
CIA-4main-menu: cjwatson * r137 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog main-menu.c main-menu.h): merge from Debian 1.3004:10
CIA-4main-menu: cjwatson * r138 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.30ubuntu104:11
CIA-4rootskel: cjwatson * r343 ubuntu/ (32 files in 8 dirs): merge from Debian 1.8104:15
CIA-4rootskel: cjwatson * r344 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.81ubuntu104:17
mptevand, do you know of any reason that Firefox would fail to launch if you click either of the hyperlinks in the slideshow while running in an installer-only session (i.e. no gnome-panel etc)?10:31
evandmpt: I'm not sure why that would be the case.  All ubiquity does is call sensible-browser http://... as the regular user.10:39
* evand digs10:40
davmor2evand: daft question but during the install only option is there a default browser?10:42
davmor2evand: I'm just wondering if there is a gui browser available if not it might be using w3m in vt10:46
davmor2just thinking out loud10:47
mptevand, johnlea told me that he got a bunch of error messages when doing it yesterday. Unfortunately I wasn't there and he didn't report a bug.10:47
mpt(To be fair, I guess it's rather difficult to report a bug in that situation.)10:52
evandI think I've found the problem - the privilege dropping appears to be failing and firefox is running as root10:55
evandon it10:55
grrrreg(= hello + help)11:16
grrrregI've got two big problems when preseeding Karmic's installation on a dmraid server11:16
grrrreg- I have to manually run dmraid -ay even if I have "d-i disk-detect/activate_dmraid boolean true"11:17
grrrreg- grub-installer uses grub-pc by default, which does not work with dmraid setups11:18
grrrregI can handle the first problem, but the second one fails the install11:19
grrrregis there a d-i line to choose between grub and grub-pc ?11:19
evandgrrrreg: set grub-installer/grub2_instead_of_grub_legacy to false.11:40
grrrregthank you so much evand11:58
evandsure thing11:58
grrrregmore generaly, what's the best way to know all the debconf "conf" for a software ?11:59
evandthere really isn't, short of looking through all the templates files in the source, or looking at /var/cache/debconf/{config,templates}.dat12:06
evandthe templates file being in the debian/ directory in the source tree.12:06
grrrregthanks, I'm svn'ing d-i12:10
grrrregI'll check it out12:10
mozmckI'm trying to create a custom livecd based on the karmic iso using the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization14:42
mozmckI need to install a different kernel and the instructions are a little unclear to me.14:42
mozmckCan I just install the kernel .deb file I made?14:43
mozmckor is there a better place to ask this?14:43
=== evand1 is now known as evand
CIA-4ubiquity: evand * r3631 lucid/ (bin/ubiquity-dm debian/changelog):15:41
CIA-4ubiquity: Set SUDO_UID and SUDO_GID in ubiquity-dm so ubiquity knows what user15:41
CIA-4ubiquity: to drop privileges to (LP: #422254).15:41
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
xivulonevand on 468589, anything we can do to speed it up?23:12
CIA-4wubi: Agostino Russo * r169 trunk/ (debian/changelog src/wubi/backends/common/mappings.py): Added traditional chinese to language list (LP: #468457)23:32
CIA-4wubi: Agostino Russo * r170 trunk/ (debian/changelog src/wubi/frontends/win32/page.py): Default to English if translations are not available (LP: #469131)23:47

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