
wgranttellurium seems unhappy.00:00
wgrantYes, I just killed staging codehosting :(00:01
wgrantPushed https://code.staging.launchpad.net/~wgrant/ubuntu/karmic/bzr/test-1. tellurium:22 now rejects connections, and there is a rather sinister error message on that page since the branch got scanned.00:03
ajmitchwgrant: that does look a bit worrying00:14
cody-somervillemaybe we should alert a losa?00:22
wgrantstaging's no production.00:27
wgrantGiven how broken production codehosting got during the rollout (and the cowboys required), I'm not entirely surprised.00:27
cody-somervillemmm... it was very frustrating.00:28
lifelessthumper: http://nb.io/hacks/csshttprequest00:49
wgrantAJACSS. Nice.00:53
jmlwgrant, that's a very sinister looking error message01:42
lifelessjml: hi! where are you?01:42
jmlwgrant, but AIUI, the prod codehosting issues had nothing to do with dependencies.01:42
jmllifeless, in a hotel in Hong Kong01:42
lifelessjml: doing a stop over?01:42
jmllifeless, yeah. believe it or not it actually saves us money :)01:43
lifelessjml: ?!01:43
lifelessjml: hows doe that work? different carrier?01:43
jmllifeless, round-the-world ticket01:43
jmllifeless, I'm going on to Dallas after Queensland.01:43
lifelessjml: ah, going to UDS?01:43
wgrantjml: Right, it is a bit odd. Particularly because it did successfully scan the single revision in the branch.01:44
lifelessjml: so, what are you doing?01:48
jmllifeless, enjoying a post-breakfast malaise01:49
jmllifeless, my flight leaves after 10pm, so I've got a bit of time to kill, and no room to do it in.01:50
jmlI also should do things like prepare a launchpadlib hacking session for UDS.01:51
lifelessits the weekend01:51
lifelessyou should see hong kong a bit; get hotel to care for luggage01:51
lifelessand update tribunal a bit too01:52
jmlheh heh01:52
wgrantOh *goody*. Somehow a bad version of c-i-p made it into the rollout.01:54
wgrant(Bug #476963)01:55
mupBug #476963: UI is pretty awful <Canonical SSO provider:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/476963>01:55
lifelesswgrant: bad versions of a lot of stuff, apparently :P01:57
lifelessjml: hahaonlyserious :- be a tourist and do personal stuff too. Its *good for you*01:57
jmllifeless, sure02:08
jmllifeless, although, all things being equal I'd like to stay indoors and read :)02:08
jmlhow did people ever do tourist stuff before google maps and wikitravel02:09
mzzheh, you know about this ancient invention where they print a map on paper? :)02:10
* mzz had fun playing tourist in prague with a bunch of people where half of them had a mobile device and none of them could get a decent gps signal, so they were all lost02:11
mzzfortunately one of us had an oldfashioned map02:11
lifelessmzz: baked it in clay02:12
lifelessjml: reading can be fun too02:15
lifelessjml: perhaps you could find a by-the-hour hotel :)02:15
jmllifeless, I'm actually in the right area of town for that02:24
jmlmzz, oh, I don't have a smartphone / gps thingy.02:25
jmlmzz, I consult maps before I head with nothing but my memory and a misplaced confidence in my own abilities to navigate02:26
mzzsounds like a plan02:26
mzz(I don't have one of those either, but I know I'd be overusing it if I did)02:26
lifelessjml: its a canonical tradition to be in the right area of town02:28
jmllifeless, heh02:29
jmllifeless, I seriously doubt Mooloolaba has such an area02:29
lifelessjml: its the sunshine coast.... it *is* such an area02:30
jmlgold coast, maybe02:30
* sinzui starts to fix barry's damage04:19
* wgrant prepares a few sed branches :(10:07
maxbDoes anyone know for any documentation of process for how we manage non-PQM-ed projects?10:54
maxbI'm hoping to crib it as I write guidelines on how to make changes to meta-lp-deps10:54
wgrantGiven some of the things I've seen done, I'm not sure there are any.10:55
nhandler_Is something gong on with the LP servers? I am not able to get the rocketfuel-setup script using the command on dev.launchpad.net14:17
thumperlistening to a talk on deliverance20:18
thumperseems very interesting20:19
janklopperHi, quick (hopefully) question20:31
jankloppercan launchpad run on debian?20:31
=== janklopper is now known as killercow
lifelessthumper: repoze.org looks interesting :)20:34
thumperlifeless: I haven't looked at it yet20:35
* thumper seconds lifeless's probably for killercow20:35
lifelesshttp://zedshaw.com/blog/2009-11-6.html <- 1-5 ratings suck20:38
* thumper looks20:40
killercowill go and try it out next week then20:46
killercowcan't be too hard, if all the deps check out20:46
lifelessare you going to hack on it, or do you want to deploy it somewhere?20:47
killercowdeploy it locally, then hack our unittesting and linting frameworks in there20:49
* lifeless perks up at unittesting20:50
lifelesswhat framework do you use?20:50
killercowbrb, gotta pick someone up20:50
killercowlifeless: a couple, one for each language :P20:51
thumperlifeless: he obviously doesn't want to talk to you :)20:51
thumpergah, beaten to Enter yet again20:51
lifelesskillercow: how do they tie to launchpad, for you? [and have you heard of subunit ;)]20:51
lifelessthumper: you're getting slow in your old age20:51
ajmitchit's the comfy couch that's slowing him down20:52
thumperthere is space next to me now :)20:52
lifelessI've got my legs up and direct view on the project though20:52
killercowback :)21:15
killercowlifeless: haven't heard of it21:16
killercowour project does linting for various languages and displays stuffs the results in the database21:17
killercowso, it adds linting + unittesting + "accountability" based on the repository changes21:18
wgrantkillercow: I was able to run LP on Lenny by convincing rocketfuel-get that it was actually running on Hardy (so it used the right PPA).21:31
killercowhmm, sounds good enough21:31
wgrantBut I also had to manually grab a couple of extra packages like ubuntu-keyring and something else that I forget.21:31
killercowwill probably want to try this in a vm anyway21:31
wgrantI meant to write proper instructions, but Karmic's KVM sucked and corrupted my disk image at that point.21:31
killercowso I can hose the env and go back if needed21:31
* wgrant tries again.21:33

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