lamont | Laney: we can take you to a place where stairs are. Say, maybe, Dallas. :-p | 00:00 |
lamont | but ya' gotta be upstream before you have any worries | 00:00 |
lamont | well, upstream, or slanagasek | 00:01 |
lamont | slangasek even | 00:01 |
lamont | wandering, slow response | 00:01 |
slangasek | superm1: what mythtv-related package in mythbuntu is going to be calling pam_open_session() ? (bug #287715) | 00:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 287715 in pam "Do not create CK sessions for cron and other system sessions" [Medium,Fix released] | 00:33 |
JanC | meh, seems like all the binary Canon printer/multifunctional drivers as provided on Canon's site won't install anymore, due to how they depend on libcupsys2 plus version number :-( | 00:39 |
crypt-0 | amarok: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZTIN6TagLib3MP44FileE | 00:43 |
geofft | didn't you say that yesterday? | 00:44 |
crypt-0 | yes and it never got fixed. | 00:44 |
tsimpson | crypt-0: I told you, it's loading /usr/local/lib/ rather than the one in /usr/lib | 00:44 |
tsimpson | you have some custom-built library in /usr/local.lib which is not the one amarok expects | 00:45 |
crypt-0 | so what commads can i drop to fix it? | 00:53 |
crypt-0 | sudo rm /usr/local/lib/ | 00:53 |
crypt-0 | worked | 00:53 |
crypt-0 | thnks | 00:54 |
crypt-0 | sorry for asking again | 00:54 |
crypt-0 | *thanks | 00:54 |
JanC | and Canon flat out refuses to update them...?! | 01:05 |
m4t | anyone know rhythmbox dbus bindings? | 01:17 |
m4t | methods/routines whatever | 01:17 |
m4t | actually... | 01:18 |
Guest10506 | ubuntu does not have xorg.conf anymore? | 02:03 |
ScottK | Guest10506: In most cases not. Upstream did away with it. | 02:04 |
Guest10506 | ScottK, any idea how to add a resolution then | 02:04 |
ScottK | Guest10506: If your gui tools won't help you, use xrandr (see the man page), but help is in #ubuntu | 02:05 |
Guest10506 | no one in there has any idea | 02:08 |
Guest10506 | xrandr giving me errors | 02:08 |
ScottK | That doesn't make this a support channel. | 02:08 |
ScottK | You might try #ubuntu-x | 02:08 |
Guest10506 | yea no one in there | 02:11 |
Guest10506 | thanks | 02:11 |
superm1 | slangasek, you are thinking of bug 445953 | 02:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 445953 in consolekit "shutdown asks for password with only 1 user logged in" [Low,Confirmed] | 02:44 |
slangasek | superm1: not by name, but I guess that's related, yes. :) | 02:46 |
superm1 | slangasek, mythbackend does this as it runs as the 'mythtv' daemon user, as well as several cron jobs that run as this same user | 02:46 |
superm1 | and they actually need to run as the user, not just the uid because they need a proper $HOME | 02:47 |
slangasek | superm1: ehm, I think that's an artificial distinction (regarding su as "run as the user") | 02:50 |
slangasek | superm1: start-stop-daemon + a wrapper script to set $HOME would achieve this | 02:50 |
superm1 | start-stop-daemon in an upstart job? | 02:51 |
slangasek | oh, is it upstarted? | 02:51 |
superm1 | Yeah | 02:51 |
slangasek | well, start-stop-daemon should work in an upstart job too | 02:51 |
superm1 | | 02:51 |
slangasek | s-s-d is part of dpkg, not sysvinit | 02:52 |
superm1 | but read keybuk's comment from that bug (#14), this still sounds like it's a deficiency of consolekit | 02:54 |
slangasek | no, "they're non-interactive sessions" - it's not consolekit's fault for not knowing you're using su noninteractively | 02:55 |
slangasek | the normal use of su is interactive, and the su PAM config is configured that way intentionally | 02:55 |
slangasek | s-s-d seems to fail at using -u $USER to set the uid, though; hmm | 02:56 |
slangasek | oh, there we go; -c | 03:04 |
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chenillen | hi there | 05:08 |
Caesar | slangasek: I wanted your opinion on | 05:21 |
ubottu | Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Sourceforge instance at 0x292a878> bug 2892189 not found | 05:21 |
jdong | LOL | 05:26 |
ebroder | That's /awesome/ | 05:28 |
Caesar | That bug, or ubottu's handling of it? | 05:28 |
ebroder | The latter | 05:28 |
wgrant | changed their URLs and pages, so ubottu is confused nowadays. | 05:29 |
chenillen | anyone here fixed the zlib php5 bug in 9.10? | 05:40 |
slangasek | Caesar: ah yes | 05:41 |
slangasek | Caesar: I know nothing about netgroups; you've cited your sources though, so if no one else speaks up with a counterargument, I'm certainly willing to push a revert of that change | 05:42 |
* slangasek wonders where notifications of new bug reports on SF go :P | 05:42 | |
* wgrant eeps a bit at today's format 3.0 adoption jump of 11 packages. | 06:08 | |
ScottK | All the cool kids are doing it. | 06:10 |
wgrant | SleepIRCing again, are we? | 06:11 |
Caesar | slangasek: cool | 06:11 |
Caesar | I would appreciate that | 06:11 |
ScottK | wgrant: Yeah. Insomnia is 'fun' | 06:12 |
wgrant | ScottK: :( | 06:13 |
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TerminX | anyone getting broken kernel builds with gcc 4.4.2-1ubuntu3? | 09:29 |
* TerminX posts | 09:31 | |
TerminX | guess I could try gcc from sid just to see what happens | 09:33 |
sivang | pitti: ping | 09:34 |
TerminX | ah, yeah, gcc from sid seems to work | 09:34 |
sivang | pitti: how are you my dear old freind ? | 09:34 |
TerminX | guess the lucid toolchain is broken in some way at the moment | 09:34 |
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naftilos76 | Hi everyone, it is soo unfortunate that 9.10 has some serious issues! Firefox keeps crashing and Evolution crashes as soon as i try to open a video or OO attachment! Any temp solutions around? | 11:43 |
janisozaur | i want to create two versions of some algorithms and benchmark it one against the other. i'm interested solely in the time it takes to execute the algorithm, i.e. without initialization time, user input and so on. what should i use to check the time it took to execute a piece of code? would rdtsc be sufficient, given it will be multi-thred/-core application or is there any better alterantive? | 12:22 |
maco | janisozaur: the "time" command? though im not really sure this is on-topic for this channel... | 12:24 |
janisozaur | maco: where should i ask then? time() returns unix_time which is seconds sine 1/1/1970, too small precision | 12:25 |
janisozaur | maco: oh, you mean command | 12:25 |
janisozaur | maco: well it's even less suited to this for the reasons I stated above | 12:26 |
maco | maybe #C? | 12:27 |
maco | if thats the langauge you're operating in | 12:27 |
maco | as /topic sas Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | 12:28 |
maco | *says | 12:28 |
om26er | after install ubuntu on acer aspire one memory card you cannot boot until you insert you memory card in a usb card reader and then add modules to the initrd. thos modules are mmc_core mmc_block sdhci sdhci-pci. there are many tutorials online but if in lucid lynx these modules are inserted in the intitrd that would be great. and also in which package name i can report this at LP. linux package? | 13:08 |
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ilil | hi all! one question about new packages and Debian Import Freeze: are new packages from auto imported too? | 14:05 |
=== maco_ is now known as maco | ||
ilil | my app cant be in Debian due to mjpegtools dependence, so it is in C.Marillat repository | 14:06 |
ScottK | ilil: Not automatically | 14:09 |
directhex | not automatically. and many packages in that repo are of poor quality, so i'd hope the packages are manually proof-read before syncing | 14:11 |
ilil | ok, and how to start including in ubuntu | 14:12 |
ilil | ? | 14:12 |
directhex | "requestsync" command files appropriate bug | 14:12 |
ScottK | directhex: I think for debian-multimedia you have to make the sync request manually | 14:13 |
directhex | oh, true | 14:14 |
ilil | just to file bug "sync" in launchpad? | 14:14 |
ScottK | ilil: Yes and then subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug. | 14:16 |
ilil | ScottK: ok, thanks | 14:23 |
ScottK | TheMuso: I'd appreciate it if you would have a look at - I think "ld terminated with signal 11 [Segmentation fault]" is not a good thing .... | 14:37 |
geser | soren: if you're in sponsoring mood: bug #477491 | 14:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 477491 in gnupg2 "Merge gnupg2 2.0.13-1 from Debian testing" [Undecided,New] | 14:59 |
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soren | geser: Added to my todo list for Monday. | 15:33 |
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bluefoxicy | lol | 16:09 |
bluefoxicy | farmville crashed X | 16:09 |
Chase_ | I'm trying to run debuild, but when I do I get "Unmet build dependencies" | 16:22 |
Chase_ | I'm trying to rebuild the xserver-xorg-core package | 16:22 |
Chase_ | the unmet deps seem to be all x related, so how do I get the build deps? | 16:22 |
maco | sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-core | 16:24 |
Chase_ | maco, thanks! | 16:24 |
Chase_ | maco: does that install the build deps onto my system itself? | 16:25 |
Chase_ | or just download them so they may be installed in the fakeroot when building? | 16:25 |
=== kees__ is now known as kees | ||
Chase_ | are there instructions somewhere on how to add a patch to a package? | 16:30 |
Chase_ | I've done: apt-get source xserver-xorg-core | 16:30 |
Chase_ | then I patched the source, put the patch in debian/patches and in the debian/patches/series file | 16:31 |
Chase_ | I've copied the orig tarball into the top dir of the source | 16:31 |
Chase_ | but when I run debuild, it errors out with: | 16:31 |
Chase_ | dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to xorg-server-1.6.4/xorg-server_1.6.4.orig.tar.gz: binary file contents changed | 16:31 |
maco | Chase_: it installs them on yours | 16:36 |
maco | Chase_: the tarball doesnt go inside the source... | 16:36 |
maco | the .dsc the .diff.gz and .orig.tar.gz should all be at the same level | 16:36 |
Chase_ | maco, I need to create a new diff.gz file though | 16:37 |
Chase_ | I thought debuild -S would eventually do that | 16:37 |
maco | Chase_: you might want to try pbuilder to automate chroot/fakeroot/getting build-deps/building/etc | 16:37 |
maco | yes it does | 16:37 |
maco | but your .orig.tar.gz shouldnt go *inside* the source | 16:37 |
Chase_ | where should it go? | 16:37 |
maco | next to it | 16:37 |
Chase_ | and how do I tell it where it is? | 16:37 |
maco | it knows to look backwards one directory | 16:37 |
Chase_ | ok | 16:38 |
maco | Chase_: make sense? | 16:38 |
Chase_ | maco, I think I've got everything working now | 16:38 |
Chase_ | yes | 16:38 |
maco | great :) | 16:38 |
Chase_ | maco, so I'm a little confused by the patching process | 16:41 |
Chase_ | I see some patches in debian/patches | 16:41 |
Chase_ | so I figured the diff.gz file wouldn't include any patches against the source itself | 16:41 |
Chase_ | but diff.gz includes patches against the source AND patches inside debian/patches that seem to be waiting to be applied | 16:41 |
=== BenC2 is now known as BenC | ||
ebroder | Right - the .diff.gz is /everything/ that's different from the .orig.tar.gz | 16:44 |
ebroder | The debian/patches directory is just used so that patches can be separated from the source in the unpacked package | 16:44 |
BenC | Chase_: patching the stock source and using debian/patches/ is the wrong way to go...should use either one or the other | 16:45 |
ebroder | Sure, but that's a convention, not something enforced by the packaging format. It's important to know the difference | 16:45 |
Chase_ | yeah, I understand, but my issue is I'm seeing the ubuntu package having it both ways | 16:45 |
BenC | correct, but still worth pointing out :) | 16:46 |
Chase_ | so which way should I be doing it? | 16:46 |
BenC | I'm jumping in the middle, so I might be making things more confusing | 16:46 |
BenC | Chase_: if debian/patches/ exists already, then go with that | 16:46 |
Chase_ | ok | 16:46 |
BenC | Chase_: if it's an ubuntu specific patch, then name the patch file something that shows that, and try to make it so it gets applied last to help later patching efforts | 16:47 |
BenC | like calling it 99_ubuntu_xxxx.diff or whatever | 16:47 |
Chase_ | it's not ubuntu specific | 16:47 |
Chase_ | it's a crash bugfix, and I want to make a package to test it out | 16:48 |
Chase_ | I'm actually not seeing where the patches are applied... | 16:48 |
BenC | Chase_: then keep the naming scheme of the original package | 16:48 |
Chase_ | from debian/patches | 16:48 |
Chase_ | yeah | 16:48 |
BenC | Chase_: it's probably something like dpatch or a similar packaging tool that handles it | 16:48 |
BenC | Chase_: check debian/control build-deps for what packaging tool it is using | 16:49 |
Chase_ | I tried building it, and it patched it anyways | 16:49 |
Chase_ | so I guess it works | 16:49 |
ebroder | Chase_: You probably shouldn't add a new patch as 99_ something - it makes it hard to add more patches later | 16:52 |
Chase_ | ebroder, what should I be doing? | 16:52 |
ebroder | Put it just after the patches that are already there | 16:52 |
Chase_ | you mean in the series file? | 16:53 |
Chase_ | if I make a new version of the xserver-xorg-core package and I want to upload it into my own lp ppa, should I just increase the ubuntu* number? | 17:14 |
Chase_ | making it -ubuntu5 instead of -ubuntu4 | 17:14 |
jbicha | Chase_: it would be better to name it -ubuntu5~ppa1 as discussed at | 17:21 |
Chase_ | jbicha, thanks for the pointer | 17:21 |
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tag | This bug has been blocking me for some time :-( | 21:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 463199 in sun-java6 "java 6 segfault" [Undecided,New] | 21:23 |
tag | I'm unable to recreate it just using catgets() | 21:28 |
nxvl_ | geser: i just updated gnupg debdiff | 22:37 |
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nxvl | geser: i indeed forgot to remove those entries, even when i removed that from the source since they were conflicting :P | 22:38 |
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