
benhare you guys playing nasty trick with the kernel config or so ?00:35
benhinstall linux-source-...00:35
benhunpack it00:35
benhstick /boot/config-* in there as .config00:35
benhapply a patch00:35
benhmake drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko00:35
benhand the resulting file ... doesn't work00:35
benhFATAL: Error inserting usb_storage (/lib/modules/2.6.31-14-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko): Invalid module format00:36
benhapw ?00:41
TheMusobenh: Likely asleep atm, but since the way kernel packages are built has been changed recently, there still may be bugs that need sorting out.00:44
benhremind why you guys did an LTS release in such a shamble ? :-)00:46
TheMusoWell not so much built, but since several trees are used to track various arm flavours, the debian dir has been abstracted a bit, so bits from the linux-source package may be incorrect/missing.01:03
* Ng wonders if anyone has seen odd kernel crashes sneak into karmic very recently, my laptop was re-installed at RC and has been running since then. shut it down last night, this evening i've had it drop me to a console and start flashing capslock three times01:31
NgI may have rebooted once in the time from RC to last night, but no more than that, so I suppose the answer is to roll back all of -updates01:32
Ngs/answer/test case/01:32
pgranerbenh: Karmic is not an LTS01:46
benhpgraner: oh I though it was ... my bad01:47
benhwhen is the next LTS ?01:47
pgranerbenh: Lucid01:47
benhok, I stand corrected01:47
benhapw: so for this modem stuff ... I have the nagging feeling that most users on the bug that say it's not fixed for them are -not- actually running a kernel with the patch in01:48
jk-hey benh04:00
benhhey jk :-)04:01
jk-benh: do you know if the blue & white G4s have a RS232 header?04:02
benhjk-: it might04:02
benhtho B&W is G3 :-)04:02
jk-has a RJ11 modem connector on the back04:02
benhthey still exist ?04:02
jk-oh, blue & clear then :)04:02
benhnah, it's not a real one04:02
benhbut the modem slot carries the serial signals04:02
benh(TTL) and those guys used to make an adapter04:02
jk-right, ok04:03
* jk- cracks it open04:03
benhsold out !04:04
benhmaybe you can get them to send you the schematics :-)04:04
benhor the connector pinout04:04
benhor maybe on ebay04:04
jk-hm, i don't like my chances of finding a new connector for this modem socket04:07
* jk- heads to ebay04:07
jk-computer says no04:11
benhI think xmon still had an option to send modem commands to connect it :-)04:16
benhso you can cross wire the modem to another modem04:16
benhthough that works only if the modem uses serial, not USB or i2s04:16
benhapple has all 3 options depending on the machine04:16
benh(the connector has all 3 afaik)04:16
jk-maybe i could also install a punchcard reader :P04:17
benhyou may be able to blink the front LED in morse :-)04:18
TheMusoheh what bus did the moems use in those old machines? Afaik they used i2s in the G5s and aluminium powerbook G4s for the modems.04:21
* jk- notices a label on an IC on the modem "I2C-01/0001"04:24
* jk- uses FB console instead04:27
benhTheMuso: could be USB04:33
benhTheMuso: apple had serial first, then usb, then i2s04:34
TheMusobenh: Ah ok.04:34
TheMusoPitty drivers weren't written for the USB/I2S modems.04:35
benhdrivers existed for the USB one04:36
benhbut they were not open source04:36
benhhfcusb or something like that by that canadian dude04:36
TheMusomeh I guess there is not much point these days.04:45
jk-i was just planning to get a ppc machine for easy boot tests04:51
benhapw: so at least that "Joel" guy was running the wrong kernel06:51
benhapw: also, Alan Stern had a look at his log anyways and the problem appears to be exactly the same as the E16906:51
benhapw: so it's -possible- that they are all fixed, but people have been utterly confused by the bug status changing to "Fix Released" all the time06:51
benhapw: we'll know better once you guys finally release something based on .5 06:52
=== maco__ is now known as maco
benhapw: moin10:11
benhapw: looks like we might finally get some light on that modem mess :-)10:11
benhapw: well, your post ... I think the main problem was confusion as to what kernel did what10:12
benhapw: your two test kernels should clarify things hopefully10:12
apwyeah lets hope so10:12
apwbenh, i spend about 40 minutes writing and re-writing that update ...10:13
benhusers are a pain !10:13
Appiahhey apw had any chance to look at #418933 after i uploaded the dmesg ?12:59
=== akgraner_ is now known as akgraner
csurbhione quick question, in karmic, how do i stop booting into X.. i mean i want to login into text mode by default ?15:43
apwdisable the gdm upstart job?15:49
csurbhiapw, i am searching just that.. ! how to stop gdm using upstart !! the wiki is outdated16:04
apwperhaps comment out the start on stanza from /etc/init/gdm16:07
apwyou may also be able to change the /etc/X11/default-display-manager to not include the gdm path too16:08
apwand you may also be able to add text to the kernel command line in grub16:08
mementomori I've built my custom kernel using make-kpkg. Now if I modify/patch a module source should I rebuild the whole kernel or is there a way to build only the updated module?23:02

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