
dag_can anyone help. I have an Hp Pavillion DV6647cl and suddenly the BIOS won't boot from CD/DVD anymore00:01
dag_it boots fine from USB/HD though00:01
dag_can anyone help. I have an Hp Pavillion DV6647cl and suddenly the BIOS won't boot from CD/DVD anymore00:01
dag_it boots fine from USB/HD though00:01
ubuntuOkay so anyway to download again and burn cd again00:03
ubuntuwhile using the cd trial mode?00:03
ubuntusince there is no cmmand to install form the web00:03
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daraxai am using a ntfs-3g partition as /home (mounted as /home)00:05
daraxawhat problems do you think I can have?00:06
carpiiwhy did you choose that?>00:07
daraxai need a good convivence between Windows & Linux00:08
carpiidual boot?00:08
daraxayes, and I do not want to be forced to have two partitions for data00:08
carpiiok, just wondered00:09
carpiiits been around for a couple of years, it may be that youll have no real problems00:09
carpiii dont really know how itd handle symlinks tho00:09
lovrenew version of kaffeine has no subtitles support?00:10
catamarqueis anyone else having problems with kopete and facebook?00:10
JuJuBeedaraxa: have you considerd using virtualbox for windows ?  You can map your /home (or any other folder for that matter) into the windows OS great... no extra software needed and never need to reboot00:11
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daraxaJuJuBee: games not work very well in virtualbox, neither in wine00:12
JuJuBeeI agree00:13
JuJuBeeCertainly depends on the apps yo need to run00:13
JuJuBeeI have dual boot and vm solution but only use dualboot when I game.. then I don't care about my documents...00:13
lovreis there a video player alternative to kaffeine that supports drag and drop for subtitle files?00:16
JJmanVLC  perhaps00:16
MTGap_I have the koffice backports in my sources.list but I haven't gotten any updates since Beta 200:19
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MTGap_has anyone else been able to update to koffice 2.1 rc 100:19
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boblenyHey, there is a command that goes something like, "lsshaw". Amoung other things it lists all my network information that I need to find drivers for my wireless network card. Does anyone know what im talking about?00:26
boblenyI'm trying to get ndiswrapper to work with my card. I need to know the make and modle of the wireless card installed in my laptop.00:27
Dragnslcrlshw maybe?00:28
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boblenyYeah, that's it!00:29
boblenyI don't know why I can't remember that.00:30
dag_it keeps saying "Package already installed" when I try to install Firefox. What can I do00:31
BluesKajdag, your trying to open the installer , not the browser, try firefox in the run box, alt+f200:32
tiengoI'm problems with my sound in Kubuntu 9.1000:33
BlizzerandHow do I edit menu.lst ( and where can I find it ) in grub 1.97 beta400:34
tiengoy sound stopped working out of nowhere00:34
MTGap_I have the koffice backports in my sources.list but I haven't gotten any updates since Beta 200:35
MTGap_Anyone been able to get to koffice 2.1 rc 100:35
BlizzerandCan anyone help me ??00:35
tiengosomeone help me? My sound stopped working from scratch in kubuntu 9:1000:37
daniel_sanis it your flash sound? in the sound mixer theres a PCM slider now00:38
tiengoNo, the sound of the general system00:39
tiengodaniel_san: happened suddenly, the sound applications warn malfunction00:41
tiengoAnybody know this problem?00:44
lovrecan i set kmail to remeber kwallet password so he doesnt have to prompt me every time00:47
MTGap_have you restarted yet tiengo00:47
tiengoyes, but the problem continue00:48
MTGap_oh okay that usually fixed my issues00:48
MTGap_Are you using pulseaudio tiengo00:49
tiengoMTGap_: no00:49
MTGap_Okay well go to system settings - > multimedia , there's a test button in there see what happens00:50
MTGap_Just click on the different devices in that window and then test. It should play a sound00:52
tiengoMTGap_: the three options do not criticize the operation00:53
tiengoMTGap_: the three options accuse problem00:54
MTGap_They say there is a problem?00:54
tiengoMTGap_: yes, appears an error message00:55
tiengowhen I click to test00:55
bbtmy taskbar panel is gone -- how do i get it back?00:56
avihaybbt: you can either recreate it, or reset your kde4 settings00:58
tiengoMTGap_: sorry for my english :P00:59
MTGap_I don't know tiengo, make a post on ubuntu forums...00:59
MTGap_you could also try sudo alsamixer00:59
MTGap_just to make sure none of your speakers are muted01:00
tiengoMTGap_: the alsamixer don't open01:00
MTGap_oh well that's probably the issue then01:00
MTGap_some update probably messed it up01:00
bbtavihay, how do i reset?01:00
avihayok, lets just make sure we are on the same page. your desktop is fine, and you have applets on it, but you played with the panel and now it's gone?01:01
tiengoMTGap_:  I believe so, because the problems occur after an upgrade01:02
bbti have no applets01:02
avihayor did the applet just crash01:02
MTGap_bbt You can just make a new panel by right clicking and add new panel01:02
MTGap_or do you mean the system tray01:02
tiengoMTGap_: when I try to open alsamixer, the following message appears01:03
bbteverything is gone, and when i add new applet it is a box01:03
MTGap_Try deleting the folder .kde in your home directory and then end the session01:03
MTGap_That will bring you back to the default settings01:03
bbttried that and rebooted and same issue01:04
tiengoMTGap_: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory01:04
MTGap_Yeah okay try doing sudo apt-get install alsa-base01:04
tiengoMTGap_: alsa-base already installed01:05
MTGap_hmm I don't know sorry01:06
tiengoMTGap_: I'll try this solution01:06
tiengoone moment01:06
tiengoI restart01:07
avihaybbt, well, that was my solution (deleteing the .kde folder)01:07
bbti just get floating panels01:07
bbtthis is weird01:07
avihayif you right click the background, can you pick the option add panel?01:09
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bbtavihay, yes, panel appears to be vertical on right side???01:10
avihayok, you can move it01:11
jeponghello... anyone using msi wind u100 and kubuntu here?01:11
avihayjust click the plasma yin and yang symbol, and you'll have an option called screen edge01:12
Fanfarehi folks, usb-creator-kde doesnt work with kubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso on my usb-thumb... after formating /dev/sdX /dev/sdX1 has no free space left?01:14
bbtavihay, ok i sort of got it back just have to add the widgets, thanks01:17
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dag_can anyone help? Firefox won't install when I try using the install option in the internet menu01:20
ultiLinuxDoes anyone know whether I can install OpenOffice.org after installing Kubuntu?01:28
ultiLinuxwill it work as well as it should?01:28
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MTGapI'm trying to get koffice to update to 2.1 rc 1 can anyone help me. I have the backports in my sources.list but it isn't updating01:40
MTGapat the moment I have 2.1 beta 201:40
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sumanhi guys, what can i use to play .mid files in ubuntu??01:44
karlwHi, I'm having trouble getting KDE to start. I think it's related to this bug: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/unassigned-bugs/2008-March/001046.html01:45
ybeddyjhow do i reset the kde taskbar01:45
karlwAlso, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=452053and01:47
karlwIt's not that urgent, I just want KDE again.01:51
karlwsuman: Install timidity01:53
sumankarlw: got it, thanks..01:53
karlwYou're welcome.01:54
compilerwriterIs there yet a way to right click upon the desktop and then have the programs menu show up?  I've been looking for it in the settings but can't seem to find the correct one.01:58
karlwYou mean like Fluxbox?01:59
compilerwriteryes karlw you have it precisely.  That is one feature I like about fluxbox.01:59
compilerwriterI just wish I could get lancelot to pop up with the right click upon the desktop.02:00
karlwThere may be a way to add that feature in QtScript...02:00
compilerwriterkarlw: that is beyond my capabilities.02:02
alesanhi, whre is adept in the newest kubuntu?02:31
alesanI DO NOT FIND IT02:31
alesansorry for the caps02:32
monte48lowesadept is no longer included02:39
monte48loweskpackageit has replaced it02:39
tsimpson!info adept karmic02:40
ubottuadept (source: adept): package management suite for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0~beta7.2ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 369 kB, installed size 1308 kB02:40
tsimpsonit's still there, just not default02:40
monte48lowesyes, I meant to say that it's not installed02:40
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Guest13162anyone know a good channel for netbook support for Kubuntu?02:45
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tsimpsonDruidGeek: there is #kubuntu-netbook but you should be able to get most support here02:47
defaulthi all.  How can I reduce GTK fonts in kubuntu?  They are displayign much bigger than proper KDE size.02:57
tsimpsondefault: try from System Settings -> Appearance -> GTK+ Appearance02:58
tsimpsonyou can set it to use KDE fonts or set a custom font style02:58
defaulttsimpson: yep alrady done that and it's set to use kde02:59
defaulttsimpson: all the apps that use GTK are displaying big fonts, when my kde system fonts are 8pt and 9pt.  GTK should eb using KDE's sizes.02:59
tsimpsonit should03:00
promisehola amigos!03:00
promiseI was playing around with my ubuntu desktop settings03:00
promiseand I need to get them back to factory defaults03:00
promiseI lost my start button equivalent of windows :(03:00
FloodBotK1promise: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:00
promisedo what? Im just typing lol03:00
promisesry, flood bot got me :P03:01
promisehi jepong03:01
defaultAnother problem I ahve it I can't play videos.  Since Dragonp03:01
jepongpromise: hello03:01
defaultAnother problem I ahve it I can't play videos.  Since Dragonplayer wanted to uplaod codecs it's stopped video.  I reinstalled system because of same problem03:01
freaky[t]anyone here using smooth tasks?03:01
defaultany solutions?03:02
promiseare you experienced much with ubuntu?03:02
promisedon't hate me :(03:02
jepongdefault: just install kubuntu-restricted-extras03:02
defaultjepong: I think you mean get ffmpeg.  I have the proper codecs instaleld but it seems to be corrupt after doing default choices03:03
defaultjepong: ok doing kubuntu-restricted-extras03:04
jepongi really don't experiement much with my installation... i just get the medibuntu repos and install kubuntu-restricted-extras... video work fine using dragon player03:05
jepongi'm a kubuntu newbie so i really know that much... i came from ubuntu/gnome03:06
freaky[t]how do i enable medibuntu repos?03:06
freaky[t]can i use it with kubuntu?03:07
jepongi think so03:08
promisewell for videos and audio try going to mysapce.com then they usually have this thing you have to click which says download required programs03:08
promiseI mean upgrades03:08
carpiii dont think thats the best advice really03:08
promisejesus, whats wrong with the 90 seconds ping?03:10
jepongwhat's bugging me right now with kuubntu (and also with ubuntu) is that my msi wind screen brightness goes up and down... creating this flickering effect :(03:10
carpiimsi wind screen?03:11
jepongthe LCD03:11
freaky[t]with what program can i read .pdf files?03:11
jepongfreaky[t]: okular?03:11
freaky[t]ok thanks03:12
bbthow do i set up a logitech c500 webcam?03:15
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bige610hey guys i have 2wire uverse router i can enter my wep code fine in ubuntu but when i try to connect in kubuntu it doesnt authorize. anyone else have this problem03:33
jepongbige610: everyone seems have problem with wireless in kubuntu... most i read intalled wicd03:36
bige610thanks  i will read up on that03:36
jepongbige610: try kubuntuforums.net   http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?board=113.003:39
skunchsomeone please, please help me.03:43
monte48loweswhat do you need help with?03:43
skunchI don't even think this should be hard solve03:43
skunchI'll tell my situation03:44
skunchI was formatting my computer today03:44
jepongskunch: ill try03:44
skunchso I deleted my partition for ubuntu on my PC03:44
skunchthat caused a problem03:44
skunchI fixed it (I'm back on Ubuntu now as we speak)03:44
skunchbut when I needed get a Live CD, I had to take my external SATA from this computer to my brother's laptop to make a new live disc based on the Ubuntu Image I luckily left on it03:45
skunchso everything was cool03:45
skunchI can read my "Skunch Box" external harddrive on ubuntu03:45
skunchbut that USB drive can no longer be read on windows03:45
skunchit doesn't read on my vista on this system03:46
skunchnor on the XP on my brother laptop03:46
monte48loweswhat is the file format on the USB drive?03:46
defaultskunch: always eject usb devices...03:46
skunchyes...now I know do that03:47
skunchI used to always never do it03:47
skunchand nothing wrong would happen but surely now I've learned the hard lesson03:47
defaultskunch: if you had pictures or media files there are some programs that be seek and find them, but else you will need some utility to tryt o repaire the partition and its format type03:47
skunchbut no03:47
monte48lowesI am thinking that you need to run chdisk with the drive when it's attached to one of the windows machines03:47
skunchthere's no partition made03:47
skunchwait lemme clear something up03:48
defaultusb is like a HD03:48
skunchThis external USB is not a partition03:48
skunchit's in it's full 320 gb form.03:48
skunchI use it simply as extra space for both my PC and Ubuntu03:48
skunchand it's NTFS03:48
skunchwhat I don't understand is03:49
skunchwhy is only Linux reading it03:49
monte48lowesplug it into a windows machine and run test disk03:49
skunchand not windows03:49
monte48lowessorry... chdisk03:49
skunchhow would I go about that?03:49
monte48lowesor scan disk.... it's in the administration tools under control panel03:49
skunchbecause when I plug in the USB, windows does the recognition sound and everything03:49
skunchbut nothing comes up03:49
skunchok lemme write that down.03:49
skunchI'll try that and come back here03:51
skunchlol I was going to flip out hardcore before03:51
skunchbecause before I came on ubuntu03:51
promisenever write down what a bot says to write down.03:51
skunchI thought my USB had just kicked the bucket03:51
skunchk brb03:52
danubhey all, how can i enlarge the / firesystem to incorporate the newly created 10gig drive i just created?04:03
Skunchok I'm back04:04
SkunchI'm on Windows now04:04
danubi only assigned 6 gigs originally to the install but during the upgrade process i was told i need another 1.6 gigs04:04
danubso i need to turn my 5.7 gig / into 15.7 /04:04
danubi cant seem to do taht in gparted04:04
SkunchI'm not sure I have the option for a Scan Disk in my Admin Tools place in Control Panel though :S04:04
danubanyone got any ideas?04:04
danubSkunch: go to my computer, go to c04:05
danubright click, properties04:05
danubchieck disk for errors04:05
Skunchyeah but04:05
SkunchI'm trying to do this for a USB External04:06
Skunchthat I cannot see on windows anymore ;)04:06
danubwell if you plug it in and cant see it, your screwed04:06
SkunchI see it in Linux04:06
danubtry going to disk management04:06
Skunchand it works perfectly fine04:06
danubyou may need to format it04:06
Skunchbut it doesn't work on this part of my computer (Vista)04:06
danublets see04:07
Skunchnor on my brother's XP comp04:07
danubwell i dont know how to get to disk management in vista04:07
danubon xp its right click the my computer icon, go to manage04:07
danubthen disk management04:07
danuband see if its listed04:07
defaultSkunch: in window look in the drive manager area of their management console thingy04:08
danubsomeone tell me how to merge 2 virtual disks please04:08
danubi need to do this freaking upgrade and i dont have the disk space :(04:08
Skunchyes it sees it04:09
SkunchI even turned it off and on04:09
Skunchit knows it's there04:09
Skunchit even does the sound recognition04:09
Skunchdoesn't show up as an option to explore04:09
danubskunch, then you need to format it04:09
promiseis ti a good thing to scroll up in irc to read what you missed?04:10
danubwho promise?04:10
davidjheinrichhi all...if I have AVI files, can I just drag them to the VIDEO_TS folder in K3b to make a DVD?04:11
danubi just broke my linux:(04:11
danuband it let me do it04:11
danubthat sucks04:11
FloodBotK1danub: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:12
Skunchwhy can't I just04:12
Skunchmake it read that USB at an L: drive again?04:12
danubsure you can try to change drive letter04:12
Skunchright now it has no associated drive letter04:12
Skunchhow can I assign it back?04:12
danubdisk management04:13
Skunchand then?04:13
danubright click it, assign letter04:14
danubi gotta restart. i might be back, i might not. depends on how bad i broke this install04:14
webaskahi, can anybody suggest most popular firewall for kubuntu 9.10 ? I mean firestarted doesnt even have its website anymore :((04:15
jepongwebaska: ufw? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall04:16
webaskai have read it before but it doesnt make any sense.I dont even know how it works.Does it autostart then kubuntu loads?Does it have graphical interface so i can see who tries nasty stuff?04:18
jeponghow about this one?http://roderick-greening.blogspot.com/2008/12/ufw-kde-simple-firewall-for-kubuntu.html04:18
webaskagreat :)04:21
webbb82what window managers work in kde   i know compiz and kwin  but is there another one that would run faster on my netbook04:24
xfire8if someone fix it i give him my soul : http://communities.intel.com/thread/8007 thanks04:28
i_is_brokecan anyone explain chainloading to me?04:29
catamarquenioxfire8: i think its something more about ut computer... try restoring all settings to default...04:29
catamarquenioxfire8: it could be just a coincidence that it happens just in linux...04:30
xfire8i tired bro , not help .04:30
catamarquenioxfire8: did u restore defaults?04:30
xfire8yes , reset cmos too04:30
xfire8its cant be coincidence  because its all in kind of linux04:31
catamarquenioxfire8: linux its not loaded when u turn ur computer on... its not even reading the hd when it just starts......04:32
k4everi'm pretty sure this has been asked a thousand times but i can't find an answer using google:  is kde 4.3.3 available for jaunty?04:32
xfire8oh i dont know ..04:33
catamarqueniok4ever: nope... u can try installing it from karmic repos though... cant assume everything will go out ok though04:33
xfire8i really need to fix it04:33
catamarquenioxfire8: what apps do u run on the linux box?04:34
k4everwill it be available for jaunty?  i don't want to go on a rant but i don't want to be forced to update to 9.10 just for updates to the DE04:34
i_is_brokek4ever, i wouldnt mix them, you will have fits.04:34
xfire8catamequrio : nothing , fresh linux04:35
k4everi_is_broke:  i don't plan on it.  hope the kubuntu guys are working on this for jaunty.  some of us are not ready to take the leap to karmic04:35
promise25 signal sins?04:36
catamarquenioxfire8: then im more sure its something in ur pc, not linux issue04:36
i_is_brokek4ever, its not bad if your hardware is supported..for a while it stopped supporting the intel video and made a mess of my system, but now its doing quite well.although i see a lot of people are having issues with sound and video still.04:36
catamarqueniok4ever: theres nothing on the web... did u try installing them from karmic?04:37
i_is_brokek4ever, although i havent tried installing in vbox yet either.04:37
k4evercatamarquenio:  i'm not that adventurous.   i have a good build with kde 4.3.2.  i don't want to screw it up.04:38
catamarqueniok4ever: do a remaster copy or a backup to an usb pendrive and then go for it....04:39
k4everi_is_broke:  i use linux mint 7.  i'm waiting for linux mint 8 to switch to karmic04:39
i_is_brokek4ever,  ya i use lxde as my desktop on top of kde..and it seems to be working pretty good as well...04:40
catamarqueniowhats up with mint? why people use a make up copy of ubuntu?04:40
k4evermint has better configuration tools, which ubuntu seems to lack and has not fixed yet04:41
i_is_brokewhats so different about mint then regular ubuntu?04:41
catamarquenioyeah i mean, whats the difference about using mint vs ubuntu?04:42
catamarquenioif they take ubuntu and make mint....04:42
k4evermint has made the switch from pclinuxos pleasant for me04:42
i_is_brokeheck im trying to figure out the chainloader for lucid lynx so i can update my test box...googling has a lot to be desired tonight as im tired from my grandkids kicking my butt all day and evening.04:42
i_is_brokeand i hate messing with the gnome freaks in the regular ubuntu channel some are very egotistical and rude.04:44
k4everimagine that ubuntu is a piece of brass.  mint is polish for the brass04:44
i_is_brokek4ever, i have talked to several people who use mint and they seem very happy with it.04:45
catamarqueniou can do it by ur self... and probably getting less errors than mint "remaster team"04:45
k4everi'm extremely happy with it :)04:45
k4evercatamarquenio:  takes too long to get to that level.  i haven't seen too many errors with mint.04:47
catamarquenioi have been doing remaster copys of ubuntu from 8.04 all copied to a pen... never had to reinstall it... and im sure i have more usefull stuff than mint and offcourse its more good looking........04:48
k4everi_is_broke:  i've seen to many freaks on both the gnome and kde sides.  i run both.  i prefer kde, but that is my choice.  i don't care if someone else prefers gnome.  that is there choice.  the freaks want you to use what they are using because in their minds its superior04:49
k4evercatamarquenio:  to each his own.  i like mint and i'm willing to wait for mint 8 to switch to karmic.04:50
catamarqueniok4ever: ur right...04:51
vitamin-carrotOMG !!!04:52
vitamin-carrotI am wearing pants04:52
k4everi just hope the mint team doesn't take too long04:52
davidjheinrichI have 8GB of RAM on my Linux system...why does the Sys Monitor report that I'm using 2.6 MiB of Swap when I have 6.6 free GB of RAM?04:54
vitamin-carrotswap is a part of your HDD isnt it?04:55
vitamin-carrotsome people use USB flash drives as swap04:55
i_is_brokedavidjheinrich, are you running the 64 bit?04:55
i_is_brokehow is the flash working for you?04:56
davidjheinrichI'm using Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit04:56
davidjheinrichnot using flash04:56
i_is_brokeyou dont use adobe flash at all?04:56
davidjheinrichi_is_broke, ru asking me?04:57
i_is_brokedavidjheinrich, yes04:57
davidjheinrichi_is_broke, why does that matter? I don't see how adobe flash has to do with swap usage04:58
davidjheinrichbut I think I have flash support...I can watch u-tube, that's flash right?04:58
i_is_brokedavidjheinrich, it dont, i was asking because you said you was using the 64 bit distro and was curious..04:59
vitamin-carroti am using 64bit04:59
i_is_brokedavidjheinrich, yes thats flash.04:59
vitamin-carrotthe flash 10 dev runs sweet04:59
davidjheinrichI think I may have had to install some flash plugin or something04:59
davidjheinrichdont' think it worked by default05:00
i_is_brokevitamin-carrot, thanks i have been thinking of switching but was kind of waiting for that to be fixed first.05:00
vitamin-carrotits only dev but i have not had any issues05:00
vitamin-carroti can pint you to a good how to if you want05:00
i_is_brokewell i was going to just download and do a fresh install. so i can use it for testing lucid05:01
davidjheinrichi_is_broke, ru on ubutnu 8?05:01
i_is_brokeive been on karmic since alpha 205:01
davidjheinrichwhat's Karmic? the new release, 9.10?05:02
davidjheinrichyea, ach05:02
davidjheinrichI'm glad I didn't upgrade to it05:02
i_is_brokeand if i can figure out this chainloader stuff , ill switch my test box over tonight for lucid.05:02
vitamin-carrothere ya go broke - http://technologycrowd.com/2009/11/01/installing-64-bit-flash-player-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/05:02
davidjheinrichUbuntu shouldn't recommend the upgrade to 9.10 so soon...it's way too early for most people05:02
davidjheinrichhey, do you guys have a suggestion for a program to do DVD-movie creation from AVI files?05:03
i_is_brokethanks vitamin-carrot , i saved it to favorites and will use it when i switch..lol05:03
davidjheinrichI want a simple GUI to guide me through this, not go through 6 command-line steps05:03
vitamin-carrotheinrich - i think i saw somehting on getdeb but i can tbe sure05:04
vitamin-carrotyou might want to take a look05:04
davidjheinrichyep, QDVDauthor05:04
davidjheinrichthat's one I'm considering05:04
davidjheinrichQDVDauthor or DVDstyler05:05
FloodBotK1davidjheinrich: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:05
davidjheinrichand http://qdvdauthor.sourceforge.net05:05
davidjheinrichand also mandvd05:07
davidjheinrichmaybe I'll jut install them all and see which one I like best05:07
vitamin-carrotsounds like a plan05:08
vitamin-carrotahhh bollocks i just broke my conky05:11
D3m3r5u5_Need help with apache05:32
D3m3r5u5_any one willing?05:32
D3m3r5u5_Apache is acting like mod_rewrite is enabled but it is not05:32
promisedr3m3us, what are you trying to do?05:36
promiseubuntu of course right?05:36
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pushaxhi all.  Is anyone good at security user levels?05:49
pushaxMy mounted ntfs drives wont allow guest to read files over samba.  I want to know how to allow this without editing the FSTAB.  The drives are using group 'plugdev'05:51
pushaxI tried adding 'nobody' user to 'plugdev' group but that didn't work plus it would be a bad security choice.05:52
gigasofti have problem opening dvd with many's options05:54
gigasoft"Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file."05:54
gigasoftany   help?05:54
pushaxgigasoft: define opening?05:55
pushaxother words what are you trying to do05:55
gigasoftto play dvd disc05:56
pushaxcheck your /etc/fstab file and see what it says for the cdrom line05:56
gigasoftand on my own pc i do not have permission05:56
pushaxare you the defacto user of the computer or a sub user?05:56
gigasofti tried all05:57
pushaxmy line in fstab reads "/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8  0 0"05:58
gigasoftinstalled plug-ins, ...05:58
gigasofthow to do that?05:58
pushaxcheck you fstab file out using a text editor.05:59
pushaxgigasoft: install krusader05:59
pushaxgigasoft: will let you browser files and edit them...05:59
gigasoftsudo aptitude install krusader ...06:00
pushaxsudo apt-get install krusader06:00
pushaxnow run it.06:00
pushaxusing the root version.  the red one..06:01
pushaxnow in the first side near the address bar, press'/'06:01
gigasoftsudo krusader06:01
pushaxthen got director 'etc'06:02
gigasoftjust a cec06:02
pushaxlook in that directory for fstab.  telling you this way so you learn how to use krusader in the mean time06:02
gigasoft# /etc/fstab: static file system information.06:03
gigasoft# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier06:03
gigasoft# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name06:03
gigasoft# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).06:03
FloodBotK1gigasoft: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:03
pushaxclick ftab once and then press the view or edit button at bottom.  or F306:03
SandGorgonanybody know how to get the Davicom DEC Tulip ethernet driver to work on hardy/jaunty ?06:04
pushaxgigasoft: have you found the fstab file in the krusader file browser?06:04
pushaxgigasoft: ok then edit or view the file.  there are buttons at bottom of app06:05
gigasoftok what to edit06:05
pushaxgigasoft: you can't paste code...06:05
pushaxgigasoft: if it's one line or two it's ok, but if not use !pastebin06:06
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic06:06
pushaxgigasoft: just copy and paste the cdrom line06:07
gigasoft/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       006:07
gigasoftis this ok?06:08
pushaxgigasoft: ok that looks ok.  you may now want to goto the /media directory and see if the user and group security levels are oko06:08
pushaxin the media directory is where the devices like cdroms mount06:08
gigasoftownership: root06:09
gigasoftAccess permissions: can view content06:10
pushaxgigasoft: ok.  you may want to check what devices...media you have mounted.06:10
gigasofthow to do that?06:10
pushaxgigasoft: also in krusader right mouse click menu on the columns and get them to display better details.06:11
gigasoftsomething like that in column perms06:12
gigasoftowner root06:12
pushaxgigasoft: 'mount | column -t'06:12
gigasoftwhere to put that06:13
pushaxin the commandline.06:13
gigasoftin terminal06:13
pushaxI'm fairly new to linux so don't know the terminology06:14
gigasoft/bin/mount: /bin/mount: cannot execute binary file06:14
pushaxcheck with that command to see if you have another item mounted into the /media/cdrom06:14
pushaxas maybe it's trying to access a spot taken.06:15
gigasoftno it has not06:15
pushaxthe other issue could be the disc is damaged or in a format unknown.  If you're using latest kubuntu then it should eb able to read most discs, like UDF06:15
gigasoftit reads on win xp06:16
gigasofton a friends laptop06:16
pushaxrun k3d and see if it can read it at a lower level.  like get disc info06:16
gigasoftgigasoft@KubuntuPC:~$ k3b06:17
pushaxk3b is free.  just add it06:17
lninjocan i run osx in virtualbox06:17
pushaxOSX requires a speial bios boot stage feature06:18
lninjothanks i will investigate06:19
pushaxgigasoft: you should already have k3b installed.  press F2 and type in k3b and it should find it for you06:19
gigasofti done it06:20
pushaxlninjo: there are modded versions of osx that gets around the bios requirements.06:20
pushaxgigasoft: what was the problem?06:21
lninjohow do you get it06:21
gigasoftwell  forget about it06:21
gigasoftthanks' anyway06:21
pushaxlninjo: do google search... not sure if they wouold be latest versions of osx.06:21
lninjowhat would i have to search for like a special name or something06:22
promisewhat is it with women and sizes of digital data06:22
promiseim saying size does matter, 1024 kb worth....06:22
pushaxgigasoft: see if k3b can read hte disc at lower level and tell you what the disc is formated in.06:22
pushaxgigasoft: you maybe able to add in the disc format protocol.  It maybe a wierd format.06:23
gigasoftMedia ID: TYG0206:24
gigasoftMedia ID: TYG0206:24
gigasoftCapacity:502:50:66 min (4.3 GiB)06:24
gigasoftUsed Capacity:502:50:66 min (4.3 GiB)06:24
FloodBotK1gigasoft: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:24
gigasoftApplication Id:NERO BURNING ROM06:24
gigasoftVolume Size:4.3 GiB (2,048 B * 2,262,816 blocks = 4,634,247,168 B)06:24
pushaxgigasoft: does it say an ISO type06:25
pushaxHelp needed --- My mounted ntfs drives wont allow guest to read files over samba.  I want to know how to allow this without editing the FSTAB.  The drives are using group 'plugdev'06:27
lninjome too06:30
Qu4Zpushax: Is samba set up properly? <_<06:34
pushaxQu4Z: Yep. defaults06:36
Qu4ZSo it's only ntfs drives that have the problem? (you can read off other drives just fine?)06:37
pushaxQu4Z: the access levels are conflicting as the samba user doesn't have access to the drives.  Yep on;y ntfs as they are mounted using gid = plugdev06:38
i_is_brokeok whats the location for source.lst?06:38
peacehi..just installed kubuntu 9.10 I loved the way it installed itself and other programs. But i have few problems.Amarok plays sound and i can hear it, vlc, youtube doesnt.06:38
Qu4ZAh, okay. Not sure I can help you there, sorry <_<06:38
pushaxQu4Z: the problem is I don't want to add guest=nobody to the plugdev group as that would give guests read access to all my devices using plugdev level06:39
pushaxQu4Z: I was wondering if there is a better solution to get guest mode working so they can access my shares without user:password06:39
pushaxpeace: sounds liek you need to get pulseaudio working06:41
pushaxpeace: without pulseaudio you can onyl play one sound app at a time06:41
peacewell amarok works and kubuntu then it starts also i hear its sound.Im looking at settings and i see pulse and audigy and i test them.I put pulse priority at the top, but it doesnt make difference.06:42
pushaxpeace yep.  in System Settings>Multimedia put pulse audio tot he top of all the items06:43
pushaxthen you need to install pulseaudio server06:43
peaceyeah but the sound still not working on firefox and vlc06:43
pushaxalso install pavuconttrol which is a pulseaudio volume control. use the pa volume control to setup the channels and volumes...06:44
pushaxpeace so you are sure you ahve a pulseaudio server!06:44
pushaxalso make sure you kmix has it's levels all set too.  turn on all the channels and see if theya re all right before setting pulseaudio's levels.06:45
i_is_brokewell here goes nothing, updating test box to lucid see if it blows up..lol06:48
jussi01___is usb creator.exe on the current cd?06:49
pushaxpeace: onec that's all done, then make sure vlc uses pulseaudio for it's playing. otherwords check its settings.06:49
peacewell pavucontrol wasnt installed, but now after i installed it and checked vlc amarok youtube, only amarok works as before :)06:49
pushaxpeace: sound in firefox is another matter.  you will need to install something like totem or vlc for mozilla to get sound.06:50
pushaxpeace: or if the webpage uses flash... then it may play sound.  firefox should tell you waht it needs though.06:50
pushaxpeace: check amarok and see if it's set to use pulse audio.  as pulse needs to claim the first slot ont he hardware06:51
peacevlc cant find pulse..but nor alsa nor OSS helps to vlc to play the music.I mean i cant hear it. :)06:51
pushaxpeace: so you isntalled specifically pulseaudio server using package installer06:52
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pushaxlike KpackageKit06:52
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tsimpsonjussi01___: creator.exe?06:53
jussi01___tsimpson: cant find it :/06:54
pushaxtsimpson: mayeb for win32 users06:54
tsimpsonjussi01___: what is it?06:54
jussi01___tsimpson: usb creator06:54
jussi01___Im looking for the windows one...06:55
pushaxobviously it makes a usb live dongle06:55
jussi01___the usb creator page says its on the cd06:55
pushaxI'll shut up06:55
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:55
tsimpsonjussi01___: usb-creator.exe is on the netbook CD, yes06:55
jussi01___tsimpson: Ive the normal desktop cd06:56
jussi01___could you pop it up somewhere? I cant even find it on google :(06:56
pushaxHelp needed --- My mounted ntfs drives wont allow guest to read files over samba.  I want to know how to allow this without editing the FSTAB.  The drives are using group 'plugdev'06:56
tsimpsonjussi01___: http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/karmic/kubuntu-9.10-netbook-i386.iso/%5Bpeek%5D%5Bpage=2%5D?extract=true06:57
tsimpsonthe link there should work06:57
zeelot3khey... I don't see how to accept files on IRC using quaseel o_o06:58
tsimpsonzeelot3k: it doesn't work in quassel, you'll have to use another client like konversation06:59
tsimpsonzeelot3k: quassel didn't exist too long ago, it's still under development (still at version 0.5.0)07:00
SandGorgonwhich PCI network cards are best supported on Hardy Heron - we need to replace a couple of them in our office07:00
zeelot3kyea but it was made the default IRC client for kubuntu07:00
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:00
tsimpsonzeelot3k: because we had no choice07:01
zeelot3kis it a konversation/kde4 thing?07:01
tsimpsonyeah, if you call the fact that it didn't exist a "thing" ;)07:01
zeelot3kyou guys have to use all kde4 apps?07:02
peaceit was a bit confusing to notice pulse audio server, but i installed and vlc doesnt see any pulse driver.. no sound in youtube too :D07:02
tsimpsonzeelot3k: we want to, because we have to fit all the default apps (and everything they depend on) on to the install CD07:03
zeelot3kah ok07:03
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tsimpsonso both KDE3 libraries and KDE4 libraries together take up quite a bit of space07:03
zeelot3kthanks for the info07:03
tsimpsonno problem :)07:03
zeelot3kill just have to install konversation for a few days07:04
tsimpsonit's really quite usable these days, you may grow to like it07:04
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tsimpsonmore features that quassel07:04
zeelot3kI like quassel, but I need file transfers for a bit07:04
zeelot3koh you meant konv?07:04
zeelot3kI used konversation a lot until very recently07:05
zeelot3kon ubuntu I use konversation usually07:05
tsimpsonwhen it gets good scripting support, it'll be my perfect client07:05
zeelot3kthey are working on a kde4 version too right?07:05
tsimpsonthat's the one I'm on about, it's released now07:06
zeelot3kah cool07:06
* zeelot3k looks07:06
tsimpsonversion 1.2 is the KDE4 version07:06
tsimpson!info konversation07:06
ubottukonversation (source: konversation): user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 2287 kB, installed size 9920 kB07:06
zeelot3kso is konversation back to being the default?07:07
tsimpsonnot for karmic07:07
tsimpsonbut maybe for lucid07:07
tsimpsonwe'll decide at UDS07:07
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peacefuck yeah vlc sound works :DDD07:10
wavis_I have an eee with kubuntu on it, and it has two internal solid state drives. One is fast, and has the OS on it, the other is large. The small one has a mere 250m on it now, and I'm wondering if there is a way to get apt-get to install its stuff on the other drive. tips?07:10
tsimpson!language | peace07:12
ubottupeace: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:12
tsimpsonwavis_: you can create another partition and have that mount to /var (or /var/cache)07:12
peaceplease dont be neurotic. :D i was simply very happy since its not an easy task to fix something :)07:13
tsimpsonpeace: it's a rule of this channel that we keep things "family friendly", not just me being neurotic07:13
peacestill no sound using youtube :(07:13
peacewell i wont be rude okay okay :)07:14
tsimpsonI think in /etc/firefox/firefoxrc you can set how it uses the sound system07:14
wavis_tsimpson: so apt-get uses /var mostly? wouldn't I have to delete or move /var in order to mount the other drive there? i imagine i don't fully understand the amount of stuff I might disrupt...07:16
tsimpsonwavis_: apt-get downloads the .debs to /var/cache/apt/archives/ and package lists to /var/lib/apt/lists/, so that's where most of the space goes07:17
tsimpsonyou shouldn't have to move anything, the apps should notice that the dirs aren't there and recreate them07:17
tsimpsonor you can run "sudo apt-get clean" to clear out the old .debs if you just want a bit more space07:17
peacetsimpson can u help me with sound? amarok vlc works, but youtube doesnt make any sound.Pulse audio control volume shows in real time that the sound is ON.( it moves as i see some video clips with sound )07:20
wavis_clean leaves me with 565m.07:20
peaceoh i fixed... dear god lol :D07:20
tsimpsonwell, that was quick07:21
peacei was lucky..changed something to analog duplex.07:22
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wavis_doing this with /var won't gain much... du on /var reveals it using just 188m. i really need to utilize that other drive somehow07:24
wavis_maybe i should just reinstall07:24
wavis_or use DSL (the distro, not the internet connection)07:25
tsimpsonDSL is good for a small system, but it's the apps you install that take up the most space07:25
wavis_ah, then maybe i should remove some of the standard kde apps07:27
wavis_that i don't use much07:27
wavis_i know i could gain a lot by removing open office, but i feel i might regret that in a business setting07:31
wavis_i'll just live with effectively a 500m hd for now until/if it bites me07:32
nevynwavis_: latex ftw07:32
nevynLaTeX even07:32
wavis_nevyn: I've heard a lot about it, but i'm not familiar with LaTeX. can it read/edit word and xls documents?07:34
wavis_if i could inject a syringe of geekitude into the brain of every business minded corporate drone, believe me I would.07:37
wavis_it would help so many things07:37
nevynmaybe not.07:38
* nevyn has been doing psycobabble stuff all day07:38
nevynI sortof get where those people are comming from.. (it's not for me but I get where they are.)07:39
wavis_yeah, it's not that i hold any malice toward them. they just could use a bit more interest and understanding of information sciences, and why they're imporant07:41
wavis_this is such a digression07:41
nevynyes it's way OT07:41
peacehow to make firestarter to autostart ?07:48
seraphimproblem : nach dem anmelden startet sich kdm neu. die arbeitsfläche wird nichtmehr aufgebaut07:53
seraphimkann jemand weiterhelfen07:53
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:53
seraphimgood morning07:54
seraphimafter login in kdm,  the workplace will not start, insteat kdm restarts an prompt for login again07:54
seraphimanyone can help ?07:54
peacehow much serious events is normal to get in an hour? ( using firestarter )08:01
tsimpsonpeace: depends on how you connect to the net and how many nasty people are scanning your network (and how many are false alerts)08:08
Smurphytsimpson: yeah. Kind of... To access my network, only port-knocking works - if you know which port/door to knock at :)08:11
tsimpsonor you have a random number generator, a lot of time, and some luck ;)08:11
peacei get about 20 red alerts...not black(not serious) with blacks it can be 70 or more :D08:12
Smurphytsimpson: Luck would work. I have setup my systems to dynamically blacklist all attempts that do not succeed on the 3rd try ... :)08:12
tsimpson* and lots of IPs ;)08:13
seraphim after login in kdm,  the workplace will not start, insteat kdm restarts an prompt for login again, anyone can help ?08:14
Smurphytsimpson: yeah. Well - if there are too many attempts - the system locks all access attempts alltogether for a predefined time, and still logs - to see if all accesses are to be kept locked or not.08:14
Smurphytsimpson: You can do awfull lots of stuff if you know how to play with Shorewall :)08:14
SmurphyBTW - does anyone know how I could use the extra buttons on my mouse - to switch Desktop - e.g. Button 4 -> Desktop Right, Button 5 -> Desktop Left ?08:16
SmurphyDoesn't seem to work ... The Buttons are detected, byt setting it up in the system settings/KDE won't tek the buttons.08:16
SmurphyBTW - U folks know how to sync your calendar/addressbook data easily with a Mac OS-X ?08:22
SmurphyHmmm... irssi just crashed. Weird. Never happened before ...08:30
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hackndoes_can anyone help me setup unison mail client to work with gmail?08:56
hackndoes_does anyone use unison for mail and calendar services?08:56
seraphim  after login in kdm,  the workplace will not start, insteat kdm restarts an prompt for login again, anyone can help ?09:01
rfoneywud up user09:10
mr-retardhelp ! i added a widget "opendesktop" to check out what it was, now my screen blacked out. all my menus are gone and i don't know which process to terminate09:12
Smurphymr-retard: oha. Klick on the screen ?09:13
mr-retardklicking both left and right do nothing09:13
seraphim after login in kdm,  the workplace will not start, insteat kdm restarts an prompt for login again, anyone can help ?09:15
mr-retardSmurphy, clicking doesn't do anything, can't find either plasmoid or opendesktop process09:17
Elephantmanafter a fresh install of karmic, X crashes while loading KDE09:18
Elephantmani've removed nvidia driver, but it still crashes09:19
Elephantmanand tried fluxbox, there no problems, X works09:19
Elephantmanseems like there is something in kde's loading process that crashes X09:19
Elephantmanany clue ?09:19
mr-retardElephantman, do you get a black screen ?09:21
Elephantman(looks like my issue is the sames as seraphim's)09:21
ElephantmanI did with nvidia driver, without I'm back to login screen09:21
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cjaeHi, can someone  tell me how to get the prompt for adding usability to konqueror back again  or how to do it from the command line?09:40
cjaeI have looked through the konqueror settings09:40
QbProghello there!09:42
QbProgI would like to try GCC 4.5 in kubuntu09:43
QbProgis there any repository containing experimental packages?09:43
QbProgI have 9.1009:43
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peabodyHey I was able to upgrade from 9.04 using the download, but when I try to boot from the CD when KDE starts I get vertical green and grey lines... can I run the install from my desktop using the install cd without having to boot from and run under their KDE config that is not compatible iwth my system apparently?09:51
peabodyI need to wipe out my partitions because I'm running on a degraded md-raid and I want to delete the md partitions entirely09:52
Elephantmanpeabody> like me and apparently a lot of others, you are having serious issuers with X in the last upgrade. so far I've got no real answer, good luck :/09:53
peabodyWell, it's obvious that I can solve it by booting from an old 9.04 CD and installing , then using the download installer.. I'm just trying to avoid a few redundant steps and increase my knowledge along the way09:54
peabodyI would think with a chroot command and a few simple steps I could launch the installer from my current install..09:55
Elephantmanpeabody> oh I think I'm getting wrong, you've not yet upgraded09:55
peabodyoh I did the upgrade and it works fine09:56
peabodynow I'm trying to boot from the 9.10 disk and install so I can repartition my disk09:56
peabodybut booting from the disk isn't working!09:56
Elephantmanok, understood. I didn't have that problem on current box since I'm using alternate09:57
peabodyHmm, using the alternate install cd.. you might be a genius!10:05
ritualMy KPPackage manager doesnt seem to install anything when I search10:07
ElephantmanI always use it because I've got no need for the bling bling of the graphical install, and it's faster without10:07
=== ritual is now known as ritual_
ritual_I get this error when trying to Browse c: in Wine10:15
ritual_Unable to run the command specified. The file or folder10:15
kpnvidia question10:18
kphardware drivers app refuses to activate driver10:18
kpfresh kubuntu karmic install10:18
kpanybody had this issue?10:19
BETEPOKHello, everybody! Does anyone can help me to conifigure fglrx driver? Please?10:21
JediMasterhey guys, is there a kubuntu net install iso I can get somewhere?10:23
dylan_hello, i just succeeded to get kubuntu netbook installed, it was a bit hard but it is looking nice, well done!10:26
BETEPOKI've seen only full 700 mb iso on the main server. No net installs like in Debian10:27
JediMasterBETEPOK, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ ?10:27
JediMasterjust found that =)10:27
dylan_the new netbook interface is a bit strange, is it possible to remove icons from the main menue to simplify it???10:28
JediMasterok, so I already have a USB stick with ubuntu karmic on it, should I just use that then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?10:28
JediMastereek, nearly forgot to backup my svn repository before wiping the machine10:31
dylan_huh. i just figured out you click the star thingy to put things in the transparent menu bar, right click or drag would be better. till, its very fancy looking ... fs10:32
JediMasteris there any reason I shouldn't do an ubuntu install and just apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?10:41
JediMasteris there any difference between the kubuntu and ubuntu installers apart from the *ubuntu-desktop package?10:42
MamarokJediMaster: well, if you install Ubuntu first, you will have the Gnome interface10:45
Mamarokso if you only want KDE, just use Kubuntu10:45
bernatHello everybody10:46
bernati have a little question10:46
Mamarok!ask | bernat10:46
ubottubernat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:46
bernatdo you know some way to use the effect of making a window ocupate one half of the screen? Sorry for my english10:48
bernati'm using kubuntu10:49
kavurtbernat: what do you mean?10:50
Elephantmanhow can I activate proprietary (nvidia) without using jockey ? (it freezes)10:50
bernatlike the Windows 7 effect10:51
bernati don't know if it's possible with kwin or compiz10:51
bernatif you drag a window to the right side of the screen it snaps to half screen size10:54
Mamarokbernat: you mean displaying Windows in mosaic mode?10:55
Mamarokah, that effect, I don't think it snaps to hlaf the screen side, it just snaps to the right or left border,, not sure if it actually gets resized10:56
MelisUhow do I map just the windows key to something?10:56
MamarokMelisU: in the Systemsettings-> Keyboard & Mouse -> Standard and Global Shortcuts10:58
Mamarokchoose the action and change the shortcut to the windows key (Meta)10:58
Mamarokbut since it is a Meta key, it is like Ctrl, only that key will not activate anything, you need to use a sequence10:59
Mamarokbernat: that snapping to desktop is available in Kwin and KDE since ages btw10:59
MelisUMamarok: Well, already tried that. Gives me Meta + as long as I press it.11:00
MelisUMamarok: When I release it goes away .. strange11:01
bernati've seen in kwin how to put a window in the right or left side, but not how to resize it11:08
MamarokMelisU: as I said, you need to combine it, you can't map the key alone, since it is a meta key, like Ctrl and Alt11:09
Mamarokthe only key you can map stuff to is the Menu key on the right11:09
Mamarokbernat: well, I don't think Windows 7 actually resizes it, unless they combine it with some mosaic feature11:10
Mamarokbernat: btw, Win 7 didn't invent that snapping, KDE does that since version 2 IIRC11:10
bernatok, i just ask how to do it, i'm not saying windows 7 is better11:11
=== tierfreund41 is now known as Tierfreund41
Mamarokbernat: well, the snapping is available, half the size not11:12
MamarokI guess the combined it with some other feature, like the mosaic view11:12
Tierfreund41Hallo zusammen11:13
bernatMamarok: thank you for your help11:13
=== Tierfreund41 is now known as Brummbaer
squoterwho speak russian?)11:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ru:squoter11:20
squoterthis is only english speaking channel?11:21
kavurtsquoter: do you know that there's ubuntu-ru11:21
BrummbaerDo u know a german speaking chan ?11:21
Mamarokbernat: you are welcome :)11:22
DarkriftXBrummbaer: i think its -de (prob wrong though)11:23
squoterkavur, thnx for ubuntu-ru, i don't know11:24
MelisUMamarok: Thanks for the hint, thing is the key mapper does not recognize the other windows key :(11:25
MelisUit seems to be hard mapped to properties11:26
MelisUor right click11:26
MamarokMelisU: well, right click is for context menus by default11:27
MamarokMelisU: check if it actually shows up in your keyboard layout, it should see it11:27
MelisUMamarok: OK thanks, so where would I do that? The key works though.11:29
MamarokMelisU: in the regional settings, where you definte the keyboard layout11:32
Kottizenkubuntu 8.10 at/amd propiretary FGLRX graphics driver11:32
Kottizeni need it11:32
dylan_hello everyone, is there any documentation for the new netbook interface, i can't locate on the kubuntu wiki?11:32
Kottizenif i try hardware drivers i see it in the list11:32
FloodBotK1Kottizen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:33
Kottizeni can't click at the buttom11:33
abhi_hi all11:33
Brummbaer /msg NickServ identify tier1freu211:33
MelisUMamarok: Thanks, I looked for keyboard layout at keyboard&mouse .. silly me.11:42
abhi_any one here?11:42
abhi_join /ubuntu11:43
abhi_#join /ubuntu11:43
abhi_how to join in new chat room?11:43
abhi_i forget it?11:44
JediMasterabhi_, /join #ubuntu11:44
i_is_broke /join #ubuntu11:44
Tesssatype /join and channel11:44
JediMasterhmmm, am I right in thinking that the perceived font sizes are relative to the size of the display?11:44
JediMasterso they are actually worked out in dpi11:44
JediMasterin other words, why I can't read any of the default fonts on my 37" tv11:45
KottizenI've found a bug in Kubuntu 9.10, where whould I go?11:45
i_is_brokeKottizen, launchpad, i believe.11:45
JediMasterbecause it's low dpi screen the fonts are reduced in size11:45
JediMasterrather than being relative to the screen resolution11:45
Kottizeni_is_broke: Do you have a link? :)11:45
MelisUMamarok: I tried a few german keyboards, but the key won't work .. I guess I have to use a combination :( .. Sucks when I hold my netbook :((11:46
JediMasterI have a laptop and desktop with fresh kubuntu installs and I can read the fonts fine, but on my server with the 37" TV, I can't read the fonts as they're so small11:46
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:46
MamarokMelisU: hm, possible it does only work as a meta key in Linux, I never really tried TBH11:46
MelisUMamarok: Well, the key works. Menues pop up when I press it. I just cannot map it with the GUI.11:48
JediMastercan anyone confirm the font size scaling with the physical size of the monitor (not width/height in pixels)?11:48
JediMasterthe default font sizes of 8pt work fine on my other machines, on my server/(37")TV I have to up them to 14 to be readable11:49
JediMasterit looks like it's trying to make 8pt text appear the same physical size on all monitors (or any pt size for that matter)11:50
MamarokJediMaster: that very much depends on the dpi of the screen11:50
JediMasterMamarok, it's very low11:50
JediMasterMamarok, 1080i (not p) @ 37"11:51
Mamarokthere you have your explanation11:51
JediMasterMamarok, Ubuntu (not kubuntu) never did that11:51
JediMasterI could easily read the default font size11:51
JediMasternow it's so small that you can't actually read it because it's too pixelated11:51
JediMasterlooks like gnome scaled the font sizes to the width/height in pixels11:51
JediMasterMamarok, I can see why it happens, but there should really be a limit on how small it makes the default font, because the OS is unusable if only because I know roughly where everything is and can see the icons11:55
MamarokJediMaster: please file a bug on http://bugs.kde.org11:56
MelisUMamarok: Cool, the special keys on my EeePC mostly work .. I just use the first. Good solution for now :) Thanks again.11:57
necevehi guys. about a week I've searched for a solution to detect my AC adaptor on my laptop. looks like hal is going wrong: ac_adapter.present = true  (bool)12:01
necevesomeone knows about this problem on 9.10 64-bit ?12:01
samyjemand da der mir helfen kann meine ati radeon mobility m6 fehler frei zum laufen zu bekommen12:04
RittlerHi @ all here12:06
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:07
RittlerI need some help with dns12:07
Rittlerdns seems to work from terminal but doesn't work from within apache - so I followed the flow as far as finding that apache normally makes a system call to resolve urls - so I guess it's an issue concering my jaunty installation12:09
JediMasterMamarok, I'm thinking this is an Xorg issue rather than KDE maybe?12:16
fl4shb4ckhi there :) may someone help me: my hibernate / suspend-function doesn't work :( when I start my laptop again, music continues etc but my screen keeps black :-/12:20
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JediMasterMamarok, NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (42, 42); computed from "UseEdidDpi" X config12:21
JediMasterMamarok, 42dpi!!! no wonder the fonts are unreadable, that's from Xorg's log12:21
Rittlerfl4shb4ck did you try to manually activate your display through the function keys after wake up?12:21
fl4shb4ckyes, no respond12:22
Rittlerfla4shb4ck perhaps you got acpi, acpid and laptop-tools/mode running?12:22
shadeslayerhey anyone try usb-creator-kde? does it work for you?12:23
fl4shb4ckI've also tried a tip from the web, "first alt+strg(ctrl)+f2 and then alt+strg(ctrl)+f7"12:23
fl4shb4ckso my screen gets backlight, and the cursor is there12:23
fl4shb4ckbut I can't do anything else12:23
fl4shb4ckRittler: what is that? ^^12:24
Rittlerfl4shb4ck is acpi running?12:24
fl4shb4ckI'm a relative linux-newbie12:24
Rittlerfl4shb4ck enter into a console: lsmod | grep acpi12:25
fl4shb4ckand now?12:25
Rittlerwhat does it say?12:25
Rittlerso no acpi12:25
Rittleryou gotta install acpi12:26
fl4shb4ckand what's that?12:26
Rittlercontrols battery sensors n stuff12:26
fl4shb4ckfl4shb4ck@laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install acpi12:27
fl4shb4ck[sudo] password for fl4shb4ck:12:27
fl4shb4ckPaketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig12:27
fl4shb4ckAbhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut12:27
fl4shb4ckLese Status-Informationen ein... Fertig12:27
FloodBotK1fl4shb4ck: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:27
fl4shb4ckacpi ist schon die neueste Version12:27
fl4shb4ckdid these lines come?12:27
fl4shb4ckit tells me its already installed12:28
Rittlerfl4shb4ck sry - i'm no kubuntu expert...12:29
jussio1!paste | fl4shb4ck12:31
ubottufl4shb4ck: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!12:31
fl4shb4ckyes I know12:32
fl4shb4ckdoes someone know a solution?12:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:33
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:33
fedeanimationqualcuno mi aiuta?12:35
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:36
=== reinhold_away is now known as reinhold
lovrethere is no GRUB settings in system settings in karmic... where can i find that?12:40
Rittlerlovre /boot/grub/menu.lst12:41
lovreRittler: i was thinking a gui would make it easier, but ill search for proper instructions.. ty12:41
lovreRittler: and there is no such file12:42
Rittlerlovre it should be where you installed /boot to12:43
lovreRittler: i didnt configure anything, i just installed regular12:43
Rittlerlovre then it should be under /boot/grub/menu.lst12:44
lovreRittler: even if its grub2?12:44
hackndoes_Rittler:it doesn't in karmic12:45
hackndoes_don't know where it is though will search a bit12:45
Rittlerhackndoes_ oh didn't know that - using jaunty here12:45
lovrehackndoes_: /etc/default/grub is something?12:45
lovrehackndoes_: the problem is i dont see timeout in grub, and i have to manually press enter. But everything is in order in the config file....12:47
hackndoes_it's ok12:47
hackndoes_looking for the file12:47
hackndoes_seems like it's grub.cfg file12:47
hackndoes_don't edit that though it's not meant to be edited12:48
lovrehackndoes_: yes i see... /etc/default/grub file has the options for editing12:48
hackndoes_yes looks like it, great12:50
BluesKajhowdy folks12:50
lovrehackndoes_: ok i have set it to be hidden if i cant have a normal countdown, and see what happens..12:51
lovreBluesKaj: hi :D12:51
Rittlerconcerning my dns problem - I now found out that xampp doesn't even send a DNS query12:51
BluesKajhi lovre12:51
BluesKaj!u | hackndoes_12:52
ubottuhackndoes_: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.12:52
hackndoes_lovre: don't forget to run "update-grub"12:52
BluesKajhackndoes_, that also applies to gr812:53
lovrehackndoes_: oh, i almost forgot that, thanx :)12:53
hackndoes_and what are you? school teacher or something, i didn't hear any comlaints yet12:53
lovrehackndoes_: erm, there are two commands, update-grub and update-grub2.... which one?12:53
hackndoes_lovre: ur welcome12:54
BluesKajonce grub2  is installed  update-grub works12:54
hackndoes_in my default/grub it says update-grub12:54
hackndoes_just do what you file says12:54
lovrehackndoes_: kk12:55
lovrehackndoes_: wow, its cool, even found my windows partition that was long forgotten :))))12:55
BluesKajhackndoes_, just a friendly reminder that IM lingo doesn't apply on irc due to the number of non-native English speakers12:56
hackndoes_yes, grub as opposed to other systems boot loaders, are willing to identify and even boot other systems, not sure it will boot your windows thought12:57
hackndoes_BluesKaj: OK12:57
lovrehackndoes_: who cares if it doesnt, ill format it.. :) even better12:58
BluesKajyes grub2 has it's advantages over legacy-grub12:58
hackndoes_all grub versions i used knew windows partitions and booting them12:59
hackndoes_it's wierd though it didn't recognize it at install time, but only now in update-grub12:59
BluesKajlovre, your windows partition should boot as long as the windows mbr is ok12:59
lovreBluesKaj: it is.. thx12:59
shadeslayerhey anyone try usb-creator-kde? does it work for you?12:59
Rittlerwhere do I set my local dns in jaunty?12:59
lovreBluesKaj: offtopic, what is the default decorator for gnome?13:00
BluesKajsome wouldn't see windows  if the windows mbr was missing13:00
BluesKajlovre, dunno ,haven't used gnome in ages13:00
i_is_brokehave they fixed karmic to run in vbox or is it still iffy?13:02
BluesKajRittler, check /etc/hosts13:02
RittlerBluesKaj how should it look like?13:03
BluesKajRittler, usually
RittlerBluesKaj thats just the loopback - but where is dns?13:04
BluesKajthat's localhost13:05
macoi_is_broke: uh ive used it in vbox. seemed fine aside from the part where i didnt give the vm enough memory13:06
i_is_brokeah i just tried to use my beta disk, and it froze loading so i was just wondering,.13:07
macolovre: gnome has metacity as its default window manager. metacity has its decorator built in13:07
macolovre: ubuntu also ships compiz as an alternative wm with gnome. it uses gtk-window-decorator by default in order to use metacity themes. other options include emerald (unmaintained) and kde-window-decorator13:08
BluesKajRittler, what are you trying to do , doesn't your router assign auto dns ?13:08
lovremaco: so is it ok to run: metacity --replace?13:08
lovremaco: ok, thanx, you have been a great help13:09
RittlerBluesKaj in effect I'm trying to make my xampp resolve urls ...13:09
a_oki Just upgraded but now all the sudden I don't have anything to manage my software13:13
a_okwhat is the default gui app for apt in kubuntu?13:13
a_ok9.10 that is13:14
BluesKajRittler, sorry , I'm not much on server knowledge , our resident networking/server guru will be here in an hr or so aka (genii)13:14
BluesKajUnless someone else can help ?13:15
i_is_brokea_ok, kpackagekit13:15
a_okMissed the question13:15
a_oki_is_broke: thanks13:15
i_is_brokea_ok, np yw13:15
i_is_brokesorry half asleep..lol...not quite with it yet...long day yesterday and it lasted all day and night.13:16
kankan_how to show trashcan and home folder on desktop?13:19
BluesKajRittler, not sure but maybe this will help http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/httpd-users/200910.mbox/%3C1254383578.15009.51.camel@testicle%3E13:19
i_is_brokeBluesKaj, i like that, the last of it says camel@testicle..lmfao13:20
BluesKaji_is_broke, dunno it's not eaxactly linux , didn't realize that's it's avista how to13:21
kankan_how to show trashcan and home folder on desktop?on karmic.13:21
BluesKajI hate getting windows sites when I search in google-linux ...google needs to more filtering13:22
eoshi everyone ! I can't install the gpg key of kubuntu backport ppa in order to upgrade KDE13:22
i_is_brokeya keep their crap to bing!13:22
kaddi_BluesKaj: google-linux? that sounds like a great thing I know nothing about :D13:23
cosmic303hello all. im havin a problem with a fresh install of kubuntu 9.10. i get the grub error 15. the entries in grub.cfg and device-map look fine to me...anyone available for help?13:24
BluesKajkaddi_, http://www.google.com/linux13:24
cinexbuying a new pc, which graphics cards will work (except nvidia) ?13:26
BluesKajnvidia works13:26
cinexnot ati ?13:27
i_is_brokei have intel and nvidia working...13:27
kaddi_BluesKaj: do you know if there is a switch I can use when typing in a normal google search window?13:27
cosmic303what device would grub use in his device-map for /dev/sdb?13:27
cosmic303right now it says (hd1) ..and the grub.cfg says (hd1,1) ...is that about right?13:28
BluesKajkaddi_, I just the bookmark it on the bookmark toolbar in my browser13:29
cinexsounds ok cosmic303 sda1 would be hd0,0 i think13:30
cinexor hd0,113:30
cosmic303thats what i thought..still i get error 15, and google says thats "file not found" :(13:31
cinexso sdb would be hd113:31
cinexi used to get that13:31
cinexare u installing to a memory stick ?13:31
cosmic303nope..s-ata disc13:31
cinextryed putting the commands in the grub console (by hand)13:31
cinexhave you tried **13:31
cosmic303if u tell me how to get there from the live-cd i might try that. never had to deal with grub before :(13:32
cinexill google13:32
cinexwhen u install grub does it find the files ok >?13:33
kankan_how to show trashcan and home folder on desktop?on karmic.13:33
cinexkankan_: i think its a widget13:34
cosmic303hold on cinex, i think i found some wiki, ill try that first :)13:34
cinexok cosmic30313:34
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=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
cosmic303wohooo...apparently i made it! had to chroot and do a new grub installation13:38
cosmic303no clue why it didn work at first though..13:39
zizzone80buongiorno a tutti13:41
i_is_brokewell just downloaded the 9.10 release, lets see if it hangs too..ill probably have a gazillion things to change considering i download ubuntu and not kubuntu..:(13:42
BluesKajkankan_, for folders , just drag and drop , trashcan I'm not sure13:45
* shadeslayer wonders how many new users were added...13:49
gcala hi, I need operator help since I can remember my password; my last access was several weeks ago and yesterday I formatted and installed karmic without save quassel config. Is there a way to get it back? Thanks13:49
shadeslayergcala: /msg nickserv help13:50
shadeslayergcala: or go to #freenode for more help13:50
gcalaok, thanks. I'll try13:50
shadeslayergcala: also see : /msg nickserv help SETPASS13:52
gcala /msg nickserv help SETPASS13:54
shadeslayergcala: without a space befire / ;)13:55
shadeslayerbye all13:55
gcalaerror copying13:55
gcalashadeslayer: SETPASS help says that to set a new password I need a key emailed to me: do you know how to get it?13:59
stanleyhello everyone14:00
=== romici is now known as SonhadorPR
gcalaDoes anybody know how get the SETPASS key for replace a password?14:16
Picigcala: For your IRC password?14:16
Picigcala: best to ask in #freenode14:17
gcalaPici: I asked it there too but for the moment no response14:19
taraxhi leute ist einer da ???14:27
taraxich hab ne frage14:27
Pici!de | tarax14:28
ubottutarax: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:28
taraxi boruht help iḿ german14:28
mTbK1hello there14:28
taraxmTbK can you german ??14:28
mTbK1no, i can't14:29
taraxi will installing ICQ14:29
=== aaron is now known as aaron424
taraxmTbK1 i have Kopete but who can tipping my ICQ Number14:30
vbgunzI've been trying to solve a subtle bug and its annoying. When I boot up the system, right before I see my KDM theme, I get a flash of the AIR background (I think)... it looks so broken when it does this. Is this a bug and is there a fix?14:32
vbgunzI'll keep trying14:38
prophethi .. may i ask a question ? :D14:38
ulysses__how can I add a new application launcher to Daisy dock? System Karmic Koala (9.10), Daisy installed via apt-get, package name plasma-widget-daisy, version
bastii dont know...14:46
prophetdoes someone know howto connect a huawei e156 on kubuntu 9.10 ?14:49
=== romici is now known as SonhadorPR
alex___hi everyone, I got a problem with plasma in kubunru karmic ..., i get just a black screen , but I can open applications using krunner15:04
JontheEchidnaalex___: try starting plasma-desktop from krunner15:05
alex___yeah , it worked ...15:06
=== costin is now known as Intel_Power
alex___so now , what should I do , in order to start it always at startup ?15:06
JontheEchidnaso this means that plasma isn't starting for you at startup?15:08
alex___yeah ....15:09
JontheEchidnasounds like it's crashing when it tries to start up initially15:09
alex___JontheEchidna: or simply doesn't start ... ?15:10
alex___I mean , should I get a crash report if it crash ...., normally ....15:10
JontheEchidnaI really don't know :(15:13
tom__alex___: try rebooting now.. maybe it'll work now that you have started it once..15:14
alex___I tried, is the same ...15:14
tom__if it does not work after. this..  sorry... I have no idea...  But i used to have the same problem in jaunty...15:14
tom__do you have any important data in your .kde folder alex___?15:15
alex___I think that something I installed , change some config file about plasma startup ...15:15
tom__maybe its worth deleting that folder...15:15
tom__thatwill get you a complete "untouched" kde again, when you log out and log in again...15:16
alex___tom__: I try it as well, doesn't fix the problem ...15:16
tom__well.... i guess its not related to any plasma-stuff then :)15:16
alex___I don't know, there is a  kind a list of apps config file to startup ?15:17
tom__yeah...  that's rgiht.. but it's located in the .kde folder, too.. so this shouldn't be the reason, since you deleted that folder15:18
tom__its in .kde/autostart15:18
tom__sorry..  i dont know enough of KDE to help you from here...   at least I tried ^^15:19
alex___I have no file inside that folder ... :O15:19
tom__i would recommend you to find some kind of a log file15:20
tom__and go on from there15:20
alex___ok thanks a lot tom__....15:23
varanusguys why on karmic when i plug-in a usb mass storage device i don't have directly write perimissions like in jaunty? it recognises and mounts it without problems but it doesn't give me write permissions15:26
JediMasterMamarok, I've sorted the tiny fonts problem, in appearances->fonts there's a setting to force the fonts to a particular DPI, so I've set it to 96dpi, and everything looks fine after restarting kdm, it was because nvidia drivers were picking up the fact it was a 37" TV and calculating (correctly) the dpi to 40dpi or so, which meant pt 8 text was unreadable (all default fonts in kde), now everything's fine =)15:29
osvaldohello, I need some help.15:31
JediMasterosvaldo, ask your question, someone should reply at some point =)15:34
kde185Is KDE 4.3.3 going to be made available as an update for 9.10?  I thought that this release was going to include the monthly KDE updates15:35
osvaldoI am using kubuntu 9.10. I have 2 ide cd. But i can't read from the 1st (master). Are there a solution?15:36
Dragnslcrkde185- http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3.315:37
kde185Dragnslcr: I've read that, but I'd like to avoid using the backports.  It seems once I start installing updates from there the quality of Kubuntu starts to degrade.15:38
vjkjrjneed people who speak russian// plz16:05
rork!ru |vjkjrj16:06
ubottuvjkjrj: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:06
kankan_anyone !!help me pls..16:16
Ash-FoxTry asking a question.16:16
kankan_i am having a problem in my kubuntu karmic.but whenever i try to log in for first time i get a blank irresponsive screen.and cant log in.16:17
=== christer__ is now known as kimifan
Ash-FoxI don't know anything about that, but someone else here might be typing a response that does know.16:18
kankan_and my shut down and resart button is also missing.16:19
=== nookie^afk is now known as nookie^
UbuntuN00b_hi I have no sound in flash videos16:53
ratmanHi, I've installed kde in ubuntu karmic and I have a couple of small configuration problems.17:02
ratmanIn amarok I don't know how to configure the lyrics, they don't appear and I don't know how to get them.17:03
lorecasterI know that there's a samba chat room, but no one's helping in there... i've got permissions errors between windows guest and koala host... can anyone here help me?17:03
ratmanIt's the first time I use amarok for kde417:03
ratmancould you help me?17:03
i_is_brokeratman, let me look at my settings and see what it says.17:04
ratmanIn my amarok settings there's no lyrics tab or icon17:04
urthmovernew to ubuntu...installed kubuntu 9.10 64 on a Dell e6400 laptop...I've tried the install twice and both times once I reboot after the install I get to a login screen....type my user/pass...screen goes blank....shows a little asci...then a new graphical login screen shows up....What should I do?17:06
urthmoverexcuse me  new to kubuntu17:07
ratmandon't worry, thanks for trying to help out!17:07
i_is_brokeratman, check under settings, config amarok and see if there is a setting in there..17:07
UbuntuN00bflash makes konqueror hangs17:08
ratmanso, I should have missed some package or something because I see None17:08
tomdavidsonurthmover: sounds like x is crashing. what is your video adapter?17:08
urthmovernvidia 160NVS17:08
i_is_brokeratman, do you have the restricted-extras loaded?17:09
urthmoverI guess I can boot into recovery mode and install the nvidia drivers17:09
ratmanyes, I have them.17:09
zzillezzevening folks17:09
Guilo44I am using kubuntu 9.10 and have a question17:09
urthmovertomdavidson: so install the nvidia drivers using recovery console....then try again?17:09
ratmanIt might be something related with ruby?17:09
Guilo44is it possible to add some extra desktop effects or to use the ones from compiz ?17:09
tomdavidsonurthmover: no. i think the os nv drviers should work. have you tried to install the closed drivers?17:10
ratmantomdavidson I don't think you can install the compiz effects, but I'm no expert.17:10
urthmovertomdavidson: nope  trying that now17:10
urthmovertomdavidson: I'll update in here in a sec17:10
tomdavidsonsure but the lack of compiz isnt crashing x17:11
tomdavidsoni do not think it is the driver17:11
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ratmansorry, I meant guillo44, you can't install the compiz effects17:11
tomdavidsonit prob a misconfig. maybe you should get it working first and then try the 3d accel later17:11
UbuntuN00bmy experience with kuuntu is horrible :-(17:11
lorecasteranyone here proficient with samba at all? anyone?17:12
ratmanlorecaster, what problem do you have with samba, I'm no expert, but I tried it a couple of times.17:12
urthmovertomdavidson: installed drivers...rebooting now17:12
lorecasteri'm having permissions problem, Ratman, "network access denied"... i've got the administrator username added as a user in samba on the ubuntu sysetem, and the shares are read/write17:13
zzillezzwhy quassel as irc client and not the newly released konversation 1.2 ?17:13
ratmanI've had problems in ubuntu karmic when trying to connect to samba shares.17:14
urthmovertomdavidson: nope .... I still get the graphical login ....I type my user/pass.....screen goes blank for a second...then the graphical login pops back  What do you suggest?17:14
ratmanIt connected but after denying the access a couple of times.17:14
tomdavidsonya, well since you have an nvdia card i said it prob wasnt a driver issue.17:14
wilsby29should I install 64 or 32bit kubuntu?17:15
wilsby29I don't know which one to download for my new intel i717:15
tomdavidsonhow did you install the closed drivers?17:15
ratmanIt seems to me that the nautilus support for samba in karmic is a little flacky. Have to asked in #ubuntu or look in the bug tracker?17:15
ratmanwilsby29 if you don't how which one to pick I recomend to you the 32 version. The 64 should work ok, but for some packages some extra problems might appear.17:16
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ratmanIf you're and experienced user go for the 64 bit.17:16
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ratmanAh! and if you're new to linux and you have problems with kubuntu try with ubuntu, there's more documentation in internet for it.17:17
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urthmovertomdavidson: are closed drivers the ones that you can download from NVIDIA Unix drivers page.....NVIDIA.180.run ish looking file name....I bootied in the recover mode...ran telinit 3 ... logged in  then  sudo sh NVIDIA180.run17:17
urthmovertomdavidson: if those are not the drivers you meant...then how do I go about install 'closed drivers'17:17
ratmanI have other problem. My gtk apps look awful. In the systemsettings I can configure the gtk syte, but I don't now which to choose.17:18
urthmovertomdavidson: specifically the drivers I installed was NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.36-pkg2.run17:19
drcodehi all17:19
ratmanRight now I'm with the clearlooks, but firefox looks like and ancient style, not like the ubuntu clearlooks.17:19
ratmanAny hint?17:19
drcodecan I expand the kubuntu search to search also in google and so?17:19
ratmandrcode, sure, just do alt+ f2 and in the widget write "gg: whateveryouwanttosearch"17:20
BluesKajurthmover, for what it's worth , the nvidia sourced driver tutorial in simple terms : http://www.pastebin.ca/165974517:21
urthmoverBluesKaj: thanks...looking at the link17:21
drcoderatman, thanx, I didn't know17:21
tomdavidsonurthmover: well, youv used an install script from the vendor to change your system. you didnt even use the kubuntu way of installing the drivers.  i think you should restor your system to the os nv drivers and get it working... then use jockey to install nvidea17:21
ratmanyou're welcome17:21
tomdavidsonsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:21
eduardoalguien habla español?17:21
ratmansí, pero este canal es en inglés, creo que hay un canal de ubuntu en castellano17:22
tomdavidsonand good for unloading /purging the nvida drivers installed with your script17:22
tomdavidsonand google that is17:22
Pici!es | eduardo17:22
ubottueduardo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:22
drcoderatman, dosn't work17:23
ratmanwhat does not work? The gg: shortcut?17:23
whirleystarhi folks... i'm still having issues with karmic and my video17:23
ratmanIt's strange, because that's just a kde feature. Try the same in the konqueror location bar.17:24
BluesKajwhirleystar, what graphics card ?17:25
whirleystarintel gm96517:25
drcodeit work17:26
ratmanwell, you can do the same in the alt+f2 dialog, try it now!17:27
BluesKajwhirleystar, are you on jaunty or karmic ?17:30
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urthmovertomdavidson: BluesKaj: so I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg...then went through http://www.pastebin.ca/1659745 which installs  nvidia-glx-185   still I keep getting dumped back to the graphical login....Anything else I can try?17:33
BluesKajurthmover, did you remove the existing driver first?17:34
whirleystarBluesKaj: karmic, talking with intel folks too, so sorry for the delays17:35
urthmoverBluesKaj: how do I remove the existing driver?  I was under the impression that sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  purges the drivers17:36
ratman:) I've solved my lyrics problem in the karmic amarok. I've installed the ultimate lyric script from kde.apps17:36
urthmoverBluesKaj: what do you reccomend to remove the existing drivers?17:36
ratmannow for the gtk problem!17:36
ratmanAny hint on which gtk style should I use in the system settings to have nice looking gtk apps?17:37
apparleratman: can you send me the link to the lyrics script17:38
mackenratman> I use fruit-black-normal. I prefer the darker themes17:39
ratmanhere you have it: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Ultimate+Lyrics?content=10896717:39
BluesKajurthmover, that depends on what options you chose , but sudo aptitude remove nvidia-glx-(drivernumber) should do it17:39
urthmoverok BluesKaj I'll try that17:39
ratmanmacken> I don't have that one installed but I'm trying and every theme gives me the same ugly result17:40
ratmanI guess I might have something misconfigured. Remember that I've installed kde in ubuntu, I tried to install kubuntu but the installer died on me.17:41
bigbrovarhey guys, is there a way to fix the broken kde integration with openoffice on kubuntu karmic17:41
ratmanMy openoffice is well integrated.17:42
bigbrovarwow is am i the one things dont work for. mine looks like something from win9517:43
ratmanhave you the package openoffice.org-style-oxygen installed?17:43
bigbrovarand it was like that ootb17:43
piquadratHi! Is knetworkmanager in karmic supposed to work? I can configure wireless networks, but I can't click on the network in the context menu to connect to it17:43
bigbrovarok let me check17:43
ratmanI've got the same problem with the gtk apps :(17:43
mackenratman> what graphics card an d driver are you using17:43
ratmanI have an intel 965, it was a nightmare in jaunty, but in karmic is quite alright.17:44
ratmanI don't think my gtk problem is related to that. It seems that the gtk apps are using a default legacy theme.17:45
mackenratman>are you able to use the extras in kwin. such as cube and visual effects17:45
ratmanI guess it should be a misconfiguration in the gtk engine.17:45
ratmanYeah, kwin is rocking great :)17:45
ratmanmachen> are you in karmic?17:46
mackenratman>yes, have had not problems since did clean install . using nvidia graphics17:46
ratmanI don't know about nvidia, have you check on the forums?17:47
ratmanIf that's a general problem a lot of people should be complaining by now.17:47
bigbrovarratman> yep OO.o oxyen style is installed. ( but gtk apps works fine here OOTB)17:48
ratmanI'm sorry, but I have to leave the channel now, I'll try to be around soon.17:48
bigbrovarratman> I tot it was a general bug cus i had it immediately i installed kubuntu karmic17:48
=== rodensky is now known as Rodensky
Rodensky9.10 sucked... feels a windows based ubuntu... :-( moved back to 9.04 :D17:55
Rodensky*like a17:55
TurinI have a problem with samba shares17:57
TurinWhen i  try to open them with smb:// dolphin just wont run, but when i open shares via network browsing it works fine17:58
TurinAfter trying smb:// i have to use kdm restart to work with dolphin17:59
TurinAny suggestions?17:59
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lamikWitam :)18:01
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twohis there someone from ind?18:08
thrzI got troubles getting mobile broadband working in knetworkmanager, it seems to be imposible to make the connection dial up18:09
robin0800twoh: try kppp18:09
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twohyes, im online from LAN access18:09
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twohwhat is kppp?18:10
robin0800thrz: try kppp18:10
stoyan4aluckcheck  utilities18:10
stoyan4aluckyou'll see it there18:10
thrzis it installed by default? I dont have any other connetion atm18:10
robin0800! kppp18:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kppp18:10
twohis that a channel? kppp18:11
thrzanything special to do? or just create a connection18:11
stoyan4aluckif you are running Linux you should know it18:11
robin0800twoh: its a modem dialer18:12
lamikThis is english channel?18:12
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:12
lamikThx :)18:13
twohits global channel i guess18:13
twohadakah yang kaskuser?18:14
jonathan__hey guys, i am currently running a old kubuntu but when i go to package kit to update my package list says it needs to be rebuild18:16
jonathan__how do i rebuild it18:16
twohwhats version?18:16
bipolarCan anyone tell me what files I need to edit to disable distrobution upgrades for kpackagekit? I'm rolling out a new image for my office workstations and need make sure nobody clicks that 'upgrade' button.18:16
jonathan__want karmic18:17
jonathan__ok ok18:17
jonathan__wait i  did sudo apt-get update18:17
jonathan__and its complaining about line 5718:17
jonathan__will i just delete it18:17
jonathan__any ideas?18:19
rorkjonathan__ what is line 57?18:19
jonathan__em well do you know what file its talking about18:19
jonathan__cause i cant see lines in kpackage kit18:19
bipolarjonathan__: probbaly /etc/apt/sources.list18:19
jonathan__the sources file18:19
jonathan__2 seconds18:20
twohwell, i simply using an update manager to upgrade my ubuntu18:20
jonathan__fs i cant save18:21
stoyan4aluckyou can't upgrade from 8.04 to 9.10 not possible18:21
jonathan__i need to su to save?18:21
bipolarjonathan__: sudo18:21
jonathan__i have kdevelop open and the changes made18:21
jonathan__do i have to close kdevevlop18:22
bipolarjonathan__: too late :P18:22
jonathan__open su kate and do it again?18:22
twohyes, first you must upgrade to Intrepix18:22
bipolarjonathan__: open up a terminal, run 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list'18:22
bipolarjonathan__: make your changes, then Ctrl+X to exit. it will ask you if you want to save.18:22
jonathan__it says unknow id nano18:23
bipolarnot su.... sudo18:23
robin0800jonathan__: try kate18:23
bipolarit will ask you for your users password18:23
jonathan__ok i got her lit18:23
robin0800jonathan__: kdesudo for kate18:24
jonathan__apparently my sources file is blank18:24
bipolarjonathan__: 0.o18:24
jonathan__would it be as handy to just download the cd18:24
whirleystarBluesKaj: so, i've chatted with the intel folks in the intel-gfx channel-- there is no prob with hardware or driver because i can runlevel=3 and startx without an issue18:24
jonathan__for the upgrade18:24
robin0800jonathan__: youv'e opened the wrong file18:25
stoyan4aluckyou can upgrade only step by step for ex 7.10 to 8.04, 8.04  to 8.10 etc...18:25
bipolarjonathan__: what version are you running now?18:25
bipolarjonathan__: yeah. download the CD and install18:25
whirleystarBluesKaj: intel gm965, Gateway, karmic, kubuntu, screen comes up scrambled in X and when Ctrl-Alt-F1, the login font has letters like an inch high and they look like old school dot matrix (like we're really zoomed in)18:25
bipolarjonathan__: you can't upgrade and skip versions like that anyway18:26
bipolarjonathan__: backup all your files :)18:26
stoyan4aluckyeah ,download the CD18:26
rfoneywhats going on?18:26
rfoneywho's power is satan?18:26
jonathan__i already did18:26
jonathan__i cant upgrade through kpackage kit18:26
bipolarjonathan__: then you're good to go.18:26
stoyan4aluckinstall it then18:26
jonathan__it now says under upgrade18:27
davidjheinrichdoes anyone know how to make a DVD-movie from AVI files?18:27
rfoneydo you take divalopraic acid bipolar?18:27
rfoneyor lithium carbonate?18:27
jonathan__or lysitric acid18:27
bipolarjonathan__: and if you feel confortable enough, put your home directory on a seperate partition so upgrading is easier.18:27
bipolarrfoney: none of the above18:27
jonathan__eh i was going to try dual boot18:27
jonathan__can windows and kubuntu both read the same partition?18:28
rfoneywindows xp?18:28
jonathan__or shall i just upgrade and worry about that later18:28
bipolarjonathan__: kubuntu can read windows ntfs, not the other way around.18:28
jonathan__stupid windows18:28
bipolarjonathan__: unless you need windows to play games, use Virtualbox.18:28
robin0800jonathan__: xp reads fat3218:28
jonathan__good idea18:29
jonathan__ok so when i hit upgrade to karmic 9.10 it fails with exit code 12718:29
stoyan4aluckVirtual box can't run all games you install on it18:29
jonathan__Distribution upgrade process exited with code 12718:30
jonathan__i heard that the performance of games was poor under wine18:30
jonathan__or virtual box or whatever18:30
robin0800jonathan__: I've heard you have to turn off xserver to upgrade18:30
jonathan__ctrl alt backspace x218:31
jonathan__then sudo apt-get upgrade18:31
PiciThat is unnessesary.18:31
Picijonathan__: What command are you running to upgrade to 9.10?18:31
jonathan__im not18:31
jonathan__i just went to kpackage kit and then to updates18:31
stoyan4aluckheyLinux is not for gaming18:31
jonathan__linux can run doom natively18:32
stoyan4aluckGo to aptitude18:32
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:32
jonathan__shh bot18:33
jonathan__i almost read that18:33
Picijonathan__: Well, you should read that.18:33
jonathan__i should?18:33
bipolarstoyan4aluck: tell that to my WoW guild :P18:33
jonathan__i want to upgrade to 9.1018:33
jonathan__not 9.0418:33
Picijonathan__: You cannot upgrade from 8.10 directly to 9.10.  You need to upgrade to 9.04 first.18:34
bipolarjonathan__: do a fresh install. It's much more sane then trying to upgrade twice.18:34
jonathan__ok ok18:34
jonathan__i see18:34
bipolarjonathan__: and a lot less to download too18:34
jonathan__i had no internet for 2 months and you guys release two versions18:34
stoyan4aluckyou have to have installed 8.10 to upgrade to 9.1018:34
stoyan4aluckto be able to18:35
jonathan__where do i get my version number18:35
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »18:35
stoyan4aluckwhat version do you run??????18:35
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jonathan__no lsb modules are available18:36
Picijonathan__: And then after that?18:36
ibmhello pici i need help18:36
jonathan__after that its just back to Jonathan@JonathanPC18:36
Picijonathan__: Are you sure you included the -a at the end of the command?18:37
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jonathan__ok so im running 9.0418:37
jonathan__so i should be able to upgrade right?18:38
ibmi download de alternate iso 9.10 to upgrade my version 8.04 to 9.10 but the command kdesudo /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade no is reconnize, say bad command any help?18:38
stoyan4aluckafter that if you have 8.04  you must know that is impossible to upgrade it to 9.10 caus you must upgrade it to 8.1018:38
jonathan__but i have 9.0418:39
stoyan4aluckyou must have 8.10 to go to 9.1018:39
jonathan__ok ok18:39
ibmis not imposible, in the official page it is posible18:39
Picistoyan4aluck: You should include the person that you're speaking to at the beginning of your message, that way ibm knows your talking to him and not jonathan__18:39
Picijonathan__: Please follow the directions on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu18:39
bipolarcan anyone tell me where kpackagekit stores it configuration? Specificly whether it checks for updates or not.18:40
jonathan__this is annoying18:41
jonathan__i dont have the #18:41
manshoonever since I moved to karmic, I have constant problems with flash.  In koqueror It does not work at all, all flash pages are blank or half loaded, and firefox works, but often the flash applet freezes and I have to relaod or restart firefox18:41
peabodyhmm, so I did a fresh install of 9.10 and where 9.04 saw my wireless adapter, 9.10 no longer sees it18:41
peabodyhmm, so I did a fresh install of 9.10 and where 9.04 saw my wireless adapter, 9.10 no longer sees it18:41
jonathan__right ima do a fresh install18:42
jonathan__i wanna reformt with ext418:42
Smurphypeabody: Install the backported modules, and it will work. Had the same issue.18:42
bipolarjonathan__: to use ext4 you might as well reinstall. 'upgrading' an ext3 partition doesn't use all the features of ext418:43
jonathan__ok thanks lads18:44
bbeckBefore upgrading to Karmic, Kontact had an application that was setup like a wiki, you could add chapters, pages.  Does anyone know the name of the app so I could install it again?18:44
jonathan__im downloading the iso18:44
jonathan__chat later18:44
jonathan__thanks again18:44
bbeckI believe I needed to explicitly download it last time too.18:44
whirleystarBasKet ?18:45
whirleystarbbeck: is this what you're looking for (http://basket.kde.org/) ?18:45
bipolarbbeck: yeah. basket. I don't think it's available for kde4 though.... which sucks.18:45
bbeckI found it, it was Kjots.18:46
bipolarbbeck: oh... hehe. Guess I should look that one up.18:47
bbeckI don't know why Kjots is not installed by default, it really is awesome.18:47
bbeckNow, timetracker on the other hand... I have yet to figure out how to use that app.18:49
quizoolHi :)18:50
SmurphyiH :)18:50
kubianwhy is kopete/kget/krfb still 4.3.2?  did they forget to build or has problems?18:50
bbeckkubian: That's a good question, were there any improvements to kopete for 4.3.3?18:52
stoyan4aluck<quizool> hi18:52
kubianbbeck: don't know but there kde released one.18:53
widowHas KDE 4.3.3 been back ported to Jaunty?18:54
kubiandon't you think it shud be upped as well for consistency?18:54
kubianwidow: use the kubuntu-ppa/backports18:54
skunchSomeone with wit needed18:55
tsimpson4.3.3 is only available for karmic18:55
widowI just wanted to verify that it had been back ported before updating the source.list to use backports.18:55
skunchany takers?18:55
kubianhaven't done yet but if jaunty has 4.3.2 then can't see any reason why 4.3.3 will work18:56
widowThis is why I like using Gentoo...full control of what versions I have...but I'm helping a friend with his Ubuntu/Kubuntu...so I get to do things the Ubuntu way...18:56
widowSo 4.3.2 has been backported - just not 4.3.3 yet...18:56
kubian4.3.2 has been loong time ago18:57
skunchanyone good with disk mounting problems please18:58
skunchI'm a video artist who's in a lot of shit18:58
widowskunch: what's the problem?18:58
skunch...because I decided to backup :@18:58
skunchyesterday I was burning a ubuntu image off my external USB harddrive18:58
skunchfrom my brother's laptop18:59
skunchI finished, and unplugged it in a rush because I had a Grub 22 Error that I was worried about awaiting on my (this) computer18:59
skunchI didn't eject it from the windows XP task bar on his laptop18:59
skunchI plugged it in after I formatted vista and reinstall ubuntu19:00
widowNow it's saying that it can't mount because the volume is locked - or something like that?19:00
skunchand it doesn't show up as availible in neither OS'19:00
skunchin ubuntu it worked once or twice19:00
skunchbut doesn't work anymore19:00
skunchbut knows the drive's name and if I turn off/un plug it19:00
skunchwill not show it19:00
skunchbut I can't mount it19:00
skunchand in windows if I want to look at it in the disk management, it shows up but doesn't let me assign a volume letter19:01
skunchI really, REALLY can't afford to format it19:01
widowSo the drive is also in NTFS format?19:01
skunchthere's 3 years worth of music and a years worth of video editing19:01
skunchand on top of all of that I'm supposed to make for tuesday based on some files I had on there and I'm panicing so hard ahaha19:02
janvitry testdisk19:02
bbeckskunch: have you tried something like: http://www.sysresccd.org/19:03
widowskunch: Do you know how to mount in Command Line?19:03
skunchI could do it but I don't know exactly what I'm typing in19:03
widowYou're going to have too - youyou will need to use the Force Mount command.19:04
widowThat will manually reset the attributes for the volumes - setting them back to Clean Shutdown...19:04
ratasonghi,is it possibly to install ubuntu-restricted-extras rather than kubuntu-restricted-extras? i dont want to install all those oxygen icons btw19:04
peabodySmurphy: Where do I do that?19:04
widowAfter that the next time you try to mount normally it should work just fine.19:04
widowskunch: I'll see if I can't dig up a guide for you.19:05
tsimpsonratasong: you can install both19:05
bucketheadratasong: Why install the extras at all?19:05
davidjheinrichhi all...does anyone here know if any drum scanners are supported under linux?19:05
skunchthank you widow19:06
skunchit won't format my drive though right?19:06
ratasongbuckethead: emm bcause i want to enable all codecs n plugins n stuff?19:06
widowThe only way to format a drive is if you issue a format drive command.19:06
skunchubuntu was suggesting the force mount19:12
rodenskyIs FireCrotch in the house?19:12
skunchbut I didn't understand how that worked19:12
skunchI tried typing in what it said but nothing worked out19:12
widowskunch: Here you go... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB#Troubleshooting19:12
widowYou need to know what the device is too...19:13
skunchwhat do you mean19:13
widowIf you scroll just above the Trouble Shooting Section I linked you too - you will see the "Other Useful Commands"19:15
peabodySmurphy: How do I install the backported modules???19:15
widowThere are commands there to help you determine the what the device link is fo ryour USB Driv...19:16
widowYou know like /dev/sdb1, etc...19:16
avihaywidow: mount19:16
widowThat works too...19:17
skunchso found which one it is in the ls command19:17
avihayyou can grep it if you like19:17
rodenskyI have / on sda6 and within it I have /home, how do I change /home mount point to sda8 where I still have my old /home?19:18
widowAt least to disply what is mounted and where it's mounted...19:18
widowBut it's not going to display a drive that isn't mounted.19:18
widow...at least not to my knowledge anyway.19:18
Smurphypeabody: Just search for the backport modules in synaptic or similar.19:19
skunchok so widow I was able to find it in the list and it's Bus number and Device number19:19
skunchnow I'm unsure, do I just do the sudo force mount now?19:19
billet75I am using zoneminder and the /dev/video* permission are just for root and I have to change them every time I reboot chmod 666 they are owned by root:video any ideas19:19
JuJuBeeHowdy...  My var/log/messages file is HUGE 71K lines since this morning.... many like this... http://paste.ubuntu.com/311749/19:20
widowIf you know what the device is - then yes Force Mount.19:20
skunchI'm just unsure though19:22
skunchwhat I do I have to input19:22
skunchfrom that commandline19:22
billet75force mount? I thought of writing a ksh script and placing it in init.d to change the permissions as it comes up. The other issue my video card will not maintain my settings after a reboot as well. Even when I use sudo to set them19:22
skunchlike where do I put my device in the command " mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/sda1/ -o force "19:23
skunchbecause from the list usb command I have this as my device that I want to force mount19:24
skunchBus 001 Device 007: ID 0c0b:b159 Dura Micro, Inc. (Acomdata)19:24
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peabodyahh nice, and there it is in jockey.. broadcom sta wireless driver19:27
peabodythanks Smurphy19:27
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Smurphypeabody: np19:27
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widowskunch: You can mount it to any location you want.19:28
skunchI'm confused lol19:28
widowJust note that the folder you mount it too needs to already exist and don't vorget to sudo in front of the entire mount command.19:28
skunchwhere are things usually mounted to?19:29
skunchcomputer:/// ?19:29
widowThings are usually mounted to a folder in the media or mnt folders.19:29
widowDepends on the distro really...19:29
skunchah ok19:29
skunchok lets just parse this command code19:31
skunchI'm a Linux terminal rookie and I haven't been using Terminal for six months19:31
skunchsudo mount -t ntfs-3g19:31
skunchis what I need to have in there19:31
skunchthen after that it's19:31
skunch /dev/sda119:32
widowThen after that it's the device then the mount point.19:32
widowBut I really don't think the USB Drive is going to be sda1...19:32
skunchwhich means device /mountpoint?19:32
skunchthen what do I write in that place19:32
widowThat is usally an internal Sata Drive19:32
widowI don't know what the device is...19:32
widowThat is what you need to find out.19:32
widowIs it plugged in right now?19:33
skunchI did Lsusb19:33
skunchand the device strand is19:33
skunchBus 001 Device 007: ID 0c0b:b159 Dura Micro, Inc. (Acomdata)19:33
widowOkay - so it's in...19:33
widowDo this command...19:33
widowsudo fdisk -l19:33
widowThat is just listing the drives and their partitions - don't worry...19:33
urthmoverbummer I can't get kubuntu to get past the graphical login....I'm tried numerous ways to install the proper nvidia drivers to no availe19:34
skunchso I have one that the system is marked as19:34
skunchI'm assuming thats my drive19:34
urthmoverdoes anyone have any recomendations on getting kubuntu 9.10_64 running on a Dell e6400 laptop with a nvidia NVS160 video chipset?19:35
widowurthmover: remove any apt-get/aptitude nvidia driver packages.19:35
widowReboot the computer - and install the drivers straight from Nvidia...19:35
urthmoverwidow: then after I've removed them   do what?19:35
widowUse their run script and ensure the right driver is specified in the xorg.conf19:36
widowskunch: I think you are right.19:36
skunchso that means19:37
urthmoverwidow: ok I'm removing all nvidia right now19:37
skunchthat i want to force19:37
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billet75nvidia has drivers at there site, I download them they work great19:37
skunchso my force command should look like19:37
widowuragano: Those would be my suggestions...but I'm not really an Ubuntu user - just over helping a friend right now.19:37
skunchmount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 ?????? -o force19:37
urthmoverwidow: then you are saying run  sudo sh NVIDIA_185_blah_.run  right?19:37
skunchthe question mark meaning the destination right?19:38
urthmoverwidow: ok19:38
widowskunch: correct19:38
widowskunch: Is this computer a dual boot?19:39
urthmoverwidow: how do I properly stop kdm? sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop   ?19:39
skunchwhat do you mean?19:39
widowThat is one way.19:39
skunchdo I have another operating system on it?19:39
widowDo you not want it to autostart?19:39
urthmoverwidow: that way does not work..I get an error19:39
urthmoverwidow: yes I want it to autostart.....I just need to stop kdm while I install the drivers from nvidia19:40
widowAgain, do you not want KDM to start - or are you jsut trying to get to command shell right now?19:40
urthmoverwidow: I'm in the shell right now19:40
skunchwidow: what do you mean a dual boot?19:40
widowI think you can kill the X Session by likd Crtl+Shft+Backspace...19:40
widow...or something like that.19:40
urthmoverwidow: I just need to stop any kdm processes  for the nvidia driver installation to work19:40
urthmoverwidow: ok19:41
widowThe other thing you can do is go into /etc/rc2.d and rename the SXXkdm to KXXkdm and reboot19:41
widowIt will reboot without loading KDM.19:41
urthmoverwidow: ok19:42
widowskunch: Yes, do you have another operating system on the computer too..19:42
uicraor_во пля все на инглише...19:42
skunchyes Windows Vista19:42
skunchafter I've done this widow, do you think it'll work for Vista as well?19:42
widowskunch: Just a second...19:42
FloodBotK1uicraor_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
uicraor_бот сука19:43
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:43
uicraor_o plya nikuya sebe... =)19:43
widowskunch: Private please...19:44
uicraor_a nah mne ubunta esli u menya kubunta??? =)19:44
urthmoverwidow: here is some info about what is going on kinda  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126660719:44
uicraor_! ru19:47
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:47
uicraor_блин че никого русского нет???19:48
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frogletI am running kde in jaunty and I do not recall how to get the most recently or most often apps to show in the top of the menu in classic launcher19:51
frogletI think one has to go to kickoff mode to set it and I tried that19:51
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Tm_T!away > thrz|away19:55
ubottuthrz|away, please see my private message19:55
genii-aroundfroglet: Rightclick on KButton..Application Launcher Menu Settings...View...check of box next to "Recently Used Applications"19:55
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frogletgenii-around, I think I tried that but will have another look.  perhaps my system is missing some packages19:56
frogletgenii-around: yes that is almost what I want19:57
frogletproblem is the rest of the menu disappears but I think maybe I can find a workaround.  thanks19:57
frogletare there repositories for kde 4.3 in jaunty?19:59
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genii-aroundfroglet: Yes, 1 minute20:00
genii-aroundfroglet: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main20:01
frogletI will google for it if you do not have the info in a convenient place20:01
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drostieHi. generic question about upgrading from 9.10: If I DL an alternate CD, will it still need to connect to the internet to download lots of packages? And is there an estimate for that?20:05
drostie(The wiki-ish page on help.ubuntu.com suggests something like 700 MB downloaded, but I wanted to make sure.)20:06
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frogletdrostie: I think the download takes a few minutes but yes it does need to get packages20:07
drostieer, upgrading *to* 9.10 *from* 9.04.20:08
widowHow do I get the public key for deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main?20:08
frogletdrostie: are you sure you WANT to upgrade, though?20:08
frogletit might break your system20:08
frogletI have upgraded two systems, one consistently broke20:08
frogletthe other succeeded20:08
frogletthe one that broke uses nvidia20:09
frogletand I think the breakage is related to that20:09
genii-aroundwidow: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <PUT KEY HERE THAT APT-GET COMPLAINS OF>20:10
frogletdrostie: if you do it, make sure you backup all important files  :)20:10
frogletyou might need the backup20:10
drostiefroglet: I know. The upgrade path to 9.04 was similarly treacherous. I'm trying to figure out whether I should just download a CD for whatever it's worth.20:10
frogletIt's worth a shot if you have more than one computer20:11
drostie:/ wait, what sort of upgrade trashes your /home partition? o_O20:11
frogletdrostie: are you using an encrypted /home ?20:11
drostieWith LUKS, yes.20:11
froglethmmm mine got messed up but I use ecryptfs20:12
frogleton my netbook the upgrade worked like a charm20:13
frogletone piece of advice though, it is better to upgrade than to do a clean install, even though it will take two hrs to get all the packages20:13
frogletthe one I installed cleanly is the one that crashed20:14
frogletand do not use the graphical installer20:14
frogletuse apt-get or aptitude20:14
drostie:-/ you just said it took you a couple minutes, now you're saying that it took you two hours. It will take me 20-40 hours if I try to download this. That's why I asked. I really just need to know about the file sizes involved.20:14
frogletyes if you use an install CD it will take a few minutes to download the packages20:15
frogletbut it will be more risky20:15
frogletin my experience with karmic20:15
drostieIt's also less risky. :-/ If my system is borked, I'll want a live CD to try to debork it.20:16
frogletyes that is true.  I was unable to debork mine and went back to jaunty20:16
frogletdrostie: you have a slow connection?20:17
drostieThe other *huge* advantage of a CD is that I can use modern software that, y'know, throttles bandwidth. So that I can still browse and pause downloads and stuff.20:18
drostieBoth aptitude and update-notifier are apparently stone-age in that regard. :/20:18
frogletupdate-manager is the app that crashed my initial upgrade and left me unbootable20:19
drostieYes. I have two connections. One is very fast but requires me to bike for two hours; the other is a cable connection, but is only a bit faster than a 56 kbps modem.20:19
frogletthe error said something about sudo having crashed20:19
frogletand I was unable to rescue the system with the CD20:20
drostieMeh, I dunno. I don't immediately generalize from your experience to mine. If there were a bug that blocked install on most Kubuntu installs, it would have blocked release too.20:21
drostieI know about the risks and there's already a huge cost to me, so I'm evaluating back and forth.20:21
frogletI was able to install jaunty and then do an upgrade but I ended up with consoles only20:21
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drostieTeletypes are *very* useful. ^_^20:21
frogletone guy in #ubuntu told me he has reported several major bugs and not to expect fixes anytime soon20:23
frogletbtw I usually begin with an ubuntu install and if that succeeds, I add kubuntu20:23
frogletusually works better that way than a straight kubuntu install20:24
PAgorehey guyz, does someone knows why the drag and drop shortkut dont work in my kubuntu, 3hours ago i installed Kubuntu and im in a clean user environment, so i think i just have to enable something :)20:25
PAgorei mean,  if i want to make a link by and application then i hold "Alt" and drop this applications to the desktop like in windows :)20:26
BouPAgore: just drop it no? i don't think "Alt" is necessary20:28
PAgoreBou: I mean i all times have to confirm it by an appearing table20:28
PAgoresec i give an 2nd example20:29
PAgoreif i drag 1 file in dolphin from one direction to an other then i press Ctrl i hold it and drop it to an other direction20:30
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PAgorethen in MS Windows it was recognised as a copy command20:30
PAgorebut this dont happen in kubuntu atm :)20:30
PAgorebut i can see a smal "+" or the link icon when i press this hotkeys :)20:31
BruceLeedshi, I try to install a otf-font, but I doesn't work. Do I have to do something else than to copy the *.otf to ~/.fonts/type1 ?20:32
PAgoredo you use the new Kubuntu ? :)20:33
BruceLeedsPAgore: no I use still 8.420:33
PAgorehmm i dont know if you can find this in Hardy, but check this out, just go to your "System Settings" application20:34
PAgoreif this exists, there you can find a Font Installer :)20:34
BouPAgore: sorry i thought you were talking of something else20:35
BruceLeedsPAgore: found it20:36
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PAgoreBou: no i just answered Bruce :)20:37
PAgoreBou: I still cant solve it, im googelin atm :)20:37
=== thrz|away is now known as thrz
BruceLeedsPAgore: well, I want the otf to appear in OO.o but it doesn't appear - I noticed in the net, I need to do something else - but what...?20:41
urthmoverthis kubuntu nvidia issue is very frusterating20:41
PAgoreBruceLeeds: hm, i have a good idea what you can do :)20:42
PAgorei think the problem is your application "Font Installer" it is just old and therefore you cant install OO fonts :)20:43
PAgorein my Font Installer i can add this Fonts because im using the newest20:43
BruceLeedsPAgore: I acctually think the font is installed - only OO doesn't support it.20:44
vitamin-carrotIm still wearing pants20:44
PAgoreBruceLeeds: try this command "sudo fc-cache -fv"20:45
PAgoreit refreshes your cache :)20:45
vitamin-carrothi everyone20:45
PAgorehi :P20:45
PAgoreBruceLeeds: btw restart OO then20:46
BruceLeedsPAgore: didn't help20:47
PAgoreouh :(, hmm,  duno cant help you then, have you tried yout fonts with Kate?20:48
PAgoreto find out if the problem is with OO20:48
BruceLeedsPAgore: what do you mean? how could I try fonts out with kate?20:49
PAgoreyou know Kate the text applications :)20:49
PAgoreopen this and then write with your new Fonts20:49
BruceLeedsof course - but kate is an editor20:50
PAgoreyes but then you can find out where the problem is, if its in kubuntu or OO :P20:51
BruceLeedsI think it's OO20:51
frenchyhow do you disable Auto eth020:55
frenchyhow do you disable Auto eth020:56
BruceLeedsI managed20:58
tkeslerIs anyone having problems w/ wireless after 9.1021:09
joshua__fortunately not21:09
|moe|_tkesler: only on wpa2/enterprise21:10
tkeslerI have an atheros wireless card and it connects and then soon after disconnects21:10
tkeslerit's on an open network21:10
|moe|_tkesler: it's a broadcom on my side and never open21:11
tkeslerit says on dmesg 'no ipv6 routers available' and it then disconnects21:11
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv421:12
geniiSecond link21:12
tkeslerhmm...i can try that...21:14
tkeslerit seems to keep trying to query the router and disconnects after that21:14
tkeslerthanks for the help...l8r!21:16
frogletI upgraded to kde 3.3 in jaunty and now KDE gives me akonadi errors when starting then the screen goes black with just a cursor on it21:17
frogletubuntu desktop still works though21:17
frogletkde 4.3 I meant21:18
frogletI thought perhaps entering plasma.kderc at alt-f2 would fix it but alt+f2 does not do anything21:19
elitrouhello, can anyone help me to customize the jaunty login screen?21:20
vitamin-carrotbrb need fuel for the mower21:20
avihaywhat do I do to get multiple monitors working without clone?21:37
avihaydo I just put a virtual line in xorg.conf or is the new xorg already takeing care of this?21:39
ubuntistasI wanna add  icons in my panel any clue ? only widgets i can add21:52
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widow_Only Widgets...21:59
ubuntistasI wanna add  icons in my panel any clue ? only widgets i can add22:13
ubuntistasI wanna add  icons in my panel any clue ? only widgets i can add22:13
urthmoverugg what is going on with kubuntu and graphics issues in koala'22:21
yofelurthmover: none here, what's yours?22:23
urthmovernvidia .... I can't get past the graphical login on a fresh install of 9.10_amd6422:24
urthmoveryofel: I've been monkeying with this all day22:24
yofelurthmover: what card do you have?22:25
urthmoveryofel: I have tried removing everything nvidia....and installing nvidia from apt   antoher fresh install  trying nvidia drivers from the download straight from nvidia22:25
yofel(my Quadro NVS 140M and GeForce 7300 GT work fine)22:25
urthmoverQuadro NVS160 on a dell e6400 laptop22:25
urthmoverhmm  yofel 64bit?22:26
urthmoveryofel: once you installed from a live cd.....you were able to reboot and login from the graphical login and get to a working desktop?22:26
billet75how would I sent up the ability to send email from my kubuntu to my gmail account. I don't not want email sent to me22:27
yofelurthmover: uhh... can't say, one system was installed with alpha2 and one was upgraded from jaunty22:27
yofelurthmover: anything useful in Xorg.0.log?22:28
urthmoverhow do I check to see what graphics driver a fresh install is attempting to use?  How can I see a log of any errors ..specifically after attempting a login using the graphical login fails?22:28
yofelwell, X will try to use NV by default if you don't tell it to use something else22:29
urthmoveryofel: I'll take a look at Xorg.0.log  to see what errors  I can find22:29
yofelso you need an xorg.conf with 'Driver "nvidia"' to use the binary driver22:29
yofelnvidia-xconfig should create a working one22:30
urthmoverok I'll make sure I run that yofel22:30
urthmoverthanks for your help22:30
lucahi everybody22:36
lucahi, im looking for help with netbook remix22:40
yofelluca: well, just ask here, we'll help if we know how, or ask in #kubuntu-netbook22:41
SeraphXI'm sure this has been asked a hundred times, but is there any easy way for me to automount an external hard drive like it would be in GNOME?22:49
dylan_hi. i'm using kubuntu netbook remix and i've changed my containment to a "desktop" style but now i've lost the ability to change the containment settings. does anyone know how to get the configuration menu back? Right clicking everwhere seems to give nothing ...22:55
yofelda: /join #ubuntu22:58
daokay thanks22:59
yofeldylan_: tried asking in #kubuntu-netbook?23:09
dylan_nope. thanks. first time using irc.23:10
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=== Smex is now known as Transporter
lninjohey how can i get a list of channels again trying to find where programmers escpecially in c++ hangout:23:23
lninjome fellow linux advocates23:23
lninjoi get in trouble all the time at work suggesting open source alternatives at work23:23
lninjojust want me to selll microshit:23:24
lninjoanybody know why microsofts virus scanner doesnt work on 723:24
lninjofunny huh23:24
lninjohey hey where yall at23:24
ref_0Hello. I have a problem with kubuntu 9.10 (upgraded from 9.04) and I want to report it as a bug in launchpad but I don't know how do that, I do not know which files and info attach.23:25
ref_0The problem is that when I copy files (up to 50MB and tested from konsole or dolphin), the system becomes slow and unusable until the task is complete.23:25
ref_0kswapd0 and pdflush process appear as "disk sleeping" in system monitor while file is copying.23:26
reagleBRKLNwith kubuntu karmic, when i wake up from suspend, I'm not prompted for password, this option is set in etc and KDE admin powersave settings, any thoughts? also, is there a DCOP command that will do it? (then I could put it in a script)23:27
reagleBRKLNI have no kdesktop_lock which I see refs to23:28
homoboyi am having a problem with thoggen, a dvd ripper. it says failed to retriece dvd title details. When i go to instlall libdvdcss2, it says that there is no installation candidate and is not available but is referred to by another package.23:35
LeeJunFan!medibuntu | homoboy23:35
ubottuhomoboy: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:35
LeeJunFanhomoboy: np, you'll find libdvdcss there23:36
necevehi guys23:36
neceveI'm beginning to be a little disappointed about 9.10 :(23:38
necevehal do no more detect "ac adapter"23:38
necevenow, I can't see the external hard drive23:39
neceve(on that display which shows if I have a new device)23:40
neceveplease, someone knows what is happening?23:41
frogletneceve, did you recently upgrade to karmic?23:42
neceveyes :(23:42
necevefrom 9.0423:42
frogletthat might be the problem23:42
frogletI had to go back to Jaunty23:42
neceveI believe I'll do the same...23:43
mackenhello everyone, anything going on or has my comp died.23:51
RussellAlanmacken: ?23:52
RussellAlanNot botting?23:53
mackenRussellAlan> just an atempt at a funny. The ubuntu channel is flying by so fast you can't keep up.23:53
RussellAlanahh i see, well my comp isnt booting23:54
RussellAlanthought it was a global occurence23:54
mackenGrub problem or what23:54
RussellAlanafter boot from grub its stuck at "Boot from (hd0,0) ext3 e9aa1a87-50a0-4b54-8851-c398419t055823:55
mackenkarmic and grub223:56
CTDaemontry reinstalling karmic...23:56
RussellAlanis there a karmic cd release?23:57
RussellAlancause i installed from 9.0423:57
mackenyes u can dl the cd live release23:57
mackenI do not recomend doing an upgrade. mine flopped23:58

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