
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/06:29
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demongtany idea how to change the login screen?06:44
mac_vdemongt: it is hard coded [for now] , you could try this > http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009/09/hack-karmics-gdm-login-screen.html06:46
demongtiv seen how to's talking about there being a option to change it?06:47
demongtbut on mine it only lets me change weather i login auto or not?06:47
mac_vdemongt: there is no such option in karmic to change themes06:47
mac_vdemongt: only the two you mention are available for now06:48
demongtwait...whats karmic06:48
mac_vdemongt: ubuntu 9.1006:48
demongtim new to the linux thing06:49
mac_vdemongt: no probs , why do you want to change the login theme anyway? its not you are going to be looking at it for long06:50
* mac_v just trying to understand06:50
demongtim picky06:50
demongti like to customize.06:51
mac_vdemongt: try the link i gave you , i havent tried it yet...06:51
demongthumm, so why did they change it?06:52
mac_vdemongt: Ubuntu did not change it , it was changed in gnome > you can read more about it > Bug #39529906:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395299 in gdm "gdm 2.26 has no graphical configuration tool" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39529906:54
mac_vdemongt: that bug is not related to the features as theming , but it has some info06:54
demongtoo i forgot. two seperat things unlike windows06:54
mac_vdemongt: if you find the theming missing , file a separate bug for that06:55
mac_vkwwii: argh! stupid bloggers > "With Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala the GDM has been rewritten to properly take advantage of xsplash, Ubuntu's new X based boot." < they write wrong info such as this :/06:55
demongti messed with linux over ten years ago and just recently decided to give it a try again after finally pulling my hair out with vista06:56
kwwiigood morning all10:03
thorwilgood morning!10:37
mac_v_thorwil: hi... i checked out the scrollbar...  works great  , but IMO , there can be 2 changes10:43
thorwili'm all ears10:44
mac_v_1> on hover when the pointer turns into the vertical resize , it could be the hand grab pointer10:44
mac_v_since the arrows use the point hand  , but the handle uses a different pointer10:45
mac_v_2> the page scroll was difficult to figure out in a laptop10:45
mac_v_it took a while for me to realize that i had to click twice to initiate the page scroll10:46
thorwilmac_v: the hand grab pointer is used for multi-direction/panning elsewhere. also, the difference between the cursor for dragging and clicking arrows would be less pronounced10:47
thorwilmac_v: oh. you don't have to click twice for page scroll10:47
mac_v_hmm , the single clicks dont do it for me...10:48
thorwilmac_v: there's a delay before a mouse-down with no drag start to be interpreted as page scroll10:48
thorwilthis delay is necessary to not have page scroll if you want to drag10:49
thorwilhmm, maybe i could also trigger page scroll after a click10:52
mac_v_thorwil: hmm , maybe it also needs to factor in the double-click threshold.. since if i click once the scrollbar is non reactive , then i click again it again was non reactive. it just took me a while to figure it out ,10:52
mac_v_or something , else10:52
mac_v_thorwil: or you keep the present behavior and also use the right-click to trigger the page scroll10:53
mac_v_my first instinct was to use the right click when the left click didnt work10:54
thorwilmac_v: yes, seems i focused too much on the repeat action (try holding button pressed). so doing page scroll on mouse-up if there was no drag or holding should fix that10:54
thorwilmac_v: right click is taken for context menu10:55
thorwilmac_v: anyway, thanks, you did find a hole :)10:55
mac_v_thorwil: yeah , but there is no context menu there , so if the right-click works , this way the users would know that the page scroll works , and they might in time figure out that there is a delay to trigger the scroll with left-click...  or which ever you find better :)10:56
thorwilmac_v: why do you think there's no context menu?10:56
thorwilmac_v: don't answer, i just realized i broke it somehow10:57
mac_v_thorwil: oh , lol , there was supposed to be a context menu there?... what where the options avail?10:58
thorwilmac_v: in my demo just Start and End. the idea is to allow (additional) anchors/bookmarks, though10:59
mac_v_ah , ok10:59
mac_v_thorwil: how do you use the vertical resize? is is the high contrast pointer or..?11:00
thorwilmac_v: i'm not sure what you mean11:00
mac_v_thorwil: oh , nevermind , i was using a pointer theme which didnt have the resize pointer11:01
mac_v_thorwil: hmm , but the resize pointer would be a bit confusing to the users , i think it would need a new pointer , something in the likes of the scroll pointer in windows which appears when users scroll using the mouse scroll... well thats something that isnt fixable now , though... :)11:06
darkmatterjust use DMZ-AA. best cursor theme imo. clean. works on light and dark equally well. blus sharper looking than the regular DMZ11:23
coz_darkmatter, ok   this is a better place to discuss that topic :)11:59
coz_darkmatter,  I agree... it is definitly unhealthy  and seeing what was done to karmic in terms of graphics  I am very frustrated12:00
darkmattercoz_: too much lock in. I mean. don't get me wrong. uby has come a long way in general, but it still suffers from the same problems as well12:02
kwwiicoz_: what were you unhappy about in karmic?12:02
coz_darkmatter,  I think  what needs to change is the approach... a team...prefereably this one...comes up with  three options  for a final decision...and ONLY those three options are available with no one being allowed to change them  then they choose one and go with it12:03
coz_kwwii,   well   the overall boot sequence is a disaster...the default wallpaper and default themes could be better as well12:03
kwwiihehe, I agree that the boot sequence went somewhat south but that is mainly due to the code not being ready12:04
kwwiiand considering that we weren't going to change anything in the UI it is at least a bit better and a step in the right direction12:04
coz_kwwii,  unfortunately...  but my god  a muddy brown image during boot?  lol12:04
kwwiibut I don't think that you will ever see the default look of ubuntu being decided upon by the community any time soon12:05
kwwiioriginally, the whole thing was b/w but we had to put a bit of brown into it to smooth the transition12:05
coz_kwwii,  no but I believe that a conical based art team...going by what has occurred in the last few versions..is a highe mistake12:06
kwwiibut anyway, I can see where you are coming from, so thanks for the explanation12:06
coz_huge mistake rather12:06
kwwiicoz_: I think that the canonical team needs to communicate things better, which is part of what we are working on12:06
kwwiilast time around we had plans which were shown to the public too late12:07
coz_kwwii,  I think the cononical team needs some training12:07
kwwiipart of out time next week, before UDS is to get our info together so that we can share it with the community12:07
kwwiicoz_: hehe, no doubt..it is a totally new team with almost everyone coming from outside the OSS world12:08
coz_kwwii,   we need quality artists  working these things and not allowing "ANY" developer to make a final decision on graphics on any level12:09
thorwilkwwii: i'm curious: who of the team besides you had prior contact with the OSS world?12:09
kwwiithorwil: afaik, nobody12:09
coz_oh my12:09
kwwiiand I have been around for so long that they think i am a bitchy old man12:09
coz_kwwii,  cool I like bitchy old men   I am with you  guy lol12:10
darkmatterkwwii: you are a bitchy old man :P12:10
coz_darkmatter,  he fits in if so lol12:11
thorwilkwwii: should get to know Troy. will think you are all cute and cuddly afterwards ;)12:11
coz_thorwil, lol  I like troy12:11
kwwiithorwil: oh, they have met troy12:11
coz_who buy the way had a wonderful boot sequence mock up apparenlty ignored12:11
thorwilso do I. but it's a bit of a special experience to talk with him ;)12:12
darkmatterI haven't talked with Troy in ages... he's moodier than I am xD12:12
kwwiione day I walked into a meeting room and was asked the question "Do you know who Troy Sobotka is?" with a serious look on everyones face12:12
thorwilkwwii: anyone got hurt? :)12:12
kwwiiand the first thing I thought was "oh shit, what has he said about me" :p12:13
kwwiibut it turned out quite differently :)12:13
coz_kwwii,  why did they ask?12:13
coz_kwwii,  was it fear ?12:13
kwwiihe had been in contact per email and expressed some views which kinda scared 'em I think12:14
kwwiiit was quite funny12:14
mac_vcoz_: i have to disagree that the default wallpaper is bad... it is a very cheerful wallpaper12:14
coz_mac_v,   mmm   are you on medication ? lol12:14
thorwilmac_v: i think it bites with the gtk theme12:14
coz_mac_v,  that was a joke12:15
coz_thorwil,  yes it does12:15
kwwiiif you look at the forum and other places, there has been *very* little negative comments about the karmic artwork12:15
mac_vcoz_: thorwil: i'm not a fan of the theme , but the wallpaper is definately not bad... medicated or not ;p12:15
darkmatterkwwii: the best thing about Troy is ya usually agree with half of his opinions, even though you may approach voicing them differently ;)12:15
coz_troy has always been easy to talk with ... I agree with him for the most part  and if not we argue  quite well12:16
kwwiidarkmatter: yeah, it's not that I disagree with what he says, he just has a way of discussing things which is hard to deal with sometimes :D12:16
* mac_v catches full scrollback12:16
coz_kwwii,  really?  mm he is a bit "wordy"12:17
kwwiiat times I have thoght of suggesting he write a book12:17
darkmatterkwwii: yeah. I know that personally I try to keep my implications that OSS in inhabited by talentless morons down to one insult/week :P12:17
coz_troy knows what he is talking about   I dont agree with some of his approaches in an art team environment but otherwise I understand him12:17
coz_darkmatter,   oh man I have to catch up then I am down to once every two weeks lol12:18
kwwiiif he wasn't at least close to being right, nobody would have kept talking to him :p12:18
darkmattercoz_: lol12:18
kwwiihe was a great help with the wallpaper selection process12:18
kwwiiyeah, the selection of the extra wallpapers which were included in karmic12:19
darkmatterbut his approach isn't all bed, even I've been known to do similar. the ultimate cure for a narcissistic 'expert': imply they're retarded. then they feel obliged to prove they aren't :P12:20
coz_kwwii, well at least there are extras included :)12:21
coz_I would have chosen a different set12:21
kwwiicoz_: I was kinda sad that nobody seemed to notice them yet12:21
coz_kwwii,   well I did :)12:22
coz_kwwii,   also I believe I am no longer on the "team" roster12:22
coz_kwwii,   I have tried to no avial12:22
coz_maybe for the best..but at some point...if I want a slot for saying something ,,I should join again12:22
darkmatterthere's one or two that are 'nice' in my opinion, but I have slightly more evolved tastes than users do ;o12:23
thorwilevolved is the nice way to express it12:24
* mac_v wonders if coz_ kwwii and darkmatter are kinda scared of troy_s... talking when he isnt around ;p12:24
darkmatterbutterfly and naranja are probably the best in the new set. of those two butterfly is by far the superior12:24
coz_mac_v,  not in the least afraid12:24
coz_mac_v,  i would disagree with him  many times  and he  wold never back down but neither would i12:25
mac_vcoz_: j/k ;)12:25
darkmattermac_v: I'd talk when he is around, but I sleep during daylight xD12:25
coz_mac_v,   I just had a converstation with him last week for about an hour or so12:25
darkmattercoz_: I'd chat with him, but he's rarely online at the same time ass me *checks buddy list* see? no troy :P12:26
mac_vkwwii: what is the actual default wallpaper  ? you mentioned it was a photo... a photo of what?12:27
coz_darkmatter,  you might be able to catch him onhis blog12:27
* darkmatter is considering reworking his shelf concept :(12:27
Gopikrishnanphi all12:28
darkmattercoz_:  mac_v: I need to avoid surfing the net. I keep finding hidden gems that make me wanna cry :/12:29
mac_vdarkmatter: odd choice of the best[ butterfly and naranja] , the butterfly is good , but IMO , not the best for the default wallpaper...12:29
coz_darkmatter,   oh yes I understand :)12:29
mac_vdarkmatter: hidden gems? i didnt understand :(12:29
darkmattermac_v: never said default. I said out of the extras they're the best12:30
mac_vah , ok12:30
kwwiimac_v: it is a photo of a piece of papaer12:30
mac_vhmm , interesting shot ...12:31
* mac_v hides12:31
kwwiidarkmatter: hehe, I took the butterfly pic12:31
kwwiiit's "as-taken", not manipulated12:31
* mac_v now hides from kwwii too about the butterfly12:32
kwwiiI wouldn't use it as my wallpaper but apparently women love it :P12:32
darkmattermac_v: remember I was talking about group/object/activity management the other day? I stumbled upon screenies of early internal alphas of the win7 superbar. the way they 'count' items, and collapsible groups, and color coding tasks... is similar to my shelf to some degree (graphically, minus the glasy crap) :/12:32
mac_vdarkmatter: ah... see you should have written about it first... ;)12:33
coz_ok I guess I can set this channel as defauilt in xchat...again... seems there exists intelligence here after all lol12:34
mac_vcoz_: hmm , do you know about gtk themes and theming?12:35
darkmattermac_v: nah. my idea is still totally different, but when I see similar 'art' I get nervous. it's the whole 'zomg! copycat!' mentality even though the actual differences in how it works are substantial.12:35
coz_mac_v,  to what extent ?12:35
thorwildarkmatter: i know that feeling12:36
darkmattermac_v: it's an art/design thing I'm sure we're all familiar with. you want to remain 'unique'12:36
darkmatterthorwil: yeah. I think we all know the feeling12:36
mac_vcoz_: i'm trying to get rid of the 1px border for the list boxes > http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot-The%20Widget%20Factory.png   , i'm not sure what is the exact widget class , or how to prevent them from being displayed... any ideas?12:37
mac_vdarkmatter: yeah , its tough , sometimes the idea wouldnt even be the same but still it would be called a copy :/12:37
coz_mac_v,  should be in the grkrc  I wo uld have to look at the theme though12:38
coz_mac_v,   although darkmatter  might be able to say immediately12:38
coz_I always defer when i am hungry :)12:38
coz_be back after breakfast guys  :)12:38
mac_vdarkmatter: did you narrow it down? i'm still not able to figure it out :( input boxes just dont like me :(12:39
thorwiloh boy: http://succeedblog.org/12:40
darkmattermac_v: try adding GtkTextView to the list of widgets where I told ya to define with the null, as gtk is dumb like that. some are defined as basic widgets for the frams (using shadows) others textview, etc. I think the list boxes use GtkTextView iirc12:41
darkmatterthorwil: neat. I like the rubics cube mona lisa12:44
* thorwil has a suspicion that gtk would need to be replaced with something else to have chance of getting all the details right12:45
darkmattermac_v: actually, i shouldn't call gtk dumb, I should call the devs coding the guis dumb :P12:46
kwwiibratsche (cody russell) is working for canonical and has some pretty neat stuff in gtk coming12:46
darkmatterthorwil: the problem with gtk is there are to many options for how to accomplish various ui bits. it really needs nothing more than a widget cleanup12:47
kwwiiso there are ways to change things, you just need to pay the right people :p12:47
zniavre_good evening / bonjour12:48
darkmatterget rid of the hackishness and in doing so force compliance to a coding standard for the ui12:49
darkmatterkwwii: pay them or lurk behind them and whack them with a blunt instrument when they try to cheat. both methods are equally effective ;)12:57
darkmatterkwwii: but back to the butterfly wall. it's really a matter of bokeh being more effective for photo backgrounds. 1) they have a greater illusion of depth due to the changes in focus, so windows tend to 'pop' more 2) the same varied focus makes them less detailed and therefor less visually distracting. btw. very well composed image. good job13:01
coz_so what graphics applications is everyone using?13:03
coz_which graphics apps rather13:03
darkmattercoz_: the usual. gimp or inkscape, depending on what needs to be accomplished13:04
coz_darkmatter,  ok have you tried   mypaint recently?  bitmap based13:04
thorwilinkscape, gimp, blender. in few cases scribus. recently a bit synfig13:04
coz_thorwil,   I havent worked much with sinfig13:05
coz_pencil  is cool for flash13:05
darkmattercoz_: nope. I've seen it, but haven't used it. I've been thinking of giving skencil a go13:05
coz_darkmatter,   try Pencil instead13:05
thorwilrecently tried krita and mypaint. i will likely do some more digital drawing using mypaint in future13:05
coz_darkmatter,  skencil is a bit old13:05
coz_thorwil,  mypaint is making its way up for sure13:06
coz_thorwil,  close to competing with Corel Painter13:06
coz_inkscape is my first c hoice13:06
coz_although all I have been doing with inkscape are themes for cairo dock at this point...troy asked that I do a few major pieces with inkscapr  but havent found the time13:07
darkmattercoz_: inkscape is great, but it has a few wankery things about it13:08
coz_darkmatter,  for sure but it far exceeds  adobe illustrator and adheres to the svg standard  which illustrator does not with proproetary formats13:09
zniavre_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Lucid/PixOffice  > metacity is really nice no?13:13
zniavre_ho it's the same guy who sent the 5 themes13:14
kwwiiyeah, and it doesn't seem to really be something for lucid13:14
coz_i am not  liking that at all13:14
mac_vzniavre_: it looks retro , more like an old xp theme13:15
coz_selected items are too dark first off13:15
coz_and grey all over :)13:15
zniavre_the gtk is bad i still think13:15
zniavre_mac_v,  taht s true13:15
mac_vdamn you gtk! arghhhhhh....13:18
darkmatterkwwii: retro ports of windowblinds themes from '98ish that are fugly to say the least. plus they're not gpl (regardless of what the gtk porter may try to publish it as)13:18
kwwiidarkmatter: lol, yeah...I'll try to contact the person and tell them that I am removing them13:19
zniavre_thank you   :o)13:20
* mac_v wonders if zniavre_ has a round nose ;p 13:21
* thorwil wonders if mac_v has no nose, then13:22
mac_v nope , thorwil cut it off long back :)13:22
coz_mac_v,  did you find that entry in  gtkrc?13:23
thorwilmac_v: that's outrageous! you imply that i have bad memory!!13:23
mac_vthorwil: yup... ;p13:24
mac_vcoz_: no :(13:24
coz_mac_v,  can you upload the gtkrc maybe i can find it13:25
darkmatterkwwii: in fact, iirc treetog wiped his dA gallery because people kept ignoring licenses and ripping his work (treetogs the original author of all those themes proposed for lucid)13:26
kwwiiouch, then I better remove them quickly13:27
mac_vcoz_: I have to clean it up a bit , right now it has lot of stuff which i just added , , but do that in a bit13:27
mac_vand upload13:27
coz_mac_v,  ok no big hurry13:27
* kwwii gets lunch13:35
darkmatterkwwii: from the gtl-poters gnome-look entries ' I decided to have a go at creating a port for gnome, i have unfortunately been unable to contact Treetog, so if he so wishes at any point i will of course remove the theme'13:35
mac_vdarkmatter: link?13:36
darkmatterthat's a potential license violation (I dun know what license treetog used) at the very least its disrespect for previous work (never port/borrow/or frankenstien without express written permission)13:36
darkmatterops.. wrong treetog theme :.. sec13:37
darkmatteroh lookie. pix office and the others are 'gone' from the *-look sites.. hmmm13:38
darkmatterthere are still themes (cursors etc) from other porters. but all without permissions13:40
darkmatterwrite the guy that posted to the wiki and ask him to present written permissions. if he cant scrap the entries I guess *shrug*13:41
mac_vah well , if you can beat em join em ;) > http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/New.png13:44
kwwiiI already deleted the page13:45
mac_vthere are other problems if we try to use the same color of the input boxes , some windows add padding  , so it gets dissociated there too ;)13:46
mac_vcoz_: ^13:47
coz_mac_v,   you fixed?13:47
mac_vno , i just changed the color of the scroolbars , to match the color of the borders ;p13:48
coz_oh :)13:49
coz_mac_v,  I will call that a "fix"  :)13:49
mac_vlol ;)13:50
coz_be back in a bit.. I have a few things to compile here13:54
faganI need an artist for a little project14:32
faganI need an icon and a logo for a project that im going to show off at the UDS https://launchpad.net/parental-control/14:33
faganIm asking here because I like the stick men on your wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork and id like if one of you changed one of them to make an icon out of it14:37
thorwilfagan: https://launchpad.net/~baerjj-gmail is responsible for the stick men14:39
faganCool ill send on an email14:40
* thorwil goes fore a walk14:40
southwindi wish to contribute my skill to the art works of ubuntu but i dont know how14:56
southwindcan any one help me14:56
mac_vsouthwind: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork15:19
mac_vsouthwind: also , do join the artwork mailing list and introduce yourself15:20
southwindlink to mail list15:21
mac_vsouthwind: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art , also other info are in the wiki page i gave you above15:22
southwindthank u15:22
mac_vkwwii: how do i get a new icon added to the notify-osd pack? i'm thinking of getting a patch in ubufox so that the download complete notification uses the notify-osd ...  But there isnt any icon for "action completed" , i'v been using an icon for that in the same style as the notify-osd icons...15:53
mac_vinto ubufox*15:53
shane_faganmac_v: id say you should ask one of the Dx team15:54
mac_vshane_fagan: it was discussed in ayatana , but the deadline for karmic has crossed so , it didnt happen...15:56
shane_faganmac_v: I sub ayatana so I know and I alpha tested ubuntu too so I saw it when it came in15:57
shane_faganThe firefox notifications I mean15:57
mac_vshane_fagan: you mean the notifications are already using notify-osd?15:58
shane_faganThey did for about a day in karmic alpha 615:58
shane_faganthen beta came out and it was removed15:58
shane_faganthe icon was weird if I remember15:58
mac_vstrange ... i'v been using karmic since alpha 2 and i didnt notice this... but anyway , maybe i was using the notify-osd already  , so i dint know ;)15:59
shane_faganmac_v: are you going to the UDS?16:00
mac_vshane_fagan: nope... cant make it16:00
shane_faganWell there will be more than likely some talk of firefox notifications16:00
shane_faganill mention it16:00
mac_vshane_fagan: yeah  , thats why i was mentioning it to kwwii now itself ;)16:01
shane_faganah yeah16:01
mac_vshane_fagan: good , now more folks to bring up the topic :)16:01
shane_faganWell notification consistency is a must16:02
mac_vshane_fagan: hmm , you are involved a bit with the gnome-shell right?16:05
shane_faganmac_v: yep16:05
mac_vshane_fagan: so what happens to compiz when -shell lands?16:05
shane_faganits getting dropped16:05
shane_faganfor mutter16:05
mac_vshane_fagan: oh... so with mutter we'd have all the same magic?16:06
shane_faganits a mix between metacity and clutter16:06
mac_vnearly , i mean16:06
shane_faganyou can try it out if you build shell16:06
shane_faganno wobbly windows but there are some cool other stuff16:07
mac_vshane_fagan: yeah , i did try it out , but my ATI drivers such... so didnt work out too well :(16:07
shane_faganthat would be a problem it is a little heavy at the moment16:08
mac_vshane_fagan: no wobbly windows? aw... that was something that seemed to make the system feel more natural16:08
shane_faganmac_v: well thats just with all the builds that I have seen maybe someone can add the wobblyness to the windows :)16:09
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* mac_v hopes so too ;) 16:10
shane_faganmac_v: Im making a parental control for the UDS too16:10
mac_vwithout wobbly when i use windows OS  , the windows feel so rigid and weird16:11
mac_vshane_fagan: parental control for UDS? or for the OS?16:11
shane_faganmac_v: well its for the OS and ill have it made for the UDS16:12
mac_vah , /me a bit slow ;p16:12
mac_vshane_fagan:  that sounds great , i dont think there is or was one already ?16:12
shane_faganmac_v: thats why I made it16:13
mac_vlol ;)16:13
mac_vlmao! , ubuntu-devel got a spam, i suppose, mentioning it won macbook ;p16:23
alefterishi all, are there any source files for the xsplash/gdk background image? I would like to use it for for produsing some images for our loco website. thanks16:37
mac_valefteris: you want the brown background or the code for the xsplahs too ?16:38
alefterisjust the background image/wallpaper, all I could find is a jpg image16:38
mac_valefteris: ah , right the system has only jpg... mat_t_ is the person you need to contact regarding this16:39
alefterisok thanks, hopefully he will see the ping from here :)16:40
kwwiimac_v: send any suggestions to me, with and explanation and how it will work code-wise16:41
kwwiisorry, just got back from the store16:42
mac_vkwwii: ok .cool , i'll mail it to you....16:42
coz_troy_s,  hey guy21:20
troy_scoz_: Greetings coz_.21:21
coz_troy_s,  good to see you here21:21
troy_scoz_: I don't really know why, but thanks. :)21:21
coz_troy_s,   well conversations with you are always interesting21:22
coz_of course silence is always nice too lol21:24
troy_scoz_: Sorry... just checking the installation of my quad core.21:25
troy_scoz_: I am making sure I got the thermal paste applied properly.21:25
troy_scoz_: Don't want it to melt down with all the cores firing in Blender.21:25
coz_troy_s,  use a credit card to smooth it evenly or a matchbook cover21:25
coz_troy_s,  a think even layer is far more effective than gobs21:26
troy_scoz_: I used to think that.  LOL.  Changed my mind.  The vendor actually suggests rolls of it along the heat pipes. Believe it or not, applying it that way gets a 1.5 degree lower temperature.21:26
coz_troy_s,  that's interesting.... I think I would probably not do that but then I will have to wait for the quad core to arrive :)21:27
troy_scoz_: There is a writeup on it somewhere. A review was given using the 'smooth even' and then the vendor contacted the reviewer and said that the application was incorrect.21:28
coz_troy_s,  cool   ... will check it out if I get quad core21:28
coz_troy_s,  are you building a system or just replacing cpu ?21:31
troy_scoz_: Changed the CPU.21:31
coz_troy_s,  what did you have before?21:31
troy_scoz_: Dual core 3000+ class.21:32
coz_troy_s,   ooo  so t his will boost everything for you21:32
troy_scoz_: Yes. More importantly 45nm class.21:33
coz_well I have company here so I am going to break for a bit....   troy_s   hope to talk with you later :)21:34
kwwiihey troy_s, nice to see you around :)22:14
kwwiihow's things?22:14
kwwiithanks for the sorts mill goudy, btw...I am still using it on my desktop and as window title font22:15
troy_skwwii: Sorry... missed the page.22:19
troy_skwwii: I don't know about how it works on the desktop, but it is a beautiful face really.22:19
troy_skwwii: How are things in the salt mine?22:19
troy_skwwii: bathroom brb22:20
troy_skwwii: Back.22:24
troy_skwwii: Getting ready for UDS I'd assume.22:27
kwwiihehe, yeah, we have a design sprint the week before, so I am leaving on sunday22:27
kwwiion the kde desktop it is really interesting22:28
kwwiiit is only in the one window on the actual desktop22:28
kwwiiwhich has neat browsing functionality, so it makes it really nice22:28
kwwiinot bad considering that the it is done per extended mouse over and not clicking22:38
troy_skwwii: Darnit... missed the text again. Catching up...22:38
kwwiifeels very smooth and moving to the scrollbar is not a problem at all, nicely done22:38
troy_skwwii: Hrm.22:39
troy_skwwii: Not really getting it. lol.22:39
troy_skwwii: Not smart here, so that doesn't help.22:39
kwwiiyeah, kinda hard to explain the feeling ;)22:40
troy_skwwii: Anything interesting perkulating in the saltmine?22:41
kwwiitroy_s: definitely, just can't talk about it yet...among others, the design team is meeting with the dx team next week22:43
troy_skwwii: I see the whole Ubuntu franchise is still having fundamental issues grasping a palette eh?22:44
troy_skwwii: Status quo?22:45
kwwiiwell, until now the design team has been busy taking over everything :p22:46
kwwiiwe did all the CD packaging, t-shirts, stickers, presentation templates, and much, much more22:46
kwwiieverything is done in-house now on our team22:47
troy_skwwii: Who did the CD cover this time around?22:47
kwwiiinclude the mobile stuff...the open source stuff as well as the stuff for our partners like Dell, etc22:47
troy_skwwii: I'd think that the step away from the... unfortunate 'happy people looking at camera' can only be better in some people's minds. :)22:48
kwwiiafaik it was mainly the work of Markus Haslam, our new branding guy...he did a lot of work on a new logo (but I doubt that will see the light of day anytime soon). Among other amazing projects, he did the Oyster logo for the london underground22:48
troy_skwwii: Redoing the logo?22:48
kwwiihe worked with a photographer...bought a lot of hand-made paper and brought different "filters" and ideas of bending the paper while projecting light onto it22:49
kwwiitroy_s: yeah, but again, that won't be happening anytime soon22:49
kwwiiit was his original contract at the company22:49
kwwiinow he is an employee22:50
troy_skwwii: Yes I spotted the texture on the wallpaper - is that the byproduct?22:50
troy_skwwii: The composition is still myopic as all hell but alas... baby steps I guess.22:50
kwwiicheck the server CDs and the new website stuff22:50
kwwiiit is all over22:50
troy_skwwii: Link?22:50
kwwiiyeah, it is a good start I think22:50
troy_skwwii: I just don't get the unfortunate symmetry.  It just looks ridiculous.22:51
troy_skwwii: I'm sure that was from ... uh ... on high.22:51
kwwiiseems they didn't use the best of it :p22:51
troy_skwwii: lol.22:51
kwwiithe server CD cover is slick22:51
troy_skwwii: Link?22:51
kwwiiit has that wall panel from the link above, but used as a filter for white light onto paper22:52
kwwiivery nive22:52
troy_skwwii: What is with that 9.10?22:53
troy_skwwii: Lol.22:53
kwwiierm, wrong link22:54
troy_skwwii: That is still some nasty typesetting I'd add too, but alas, just the opinion of some uninformed schmuck.22:54
kwwiioh wow, they went with something different from what I last saw22:55
kwwiithat is sad22:55
troy_skwwii: I'd also add that if I weren't such a dork22:55
kwwiitrust me, it wasn't the guy who designed it's fault ;)22:55
troy_skwwii: Tell me that I'm not looking at the chromatic aberration on the 9.10?22:55
troy_skwwii: Yeah I know I know I know I know22:55
kwwiithe wallet is a bit better but not much22:55
troy_skwwii: It is the big issue with our culture - the roots of the dysfunction are systemic.22:56
kwwiiI could have taken better pics than that22:56
troy_skwwii: Much like why I often cite the Google StopDesign blog posting.22:56
troy_skwwii: I _really_ hate to say it, but it just feels like more of the same but different.  We can all only speculate why however. ;)22:57
troy_skwwii: Is that chromatic aberration?  It must be eh? As in they actually photographed that 9.10 on the texture and the diopter fell apart.22:57
troy_skwwii: Looks like mooky photography methinks.22:57
kwwiiI think they played with photoshop too much and blew the curves22:57
troy_skwwii: (and yes, might be way way way off base on that.)22:58
troy_skwwii: Look at the white on the 9.1022:58
troy_skwwii: It's toward the edge of the frame probably and if I didn't know better, I'd bet that is a diopter shot.  Bleeds ratpiss yellowy green on the lefts and bluey on the right.22:58
kwwiieither they made it green with photoshop just to include *something* different or that is pure chroma noise...I bet from that alone you could figure out which camera was used22:59
kwwiioh well, time for sleep23:01
troy_skwwii: Probably not camera, but I'd bet on diopter.23:01
troy_skwwii: Night.23:01
troy_sGreetings coz_23:07
coz_troy_s,  hey guy23:07
troy_sckontros: You can't possibly just be lurking...23:07
coz_troy_s,  system up and running23:07
troy_scoz_: Yes... seems to be stable since I popped in here.23:08
coz_darkmatter,  hey guy23:11
darkmatterheya coz_23:11
darkmattercoz_: read this... it's mind boggling http://crave.cnet.co.uk/software/0,39029471,49304156,00.htm23:53
coz_yikes :)23:54
darkmatterlol 'why are women' googles top two suggestions 'crazy' and 'stupid' lol23:58

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