
Keybukslangasek: it's making patches now00:06
Keybukdon't know whether this is good or not00:11
Keybuknext she makes merges00:11
Keybukthen cookies00:11
cowgardenhi, why is there a new add/remove software dialog? (where are the advantages? I'm just missing the ratings which makes it useless for aimless lurking arround)00:20
macoyeah, lots of complaints about lack of ratings. its not done yet ;-)00:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about softwarecenter00:22
macocowgarden: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter00:22
cowgardenbut it will come I read from that :)00:22
cowgardenthank you!00:22
cowgarden9.10 should boot faster, shouldn't it?00:22
cowgardenand how strict is the feature freeze, can I expect smaller features coming through updates or will there be bugfixes fpr 9.10 only?00:23
Keybukcowgarden: 9.10 is done00:25
cowgardenI know00:25
Keybukyou can this, because it's now November00:25
Keybukand then it'd be Ubuntu 9.1100:25
directhexcowgarden, short version: very limited developer resources, devs like new & shiny, not arguing with the bureaucracy to get backports into old releases00:25
Keybukwhich would upset people00:25
cowgardenok :)00:26
cowgardenthank you00:26
Keybukwe only update releases with critical bug fixes and security fixes00:26
directhexcowgarden, new features in released releases are Bad(tm) - e.g. SLES10 changed its entire software update management stack twice now since release00:26
cowgardenand the "new software for easy application development" which one is that?00:26
directhexand their kernels have totally changed how they treat some devices00:27
directhexcowgarden, probably "quickly" - although i like monodevelop personally for such things ;)00:27
cowgardendirecthex, so which are the "fun, speedy and easy" tools?00:28
directhexKeybuk, don't think i can promise you more than a meg (if that) shaved off this release. still, 25% drop between intrepid & karmic00:29
directhexcowgarden, "quickly" is what the cool kids are talking about in that context00:29
cowgarden directhex oh, thats the name *laughing*00:30
Keybukdirecthex: a meg?00:30
Keybukdirecthex: I'm missing context00:31
directhexKeybuk, I think we've pretty much exhausted ways to make f-spot/tomboy smaller on disk. intrepid->jaunty was 6 meg smaller, jaunty -> karmic was 6 meg further still00:31
Keybukoh, I don't care about that ;)00:32
KeybukI just want to see Mono to shared libraries in shared memory properly ;)00:32
slangasekKeybuk: how long should the MoM run be expected to take?00:55
Keybukslangasek: usually a week ;)00:55
KeybukI've short-cutted some bits00:56
slangasekheh, ok00:56
Keybukso a few days maybe00:56
KeybukI've never had to restart it based on a whole new distribution before00:56
slangasekfwiw, I don't think it would have hurt to pick up where last cycle's unstable left off, assuming the code could handle that (i.e., the possibility of some packages going backwards at the source)00:57
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Keybukslangasek: https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html02:41
Keybukuniverse looks like it is genuinely days away02:43
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d3mattanyone know the file format of the initrd.gz file?05:20
geofftit's a gzipped cpio archive, but... why?05:22
d3mattdoesn't appear to be05:22
geofft(mkdir /tmp/initrd; cd /tmp/initrd; gunzip < /initrd.gz | cpio -id)05:23
geoffter, initrd.img. I assume initrd.gz is the same05:23
d3mattI get "not in gzip format"05:23
d3mattthis is from the 9.10 live cd05:23
d3matttried installing it to a USB key and it's looking to mount /dev/sr005:24
d3mattwas gonna dig into the init script but can't seem to find out how to extract the thing05:24
geofftI don't actually know if this changed in 9.10 but I'd be surprised. what does the file command say?05:24
geoffter, you're aware of the magic bootable USB stick creator that uses a live CD, no?05:24
wgrantIt's even on the live CD.05:24
d3mattused the 9.04 one...05:24
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d3mattI don't **have** to use a usb key, but I kinda like it05:26
slangasekKeybuk: yaaaaay thanks06:03
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keesslangasek: why do buildN packages show up in MoM?  shouldn't they auto merge?07:25
ScottKkees: They do, but until they are sync'ed they show up07:26
keesoh! okay.07:26
\shMOM showing diffs between testing and lucid now? or still sid ?07:32
\shogra, thx mate...starting up the engines ;)07:39
crypt-0on upgrade fom 9.04> 9.10 : $ amarok07:44
crypt-0amarok: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libamaroklib.so.1: undefined symbol: _ZTIN6TagLib3MP44FileE07:44
crypt-0any idea to what the problem is?07:44
crypt-0i have seen it in a mailing list, but no solutions.07:44
tsimpsoncrypt-0: you seem to be missing libtag1c2a (which amarok depends on)07:47
crypt-0seem to be  however that is not the prolem.07:48
tsimpsonwell, that's where the symbol is defined07:48
crypt-0libtag1c2a is already the newest version.07:48
tsimpsonthen you're missing /usr/lib/libtag.so.1 and or /usr/lib/libtag.so.1.6.007:48
crypt-0(and yes i ran apt-get update)07:48
tsimpsonwhich are part of that package07:48
crypt-0strange why wouldn it be in the package?07:49
tsimpsonwell libtag1c2a depends on libtag1-vanilla or libtag1-rusxmms07:50
tsimpsonand the lib is in both07:50
tsimpsonI guess make sure one of them is installed, should be libtag1-vanilla by default I think07:51
crypt-0$ sudo touch /usr/lib/libtag.so.1.6.007:51
crypt-0$ sudo touch /usr/lib/libtag.so.107:51
crypt-0 07:52
crypt-0they are both intact.07:52
crypt-0libtag1-vanilla is already the newest version.07:52
nxvlhey, got some stupid packaging question07:52
tsimpson"nm -D /usr/lib/libtag.so.1.6.0 |grep _ZTIN6TagLib3MP44FileE" should output something like "0008e88c V _ZTIN6TagLib3MP44FileE"07:52
nxvlusing cdbs and patchsys-quilt, what goes first, the patching, or the pre-build?07:52
crypt-0i dont know why the egacy"version of amarok is not supported.07:53
crypt-00008e88c V _ZTIN6TagLib3MP44FileE07:54
tsimpsonnxvl: patch, then pre-build (configure et all)07:54
crypt-0and by the way, the upgrade broke  the wine package , however i do not care for it.07:54
nxvltsimpson: mmm, ok, thank you07:55
tsimpsoncrypt-0: make sure "ldd /usr/bin/amarok" shows the the libs under /usr/lib07:56
tsimpsoncrypt-0: amarok (and wine) work here07:56
nxvlsiretart`: night :D07:56
nxvltsimpson: just re-checked, and it's the other way, first pre-build, then patch08:01
tsimpsonit should be the other way round08:02
tsimpsonunpatch should be before clean08:02
nxvldunno, i'm trying to run some code in pre-build, that needs a patch to be applied and getting en error08:03
nxvljust checked and i get the code running before the patch is applied08:03
nxvlasac: ping08:04
crypt-0tsimpson, "ldd /usr/bin/amarok" shows all the libs08:24
tsimpsonall in /usr/lib too?08:24
crypt-0mostly under /usr/lib....08:26
tsimpsonlibtag.so.1 => /usr/local/lib/libtag.so.108:27
tsimpsonnot in /usr/lib ;)08:27
pittiGood morning08:27
geserGuten Morgen pitti08:27
crypt-0$ ls /usr/lib/|grep tag08:33
tsimpsoncrypt-0: /usr/local/lib comes before /usr/lib when searching for libraries08:34
tsimpsonso /usr/local/lib/libtag.so.1 is being picked up before /usr/lib/libtag.so.108:34
dholbachgood morning08:44
slangasekkees: they should, dunno08:52
slangasekkees: which package (to confirm sync-source /is/ merging it)?08:52
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dholbachjames_w: you think we can move the DistributedDevelopment/Merging to UbuntuDevelopment/Merging?09:03
dholbachjames_w: or at least add it in there?09:03
keesslangasek: specifically sharutils, but there are a ton in universe -- I will assume it's just not caught up yet09:18
slangasekkees: well, autosyncing is happening very slowly for the first pass; I have to keep restarting it because of all the orig.tar.gz mismatches that haven't been declared in the blacklist file yet09:23
keesah, fun09:24
keesthe testing vs unstable thing is going to throw me for a bit too09:24
slangaseksomeone definitely goofed somewhere, for the packages to be in a needs-sync state, but with mismatched orig.tar.gz that's not already documented in the blacklist from last time09:25
dholbachoh and james_w:09:27
dholbach _   _    _    ____  ______   __  ____ ___ ____ _____ _   _ ____    _ __   ___09:27
dholbach| | | |  / \  |  _ \|  _ \ \ / / | __ )_ _|  _ \_   _| | | |  _ \  / \\ \ / / |09:27
dholbach| |_| | / _ \ | |_) | |_) \ V /  |  _ \| || |_) || | | |_| | | | |/ _ \\ V /| |09:27
dholbach|  _  |/ ___ \|  __/|  __/ | |   | |_) | ||  _ < | | |  _  | |_| / ___ \| | |_|09:27
dholbach|_| |_/_/   \_\_|   |_|    |_|   |____/___|_| \_\|_| |_| |_|____/_/   \_\_| (_)09:27
dholbach                                                                               09:27
pittiooh! /me hugs james_w; happy birthday!09:28
seb128james_w, happy birthday09:32
* dholbach hugs james_w too09:33
\shjames_w, congrats :) and nice work on the merging bzr stuff09:39
nxvljames_w: Happy Bday!09:45
nxvlcjwatson: happy bday to you aswell!09:50
Laneygreetings to all oldies09:51
siretart`james_w: congratulations from my side as well!09:57
jpdsjames_w, cjwatson: Happy birthday!10:05
davmor2james_w: happybirthday dude10:09
davmor2oh and cjwatson10:09
siretart`oh collin as well? Congrats!10:17
wgrantslangasek: ISTM that sync-source.py shouldn't really crash when it finds a mismatch.10:17
slangasekwgrant: well, hmm; that's an idea :)10:29
dholbachhappy birthday cjwatson! :)10:49
mjrwhere're the gnome-panel default applets configured?11:01
geofft/usr/share/gconf/defaults, I believe, which update-gconf-defaults turns into /var/lib/gconf/debian.defaults11:06
mjrright, there...11:07
mjroh, debian.defaults indeed, I'll just mention that at least on 8.10 it appears to generate debian.defaults as world-unreadable if umask is 077, probably not ideal for when system umask is set that way...11:08
pittidid anyone else already use summit.u.c.? I can't dnd blueprints to the per-track view, just to the per-day view (but there I don't know which room to take)11:10
geofftmjr: that seems poor. but then, I'm vaguely impressed if that's the only thing that breaks11:11
iondpkg probably should use umask 022 for all maintscripts.11:15
Chipzzhappy birthday cjwatson! :)11:19
vrodichello guys. I'm thinking about joining in for lucid. by testing the distro on various hardware at some point. which point would that be? during the developer sprint? earlier?11:31
vrodicwhere to propose additional drivers/pieces of firmware?11:31
pittivrodic: the best time for testing are the alpha and beta releases11:34
vrodicpitti: thanks. i have another question about drivers. some hardware doesn't work without firmware, however, nowhere in the new 9.10 GUI can I find information that I should install a certain firmware package. are there any changes planned for that?11:37
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pittivrodic: we have some coverage in system -> admin -> hardware drivers11:37
dholbachthe seahorse-agent bug is getting a bit out of control :)11:37
dholbachbug 46717511:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 467175 in seahorse-plugins "seahorse-agent assert failure: ERROR:iop-profiles.c:606:IOP_generate_profiles: assertion failed: (obj && (obj->profile_list == NULL) && obj->orb) (dup-of: 429322)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46717511:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429322 in seahorse-plugins "seahorse-agent assert failure: ERROR:iop-profiles.c:606:IOP_generate_profiles: assertion failed: (obj && (obj->profile_list == NULL) && obj->orb)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42932211:38
vrodicpitti: i know, but not about this particular broadcom b43 wlan card11:38
vrodicpitti: i'm not sure if there is a system to make the kernel notify the userspace about missing firmware, other than parsing the kernel logs, which seems ugly11:39
pittithere is no hotplug support yet11:39
pittiyou have to call it manually, or have the device plugged in after first installation11:39
vrodicpitti: this is not hotplug, this is a device that sits in the system all the time11:40
vrodicregarding the keychain management, i got bitten by that and i think that the keychain dialogs should include a "don't ever ask me for a password for this type of operation again"11:41
vrodicpitti: do you understand my scenario?11:42
pittivrodic: yes, but not the details why it fails for you; please run it once and do "ubuntu-bug jockey-gtk", this will attach the necessary debug information11:44
vrodicpitti: does this command need the network? should I remove the firmware files before i do this? because I've got it working by manually installing b43-fwcutter package11:47
pittivrodic: ubuntu-bug needs network, yes; jockey needs network for downloading the package and firmware11:47
vrodicpitti: okay, should i then remove the b43-fwcutter package, and run ubuntu-bug jockey-gtk? i'll connect it with ethernet cable11:50
pittivrodic: that, and /lib/firmware/b4311:51
pittivrodic: if the firmware is present, the driver will be shown as "enabledZ"11:51
pittivrodic: but if your problem is that the driver doesn't appear at all in jockey, you don't need to remove anything11:51
vrodicokay, i'll do it now and let you know11:51
pittivrodic: it should just show it as "enabled" for you11:51
vrodicpitti: the driver appears in jockey, but after i manually install it :)11:53
pittivrodic: ok, then please remove firmware and package11:53
vrodicdoing that now.11:54
vrodicpitti: alright i cant reproduce it anymore, maybe it got fixed when i did apt-get update, or where does jockey store the driver/hardware database?11:58
geofftI'm kind of disappointed patches.ubuntu.com isn't clever enough to compare firefox to iceweasel12:06
dholbachgeofft: fix it: https://code.launchpad.net/merge-o-matic :)12:07
pittivrodic: immediately after installation you won't see it; you first need to do an apt-get update (or wait until the cron job does it)12:14
pittivrodic: that's a known bug12:14
vrodicpitti: okay great, where can i vote for it ?:)12:14
vrodicor whats the bug number?12:18
pittivrodic: bug 43953012:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439530 in jockey "Does not offer drivers when packages are not available" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43953012:21
pittisiretart`: do you want to merge cryptsetup for lucid? (I need a never version for proper DK-Disks support; our 1.0.6+git snapshot doesn't yet support proper UUIDs)12:22
pittior shall I look into merging it?12:22
siretart`depends how fast you need it. If you can do it before monday, please12:22
siretart`go for it12:22
pittiah, I meant "by alpha-2" or so :)12:23
pittiI'm not even running lucid yet12:23
siretart`I've decided to participate early, and already upgraded my notebook to lucid12:23
* pitti still needs to do some karmic SRUs12:24
siretart`I hope this wasn't a bad decision :)12:24
pittisiretart`: apw warned that the current lucid kernel has some serious ext4 corruption issues12:24
pittisiretart`: (and the fixed one doesn't build because of a gcc regression)12:25
pittiI didn't hear other reports yet12:25
siretart`the karmic kernel is pretty unusable for intel users. prety bad flickering12:25
siretart`so I'ver reverted to the karmic kernel12:26
siretart`for now12:26
apwsiretart`, the ext4 issues are on crash, data can be lost.  the next lucid kernel has the fix but i can't build it12:28
ttxjames_w: trying bzr-merge, I run into "bzr: ERROR: Unknown target distribution: lucid" when trying to mark-uploaded12:48
vrodicsiretart`: what intel chip is not usable on karmic? it works for me on 915 and 94512:52
Keybukslangasek: around?14:11
cjwatsonnxvl,jpds,davmor2,siretart`,dholbach,Chipzz: thanks :)14:19
pittihey cjwatson; happy birthday!14:20
vrodicwhere can i see all nominated bugs for lucid?14:23
Keybukcjwatson: sit-rep on MoM: looks like main is up to date14:30
Keybukand universe is still catching up14:30
Keybukmain should be refreshing though14:30
pittiooh, MoM back? thanks so much!14:31
cjwatsonneat, thanks14:31
Keybukthe stuff that sends patches to Debian is down though14:31
Keybukand probably will be until the whole v3 nightmare is figured out14:31
Keybuknow that LP is doing per-upload patches, it may be much simpler to port it over to that14:31
zuljames_w: can you import bacula as well?14:32
cjwatsonKeybuk: I still haven't grasped why 3.0 is a problem, aside from having a new enough dpkg-dev - does it not just use dpkg-source to unpack the packages?14:37
Keybukcjwatson: that may be the only problem14:37
KeybukI just haven't looked14:37
* cjwatson nod14:38
Keybukalso obviously a package converting from v2 to v3 might have an enormous diff, across which merge-o-matic output isn't useful14:38
Keybukbut that's no worse than cdbsing a package, etc.14:38
Keybukcjwatson: unrelated14:40
KeybukI was having a bit of a think14:40
Keybukyou know GRUB2 has that whole "search" thing?14:40
Keybukdoes it put the result of that anywhere14:41
Keybuk(other than being the filesystem it looks for kernels on)14:42
cjwatsonKeybuk: it lands in GRUB's 'root' environment variable (or whichever variable you nominate), although right now I don't believe it passes that on to the kernel14:44
cjwatsonand of course the device name inside GRUB has little to do with anything Linux understands14:44
cjwatsonI imagine you could stick grubroot=${root} on the 'linux' line if you wanted to14:45
Keybukyeah, that's what I was thinking ;)14:46
Keybukif GRUB has already done the hard work, we could bypass initramfs entirely14:46
cjwatsonwhat would it be useful for?14:46
Keybuk(non-separate /boot obviously)14:46
Keybukbut it's a nice way of bypassing the initramfs without hardcoding root=/dev/sda1 ;)14:47
cjwatsondevice naming would probably be a killer14:47
Keybukif you could do root=${grubroottolinux} that'd be fun ;P14:48
cjwatsonenumeration won't be the same14:48
cjwatsonif there's one disk it's easy, obviously :)14:48
Keybukwouldn't the device tree stuff partially solve that?14:49
cjwatsonI confess I haven't looked at that14:50
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* Keybuk wonders what happens if he phones evand :p14:56
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evandMy iPhone melts.14:56
Keybuksuch fun ;)14:57
evand1faulty cable, which they can't replace until *the 16th*15:01
Keybukevand1: but you're back online now?15:02
evand1yeah, that's the confusing part15:02
evand1I imagine not for long15:02
evand1as it's been up and down the past few days15:02
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siretart`vrodic: I have a GM945, and with the current lucid kernel, I get spontanous but very annoying flickering15:07
siretart`vrodic:  sometime the screen becomes totally dark, and I need to suspend/resume the laptop to get the screen back15:07
siretart`very strange15:07
vrodicsiretart`: i'm on debian 2.6.32-rc5 kernel, but i've briefly used karmic without problems. my mothers laptop with 915GM works fine on karmic too. lucid probably has 32-rc kernel with newer intel drm that has some bugs. my 32-rc5 has s2ram broken15:12
vrodicit's not really that strange that rc version of the kernel has issues, especially if intel drm is concerned15:13
macoyep -32 is not so happy on my 965 either15:13
astechgeekstupid question will visual basic work with ubuntu15:33
astechgeeki got my java stuff working15:33
Chipzzastechgeek: ask on #ubuntu; and next time, pls read the topic of a channel before asking random questions15:34
astechgeekwhere would be the app development channel?15:37
macoAFAIK, there isnt one15:37
Chipzzthere are various channels like #perl etc for various programming languages, but none of those are ubuntu-specific15:38
astechgeekokay well then I guess thats where I need to be thanks15:40
slytherinCan someone help me isolate this problem. I was upgrading my laptop yesterday to karmic using update-manager the machine rebooted halfway through upgrade and was in unbootable state (temporarily). How can I find out at the package that caused the problem?15:42
kklimondawhere does sudo dependency in "bare" ubuntu install (for example the one created by debotstrap for pbuilder) come from?15:53
jpdskklimonda: ubuntu-minimal package?15:58
kklimondahmm.. ubuntu-minimal is pulling it in..15:58
kklimondajpds: yeah, looks like it15:58
superm1slangasek, re the fix to bug 441638, i suspect that this will cause some problems with the DKMS auto build of nvidia or fglrx when necessary.  if DKMS isn't done building by the time gdm tries to start, it wont try again I suspect16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441638 in gdm "upstart job keeps restarting a dying gdm" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44163816:02
superm1only solution that comes to mind will be to convert dkms to an upstart job and emit graphics-device-added or something of that nature16:02
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kklimondaIs /dev/.blkid.tab only created when user uses "blkid" (or some program uses libblkid1) ?16:23
kklimondashouldn't it be created empty at "start" so /etc/blkid.tab is pointing to something? right now it's a broken symlink before /dev/.blkid.tab is created.16:25
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popeyis there a way to grab the data that "ubuntu-bug foo" captures for manual attachment to a bug, where a machine has no net connection?16:50
popeythere is nothing in /var/crash btw16:50
pittipopey: for a bug or a crash report?16:54
popeya bug16:54
pittipopey: "apport-cli packagename", and select "save report", then move the .apport file to another computer and doubleclick on it16:55
popeyah awesome16:55
pittior say "report" and say "no" to open web brwoser, and c&p the URL16:55
popeythats great, thanks very much!16:55
pittiah, no, you couldn't upload the blob then16:55
pittiso, first method16:55
pittithe second is nicer for servers with network, but no fancy browser16:56
gigabytesanybody from the mactel support team here?16:57
gigabytesI've asked some days ago to join the launchpad team but no response yet16:57
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pittibigon: would you mind applying http://launchpadlibrarian.net/31716020/gupnp-igd_0.1.3-0ubuntu2_0.1.3-0ubuntu3.diff.gz in Debian (enable test suite) and upload, so that we can sync?17:44
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Caesarslangasek: you got a minute to talk about PAM or are you up to your eyeballs in post-release stuff?18:26
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bigonpitti: it's already done in the git branch of gupnp-igd pkg but the test fails in debian with last version of gupnp18:37
_jer_Hey all. Just wanted to say thank you. 9.10 was the version that tipped me from "ubuntu on side machines" to "ubuntu is now my primary os". You guys did an amazing job.18:38
ziesemerCan someone help me with a casper issue?  Had it working great on a USB drive.  However, I wanted to clean things up and move everything into a /ubuntu-live subdirectory.  My boot options are /ubuntu-live/casper/vmlinux boot=casper live-media-path=/ubuntu-live/casper .  This works great, but now fails with "persistent".18:40
ziesemerI get a "mounting /dev/sda1 on /cow failed: Device or resource busy".18:40
ScottKziesemer: Support is in #ubuntu.18:41
ziesemerIncluding devel support?18:41
ziesemerI see this is coming from initrd/casper, using the return path from find_cow_device in casper-functions.18:41
ziesemerI'll try at #ubuntu, thx.18:42
jcastromdke, 15 minute warning!19:46
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mdkejcastro: thanks19:58
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* lamont thinks bug 476935 deserves a fix21:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 476935 in squid "Massively parallel builds make for very unhappy buildds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47693521:23
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crypt-0amarok  issues over here22:58
crypt-0$ amarok22:59
crypt-0amarok: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libamaroklib.so.1: undefined symbol: _ZTIN6TagLib3MP44FileE22:59
slangasekCaesar: PAM> what's up?23:39
ScottKlamont: I think Prozac for the buildds.23:52
lamontScottK: ??23:52
ScottKlamont: Since they are massively unhappy23:52
lamontI'd prefer to address the root of the problem... apparently the default make -j value on armel is b0rked because /proc/cpuinfo is totally diff from the rest of the architectures, and make doesn't notice it.  that, or the default make -j value really is "infinity"23:53
jdonglamont: the latter is true23:55
lamontjdong: that was what I thought - we should really fix that to be NCPU*2 or NCPU+1 or some such23:55
lamontbecause "all of them" is just plain F*^*&^)^&_ING STUPID23:55
jdongIf there is nothing looking like an integer after the `-j' option,23:56
jdongthere is no limit on the number of job slots.23:56
jdongthat's from info make23:56
lamontyeah - and it's flawed by design23:56
jdonglamont: totally agree with you23:56
jdongbut is it really a Ubuntu-appropriate thing to do to "fix" it?23:56
lamontremember to patch the info docs when we patch the source. :-)23:56
jdongand forward it upstream!23:57
lamontmebbe I'll go pester manoj about it23:57
lamontoh, always push upstream23:57
slangaseklamont is a pusher robot23:57
slangasekhere to push upstream down the stairs23:57
lamontslangasek: only if there are no witnesses, you know that23:58
lamontslangasek: are there stairs at your house? :-D23:59

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