asked on #amarok...15:21
JontheEchidnaphysical access to computer == boned anyways15:21
aleiteIs when a user installs/runs amarok from gnome...15:21
JontheEchidnaany security measures save thermite only delay things15:21
aleiteThey usually have problems about codec and audio.. which is typically because of the wrong backend chosen15:22
aleiteDon't you think these things should be done automatically? Even if someone installs a kde app from gnome?15:22
aleiteLike choose pulseaudio and gstreamer backend on phonon, for instance?15:23
ScottKaleite: Yes, it should be done automatically.15:23
aleiteI just helped a user on #amarok because of this.. ubuntu 9.1015:23
aleiteHe was "really" lost.. : )15:24
ScottKapachelogger: Security team has a "No, this isn't really a security issue" standard answer15:24
aleiteScottk: Is any work on this issue planned to be done as part of this project timelord?15:26
ScottKaleite: It's too early to tell.  Contributions are welcome.15:26
aleiteyou know.. many people install/run amarok from gnome (well, amarok is just the best.. :) )15:26
apacheloggerwhere oh where do people get bugs like bug 442000 get from15:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 442000 in kdebase "dolphin is alsways opening a second small window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44200015:28
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: valid issue at one point, though I cannot repro anymore15:28
apacheloggerI was using KDE 4 when it was not even carrying a 4.x version numba and never ever saw such crap15:28
apacheloggeraleite: project timelord does not worry about specifics15:29
apacheloggerpeople do15:29
apacheloggerprojects never d15:29
aleiteapachelogger: but it would be a "specific", all program on kde uses phonon.. it would be a matter of configuring phonon correctly so kde apps can run smoothly on gnome15:30
aleiteit is not "amarok specific"15:31
aleitebut KDE specific...15:31
JontheEchidnabasically pulseaudio and gstreamer are in the defautl ubuntu install. not much we can do there15:31
JontheEchidnawe can't really do anything about phonon's abysmal support for the two15:31
aleiteJontheEchidna: Well, that's sad.. you know.. because when a user goes to ubuntu sotfware center.. many of them doesn't know the diference of kde/gnome.. for them they are all apps..15:32
JontheEchidnayeah, it's sad. But there's just not much we can do. We're stuck between a rock and a hard place15:33
aleiteI would really like to help in this spec.. but lack of technical knowledge15:33
aleiteCan't kubuntu use gstreamer backend as default like ubuntu? would be a step...15:34
ScottKaleite: phonon gstreamer back end is in a rather unfortunate state of crashiness IIRC.15:34
apacheloggerso first Amarok devs come and say "dont ever use gstreamer it will kill babies and eat your apples"15:34
JontheEchidnathat would make kubuntu equally broken15:34
apacheloggerand now e should use gstreamer15:34
* apachelogger blinks15:34
apacheloggerbug bug 37326015:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373260 in xinit "~/.Xmodmap gets loaded only by gdm (and not by kdm or startx)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37326015:34
JontheEchidnagstreamer is the problem here15:34
apacheloggerI am outta15:35
aleiteI am not a amarok dev.. :)15:35
apacheloggerhow can we be talking about sounds if .xmodmap does not get loaded15:35
apacheloggercan you imagine15:35
aleitejust a suggestion ...15:35
ScottKaleite: We're glad to have people come and make suggestions.15:36
aleiteor, maybe when you run amarok on ubuntu, suggests to install libxine1-all-plugins.. the way it's done on kubuntu.. doesn't ubuntu/kubuntu use the "same" notification system?15:36
macomine seems to work... i have caps set to be esc in my .Xmodmap, and it is doing so...15:37
aleiteScottk: Well, I came here because the user was really lost..15:37
ScottKaleite: Perhaps write up a "If you are using Amarok in Gnome and you have no sound, here's what you do" tutorial for now.15:38
ScottKAt least it would make helping users easier.15:38
ScottKSome might even find it via google.15:38
aleiteYes.. would be a great help15:38
macoif you want to post it in tutorials section of ubuntuforums.org i'll approve it15:39
maco<-- moderator15:39
ScottKaleite: ^^^15:41
aleitewell guys, sorry if I might have interrupted you in something important... but don't take my suggestions as an amarok dev's one... since I am not an amarok dev15:41
ScottKJontheEchidna: Fixed in bar and proposed SRU uploaded.15:41
ScottKaleite: There's a lot going on.  I think you know enough to write this tutorial.15:41
ScottKJontheEchidna: BTW, it was caused by a script we added, but we didn't added the depends.15:42
JontheEchidnayeah, that's what I suspected15:42
aleiteScottk: Well, in fact... is there any kubuntu wiki or something where I could contribute this way?15:43
ScottKaleite: maco suggested ubuntuforums.org.  There is also the communty section of help.ubuntu.com.15:44
amichairquick python style q: http://paste.ubuntu.com/311619/15:54
aleitewell.. I'll make my subscription first15:54
* JontheEchidna goes to get a hair cut16:01
amichairJontheEchidna: get'em all cut!16:02
markeyanother review16:30
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ScottKryanakca: ^^^ too.16:38
ScottKmarkey: Thanks.16:38
neversfeldei someone able to test koffice 2.0.91 from the staging pa17:15
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ScottKGood thing nixternal is on vacation.17:46
ScottKsabdfl open week talk and no "blue headed step-child" questions this time.17:46
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
neversfeldedo we have some information about the merging process in the wiki?18:16
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Mamarokgot a user in the ML asking if KDE 4.3.3 will be backported to Jaunty...18:56
Mamarokany plans for that?18:57
ScottKMamarok: No.18:57
Mamarokgood :)19:01
macoheyyyy so do any of you have any idea how this ibus thing is supposed to work?19:04
tsimpsonare kdenetwork, kdegraphics and kdeedu going to be updated to 4.3.3?19:04
macoscim worked...havent made sense of skim or ibus yet though19:05
ScottKtsimpson: Where?19:08
ScottKmaco: I vaguely recall a new ibus package.  I also recall reading KDE didn't support it yet.  Not sure which is correct.19:09
tsimpsonScottK: in the backports ppa19:09
macoScottK: someone in here got it working. i just dont know whom.19:09
macowell i dont know about "new"19:09
macobut someone had ibus working in kubuntu a few months ago19:09
tsimpsonthere's only 4.3.2 in Jaunty (nothing for karmic)19:09
ScottKtsimpson: I'm sure it will.  Not sure who's working on 4.3.3 packaging.19:09
ScottKtsimpson: For Jaunty there won't be
ScottK(I don't think)19:10
tsimpsonI know there probably won't for Jaunty, but we have an announcement that KDE 4.3.3 is out, and parts of it are missing19:11
ScottKRiddell: ^^^19:14
* ScottK didn't work on it, so doesn't know.19:14
Peace-wow :) nobody19:36
jjessewe are just delayed :)19:37
Peace-i read on kubuntu.org about some project to boost kubuntu19:37
jjesseproject timelord19:37
Peace-i ahve made some stuff for kde service menu19:37
Peace-and stuff like that19:38
Peace-and i would like know why the dolphin's configuration file  is so weird19:43
Peace-it's not confortable19:43
Peace-up button for example shoulb be displaied19:44
Peace-mplayerthumbs should be installed by default19:44
Peace-iso mount service menu should be installed19:45
Peace-some stuff like dragon-kpart or kmplayer-kpart should be installed by default19:45
neversfeldeThere is a kdegraphics 4:4.3.3-0ubuntu1~ppa1 in the backports-ppa, but indeed no kdenetwork and kdeedu, wether in staging nor in backports. Does someone know the reason, why it wasn't copied over?19:45
neversfeldemhh, no package was copied, they were all uploaded again19:48
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ScottKneversfelde: Please fix19:57
neversfeldecurrently testing with staging, if there are any regressions19:58
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
neversfeldekdenetwork 4:4.3.3-0ubuntu1~ppa1 in karmic (a different source with the same version is published in the destination archive)20:00
neversfeldebut Launchpad cannot find this package20:00
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JontheEchidnamaybe the debugging symbols weren't stripped?21:39
JontheEchidnaoh, the dbg package is just 100 MB bigger21:42
JontheEchidnaanyway, lucid is about to get interesting21:42
JontheEchidnaScottK: would you mind retrying phonon-backends on all archs except ia64, armel and powerpc?21:47
neversfeldetsimpson, ScottK: kdenetwork/kdeedu problem should be fixed22:50
tsimpson!info kopete kubuntu-backports22:54
ubottukopete (source: kdenetwork): instant messenger for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.3-0ubuntu1~ppa2 (kubuntu-backports), package size 5131 kB, installed size 17816 kB22:54
tsimpsonyep :)22:54
neversfelde!info gwenview kubuntu-backports22:58
ubottugwenview (source: kdegraphics): image viewer for KDE 4. In component main, is extra. Version 4:4.3.3-0ubuntu1~ppa1 (kubuntu-backports), package size 1197 kB, installed size 2404 kB22:58
bbigrasnice !!23:00
bbigrasthanks for the 4.3.3 packages23:05
amichairquick python style question, which is preferred? http://paste.ubuntu.com/311619/23:29
ScottKJontheEchidna: Sure thing.23:31
JontheEchidnaamichair: the latter, in my opinion23:34
JontheEchidnaScottK: thanks23:36
amichairJontheEchidna: hmmm... it appears that way in 4 different places in software-properties... that feels wrong. I thought of extracting a common utility method,maybe extract a commong method, but if it can be just as clearly written in 1 line anyway... what do u think?23:38
Lex79JontheEchidna: what's wrong in qt ?23:38
JontheEchidnaamichair: yeah, maybe that is too many lines for something that simple23:40
JontheEchidnaI don't think anyone would mind if you used that style throughout, as long as things were consistent23:40
JontheEchidnaLex79: nothing, just the -dbg package is a bit bigger in 4.623:40
Lex79oh ok23:41
JontheEchidna115 MB bigger, installed size :D23:41
ScottKTell pitti to get a bigger hard drive for the retracers.23:42
amichairJontheEchidna: thanks for advice :-)23:43
JontheEchidnaI *think* that there was more than one -dbg package from the source package in the past.. maybe debian combined them23:45
Lex79JontheEchidna: yes, I drop our custom dbg packages, now we use dh_strip, see line 253 here:23:48
Lex79libqt4-dev-dbg is not present in qt 4.623:51
JontheEchidnablah, what's wrong? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/35276454/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.phonon-backends_4:4.3.1-5ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz23:52
Lex79uhm weird23:54
JontheEchidnalibqt4-multimedia is perfectly installable on my machine23:54
ScottKJontheEchidna: Gotta figure out why libqt4-multimedia is not installable.23:54
ScottKJontheEchidna: Look at how long ago the qt4-x11 build for i386 got built.23:56
ScottKIt may have been before the last publisher run and only partly published.23:56
JontheEchidna20 hours ago23:57
JontheEchidnaI suppose I'll try installing it in my pbuilder23:57
ScottKJust did.23:58
ScottKIt's installable23:58
JontheEchidnaSame here.23:58
ScottKThe most recent publisher run should have finished at a quarter of.  I'm going to retry it again, just to see.23:59

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