
sbalneavEvening all01:19
sbalneavHe's probably off for the weekend.02:11
Ahmuck_k, nm, i think i found what i needed02:12
Ahmuck_good thing he's getting a weekend off.02:12
Ahmuck_my weekend is filled with cattle02:13
sbalneavMy dinner was filled with cattle02:15
Ahmuck_a good meal is ... provided your not a vege, grilled onion, zuccini, beef, chop, hollow out a long bun, and place inside with some spices, cheese on top, and put a topper on it. :)02:37
Ahmuck_9.10 is a lts release?02:45
sbalneavregular release02:50
sbalneav10.04 will be LTS02:51
sbalneavThat's why we REALLY need to work on the spit-n-polish for this time around.02:51
Ahmuck_9.10 was a regular release for all of ubuntu?02:51
Ahmuck_i'm impressed with 9.1002:52
Ahmuck_any chance of getting anki packaged for ubuntu?02:52
sbalneavSure.  Go ahead and package it :)02:53
sbalneavI'm meeting up with LaserJock this weekend to learn packaging.02:54
papajonesHello, I think I have installed Edubuntu but am a little confused.  I keep seeing it referred to as a "desktop", but other than a few new programs appearing in my Applicatoins menu, I'm not sure i've installed this correctly...03:33
papajonesStill seems just like a regular ubuntu desktop03:33
HedgeMagepapajones: All that edubuntu is is a bunch of apps and art for educational uses. :)03:34
papajonesI also see mention of different themes on this page http://www.edubuntu.org/Screenshots - but I don't see thse anywhere to choose from03:34
papajoneswhere is the art installed/03:34
HedgeMagehmmm... I think in Gnome you right-click the background (desktop) then choose "change image" or something like that, and theme should be a tab.03:35
HedgeMage(I use Xfce lately, so I'm not 100% sure where things are in Gnome)03:36
papajonesI tried that, but I only see the same old stuff that came with Ubuntu03:36
papajonesWell, the apps I've looked at seem nice, I had just thought there would be some main launcher or "desktop" to bring them all together03:39
HedgeMagepapajones: If you hang around a bit, someone who actually uses Gnome will show up eventually.03:39
Ahmuck_papajones, you can create one03:39
Ahmuck_a application launch bar03:39
Ahmuck_in regards to art, what are you looking for?03:40
sbalneavpapajones: Edubuntu = Ubuntu + Educational apps + LTSP thin clients all in one big package.03:41
papajonesI will look into creating an applicatoin launch bar03:41
sbalneavIt won't look much different.03:41
papajonesAh, OK. This page here http://www.edubuntu.org/FAQ keeps referring to Edubuntu as an O.S.03:41
sbalneavit is03:41
papajoneshence my confusoin, as nothing seems to have changed (other than the apps)03:41
sbalneavIt is an os.  One based on Ubuntu.03:42
sbalneavit's no different from Kubuntu, or Xubuntu03:42
Ahmuck_sbalneav: sorta.  qimo does this03:42
papajonesAhmuck_, not looking for any art in particular, other than to confirm it got installed. I can't the backgrounds that are shown on tihs page http://www.edubuntu.org/Screenshots03:43
Ahmuck_http://www.qimo4kids.com/Images/Screenshots/WhatIsQimo.jpg - papajones i think that bar at the bottom is what your looking for03:43
sbalneavpapajones: Those are older screenshots.  They should be replaced.03:44
sbalneavBut we don't have anyone to mind for the web site right at the moment.03:44
papajonesOne last thing that was confusing, was in the Ubuntu Software Center, when I was looking to install it, the description says "This package depends on the complete set of Edubuntu-supported packages..." -- thus, not sure if there were other dependencies I needed to install beforehand...03:46
sbalneavNo, you can always just install software, the packaging will take care of any dependancies you need.03:47
papajonesYou have all been a great help, thank you!03:49
Ahmuck_nobody to mind the website?03:49
papajonesThe qimo4kids looks interesting.... But not a part of edubuntu, no?03:51
Ahmuck_edubuntu, qimo, is a themed ubuntu install with a set of pre-selected applications03:52
Ahmuck_more recently, (have not tried 9.10 yet) edubuntu may also come with some ltsp server and management utilities03:53
papajonesi do see mention of that on the site, not anything I'm going to be interested in at the moment03:55
papajonesI was looking to just get something point-n-clickable for my kids03:56
Ahmuck_add a bar at the bottom of the screen.  i've tested this type of installation, and it works far better than an application menu.  kids are drawn to it03:58
Ahmuck_add your apps that you want them to use, and you'll have a great time :)03:58
papajonesstill getting used to GNOME, will be looking into that shortly, thank you!03:59
sbalneavAhmuck_: No, we need a website maintainer.04:01
papajonesAhmuck_,  do you mean a "Lanucher" ?04:01
papajonesLauncher i mean04:01
Ahmuck_sbalneav: i won't volunteer for the job, but i might be interested in looking into it04:03
Ahmuck_papajones: want step by step instructions?04:03
Ahmuck_right click an empty area on the menu bar04:04
Ahmuck_select "new panel04:04
papajonesah i see04:05
papajonesthen orient it04:05
Ahmuck_then add to panel04:06
Ahmuck_application launcher04:06
sbalneavI beleive the website's a drupal instance.04:06
Ahmuck_select your apps04:06
Ahmuck_then you can customize the new panel so that it only fits the lenght of the icons on it04:07
Ahmuck_ as well as increase the hieght04:07
papajonesLooking good!04:07
Ahmuck_sbalneav: well, i've been meaning to get down into the dirt of drupal, so i guess this is just yet another reason04:07
papajonesI think this looks like it will fit the bill, Ahmuck_04:08
papajonesIt will be another matter to perhaps just set this up once under my login, then copy the same panel to my kids' logins?04:09
papajonesi think i've alreday got that figured out now too04:10
sbalneavWell, I've got packaging class tomorrow04:13
sbalneavsee you all04:13
papajonesi'm gonna head out too for the night; thanks again for the help getting started!04:27
Ahmuck_nn for me as well04:31
calimerHi, I'm from Platinum Arts Sandbox free 3d Game maker, and I just wanted to mention that I set up a channel on freenode #sandbox if there are any questions or anything I can help with for SB going into edubuntu16:02
jbichacalimer: I don't think the license used by Platinum Arts Sandbox is compatible with Debian/Ubuntu16:49
calimerI would hope the debian free one is17:02
jbichacalimer: http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-legal@lists.debian.org/msg40350.html17:03
calimerthat's obviously not the debian free version17:05
jbichaonce sandbox is in Debian, it should be easy to get it in the Ubuntu repositories17:12
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LaserJocksbalneav: around?23:27

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